Patterico's Pontifications


Another Check on Comments

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 8:29 am

Is everything fine, or are there still issues? Please let me know. Thanks.

11 Responses to “Another Check on Comments”

  1. I think things work well. Comment preview still isn’t displaying, but that’s pretty small potatoes.

    JVW (020d31)

  2. The comment preview is useful for formatting and checking special characters. I’ve missed it a couple of times.

    If “we” were to add anything, time-limited editing would be nice.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  3. No comment preview display but otherwise, everything else appears to be working fine.

    DCSCA (f1d5d0)

  4. I’m still waiting for that espresso and biscotti.

    The comments, the way they turned out, work just fine for me. Just as well as the previous version.

    If any improvement is called for, that should be in the content, and that’s our responsibility.

    nk (9338bd)

  5. If any improvement is called for, that should be in the content, and that’s our responsibility.

    The espresso and biscotti may arrive first.

    Kevin M (eeb9e9)

  6. All I want for Christmas is comment preview.

    norcal (3f02c4)

  7. Frankie Pentangeli, a connoisseur of espresso and biscotti, was small potatoes. Comment preview is many things, but it’s no Frankie Pentageli.

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  8. Ugh. *Pentangeli*

    Frankie Pentangeli had no use for an edit function. That’s why I also am no Frankie Pentangeli.

    lurker (cd7cd4)

  9. My name is not appearing on the list of last comments

    Sammy Fnkelman (02a146)

  10. I think my comments are all going into moderation.

    Was it because I typed in my email address wrong?

    Sammy Fnkelman (02a146)

  11. Now it’s OK.

    What happened was I checked the box but probably entered my email address wrong.

    Result: Comment shows up in list of comments, but not on the right (which means, as I suspected, it went into moderation)

    Uncheck the box, and it tells me it is in moderation.

    In both cases does not show up on top right.

    Sammy Fnkelman (02a146)

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