Patterico's Pontifications


Trump Lawyer: Of *Course* He’s Not Considering Firing Mueller

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 10:00 am

So yesterday we had a Trump Twitter meltdown, with the Tweeter in Chief mentioning Robert Mueller by name on Twitter for what I’m told is the first time. At the same time, numerous GOP pols and ex-pols — Trump friends and foes alike — took to the Sunday shows to warn Trump that firing Mueller would be a bad, bad idea. Now Axios reports that Trump’s lawyer is atttempting to reassure one and all that no, no, of course he is not considering that! Don’t be silly! How many times do we have to say this?

After a weekend at war with the Mueller investigation, the White House is extending an olive branch. Ty Cobb, the White House lawyer handling the probe, plans to issue this statement:

“In response to media speculation and related questions being posed to the Administration, the White House yet again confirms that the President is not considering or discussing the firing of the Special Counsel, Robert Mueller.”

Hey, look. In order to keep this story dramatic, we have to ping pong back and forth between the “will he or won’t he?” speculation. It’s part of what keeps you coming back day after day. So after a fever-pitch Sunday replete with frenetic Trump tweets and Maggie Haberman pieces about a newly unleashed Trump, we need a breather until the next freakout.

An hour or two should do it.

P.S. One thing noted by Allahpundit in all those warnings by GOP politicians: they don’t seem to have a Plan B, do they?

Every Republican who turned up on the Sunday shows this morning was either dismissive of, or openly hostile to, the idea that Trump would try to fire Mueller. And I don’t just mean anti-Trumpers like Jeff Flake. Trump buddy Chris Christie and Trump ally Lindsey Graham both steered him away from it, although whether they would do anything about it if Trump ignored them and pulled the trapdoor on Mueller is a separate question. It’s often said that the GOP establishment is terrified of Trump but that’s not true. They’re terrified of Trump’s voters, their own ostensible base, and Trump’s voters will back him to the hilt in any standoff with Mueller.

I could run a poll here right now as to whether Trump should fire Mueller, and my guess is it would run within ten points of a coin flip. But if he actually did it, then by the time the idiotic #Resistance declared the End of the World, and the spinners went into overdrive to smear Mueller and his team, a similar poll asking “WAS he right to do it” would net an overwhelming majority in favor.

And that ties the politicians’ hands. They can tut-tut all they like, but if Trump fires the guy, the GOP won’t do a damned thing.

So tune in for the next episode of “Will He or Won’t He?” No need to wait until next week.

UPDATE: The GOP pols warned that firing Mueller (not Trump) would be a bad idea. I have fixed the typo.

Presumably they would say the same thing about firing Trump. Some of them, anyway.

[Cross-posted at RedState and The Jury Talks Back.]

271 Responses to “Trump Lawyer: Of *Course* He’s Not Considering Firing Mueller”

  1. Ty Cobb has a poor learning curve. This investigation wasn’t begun in good faith, staffed impartially nor carried put fairly, but letsspend another 10 million dollars.

    narciso (d1f714)

  2. How very very tired I am of Kabuki.

    phunctor (bf276f)

  3. you do realize yes that our president, President Donald Trump, is not actually the “Tweeter in Chief” that’s just a non-existent title you made up out of thin air

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  4. Don’t take what Trump’s lawyer says literally. Wait and see what he does.

    nk (dbc370)

  5. Kabuki players wear white face paint. Not orange. This is the Oompa Loompa dance from Willie Wonka & The Chocolate Factory.

    nk (dbc370)

  6. my whole life is waiting to see what President Trump does Mr. nk!

    and i wake up every day with a smile and a skip in my step

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  7. uber is now actively slaughtering people who choose alternative forms of transportation

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  8. As true today as it was in June of 2017…

    “In a truly independent investigation, friends shouldn’t be investigating friends. Mueller should step aside to remove the taint on the Special Counsel investigation created by friend and witness James Comey.” —- William Jacobson

    Colonel Haiku (1fcc64)

  9. Sigh. Another completely objective NY Times piece. Uh huh.

    NJRob (4e8689)

  10. So yesterday we had a Trump Twitter meltdown, with the Tweeter in Chief mentioning Robert Mueller by name on Twitter for what I’m told is the first time.

    The New York Times (which sems to have record of keepingh track of Trump’s tweets) says Mueller was mentioned once before, but it was a retweet of what somebody else wrote.

    They said his lawyers had cautioned him not to mention Mueller.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  11. I wonder if Spanky makes his lawyers sign NDA’s too.

    Tillman (a95660)

  12. They said his lawyers had cautioned him not to mention Mueller.

    “Tweet of the Devil and he shall appear”, Sammy?

    nk (dbc370)

  13. A law license is an automatic NDA.

    nk (dbc370)

  14. Flake off, Flake.

    Colonel Haiku (1fcc64)

  15. For some, a license to steal, too!

    Colonel Haiku (1fcc64)

  16. wonder if Spanky makes his lawyers sign NDA’s too.
    Tillman (a95660) — 3/19/2018 @ 10:31 am

    I wonder if old Crooked Hillary handed out bullet proof vests to her friends and associates. Some surely could have used one.

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  17. There are no limits to that under any cirumstances, nk?

    Tillman (a95660)

  18. And now for some inconvenient facts about St.Mueller which oddly haven’t found their way into this blog:

    Bill Saracino (78f41f)

  19. Bill Saracino (78f41f)

  20. Apparently the problems caused by opiates have become so sever and so widespread the federal government has decided to jump in and address the “crisis” to show just how bad they can make it when they try. After a two trillion dollar War on Poverty which as we all know totally wiped out all poverty in America and a trillion dollar War on Drugs which made them disappear completely I welcome the expertise and track record of the feds into this serious, serious problem.

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  21. *severe*

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  22. Must ….. catch ….. little ….. red …… dot. Red ….. dot ….. keeps …. moving. Can’t …. catch …. dot.

    Bunkie Nude Son (5a4596)

  23. NTY: Facebook’s Role in Data Misuse Sets Off Storms on Two Continents

    Patrick Ruffini
    If you’re hysterical about privacy on principle, fine. But the reason people are up in arms is because someone they dislike did it. When Obama did it, people thought it was cool.

    harkin (df3a15)

  24. He’s about 75% king like Rick Grimes, but he won’t let us save him.

    Pinandpuller (1f6e5e)

  25. > And that ties the politicians’ hands. They can tut-tut all they like, but if Trump fires the guy, the GOP won’t do a damned thing.

    And this is the true condemnation of pretty much the entire political class.

    aphrael (e0cdc9)

  26. if President Trump fires dirty fbi slutboy Mueller doesn’t Attorney General Rod Rosytwat just select one of the hardened democrats on staff to take over?

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  27. the federal government has decided to jump in and address the “crisis”

    You mean, President Trump has decided to jump in….

    Sincere question, Rev H.
    Are you against the War on Drugs simply because it doesn’t work in the real world, or against it because even if it worked it would be government intruding where government has no right to be?

    kishnevi (bb03e6)

  28. That’s how maximum overdrive began, Pikachu.

    narciso (d1f714)

  29. You mean, President Trump has decided to jump in….

    No, kishnevi, I mean the federal government decided to jump in. I was hearing about all kinds of government initiatives long before Trump mentioned the opioids. I’m sure you did too or do you believe Trump suddenly came up with this all by himself?

    I’m against the War on Drugs because it didn’t work. The same way I’m against the War on Poverty or the Great Society. It’s all political bullsh!t designed to get minorities to vote democrat. Hey, it works. But they never “fix” the problem. But they do get the votes.

    Government initiatives are never held to account for success. They end up being make work projects for government employee unions and self-perpetuate never fixing the problem. If they did they’d be out of work!

    As to the second part of your question, the idea that there is any place government can’t intrude is a ship that sailed when the Constitution had life blown into it by the Supreme Court like God did to Adam. It went from an enlightened document to a living organism which fed off the rights of man.

    So yeah, I’m against it for that too but no one seems to care. As usual I stand holding my putz and asking why?

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  30. Annihilation is *beautiful* btw even if you didn’t read the book

    not sure why Natalie promoted it as a pussyhat movie I think she did the film a HUGE disservice

    it’s contemplative but still fun especially in the use it makes of setting and the art direction is incredibly special

    Jennifer Jason in particular realized her character very nicely and without a whole lot of screen time to work with, and Oscar Isaac nailed his character as ably as we’ve come to expect from him

    the movie was too short – but you can tell they were spending buckets of money on every minute

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  31. My guess is that Mueller will not be fired, he’ll be arrested. Perhaps for something having to do with Uranium One, or whatever nuclear handoff stuff he did a long time ago with Russia. Maybe some stuff more recent, too.

    Squares the circle nicely.

    Ingot (e5bf64)

  32. Sounds to me like Trump is laying the groundwork by first establishing that he can fire Mueller. By all the reaction, it appears that has been established.

    Kinda sets a tone and sends a message. Mueller does not have unlimited freedom of movement. Proceed at your own risk.

    the Bas (3bcea0)

  33. Thanks for the explanation Hoagie. Although the War on Drugs was actually a strategy to get social conservatives to vote in favor of the standing army the Second Amendment was designed to avoid….

    kishnevi (bb03e6)

  34. Although the War on Drugs was actually a strategy to get social conservatives to vote in favor of the standing army the Second Amendment was designed to avoid….

    Wow, that’s the first time I ever heard that theory. I fail to make the connection between strict drug enforcement and a standing army. Don’t we have a standing army? We have an army and navy even in peace time which I thought constitutes the definition of a standing army.

    he real damage I see from the War on Drugs was the application of the blatantly unconstitutional RICO Act on the general public making basically illegal searches and illegal seizures ( in the form of “forfeitures”) legal and commonplace. It’s a money machine for government.

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  35. The problem with the war on drugs is that like every other “war” for the past 70 years, they aren’t fighting it to win.

    It has had the intended success though. A whole lotta well paid judges, lawyers, cops, and prison guards.

    the Bas (3bcea0)

  36. Hoagie, I don’t have time for a long comment. But I suggest you refresh your memory of what the Founders thought a standing army was and why it was dangerous to liberty–and then think about how our modern law enforcement apparatus compares to that idea.

    You’re right about the RICO stuff–we might make a libertarian out of you yet!–but that was a side effect.

    kishnevi (bb03e6)

  37. Mr. Ace goes beyond the punctuation to look at the underlying story about the leaks McCabe and Comey lied about

    What happened next will amaze you: Someone very familiar with the thoughts and feelings of Andrew McCabe called the press to tell them that Reince Priebus was pressuring senior FBI officials to knock down a media story.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  38. @27 kishnevi

    There’s an article in WaPo that popped up in Snapchat that said the bootleggers are the only thing keeping legalized weed cheap in California.

    Pinandpuller (fce78d)

  39. If people want to anihilate themselves in a rubber room with drugs I say have at it but I’m tired of being hotboxed. I followed some urban Canadians into a Holiday Inn Express and they beat me to the elevator. It went to the third floor and back and by the time I got to the third floor I thought I was high af. I could tell what room they were in by where’s the vapor trail ended.

    Pinandpuller (fce78d)

  40. 39
    Logical, since the current setup for legalized dope is intended to limit supply.

    This applied to more than drugs. You know who probably hope Trump’s wall will in fact get built? The coyotes and smugglers. Be a great reason for them to increase prices with potentially greater demand for their services.

    kishnevi (bb03e6)

  41. I don’t know about a poll here, there are a lot of nevertrumpers here, but Drudge has a poll up with over three quarters of a million votes and three quarters voting to fire Mueller.

    I doubt it would change much if he did.

    the Bas (3bcea0)

  42. Patterico, there’s an error in the second sentence. …Trump that firing Trump would be a bad, bad idea

    ropelight (464705)

  43. There’s people who don’t read Drudge, you know….

    kishnevi (bb03e6)

  44. 43

    And it took three hours for anyone to notice…

    kishnevi (bb03e6)

  45. There’s people who don’t read Drudge, you know

    No one reads Drudge, you know.

    They read the stories from sources all over the interwebs which he aggregates.

    harkin (df3a15)

  46. I didn’t go unnoticed. Just like Trump’s use of quotation marks, we understood what Patterico intended. No big deal, but it is nice to see it corrected.

    BuDuh (fc15db)

  47. UPDATE: The GOP pols warned that firing Mueller (not Trump) would be a bad idea. I have fixed the typo.

    Presumably they would say the same thing about firing Trump. Some of them, anyway.

    Patterico (d43dab)

  48. This is nothing like Trump’s making up a quote but nice attempt at equivalency.

    Patterico (d43dab)

  49. You one of those uptown Lucianne types Mr kishnevi?

    Pinandpuller (fce78d)

  50. I was talking about the wire tapping quote.

    BuDuh (fc15db)

  51. Mr. Ace goes beyond the punctuation

    LOL. You mean Mr. Ace makes shit up:

    Because Comey told Congress that he had never leaked and was aware of no leaks.

    Which is false. That is not what Comey told Congress.

    But we no longer care about accuracy as long as our inaccurate assertions benefit the bald jackass in the Oval.

    Patterico (d43dab)

  52. yes yes yes

    the general idea that comey is a very untrustworthy liar is the key thing we want to get across here

    but the context Mr. Ace adds about how formerly gainfully-employed fbi lickspittle Andrew McCabe set up Mr. Priebus is interesting too don’t you think?

    these fbi losers are so dirty scummy nasty

    it’s shocking even to an old washington hand like myself

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  53. But spending 10 million dollars investigating that isn’t even a crime ispeachy keen.

    narciso (d1f714)

  54. But hes never arrested the wrong person, match:

    narciso (d1f714)

  55. Aramco Kills Massive Offshore IPO, Will Only Offer Shares Domestically


    this would seem to raise the stakes in this backward little poop-hole country’s escalating tensions with Iran, no?

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  56. They can tut-tut all they like, but if Trump fires the guy, the GOP won’t do a damned thing.
    Wouldn’t be so sure. But ahhhhh, them ‘Sunday Shows’… Allahpundit might do well to revisit the climate of the times, circa October, 1973– when still in diapers. How history can rhyme:

    Meet The Press, NBC, Sunday, October 21, 1973, [hours after after the Saturday Night Massacre] SoD Melvin Laird is interviewed about the latest developments in the Watergate investigation and the possibility of impeachment proceedings against President Richard Nixon.

    And this priceless TeeVee nugget from Face The Nation, CBS, [a week after the Saturday Night Massacre] The Big Dick’s Chief of Staff, Alexander Haig, discusses/defends/explains/excuses the “Saturday Night Massacre” on ‘Face The Nation’ — October 28, 1973. It’s so sad in retrospect, it’s actually funny.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  57. “I chose to share with a reporter through my public affairs officer and a legal counselor. As deputy director, I was one of only a few people who had the authority [where did this authority come from?]to do that. It was not a secret, it took place over several days, and others, including the director, were aware of the interaction with the reporter[oh, there].”

    When trying to discredit the “bald jackass in the Oval Office” semantics are our friend.

    the Bas (3bcea0)

  58. what’s a “deputy” anyway Mr. Bas?

    all this inside baseball is making my head spin!

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  59. We’ve had a standing army since world wa2, and the marijuana act of 1937, had anything to do with it.

    narciso (d1f714)

  60. Jeff Sessions, perhaps not the limp wrist we think him to be?

    the Bas (3bcea0)

  61. Oh yes. Trump needs to fire Mueller before he can discover that there was no collusion. Quickly Donald, do it now!

    noel (b4d580)

  62. I think I’ll care if Trump actually fires Mueller.

    Until then, I think caring about Trump’s twitter habit is a great way to waste time. I can’t take it seriously, no matter how I try. It’s as if he wakes up and tries to think how he can get the press to act like a bunch of headless chickens today. Or maybe he wakes up as a headless chicken, and I can’t tell the difference, and neither can anyone else.

    Dianna (b7aa4f)

  63. The GOP pols warned that firing Mueller… would be a bad idea.

    Yep. History rhymes…

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  64. Is it wrong to complain about many of the investigators being Democrat if you’ve fired all of the Republicans?

    noel (b4d580)

  65. 57… not content with the Zombie Nixon, ASPCA digs up Zombie Haig, as well…

    Colonel Haiku (1fcc64)

  66. Oh yes. Trump needs to fire Mueller before he can discover that there was no collusion. “

    Everybody knows there was no collusion. Now Mueller is just looking for unpaid parking tickets, or maybe a dog that was once on the roof of his car.

    And enjoying the power and paychecks.

    the Bas (3bcea0)

  67. The only way we’ll really know if Trump colluded with Russia is if Trump is detained under the Patriot Act and made to go undergo enhanced interrogation in a CIA extra-ordinary rendition facility in Thailand for, let’s say, six months, and then the evidence presented to a military tribunal in Gitmo.

    The question whether the President of the United States is Putin’s puppet is infinitely more compelling than whether some Pakistani goatherder is a member of Al Qaeda, and we cannot afford half measures.

    nk (dbc370)

  68. And he really can’t investigate deutsch bank, which btw is a client of his firm

    narciso (d1f714)

  69. Putin could forge studf against Trump also, and in fact did (the dossier)

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  70. The question whether the President of the United States is Putin’s puppet is infinitely more compelling

    To some I guess.

    Notwithstanding Trump’s hardline approach toward Moscow in Syria and the impending imposition of new sanctions on Russia for its interference in the 2016 elections, Democrats led by oleaginous propagandists like Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi, and their allies in the Trump-hating establishment media continue to peddle the discredited narrative that Trump is Putin’s stooge. Their entire argument rests on a fully discredited, Russian-sourced dossier compiled by a shady ex-British intelligence agent and Hillary Clinton’s infamous “Black Ops” hack, Sidney Blumenthal. It should be clear to all that if anyone is Putin’s stooge, it’s Adam Schiff & Company.

    the Bas (3bcea0)

  71. Clear to all but teh schiffheads among us…

    Colonel Haiku (ed0bb1)

  72. Trump keeps telling us that there was “no collusion” over and over. One might say that the man doth protest too much.

    noel (b4d580)

  73. harvardtrash scumsuck Bill Kristol and his skeevy harvardtrash scumsuck wife Susan have been doing all they can to elevate Putin’s stature as well

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  74. It’s like making love to a gorilla.

    You’re not done til the gorilla’s done.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  75. Exhibit “A”… thank you…

    Colonel Haiku (ed0bb1)

  76. That’s what happened with Mike Tyson and Miss Ohio.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  77. Don Jr. tried colluding with the Russians but absolutely, positively did not do so. Maybe that wasn’t collusion? What exactly was that?

    noel (b4d580)

  78. Obama fired his special prosecutor.

    Then he followed him home and shot his dog.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  79. You know. That Russian meeting that never happened. In Trump tower. The one everyone denied. Then they said it was about adoption. That one. Why was that not collusion?

    noel (b4d580)

  80. 79.Don Jr. tried colluding with the Russians but absolutely, positively did not do so. Maybe that wasn’t collusion? What exactly was that?
    noel (b4d580) — 3/19/2018 @ 3:05 pm

    You leftists see collusion everywhere except in uranium sales, cattle futures or $65 million book deals.

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  81. No he had his minions call his pal Kevin Johnson’s americorps ig senile.

    narciso (d1f714)

  82. Seriously though. How many inspector generals did Obama have marched out behind the White House to be shot and tossed in the trash bin?

    I {Ey Carumba} lost count.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  83. Who actually relied on info from Russian agents, for the fisa warrant

    narciso (d1f714)

  84. I thought so Rev.Hoagie. Deflect. Tell us to look over there. Nothing to see here.

    Then call me a leftist. Try to put me on the defensive. Nice try. Dishonest…. but you gotta do what you gotta do.

    noel (b4d580)

  85. You know. That Russian meeting that never happened. In Trump tower. The one everyone denied. Then they said it was about adoption. That one. Why was that not collusion?

    noel (b4d580) — 3/19/2018 @ 3:09 pm

    Because it really was about adoption. [Crikey dingo] Pull the CNN needle out of your arm.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  86. if there’s been collusion you can count on dirty fbi slutboy Robert Mueller to root it out that’s for sure

    any second now

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  87. It was about repealing the Magnitsky Act. “Adoption” is the dogwhistle. The valise lady is definitely a Putin agent and one of the cabal that Magnitsky exposed leading to his imprisonment, torture and murder. Her purpose in meeting with Don-Don was to feel out Trump’s position. Patterico has posted extensively about it.

    nk (dbc370)

  88. Adoption? Well papertiger, Don Jr.’s own emails say otherwise. In case you forgot.

    noel (b4d580)

  89. Yes! She inveigled the meeting by claiming to have information from Russian prosecutors about Hillary’s misdeeds. It was a shuck, but Don-Don fell for it.

    nk (dbc370)

  90. And actually that is conspiring with an agent of a foreign government to influence the election.

    nk (dbc370)

  91. The Veselnitskaya meeting was a set-up executed by Fusion GPS with the approval of the cowardly comey fbi and the connivance of dirty cia slutboy John Brennan.

    This is obvious to anyone who is willing to do the analysis.

    Fusion GPS, remember, was paid to smear Bill Browder, who’s a huge Magnitsky Act fanboi.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  92. Dog whisle? Pish posh man. Dog whisle would mean a word that means something completely 100% different!

    Sell crazy someplace else. We don’t deal in metaphor here.

    As has been extensively chronicled in the pages of patterico.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  93. Oh, and then Trump asked the Russians to find Hillary’s emails. Then they worked with wikileaks to spread their additional stolen emails.

    It aint Watergate if the Russians do it!

    noel (b4d580)

  94. Wikileaks already had then, like with the Panama and paradise paper.

    narciso (d1f714)

  95. Then call me a leftist. Try to put me on the defensive. Nice try. Dishonest…. but you gotta do what you gotta do.

    Thank you, noel, I do what I can. I’m sorry if your self image is not that of a leftist but to those of us looking in you are. BTW, there was nothing meant to be dishonest in what I said. I gave a few examples of collusion you obviously didn’t think important, but I did. I don’t understand why you leftists are so bothered by Trump’s kids. You do realize business people who do business globally will most likely talk to Russians once in a while? Or are the Trumps excluded from doing business in Moscow because the left suddenly after 100 years decided they no longer like the Russians?

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  96. The Veselnitskaya meeting was a set-up executed by Fusion GPS with the approval of the cowardly comey fbi and the connivance of dirty cia slutboy John Brennan.

    Most federal conspiracy prosecutions are set-ups, usually by the FBI. The set-upees still go to prison.

    nk (dbc370)

  97. This is the same crew who said fitz was a good man,

    narciso (d1f714)

  98. Oh, and then Trump asked the Russians to find Hillary’s emails.

    only in the scum-besotted imagination of a cowardly lickspittle fbi agent could this have *ever* been construed as anything but a rhetorical device meant to call attention to Hillary’s criminality…

    the exact same criminality disgraced FBI suckboy Andy McCabe and the rest of the dirty comey fbi worked so hard to sweep under the rug

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  99. That included Andrew Mccarthy if memory served. So the Clinton campaign
    Used Russian agents info.

    narciso (d1f714)

  100. The trouble with that analysis is that if you asked Trump what a rhetorical device is he’d say: “I don’t need them. I can still sit on the toilet.’

    nk (dbc370)

  101. diGenova is joining Trump’s legal team. Just in time for the OIG’s report. This is getting very interesting.

    Lenny (5ea732)

  102. oh my goodness

    can you imagine if dirty pedophile Mitt Romney or cowardly crash dummy John McCain had known a third of what our president, President Donald Trump, understands about rhetorical devices?

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  103. @105. What color is his hair today…

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  104. Rev.Hoagie say that I am a leftist who is bothered by Trump’s kids and I don’t care about other examples of collusion etc. etc.

    If you would think for yourself instead of trying to divine my views with your wild imagination, we’d both be better for it.

    noel (b4d580)

  105. “dirty pedophile Mitt Romney” says happyfeet.

    That is beneath you. But there is nothing beneath you.

    noel (b4d580)

  106. Wait a minute. There’s absolutely nothing that can or will be done to President Trump if he dismisses Mueller?

    Somebody has been lying to me the last six months.

    If I were Trump I’d fire Mueller today. Call him over for “the interview”. Then spring the news on him unexpected like.

    Send word out over the DPRK Twitter. Let that guy get the scoop.

    Then I’d call Rosenstein over for an interview.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  107. The DOJ, with the cooperation of the FBI, are trying to root out the corruption in the FBI. With “conservatives” fighting it every step of the way. The FBI recommended McCabe be fired.

    The intelligence committee declared there was no Russian collusion.

    This is no longer a Russian collusion investigation, this is a Trump impeachment fishing investigation.

    Which explains why nevertrump “conservatives” are fighting the cleanup of dirty cops. They share an agenda with the left.

    the Bas (3bcea0)

  108. @109… Sir Willard of Romney Marsh.. Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha… ‘corporations are people my friend-‘ …”but the country folk all loved him just the same…”

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  109. Its not as bad as accusing mm of killing his employees wife, he was nearly nonplussed when Hillary rosen attacked his wife. Yet his aminmus is rarely focused on the left.

    narciso (d1f714)

  110. Get rid of all the dirty cops… McCabe… Comey… Strzok… Ohr…

    Colonel Haiku (ed0bb1)

  111. 109… yes, there is something beneath feets… usually a small dog. Feets is a confirmed zoophile.

    Colonel Haiku (ed0bb1)

  112. Sell crazy someplace else. We don’t deal in metaphor here.

    As has been extensively chronicled in the pages of patterico.
    papertiger (c8116c) — 3/19/2018 @ 3:31 pm

    Yet narciso valiantly soldiers on!

    felipe (023cc9)

  113. John Brennan and Samantha Power threatening the POTUS over the weekend was interesting.

    Brennan’s record barks for itself and Power couldn’t unmask Americans fast enough…


    Colonel Haiku (ed0bb1)

  114. The intelligence committee declared there was no Russian collusion.

    No they didn’t.

    “What we said is we found no evidence of it,” he (Conway) said. “That’s a different statement. We found no evidence of collusion.”

    But they weren’t really looking for it anyway.

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  115. what exactly *was* all this supposed “chaos” what engulfed disgraced fbi lickspittle Andy McCabe?

    did dirty Jill burn a pot pie

    did the dog get into the rutabaga patch

    did somebody forget to pay the netflix bill

    and more importantly

    WHY did we have a deputy director at the cowardtrash lying FBI that proved incapable of navigating through a period of chaos?

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  116. Squid 🦑 tastic, Cthulhu!

    Colonel Haiku (ed0bb1)

  117. If you would think for yourself instead of trying to divine my views with your wild imagination, we’d both be better for it.
    noel (b4d580) — 3/19/2018 @ 3:51 pm

    Ohhh noel, noel, noel. You know I don’t try to divine your views, they amuse me. And unlike you I’ve always thought for myself even when it’s unpopular or even hard to find the truth. In a world of Fake News and Deep State operators one needs to look beyond what is paraded around as facts and statistics and “common knowledge”. If you would clear your mind of propaganda long enough to wonder who gains by all this? Why have so many people been “crying to the sky” and walking out and protesting since before Trump took office? Why are your fellow leftists so scared by one orange man they now have stooped so low as to push children into the streets in protest of HIM because a nut case killed people?

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  118. We found no evidence of collusion

    If there’s no evidence of collusion, you must give up the illusion.

    -things Johnnie Cochran might say

    the Bas (3bcea0)

  119. Americans were told a year ago that our intelligence chiefs and the nation’s top law enforcement leadership were above reproach, Boy Scouts all, apolitical, sober-minded people who had legitimate reasons to be worried about Donald Trump. Now that we’ve had all these firings, removals, reassignments, evidence of malfeasance, all that original backstory looks like the load of crap it was.and continues to be.

    Colonel Haiku (ed0bb1)

  120. As far as Trump going after Mueller, he has gone a helluva lot easier on Mueller than Bill Clinton was on Kenneth Starr. These whining, sniveling Democrats can go take a flying fvck at a rolling donut.

    Colonel Haiku (ed0bb1)

  121. Kenneth Starr actually had a case

    lickspittle fbi slutboy Robert Mueller’s spending tens of millions to indict random people in Russia that he knows he’ll never need to prove a case against

    Typical. FBI. Coward.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  122. 124.Americans were told a year ago that our intelligence chiefs and the nation’s top law enforcement leadership were above reproach…….

    Ahhh, Colonel but that was before they found out about an escape plan “if” Trump won. Just like they call collusion (noel) but when Hussein notoriously stated to the Russian president “Tell Vlad I’ll have more freedom after the election” that ain’t collusion. Telegraphing the enemy you want to make a secret deal is okay if you’re a leftist.

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  123. Exactly the invincible Wagner corps and Khan shaykun airbase know the difference.

    narciso (d1f714)

  124. Did you know that if you anger a special prosecutor that John Brennan will flinge his feces at you?

    True story.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  125. Brennan’s glower is world-class… in a galaxy far, far away…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  126. But they weren’t really looking for it anyway

    Right Davethulhu, because if they really looked for it they’d have found it — like Mueller did, after fourteen months of trying. LOL

    random viking (6a54c2)

  127. I’m pretty sure that I disagree with this prediction by our host:

    [B]ut if Trump fires the guy, the GOP won’t do a damned thing.

    I not sure who he includes within that blanket “the GOP.” But it seems likely that he was referring to the only people whose positions actually permit them, collectively (depending on the numbers), to exercise restraint upon the Executive Branch, which is to say: Members of Congress.

    I doubt our host meant to assert that no Republican senator or representative would do anything. Perhaps our host meant something on the order of “not enough to impeach Trump (or, perhaps, pass new independent counsel legislation over his veto).” I don’t think our host likely meant “a majority of serving GOP members in each chamber.” We often think it fair to attribute to a larger group a policy shared by a majority of its members. And sometimes — including, now, Senate votes on presidential appointments — majority votes are all that matters. But very clearly, as the failed Clinton impeachment effort reminded us all, the Constitution requires a two-thirds super-majority of the Senate to convict, even though it requires only a majority of House members to impeach in the first place.

    Therein is the strategic key, if Trump’s willing to gamble: If Trump fired Muller tomorrow, even a relatively small handful of GOP representatives, joined with the entirety of the Dem side of the aisle, could produce a majority in favor of impeachment. I think that’s the overwhelmingly likely scenario in the House, in fact. So at a bare minimum, Trump would almost assuredly become the third POTUS ever to be impeached. That’s not equivalent to a Senate conviction; again, the Clinton example demonstrates that a POTUS can continue relatively effectively in office even after surviving a Senate trial so long as he’s not actually convicted in it.

    In the Senate, currently split 51-49, to get to 67 votes to convict, the forty-nine Dems would have to convince 18 Republican senators — just over one-third of the total Republican caucus.

    I can think off the top of my head of at least five or six GOP senators who’d immediately flip. Getting the remaining dozen or so would be harder slogging. But answer me this:

    If we assume Trump’s sufficiently unhinged and risk-taking to take this step in the first place, then how presidential do you expect him to be immediately afterwards in the resulting sh!tstorm? How much do you expect him to hold it together, much less improve his act, if he’s just been impeached by the House? This, the guy who can’t put his damned cellphone down and has to poke at — by name — the special counsel who hasn’t yet even interviewed him, much less indicting him or sending a referral to the Congress with an impeachment recommendation?

    I think Trump would react by doubling and tripling down, and he would hemorrhage GOP senators in the process.

    Friends & neighbors, recall that in November 1972, Richard M. Nixon won forty-nine states, a re-election mandate unprecedented in American history (and since rivaled only by Reagan’s 1984 reelection). The specific development that prompted Nixon’s resignation was a visit from Howard Baker on behalf of Senate Republicans, to tell Nixon that because of Republican defections, he would not only be impeached by the House but convicted by the Senate. And he named the names. If our host thinks there’s no plausible scenario in which Trump firing Mueller leads to McConnell making a similar visit to the White House, I respectfully but emphatically dissent.

    This is what I hope Trump’s lawyers and political advisers are actually telling him.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  128. diGenova is joining Trump’s legal team.

    As Matlock and Mason are “unavailable” – you go w/Joe, eh, Captain, sir?!

    “…with the O.J. Simpson case, we [Joe DiGenova & wife, Victoria Toensing] were on TV every day and every night and that created a lot of exposure. It was around this time that big law firms started hiring public relations firms to get their people on television. It certainly was a source of business for us. If you’re good on television and you say intelligent things, you distinguish yourself, and that’s a good thing.” – Joe DiGenova, Feb., 2013

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  129. I hear he’s 1000% behind Mueller.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  130. Trump won’t fire him, but he may put a ime limit on. “You’ve had forever and a day, produced nothing and now you’re just fishing. Wrap it up by May 1,or I’ll end it for you.”

    Kevin M (752a26)

  131. Ask Dr. Hatfill what good cooperating with Mueller did, ask the board of Arthur Andersen about Andrew Weitzman, they have a record of conjuring up or indicting without cause, a placebo effect that makes institutions weaker.

    narciso (d1f714)

  132. Why do we want to waste time on a fever dream, probably only mescaline mensch believes for sure.

    narciso (d1f714)

  133. @131

    They literally weren’t looking for it.

    “Our committee was not charged with answering the collusion idea,” Conaway told Meet The Press host Chuck Todd. “So we really weren’t focused on that direction.”

    Davethulhu (081885)

  134. could produce a majority in favor of impeachment


    I’m curious. What would be the charge?

    It would have to be something that was POLITICALLY defensible, and I don’t see a vague “obstruction” charge rising to that. The argument would be that he fired Mueller because he was delving into irrelevant things, having failed to find anything substantial in the original investigation (other that some people will lie) and that this circus had to end.

    I don’t see it. Or at least I don’t see what firing Mueller would do for those who want to impeach, as their reasons have little to do with the investigation anyway.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  135. The real iceberg that gives the air of plausibility to “collusion” is Trump’s pre-candidate dealings and wheelings for Trump, Inc. and the allegation that Russia had a hold over him because of financial links.

    Trump could do one thing to get rid of that iceberg if he wanted: he could throw open the Trump Organization books for public inspection, and let everyone see for themselves how little or how much he owes to the Russians.

    That of course is the one thing he’ll never do.

    Kishnevi (4aeca3)

  136. They just wasted a year, for no reason, and mccabes bogus memos, joins comeys, just more magic beans

    narciso (d1f714)

  137. @141

    10 months, and talk to me again once as much time has been wasted as the various Benghazi investigations.

    Davethulhu (081885)

  138. That’s probably true, because the vekakte investigation is the only thing the Congress has been seriously committed to.

    narciso (d1f714)

  139. even if President Trump fired fbi lickspittle Robert Mueller there would still be an investigation

    it would just be led by a different corrupt fbi lickspittle

    just not Lisa Page cause she’s a dirty dirty trollop and NOBODY respects her cause of how she spreads it around

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  140. Yes, this is the,same as the cover-up of an assassination of American sambassador by al queda as part of obama,administration state policy

    narciso (d1f714)

  141. Now that we know that Eisenstein absolved Hillary twenty years then subsequently went to work in the Clinton administration, it wouldn’t surprise me.

    narciso (d1f714)

  142. Empty threat. Nixon was a fool for not calling Baker’s bluff.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  143. 140… so you think expanding this fishing expedition is a great idea, kishnevi? As I understand it, that’s not the way America’s justice system is supposed to work.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  144. We didn’t learn enough from the oil embargo, which gave us bin laden, or year zero or khomeini

    narciso (d1f714)

  145. It’s a very Soviet understanding “give me the crime, and I’ll give you the man’

    narciso (d1f714)

  146. Trump keeps telling us that there was “no collusion” over and over. One might say that the man doth protest too much.

    noel (b4d580) — 3/19/2018 @ 3:02 pm

    When he grows up he wants to be just like David Hogg.

    Pinandpuller (78a559)

  147. If our host thinks there’s no plausible scenario in which Trump firing Mueller leads to McConnell making a similar visit to the White House, I respectfully but emphatically dissent.

    This is what I hope Trump’s lawyers and political advisers are actually telling him.

    Beldar (fa637a) — 3/19/2018 @ 6:34 pm

    Lookie there. Beldar loves him some Trump all a sudden.

    Knew it all the time. *wink

    papertiger (c8116c)

  148. Here’s where Cthulhu found what he claim’s supports his post at #138. Watch the video, which one would reasonably expect would include that quote Conaway was alleged to speak…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  149. Her purpose in meeting with Don-Don was to feel out Trump’s position. Patterico has posted extensively about it.

    nk (dbc370) — 3/19/2018 @ 3:23 pm

    Trump’s position: Tell Vlad, after the election, I’ll have more flexibility.

    Pinandpuller (78a559)

  150. BTW Baker wasn’t a leader of the Senate when he made this alleged Nixon visit.

    He was just a self important [dingo] trying to puff himself up, riding his daddy’s coat tails. Quick to side with Democrats. Always racing to stab Republicans in the back. Kind of that era’s John McCain.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  151. Adoption? Well papertiger, Don Jr.’s own emails say otherwise. In case you forgot.

    noel (b4d580) — 3/19/2018 @ 3:23 pm

    It’s a thin story for a guy with five kids.

    Pinandpuller (78a559)

  152. Oh, and then Trump asked the Russians to find Hillary’s emails. Then they worked with wikileaks to spread their additional stolen emails.

    It aint Watergate if the Russians do it!

    noel (b4d580) — 3/19/2018 @ 3:31 pm

    And when parents go on TV to beg for information on their missing kid they are colluding with kidnappers and murderers and child molesters.

    Pinandpuller (78a559)

  153. Dems are never this reasonable we’ve seen 30 years of this:

    narciso (d1f714)

  154. @141

    10 months, and talk to me again once as much time has been wasted as the various Benghazi investigations.
    …wasn’t a waste…

    We wouldn’t have “found” Clinton’s email server without that Benghazi Committee. 😉

    whembly (913961)

  155. That is beneath you. But there is nothing beneath you.

    noel (b4d580) — 3/19/2018 @ 3:53 pm

    Were you roommates with Derek Zoolander?

    Pinandpuller (78a559)

  156. They had no usable info, we don’t even know the names, times and place where Steele got his info from.

    narciso (d1f714)

  157. If I were Trump I’d fire Mueller today. Call him over for “the interview”. Then spring the news on him unexpected like.

    papertiger (c8116c) — 3/19/2018 @ 3:57 pm

    He probably should have given him a job like Tony Soprano calling all the divorce lawyers in town. What about nominating him for RBG’s gig?

    Pinandpuller (78a559)

  158. . “That’s a different statement. We found no evidence of collusion.”

    But they weren’t really looking for it anyway.

    Davethulhu (fab944) — 3/19/2018 @ 4:33 pm

    Hey did they ever find evidence that the Mossad rigged the Twin Towers?

    Pinandpuller (78a559)

  159. That link in 153 is a doozy. I especially enjoyed this part:

    Rep. Devin Nunes was forced to recuse himself when he was caught lying about his own collusion with the White House

    Ah, no. He was accused (by lying lefties)of revealing classified info, and cleared by the ethics committee last year.

    I’m sure the rest was just as honest as well, so I quit reading after that.

    the Bas (3bcea0)

  160. Brennan’s glower is world-class… in a galaxy far, far away…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 3/19/2018 @ 6:11 pm

    His fake American accent is unconvincing. I think his Arabic one is better.

    Pinandpuller (78a559)

  161. As Matlock and Mason are “unavailable” – you go w/Joe, eh, Captain, sir?!

    DCSCA (797bc0) — 3/19/2018 @ 6:36 pm

    As I recall, Matlock was pushing something more dubious than reverse mortgages before he died.

    Pinandpuller (78a559)

  162. Boy he sure was… he fell back into his Lonesome Rhodes persona and the sale of bullschiff.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  163. Like that commercial he dos with Ron Howard in 2008, train 0g recreate mayberry

    narciso (d1f714)

  164. @159

    Well then, you surely can’t object to spending the time on this investigation.

    Davethulhu (081885)

  165. An intelligence committee should concern itself with actual positions of forces, material and strategies.

    narciso (d1f714)

  166. The specific development that prompted Nixon’s resignation was a visit from Howard Baker on behalf of Senate Republicans, to tell Nixon that because of Republican defections, he would not only be impeached by the House but convicted by the Senate.

    Not exactly…

    “The release of the “smoking gun” tape destroyed Nixon politically. The ten congressmen who had voted against all three articles of impeachment in the House Judiciary Committee announced they would all support the impeachment article accusing Nixon of obstructing justice when the articles came up before the full House.

    On the night of August 7, 1974, Senators Barry Goldwater and Hugh Scott and Congressman John Jacob Rhodes met with Nixon in the Oval Office. Scott and Rhodes were the Republican leaders in the Senate and House, respectively; Goldwater was brought along as an elder statesman. The three lawmakers told Nixon that his support in Congress had all but disappeared. Rhodes told Nixon that he would face certain impeachment when the articles came up for vote in the full House. Goldwater and Scott told the president that there were enough votes in the Senate to convict him, and that no more than 15 Senators were willing to vote for acquittal. Realizing that he had no chance of staying in office and that public opinion was not in his favor, Nixon decided to resign.”

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  167. “Those who are obsessed with the past are doomed.”

    —- Grandpa Simpson

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  168. 173-174, then this is just plain wishcasting:

    urbanleftbehind (ddcc04)

  169. There’s more then a little irony there, he would turn on Muammar, having recruited general younis and musa kusa the Michigan state educated spymaster, the former was executed by bel hadj express orders.

    narciso (d1f714)

  170. Btw you know who else was toadying
    To muammarlike Larry Miller and then turned on him

    narciso (d1f714)

  171. Well on was mccain, in the Lou gossett movie on Nasser, he turns on the us after he discovers Eisenhower being so willing to turn on Anthony eden.

    narciso (d1f714)

  172. Whenever you hear someone alluding to the “Deep State”, don’t you have to wonder if their MAGA hat is lined with tin foil?

    noel (b4d580)

  173. this Austin thing is vastly less compelling than the DC sniper thing was

    maybe we’re just desensitized now?

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  174. “desensitized” definition includes….. “make (someone) less likely to feel shock”.

    Oh how funny to see you use that word, happyfeet.

    noel (b4d580)

  175. The clan behind the manchester attack were unclear were they enemies today, allies tomorrow, Cameron was that fickle.

    narciso (d1f714)

  176. Let’s not forget that deropasha was able to get a visa from , thanks to manafort, so I take this all with a grain of salt, source d Milan equally was involved with maverick,

    narciso (d1f714)

  177. So in other basilisk news, we are expected to believe than Nuzzi is hicks new bff, instead of a frenemy?

    narciso (d1f714)

  178. Wisdom from Mr. Tingles…

    “Mueller reminds me of the starfish which gets itself tightly around the clam and uses all its stuff to weaken and pry open the clam. Now, this is a battle to the death as far as the clam is concerned.”

    —- Chris Matthews

    Colonel Haiku (ed0bb1)

  179. Whenever you hear someone alluding to the “Deep State”, don’t you have to wonder if their MAGA hat is lined with tin foil?

    noel (b4d580) — 3/20/2018 @ 7:09 am

    No, I think here’s a person who has perceived a deep and abiding interest on the part of the embedded bureaucracy in maintaining their hold on position, power, collective self-interest and the gravy train.

    Colonel Haiku (ed0bb1)

  180. Yes it’s thanos vs the avengers try to be topical dude, or Everett ross vs Ulysses klaue

    narciso (d1f714)

  181. They aren’t that clever, they betray their allies Albania Hungary Laos as often as they pursue their enemies

    narciso (d1f714)

  182. And I think that a person making a contention along the lines of what you’ve made is at best a William Kristol kind of Republican.l, more likely a liberal Democrat, noel.

    Colonel Haiku (ed0bb1)

  183. Nuzzi looks like Disney alum Olivia Holt. Probably just as much of a latent hoochie.

    urbanleftbehind (ddcc04)

  184. I noted Tom cotton wasn’t in that crew, and he’s the one trump is likely to listen to. As for hatch, cool me once…

    narciso (d1f714)

  185. You too hot, narciso… hot damn, break it down!

    Colonel Haiku (ed0bb1)

  186. I get tired of being told to Care about things that don’t amount to a,pair of dingoes and ignore significant things.

    narciso (d1f714)

  187. So lepage was actually right about the source of the fentanyl in maine.

    narciso (d1f714)

  188. So collusion is dead on to the next squirrel,

    narciso (d1f714)

  189. 179.Whenever you hear someone alluding to the “Deep State”, don’t you have to wonder if their MAGA hat is lined with tin foil?

    Whenever I hear someone doubt the existence of the Deep State after all the shenanigans over the last few years by the IRS, Homeland Security, The corrupt FBI and assorted and sundry agencies united in an attempt to hold their own power one must wonder if they believe in a Flat Earth, that Hillary didn’t cheat Sanders in the primary and Manbearpig. There are none so blind as those who will not see.

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  190. Whenever I hear someone doubt the existence of the Deep State after all the shenanigans over the last few years by the IRS, Homeland Security, The corrupt FBI and assorted and sundry agencies united in an attempt to hold their own power one must wonder if they believe in a Flat Earth, that Hillary didn’t cheat Sanders in the primary and Manbearpig.

    Then Mike Pompeo, that’s the current Director of Central Intelligence who is slated to replace Tillerson as SoS, should be let go because he not only doubts the existence of the Deep State — he flatly stated on CBS that there is no Deep State.

    nk (dbc370)

  191. Anthony Stephan House, husband, father of eight year old, in a sit down job where he gets to yell at people, was the first victim.

    The police took one look at the guy and thought he’s nucking futs. On the spot decided he probably blew himself up. (This is what passes for police work?)
    Look at the crazy eye on this guy.

    I guarantee you that fnguy pissed someone off, and probably more than one, enough to kill him.

    All the rest of the bombs after the first one that killed Anthony are cover bombs, placed to throw the popo off the trail.

    Someone who works under Anthony House at the construction company.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  192. I’d be more inclined to follow the HOA path of suspects, namely the former HOs (I;m using it in its proper context, Patrick) of his subdivision.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  193. Hmm … reminds me of something. Something to do with Obama. Replacing, or forcing out altogether, officers in the military because they did not agree with his agenda, I think. And, you know, I might even have heard that he did the same thing in the civil service, replacing career professionals with political flunkies.

    And it’s even possible that some people right here didn’t think that was right. But you know how memory can play tricks on someone. People might have actually praised him for going after the Deep State and it’s just that I don’t remember that.

    nk (dbc370)

  194. Interesting. urban. I’m leaning to the construction company having access to explosives.

    The company he worked for breaks limestone slabs.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  195. No we didnt because he got rid of most of the officers thAt mattered Kelly, Mattis mccrystal to cite three. Just like goss was sabotaged by grenier Annenberg

    narciso (d1f714)

  196. McCarthy pillar Carle, probably mart McCarthy. The same sort that lied about Gina haspel to propublica.

    narciso (d1f714)

  197. That would be how criminal minds or a less appreciated series numbers would play it.

    narciso (d1f714)

  198. My uncle, was a major at the military academy when Fidel came, he escaped the initial purge.

    narciso (d1f714)

  199. Something else. All the bombings took place on Monday mornings.
    So the bomber needed weekend time to assemble the contraptions.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  200. People might have actually praised him for going after the Deep State and it’s just that I don’t remember that.
    nk (dbc370) — 3/20/2018 @ 9:00 am

    Who the hell are you kidding, nk? Hussein didn’t go after the Deep State, he reinforced it. He enhanced it. He adopted it and made it his own. That’s why we have the problems we have today. The Deep State democrat operatives thought Hillary would win (why hot they rigged it for her?) and now they’re clawing for their lives against a guy who doesn’t give a rays a$s about them.

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  201. Something else. All the bombings took place on Monday mornings.

    That’s not correct. The bombs exploded in this order: Friday March 2, Monday March 12 (2 bombs), Sunday March 18 (the tripwire bomb), and Tuesday March 20 — the explosion today in the FedEx facility.I

    This information is easily available. Why not spend a little time confirming the facts?

    DRJ (15874d)

  202. By the way, here’s another photo of Anthony Stephan House.

    DRJ (15874d)

  203. and he can see no reasons cause there are no reasons

    what reason do you need to die

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  204. People might have actually praised him for going after the Deep State and it’s just that I don’t remember that.
    nk (dbc370) — 3/20/2018 @ 9:00 am

    Since he wasn’t going after the Deep State, but adding to it, your point needs work.

    Stashiu3 (466cdf)

  205. that was around the time the military started to become so silly and incompetent

    it was gradual so the exact date is hard to pin down

    but it was before the boy soldiers grew titties and after we stepped on our dick in Iraq

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  206. Friday March 2nd was the target murder. That’s the one the killer mulled over while sitting in a lawn chair in his garage making up the first bomb.

    The Monday bombs 12th (2) were randoms, left on people’s porches Sunday night.

    The Sunday 18th (tripwire) bomb was our bomber feeling bad over additional murders. His goal wasn’t murder, it was to lead the cops away from the trail, so he changed strategy to a method that wouldn’t necessarily kill somebody.
    The Tuesday bomb was posted Sunday at the same time the tripwire bomb was set.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  207. I like this game. CIS Patterico.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  208. That giggling you hear is me.

    nk (dbc370)

  209. Well-played.

    Stashiu3 (466cdf)

  210. FedEx in Austin is closed on Sundays so a packages could not have been shipped on a Sunday.

    DRJ (15874d)

  211. It could have shipped on Monday and get to the San Antonio shipping hub by Tuesday. Consider modifying your Agatha Christie plot accordingly.

    DRJ (15874d)

  212. We’re not Democrats. We go where the evidence leads here at Patterico investigations.

    Indubitably. Are you sure FedEx is closed Sunday?

    papertiger (c8116c)

  213. Besides which. Austin PD. Come on. They need all the help they can get.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  214. i got packages today they’re in the hall

    i haven’t opened them cause they’re not for me they’re for a friend

    these ones won’t blow up though because statistics

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  215. 223, that supports an intrA-regional drop off and perhaps a Ground shipment request (lower $ longer delivery time due to staying truck to truck instead of air), a flag for financial hardship or financial issues.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  216. Yes. I gave you a link. Click on it and hit the banner tab labeled HOURS.

    You have to go in to mail a FedEx package so they should have data on where and when that package was mailed. (Conspiracy-wise, you can assume the bomber used a cut-out and is planning to snuff him.)

    DRJ (15874d)

  217. 226, well you are from Texas and from the 1st presumed target demo, so I’d err on the side of caution. Wise to have them shipped to a non-Souph Side address.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  218. that’s a good point

    you can’t be too careful

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  219. What is your understanding of the “1st presumed target demo?”

    DRJ (15874d)

  220. me i figure since this was in austin they were targeting austin people

    and i lived there for a long time


    happyfeet (28a91b)

  221. A second package that did not explode has been found at the FedEx shipping center.

    DRJ (15874d)

  222. I’m sure you meant that question for urban, but for me, the 1st target demo means professional management pushing for deadlines on overwraught crew. Crazy eye just comes with the territory.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  223. There are also a number of FedEx drop boxes in Austin. You can mail a package up to 20″ x 12″ x 6″ at a FedEx drop box. (Larger packages must be brought in to a counter to mail.) That’s a fairly large package but there may be surveillance cameras near most drop boxes.

    DRJ (15874d)

  224. This reminds me of the Chicago Tylenol murders in 1982.

    nk (dbc370)

  225. Your own link shows he wears glasses and he looks fine in that photo. Some photos can be unflattering but one photo doesn’t make him crazy or a criminal, let alone asking to be killed. He’s a victim.

    DRJ (15874d)

  226. He [Che cavolo!] at least one person off.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  227. Some photos can be unflattering

    tell me about it sister

    heidifeet (28a91b)

  228. an early report says the package was mailed from a FedEx store in a SW Austin suburb, Sunset Valley.

    Sunset Valley is about 9 miles West of the Travis Country subdivision where the 4th bombing happened. Both are in South Austin, while the earlier bombings were in East Austin. All were very close to major highways in and around Austin, suggesting to me that the bomber is very familiar with Austin.

    DRJ (15874d)

  229. You have to go in to mail a FedEx package so they should have data on where and when that package was mailed. (Conspiracy-wise, you can assume the bomber used a cut-out and is planning to snuff him.)

    DRJ (15874d)

    Dang it, DRJ, there’s a screenplay just waiting to be written!

    Colonel Haiku (ed0bb1)

  230. The link in comment 240 also says an unexploded package was found at the Austin airport FedEx facility, not in the San Antonio facility. Or maybe there are more packages.

    DRJ (15874d)

  231. People might have actually praised him for going after the Deep State and it’s just that I don’t remember that.
    nk (dbc370) — 3/20/2018 @ 9:00 am

    And to think they’ve legalized the stuff nk is smoking legal out here in Cali… damn it!

    Colonel Haiku (ed0bb1)

  232. The bomber also seems to be escalating. Maybe he likes the attention.

    DRJ (15874d)

  233. Hit teh submit button way too soon, dammit.

    Colonel Haiku (ed0bb1)

  234. Appearance matters more to some than others, heidifeet.

    DRJ (15874d)

  235. Put on you tin foil hat for noel, narciso. He believes in AGW but the Deep State is a myth.

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  236. There is no second package in the San Antonio FedEx shipping facility. The police chief misspoke.

    DRJ (15874d)

  237. Its understandable, there hasn’t been a string of these sorts of incidents since john Allen Mohammed in 2002, where is the bureau in this?

    narciso (d1f714)

  238. 246… haven’t followed that fishwrap since teh “Naughty Nina” days…

    Colonel Haiku (ed0bb1)

  239. He believes what he needs to, at the time.

    narciso (d1f714)

  240. And to think they’ve legalized the stuff nk is smoking legal out here in Cali… damn it!

    I voted for its legalization in Illinois, today. (Well, sort of, in Illinois voter initiatives are only advisory.) I’ve been persuaded by the doctors’ arguments — they don’t want it medicalized in order to pander to the stoners. It’s #FakeMedicine.

    nk (dbc370)

  241. So. No one with actual knowledge, maybe they want to chew more fusion related shoe leather.

    narciso (d1f714)

  242. Does anyone who pays attention to national political events and considers themselves possessed of a useful level of perception actually think The Donald’s ego is capable of allowing him to play second fiddle to a jumped up KGB Colonel?

    Donald Trump has a lifetime history of blazing his own trail, you have only to recall the events of his incomparably unique campaign for the GOP nomination to confirm that he alone marches at the head of his own parade.

    To assert that Trump is Putin’s puppet denies his demonstrated independence in favor of a patiently absurd propaganda smear designed to buttress the Deep State’s campaign to subvert the fundamental constitutional right of American citizens to select their own President.

    ropelight (53e1b5)

  243. where is the bureau in this?

    narciso (d1f714) — 3/20/2018 @ 11:35 am

    Agents from the FBI, ATF and Quantico are in Austin and San Antonio. If you read my links you would know that. Here is another link. The federal government has sent more than 350 special agents to assist local law enforcement. For someone who links so prolificly, it’s surprising you would make that comment.

    DRJ (15874d)

  244. 255. ropelight (53e1b5) — 3/20/2018 @ 11:54 am

    Does anyone who pays attention to national political events and considers themselves possessed of a useful level of perception actually think The Donald’s ego is capable of allowing him to play second fiddle to a jumped up KGB Colonel?

    Nobody’s actually quite acccusing him of that.

    What they are accusing him of — actually nobody’s quite figured that out.

    Maybe they think he just loves dictators. But that would not be collusion.

    I think some people maybe do hint at second fiddle.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  245. coward-ass crash dummy John McCain, who will never be president because the american people rejected his coward ass, is butt hurt cause of President Trump did a phone call to Mr. Putin

    “An American president does not lead the Free World by congratulating dictators on winning sham elections. And by doing so with Vladimir Putin, President Trump insulted every Russian citizen who was denied the right to vote in a free and fair election to determine their country’s future, including the countless Russian patriots who have risked so much to protest and resist Putin’s regime.”


    hey useless coward-turd at least President Trump shows up for work I’d say he’s way ahead of the game wouldn’t you

    heidifeet (28a91b)

  246. 247. I listened to part of the John Batchelor Show last night.

    there were anumber of casual mistatements of fact, including the idea that Obama (or the FBI) had spied on trump’s camopaign.

    They did not!

    Also, while they didn’t mention that steele was paid by Hillary and the DNC they did mention that it wsas apolitical opponent of Donald trump.

    The key point of course is taht Hillary Clinton et al could be expected to be extrenmely dishonest.

    What was dicscussed on the John Batchelor show was that some of the information in the Steele dossier might have come from (a source referred by) Sidney Blumenthal. (I don’t think Aaron Klein got too clesar on thsat, but that’s the story)

    But that probably just means Russia anyway.

    I think what really happened is that there was some effort to get people to vouch for Christopher Steele. Victoria Nuland apparently vouched for him. I think she had no idea that any thing he supplied could be false.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  247. oopers that was actually me, happyfeet, what made the previous comment

    I apologize for all the confusions

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  248. nk @253

    I voted for its legalization in Illinois, today. (Well, sort of, in Illinois voter initiatives are only advisory.) I’ve been persuaded by the doctors’ arguments — they don’t want it medicalized in order to pander to the stoners. It’s #FakeMedicine.

    I had a little trouble figuring that out.

    What I figured out is that you think the alternative to recreational use of marijuana is fake medical use of marijuana, and out and out legal recreational uss is better.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  249. 226. they won’t blow up because you’r eot in Austin and they are actual mail. The Austin v=bomber chanegd methods. When people became wary, he created a tripwire. I don’t know if he has any purpose.

    Meanwhile, aschool shooting in Maryland was stopped after only a few shots were fired because a School Resource police officer actually did his job. But maybe the shooter didn’t intend to shoot many people.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  250. Nobody was fooled happy.

    Might try a stronger disguise next time. With some back slashes and hash tags. Something.

    purelltiger (c8116c)

  251. Heidi, you should wash that mouth out with soap, girl!

    Colonel Haiku (ed0bb1)

  252. Sadly, when it’s Maryland, I default to thug on thug and if not, only then might I dig deeper.

    urbanleftbehind (ddcc04)

  253. Well, I think we have provided a valuable service to Austin law enforcement, and that they are that much closer to apprehending the bomber for our efforts.

    Good job! [YouTube – sound effect]

    purelltiger (c8116c)

  254. Another explosion in Austin. Tuesday evening.

    DRJ (15874d)

  255. One injured and they are checking for a second bomb. The incident happened at or near a Goodwill on Brodie Lane.

    DRJ (15874d)

  256. Now they say it isn’t a bomb but an incendiary device. Sounds like a copycat.

    DRJ (15874d)

  257. Rev.Hoagie says Noel “believes in AGW”.

    Well gee Rev.Hoagie, thanks for the inside scoop on that one. Since I have never opined on the subject here or elsewhere, its about time someone decided that issue for me. You kinda like to just make stuff up, don’t you Rev.? Where I come from, it’s called lying but, to you, its called making America great. Again.

    noel (b4d580)

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