Patterico's Pontifications


Trump Team Balks At Making Public Assessment Of Items Taken From Mar-A-Lago

Filed under: General — Dana @ 12:49 pm

[guest post by Dana]

Donald Trump’s legal team’s objections to Judge Dearie’s request to verify the FBI’s inventory list of items taken from Mar-a-Lago prompted the DOJ to make very clear what’s what:

Plaintiff brought this civil, equitable proceeding. He bears the burden of proof. If he wants the Special Master to make recommendations as to whether he is entitled to the relief he seeks, plaintiff will need to participate in the process.


39 Responses to “Trump Team Balks At Making Public Assessment Of Items Taken From Mar-A-Lago”

  1. Boy, Trump’s request for a special master, and Judge Dearie, specifically, seems to have come back to bite him.

    Dana (1225fc)

  2. Trump’s a bitter biting bittern bitten back.

    felipe (484255)

  3. This might worth an update, and once again Judge Cannon side with Trump. Instead of the Special Master submitting interim reports as the review goes along, it’s one big bundle at the end, which only serves to delay the process. Her order is not appealable, apparently.
    However, the important thing is that the marked documents are un-enjoined and not under the Dearie.

    Paul Montagu (753b42)

  4. Here’s how this guy phrases her ruling.

    Judge Cannon overrules the order by her special master that would have forced Trump’s lawyers to lodge objections to the accuracy of the DOJ’s inventory, effectively forcing him to prove his “planting claims.”

    Trump doesn’t need to do that any more, she rules.

    Paul Montagu (753b42)

  5. It’s the little things that bring joy to one’s life… right, NeverTrump?

    Colonel Haiku (fd34d5)

  6. In 2013 rep. desatan votes against aid to hurricane sandy vitims. Not his problem. (DU) Biden has already approved aid for florida.

    asset (76ab6c)

  7. It’s the little things that bring joy to one’s life… right, NeverTrump?

    My heart is singing and my step is light that I’ll never feel obligated to defend political smegma.

    Paul Montagu (753b42)

  8. You smegheads are the best!

    Colonel Haiku (fd34d5)

  9. Nuke countdown will begin while you’re still diddlin’…

    Colonel Haiku (fd34d5)

  10. Heck Haiku, you might as well just start that old school drill and hide under a desk, you might be in good company with the rest of the Trumpy ‘fraidycats.

    Paul Montagu (753b42)

  11. I’ll stand tall, as you grab for your kleenex, PNW liberal.

    Colonel Haiku (fd34d5)

  12. Sure you will, H.

    Paul Montagu (753b42)

  13. And who asked you to defend david french?

    Colonel Haiku (fd34d5)

  14. French isn’t political smegma.

    Paul Montagu (753b42)

  15. Some people seem unable to grasp that it is possible for individuals, and the government as well, to focus on more than one issue at a time.

    Dana (1225fc)

  16. Don’t forget to send some financial aid to our fellow citizens affected by the hurricane, if you are in a position to.

    Colonel Haiku (fd34d5)

  17. What is he supposed to declare accurate? What categories different items belong in, or the list? How is it reasonable for him (or anyone else in the same situation) to declare the list accurate??

    Trump didn’t make an inventory. He didn’t run this like a professional library or like a museum. All kinds of things were all mixed up.

    But he can say whether there is anything he knows that is missing from his home and from the list, but besides that, what else can he do but rely on except the FBI list?

    And most likely, Trump is just being stubborn.

    (it could be the only issue is whether everything in the list came from Mar-a-Lago. It’s unlikely anything was added, but how could he know?)

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  18. @6. Through the looking glass thinking; no reason to praise any politician for doing their job. It’s crazy to keep voting in these idiots and expect them to screw up– then praise them for actually performing their jobs as if it is some above and beyond the call of duty miracle– just doing what you’re paid to do as an employee doesn’t merit high praise. It’s your frigging job.

    DCSCA (80cb73)

  19. The order from the special master was stupid beyond belief – slapped down properly – he keeps winning – say hello to your next President.

    EPWJ (650a62)

  20. Now if this is only that he has any known objections, he should register them, that would be another matter.

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  21. 18… private sector employees understand “doing your job” means more than just showing up. One performs his or her job acceptably or one is fired.

    I’ve never been convinced that public employees operate with the same understanding… too much evidence to the contrary.

    Colonel Haiku (fd34d5)

  22. @21. Didn’t you get the memo about the new cover sheets on the TPS reports? 😉

    DCSCA (80cb73)

  23. What is he supposed to declare accurate? What categories different items belong in, or the list? How is it reasonable for him (or anyone else in the same situation) to declare the list accurate??

    Plaintiff shall provide the Special Master and the government with an annotated copy of the spreadsheet described above that specifies, for each document, whether Plaintiff asserts any of the following:

    a. Attorney-client communication privilege;

    b. Attorney work product privilege

    c. Executive privilege that prohibits review of the document within the executive branch;

    d. Executive privilege that prohibits dissemination of the document to persons or entities outside the executive branch;

    e. The document is a Presidential Record within the meaning of the Presidential Records Act of 1978, 44 U.S.C. § 2201, et seq. (“PRA); see id. § 2201(2); and/or

    f. The document is a personal record within the meaning of the PRA; see id § 2201(3).


    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  24. Source

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  25. So it’s nothing but what category the document belongs in. -or rather if he is claiming it belongs in a category that limits FBI access. What’s this about making an endorsement of its accuracy?

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a)

  26. Background:

    (Last week) U.S. District Judge Raymond J. Dearie — the special master — told Trump’s legal team to state by Sept. 30 whether they believe any of the seized items were incorrectly described in the Justice Department’s 11-page inventory list, which said some of the documents were highly classified.

    Dearie also told them to say whether they are claiming that any items on the inventory list were not in fact taken from the premises.

    Trump has said on social media and in television interviews that the FBI planted items when they searched his Mar-a-Lago residence and private club on Aug. 8. He also claimed to have declassified documents found in that search that were marked classified and were highly sensitive. His lawyers have not made similar assertions in court, however, instead saying they have not reviewed the seized materials and are unable to confirm whether the government’s inventory list is accurate.

    Dearie’s order, in essence, demands that Trump’s lawyers back up their client’s claims. “This submission shall be Plaintiff’s final opportunity to raise any factual dispute as to the completeness and accuracy of the Detailed Property Inventory,” he wrote.
    In his order, Dearie gave the government — which is investigating the potential mishandling of classified information at Mar-a-Lago — until (September 26th) to submit a statement declaring whether its inventory list is a full and accurate representation of what was seized. The government must also later respond to any factual disputes that Trump’s team raises in its filings.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  27. So it’s nothing but what category the document belongs in. -or rather if he is claiming it belongs in a category that limits FBI access. What’s this about making an endorsement of its accuracy?

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a) — 9/29/2022 @ 3:17 pm

    And categorizing the documents is what Trump refuses to do, to keep his options open regarding claims about documents being “planted” at MAL and “declassification by thought.”

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  28. So it’s nothing but what category the document belongs in. -or rather if he is claiming it belongs in a category that limits FBI access. What’s this about making an endorsement of its accuracy?

    Sammy Finkelman (1d215a) — 9/29/2022 @ 3:17 pm

    I linked to actual Dearie’s order in post 26.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  29. @18 scum like desatan and cancun ted crud voted against hurricane aid for sandy victims because who rethugliKKKans don’t care about liberal areas. Cancun crud cares less about aid for texas then AOC did. Desatan should apologize for voting against hurricane sandy victims aid.

    asset (76ab6c)

  30. Asset is on the side of NeverTrump. So entertaining.

    NJRob (88b45f)

  31. Can’t we all just get along?

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  32. The DOJ got the Court of Appeals to rule that Judge Cannon had abused her discretion. That’s the equivalent of failing the bar exam. The DOJ will get no breaks, no benefit of the doubt, from her, Trump-appointee or no Trump-appointee.

    nk (c9bbaa)

  33. My objection to aid isn’t based on politics. Its on the naked display of venality and favoritism that inevitably shows up, the waste and grift that go to the politically connected and recycled through to family members of the office holders.
    In order for Hunter, Francis, James to get $250K it costs taxpayer several millions worth of scrubbing and “awareness” costs. Multiply by the rest of the grifters in Congress, and at VP, 5 years from now Floridians who suffered real losses will still be looking at an alligator pit where there home once stood wondering where all the money went

    steveg (efc505)

  34. BTW, if the topic is Trump than DeSantis can’t be ignored.
    I was impressed with DeSantis’ press conference today. He communicated with knowledge and detail about the situation and how the responses are being handled. Imagine a president with the mental wherewithal to do something like that.

    Paul Montagu (753b42)

  35. Worth viewing:

    How Hitler Lost The War

    DCSCA (4afbfe)

  36. Trumpster rethug committing more election fraud. James holkeboer is charged with tampering with election machines in aug 3 michigan primary trying to get a trumpster fraudulently elected.

    asset (8d7f8a)

  37. @36 hitler lost the war when hiesenberg and other german scientists refused to make atomic bombs for him. Germans were lucky gen. grove went to see centrifuge progress on a saturday in philadelphia when scientists didn’t work on saturdays and in an arrogant move shut it down or we would have had atomic bomb in 1944.

    asset (8d7f8a)

  38. @38. Watch the program. It’s good.

    DCSCA (4afbfe)

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