Patterico's Pontifications


Gov. Christie: Life Isn’t Fair, Suck It Up… Or Become Governor

Filed under: General — Dana @ 7:55 am

[guest post by Dana]

Bad news, on several levels, for New Jersey residents, but particularly those hoping to beat the heat at Island Beach State Park this holiday weekend. Due to a state budget dispute, Gov. Chris Christie ordered non-essential state services closed:

The shutdown forced the closure of tourist attractions and furloughed an estimated 30,000 to 35,000 state workers. All 40 state parks, recreational areas, historic sites, state beaches and Liberty State Park were closed just as the July Fourth holiday weekend got underway. Campers who stayed in parks Friday night were asked to leave Saturday morning, Christie said.

But in spite of the closure, which caused a Cub Scout troop to have to pack up and leave a state park campsite, one family was able to have the entire beach to themselves to enjoy: Gov. Christie and his family. It turns out the governor’s summer house is at Island Beach State Park. Gov. Christie tried to brush off questions about the fairness of it, admitting that he “wasn’t sure if it was fair,” but that “the beach house is separate from the park and that his family does not ask for any state services.”

When pressed again by reporters about the issue of fairness, Gov. Christie replied sarcastically:

“That’s the way it goes. Run for governor, and you can have a residence there.”

Assuredly, this will not help boost the governor’s popularity, which according to a recent Qunnipiac poll, finds him with a 15 percent approval rating as he begins his final six months in office.

(Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back.)


87 Responses to “Gov. Christie: Life Isn’t Fair, Suck It Up… Or Become Governor”

  1. Good morning.

    Dana (023079)

  2. Gov. Krispy Kreme.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  3. Stay put did have that fascination with shoe laether

    narciso (d1f714)

  4. Hey, that’s just Chris being Chris. Lighten up.

    Bang Gunley (5a4596)

  5. #phatfook #fatfailure #TubbyTwoface

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  6. Christie has to have pulled one of the dumbest political gaffs in history. Not since Ted Kennedy staggered away from a drowning Mary Jo Kopeckne has a politician shown such disregard for the taxpayer. Who does he think he is, a Democrat or something?

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  7. 158 in the What’s Gets Lost Trump tweet thread:

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca) — 7/2/2017 @ 6:04 pm

    Now here’s a real screw-up. Gov. Christie just got caught lounging on the beach

    The same beach, or one of them?

    when he closed them to taxpayers. They have the pictures. I guess he’s not smart enough to realize reporters nowadays have drones to watch him as he sun bathes. Plus, when asked if he “Got some sun today” he responded “No”.

    It seems like the lifeguards or the police or whatever are not being oppaid for, but whatever he needs is.

    This guy deserves to loose.

    He’s term limited and this is the last year of his second term.

    He didn’t even really want to be still Governor this year. He wanted to be president, or vice president, or Attorney General or something.

    He’s acting like a Democrat, the rules don’t apply.

    The rules are probably being applied correctly – it’s just that they allow him to do this. He’s acting like a New York or New Jersey politician.

    Sammy Finkelman (ba7dc3)

  8. Perhaps he should have put himself on furlough….

    kishnevi (ca2172)

  9. I kid our duma but ocasdionally it does the right thing:

    narciso (d1f714)

  10. “the beach house is separate from the park and that his family does not ask for any state services.”

    There it is. No connection with the shutdown.

    Maybe he could have let the Cub Scout troop stay where it was, at their own risk, but maybe there was an issue with insurance, or some state law that required some people to be on duty.

    Sammy Finkelman (ba7dc3)

  11. I think the truth is that Christie has reached the end of the line in Jersey politics, any future he has is in Washington, and he could care less about the optics of what he and his family are doing.

    But more likely, with his baggage, is that he’ll simply head out into private practice at the end of his term, and leave politics behind.

    shipwreckedcrew (168f33)

  12. Surely the previous nonzaftig gov kean ended up a frontman for an Arabian syndicate out if bake, and hence an honorable man suitable for the 9/11 commission

    narciso (d1f714)

  13. The Jersey Pumpkin is radioactive, he closed the state’s parks (over Independence Holidays) just like he closed the bridge to New York out of spite for a mayor that wouldn’t kiss his fat backside.

    ropelight (5307de)

  14. We may think Christie is done with politics, but does anyone believe that Christie himself thinks that? He pathetically groveled for so for a spot in the Trump administration, I wonder if he will resume doing so once freed up from governing NJ. He is nothing if not tenacious and self-important.

    Dana (023079)

  15. i think if Christie were to decide to try to rehabilitate himself, and President Trump were to harness his considerable talents, there’s a lot of good what could come out of it, and god knows President Trump has some staffing to do

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  16. State parks and beaches belong to the residents of the state, not to state workers. When parks and beach employees are furloughed, the gates should be flung open and people should be told that they are free to partake at their own risk (e.g., lifeguards won’t be on duty). This attitude that they should close up during government shut-downs is entirely misplaced.

    JVW (42615e)

  17. First, Christie is absolutely right on the merits. He didn’t close the park, the state legislature did. And he has a summer house on that beach and a perfect right to use it.

    Second, the only real objection is its ‘bad politics’. Well so what? He can’t run again. And 40% of NJ has always hated his guts because he was a Republican.

    I have no idea why his approval ratings are so low, but then its NJ. Like some other Blue states, NJ is fond of electing Democrats year after year to the legislature, and then electing a Republican Gov – now and then – because the Dems have screwed up so badly that even some Dems-loving voters are tired of it. Then after a while, they go back to hating the Repubs again and wishing the Dems had control of all 3 branches of Gov.

    rcocean (a72eb2)

  18. Agreed JVW.

    I’ve argued just that with the individuals I live with locally. Why does the state have any ability to shut down public property and prevent entry? We own the property, not the government.

    NJRob (7f4bec)

  19. Compared to being a corrupt crook, giving NJ an income tax, or helping your Israeli boy-toy get a high paying NJ government job, beach-gate looks like small potatoes.

    rcocean (a72eb2)

  20. Christie went on a diet, and famines ended in three African countries.

    nk (dbc370)

  21. Christie went to the beach, but barely waded into the water. A one-legged guy tried to harpoon him and he had to run waddle back to solid land.

    nk (dbc370)

  22. When Donald Trump thinks you’re too slimy to hang out with ….

    nk (dbc370)

  23. The beach story is not the most interesting part. The backstory is. You guys do understand that he tried to nationalize (New Jerseyize?) a health insurance company and seize $300 of its cash reserves, right?

    nk (dbc370)

  24. $300 million

    nk (dbc370)

  25. christie makes a good point that Blue Cross in New Jersey is a skeezy and scumsucking welfare queen living high on the medicaid/obamacare hog

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  26. Does NJ law allow the state to force a non profit to donate money to the state? Forced loans were a Tudor and Stuart thing, but I don’t think they’ve gotten much use here in the States.

    kishnevi (ca2172)

  27. When even the Italians in the New Jersey legislature say what Christie is trying to do is illegal, it’s got to be pretty illegal.

    nk (dbc370)

  28. it’s new jersey

    they’re all corrupt

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  29. 16. JVW (42615e) — 7/3/2017 @ 10:12 am

    This attitude that they should close up during government shut-downs is entirely misplaced.

    here’s a logic to it, if theseplaces have “hours” or are only “open” during certain seasons.

    In the last federal shutdown, though Obama shut things down that didn’t need any workers and had no hours of operation. And we also had the House of represenatives passing bills, exempting certain things from the shutfown, and the senate, under Harry Reid, pretending these bills did not exist, except for two of them that they did pass. We’re not seeing anything malicious here.

    Sammy Finkelman (ba7dc3)

  30. 23. nk (dbc370) — 7/3/2017 @ 11:05 am

    The backstory is. You guys do understand that he tried to nationalize (New Jerseyize?) a health insurance company and seize $300 million of its cash reserves, right? I remember something about that, but didn’t quite follow. I think it involved getting that money by changing some insurance regulations or reimbursement formula.

    In 2016 Governor Christie vetoed a tax on hospitals.

    Sammy Finkelman (ba7dc3)

  31. New York State meanwhile has extra money from lawsuit settlements. The Daily News ran an editotial about spending money for transit. Meanwhile two Congressman got a provision in the House Obamacare replacement bill, which was also kept in the Senate bill so far, that would relieve the city if Buffalo and all other local jurisdictions in New York State except New York City from paying anything for Medicaid and instead transfer that to the State government.

    Gov Cuomo wants to pass a special property tax to recover that money and name the tax after those two Congressmen. I’LL GET LINKS LATER.

    And in New York State they just passed a bill that extended mayoral control of education in New York City for 2 years (the last two times they made it just one year) without any increase in charter schools, but other things were thrown in – and they also renamed a bridge, or rather a replacement bridge, or both of them, because a bridge is beig replaced by two twin bridges, after Governor Cuomo’s father.

    The Tappan Zee bridge had already been renamed years ago the Malcolm Wilson Tappan Zee Bridge. Now Gov Wilson is gone, and he at least lived around there. That’s what you have to wonder about naming things after people – someone may come along later and rename it again.

    I don’t know how many generic names are left. The Outerbridge crossing between New Jersey and staten Island is named after an engineer named George Outerbridge.

    Someone wrote a letter to the New York Daily News saying that they should have instead renamed the Queens Midtown tunnel for Marioo Cuomo since he’s from the city and they already named 3 crossings after Senator Robert F. Kennedy, Mayor Ed Koch and Governor Hugh Carey.

    RFK has the Triborough Bridge, Ed Koch has the Queensborough (or 59th St) Bridge and Hugh Carey has the Brooklyn Battery tunnel, which has a toll, and a big one.

    Sammy Finkelman (ba7dc3)

  32. the trashy federal workers what comprise failmerica’s national park service are much sleazier than people realize and they embrace any reason whatsoever to get their fascist on

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  33. There are two things you do not mess with in the Garden State: for North Jersey, rush hour bridge traffic; in South Jersey, any of the beaches and parks in the moneymaking summer months the locals depend on- especially over Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day holidays.

    Governor Soprano’s worse than an a$$hole; he’s a shoobie.

    “I’m only trying to say that Amity is a summer town. We need summer dollars. Now, if the people can’t swim here, they’ll be glad to swim at the beaches of Cape Cod, the Hamptons, Long Island…” – Mayor Vaughn [Murray Hamilton] ‘Jaws’ 1975

    Today’s Beldar The Bitter ‘Watergate, Watergate, Watergate’ Words Of Wonder:

    “Both Ehrlichman and Halderman are in on the obstruction. And that’s the point… I told them, yeah, last night, to get lawyers…” President Nixon discussion obstruction of justice with John Dean, White House Oval Office tapes, April 16, 1973

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  34. say it isn’t troobie

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  35. uh oh looks like Republican Main Street pansy Scott Taylor’s wandered off the #nevertrump reservation

    “I think you guys are getting played, man,” Taylor said. “I think every time he does this you guys overreact — and by you guys I mean the media in general — and you play right into his hands.”

    Taylor said Trump is able to use CNN’s negative coverage of himself to score political points.

    Taylor also suggested that Trump was responding to CNN’s negative coverage of himself after host Alisyn Camerota showed that 92 of Trump’s tweets have been attacks on the media, compared to 29 about veterans or the military.

    “What I would like you to do is the next segment you have put up the numbers of your negative coverage of the president as well too,” Taylor said.

    “Congressman, that is a crazy suggestion,” Camerota said.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  36. Christie is a moron just for the bad optics alone, let alone that he wants to enjoy State property while denying the state’s residents to enjoy same. As I said previous, this is his smoothest move since he played Obama’s poodle post-Sandy.

    But I’d feel a lot less cynical if the media who are hounding Christie would also go after Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Ariana Huffington, James Cameron, Leonardo DeCaprio and all the other climate alarmists who insist on everyone reducing their carbon footprint while they burn tons more carbon than the average citizen as they own multiple mansions and travel and vacation on private jets and mega yachts.

    harkin (fcaff0)

  37. He’s a big skydragon fan as well but not as much as the others

    narciso (d1f714)

  38. It’s not just ‘beaches’ or Island Beach State Park.

    The list of closed facilities is long. For readers not familiar w/t Garden State, here’s an accounting of the parks, forests, recreation areas and beaches this completely self-absorbed, shoobie jacka$$ of a governor has screwed with for residents, business operators and visitors over the July 4th holiday.

    Which N.J. beaches & parks are closed for state shutdown? Here’s the list of where NOT to go.

    State-run recreation areas, including beaches, state forests and parks, which will be closed to the public:

    Abraham S. Hewitt State Forest, West Milford
    Allaire State Park, Farmingdale
    Allamuchy Mountain State Park, Hackettstown
    Wharton State Forest, Atlantic, Burlington and Camden counties
    Barnegat Lighthouse State Park, Barnegat Light
    Bass River State Forest, Burlington and Ocean counties
    Belleplaine State Forest, Cape May and Cumberland counties
    Brendan T. Byrne State Forest, New Lisbon
    Bull’s Island Recreation Area, Stockton
    Cape May Point State Park, Cape May Point
    Cheesequake State Park, Matawan
    Corson’s Inlet State Park, Ocean City and Upper Township
    Delaware & Raritan Canal State Park, Princeton
    Frank S. Marley State Marina, Atlantic City
    Farny State Park, Rockaway
    Forked River State Marina, Forked River
    Fortescue State Marina, Fortescue
    Fort Mott State Park, Pennsville
    Hacklebarney State Park, Clinton
    High Point State Park, Sussex
    Hopatcong State Park, Landing
    Island Beach State Park
    Jenny Jump State Forest, Hope
    Kittaninny Valley State Park, Andover
    Leonardo State Marina, Leonardo
    Liberty State Park, Jersey City – YES, over July 4th.
    Long Pond Ironworks State Park, Ringwood
    Monmouth Battlefield State Park, Manalapan
    Norvin Green State Forest, Bloomingdale
    Parvin State Park, Pittsgrove
    Penn State Forest, Tuckerton
    Princeton Battlefield State Park, Princeton
    Ramapo Mountain State Forest, Ringwood
    Rancocas State Park, New Lisbon
    Ringwood State Park, Ringwood
    Round Valley Recreation Area, Lebanon
    Spruce Run Recreation Area, Clinton
    Stephens State Park, Hackettstown
    Stokes State Forest, Branchville
    Swartswood State Park, Swartswood
    Voorhees State Park, Clinton
    Warren Grove Recreation Area, Tuckerton
    Washington Crossing State Park, Titusville – YES, over July 4th, as well.
    Washington Rock State Park, Green Brook
    Wawayanda State Park, Hewitt
    Wharton State Forest, Hammonton
    Worthington State Forest, Columbia

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  39. Wow – that’s a lot of parks.

    You’d think a state with some of the highest taxes in the nation would be able to fund them.

    Oh that’s right they have had no fiscal sanity for years and a mountain of unfunded pension debt; blaming Christie will not fix a thing.

    “The report, “New Jersey’s Prosperity Depends on Immediate Fiscal Reforms,” was produced by The Fund for New Jersey and is aimed to shape the debate during this election year, with the governor’s office and all 120 seats in the Legislature open. The report largely focuses on the huge gap between what the state sets aside each year for pensions and retiree health care and what those obligations actually cost.

    New Jersey’s pension system is among the worst-funded in the nation, with more than $135 billion in unfunded liabilities, according to Bloomberg. The report released Wednesday warned that without immediate action, public pension funds could dry up in the next decade, forcing the state to devote more than $8 billion annually to pensions alone.

    “The crisis has implications beyond what retirees face,” the report said. “A cash-strapped state government cannot make necessary investments in schools and bridges, water systems, child welfare, or any of the other goods and services upon which the public demands.”

    harkin (536957)

  40. They also shut down the courts, and the Department of Motor Vehicles.

    Sammy Finkelman (6f9f42)

  41. It does not affect the New Jersey State Police, the lottery, NJ Transit and psychiatric hospitals.

    Christie signed an order. He wants authiority for money to be taken from reserves of Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey to fund addiction treatment.

    The governor signed the order after [state Assembly Speaker Vincent] Prieto (D-Hudson) refused to let the lower house of the Legislature vote on a bill giving the state power to tap into the reserves of Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey to fund addiction treatment.

    In 2006, the only previous shutdown, Atlantic City casinos were also shut down, but they are no longer included in shutdowns.

    Sammy Finkelman (6f9f42)


    Christie has a whole issue with the management of that entity.

    Sammy Finkelman (6f9f42)

  43. Horizon is the only non-profit “health insurance corporation” and this article says it was created by state law as a “as a charitable and benevolent institution.” Christie is apparently concerned it’s not living up to its billing. Many non-profits don’t.

    He wants the state insurance commissioner to determine how much of a surplus Horiizon could retain and then direct it either return it to policy holders or donate it to a public health fund.

    He also wants to make Horizon “the insurer of last resort” a status it last had in 1992 when it nearly went bankrupt. He wants to change teh charter.

    Right now 11 of the 15 members of it s board of directors come from Horizon. His bill wanted 3 of the 11 to be elected by policyholders.

    He wanted to take about 1/8 of its reserves now.

    Sammy Finkelman (6f9f42)

  44. Not only is NJ paying now for decades of a democratic vote-buying cycle of corruption, they also are chasing out the top earners with ever-more onerous tax rates:

    While a steady trickle of wealthy New Jerseyans began to leave the state at the turn of the century, the exit was exacerbated by 2004’s state “millionaire’s tax,” an increase in taxes that creates a situation for the wealthy where they owe New Jersey more taxes than they do the federal government annually. The millionaire’s tax puts those who make over $1 million a year in their own heavily taxed bracket. The study finds that, after the passage of the millionaire’s tax, “the net outflow during this period reversed 70% of the wealth gained in the prior four years.””

    They never have grasped the old axiom that sooner or later, liberals run out of other people’s money

    harkin (28a3f0)

  45. BTW, it is disingenuous for any spokesperson for this shoobie a$$hole of a governor to infer that there are ‘beaches open’ along the Jersey shore.

    Because you have to pay to use pretty much all of them.

    Most if not all of the municipalities and townships with beaches to maintain and police along the Jersey shore require the purchase of ‘beach badges’ for access– usually offered for sale for daily, monthly or seasonal use. And they ain’t cheap. Which is what made going to the state parks all the more appealing for families, residents and visitors planning a holiday outing for the day.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  46. So the whole state is in the Democrat fiscal cra**er, imagine that.

    Way past time to change their mode of thinking.

    Corzine’s motto may not have been “Let’s bet on extravagant debt” but it should have been.

    He imploded MF Global even faster.

    harkin (28a3f0)

  47. The ferries to the Statue of Liberty and to Ellis Island were also not running, but I don’t know he sites themselves – they are probably run by the federal government and reachable other ways too.

    The racetracks were also open. They generate revenue for the state.

    Sammy Finkelman (ba7dc3)

  48. If the Govna is doing this for addiction treatment – God Bless You Govna.

    mg (31009b)


    Dateline: Paramus
    “N.J. Gov. Chris Christie has booked his extended family into a $2000-a-night Private resort and beach for the longer-than-usual July 4th holiday week. This, while the Governor’s summer residence sits unused.”

    “The state park in which the summer residence sits is closed, but, the residence would still be available to the Governor at his request, and without any additional use of state resources pertaining to the parks. The N.J. Legislature closed the parks after failing to end the budget impasse.”

    “The extended holiday will cost taxpayers he over $14,000 in resort costs alone, just for the family, not including meals, and the additional costs of the security detail at local hotels, and for room on site for the detail to provide “eyes-on” security for the Governor. The additional estimated costs for this will push the bill upwards of $40,000 for the week, not a small blow to the cash-strapped state government.”

    “I decided to respect the actions of the legislature and not use the summer residence during the shit-down, and to use the line-item in the budget of the Governor’s Office that allows for specific vacation breaks for my family,” said Gov. Christie in a release. No other comments were forthcoming from the office.”

    Am I the only ibe here thinking that this would be the article we would be discussing if Christie had done it this way?..

    reff (654c04)

  50. 51. mg (31009b) — 7/3/2017 @ 5:33 pm

    If the Govna is doing this for addiction treatment – God Bless You Govna.

    Not sure if he is – that is, if he needs to do this to get money for addiction treatment.

    What he seems hell bent on is reforming a nonprofit health insurance corporation, that is specially chartered by the state of New Jersey, which he thinks is run for the benefit of insiders, – and this is his last (or only) chance.

    Sammy Finkelman (ba7dc3)

  51. Thanks, Sammy.

    mg (31009b)

  52. happyfeet (28a91b) — 7/3/2017 @ 6:08 pm:

    British soldier drowns ISIS thug in puddle

    I would not expect anything less from a member of the Special Boat Service.

    Normally I would say Sailor but i don’t believe you have to come from a single service to join the SBS.

    I watched an Aussie SBS member march up and down the bottom of a pool holding a 45lb plate on his back. I was holding a beer.

    Not a digger but a Kiwi. And not SBS but SAS.

    …A New Zealand SAS corporal has been awarded the Victoria Cross – the first since World War 2 – after carrying an injured colleague through enemy fire in Afghanistan.

    Corporal Bill Apiata, known as Willy, joins an elite club in receiving the medal.

    Prime Minister Helen Clark said today: “Corporal Apiata carried a severely wounded fellow soldier across open ground while coming under intense attack. He did this despite the extreme danger to himself.”

    He becomes the 22nd member of New Zealand defence forces to win a Victoria Cross, the first to receive once since WW2, and the first winner of the new Victoria Cross for New Zealand, which was instituted in 1999.

    In 2004 Lance Corporal Apiata was part of an NZ SAS patrol in Afghanistan.

    The troops had put up a defensive formation for the night when they were attacked by a group of around 20 enemy fighters. Grenades destroyed one of the troops’ vehicles and immobilised another.

    This was then followed by fire from machine guns and further grenade attacks.

    The initial attack was aimed at the vehicle where Lance Corporal Apiata was stationed, and he was blown off the bonnet by the impact of the grenade. He was not physically injured but another soldier – named only as Corporal D – was in a serious condition.

    The soldiers were under constant fire from the enemy and, as they were exposed by the fire from the vehicle, they immediately tried to take cover.

    Corporal D’s injuries were life threatening, and the other two soldiers began to apply first aid.

    Apiata took control of the situation, as D was rapidly deteriorating. However, he was in a very exposed position and the enemy fire was becoming increasingly intense.

    D was suffering from arterial bleeding and so Apiata came to the conclusion that he needed urgent medical attention or he would die…

    Maybe the Marines did a reasonably good job with me. But I’d never eff with those guys. No, wait one. Maybe they did an excellent job with me.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  53. …Prime Minister Helen Clark said today: “Corporal Apiata carried a severely wounded fellow soldier across open ground while coming under intense attack. He did this despite the extreme danger to himself.”

    I knew a Marine who did this in Korea. 600 yards, several times, going back for his buddies. He was going back for the bodies of the dead and had to be ordered to finally not to. He spent a year in the hospital and could never wear shorts or swimming trunks as he had been too badly shot up. He earned the Silver Star.

    I used to load his moving trucks. The world is a lesser place without him.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  54. All those stupid Jersey democrats deserve this. Party on, Govna.
    Build me a sand castle between snacks.

    mg (31009b)

  55. DCSCA (797bc0) — 7/3/2017 @ 1:48 pm:

    Most if not all of the municipalities and townships with beaches to maintain and police along the Jersey shore require the purchase of ‘beach badges’ for access– usually offered for sale for daily, monthly or seasonal use. And they ain’t cheap. Which is what made going to the state parks all the more appealing for families, residents and visitors planning a holiday outing for the day.

    Not that this is a Johnson measuring contest, but it’s actually possible to commit felony dog walking on a Kali beach.

    If you don’t pay the fine it gets upgraded to a felony.

    I knew a lady who was laughed out of Oregon (Oregon!) after the cops pulled hear over for speeding and ran her license and did a felony stop. It was only after they got her back to the station that they found out she was wanted for walking her dog. It was like five in the morning and she had let it off the leash.

    I live in Texas for a reason.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

    Republicans should be demanding air time on the fake news channels to expose this indecency of democrats. To say nothing exposes your stupidity. As always with you hacks.

    mg (31009b)

  57. The nerve of this a-hole to suggest such a thing shows how out of touch these Republican mormons are. Hope you get buried in an avalanche up to your neck in little cottonwood canyon. What a dopey pos.

    mg (31009b)

  58. The nerve of this a-hole to suggest such a thing shows how out of touch these Republican mormons are…

    Was that a mistake or were you aiming at Mitt Romney?

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  59. Dave Burge says, and I agree, they should just do whatever by Skype.

    Hopefully that would mean a lot less of whatever. It’s when they herd together that they do the most damage.


    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  60. If you thought it was a squirrel story it was:

    narciso (724f7b)

  61. chaffetz

    mg (31009b)

  62. Hey, mg! What do you call the bad part of Italy?

    nk (dbc370)

  63. 54. 55. They reached agreement. The Governor seems to have gotten what he wanted – the news stories dont pay that careful attention to it, or maybe they dont know- with regard to Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey.

    Everything is open for July 4.

    As for the lie, Governor Christie said he said last Monday he would be at that home regardless of what happened, and as for his saying later taht he didn’t get any sun, he was wearing a hat and he was out there only for a short time.

    Chris Christie’s job next year may be hosting the main sports radio talk show on WFAN 660. He already fills in as a guest host on that station. The current host, Mike Francesa, is set to retire.

    Sammy Finkelman (081278)

  64. Happy Birthday America. May we find the courage to reclaim our birthright and throw off the shackles of governmental oppression.

    NJRob (7f4bec)

  65. Freedom isn’t free, not is common sense commob

    narciso (d1f714)

  66. Happy Birthday, U.S.A.!

    Today’s Beldar The Bitter ‘Watergate, Watergate, Watergate’ Words Of Wonder:

    “I don’t know Felt, never met him. What’s he look like?” President Nixon discussing who might be leaking Watergate investigation details to the press with HR Haldeman, White House Oval Office Tapes, February 28, 1973

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  67. Steve57 (0b1dac) — 7/4/2017 @ 2:40 am

    The Kiwi SAS wear Maori warpaint when they patrol.

    Davod (f3a711)

  68. 72… you show your true colors, ASPCA. Dementia is hereditary.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  69. He diesnt get the irony, felts thoughtlessness not only brought down Nixon but his temple, the bureau enabled the triumph of the terrorists he had pursued and put him one step from prison.

    narciso (d1f714)

  70. @74. Haiku! Gesundheit!

    Well, aren’t you the firecracker.

    ‘Does this guy have anything better do with his life?” – DJT 7-3-17

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  71. Your mother’s calling, chum.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  72. Disco duck is tedious:

    narciso (d1f714)

  73. @77. =yawn= Haiku! Gesundheit!

    Wipe your nose.

    “Does this guy have anything better to do with his life?” – DJT 7-3-17

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  74. Happy Fourth Of July, the original Brexit.

    harkin (e3be5c)

  75. DCSCA
    he’s just walkin’ around in
    the shoes of a clown 🤡

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  76. @81. Haiku! Gesundheit!

    Such a sparkler!

    This is a day of independence; even for Trumpkins and their dependents. Now run along and gild your lollipop.

    “Does this guy have anything better to do with his life?” – DJT 7-3-17

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  77. DCSCA
    while we celebrate the 4th
    he gilds his lily

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  78. he’s like the steve martin character in the jerk, sans the intentional humor,

    narciso (d1f714)

  79. You’re assuming there was any humor in The Jerk….

    Happy Fourth. Between the official fireworks (I could see five from my house, that is, not counting the trees and houses that blocked half of it) and the neighbors, it’s been sounding like an artillery bombardment for the last ninety minutes.

    kishnevi (5a999e)

  80. point taken, happy fourth of july all,

    narciso (d1f714)

  81. In Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid he has a funny line about a bowl of soup.

    harkin (e3be5c)

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