Patterico's Pontifications


…But Of Course He Takes Credit

Filed under: General — Dana @ 5:59 pm

[guest post by Dana]

President Trump is giving himself a big pat on the back for educating the ignorant masses about Juneteenth:

President Trump says he made the holiday Juneteenth “very famous” by first scheduling his rally in Tulsa on that date.

“I did something good: I made Juneteenth very famous,” Trump told the Wall Street Journal in an interview on Wednesday. “It’s actually an important event, an important time. But nobody had ever heard of it.”

Oh. Wait. Apparently, he had never known about it before last week or so:

A black Secret Service agent informed Trump of the meaning of Juneteenth, the president told the Journal in the interview. He said he polled those around him and none had heard of holiday.



47 Responses to “…But Of Course He Takes Credit”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (25e0dc)

  2. I did something good

    Atta boy. Now do something even better, and retire.

    norcal (a5428a)

  3. His chutzpah sometimes has an awesome quality to it, like the hindquarters of an elephant.

    nk (1d9030)

  4. @3,

    nk, are you saying that Trump is the southern end of a northbound elephant?

    norcal (a5428a)

  5. Emperor didn’t know he wasn’t wearing clothes, and when he asks if anyone else knew, they all shake their heads nervously. None of them knew.

    Nobody had ever heard of it.

    Dustin (d59cff)

  6. Of an elephant fading out of its place in American history thanks to him.

    nk (1d9030)

  7. The transcript of the interview is behind the WSJ paywall. TulsaWorld didn’t provide much of a quote. Does anyone have access to the more complete portion of the interview?

    BuDuh (90f9e7)

  8. It is interesting that he released a statement about Juneteenth in 2019.

    I doubt the transcript will clear this discrepancy up for Trump, but I still wouldn’t mind reading it in its entirety.

    BuDuh (90f9e7)

  9. Why are we surprised Trump didn’t know a thing, it’s the least surprising thing to learn he didn’t know in the last…day or two, maybe. He didn’t know people died of the flu a few months ago, who knew.

    Colonel Klink (Ret) (305827)

  10. He only knows what Putin tells him.

    Like Finland being part of Russia, or the leader of Venezuela’s democratic opposition being Hillary Clinton in disguise.

    Dave (1bb933)

  11. when mr. president donald trump, who is very smart because he has an aunt who was homeschooled all the way through third grade before she was expelled, finds out that 2 + 2 = 4 he will tell all of us

    and the whole world will know

    it will be famous

    nk (1d9030)

  12. Here is the Twitter belonging to the person who interviewed Trump.

    His highlights don’t look very good for Trump.

    BuDuh (5b5c61)

  13. if mr donald discovered that two plus two is four the fake news media would still call him stupid and try to give the credit to somebody else

    they have no shame

    Dave (1bb933)

  14. i know mr. Dave

    mr. president donald trump should have had several Noble prizes if the Noble prize committee members were from Arkansas and not Harvard elites from Yale

    nk (1d9030)

  15. the technical term is harvardtrash mr nk

    try to keep up

    Dave (1bb933)

  16. Trump must reach out to black voters. His Tulsa rally is the place to start.
    …….. Trump’s Achilles’ heel has been his seeming lack of interest in not just rallying his base but also expanding it by winning over skeptics who did not vote for him in 2016 yet have benefited from his policies. The recent crises facing our country have provided a historic opportunity to sway these voters, one that Trump has so far failed to seize. It’s not too late to do so — and his Tulsa rally is the place to start.
    ……… Trump has had the national stage all to himself — and a golden opportunity to win over persuadable voters with his leadership. But instead of rising in the polls, Trump’s approval has slipped back down to the low 40s in most polls. Instead of gaining even more supporters, he lost his new converts.
    During his Tulsa rally, the president should appeal directly to black Americans. He should express his solidarity with George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, and declare his determination to reform the police and get rid of bad cops who mistreat our African American brothers and sisters. He should say that he stands with the peaceful protesters and that he will not be satisfied until the promise of equality is realized for every one of our citizens regardless of the color of their skin.
    Wishful thinking. Trump has branded protesters as “thugs”, declared “solidarity” with police, and defended the Confederacy. If he flipped his positions 180 degrees within three weeks, his supporters would suffer a massive case of whiplash.

    Rip Murdock (212cb2)

  17. I imagine that Trump is always “discovering” things that most of us already knew. I wonder what he’d say if he encountered a supermarket scanner.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  18. Trump found out he’s losing to Biden by 12 points in the latest Fox News poll & started Tweeting like Oprah giving away cars at Christmas

    Infrastructure week is back, baby. (Pictures in the link)

    Davethulhu (9921df)

  19. A couple of points….

    Juneteenth not much of a thing in Chicago, but in the next tier of midwest cities i.e. Milwaukee and Cincinnat it always seemed to devolve into a mini-riot with copious Polar Bear hunting.

    At my job they are giving us (full time staff) a half day holiday for it tomorrow afternoon…I might get canceled for asking on behalf of of our paid-by-hour interns if they can clock in for the full day on the grounds that 1. they already started late in the summer (missing 2 or 3 weeks) and 2. They will already not be paid for July 3. One of my hints actually didnt really care that much about what works out to 50 dollars lost, but dont day I didnt fight for you.

    urbanleftbehind (e6ac4d)

  20. YES, finally:

    CBS News’ Paula Reid Confronts Trump About Bolton: ‘Why Do You Keep Hiring People You Believe Are Wackos and Liars?’

    CBS News reporter Paula Reid on Thursday attempted to confront President Donald Trump after the conclusion of a White House roundtable, shouting out a question about former National Security Advisor John Bolton.

    “Mr. President, why do you keep hiring people that you believe are wackos and liars?” Reid yelled. Trump tweeted earlier in the day, “Wacko John Bolton’s ‘exceedingly tedious’ (New York Times) book is made up of lies & fake stories. Said all good about me, in print, until the day I fired him. A disgruntled boring fool who only wanted to go to war. Never had a clue, was ostracized & happily dumped. What a dope!”

    Trump never responded to Reid’s question as White House staff attempted to clear the reporters from the room, and instead he sat still with a clearly displeased expression on his face.

    Dave (1bb933)

  21. Infrastructure week is back, baby.

    Another sure sign: after talking about skipping debates entirely, he suddenly thinks they’re a great thing and wants Biden to agree to more of them.

    Dave (1bb933)

  22. I expect that Biden will avoid debates, claiming that to debate “someone like Trump” would demean him.

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  23. I expect that Biden will avoid debates, claiming that to debate “someone like Trump” would demean him.

    Friendly wager?

    Dave (1bb933)

  24. I expect that Biden will avoid debates, claiming that to debate “someone like Trump” would demean him.

    Kevin M (ab1c11) — 6/18/2020 @ 11:56 pm

    Typically the front runner or incumbent wants fewer or no debates because it gives their opponent a chance to get more air time and create an opportunity.

    While it’s likely that Trump is using this just as an attack on Biden doing so is a sign that they see their position as weak.

    I’d say that if nothing else it locks them in to more debates, but I think most people expect Trump to jump at the chance to be on camera.

    Time123 (306531)

  25. It reminds me of the time when Trump said that it was none other than he who invented the phrase “prime the pump”.

    Paul Montagu (d27749)

  26. @25,

    Actually, he invented “slime the stump”.

    norcal (a5428a)

  27. BTW, the original quote is:

    “Thy impudence has a monstrous beauty, like the hindquarters of an elephant.” — James Elroy Flecker, Hassan

    He was Greek by marriage.

    nk (1d9030)

  28. Yes, so now the liberals/Never Trumpers are all worked up about June 19th, something they NEVER discussed before, and how Trump is claiming credit for publicizing it. Yes, well, if Trump can accused of “Promoting” or “Touting” the HCQ- Zpac just by mentioning it, I guess he can take credit for June 19th. BTW, I’m looking forward to the Never Trumpers political God, Joe Biden, appearing in African Clothes today, or maybe wearing some slave chains. He’ll probably wait till he picks a VP to decide which black person’s feet to wash.

    rcocean (2e1c02)

  29. If “worked up” means laughing out loud at the toddler who discovered that if you push the button the TV turns on and taught everybody else how to do it. Most joke of a President ever.

    nk (1d9030)

  30. Very joke. Much buffoon. So clown.

    nk (1d9030)

  31. The CBS reporter asks a good question, even though she only asked it to attack Trump and help Joe Biden. Trump seems to have picked a lot of disloyal subordinates. And I think its because Trump just assumes people tell the truth and can be expected to behave in a manner that is professional and good for the country. Wrong! Bolten, for example, campaigned for the NSA job and publicly praised Trump’s leadership for years before he was hired. Trump kept him around because he was useful. He gave Trump the “Hawk” perspective and he was useful playing ‘the bad cop’ to Trump’s “Good cop”. Ultimately, he just got too crazy and was fired (or quit to avoid being fired). Trump didn’t expect a man who pledged loyalty, signed a NDA, and claimed to be outraged by Hillary’s treatment of classified material, to then turn around and do what no NSA adviser has EVER done.

    No NSA adviser has EVER written a book while the President he served was still in office. OR written a critical one. Or broken a NDA. Or published a book without the all the classified information in the book being cleared for publication. Its unheard of. Bolten has shown himself to be a complete snake, just like Comey and McCabe.

    rcocean (2e1c02)

  32. Fortunately, Bolten and his book will be forgotten by next week. No one likes him. No one really believes him. The American public doesn’t really know who he is, or cares what he says. The time for him to damage Trump was during the shampeachment. Now, we’ve moved on and the Ukrainian phone call absurdity is done.

    Bolten can now sign up with MSNBC or CNN – after Trump’s reelection – and come on and attack Trump every time Jeff Zucker thinks it will be useful to the Democratic Party.

    rcocean (2e1c02)

  33. I think its because Trump just assumes people tell the truth and can be expected to behave in a manner that is professional and good for the country.

    So he thinks lying is his another one of his personal inventions?

    Dave (1bb933)

  34. In fairness to the President, he did indirectly promote Juneteenth by calling attention to all the great work Frederick Douglass has been doing.

    lurker (d8c5bc)

  35. Yes, we deeply care about June 19th, which is why no one ever mentioned it before. Good that we can now overcome our racism and talk about our love for June 19th.


    rcocean (2e1c02)

  36. Y’know what I hate? Slavery. I wish I could go back in time and punch Jeff Davis on the nose.

    rcocean (2e1c02)

  37. Naturally the mainstream media try to hide his profound contributions to historical scholarship, too:

    People don’t realize, you know, the Civil War, if you think about it, why?

    People don’t ask that question, but why was there the Civil War?
    – Donald Trump, April 2017

    Dave (1bb933)

  38. @31, RCocean, Trump really inspires an unprecedented level of disloyalty in his subordinates. Even men with a lifetime of service to their country, some in actual combat, seem compelled to tell the public what a completely dumpster fire he is. This is even more amazing when you look back at the many times he claimed he would hire and build a great team. It really goes to show what a terrible leader he is.

    I might be wrong, but it seems like the only people to leave and retain any respect for him at all are the media types like; Spicer, Sanders, & Lewandowski.

    Can you think of any counter examples? Examples of people who’ve moved on and still speak well of him?

    Time123 (cd2ff4)

  39. Yes, we deeply care about June 19th, which is why no one ever mentioned it before. Good that we can now overcome our racism and talk about our love for June 19th.


    rcocean (2e1c02) — 6/19/2020 @ 7:14 am

    It is sort of sad that much of the country ignored it until now. Trump missed an opportunity here. Given his rally on 6/19 in Tulsa would have added a ton of impact to comments he made on racism and the protests going on. If he’s not able to do that it’s probably for the best he stepped back.

    Time123 (cd2ff4)

  40. Trump seems to have picked a lot of disloyal subordinates.

    But wait, ocean, Trump told you that he he was “going to surround myself only with the best and most serious people.”

    @realDonaldTrump on his AG: “He’s not mentally qualified to be Attorney General”
    – SecState: “Dumb as a rock”
    – SecDef: “World’s most overrated general”
    – National Sec Adv: “A disgruntled boring fool who only wanted to go to war”
    – Chief of Staff: “He was way over his head”

    Why aren’t you angry about all of his terrible personnel choices?

    Paul Montagu (d27749)

  41. Is joke from Latvia. I tell now:

    Tatiana go to doctor and say: Comrade doctor, I hurt all over. I touch my head, it hurt. I touch my foot, it hurt. I touch my belly, it hurt. I touch my back, it hurt. Everywhere I touch, it hurt.

    And doctor say: Comrade Tatiana, you have broken finger.

    nk (1d9030)

  42. ‘My biggest risk’: Trump says mail-in voting could cost him reelection
    President Donald Trump called mail-in voting the biggest threat to his reelection and said his campaign’s multimillion-dollar legal effort to block expanded ballot access could determine whether he wins a second term.
    The president’s assertion that mail-in voting will endanger his reelection comes as states across the country are rushing to accommodate remote voting in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Millions of voters could be disenfranchised if they decide to stay home on Election Day rather than risk contracting the virus at crowded polling stations.
    “My biggest risk is that we don’t win lawsuits,” Trump said. “We have many lawsuits going all over. And if we don’t win those lawsuits, I think — I think it puts the election at risk.”

    …….. Would a substantial amount of mail-in voting — which is widely expected because of coronavirus — cause him to question the legitimacy of the election? And would he accept the results no matter what?

    “Well, you can never answer the second question, right? Because Hillary kept talking about she’s going to accept, and they never accepted it. You know. She lost too. She lost good.” Clinton conceded the day after the 2016 election.

    Trump struck a firmer note last week in an interview with Fox News, when he said he would leave office peacefully if he lost.

    Rip Murdock (212cb2)

  43. Original ‘Juneteenth’ order found in the National Archives
    The National Archives on Thursday located what appears to be an original handwritten “Juneteenth” military order informing thousands of people held in bondage in Texas they were free.

    The decree, in the ornate handwriting of a general’s aide, was found in a formal order book stored in the Archives headquarters building in Washington. It is dated June 19, 1865, and signed by Maj. F.W. Emery, on behalf of Union Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger.

    “ The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, ‘all slaves are free,’ ” the order reads.

    “This involves an absolute equality of personal rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves and the connection heretofore existing between them becomes that between employer and hired labor.”

    The order sparked jubilation among African Americans in Texas and resulted in generations of celebration. ……

    It is a modest, two-paragraph entry in the book labeled “Headquarters District of Texas, Galveston … General Orders No. 3.” But it affected the lives of about 250,000 enslaved people.
    Granger was an accomplished but abrasive officer who fought heroically at the Battle of Chickamauga and in the Chattanooga Campaign. He arrived in Galveston with 2,000 Union soldiers 10 weeks after the main Confederate army under Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendered at Appomattox on April 9.

    But the war didn’t end with Lee’s surrender. Areas of rebellion remained, especially in distant parts of the dying Confederacy like Texas. Galveston was 1,200 miles from Appomattox.
    Made famous by President Trump!

    Rip Murdock (212cb2)

  44. Tulsa imposes curfew ahead of Trump rally to prevent violent protesting
    The city of Tulsa announced a last-minute curfew that began Thursday night and will continue Friday and Saturday, restricting people from a large area surrounding the arena where President Trump will hold his first campaign rally in months.
    It’s unclear whether the Trump supporters who have camped out for days to secure a prime spot to see the president on Saturday will be cleared out as well, but some videos posted on social media appeared to show people leaving the area carrying tents and lawn chairs.
    Trump tweeted what sounded like an ominous warning to people planning to protest his visit.

    “Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis. It will be a much different scene!” the president wrote.
    The venue managers have asked the Trump campaign for a detailed plan of the safety measures it will take to prevent the spread of the highly-contagious virus. The campaign intends to supply rallygoers with masks and hand sanitizer, but will not be requiring attendees to wear them and will not be keeping attendees six feet apart or requiring social distancing.

    Rip Murdock (212cb2)

  45. There’s not enough sanitizer in the whole world to disinfect you after attending a Trump death cult rally.

    Dave (1bb933)

  46. @36-
    Y’know what I hate? Slavery. I wish I could go back in time and punch Jeff Davis on the nose
    Since we can’t do that, the next best thing is to remove his regime’s stain from our military and other institutions.

    Rip Murdock (212cb2)

  47. When Trump says nobody ever knew that, it’s always code for I never heard of that before. Examples include:

    I have to tell you, it’s an unbelievably complex subject…Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated.”

    Nobody knew there’d be a pandemic or an epidemic of this proportion…nobody would have ever thought a thing like this could have happened.”

    [On Abraham Lincoln] “Great president. Most people don’t even know he was a Republican…Right? Does anyone know? A lot of people don’t know that. We have to build that up a little bit more.”

    The Civil War, if you think about it, why? People don’t ask the question, but why was there the Civil War? Why could that one not have been worked out?

    …and of course now:

    I did something good. I made it famous. I made Juneteenth very famous. It’s actually an important event, it’s an important time. But nobody had heard of it. Very few people have heard of it.”

    Purple Martin (34703c)

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