Patterico's Pontifications


Trump: It’s an “Honor” to Meet with Putin

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:52 am

Seems kinda beta to me.

We’ll wait for the full report. Diplomacy requires that you suck up to murderous totalitarians. We understood when Obama sucked up to Chavez, as I recall (didn’t we?), and so there is no reason to get upset if Trump plays beta male to a repressive thug like Putin.

Again, we’ll see how the rest of it plays out.

P.S. I do not plan to inhabit the comments of this post except perhaps at the Jury. As Joe Pesci said in his opening statement: “Everything that guy just said is bullshit!” That is my response to the dozens of rude comments I fully expect in response to this post. No point in writing it again and again.

[Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back, where you can discuss this post with the host if you can follow the rules. Don’t bother addressing me here.]

515 Responses to “Trump: It’s an “Honor” to Meet with Putin”


    Patterico (115b1f)

  2. It would be an “honor” to meet with you

    ropelight (d22e6a)

  3. I’ll break my comment silence to say I feel the same about you, ropelight, in all seriousness.

    Patterico (a048af)

  4. The Trump-Putin meeting is taking place at the same time the other world leaders are discussing climate change

    i think they should both be honored to meet each other cause of at least they’re not trying to do climate change hoax all up in it to where working families get viciously merkel-raped

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  5. Well, DiBlasio thinks the antifas of Hamburg need his guidance. On the whole I prefer Trump and Putin doing a mutual tonguebath.

    BTW, Rachel Maddow has found something even she realized was fake news

    kishnevi (bb03e6)

  6. It’s ironic to see Trump be courteous and to see people defend him for that because he was just doing his job. He won the Presidency in large part because he wasn’t courteous but was instead willing to say whatever he thought. Why does Putin deserve courtesy but not American politicians and their supporters?

    DRJ (15874d)

  7. Mr. Trump has always been very courteous in his encounters with people. Sometimes he can do irreverent tweeters and do hyperbole and such at his rallies, but that doesn’t make him a bad person.

    I think he’s quite a good role model in how he handles himself and represents America (unlike Obama who was just so embarrassing and useless.)

    Obama liked to sign phony treaties at these things – that was so gay.

    You won’t see President Trump doing crap like signing fake treaties that’s for sure.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  8. Trump has his own definition of courteous, hf, as do you. He calls the media scum while his Trump University guidelines e remind students that treating the media with courtesy gets you a long way.

    DRJ (15874d)

  9. Eastasia has always been very courteous in her encounters with Europa.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  10. The media is very scummy. They’re trying to do demonize on Putin and Russia for naked political purposes when Putin and Russia are essential to even a mere possibility of a successful resolution of North Korean nuclear breakout.

    Fortunately President Trump thinks of America first.

    when the rude first lady of poland snubbed his handshake President Trump could have hauled off and smacked her on her stupid fat Polish butt but he was so nice and pretended not to notice

    We haven’t had a real Statesman like him in office since the Reagan years when Ronald Reagan was president.

    Lol remember how harvardtrash loser Barack Obama gave the nasty queen of leggy meggy’s britain an ipod of his speeches?

    Stupid obama.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  11. Patterico,

    No issue with your remarks here.

    I don’t get the alpha, beta, delta, gamma insults. People are who they are. Almost impossible to change.

    Why does Putin deserve courtesy but not American politicians and their supporters?

    DRJ (15874d) — 7/7/2017 @ 8:24 am

    Nukes for one. Democrats have called us every name in the book, hello deplorables, for two.

    We cannot influence Russia at this point in time with brash speech though I would say that Trump telling Eastern Europe to get their energy from us and not Russia was pretty brash.

    Diplomacy is expected in foreign relations between major powers as it was with China even though they are also a bunch of murderous thugs.

    NJRob (5be766)

  12. when the rude first lady of poland snubbed his handshake President Trump could have hauled off and smacked her on her stupid fat Polish butt but he was so nice and pretended not to notice

    We haven’t had a real Statesman like him in office since the Reagan years when Ronald Reagan was president.

    Lol remember how harvardtrash loser Barack Obama gave the nasty queen of leggy meggy’s britain an ipod of his speeches?

    Stupid obama.

    happyfeet (28a91b) — 7/7/2017 @ 9:00 am

    You’re an idiot for buying into the media’s portrayal of the Polish first lady snubbing Trump. She was looking at Melanie and didn’t see his hand. She took Melania’s hand first, then Trump’s.

    Talk like a human.

    NJRob (5be766)

  13. Y’know, it’s more a relief that our President can be polite from time to time, rather than bitch slapping every world leader he meets. I admit that I don’t get this post.

    Trump is an awful human being. As a leader — well, I find Ann Coulter’s recent commentary instructive. He’s not doing a lot of winning for his side. His sense of humor always reminds me of Jimmy Cagney in White Heat asking if the guy in the car trunk wants some air. When the guy says yes — he shoots a gat into the trunk several times, with a bleep-eating grin on his face. Heh, heh, funny joke.

    But every now and then, Trump is going to do something a normal person is going to like. He’s not going to be guilty of every charge David Frum can conjure up. He’s not going to act in improbable ways, just because that would help out Putin. Accept the fact that Comey did far more to elect the Donald than Vladamir.

    The comment is that Trump seems to bring out the worst in everybody — friends and foes. I would suggest to those who agree with me that Trump is that stuff you scrape off your shoe, that you shouldn’t let Trump make you a raving loon. Nor should you let the legions of the deluded do the same thing.

    Appalled (0119d8)

  14. Having been fanstativally wrong about Obama, will all the caveats you were offered appalled you would think you would reserve judgment for a little while

    narciso (d1f714)

  15. at dinner tonight President Trump should go up to the first poland lady and point at her shirt and say hey you got something on your shirt then when she looks down he can thwunk her on the nose!

    then everyone will laugh at how stupid she is!

    you have to put these people in their place otherwise everyone will say about how beta you are

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  16. Rob,

    I was talking about GOP politicians like Jeb, Carly, Rubio and Cruz aND Republic supporters You would have realized that if you followed my link. But I also think it’s stupid to insult opponents of either Party. Obviously I am not as suited to the Trump Era as you are, plus you’ve made up your mind that Trump is right and opposing Trump is unjustified.

    DRJ (15874d)

  17. narciso:

    What’s the internet without strong opinions?

    Appalled (0119d8)

  18. So, the meeting is reportedly going on longer than expected.

    TRUMP: It’s an honor to meet you.

    PUTIN: You’ll address me as “sir”.

    TRUMP: It’s an honor to meet you, sir.

    PUTIN: I brought along a few executive orders for you to sign.

    TRUMP: It will be an honor.

    PUTIN: …sir.

    TRUMP: It will be an honor, sir.

    PUTIN: Sasha and Anastasia asked me to say hello.

    TRUMP: If I ever come back to Moscow, do you think we could…

    PUTIN: No.

    Dave (711345)

  19. Why does Putin deserve courtesy but not American politicians and their supporters?

    First of all Putin isn’t calling Trump (and Trump supporters) all kinds of trash names, nor is he trying to get him impeached or render his presidency impotent. Secondly, Putin is a reformed communist many of the American politicians and their supporters are not yet reformed. Perhaps if Schumer, Waters, Pelosi and their slimy ilk were polite to Trump he may reciprocate. He does seem very nice to those who are nice to him.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  20. What did Heidi Cruz ever do to Trump, Hoagie?

    DRJ (15874d)

  21. He is nice to those who are subservient. Big difference, and I doubt it will work with Putin.

    DRJ (15874d)

  22. What did President Trump ever do to Heidi Cruz?

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  23. Putin is a reformed Commiuniat? Did you actually say that?

    DRJ (15874d)

  24. Obviously I am not as suited to the Trump Era as you are, plus you’ve made up your mind that Trump is right and opposing Trump is unjustified.

    I think Rob made up his mind Trump is “right” more often than his opponents on the left are and therefore opposing Trump is siding with leftists, pinkos and seditionists. I could be wrong.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  25. 23.Putin is a reformed Commiuniat? Did you actually say that?


    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  26. Putin is a member of the United Russia Party not the communist party. Try and keep up.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  27. Which add Russian nationalists who realize socialism Dorset work

    narciso (d1f714)

  28. Yes they are ignoring the mote in their eye

    narciso (d1f714)

  29. “Putin is a reformed communist many of the American politicians and their supporters are not yet reformed.”

    – Rev. Hoagie

    Your comments defy parody. My goodness.

    Leviticus (efada1)

  30. Not one Trump supporter here has condemned WTP for using Patterico’s political beliefs to suggest P may not do a good work or be reliable in his job.

    Some people have been here for years and know what P does and how difficult and demanding his job is. This is their idea of an internet friendship. I hope they learned this kind of thinking from Trump and weren’t already that way … but this is who they are now.

    DRJ (15874d)

  31. Navalny is a great fellow, in fact Ben judah finds him unacceptable in so many ways, the girl band I won’t say their name, were pretty much coubterproductivd

    narciso (d1f714)

  32. Putin is our enemy, Hoagie, and he knows big lies work. He and Trump have that in common.

    DRJ (15874d)

  33. Putin made chumps of kind words by Presidents Bush and Obama. Trump will be his trifecta.

    DRJ (15874d)

  34. Rob,

    I was talking about GOP politicians like Jeb, Carly, Rubio and Cruz aND Republic supporters You would have realized that if you followed my link. But I also think it’s stupid to insult opponents of either Party. Obviously I am not as suited to the Trump Era as you are, plus you’ve made up your mind that Trump is right and opposing Trump is unjustified.

    DRJ (15874d) — 7/7/2017 @ 9:42 am

    I read her article previously. She’s a leftwing agent of Jeb who worked on his campaign. Trump’s raving fan base that attacked her online are idiots. She’s not an ally though any more than McCain, “we can’t repeal Obamacare” is.

    NJRob (5be766)

  35. Putin in his own words on 1/25/16:

    “You know that I, like millions of Soviet citizens, over 20 million, was a member of the Communist Party of the USSR and not only was I a member of the party but I worked for almost 20 years for an organization called the Committee for State Security,” Putin said, referring to the KGB.

    “I was not, as you know, a party member by necessity,” he said. “I liked Communist and socialist ideas very much and I like them still.”

    In his speech, Putin insisted he was never just a “functionary” when it came to party matters and said the Moral Code of the Builder of Communism—a set of rules to be followed by all party members—“resembles the Bible a lot.”

    According to the Russian president, the code revolved around key concepts such as brotherhood, equality and happiness.

    However, Putin also conceded that these ideas were not implemented fully in the USSR and later admitted the Soviet Union began with repressions—something the Communists accused the tsar of.

    What does Rev Hoagie think of that?

    DRJ (15874d)

  36. I am not as suited to the Trump Era as you are, plus you’ve made up your mind that Trump is right and opposing Trump is unjustified.

    DRJ (15874d) — 7/7/2017 @ 9:42 am

    Facts Not in evidence as you just “politely” insulted me. I’ve criticized Trump several times as I did on the last thread. The difference is, I don’t take his actions as a personal affront and he’s targeting the left who is my enemy.

    NJRob (5be766)

  37. No ana navarro isn’t self aware enough to realize she is aiding the left like the ortegas who. Who reinvented themselves in the image of the somozas as a crony clique because for resistance figures like aleman became corrupt.

    narciso (d1f714)

  38. Can you clarify, Rob. Are you saying she deserved whatever was said or done to her by Trump and band of his idiots?

    DRJ (15874d)

  39. Are you angry at people who oppose Trump, or not?

    DRJ (15874d)

  40. And, yes, I try to be polite. Thank you.

    DRJ (15874d)

  41. I think Rob made up his mind Trump is “right” more often than his opponents on the left are and therefore opposing Trump is siding with leftists, pinkos and seditionists. I could be wrong.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca) — 7/7/2017 @ 9:53 am

    Can’t argue with that and I will add that the left wants to turn us into a one party, totalitarian state where dissent is not permitted and many on the right are happy to support them if it gets their enemies. CNN trying to doxx a private citizen who they had no interest in finding is no different than Obama going after Joe the Plumber after the fact because he showed Obama was an ignorant buffoon. CNN had no clue what kind of person the Reddit guy was and didn’t care when they tried to find him and threatened him. Everything else they did was justification after the fact.

    NJRob (5be766)

  42. One more time, for Hoagie. Vladimir Putin said:

    “I was not, as you know, a party member by necessity,” he said. “I liked Communist and socialist ideas very much and I like them still.”

    DRJ (15874d)

  43. Us vs Them, right Rob? So if I’m not with Us then I must be with Them.

    FYI that is a cult.

    DRJ (15874d)

  44. Not one Trump supporter here has condemned WTP for using Patterico’s political beliefs to suggest P may not do a good work or be reliable in his job.

    Some people have been here for years and know what P does and how difficult and demanding his job is. This is their idea of an internet friendship. I hope they learned this kind of thinking from Trump and weren’t already that way … but this is who they are now.

    DRJ (15874d) — 7/7/2017 @ 10:19 am

    Big deal. I was going to tell him He was wrong and a jerk for his remarks threatening Patterico’s livelihood, but he was already banned. No point to do so, but you made me do so just now to call you out on your BS.

    Do you really think you are morally superior to the rest of us or is it just virtue signaling?

    NJRob (5be766)

  45. Can you clarify, Rob. Are you saying she deserved whatever was said or done to her by Trump and band of his idiots?

    DRJ (15874d) — 7/7/2017 @ 10:30 am

    No she didn’t deserve it. She’s not an ally.

    NJRob (5be766)

  46. One more thing, Rob:

    Trump has not yet personally offended me. He is a sad little person with no values but that makes me feel sorry for him, not be offended. I will be offended if he doesn’t do more to build the Wall. That was his core campaign promise and I expect him to do more than he’s done so far. He still claims he will make Mexico pay for it. We’ll see. My guess is that’s another politicians’ empty promise by a very empty politician.

    DRJ (15874d)

  47. Us vs Them, right Rob? So if I’m not with Us then I must be with Them.

    FYI that is a cult.

    DRJ (15874d) — 7/7/2017 @ 10:34 am

    Tell It to President Bush after 9/11. Tell it to those calling for economic sanctions on those who do business with North Korea.

    Keep on pretending reality doesn’t exist. It really is an us or them. I don’t have to like many of the people on our side, but I won’t attack them to give aid and comfort to the left who is only trying to push the destruction of my life and those who share my values.

    NJRob (5be766)

  48. 29.“Putin is a reformed communist many of the American politicians and their supporters are not yet reformed.”

    – Rev. Hoagie

    Your comments defy parody. My goodness.
    Leviticus (efada1) — 7/7/2017 @ 10:06 am

    You want parody, Leviticus? The socialist cum communist mayor of New York, Bill “The Red” de Blasio took a taxpayer funded jet to the G20 to PROTEST TRUMP! That’s correct, an American mayor is protesting his own president on foreign soil. YEs, the left are not yet reformed socialists, communists and seditionists. Then he’s using said taxpayer funded et to visit his Yale educated mini-commie son in Berlin. That’s parody Leviticus.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  49. Trump has not yet personally offended me. He is a sad little person with no values but that makes me feel sorry for him, not be offended. I will be offended if he doesn’t do more to build the Wall. That was his core campaign promise and I expect him to do more than he’s done so far. He still claims he will make Mexico pay for it. We’ll see. My guess is that’s another politicians’ empty promise by a very empty politician.

    DRJ (15874d) — 7/7/2017 @ 10:39 am

    And that’s what we should be focusing on. He him to his campaign promises. Pressure him and Congress to fulfill building the wall and repealing Obamacare. All the rest is a distraction that prevents us from getting our agenda passed till the left gets another crack at elections and saying their enemies did nothing with their time so put us in charge instead.

    NJRob (5be766)

  50. I think I am a far better friend, Rob.

    Now explain whether Lauren Batchelder deserved her treatment by Trump and his band simply for asking a tough question. And she was a Jeb volunteer. Does volunteering in politics mean you can be personally attacked for asking a question? Or does only an “ally” get courtesy?

    DRJ (15874d)

  51. Hold him to his campaign promises*

    NJRob (5be766)

  52. 33.Putin is our enemy, Hoagie, and he knows big lies work. He and Trump have that in common.
    DRJ (15874d) — 7/7/2017 @ 10:22 am

    I know Putin is our enemy, DR. I don’t need reminding but perhaps you need reminding that Trump isn’t.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  53. I said they were wrong. I’ve said it multiple times. Are you going to continue to badger me with the same questions phrased a different way counsellor till you get a different answer? That’s not going to happen.

    Jeb isn’t an ally either.

    NJRob (5be766)

  54. Bush’s definition of Us vs Them was freedom-lovers vs terrorists and their supporters, not people with political disagreements.

    DRJ (15874d)

  55. I don’t understand what you mean by “not an ally” so I am asking you questions, not badgering you. Not an ally of who? Trump? Democrats? Communists? Please clarify.

    DRJ (15874d)

  56. Come Rev, your not too far away, Philly being the 6th borough to some…lead an NYC mayoral coup while Willard/Bill not so I-talian is filming schiester films in Deutschland.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  57. 43.One more time, for Hoagie. Vladimir Putin said:

    And one more time for DR: Putin is a member of the Unity Russian Party. So he’s as much a communist as many, many, many democrats.

    “I was not, as you know, a party member by necessity,” he said. “I liked Communist and socialist ideas very much and I like them still.”

    So then, you get to pick and choose when Putin tells the truth? If you agree with him he’s truthful, if not, not. It’s hard for you to keep up like that.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  58. I don’t understand what you mean by “not an ally” so I am asking you questions, not badgering you. Not an ally of who? Trump? Democrats? Communists? Please clarify.

    DRJ (15874d) — 7/7/2017 @ 10:47 am

    An ally of conservatives and limited government constitutuonalists versus statists who want to expand the power of government just with them in charge.

    Roe defenders and Obamacare supporters are not my ally.

    NJRob (5be766)

  59. Hoagie, Trump is keeping Transgender thinking in the schools and he’s fine with Planned Parenthood, abortion, and SSM. That doesn’t make him my enemy but I oppose those things and other things he supports.

    Trump supporters like to claim common sense when criticized, but I think it is not common sense and counterproductive to frame this as a war with allies and enemies. It’s natural to fear what is happening to America but I don’t think this Us vs Them attitude is likely to solve political and cultural disagreements.

    DRJ (15874d)

  60. Trump is a Roe defender and Obama are supporter. He talks against them but does nothing to stop them.

    DRJ (15874d)

  61. You are the one claiming Putin isn’t a communist. That makes his statement of support for communist ideas an admission against interest, Hoagie, and credible.

    DRJ (15874d)

  62. Trump is a Roe defender and Obama are supporter. He talks against them but does nothing to stop them.

    DRJ (15874d) — 7/7/2017 @ 10:54 am

    Trump is pushing to defund Planned Infanticide. He has already put one Justice on the Court that should know Roe was an abomination and must be repealed.

    He says he’s pro-life. Not sure what more evidence you want.

    But it’s better when you attack him for political positions and work to get that agenda working in our direction than personal distaste and feelings.

    NJRob (5be766)

  63. Putin is a thug. He’s a totalitarian who rules with an iron fist.

    Sadly, lots of Russians love him for it like lots of Venezuelans still love Maduro and plenty of leftists loved Obama for siccong the federal government on conservatives.

    NJRob (5be766)

  64. if we want to kick nasty tranny children out of schools someone should make a law to do that (i would support this) but if the law says you have to have nasty trannies all up in your schools I think we should at least be gracious about it and try to accommodate them

    they’re basically special needs children plus child abuse victims all rolled up in one foul-smelling package, so the Christian thing to do is to be gracious and try to make them as comfortable as possible before they inevitably kill themselves

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  65. I find it disconcerting that so many are so full of anti-Trump hate they can’t find the wisdom to support the president when he’s abroad. I also find it way, way past time for us to be *nice* to our political adversaries. It’s time to be as nasty as they. Preferably more so. Therefore, using that criterion the answer to:

    Does volunteering in politics mean you can be personally attacked for asking a question? Or does only an “ally” get courtesy?

    Would be Yes & Yes!

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  66. I do not agree, Hoagie.

    DRJ (15874d)

  67. Did Trump criticize Obama when he was abroad? Have you insulted someone on the basis of being Jewish?

    Yes and yes!

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  68. Putin: Donald Fredovich, it is an honor and a privilege.
    Trump: It is an honor and a privilege for me, Vladimir Vladimirovich.
    Putin: That is what I meant.

    nk (dbc370)

  69. Trump nominated Gorsuch and I’m glad about that, Rob, but that doesn’t make Trump pro-life. Gorsuch is the one with the history. Trump’s history and words don’t support his claim that he is.

    DRJ (15874d)

  70. Being pro-life doesn’t make you a good person.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  71. Sadly, lots of Russians love him for it like lots of Venezuelans still love Maduro and plenty of leftists loved Obama for siccong the federal government on conservatives.

    Sadly, some also love Trump for dissing everyone who doesn’t adore him.

    DRJ (15874d)

  72. All people are loved, hf, even the unborn.

    DRJ (15874d)

  73. at dinner tonight President Trump should go up to the first poland lady

    You DO know that video was doctored, don’t you?

    Kevin M (752a26)

  74. Ok, I’ll take the bait. What makes one a good person?

    nk (dbc370)

  75. And the transgenders.

    DRJ (15874d)

  76. i agree about the unborn but trannies are more likely to be pitied than loved

    unless they’re uncommonly charismatic (and they have really good hygiene)

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  77. Trump nominated Gorsuch and I’m glad about that, Rob, but that doesn’t make Trump pro-life. Gorsuch is the one with the history. Trump’s history and words don’t support his claim that he is.

    DRJ (15874d) — 7/7/2017 @ 11:14 am

    Never said he was pro-life most of his life. I don’t even know if it’s a political decision or not like many of the Republicans in Congress who claim to be so yet vote against it when it counts. But he’s actually pushing our agenda forward and that’s what counts. Not his past.

    NJRob (5be766)

  78. A good person is like how Mr. Trump was so gracious and didn’t react to the Poland first lady’s startlingly rude “antifa” protest action against the president of the United States.

    It’s not about turning the other cheek.

    It’s about trusting that you’re on the right path and doing what the good lord wants you to do, even when people are being mean.

    Especially when you’re in a foreign country where all the food has mayonnaise in it.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  79. Actually many have turned on Chavez,

    Sean Penn and Danny glover were unavailable.

    narciso (d1f714)

  80. Rob, Trump has said he is pro-choice, so much that he would not ban partial birth abortion. He doesn’t say that now, of course, but do you really think he changed his mind?

    DRJ (15874d)

  81. Are you seriously pushing that fake news? Didn’t you see NJRobs’s comment at 12, and Kevin M’s at 75? This is fake-fake news.

    nk (dbc370)

  82. If you see the video she clearly has an agenda. She probably discussed this in advance with William Kristol, who has said he’d prefer a deep state autocracy to democratic governance in America.

    It was on CNN.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  83. Never said he was pro-life most of his life. I don’t even know if it’s a political decision




    Yeah let’s get Sherlock Holmes on this.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  84. DRJ,

    Read my comment at 79. You have your answer already.

    NJRob (5be766)

  85. Thank you, Rob, I see your cmoment 79, although I didn’t before I posted my last comment.

    You believe Trump and think that appointing Gorsuch shows he will stay pro-life as President, right? If so, I hope you are correct.

    DRJ (15874d)

  86. Happy feet.

    Seen Goldbrick?

    Ben burn (d30fc3)

  87. What#NeverTrumpers don’t get is that despite their posturing, they are the ones advancing Putin’s interest.

    ThOR (c7bb67)

  88. Where is the Rumpublican Pootin love?

    Doncha know we’re on the same team?

    Ben burn (d30fc3)

  89. Free market speech?

    No deletions?

    I thought we were in the new age of doxxicrayiv rumpublic. That’s what devoted for. Delete the derpstate poseur of democratic past.

    Ben burn (d30fc3)

  90. Even Tom Maguire has succumbed to Rumpism. His whordes applaud as democracy dies.

    Ben burn (d30fc3)

  91. Good News and Bad News From Poland

    “First, the United States has drawn a red line at the Polish border, making clear that America will shed blood if need be to defend its Polish ally. Second, the line is drawn around Poland, not Ukraine. The United States is prepared to reach an agreement with Russia over Ukraine if Russia stops destabilizing Ukraine and if it leashes its Iranian dog. The United States has sent a clear message — as the president reminded his Warsaw audience — that it will not tolerate the tolerance of terror by the Saudis or other Sunni allies. We expect Russia to do the same with its Shi’ite allies.

    That is tough, but realistic. Trump is willing to negotiate with the Russians, but from a position of strength, in solidarity with our allies who have suffered historically from Russian aggression, and with unambiguous lines in the sand. It was a brilliantly crafted speech, the slickest as well as the most inspiring foreign policy address of any American president since Ronald Reagan.”

    harkin (0842fd)

  92. Anyway. Didn’t Trump say, repeatedly, during the campaign that he had already met Putin, in a green room (of all places), they knew each other intimately, and Putin had told Trump that he (Trump) was brilliant?

    nk (dbc370)

  93. I love this “Putin is our enemy” nonsense.

    Putin is the President of Russia. Russia is not a reincarnation of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was an expansionist totalitarian state with an avowed intention to spread Marxist communism across Europe and Asia, and attempt to stamp out capitalism wherever possible.

    Russia’s only apparent intention in terms of expansion is to exert more direct influence over some of the countries on its borders — many of which have substantial ethnic Russian populations. While that’s not nothing, its not the kind of existential threat to Europe or North America that the USSR represented.

    But, whereas the US has to concern itself with only 2 countries on its borders — both of which are friendly Western Democracies who are long-standing allies — Russia has international borders with 12 different countries, of varying degrees of friendliness.

    Russian is a “competitor” for influence in various areas around the world, but the only real area that it has any substantial involvement are areas around its own borders, and in certain hotspots where it has military assets deployed.

    But Reagan rightfully recognized the hollowness of the threat posed — not taking into account the nukes obviously — to US interests around the world if put to the test.

    shipwreckedcrew (610d75)

  94. A win. For Putin. Going in.

    Regional power elevated to former status in tete-a-tete w/current superpower. Concede differences; admit nothing; agree to everything. Then take what you want. It’s the art of the deal. For two hours and ten minutes it was just like the good old days, eh comrade?!

    ‘Oh Vlad. We’re glad. They put some Borat in you.’ – parody from 1974 Fab detergent TV ad

    @67. I find it disconcerting that so many are so full of anti-Trump hate they can’t find the wisdom to support the president when he’s abroad.

    Why? He works for us. It’s much more disconcerting the U.S president attacked America’s free press and a former president when ‘abroad.’ Putin played him like a radio today.


    Today’s Beldar The Bitter ‘Watergate, Watergate, Watergate’ Words Of Wonder:

    “The President is calling the signals.” – President Nixon discussing Watergate cover-up strategies with John Ehrlichman, secret White House Oval Office tapes, April 14, 1973

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  95. Watergate is a kiddie pool of arrogance

    This could be Epic global conflagration.


    Ben burn (d30fc3)

  96. Putin’s Russia is USSR 4.0, and Putin is Kruschev 2.0. If its present ambitions seem modest compared to Vietnam-era USSR, it is only because it is still weak after its 1989 collapse. If it looks like it only wants to regain its lost satellite buffer states right now, it only means that it is its first priority. Not its only aim. Other facts belie that. Its strong presence in Syria. Its reassertion in Central America and Cuba. And its covert presence all over the Western world, as exemplified by its full-bore disinformation war in Sweden and its attempt to disrupt our election.

    nk (dbc370)

  97. i don’t understand about the goldbrick

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  98. At 96 – SWC,

    But, whereas the US has to concern itself with only 2 countries on its borders — both of which are friendly Western Democracies who are long-standing allies

    that description for the one to the south can get you kicked out of some overlapping circles, just saying.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  99. Protein wizdumb, dorcas.

    Ben burn (d30fc3)

  100. One key question for Democrats is the old labor one: “Which side are you on?” The Democratic Party used to give the answer, as Harry Truman did in 1948, that it “is pledged to work for labor.” In recent decades they’ve given an answer that was essentially “all sides, for the common good.”

    Ben burn (d30fc3)

  101. Excellent points, nk.

    Patterico (a048af)

  102. The recaps of the ‘big meet’ (as they say in the mob) I’ve seen mention all sorts of subjects from Syria to Eastern Europe to cyber security to terrorism but I’ve seen no mention of fake news.

    Does that mean the entire ‘Trump & Putin To Bond Over Fake News’ thread was based on fake news?

    If so, that would explain this new thread about something that actually happened.

    harkin (0842fd)

  103. I guess you missed the report about Putin pointing to reporters and asking: “are these the ones who insulted you?”

    Some evidence that Trump whined to Putin about his treatment by the press.

    Patterico (a048af)

  104. Which means the people here who confidently assured us that no such thing could possibly happen were…

    …wait for it…

    Fake News!

    (Which is what we currently call assertions that are wrong, under today’s approved propaganda regime.)

    Patterico (a048af)

  105. oh i get it now

    Mr. Goldstein did a nevertrump article for something – before the election I believe, and then I never saw him after that

    I imagine he does the twitter

    i worry about him

    He got a tattoo

    and i think that crazy lady is back in his state

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  106. @96. I love this “Putin is our enemy” nonsense.

    Except it’s not.

    He is; KGB born and bred, SWC. But flotsam from a sunken ship of state.

    Your characterization of Russia now versus the Soviet Union then is astonishingly simplistic if not naive.

    Putin wants to make Russia great again. Sound familiar?

    He wants Russia to be acknowledged as the superpower they once were. And a determined, frustrated Putin sees himself as the current means to that end. Piece by piece he’s going after it w/t backing of a still proud Russian citizenry. Once he’s gone, that craving for what once was may flame out- but for now, don’t count on it. He took Crimea w/no opposition; wants Ukraine; will keep Syria come hell and high water and is subverting as many western institutions as he can get away with. And he has Europe by the balls w/energy dependency to weaken as many NATO members as he can.

    Try to picture Russia, Europe, China- and America 20 years from now. He has. He’s clever, determined– and as Patterico rightly notes- deadly ruthless, KGB style. He’s a man w/a plan. But he will die one day. Until then, as Watergate felon Chuck Colson liked to boast,“When you’ve got them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow.”

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  107. And the source for nk’s apparent prescient understanding of the Russian “long-game” is??

    And by what mechanism does “Russia” intend to re-assert itself as a global hegemonic power in “Phase 2”?

    After all, its “collapse” was nearly 30 years ago. Does it have a more robust industrial base now than in 1985? Does it have an indigenous technology sector? Why is it importing power generators from German manufacturers to install in power plants in Crimea? Why did it sell mothballed, unfinished aircraft carriers to China?

    And Cuba is a relatively small island in the Carribbean whose primary exports are sugar and tobacco. That’s the base for expansion of Russian influence in the Americas?

    shipwreckedcrew (610d75)

  108. @99. Little Nikita? 😉

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  109. I imagine he does the twitter

    Not for several weeks.

    It’s awful that his site just disappeared.

    Patterico (a048af)

  110. Maybe he’s a Trump aide.

    Leviticus (efada1)

  111. @#110. See #109.

    He already has most of Europe on a leash w/energy dependency. You don’t know much about today’s Russia or the ol’USSR, do you.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  112. DCSCA still pimping Putin like he’s more than a miniature cowboy oligarching what wealth still exists after the Plunder of the 90s. He puffs up his barrel chest with trex arms and blows bubbles like all Trumpets admire.

    Ben burn (d30fc3)

  113. Russia’s long game started with Ivan III “The Terrible” who first unified it. In what condition was Russia when the Bolsheviks took over in 1917? More robust than in 1985? And when did they put up the first satellite, and the first man in space, and threatened to bury us? And since strength is relative, how robust is our industrial base and how robust will be our economy or China’s, vis a vis Russia’s, in forty years, particularly if Putin continues to gnaw steadily at the roots of the Western nations?

    nk (dbc370)

  114. Gazprom is a player, but pootie has little else yo play with except his Trumplike pecker so diminutive.

    Ben burn (d30fc3)

  115. DCSCA? I’m naive? You post is LOL funny.

    There are so many institutional barriers to what you claim Putin wants to accomplish, its simply crazy talk.

    Six different Western countries could collapse the Russian economy if that became necessary. R

    The leverage Russia has long enjoyed over Europe through energy exports is rapidly declining because of the use of nuclear power in Europe, and increased availability of oil and gas exports from the US, Canada, and Mexico.

    Syria is a failed state. The only thing Russia is holding on to by propping up Assad are a couple of military bases which gives them access to the Mediterranean. But they no longer have the military resources to take advantage of those bases even if they have access to them. But Syria in its current configuration will not persist for much longer. The Syrian military has been decimated by the ongoing civil war, and given that the Alawites to which the Assad family belongs accounts for only 11% of Syria’s population, without the unwavering support of a strong and robust military, Assad’s regime won’t survive.

    More likely is that an Iran-backed government, with Russian support, will eventually take over from Assad. But that will only cement in place an intractable conflict with the 70% if the Syrian population which is Sunni.

    shipwreckedcrew (610d75)

  116. After all, its “collapse” was nearly 30 years ago. Does it have a more robust industrial base now than in 1985?

    The Rustbelt cratered, too. Took time and a generation or two to rebuild and retool– and its still going on.

    Does it have an indigenous technology sector?

    America and every other western nation w/astronauts pays Russia increasing fees to ferry crews up to and back from the space station.

    Why is it importing power generators from German manufacturers to install in power plants in Crimea? Why did it sell mothballed, unfinished aircraft carriers to China?

    Pragmatic use of existing infrastructure on site and a garage sale.

    Jaysus. Wake up and smell the borscht.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  117. i can’t find any proof Mr. Putin said anything about “are these the ones who insulted you” just some sleazy propaganda slut’s word for it…

    Dmitri Smirnov of Komsomolskaya Pravda

    so now we supposed to get our news straight from putin’s pravda now that the cnn anderson cooper fake news is discredited?

    i don’t think that’s a smart idea!

    i think it is fraught with possibilities of corruption and abuse

    i think we have to do critical thinking skill

    “are these the ones who insulted you” doesn’t sound like a for reals thing someone would say after President Trump worked so hard to make CNN the face of fake news

    he even retweetered a famous gif that was very specific about CNN (the gif made it look like CNN had an rambunctious with President Trump at the place where they do the wrassles)

    plus everyone knows the most insulting propaganda sluts have been the mika and the joe, and they’re on vacation right now I believe

    therefore I am do skepticism on this claim the pravda is making about the exchange between Mr. Putin
    and President Trump

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  118. What’s dangerous is the cyber brain trust Putin manages. Why invest in military hardware? Cost effective offensive war.

    Ben burn (d30fc3)

  119. It’s awful that his site just disappeared.

    hrm there was a preceding attack or mishap that had demolished much of the archives

    that last time it went down, I think the site needed to be brought back up, but it was definitely feasible to restore it

    but he hadn’t been engaged there for sometime and most of the community had drifted away

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  120. Tillerson says Trump asked TWICE about Russian hacking…
    Trump: Were you naughty, pootie?
    Putin: Nyet!
    Trump: Is that a no?

    Ben burn (d30fc3)

  121. @116. Bingo, nk.

    “…gnaw steadily at the roots of the Western nations.” – Well phrased- descriptive and apt for Comrade Rodent.

    Some here are simply ignorant about their heritage and myopic about their desires and long term goals. They’re a proud people and not keen on being pushed aside and left behind.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  122. but he hadn’t been engaged there for sometime and most of the community had drifted away

    Here, they drift away because I *am* engaged!

    Patterico (a048af)

  123. Pardon me while I chuckle mordantly on being lectured about skepticism and entities being discredited….by someone who believes Donald Trump is honest.




    Bwahahahahahahahahahahah OK more than a chuckle

    Patterico (a048af)

  124. If you act like a clown 99% of the time you forfeit the right to be taken seriously when you try to make a serious point.

    Sorry but that’s how it works

    Patterico (a048af)

  125. Why does everyone ignore the Cyber warfare ongoing? Bin Laden rode under radar for seemingly ever.

    Ben burn (d30fc3)

  126. Trump is very honest in his dishonesty.

    He also decorates his warts instead of excising.

    Ben burn (d30fc3)

  127. In many ways President Trump has been very disruptive.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  128. But I think he’s been remarkably forthright about his aims and aspirations.

    I know most of us who love him were mostly just glad Hillary lost.

    It was a dark night, election night.

    But then like a radiant sun President Trump triumphed and won!

    And America has never been the same.

    This ends the reading.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  129. Not disruptive, revealing.

    We now know 39 percent of voters have fascist proclivities and anti democratic principles. Trump is just a zit amongst dying white cells.

    Ben burn (d30fc3)

  130. Narco: you put stock in Yuge Nitwit? Don’t tell paramours @jom.

    Ben burn (d30fc3)

  131. Putting things into perspective putins successes in he caucasus, are about where Catherine the great has been against the Turks, force projection in central Asia has been meager as well.

    narciso (d1f714)

  132. Oh, and a few confused former slaves.

    Ben burn (d30fc3)

  133. Putin is low on ammo so keyboards make sense. He clobbered Chechnya, the mouse that roared.

    Aim small. Miss small.

    Ben burn (d30fc3)

  134. But he has armies of sociopaths bleating like Breibart in concert with the same disrespect for democracy and people who don’t agree.

    Ben burn (d30fc3)

  135. But don’t make PuTrump bigger than 200 lbs of microbials stuffed in a suit.

    They are only a threat to their bare bones support group.

    Ben burn (d30fc3)

  136. Russia has a base of operations that starts with Cuba, extends to Nicaragua and El Salvador with node in Venezuela and Ecuador, there are Iranian approaches

    narciso (d1f714)

  137. Guatemala and Honduras hold the line in the first, Brazil and Argentina have moved away from the second alliance.

    narciso (d1f714)

  138. Syria has an ice free port Putin needs to keep healthy. He’s a paper tiger. Now China, has quite the truncheon.

    Ben burn (d30fc3)

  139. 106 – “I guess you missed the report about Putin pointing to reporters and asking: “are these the ones who insulted you?” Some evidence that Trump whined to Putin about his treatment by the press.”

    Or that Putin is actually aware of what goes on in the U.S. without having to be informed by Trump.

    So the question remains: does Putin pointing at reporters and asking “are these the ones who insulted you?” make Trump (merely by being present) monstrously disgusting, “repulsive” — and should it “make all aware citizens feel sick to their stomach”?

    harkin (fcaff0)

  140. Since Pootie assassinates reporters during borscht breaks yeah. You should be queasy,but don’t fret. Plenty of sociopaths for company

    Ben burn (d30fc3)

  141. 39% are nativist isolationist just like the ones who delayed relief during the Battle for Britain, and ignored pleas from Europe to help the Jews.

    Theyre5like sleeper cells who never sleep

    Ben burn (d30fc3)

  142. benburnybro / lieawatha / 2020

    mg (31009b)

  143. They discussed three main topics: Syria, North korea nnd computer hacking.

    Trump or Tillerson brought up the hacking, Putin denied it and Trump more or less has let it go – what else can he do? He’s not giving Putin back his two spy locations and there are more sanctions
    now passed by Congress. This is going to have to be combatted with technical means. Meanwhile there
    are more serious immediate dangers from the hacking. And Trump knows Putin wants to spy on him.

    Microsoft wants the NSA to not hoarding vulnerabilities but they don’t want to maintain security updates for Windows XP.

    There’s ceasefire scheduled for southwestern Syria – southwest Syria sounds like the same area that Putin is keeping out anyway of because of Israel. Otherwise a deconfliction zone has been agreed to already and we are heading toward a partition of Syria, should the United States remain interested.

    North Korea – probably no progress.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  144. This is semanticlei, people

    Below is a piece after the Myers spy arrest showing the influence of cuba in north Africa and the middle east

    narciso (d1f714)

  145. 106. Patterico (a048af) — 7/7/2017 @ 12:36 pm

    Some evidence that Trump whined to Putin about his treatment by the press

    He might have. It would be like Trump.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  146. I have said this before. Trump will smile at the Russians, shake their hands, and pat their backs. After the meeting they will discover their watches, rings and wallets are gone!

    Brian Epps (d5cd81)

  147. President Trump has a beautiful smile

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  148. The Cuban program WA what nit only maverick but col day thorseness admiral dentin and Stockdale were subject tie.

    narciso (d1f714)

  149. Marco, your blog is a mess like the message.

    Ben burn (d30fc3)

  150. These are the folks that Mueller relied upon fir vetting:

    narciso (d1f714)

  151. Tom Maguire has been absorbed by the Collective. He resisted like mud versus the flood. If intransigence, willful blindness and rock-headed ignorance are good qualities they get some credit. But now he does their bidding without a backward glance or much focusgoing forward.

    They love Patterico btw. Ask narciso.

    Ben burn (d30fc3)

  152. So sen. Hatch is a puppet for isna.

    mg (31009b)

  153. Mr. Maguire’s one of the few who is willing to do the analysis

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  154. *are*

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  155. So sen. Hatch is a puppet for isna.

    he’s a dickhead sarah palin thinks he’s a rooty-toot-toot but she’s stupid

    and he’s a dickhead

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  156. He’s always been good at straining gnats while gulping down tastier things the size of camels. Good pretzel logician for the Cause.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  157. Plus, I know that den of LIARS! will lurk and report back like good STASI.

    They say they don’t read, but LIARS! can’t really see straight.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  158. politics is so interesting

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  159. Hi swc,

    Thanks for your thoughts on Putin and America. I sumbit that people who support Trump, especially his tendency to be an isolationist, are likely to agree with you that Russia and Putin are not our enemies. They are more likely to view Russia as a rival than an enemy. In that sense, what interests do we have that conflict with Russia’s if we aren’t interested in engaging with the world?

    I find that view attractive since I don’t like to send our treasure and troops around the world. But there are consequences that I also don’t like, such as leaving Assad in power in Syria. We either engage in the world or we dont, but if we don’t then Russia (and China) will try to fill the void we leave. In some places and times, that will make us enemies. Or we can cede control to those other countries and we won’t be enemies at all.

    DRJ (15874d)

  160. Did Ben burn post under another name before today? He seems very familiar, not in content but in tone.

    DRJ (15874d)

  161. New here, but not new. Do you comment on Justoneminute?

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  162. russia’s status as a rival or an enemy depends a lot on who’s in the white house

    when food stamp was in the white house and stinkypig was his secretary of state Russia was treated as a rival

    now that President Trump is in office they’ve been redefined as an enemy

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  163. Subterfuge? Heh.

    There’s a real feeling that that’s subterfuge to get around pre-existing conditions,” says Grassley. “If it is subterfuge and it has the effect of annihilating the pre-existing condition requirement that we have in the existing bill, than obviously I would object to that.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  164. here’s an update on cowardly senile torture victim John McCain’s corrupt influence-peddling foundation

    Upon the institute’s launch, in 2012, Volker explicitly described it as a way to broker influence. “I don’t think very many people have the same kind of access around the world that McCain has,” Volker said. “When you mention his name, you do get top-tier people wanting to be associated and be helpful.”

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  165. and replace him with what, nusra front, ahram al sham, yes the peshmerga sdp hold their own, but the free Syrians, drift toward the former, than the latter,

    narciso (d1f714)

  166. bill’s wife must be sedated not being able to pantsuit around putin.

    mg (31009b)

  167. Science type full of Gubmint grants and other free stuff called Den frequents the Maguire pit. Just thought I’d ask.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  168. I haven’t commented at JustOneMinute that I recall, but I read it when it was linked by the Instapundit. I don’t read Instapundit anymore so it’s been years since I would have read Tom Maguire. What brought you here? You have a distinctive tone.

    DRJ (15874d)

  169. Called Drj…

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  170. I have a post or two about that mishap going back to 2014,

    narciso (d1f714)

  171. What else would find me commenting except the 39%?

    Actually my spouse eggs me on about the Hump.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  172. I’m pretty vehemently anti-Trump, and this strikes me as being a silly thing to complain about. “It’s an honor to meet with [x]” strikes me as being a meaningless diplomatic pleasantry. It’s unfair to criticize the President for that. 🙂

    aphrael (e0cdc9)

  173. Trumpty Dumpty.

    Them eggs, you know?

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  174. @118. There are so many institutional barriers to what you claim Putin wants to accomplish…

    Except they’re not.

    Frm his POV,they’re merely problems to be worked; like sovereignty. And borders. And playing off allies against each other. And undermining western institutions w/fake news and hacking. He has a plan and a goal and getting there won’t be a straight line. But his mischief’s been making a level of progress to make Leonid, Nikita and Josef smile. If you believe the United States is going to ‘save’ Western Europe by supplementing energy resources w/short term LPG deals and such you’re whistling past the graveyard. It defies logic, long term thinking and basic geography. And it’s quixotic for anybody in the West to feign otherwise. You’re one of these people who are going to have to learn the hard way about Russia. You won’t be the first- or last.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  175. Mr. narciso suggested this is semanticleo

    Mr. JD was always really good at this game

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  176. you might want put out rat traps, I’m just saying.

    narciso (d1f714)

  177. The three Stooges had Cutlet and we get Shump.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  178. You go by the Captain at JOM, right?

    DRJ (15874d)

  179. Cutley ffs

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  180. Nope. Ben. But you won’t find my deleted missives.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  181. @176. “It’s an honor to meet with [x]” strikes me as being a meaningless diplomatic pleasantry. It’s unfair to criticize the President for that.

    Except it’s not.

    He does have a knack to cheapen value of the term, ‘honor.’

    “It’s an honor to do your show, Howard.”
    “It’s an honor to be on Fox and Friends.”
    “It’s an honor to use your bathroom.”
    “It’s an honor to be with you, Vlad.”
    “It’s an honor to be my wife.”

    “My name is Pussy Galore.” – Honor Blackman ‘Goldfinger’ 1964

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  182. Why does it matter what general mcgoo said,

    Russia is a rival power, but in and of itself it doesn’t pose the kind of the threat it was in the cold war, now the previous administration drove many powers in north Africa, and the middle east back into it’s soviet ties, al sisi and general haftar, we have begun to restore the damage that the arab spring wrought,

    narciso (d1f714)

  183. That’s interesting, Benjoy burn. I didn’t know there are blogs that give commenters the power to delete comments, except for the ones that gI’ve commenters a limited period of time to edit comments. Did you post there?

    DRJ (15874d)

  184. Sorry, Ben burn, not Benjoy. I wonder why autocorrect has Benjoy in its database?

    DRJ (15874d)

  185. I don’t proofread very well, do I?

    DRJ (15874d)

  186. I view enemies as countries and people that would hurt us if they could, narciso. I think Putin tries to hurt us whenever he can.

    DRJ (15874d)

  187. Yeah, I wonder what droob wrote captcha code to default so moronically.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  188. yes, and we didn’t go to war directly with them, but in rather painful proxy actions in Vietnam, and more limited actions in central America, which the left had a conniption over, in much the same manner they protest over involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan,

    narciso (d1f714)

  189. Drj: Many discussions with Trumpets leaves no clue as to the Zeitgeist, if that’s not too dignified for our Orange Herbert.

    Don’t try. There is no thinking going on. It’s just Schadenfreude

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  190. Here is another view that seems to (**) agree with swc’s view of Russia and Putin.

    ** I’m not trying to speak for swc so it may not be what he thinks, but it is similar.

    DRJ (15874d)

  191. So what brought you here, Ben burn?

    DRJ (15874d)

  192. Tillerson says Trump asked TWICE about Russian hacking…

    He’s counting on them for the 2018 midterms…

    Dave (711345)

  193. under stalin, sergei Kirov was killed and the usual suspects were framed, dissident white Russians were eliminated under kruschev, stashinsky executed bandera, (serge plochky’s book is very good, of course there was markov in London, under Brezhnev, none were reasons to go to war, o

    narciso (d1f714)

  194. I guess you missed the report about Putin pointing to reporters and asking: “are these the ones who insulted you?”

    If I were one of the reporters he pointed at, I’d hire a bodyguard and invest in this Geiger counter app for my iPhone…

    Dave (711345)

  195. just one example, this was one of the instances that occasioned William bullitt’s turn from soviet phile (he had been Wilson’s back channel,) to foe,

    narciso (d1f714)

  196. Narciso keeps mentioning Patterico and quite a number go out of their way to cuddle Putin and bloviate about deep state/Patterico as One. And you?

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  197. Drj you don’t seem interested in specific topics.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  198. Be careful with Ben (burn). He can turn troll if crossed. He also tries to engage from time to time.

    He’s here because a lot of the JOM regulars who can’t stomach Trump have ended up here.

    Appalled (1a17de)

  199. Not so much russophiles(enemy of my enemy-domestic leftists) as they are FRANCOPHILES and I don’t mean the French.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  200. I don’t cotton people talking like I’m not in the room appalled.

    You can address me directly when I’m not taking fire from my flank

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  201. President Trump has many good qualities

    whereas John Podesta brings a lot to the party mostly when you need to soak some corks

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  202. Dilbert: Solving the North Korea Situation. Interesting idea. Ukraine gave up its Soviet nukes under a similar security arrangement with Russia, Germany, Britain and the US. Today’s Syrian gambit may be the precursor to something like this.

    crazy (11d38b)

  203. Ben burn is Semanticleo. People who frequented this blog nearly 10 years ago might remember him.

    Ben, you need to calm down a bit and take a breath between comments. Give other people a chance to talk.

    Patterico (a048af)

  204. No problem. Just wanted to get a few things off my chest.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  205. and there’s georgi markov,

    one might say the closest parallel to Litvinenko and some suggest berezovsky,

    narciso (d1f714)

  206. why can’t we just nuke the norks would that be wrong

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  207. Just scrolled back through the comments and noticed someone saying narciso had Ben pegged as Semanticleo. Pretty sharp of him! That is indeed exactly who it is.

    narciso, despite his screwed up keyboard and odd writing style, is a very intelligent guy, IMO.

    Patterico (a048af)

  208. Did I ever ban you, SemanticBenBurnLeo? I can’t remember.

    Patterico (a048af)

  209. No president has had those balls since Truman, happyfeet.

    mg (31009b)

  210. R.I.P. Joan Lee, wife of Stan Lee. Age 95, following a stroke. They had been married 69 years.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  211. I don’t recall. Funnily semanti*Leo cannot be in any text @JoM it strikes such fear, lol

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  212. crazy, the Dilbert Deal won’t work. North Korea has already solemnly promised to give up its nuclear ambitions twice, and reneged both times. There is no solution that leaves the Kims in power.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  213. All you have to do pretty much is leave my job out of it and don’t be rude to the long-time respected commenters. Otherwise I am pretty flexible, probably too flexible actually.

    Patterico (a048af)

  214. I feel like maybe you were a dick to JD but he isn’t here.

    Patterico (a048af)

  215. I agree, Kevin M. The Ukraine and Libyan deals to give up nukes didn’t hold up either and neither did the British deal to return Hong Kong to China. Nevertheless, if we’re not willing to fight and I don’t think we are Tillerson and Mattis are going to have to craft some kind of mutually beneficial deal.

    crazy (11d38b)

  216. Drj you don’t seem interested in specific topics.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab) — 7/7/2017 @ 4:42 pm

    I’m not sure what you mean. You have an interesting style, so I was curious about you.

    DRJ (15874d)

  217. this is like a cocktail party but where you don’t have to pay for it so you should say things good (no churlish) to where there’s no provocative like in the living room! just like how in your house you don’t let the dogs on the furniture cause it wastes your time and annoys the pig your mileage may vary

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  218. Been dickish plenty but for returning the serve. I leave it to the words and some take exception. Is that an MP or YP?

    Ben burn (d30fc3)

  219. oh dear

    they tried so hard to come up with 3 cute noko chicks

    we should nuke them for otto but maybe get the one cute chick out first

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  220. judging by her hat she must be the omelette chef

    i bet she’s never done one with avocado

    oh the places you will go, sun poopi

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  221. Been dickish plenty but for returning the serve. I leave it to the words and some take exception. Is that an MP or YP?

    That’s almost as cryptic as narciso. I’m going to have to confess that I don’t follow.

    I reviewed some of your old comments here from 2008. They don’t seem crazy over the top — at least that I saw. Anyway welcome back. Please be careful not to put words in my mouth. That is my current pet peeve. I am not saying you have but I am saying I do not want anyone to do that.

    Patterico (a048af)

  222. The navel gazing and word parsing for Trump might be unmatched in human history.

    But not shocking from our lawyerly class who waste gazillions of hours and money using words to obfuscate and mislead and further create “demand” for their “services.”

    Blah (44eaa0)

  223. The most flexible thing in the world is the meaning of a word in the hands of a good lawyer.

    Blah (44eaa0)

  224. MP-My problem- Your problem?

    My meanness is defensive.Is there a problem with prose that’s descriptive and not profane

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  225. dailybeast and the nyt have an abundance of conservatives who live and die on what they make up

    mg (31009b)

  226. OT: Takes a Graduate Degree in the Humanities and Lawyers to make this abomination happen …

    So a women who decides to call herself a man has a baby using a turkey baster and somehow this became “Man has a baby.”

    No joke, a mentally ill Psychologist and equally degenerate Lawyer walked hand in hand to introduce this into society and law.

    No I have to refer to him as mom-dad or something.


    Blah (44eaa0)

  227. #233 Chick is free do whatever she wants but she has no right to make me call her “dude.”

    I got rights too ya know?

    Blah (44eaa0)

  228. That’s almost as cryptic as narciso.

    There seems to be more of this impressionist commentary lately.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  229. Hey Pooterico!! Just stopped in to wish you and your new friend Ben Dana Ward Gilbert Cleo, best wishes in your future endeavors together. Pootie, do you remember what you were like, before you went THE FULL CHARLES JOHNSON?? It was heart warming to see you welcome your new friend, AFTER reviewing his posts, going back 9 years, and the concluding, that Ben Dana Ward Cleo Gilbert, isn’t wasn’t….. “Crazy!! nor “Over the top”.

    Take care Poot. You chose the wrong side and you SOILED yourself.

    GUS (30b6bd)

  230. much as with participant media,funded by Dubai, which gets it money from oil and gas, praising the skydragon, on a show ostensibly about latin music

    narciso (d1f714)

  231. This energy order is good news from the Trump Administration.

    DRJ (15874d)

  232. It primarily matters in the Western states where there are federal lands with oil and gas interests, but it’s good news for O&G interests in those states.

    DRJ (15874d)

  233. (This goes to show how virulently anti-energy the Obama administration was.)

    harvardtrash on-his-knees p.o.s. soros-fellator wasn’t that sophisticated

    he hated the holy hell out of red states is all

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  234. that was really they went after james watt, his poor choice of words were just gravy,

    narciso (d1f714)

  235. More good news from another part of the Trump Administration:

    Trump Administration  has fired more than 500 VA employees since January

    Also, the 9th Circuit told Hawaii that it did not have jurisdiction to decide what the Supreme Court meant by “bona fide relationship” in the travel ban case. I think that’s a big win for Trump.

    DRJ (15874d)

  236. DRJ,

    The other two orders mentioned concerning Alaskan drilling on the North Slope and rescission of numerous Obamacide regs covering the Outer Continental Shelf may prove to have a higher impact than today’s order.

    I’m very curious as to the amount of oil available under the Chukchi Sea and Zinke appears to have a plan which allows the question to be answered.

    Rick Ballard (5397ef)

  237. There are several blue/purple states with significant federal lands, hf. For instance, Texas has virtually no federal lands compared to the Western states. This order only applies to federal lands.

    DRJ (15874d)

  238. You may be right, Rick, but I would be surprised to see any significant increase in Alaska drilling. It’s too expensive to be profitable at current prices, and there are many other more profitable areas for production.

    DRJ (15874d)

  239. ah

    nevada and california wouldn’t know sovereignty if it baked them a lovely marbled lemon tart with sage cornmeal crust

    i still wanna see pyramid lake though

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  240. if you git them robots to drill you don’t have to pay for their sass

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  241. what’s the point exactly of the right working so hard to make “Linda Sarsour” famous

    i couldn’t pick the skank out of a lineup of smurfs

    but again no i do not have cable

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  242. More good legal news, although this involves Texas and not Trump:

    A U.S. Western District judge has tossed out a lawsuit from three University of Texas professors over the campus carry law.

    In a seven-page ruling signed on Thursday, U.S. Judge Lee Yeakel said attorneys for professors Jennifer Lynn Glass, Lisa Moore and Mia Carter failed to present a sound argument that they will be physically harmed under the law. He said their concerns arise from a “subjective belief that a person may be more likely to cause harm to a professor or student as a result of the law and policy.”

    Licensed gun owners have been able to carry in Texas public college classrooms since Fall 2016.

    DRJ (15874d)

  243. This week, Trump’s first-ever meeting with Putin at the G-20 has put me much in mind of a book I read a few years ago, Frederick Kempe’s “Berlin 1961.” As Kempe describes it in an “Author Q&A”:

    Q: Much has been written about the Cold War in general and about this particular time and place. What’s different about this book?

    A: Two aspects are quite different from what has appeared before. First, I pull in all the strands about this historic year that haven’t been in a single book: the Kennedy story, the Khrushchev story, the Ulbricht and Adenauer stories. I also draw upon recently released documents in Russia, Germany, and the U.S. that haven’t yet been put into a single story. I weave these into a narrative that is both human and historic, as has been my instinct to do as a journalist. Second and more important, the book builds the best cases to date that Kennedy acquiesced to the border closure and the building of the Wall. The record shows that in many respects he wrote the script that Khrushchev followed—as long as Khrushchev restricted his actions to Soviet-controlled East Berlin and East Germany, Kennedy would accept his actions. Kennedy falsely believed that if East Germany could end its refugee stampede, Khrushchev might become a more willing negotiator on a set of other issues. It was a tragic misreading of the man and of the situation. Berlin paid for it—as did tens of millions of people.


    Q: What surprised you most as you worked on the book, and what do you think will most surprise readers?

    A: What most surprised me is the body of evidence that Kennedy not only was relieved by the Berlin border closure, but in many respects wrote the script for it. Reading the documents, I was also struck by how refreshingly self-aware Kennedy was about the failure of his first year as president and the danger that Khrushchev would consider him weak….

    Much of the book focuses on the disastrous Vienna Summit. It portrays JFK — who thought himself quite the scholar and historian — as cocky, naive, and unprepared before the summit. But it credits him with recognizing immediately thereafter that he’d screwed up, and that Khrushchev had sized him up (accurately, and consistently with Ike’s worst fears) as a callow youth who could be pushed around.

    If Putin beat up Trump as badly in their meeting today as Khruschev beat up Jack Kennedy, would Trump be self-aware enough to know it? When I heard that the meeting had run very long, much longer than planned by our side, I immediately thought: Trump must be talking about his favorite subject, himself. Yes, the POTUS apparently decided, on his own and against advice, to more than double the length of his voluntary submission to interrogation by a former KGB agent.

    I’ve mentioned here before that through the Longhorn Band at UT-Austin, I share a whole bunch of friends and mutual acquaintances with Secretary of State Tillerson, an LBH percussion section leader who graduated just before I started in the band. I listened to his and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’ audio-only press conference after the meeting, and I found myself considerably reassured: As Tillerson pointed out, although it was Trump’s first time to meet with Putin, Tillerson has met with him — and negotiated with him — many times. With the prior episodes of Trump being a bit too blabby with the Russians (as if he could ever be anything but that, which of course, he can’t), I’m sure that Tillerson was duly sensitized to the dangers of this confrontation. One can only hope that he was able to steer the POTUS away from major blunders, but if he didn’t, we wouldn’t hear about it today.

    But we’ll hear about it tomorrow, as leaked to the WaPo or the NYT, by someone downstream at State or Treasury or even at the WH. Because that’s the reality-show world we live in now — a world that makes the Cold War-era world of 1961 seem so clear and simple by comparison, really.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  244. i always knew where that creepy damn tower was when i was there

    and damn skippy i know the places where snipers might could be between the subway and my office in chicago

    but i remember back at UT me and someone

    we rode the elevator up to the president’s office in the main building

    up up up to the president’s office

    and it’s shockingly small

    the elevator spits you out into the reception area and you’d have just a few steps to walk to that desk, and behind that there was an open door into the president’s office

    very nice carpet though – was it green? can’t remember, but it was very


    we just got a glimpse and said oops wrong floor

    but i bet it’s a bit harder to get up there now

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  245. right, that’s only if you look as berlin in grandular detail as kempe does, (btw president of the atlantic council, which has some bearing on other matters) as opposed to the pattern from playa giron to laos, that was certainly the way james burnham, national review’s strategy editor saw it by the time he wrote suicide of the west

    narciso (d1f714)

  246. and the confidence you have the account in Bezos or carlos slim will be true, as opposed to tillerson is what 50/50 40/60?

    narciso (d1f714)

  247. That’s almost as cryptic as narciso.

    There seems to be more of this impressionist commentary lately.

    Kevin M (752a26) — 7/7/2017 @ 6:08 pm

    I don’t have any difficulty understanding narciso. Ben’s comments remind me a little too much of Happyfeet, especially when they both dominated this thread.

    NJRob (7f4bec)

  248. This is where Trump’s habit of never fulfilling a deal he makes could be a good thing.

    nk (dbc370)

  249. Hey Pooterico!! Just stopped in to wish you and your new friend Ben Dana Ward Gilbert Cleo, best wishes in your future endeavors together. Pootie, do you remember what you were like, before you went THE FULL CHARLES JOHNSON?? It was heart warming to see you welcome your new friend, AFTER reviewing his posts, going back 9 years, and the concluding, that Ben Dana Ward Cleo Gilbert, isn’t wasn’t….. “Crazy!! nor “Over the top”.

    Take care Poot. You chose the wrong side and you SOILED yourself.

    GUS (30b6bd) — 7/7/2017 @ 6:18 pm


    you’re an idiot. That is all.

    NJRob (7f4bec)

  250. what’s the point exactly of the right working so hard to make “Linda Sarsour” famous

    i couldn’t pick the skank out of a lineup of smurfs

    but again no i do not have cable

    happyfeet (28a91b) — 7/7/2017 @ 7:38 pm

    She’s a jihadist that is being pushed by the left as a respectable islamic leader. Make them own her.

    NJRob (7f4bec)

  251. my goodness you have a mean streak

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  252. I think she’s the spitting image of Ted Cruz. Linda Sansour. What do you guys think?

    nk (dbc370)

  253. oh man that’s creepy

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  254. “You’re a vile disgrace to women and all mankind” Love tweeted at Sarsour. Predictably, an army of trolls reported for duty, trying to overpower Love, but she had been through much worse and didn’t budge. “I worked my ass off my entire life to defend women. I didn’t create fake stories and lie about them nor rip people off financially,” she thundered.

    But when Sarsour entered the fray to do what she always does—pass off any criticism of her actions, no matter how grounded in fact, as “veiled anti-Muslim rhetoric” — Love would stand it no more.

    “That’s my point,” she replied to Sarsour. “I never mentioned any religion. you just confirmed to me you’re an anti-semite anti-American fraud. Goodbye. I’m done with u.”

    that strikes me as a fairly definitive assessment

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  255. Seeing as the nazgul has been papering that other blog, with interminably long tracts of nutroots and worse, seeing hieche prenteded to have a son who died in Iraq and how me mucked the deaths of two of ourclose friends, Gus’s reaction is mild by comparison.

    Yes sarsour hams fan girl, thinks jihad is something everyone engages in like pilates or crissfit was the face of the woman’s march, what could go wrong?

    narciso (d1f714)

  256. I listened to his [Tillerson] and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’ audio-only press conference after the meeting, and I found myself considerably reassured…

    Agreeing to not ‘re-litigate’ past differences and to press forward is hardly “reassuring.” It is, in fact, another win for Putin.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  257. Courtney Love? Are you sh!tting us, happyfeet? Courtney Freaking [literally] Love?

    nk (dbc370)

  258. fun fact: she screwed kurt cobain at least the once

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  259. If there were an election for “vile disgrace to women and all mankind”, and Courtney Love declared her candidacy, I would not only vote for her I would also volunteer for, and donate the maximum amount to, her campaign. Courtney Love? To find a viler disgrace to women than Courtney Love, you’d have to go to a maximum security women’s prison.

    nk (dbc370)

  260. Are there maximum security women’s prisons? Somehow, I have the impression that there are none because women’s idea of security is different from men’s.

    nk (dbc370)

  261. The premise related here:

    Yes when the going gets weird, the weird go pro

    narciso (d1f714)

  262. David horowitz is probablynhis successor in outlook:

    narciso (d1f714)

  263. @18 Dave

    You are not Laslo.

    Pinandpuller (97d57c)

  264. Hey Pooterico!! Just stopped in to wish you and your new friend Ben Dana Ward Gilbert Cleo, best wishes in your future endeavors together. Pootie, do you remember what you were like, before you went THE FULL CHARLES JOHNSON?? It was heart warming to see you welcome your new friend, AFTER reviewing his posts, going back 9 years, and the concluding, that Ben Dana Ward Cleo Gilbert, isn’t wasn’t….. “Crazy!! nor “Over the top”.

    I read maybe 8-10 comments from around 2008.

    I do remember thinking the guy had been a dick to JD. But it’s been a while and I don’t remember the details.

    Patterico (a048af)

  265. One of my sister’s friends from college was introduced to heroin while dating C. Love some years before her marriage to Cobain. He actually would call my mom’s house from time to time looking for my sister. The calls stopped and sure enough we learned he OD’d.

    urbanleftbehind (2c7224)

  266. OT but pert to the Longhorns here…is it wrong that UT athlethics pulled this?

    urbanleftbehind (2c7224)

  267. #277 usually good news when that happens. Good for your sister and your family.

    Blah (44eaa0)

  268. 39% are nativist isolationist just like [George Washington] Ben burn (d30fc3) — 7/7/2017 @ 2:14 pm

    Pinandpuller (97d57c)

  269. I don’t have any difficulty understanding narciso.

    That is impressive.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  270. nevada and california wouldn’t know sovereignty if it baked them a lovely marbled lemon tart with sage cornmeal crust

    i still wanna see pyramid lake though

    You never saw it when you were here? It’s right off the 5. Any time you go up north you pass right by it.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  271. i always planned to see it from the nevada side

    i’m not an interstate person

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  272. Oh. Different Pyramid Lake.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  273. Patterico (115b1f)

  274. i was wondering

    the 5 i only took one time past santa barbara and that was for yosemite

    but me and NG used to go to SB at least once a year for to get a break from the office see some clients and do la super rica (thanks mb :))

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  275. @233 Blah

    Babies and mammographers hate hairy nipples.

    Pinandpuller (97d57c)

  276. there was a thrift store down the way from super rica we both got these super neat vintage christmas decorations at

    the wind-up kind with snow globes

    mine must be packed somewheres

    Mr. puller these trannies is bad new pls to sign my petition

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  277. is bad *news* i mean

    not bad new

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  278. I don’t have any difficulty understanding narciso. Ben’s comments remind me a little too much of Happyfeet, especially when they both dominated this thread.
    NJRob (7f4bec) — 7/7/2017 @ 8:08 pm

    It could be happyfeet has a twin who wears an evil goatee and capitalizes.

    Pinandpuller (97d57c)

  279. @264 nk

    Was Ted Cruz a fan of the RHPS? I think head scarves and rouge are a mixed message.

    Pinandpuller (97d57c)

  280. that album cover reminders me of guerrero viejo

    persistent lil church huh

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  281. Is Courtney Love Jewish?

    Pinandpuller (97d57c)

  282. i was wondering that too

    she gets points either way but i’m curious

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  283. @271 nk

    Courtney Love is a triple threat: a disgrace to women, music and acting. I’m guessing she wasn’t really acting in The People vs Larry Flynt.

    Pinandpuller (97d57c)

  284. @288 happyfeet

    Did their new tranny smell wear off?

    Pinandpuller (97d57c)

  285. they just don’t add any value do i have to draw a picture

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  286. @294 happyfeet

    Wish her Merry Christmas and if she spits in your face we won’t be any closer to knowing if she’s Jewish. Especially since it’s July.

    Pinandpuller (97d57c)

  287. right?

    welcome to my nightmare

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  288. did we know leggy meggy’s britain is enduring a bit of a butter shortage?

    nobody tells me anything

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  289. nk and DCSCA:

    For your consideration, I provide the following link to an interesting analysis of Putin from reputable Russian journalists, according to the New Yorker — hardly a WH friendly news site.


    Yet, even given these many constraints, Russia is nevertheless home to a coterie of talented and self-motivated journalists, who produce work that is courageous and illuminating.
    I spoke to more than a half-dozen of them, all of whom found themselves in some way bemused, frustrated, or disappointed in the way that the U.S. press has covered Putin and Russia—especially concerning the question of election interference—over the last months. On the whole, said Mikhail Zygar, a political journalist and the author of “All the Kremlin’s Men,” a well-sourced insider look at the cloistered world of Russian politics, the way the U.S. media has covered the Russia scandal has made “Putin seem to look much smarter than he is, as if he operates from some master plan.” The truth, Zygar told me, “is that there is no plan—it’s chaos.”

    From the beginning, much of the U.S. coverage of Russia’s interference in the 2016 election has focussed on the hacks of the e-mail accounts of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign adviser, John Podesta. There is little concrete information available regarding the world of Russian state hackers, with reporting on the subject somewhere between difficult and impossible. Some of the best reporting appeared in an investigation last winter by Danya Turovsky, a correspondent for Meduza, an online publication that is based in Riga, Latvia, in order to circumvent the pressure and attempts at censorship faced by newsrooms in Moscow…. In his articles, Turovsky identified private companies that had lucrative cybersecurity contracts with Russian intelligence agencies, uncovered Russian military-recruiting videos for would-be hackers, and documented a case of Russian officials testing a DDoS attack.

    When I asked him what he thought of how American journalists have described both the composition and tactics of Russian hacking squads…. It’s one thing to say Russia has both the motive and, with its cyber forces, the technical ability to hack U.S. accounts, Turovsky told me—but, after that, things get very murky. “We can be sure that Russian cyber forces exist, that there are a lot of people involved, that the special services are capable of something like this—but that doesn’t mean we can say with one-hundred-per-cent certainty they are guilty.” It appears that the primary sources for many Washington-based reporters are U.S. intelligence agencies, which unanimously concluded that the effort to disrupt the election was directed by Putin and emanated from Russia. That makes it possible that American journalists know more about the hacking than their Russian colleagues do.

    Still, Turovsky is suspicious of the level of specificity in U.S. reporting on Russian hackers. For example, the way that the terms “Fancy Bear” and “Cozy Bear”—nicknames for hacking units linked to Russian intelligence services…. “As I understand, there aren’t really groups, just a lot of different people who do this work; it’s pure conjecture to think they form into discrete, particular squads that you could call this or that,” Turkovsky said. He told me that, during the course of his reporting, he was struck by how technologically backward much of the Russian state’s security apparatus appeared—a nuance he said that he hasn’t often observed in American press coverage of the situation. Once, a source took Turovsky inside a cybersecurity facility run by the F.S.B., Russia’s main security service and the successor agency to the K.G.B. As he described it, “the F.S.B. officers had to give up their phones upon entering. There were no computers connected to the Internet—just one for each floor. To access it, they have to sign up in advance and get a key that was good for a certain amount of time. They were complaining that it was impossible to investigate anything in such conditions.”

    Even as Turovsky was cautious about some of the more sweeping allegations directed at hackers working for the Russian state, he acknowledged that the chances of the claims being true were just as high as the chances of them being false—that is the hall-of-mirrors reality of reporting on Kremlin plots and intrigue. “Oftentimes, in Russia, what seems totally absurd actually turns out to be the truth,” he said, pointing to the story, reported in detail by my colleague Adrian Chen, of a so-called “troll farm” run out of a nondescript office in St. Petersburg. “Who would have imagined there was a building where people go to work and get paid salaries to sit all day and write online comments in different languages?” Turovsky said.

    I would provide a link, but its been so long since I did one I can’t remember how.

    But the author is Joshua Yaffa.

    shipwreckedcrew (d40275)

  290. Another excerpt from same story:

    A notion I have heard from Russian journalists again and again is that the U.S. media, in its reporting of the possible Russia ties of Trump associates, can veer toward trafficking in the conspiracy theories that define so much of Russian coverage of the United States. Elena Chernenko is head of the foreign desk at Kommersant, a Russian paper that started out as a respectable and independent chronicler of business and politics but is now a rather muted one. Chernenko is among its remaining high-profile reporters, and the paper’s international coverage continues to be strong. She has written on Russian foreign policy and the country’s Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, for the past seven years. Every morning, before she reads the Russian press, she checks the Times and the Washington Post. For years, she said, they represented a “moral compass and a model of what I strived for.” These days, she said, it seemed as if American journalists had lowered their standards when reporting on Russia. “Now, I don’t exclude that this indeed was an operation carried out by the Russian special services,” she told me, referring to the notion of Russian effort to influence the election. But, so far, she hasn’t seen incontrovertible evidence. “The way the American press writes about the topic, it’s like they’ve lost their heads,” she complained.

    That echoes another refrain I heard from several Russian journalists: that Putin, like a naughty kid in school, finds all this attention—even if its uniformly critical— flattering and even rewarding, a salve for years of feeling ignored. Zygar told me that, as far he understands, Putin “likes the image of himself as a kind of Bond villain, that Fareed Zakaria calls him the most powerful man in the world. That’s what he has been aspiring for this whole time, that he is respected, on the top of the world.” When I spoke with Anton Zhelnov, a political reporter at Dozhd, a scrappy and creative independent cable channel, which is in perpetual danger of shutting down, he said that his contacts in the Kremlin can’t help but be pleased by the multiple U.S. investigations into Russian interference, whether by the media or Congress. “Yes, it’s unpleasant, but at the same time they like that Russia is being discussed all the time, that Russia has become a topic in American politics. They like this very much, and don’t try and hide it in private conversations,” Zhelnov said.
    Ultimately, among the Russian journalists I talked to, one of the most consistent reactions is simple exhaustion with the endless amount of Trump-Russia coverage. “I have the sense a lot of these articles are being published without new information, that we are going around in circles,” Turovsky, the Meduza journalist, told me.

    shipwreckedcrew (d40275)

  291. For a guy who is supposed to be Putin’s puppet, Trump sure seems to do things that Putin hates.

    For anyone who supported Obama to suggest it is just projection.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  292. Patrick @ 106:

    I would note that the reporting on Putin’s comment says that it was a comment he made PRIOR to their meeting, during the initial handshake and greeting that was in the presence of reporters.

    So, contrary to your suggestion — which was likely made before it was clear when the comment was made — it was not the product of any “bonding” behind the scenes over “fake news.”

    Frankly, taking a more Machievellian view of Putin’s comment, I might surmise that it was a planned effort by the Russians meant to suggest some level of empathy by Putin towards Trump, done for the purpose of baiting Trump critics who, in advance, spoke out about the horrors that might result if anything other than a fistfight broke out between Trump and Putin.

    shipwreckedcrew (d40275)

  293. I hope that President Trump invites his pal Vlad to the whitehouse for a state dinner. That should send the movie stars into orbit.

    mg (31009b)

  294. Can Trump put a new chief justice in charge? Roberts is just another colossal screw up by booooosh.

    mg (31009b)

  295. Texas deserves better.

    mg (31009b)

  296. Here is a link to the New Yorker article by Joshua Yaffe that was mentioned by shipwreckcrew, above.

    It describes Putin’s leadership as chaotic and egotistical. I’m not sure why you seem to think that description would be difficult for us to believe, swc. It seems to be the norm for modern world leaders.

    DRJ (15874d)

  297. I’m pretty sure the term “cult of personality” originated in the Soviet Union, some time during the post-Stalin renunciations, revisionism and purges. But it’s nothing new. All successful rulers need it. Pick any one. From Peisistratos to Obama.

    In any political system, and just about any gathering of human beings is a political system, the appearance of power is power. (Alinsky did not invent the concept and it was new only to some college sophomores.) It would be a mistake to think of it as “sizzle and not steak”. People follow the man who, in their minds, is the strong man who runs things, gets things done, and would be dangerous to disobey.

    Dictators flourish in chaos, as long as it’s a manageable amount that they can arise above and pursue their agenda while maintaining their own position. If nothing else, it keeps their potential rivals too busy competing with each other for the advancement of their little fiefdoms and the dictator’s favor to consolidate enough power to challenge him. From a positive point of view, it keeps the government from stagnating by weeding out the lackadaisical and incompetent and advancing the energetic and capable.

    And none of these things make the dictatorship any less dangerous to its neighbors. Post-Spartacus Republican Rome was a very chaotic place politically. And nobody suffered more at that time, in the hands of ambitious would-be imperators than Rome’s neighbors near and far, from Pontus to Britain.

    nk (dbc370)

  298. Perhaps but the concept owes itself to the rousseau conception of the general will, typified by napoleon, Hitler and mussolini imbibed some of those vapors. The latter directly since he was a socialist. Ukrainian and balkan politics in the interwar era like the oun and the ustache had similar routes as with peron in south America.

    But the question of hacker syndicates like shaltar boltoi and their relation to the state is a curious one. They employ state resources but their motives are often at odds, its like separating early Al queda and their facilitators in Arabia or nusra front and qatar

    narciso (d1f714)

  299. Trump mounted a wide-ranging and spirited defense of core Western values and achievements. It’s not just that we are rich and powerful. It is also that we cherish such enabling civilizational values as individual liberty, the rule of law, the political equality of women, religious freedom, and a generous and innovative spirit of curiosity and exploration. “If we don’t forget who are,” Trump said. “we just can’t be beaten.” . . .

    These were the sentiments that wretched Lefties like Peter Beinart, writing in The Atlantic, castigated as evidence of “The Racial and Religious Paranoia.” “Donald Trump referred 10 times to ‘the West,’” quoth Beinart, “and five times to ‘our civilization,’” as if that was evidence of some especially twisted perspective.

    It was the same throughout the gigantic and odiferous midden of “progressive” commentary. A writer for Slate screamed about “the white nationalist roots” of the speech, Eugene Robinson emitted his usual incontinent drivel in The Washington Post, sniffing about Trump’s historical ignorance and cultural chauvinism, and a former Obama advisor picked up the baton to warn about Trump’s “Dark Views Of Clash Of Civilizations.”

    What would these pathetic tools have to say about Pericles’s funeral oration, delivered near the beginning of the Peloponnesian War, when the great statesman addressed the people of Athens to commemorate their war dead and remind them of what made their city such a distinctive and admirable place?”

    I’m as honored that The President (first time I’ve called him that) spoke those words as I am relieved it’s not Madame Leader telling Europe to eliminate all borders and seize the wealth.

    harkin (536957)

  300. As for Putin being a “reformed Communist”, he is third-generation Bolshevik and Chekist, for crying out loud. We already know he was was KGB. His grandfather was on the household staffs of both Lenin and Stalin. His father was NKVD under Stalin and survived into the “reformed” KGB. (Although he may have been officially dead around the time of Putin”s birth. He was also a Vladimir, and in that part of the world, children are usually named after their fathers only posthumously.)

    Granted that Soviet biographies are about as reliable as offers of money from Nigerian princes.

    nk (dbc370)

  301. Probably but the animating principle of communism state control. Of resogurces, is nit in his repertoire, this makes him mire like the pinochet that some. Russian liberals clamored for in the Moscow chaos. Much mire a Von paper figure, to use an interwar parallel.

    narciso (d1f714)

  302. The only difference I saw between Soviet Communism and capital “F” Fascism was the existence of a vibrant middle-class, or petite bourgeoisie if you wish, where the bosses labor alongside their workers, even if it is as ten-figure CEOs. (Lenin and Stalin were fully one-man rule Leaders, and everything was within the State.) But where the Communists exterminated the middle class thinking they could have a sustainable economy of workers and commissars, the Fascists saw them as the central pillar of the State.

    nk (dbc370)

  303. Ok, eight-figure CEOs. 😉

    nk (dbc370)

  304. “We already know he was was KGB. ”

    U huh. Now he’s Orthodox. Another populist is born. Didn’t Trump morph into Huey Long?

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  305. What to do when ‘submit button is hidden by text..suggestions?

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  306. History seems to rhyme, to a degree

    narciso (d1f714)

  307. Intellectualizing Trump is to misunderstand his appeal. Don’t think.

    Just emote.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  308. Patterico: you respond to GUS?

    You won’t have issues w/Ben.

    But Gus has more odious consorts, so..

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  309. 322.Intellectualizing Trump is to misunderstand his appeal. Don’t think.

    That is so true. One must save the intellectualizing for such deep thinkers as Hillary or Sanders. Two corrupt charlatans preaching income equality while stealing millions. Now there’s something to intellectualize about. Or how about Agore? He’s an intellectual of the first water. He’s writing a new book “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power” is humanity’s last chance to save the Earth before it ends five years ago. Yeah, let’s intellectualize over politicians.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  310. nk @313 — Flourishing internally through chaos is a very different accomplishment than pushing hegemony beyond your borders.

    The point I made is that Putin’s Russia is really incapable of being an “enemy” of the US in the same manner as the USSR was during the Cold War, which you disagreed with in #99, and then backed up by DCSCA is #109.

    But the article suggests in very strong terms that independent journalists in Russian who have been studying Putin for the 20+ years he’s been in power don’t see any “grand plan” at work.

    Russia is no more capable to reasserting itself across Europe and Asia than France is of regaining control of “IndoChina”. The Russians as a people might want that, as a nation and government they don’t have the ability to do so.

    If, on the other hand, the US was really looking to identify who in the world might be an actual “enemy”, that would be China.

    shipwreckedcrew (d40275)

  311. You sound bitter reverend.

    Did you vote Green?

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  312. nk @314.

    What’s the problem with Nigerian Prince money? I’m expecting a big deposit coming from the State Bank of Lagos on Monday.

    shipwreckedcrew (d40275)

  313. Anyone have an idea why antiabortion has been extended to contraception hate?

    Need for baby-battered cannon fodder for wars of choice. Or a temporary alliance between Papists and protestants?

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  314. Yrs look how the brief incursion in the donbas has taxed them, they’ve been able to do more in Syria marginally using airpower, but durable proxies as in chechnya are hated to cone by.

    narciso (d1f714)

  315. The lack of any screaming headlines this morning having to do with the Trump/Putin meeting is hysterical. The Anti-Trump crowd had worked themselves into a frenzy before the meeting over fear that Trump was going to sign over Manhattan to Putin once he came within reach of Putin’s KBG mind-control tactics.

    But this morning they got nothing to write about.

    What’s a TDS headache feel like — you know, after indulging for hours or days on end, and then having nothing left to keep the buzz going?

    shipwreckedcrew (d40275)

  316. Yes its kind of near beer, mostly complaining about ivanka

    How do think the conversration with volodya actually went

    After some protestations, I imagine from him, trump said there better not be anything like this again, a state connected hack of our infrastructure or even a mole in our intelligence will be considered a severe provocation.

    narciso (d1f714)

  317. Actually Trump has passed Peak Poutrage some time ago. I’m starting to feel sympathy for his family.

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  318. It’s fart-joke fatigue. First you run of gas, then the humorous nature of offending your neighbors goes stale like the odor of antisocial behaviours.

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  319. There is another view, swc. Putin’s Grand Plan:

    Putin’s Kremlin is weaving a web of incongruous but useful strands. Its conservative nationalism is congruent with that of rising European factions on the right. Its anti-Western, especially anti-American, message resonates with the European left. It funds European green groups whose opposition to fracking serves Putin’s agenda of keeping Europe dependent on Russian gas.

    In many worrisome ways, the 1930s are being reprised. In Europe, Russia is playing the role of Germany in fomenting anti-democratic factions. In inward-turning, distracted America, the role of Charles Lindbergh is played by a presidential candidate smitten by Putin and too ignorant to know the pedigree of his slogan “America First.”

    This was written last year when Obama was President. Putin undoubtedly savored Obama’s fecklessness and ignorance about Russian goals. But now even Democrats realize Putin is a master tactician with a global strategy.

    For decades, Russia has felt threatened by the destabilizing forces of democracy and capitalism. Putin knows his best chance to consolidate power at home and in his region is by destabilizing the West (which is why Putin wants to meddle in our elections and institutions). Trump’s recent speech about the importance of the West was aimed at Putin, not Trump’s base, but Trump’s isolationist rhetoric at home suit Putin’s goals to a T.

    DRJ (15874d)

  320. Why are you so insulting, shipwreckedcrew? It’s not helpful to talk this way. Are you emulating Trump or is something wrong?

    DRJ (15874d)

  321. No they don’t teary its just their ox was gored, that’s all.

    narciso (d1f714)

  322. Drj: does the ‘submit button ever get obscured by your text? Thx.

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  323. I appreciate a discussion with someone who disagrees with me. It makes me think and study subjects more seriously than a chorus of approval — something Trump needs to learn. But you are not serious when you act like a Trump cheerleader instead of a thoughtful person. It’s disappointing because I know you can hold your own with anyone.

    DRJ (15874d)

  324. No, Ben burn, I’ve never had that happen. But I have had similar weird things happen. My guess is there is something in your settings, perhaps in the size of your font?

    Does it happen anyplace else? Check out another WordPress blog and see if it happens there. It may be something about WordPress. If not, you may have to reset your computer/tablet settings.

    DRJ (15874d)

  325. That column is nearly incoherent.

    Just so I’m clear — Putin is playing the Russian Nationalism card to curry favor with the European Right Wing against the influx of immigrants from North Africa, and he’s playing the Anti-American card to curry favor with the European left wing because they are Greenies against fracking.

    He’s encouraging refugees from Syria to flood into Italy and other southern European countries, as well as immigration from Africa which has the largest rate of population increases.

    All to destabilize the current European democracies and the EU, in hopes of driving them into the arms of the Kremlin.

    Ok then.

    shipwreckedcrew (d40275)

  326. Drj: apologies for my ‘responses. I thought you were trolling me. Bad habit defensively..

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  327. I point pout kirov, bandera, and markov much more profile network targets, yet the west still worked with the soviet’s, I could also mention krivitsky, his the one that forced chambers out of the cold informed of soviet penetrations in the us got to Perle nothing was dine. Threes the Chapman ring that was perilously close to red queens network that’s in the modern era

    narciso (d1f714)

  328. Luckily we had an inside man in that network that’s what Matthews red sparrow is ostensibly about with some tweaks

    Ben is like one of voldermorts minions dry we thought they were merely fools

    narciso (d1f714)

  329. The point I made is that Putin’s Russia is really incapable of being an “enemy” of the US in the same manner as the USSR was during the Cold War, which you disagreed with in #99, and then backed up by DCSCA is #109.

    I understand, and I would agree if we qualify it with “for the time being”. I am looking ahead to twenty years from now and maybe as little as ten, as Putin makes Russia stronger and the West weaker.

    And I totally agree with you about China. Not only are they a people who really understand the “long game, but they’re not far from breathing down our necks right now. In a sense, they are Russia’s strongest ally both in weakening our economy generally and making us squander more of our GNP on additional military spending.

    nk (dbc370)

  330. By the way, Ben burn, it’s off-topic but I don’t think most pro-life folks hate contraception. I do think some have problems with Plan B. It’s called contraception but it can prevent implantation of a fertilized egg, something its supporters don’t like to talk about.

    DRJ (15874d)

  331. “Ben is like one of voldermorts minions dry we thought they were merely fools”

    Somehow if I could decrypt I feel it would require a linguistic lash.

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  332. Putin will not be there forever, who will be the successor, rogozin, lavrov, teddy bear kiss
    Leak? I would say we need our military at least. Up to world war 2 levels

    narciso (d1f714)

  333. I also agree with nk that China is a greater threat to America, as is North Korea and terrorism. But I like to think the America leaders and military can address both current and emerging threats.

    For this duscussion, my main point is that Russia is a threat and not a friend.

    DRJ (15874d)

  334. There were no denunciations by American Presidents in the meetings between Eisenhower/Khrushchev and Nixon/Brezhnev regarding the crushing of Hungarian freedom fighters and extinguishing the Prague Spring, respectively. Nor were they in Kennedy’s speech in 1963 at American University when he extended an olive branch to Moscow after Russia placed nuclear missiles in Cuba.

    Times – and expectations – have changed.

    Lenny (5ea732)

  335. And it should be dealt with at the peripheries in Cuba in south America, in central Asia, but we are playing pantomime horse

    narciso (d1f714)

  336. OK, Amanda sees boogeymen every every bed, but how likely is it that campaign to bear fruit? More likely than what happened under Obama with the harvesting of fetal parts by PP? The most that will happen is defunding PP and new laws prohibiting harvesting.

    My guess is defunding PP bothers you but what about harvesting?

    DRJ (15874d)

  337. Also, calling them SexPolice trivializes the topic, which I assume is your goal. It’s not helpful if you really want to talk.

    DRJ (15874d)

  338. In that case, I suggest talking with happyfeet. You two have that in common.

    DRJ (15874d)

  339. Wow! You sure ripped through that. I assume you oppose stem cell research?

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  340. An interesting discussion from another blog,aegis destroyers like the ftiz are part ofcthe point defense against ballistic missiles, the crystal may have been merely an accident, but it suggests something of a strategy.

    narciso (d1f714)

  341. That’s correct, plus I don’t think we need it. We’ve had success with adult stem cells.

    DRJ (15874d)

  342. By the way, Ben burn, it’s off-topic but I don’t think most pro-life folks hate contraception. I do think some have problems with Plan B. It’s called contraception but it can prevent implantation of a fertilized egg, something its supporters don’t like to talk about.

    DRJ (15874d) — 7/8/2017 @ 9:08 am

    Well, my view is if the egg is not implanted then it is not life.

    It has no way to become a human being under that scenario. Just a bunch of cells dividing itself but not growing and incapable to defending itself in the state that it is.

    Blah (44eaa0)

  343. Specifically, I oppose fetal stem cell research — something that might help my family because we have a rare genetic disease. I have a horse in this race and still oppose it.

    DRJ (15874d)

  344. Then this discussion will be unproductive.

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  345. Blah,

    And you are entitled to that opinion, of course. I understand your point. Do you understand why some people might dusagree?

    DRJ (15874d)

  346. Amanda Marcotte? Gag me with a spoon.

    My Fair Blogger, by Iowahawk. A parody that describes Marcotte better than a thousand pictures, from the time John Edwards hired her and fired her from his campaign. Mildly NSFW, but I guarantee you’ll find it amusing or double your money back.

    nk (dbc370)

  347. China, NK and Iran are much worse and dangerous than Putin ….

    You know if idiot Clinton had left things along in the Balkans maybe the crazies would not be so embolden … by same token we could say the same as Reagan in Afghanistan.

    No good deed, goes unpunished.

    Blah (44eaa0)

  348. Ben burn

    Sorry to hear that because it can be good to discuss things even if no one changes their mind. Hearing both sides and trying to understand can be beneficial, whether we ultimately disagree. But I accept that you don’t feel that way or maybe that you’ve heard it all before and don’t want to be bothered, so have a nice day.

    DRJ (15874d)

  349. #362, Sure I do but I don’t find any logic in declaring it life until it has a means of growth. And that growth engine is the women (borne women who now call himself a dude).

    Gotta draw a line somewhere. To me that line makes sense in defending life. You can mix sperm and eggs anywhere you want but it does not create life.

    Blah (44eaa0)

  350. Now if you want to discuss the Christian version of SHARIA and the morality brigades fomenting laws to ‘persuade the unwashed masses to accept that narrow viewview

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  351. Glad to discuss.

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  352. An excerpt for people who don’t click links:

    Ladies and gentlemen of Sacred Heart Parish, instead of my normal stump speech this evening I would like to introduce my official blogger Amanda Marcotte, who will be presenting my campaign platform in song.


    I could have f**ed all night!
    I could have f**ked all night!
    And still have f**ked some more.
    I could have spread my thighs
    And done a thousand guys on the church house floor.
    I’ll never end up saddled with a fetus,
    Morning after pills are women’s right.
    So shut your f**king pieholes pious Godbags,
    I could have f**ked,
    f**ked, f**ked all night!

    Edwards in 2008!

    Uh.. er… heh! heh.





    Amanda, may I have a word?

    nk (dbc370)

  353. #366 may I add the pre-conditions to be call life have always been

    1) Can they live/grow in the form they are in at that point in time. A zygote can not.
    2) Can that form they are in result in the ability to reproduce at some later time.

    So, my views are based on a rational approach to defining life even if other may disagree.

    A zygote is potential just like sperm and egg are. Potential.

    You break the seal when the egg is implanted because that thing, unabated is the very definition of life.

    Blah (44eaa0)

  354. As with his previous trip to Israel and Europe, the Poland visit/G-20 Summit was also a great triumph for Trump. Just for a moment contrast Trump’s leadership with the embarrassment Obama made of himself – and still makes of himself – while abroad. Trump leaves the other European leaders looking small (both literally and figuratively) and ineffectual. The riots in Hamburg makes one wonder if Merkel sees the protesters as a useful tool or if law enforcement is simply ineffectual. Neither surmise is particularly flattering to the leader of the greatest power in Europe. The comparison favors Trump in the extreme.

    My favorite moment of the trip is the photo of Putin looking up at Melania and drooling; a close second was sitting Melania next to Putin at the state dinner. Masterful! Whose idea was that? Putin came across as a horny middle schooler.

    Looking back at Trump’s “honor to meet with Putin” comment, it seems more like a set up than anything else. Well played President Trump!

    ThOR (c9324e)

  355. And they can’t stop talking bout Bama.

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  356. One the fact that bezos chief Latin American correspondent is the son in law of a former regime spy chief would be something of note to bezos readers, but its left out of the frame

    narciso (d1f714)

  357. Trump truly is a Freudian snake-pit.

    The sitting position, upper body leaning forward arms resting on upper thighs, getting the Vulva hand-jive message sent to all available fans.

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  358. For eight years I chided Bama for his timidity and and reluctance. Clearly he identified with Jackie Robinson’s philosophy of from and bear it, when he should have channeled Cassius Clays drink some Gin and TEAR IT.

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  359. Blah,

    So, my views are based on a rational approach to defining life even if other may disagree.

    Good for you, but surely you don’t think your views are the only rational ones out there, do you? Unless we outlaw abortion — which I am not suggesting — then the issue will always be “Where do we draw the line?”

    Different people will have different answers to that, and many of those answers will be rational. For instance, it is rational to say that a fertilized egg has more potential for life than an unfertilized egg, and it is potential we are talking about when we discuss the unborn.

    DRJ (15874d)

  360. Robinson’s grin and bear it..

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  361. You really should chat with happyfeet, Ben burn.

    DRJ (15874d)

  362. Except not about Trump.

    DRJ (15874d)

  363. Good to know Thor says it’s OK to talk about smallness in a leader. For instance, Mike K objected when I said Trump is a small man so I’ll refer him to you next time.

    DRJ (15874d)

  364. Actually Trump is tall while hamster hands are small. But there is PR hooker who says even smaller.

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  365. One is reminded of one of my favorite small films, part of what stillmans trilogy that began with metropolitan and ended in with last days of disco. What happenscwhen fake news infuses early 80s Barcelona, when it had shaken off the resraibts of a figure like Franco.

    narciso (d1f714)

  366. “Intellectualizing Trump is to misunderstand his appeal. Don’t think.

    Just emote.”

    – Ben burn

    This is a wonderful comment, though incomplete. Trump operates on an intuition that is undoubtedly both his in-born way of seeing the world and has developed over years of wheeling and dealing. Most of his critics are intellectualizers who have little grasp of intuition and intuitive thinkers. This is why Trump’s critics view him as unmanly – intuition is an essentially female realm. Ego prevents these critics from acknowledging just how effective an intuitive thinker can be in a the world of emotion-driven human interaction which is politics. This is precisely the reason Trump’s critics routinely embarrass themselves and wind up losing to Trump. I don’t think Ben burn is far off the mark, but to attempt to disparage Trump in this way comes across as little more than sour grapes from an individual, like so many others, who can’t see the forest for the trees.

    I see the entire #NeverTrump phenomenon as one in which intellectualizers are struggling with their essentially emotional response to Trump and they are hamstrung by it.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  367. Ben @ 371.

    Dean Obeidallah?? That’s your source???


    You are a joke — eh, joker.

    shipwreckedcrew (d40275)

  368. What I obect to about Plan B isn’t that it exists but that is marketed as an emergency contraceptive and you have to read the fine print to see that it can prevent implantation. Some people won’t care; some will, but let’s be transparent about it.

    Of course, FIGO claims that this is much ado about nothing because two studies say Plan B doesn’t prevent implantation. I don’t know whether or not this is true, but scientists can have an agenda just like politicians.

    DRJ (15874d)

  369. At a dollar, they are still o ervalyed, occasionally they hire good reporters. They don’t stay like lake and rogin but they don’t stay long.

    narciso (d1f714)

  370. They are hamstrung because they can’t comprehend the thousand-yard stare when Trumpettes are bonded to when confronted with his antics. Intuition? Maybe, like OR Barnum public reading for entertainment, but this isn’t a Nielson rating system for Reeves. It’s govern

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  371. Governance. What a mess. Smartphone options?

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  372. That’s good advice, ThOR. Trump is not what anyone would call a thinking man. He’s a very instinctual person.

    DRJ (15874d)

  373. Shipwrecked

    Attack the message rather than the messenger. It might help your ‘argument’

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  374. Ben,

    I have the same problem you reported when posting comments using my cell phone – I can’t get to the submit button.

    I have an LG4

    ThOR (c9324e)

  375. Intuition is not well studied. Should have it in IQ tests but men write them and are uncomfortable with it’s measurement. Women dont.

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  376. Sometimes it’s forward of the text, but sometimes behind.

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  377. This is EXACTLY how I see the situation with regard to Trump, Putin, Russia, and election interference — from Paul Minengoff at Powerline:

    I hope Trump will conclude from this dispute that Putin and his team are liars who can’t be trusted. But who knows?

    We do know that Trump isn’t going to punish Russia for its interference in the election. Reasonable people can disagree as to whether he should, but to say, as Hayes does, that Trump “caved” is unfair.

    Punishing Russia would have major consequences for all aspects of U.S.-Russia relations. It would shape our overall Russia policy and take some options off the table. Trump was under no obligation to make punishing the Russians for doing what Russia (and to some extent the U.S.) does the centerpiece of his Russia policy.

    Russian interference in the election has become the be-all-and-end of the Russia conversation for Democrats, but for the rest of us it’s only one aspect, albeit a serious one, of the U.S.-Russia relationship. In this regard, it’s worth noting how tepid President Obama’s response was, at least until the Democrats lost the election.

    The US engages in pretty much the same kind of foreign intelligence tradecraft as the Russians, anyone who thinks that is not true doesn’t have a clue about the US intelligence apparatus dispersed around the world.

    I laughed at the “report” this week that the US intelligence community is alarmed by the efforts by Russia to get new intelligence operatives into the US disguised as Russian businessmen.

    Really?? Like we don’t do that? Wasn’t that what the exposure of Valerie Plame was all about — having revealed that she was a NOC for the CIA while posing as a business executive abroad?

    I KNOW FOR A FACT that folks in the US Counterintelligence community (whom I speak with daily) were UNHAPPY when Obama kicked out the 35 Russian intelligence operatives as one of his “sanctions” for the election interference.

    As it was put to me “Fuck, we knew who they were, and they didn’t all know that we knew who they were. Knowing someone is a spy makes it much easier to keep track of what they are up to, and respond accordingly with things like planted disinformation to fuck up what they are doing. You kick them out, and the first thing the Russian intelligence service does is analyze how it is we identified their operatives, and then move to correct whatever exposed them. IT MAKES OUR JOBS HARDER.”

    But hey, lets sanction them for interfering in an election where their efforts made no difference in the outcome.

    Maybe Israel should have done that to Obama for overtly backing his opponent in the most recent Israeli elections.

    shipwreckedcrew (d40275)

  378. Heh. Maguire posts just about anything but Trump. At least he’s not obsessed. Lol.

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  379. Of course there is a disconnect between Trump supporters and #NeverTrumpers. Intuitive thinkers will be more sympathetic to Trump and reject what they see as misconceived intellectualizations. I think this is precisely the reason Trump did better with White women in the general election than most were expecting. They could relate to his intuitive world view.

    I think this is part of the reason Scott Adams seems to have Trump’s number. As a cartoonist, he understands the intuitive/emotional side of humans. It’s how he gets people to laugh.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  380. @393

    Yes, that’s my problem. I usually can eventually find the submit button, but I have to search around for it.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  381. Hey Ben — the messenger in your case put together the message, and its built on so many strawmen and outright fabrications that its not worth the effort. Anyone who reads the piece can see its transparent anti-Christian bigotry from a Muslim-American comic who has make it his schtick since he quit practicing law in favor of doing stand-up comedy.

    Using his logic, the Declaration of Independence and Constitution are Christian Sharia Law because both make reference to “God” which at the time of the writing from the perspective of the authors and signatories was the God worshiped by Christians.

    shipwreckedcrew (d40275)

  382. I figgered it was a knee jerk to offensive rhetoric. No need to splain or check out the Christian fascists for yourself. Start with Putin, the reformed lb Russian Orthodoxy.

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  383. There is a longstanding conflict in our culture between those who fancy themselves “thinking men” and those who reject those thinking men. I think it is primarily a class-related conflict, though not entirely. A belief in the primacy of “thinking men” also suggests a resistance to the concept that all men are created equal.

    This is precisely what Ronald Reagan was getting at when he famously said he didn’t like to read. Ditto when William F. Buckly Jr. stated: “I am obliged to confess I should sooner live in a society governed by the first two thousand names in the Boston telephone directory than in a society governed by the two thousand faculty members of Harvard University.”

    ThOR (c9324e)

  384. Thor: where does it go?

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  385. I tend to over think, and action is often preferable. Trump kinda does action, but without considering wrongness. I call it Reckless Disregard.

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  386. SWC, I don’t think *God* or *Providence* or any other Christian identification of deity appears in the Constitution. As usual, I could be wrong.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  387. I just caught pattericos joke.

    ‘Beta’ to Pootins Alpha.

    Butch! Lol.

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  388. Please provide a link showing Reagan didn’t like to read. He was a well-known reader, generally fiction.

    DRJ (15874d)

  389. Butch should be BITCH! unless butch is better, lol.

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  390. Ben:

    I use my finger to move the image around the screen, while at the same time rotating my phone from portrait to landscape mode and back again. There is no logic to what I do – which probably explains some of my comments, too – but eventually I see a corner of the submit button and I push it.

    It is odd how sometimes the button seems to be above the comment, other times below, and, occasionally, to the right of the comment.

    All I can do is encourage you to keep playing with it until you find the button. It is there – somewhere. Good luck.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  391. But he also read non-fiction. Among his favorite books were Witness and the Bible.

    DRJ (15874d)

  392. Thanx Thor. I have tried to move, but sometimes it seems frozen. Keep trying..

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  393. When I say Trump kinda does action I mean he doesn’t personally DO anything. Like Picard he just waves his flabby arm “Make it so!”

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  394. Just in case you don’t click the link …

    It is interesting that for a man not considered an intellectual, two authors were fundamental to influencing Reagan’s most intimate thoughts. Ronald Reagan’s two favorite books–not coincidentally–both happened to have a profound effect on him spiritually. One was a 1903 book titled That Printer of Udell’s, by a minister-novelist named Harold Bell Wright. The other was by Whittaker Chambers, who, in 1952, penned his book, Witness. (Actually, Reagan also cited the Bible as one of his favorite books. He called it “the greatest message ever written.” This was because–at least in part–he believed its words were of “Divine inspiration.” Of this, he “never had any doubt.”2)

    To be sure, Wright and Chambers were not the only intellectual influences on Reagan. He read C.S. Lewis, from whom he even borrowed apologetics. He was especially drawn to conservative intellectuals who converted from atheism/agnosticism to an anti-communist Christianity–figures that remarked upon the relationship (or lack thereof) between God, freedom, and communism. These were thinkers like Malcolm Muggeridge, Wilhelm Roepke, and Frank Meyer. Reagan also devoured the work of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, and he greatly respected the lesser known writings of an attorney named Laurence W. Beilenson. 3 (Beilenson and Reagan carried on a longtime relationship, exchanging ideas in numerous letters.

    “Not being an intellectual” doesn’t mean he was anti-intellectual. The media portrayed Reagan as a dolt, like Trump, but he wasn’t. He just didn’t care that they portrayed him that way.

    DRJ (15874d)

  395. Reagan was a different era where Tip Oneil could joke with another Irishman.

    But I still wanted to shove a cream pie in his face. I always wanted to try Soupy Sales diplomacy. These days a pie is a WM

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  396. Why are you so insulting, shipwreckedcrew? It’s not helpful to talk this way. Are you emulating Trump or is something wrong?

    Emulating Trump or the crowd that follows Trump. They all follow the same ethic these days. Twist your words and insult you. Anything but engage in respectful conversation that acknowledges the other person’s point of view.

    swc didn’t look very hard if he thinks people have nothing negative to say about the Trump-Putin meeting. My favorite is Stephen Hayes: Trump Caves to Putin.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  397. I’m not saying Reagan didn’t like to read. I’m aware that he was a reader. Reagan was the best thing that ever happened to Tom Clancy.

    I’m saying Reagan once made a comment to that effect he didn’t like to read as a political statement.

    I can’t find that comment right now searching the internet, so I may be wrong.

    But I’m not wrong about the WFB comment or what he was telling us.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  398. WMD…

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  399. You are the one claiming Putin isn’t a communist. That makes his statement of support for communist ideas an admission against interest, Hoagie, and credible.

    Putin is absolutely USSR 2.0. Anyone who doesn’t understand this isn’t paying attention. I recommend Garry Kasparov’s book Winter is Coming as remedial education for such folks, who (I confidently predict) have not read it. Tell me I’m wrong.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  400. stephen hayes doesn’t cite any tangible proof Russia did interference on the election

    the whole “Russian interference” thing was something the corrupt failmerican fbi cia nsa sleazy-poofs made up to cover for their *own* fascist and slutty interference on behalf of a diseased ivy league trash stinkypig

    the corrupt comey fbi monkeydunks never even examined the hacked server lol

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  401. stephen hayes doesn’t cite any tangible proof Russia did interference on the election

    Tried to, not did.

    Bury your head in the sand. You’re the guy who thinks Trump is truthful so your opinion is not exactly credible in sensible company.

    Sorry but that’s how it works

    Patterico (115b1f)

  402. Cite one lie told by Trump, happyfeet.

    You won’t because you think he always tells the truth.

    lol lol lol you’re a clown not to be taken seriously lol lol lol

    (I’ll give respect to people who earn it. Not to those who don’t.)

    Sorry but that’s how it works

    Patterico (115b1f)

  403. russian interference ference ference

    daddy gave you clearance earance earance

    now you rollin comey style hackin like a crocodile

    making them republicans win by a country mile

    stinkypig too dangerous tough like titanium

    why she go give vladimir all our uranium

    tricky sly that stinkypig

    Russia really dodged a bullet

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  404. That’s the clown we all know and some of us love.

    Stick to nonsense. It doesn’t become you to take off the clown nose.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  405. if i’m a clown let it be said i’m a clown for freedom

    and raise a glass when you think of me

    and i will do the same

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  406. Royal vs. Navy, but be careful cause Bernie gets what could charitably called marksmen:

    urbanleftbehind (5aa899)

  407. On President Trump’s European vacation, he stood shoulder to shoulder with Polish President Andrzej Duda, while announcing the transfer of Patriot Missiles to this often threatened Russian neighbor state.

    Then he moved on to Hamburg and announce to the world that he intends to flood the European fuel market with American products, thereby undermining Russia’s primary source of foreign exchange.

    But we are supposed to fret about Stephen Hayes’ speculation about what may or may not have been said between the two leaders – a critique that Paul Mirenghoff over at Powerline describes as “unfair” – and that Trump is too cozy with Putin.

    Here, yet again, if one is to look at matters of substance, Trump critics fail to persuade. This doesn’t even count as “intellectualizing.”

    ThOR (c9324e)

  408. Ben and Thor
    I have the same problems with the submit button and with freezing on my tablet. Maybe an Android or Chrome kink. Usually rotating the tablet or tapping the screen outside the text box works.

    kishnevi (10c258)

  409. The Soviet Union/Russians have been interfering with American institutions and governance virtually since the revolution and – I hope – we have been interfering right back. In this, the centennial year of the Russian Revolution, I find it difficult to take seriously all this indigence and pearl clutching.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  410. It might be Chrome but I have an Android system and it doesn’t happen to me.

    DRJ (15874d)

  411. If it doesn’t matter what Trump says privately to the Russians, then why did anyone care when Obama was overheard privately asking Medvedev to tell Putin that he (Obama) would have more flexibility after the 2012 election?

    DRJ (15874d)

  412. ThOR (c9324e) — 7/8/2017 @ 12:10 pm

    True and apt.
    But just as unrealistic is the attitude some seem to have that it is all an MSM hoax.

    kishnevi (10c258)

  413. What’s Kennedy’s game? Trumped by the not so subtle suggestion he retire NOW closely aligned with narrative that Gorsuch is a Trojan Scalia cozying up to Thomas seems to have steered his decision to wait. I hope that’s the case. We’ll see next July.

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  414. “indignance, not “indigence”

    Blessed are the spell checkers, which make me look even less intelligent.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  415. Maybe indignation?

    DRJ (15874d)

  416. Kennedy has been a bulwark against religious influence @ SCOTUS and carbuncle on fascisms ads. I hope he can hang on for two years until these decks are cleared of wharf rats.

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  417. If it doesn’t matter what Trump says privately to the Russians, then why did anyone care when Obama was overheard privately asking Medvedev to tell Putin that he (Obama) would have more flexibility after the 2012 election?

    we can’t say for sure what people discussed privately but we can make some good guesses

    remember they were doing their talks while uglybutt merkel was hanging with a bunch of climate dorks

    so they were probably laughing a lot about how stupid she is

    if you haven’t seen this it’s a fun read about how the climate change hoax is being exposed in a canadian court of all unlikely places

    freedom’s on the march let no one stand athwart it

    not uglybutt merkel

    not this shady stephen hayes character

    not meghan’s loathsomely cowardly daddy

    it’s our time down here but that’s all over the second we ride up Troy’s bucket

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  418. kishnevi,

    The MSM has so undermined its own credibility, they have only themselves to blame for the hoax presumption. If they’d simply play things straight, they could advance the cause of informed consent and liberty. Instead, they have chosen to set aside professionalism and become advocates. It is deeply troubling.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  419. I would enjoy talking with captcha code writers…mebbe not.

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  420. Happy Feet must not live at sea level. Imagine his howls when refugees camp in his driveway.

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  421. Yes, indignation would have been better than indignance and a whole lot better than indigence.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  422. TWO prediction. Watergate took two.

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  423. It won’t be Russia that grinds him.

    Emoluements…Teapot Dome was nothing.

    Ben burn (5dd238)

  424. Indigence is a topic I care about. I drove through LA recently and there were homeless encampments on the overpasses. There is one here in the Bay Area right in front of Stanford Stadium.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  425. But we are supposed to fret about Stephen Hayes’ speculation about what may or may not have been said between the two leaders

    It’s a bit more than speculation. It’s based on Tillerson’s account of the meeting.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  426. Impeachment is the Ghost Dance of 21st century liberals.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  427. Happy Feet must not live at sea level.

    577 feet up, baby. And that’s just the surface of our lake. And any refugees are going to have to come through the South Side. Good luck with that!

    nk (dbc370)

  428. Part of Mirengoff’s “defense” is that, OK, Tillerson made an assertion (that Russia’s and the USA’s objectives in Syria are “exactly the same”) that is (to quote Mirengoff) “absurd” — but hey, don’t worry, because “there’s little reason to think that Trump, or even Tillerson, believes it.”

    I’ll say that again. The argument is: don’t worry about the “absurd” thing our Secretary of State just said. Probably neither he nor the President actually believes it.

    That is his actual argument, which I am not misrepresenting or exaggerating, even slightly.


    I feel reassured now!

    Patterico (115b1f)

  429. i live next to a vast inland sea connected to the St. Lawrence Seaway by a clever series of locks and canals

    but say i lived on the west coast perhaps in a coastal village like los angeles

    in this village there are many passionate adherents to the climate change hoax

    one of them is a shady con artist named Elon Musk

    he says ohnoes the seas are rising this is no good this is no good

    and the propaganda sluts in the village echo his cries

    Rising sea levels could mean twice as much flood risk in Los Angeles and other coastal cities

    then elon the shady con man says hey Los Angeles you know what you should spend billions of borrowed monies on???


    you can’t make this crap up

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  430. ThOR 424 – Bingo.

    Trump: Hey Vlad….can I call you Vlad? It’s Vladdy? Vladdy, it’s an honor to meet you, really, really a great, wonderful honor. You’ve got a nice biz there, a yuuuuuge biz in oil and gas… a shame if anything happened to it.

    The missiles and NATO assurance alone have set the tone…..but the energy play will bring Putin to his knees. So simple, even a cretin can pull it off.

    Lenny (5ea732)

  431. @344. I am looking ahead to twenty years from now and maybe as little as ten, as Putin makes Russia stronger and the West weaker.

    Bingo, bingo, bingo, nk! You win the Oneida cutlery set.

    You’re never going to convince some here to look at the arc of Putin’s tenure thus far in the broader context of Russian history. He’s essentially flotsam from a sunken ship of state, post-Gorby/Yeltsin and has made steady, deadly and relentlessly remarkable progress given the cards dealt him after the CCCP sank — at the expense of missteps and underestimations by western leaders fueled by greed [and corruption] from business interests worldwide.

    And he has taken full advantage of every error to consolidate power and grow.

    Restoring respect and clout for a now regional power to be treated as the once global superpower it was is just masterfully ballsy. It’s the art of the deal; little wonder a former New York City real estate developer admires his chutzpah.

    Putin’s a pooch that only learns by having a newspaper smacked across the snout. Which is why he barks ‘fake news’ at every swipe w/t help of the frigging President of the United States no less– [‘course, Putin is the TO’s banker.] From recent meddling in western elections to stealing Crimea; battling for Ukraine; holding leverage in Syria by chaos; grousing over ‘unfair’ sanctions and even denying the two-stage, liquid fueled rocket lofted by NK was an ICBM, Putin’s peddling of ‘alternate facts'[sound familiar?] in self-interest knows no bounds. And minions- some unwittingly, some deliberately- in the West are doing his bidding by buying into any of it by seeding doubt.

    “I looked and looked and looked but I didn’t see God up there.” – Yuri Gagarin, first man in space, USSR, 4/14/61


    Today’s Beldar The Bitter ‘Watergate, Watergate, Watergate’ Words Of Wonder:

    “That’s why the cover-up, the cover-up thing will be– I wonder, I wonder… I had a strange dream last night. I can’t believe they can tie the thing to me. What’s your feeling?” – President Nixon discussing Watergate cover-up plans and options with John Ehrlichman, secret White House Oval Office tapes July 19, 1972

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  432. As I see OT, the goal is not to have any one power dominate not the Saudis not the Iranians or the russians

    narciso (d1f714)

  433. Patterico @445

    But that’s exactly the reason one needs to look to actions/ accomplishments. Talk is cheap. It is cheap for Trump. It is cheap for all pols. I’m still trying to come to grips with the astonishing dishonesty of the Republican Caucus when it come to Repeal. I see that as a more dishonest betrayal than anything that has come our way from President Trump. It turns my stomach.

    The Missouri state motto perfectly captures my current political orientation: SHOW ME.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  434. I hope you made the water polo team sappy geet. St Lawrence seaway indeed.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  435. There’s also that Reagan stand by, truSt but verify

    narciso (d1f714)

  436. mom says i’m not a strong swimmer

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  437. “And he has taken full advantage of every error to consolidate power and grow.”

    It’s just payback for our Soviet Humps Gorby and Yeltsin the potatohead. I agree a third rate world power is tumescent until you corral the msnpower

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  438. manpower of sociopaths in the former Soviet. A laptop is s minor investment when compared to military upticks.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  439. But that’s exactly the reason one needs to look to actions/ accomplishments. Talk is cheap. It is cheap for Trump. It is cheap for all pols.

    I hear that a lot these days. Ignore what Trump says. Look at what he does.

    The people who say that spend an awful lot of time criticizing what I say. They spend very little time looking at what I actually do (for example, still fighting a lawsuit by Brett Kimberlin). When it comes to me, all of a sudden what is said is very, very important — if it criticized Trump, that is.

    But what Trump says? If it makes him look like an idiot, ignore it.

    Is this consistent? Well, sure! The consistency is: make an argument that supports Trump, always.

    It’s not consistent on any other level. But it’s consistent on that one.

    If you’re going to excuse every stupid statement that Trump says on the grounds that what a person says doesn’t matter, kindly never criticize any of my statements again.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  440. If you’re going to excuse every stupid statement that Trump says on the grounds that what a person says doesn’t matter

    you can count me out of this group that’s for sure

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  441. “Look at what he does.”

    I get glazed looks when I suggest behaviors are key to truthful words.
    That was one of my biggest boils on Obama.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  442. NK: As you know my visits to JOM were minimal during the campaign. Will you give notes on the zeitgeist?

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  443. Chris Cillizza at CNN tweeted:


    in reference to the handshake snub nothing burger.

    This was the most succinct of the TDS utterances by bloggers and “journalists” over things which didnt happen regarding his trip this week.

    harkin (7833f6)

  444. So lopez’s release, is akin to what happened with Walesa and gavel and perhaps urban, I have to check on that. What happened in Russia, is very few real dissidents ended up on power, only Yeltsin a reformed muzik.

    narciso (d1f714)

  445. Christie will host the 2 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. show along with Evan Roberts, a WFAN host. He isn’t the only one slotted to audition next week. Mike Valenti from WXYT-FM 97.1 in Detroit, former National Football League quarterback Chris Simms, SNY’s Brian Custer and NFL Network and WFAN contributor Kim Jones will also audition next week, the station said. Roberts and his midmorning co-host, Joe Benigno, are also scheduled to audition in the afternoon slot, the station said.
    Mark Chernoff, the station’s program director and vice president of its parent company, CBS Radio New York, previously told The Record he would consider the governor, whose term ends in January 2018.” Beached Narwal seeks position

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  446. i heard President Trump saw to it that the uppity antifa trigglypuff first poland lady only got one scoop of ice creams at dinner that night

    i wish there was a picture of her stupid face when she was served lol

    she was probably like hey no fair

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  447. SoS Tillerson’s credibility on all things Russia is ‘slim.’

    Göring awarded Lindbergh the Commander Cross of the Order of the German Eagle.
    Putin awarded Tillerson the Russian Order of Friendship.

    Political wings compromised and clipped.

    “Well, I guess I might as well go.” – Chas. Lindbergh, departing Roosevelt Field, NY, for Paris, 5/20/27

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  448. Ironic you mention Lech Walesa narco, but the irony escapes your ilk. Too many nostalgic nazis known as Polacks.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  449. Tillerson has been an asset however mitigated by the POTUS git.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  450. I’m usually a fan of Hayes, but his reaction to Tillerson’s comments is hysterical, and not in the “ha-ha-that’s-funny” sense.

    Hayes makes the mistake of taking bland statements made after a meeting at absolute face value. He surely should know better than that, and I suspect, actually, that he does. Key hysteria:

    Tillerson reported that after the two men had a “robust and lengthy exchange on the subject,” Putin “denied such involvement, as I think he has in the past.” Putin’s denials are false, of course, and the offenses are grave. Russia’s election meddling is part of a longer pattern of provocation largely ignored by the Obama administration and now tolerated by Trump. But the president apparently didn’t want to let reality intrude on his desire for better relations (he began his meeting by telling Putin that he was “honored” to meet him) and Tillerson didn’t seem to care. “So, more work to be done on that regard,” Tillerson said, dismissively.

    Set aside as yet unproven allegations of Trump-Russia collusion. The available facts are deeply troubling. Russia waged a persistent, hostile campaign against the United States in an effort to affect the outcome of the election – or at least influence perceptions of it. And the current administration doesn’t seem to care.

    Hayes has fallen for the part of the Leftie narrative on this — a narrative that is indeed crafted and intended to be anti-Trump (as it would be anti-Bush if Dubya were still in office, or anti-Rubio if it were Rubio instead of Trump) because they’re Lefties.

    The Russians have been trying to affect — specifically, to selectively promote or disrupt — foreign governments as long as there has been a “Russia,” certainly going back to the Czars. There’s no reason to be more “deeply troubled” by what they did in 2016 than by what they did in 2012 or 2008 or 2004 or 2000 or … all the way back to at least 1781, when fourteen-year-old John Quincy Adams went to the courts of the Czars as translator and aide to Ambassador Francis Dana. You think the Czars agents were unaware of who his father was, or the role he’d played in the Revolution, or the role he was likely to play in the nascent nation’s future? You think the Czar declined to play the Great Game with this young POTUS-to-be?

    Russia is a real enemy. They’d do more if they could; they do all they can; this go-around they lucked into the proverbial birds-nest on the ground when they got into the DNC’s servers and Podesta’s emails. Yeah, there’s probably some tiny group of marginal voters for whom the revelations from those leaks was the “last straw” that kept them home instead of voting for Hillary, but was that a greater or lesser number of voters than those deterred by rainy skies or the latest Seinfeld re-runs? We’ll never know, but I doubt it.

    Presumably Hayes would have the SecState make a ringing denunciation of the threat from the Russian Bear in the presser after Trump’s first meeting. That would surely make Tillerson a very different sort of SecState than any going back to Jefferson.

    When I described myself as comforted by Tillerson’s comments, that described a subjective reaction on my part, a mitigation in part (only in part) of my severe concern that Trump, on his own, is utterly outmatched by Putin or any other rival world leader who’s capable of coherent thought and planning on anything besides his own personal popularity as reflected in tomorrow’s cable TV news shows. My comfort is based on my hope, my presumption (which I think is a reasonable one), that the private counsel Tillerson gave Trump before the meeting, the assistance he rendered during it, and the private counsel Tillerson gave Trump after the meeting, is very different from the deliberately bland diplo-speak Tillerson delivered in public after the meeting.

    This distinction appears to have utterly eluded Hayes, even as a possibility, and he’s usually much sharper than that.

    Hayes is probably right that Trump doesn’t much care about Russian attempts to interfere in U.S. elections, no more than Trump much cares about SCOTUS picks or the Second Amendment or any of a thousand other policy issues. Trump cares about Trump, and about those issues only if and to the extent that any of them impinge upon his ego and brand. But that was equally true before and after the Putin meeting.

    Hayes doesn’t know, I don’t know, and no one reading this blog knows what was actually said in the meeting, or how it was perceived by Putin. As I wrote in my original comment (#254) about the meeting, I am indeed very worried by how badly Trump is likely to be outclassed and outfoxed by an adversary like Putin in a one-on-one meeting like this. I will not be surprised if it turns out that the meeting was as disastrous as Kennedy’s 1961 summit with Khrushchev, which brought the world to the brink of thermonuclear war a year later in Cuba. But I don’t yet have a basis to confirm that my fears are justified, nor a basis to confirm that they weren’t — except that Tillerson’s performance after the meeting was the kind of general diplo-speak that I would likewise have expected from SecStates for Bush-43 or -41, or from Reagan, or from Eisenhower. Tillerson does indeed have a long track record of successful dealings with Putin and Russia, and at least from public appearances he is not panicked. So I choose to find that reassuring, despite all the known unknowns (and, of course, the unknown unknowns).

    Beldar (fa637a)

  451. What happened to your light, gregarious dodge sappy geet?

    Tired of iron fisting with velvet gloves?

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  452. i don’t even understand are you doing a criticize on me?

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  453. Reasonable assessment. Is Tillerson going to endure his ankle biters?

    “My comfort is based on my hope, my presumption (which I think is a reasonable one), that the private counsel Tillerson gave Trump before the meeting, the assistance he rendered

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  454. Not critical..effusive in praise for your jolly nature seemed worthy of compliment.

    Keep being Happy.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  455. Yes the okrana ha an overseas branch, the rabkin agentura , I heard about them from Tim powers declare, and there were likely precursors with the third section and the strelsy in the time of peter the great.

    narciso (d1f714)

  456. oh thank you that brightens my day

    which has not been one of high accomplishment so far

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  457. If I were to rank threats to America right now on a 1 to 10 scale — with 10 being “we must launch the nukes right now!” — Russian threats to the integrity of our elections and political processes is somewhere well below five. The Norks and the Iranians and their respective nukes are up above eight.

    The Dems want to paint the gravity of the threat from the Russians as being a nine. Hayes seems to have bought into that. And that’s what I’m describing as “hysteria.”

    Beldar (fa637a)

  458. You are welcome sappy geet.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  459. If I were to rank threats to America right now on a 1 to 10 scale — with 10 being “we must launch the nukes right now!” — Russian threats to the integrity of our elections and political processes is somewhere well below five. The Norks and the Iranians and their respective nukes are up above eight.

    The Dems want to paint the gravity of the threat from the Russians as being a nine. Hayes seems to have bought into that. And that’s what I’m describing as “hysteria.”

    I agree with a lot of this. I’m not a fan of our meddling in Syria, and while I think the Russians should be slapped down for what they tried, it’s not a huge deal to me.

    Here’s what is a big deal to me: Trump gladhanding like a fool with a murderer and terrorist, and constantly minimizing and even defending Putin’s thuggery. I much prefer Reagan’s guarded approach to ruthless dictators to Trump’s role as simpleton and dupe.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  460. Put simply, Graves proposes treating families who rely on food stamps like convicted felons on probation.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  461. Presumably Hayes wanted Tillerson to sound like this after the Putin-Trump meeting:

    Hull accuses Japanese of outright lies
    WASHINGTON, Dec. 7, 1941 (UPI) –

    Secretary of State Cordell Hull tonight angrily told Saburo Kurusu and Kichsaburo Nomura, Japanese negotiators, that their government’s answer to his memorandum was “crowded with infamous falsehoods and distortions.” Hull’s statement was read directly to Kurusu and Nomura after he read Japan’s document handed to him at 2:20 p.m. EST. The state department thus far had not published the document. However, a departmental statement described the scene as follows: “Hull carefully read the statement presented by the Japanese ambassador and with the greatest indignation said, “I must say that in all my conversations with you during the last nine months I never uttered one work of untruth. This is borne out absolutely by the record. In all my 50 years of public service I have never seen a document that was more crowded with infamous falsehoods and distortions — on a scale so huge that I never imagined until today that any government on this planet was capable of uttering them.”

    I don’t think we’re quite at that point yet with the Russians on this hacking stuff. Until we are, I expect diplo-speak in public from the SecState, exactly the kind that Tillerson delivered in yesterday’s presser.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  462. (Sorry, blew that link in #479.)

    Beldar (fa637a)

  463. I agree the NorKs are greater threat from an immediate danger, but cybercrooks lead the long range.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  464. As I wrote in my original comment (#254) about the meeting, I am indeed very worried by how badly Trump is likely to be outclassed and outfoxed by an adversary like Putin in a one-on-one meeting like this. I will not be surprised if it turns out that the meeting was as disastrous as Kennedy’s 1961 summit with Khrushchev, which brought the world to the brink of thermonuclear war a year later in Cuba. But I don’t yet have a basis to confirm that my fears are justified

    See, but you do, because you know of Trump’s character as a dupe and idiot, and Putin’s as a wily ex-KGB guy.

    It’s like when people constantly tell me I have no basis to think this bad thing or that bad thing about Trump. Of course I do. I’ve been learning about his character and dunce-like demeanor for quite some time now — and that is always relevant to how I evaluate him. It’s not “bias” when I judge that he will act like a dupe based on his past behavior. It’s analysis based on observation.

    Anyway I have a post coming on the Hayes piece in about 40 minutes. It’s already up at RedState; I am just giving them their usual hour-long head start. Maybe we should save the more in-depth discussion of his piece for that thread.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  465. Jeez, still crapping about Japanese denial, no worse than Iraq debacle denial. Let them enjoy their delusion as we extricate our own.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  466. I stick around here because I care about you. There are many things I like and respect about you, personally and professionally, and there are many issues we have agreed on over the years. I stick around because I think your approach to Trump is wrong and I’m hoping you come around – I am working to that end.

    Please notice that I am not saying you are wrong about Trump. Sometimes I think you are wrong about Trump, while other times you are clearly right. My intention is not to change those views so much as it is to change how you frame those views. At the heart of my critique is the belief that we should judge our fellows not by their words or “intentions”, but by their actions and results. My comments are usually intended to argue for this critique.

    Despite the many things I have praised about Trump, there are things about our President I detest. I so dislike his personae that I won’t watch videos of him or listen to audio recordings. What I know of his speeches and comments come for transcriptions. I completely understand your visceral reaction to Trump – I make an effort control my own, with vary degrees of success. Every time our President pushes one of my hot buttons, I say to myself “This is the man who gave us Neil Gorsuch.” It helps.

    Nothing I will ever say or do will have any effect on Donald Trump. You are different. You are thoughtful and introspective. My arguments have a chance with you, so I’ll keep making them.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  467. Beldar is channeling Roosevelt and Carter for his historic context.

    I guess we’re back to labels and identity politics.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  468. Matthew Dowd, ABC Democratic Party sycophant who calls Trump supporters cultists, says current violence is coming equally from left and right:

    “Matthew Dowd @matthewjdowd

    Replying to @rvail136 and @sean_spicier
    You can’t be serious? Look at all the violence from right win crazies. Timothy McVeigh for example.”

    The reply?

    Sean Spicier @sean_spicier

    Look at all the right wing violence, from 22 years ago “

    harkin (7833f6)

  469. Reagan feLt with Marcos until it wasn’t sustainable he dealt with south Africa for strategic reasons, the concerns that there might have had someone like,Zuma waiting in the wings, same with the Argentine junta, until the Falklands because there was a degree of realism typified by jeans Kirkpatrick, I guess general Flynn would be the comparable model.the ouster of the Shah and Somoza was bitter medicine that brought perspective.

    narciso (3f54f3)

  470. But ThOR, we’re not talking about whether we are going to convince Trump of anything. We’re talking about whether it’s legitimate to criticize his spoken statements. And I have to say, I sense a very distinct double standard being applied by many here on that front, who are perfectly willing to criticize my words while telling me that Trump’s words are meaningless. I don’t think this double standard is remotely defensible — and while I continue to appreciate your kind words, I don’t think you have confronted that issue head-on in your comment.

    At the heart of my critique is the belief that we should judge our fellows not by their words or “intentions”, but by their actions and results.

    Then don’t judge me by my words. Don’t apply a double standard — one for me and one for Trump.

    If it’s all about whether you have a chance to influence how someone expresses himself, then when Trump says something stupid and I criticize him for it you would say: “I agree that is stupid but our saying so is unlikely to have any effect.” Of course, our saying that an action of his (as opposed to wods) is wrong is also unlikely to have an effect — so we should just abandon all criticism of him.

    It’s a double standard. When it’s Trump, you apply the principle of “look at actions not words.” When it’s me, you apply the principle of “I’ll try to change how he frames his views.” If the distinction between me and Trump is that I will listen to you and he won’t, then you’re saying there is no reason to criticize his words or actions because our criticism will have no effect in either case.

    I like you, but you’re rationalizing a point of view that allows you to criticize my words while deeming his words off limits for criticism. It’s a blatant double standard.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  471. Thor: I too had misgivings about Trump during campaign, but still entertained HOPE. Now, six months in though I didn’t vote for him, I see he has nothing except intimidation and bluster. He can’t change those spits. I reserve my rancor for people who should know better. He’s a spiritual cripple without benefit and he quashed the working class HOPE.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  472. So the question remains: does Putin pointing at reporters and asking “are these the ones who insulted you?” make Trump (merely by being present) monstrously disgusting, “repulsive” — and should it “make all aware citizens feel sick to their stomach”?


    No, not “merely by being present.”

    But if — I say if! — it was the product of Trump whining to Putin, then the action of Trump, and the idea that he would do it, could be accurately described with those adjectives. (The careful reader — which, here, is not you — will note that I used those adjectives to describe the concept that Trump would engage in such an action. I did not use those adjectives in my post to describe Trump.)

    So “the question” is actually a different one from the one you asked. The question is this: we are presented with the case of a small, petty man who daily reveals his obsession with the fixation that he is being mistreated by the news media. Did he manage to get through a two-hour-plus meeting with his man-crush Vladimir without whining about said media obsession? And then did Putin bring it up out of nowhere in front of the media, based solely on news reports?

    Given the sparse personnel present at the meeting, we will probably never know the answer for sure. I’d bet my house that Trump brought it up. Your mileage probably varies — and if so, we’ll have to leave our disagreement there, because there ain’t no resolving it.

    Patterico (a048af)

  473. double standard oh my goodness

    you’re doing a tendentious framing Mr. Patterico and i will tell you why

    When it’s Trump, you apply the principle of “look at actions not words.” When it’s me, you apply the principle of “I’ll try to change how he frames his views.”

    When President Trump says stuff you know what I hear?

    I hear a heaven-sent miracle and a blessing!

    There was no rational basis for to ever believe President Trump would be our president today.

    But God smiled on us, and defeated the baleful stinkypig bent on finishing Barack Obama’s evil and hellish scheme designed to thrust our poor little country into a hopelessly abject state of immiseration and hopelessness.

    Four years.

    This is what we know we have. Four years of a well-intentioned good man what is striving to lift America up up up.

    Four years go fast – let’s make the most of them. Treasure them. Savor them.

    This is a reprieve we’ve received by Grace alone – and we should never forget that.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  474. Like that of Mubarak and gadaffi, the last was a lesson to those who would cooperate with is. A generation ago the Algerian junta so thoroughly routed the base of the his they could lecture bashir hypocritivally with it, telling him to show leniency if not mercy.

    narciso (f43143)

  475. We need a different color for happyfeet’s comments.

    DRJ (15874d)

  476. “The question is this: we are presented with the case of a small, petty man who daily reveals his obsession with the fixation that he is being mistreated by the news media. ”
    Ann’s he seems to suggest the same remedy as Pytin….assassination.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  477. Yes, you are right about the double standard. I have one.

    I judge the plumber by his success or failure at clearing the lateral.

    I judge the President and most politicians by this same standard.

    I judge you by a different, higher standard – though I don’t doubt, given a power snake, you’d do quick work with the drain.

    If I didn’t have this double standard, I’d be reading the plumber’s blog, not yours.

    That I hold you to a higher standard is a badge of honor, not disrespect.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  478. “But God smiled on us, ” Is happy feet happy because Jesus washed them? I suspect more unchristian-like attitudes will be forthcoming not intending to bring reproach on the Son of God. Nevertheless, Pharisees gotta Pharisee.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)



    How am I doing happy feet?

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  480. you got the spirit of it i daresay

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  481. Yes, you are right about the double standard. I have one.

    I judge the plumber by his success or failure at clearing the lateral.

    I judge the President and most politicians by this same standard.

    I judge you by a different, higher standard – though I don’t doubt, given a power snake, you’d do quick work with the drain.

    If I didn’t have this double standard, I’d be reading the plumber’s blog, not yours.

    That I hold you to a higher standard is a badge of honor, not disrespect.

    It’s not a higher standard. It’s a double standard.

    For Trump, you say:

    At the heart of my critique is the belief that we should judge our fellows not by their words or “intentions”, but by their actions and results.

    You say “our fellows” and not “people I respect less.” It sounds so lofty.

    But you won’t apply that lofty standard to me.

    It is a double standard.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  482. I think you mean NAILED IT!!!

    Pharisees rule (for a short time)

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  483. you got the ball picklehead now you have to run with it

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  484. If you respect Patterico then you should be glad he gives you his honest opinions, ThOR. It’s easy to respect someone you agree with. Respect also means trying to understand and accept other opinions even if you don’t agree with them.

    DRJ (15874d)

  485. BTW my carpenter knows a lot about philosophy and I’ve learned a lot from him. I think you are being kind of elitist, ThOR.

    DRJ (15874d)

  486. I certainly have your persona cubby holed for future reference, hypocrite.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  487. I hope you are good at returning serves as I’m ranked in single digits.

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  488. TRUMP: Sir, about all that help you gave me in the last election…

    PUTIN: We didn’t do it.

    TRUMP: That’s what I thought.

    PUTIN: (struggling to keep a straight face) You have my word of honor as a former officer of KGB.

    Dave (711345)

  489. I posted this morning that Putin’s comment you are referring to was made prior to the private meeting, during the trip and grin for the cameras. So Putin’s comment was not the result of anything said by Trump in the meeting. I posited the theory above that it was a preconceived and planned comment by Putin to bait the anti-Trump press into a reaction – which given their Pavlovian conditioning the gladly provided in spades.

    Shipwreckedcrew (b2849d)

  490. My earlier comment is #304.

    Shipwreckedcrew (b2849d)

  491. We’re talking about whether it’s legitimate to criticize his spoken statements. And I have to say, I sense a very distinct double standard being applied by many here on that front, who are perfectly willing to criticize my words while telling me that Trump’s words are meaningless.

    One has to wonder why the default position some people take is to claim Trump’s words are meaningless, or you need to take them figuratively, not literally, or, don’t listen to what he says, watch what he does. Why is there a special formula for this president, unlike his predecessor, whom we all readily took to task when he stepped in it and on it? Why does this president deserve special care when he speaks? Why can he not be judged on what he says using the same standards we used on Obama? Is he really that precious?

    It is quite possible to criticize, even harshly, this president while still not hating him nor wishing him to fail. The reflexive action I see, and almost Pavlovian, is when any criticism or critique of the president is immediately condemned, rationed away, or worse, it becomes personal as the one offering an honest criticism is attacked.

    Dana (023079)

  492. Thanks, I did not see that. Do you have a link to that effect?

    Patterico (a048af)

  493. Not a link showing that it was made in the presence of reporters (which I know) but that it occurred before the meeting.

    Patterico (a048af)

  494. #377

    Uh, no.

    As I said life is defined by two things of which neither sperm, nor egg, nor zygote qualify.

    so your slippery slope reasoning is frankly stupid because it could be used it to justify killing 5 year olds.

    So back to the drawing board for you since a neither a 5 year old, nor an 80 year old nor a 3 month old in uterus is anything else but ALIVE.

    The rest is excuse based on feelings.

    Blah (44eaa0)

  495. #489

    Patterico, I know what actions I judge Trump by. I can see and read that. I also actually try and understand what Orange Man is saying and drawing conclusions based on that … much like Obola also.

    Pray tell what actions of yours are we to do same with?

    I only know you by that which u write, that is it, and to many of us you do have a double standard as it relates to Orange Man.

    Blah (44eaa0)

  496. Pray tell what actions of yours are we to do same with?

    I have suggested that my response to a particular lawsuit matters.

    I only know you by that which u write, that is it, and to many of us you do have a double standard as it relates to Orange Man.

    Bullshit. There is no double standard and you can’t begin to articulate one.

    Patterico (a048af)

  497. Which play was it?

    narciso (d1f714)

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