New Campaign Ads From Biden And Trump
[guest post by Dana]
You decide:
“Too Scared To Face The People” is from the Biden camp:
“Kneel” is from the Trump campaign:
As far as clarity of messaging goes, both ads were effective in being clear. And it seems that both camps have figured out that a shorter campaign ad draws more eyes for the duration of the ad.
Overall, though, points go to the Biden camp for a really powerful ad set against the backdrop of the pandemic and the George Floyd killing. The camp ran with the opening given them by Trump. The concluding summation, “Too scared to face the people, too small to meet the moment, too scared to lead,” packs a quiet wallop. The Biden camp knew when, and how to strike, and thus hit their target with precision.
Meanwhile, Trump’s ad relies on a loud WWE sort of narration, claiming that “Biden fails to stand up to the radical leftists fighting to defund and abolish the police.” (FTR, Biden has said that he would not defund the police.) Biden’s deference to the far left is contrasted with a “law and order” Trump, who stands up for, not just minority-owned businesses, but also for the American flag. It’s a pedestrian ad from the Trump camp. Nothing inspiring. Personally, I think it has an amateurish feel to it.
Interestingly, it was reported last week that the Trump campaign is considering dropping the relatively new “Keep America Great” campaign slogan:
The campaign to reelect Donald Trump is testing alternatives to the “Keep America Great” slogan, according to The Washington Post.
The shift to a less triumphant message follows the coronavirus pandemic and widespread protests at the death of George Floyd.
The recent economic downturn has also taken the shine off the slogan, as a strong economy had been one of the president’s key campaign messages.
According to sources cited by the Post, alternative ways of persuading the public are being discussed by key players within the campaign.
Here are a few of the recent slogans the campaign has tried out lately:
Transition to Greatness!
The Best Is Yet to Come
Great American Comeback
Promises Made, Promises Kept