Patterico's Pontifications


Big Media’s Motto: Anonymity for Our Friends, Unmasking for our Enemies

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 8:29 am

CJR has a piece on the NYT Pitchbot guy from Twitter:

Though his subject matter might suggest otherwise, NYT Pitchbot does not work in media or politics. He is a fifty-two-year-old math professor and father of two who describes himself as a “committed Democrat” of the “slightly hardcore left.” He is anonymous on Twitter, and asked to remain so for this story, citing personal and professional concerns. (CJR contacted him via email and spoke with him on the phone, verifying his association with the Twitter account over direct message. He shared his real identity with CJR, which we verified with two other sources.)

I’m glad they kept him anonymous since he wanted to remain that way. Funny how he gets that courtesy but the LibsofTikTok lady does not.

5 Responses to “Big Media’s Motto: Anonymity for Our Friends, Unmasking for our Enemies”

  1. Wait. Bari Weiss is conservative?


    Amusing that this fellow writing the column is making fun of people using bumper sticker thinking.

    Simon Jester (61f707)

  2. I’m glad they kept him anonymous since he wanted to remain that way. Funny how he gets that courtesy but the LibsofTikTok lady does not.

    It made for a better story this time. This time! (sic)

    nk (e44edb)

  3. I guess I don’t have a strong feeling about this.

    I don’t think there’s a moral imperative to publish this guy’s name.
    I don’t think there’s a moral imperative not to.

    They’re big enough that it’s of interest and doesn’t feel like picking a private citizen, but I can understand the argument that its not necessary to do that.

    Time123 (fcfc1c)

  4. I do not like what you say, but will defend your right to say it (until I identify you).

    John B Boddie (b9b5a6)

  5. @3 You don’t have a strong feeling about an unbiased objective media that isn’t just a tool for one political party that’s pushing an obvious agenda? It seems like even if you agreed with the agenda there’d be some value in at least pretending.

    The anonymous sources thing has gotten interesting off late. It’s standard procedure now for JB to announce a policy position at the microphone that gets contradicted by “an administration official”. At this point official policy is coming from an unnamed source.

    frosty (648974)

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