Patterico's Pontifications


Putin Wants You to Know He Murdered Navalny

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 4:39 pm

For several years I was the target of people who harassed me and my family. They disguised their identity, but they did so very, very thinly. They dropped all kinds of clues that they were the ones doing the harassment. They didn’t leave anything clear enough to stand up in court. But they came close.

You see, they wanted me to know it was them.

Vladimir Putin wants you to know he is the one who had Alexei Navalny murdered.

How do we know this? Because he chose a day for the murder that was one day after Navalny appeared in court via video — apparently healthy and in good spirits, even joking around.

Watch the video. He was a bad-ass to the end.

Vladimir Putin needs to swing from the nearest lamp post.

And every Republican who does not vote to support Ukraine needs to be shown the door.

45 Responses to “Putin Wants You to Know He Murdered Navalny”

  1. Anyone who gives aid and comfort to Putin deserves our deepest contempt. Bring back exile, I say. I want nothing to do with such people. If you are a Putin supporter, get off my site, you contemptible pile of garbage.

    Patterico (634c5d)

  2. Word.

    I agree completely with this post.

    john (aff6cb)

  3. And every Republican who does not vote to support Ukraine needs to be shown the door.

    If I even suspect that a Republican politician at any level is a Trump supporter or afraid of Trump, I will be voting for the Democrat. This insanity has to stop, and the quickest way to achieve that is to make sure that anybody on the Trump train is defeated resoundingly. That means voting for sane Republicans in the primary, and should they not get nominated, voting for the Democrat in the general.

    I say this as a lifelong Republican.

    norcal (a6d8f6)

  4. You people have lost the plot. Ukraine bad Russia bad. You’ve been played

    Jake (724caf)

  5. It’s time for a “Putin’s Victims” series of US stamps, along the lines of the early Cold War “Captive Nations” series. Then give Ukraine a nuke.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  6. You people have lost the plot. Ukraine bad Russia bad. You’ve been played

    Says the rube from Rubeville.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  7. Says the rube from Rubeville.

    Kevin M (ed969f) — 2/16/2024 @ 6:24 pm


    I’m totally stealing that one.

    norcal (2ce697)

  8. You people have lost the plot. Ukraine bad Russia bad. You’ve been played

    Jake (724caf) — 2/16/2024 @ 5:55 pm

    This is one of my least favorite responses to a serious issue. Plainly explain why you support or don’t support Putin, and what you think the “plot” really is, in light of the death of a tenacious and courageous Putin critic.

    Dana (8e902f)

  9. I also think it’s a lazy response.

    Dana (8e902f)

  10. Ukraine bad Russia bad. You’ve been played

    That’s what you call a bogus equivalency, putting a mass-murdering terrorist like Putin (and his authoritarian state) on the same plane as an actually democratically elected Zelenskyy in a partially free democracy. Contemptible.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  11. Here’s the plot:

    Trump and the Democrats are conspiring to drive the GOP to oblivion so that they can win most every race in 2024 and then amend the Constitution to get rid of gun rights, religious freedom, and the Takings clause while adding wealth taxes and DEI rules. Taylor Swift told me so.

    Absurd? Compared to what?

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  12. Ukraine bad Russia bad.

    And in 1931, when Japan invaded China, it was China bad Japan bad, right?

    norcal (2ce697)

  13. Just like I presume everything Trump says is false until proven true, I’ll presume Putin murdered Navalny unless/until there’s real evidence that he died of natural causes.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  14. Ukraine bad Russia bad. You’ve been played

    False equivalencies are just that.

    Dana (8e902f)

  15. Ukraine bad Russia bad. You’ve been played

    Russian bot. They have several tropes. “Civil war” is a favorite with European paleo-Communists now neo-Soviets. Whatever works. Indifference is just fine with Putin if it diminishes aid to Ukraine.

    nk (6c45b4)

  16. Sir where you say ;”For several years I was the target of people who harassed me and my family. They disguised their identity, but they did so very, very thinly. They dropped all kinds of clues that they were the ones doing the harassment. They didn’t leave anything clear enough to stand up in court. But they came close.”

    Would you mind telling us what happened and how you delt with it?

    Joe (141406)

  17. And in 1931, when Japan invaded China, it was China bad Japan bad, right?

    And Poland for attacking that Nazi border post.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  18. I’ll presume Putin murdered Navalny unless/until there’s real evidence that he died of natural causes.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d) — 2/16/2024 @ 7:21 pm

    Even if Navalny died of “natural causes” Putin still murdered him, given the trumped up charges and harsh prison conditions.

    Rip Murdock (f51515)

  19. Joe @ 16,

    Patterico has written about being the target of a SWATting here.

    Dana (8e902f)

  20. “Leadership requires killing people.”
    –Tucker Carlson

    –Vladimir Putin.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  21. What is to be done. Was not a question by lenin it was an answer. Trump supports putin as do most of the maggots. Besides being a corrupt senile old fool biden and the d.n.c. are compromised by communist chinese money. This is no problem with a person of the left like me. We are used to challenging power. First brand putin and his thugs International war criminal outlaws to be hunted down where ever they can be caught forcing them to stay in russia. Put large bounties on them to take them out inside russia. We all can go after putin’s enablers like trump his maggot supporters and right wing media shills like tucker carlson. Both our government and we the public. Set up sting operations when his maggot supporters threatening officials and others. Fully prosecute them like jan.6 insurrectionists. Pull licenses of talk radio stations that support putin’s attempt ukrainianing aid. I could go on ;but their our many laws put in place to get people the state doesn’t like use them against trump enablers especially campaign laws against maggot politicians.

    asset (9b22df)

  22. Even if Navalny died of “natural causes” Putin still murdered him, given the trumped up charges and harsh prison conditions.

    I expect he died of a small hole at the base of the brain. Probably a pistol shot, but maybe the traditional ice pick.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  23. If a human being is kept in abhorrent conditions for an extended period, the damage to his or her natural systems (mental and physical) may rise to a level where death is a probable outcome. It may be true that Navalny died of “natural causes” brought about by unnatural means.

    What should be clear is the identity of the person who dictated those conditions.

    – – – – – – –

    As an aside, where can I purchase a “Putin’s Puppet 2024” bumper sticker?

    John Boddie (dcf99c)

  24. @23 Unfortunately that bumper sticker would be to subtle for maggots being ignorant southern white trash former democrats.

    asset (49a0db)

  25. I’ll let RFK Jr explain

    Jake (724caf)

  26. asset (49a0db) — 2/17/2024 @ 5:31 pm

    Still milking the old “All the racist left the D and joined the R party.” David Duke is the gift that keeps on giving.

    felipe (5045ed)

  27. RFK Jr.’s “explanation” is a lie. Actually, a series of lies.

    First, we made no promises to not move NATO eastward, so confirmed by Gorbachev himself (and by Robert Zoellick, who was in the room where it happened). The issue about eastward expansion was about East Germany, not eastern Europe.

    Two, RFK Jr. lied that “we overthrew the government” in 2014. Yanukovych fled to Russia after his Berkut police force murdered dozens of protesters on the Maidan, and the Ukrainian parliament voted him out of office, 329-0, and scheduled a new election.

    RFK Jr. lied about the Nuland tape, which was bugged by the FSB (but they didn’t release the entire conversation), and her conversation with Pyatt was obnoxious but did not plot the overthrow of Ukraine or removal of Yanukovych. There were discussing who they’d prefer as prime minister, an office that reported to Yanukovych.

    RFK Jr. lied that Ukraine banned the Russian language. Never happened.

    RFK Jr. lied about the Minsk agreements, which were signed in 2015 by Putin and Ukraine and the OSCE, well before Zelenskyy came into office in 2019, and Putin welshed on those.

    RFK Jr. lied about there being a signed peace agreement in 2022 between Russian and Ukraine. Never happened. Putin’s demands were untenable. Boris Johnson’s “crime” was pointing out the obvious.

    Basically, RFK Jr. is parroting the same old Putinist propaganda that the Russian dictator and his apologists have been trotting out for a decade.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  28. @26 Racists are know longer welcome in the democrat party. What ever david duke now claims to be, I and the democrat party has no welcome for him. Can the republican party say the same as their is many fine people on both sides. In 1964 the g.o.p. traded Abraham Lincoln for strom thurmond who switched partys. In 1980 reagan gave his first speech after he got the nomination in philadelphia mississippi where the 3 civil rights workers were murdered welcoming the klan and other racists into the republican party. To this day the republican party tries to come up with ways to make it hard as possible for minorities to vote. Examples: The voters of floriduh passed an initiative to allow people who had felony/misdemeanor convictions the right to vote. Desatan and g.o.p. continue to pass laws trying to prevent them from voting. In az you have to show a birth certificate to register to vote. In texas you can vote with fishing or hunting license ;but not state of texas collage ID.

    asset (49a0db)

  29. Here’s Putin’s next most likely victim, Vladimir Kara-Murza.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  30. Ha you guys are pathetic , no critical thinking

    Everything is a lie if you disagree.

    Jake (724caf)

  31. Jake, RFK’s lies were fact-checked, with links. Deal with it.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  32. Ha you guys are pathetic , no critical thinking

    You confuse näive cynicism with critical thinking.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  33. #18, Rip Murdock has it right. Even if the immediate cause was something natural (unlikely), Putin’s unjust imprisonment and harsh treatment of Navalny is what killed him. Murder in at least the meta sense.

    I would be happy if for even 10 minutes I could have as much courage as Navalny, who voluntarily returned to Russia after two failed attempts to kill him. He must have known that Putin would likely have him killed, but went back anyway. Guts.

    Still find it amazing how some people who call themselves conservative can make excuses for Putin and cheer for a Russian victory, although often not openly but instead in a Wormtongue way. Russia is an aggressor, thug state that makes a mockery of democracy and anything remotely resembling conservative values. Ukraine may not be perfect, although since when did perfection become a requirement for a country to merit aid when it is unjustly attacked?

    RL formerly in Glendale (7a2d64)

  34. @33 sounds like liberal whining to me. In Post 21 I give things that can be done by govt. and citizens. Its called direct action. Nikki Haley is fighting for her political life in SC. If you live near help her and protest the trumpsters.

    asset (b6bda1)

  35. Apparently, Elon Musk does not want you to know that Putin murdered Navalny.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  36. Wormtongue

    My new name for Vivek Ramaswamy

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  37. Update on Yulia Navalny and X:

    The social media platform X temporarily suspended on Tuesday an account created by Yulia Navalnaya, the widow of Aleksei A. Navalny, and then restored it, saying it had been mistakenly flagged by its automated security protocols.

    Ms. Navalnaya opened the account on Monday to announce that she would continue her husband’s work advocating for a free, peaceful and democratic Russia in the wake of her husband’s death in a remote Arctic prison. More than 90,000 users followed the account in its first 24 hours.

    But on Tuesday, the account and its activity suddenly disappeared, replaced by the words “Account suspended” and a note that X — the social media company formerly known as Twitter — “suspends accounts which violate the X Rules.”

    “Our platform’s defense mechanism against manipulation and spam mistakenly flagged @yulia_navalnaya as violating our rules,” X’s safety team wrote on the platform later on Tuesday. “We unsuspended the account as soon as we became aware of the error, and will be updating the defense.”

    Earlier in the day, Ms. Navalnaya wrote on the social network Telegram that “Twitter has imposed restrictions on my account, which I opened yesterday.”

    “According to the Shadowban Test service, my tweets are not shown in searches, and if you enter my name in the search bar, my page is not recommended among recommendations,” she wrote.

    After the account was reinstated, tens of thousands of new followers were being added.

    Kevin M (ed969f)

  38. Racists are know longer welcome in the democrat party. What ever david duke now claims to be, I and the democrat party has no welcome for him. Can the republican party say the same as their is many fine people on both sides. In 1964 the g.o.p. traded Abraham Lincoln for strom thurmond who switched partys. In 1980 reagan gave his first speech after he got the nomination in philadelphia mississippi where the 3 civil rights workers were murdered welcoming the klan and other racists into the republican party. To this day the republican party tries to come up with ways to make it hard as possible for minorities to vote. Examples: The voters of floriduh passed an initiative to allow people who had felony/misdemeanor convictions the right to vote. Desatan and g.o.p. continue to pass laws trying to prevent them from voting. In az you have to show a birth certificate to register to vote. In texas you can vote with fishing or hunting license ;but not state of texas collage ID.

    asset (49a0db) — 2/17/2024 @ 7:49 pm

    That’s as big a lie as exists today. The entire leftist platform is about racism and bigotry towards white people; to “make them uncomfortable and take their privilege.”

    Without supporting racism, the leftist party wouldn’t exist.

    NJRob (3eda2a)

  39. That’s the biggest ideological Turing test failure I’ve seen in a long time.

    Time123 (0b6ae9)

  40. @38 what color our antifa and Bernie bros. Even louis farrakan’s group takes in white people. Small numbers of blacks mostly on collage campuses are trying a pseudo form of segregation out of fear that their form of black essence will disappear as integration takes over the country at a blinding speed. 75% of jews are having children with non jews according to hank sheinkopf.

    asset (510c68)

  41. RFK JR also outright praises Saddam Hussein.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  42. what color our antifa and Bernie bros. Even louis farrakan’s group takes in white people. Small numbers of blacks mostly on collage campuses are trying a pseudo form of segregation out of fear that their form of black essence will disappear as integration takes over the country at a blinding speed. 75% of jews are having children with non jews according to hank sheinkopf.

    asset (510c68) — 2/20/2024 @ 1:10 pm

    They take them in as long as they denounce other white people. Claiming white people are racist by simply being white proves the lie to the bigotry of the left.

    But you knew that already.

    NJRob (872b2b)

  43. 39. @Time123

    What’s the biggest ideological Turing test failure?

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  44. RFK JR also outright praises Saddam Hussein.

    I’m still taken aback that “critical thinking” is associated with an undiluted nutjob like RFK Jr.

    Paul Montagu (d52d7d)

  45. They are suspecting Putin used Novichok again.

    I think that they showed him well before was possibly to get him off guard, or maybe it shows limitations in planning. =The main people Putin wanted to convince that he did it would suspect it merely because of the location.

    They did disconnect cameras three days before

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

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