Patterico's Pontifications


Putin Recorded His Invasion Announcement Monday — And He Wants You to Know That

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 8:05 am

Back during the Kimberlin saga, a fella whose name rhymes with Steel Bowhowser used to harass me and my family incessantly under thinly disguised accounts. One could not prove him to be behind the accounts, but it always seemed to me that he deliberately left breadcrumbs. Like Olenna Tyrell, he wanted his antagonist to know it was him.

It seems Vladimir Putin is following the same playbook.

Many people have remarked about how bad the propaganda is that Putin has been spreading, supposedly showing aggression by Ukraine. It’s like he doesn’t care that it’s not believable. Odd, that.

Now, he announces an invasion, days after holding a bizarre session with his top aides that was supposedly geared towards “deciding” whether to “recognize” two sections of Ukraine that his hand-picked stooges had declared to be “independent.” Yet in his announcement, he is wearing the same suit and tie he wore in the bizarre Monday session. And the metadata from the new announcement shows it was recorded on Monday:

He’s not trying that hard. He wants you to know he planned this ahead of time.

82 Responses to “Putin Recorded His Invasion Announcement Monday — And He Wants You to Know That”

  1. Putin is just doing what Hitler did.

    Kevin M (38e250)

  2. I think that Putin has got significant internal opposition, even among his clique. THis could be a problem if sanctions bite their intersts too badly.

    Michael Corleone: No Tom, just listen. All my people are businessmen; their loyalty is based on that. One thing I learned from my father is to try to think as the people around you think…and on that basis, anything is possible.

    Kevin M (38e250)

  3. How often do Russians change their clothes? We could be reading too much by ascribing American norms of grooming and hygiene.

    nk (1d9030)

  4. He’s not trying that hard. He wants you to know he planned this ahead of time.


    Which is all the more humiliating to Western powers and the incompetent bureaucrats there in. He should have had his snout smacked when he annexed Crimea and intervened in Syria. Russians respect strength. But the initiative has been lost now. How Xi reacts w/Taiwan is the real worry.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  5. President Biden today: “No one expected the sanctions to prevent anything from happening.”

    VP Harris on Sunday: “The purpose of the sanctions has always been and continues to be deterrence.”

    Someone needs to tell Putin that ‘the adults are back in charge’.

    Or…rag on Tucker Carlson.

    Obudman (893091)

  6. American energy production of natural gas and gasoline increased with Trump policies. Lower energy prices hurt Russian. Military expenditures increase under Trump. We confronted Russian Mercenaries from Wagner Group in Syria and massacred 200 of them.

    In contrast, Putin walked right over Obama’s “red line” in the Syrian Sand. Obama assured Putin-stooge President Medvedev that “I’ll have more flexibility to negotiate after the {2012} presidential election” against Romney. Biden removed Trump-imposed restrictions on Nord Stream 2 9 months ago.

    Trump talks up Putin as a sign of respect toward a worthy competitor — but a competitor nevertheless. If you focus on what is DONE instead of what people SAY, the Republicans have actually been more anti-Russia than the Democrats. But we live in a world that loves talkers, not doers. Putin knows that Biden, Macron, and the rest of the squishy, progressive, socialist don-nothings in the EU will try their best to brush this under the rug in the next 60 days. WaPo and the NY Times will move on to other headlines better-suited to this dementia-ridden excuse for a President that we have.

    The Wean Corps (ed1db3)

  7. I cannot believe the stupidity and ignorance of Anthony Blinken and the rest of Biden’s foreign policy team. Why hasn’t anyone mentioned Kaliningrad? That exclave nestled between Poland and Lithuania on the Baltic Sea? That was Soviet war-booty from WWII that had never been part of the Russian Empire. They took it just because they could, and because they wanted an ice-free port on the Baltic for their Navy. Why hasn’t Biden challenged Russia’s colonial presence in Kaliningrad? It was originally called Koenigsberg, and was part of Germany. It was a beautiful city, but now Russia, like everything else it touches, has turned it to crap. Why not mass tanks on the border of Kaliningrad and mine its harbors? That would be something Putin would understand. Anyone who believes that Biden is really serious about deterring Russia’s forays into Ukraine is a total ignoramus. It’s all for show to prove that the Bastard of Bagram is a really tough guy.

    The Wean Corps (ed1db3)

  8. You wanted this demented, diaper-wearing, corrupt sack of sh it in the WH. Enjoy!

    Boris (526135)

  9. Why not mass tanks on the border of Kaliningrad and mine its harbors? That would be something Putin would understand

    That’s an interesting proposal and certainly a proactive move which would get his attention. But he’s played that ‘don’t think of intervening card’ to the West so it does start to call his bluff on it. How would he respond? They’d have to game it out.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  10. BTW, Patterico, do you think it’s probable that the whole Kimberlin/swatting thing triggered your descent into mental illness?

    Boris (526135)

  11. BTW, Patterico, do you think it’s probable that the whole Kimberlin/swatting thing triggered your descent into mental illness?

    Boris (526135) — 2/24/2022 @ 4:32 pm

    I guess “Boris” is Russian for “projecting”.

    norcal (5948da)

  12. Boris is the aftermath of a bowl of bad borscht. He’s been banned before but I guess he changed IPs.

    nk (1d9030)

  13. I guess “Boris” is Russian for “projecting”.

    So, how’s “President” Colostomy Bag working out for you? I didn’t vote for him, so I’m afraid you’re a sh it guesser.

    Boris (526135)

  14. If Biden gets Germany, Italy, Hungary, and especially Cyprus, to go along with taking Russia off the SWIFT banking system, it will have been worth every speck of ink on every ballot cast for him.

    nk (1d9030)

  15. I wonder if Trump’s praise of Putin vis-a-vis Ukraine will finally be his undoing. Considering the number of his alarmist cult members (redundant, I know), who see him as the best means to fight the (Dire! Dire!) culture war, and who see every person wearing either a white hat or a black hat, probably not.

    norcal (5948da)

  16. So, how’s “President” Colostomy Bag working out for you? I didn’t vote for him, so I’m afraid you’re a sh it guesser.

    Boris (526135) — 2/24/2022 @ 5:17 pm

    I didn’t vote for him either, so who’s really the sh it guesser?

    norcal (5948da)

  17. We already saw it on these threads, norcal. They’ll alibi him. “He wasn’t praising Putin, he was explaining him. Like George C. Scott and Karl Michael Vogler in Patton.”

    nk (1d9030)

  18. You’re right, nk.

    Trump has contributed more to my understanding of cults than just about anyone.

    It’s an emotional thing. It’s like falling in love with a woman who is all kinds of bad. No amount of criticism or persuasion from concerned friends and family members will sway you, and you just stay there, year after year, while she manipulates you to no end. Sad!

    norcal (5948da)

  19. He’s been banned before but I guess he changed IPs.

    nk (1d9030) — 2/24/2022 @ 5:15 pm

    You’ve been around here longer than I have, nk, so I trust your ability to recognize Mr. VPN.

    norcal (5948da)

  20. Biden\Kamalalala\2024 comrade

    mg (8cbc69)

  21. He’s been banned before but I guess he changed IPs.

    Then you’re a sh it guesser too.

    Boris (526135)

  22. @20 How about neither Biden/Kamala nor Trump/___________ [fill in the blank with your favorite bootlicker]?

    norcal (5948da)

  23. derangement syndrome is a rino establishment thing portrayed here daily
    love it.

    mg (8cbc69)

  24. Could give a schiff\2024

    mg (8cbc69)

  25. Would you say nk is also deranged, mg?

    norcal (5948da)

  26. @17. “While the air assault on [December 7, 1941] was, in the words of Pacific Fleet commander Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, a “beautifully planned and executed military maneuver,” it was the Japanese preparations that allowed the Pearl Harbor Task Force, the Kido Butai, to approach Hawaii undetected. 3 Without the detailed planning and nearly flawless execution of the preliminaries, the attack would have never succeeded.,the%20preliminaries%2C%20the%20attack%20would%20have%20never%20succeeded.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  27. norcal – nk has always been entertaining, smart, funny and he can take the jive.

    mg (8cbc69)

  28. More condemnation, and less admiration, DCSCA. Otherwise, more and more people are going to ignore you, and you just might get banned again. I don’t know if you realize how others perceive you.

    norcal (5948da)

  29. Boris is not Mr. VPN. But I have a story about him you’ll like. The last time he was around, I tried to block him by typing in “Boris” in my Blocking Script in English. It didn’t work. So I ran “Inspect element” on his signature from one of his comments. It showed “Boris” as Cyrillic code. No problem, though. Instead of typing it in, I copied and pasted it from his signature. That worked. Dosvedanya, gospodin!

    nk (1d9030)

  30. Boris is not Mr. VPN. But I have a story about him you’ll like. The last time he was around, I tried to block him by typing in “Boris” in my Blocking Script in English. It didn’t work. So I ran “Inspect element” on his signature from one of his comments. It showed “Boris” as Cyrillic code. No problem, though. Instead of typing it in, I copied and pasted it from his signature. That worked. Dosvedanya, gospodin!

    Amazing story. And it worked so well that here I am again.

    Boris (526135)

  31. If not now, when, tovarisch?

    nk (1d9030)

  32. If Boris is a Russian agent, I do give him credit for using a Russian name.

    norcal (5948da)

  33. What’s this post about, norcal?

    nk (1d9030)

  34. Clearly your extraordinary ability to select “Inspect element” from a right-click menu continues to be a source of joy and wonder for you to this day.

    Boris (526135)

  35. What’s this post about, norcal?

    Exactly. Right on cue. I still give him props for using a Russian name. Or is this some kind of reverse psychology trick?

    norcal (5948da)

  36. I wonder if the Russian agents weighing in on social media really believe the propaganda, or are just content to earn their salaries while doing Putin’s bidding, all the while trying to repress whatever conscience they may have, lest they begin to hate themselves?

    norcal (5948da)

  37. Despite my nonsense at #3, I agree with Patterico. The Russian national trait of a deeply inbred inferiority complex compels them to leave a tell. A way of bragging or taunting.

    nk (1d9030)

  38. The Russian national trait of a deeply inbred inferiority complex compels them to leave a tell.

    This complex manifests itself in weird ways. I recall a friend’s wife (now ex-wife) who was from Russia. She thought Americans were stupid, and would gladly take advantage of the generous return policies of American stores to her financial advantage. She didn’t realize that her behavior is just one of many reasaons why Russia is the way it is.

    norcal (5948da)

  39. Norcal, that was possibly even more riveting than nk’s account of his mad mouse button skillz.

    Boris (526135)

  40. @39 Anything is more riveting than Putin propaganda, Boris. What time do you get off your shift at the propaganda center? And, do you ever suffer any pangs of conscience from what you’re doing, or have you mastered the art of repression?

    norcal (5948da)

  41. No waffling attempts to deflect from Biden’s humiliating weakness or Patterico’s mental illness, please, norcal.

    Boris (526135)

  42. Typing in Boris in English on the Blocking Script works this time. Slurp that borscht as loud as you want, Boris, and give my regards to Natasha and Fearless Leader.

    nk (1d9030)

  43. Boris (526135) — 2/24/2022 @ 7:08 pm

    If you spent more time here you would know that I agree about Biden’s weakness. I part ways with you when it comes to Patterico, however, and your ad hominem attack is more a comment on you than him.

    norcal (5948da)

  44. Hi, nk.

    Boris (526135)

  45. Slurp that borscht as loud as you want, Boris, and give my regards to Natasha and Fearless Leader.

    nk (1d9030) — 2/24/2022 @ 7:13 pm

    I can see why mg respects you, even though he doesn’t agree with you. You are funny!

    norcal (5948da)

  46. I’m not interested in spending time here beyond checking in every few months out of morbid curiosity just to observe the descent of a once seemingly sane blogger into full-blown mental derangement.

    Boris (526135)

  47. full-blown mental derangement.

    Boris (526135) — 2/24/2022 @ 7:21 pm

    Because he doesn’t fawn over Trump? Don’t blame the rejection of Trump on derangement. Rather, blame the embrace of Trump as a sad commentary on a significant portion of the American populace.

    norcal (5948da)

  48. BTW, Patterico, do you think it’s probable that the whole Kimberlin/swatting thing triggered your descent into mental illness?

    Boris (526135) — 2/24/2022 @ 4:32 pm

    Nooooooope. It did make him even more determined though, a good thing that

    EPWJ (0fbe92)

  49. Don’t blame the rejection of Trump on derangement.

    I will. Likewise the embrace of a demented, corrupt and mentally sub-normal Marxist.

    Boris (526135)

  50. It is kinda amazing how many terrible and lonely trolls are upset with Patterico.

    Not something to be ashamed of.

    Dustin (47bccc)

  51. Natural gas transmission system of Ukraine

    ‘The natural gas transmission system of Ukraine is a complex of natural gas transmission pipelines for gas import and transit in Ukraine. It is one of the largest gas transmission systems in the world. The system is linked with natural gas transmission systems of Russia and Belarus on one hand, and with systems of Poland, Romania, Moldova, Hungary and Slovakia on the other hand. The system is owned by Government of Ukraine and operated by Ukrtransgaz. Some local transmission lines together with distribution sets are owned by regional gas companies. The gas transmission system of Ukraine could be divided into three transit corridors which are the western transit corridor, the southern transit corridor, and the north–south internal corridor for Russian domestic gas transportation.’

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  52. “There is danger for him who taketh the tiger cub, and danger also for who so snatches a delusion from a Trumpkin.” – Sherlock Holmes.

    nk (1d9030)

  53. Do those gas distributors need an American on their board of directors?
    I’m available and don’t smoke crack.

    I wonder if Ukraine has enough dirt on Hunter to force Joe deeper into the fight

    steveg (e81d76)

  54. Great, steveg! Now you’ve got me wondering how much of that classified material Trump took to Mar-a-Lago was about Ukraine’s defenses, armaments, and troop strength.

    nk (1d9030)

  55. Likewise the embrace of a demented, corrupt and mentally sub-normal Marxist.

    Boris (526135) — 2/24/2022 @ 7:58 pm

    Oh, Boris, baby. Don’t be so hard on yourself.

    Demosthenes (3fd56e)

  56. It is kinda amazing how many terrible and lonely trolls are upset with Patterico.

    Not something to be ashamed of.

    Dustin (47bccc) — 2/24/2022 @ 8:19 pm

    Why do so many of them seem united by the through line, “LOOK AT ME, LOSERS!!! I’M A PERFORMATIVE A-HOLE, AND YOU CAN’T STOP ME!! HURR HURR HURR!!!”?

    lurker (59504c)

  57. nk (1d9030) — 2/24/2022 @ 8:30 pm

    Funny and on point

    norcal (5948da)

  58. Joe and his crime family are loving the kickbacks from high oil prices obtained from years of corruption.
    Lock them up.

    mg (8cbc69)

  59. White House spokesman calls Trump, Putin ‘pigs’ who ‘hate what America stands for’

    White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates ripped into the comments on Twitter, writing that Trump and Putin are “two nauseating, fearful pigs who hate what America stands for and whose every action is driven by their their own weakness and insecurity, rubbing their snouts together and celebrating as innocent people lose their lives.”


    nk (1d9030)

  60. Hey, Putin is anti-woke and anti-LGBTQ. Isn’t that enough to justify whatever he does? Shouldn’t every moral person “identify more with Putin’s Christian values than … with [Catholic] Joe Biden”?

    There’s a sizable chunk of Americans whose concept of “Christian values” evidently doesn’t include Christian charity, or honesty.

    Radegunda (c970ff)

  61. Stuart Stevens nails it:

    Not one Republican who voted to censure @Liz_Cheney has spoken out against Donald Trump and @SecPompeo praise of Putin. These Republicans may carry American passports as a fluke of birth but never confuse them with true Americans.

    This is a very apt pushback against the despicable claim that the people who didn’t vote for Trump are “not Americans in any meaningful sense.”

    Radegunda (c970ff)

  62. Hillary Clinton makes a good point to: “The hard truth is that if GOP won’t stand up to Trump, they can’t stand up to Putin or Xi.”
    Though it’s true that GOP pols aren’t trying to get the votes of Putin-cultists or Xi-cultists. Or not very many of them. I’ve spied a couple of them among Republicans who really don’t like America as it is.

    Radegunda (c970ff)

  63. Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny. Trump was Putin’s slicked-up boy toy in 2016, he’s Putin’s slicked-up boy in 2022, and he has slicked-up a whole harem of more boy-toys for Putin some of whom even drop by here.

    nk (1d9030)

  64. @62. Hillary Clinton makes a good point to: “The hard truth is that if GOP won’t stand up to Trump, they can’t stand up to Putin or Xi.”

    Like she did?:

    GENEVA, March 6, 2009 (Reuters) – Obama Administration U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with a red “reset button” to symbolize improved ties.

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  65. Be proud, Biden voters and NeverTrumpunkins! #LLLosers

    “ Over three months, senior Biden administration officials held half a dozen urgent meetings with top Chinese officials in which the Americans presented intelligence showing Russia’s troop buildup around Ukraine and beseeched the Chinese to tell Russia not to invade, according to U.S. officials.

    Each time, the Chinese officials, including the foreign minister and the ambassador to the United States, rebuffed the Americans, saying they did not think an invasion was in the works. After one diplomatic exchange in December, U.S. officials got intelligence showing Beijing had shared the information with Moscow, telling the Russians that the United States was trying to sow discord — and that China would not try to impede Russian plans and actions, the officials said.

    The previously unreported talks between American and Chinese officials show how the Biden administration tried to use intelligence findings and diplomacy to persuade a superpower it views as a growing adversary to stop the invasion of Ukraine, and how that nation, led by President Xi Jinping, persistently sided with Russia even as the evidence of Moscow’s plans for a military offensive grew over the winter.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  66. He ain’t too proud to beg, baby.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  67. Like she did?

    Ir recall mocking the “reset” button (with its faulty translation) myself. But the fact remains that most GOP pols are afraid of Donald Trump, and a great many have been trying to outdo all the others in demonstrating their abject fealty to him.

    Radegunda (c970ff)

  68. He ain’t too proud to beg, baby

    Whereas Trump is out praising Putin’s genius and savvy.

    It’s inconceivable that he would have put much effort into getting international cooperation on Ukraine, because that’s just not his thing. It’s also highly doubtful that he would have wanted to punish Putin.
    “We have all the funding we need out of Russia.”- Eric Trump

    And who can forget the withholding of military aid from Ukraine — against official U.S. policy — in an effort to extract a political favor from Zelensky? (Who besides a craven Trump-apologist, that is.)

    Radegunda (c970ff)

  69. “Russia, if you’re listening ….”

    Radegunda (c970ff)

  70. Idle speculation won’t pull us out of this mess, radegunda. The inept, incompetent bureaucrats you choose to highlight as honest brokers are duly noted.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  71. Radegunda (c970ff) — 2/25/2022 @ 12:01 pm

    “Russia, if you’re listening ….”

    Everyone, at that time, (except maybe Donald Trump, who might not have been following this closely enough?) knew that Hillary had supposedly deleted all her missing emails and certainly not kept them accessible via the Internet. (nobody knew at the time, or imagined, that some could be on Anthony Weiner’s laptop computer.

    It could be interpreted as a request to release them.

    This was on July 11, 2016 I think.

    Donald Trump had become exasperated by questions if he thought Russia had penetrated the DNC (emails from there were sent to Wikileaks)

    He decided to punish the press for badgering him on behalf of Hillary by doing something because of them that could hurt Hillary. He said later it was a joke. (even if half serious it argued that he had no line of communication with Russia)

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  72. 68. Radegunda (c970ff) — 2/25/2022 @ 11:58 am

    And who can forget the withholding of military aid from Ukraine — against official U.S. policy — in an effort to extract a political favor from Zelensky? (Who besides a craven Trump-apologist, that is.)

    His own policy. It was against the law to do it in secret. But it was not to extract a favor. It was for no reason at all. (or because his mind had been poisoned against Ukraine because of Putin’s machinations – via informants for Giuliani)

    Trump, when pressed by Senator Ron Johnson said that what Gordon Sunderland said was not correct.

    The idea had come from Sonderland who was trying to figure out on his own how he could get the money released.

    Zelenksy never opened an investigation of Burisma (the company that hired Hunter Biden) because he said he had to get along both with Democrats and Republcans. Othwerwise it should have been to priority.


    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  73. 2. Kevin M (38e250) — 2/24/2022 @ 9:24 am

    I think that Putin has got significant internal opposition, even among his clique.

    The Wal Street Journal says (without giving any idea how – at least in that editorial) that U.S. policy should be to depose Putin.

    Properly administered sanctions maybe could help – if they tried, and they knew enough what to try.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  74. Patterico: I didn’t know till I read this post that there was documentary proof that Putin taped this in advance.

    It is also logical.

    It was broadcast at about 5 am Russian time. It would not have even live. There would also be no reason to be live since Putin was making up all the background facts he was citing.

    And also it wouldn;t be necessary to repeat the disinfecting process for Putin to go there if he did two at a time.

    And he might want to be far away when the war started.

    Although what he did was meet with Pakistani Prime Minister Imram Khan on Thrsday – had pictures of him meeting him taken anyway.

    I am not sure how much the clothes – also the same chair – would matter. In game shows with five of them taped in a single day women change their clothes between shows but I am not sure the men.

    I don’t think it was on purpose. It was failure of tradecraft, although, also he might not have much cared, since it wasn’t designed to fool people for a generation, or even much more than a day, and wasn’t designed to fool anybody except those who didn’t get into the inside baseball. It was only designed for people who paid superficial attention.

    Putin seems to have dropped excuses since.

    Is he even admitting that Russian forces are in Ukraine?

    What’s his excuse for that, if any?

    . In Khakova, north of Crimea, soldoers raised the Russian flag over a hydroelectric power plant.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  75. Here”s the editorial:

    … For the sake of global peace and stability, the U.S. and Europe need to put Mr. Putin’s political control in Russia at risk. The enemy isn’t Russia. It is Mr. Putin and his mafia coterie….



    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  76. Right now, the United Nations Security Council is voting on a resolution to condemn the attack on Ukraine (and call for a withdrawal?)

    The Russian Federation will of course veto this, but it will be interesting to see how China votes and what it says. I would guess an abstention.

    Sammy Finkelman (46ec7d)

  77. The Ukrainians are being very brave. The NATO countries should help them.

    DRJ (03cb91)

  78. The Russian Federation will of course veto this, but it will be interesting to see how China votes and what it says. I would guess an abstention.

    Sammy Finkelman (46ec7d) — 2/25/2022 @ 2:03 pm

    Got it in one, Sammy. China was one of three abstentions, as well as the UAE (which doesn’t surprise me too much) and India (which is absolutely shameful — I guess resistance against an invading power is only okay when it’s them).

    Demosthenes (fdbac3)

  79. The UN is a sh*tshow. Always has been.

    norcal (5948da)

  80. Your portal to Oz:

    ‘Follow the yellow click road…’ 😉

    DCSCA (f4c5e5)

  81. several key passages of Putin’s speech broadcast right before the war started, annotated by the New York Times

    Evrybody missed that Putin never acknowledged the true theater of conflict. In fact he implies it is limited to the Donbass.

    I urge you to immediately lay down arms and go home. I will explain what this means: The military personnel of the Ukrainian army who do this will be able to freely leave the zone of hostilities and return to their families. …

    This implies there is a limited zone.

    Putin has consistently maintained this.

    From the earlier speech (probably recorded on the same day.)

    Sammy Finkelman (46ec7d)

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