Patterico's Pontifications


Recent Polling: Trump Still Not Fading Away, Not By A Long Shot

Filed under: General — Dana @ 1:36 pm

[guest post by Dana]

This guy will never accept that he lost the 2020 presidential election. In his fevered mind, the only possible way for him to have lost was because the election was rigged. He’ll beat that delusional drum until he feels vindicated. IOW, the rest of his life. And if his manic manipulations to prove fraud end up in taking down the Republican Party due to a significant lack of Republicans showing up at the ballot box, that’s just too bad. Trump posted this yesterday:

If we don’t solve the Presidential Election Fraud of 2020 (which we have thoroughly and conclusively documented), Republicans will not be voting in ‘22 or ‘24. It is the single most important thing for Republicans to do.

So a former Republican president is calling for the sabotage of the Republican Party’s political futures of his party because his massively inflated ego cannot/will not accept that more people wanted Joe Biden and not Donald Trump to become the next president. And MAGA loyalists will be more than willing to follow his lead. But what about the MAGA-leaning politicians? Are they willing to martyr themselves for the sake of his vanity? I don’t think so. It will be interesting to see how those up for re-election try to stay in his good graces as long as necessary, and then cut and run when the time comes. But who’s going to be taken in by such a painfully obvious move toward self-preservation? Too little, too late.

Normally, I wouldn’t care too much about Trump’s continual whining, however, looking to 2024, he quite possibly won’t be as irrelevant as one would hope:

Former President Donald Trump is the clear front-runner for the Republican Party’s 2024 presidential nomination, new polling shows.

Although a small faction of the GOP remains staunchly opposed to Trump, the vast majority of Republicans continue to view him favorably, and a significant majority want him to seek the presidency again. No other potential GOP presidential contender comes close to Trump’s level of support, according to the latest survey results from Morning Consult.

…47 percent of Republicans say they would vote for Trump if the 2024 GOP primary took place now. The closest contender behind Trump is former Vice President Mike Pence, but he garnered the backing of only 13 percent of respondents. Florida’s GOP governor, Ron DeSantis, was a close third, with just 12 percent of Republicans saying they’d vote for him.

After Pence and DeSantis, no other potential Republican candidate polled in the double digits.…Donald Trump Jr., came in fourth, with the backing of 6 percent of GOP voters…Nikki Haley, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, Utah Senator Mitt Romney and Texas Senator Ted Cruz were each backed by 3 percent of Republicans.

With more than two-thirds of respondents saying that they want Trump to run again in 2024, he still matters.


81 Responses to “Recent Polling: Trump Still Not Fading Away, Not By A Long Shot”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (174549)

  2. Glenn Youngkin

    More hypocrisy from @TerryMcAuliffe. He said he was “very concerned” the 2020 election would be rigged!


    Interesting video.

    BuDuh (4a7846)

  3. Trump: “If we don’t solve the Presidential Election Fraud of 2020 (which we have thoroughly and conclusively documented), Republicans will not be voting in ‘22 or ‘24. It is the single most important thing for Republicans to do.”

    I’m curious what our favorite Trump supporters make of that. Is that your priority? Is this the best the GOP can do? Trump is obviously holding firm to this meme for a reason….if he is NOT in fact deluded, then why exactly does he keep pushing that button? I would like to get some honest takes…

    AJ_Liberty (ec7f74)

  4. I don’t have the same read on what he said, Dana.

    I read it as a prediction not a threat. “If we don’t address this issue, I predict many voters won’t vote.”

    nate (200ff4)

  5. Worse than Trumo/2024

    mg (8cbc69)

  6. was replacing trump with a disaster supposed to make him fade away?

    JF (e1156d)

  7. Trump holds fast to his election lies as the GOP establishment hugs him tighter
    Not one year removed from surviving a second impeachment, the former president rallied before thousands of his most loyal supporters across the Iowa State Fairgrounds on a balmy Midwestern evening. He regaled them with his stories from the White House, his falsehoods and complaints about the 2020 election results, and his criticisms of the Biden administration on everything from immigration to the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

    The bulk of Trump’s speech was devoted to his baseless claim that the 2020 election was stolen — a false belief that was supported by the crowd, who broke out into chants of “Trump won! Trump won! Trump won!”

    But the notable elements were not what was said by Trump, but who was there with him. Appearing alongside the former president was a who’s who of influential Republicans in the Hawkeye state, including Sen. Chuck Grassley and Gov. Kim Reynolds, Iowa Reps. Mariannette Miller-Meeks and Ashley Hinson, former acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker and Iowa GOP Chair Jeff Kaufmann.

    Trump has held rallies since leaving the White House. But never have elected Republicans of such tenure and stature appeared with him. …….

    “I’m telling you the single biggest issue, as bad as the border is and it’s horrible, horrible what they’re doing they’re destroying our country, but as bad as that is the single biggest issue the issue that gets the most pull, the most respect, the biggest cheers is talking about the election fraud of the 2020 presidential election,” Trump said.
    ……A recent Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll showed 53 percent of Iowans and 91 percent of Republicans had a favorable view of Trump — higher approval ratings than he ever had while in the White House.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  8. Trump to Skip 2024 Campaign and Go Straight to Claiming He Won
    Speaking to reporters, Trump said that campaigning in 2024 would be “a waste of time, quite frankly, because I have already won that election.”

    Asked how he could have won an election that is not scheduled to occur for another three years, he said, “People are saying that it already did happen. A lot of very smart people are calling me and saying that.”

    Trump said that, although he already won the 2024 election, “there was fraud and corruption like you wouldn’t believe.”

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  9. That’s how I read Trump’s statement, Dana. If people don’t give in to Trump’s Big Lie about electoral fraud, he’s going to tell Republicans to stay home and let the Dems win. It’s always about Trump over party and country. It’s loony tunes.

    Paul Montagu (5de684)

  10. “A group of anti-Trump Republicans on Thursday will endorse a slate of Democratic lawmakers facing tough races in next year’s midterm elections, in a bid to stop the Republican Party from retaking control of Congress.”

    That’ll fix things just as well as electing Biden brought us back to normalcy.

    Obudman (ee9b82)

  11. #8 Time travel? A movie with time travel had him — some think — as a co-star. (Others think the resemblance was just coincidence.) Perhaps that is what he is alluding to.

    As I assume all of you know, time travel allows for all kinds of paradoxes — and makes it rather hard to discuss causality with ordinary verbs.

    (If you have somehow missed it, see the Heinlein short, “‘–All You Zombies–‘”, for examples of some of time travel possibilities. Or look for some of Larry Niven’s musings on the subject.)

    Jim Miller (edcec1)

  12. “Worse than Trumo/2024”

    Four words and you couldn’t get there….it’s like if DCSCA misspelled GLORIOUS.

    AJ_Liberty (ec7f74)

  13. This won’t improve Trump’s disposition.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  14. Trump insists on taking this to the next level, and to the next level it will go. He may not like what happens on that level, or the one after that.

    Not only will the GOP politicians repudiate him out of self-preservation, but he risks being martyred, one way or the other. Not one finger will be lifted if he is changed with tax evasion, or conspiracy or maybe even treason. And then there is the matter of moral duties, if all else fails.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  15. Worse than Trumo/2024

    So, Trump is calling for a single-party Democrat government and this is what you say? Obviously you’ve become deranged.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  16. “If we don’t address this issue, I predict many voters won’t vote.”

    But we cannot “address this issue” because it’s a fukking fantasy.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  17. It’s like if DCSCA misspelled GLORIOUS.

    Or “Reagan”

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  18. @13:

    “…will receive his pension and other benefits after settling his lawsuit with the Justice Department.”

    I bet that was a hard-fought negotiation. No one in the room for the taxpayer.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  19. @11: Or the filmed version Predestination.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  20. Trump has nothing to lose and nothing to do except make trouble. As for the Trumpcakes, they’re what? A fifth of the population? They’re a problem only for their neighbors and visitors. The people they elect to Congress aren’t going to pass any laws (and somebody was going to get their salaries and perks anyway). Just stay on the interstate and make sure you’ve topped off your tank when going through their territory.

    nk (1d9030)

  21. @13:

    “…will receive his pension and other benefits after settling his lawsuit with the Justice Department.”

    I bet that was a hard-fought negotiation. No one in the room for the taxpayer.

    It would have been cheaper just to let McCabe retire.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  22. McCabe was never going to lose his pension. Trump only kept him from getting it right away when he fired him. Something to do with having 20 years in if you’re under 55 when you retire to start collecting right away, otherwise you have to wait till you’re 55. Trump kept him from getting the 20 years by two days short — a small, petty, and vindictive act by a small, petty, and vindictive orange buffoon — and the new non-Sessions/non-Barr DOJ now said “F**K Donald Trump!”.

    nk (1d9030)

  23. deranged? you voted worse than Trump, not me.

    mg (8cbc69)

  24. Worse than Trump is all you crybabies have.

    mg (8cbc69)

  25. You people gave me $3.50 gas and empty shelves.

    mg (8cbc69)

  26. It’s Trumps party. They love him and believe in him. Look at mg if you have any doubt.

    Time123 (f1078f)

  27. Vote Republican 2022: Bring Back Polio and Trump!

    Dude Kembro (9a5256)

  28. that’s great that mccabe got his pension

    was worried we were sending the wrong message by not rewarding an insurrectionist who didn’t resort to zip ties

    JF (e1156d)

  29. Worse than Trump is all you crybabies have.

    mg (8cbc69) — 10/14/2021 @ 5:58 pm

    No, it’s all you have. Because it’s all you say.

    Seriously, between mg, JF, and BuDuh, we need a better class of troll around here. Where’s Socko at?

    Demosthenes (3fd56e)

  30. Vote Republican 2022: Bring Back Polio and Trump!

    Dude Kembro (9a5256) — 10/14/2021 @ 6:13 pm

    This could be a preview of the 2024 presidential ticket, actually. Trump/Polio 2024.

    Or maybe it should be Polio/Trump. If it were, Trump would find a way to destroy Polio and become president again…so we’d get something good out of it, anyway.

    Demosthenes (3fd56e)

  31. #29
    I thought you were Socko.
    Trump remains comedy gold.
    He’s interesting

    steveg (e81d76)

  32. #29
    I thought you were Socko.

    steveg (e81d76) — 10/14/2021 @ 7:05 pm



    Demosthenes (3fd56e)

  33. Politico: They didn’t previously announce it, but Buttigieg’s office told West Wing Playbook that the secretary has actually been on paid leave since mid-August to spend time with his husband, Chasten, and their two newborn babies.

    Good thing there are no problems with trucking or shipping to address.

    Obudman (ee9b82)

  34. #31 “He’s interesting”

    True. In somewhat the same way as Calvin of Calvin and Hobbes is. (There are individual strips in which Calvin says things so near to what Trump says, that it is spooky. It’s as if Donald has been studying Calvin for years.)

    But you wouldn’t want to let either get near a power tool, much less the government.

    (Psych professors who study narcissists are going to be writing papers on him for decades. They too will find him “interesting”.)

    Jim Miller (edcec1)

  35. @29 hi, i call myself Demosthenes

    please take me seriously

    JF (e1156d)

  36. Worse than Trump is all you have, run with it. Who you people going to send money too? I’m positive you people will find another cellar dweller to hunker down with. Run that grifter mittens again. Candy Crowley can make a comeback.

    mg (8cbc69)

  37. Another slogan you people could use is Dumber than Trump/2024

    mg (8cbc69)

  38. This is on Never Trump and the election of
    Obama and his 3rd term
    Rental cars +43% over last Sept
    Gas 42%
    Used cars 24%
    Bacon 19%
    Hotels 18%
    Beef 18%
    Pork 13%
    Eggs 13%
    TVs 13%
    Kids’ shoes 12%
    Furniture 11%
    New cars 9%
    Chicken 8%
    Apples 8%
    Restaurant prices: 5%
    Electricity 5%
    Rent 2.9%

    mg (8cbc69)

  39. Why you gotta be so selfish, mg? Thinking about your car and your larder (and your feet for crying out loud) instead of being happy that Mr. President Donald Trump is now making his loan payments to the Russians and Chinese with dollars that are worth 30 cents less than when he borrowed them.

    You’re right about the devaluation of the dollar. You’re wrong about who devalued it. It was Trump, making it this top priority from the first day he took office.

    And I just realized, reading about the World Bank of all things, that Ivanka Trump is what we used to call “a dish”. Really takes after her mama in that area, but you gotta catch it at the right angle because she’s not obvious about it.

    nk (1d9030)

  40. you people


    Dana (174549)

  41. Who you people going to send money too? 

    No one. I learned my lesson. And you?

    DRJ (02d0b8)

  42. @29 hi, i call myself Demosthenes

    please take me seriously

    JF (e1156d) — 10/14/2021 @ 7:45 pm

    I actually say this to people. These exact words. And then I ply them with lemon bundt cake. So far, it hasn’t helped. Should I switch to brownies?

    Worse than Trump is all you have, run with it.

    Again, you’re the one who keeps saying it. That phrase is literally all YOU have. It’s like you’re suffering from a defective neuron that keeps misfiring in the atrophied language center of the rotting clump of pink Jell-O between your shriveled ears that passes for a brain.

    Who you people going to send money too?…Run that grifter mittens again.

    mg (8cbc69) — 10/14/2021 @ 7:57 pm

    I mean, seriously, are you entirely lacking in self-awareness and logical consistency? YOU SUPPORT DONALD TRUMP. He’s the clown-prince of the grifting jet set. If you want to troll, at least be articulate about it, man! I can’t even take you seriously enough to NOT take you seriously!

    Demosthenes (3fd56e)

  43. Here’s the plan: If Trump is not named God, these cretins are going to make damn sure the USA is destroyed. And then blame everyone else.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  44. mg,

    Can you give a good reason why the only choice I had was Donald Trump? What ever happened to “better than Trump”? Because there were lots better in the GOP and very few worse. Even Mittens.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  45. Mittens is garbage.

    I’d vote for DeSantis and Cruz. The rest have to prove it.

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  46. I think what this really means is that the GOP will fracture. The “official” GOP will go off and back Trump. The Democrats will go off and back AOC. And there will be another party in between that attracts a lot of people repulsed by both extremes.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  47. DRJ-
    I gave money once to a politician. Ted Cruz. Patterico talked me into it. I have donated many hours in getting conservatives elected. No more, You people have spoiled the well.

    mg (8cbc69)

  48. Worse than Trump makes you upset? Too bad. I won’t even vote Trump next time. I’m all done voting. Our country is now a schiff hole for illegals and political hacks.

    mg (8cbc69)

  49. lol !! I can see steam coming from your posts Demosthenes. Have a brownie.

    mg (8cbc69)

  50. Worse than Trump makes you upset?

    There is no worse than Trump. You nominated and elected smegma, as a man and as a leader.
    No cult here.

    Paul Montagu (5de684)

  51. Low-hanging fruit. Who’d know better how to pick it than an orange?

    nk (1d9030)

  52. “I won’t even vote Trump next time. I’m all done voting.”

    mg is priceless. But this is what our toxic politics produces: unrealistic expectations and continuous rage. There is no connection that our system…with all of its checks and balances….is fundamentally about compromise and building consensus….not about ram-rodding far left or far right solutions. On the other hand, our media is fundamentally about stoking division, building animosity and producing extreme and usually overly-simplistic solutions….to keep people watching, listening, clicking, and stewing…to justify ad dollars. Trump understood how to infiltrate this….and compromise it. I don’t trust him and mg hectoring about how bad Biden is….doesn’t change that. Yes, there are no big voices out there delivering a more traditional conservative message….but it’s because too many foot soldiers are still giving aid and comfort to the Trump doctrine. He and his minions control the megaphones right now…and the rabble aren’t looking for alternative views from the Dispatch. Too many need the continuous drama that Trump produced….they’re addicted. mg can’t feel right if he’s not yelling at us for not supporting Trump. That’s too bad…..

    AJ_Liberty (a4ff25)

  53. lol !! I can see steam coming from your posts Demosthenes. Have a brownie.

    mg (8cbc69) — 10/15/2021 @ 3:52 am

    I let you talk me into it. I shouldn’t have. Much like you, the brownie was half-baked. And crunchy, because there was some egg shell inside. It cut the roof of my mouth.

    I have spent many hours in consuming delicious chocolatey baked goods. No more. You have spoiled them for me. I won’t even eat a cake or a pie next time. I’m all done with bakeries. From now on, I am only eating Worse than Brownies.

    Demosthenes (3fd56e)

  54. Even the pro-Trump WSJ won’t go there.

    Paul Montagu (5de684)

  55. Here’s something for you all…

    Trump is saying that he won 2020.

    If that’s true, then he’s barred from running in 2024 because of the 22nd amendment.

    Here’s term limited.

    Pantomiming Chef Emeril :: BAM! ::

    whembly (7e0293)

  56. Seriously. Even at this point, I’d prefer the chaos of a Trump administration of any Democrat administration.

    The stuff that’s being pushed by the progressive wing ought to horrify you more than whatever faults Trump would do.

    whembly (7e0293)

  57. Worse than Trump is all you crybabies have.

    You seem to be the only guy talking about it.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  58. “I won’t even vote Trump next time. I’m all done voting.”

    Stay out of the primaries, too.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  59. Even the pro-Trump WSJ won’t go there.

    They never struck me as “pro-Trump.” They may have supported some of his policies but, well, so did I. Not the same thing.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  60. 56, you may be on to something…it would be like another 3 dollar USFL antitrust award – having an actual case wind through the lower courts and not be decided until the Fall 2024 session of USSC.

    urbanleftbehind (f55af8)

  61. Kim Strassel has been a fulltime Trump water carrier since practically from Day One.
    The WSJ editorial board has also been solidly pro-Trump, although they have tut-tutted a few times at his more outrageous acts, and they were never on board with his “massive fraud” hoax.

    Paul Montagu (5de684)

  62. From the WSJ editorial:

    When his ego is on the line, his voters’ interests are secondary.

    The most glaringly obvious fact about Trump is that he always puts his ego first.
    His claim that he has already won the 2024 election (despite “massive fraud”) is a new level of narcissistic delusion.

    Radegunda (7f4ba9)

  63. His claim that he has already won the 2024 election (despite “massive fraud”) is a new level of narcissistic delusion.

    Radegunda (7f4ba9) — 10/15/2021 @ 9:26 am

    To be fair, that article was satire from Andy Borowitz.

    Rip Murdock (d2a2a8)

  64. The WSJ has had, since I began to watch it years ago, a dual personality, with its editorial pages far more Republican than its news pages. (The split was so sharp during Bill Clinton’s time in office, that the editorial pages actually hired at least one investigative reporter to cover the stories they thought the news pages were neglecting.)

    That said, Paul Montagu is right about Strassel, and he could have added a negative example: Bret Stephens, a fine journalist, left the WSJ editorial side for the NYT, because, I assume, of his opposition to Trump. (Recently, Stephens has been doing pieces with Gail Collins, which I seldom read.)

    Jim Miller (edcec1)

  65. Again, supporting a President Trump as he did Republican things is not the same as supporting Trump, the man. I know that a lot of people could not get past the ogre to look at what the ogre was doing, but there were things that worked for me. Judges, for example.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  66. A more general point: Early in Trump’s presidency, I concluded that decent, competent people should continue, if possible, to work in the Trump administration, in part to protect us from his crazy narcissism — except as spokesmen for him. Because he would require his spokesmen to lie for him.

    Force Trump to tell his own lies, I concluded.

    (You probably recall what happened to poor Reince Priebus, who was forced to lie about the Trump inauguration crowds — and lost credibility, instantly.)

    Jim Miller (edcec1)

  67. lol !! I can see steam coming from your posts Demosthenes. Have a brownie.

    Order ready, aisle 8!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  68. “I’d prefer the chaos of a Trump administration of any Democrat administration.”

    Biden was elected because HE WAS a moderate….and with an even Senate and no huge majority in the House….he had no great progressive mandate. but then we had Afghanistan….and the border chaos….and now to keep his team from revolting, he felt like he had to give them something….even though the votes are simply not there….and with the other incompetence….he’s lost his honeymoon. As a conservative, this trajectory is making 2022 & 2024 much easier….but it only pays off if there is no Trump. If Trump is back in the equation, then we will once again have an “anything but Trump” dynamic that is a lead weight.

    AJ_Liberty (ec7f74)

  69. Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 10/15/2021 @ 10:00 am

    He preens in the glass,
    Plastic eagles on shoulders —
    “My, how grand I look!”

    Demosthenes (5ad8b9)

  70. @69 Biden is anything but a moderate at this point.

    whembly (7e0293)

  71. Biden has always been at the center of the Democrats consensus. They’ve moved left and I hope the progs don’t win primaries in the next election. I honestly blame gerrymandering. If the election is over in the primary you get elected by turning out the base. That means more like AOC/MTG and fewer like Manchin/Miejer.

    Time123 (9f42ee)

  72. And here is a link to New York State constitutioanal amendments to be voted on this November.

    Three about redistricting and voting.

    One is New York Proposal 3, Remove 10-Day-Advance Voter Registration Requirement Amendment (2021),_Remove_10-Day-Advance_Voter_Registration_Requirement_Amendment_(2021)

    Now the purpose of regisration is to prevent double voting and ringers. What are the precautions they have in mind

    There’s another for no excuses absentee voting. E basically had it in 2020 – the problem is if you greatly increase the percentage of absentee votes, results either come in late or requesting an absentee ballot deprives you of the right to vote in person.

    There’s another for redistricting which I read is a trick to make gerrymandering easier.

    There;s another that makes lawsuits about clean water etx easier, if it does anything at all.

    Number 5 about raising the value of lawsuits in Civil Court looks good except that it could make backlogs even worse Probably worth doing anyway – there is Snall claims court.

    Sammy Finkelman (c49738)

  73. Not only has Trump already won the 2024 election, but the repeal of the 22nd Amendment has already been ratified allowing Trump to already win the elections for 2028 and 2032.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  74. (You probably recall what happened to poor Reince Priebus, who was forced to lie about the Trump inauguration crowds — and lost credibility, instantly.

    Rince Priebus deserved everything he got. The moment Trump said he would not support the eventual nominee, he should have been escorted off the stage. All in all, him running a 3rd-party campaign in 2016 would have been for the better.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  75. but it only pays off if there is no Trump

    Who will rid me of this turbulent pest?

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  76. the flip side of #56:

    Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 so, according to some opponents, he hasn’t been elected even once.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  77. Not voting any primaries, Kevin M. Massachusetts has zero conservatives in office. And never will. I’d have a better chance of getting on a democrat funded bus to Cow Hampshire and voting, twice.

    mg (8cbc69)

  78. “Is that your priority? Is this the best the GOP can do?”

    It really is, absent the alternative. Letting massive election shenanigans go unexamined and unremarked is an invitation to do it again harder next time.

    “Can you give a good reason why the only choice I had was Donald Trump? What ever happened to “better than Trump”? Because there were lots better in the GOP and very few worse. Even Mittens.”

    The donors and lobbyists that produce rubber-stamp machine politicians stopped caring about making sure they were fit for the purpose of occasionally actually representing the interests of their constituents. So an actual human had to step in. Really, it’s a tale of Americans getting lazy with their manufacturing and fabrication from top to bottom.

    ” You’re wrong about who devalued it. It was Trump, making it this top priority from the first day he took office.”

    Yes, that’s exactly why all the runaway inflation+Soviet-style shortages started happening after he left office. Had nothing to do with his policies getting hastily and vindictively rolled back by a giddy Democrat administration drunk on a stolen victory with absolutely no experience of actually trying to convince people of their positions without force and people naturally responding to those incentives rapidly and comprehensively. Cope harder.

    ” As a conservative, this trajectory is making 2022 & 2024 much easier….but it only pays off if there is no Trump. If Trump is back in the equation, then we will once again have an “anything but Trump” dynamic that is a lead weight.”

    Untrue. The media organs have helpfully spent the last six months tossing their credibility to moderates as far away as possible, and there’s no Covid excuse to skate on this time around. And even without Trump in office, in order to mollify him and avoid losing you’ll have to…take his popular positions? It’s almost like he’s still ruling in exile!

    How did such a titanic force of personality with such popular positions manage to lose against a guy who barely showed up? Given the obvious interests the power brokers have in keeping the vote counting and auditing process as opaque, partisan, and far from the judiciary as possible, we may never know or care…and if your Soviet breadline economy continues, he may not take power again by way of an election. The pressures of running a country properly are obviously too high for your limited and mediocre faculties.

    John Soocksman (e559a4)

  79. In his fevered mind, the only possible way for him to have lost was because the election was rigged.

    Not in his mind. It’s his standing in public. And he also can’t retract his claims.

    This is one of those things where Trump knows he is wrong but says it anyway, He even claims that the Arzina audit proved he was right.

    Now the audit was actually a hoax (incomplete and they were running late) but the Republican partisans who conducted it come out in favor of Biden because I suspect they didn’t want their work re-examined and they wanted to keep or get the money. (The Democrats would not look a gift horse in the mouth, while they threw some bones to Trump and they knew the truth was there was no problem with the result)

    Arizona Vote Review ‘Made Up the Numbers,’ Election Experts Say

    …..The experts, a data analyst for the Arizona Republican Party and two retired executives of an election consulting firm in Boston, said in their report that workers for the investigators failed to count thousands of ballots in a pallet of 40 ballot-filled boxes delivered to them in the spring.

    The article links to:

    While everyone was breathing relief that the Ninjas exercise – don’t call it an audit – upheld Maricopa County’s official results, our antennas were already up because three pesky facts have continued to bother us.

    The Ninjas did not count the same set of ballots. The Cyber Ninjas said their results tracked the county’s certified results even though they decided to count about 27,000 ballots that Maricopa Elections did not count and ignore about the same number of ballots Maricopa did count. When ballots are damaged or fail tabulation, a two-person bi-partisan team copies the voter’s choices onto a clean ballot in a process called “duplication.” The Cyber Ninjas, claiming there were fewer original ballots than duplicates, counted the original ballots and ignored the duplicates. Curious.

    Senator Fann is hiding something. The Senate continues to fight the release of public data on grounds that Arizona’s courts have decisively ruled against. Included in the withheld documents are batch and box-level ballot counts, just like those contained in Pullen’s report on the Senate’s machine count. More on this below.

    A curious anomaly. Garrett Archer, a reporter at Phoenix’s ABC15 News Affiliate, noticed that the ballot counts for the Presidential and the U.S. Senate contests did not match. The Ninjas excuse? “NOTE: Vote totals for the presidential and senatorial elections mismatch slightly primarily due to small differences (emphasis ours) in hand counts among the 2.1M million ballots.”

    This last item – a mismatch in the ballot counts on contests that appeared on the same ballot – piqued our interest because such a mismatch should be impossible…..

    …We believe our worst fears have happened – the entire exercise in hand counting ballots on lazy Susans for two months, was a hoax….

    …Late May, 2021: we knew that the Ninjas could not produce an audit because they could not compare their results (i.e., ballot counts and vote counts by storage box) against the official results. That is because Maricopa’s reports its results by precinct and voting method (i.e., Early Voting, Election Day, and Provisional). The Ninjas counted by box…

    …5. The assertion that Trump had lost 261 votes was, we believe, a “shiny object” designed to convey believability to an otherwise unbelievable hoax.,,,

    See also

    Sammy Finkelman (c49738)

  80. SOCKO!!!!!

    It is so great to see you, dude! Really. I have missed my heaping helpings of authentic digital gibberish. How else will us liberal progressive socialist pinko commies ever learn?

    But I gotta say, buddy, I’m getting a little worried. It feels like you’re ignoring me. Is that true? You go after other people. AJ, Kevin, nk. Time is next, I bet. But you never go after me anymore. Why is that? I thought we had something real. I mean, ask anyone. I’m your #1 Fan. It stings being neglected like this.

    Write back soon, okay?

    Your buddy,
    Chocolate Ration Explainer

    Demosthenes (3fd56e)

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