Patterico's Pontifications


State of the Union Open Thread: “Great American Comeback”

Filed under: General — Dana @ 4:20 pm

[guest post by Dana]

The mess-up in Iowa couldn’t have come at a better time for Trump. Democrats must be kicking themselves. Count on him bringing it up tonight. Too hard for him to resist… Also, on the day before he is expected to be acquitted, the president’s poll numbers have taken a jump too:

President Donald Trump earned his highest approval ratings of his presidency amid the ongoing Senate impeachment trial, according to a newly released Gallup poll.

The president got his boost from Republican — 94% of whom approve of him — and independent voters — 42% of whom approve, while Democratic approval sunk to just 7%. Trump’s previous high was 46% approval in the spring of last year.

Notably, a large majority of Americans — 63% — approve of Trump’s handling of the economy, which is seeing the lowest unemployment numbers in 50 years. Trump reached a tentative trade deal with China in December after nearly two years of escalating tariffs and tensions.

Trump’s third State of the Union speech tonight, with its theme of the “Great American Comeback,” will focus on immigration, the economy, and foreign policy.


While the speech was reportedly penned by speechwriters Vince Haley and Ross Worthington, the White House said it will be “President Trump’s own words.”

“The president is a best-selling author and deeply gifted orator who packs arenas and has a meticulous and carefully honed method for writing his speeches, whether it be at a rally, a manufacturing plant opening or the State of the Union,” White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said in a statement.

Uh, sure, if you say so…

Here is a roster of Trump’s special guests tonight.

Important update: Democratic women in attendance will be wearing not just white, but suffragette white.


98 Responses to “State of the Union Open Thread: “Great American Comeback””

  1. SOTU begins at 6:00 P.M. PST. Get your adult beverage of choice ready.

    Dana (aaddb1)

  2. If I watch this, the only thing coming back will be my lunch.

    Dave (060f26)

  3. While the speech was reportedly penned by speechwriters Vince Haley and Ross Worthington, the White House said it will be “President Trump’s own words.”

    “The president is a best-selling author and deeply gifted orator who packs arenas and has a meticulous and carefully honed method for writing his speeches, whether it be at a rally, a manufacturing plant opening or the State of the Union,” White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said in a statement.

    What an obvious, baldfaced SET of lies!

    Well, we ARE dealing with Duh Donald and his myrmidons.

    Ragspierre (d9bec9)

  4. Beach Babes From Beyond. On demand. Stream it on your computer, on your TV if you have a Roku or Firestick, and on your computer and TV if you have the right ports and a long-ass cord.

    BBL, with a second feature for the rebuttals.

    nk (1d9030)

  5. Space Babes From Outer Space, as promised.

    nk (1d9030)

  6. If we’ve made America great again, what do we still need Donald Trump for?

    Kevin M (8ae2cb)

  7. The president is a best-selling author and deeply gifted orator

    He is also a rock-star and a widely renowned physicist who fights space aliens in his spare time. Or maybe I have him confused with someone.

    Kevin M (8ae2cb)

  8. At least he’s not a Nobel Peace Prize winner and making the oceans recede. THAT would be over the top.

    Wabloglog (5fcf49)

  9. The hypocrisy on display is just hilarious. Putin does these sort of events much better.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  10. What is suffragette white? Is that like eggshell, ivory, or vanilla?

    frosty (f27e97)

  11. Limbaugh is there.

    Nothing like wasting time when your time is limited, eh Rushbo?!

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  12. Fixodent, frosty.

    nk (1d9030)

  13. @12. At least they didn’t dress up like Temperance Leaguers wielding axes.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  14. ‘Put America first’…

    Nancy nearly did a spit-take on that one.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  15. He’s kissin’ a lot of black-azz tonite. Must be an election year.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  16. Beach Babes From Beyond. On demand.

    Going My Way is on Turner classic Movies. Bing. Barry Fitzgerald. The delightful Jean Heather and the wonderful Risë Stevens.

    JVW (54fd0b)

  17. Hey, and the guy who later played Fred Mertz too!

    JVW (54fd0b)

  18. Hope the Bulworth act costs him twice S many Goypers.

    urbanleftbehind (d7ef72)

  19. Good State of the Union. Focusung on his accomplishments while shouting the differences between the 2 parties and how the left wants to take away freedom from people.

    NJRob (253c67)

  20. What. A. Show.

    All he has to do is give away a Hawaiian vacation cruise and a living room set and it’s complete.

    The Dems shudda run Oprah.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  21. [Ed. – Since Trump’s likely acquittal will happen Wednesday, Trump, who is not a gracious winner or loser, will not be able to resist addressing the impeachment during the SOTU by mocking Democrats, emphatically reiterating that he has done nothing wrong, and droning on about having been the victim of a “Witch Hunt”.]


    [guest post by Dana]

    The mess-up in Iowa couldn’t have come at a better time for Trump. Democrats must be kicking themselves. Count on him bringing it up tonight. Too hard for him to resist…


    BuDuh (bc7703)

  22. I can’t decide whether the best part was where Trump and his wife honored Rush Limbaugh, when Trump snubbed Pelosi’s handshake, or where the President admitted that his life’s work is to relieve suffering.

    I mean consider how much economic suffering alone he has relieved? That part of the speech was dynamite, because the facts are on his side.

    The President is an amazing, accomplished man, and I can’t understand why this blog’s Propietor was ever a never-Trumper. Hopefully, he will embrace greatness and support the President for FOUR MORE YEARS!

    Make America Ordered Again (23f793)

  23. 22. On the other hand, Vera Coking and Michael Forbes might have a lot to say about the economic suffering Trump has CAUSED and DESIRED TO CAUSE. SMDH…

    Gryph (08c844)

  24. Best moments- post speech: the bootlickers:

    ‘Could you sign my tie for me?!’

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  25. Beat me to it, BuDuh. Wonder if they wonder what else they think they know that they don’t know.

    PTw (41ee04)

  26. Word, PTw and BuDuh.

    I mean, I knew Trump would win in 2016, early in the primaries. Because given his character it was obvious. But they don’t understand his character.

    Even if they thought they did then, you’d think it would be obvious to them by now that they don’t!

    Oh well. Regardless, Trump will win in 2020. You heard it here 38,553,547th! Because, by now, that’s obvious.

    Make America Ordered Again (23f793)

  27. Ben Jacobs
    A small cluster of Democrats including Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and Mark Pocan don’t stand for Charles McGee, the former Tuskegee Airman introduced by Trump
    __ _

    They sure showed the President there!


    harkin (d6cfee)

  28. I guess you can live pretty well spending an extra trillion dollars you don’t have every year.

    What could go wrong?

    Dave (2c186f)

  29. …or where the President admitted that his life’s work is to relieve suffering.

    He did not seriously…

    Ragspierre (d9bec9)

  30. He did!

    Make America Ordered Again (23f793)

  31. Well, some of you will suck up anything.

    Ragspierre (d9bec9)

  32. Carol Leonnig
    Rush Limbaugh at first seemed to act surprised by award, which was widely reported hours ago and is the reason he is in VIP guest box.
    __ _

    James Taranto

    The Washington Post will fact-check your emotions.
    __ _

    Guess that’s better than joking about how long he has to live.

    harkin (d6cfee)

  33. I wonder if happyfeet liked the speech?

    Dave (2c186f)

  34. i did not know but I did suspect that mr. president trump, who is donald trump when he is not carolin gallego, would win

    and i am likewise araid that he will keep on winning

    after all, we have not found a cure for AIDS yet, either

    nk (1d9030)

  35. Trump was quoting Kayla. It was Kayla who realized her life work would be to relieve suffering.

    felipe (023cc9)

  36. Trump was quoting Kayla. It was Kayla who realized her life work would be to relieve suffering.

    Yes, you’re right. I missed that. He was being humble. It’s who he is.

    It occasionally looks like he’s bragging because of his enormous talents, but really he’s one of the hugest leaders ever for humility.

    Make America Ordered Again (23f793)

  37. It took something like humility to keep his yap shut about certain matters tonight. His pride did not get the better of him. Whether it was his handlers, his advisors, or his Gaurdian Angel, he managed to not go off-script.

    felipe (023cc9)

  38. Whether it was his handlers, his advisors, or his Guardian Angel,


    nk (1d9030)

  39. “Guess that’s better than joking about how long he has to live.”

    – harkin

    Why joke, when one could speak seriously on the subject?

    Leviticus (3eac7c)

  40. nk (1d9030) — 2/4/2020 @ 8:09 pm


    felipe (023cc9)

  41. If Lil’ Darlin’ by the Diamonds, linked at 37, does not make you smile, nothing does.

    nk (1d9030)

  42. Re: Rush’s “surprise”

    Maybe it was genuine, since Rush may have assumed the award would be given at a later time, and not right then, on the spot. Need to scrutinize the replay for someone whispering in his ear. But still, the man is stage 4, give him a break.

    felipe (023cc9)

  43. Here is a roster of Trump’s special guests tonight.

    Rush Limbaugh was a late addition to that list – he’s not on it. Rush Limbaugh announced his lung cancer diagnosis only yesterday, just before the end of his show shortly before 3 pm Eastern Standard Time.

    I read or heard he was going to be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom – but nobodt expected he;d do <i< right there in the House chamber!

    He had Melania actually put the wreath or whatever it is around his neck.

    Rush had a light beard and an almost John Bolton type mustache.

    He first noticed a problem on is 69th birthday, January 13.

    Sammy Finkelman (083d4c)

  44. Donald Trump also announced a little girl (4th grade student) who had been lookin to attend a better school had been awarded a scholarship – he couldn;t feature her without slving her problem.

    He touted a 13-year old boy who wants to join the Space Force when he grows up – then introduced great grandfather, who was a member of the Tuskegee Airmen, and 100 years old on December 7, and gave him a promotion (doesn;t tat require Senate confirmation?)

    Juan Guaido, legitimate president of Venezuela, was there. Trump announced he is against dictatorships in the Western Hemisphere (must be an extension of the Monroe Doctrine, or if not, I don’t know why it’s special) He also called Nicholas Maduro a Socialist.

    Two of his guests were there so as to be anti-illegal immigration.

    He declared at the end that all persons are created equal, but apparently not so equal that some shouldn’t be kept away by force from good medical care.

    And declared that keeping people from medical care was a prime policy objective of his administration.

    Sammy Finkelman (083d4c)

  45. Nothing like wasting time when your time is limited, eh Rushbo?!

    DCSCA and Pelosi — two class acts. It’s pretty bad when Trump shows more civility and class than you do.

    Kevin M (8ae2cb)

  46. Thorazine.

    It would seem like there’s a pressing need for that in wholesale lots in D.C.

    Kevin M (8ae2cb)

  47. @46. Doubt it: I’ve met Limbaugh. He smells. Literally. Very bad BO.

    I shower daily.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  48. Trump declared that AIDS would be eliminated from the United States by the end of the year 2029 (“this decade” and now it’s a new decade 34 days ago) That was a dangerous forecast to make, but he undoubtedly figured he won’t be held to it.

    He said crime was down. It’s actually starting to go back up, with the most serious crimes, murder and rape, lagging.

    felipe (023cc9) — 2/4/2020 @ 8:07 pm

    It took something like humility to keep his yap shut about certain matters tonight.

    Impeachment but it did get alluded to in the Democratic response by the Governor of Michigan. It may have been some of the background behind the fact that Nancy Pelosi ripped up his speech. She later told reporters that that was more courteous than the alternative. (which is what?)

    Donald Trump also did not mention North Korea.

    Sammy Finkelman (083d4c)

  49. @43. More likely some savvy Trump stagecraft. Stage 4 advanced is a grim scenario. But then, we could ask Michael J. Fox if he’s exaggerating.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  50. @46. Pelosi extended her hand and Trump rebuffed it. Yeah. Classy; all the class of gold plated toilet seats.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  51. He is a very small man male XY chromosome genotype.

    nk (1d9030)


    Quite a wide ranging list.

    But. Wow. Wikipedia has Limbaugh listed alone under a category titled ‘Hatemongers’

    No kidding. He’s just an entertainer. That’s a bit over the top.

    Go after Wikipedia, Righties.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  53. Pelosi was so teed off about the Tuskegee airman tribute she ripped the speech up.

    Munroe (dd6b64)

  54. @53. Postscript. They may have taken it down already- get two different pages for it in a search.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  55. @54. He looked pretty good for 100, too, as Brig.Gens., go– good genes– and gov’t healthcare.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  56. DCSCA and Pelosi — two class acts. It’s pretty bad when Trump shows more civility and class than you do.

    DCSCA has been a Trumper longer than most FSB agents, so no surprise there.

    But Pelosi has a lot to answer for, starting with: why didn’t she order Trump removed from the chamber immediately after he showed discourtesy and disrespect for the house?

    Dave (1bb933)

  57. Did Pelosi break the law by tearing up an official government document?

    NJRob (4d595c)

  58. @57. Really? Helsinki. The strategy is working magnificently, but do try to keep up.

    But Pelosi has a lot to answer for, starting with: why didn’t she order Trump removed from the chamber immediately after he showed discourtesy and disrespect for the house?

    “Balls said the queen; if I had’em I’d be the king.”

    That’s why.


    @58. Instantly thought that, too. That document belonged to the American people.

    Hell, if she had any brains, she could have auctioned the torn up pages to fund raise or the party on eBay. You can bet Trump would have done that.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  59. But Pelosi has a lot to answer for, starting with: why didn’t she order Trump removed from the chamber immediately after he showed discourtesy and disrespect for the house?

    By not shaking the hand of someone who voted to have him removed from office? The disrespect card had long since been played. She also “forgot” to say the words that every Speaker in my lifetime has said in introducing the President.

    Tearing the speech papers up did not even reach to sophomoric. Petty grade school recess sh1t. Yes, Trump is also petty, but she outdid him tonight.

    Kevin M (8ae2cb)

  60. Pelosi tearing up the speech will be seen 100,000 times before the election.

    “I’m Donald Trump and I approved this message, and Speaker Pelosi did not.”

    Kevin M (8ae2cb)

  61. I hope the secret service frisks her next time she shows up at the WH.

    Kevin M (8ae2cb)

  62. She has an Article One where she has the right to do whatever she wants as Speaker.

    Dave (1bb933)

  63. By not shaking the hand of someone who voted to have him removed from office?

    By not showing due courtesy to the elected leader from a co-equal branch in whose chamber he was an invited guest.

    Even Bill freaking Clinton demonstrated more class than The Tan.

    Dave (1bb933)

  64. Even Bill freaking Clinton demonstrated more class than The Tan.

    Trump has a remarkable ability to elevate my estimation of just about everyone in politics I’ve criticized in the past.

    Radegunda (0eb6fa)

  65. Trump has the voters. What have you never trump chumps got? A few rich old libertarians like koch who can no longer buy the republican nomination for their free trade stooges because republican populists don’t have wealth thanks to free trade.

    asset (525029)

  66. 66 — Trump also has signs of dementia. His speech is often garbled, and his behavior is getting more bizarre, like this And the weird Sharpie loop on a weather map.
    But his craven apologists keep insisting that he’s very very smart, because they all fear the wrath of the cult worshipers.

    Radegunda (0eb6fa)

  67. F*ck Trump and F*ck Pelosi. The DNC and The RNC. I’m so over the whole lot of them.

    JRH (52aed3)

  68. Radegunda (0eb6fa) — 2/5/2020 @ 12:57 am

    It’s got to stick in your craw that much more that however off you think he is his approval ratings are up, he’s going to survive impeachment, and the leading D alternative is a crazy commie.

    frosty (f27e97)

  69. Trump has the voters. What have you never trump chumps got? A few rich old libertarians like koch who can no longer buy the republican nomination for their free trade stooges because republican populists don’t have wealth thanks to free trade.

    That could be the most insane, garbled piece of economic idiocy I’ve heard this week.

    Ragspierre (d9bec9)

  70. , and gave him a promotion (doesn;t tat require Senate confirmation?)

    If it does, Sammy, then the D’s must think long and hard about nixing it. 3D chess!

    She later told reporters that that was more courteous than the alternative. (which is what?)

    Urinating on it, obviously.

    felipe (023cc9)

  71. @54. He looked pretty good for 100, too, as Brig.Gens., go– good genes– and gov’t healthcare.
    DCSCA (797bc0) — 2/4/2020 @ 9:34 pm

    Are you kiddin’? With the former, you don’t need the latter. More likely despite govmnt healthcare.

    felipe (023cc9)

  72. I hope the secret service frisks her next time she shows up at the WH.
    Kevin M (8ae2cb) — 2/4/2020 @ 11:48 pm

    Well, some one is going to draw the short straw. “Not me, man!”

    felipe (023cc9)

  73. It’s got to stick in your craw that much more that however off you think he is his approval ratings are up, he’s going to survive impeachment, and the leading D alternative is a crazy commie.

    Well, doesn’t it stick in your craw that you are reduced from being a thinking American to a cult follower slavering after a thug who 51% of Americans want removed from office, and who most Republicans know was guilty as charged?

    You’re here doing a pom-pom dance over a poll showing your little orange god is LESS underwater, and the reality is our republic is in grave danger and our presidential nominating process has nothing to offer voters but Hobson’s choices.

    Yea team…

    Ragspierre (d9bec9)

  74. Ragspierre (d9bec9) — 2/5/2020 @ 4:55 am

    Did you know there is an impersonal pronoun version of you, i.e. one; anyone; people in general? I’m guessing you do but that it’s more important that you identify which team your on.

    The anti-Trump stuff always turns personal. You don’t think you’re being a bit reflexive? Maybe a little pot/kettle or glass houses? You’re doing exactly what you’re trying to criticize me for in the same post.

    frosty (f27e97)

  75. A better rhetorical device is “we” and “our”. For example:

    Absolutely, frosty. It should stick in our craw that a Fifth Avenue fancy boy who was almost certainly buggered by Roy Cohn might be in charge of our country and our children’s future for another five years.

    nk (1d9030)

  76. Did you know that “your” doesn’t mean what you think it means?

    Otherwise, nice projection.

    Ragspierre (d9bec9)

  77. Absolutely, frosty. It should stick in our craw that a Fifth Avenue fancy boy who was almost certainly buggered by Roy Cohn might be in charge of our country and our children’s future for another five years.

    “almost certainly buggered by Roy Cohn” is all you need to know. Though BuDuh’s

    [Ed. – Since Trump’s likely acquittal will happen Wednesday, Trump, who is not a gracious winner or loser, will not be able to resist addressing the impeachment during the SOTU by mocking Democrats, emphatically reiterating that he has done nothing wrong, and droning on about having been the victim of a “Witch Hunt”.]


    [guest post by Dana]

    The mess-up in Iowa couldn’t have come at a better time for Trump. Democrats must be kicking themselves. Count on him bringing it up tonight. Too hard for him to resist…

    is also quite informative of the mindset here. Not to mention lighthouses visible from 100 miles away (in broad daylight, of course) and the miserableness of little children singing “Away in a Manger” in their miserable little off-key voices on Christmas Eve.

    Though frosty you might want to utilize the more passive-aggressive DRJ inspired rhetorical device of, “Why you mad, bro?”

    PTw (894877)

  78. I’d have to say… that speech was pretty dang effective and paints strong contrast between Trump/GOP vs. Democrats. This is what I mean that Trump is a very effective retail politician. He should just hold continual campaign rallies across the US in a breakneck pace… even in Kansas City, KS and Kansas City, MO. 😀

    Trump better give his speech writers a big raise. 😉

    whembly (fd57f6)

  79. When Obama was POTUS, Rush used to refer to the SOTUS as the “state of the union show”, which was apt.

    Along with other conservative thinkers, I hate, detest and loath this annual affront to our republic. The state of the union address should be written down and sent to the House, instead of this dog and phony show (see what I did there?).

    Ragspierre (d9bec9)

  80. you forgot to capitalize AND, whembly, unless he goes to the Hy-Vee Arena at the American Royal Stockyards Center and kills two birds…

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  81. By the way, Sammy, Charles McGee’s honorary promotion to Brigadier General happened on Dec. 20th as a part of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2020, so it had been approved by Congress.

    I believe they already had a small ceremony to pin the stars on him at the White House a few days before the State of the Union. It wasn’t a surprise, although the length of his ovation might have been.

    Ingot9455 (e27122)

  82. As expected, even with a teleprompter, his speech was filled with lies and exaggerations. From The Dispatch:

    Not once in his 78-minute speech did he mention the ballooning national debt, or the deficit that is projected to come in at more than $1 trillion in 2020. But he did tout plans that would add to them: an infrastructure package, a promise to “protect” existing entitlements, expeditions to the moon and to Mars. From Republican-turned-independent and noted Trump critic Rep. Justin Amash:

    For a person who claims to oppose socialism, President Trump spent a lot of time in his SOTU address touting central planning, federal intervention in nonfederal matters, and a big-government spending spree—policies that threaten our rights and undermine our long-term prosperity.

    The rest of the address featured classic SOTU fare, including steady stream of false or misleading claims. Trump patted himself on the back for his first-term accomplishments, and—ever the TV producer—recognized several prominent Americans he had invited to the Capitol as a means of crafting the story of his administration.

    Paul Montagu (e1b5a7)

  83. Saw this today:

    After Biden’s failure in Iowa, top Democrats are terrified Bernie Sanders will do to them what Jeremy Corbyn did to Labour in the UK

    With Trump looking more or less reasonable, and the Dems about to nominate a radical, there is a potential for a blowout in November.

    Don’t forget Nixon-McGovern in 1972. Nixon was a lot less likable than Trump, and won by a landslide. And in Trump’s case, he already had his Watergate and survived it.

    Bored Lawyer (998177)

  84. I’ve met Limbaugh. He smells. Literally. Very bad BO.

    And yet…

    PTw (894877)

  85. Local people in Iowa were already reporting that the vote reporting app did not work last Thursday.

    Sammy Finkelman (083d4c)

  86. I’d have to say… that speech was pretty dang effective and paints strong contrast between Trump/GOP vs. Democrats. This is what I mean that Trump is a very effective retail politician. He should just hold continual campaign rallies across the US in a breakneck pace… even in Kansas City, KS and Kansas City, MO. 😀

    Trump better give his speech writers a big raise. 😉

    There was a lot about that speech I didn’t like. One thing that was odd, it seemed like (and everyone he chose to honor was, in fact, deserving: my complaint isn’t with them) the first half of his speech he was pandering to black voters, honoring black individual in the audience after black individual with no one of any other race so honored… then he honored Rush Limbaugh (which was a great moment) and the rest of the speech was him honoring white individual after right individual. So it’s like he switched from pandering to white voters at that point.

    So that was different.

    That said, I’m sure it’s going to be effective politically. Trump should do fine with white voters and is on track to do marginally better with black voters than GOP politicians usually do.

    Because I considered that weird, doesn’t mean it doesn’t work.

    Make America Ordered Again (23f793)

  87. *white individual after right white individual

    Make America Ordered Again (23f793)

  88. *So it’s like he switched from to pandering to white voters at that point.

    Make America Ordered Again (23f793)

  89. In his speech, Trump claimed that the reason he ran for president was he didn’t like what was going on with international trade.

    While that was a long term hobby horse of his, and maybe the only issue where he stuck to the same position over a very long period of time, this is probably news to people.

    Sammy Finkelman (083d4c)

  90. In his speech, Trump claimed that the reason he ran for president was he didn’t like what was going on with international trade.

    He’s been going on about it, including in his books, for decades.

    Make America Ordered Again (23f793)

  91. In his speech, Trump claimed that the reason he ran for president was he didn’t like what was going on with international trade

    Yep, just like Sanders and the big unions.

    Ragspierre (d9bec9)

  92. Yep, just like Sanders and the big unions.

    Exactly. Trump always claimed, and often said, to have more in common with Sanders on that than with the other candidates of either party.

    Trump’s negotiated deals are undoubtedly infinitely better than Sanders would have pulled off, but both recognized the problem.

    Make America Ordered Again (23f793)

  93. It;s probably much harder to switch black voters than he or Jared Kushner, thinks. There’s the trust factor, and there’s the are-you-truly-interested? factor. Dropping balks after you’re finished with them doesn’t help.

    He would have to open up campaign offices in African American areas, run commercials that say he’s really serious about say, school choice, send direct mail and make robo calls.

    In sort, it is possible to get some of those votes, but this is not enough.

    But with margins against him 90-10 or more, almost any campaigning is going to reduce the margin. It;s actually the place where campaigning could make the most difference. And it would force the Democrats to actually compete, other than trying racial demagoguery. That anti-white or anti-police demagoguery must be addressed, by the way, not just ignored, even though maybe it only affects 25% of the black vote.

    But he’s got to ask for their votes, and he’s got to endorse and campaign with local Republican candidates for the legislature.

    Sammy Finkelman (083d4c)

  94. Trump actually said, as a positive point, that his new NAFTA replacement had the support of the unions. For the first time in any trade deal I think he said.

    Sammy Finkelman (083d4c)

  95. It;s probably much harder to switch black voters than he or Jared Kushner, thinks.

    Agreed. I think it’s a mediocre political strategy, but he’s doing enough right that he’ll be reelected. Like almost all elections for a President’s second term, it’s a referendum on the economy.

    That said, he’ll probably up his black vote percentage by a percentage or two, which won’t help the Dems any.

    Make America Ordered Again (23f793)

  96. Trump’s negotiated deals are undoubtedly infinitely better than Sanders would have pulled off, but both recognized the problem.

    Both lied about there being a problem. NAFTA according to the lying T-rump was the worsest trade deal evah, negotiated by un-American boobs. Now it’s replacement is wonderbar, despite the fact that it is merely a slightly tweaked NAFTA. And some of the tweaks are economically just stupid, which is why the AFL-CIO luuurrrves them.

    …”undoubted infinitely better”… is the most bald-faced sucking up I’ve heard today.

    Ragspierre (d9bec9)

  97. 62.I hope the secret service frisks her next time she shows up at the WH.

    At her age she actually might enjoy that.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

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