Patterico's Pontifications


Kevin Williamson on Everyone’s Two Favorite American Socialist Politicians

Filed under: General — JVW @ 2:16 pm

[guest post by JVW]

I guess I’m supposed to have the adjective “Democratic” somewhere in the headline, but I can never remember exactly where it goes.

As usual, Kevin Williamson neatly encapsulates the relationship between our adorable but clueless niece and Su Grande Abuelo Blanco. Writing about recent campaign appearances, Mr. Williamson notes the inherent paradox:

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is precisely the sort of campaign surrogate you want, especially if you are Bernie Sanders: She is young, energetic, charismatic, popular (with the people she needs to be popular with, anyway), and, happily, currently ineligible to run for the presidency herself.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is precisely the sort of campaign surrogate you don’t want, especially if you are Bernie Sanders: She is callow, flippant, vain, shallow, and prone to making policy pronouncements that are even battier than your own, and she forgets to mention you at all in the course of making appearances that are in theory on your behalf.

As an example of those “policy pronouncements that are even battier,” he offers the following:

Senator Sanders is a politically and intellectually unserious man — which is nothing new to American presidential politics, of course. But he has been a radical left-wing Froot Loop long enough to know that there are practical limits to public Froot-Loopery. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has not been around long enough to appreciate that fact. Which is why, among Democrats who believe that American law-enforcement agencies are Enemies of the People and that our immigration and border-patrol authorities should be liquidated in order to facilitate the uncontrolled flow of people across open borders, she actually says that American law-enforcement agencies are Enemies of the People and that our immigration and border-patrol authorities should be liquidated in order to facilitate the uncontrolled flow of people across open borders.

Senator Sanders knows better than to say that. He also knows better than to believe it. In the long-ago days of . . . 2016, Senator Sanders riled up the gentlemen in Iowa’s union halls giving frankly nationalist anti-immigration speeches that could have been delivered by Donald Trump. “Open borders,” he insisted, were a billionaires’ scheme, a “Koch brothers proposal” to flood the United States with cheap Latin American labor and thereby undermine the power of the workers and their efforts to “take power.” Somebody has given him the intersectionality talk since then, and he no longer sounds quite so much like Pat Buchanan when he talks about immigration.

There’s more, including the usual Williamsonisms that will get under the skin of the most stalwart fans of President Trump, so do be sure to read it all. She’s going to make an awesome Secretary of the Treasury (or will it be State?) in President Sanders’ second term.


If You Think Trump Is a Danger…

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:40 am

…what do you do?

I have no time for a long think piece about it.

I can tell you that life under Democrat rule in California is no picnic.

On the other hand, this seems to me to be a Flight 93 election in reverse. Re-elect Trump and you ratify all the corruption, abuse of the rule of law, nastiness, dumbing down of everything, policy-by-TV, neglect of reading, and above all the placement of the President above the law.

I’m honestly not sure what to do. I’m primarily interested in the thoughts of those who find Trump worrisome.

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