Patterico's Pontifications


Weekend Open Thread

Filed under: General — Dana @ 8:51 am

[guest post by Dana]

Let’s go!

First new item

Arizona’s new but old abortion law:

The Arizona Supreme Court gave the go-ahead Tuesday to prepare to enforce a long-dormant law that bans nearly all abortions, drastically altering the legal landscape for terminating pregnancies in a state likely to have a key role in the presidential election.

The law predating Arizona’s statehood provides no exceptions for rape or incest and allows abortions only if the mother’s life is in jeopardy. Arizona’s highest court suggested doctors can be prosecuted under the 1864 law, though the opinion written by the court’s majority didn’t explicitly say that.

The Tuesday decision threw out an earlier lower-court decision that concluded doctors couldn’t be charged for performing abortions in the first 15 weeks of pregnancy.

The attorney general said she will not enforce the law. The abortion ban won’t go into effect immediately.

The middle ground view on abortion in the U.S. continues to be allowing a reasonable period of time in which an abortion is legal, exceptions for rape and/or incest, and if the mother’s life is endangered.

Even MAGA candidates running for office are flip-flopping and pushing back on Arizona’s new law:

Arizona Republican Senate candidate Kari Lake is actively lobbying state lawmakers to overturn a 160-year-old law she once supported that bans abortion in almost all cases, a source with knowledge of her efforts told CNN.

Lake is pushing for GOP lawmakers in her home state to repeal the law while leaving in place legislation signed in 2022 by Republican Gov. Doug Ducey that would restrict abortion to within the first 15 weeks of a pregnancy.

Second news item

The level of childish self-centeredness is a sad commentary on today’s pro-Palestinian protesters:

A graduation dinner at the home of the University of California Berkeley Law School’s Dean Erwin Chemerinsky devolved into an ugly incident after a Palestinian American Berkeley Law student who was invited to the dinner picked up a microphone and stood before the gathering…The purpose of this cartoon was to encourage students to protest a student dinner that Chemerinsky was scheduled to hold at his home.

About that dinner, as described by Chemerinsky:

On April 9, about 60 students came to our home for the dinner. All had registered in advance. All came into our backyard and were seated at tables for dinner. While guests were eating, a woman stood up with a microphone, stood on the top step in the yard, and began a speech, including about the plight of the Palestinians. My wife and I immediately approached her and asked her to stop and leave. The woman continued. When she continued, there was an attempt to take away her microphone. Repeatedly, we said to her that you are a guest in our home, please stop and leave. About 10 students were clearly with her and ultimately left as a group.

The dinner, which was meant to celebrate graduating students, was obviously disrupted and disturbed. I am enormously sad that we have students who are so rude as to come into my home, in my backyard, and use this social occasion for their political agenda.


Remarkably, the student said she had a First Amendment right to protest in Erwin’s home. Erwin, ever the teacher, actually said “the First Amendment does not apply.”


Third news item

Ukraine in a vicious quandary:

Forced back, Ukraine is now digging in to stop a collapse across the war’s front lines as Russian attacks and American delays leave Kyiv and its allies to confront the possibility of a painful defeat.

A $61 billion aid package has been stuck in Congress for months, leaving Ukraine exposed on the front lines — running out of ammunition and men — while its energy system now faces an onslaught that is exposing its depleted air defenses.

The shortages forced Kyiv’s military to withdraw from a key eastern city in February, and with no progress in Washington, Ukrainian soldiers are now desperately trying to hold on to their positions along some 600 miles of the front line.

“Nothing has changed: We did not have any shells then, we don’t have any shells now,” said artillery sergeant Andriy, who was part of Kyiv’s retreat from Avdiivka in February after months of intense fighting. “The Russians continue to push in packs, without stopping,” Andriy, who did not want his last name revealed as he was not authorized to speak publicly, told NBC News last week.

Reportedly, Speaker Mike Johnson is in talks with the White House about advancing an aid package. However, it doesn’t look too hopeful:

House Republican Leader Steve Scalise told reporters that Johnson had been talking with White House officials about a package that would deviate from the Senate’s $95 billion foreign security package and include several Republican demands. It comes after Johnson has delayed for months on advancing aid that would provide desperately needed ammunition and weaponry for Kyiv, trying to find the right time to advance a package that will be a painful political lift.

“There’s been no agreement reached,” Scalise said. “Obviously there would have to an agreement reached not just with the White House, but with our own members.”

Two things: Johnson faces pressure from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has threatened to oust him as speaker if he pushes ahead with Ukraine funding, and per the report:

The Republican speaker is set to travel to the former president’s Mar-a-Lago club in Florida on Friday to meet with Trump and has been consulting him in recent weeks on the Ukraine funding to gain his support — or at least prevent him from openly opposing the package.


Congressional Republicans intend to travel to Normandy to honor the D-Day dead. But that gesture will be hollow—and worse than hollow—if they have failed to act to help the people of Ukraine in their life-and-death struggle.

Fourth news item

O.J. Simpson passed away yesterday after battling cancer. Fred Goldman, father of Ron Goldman, whom Simpson was accused of killing, responded to the news of Simpson’s death:

Simpson was acquitted of murdering his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman, capping off what legal analysts described at the time as the “trial of the century.”

“The only thing I have to say is, it’s just further reminder of Ron being gone all these years,” Fred Goldman said in a phone interview. “It’s no great loss to the world. It’s a further reminder of Ron’s being gone.”

It’s funny how those of us of a certain age remember exactly where we were when the infamous chase on the 405 freeway happened.

Fifth news item

U.S. officials warn Israel:

Israel is bracing for a worst-case scenario that U.S. officials believe could materialize within just hours — the possibility of a direct attack on Israeli soil by Iran in retaliation for a strike almost two weeks ago that killed seven Iranian military officers. Iran has vowed to take revenge for Israel killing its commanders, who were hit by an April 1 strike on the Iranian embassy in Syria’s capital.

Two U.S. officials told CBS News that a major Iranian attack against Israel was expected as soon as Friday, possibly to include more than 100 drones and dozens of missiles aimed at military targets inside the country.

The officials said it would be challenging for the Israelis to defend against an attack of such a magnitude, and while they held out the possibility that the Iranians could opt for a smaller-scale attack to avoid a dramatic escalation, their retaliation was believed to be imminent.


371 Responses to “Weekend Open Thread”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (8e902f)

  2. First News Item:

    The attorney general said she will not enforce the law.

    If Kris Mayes continues to hold that position once the decision take effect, or the law isn’t changed, she should be impeached and removed from office. She won her election by 280 votes, so her popularity is tenuous. It’s also misleading to say the law has been in effect since 1864. It was recodified twice into the laws of the State of Arizona in 1913 and 1928.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  3. Recycling a nearly 30-year old joke:

    Who’s there?
    OJ who?
    Great, you’re on the jury.

    JVW (b02843)

  4. Headed back to Earth:

    The price of Trump Media shares fell below $30 in early trading Friday morning, which is more than $40 lower than what its shares first sold for when the social media company began public trading on March 26.

    DJT shares fell by more than 8% within the first hour of trading Friday.

    The latest price fall for the ticker continued a slide that included a 5.4% drop on Thursday, and a more than 8.5% decline on Wednesday.

    The shares of Trump Media, which owns the Truth Social app, have dropped by more than 47% month-to-date, wiping out billions of dollars in the company’s market capitalization.
    Trump Media on March 26 opened its first day of trading with a price of $70.90 per share, hitting a high of nearly $80 later that same day. During trading that day, the company’s market capitalization topped $9.5 billion.

    By 10:45 a.m. ET on Friday, Trump Media’s market cap was $4.3 billion, after shares pared some of the early price drop.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  5. A lot of those AZ Republicans are in R+70 districts and don’t much care what “RINOs” like Lake think.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  6. If Kris Mayes continues to hold that position once the decision take effect, or the law isn’t changed, she should be impeached and removed from office

    As a general principle, I agree with this. Also refusing to defend a citizen initiative should be grounds for immediate disqualification. And all pigs should fly.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  7. The shares of Trump Media, which owns the Truth Social app, have dropped by more than 47% month-to-date, wiping out billions of dollars in the company’s paper valuation.

    FIFY. Like Schrödinger’s Cat, a stock’s value is unknown until you try to sell it.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  8. It’s funny how those of us of a certain age remember exactly where we were when the infamous chase on the 405 freeway happened.

    Yeah, I was on the 405 thinking “WTF?”

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  9. An Iranian attack on a population center would start a war, possibly a short one.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  10. Also, the obnoxious dinner guest brought her own microphone, giving premeditation to her political stunt, and it probably wasn’t lost on her that the hosts are Jewish, and not in the Santos Jew-ish kind of way.

    Paul Montagu (467ef9)

  11. Dear law firm recruiter:

    I am glad that you have reached out to me regarding _______, a candidate for employment at your firm.

    You do not need this kind of grief. Find someone else.


    Edwin Chemerinsky, Dean

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  12. *Erwin

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  13. Barry Scheck: “OJ, the DNA results came back and I’ve got good news and bad news.”
    OJ: “What’s the bad news?”
    Scheck: “We’ll, they confirmed without doubt that your blood was on the murder weapon and the victims’ bodies.”
    OJ: “Damn. How can there be any good news?”
    Scheck: “Your cholesterol was only 150!”

    I think Ito told that one.

    Paul Montagu (467ef9)

  14. Hearing about Orenthal James Simpson always takes me back to the day of his acquittal back in October 1995. I was 25 years old and living and working in the Boston area at the time, but a colleague and I were in Cincinnati for a meeting at my company’s office there. My colleague was an Asian-American woman a year younger than I was. She was from a bedroom community of NYC and had attended Wellesley College, and she had recently become engaged to her boyfriend.

    They had announced the previous night that the verdict would be read the next morning in court, so my colleague and I had dinner that evening and discussed the case. We both believed that O.J. was guilty but wondered about how the jury would decide. We were also discussing the racial angle of it, especially in light of Mark Fuhrman’s testimony which had been a dagger in the heart of the prosecution. We both agreed that black men were by and large in favor of acquittal thanks to Fuhrman, but my colleague was cautiously optimistic that black women would see O.J. as the typical abusive husband/boyfriend and would have sympathy for what Nicole and Ron Goldman had been through.

    That day we were in the company’s large cafeteria having lunch when the verdict was read. Because it was the pre-cellphone days and because the cafeteria didn’t have TV sets, we had to wait for word to start percolating through the office. Suddenly we started to hear murmurs throughout the cafeteria, and eventually the words “not guilty” started being passed through the room. A table next to us was occupied by three 20-something black women, and upon hearing the news one of them let out a giddy cheer and the other two broke into big smiles. My colleague was kind of crushed that they had chosen their race over the sisterhood, and she remained disgusted for the rest of the day over the outcome.

    I’m not so sure things have gotten much better since, and I think a similar sort of trial would break down along the same lines. Hopefully I am being too pessimistic.

    JVW (b02843)

  15. OJ’s defense team was a collection of household names, but maybe the most important was the largely unknown Jo-Ellan Dimitrius who developed the jury profile. She also did the same for Kyle Rittenhouse. A reminder of how much juries matter. As a defendant, would you rather have the evidence on your side, or the jury on your side?

    lloyd (d3385c)

  16. New ‘Biden Diet’ Sweeps Nation: Pay The Same Amount Of Money But Eat 50% Less Food

    Yet another way Biden is making us a healthier nation.

    lloyd (d3385c)

  17. Truth be told though, I have some sympathy for what OJ went through in his last year. I have a very good friend of 50 years standing, also black, who is in end-stage prostate cancer. It saddens me, and I find that part of that transfers to OJ. Not much, but some.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  18. Yet another way Biden is making us a healthier nation.

    Not me. I just charge it.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  19. Kevin M (a9545f) — 4/12/2024 @ 11:02 am

    Heh. When asked to provide info on a past employee, or for my opinion on a hire, I always write:

    I urge you to waste no time in hiring _____.

    If the hire turns out well, then my advice will be perceived as sound. If the hire turns out bad, then I remind them “I told you not to waste your time!”

    felipe (5e2a04)

  20. Pomona College faculty members are pushing back at administration’s “overboard” response to campus hooligans.

    The campus climate has become most tense at Pomona, where opposition has grown toward President G. Gabrielle Starr as she struggles to balance policies that support protest and free speech against campus safety concerns and increasingly aggressive protest tactics. The demonstrations have escalated since the Oct. 7 attack on Israel by Hamas, which killed about 1,200 people and took hundreds hostage. Israel’s retaliatory war has killed more than 33,000 Palestinians and left 2 million in near-famine conditions.

    The tensions at Pomona, with just under 1,800 undergraduates and a 7% admittance rate, is the latest in a series of incidents at high-profile colleges and universities in the U.S. Administrators have recently clamped down on demonstrators at Columbia, Vanderbilt and Cornell universities, saying pro-Palestinian student activists have violated student policies over trespassing and other matters.

    The ongoing protests have elevated fears among some Jewish students who say the college has become an unwelcome place.

    “Are student activists exporting the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to a small town in California? How will that help bring about just peace in a land thousands of miles away?” said Bethany Slater, the director of the local Hillel, who said she has fielded calls and emails from distraught Jewish students.

    “It’s not a safe space for Jewish and definitely not Israeli students, said Ayelet Kleinerman, a senior at Pomona who is from Tel Aviv and studies neuroscience. “I am all for freedom of speech. Everyone should say what they want, but I don’t feel the college is upholding its policies and rules when it comes to students and protest.”

    Last week’s protest appeared to be the breaking point for Starr.

    University officials said that when students from pro-Palestinian groups occupied Starr’s office and refused to give their names or college affiliation, she authorized a call to police, who arrived in riot gear and arrested 19.

    All of those students now face misdemeanor trespassing charges, and the seven who were from Pomona have been suspended pending an internal judicial review. Some have called on Starr to resign. They are also staging die-ins and walkouts.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  21. The reactions to Starr’s no-nonsense actions has bee swift:

    After two emergency meetings, two-thirds of the voting members of Pomona College’s faculty body supported a motion on Thursday demanding that Starr drop student suspensions and criminal charges. Many also spoke forcefully against calling riot police to the college ever again.

    This week, 49 student admissions staff workers — the majority of the student staff — also sent a letter to Starr’s office threatening to boycott giving admissions tours. Some students indicated they would continue to work because of financial need but would make clear to prospective undergraduates that “this institution suppresses student voices and is willing to deploy militarized police in riot gear on unarmed, peaceful student protesters.”

    Starr has said pro-Palestinian student activists have interrupted and harassed tour groups. On the Pomona website, the university has defended her decision to call in police last week, citing “escalating acts of harassment and intimidation carried out against visitors and students by masked, unidentified individuals who refuse to identify themselves.”

    And this truly disappoints:

    A representative from an independent campus watchdog group, Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, suggested Starr’s actions are out of the ordinary.

    “Students at private campuses tend to have wide free speech rights,” said Alex Morey, the foundation’s director of campus rights advocacy. “That doesn’t mean students can do anything, and there are guidelines — typically around amplification of sounds, safety, blocking entrances.”

    “But usually there is not such a quick decision to call police or issue suspensions,” she said.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  22. Dear students:

    As a result of our divestiture from companies doing business with Israel, we will be needing to decrease student aid in the next term by 30%. Please warn your parents that costs will be rising significantly.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  23. I am a supporter of FIRE, so I will gladly consider their perspective on this. It sounds like the quote in Kevin M’s comment was given to the LA Times reporter in response to a general question and might not yet be the official position of FIRE. I just checked the FIRE website, and thus far there is not yet an official news release declaring FIRE’s position on the matter.

    From everything I read, I support President Starr’s efforts to quickly remove the students from her office. For one thing, it was late in the afternoon and those students very likely targeted that time in the hopes that they would be allowed to stay all evening. For another, the students eventually said racially derogatory things regarding her. And in general the students should have seen what has happened at Vanderbilt and realized that there is very little sympathy for this kind of nonsense.

    If those students who work in the admissions office refuse to give tours they should congratulated on holding true to their principles and immediately dismissed from their jobs. Because that is how the real world works, or at least ought to. If faculty want to strike in support of students then they should have their wages withheld and be subject to disciplinary actions for failing to performed their assigned duties. The time for coddling miscreants has long since passed, and if anything positive is going to come out of this it will be that colleges have at long last figured out that their ridiculous tolerance has created generations of nimrods.

    JVW (8059f9)

  24. Star voting iniatiave in Oregon:

    It doesn’t solve all problems. You can still have strategic voting but it is hard to figure out.

    The way it would work is that each voter values each candidate by giving that candidate 0 to 5 stars. Candidates are ranked by total number of stars. Then the top two finishers get an automatic runoff. You look at the ballot again and then see which if any of the two got more stars. Equal scores are allowed – that is, a voter may score both equally, including 0 stars for both and then that vote doesn’t count in the runoff if it is between two that were ranked by that voter equally.

    Sammy FInkelman (1d215a)

  25. It would take a lot to get me to take the side of the academic establishment against students.

    Against Trump-toadying termagants from North Appalachia Upstate New York is a different matter.

    nk (dc6ba6)

  26. Sigh. North Appalachia Upstate New York

    nk (dc6ba6)

  27. RIP journalist and broadcaster Robert MacNeil (93):

    A native of Montreal, Canada, MacNeil was raised in Nova Scotia and began his television career as a London-based correspondent for NBC in 1960, according to public broadcaster WETA. He reported on international stories such as the building of the Berlin Wall and the Cuban Missile Crisis before shifting to a US-based role out of Washington, DC. In November 1963, he was covering President John F. Kennedy in Dallas the day the president was assassinated, according to WETA.

    Arriving at PBS in the early 1970’s, MacNeil began a decades-long partnership with fellow journalist Jim Lehrer, according to PBS The two led PBS coverage of the Senate’s Watergate Hearings in 1973. In 1975, the pair co-founded the MacNeil/Lehrer Report, a show that would later become PBS NewsHour. The broadcast won more than 30 journalism awards in its two-decade-long run, including two Emmys and a 1994 Radio and Television Correspondents Association Award for congressional reporting, according to PBS and WETA.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  28. Three quick thoughts from memory on the OJ trial:
    1. The lead prosecutor was offered, free, a survey of possible jurors to see what kinds of people would produce a jury most likely to convict. She turned the offer down.

    2. At the time, and, possibly to a lesser extent now, some black women have been angry about white women “stealing” the most successful black men. Apparently the prosecutor was unaware of this.

    3. Although most whites thought OJ was guilty, more whites than blacks thought he was innocent, because the white population is so much larger.

    Jim Miller (e96cbf)

  29. I am a supporter of FIRE

    As am I, which is why I say it disappoints.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  30. JVW (b02843) — 4/12/2024 @ 11:46 am

    That day we were in the company’s large cafeteria having lunch when the verdict was read. Because it was the pre-cellphone days and because the cafeteria didn’t have TV sets,

    But somebody could have thought to take along a radio, but I guess finding out as fast as possible was not important enough to people.

    I remember, I was watching with my father who was sitting down on a soft chair that could semi-rock. I had called up a radio station to predict that the verdict would be guilty because the jury had asked to listen to Allan Park’s (the limo driver) testimony. He had not seen a car when he arrived.

    Watching that was like being in an episode of “Slider’s”

    Each episode began with something like that.

    Now my father had medicine delivered in person by the owner of a pharmacy and when he came he told me that he recognized my voice.

    I think that a juror was trying to make money on a illegal bet and that’s why the verdict was delayed. This person (acting through a family member I would say) wanted to raise the odds on a not guilty verdict. And therefore arranged for reading of testimony that could make it look like someone was trying to convince a holdout juror or two that OJ was guilty. I think that juror was trying to cash in twice – once maybe by a probably indirect bribe but he or she wanted more and so then also tried to cash in also by a bet. He or she had to give time to a family member to place the bet (with an illegal bookie – just like sports ambling at the time) The verdict had actually been reached almost right away and no good reason was ever offered as to why the juror arranged for a delay. The delay wasn’t caused by Lance Ito – it was caused by the jury.

    They were probably not quite incommunicado. You may remember how an impartial juror was kicked off the case by what were probably lies.

    we had to wait for word to start percolating through the office. Suddenly we started to hear murmurs throughout the cafeteria, and eventually the words “not guilty” started being passed through the room. A table next to us was occupied by three 20-something black women, and upon hearing the news one of them let out a giddy cheer and the other two broke into big smiles. My colleague was kind of crushed that they had chosen their race over the sisterhood, and she remained disgusted for the rest of the day over the outcome.

    I’m not so sure things have gotten much better since, and I think a similar sort of trial would break down along the same lines. Hopefully I am being too pessimistic.

    Sammy FInkelman (1d215a)

  31. Sigh. North Appalachia Upstate New York

    So, is your litmus test students-that-you-disagree-with or students-from-redneck-places ?

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  32. In the TV series about the OJ case, there’s a scene at a party in the black community where Marcia Clarke utterly destroys the planted-evidence argument, demonstrating that would need, among other things, a time machine (e.g planting blood 2 days before it was collected from OJ).

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  33. I have tried to resist sharing this straight line, but can no longer. In a March 19th NYT article on the return of female genital cutting in Gambia, I found this:

    Clerics in the Muslim world disagree on whether cutting is Islamic, but it is not in the Koran. The most vocal of the Gambian imans, Abdoule Fatty, has argued that “circumcision makes you cleaner” and has said the husbands of women who have not been cut suffer because they can not meet their wives’ sexual appetities.

    (Try to keep the punch lines relatively clean.)

    Jim Miller (e96cbf)

  34. ‘Memba that DeSantis was such a big meanie monster against the great Disney corporation?

    …I ‘memba…

    Exactly two weeks after Disney more or less cried uncle and agreed to a settlement with the State of Florida in its lawsuit over the Parental Rights in Education bill and a few months after Governor Ron DeSantis’s (R-FL) presidential campaign came to an end, Disney-owned ABC had a surprisingly laudatory segment on Thursday’s Good Morning America as they praised DeSantis for “com[ing] down on hard on” porch piracy and retail theft.

    whembly (86df54)

  35. Oops: Left too much of the quote here:


    we had to wait for word to start percolating through the office. Suddenly we started to hear murmurs throughout the cafeteria, and eventually the words “not guilty” started being passed through the room. A table next to us was occupied by three 20-something black women, and upon hearing the news one of them let out a giddy cheer and the other two broke into big smiles. My colleague was kind of crushed that they had chosen their race over the sisterhood, and she remained disgusted for the rest of the day over the outcome.

    There were some people like that, but the jury was probably composed of about half or more useful idiots and a few bribed ones or those who wanted to make money from a bookie.

    The jury had been specially selected to be people who got most of their news from the National Enquirer ad the National Enquirer was running story after story about different ways in which O.J. Simpson could be not guilty. Of course I think the National Enquirer was compensated in some way.

    Right after the verdict the National Enquirer switched to running stories as to how O.J. Simpson did it acting entirely alone I think O.J.s co-conspirators (who may have included one of his lawyers, Robert Kardashian, although I think he was not privy to most of the secrets, and the other co-conspirators were willing if necessary to cut him loose – RK probably took the car to a car wash during the night and when he got back to Rockingham he couldn’t get in and had to leave the car parked on the street)

    Anyway I think O.J.s co-conspirators wanted to give the Goldman family and others something so they arranged to lose the civil lawsuit because they didn’t want a further investigation or a second trial (OJ was only charged with the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and he could have been tried second time by the Los Angeles DA for the murder of Ron Goldman without it being precluded by double jeopardy, not to mention federal prosecution. They had to give the family of Ron Goldman some sense of justice.)

    Sammy FInkelman (1d215a)

  36. Ecuador is fighting back against the narco gangs.

    It’s a closer fight than you might guess; the gangs have about as many members, 40,000, as the nation has soldiers.

    I wish Ecuador, and its brave young president, Daniel Noboa, well, in this war.

    Jim Miller (e96cbf)

  37. he Wall Street Journal (and the New York Times) seem to have sources high up in the Iranian government. It seems like some high ranking officials are trying to dissuade Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei from ordering an attack. (Sometimes he gives in to them.)

    The newspapers even know what kinds of attack are contemplated.

    By the way, Khamenei wants an attack launched by Iran itself, not its proxies.

    Now, on the one hand Ali Khamenei doesn’t want an attack that will cause a massive attack in return by Israel on Iran. And he also doesn’t want one that will fail.

    Everyone is waiting for Ali Khamenei’s decision.

    Sammy FInkelman (1d215a)

  38. I write the following on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 )or the draft was approximately this) :

    The pro-Hamas protesters say:

    From the river to te sea,
    Palestine will be free

    (or must be?)

    And, more recently:

    Blankity blank, you can’t hide
    We charge you — with genocide!


    To which you could add:

    All is true, if it rhymes,
    We have known since O.J. times.

    If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit!

    I could add a counter chant:

    Who’s a Liar? Who’s a Liar?
    Those who call for a ceasefire!

    Not only lying in general, and about who started it, and reverse
    engineering their grievances, but about who is not for a pause.

    Sammy FInkelman (1d215a)

  39. I composed, at the time of the fatwa against Salmon Rushdie

    Rule Khomeini {or now Khamenei)
    Khomeini rules the planet.

    His will never never never can…
    Or can it?

    Sammy FInkelman (1d215a)

  40. 9. Kevin M (a9545f) — 4/12/2024 @ 10:56 am

    An Iranian attack on a population center would start a war, possibly a short one.

    That would be stopped by the “Iron Dome” system (at least according to the United States which thinks that Gush Dan (center of Israel) Jerusalem and Beersheba are safe) so the Iranian professionals have given Khamenei other options, like Israel’s desalination plants, or nuclear reactor.

    Sammy FInkelman (1d215a)

  41. The NYT ran a story about the history of anti-aortion laws around the time of the Civil War.

    Sammy FInkelman (1d215a)

  42. My favorite O.J. joke from back in the day, when email was a new thing.

    Question: What is O.J.’s email address?

    Answer: Front slash, front slash, back slash, back slash, f escape.

    norcal (f55616)

  43. Sigh. North Appalachia Upstate New York

    So, is your litmus test students-that-you-disagree-with or students-from-redneck-places ?

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 4/12/2024 @ 2:09 pm Neither. The “Trump-toadying termagant” I refered to is Elise Stefanik. Remember? It was not all that long ago.

    I would be worried if I did not disagree with students no matter where they came from. But between them and the academic drones who feed off of them, my sympathy leans heavily on the side of the students.

    nk (dc6ba6)

  44. Apparently, the comment form cannot cannot handle more than two tags or two tags inside a blockquote. Let’s try it again. (And fix another typo.)

    Sigh. North Appalachia Upstate New York

    So, is your litmus test students-that-you-disagree-with or students-from-redneck-places ?

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 4/12/2024 @ 2:09 pm

    Neither. The “Trump-toadying termagant” I referred to is Elise Stefanik. Remember? It was not all that long ago.

    I would be worried if I did not disagree with students no matter where they came from. But between them and the academic drones who feed off of them, my sympathy leans heavily on the side of the students.

    nk (dc6ba6)

  45. (Try to keep the punch lines relatively clean.)

    Jim Miller (e96cbf) — 4/12/2024 @ 2:13 pm

    If she has all her bits, she will give you fits.

    (I had a better one, but it’s not as clean.)

    norcal (f55616)

  46. I got the gist, nk

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  47. the husbands of women who have not been cut suffer because they can not meet their wives’ sexual appetities.

    Husbands of those who have been cut are going mostly without.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  48. Husbands of those who have been cut are going mostly without.

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 4/12/2024 @ 3:22 pm

    Do women even dare to say “no” in the parts of the Muslim world where female circumcision is a thing?

    norcal (f55616)

  49. Two words: Lorena Bobbitt.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  50. Some people seem to think that if they act like their position is both a matter of life and death and indisputable, they can get people to treat their cause that way, and tis is done mostly when it is not – they want people to reason backward from their carrying on.

    Sammy Finkelman (c2c77e)

  51. Iran is getting ready to do whatever it decides to do, all at once. The preparations seem to be bigger and bigger. I don’t think Iran intends to attack US forces, There’s been a de facto ceasefire since February and they are deterred. Whether the Supreme Leader can restrain himself entirely remains to be seen, A few rockets, that all did no harm because of Israeli defenses, have been fired from southern Lebanon, I think Hezbollah wants no part of this and Iran is seeking other proxies – but this is something that Khamei wants Iran;s responsibility for whatever he orders to be clear,

    Sammy Finkelman (c2c77e)

  52. Jim Miller (e96cbf) — 4/12/2024 @ 2:05 pm

    OJ would have been convicted if the case was tried in the area the crime was committed-the LA Westside. The prosecution decided to hold the trial in Downtown LA, which was convenient for them but was a godsend to the defense. On the Westside it would have been a nearly all-white jury pool, downtown not so much.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  53. The “Trump-toadying termagant” I refered to is Elise Stefanik. Remember? It was not all that long ago.

    I’ll tell you guys this since I was texting Patterico and Dana about this yesterday. For months I have been receiving daily calls from a 315 area code marked potential spam. I did some investigating and discovered that 315 is the area code in which Elise Stefanik resides, so I figured it’s her PAC calling me for donations. I just got in the habit of ignoring them.

    Yesterday I was down in Long Beach on business, when I got a call from the 562 area code also market potential spam. Because that is the Long Beach area code, and because I happened to be there at that very moment on business, against my better judgement I answered. Sure enough, it was Elise Stefanik’s PAC calling me for a donation. I damn near gave in and passed along a few bucks, mostly because the women with the Appalachian accent was so sweet and I wanted her to get her little commission, and partly out of a since of honor now that they had defeated me in the game. But I held firm and begged poverty.

    My concern here is that we have entered a new realm where they the spam callers are going to come after you with numbers which are harder to ignore. Is there now technology to ascertain where my phone is located and use a number close by, or was the fact that they called me from the area code where I happened to be strictly a coincidence?

    JVW (b02843)

  54. Sammy FInkelman (1d215a) — 4/12/2024 @ 2:21 pm

    Your speculations are completely lacking in evidence.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  55. Sammy FInkelman (1d215a) — 4/12/2024 @ 2:21 pm

    Though they would be great plot for a novel.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  56. Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 4/12/2024 @ 9:38 am

    Shill in Chief:

    Donald Trump on Friday urged his followers to support his social media app Truth Social, as its parent company’s stock continues to sink lower.

    Trump in a post on that app said he believes Truth Social embodies the political “movement” behind his “Make America Great Again” presidential campaign slogan, adding that “it shows the Spirit and Love of our Country.”

    “If people who believe in putting America First and want to Make America Great Again, support TRUTH,” Trump wrote.

    “We will be your Voice like never before, and a Real Voice is what our Country needs, because we are in decline, and must bring America to Greatness,” he wrote.

    It was not clear whether Trump was urging his supporters to use the app or buy shares in Trump Media, which started publicly trading on the Nasdaq last month.
    Trump Media’s share price on Friday morning dipped below $30, a decline of more than $40 from its roaring start. It ended the trading day up 0.6%, but failed to offset an almost 20% decline on the week. Shares are down nearly 50% so far in April.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  57. Wow. Good find, DRJ.

    norcal (52f585)

  58. OJ would have been convicted if the case was tried in the area the crime was committed-the LA Westside. The prosecution decided to hold the trial in Downtown LA, which was convenient for them but was a godsend to the defense. On the Westside it would have been a nearly all-white jury pool, downtown not so much.

    Moving the trial for the LAPD officers who beat Rodney King to mostly white Simi Valley had caused a great deal of controversy just a couple of years earlier. I don’t think the trial was moved so much out of convenience as it was because the prosecution felt they had a slam-dunk case and having a largely minority jury convict him downtown instead of a mostly white Westside jury would qualm any fears that OJ had been symbolically lynched in Brentwood.

    JVW (b02843)

  59. Thanks DRJ, that’s super-interesting. Is Elise Stefanik’s PAC engaging in illegal activities to target me?

    The answer you found is almost six years old, however (it is dated May 2018). I wonder if anything has changed since then.

    JVW (b02843)

  60. The Federal court smacked down Hunter Biden’s lame attempt to get his gun charges dismissed today:

    A Delaware judge denied Hunter Biden’s motions to dismiss his federal gun charges on Friday evening as he awaits trial.

    U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika denied Biden’s motions, which were based on his pretrial-diversion agreement, selective-prosecution claims, and the appointment of special counsel David Weiss, the U.S. attorney for Delaware.

    Noreika emphatically rejected Biden’s argument that he is the victim of selective prosecution by David Weiss, an appointee of Attorney General Merrick Garland, who was chosen by his father, President Joe Biden.

    “Thus, Defendant’s articulated protected class is apparently family members of politically-important persons,” Noreika wrote. In a footnote, she observed Hunter Biden’s selective-prosecution claim is based on his relationship with President Biden.

    “Defendant’s claim is effectively that his own father targeted him for being his son, a claim that is nonsensical under the facts here. Regardless of whether Congressional Republicans attempted to influence the Executive Branch, there is no evidence that they were successful in doing so and, in any event, the Executive Branch prosecuting Defendant was at all relevant times (and still is) headed by Defendant’s father,” Noreika wrote.

    Needless to say, I like her quite a bit.

    JVW (b02843)

  61. DC National Guard whistleblowers to say they WERE ready to be deployed on January 6 on Trump’s orders hours but were held back by the Pentagon in bombshell testimony contradicting Capitol riot committee’s story

    Whistleblowers from the Washington D.C. National Guard will tell Congress that Donald Trump did want them deployed during the Capitol riot and the Army delayed telling them to mobilize in a bombshell hearing next week. can exclusively reveal that at least three officers will appear Wednesday before a House subcommittee to claim their stories were also ignored by the Democrat-led January 6 committee, because it didn’t fit their narrative.

    The hearing will aim to further prove that Acting Defense Secretary at the time Christopher Miller did give advance approval of D.C. National Guard deployment at the direction of then-President Donald Trump.

    A person familiar with the review by the House Administration Committee’s Oversight Subcommittee said the whistleblowers will provide testimony that then-Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy delayed by at least two hours providing official notice to D.C. National Guard Commander William Walker to deploy troops to the Capitol.

    Instead of getting to the bottom of the breakdown in communication and focusing on improving Military preparedness for future incidents, the witnesses feel the January 6 panel was solely focused on pinning blame for the events that day on Trump.

    The officers, who were with Walker the day of the Capitol riot, will detail how they were on buses in full tactical gear for hours waiting for the go-ahead from the Army.

    McCarthy has stated under oath that he did give a timely order for deployment of the D.C. National Guard – but Walker’s troops said they found out about mobilization during a press conference, which led to a three-hour-and-19-minute delay of forces arriving at the Capitol.

    Some suggest that McCarthy was vying for a spot in President Joe Biden’s incoming administration and didn’t like the optics of it looking like the Army, under his command, was trying to interfere or inhibit certification of the 2020 presidential election results.

    The hearing on Wednesday is titled ‘Three Years Later: D.C. National Guard Whistleblowers Speak Out on January 6 Delay’ and aims to examine whether Trump was at fault for the delay in National Guard deployment.

    Additionally, the whistleblowers will reveal how the January 6 Committee did not want to hear their testimony because it corroborated Trump and his allies’ claims that the former president did authorize the National Guard days in advance to respond to any violence or unrest on January 6, 2021.

    BuDuh (cdb64a)

  62. I imagine they have found new, probably legal ways to target us in the last 6 years, but I couldn’t easily find anything that says that.

    DRJ (b2d376)


    JUST IN: Reporter Catherine Herridge testifies that CBS News locked her out of the building and seized all her files, says she was working with sources to “expose government corruption.”

    Nothing at all going on here, folks.

    “CBS News’ decision to seize my reporting records crossed a red line that I believe should never be crossed by any media organization.”

    “Multiple sources said they were concerned that by working with me to expose government corruption and misconduct they would be identified and exposed.”

    “CBS News locked me out of the building and seized hundreds of pages of my reporting files, including confidential source information.”

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  64. The bottle deposit crook is so desperate to stay in office and out of a jail cell that he attacks the Iranian embassy in syria hoping to provoke a war with Iran to stay in power longer. How many more have to die to keep netanyahu out of a prison cell. I wouldn’t worry about an unwanted dinner guest when world war III could breakout! Anybody here want to see8 to 10 dollar a gallon gas so bibi doesn’t go to jail?

    asset (456552)

  65. @64 Just in? I read about that awhile back from multiple outlets and here too.

    asset (456552)


    First of all, did you even hear about the explosive device planted and detonated outside the Alabama Attorney General’s office back in February? The ‘news’ media offered some perfunctory coverage at the time, but consider the circumstances and context: Just a few days prior, the state’s Supreme Court had issued a highly controversial ruling involving frozen embryos, with possible implications for in vitro fertilization. The subsequent uproar garnered national attention, as many journalists were eager to jump all over a story they perceived as politically beneficial to both their preferred political party, and to their unlimited abortion agenda.

    Look who planted the bomb.

    Left-wing, Antifa ‘activism’? Check. “Pro-Palestine” solidarity keffiyeh? Check. They/them pronouns? Check. They’re going to want no part of this one. According to the indictment, if the suspect released, he’s likely to strike again, by his own admission:

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  67. Asset,

    perhaps you are unfamiliar with the word “testimony” or you are just pulling the standard leftist tactic claiming pertinent information is just old news.

    NJRob (eb56c3)


    Progressives are using legal loopholes and the power of the federal government to maximize Democrat votes in the 2024 election at taxpayers’ expense, RealClearInvestigations has found.

    The methods include voter registration and mobilization campaigns by ostensibly nonpartisan charities that target Democrats using demographic data as proxies, and the Biden administration’s unprecedented demand that every federal agency “consider ways to expand citizens’ opportunities to register to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the electoral process.”

    A dizzying array of overwhelmingly “democracy-focused” entities with ties to the Democratic Party operating as charities and funded with hundreds of millions of dollars from major liberal “dark money” vehicles are engaged in a sprawling campaign to register the voters, deliver them the ballots, and figuratively and sometimes literally harvest the votes necessary to defeat Donald Trump.

    These efforts, now buttressed by the federal government, amplify and extend what Time magazine described as a “well-funded cabal of powerful people ranging across industries and ideologies,” who had worked behind the scenes in 2020 “to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information” to defeat Trump and other Republicans. The “shadow campaigners,” Time declared, “were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it.”

    Heading into 2024, “there is not a ‘shadow’ campaign,” said Mike Howell, executive director of the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project. “There is an overt assault on President Trump and those who wish to vote for him occurring at every level of government and with the support of all major institutions.”

    Using the power of the government to entrench itself. Keep pretending the other option is worse.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  69. “CBS News locked me out of the building and seized hundreds of pages of my reporting files, including confidential source information.”

    Always keep your work elsewhere too.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  70. I’ve been waiting for this shoe to fall: My local cable TV company is getting out of the Cable TV business and attempting to transition everyone to Internet + Streaming. Probably why they changed their name from CableOne to Sparklight a couple years ago (although gawds what a name!).

    Your typical retired couple is facing Technogeddon.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  71. Your typical retired couple is facing Technogeddon.

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 4/12/2024 @ 8:51 pm

    Find a 10 year old.

    Rip Murdock (047daf)

  72. “CBS News locked me out of the building and seized hundreds of pages of my reporting files, including confidential source information.”

    I assumed reporters work product was the property of the employer, since it would be the news organization that would be legally responsible for any libel committed by the reporter, who would expect the company to defend them.

    Rip Murdock (047daf)

  73. RIP documentary filmmaker Eleanor Coppola (87), wife (for 61 years) of Francis Ford Coppola. Among other films, she directed Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker’s Apocalypse (1991), about the trials and tribulations that beset the making of Apocalypse Now. She also served as the cinematographer on two related films: A Million Feet of Film: The Editing of Apocalypse Now and Heard Any Good Movies Lately?: The Sound Design of Apocalypse Now, both from 2006.

    Rip Murdock (047daf)

  74. legally responsible for any libel committed by the reporter

    Like that can happen. When was the last successful libel case against the NY Times?

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  75. Find a 10 year old.

    Indeed. The cable company’s typical English-as-a-5th-language phone reps are no help and seem badly trained.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  76. OJ would have been convicted if the case was tried in the area the crime was committed-the LA Westside. The prosecution decided to hold the trial in Downtown LA, which was convenient for them but was a godsend to the defense. On the Westside it would have been a nearly all-white jury pool, downtown not so much.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 4/12/2024 @ 4:15 pm

    I invite Patterico or someone else familiar with the process to correct me, but isn’t it the same jury pool? In the 30 years I’ve lived on the west side, I’ve been called for jury service downtown several times, and never to the West L.A. court house.

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  77. Here’s a thought: If Biden really feels that the survival of Ukraine is paramount and Congress won’t act, he actually CAN send in the US Army. Don’t like it? Impeach him, or cut off funds to the US military.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  78. legally responsible for any libel committed by the reporter

    Like that can happen. When was the last successful libel case against the NY Times?

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 4/12/2024 @ 10:24 pm

    Libel actions don’t need to be successful to be expensive.

    Rip Murdock (047daf)

  79. lurker (cd7cd4) — 4/12/2024 @ 10:27 pm</blockquote

    The racial composition of the initial jury pool differed considerably from the racial compostion of the final jury. The pool was 40% white, 28% black, 17% Hispanic, and 15% Asian.

    The racial composition of the jury (9 Blacks, 1 Hispanic, 2 Whites) was strongly influenced by the decision of the prosecution to file the Simpson case in downtown Los Angeles rather than–as is usually the case– in the judicial district where the crime occurred– in this case, Santa Monica. Had the case be filed in Santa Monica, the Simpson jury would have been mostly white instead of, as was the case, mostly African-American. With poll data showing that most whites believed Simpson to be guilty and most blacks believing him to be not guilty, the decision to file the case in Santa Monica may have been the biggest mistake the prosecution made. Vincent Bugliosi, the celebrated prosecutor in the Charles Manson case, said the mistake “dwarfed anything the defense did.”


    Rip Murdock (047daf)

  80. More on OJ trial location:

    Before O.J. Simpson tried on the glove that didn’t fit, before former Detective Mark Fuhrman was discredited, before police criminalist Dennis Fung stumbled through his trial testimony, prosecutors made a key decision that critically handicapped them from the start, many legal experts say.

    They filed charges against Simpson in a Downtown court instead of in Santa Monica.

    Juries drawn for the Santa Monica courthouse are more affluent, better educated and have a different ethnic mix than those at the Downtown courthouse. A Westside jury in the Simpson double-murder trial, legal experts say, would have been much more receptive to the prosecution’s case.
    “Where you try the case, and who you have on the jury, has everything to do with the outcome,” said Robert Pugsley, a Southwestern University law professor. “The exact same case–in Santa Monica–absolutely could have been a hung jury or a conviction.”
    There also were compelling legal reasons to try the case in Santa Monica, the judges said: It is the jurisdiction where the crime occurred and the jurisdiction where the suspect lived. It is also where Simpson, an affluent celebrity, could be judged by jurors many of whom are his peers in every respect except race.

    “The case belonged in Santa Monica,” said retired Superior Court Judge Leonard Wolf, presiding judge in Santa Monica from 1986 to 1989. “And to say the case couldn’t have been tried in Santa Monica is simply wrong–it could have been tried there. . . . A number of major criminal cases have been tried in Santa Monica.”
    …………… Laurie Levenson, a professor of criminal law at Loyola Law School and a former federal prosecutor, said it is the district attorney’s job to do everything legally possible to win cases. Prosecutors, she said, cannot afford to give up any advantage.

    The 6th Amendment states that a trial should be held “in the district” where the crime is committed. This is important, Levenson said, because a crime is not just against an individual but also against the community.

    Several deputy district attorneys said in interviews that even if the odds were against keeping the Simpson case in Santa Monica, they would have filed it there anyway. If a supervising judge decided to move the case, they would have fought the decision.
    A Santa Monica jury would have been far more advantageous to prosecutors for many other reasons than race, said Richard Gabriel, one of four jury consultants who worked for Simpson’s attorneys. A Santa Monica jury, Gabriel said, would have given much more credence to two crucial elements of the prosecution’s case: domestic violence and DNA evidence.

    How a jury regards domestic violence and DNA evidence is more a matter of education and income level than race, Gabriel said. …………
    An aspect of the case that might have been overlooked by prosecutors initially, Gabriel said, is the race of the victims. Many white jurors will identify and empathize with white victims to a greater extent than will black jurors, he said.
    The Simpson jurors, (defense attorney Harold Braun said), were convinced that police were out to get Simpson because he is black. But Santa Monica jurors, Braun said, would have realized that because of his celebrity, he transcended race. Simpson was even given special treatment by Mark Fuhrman years earlier. Fuhrman and other officers did not arrest Simpson after he had smashed the windshield of Nicole’s Mercedes-Benz with a baseball bat, Braun noted.

    “If you’re from West L.A., the idea that the police were out to get O.J. is preposterous. You realize he is a celebrity and that celebrities get special treatment. But Downtown, the case was about race.”

    The racial composition of a Downtown jury is markedly different than a Santa Monica jury. The Santa Monica courthouse draws the majority of its jurors from the Superior Court’s west district, an area with a jury pool that is about 79% white, 7% percent black and 7.5% Latino, according to a study by the county’s urban research division, based on census data. ………..

    The Downtown courthouse draws the majority of its jurors from the Central District, an area with a jury pool that is about 30% white, 31% black and 29% Latino. …………

    The courts draw the majority of jurors from their districts, jury officials say, but also draw some jurors from outside their districts, as long as they live within a 20-mile radius of the courthouse.
    Some deputy district attorneys said privately that a key reason Garcetti wanted the case Downtown was so he could better oversee prosecutors and be more accessible to the media. They criticized him for attempting to micro-manage the case.

    “Garcetti didn’t like having the Menendez case out in the Valley because he couldn’t control the whole thing,” said one longtime prosecutor. “When they filed the Simpson case Downtown, it struck me as a dumb decision. When we heard all the reasons Garcetti gave afterward, we laughed. A lot of those reasons didn’t make sense.”

    Article published in 1995. Garcetti barely won reelection as DA in 1996, 50.1% to 49.89%.

    Rip Murdock (047daf)

  81. In the 30 years I’ve lived on the west side, I’ve been called for jury service downtown several times, and never to the West L.A. court house.

    I was thinking the same, lurker, but I’m wondering if the whole jury process changed post-OJ. I have been in this area for 28 years and been called for jury duty probably seven or eight times. At least four of those calls have been in the Torrance Courthouse, the closest one to where I live, and one was to the Airport Courthouse which is probably the second-closest to me. But the last time I was called, which was probably 2018 or 19, I was surprised to be ordered to report to Downtown Los Angeles Court, and eventually I ended up being transferred to East LA Court. So I’m left wondering if at some point the rules for jury duty were changed and we’re now subjected to being sent just about anywhere in Los Angeles County.

    I’ve been called to jury duty later this summer and I have thus far been once again assigned to the downtown courthouse.

    JVW (b02843)

  82. @80 Frankly, I am shocked at the suggestion that justice is heavily influenced by venue and jury selection. Shocked (!!!)

    lloyd (9a53f1)

  83. @80. Vincent Bugliosi should know, so I’m sure he’s right. In which case I’m curious how that happens in light of what I described. I live in Santa Monica and get called for downtown jury service. I assume people from downtown likewise get called to Santa Monica, but could that be wrong? Maybe it’s not symmetrical? In short, if I’m part of the downtown jury pool, how do downtown and West LA end up with demographically disparate juries?

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  84. Libel actions don’t need to be successful to be expensive.

    OK, when was the last time one went to trial against the NY Times? I would expect them to gain rapid dismissals with the magic word (“Sullivan”).

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  85. The 6th Amendment states that a trial should be held “in the district” where the crime is committed. This is important, Levenson said, because a crime is not just against an individual but also against the community.

    Having utterly nothing to do with this case.

    The courts draw the majority of jurors from their districts, jury officials say, but also draw some jurors from outside their districts, as long as they live within a 20-mile radius of the courthouse.

    Nearly all of Los Angeles County is within 20 miles of downtown. Those are hard miles to drive though, so people 19 miles away find any reason they possibly can to avoid or postpone such service. Since the jury would be sequestered, hardship arguments are easier and whole classes of employed people are likely to be able to escape.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  86. Maybe it’s not symmetrical? In short, if I’m part of the downtown jury pool, how do downtown and West LA end up with demographically disparate juries?

    The simple explanation is an algorithmic preference for summoning nearby citizens as more likely to result in actual jurors. There is also the lower citizen-density near downtown to consider.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  87. @JVW: I suppose the assignment process may have changed, but I served on two juries downtown when I lived in West LA >20 yrs ago. And as I said, for whatever reason, that’s the only court I’ve ever been called to. I found that moderately annoying since during at least one of those services I lived walking distance from the West LA court. But I chalked it up to downtown having such a greater need for warm bodies that it sucks in nearby jurors like a black hole. Maybe the satellite areas with their relatively modest need for seat warmers don’t have to reciprocate, so they limit their pool to locals. I don’t know.

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  88. The courts draw the majority of jurors from their districts, jury officials say, but also draw some jurors from outside their districts, as long as they live within a 20-mile radius of the courthouse.

    Yeah, I missed that the first time. I suppose it could account for much of the asymmetry.

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  89. My experience was with downtown, too, but I also was called once to the Compton courthouse.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  90. OK, when was the last time one went to trial against the NY Times? I would expect them to gain rapid dismissals with the magic word (“Sullivan”).

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 4/13/2024 @ 9:44 am

    Sarah Palin v. New York Times went to trial in 2022, which has been appealed to the Second Circuit in November 2023. As far as I can tell no decision has been made yet.

    But “big media” aren’t the only targets in defamation cases. Defending a single case could bankrupt a small town newspaper.

    Rip Murdock (047daf)

  91. A Chinese academic’s somewhat surprising perspective on Putin’s War Against Ukraine, particularly since it’s from a No Free Speech zone like communist China…

    Four main factors will influence the course of the war. The first is the level of resistance and national unity shown by Ukrainians, which has until now been extraordinary. The second is international support for Ukraine, which, though recently falling short of the country’s expectations, remains broad.

    The third factor is the nature of modern warfare, a contest that turns on a combination of industrial might and command, control, communications and intelligence systems. One reason Russia has struggled in this war is that it is yet to recover from the dramatic deindustrialisation it suffered after the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

    The final factor is information. When it comes to decision-making, Vladimir Putin is trapped in an information cocoon, thanks to his having been in power so long. The Russian president and his national-security team lack access to accurate intelligence. The system they operate lacks an efficient mechanism for correcting errors. Their Ukrainian counterparts are more flexible and effective.

    In combination, these four factors make Russia’s eventual defeat inevitable. In time it will be forced to withdraw from all occupied Ukrainian territories, including Crimea. Its nuclear capability is no guarantee of success. Didn’t a nuclear-armed America withdraw from Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan?

    Personally, I think it’s premature to conclude that Ukraine has lost or Putin has won when they’re right in the middle of it, although Ukraine’s chances of losing are greater if Trump’s lapdog of a Speaker keeps stonewalling aid. Johnson was at Mar-A-Lago just a day or two ago, awaiting instructions from his Orange Master. A Chinese-centric view here…

    China’s relations with Russia are not fixed, and they have been affected by the events of the past two years. Russia’s foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, has just visited Beijing, where he and his Chinese counterpart once again emphasised the close ties between their countries. But the trip appears to have been more diplomatic effort by Russia to show it is not alone than genuine love-in. Shrewd observers note that China’s stance towards Russia has reverted from the “no limits” stance of early 2022, before the war, to the traditional principles of “non-alignment, non-confrontation and non-targeting of third parties”.

    Although China has not joined Western sanctions against Russia, it has not systematically violated them. It is true that China imported more than 100m tonnes of Russian oil in 2023, but that is not a great deal more than it was buying annually before the war. If China stops importing Russian oil and instead buys from elsewhere, it will undoubtedly push up international oil prices, putting huge pressure on the world economy.

    Since the war began China has conducted two rounds of diplomatic mediation. Success has proved elusive but no one should doubt China’s desire to end this cruel war through negotiations. That wish shows that China and Russia are very different countries. Russia is seeking to subvert the existing international and regional order by means of war, whereas China wants to resolve disputes peacefully.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  92. RAMALLAH, West Bank—The Israeli military is sending troops to the West Bank to quell settler attacks on Palestinian villages after a 14-year-old Israeli Jewish boy who had gone missing was found dead in the area on Saturday. …

    The Palestinian Authority’s state-run news agency WAFA reported that a Palestinian man was killed, dozens injured, and homes and property were burned. Israeli settlers attacked at least 10 Palestinian villages in the West Bank on Saturday, according to the Israeli human-rights organization Yesh Din. Settlers shot weapons, burned cars and homes, threw stones, vandalized property, and blocked thoroughfares in the villages, the organization said.

    This is how the Klan worked in the Old South. It’s really hard to defend this.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  93. Iran has launched a massive drone and missile attack on Israel.

    Rip Murdock (047daf)

  94. I’m reading it is only drones.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  95. Israel will likely shoot them all down. I doubt they will go so far as to attack the launch sites. But they should.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  96. @96 Don’t rain on Dearborn’s parade.

    lloyd (9fd23c)

  97. I wonder how many in Biden’s State Department are cheering this attack by Iran. The answer isn’t zero.

    lloyd (9fd23c)

  98. I’m reading it is only drones.

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 4/13/2024 @ 1:40 pm

    Just wait:

    Current and former American officials said it is likely that Iran will try to synchronize the drone attack with faster moving missiles, which would be launched later. The slow moving drones, the former official said, could be used to distract Israeli defenses.

    Rip Murdock (047daf)

  99. I doubt Iran would only slow moving, easily targeted drones as their only method of retaliation. They wouldn’t have any real effect on Israel.

    Rip Murdock (047daf)

  100. @99 and republicans cheer putin. The bottle deposit crook isn’t even liked by most Israelis. Your right and you better get used to it. Israel better dump netanyahu for its own good America’s demographics are changing as my side gets stronger every day. As for trump favorables with black and latinx men 25%/40% they lie a strong leader and biden sucks at leadership. A strong leader like AOC will bring them back.

    asset (18ed12)

  101. @101 just in cruise missiles launched by Iran. Icbm next? Thank the bottle deposit crook for starting war with Iran in desperate attempt to stay in power.

    asset (18ed12)

  102. Congress Passes Bill Allowing Surveillance On Every American Except For Those Who Bring Cocaine Into White House.
    lloyd (9fd23c) — 4/13/2024 @ 1:51 pm


    I wonder how many in Biden’s State Department are cheering this attack by Iran. The answer isn’t zero.
    lloyd (9fd23c) — 4/13/2024 @ 1:56 pm

    Cognitive dissonance.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  103. Democratic left cheers.

    Rip Murdock (047daf)

  104. A fascist like AOC will bring them back.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  105. … or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  106. … or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 4/13/2024 @ 3:33 pm

    That’s for treason against the United States, not Israel.

    Rip Murdock (047daf)

  107. Though some conflate loyalty to the United States and Israel as the same thing.

    Rip Murdock (047daf)

  108. @104 “Cognitive dissonance.”

    Cognitive deficiency.

    lloyd (9fd23c)

  109. Going to be hard for the Obama and Biden crew to cover for Iran now.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  110. But they will give it the old college try.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  111. @109 Yes, that’s true. But it’s much more common to conflate enmity toward the US and enmity toward Israel as the same thing.

    lloyd (9fd23c)

  112. @69 You’re complaining that the Biden administration is using government funds to increase electoral participation by lawful voters. I understand they’re not being even handed (and they should be!) but I don’t think helping people to access a fundamental right of citizenship is an outrage.

    Time123 (7d7e5f)

  113. @92 Paul, I think China wants a weakened Russia that is dependent on them to have taken territory and been allowed to keep it by the international community. That gives China a potentially dependent ally and a precedent that if a major power wants it badly enough they an take territory by force.

    Time123 (7d7e5f)

  114. Memba that DeSantis was such a big meanie monster against the great Disney corporation?

    No, i remember when he used the power of the state to punish Disney for political speech he didn’t like.

    Also, it looks like Disney got what they wanted, a return to the previous status quo, and DeSantis got what he wanted, good publicity.
    Which is a shame, what DeSantis did was despicable. As would be a lefty governor doing a similar thing to a right wing group that exercised their free speech rights.

    Time123 (7d7e5f)

  115. You’re complaining that the Biden administration is using government funds to increase electoral participation by lawful voters. I understand they’re not being even handed (and they should be!) but I don’t think helping people to access a fundamental right of citizenship is an outrage.

    Time123 (7d7e5f) — 4/13/2024 @ 4:53 pm

    Said every 3rd world socialist utopia.

    NJRob (a3a92e)

  116. Though some conflate loyalty to the United States and Israel as the same thing.

    How would you view cheering for Iran then?

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  117. I understand they’re not being even handed (and they should be!) but I don’t think helping people to access a fundamental right of citizenship is an outrage.

    If they base that help on partisan views, then it is as much an affront as blocking speech for the same reason.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  118. @115: I think they want a Russia that has to sell natural resources cheaply.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  119. It’s like when California put those handy ballot drop boxes in the inner city but not as many in the suburbs and hardly any in Red counties. Just being helpful.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  120. JVW (b02843) — 4/12/2024 @ 4:16 pm

    My concern here is that we have entered a new realm where they the spam callers are going to come after you with numbers which are harder to ignore.

    This is already the case. They can spoof numbers with a local area code. It may not be legal One way to test out if the number is real is to try to call back

    Is there now technology to ascertain where my phone is located

    Yes. The area code of your phone number.

    Although cell phones can have any area code, it usually works quite well in locating where your phone is or where your home is. If people move something usually causes them to get a local phone number, perhaps the payment plan.

    Sammy Finkelman (c2c77e)

  121. The U.S. shot down some drones, and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is consulting with the Israeli Defense Minister, Yoav Gallant. The scope of the attack isn’t clear yet.

    One reason Biden wants to get involved, besides natural sympathy and common enemy is that he doesn’t want a war between Israel and Iran to break out – which could involve yet more countries, and of course, another go-round in any time from a few months to a few years, could go nuclear.

    This problem of Iran’s atomic bomb probably needs to be resolved now.

    U.S. participation tends to guarantee that Iran will not escalate too much and enables the U.S> to influence the Israeli response.

    Sammy Finkelman (c2c77e)

  122. It’s not so much spam calls — T-Mobile has an effect block — but spam texts that are on the rise.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  123. Even if just drones, the Iranians still committed an act of war on Israel. Whatever naval vessels they have in the Red Sea (which they’re using to facilitate Houthi attacks) should be sunk.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  124. Steve, sounds like a typical leftist description of any Republican and the way he worships Obama in it says it all.

    NJRob (a3a92e)

  125. steveg (8408cc) — 4/13/2024 @ 7:58 pm

    Steve, thank you for that link! I laughed as well.

    “Even his flaws have flaws”. 🤣

    norcal (c19a27)

  126. the way he worships Obama in it says it all.

    NJRob (a3a92e) — 4/13/2024 @ 8:12 pm

    He’s not worshipping Obama’s policies, but rather how Obama spoke and comported himself.

    norcal (c19a27)

  127. Like with Rob not liking steve’s link, lloyd didn’t like my link to Nate White either, which I take as affirmation.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  128. Paul Montagu (d52d7d) — 4/13/2024 @ 8:18 pm

    And your response to Lloyd was similar to what I had in mind.

    norcal (c19a27)

  129. @130 Just trying to help you. Paul. Since your “bloodbath”, “immigrants aren’t people” and Jay in Kiev falsehoods all emanated from partisan leftist sources, you might want to take a break from that to raise your credibility above a Geraldo Rivera level.

    lloyd (33c26c)

  130. I’m a bit more with NJRob on the Nate White quip than I am with those of you who appreciated it. I don’t care if he bashes Trump, that’s fine and dandy as far as I am concerned. But as NJRob points out, Mr. White does seem to be something of an Obama lickspittle, and the world already has far too damn many of those. And then he also takes gratuitous swipes at Nixon for allegedly not being trustworthy and George W. Bush for allegedly not being smart, so yeah, I do think Nate White is likely your standard prissy English jackoff lefty toff. He could have easily substituted Bill Clinton as not being trustworthy, and then he would be comparing Presidents 42 through 45 which would have made sense, but I’m sure a step-out-of-the-shower-to-pee type like Nate White probably thinks Bill Clinton is a pretty awesome dude.

    And as to whether Donald Trump is funny or not, the answer is hell yes he is. I’ve made this point before. He’s like that super-obnoxious kid in second grade who made fart noises when the teacher had her back turned or re-christened the obnoxious principal Mr. Bonnar as Mr. Boner. You laughed, even if you didn’t really want to, and that’s my same damn reaction to Trump. He’s like if a less-manic Will Farrell were elected President. (I can’t stand Will Farrell, but I confess that I have guffawed at his buffoonery from time to time.) If you don’t believe me on this, even Rich Lowry at NRO has admitted that Trump is a funny guy even though he doesn’t care for him any more than I do.

    JVW (b02843)

  131. Since your “bloodbath”, “immigrants aren’t people” and Jay in Kiev falsehoods…

    Dude, now you’re just making sh-t up. Talk about credibility.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  132. JVW, Trump has his funny moments at rallies. He has a cult following for a reason, and part of it is that he’s entertaining in front of a crowd, and content and policy don’t matter.
    And Nate White can humorously describe the manboy that is Trump, regardless of his politics.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  133. And, to be fair, Trump was rather witty at his first ever debate back in 2016, when Megyn Kelly mentioned all the nasty things Trump had said about women. Trump retorted, “Only Rosie O’Donnell.”

    That was pretty damn funny.

    norcal (c19a27)

  134. BTW, with a little help from the US and UK, out of 331 missiles/drones the Iranians fired at Israel, only 7 got through (link). That counts as 331 acts of war by the de facto theocratic Iranian regime. They really don’t deserve a navy.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  135. David French

    Don’t let anyone tell you this was a minor, symbolic attack from Iran. This was a significant strike. For perspective, when Russia launched what the BBC called its “largest missile attack in weeks” against Ukraine late last month, it only fired 31 missiles. Iran’s attack was orders of magnitude larger.

    Nevertheless, Ukraine has been on the receiving end of hundreds, maybe thousands, of terrorist missile attacks by Iranian-made drones, fired by Putin.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  136. Speaking of David French, is anybody familiar with the Moth Radio Hour on NPR?

    David’s wife Nancy told a 15-minute story about the beginning of their relationship. It’s very fun and entertaining. It’s worth a listen, I promise.

    norcal (c19a27)

  137. Well, doggies! It’s Mr. Drysdale again.

    Mr. Nate White knows a lot of words, he has all the good fifth-grade vocabulary words, but he cannot hold a candle to John Astin in a Spitting, Belching & Cussin Contest.

    nk (bb1548)

  138. “A few things spring to mind. Trump lacks certain qualities which the British traditionally esteem. For instance, he has no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmth, no wisdom, no subtlety, no sensitivity, no self-awareness, no humility, no honour and no grace – all qualities, funnily enough, with which his predecessor Mr. Obama was generously blessed.”

    Maybe one can dispute Trump’s lack of wit…as tastes in humor vary, but even there it’s usually nasty and only appeals to the hopeless partisan. It’s at someone else’s expense. It’s wit that lacks charm and class. It’s based on being outrageous and over the top. It’s more “I can’t believe that he said that”. It’s never self deprecating and it frequently punches down…and below the belt. It’s rarely clever and more usually like 3rd-grader name calling. It’s challenging to differentiate when Trump is being funny and when he’s attacking. It’s why he skips the correspondents dinner. You do actually have to be clever and self deprecating at the event.

    “And then he also takes gratuitous swipes at Nixon for allegedly not being trustworthy and George W. Bush for allegedly not being smart, so yeah, I do think Nate White is likely your standard prissy English jackoff lefty toff”

    Nixon resigned in disgrace for facilitating a coverup. His own party told him he didn’t have the votes to survive impeachment. He was in fact a criminal who needed the pardon. Bill Clinton may have also disgraced himself but it didn’t involve the power of the office. What-abouting here seems to really miss the point.

    AJ_Liberty (91acf4)

  139. JD Vance continued his disingenuousness about Putin’s War Against Ukraine, this time on Tapper’s State of the Union. One, he said we should focus on our domestic industrial complex instead of give aid to Ukraine, but giving this aid actually increases domestic manufacturing base because our tax dollars are being spent stateside on replacing and growing our military arsenal.

    Two, he said at the end of the interview that Israel is a more important ally than Ukraine, which I actually I agree with but misses the point, because it’s about Russia, not Ukraine, and Russia is a top geopolitical foe. Dealing with an expansionist land-grubbing hostile foreign power with nukes like Russia is more important than an Israel than can well defend itself, and has capably done so.

    Three, Tapper referenced the National Review critique of Vance, and it’s here. His is indeed the logic of appeasement and retreat and surrender. It’s the logic of American Weakness, which other opportunistic dictator states will exploit if we falter, just like Biden’s faltering in Afghanistan emboldened an opportunistic Putin to take his shot at Ukraine, IMO.

    Vance is just not honest, but he is a gifted bullsh-tter, and he’s channeling a dishonest Trump (also a gifted bullsh-tter) and his opposition to sending aid to Ukraine. We know Trump opposes it because his Supplicant Compliant Speaker opposes it.

    And on that note, a happy Sunday to all.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)


    I should write something scathing about the British Prime Minister. Never mind how little I know.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  141. how Obama spoke and comported himself.

    Obama was an arrogant stick-up-his-ass condescending elitist. Unacceptable in a different way.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  142. Still, he didn’t put ketchup on a ribeye.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  143. Bill Clinton may have also disgraced himself but it didn’t involve the power of the office

    He used the power of his office to intimidate witnesses against him.

    Article II, charging Clinton with obstruction of justice alleged in part that:

    The means used to implement this course of conduct or scheme included one or more of the following acts:

    … corruptly encouraged a witness in a Federal civil rights action brought against him to execute a sworn affidavit in that proceeding that he knew to be perjurious, false and misleading.
    … corruptly encouraged a witness in a Federal civil rights action brought against him to give perjurious, false and misleading testimony if and when called to testify personally in that proceeding.
    … corruptly engaged in, encouraged, or supported a scheme to conceal evidence that had been subpoenaed in a Federal civil rights action brought against him.
    … intensified and succeeded in an effort to secure job assistance to a witness in a Federal civil rights action brought against him in order to corruptly prevent the truthful testimony of that witness in that proceeding at a time when the truthful testimony of that witness would have been harmful to him.
    … at his deposition in a Federal civil rights action brought against him, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly allowed his attorney to make false and misleading statements to a Federal judge characterizing an affidavit, in order to prevent questioning deemed relevant by the judge. Such false and misleading statements were subsequently acknowledged by his attorney in a communication to that judge.
    … related a false and misleading account of events relevant to a Federal civil rights action brought against him to a potential witness in that proceeding, in order to corruptly influence the testimony of that witness.
    … made false and misleading statements to potential witnesses in a Federal grand jury proceeding in order to corruptly influence the testimony of those witnesses. The false and misleading statements made by William Jefferson Clinton were repeated by the witnesses to the grand jury, causing the grand jury to receive false and misleading information.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  144. How bad a candidate is Trump?

    President Biden is holding his own despite “Direction of the Country” poll numbers being as bad as at the height of Covid. The 40-point spread may also reflect how bad a candidate Biden is, of course.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  145. We know Trump opposes it because his Supplicant Compliant Speaker opposes it.

    Just like the Speaker opposed FISA reauthorization? And when Ukraine aid passes over MTG’s dead body, then what?

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  146. We should also note that, before the Iranian theocratic regime launched a wave of drones and missiles at Israel, Biden gave this ineffectual warning: “Don’t”.

    Well, the Iranians did, and guess what. Instead of heeding Biden’s warning, they sh@t all over it, and now Biden is telling Bibi to “take the win” and to not respond with retaliatory strikes.

    “Take the win”? What win? The Iranian terrorist state took Biden’s “don’t” and mushed it in his face. This is my second link to Noah Rothman, but he’s making a lot of sense.

    Though President Biden did the right thing by deploying American assets to assist Israel’s defensive response, the reality is that things never would have gotten to this point had it not been for his accommodating policies toward Iran and months of chastising Israel. Looking further back, the origins of last night’s Iranian aggression could be traced to his former boss.

    In pursuing a disastrous nuclear deal, the Obama administration sought to reorient the Middle East around an improved relationship with Iran and more “daylight” between the U.S. and Israel. In pursuit of the deal, the administration overlooked Iran’s malign activity around the world — its sponsorship of terrorism and its destabilizing attacks through its proxies in the region. The ultimate deal funneled tens of billions of dollars in sanctions relief to Iran and allowed the regime to become a greater conventional threat, all while preserving its nuclear ambitions in the long term.

    While President Trump pulled out of the deal and reestablished U.S. deterrence against Iran by ordering the killing of IRGC commander Qasem Soleimani, Biden and his team — many of the same people responsible for Obama’s failed policies — sought to resurrect the deal. Once again, in doing so, they tried to downplay Iran’s bad behavior and funneled tens of billions of dollars in sanctions relief to Iran.

    Within weeks of taking office, Biden removed the terrorist designation on Iran’s proxy in Yemen, the Houthis, and in 2023, he allowed the U.N. sanctions against the Iranian missile and drone program to expire. Those were the types of weapons not only that were used last night but that Iran has sold to Russia for use against Ukraine.

    Since October 7, whenever Biden has been asked about the possibility of Iran getting involved in the fighting, he has simply said “Don’t,” without offering any explanation of what would happen if it did. What Iran has seen from the U.S., sadly, has been weakness. For months, Iran has had its proxies fire at U.S. military assets in the region and harass shipping lanes. Aside from a few symbolic retaliatory strikes, the Biden response has been muted.

    More recently, what Iran has witnessed has been Biden and other U.S. officials berating Israel for its response to the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust. Biden has chastised Israeli actions as “over the top” and its bombing as “indiscriminate.” He has cited Hamas casualty figures uncritically and warned Israel against finishing off the terrorist group in the southern Gaza city of Rafah, threatening to condition aid to Israel. And he has tried to pressure Israel into ceding more and more ground in cease-fire talks, while Hamas keeps rejecting every deal that has been put on the table, and won’t even disclose how many of the 130 hostages it still holds are alive.

    Biden’s actions sent a clear signal to Iran’s leaders that the U.S. had abandoned Israel and that it was now free to launch the type of attack that it had resisted doing for over 40 years. The question is, now what?

    This is beyond Israel now, because it’s now about Biden and his rejected warning and his do-nothing approach to deter the Mullahs from further belligerence, especially when the Iranian regime has too many boats in the Red Sea and Persian Gulf, and too much drone manufacturing capacity for its own good.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  147. Just like the Speaker opposed FISA reauthorization? And when Ukraine aid passes over MTG’s dead body, then what?

    Like I earlier said, Kevin, MAGA Mike found an “out” by cutting extension from six years to two, so that a President Trump could kill it.
    If he passes a Ukraine aid bill, I’ll say “job well done, Trump must’ve flip-flopped, for political reasons”.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  148. And like I said about Nate White last December: “Agreeing with one commentary doesn’t connote agreement with the guy’s political affiliations or ideology.”

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  149. “If you care about your country, read Ludwig Von Mises’ 6 lessons of the Austrian Economic School, motherf*ckers” – UFC lightweight Renato Moicano

    steveg (8dc96d)

  150. The Iranian regime has no respect for the Biden administration. It acts with impunity against American forces and American interests. It has Biden sized up as a clueless chump. It has Biden’s senior officials sized up as a team of idiots.

    Well said.

    NJRob (6edbaf)

  151. Israel needs to decide if it wants to go to war with Iran. Iran seems to have decided through.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  152. *though

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  153. Though some conflate loyalty to the United States and Israel as the same thing.

    How would you view cheering for Iran then?

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 4/13/2024 @ 6:00 pm

    Not treason, since the US has not declared war against Iran. Bad taste, but cheering for Iran or chanting “Death to America (or Israel)” is protected by the First Amendment.

    Rip Murdock (047daf)

  154. The House should pass a declaration of war against Iran, and dare the Senate to stop it.

    Rip Murdock (047daf)

  155. The Iranian regime has no respect for the Biden administration. It acts with impunity against American forces and American interests. It has Biden sized up as a clueless chump. It has Biden’s senior officials sized up as a team of idiots.

    He exudes all the authority of a substitute teacher.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  156. They’re always at war in that part of the world.

    For one simple reason.

    There is no point in fighting one to the end.

    Win or lose, they will still be treading water in a cesspool, a miserable existence with redemption only on Judgment Day.

    nk (46b4bd)

  157. It’s an interesting point about how Ukraine suffers the same attacks daily and doesn’t have the same air defenses. Is that on the US? Or is it on Israel which has provided NOTHING to Ukraine because they have business going with Putin?

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  158. @158 It’s not a team of idiots. It’s a team trying to keep the Al-Quds wing of the party happy, because they need Michigan. It used to be San Francisco Democrats we needed to be wary of. Seems quaint now.

    lloyd (ac4f73)

  159. “This is by far the worst and least prepared US administration in the field of foreign, security and defence policy since quite some time now. I know that Europeans don‘t like to hear it or admit it as they are in an absolute denial out of fear for a second Trump term.”
    Velina Tchakarova

    I agree with her that this Administration is really bad at those three things, but my real point of agreement would be that people refuse to admit it because they think speaking of Biden’s weaknesses empowers Trump.

    The Emperor goes into foreign, security and defense policy meetings wearing only a bow tie and a clown nose, carrying only an ice cream cone.

    Someone will no doubt mention the fiasco that is the GOP House with its slim margin that empowers the fringe, but that bent is isolationism not appeasement.

    The Biden Administration provided Iran liquidity by releasing 100’s of billions to banks in Qatar. “Not a dollar has been withdrawn” is the Biden Administration company line but come on. How hard would it be to take out a loan or a credit line from the bank holding that $200B using that $200B as collateral? Borrowing cash secured by cash and the investment returns of that cash? I’m confident the Bank of Qatar and the Iranian banking system have people and means that can solve that problem.
    In 2023 Bank Pasargad of Iran jumped from outside the Asian/African top 30 banking institutions by assets to number 20. According to Wikipedia, “investigative journalism by IITV revealed the bank coordinated Iranian oil smuggling corruption through helping Iranian regime via a cover committee”

    steveg (8dc96d)


    I guess hackers got the documents.

    My point is that a country and a banking system that has been circumventing sanctions for years- often with a wink and a nod from larger regional banking entities, is going to be able to figure this out, and the Qatari’s under Islamic finance rules and religious obligations have to hear the Iranians out, help them in coming up with ways to solve the $200B problem

    steveg (8dc96d)

  161. Donald Trump appears to endorse pro-Palestine ‘genocide Joe’ chant at rally: ‘They’re not wrong’

    LOL! I’m sure Trump and his supporters had no idea what the chant meant.

    Rip Murdock (047daf)

  162. LOL! I’m sure Trump and his supporters had no idea what the chant meant.

    It means “Let’s Go, Brandon!”

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  163. They’re always at war in that part of the world.

    It’s all fun and games until someone uses a nuke.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  164. From the Business Insider article that Rip linked to:

    Biden has cut short his weekend trip to his Delaware beach home, returning to the White House Saturday to meet with his national security team on events in the Middle East.

    This is how you know it’s serious. Nobody probably believes that Joe Biden has much to say about this situation that isn’t spoon-fed to him by his advisors, and there’s probably nothing he can do in the White House that he couldn’t do from his home in Delaware. But the Biden Reelection Campaign realizes how horrible the optics are of the President spending his 180th consecutive three-and-a-half day weekend in Rehoboth Beach during what is now very clearly a bona fide Mideast Crisis, so they’re making sure he’s back in the Oval Office by Sunday morning. I hope there’s decent ice cream in Washington.

    JVW (b02843)


    How vast was the Great COVID Cover-up? Well, my investigation has recently discovered government officials from 15 federal agencies knew in 2018 that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was trying to create a coronavirus like COVID-19.

    These officials knew that the Chinese lab was proposing to create a COVID 19-like virus and not one of these officials revealed this scheme to the public. In fact, 15 agencies with knowledge of this project have continuously refused to release any information concerning this alarming and dangerous research.

    Government officials representing at least 15 federal agencies were briefed on a project proposed by Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

    This project, the DEFUSE project, proposed to insert a furin cleavage site into a coronavirus to create a novel chimeric virus that would have been shockingly similar to the COVID-19 virus.

    For years, I have been fighting to obtain records from dozens of federal agencies relating to the origins of COVID-19 and the DEFUSE project. Under duress, the administration finally released documents that show that the DEFUSE project was pitched to at least 15 agencies in January 2018.

    What does this mean?

    It means that at least 15 federal agencies knew from the beginning of the pandemic that EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology were seeking federal funding in 2018 to create a virus genetically very similar if not identical to COVID-19.

    They all need to go to jail for a long time.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  166. Folks, it’s a cult when 79% of Republicans believe what Trump says about Putin’s War Against Ukraine and only 33% believe what journalists in the war zone are saying. Sigh.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  167. Be fair, Paul, it’s not just a cult which encourages the disbelief, it’s also the degree to which present-day journalists have completely lost credibility. Let me remind you that it was “journalists in the war zone” who spread the nonsense about Israeli missile attacks hitting the al-Ahli Hospital back in October, when it’s now pretty obvious that it was a Palestinian misfire instead.

    JVW (b02843)

  168. Coupla things, JVW. One, there were no journalists at al-Ahli hospital, just partisans. The problem is that mainstream media like the NYT took the word of those partisans without qualification, even published a photo of a destroyed building that wasn’t even the hospital.
    Two, how is it that journalists “have completely lost credibility” yet Trump hasn’t?

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  169. Two, how is it that journalists “have completely lost credibility” yet Trump hasn’t?

    Where did I try to imply that Trump hasn’t lost credibility?

    And regarding the difference between journalists reporting claims of partisans vs. journalists being actually on the ground observing events themselves, I’m not sure there’s a whole lot of difference. It’s sort of how many of those “journalists” in the war zone on October 7 may not have been entirely objective.

    JVW (b02843)

  170. Where did I try to imply that Trump hasn’t lost credibility?

    The poll in the link was about Trump and war-zone journalists (among others), so my question still stands. Trump fomented an insurrection, schemed to overturn a legitimate electoral result, and lied 30,000-plus times while in office, yet there’s not a ding in his political fender from four out of five Republicans.

    This is not unlike the poll that had Trump as more religious than Romney and Pence (Pence!) other Christians who actually go to church and read the Bible. It’s just confounding and vexing.

    Gaza is a tough animal because mainstream journalists can’t actually go there, but that’s not the case for Ukraine.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  171. @161The pro palestinian wing and yes a few ;but growing number give lip service to hamas say to biden you want michigan we want ceasefire. Biden/clinton wing of the party was discredited by trumps win in 2016. Thats how AOC beat crowley. Biden knows they are the future of the democrat party and he and the clintonistas are the past and are desperately trying to retain power in the party as the left sharpens their knives. Criticism from conservatives is of no concern to them.

    asset (c27b39)

  172. Not the Ken Burns version:

    Donald Trump’s mention of the “beautiful” Battle of Gettysburg during a campaign rally in Schnecksville, Pennsylvania, on Saturday got the former president some attention on social media, with users wondering what his rambling “rant” was about.

    “Gettysburg, what an unbelievable battle that was,” Trump said while addressing the crowd in the town and wearing a Make America Great Again hat. “It was so much, and so interesting, and so vicious and horrible, and so beautiful in so many different ways—it represented such a big portion of the success of this country,” he continued.

    “Gettysburg, wow—I go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to look and to watch,” he said. “And the statement of Robert E. Lee, who’s no longer in favor—did you ever notice it? He’s no longer in favor. ‘Never fight uphill, me boys, never fight uphill.’ They were fighting uphill, he said, ‘Wow, that was a big mistake,’ he lost his big general. ‘Never fight uphill, me boys,’ but it was too late,” Trump added.
    Trump’s mention of the Battle of Gettysburg, which was fought between July 1 and 3, 1863, between Confederates and Federal troops, didn’t go unnoticed by social media users, journalists and strategists following the former president’s rally on Saturday.
    Many users also questioned how the deadliest battle of the Civil War, with an estimated 23,000 Federal troops and 28,000 Confederate soldiers killed, injured or captured over three days, could be considered “beautiful.” ………
    The Battle of Gettysburg wasn’t Trump first mention of the Civil War during a 2024 campaign event this year. Talking at a rally in Iowa in January, the former president said that the war “could have been negotiated” and thus avoided. On that occasion, Trump didn’t suggest how he would have avoided the conflict, but said that he found it “so horrible, but so fascinating.”

    Rip Murdock (047daf)

  173. @172 I have been pointing out that journalists have been bias since the founding of the country. This yellow journalism was excepted including col. mccormick’s paper giving away secrets during WW II because he hated FDR. Remember Truman holding up dewey defeats truman newspaper. Starting in the late 1950’s the corporate deep state pushed so called unbiased journalism to fool the public in their war against communism and the scam continues to this day. At least msDNC and fox do it openly and everyone knows talk radio is bias.

    asset (c27b39)

  174. @175 tell their draft boards they all have bone spurs like I did!

    asset (c27b39)

  175. @175 Isn’t it embarrassing how Trump knows more about Gettysburg than Biden knows about himself.

    lloyd (8e1a6a)

  176. If Trump knew anything about the Battle of Gettysburg, he wouldn’t have called it “so beautiful”. And what kind of idiot says that Robert E. Lee is “no longer in favor”, as if the Confederate took a hit in some poll.
    And I’m pretty sure Trump’s General Lee quote “never fight uphill” was pulled straight out of his arse.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  177. This is not unlike the poll that had Trump as more religious than Romney and Pence (Pence!)

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d) — 4/14/2024 @ 6:08 pm

    As a devout Jack Mormon I take umbrage at the absence of an exclamation point after Romney. 😛

    norcal (6d64b6)

  178. The Battle of Gettysburg wasn’t Trump first mention of the Civil War during a 2024 campaign event this year. Talking at a rally in Iowa in January, the former president said that the war “could have been negotiated” and thus avoided.

    Rip Murdock (047daf) — 4/14/2024 @ 6:53 pm

    Negotiated my ass. What’s the proposal? They’ll only be slaves on even-numbered days?

    norcal (6d64b6)

  179. I’m pretty sure that when Trump hears somebody discussing “General Lee,” he thinks they mean this.

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  180. The word beautiful and synonyms are used like that frequently to describe battles, war, bravery in war. In his column titled A Dreadful Masterpiece” Ernie Pyle describes the fire bombing of London”
    “I shall always remember above all the other things in my life is the monstrous loveliness of that one single view of London on a holiday night”
    “These things all went together to make the most hateful, most beautiful single scene I have ever known.”

    Michael Kelly “The tracer rounds made lines of incandescent beauty, lovely arcing curves and slow S’s and parabolas of light..”

    War photographer An-My Le on War and Aesthetics trying to answer the question Why is war so beautiful to me? answers: I think there’s always an element of something not quite understood in the sublime, something otherworldly, conflicting—something beautiful that’s not always beautiful

    Reed Johnson War in all its awful beauty:

    War, we all know, is hell. But war is also beautiful. It is the savage lyricism of “The Iliad,” the epic sweep and microscopic precision of a Bruegel battle scene, the solemn symmetry of a photograph, published in Life magazine in September 1943, of three soldiers lying dead on a New Guinea beach, their dark bodies pressing into the light sand.

    Look again at some of the imagery spewing from America’s war with Iraq. On our TV screens, chiaroscuro clouds of smoke and sand drift to engulf palm trees, minarets, people. In newspaper pages, shafts of light from exploding missiles pierce the desert night, recalling Walter de Maria’s wondrous outdoor sculpture “The Lightning Field.” A British soldier’s reflection in a pool of leaking oil shimmers and blurs.
    In the split-second it takes for the eye to absorb them, momentarily removed from their grim context, these images are ravishing, exhilarating, uncanny. Beautiful.

    “War is beautiful because it combines the gunfire, the cannonades, the cease-fire, the scents, and the stench of putrefaction into a symphony. War is beautiful because it creates new architecture, like that of the big tanks, the geometrical formation flights, the smoke spirals from burning villages,” wrote Filippo Tommaso Marinetti (1876-1944).

    And yet the impulse to aestheticize war is as old and possibly as instinctive as the urge toward war itself. Metaphorically, it’s no accident that Beauty, in the person of Helen of Troy, was the cause of the decade-long battle between the Trojans and Greeks, a cultural touchstone of Western civilization. Centuries later, Freud mused about the symbiotic relationship between Eros, the heavenly personification of sexual love, beauty and desire, and Thanatos, the dark embodiment of the death wish.

    Like the gods Mars and Venus, who were clandestine lovers in Greco-Roman mythology, war and beauty are deeply, almost pre-cognitively embedded together in the human psyche. Though reason and ethics may insist that nothing that causes death and destruction ever can be truly beautiful, the senses argue otherwise.

    steveg (8dc96d)

  181. @183 look at the opening scenes of saving private ryan on Omaha beach see if you see any beauty there. Only after the battle is over do they talk about the scenery and even then you can’t smell the stench. Or hacksaw ridge. You don’t smwll burning flesh their.

    asset (c27b39)

  182. Negotiated my ass. What’s the proposal? They’ll only be slaves on even-numbered days?

    There was a proposal to add a pro-slavery amendment if they would stay in the Union.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  183. Trump knows Gettysburg like he knows Two Corinthians.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  184. @185 the movie lincoln explains the 13th amendment (Non trump republicans will like the movie democrats wont!)

    asset (c27b39)

  185. If horsesh!t was an Olympic event, Trump would have fifteen gold medals.

    And all the spectators would be from the Screen Extras Guild paid union rate to cheer and applaud.

    nk (46b4bd)


    These are the Americans Biden is supporting.

    NJRob (eb56c3)


    More leftists cheering for Iran and the death of American and Israel.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  188. @116

    Memba that DeSantis was such a big meanie monster against the great Disney corporation?

    No, i remember when he used the power of the state to punish Disney for political speech he didn’t like.

    Also, it looks like Disney got what they wanted, a return to the previous status quo, and DeSantis got what he wanted, good publicity.
    Which is a shame, what DeSantis did was despicable. As would be a lefty governor doing a similar thing to a right wing group that exercised their free speech rights.

    Time123 (7d7e5f) — 4/13/2024 @ 5:03 pm

    No Time… Disney did NOT get what they wanted. They lost badly on all fronts.

    They lost control over the district. The board are still members hand-picked by the governor.

    No other company, be it Universal/Nascar/Seaworld/AB enjoyed the largesse that was the original arraignment of Reedy Creek. Such arraignment was ALWAYS held by the good graces of Floridian.

    If you knew Florida, or simply took the time to understand the history of Reedy Creek, you’d know that most Floridian hated the Reedy Creek arraignment and the not-Disney parks were disdainful as well.

    Ask yourself this: Why do you think the ‘not-Disney’ parks haven’t banded together to defend Disney?

    Yes, Disney trying to throw their weight around over an unrelated bill was used as a pre-text for Florida government to change that Reedy Creek arraignment, but it was always going to be something that would happen at some point. Politics is about striking when the grounds is favorable, because in a vacuum, this doesn’t happen due to the outsized lobbying influence Disney still holds.

    No lefty governor would do this. Because the lefties don’t care about their constituents. They only care about staying in power, and being in good graces with a large corporation keeps the campaign dollars flowing.

    And even after ALL THAT…Time…Disney’s arraignment is STILL immensely beneficial that other parks could only dream of…

    whembly (86df54)

  189. @169

    Folks, it’s a cult when 79% of Republicans believe what Trump says about Putin’s War Against Ukraine and only 33% believe what journalists in the war zone are saying. Sigh.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d) — 4/14/2024 @ 4:13 pm

    When media stops standing in front of burning buildings and saying the equivalent of “it’s fiery, but peaceful here”…

    Then, maybe they’ll be able to rebuild their credibility.

    whembly (86df54)

  190. @171

    Two, how is it that journalists “have completely lost credibility” yet Trump hasn’t?

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d) — 4/14/2024 @ 5:12 pm

    Who cares about Trump? It isn’t about Trump.

    This is about the media.

    Ya know… the same media who gleefully lies about the Russian Collusion Hoax…

    The same media who always took the Biden Administration’s stance on the lockdowns…

    The same media who’s only job is to the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party™.

    Unless something changes in that industry, you will still have large segments of the population who will challenge the media’s credibility all day long.

    whembly (86df54)

  191. Yes, Disney trying to throw their weight around over an unrelated bill was used as a pre-text for Florida government to change that Reedy Creek arraignment, but it was always going to be something that would happen at some point. Politics is about striking when the grounds is favorable, because in a vacuum, this doesn’t happen due to the outsized lobbying influence Disney still holds.

    1. They didn’t ‘throw their weight around’. They published a letter and said they would support politicians they agreed with.
    2. You have it backwards. DeSantis didn’t target speech as a pretext to execute reforms. In court he used reform as a pretext to taret speech.
    3. There are countless special give aways in Florida an across the nation. The Villages has a deal similar to Disney but if you look generally at infrastructure investments and tax give aways the ‘special deals’ are endless.

    time123 (6259ea)

  192. The same media who always took the Biden Administration’s stance on the lockdowns…

    Biden didn’t hold elected office or have an administration during Covid. That happened during the Trump administration. But I know what you mean.

    time123 (6259ea)

  193. Whembly, here’s a decent summary of the deal. Looks like a return to the previous status quo in terms of what Disney can and can’t do. So the governor can appoint the board and he’s appointed ppl who will ‘work with’ Disney. Disney gets to go back to making money and Republicans get to punish speech they dislike. Everyone (well, censors and a large corporation) get what they wanted.

    Mateer, a donor to DeSantis campaigns, previously had been appointed by the governor to the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority and the Board of Governors, which oversees the state university system. Kopelousos was director of legislative affairs for DeSantis. She also had served as secretary of the Florida Department of Transportation under then-Florida Gov. Charlie Crist and was a former county manager in northeast Florida.

    Garcia was a vocal critic of Disney and his replacement by Mateer, who is well-known in Orlando tourism and business circles, may have made Disney comfortable enough with the board to reach an agreement, Foglesong said.

    Board member Charbel Barakat said the board was looking forward to taking a more cooperative approach with the entertainment giant.

    time123 (6259ea)

  194. @194

    Yes, Disney trying to throw their weight around over an unrelated bill was used as a pre-text for Florida government to change that Reedy Creek arraignment, but it was always going to be something that would happen at some point. Politics is about striking when the grounds is favorable, because in a vacuum, this doesn’t happen due to the outsized lobbying influence Disney still holds.

    1. They didn’t ‘throw their weight around’. They published a letter and said they would support politicians they agreed with.

    That’s… not the only thing they did time. Disney was throwing their weight around, up to engaging their army of lobbying efforts.

    2. You have it backwards. DeSantis didn’t target speech as a pretext to execute reforms. In court he used reform as a pretext to taret speech.

    Yes, in court he argued it was about reform.

    Floridian has ALWAYS wanted to reform that arraignment.

    The pretext, though, was in light of the backlash that Disney was outright LYING about the bill that was duly passed.

    That set the stage that, with obvious support by voters, to advance the reforms.

    3. There are countless special give aways in Florida an across the nation. The Villages has a deal similar to Disney but if you look generally at infrastructure investments and tax give aways the ‘special deals’ are endless.

    time123 (6259ea) — 4/15/2024 @ 7:22 am

    But NONE of those were the likes of Reedy Creek, whereby the company RAN the district as another city.

    whembly (86df54)

  195. @196

    Whembly, here’s a decent summary of the deal. Looks like a return to the previous status quo in terms of what Disney can and can’t do. So the governor can appoint the board and he’s appointed ppl who will ‘work with’ Disney. Disney gets to go back to making money and Republicans get to punish speech they dislike. Everyone (well, censors and a large corporation) get what they wanted.

    Mateer, a donor to DeSantis campaigns, previously had been appointed by the governor to the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority and the Board of Governors, which oversees the state university system. Kopelousos was director of legislative affairs for DeSantis. She also had served as secretary of the Florida Department of Transportation under then-Florida Gov. Charlie Crist and was a former county manager in northeast Florida.

    Garcia was a vocal critic of Disney and his replacement by Mateer, who is well-known in Orlando tourism and business circles, may have made Disney comfortable enough with the board to reach an agreement, Foglesong said.

    Board member Charbel Barakat said the board was looking forward to taking a more cooperative approach with the entertainment giant.

    time123 (6259ea) — 4/15/2024 @ 7:29 am

    I’m going to be patient with you, because I recognize that you’re only getting superficial information from news site.

    I have deep connections (familial and work) at Florida.

    Disney lost. And lost bigly, as in the Corporation doesn’t have the full control it enjoyed since it’s inception.

    That doesn’t mean that the governor’s hand-pick team won’t work with Disney, ensuring that Disney still makes a bunch of money, while at the same time, this board looks out for regular Floridian.

    I’ll sum it like this… the relationship can be described simply as this:
    Don’t bite the hands that feeds you.

    You decide whom is the “hands*” here…

    * The answer is both.

    whembly (86df54)

  196. If the goal was reform DeSantis failed as evidenced by the recent changes on the board makeup. Disney pauses their lawsuit and the board goes back to letting them do what they wan.

    If the goal was punishing speech (which it was) he was successful as he demonstrate that the state of FL will punish you for speech they don’t like if you say something DeSantis doesn’t like or advocate against policies he likes the state will punish you.

    Time123 (6259ea)

  197. What I think is that the real estate developers and builders that DeSantis had planned to sell Reedy Creek to after he had driven off Disney told him that the value of the land derived from Mickey and Cinderella and not sedge and ringworm, that’s what I think. But it did get Bridget Ziegler one more plum job.

    nk (bb1548)

  198. Here’s a good explainer on how there are lots of special districts in FL. All of them are different and Walt did a great job negotiating his back in the 60’s.

    Time123 (6259ea)

  199. I’ll sum it like this… the relationship can be described simply as this:
    Don’t bite the hands that feeds you.

    You’re describing the patronage system here, not a constitutional democracy. If I have the right to speak I have the right to say things the governor doesn’t like or doesn’t agree with without fear of reprisal.

    I favor having that right. YMMV.

    Time123 (6259ea)

  200. @202

    I’ll sum it like this… the relationship can be described simply as this:
    Don’t bite the hands that feeds you.

    You’re describing the patronage system here, not a constitutional democracy. If I have the right to speak I have the right to say things the governor doesn’t like or doesn’t agree with without fear of reprisal.

    I favor having that right. YMMV.

    Time123 (6259ea) — 4/15/2024 @ 7:52 am

    I get, this ordeal is distasteful for some free speech advocates.

    But I really don’t believe its easy to point to “here” this is a government infringing on free speech.

    I think Disney would be on much stronger grounds, if the Florida government took away the arraignment that the end result was subpar to what other public-private arrangements get normally.

    That’s why I’m saying that this ordeal was simply a pre-text to for Florida government to do what Floridan wanted for years.

    whembly (86df54)

  201. This explains a lot

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  202. 1. They didn’t ‘throw their weight around’. They published a letter and said they would support politicians they agreed with.

    They attempted to sanction a state legislature.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  203. I’m still of belief that Biden is going to win, so long as he continues his “basement strategy” of 2020.

    However, if he does loses, it’s going to be primary because of the economy, or specifically inflation:

    Bidenflation, measured by the TIPP CPI using the same underlying data, increased to 18.8% in March. It was 18.0% in February, 17.3% in January, and 16.6% in December.

    The following four charts present details about the new metric.

    For March 2024, the BLS reported a 3.5% annual CPI increase. Compare this to the TIPP CPI of 18.8% – a 15.3-point difference. Prices have increased by 18.8% since President Biden took office. On an annual basis, TIPP CPI is 6.0%.

    Food prices increased by 20.9% under Biden compared to only 2.2% as per BLS CPI, a difference of 18.6 points.

    TIPP CPI data show that Energy prices increased by 33.6%. But, according to the BLS CPI, energy prices rose by 2.1%. The difference between the two is a whopping 31.5 points.

    The Core CPI measures the price increase for all items, excluding food and energy. The Core TIPP CPI is 17.1% compared to 3.8% BLS CPI, a 13.3-point difference.

    Further, gasoline prices have increased by 38.3% since President Biden took office, whereas the BLS CPI shows that gasoline prices have improved by 1.3%, a difference of 37.0 points.

    Shelter costs rose by 20.4% under Biden’s watch, compared to the BLS reading of 5.7%, a difference of 14.8 points.

    TIPP CPI finds that Used car prices have risen by 20.4% during this President’s term. Meanwhile, the BLS CPI reports that the prices have dropped 2.2%, a difference of 22.6 points.

    Inflation for air tickets is at 35.1% compared to the BLS CPI’s finding of an improvement of 7.1%, a difference of 42.2 points.

    Lots of good charts…take a gander.

    whembly (86df54)

  204. Change the law that allows Presidents to provide temporary amnesty to immigrants. Problem solved.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  205. Change the law that allows Presidents to provide temporary amnesty to immigrants.

    It’s not temporary.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  206. They come with experation dates and get extended.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  207. Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 4/15/2024 @ 8:57 am

    Change the law that allows Presidents to provide temporary amnesty to immigrants. Problem solved.

    It only creates other problems. For instace with refugees from Afghanistan in 2021.

    The fact is, either you have confidence in a president or you don’t. You could maybe authorize a special fixed term commission. But the restrictionists don’t want any exceptions.

    Meanwhile, how come it is all right with them for a president to grant an unlimited number visitor’s visas and waive it altogether for many countries? With the only condition being they are not allowed to work and their country has a track record of people not staying over – but all that is decided by the president.

    And all of this is not a problem unless your objective is to limit the number of people in the United States or you set up welfare incorrectly.

    Sammy FInkelman (1d215a)

  208. 178. lloyd (8e1a6a) — 4/14/2024 @ 7:28 pm

    Biden was trying to construct an argument that he took classified documents with him when he left office in 2017 because he was too emotionally upset about Beau’s death to pay much attention. But he couldn’t get the chronology to fit. That’s why he got all confused and started asking questions about what happened when.

    His son died one and a half years before.

    He was too upset to run for president, and delayed a decision on the grounds he had more time. But then, by October (2015), when he was ready to face up to it, he was told it was too late.

    Sammy FInkelman (1d215a)

  209. 168.

    that EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology were seeking federal funding in 2018 to create a virus genetically very similar if not identical to COVID-19.

    But they didn’t get it!

    And what they were actually trying to do was get paid double for the same thing: by the Chinese military and by foreign organizations.

    Sammy FInkelman (1d215a)

  210. But they didn’t get it!

    And what they were actually trying to do was get paid double for the same thing: by the Chinese military and by foreign organizations.

    Sammy FInkelman (1d215a) — 4/15/2024 @ 11:12 am

    Sammy. way to miss the point.

    The point is they knew this research was taking place and deliberately lied amd said it was natural to cover up what was taking place.

    They were doing illegal experiments that killed millions and then tried to cover up and lie about it.

    NJRob (28a0af)

  211. 54.

    Sammy FInkelman (1d215a) — 4/12/2024 @ 2:21 pm

    Your speculations are completely lacking in evidence.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 4/12/2024 @ 4:17 pm

    There are reasons for them. I mean, the jury did deliberately postpone the announccement of the verdict,and asked for reading of some testimony that would be an argument for conviction.

    The only reason I thought for that is that some juror got a not guilty verdict too soon, and there wouldn’t be time for some family member to place a bet on the outcome. Maybe the delay could have ben in order to avoid suspicion, but asking for the limo driver’s testimony would have been to increase the payout on the bet.

    Now I thought at the time (because OJ made some statement in front of the jury – I don’t remember how he managed to do so – that he had confidence in the jury) that OJ’s thought the jury was being tampered with.

    But I thought that OJs lawyers were lying to him when they were telling him telling him they had tampered with the jury. (because, for one thing, they didn’t want to get taken off the case)

    After the verdict, I though, no, they were telling him the truth.

    I think I mostly just didn’t want to believe that they could successfully tamper with the jury.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8) — 4/12/2024 @ 4:20 pm

    Though they would be great plot for a novel.

    I’m probably not capable of writing it.

    Although I could work with somebody else, maybe.

    Years ago, someone wanted to know (not seriously) if I had written Twin Peaks.

    Sammy FInkelman (1d215a)

  212. I remember that the next time I heard the Rush Limbaugh show after the OJ verdict he played the song (or part of this song):

    Mack the knife is back in town

    I’m not sure that my links are that exact version of the song.

    I remember hearing the refrain: Mack the Knife is Back in Town

    That was the first time I heard that song, which I learned was an old song.

    I was thinking that that was the day after the verdict, but that is impossible, because the next day was Yom Kippur.

    Rush knew a lot of popular music. That was before he went deaf.

    I don’t know how well he could hear 21st century music with his cochlear implant think he was deliberately poisoned (the story is consistent) but that didn’t knock him off the air. At first he hired Diane(?) a stenographer, and that the origin of him putting transcripts of what he broadcast on the Internet.

    Sammy FInkelman (1d215a)

  213. NJRob (28a0af) — 4/15/2024 @ 11:27 am

    Sammy. way to miss the point.

    The point is they knew this research was taking place

    If they were asked to fund it, and they didn’t, they could reasonably believe that because they fund it, it didn’t get done.

    and deliberately lied amd said it was natural to cover up what was taking place.

    Once the disease broke out in Wuhan, with no bats anywhere near, it should have been obvious what was the most likely explanation.

    They did the research anyway. And they didn’t need foreign money.

    They were doing illegal experiments that killed millions and then tried to cover up and lie about it.

    Maybe only illegal (to fund it) under U.S. law. But very unwise.

    It was a mad scientist, Dr. Ralph Baric, of the University of North Carolina, who seems to have first interested the Chinese in doing this.

    Sammy FInkelman (1d215a)


    Mack the knife is back in town

    I’m not sure that my links are that exact version of the song.

    The Bobby Darin version you linked is as good as any in English, unless you prefer Louis Armstrong.

    If you must have the original from “The Threepenny Opera” here is the movie version.

    If you want the originaler-original here is the version recorded by Kurt Weil’s wife, chosen purposely for her bad singing in line with the decadent theme of the play, and who later played the KGB agent with the switchblade shoe (yes, shoe) in “From Russia With Love).

    nk (bb1548)

  215. What should be done about Iran now:

    I don’t know if anyone will – but Joe Biden is right about avoiding a retaliation, which will amount to nothing. The threat is stronger than the execution.

    But they should shoot for a full victory.

    Iran is scared and the way the attack took place also shows that many in the government are scared.

    So Iran should be told that nothing further will happen provided the war in Gaza ends to Israel’s satisfaction: That is, at a minimum, the return of all the hostages and Hamas giving up power and being replaced by some regime satisfactory to Israel. Maybe some of the perpetrators can be protected for a moment, but they should really go to Hague. No pretending to believe that they can’t direct the actions of Hamas and more.

    This would not just be to make a point but would be the most important factor in determining whether anything more is necessary.

    In 1988, Ayatollah Khomeini ended the Iran-Iraq war, and it stayed ended even past the wars of 1991 and even since. Khomeini compared it at the time to swallowing poison.

    Well, it is time for the Supreme Leader of Iran to swallow poison again. And the United States should use those exact words. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. And Iran should be given a very short timeframe – something like “The United States is confident it can restrain Israel at least until next Sunday or Monday.”

    Maybe the Ayatollah will swallow poison.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  216. #207 “Biden continues to act like he’s a king. He needs to be gone ASAP”

    You may want to modify that last statement, to avoid getting our host in legal trouble.

    Jim Miller (dfe272)

  217. Anyone have concern over the leaks that Biden knew about and consented to the attack on our ally Israel as long as the attack didn’t exceed certain limits?

    NJRob (28a0af)

  218. Jim,

    there’s nothing in there that’s a threat. And it’s disingenuous of you to pretend there is.

    NJRob (28a0af)

  219. @221

    Anyone have concern over the leaks that Biden knew about and consented to the attack on our ally Israel as long as the attack didn’t exceed certain limits?

    NJRob (28a0af) — 4/15/2024 @ 12:43 pm

    I mean, Biden gave the green light that “some” Jews dying is okay.

    Or, if we want to be fair, it’s his administration who’s running the Whitehouse is saying some Jewish death is okay.

    whembly (86df54)

  220. @223 That’s what you voted for Biden voters.

    You voted for this.

    whembly (86df54)

  221. NJ Rob

    I take your point and have some agreement, but it was still well written and made me laugh even while I was thinking “ouch”. Its OK to laugh about Trump, Biden, and even at them. Sometimes they say laughable things, behave laughably.
    Compare that piece to the things Steven Colbert said about Bush at the WH Press event- Colbert never brought the funny, it was just mean.

    Brits wear those ridiculous wigs and have some people in the House of Lords and House of Commons that make MTG look sane and Tlaib look moderate, so there is plenty of funny to be had at their expense too, but right now we’ve been gifted with a top echelon of a jackass x windbag x ______ and mental patient x ventriloquist dummy and all we can do is laugh because one of them will win

    steveg (216e5b)

  222. When the respective descendants of Jacob and Esau (or is it Isaac and Ishmael?) lob boom-booms at each other, somebody is bound to get hurt.

    And I’ll tell you something else, too, comrades. At least the Iranians sent their infernal devices to their enemies’ territory. Not to their neighbors’.

    Why isn’t anybody asking what the people of Syria and Lebanon did to deserve having their homes become battlefields?

    nk (bb1548)

  223. #218

    I don’t much care for how the lyrics translate into English. The original movie version has the menace this song needs, and Louis and Bobby don’t.

    Appalled (3914de)

  224. Biden tells the bottle deposit crook if you attack Iran to keep you from losing the election and going to prison for corruption your on your own. We will see what “tough guy” netanyahu does.

    asset (41cce7)

  225. Biden tells Iran to show restraint in retaliation for embassy attack which is an act of war. Only complaints about biden and none about Israel’s act of war provoking it.

    asset (41cce7)

  226. Anyone have concern over the leaks that Biden knew about and consented to the attack on our ally Israel as long as the attack didn’t exceed certain limits?

    NJRob (28a0af) — 4/15/2024 @ 12:43 pm

    He did the same thing with Ukraine when Russia invaded it on February 2022. Of course he didn’t really give consent, and he tried to have Iran avoid killing any Israelis (anybody on whom the shrapnel fell outside of Israel was OK) although that was mostly so he could avoid escalation. (A piece of a damaged drone or missile badly hurt a 7-year old Bedouin girl in Israel/Most of the 300 or so drones, missiles etc got nowhere near their target intact except a few that hit an Israeli air force base in southern Israel, without hurting any people. Some were shot down by the USA, US and Israeli planes were involved and he British and Jordan helped track the projectiles. Turkey and Jordan closed their air space. The USA knew almost exactly when it was coming. Some Iranian military may have warned the US in order to protect themselves.

    This president is very afraid of starting what could become a nuclear war and he has few other thoughts in his mind when it comes to war. He just “muddles through”, otherwise.

    We have the same truce terms Trump initiated (stumbled into) and that was done again this February: So long as no Americans get killed, whether they tried to or not – that is an incentive to the Iranian military to fail – he will not respond militarily.

    Now he wants Israel to do the same.

    As I indicated, what he should do is say that nothing further will happen provided the war in Gaza ends to Israel’s satisfaction: That is, at a minimum, the return of all the hostages and Hamas giving up power and being replaced by some regime satisfactory to Israel. No
    pretending to believe that they can’t direct the actions of Hamas and more.

    And he should say:

    “The United States is confident it can restrain Israel at least until
    next Sunday or Monday.”

    With words just like that.


    “In 1988, Ayatollah Khomeini ended the Iran-Iraq war, and it stayed ended even past the wars of 1991 and even since. Khomeini compared it at the time to swallowing poison.

    Well, it is time for the Supreme Leader of Iran to swallow poison again.”

    There would be no point in understating things. Nothing will be lost ls by making this promise to prevent anything for the next few days..

    And this is a logical determinant of whether to do anything more militarily or not.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  227. There is a good story over on ace ( I would link if I was computer able enough) about npr by uri berliner how npr degenerated from liberal ;but fair to out and out democrat propagandist against trump. It helps explain the media bias of the liberal parts of the media. Ace of course doesn’t mention conservative media bias because that’s their side. I scan both sides attacks on the other to get at the dialectical truth.

    asset (41cce7)

  228. asset (41cce7) — 4/15/2024 @ 1:56 pm

    Biden tells Iran to show restraint in retaliation for embassy attack which is an act of war.

    That wasn’t the start f the war with Israel. The Iranian generals were actively engaged in planning the next diplomatic and military steps in the war.

    And they told their mid ranking people- and it was reported so in the New York Times and Wall Street Journal- that the October 7 attacks were planned by Iran.

    What Iran did now is, in the words of the main Wall Street Journal editorial today

    “Truth in advertising at last.”

    Ayatollah Ali Khamenei wanted that.

    Now it is time for him to emulate Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and end this war (or “swallow poison”)

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  229. Ouch!

    The share price of Trump Media closed trading down more than 18% on Monday after the company disclosed plans that would allow existing investors to exercise stock warrants.

    DJT shares closed at $26.61. Trump Media, which created the Truth Social app and trades on the Nasdaq, fell nearly 20% last week.
    Since it began public trading on March 26, Trump Media’s share price has fallen more than 62%, from an opening price of $70.90 that day down to around $27 on Monday.

    As a result, its market capitalization has been slashed by nearly $6 billion, leaving it at around $3.7 billion as of Monday.
    The SEC filing describes a plan to offer more than 21.4 million shares of common stock, issuable “upon the exercise of warrants,” the filing shows. Stock warrants give their holder the ability to buy shares at a predetermined price within a certain time frame.
    The company also seeks to offer the resale of up to 146.1 million shares of stock from “selling securityholders,” 114.8 million of which are held by Trump himself. Trump owns 78.8 million shares of the company, and stands to obtain 36 million “earnout shares” if the stock stays above $17.50 for enough trading days.

    Trump’s current stake in the company — nearly 60% of its shares — was worth more than $2.2 billion at Monday morning’s share price. Trump is not allowed to sell his shares until a six-month lockup period expires.
    ……..(I)f the stock price holds high enough for the company to issue earnout shares, Trump and other insiders could be in line to receive a windfall worth more than $1 billion at current trading prices.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)


    I make a pilgrimage to the Concord Battlefield every year around April 19, the anniversary of the battle that marked the beginning of our War of Independence. I think of it as the place where America began.

    Imagine my dismay on learning that the town of Concord, Massachusetts, is ashamed of its heritage.

    In January, it removed three historical markers, which had been in place since 1930, that commemorated the founding of the Massachusetts Bay Colony 300 years earlier.

    The move was based on a recommendation from its insane Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee, which judged that the signs “harmed indigenous people” — who make up 0.2% of Concord’s population.

    This is virtue signaling at its worst. It’s an attempt to reconcile its professed multiculturalism with the reality that Concord is as diverse as the Beverly Hills Country Club.

    The town is 82.3% White. The median household income is $184,086, compared with the national average of $74,500. In 2020, voters there went 5-to-1 for President Biden.

    America’s hometown has turned its back on America. It is, in effect, saying that it’s better to bury history than offend the hypersensitive — in this case, not Native Americans but rich, guilt-ridden White liberals.

    Leftism is cultural suicide.

    If you vote for it, you are voting for the death of our nation and our heritage.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  231. I think it’s darling the way the MSM treats the WNBA draft as “breaking news”

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  232. The share price of Trump Media closed trading down more than 18% on Monday

    As I predicted. It’s all fun and games until it’s YOUR money.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  233. Filed my taxes. Zero to the state, zero to the feds. First time ever.

    Kevin M (a9545f)


    A new law that would have banned so-called “gender-affirming care” for minors has been vetoed by Governor Laura Kelly.
    Senate Bill 233, which passed 27-13 in the Kansas Senate and 82-39 in the Kansas House of Representatives, would have banned prescribing puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and any surgical interventions for anyone under the age of 18 in the state of Kansas.

    The bill also would have allowed parents to sue if healthcare providers did provide such treatments, restricted the use of state funds to promote gender transitioning, prohibited professional liability insurance from covering damages for healthcare providers that provide gender transition treatment to children, and would have required professional discipline against a healthcare provider who performed such treatments.

    “This divisive legislation targets a small group of Kansans by placing government mandates on them and dictating to parents how to best raise and care for their children,” Kelly said in a release “I do not believe that is a conservative value, and it’s certainly not a Kansas value.”

    “To be clear, this legislation tramples parental rights.”

    Kelly went on to imply that “gender-affirming care” is a medical necessity before taking a shot at the legislature over education.

    “The last place that I would want to be as a politician is between a parent and a child who needed medical care of any kind,” she said. “And, yet, that is exactly what this legislation does.

    “If the legislature paid this much attention to the other 99.8% of students, we’d have the best schools on earth.”

    In a release, Kansas Speaker of the House Dan Hawkins (R-Wichita) slammed Kelly’s veto of so-called ‘gender-affirming care.’

    “As we watch other states, nations, and organizations reverse course on these experimental procedures on children, Laura Kelly will most surely find herself on the wrong side of history with her reckless veto of this common-sense protection for Kansas minors,” he said. “House Republicans stand ready to override her veto to protect vulnerable Kansas kids.”

    Kansas Senate President Ty Masterson (R-El Dorado) said that the “radical left controls Kelly’s veto pen.”

    Any Democrat, even the so called moderate ones, are extreme when it comes to the leftist agenda. That is what you are voting for.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  235. I think it’s darling the way the MSM treats the WNBA draft as “breaking news”

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 4/15/2024 @ 4:44 pm

    If the first pick was someone other than Caitlin Clark, no one would care.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  236. Clark is really an outlier in the WNBA, which is why she is news.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  237. Clark is really an outlier in the WNBA, which is why she is news.

    Where do you think she’d be drafted in the NBA draft?

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  238. @235 What has concord bridge battle field have to do with stealing native american lands and wiping them out to almost extinction?

    asset (c473b4)

  239. @242 This is why I like auto racing women compete against men. Hailie Deegan ran against men in the nascar race in texas this weekend.

    asset (c473b4)

  240. I’m not really a fan of women’s basketball, but one has to be stuck in a hole to not appreciate what Caitlin Clark has done over the last couple of years and understand its import.

    First you just have to look at the numbers. It was the first time ever that the ratings numbers for the women’s championship game beat the men’s. You can extend that to butts in seats as Clark chased the scoring record for all of NCAA basketball. You’re looking at the most prolific scorer ever. Yes her competition isn’t NBA quality but making a 3-pointer 5 feet beyond the arc is a skill that doesn’t require testicles…. and it’s objective.

    Clark also carried an Iowa team to the finals two years in a row. This isn’t a team stacked with other future wnba players. These are players made better by Clark. She’s a class act too, praising those that came before her while relentlessly promoting the sport. This will only help the profitability of the wnba….and those that envy her attention.

    Caitlin Clark is a generational talent. She is Larry Bird or Magic Johnson entering the NBA. That’s why she went #1…and that’s why it’s breaking news.

    AJ_Liberty (6312d0)

  241. Clark is really an outlier in the WNBA, which is why she is news.

    Where do you think she’d be drafted in the NBA draft?

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 4/15/2024 @ 6:30 pm

    Way to miss the point, Kevin.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  242. RIP former Cardinals manager Whitey Herzog (92) and Brooklyn Dodgers pitcher Carl Erskine (97), the last surviving member of the “Boys of Summer.”

    Erskine, an unimposing presence on the mound at 5 feet 10 inches and 165 pounds, employed a superb overhand curveball to help the Dodgers capture five pennants (the first in 1949 and the rest in the 1950s) and the 1955 World Series championship, the only one in their history before they moved to Los Angeles in 1958.

    His 14 strikeouts in Game 3 of the 1953 World Series against the Yankees, a complete-game 3-2 victory, has been eclipsed only by the Los Angeles Dodgers’ Sandy Koufax, who had 15 strikeouts against the Yankees in 1963, and the St. Louis Cardinals’ Bob Gibson, who struck out 17 Detroit Tigers in 1968.

    In the 1952 World Series, also against the Yankees, Erskine pitched an 11-inning complete game, retiring the last 19 batters in the Dodgers’ 6-5 victory.

    He pitched no-hitters against the Chicago Cubs in 1952 and the New York Giants in 1956, both at Ebbets Field. His best season was 1953, when he was 20-6 and led the National League in winning percentage at .769.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  243. Zelensky wants the US to pay the same attention to missile attacks on Ukraine as we do to Israel. He’s not wrong. Defending someone against missiles from another country should be a no-brainer, even if the launching country is a nuclear power.

    Let Russia worry about killing Americans in Ukraine.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  244. We should be more concerned about another world war than we are.

    This article makes the case that WWII didn’t start in 1939 or 1941.

    norcal (fdba28)

  245. Perhaps, but acting in fear of such a war is most likely to cause it. I can see Trump coming back from a meeting with Putin and declaring peace in our time. Problem is, I can see Biden doing it too.

    Where are our Flying Tigers?

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  246. More heckler’s veto:

    USC valedictorian’s grad speech is canceled

    When Asna Tabassum learned that USC had barred her from speaking at next month’s graduation, she hadn’t yet planned what she would say in her remarks, beyond that she would convey a message of hope.

    University leaders who announced the decision Monday, after pro-Israel groups criticized a link on Tabassum’s Instagram page as evidence of her being antisemitic, didn’t know the theme of her speech because she hadn’t shared it with them, the class valedictorian said an interview with the Times on Tuesday.

    Tabassum, a biomedical engineering major, said that in addition to hope, she was thinking of touching on “how we must continue to use our education as a privilege to inform ourselves and ultimately make a change in the world.”

    In barring Tabassum from giving a three to five minute speech in front of 65,000 people during the May 10 ceremony, USC Provost Andrew T. Guzman cited the need to “maintain campus safety and security.” The university alluded to unnamed threats but has not publicly detailed them.

    The move was unprecedented for a ceremony where students regularly make political and cultural statements through written message on their graduation caps and sashes, as well as through the traditional valedictory speech.

    She is Muslim and her politics are pro-Palestinian.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  247. RIP former three-term US Senator and two-term Florida governor Bob Graham (87).

    Rip Murdock (4f1d60)

  248. “We should be more concerned about another world war than we are.”

    The greatest fear of authoritarian regimes like China or Russia is liberalization. I believe that Putin is in Ukraine because he feared that it was leaning West….would enter the EU…and finally NATO. Russians would see the prosperity of the West at their footstep (notwithstanding Tucker’s amazement with Moscow shopping cart technology).

    The same sort of holds with China/Taiwan, though it’s not clear to me what China “wins” by initiating a world war….one that inevitably will be triggered by a Taiwan invasion. Invading Taiwan will be costly. Would chip fabs still exist afterwards? Will its democratic population ever submit? Will the world continue to trade with China? How will that work with its 1.4B population? Saber-rattling has a certain nationalist appeal, but a world war will bring misery to all.

    And then there’s Mutually Assured Destruction. No one knows what turns war brings and there’s always the temptation to use nuclear means to wrestle back advantage…and to initiate the awful spiral of what follows. Stepping through the war game typically wrenches back sanity.

    We will clearly see when China starts preparing for an invasion of Taiwan. It will be a massive endeavor that will have clear signs throughout the country. Obviously we should continue to nurture our alliances and use them to press China to moderation. Team Biden is doing this; the continued awfulness of team Trump is that it’s just unknowable what direction Trump leans and where his mood might take us.

    I also look at Ukraine and wonder how much further can Putin realistically extend his reach beyond Ukraine. He can’t really attack Baltic countries without unleashing NATO’s superior conventional forces. If anything Ukraine has shown is that Russia’s conventional forces are sub-par. Does he start lobbing nukes? How does that end? Does China benefit from teaming with Putin? What is left to rule afterwards?

    We should always be prepared for war and make the price of warmaking unacceptably high. We should also create alliances and economic conditions that make war unattractive. We need to lesson our dependency on China, especially with key technologies. These are serious activities. Trump is not a serious leader and may not put serious people around him. We can’t afford reality gameshow hosts riffing and ad-libbing about geopolitical chess. Imagine applying the recent word salad about Gettysburg to Taiwan….

    AJ_Liberty (6a135f)

  249. Regarding the USC valedictorian, I agree with Ms. Ham

    She earned the slot. Let her give her speech, even if it’s dumb and terrible. It’s not a safety issue for her to give it. Presumably it’d be a reflection of the quality of her USC education. Universities are so bad at so many things.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  250. The USC valedictorian is more important to us, total strangers, than she is to USC. Especially since she is graduating and they will no longer be getting her Benjamins. She used up her essential value.

    She is an unwelcome object. And object is the word. A disarrangement in the graduation ceremony decorations, a wrinkle in the administrators’ honorary gowns. Not a young person starting out in life with feelings and aspirations, with pride in her achievements, with affection (now revealed to have been misplaced) for her alma mater.

    That is how those pigs in the academic trough think. The students are just the bucket that slops them their swill. Nothing more.

    Present company excepted, as always.

    nk (d994f3)

  251. Make that “…*rooting* in the academic trough…”.

    nk (d994f3)

  252. Meanwhile, Biden continues to promote his 25% minimum tax on billionaires (25% of increased paper wealth, not income). That such a plan would drive wealth offshore and set us up for a new Depression doesn’t matter to him. He’ll be dead before that happens. And I don’t buy the “just on billionaires” shtick since the proposal already applies to non-billionaires.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  253. You can make a political point out of this if you like. To me it’s just an interesting story.

    A normal day in Montana took a turn when locals reported an unusual sighting: an elephant on the loose in Butte.

    The incident was captured on video by stunned witnesses as the animal wove through traffic and stomped past a casino on Tuesday. A man, who appeared to be her handler, can be seen running alongside the large mammal.

    (According to the story, she was spooked by a car backfiring, while she was being washed.)

    Jim Miller (76b392)

  254. FWIW there is an impeachment going on right now:

    Schumer is trying to stop it before it even starts:

    Kennedy right now is trying to restore normalcy to the process, but it looks like a procedural trick will win the day and end the impeachment.

    Apparently this is the government people want.

    BuDuh (d3070f)

  255. Kennedy’s motion failed. Schumer looks like he will pull this off.
    Mitch McConnell is aghast. He cannot believe the Constitution and their oaths have been trashed.

    Now begging for relief to table this mess.

    There is no reason to believe this will work. Mayorkas will be off the hook in moments at this rate.

    BuDuh (d3070f)

  256. Schumer’s claim is that Article 1 of the impeachment does not rise to a high crime and/or misdemeanor so the impeachment is not Constitutional. Schumer wants no debate on his claim either in public or behind closed doors.

    Straight up party line votes to stop this in its track without debate on the validity of Schumer’s claim.

    Article 1 vote results coming up

    BuDuh (d3070f)

  257. As near as I can tell Article 1 has been rejected through Schumer’s point of order.

    On to Article 2. Schumer has made another point of order to dismiss it for the same reason as Article 1

    BuDuh (d3070f)

  258. Dumbest impeachment ever. It deserves to have Schumer & Co. lift their legs and pee on it.

    Patterico (73db81)

  259. Republicans are going down the same path of trying to stop this motion with the same set of motions that failed to preserve Article 1.

    (I have to admit that the way Patty Murray announced the final vote on Article 1, I am only assuming that it is dead. But I am pretty sure.)

    BuDuh (d3070f)

  260. What would make an impeachment of mayorkas palatable? What would he have needed to do?

    I haven’t read or kept up on this topic. I am really fascinated procedural dance to avoid debate.

    BuDuh (d3070f)

  261. A Republican Senator has a parliamentary inquiry. He wants to know if the Senate is really going down the path of not debating felony accusations. Patty Murray said that isn’t an allowed inquiry.

    Sen Kennedy asks if “lying to Congress is not a high crime and misdemeanor?” Patty Murray asks him to make an appropriate motion.

    He does and now we have another vote that will go down in flames.

    BuDuh (d3070f)

  262. I think this is the current articles of impeachment:

    BuDuh (d3070f)

  263. There are quite a few laws the House alleges he broke. Seems debate worthy on its surface.

    BuDuh (d3070f)

  264. Looks like most of the Republican Senators are going to present the same type of motion to delay the hearing to a different date. The motions are distinct only in them having different dates and times.

    There is no reason to expect any of these to work.

    I am going to do something else now.

    Whether or not Mayorkas was rightly or wrongly accused, I am not too pleased with how the Dems are handling their obligations. It deserved the debate, IMO, and the only result I see out of this is another irreversible carving of The Constitution.

    BuDuh (d3070f)

  265. What goes around

    In January 2021, 45 Senate Republicans voted to dismiss Donald Trump’s Jan. 6-related impeachment without a trial. That trial only occurred because they lacked the majority vote needed to block it, with five Republicans joining all Democrats against dismissing it.

    The GOP votes to dismiss included many GOP senators who are now pushing for a Mayorkas trial, arguing that it’s an indispensable Senate tradition. That includes Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, who said Tuesday: “The Senate has a clear obligation under the Constitution and 200 years of precedent: We need to hold a trial. We need to allow the managers to present the evidence. And then every one of us who is following the law should convict and remove Alejandro Mayorkas for aiding and abetting a criminal invasion of the United States of America.”

    That was the 2nd impeachment, where 45 GOPers voted to dismiss Trump’s attempted coup without a trial. Because impeachment is a political process, not the legal kind, they can pretty much do what they damn well please.

    Paul Montagu (383f45)


    I don’t see any citation to a criminal statute he violated.

    nk (304d76)

  267. Tit for tat, Paul? That is what you like?

    BuDuh (d3070f)

  268. Is there an Aiding and Abetting A Criminal Invasion of the United State of America law?

    nk (304d76)

  269. I worded that poorly, nk. The House alleged that he willfully failed to enforce the law as obligated. Not that he broke the list of laws they outlined.


    BuDuh (d3070f)

  270. Tit for tat, Paul? That is what you like?

    I’m just noting the hypocrisy of several Republican Senators. But my feelings about it are irrelevant.

    Paul Montagu (383f45)

  271. A Republican Senator asks a Parliamentary Inquiry. He asked Senate pro tem Patty Murray if this action succeeds today will it have a precedent effect on all future impeachments including those for Presidents.

    She said it would indeed be the new precedent.

    Earlier there was an inquiry as to whether this has happened before to create a precedent and she said that it had not.

    Paul’s note of the 2021 attempt suggests that the earlier question must have been as to whether this kind of point-of-order has ever been successful.

    BuDuh (d3070f)

  272. Do you think it is a good idea to stuff debate on an impeachment inquiry, Paul? Or do you think the process should play out through their political trial?

    BuDuh (d3070f)

  273. Article 2 fails. Schumer is calling to adjourn the impeachment hearing altogether.

    The world never gets to see the administration and the dem party defend Mayorkas and his actions.

    BuDuh (d3070f)

  274. I never agreed with the suggestion that high crimes and misdemeanors are anything Congress says they are. I don’t know if the post-Civil War Tenure In Office Act provided for criminal penalties but Johnson was acquitted anyway.

    The “good behavior” standard for judicial impeachments is a different thing. As I recall (it’s been a while 😉 ) the first judge to be impeached was for drunkenness and coarse language.

    nk (304d76)

  275. The ultimate fate of Biden’s impeachment-if it ever happens.

    Rip Murdock (4f1d60)

  276. The world never gets to see the administration and the dem party defend Mayorkas and his actions.

    BuDuh (d3070f) — 4/17/2024 @ 1:18 pm

    I’m sure the world doesn’t care.

    Rip Murdock (4f1d60)

  277. Do you think it is a good idea to stuff debate on an impeachment inquiry, Paul? Or do you think the process should play out through their political trial?

    I haven’t been in favor of any impeachment trials since Bill Clinton (Porteous excepted).

    Paul Montagu (383f45)

  278. Impeachment is over!

    That was easy.

    BuDuh (d3070f)

  279. nk, Article 2 pretty much starts with:

    “ Alejando N. Mayorkas has knowingly made false statements, and knowingly obstructed lawful oversight of the Department of Homeland Security “

    Although they don’t say which specific statute he violated, I am assuming that this claim is based on an actual crime. Would that have come out during debate?

    BuDuh (d3070f)

  280. BuDuh (d3070f) — 4/17/2024 @ 1:06 pm

    The House alleged that he willfully failed to enforce the law as obligated.

    Not that he broke the list of laws they outlined.

    That could be grounds for impeachment, depending on how they felt about the law in question and the extenuating circumstances

    I don’t think they want to impeach the Attorney General for failing to enforce the federal government’s antimarijuana laws, or the Comstock Law’s provisions on abortion, or even the contempt of Congress law

    They just want to elevate immigration laws, regardless of their effect on people, above other laws.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  281. I haven’t been in favor of any impeachment trials since Bill Clinton


    I wonder if Trump is going to declare that his call with Raffensperger was “perfect”, just like the one he had with Zelensky.
    Trump’s abuse of power here is breathtaking. I think Biden is holding off on his AG pick for good reason. The longer Trump behaves like a fascist sore loser douchebag, the more likely he’ll pick an AG who will throw the book at Trump.
    Trump needs to be impeached and indicted for over a dozen federal crimes.

    Paul Montagu (a808ee) — 1/3/2021 @ 4:11 pm

    BuDuh (d3070f)

  282. Mike Lee is up now and whining like a baby. You lost, bro.

    The die is cast.


    BuDuh (d3070f)

  283. I looked for a catch-all federal official misconduct law that would encompass malfeasance, misfeasance, and nonfeasance and I could not find one.

    They are all pretty narrow addressing specific acts of misconduct. The broadest I saw involved violations of individual rights under color of law by federal employees.

    nk (304d76)

  284. BuDuh (d3070f) — 4/17/2024 @ 1:36 pm

    Yes, really.
    Trump wasn’t even impeached for that call, let alone had an impeachment trial for it. But if Fani can keep it in her pants, maybe she can convict Trump on his “perfect” conversation with Raffensperger.
    But nice try, playing “gotcha”. I guess that’s what trolls do.

    BTW, I did nail it. Trump did indeed say that his call with Raffensperger was “perfect”, more than once.

    Paul Montagu (383f45)

  285. Arizona republican legislators again kill repeal of 1864 law almost completely banning abortion. Democrat party pretends to be upset as they get ready for november election with abortion on the ballot. Republicans running for office run for cover told to not mention abortion and change the subject to transgenders and illegal aliens if it comes up.

    asset (cb6ed7)

  286. BuDuh,

    partisans gonna partisan. And those on the left lie repeatedly.

    NJRob (73bb22)

  287. The Wall Street Journal had a front page story today (blow the fold) entitled in the print edition:

    ivalries Divide Osrael’s War Cabinet
    Netanyahu defense minister, ex-chief of military are at odds over Gaza war tactics

    They are divided on everything.

    What this collects together is reports that say that asset is absolutely wrong about Netanyahu waning more war than the others. (Netanyahu’s far-right allies, in a party he created, are for more – their whole philosophy more or less is Jews have power and should use it – but they’ve been kept out of the war cabinet and as Netanyahu said: “They joined me, I didn’t join them”)


    Netanyahu, the nation’s longest-serving premier, increasingly is trying to direct the Gaza war by himself, while Gallant and Gantz are widely seen to be trying to cut out Netanyahu from decisions….

    …Netanyahu has been keeping Gallant and Gantz in the dark about key decisions, according to current and former Israeli officials. In an effort to gain control over food and supplies going into Gaza, he has considered appointing an official on humanitarian aid who will report directly to his office and bypass the defense minister, said Israeli officials familiar with the matter.

    “It’s very hard for the prime minister to make the army do what he wants if the minister of defense is not aligned with him,” said Amir Avivi, founder of the Israel Defense and Security Forum think tank. “This lack of alignment is making things for Netanyahu very, very hard.”…

    …All three men have different ideas about postwar Gaza. The prime minister has said the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority in its current form should play no role, and is focused on the Israeli army working with local leaders. Palestinians say Netanyahu’s plan amounts to occupation, something he says he opposes.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  288. Annexation.

    Rip Murdock (4f1d60)

  289. Actually, the WSJ article only says that Gallant, the Defense Minister is more hawkish – it doesn’t rank Gantz.

    Gallant is considered the most hawkish of the three. At the start of the war, he advocated a pre-emptive strike on Iran’s Lebanese ally Hezbollah, but he also is eager to align with the U.S.


    The Oct. 7 attacks brought the three men together in the war cabinet. Gantz and Gallant set aside their differences to try to work professionally. During news conferences, they would hug and shake hands, and they appeared together in a tour in northern Gaza.

    But tensions heightened between the two men and Netanyahu. The prime minister, facing public criticism for Oct. 7, blamed the security failures on Israel’s defense and intelligence services. After Gantz criticized him, he apologized.

    Netanyahu, under pressure from the White House, overruled Gallant on a pre-emptive strike against Hezbollah in Lebanon.

    Gallant won’t shake hands with Gantz over a dirty trick that one or the other might have played to prevent Gallant from becoming Chief of Staff of the IDF in 2010. Gallant lost the chance after he was acxused of being behind a smear of Gantz.

    Sammy Finkelman (c2c77e)

  290. AJ_Liberty (6a135f) — 4/17/2024 @ 4:06 am

    Thank you for your thoughts on this issue. You are quite reasonable.

    I guess I won’t become a prepper anytime soon. 😊

    norcal (ab13fb)

  291. I love this quote from Catoggio’s article today:

    In a virtuous country, Joe Biden wouldn’t need to campaign at all this fall. The fact that Trump is an authoritarian virus in human form infecting the American constitutional order would be enough for undecideds to mount an immune response against him.

    norcal (ab13fb)

  292. Annexation.
    Rip Murdock (4f1d60) — 4/17/2024 @ 4:01 pm

    “Pave Gaza Strip, put up a parking lot.” – Joni Mitchell (paraphrased) 🙂

    qdpsteve again (fa8408)

  293. Annexation.

    With around 7.2 million Jews in both Israel proper and the West Bank, and with maybe 2.6 million non-Jews already in Israel, what happens to the Jewish Nation-State when you “annex” another 3 million Palestinians from the West Bank and another 2 million from Gaza? Or, better question, what does the Jewish Nation-State do to remain a Jewish Nation State in that little patch of land less than one-fifth the size of Arizona?

    Keyboard Garibaldis. Oy vey!

    nk (55484e)

  294. nk (55484e) — 4/17/2024 @ 6:45 pm

    I didn’t say they would become Israeli citizens.

    Rip Murdock (8e7ea7)

  295. Israel should annex Gaza and treat it as a province that is separate from Israel proper; and develop Gaza into a series of world class beach resorts. The construction alone of hotels, golf courses, and related facilities (as well as new housing) would employ hundreds of thousands of Gazans, and thousands more would work in the resorts and in ancillary businesses. The resorts would generate hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue for Gaza and give the populace a stake in Gaza’s future.

    Rip Murdock (4f1d60)

  296. Israel should annex Gaza and treat it as a province that is separate from Israel proper; and develop Gaza into a series of world class beach resorts.

    Rip Murdock (4f1d60) — 4/17/2024 @ 7:44 pm

    I fear there will always be a not insignificant amount of Gazans who will resent the occupation, and commit terroristic acts in furtherance of their cause, thus scaring people away from visiting those resorts.

    I know I wouldn’t go.

    norcal (ab13fb)

  297. 300. That’s called apartheid. And that’s the nicest word for it.

    nk (55484e)

  298. Rip, I know just the guy for that project! His initials are DJT.
    Unfortunately he’s a little busy with some stuff right now… 😛

    qdpsteve again (fa8408)

  299. But seriously folks, it wouldn’t surprise me if this old thing gets dusted off for Gaza, once it’s entirely razed.

    qdpsteve again (fa8408)

  300. He does and now we have another vote that will go down in flames.

    Essentially they used the Nuclear Option to kill this. Yet another nail in the heart of comity.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  301. I don’t see any citation to a criminal statute he violated.

    So what? That NOT what “misdemeanor” means. I meant “bad behavior” to the Founders. Trump, for example, is guilty of a lot of that.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  302. *It meant bad behavior. They didn’t know about me.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  303. Although they don’t say which specific statute he violated

    Only in Schumer’s world do they have to. GD lawyers.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  304. See here, for example:

    Here’s the key point in summary: the evidence of original meaning overwhelmingly supports the conclusion that, at the time of the framing of the U.S. Constitution, the composite term “high Crimes and Misdemeanors” was a well-established, familiar legal term of art that the framers consciously borrowed from longstanding English practice and usage dating back four centuries. That meaning was not so much “vague” as simply broad: a sweeping delegation of power and responsibility to the legislative bodies entrusted with the impeachment power. The term “high Crimes and Misdemeanors” had a broad meaning in English practice and in the American understanding, confiding to the two houses of the national legislature (under the U.S. Constitution, the House and the Senate, exercising their respective roles in the impeachment process) a sweeping range of power to punish what those political bodies determined to be misconduct or abuse of power by executive and judicial officers of a wide variety of types.

    The meaning of “high Crimes and Misdemeanors” was, so to speak, its own distinct thing. It was not a combination of “crimes” and “misdemeanors” as understood in today’s criminal-law sense. It was instead a unique legal term with its own meaning. The framers of the Constitution understood and used the phrase in that specialized sense, consciously adopting a known English-practice term of art in preference to other proposed formulations of the impeachment standard. And the ratification debates uniformly reflect that same broad understanding.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  305. It might take a while for Palestinians to get the hang of the hospitality business.

    steveg (c5e615)

  306. steveg:
    “Coffee, tea or TNT?”

    qdpsteve again (fa8408)

  307. BuDuh,

    partisans gonna partisan. And those on the left lie repeatedly.

    BuDuh and NJRob, standing around clucking their tongues at people being partisan. If they hate anything, it’s that damn partisanship.

    Patterico (73db81)

  308. @291 NJ Robb please inform me what lie you think I told?

    asset (31f60e)

  309. @292 I have said netanyahu will do anything to stay in power and out of prison. If prolonging the war in gaza keeps him out of a prison cell he will do that if it wont he will do that. What ever benefits netanyahu is what he will do. The likud coalition doesn’t trust him either ;but like we are stuck with joe they are stuck with the bottle deposit crook.

    asset (31f60e)

  310. For a brief while there, NJRob was somewhat reasonable, in that he supported DeSantis over Trump. Now it’s “all aboard” the Trump train.

    The only commenters who are interesting are those who can call balls and strikes on both sides.

    Anybody can read from one tribe’s script.

    norcal (9eb68e)

  311. Annex gaza! Really? Israel has killed less then 2% of the palestinians who live their 98% to go! The only workable solution I have said many times buy/force egypt to take it over and have their soldiers control whats left after Israel gets through. I challenge any of you to come up with a more workable solution not this silly stuff!

    asset (31f60e)

  312. @315 One of the batters is crazy and the other is senile and both are corrupt and the umpire can only throw one out of the game.

    asset (31f60e)

  313. Hmmm.

    The Chinese Embassy has held meetings with congressional staff to lobby against the legislation that would force a sale of TikTok, according to two of the Capitol Hill staffers.

    TikTok, which is owned by the Beijing-based company ByteDance, has repeatedly denied a relationship with the Chinese government and sought to distance itself from its Chinese origins. But now, with the fate of legislation to force the sale of the company facing an uncertain path forward in the Senate, the Chinese Embassy appears to be leveraging its political weight to protect the company’s future in the United States.

    The article doesn’t specifically mention who the ChiComs were lobbying, but a certain ex-president did flip-flop on the subject of TikTok.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  314. Is Speaker Johnson ending the stonewalling? Seems like it. Did Trump give him prior approval?

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  315. And the ratification debates uniformly reflect that same broad understanding.

    If the broad is Marjorie Taylor-Greene.

    Even by 1789, the Federalist Society view was two centuries out of date. Village juries making up the common law as they tried a case had been supplanted by statute and precedent during the reign of Henry VIII.

    There were still “common law” crimes but they differed from our current scheme only in that the statute was not required to list every element of the offense. The elements could be based on stare decisis and reflected in the judge’s instructions to the jury.

    And if we want to be snarky about it, the Federalist Society view did actually prevail in this case. The “village jury” decided as a matter of law that what Mayorkas was accused of was not in the neighborhood of treason or bribery or any other high crime or misdemeanors for which Mayorkas could be criminally prosecuted not withstanding that he was already impeached (that’s in the Impeachment Clause too and also provides further context which cannot be ignored in construing it).

    nk (629463)

  316. The only commenters who are interesting are those who can call balls and strikes on both sides.

    Anybody can read from one tribe’s script.

    norcal (9eb68e) — 4/17/2024 @ 10:37 pm

    Other than Kevin,

    show me the NeverTrumper who has been remotely objective when it comes to Trump and the 80 million who will vote for him.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  317. Nobody is completely objective, but that doesn’t preclude calling balls and strikes, regardless of who’s at bat.

    Paul Montagu (be3bb7)

  318. If I only knew what “remotely objective” means.

    Show me any person who remains impersonal when they see a dog which is snarling and frothing at the mouth staggering up their driveway.

    nk (629463)

  319. BuDuh and NJRob, standing around clucking their tongues at people being partisan.

    What did I say here that warranted this specific personal attack? NJRob directs a comment towards me and I now represent what he said?

    I wasn’t happy about how the impeachment inquiry was quashed, and I thought I expressed that in a fair and open way. When did I “cluck” about partisanship?

    Is there a comment in the past that I need to address? I’ve made peace with DRJ and backed off my more aggressive posture. I’ve had more cordial conversations with nk. Others here seem to either take or leave my comments. Paul and Rip and I will always be in the oil/vinegar category because you just can’t get along with everyone in life and I have placed them as people I would never want to have anything to do with in real life due to how I perceive their debate style.

    Maybe I did enough around here to have put myself in a similar category with you, Pat. I am pretty sure I have apologized for the lines I have crossed, but that might not be enough.

    I do not understand how my live comments of the impeachment warranted the arrow I just took, and maybe it really is that I am universally a bad fit for this blog.

    I am out of ways to adjust who I am and how I communicate, so I will try to end commenting here again. (I am not very good at that as I do enjoy the blog)

    Thanks again for having this place. Take care.

    BuDuh (d3070f)

  320. 300. That’s called apartheid. And that’s the nicest word for it.

    nk (55484e) — 4/17/2024 @ 8:13 pm

    No it’s not-it’s called building a future that’s not depending on terrorism. Once Gazans demonstrate they can have a future state that’s economically viable and can handle the responsibilities of a civilized community, Israel could let be free (though it might take a couple of generations).

    So far the only industry in Gaza is terrorism.

    Rip Murdock (4f1d60)

  321. asset (31f60e) — 4/17/2024 @ 10:44 pm

    Speaking of silly stuff, why would anyone in their right mind in Egypt want to take the Gazans back? Gaza is a terrorist state. It’s time for out of box thinking.

    Rip Murdock (4f1d60)

  322. RIP Allman Brothers Band guitarist, singer, and songwriter Dickey Betts (80):

    Although he was often overshadowed by Gregg and Duane, the brothers who gave the Allmans their name, Betts was equally vital to the band. His sweetly sinuous guitar style introduced elements of Western swing and jazz into the band’s music, especially when he was duetting with Duane. As a singer and writer, Betts was responsible for the band’s biggest hit, 1973’s “Ramblin’ Man,” as well as some of their most recognizable songs: the moody instrumental “In Memory of Elizabeth Reed,” the jubilant “Jessica,” and their late-period comeback hit “Crazy Love.”
    Although his initial role in the band was co-lead guitarist along with Duane, Betts made his mark as a writer thanks to his exuberant “Revival” on the band’s first album, 1969’s The Allman Brothers Band. During the band’s first few years, he and Duane took rock-guitar improvisation and two-guitar dueling to new heights, as heard on the 13-minute version of “In Memory of Elizabeth Reed” on the band’s At Fillmore East live album from 1971. Right before Duane Allman’s death, the band recorded Betts’ “Blue Sky,” a country-influenced gallop inspired by his first wife, who is Native American; the song that became one of the band’s signature songs.

    After Duane Allman’s death in a motorcycle accident in 1971, Betts became the band’s de facto lead guitarist and frontman, a role he wasn’t always comfortable with. Featuring both “Ramblin’ Man” and “Jessica” — the latter named after Betts’ daughter — the band’s 1973 album, Brothers and Sisters, album crossed over into pop. Betts’ 1974 solo album, Highway Call — one of the best of the Allmans offshoot projects — incorporated country, jazz, bluegrass, and gospel.

    Rip Murdock (4f1d60)

  323. Speaking of silly stuff, why would anyone in their right mind in Egypt want to take the Gazans back? Gaza is a terrorist state. It’s time for out of box thinking.

    Indeed. Which is why I say that the Saudis should take over and do one of their megaproject things.

    Please ignore what happens to the terrorists in the back room.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  324. Iran Threatens to Work on Nuclear Arms if Israel Attacks Nuclear Sites

    Brigadier General Ahmad Haghtalab, the commander for security of Iran’s nuclear facilities, said Iran could change its nuclear policies—a reference to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s longstanding public pledge not to build nuclear weapons.

    Haghtalab, a top figure in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps—the paramilitary force that dominates military and defense policy under Khamenei—warned that Iran would retaliate against Israeli nuclear sites if Israel hits Iran’s nuclear facilities. Israel is widely believed to have nuclear weapons but has never confirmed that.

    Were Iran to begin to build nuclear weapons, Israel would stop them by any means necessary.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  325. One thing is almost clear. If this isn’t resolved, the next go round will be nuclear – and that’s not the end of it.

    One mistake everybody is making is thinking the war is or could be between Israel and Iran (with other countries, like Russia, joining in.

    The war between Israel and Iran includes the war in Gaza. It can’t e resolved without the agreement of Iran.(even if Israel occupied Rafah, Iran might be able to get Hezbollah to continue the war, and the war in the Red Sea isn’t over – or Iran could continue it itself with direct attacks on Israel. And there’s starting terrorism in the West Bank – which the attack on the compound in Damascus interfered with.)

    Someone should say: It s time for the Ayatollah to emulate Khomeini an drink poison (end all of Iran’s proxy wars)

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  326. Is my somewhat lengthy comment somewhere in moderation?

    Paul Montagu (1e8339)

  327. Paul Montagu (d52d7d) — 4/18/2024 @ 12:12 am

    Is Speaker Johnson ending the stonewalling?

    Saturday night. Three bills, to match the big Senate foreign aid bill (intended to be passed by the Senate) and a 4th bill just to let right wing Republicans vent.

    There’s talk of including in one of the bills, a House rule change that would raise the threshold for making a motion to vacate the Speakership.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  328. The New York Times had a front page story today about miscalculations by Israel when it attacked the Iranian compound in Damascus. It seems to give the viewpoint of both U.S. government sources and some in the Israeli military. In all their talk of escalation it, like everybody else, ignores the ongoing war in Gaza as something having to do with Iran..

    In the course of this article it says that both Gallant and Gantz are more hawkish than Netanyahu:

    By March, the relationship between the Biden administration and Israel had grown increasingly fraught, as Washington criticized the Israeli assault in Gaza as needlessly deadly and destructive — “over the top,” as President Biden put it.

    Then came the Israeli strike in Damascus. Not only did the Israelis wait until the last minute to give word of it to the United States, but when they did so, it was a relatively low-level notification, U.S. officials said. Nor was there any indication how sensitive the target would be.

    I’m not sure the Israelis understood it themselves. (how much of a blow it was to Iran’s war plans against Israel.) It probably got approved on the grounds it was limited. Which should raise the question: Why do you need to do it?

    The Israelis later acknowledged that they had badly misjudged the consequences of the strike, U.S. officials and an Israeli official said.

    Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III complained directly to Israel’s defense minister, Yoav Gallant, in a call on April 3, U.S. officials said, confirming an earlier report by The Washington Post. Mr. Austin said that the attack put U.S. forces in the region at risk, and that the lack of warning had left no time to ratchet up their defenses. Mr. Gallant had no immediate comment.

    But Iran waited 12 days and that gave some time, and besides Iran held to the truce the U.S. had achieved and made no attacks directed at U.S. forces – but U.S. forces attacked Iran’s missiles. These conditions for a truce were first first established by Donald Trump, more or less accidently, when he cancelled an attack on Iran because Iran’s attack in Saudi Arabia had not killed any people.

    Here’swhere it calls Benny antz more hawkish:

    …After news came of the Iranian launches on Saturday, some leaders argued behind closed doors that Israel should retaliate immediately.

    Waiting, they said, would allow international pressure for Israeli restraint to build, and could let Iran think that it had set new ground rules for the conflict, which Israel considered unacceptable. Among the leaders making that argument, according to three Israeli officials, were Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot, former military chiefs of staff who were in the Parliamentary opposition to Mr. Netanyahu’s right-wing government and are usually considered less hawkish, but who joined the war cabinet last fall.

    The Israeli Air Force was ready to carry out the order, but it never came. On Saturday night, after Mr. Netanyahu spoke with Mr. Biden, and because the damage was limited, the war cabinet postponed a decision, and more postponements followed.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  329. NYT:

    The world is still waiting to see what Israel will do

    . What it should do is, not try to effect ground rules or direct attacks between Israel and Iran, not make not doing anything (again and again) conditional on Iran ending the war between Israel and its proxies.

    That is:

    1. Hamas and Islamic Jihad and any other groups, including criminal ones, releasing all of the hostages

    2. Hamas ceding power in Gaza

    3. A nee temporary government being established in Gaza hat is amenable both to Israel and the United Nations. (Iran must not interfere with this)

    4. Hamas members being subject to arrest and trial for war crimes if they should wind up in the wrong place.



    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  330. We can expect that if Ayatollah Ali Khamenei does not end all the wars with or related to Israel -like Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini ended the war with Iraq in 1988, Iran will proceed to do its best to develop (and use!) a nuclear bomb.

    This must happen again, and if it doesn’t happen:

    1. The war in Gaza will never end, because even if it ends it will continue in other theatres.

    2. Gaza will never be rebuilt.

    3. The hostages will not be recovered or released.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  331. We need to be prepared for colder weather, too. As the recent eruptions in Iceland and Indonesia remind us.

    Indonesia’s Mount Ruang has erupted at least three times this week, forcing the evacuation of hundreds of people. On Wednesday evening local time, the volcano’s eruption shot ash nearly 70,000 feet high, possibly spewing aerosols into the stratosphere, the atmosphere’s second layer.

    Some historians believe the eruption of Laki was an important cause of the French Revolution.

    The meteorological impact of Laki continued, contributing significantly to several years of extreme weather in Europe. In France, the sequence of extreme weather events included a failed harvest in 1785 that caused poverty for rural workers, as well as droughts, bad winters and summers. These events contributed significantly to an increase in poverty and famine that may have contributed to the French Revolution in 1789.

    Jim Miller (33c0dd)

  332. Saturday night. Three bills, to match the big Senate foreign aid bill (intended to be passed by the Senate) and a 4th bill just to let right wing Republicans vent.

    I applaud Speaker Johnson’s tactics. There are factions that intend to act out, but now they will be doing so at separate times.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  333. Saturday night. Three bills, to match the big Senate foreign aid bill (intended to be passed by the Senate) and a 4th bill just to let right wing Republicans vent.

    I applaud Speaker Johnson’s tactics. There are factions that intend to act out, but now they will be doing so at separate times.

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 4/18/2024 @ 4:07 pm

    Monday morning, Speaker Johnson is fired.

    Rip Murdock (4f1d60)

  334. Indeed. Which is why I say that the Saudis should take over and do one of their megaproject things.

    Please ignore what happens to the terrorists in the back room.

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 4/18/2024 @ 12:20 pm

    LOL! The Saudis can’t even defeat the Houthis, who are located in their own backyard.

    Rip Murdock (4f1d60)

  335. NJRob, here’s a little “both sides” for you. This is Jonah Goldberg yesterday:

    But you know what controversy fits the classic critiques of democracy perfectly? Joe Biden’s determination to cancel student loan debt. (The same goes for Trump’s failed attempt at the end of his term to cut even more stimulus checks to voters.) Countless skeptics of democracy warned that democratic rulers would ignore the law or the public good and demagogically pander to bribable constituencies. That’s what Biden is trying to do. He’s ignoring the will of Congress, the most democratic branch, and to a certain extent the Supreme Court, in a naked attempt to reward a constituency in exchange for their votes. Whether or not you think it’s good policy—I think it is horrible, immoral policy—the means and motives behind the effort are quintessentially undemocratic. Biden was once skeptical he had the authority to forgive student debt. You may like to believe he changed his mind after carefully studying the law and the Constitution, but Occam’s razor suggests he changed his mind after carefully studying the polls. And yet, many of the people most inclined to rend their cloth and gnash their teeth about the threats to “our democracy” think it’s bizarre to complain about Biden’s lawless pursuit of mass bribery.

    I agree with Goldberg.

    norcal (2c0043)

  336. The SA military is pathetic, the total active duty is only 275,000, of which 75,000 are in army. I’m sure the main focus of the SA military is protecting the royal family and not international adventurism.

    Rip Murdock (4f1d60)

  337. Monday morning, Speaker Johnson is fired.

    Nope. It hasn’t been the Trump rump with their handful of votes which has been firing the GOP speakers. It has been the 212 Democrats. As much as Hakeem Jeffries may have been enjoying the hog-calling and watermelon seed-spitting exhibition, the bills under consideration are too important to sacrifice for the sake of continued chaos in the GOP caucus.

    nk (629463)

  338. the bills under consideration are too important to sacrifice for the sake of continued chaos in the GOP caucus.

    nk (629463) — 4/18/2024 @ 6:34 pm

    The votes on Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel military funding bills will be on Saturday. After that, Johnson will have served his usefulness and will be fired for relying on Democrat votes.

    Rip Murdock (4f1d60)

  339. Please. It’s the Republican caucus that imposed the motion to vacate rules, not the Democrats. They are merely letting the Republican caucus enforce its own rules.

    Rip Murdock (8e7ea7)

  340. LOL! The Saudis can’t even defeat the Houthis, who are located in their own backyard.

    There are no Houthis in Saudi Arabia.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  341. Monday morning, Speaker Johnson is fired.

    Say hello to Speaker Jeffries then.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  342. The China-US rift grows wider:

    Apple Removes WhatsApp, Threads From China App Store on Government Orders

    Apple removed WhatsApp and Threads from its app store in China on Friday saying it was ordered to by the government, the latest example of censorship demands as China tightens internet controls.

    The iPhone maker said the company was told by China’s top internet regulator to remove the apps because of national security concerns.

    “We are obligated to follow the laws in the countries where we operate, even when we disagree,” an Apple spokesperson said in a statement.

    Many Western social-media apps are already blocked in China. Even so, removing them from Apple’s app store effectively closes a loophole in the Great Firewall, which had allowed Chinese mobile users to download censored apps and use them via a virtual private network, or VPN, a tool that would mask users’ locations and connect them to the internet outside China.

    A Meta spokeswoman said: “We refer you to Apple for comment.”

    Apple was just following orders.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  343. Apple was just following orders.

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 4/18/2024 @ 7:11 pm

    Do you really expect Apple to sacrifice the Chinese market?

    norcal (2c0043)

  344. The funny thing is that they will screw Apple soon, too. Their iPhone sales are already plummeting in China.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  345. There are no Houthis in Saudi Arabia.

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 4/18/2024 @ 7:04 pm


    The Houthi–Saudi Arabian conflict is an ongoing armed conflict between the Royal Saudi Armed Forces and Iran-backed Yemeni Houthi forces that has been taking place in the Arabian Peninsula, including the southern Saudi regions of Asir, Jizan, and Najran……….

    The Houthis are in Saudi Arabia’s “backyard” (next door in Yemen), like Cuba and Central America are in our backyard. The Houthis have repeatedly attacked targets in SA from Yemen, and the Saudi intervention in Yemen has been an abject failure.

    Don’t be pedantic.

    Rip Murdock (4f1d60)

  346. Apple was just following orders.

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 4/18/2024 @ 7:11 pm

    Chinese hardball ahead of legislation banning TikTok.

    Rip Murdock (8e7ea7)

  347. Yes, there are some sporadic rocket and drone attacks over the border, as shown here, but your suggestion that there is some kind of hotbed of Houthi activity inside Saudi is unsupported.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  348. Chinese hardball ahead of legislation banning TikTok.

    You know, I think we should give them their wish and cut them off from the Internet entirely. Let them eat their own lies.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  349. Yes, there are some sporadic rocket and drone attacks over the border, as shown here, but your suggestion that there is some kind of hotbed of Houthi activity inside Saudi is unsupported.

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 4/18/2024 @ 7:33 pm

    You said that, I never did. I said the Houthis were in SA’s “backyard” meaning an adjoining country (Yemen), which the SA military has been trying (and failing) to defeat.

    Don’t put words in my mouth.

    Rip Murdock (4f1d60)

  350. including the southern Saudi regions of Asir, Jizan, and Najran

    Your words, not mine

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  351. Kevin M (a9545f) — 4/18/2024 @ 7:41 pm

    A quote in response to your (untrue) assertion that

    There are no Houthis in Saudi Arabia.

    Be that as it may, the failure of the SA military to defeat the Houthis in Yemen doesn’t bode well for their ability to occupy and tame a territory (Gaza) of two million, each one who will have a good reason to oppose them.

    Also, would SA want to ride into a Arab territory on the back of an Israeli tank? Doing so wouldn’t improve their standing in the Arab world to be seen as a lackey of the Israelis.

    Rip Murdock (4f1d60)

  352. And why should Americans pay (through higher oil prices) for SA to develop Gaza?

    Rip Murdock (4f1d60)

  353. Be that as it may


    Be that as it may, the failure of the SA military to defeat the Houthis in Yemen doesn’t bode well for their ability to occupy and tame a territory (Gaza) of two million, each one who will have a good reason to oppose them.

    Nobody shoots the guy with the checkbook. Israel never tried that. You can attract a lot more people with a police state and a trillion dollars than you can with a police state alone.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  354. And why should Americans pay (through higher oil prices) for SA to develop Gaza?

    Oil is fungible.

    Kevin M (a9545f)

  355. Good on the Israelis for striking back against Iran. Hopefully they did some damage to the nuclear warhead program Obama and Biden have funded.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  356. @328 I didn’t say they wanted too! I said people and countrys do things all the time they don’t want to do.

    asset (857192)

  357. @361 Iran’s bluff has been called. Paper tiger or … Looks like we will see. Nobody wanted world war I ;but both sides escalated and called on its allies like netanyahu will be calling biden for more ammunition.

    asset (857192)

  358. Time to start praying.

    qdpsteve again (a085b4)

  359. Monday morning, Speaker Johnson is fired.

    Say hello to Speaker Jeffries then.

    Kevin M (a9545f) — 4/18/2024 @ 7:05 pm

    LOL! The Democrats already run the House. Speaker Johnson is dependent on Democratic votes to pass the most basic legislation.

    The (bill funding the government through September 30, 2024) passed under a maneuver called suspension of the rules, which Johnson and ousted predecessor Kevin McCarthy turned to as a way to get around internal GOP objections. The tactic requires a two-thirds supermajority, which in turn has empowered House Democrats to flex their muscles in negotiations. ………

    The state of play has broad implications for Congress, both in limiting what kinds of legislation can be passed and putting Republicans’ agenda at the mercy of their political opponents. ………

    …………(A)n analysis by The Wall Street Journal of six major government-funding bills signed into law during this Congress reveals the key components of this de facto coalition—based on ideology, relative electoral dominance in their districts and other factors. The group has remained largely stable over the half-dozen votes, including the one Friday, needed to keep the government open.

    The bipartisan coalition’s largest voting bloc by far is made up of House Democrats.

    There are 168 Democrats and 72 Republicans who have voted yes on all of the bills. There are 55 Republicans who voted against all six measures. ……….
    On average, the six bills passed 322-102, with Democrats accounting for 204 of the yes votes, or nearly two-thirds.

    Republicans provided 37% of the yes votes on average for the six bills………

    “On the big issues of the day where it counts the most, Democrats are in control,” said Sarah Binder, a professor of political science at George Washington University.
    Aside from spending bills, Democrats on average supplied about half of the yes votes for a major tax measure; legislation reauthorizing the Federal Aviation Administration; the annual defense-policy bill; and a proposal that would ban TikTok from operating in the U.S. or force a sale. ………..
    House Republican leadership has had to suspend the rules to pass every single spending bill that has become law so far in this Congress. Democrats have provided the majority of the votes, delivering more than 200 on all but the most recent occasion. Republicans provided no more than 132 in any single vote. The data also show the bills typically passed with 98% of Democrats voting in favor but just 55% of Republicans.
    As an appropriations subcommittee chairman, Rep. Mike Simpson (R., Idaho) typically would wield leverage over Democrats when the parties negotiated spending levels at the Interior Department, which are set by the panel he leads. But in recent talks, Simpson found himself beholden to Democrats, who repeatedly reminded him that they would be providing more votes than Republicans when the bill came to the House floor.

    Rip Murdock (4f1d60)

  360. @365 This is the least offensive way to get things done. A minority say we will stop what we don’t like and you must allow us to get away with it. There are other ways to deal with an intransigent minority ;but the deep state prefers the velvet glove over the steel fist to what happened to senator sumner. The establishment prefers that congress members don’t need to carry guns to protect themselves from each other!

    asset (857192)

  361. This is the least offensive way to get things done.

    Only if you’re not a Republican.

    Rip Murdock (4f1d60)

  362. The situation in Ukraine is portrayed as critical. If so it is the Administration’s fault because they kept on assuring the Ukrainian government that supplies of ammunition would soon be sent, because, after all, the majority of the U.S. Congress favors it..

    And Ukraine decided on military moves that used them up. But had very little chance of getting the outcome they wanted. In general they are taking too many risks and doing things with low odds.

    Sammy Finkelman (c2c77e)

  363. Some Democrats are prepared to make a vote to vacate the Speakership fail. They probably can’t make Jeffries Speaker this year. Still,less change committee memberships.

    Sammy Finkelman (c2c77e)

  364. some missiles were fired by Israel, or because of Israel, within Iran, froma Kurdish area. Did Israel give away a big secret for nothing worthwhile?

    Sammy Finkelman (c2c77e)

  365. @370 I have heard nothing about kurds can you elaborate?

    asset (8b684e)

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