Patterico's Pontifications


Kelly: Tillerson Was on the Toilet When I Told Him He Was Fired

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 8:30 pm

If you work for Donald Trump, you signed up to be humiliated. You thought John Kelly was above that? You thought wrong:

Reporters gathered at the White House on Friday were stunned when Chief of Staff John Kelly shared a very embarrassing story about outgoing Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

. . . .

Tillerson, Kelly told the room, was suffering from a stomach bug during a diplomatic swing through Africa, and was using a toilet when Kelly broke the news to him.

Sources were stunned that, even in an off-record setting, Kelly would say this—to a room filled with White House officials and political reporters—about Tillerson, who does not officially leave the State Department until the end of the month.

Kelly is routinely touted as one of the more mature members of Trump’s top brass and has often been branded as one of the “adults” in charge.

I never really shared the whole “Wow John Kelly is so awesome” point of view. Looks like I was right.

I don’t really feel that sorry for Tillerson. Anyone who signed up to work for Trump knew that they would be working for a guy who likes to belittle people and show who’s in charge.

This is just the latest example. There will be more. And one day, I predict, John Kelly’s day of humiliation will come too.

[Cross-posted at RedState and The Jury Talks Back.]

BREAKING: Andrew McCabe Fired

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:14 pm

The Washington Post is breaking the news right now:

FBI’s Andrew McCabe is fired just before retiring. Former deputy director became lightning rod for Clinton email and Russia probes.

McCabe, who had stepped down from his post earlier this year but remained an FBI employee, had been accused by the Justice Department’s inspector general of authorizing the disclosure of sensitive information to a reporter and misleading investigators when asked about it.

McCabe had been a lightning rod in the political battles surrounding the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server and special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s probe into whether any Trump associates coordinated with Russian agents to interfere in the 2016 presidential race.

He would have been eligible for full benefits on Sunday, in two days.

No sooner does RedState call for this to happen, than it happens.

Behold the power of RedState!!

UPDATE: Hey, remember this?

[Cross-posted at RedState and The Jury Talks Back.]

O.J. Simpson: That Colin Kaepernick Guy Really Messed Up by Not Respecting Our Flag

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 1:00 pm

Look, I get that O.J. butchered two people and everything (at least according to the Fake News Media), but while I don’t like O.J., you have to admit one thing: O.J. Simpson fights for the culture war issues other people are too scared to fight for:

O.J. Simpson says he agrees with Donald Trump — Colin Kaepernick “made a mistake” taking a knee during the national anthem … and completely disrespected the American flag.

“I think Colin made a mistake,” Simpson told The Buffalo News … “I really appreciate what he was trying to say. I thought he made a bad choice in attacking the flag.”

“I grew up at a time when deacons were in the KKK. I don’t disrespect the Bible because of those guys. The flag shouldn’t be disrespected because of what cops do. The flag represents what we want America to be.”

“When he did it the first time I thought, ‘Well, you took a gamble, and I give you credit.’ But it was him continuing to do it where he made the biggest mistake.”

“I’m a firm believer of doing what you think is right, but I would always stand for the flag.”

We need more firm believers of doing what they think is right in politics. I’m going to say something that may be a little controversial: has this guy ever thought about running for office? I’m not saying O.J. Simpson should be our next President, mind you. But if he ran . . . hey, he’d be better than Hillary, amirite?

And if he did actually kill Nicole and Ron, well, that just shows that he knows how to engage in a street fight. And politics is kinda like a street fight.

Of course it would be wrong to have a murderer in the White House. But Obama droned U.S. citizens without a trial, didn’t he? How is that any different? There are a lot of killers. You think our country’s so innocent?

Again: I’m not suggesting that I would vote for O.J. Simpson to be our next President of the United States. But come on.

You have to like a guy who tells it like it is.

Whoa, wait. I just got through reading to the end of the article:

But Simpson says he doesn’t see eye-to-eye with Trump when it comes to politics.

“Somebody asked me if I’d have voted for him … Probably not, but I only know two of my friends I’d vote to be president. Some of my best, best besties I would not vote to be president. That has no bearing on it, you know?”

Doesn’t support Trump? To hell with him. Forget I ever said a good word about him.

[Cross-posted at RedState and The Jury Talks Back.]

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