Patterico's Pontifications


GOP Leadership Crams Awful Omnibus Bill Down Members’ Throats

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:00 am

You’ve heard the Heritage Foundation’s view of the omnibus bill. Now it’s time to hear from the people actually voting on it.

The best tweets I have seen are from Mark Meadows:

Here’s Justin Amash from Monday:

and yesterday:

Thomas Massie:

Mike Lee:

And yet, it will pass, and Trump will sign it. This is how they did the tax bill and nobody talks about that process anymore — except to remind many of the complainers that they complained about that, too, and voted for it anyway.

Nothing ever changes.

Well, one thing may change, later this year: who controls Congress.

[Cross-posted at RedState and The Jury Talks Back.]

149 Responses to “GOP Leadership Crams Awful Omnibus Bill Down Members’ Throats”

  1. Use that creep Paul Ryan as a piñata and beat him senseless. Such a drag on American workers is a hooker for

    mg (9e54f8)

  2. He is a hooker for the liberal lobbyist.

    mg (9e54f8)

  3. FYI- The 2200+ page, budget-busting Omnibus has been printing for two hours in my office and still isn’t done.

    Kishnevi (c5227a)

  4. Wow, remember when Republicans were righteously furious at Nancy Pelosi’s arrogantly infamous display of condescension and government overreach when she said, “But we have to pass the [health care] bill so that you can find out what’s in it….”??? Yeah. Those were the days.

    Dana (023079)

  5. Yeah, this will inspire GOP turnout in the midterm elections.

    JVW (42615e)

  6. Revolting. At many levels.

    Patricia (3363ec)

  7. JVW, that’s probably the point: dole out the pork while they still have the keys to the safe.

    Kishnevi (c5227a)

  8. pedophile Mitt Romney’s slicked up boytoy Paul Ryan has already said he’s retiring

    so he doesn’t care

    he just wants Daddy Mitt to be happy which means no under no circumstances can there be a government shutdown and Daddy wants lots of ooey gooey spendings all up in it

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  9. oopers


    happyfeet (28a91b)

  10. fun fact: cowardly douche-pooper John McCain isn’t even gonna bother to show up to vote on this trillion-dollar-plus spending bill

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  11. What makes you think Trump will sign it? Nonetheless, this is exactly what neverTrumpers want, is it not? Something to discredit Trump to his base, a chance to lose Congress and therefore not be responsible any longer for all the crap and when the commiecrats control Congress impeach trump.

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  12. Didn’t the White House send them a $4.4 trillion budget?

    nk (dbc370)

  13. GoPe strikes again. No different than the left in who controls both parties.

    No wonder the “Republican” Governor of Mississippi selected a Democrat instead of a Conservative for Congress.

    NJRob (85cd77)

  14. Senate*

    NJRob (85cd77)

  15. The final vote in the House on the Omnibus bill was 142 Republicans voting Yes, 91 voting No,came 3 not voting. On the Democratic side, 111 voted Yes, 76 voted No,and 5 not voting. Totals: 255 for, 167 against, 8 not voting.

    Bipartisan spending (except for those pesky conservatives)! Will Trump or his surrogates tell America he’s a great bipartisan dealmaker?

    DRJ (15874d)

  16. This is the same sh!t, different day. They undermined Trump so he fails. Then everybody blames Trump. He’s out. The Swamp lives. The Deep State thrives and keeps drawing their paychecks. The media is secure in their position of calling all the shots again and all is well with the rrrrrepublic. Except it isn’t a republic any more.

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  17. It’s the conservatives who are against excessive spending and some commenters blames them, not Trump — who has already announced his support for this bill. I don’t want to read another comment (from anyone who supports this bill) complaining about the fiscal problems we leave our grandchildren.

    DRJ (15874d)

  18. Fourth twit (sic) down.

    nk (dbc370)

  19. GMTA, DRJ.

    nk (dbc370)

  20. Trump wanted $1.5 Trillion for infrastructure. This omnibus gives him $1.3 Trillion for the rest of the fiscal year — 6 months, thru Sept 2018). Trump has said he will sign it.

    Conservatives obviously didn’t stop Trump from getting what he wants. They tried but if you want to spend money on America (and Trump does), go to the Democrats. Trump did, and he was apparently fine with it since he announced before the vote he would sign it. The conservatives are the ones who were undermined, not Trump the dealmaker.

    DRJ (15874d)

  21. They undermined Trump so he fails.

    Yeah, they undermined Trump by giving him what he wants. Those b@st@rds.

    Chuck Bartowski (7ba363)

  22. They tried but if you want to spend money on America (and Trump does), go to the Democrats. Trump did

    Wouldn’t it be, “Paul Ryan did.”

    BuDuh (fc15db)

  23. @19. The kids will do fine in their time, DRJ.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  24. That doesn’t quite capture the whole story does it, now how does one get 700 billion past this blanc mange body?

    narciso (d1f714)

  25. Paul Ryan gets to cast all the votes by himself, BuDuh? You need to read this.

    DRJ (15874d)

  26. Yeah, please Trumpers: bitch about the GOPe all you want but don’t try to pretend for one minute that Trump was going to cut the budget. There is no time in the last two years that he promised to reduce entitlements (recall that he promised to replace Obamacare with something “even better”) so you can’t plausibly claim that this outcome is a disappointment to him. We’ve just dug the hole deeper for future generations. I wonder if this is what it felt like to live in Venezuela 20 years ago, when the oil money was still covering up for all the bad public policy. Maybe that’s too extreme, but it may be what it was like to live in Greece back then when the economy would grow at 5% annually.

    JVW (42615e)

  27. He tried to cut discretionary spending, and there were no takers
    . How many would their be for entitlement cuts, do you live in the real world, and gov Bryants choice shows nothing will change.

    narciso (d1f714)

  28. Trump and the Big Four:

    Congressional leaders and the White House have reached a preliminary deal on a roughly $1.3 trillion fiscal 2018 omnibus appropriations bill. GOP and Democratic aides were putting the finishing touches on the mammoth package and were expected to file it later Wednesday morning for House floor consideration.

    We will probably be seeing a lot more bipartisan deal between Trump and “the Big Four” now that they’ve beaten the conservatives.

    What say you, Ted Cruz? Are you a conservative Texan or a swamp guy?

    DRJ (15874d)

  29. It’s a shame, really

    narciso (d1f714)

  30. Don’t you just love that “Democratic aides” put the “finishing touches on the Omnibus bill?

    DRJ (15874d)

  31. We’ve just dug the hole deeper for future generations…

    Reaganomics; charge it! Enjoy!

    “Live now, pay later. Diner’s Club!” – Dr. Dreyfuss [Jack Kruschen] ‘The Apartment’ 1960

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  32. No I don’t, if Paul Ryan could get these bills done on time, we wouldn’t have these “peril of pauline” moments

    narciso (d1f714)

  33. Whether our kids and grandkids will be “fine” is a matter of opinion. They won’t know any life without massive government debt and the burdens that go along with it.

    DRJ (15874d)

  34. He tried to cut discretionary spending, and there were no takers.

    It’s true there are no heroes here. But cutting discretionary spending is like ostentatiously announcing that you will do without the $25 cigar at the end of the $2,500 luxury dinner aboard your refurbished yacht.

    JVW (42615e)

  35. Show us a viable alternative, certainly this Doug Jones won’t be any help, xoxo Gloria alred.

    narciso (d1f714)

  36. I used that as an example, where do you think there would appetite for entitlement cuts. And if you switched out Cornyn for McConnell there wouldn’t be a difference.

    narciso (d1f714)

  37. Trump’s indecision on funding for the Wall led to Ryan’s problems drafting the bill, opening the door for the Democrats. Trump wanted more but he caved.

    DRJ (15874d)

  38. Trump gets to cast all the votes? That is what you asserted.

    Maybe you should have someone read your link to you.

    BuDuh (fc15db)

  39. all President Trump has to do is to not invent new benefits for America’s welfare-pig senior citizen trash and to avoid bumbling into ruinous tatter tragedies like Afghanisran and Iraq and he’ll be exponentially more fiscally conservative than trashy-assed soldier slaughtering George W. Bush

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  40. The viable alternatives were almost any GOP President (other organ Trump or Huckabee), or a GOP Congress standing up to a Democratic President.

    DRJ (15874d)

  41. oopers *Afghanistan* i mean

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  42. Is this another one of your 25% vs 75% term explanations that have nothing to do with an actual defense of your comments?

    BuDuh (fc15db)

  43. Trump has a veto. It is like having all the votes, BuDuh. He also signals what he wants and will sign.

    DRJ (15874d)

  44. They won’t know any life without massive government debt and the burdens that go along with it.

    That’s a matter of opinion. 😉 They won’t know any life w/o the web, smartphones, space travel and ‘Lucy’ reruns either. The kids will do fine– they have managed to make a go of it for 300,000 years.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  45. I think you can make the argument, based upon what we have seen thus far, that the business tax cuts were worthwhile and will help us be more competitive and might indeed pay for themselves if we can shake off the doldrums of the low-growth Obama years. But cutting income taxes at the same time was, to me, a bad idea, yet Republicans knew that Democrats would demagogue the issue unless Joe Sixpack got to wet his beak too. And when Democrats re-take Congress they will instantly move to restore the 39.6% tax rate but won’t try to reinstitute the previous rates in the other brackets.

    We have such a dysfunctional system, thanks largely to selfish and uninformed voters. Both parties vie for the votes of a huge chunk of the population who wants lavish government programs as a safety net but doesn’t think they should have to pay for them.

    JVW (42615e)

  46. Why doesn’t this debt bother you, BuDuh?

    DRJ (15874d)

  47. Humanity has not known affluence and comfort for most of its existence, DCSCA. Why act like it’s inevitable the future will be great no matter what we do? It will for some but to get the benefits of civilization we need to nurture and support it, not plunder it.

    DRJ (15874d)

  48. That’s like leaving 2/3 of the story out, the house wouldn’t go for the border adjustment fee, well let’s go back to Stephanie Clifford deep thoughts.

    narciso (d1f714)

  49. Why doesn’t this debt bother you, BuDuh?

    Quote me, DRJ.

    BuDuh (fc15db)

  50. 47.I think you can make the argument, based upon what we have seen thus far, that the business tax cuts were worthwhile and will help us be more competitive and might indeed pay for themselves if we can shake off the doldrums of the low-growth Obama years.

    ‘Thus far’ has been a few weeks. But breaking news: Nose Spites Face; our Captain just slapped $50-$60 billion in tariffs on China.

    Trade Wars! Cabinet meetings make for a helluva bar scene.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  51. The wall was always a priority, but not for the house, it’s a green eggs and ham situation

    narciso (d1f714)

  52. @49. That’s a matter of opinion– and perspective. A warm fire and a dry cave in out of the rain was is and will always be comfy. The kids will do fine.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  53. You apparently want to blame Paul Ryan for this bill. Isn’t that right, BuDuh? How can you blame Ryan when Trump supported this bill and said before the vote that he will sign it?

    Does Trump’s support for this bill bother you? Does the bill and its debt bother you?

    DRJ (15874d)

  54. Do you have kids? Did your father want that for you?

    DRJ (15874d)

  55. i wonder if useless cowardpig John McCain will decide to go to Washington and do his effing job and vote against this bill cause of how they’re not following “regular order”

    this is so important to him

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  56. Because he doesnt have an alternative, not a viable one. We can pretend but its not happening.

    narciso (d1f714)

  57. Lots of questions and no quote. Figures.

    Maybe you should start with an apology.

    BuDuh (fc15db)

  58. I am sorry. I thought your point was that you approve of Trump’s support for the Omnibus. What is your position?

    DRJ (15874d)

  59. @57. He’s been ‘phoning it in’ for years, Mr. Feet- on a rotary dialer.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  60. Of course Trump has an alternative, narciso. He’s the President. Do you think he’s a puppet? He could start by not approving of the Omnibus debt but he clearly doesn’t care if we have more debt. His budget request was $4.4 Trillion.

    DRJ (15874d)

  61. What gave you that idea? Was it something I wrote?

    BuDuh (fc15db)

  62. It seems to me that Ryan’s problem is he has 2/3 of his caucus in the establishment/moderate camp and 1/3 is conservative. He can’t pass bills without some conservative support, but he can’t swing so far that he loses the establishment/moderate side.

    Trump could swing votes with his positions, but he’s having a harder time swinging conservatives than he did in the first year of his term. So this time Trump and the GOP turned to the Democrats instead of the conservatives. The Democrats are always happy to spend money, as apparently is Trump and the GOPe. This is what we conservatives always feared about Trump.

    DRJ (15874d)

  63. hmm looks like the dirty dreamer filth are poop out of luck

    weren’t we assured by angsty angsty nevertrump that President Trump had promised to do dreamer filth all up in it?

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  64. What gave you that idea? Was it something I wrote?

    BuDuh (fc15db) — 3/22/2018 @ 11:14 am

    It was an impression. Are you interested in telling me your opinion?

    DRJ (15874d)

  65. The Democrats are always happy to spend money, as apparently is Trump and the GOPe.

    the republicans’ number one biggest score in this bill was how they got an increase of like 80 billion dollars to waste on the corrupt piggy pentagon and the rest of the useless and incompetent tranny-trash mattis military

    sure $80 billion will buy an awful lot of panties for our boys in uniform

    but I bet you anything they waste it on salaries and crap like that

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  66. Not really. I think you are disingenuous. I will tell you that I am upset with both Ryan and Trump. I won’t go into my reasons because I think you are more concerned with a debate win than a reasonable dialog.

    Now, I will quit engaging you.

    BuDuh (fc15db)

  67. FWIW I also feared this about Ryan. I think he is a fiscal conservative, but I’m not sure he has the temperament or the ability to play hardball with his establishment caucus and a moderate/populist Republican President. It’s a perfect storm if you are a conservative.

    DRJ (15874d)

  68. Yes those are facts not in evidence

    narciso (d1f714)

  69. Taking A Stand: An Ohio English Teacher Has Removed All the N-Words From ‘Huckleberry Finn’ And Put Them Into Mary Shelley’s ‘Frankenstein’

    “When the kids in my class read Huck Finn, they won’t find a single instance of the N-word, though on the other hand, if a student were to open up to any random page of Frankenstein, they’d find pretty much a ceaseless barrage of racial slurs, which are made all the more offensive by their lack of justification or context,” Williams explained proudly. “Also, Frankenstein is a much shorter book than Huck Finn, so the concentration of N-words is way higher, and there are several points in the book where Dr. Frankenstein says the N-word 48 times in a row for two pages without reprieve. Still, that’s a small price to pay, since Huck Finn doesn’t even say the N-word once.”

    if Paul Ryan gave a crap about the deficit there would be some evidence by now

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  70. OK. That’s certainly your choice and I respect it, even if I don’t understand it. Do you intend to also stop responding to or commenting on everything I say, or is this a temporary disengagement? I ask because I will ignore your comments, too, if that’s what you want.

    DRJ (15874d)

  71. The Representative Republic our Founders created died in 1865 in Civil War and was replaced by an elected Federal oligarchy which itself ended with the assassination of President John F Kennedy in Dallas, Texas, in 1963.

    The elected Federal oligarchy was consolidated under the currently dominent and absolutely ruthless Deep State led by the federal agencies responsible for the Bay of Pigs invasion, JFK assassination, Vietnam War, Martin Luther King assassination, and the assassination of Robert Kennedy to name only a few examples marking the high turbulence of the transition period.

    Since then, the Deep State has continued to maintain control of the presidency and the majority of congress by limiting candidates for office to those already part of the cabal or acceptable to it.

    Then, along came Donald Trump, an outsider the Deep State underestimated and doesn’t know how to control. It’s a wonder he’s still alive, or that his young son hasn’t been kidnapped.

    Do not underestimate the Deep State. (The brazen murder of Seth Rich was a clear warning -> the wallet was left in his pocket to make sure everyone involved got the message. I’m surprised the murderer did’t leave a white glove behind.)

    The Deep State is fighting back hard with all it’s weapons determined to smear Trump, investigate him, impeach him, bring criminal charges against him, run him out of office at any cost, and by any means possible. It’s a fight for their survival: ostensibly it’s the Deep State vs Trump, but the reality is Washington DC vs The American voters.

    Will the most basic promise of America be fufilled: will the people select their own leaders, or will clandestine forces do it for their own advantage?

    ropelight (052f51)

  72. Then why is Trump going along with this bill, ropelight? Do they have something on him?

    DRJ (15874d)

  73. Isn’t it possible he likes to spend money, especially other people’s money that might also win him votes?

    DRJ (15874d)

  74. this is exactly what neverTrumpers want, is it not? Something to discredit Trump to his base, a chance to lose Congress and therefore not be responsible any longer for all the crap and when the commiecrats control Congress impeach trump.

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402) — 3/22/2018 @ 9:46 am

    That’s basically Limbaugh’s take. The pure hard core #nevertrumpers like Flake and McCain are like the 21st and 22nd hijackers who don’t have to worry about landing the plane.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  75. looks like who likes to spend money is the trashy trashy pentagon

    they must be planning on stepping on their dick in new and exotic locales

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  76. That’s interesting about Limbaugh. Does he think conservatives should go along with any spending, or is he happy about getting Democrat votes that enable Trump’s agenda?

    DRJ (15874d)

  77. Or does Limbaugh think this will hurt Trump with Republicans? I don’t see that since most Republicans seem happy about spending.

    DRJ (15874d)

  78. @19. The kids will do fine in their time, DRJ.

    DCSCA (797bc0) — 3/22/2018 @ 10:25 am

    We need an influx of Vaqueros to round up the new batch of Tax Cattle.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  79. That’s interesting about Limbaugh. Does he think conservatives should go along with any spending, or is he happy about getting Democrat votes that enable Trump’s agenda?

    DRJ (15874d) — 3/22/2018 @ 11:59 am

    He wants Trump to veto it. Admiral Ackbar and all that. It’s interesting that so many Democrats voted against it. Are they in conservative districts?

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  80. The deep state, is not that clever ropelight, it abandons men like my uncle as they did the Kurds, and walks away. Cornyn was the shot caller against the tea party as was mcconnell.

    narciso (21e020)

  81. That doesn’t quite capture the whole story does it, now how does one get 700 billion past this blanc mange body?

    narciso (d1f714) — 3/22/2018 @ 10:28 am

    Limbaugh also pointed out that the pedestrian bridge down your way that collapsed was from the Bush/Obama stimulus and took longer to build than the Empire State Building.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  82. The spending package includes $695 billion in defense funding and $591 billion in nondefense funding, including a combined $78 billion in Overseas Contingency Operations spending that does not count toward legal budget caps. Last month, Congress agreed to increase the 2018 spending caps by $80 billion for defense and $63 billion for nondefense and set similar increases for 2019.

    ugh we’d be way ahead of the game if them tatted up trannies in our swishy-swish mattis military weren’t so spendy spendy

    holy hormones and handbags batman

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  83. Yeah, please Trumpers: bitch about the GOPe all you want but don’t try to pretend for one minute that Trump was going to cut the budget.

    JVW (42615e) — 3/22/2018 @ 10:31 am

    This is the conspiracy against The United States that Mueller should be investigating. Round up Paul and Mitch and the boys.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  84. Other major provisions include $4 billion to fight the nation’s opioid crisis

    opioid crisis lol

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  85. What say you, Ted Cruz? Are you a conservative Texan or a swamp guy?

    DRJ (15874d) — 3/22/2018 @ 10:37 am

    [Imaginary] President Rand Paul is the only guy I would bet my life savings on vetoing this bill.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  86. Trumpsters Unite! The Deep State has a theme song:

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  87. What say you, Ted Cruz? Are you a conservative Texan or a swamp guy?

    Just green eggs and lots of ham; his Canadian bacon’s been cooked.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  88. Bought a ticket for the Trump Train, but wound up riding the Omni Bus.


    Dave (445e97)

  89. Mr. Meadows whines a lot but what exactly did he want to cut?

    – No wall/border security

    ??? this is confusing – so he wanted to spend $25 billion or so MORE on this

    – Obamacare intact

    intact is relative – they told lobsterpot bimbo Susan Collins to go blow a lobster – she wanted to inject tens of billions into this fiasco because she’s a trashy bimbo who does obscene things with lobsters – meanwhile I’m still very happy the mandate’s gone – and if premiums rise as predicted participation will drop, which should result in some cost savings

    – Funds Planned Parenthood

    this is a misnomer – the most we could conceivably cut is a half billion or so (medicaid monies mostly) – but every time the deranged lila rose lifeydoodles propose cutting monies from PP they redirect it to other programs – there’s never been a proposal to just save the money

    – Sanctuary Cities funded

    yes, and they’re being funded now, so this is not new spendings – this article suggests the most that could be cut in this respect isn’t super-significant since you’d only be saving the parts of these grant programs that are allocated to sanctuary cities…

    and guess what? A lot of them would probably decided not to be sanctuary cities anymore – poof there goes your savings!


    As you can see we’re long on whiny conservatives and very short on actual proposals to save monies

    … and don’t forget that BY FAR the majority of the new piggy-slop in this bill goes to America’s joke military
    happyfeet (28a91b) — 3/22/2018 @ 12:25 pm Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  90. oopers i left in the meta-data from when I had trouble with the pesky filter

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  91. oh here is the linker for so you can see how insignificant the sanctuary monies are

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  92. The Big Four? In my grandpa’s day the big five were rhino, leopard, lion, elephant and Cape buffalo.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  93. Reaganomics; charge it! Enjoy!

    “Live now, pay later. Diner’s Club!” – Dr. Dreyfuss [Jack Kruschen] ‘The Apartment’ 1960

    DCSCA (797bc0) — 3/22/2018 @ 10:41 am

    Is Paul Ryan a victim or perpetrator of identity theft?

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  94. I was just listening to Stefan Molyneux and he said two things of note:

    Children are being used as economic instruments that we borrow against and

    Debt is being converted to human flesh and when the debt is no longer sustainable neither are many of the people. From A Night for Freedom, DC.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  95. happyfeet

    If you wrote a screenplay from Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein, added every instance of Chicago gun violence for a year and 219 Pipe-Hittin’ N****** you would have the best Tarantino Film ever.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  96. but David Hogg and his tiny tiny penis would both be so sad


    and they’d have to use all their white privilege for to raise the awareness about the cinematic gun violence ravaging America’s youth

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  97. My new project is adding every instance Sam Jackson says m***** f****** in Pulp Fiction to Old Yeller.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  98. Bought a ticket for the Trump Train, but wound up riding the Omni Bus.


    Dave (445e97) — 3/22/2018 @ 12:24 pm

    That’s a funny line. Who wrote it?

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  99. that’s very very interesting about Greitens Mr. narciso

    more and more this sounds like a Soros thing

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  100. DRJ

    Where are the 60 votes in the senate?

    Until people realize purity isn’t going to happen…

    Also, more tax cuts are next

    Deeper wider unafraid

    EPWJ (4dc563)

  101. Tchaikovsky
    sorry for the cryptic nature of my comment.

    “Carmen – Diana Vishneva”

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  102. Bought a ticket for the Trump Train, but wound up riding the Omni Bus.


    Dave (445e97) — 3/22/2018 @ 12:24 pm

    Don’t you mean Gov. Moonbeam’s train to nowhere? It would make more sense. But then….never mind.

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  103. I don’t know that piece, Steve,

    narciso (d1f714)

  104. – Record spending levels
    – No wall/border security
    – Obamacare intact
    – Funds Planned Parenthood
    – Sanctuary Cities funded
    – Barely 24 hours to read a 2,300 page bill

    This just means it continues the status quo – which is what you expect a continuing resolution to do.

    And a lot of what he wants he could never get

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  105. It’s interesting that so many Democrats voted against it. Are they in conservative districts?

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5) — 3/22/2018 @ 12:02 pm

    I saw the vote but it did not show the names and how each person voted. However, I figure most of the Democrats who voted No come from blue districts where the voters would not appreciate any vote for a bill that Trump supports, even if it does have more spending.

    DRJ (15874d)

  106. That was clever, Dave.

    DRJ (15874d)

  107. Breaking– Trump dumps NSA McMasters; replaces him w/John Bolton.



    So bad.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  108. Thank you, Senator Cruz:

    This is why I’ll vote against the omnibus spending bill:
    5:21 PM · Mar 22, 2018

    Read the link if you, like me, were worried that Cruz had forgotten he is a conservative.

    DRJ (15874d)

  109. Steve57

    So Carmen in the Morning, Death in the Afternoon? That’s a fair exchange.

    I feel like Mutt Lang and Joe Elliot et al were influenced by that:


    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  110. It probably won’t matter. The GOPe will gladly lure Democratic Senators to sign on. What perks will the GOPe give up for those votes? The sky is the limit. Trump will never veto bipartisan spending.

    DRJ (15874d)

  111. Breaking– Trump dumps NSA McMasters; replaces him w/John Bolton.



    So bad.

    DCSCA (797bc0) — 3/22/2018 @ 3:30 pm

    Plugging leaks.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  112. Not if you wanted a hardliner with Russia,

    narciso (d1f714)

  113. These are the things Cruz would have stood for as President:

    Ted Cruz

    It continues to fund sanctuary cities, which are defying law & making Americans less safe. Instead of rewarding sanctuary cities, we should be passing legislation like Kate’s Law, a bill I introduced to put criminal illegal aliens in jail so they can’t prey on innocent Americans.

    It fails to provide sufficient funds to properly secure our border, let alone build the wall that is necessary.

    It tells federal agencies that they can spend taxpayer dollars to study the ‘causes’ of gun violence, a mandate that – make no mistake – will be abused by future liberal administrations to manufacture evidence to try to violate law-abiding citizens’ Second Amendment rights.
    It funds the Ex-Im Bank, a classic example of corporate welfare that has doled out over $100 billion in taxpayer-guaranteed loans, primarily to a handful of giant and well-connected corporations.
    It fails to reduce funding for the EPA, which under Obama administration zealots, killed thousands of jobs and dramatically strayed from its core mission of ensuring clean air and water.
    All of these measures amount to piling even greater debt onto the backs of our kids and grandkids, all because we are incapable of living within our means.
    To be sure, this bill could have been even worse. I am happy to say that I was able to fight to keep out even more egregious proposals.
    I’m proud we successfully blocked a bailout of Obamacare. There were voices in DC who wanted to funnel billions of taxpayer dollars directly to insurers, so they can maintain their Obamacare policies. We promised Americans we would repeal and replace Obamacare, not prop it up.

    Lobbyists in Washington also almost got a new Internet sales tax added to the bill, which would have been catastrophically foolish.

    DRJ (15874d)

  114. I just met a guy named Pulccini and I made a little quip about the composer. He said I was one letter off. His name basically means “chick” or “little chicken” if you will. 49 year old eyes, what can I say?

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  115. @116. He’s a jerk.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  116. Oh Captain, sir, don’t forget Fox contributors Maggie Simpson and Monty Burns are available, too!

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  117. I also heard that Carmen is a b*tch but that may be 49 year old ears.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  118. Bolton never could get confirmed by Bush so what are his chances? He’s in line behind that ICE guy, right? Dude’s not even on the Senate schedule.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  119. No we already had Marie larf, and James clapper.

    narciso (d1f714)

  120. Doesn’t require confirmation.

    narciso (d1f714)

  121. @122. Again. He’s a jerk.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  122. The big question is who is going to leak to the NYT’s while we wait for Bolton’s confirmation? If we reduce the throughput there’s going to be less pies to finger.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  123. @126. Stormy sees ahead; things move faster and faster as you circle the drain.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  124. Trump didn’r dump McMaster; McMaster dumped Trump. The only people who stick with Trump until he does actually fire them are the ones who have nowhere else to go. McMaster is not one of those. He’ll go back to generaling with a fourth star and some remnants of his reputation and integrity still left.

    nk (dbc370)

  125. Dumps Dowd, Dow plummets 724 points due to imposing China tariffs; replaces McMaster w/Bolton… no coincidence Karen McDougal will be showing some leg tonight w/AC on CNN w/Stormy clouding the weekend, too, eh Captain, sir!

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  126. He was auditioning to Bernard trainors slot at the times,

    narciso (d1f714)

  127. I call Boomers.

    Red Headly (5a4596)

  128. Ted Cruz: The disastrous elements of this bill are almost too numerous to list.

    To quote Nigel Tufnel of Spinal Tap, “That’s just nit-picking, isn’t it?”

    Dave (445e97)

  129. Rumors swirl over the fate of The ‘Stache…

    Dave (445e97)

  130. BuDuh,

    I know you don’t want to talk to me and that’s fine, but please let me add one more thought: You said you think I am “more concerned with a debate win than a reasonable dialog.” It’s true I am more interested in a debate than a dialogue, but I don’t care about winning. A dialogue is where I say A and someone else says B, so we know what we both believe. A debate is where we push each other to test whether what we say makes sense. It’s easy to take positions but it’s much harder and far more illuminating to defend our positions.

    I don’t care who wins a debate. I happen to enjoy the process but what really matters is figuring out the positions that make the most sense. I “win” either way in a real debate because I’ve learned something useful.

    DRJ (15874d)

  131. All of them may learn too late that their supporters have grown more selective.

    Put a better bill to sign in front of the POTUS, as Rep. Jim Jordan has said.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  132. Hey, PandP, you could have 49 year old this and that along with an 85 year old dick, so count your blessings. You don’t want to be relegated to watching TCM and coming up with dumbass movie quotes, do you?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  133. What makes you think Trump will sign it?

    Maybe the fact that he is praising it on Twitter; the fact that he doesn’t care about any of the listed shortcomings; the fact that he’ll sign just about anything they pass…how are those for reasons?

    Nonetheless, this is exactly what neverTrumpers want, is it not?

    Not being a “NeverTrumper” I can’t speak for them. But it’s certainly not what *I* want, as evidenced by my taking time to write a post about how bad it is.

    So Hoagie. If I rail against this bill (as I have) and Trump signs it without a word of complaint (as he will), are you going to find a way to make me the jerk somehow? Or will you say “Patterico was right on this and Trump was wrong”? Genuine question and I would love to hear your answer.

    I’m always told I am reluctant to give Trump credit when he’s right — which is an argument I disagree with, as evidenced by my nearly constant giving credit for judges and cutting regulations. (Look it up.)

    But now I am wondering if Trump supporters will be reluctant to give *me* credit for being right about a criticism of Trump.

    When he signs this, who among the Trump supporters here will stand up and say without qualification: “Patterico was right about this and Trump was wrong”?

    Patterico (af8e88)

  134. what specifically is it in this bill that you want to cut cut cut that will amount to a hill hill hill of beans beans beans

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  135. Except tom tillis and Jeff flake and John corny don’t have anything to do with, right? Yes its a bag of carp.

    narciso (d1f714)

  136. Well, here’s something that will infuriate the Trump cheerleaders for sure; the Omni Bus includes modest increases in health, science and technology research funding (numbers provided by a colleague – I haven’t checked them independently):

    NIH $37 billion – $3 billion above the fiscal year 2017 level
    NSF at $7.8 billion – $295 million above the fiscal year 2017 level
    DOE is $12.9 billion – an increase of $1.6 billion above the fiscal year 2017 level
    [DOE Office of Science – $6.26 billion for science research – an increase of $868 million above the 2017 level.]
    NASA is funded at $20.7 billion, $1.1 billion above the 2017 level
    NIST is funded at $1.2 billion in the bill – $247 million above the fiscal year 2017

    The DoE Office of Science, which funds the research group I’m a member of, has been operating on a basically flat (before inflation) budget since FY2014.

    All that money that could have been spent on a really awesome parade, a(nother) weekend of golf at Mar-a-Lago, attractive furnishings for Ben Carson’s dining room, or an entirely-deserved shopping get-away for Louise Linton, will instead be wasted on learning the secrets of the universe.

    Now are you angry at Trump for signing the bill?

    Dave (445e97)

  137. 134. And that’s why I like DRJ.

    Tillman (a95660)

  138. I Liked DRJ first.
    So there.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  139. Trump had better veto this abortion of a billl or Patterico will be correct in his statement,

    mg (9e54f8)

  140. He’ll go back to generaling with a fourth star and some remnants of his reputation and integrity still left.

    nk (dbc370) — 3/22/2018 @ 4:08 pm

    Yeah, generals never get fired.

    Pinandpuller (07c360)

  141. Hey, PandP, you could have 49 year old this and that along with an 85 year old dick, so count your blessings. You don’t want to be relegated to watching TCM and coming up with dumbass movie quotes, do you?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 3/22/2018 @ 6:41 pm

    Well I usually go back to Road House or Red Dawn but I see your point. Not even Holly Madison wanted an 85 year old dick.

    Pinandpuller (07c360)

  142. All that money that could have been spent on a really awesome parade, a(nother) weekend of golf at Mar-a-Lago, attractive furnishings for Ben Carson’s dining room, or an entirely-deserved shopping get-away for Louise Linton, will instead be wasted on learning the secrets of the universe.

    Now are you angry at Trump for signing the bill?

    Dave (445e97) — 3/22/2018 @ 9:39 pm

    So are you joining The Dharma Initiative?

    Pinandpuller (07c360)

  143. When he signs this, who among the Trump supporters here will stand up and say without qualification: “Patterico was right about this and Trump was wrong”?
    Patterico (af8e88) — 3/22/2018 @ 9:07 pm

    I will. I still think he will veto, but if I’m wrong, I will say it without qualification.

    Stashiu3 (466cdf)

  144. if i’m wrong i’m a change the subject and move the goalposts and keep on loving President Trump with all my heart

    he’s the only one who’s ever cared about people like me and I’m a stand by him through good times and bad

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  145. Patterico was right about this and Trump was wrong. So was I.

    Stashiu3 (466cdf)

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