Patterico's Pontifications


President of the United States Attacks His Republican Critics: “They Are Human Scum!”

Filed under: General — Dana @ 5:30 pm

[guest post by Dana]


Remember how Republicans howled when Trump-supporters were referred to as deplorables? Sure you do:

“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”

So, what say you now, Republicans? Hillary Clinton was lambasted for insulting Americans, and rightly so. It’s even more worthy of condemnation when the egregious insult comes from President of the United States.

P.S. Oh, yeah, pick your poison: Are you a “deplorable” or are you “human scum”? Remember, you have to pick one because … it’s a binary choice. Them’s the rules!

(Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back.)


345 Responses to “President of the United States Attacks His Republican Critics: “They Are Human Scum!””

  1. The President of the United States of America.

    Dana (05f22b)

  2. Better than inhuman scum which the criminal traitor Trump is.

    nk (dbc370)

  3. Isnt that mostly the way this site had treated him, which says its not never trump, but entertains notions that would encourage murder of civilians

    narciso (d1f714)

  4. Criminal traitor Trump constantly encourages murder of civilians.

    nk (dbc370)

  5. Well castro called us unenlightened ‘worns’ which is the concerted media opinion here, ‘first to denounce’

    narciso (d1f714)

  6. pick your poison: it’s a binary choice

    No, they don’t fill out he entire Venn diagram.

    Deplorables are half of all Trump voters, and the other thing is people who are not Trump voters, or didn’t want to be, but also didn’t want the 2016 Democratic Party nominee to be elected president.

    If they were OK with that, they’re neither one thing nor the other.

    Sammy Finkelman (71800b)

  7. He shoulda left it at “pond scum”.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  8. From a campaign perspective, the only people Trump is going to rally with his insults, are loyalists already firmly in his camp. He will turn off any supporters who have become weary of his antics and irresponsible decisions, as well as Independents, and centrist Democrats who are worried about the insanity in the hard left-wing of the party, which is about every candidate out there. Considering the polling numbers aren’t looking too good for him, he might want to think about shutting his damn mouth for a change.

    Dana (05f22b)

  9. Some presidents vented and wrote letters; some tweet. That’s actually pretty tame rhetoric compared to HST.

    But golly and gosh, how does this sort of “beret-ing” sit with Pierre Delecto?!

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  10. 4… is nogoodnik…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  11. Why so the media can traffic in lies 24/7, or omissions, exaggerations.

    narciso (d1f714)

  12. Dana @8. I agree. But that’s enough for him for the moment. As long as he keeps out serious Republican primary challengers.

    nk (dbc370)

  13. From dawn they set about deceiving the people of the state of the nation, through the evening to midnight, cajoling us to gove up every right, defaming every fundamental institution.

    narciso (d1f714)

  14. More of the same every ratcheting hyperbole in the public forum.

    Is it unbecoming to say this from the Resolute Desk? Yeah.

    Is it surprising that he’s cavalierly throwing this out? No… because many of his critics are also just as hyperbolic.

    whembly (c30c83)

  15. 4… You must report his perfidy to your Kommissar at the nearest CTA station. Don’t forget warm clothes and the shovel.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  16. That Dustin Hoffman, NooYawk Midnight Cowboy-shoot-them-the-bird- “Hey, I’m walkin’ here!” attitude is what the loyalists love.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  17. DCSCA @9.

    For those unfamiliar with this, Pierre Delecto was the secret Twitter identity oof Mitt Romney. He wanted to lurk, but broke down and tweeted in a few cases (10 times total) and his identity was discovered because who he followed and who followed him, especially when it began.

    Now the account is marked private.

    Sammy Finkelman (71800b)

  18. There are gonna be a lot of fights:

    urbanleftbehind (3b8f2b)

  19. So we’re to pretend, this anonymous is some gruntled civil service, like a certain bounced national security staffer was a whistleblower, ignore that schiff and taylor didnt write this script two month ago in ukraine

    narciso (d1f714)

  20. Dana, don’t forget Pierre Delecto’s ’47 percent’ commentary, either.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  21. His convention speech this coming summer is going to be lit, isn’t it? I’ll invite everyone over to my place to get drunk on bourbon and hoot at the TV set.

    JVW (54fd0b)

  22. I’m sure that the criminal traitor and Pelosi are on the same page, and that’s why she’s foot-dragging the impeachment. She wants him to be the Republican Trump Party nominee too.

    nk (dbc370)

  23. @19. The nightly TeeVee punditry will lap it up as the Beast needs fed but this ‘anonymous’ game will start to back fire.

    “Godd-mnit! When is somebody going to go on the record in this story?!” – Ben Bradlee [Jason Robards] ‘All The Presdent’s Men’ 1976

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  24. Also Trump today:

    “We’re building a wall in Colorado. We’re building a beautiful wall. A big one that really works.”

    Davethulhu (fe4242)

  25. Well the fact that woodwards source was the chief anti left activist in thr bureau, might have made it awkward, yes william sullivan had a higher rank.

    narciso (d1f714)

  26. From felt to valerie plame to ciaramslla, we can be reasonably assured that a ‘whistleblower’ is another disgruntled bursaucrat with a rolodex of press contacts

    narciso (d1f714)

  27. Oh i left out michael scheuer, now there s a new plame wannabe amaryllis fox, who of course married a kennedy, her memoir is already being adapted into an apple tv series with brie larson, yech

    narciso (d1f714)

  28. Nothing about the cease fire in Syria after several posts?

    NJRob (139883)

  29. Cease fire, my fat aunt Fannie. The Turks and the Russians won, the Kurds lost, the fighting stopped.

    nk (dbc370)

  30. Just the other day someone was telling me NeverTrump wasn’t a real thing. That it’s existed only in my mind.

    So, confusing. I guess we’re all lucky there’s always someone ready to define things, say what we have to do, set the rules, make demands.

    Frosty, Fp (f27e97)

  31. The criminal traitor Trump’s contribution was to the Turkish/Russian victory, not to no phantom ceasefire.

    nk (dbc370)

  32. I guarantee you it wan’t me, Frosty. I have always proclaimed that I am #NeverTrump, when the occasion called for it. I want him impeached for treason, his disqualification for the Presidency made retroactive to January 20, 2017, and him personally attainted for life as permitted by Article III, Section 3. Unperson the mother-figure!

    nk (dbc370)

  33. So the people who call Trump scum are scum… it.

    harkin (6776a3)

  34. As part of the 60% of US citizens who aren’t Republican I’m afraid I fall into the Not A Real American category.

    Nic (896fdf)

  35. They’ve been fighting for centuries.

    Enough of this BS. Declare victory and leave. Well done, Donald.

    “Let someone else fight over this long, bloodstained sand.” -DJT

    Can’t wait ’til those parasital ingrates start hurling rotten fruit and Molotov cocktails at some Russians. And if you know anything about the Middle East, you know they will, one day- soon enough. Just as they have to every outsider who passes through there– for centuries.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  36. MOSCOW, Oct 23 (Reuters) – The Kremlin said on Wednesday that the United States had betrayed and abandoned the Syrian Kurds and advised the Kurds to withdraw from the Syrian border as per a deal between Moscow and Ankara or be mauled by the Turkish army.

    The comments by Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov to Russian news agencies followed a deal agreed on Tuesday between Russia and Turkey that will see Syrian and Russian forces deploy to northeast Syria to remove Kurdish YPG fighters and their weapons from the border with Turkey.

    Peskov, who was reported to be reacting to comments by U.S. President Donald Trump’s special envoy for Syria James Jeffrey, complained that it appeared that the United States was encouraging the Kurds to stay close to the Syrian border and fight the Turkish army.

    “The United States has been the Kurds’ closest ally in recent years. (But) in the end, it abandoned the Kurds and, in essence, betrayed them,” Peskov was cited as saying.

    That’s how the world sees us. I can see why Trump is spazzing out.

    Dustin (6d7686)

  37. 34… most public employees aren’t.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  38. Bette midler laughing at rand pauls near fatal injury,

    narciso (d1f714)

  39. most americans aren’t. most voters aren’t. Most honest people aren’t. Most white supremacists are.

    Dustin (6d7686)

  40. @37 Aren’t Republican or aren’t Real Americans? (I feel like the answer is going to both, why not both. 😛 )

    Nic (896fdf)

  41. 40… aren’t Republicans, Nic. Most are center-left Democrats.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  42. Looks like Perry’s back…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  43. Its a very flexible standards, if they are afro cuban like one of the proud boys they are one,

    narciso (d1f714)

  44. Where are you on the piel spectrum, Narciso? give me a ball player or entertainer for reference, knowing full well that intact all-1-dad Cuban families can still look like mailman/milkman mosaics.

    urbanleftbehind (3b8f2b)

  45. The legal argument equivalent of human scum:
    If Trump Shoots Someone on 5th Ave., Does He Have Immunity? His Lawyer Says Yes

    ….. The judges on a three-member panel in Manhattan peppered a lawyer for Mr. Trump with questions, expressing skepticism about the president’s argument that he was immune from criminal investigation. A lower court judge earlier this month rejected Mr. Trump’s claim, which has not previously been tested in the courts.
    Carey R. Dunne, the Manhattan district attorney’s general counsel, cited the president’s famous claim that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue without losing political support.

    Mr. Dunne asked what would happen in that extreme scenario? “Would we have to wait for an impeachment proceeding to be initiated?” he said.
    Judge Denny Chin posed the Fifth Avenue hypothetical to William S. Consovoy, a lawyer for Mr. Trump, and asked for his view.

    “Local authorities couldn’t investigate? They couldn’t do anything about it?” Judge Chin asked, adding: “Nothing could be done? That’s your position?”

    “That is correct. That is correct,” Mr. Consovoy said.

    Rip Murdock (c96bd8)

  46. Bette midler laughing at rand pauls near fatal injury

    While he’s applauding how many Kurds’ fatal injuries? Good for her! Those sonsab!tches need to learn what it means to hurt.

    nk (dbc370)

  47. No, but im sure she was cheering to get out of iraq in 2008, how many tens of thousands of lives because of the establishmemts favorite candidate and erdogans no 1 fan.

    narciso (d1f714)

  48. Damn straight, nk….damn straight!!!

    urbanleftbehind (3b8f2b)

  49. She doesnt give a farthing about the kurds and she would gadly vote for the party that would string her up for her ethnicity and put her kin in burkas

    narciso (d1f714)

  50. MOSCOW, Oct 23 (Reuters) – The Kremlin said on Wednesday that the United States had betrayed and abandoned the Syrian Kurds and advised the Kurds to withdraw from the Syrian border as per a deal between Moscow and Ankara or be mauled by the Turkish army.

    The comments by Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov to Russian news agencies…

    Oddly, after multiple years of asserting that the Russians have been running a disinformation campaign on us, they are now quoted as gospel.

    BuDuh (58c270)

  51. But on the Devon Avenues and in the leafy suburbs where Friday noon and Saturday morning both see high traffic, they are more together than apart, fighting off POS thugs on the former and white supremacists in the latter.

    urbanleftbehind (3b8f2b)

  52. Doesnt really matter, they vote for thw ms 13 and hamas, because they are both misunxerstood.

    narciso (d1f714)

  53. Not even when criminal traitor Trump, while at Helsinki, quoted the Gospel of Vladimir that there was no Russian interference in our election, BuDuh?

    nk (dbc370)

  54. Consider the idiots that reelected prime miniater zoolander, who will bring the lights down on canada.

    narciso (d1f714)

  55. ms13 was a buffer plan gone bad, at least in the context of the greater DMV region

    urbanleftbehind (3b8f2b)

  56. Well, maybe Ted can un-renounce and carry the mantle of Albertaskan.

    urbanleftbehind (3b8f2b)

  57. Who bought new start, who cut back missile interceptors who looked the other with the ukrainian invasion?

    narciso (d1f714)

  58. The point is to neuter alberta their version of texas, who does that benefit?

    narciso (d1f714)

  59. If you say putin and the iranians you win a prize

    narciso (d1f714)

  60. @41 Usually center something. In my experience feds are mostly center-right, you get more center left at the state level and the local level is pretty mixed.

    Nic (896fdf)

  61. 60… unionized federal and state public employees are overwhelmingly center-left.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  62. 54…all kinds of misguided celebration in We The North country. Although it makes me wonder if Nikki H.’s dad would get buck like this dude if DCSCA is sated.

    urbanleftbehind (3b8f2b)

  63. Yes its like the celebration atop that la tower in independence day

    narciso (d1f714)

  64. Depends on department, expertise area and particular union. I’m transportation and was Teamster and I project as center right and scare the shyrt of the bike riding Logan Square dwellers in the other cubicles.

    urbanleftbehind (3b8f2b)

  65. I know 1 descendant of Acadians likely wishes they had also brought down the modern Canadian system of elections.

    urbanleftbehind (3b8f2b)

  66. Yes the ndp will have them scavenging like a real life version of dark angel, north of the 48.

    narciso (d1f714)

  67. John Bel Edwards, in case you were stumped.

    urbanleftbehind (3b8f2b)

  68. “We’re building a wall in Colorado. We’re building a beautiful wall. A big one that really works.”

    And New Mexico will pay for it…

    Dave (4c1ca2)

  69. @53 It’s odd how sharing the same talking points with Putin means you’re a Russian asset. I’m sure there are Russian bots out there someplace saying Trump abandoned the Kurds. We really are surrounded by Russians.

    Frosty, Fp (f27e97)

  70. The pot smokes wafts down, and new mexico is alreasy infected with brain slug consider their governor

    narciso (d1f714)

  71. @36/@50 Wonderful!! And the next time ‘the world’ is in trouble, have’em drop a kopeck and call the Kremlin. Did you know if you hit a Russian with a Molotov cocktail, they don’t get burned? A Kremlin spokesperson said so!

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  72. Russians kill anything that moves its called zachista, roughly search and destroy

    narciso (d1f714)

  73. ”Hillary Clinton was lambasted for insulting Americans, and rightly so. It’s even more worthy of condemnation when the egregious insult comes from President of the United States.”

    Deplorables didn’t start a movement focused on her and coin the term #NeverHillary. In other words, they didn’t ask for the insult.

    Munroe (53beca)

  74. C’mon, Houston… not looking good for them right now.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  75. @72. So do Middle Eastern types- the Russians called it Afghanistan.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  76. Oddly, after multiple years of asserting that the Russians have been running a disinformation campaign on us, they are now quoted as gospel.

    BuDuh (58c270) — 10/23/2019 @ 7:21 pm

    The claim was that this is how we are seen. And apparently it is. Great job.

    Dustin (6d7686)

  77. @74. 8-2 now. Good games, though. Some exceptionally fine post-season baseball all aroun.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  78. Berlin grozny kabul and every part in between, the algerians and the syrians has the same teachers.

    narciso (d1f714)

  79. “Better than inhuman scum which the criminal traitor Trump is.”

    Nah, all of Trump’s faults are very, very human, otherwise he wouldn’t be a populist. Might I suggest a course of H.L. Mencken-style total misanthropy?

    “Criminal traitor Trump constantly encourages murder of civilians.”

    None of you NeverTrumpers have ever been all that civil to begin with, quite frankly. Matter of fact, from Bill Kristol to Kevin Williamson, you were quite happy to echo and wink-wink the conservative eliminationist rhetoric of the left long before Trump came along.

    “The criminal traitor Trump’s contribution was to the Turkish/Russian victory, not to no phantom ceasefire.”

    I have friends and acquaintances who are and were actually combat soldiers. You have friends and acquaintances who are…lawyers, mostly. In any case their assessment of the situation is based on things like ‘actually spending time in the region’ and ‘actually fighting with the Kurds’ and not ‘attaboying their friends for virtual virtue points’.

    Though if you’re motivated to start a civil war, keep in mind that they have far more experience in insurgency and ‘going after the families’ is always the first thing successful insurgents do when the police go on strike and the fan and the refuse collide.

    “I want him impeached for treason, his disqualification for the Presidency made retroactive to January 20, 2017, and him personally attainted for life as permitted by Article III, Section 3. Unperson the mother-figure!”

    Yes, yes, that’s a great and brave legal line, I strongly recommend quoting it to groups of armed men loyal to Trump during the coming civil war, in which I’m sure you’ll serve on the front fighting lines and not scootch off to some other country as soon as the fighting starts!

    In any case, I feel like I’m being forced into a position of “Might makes Right”. I would like to win by argument, but that’s not possible when people can ignore what you’re saying, end the conversation and walk away, and most especially when they share beliefs or fortunes with this unelected, corrupt, criminal, and traitorous Democrat civil service regime to begin with.

    Public drive-by bullying is really the best you can do before they start crying for the mommy-admin to save them from the mean words. But if you want to escalate to the real fun stuff, then by all means, support this coup and start this war. You were so good at making friends and influencing people before, it should be easy!

    Scum Sweeper (35cfa1)

  80. Steppe Off, Nomad!

    urbanleftbehind (3b8f2b)

  81. Deplorables didn’t start a movement focused on her and coin the term #NeverHillary.

    And they definitely didn’t fill stadiums and chant “Lock her up!” on command like trained monkeys, until they were blue in the face.

    No sir.

    Dave (4c1ca2)

  82. Except of course Hillary didn’t insult Americans.

    I know there are only 60 days left to make our case — and don’t get complacent, don’t see the latest outrageous, offensive, inappropriate comment and think well he’s done this time. We are living in a volatile political environment. You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?


    The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people — now how 11 million. He tweets and retweets their offensive hateful mean-spirited rhetoric. Now, some of those folks — they are irredeemable, but thankfully they are not America. But the other basket — and I know this because I see friends from all over America here — I see friends from Florida and Georgia and South Carolina and Texas — as well as, you know, New York and California — but that other basket of people are people who feel that the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures, and they’re just desperate for change. It doesn’t really even matter where it comes from. They don’t buy everything he says, but he seems to hold out some hope that their lives will be different. They won’t wake up and see their jobs disappear, lose a kid to heroine, feel like they’re in a dead-end. Those are people we have to understand and empathize with as well.

    Kishnevi (e89fd2)

  83. Yes but omar mateens father wasnt deplorable, david duke hes the squads david cassidy, now the little sisters of the poor grind them into the dirt.

    narciso (d1f714)

  84. Well they dont thats why she got the lions share of corporate money, bankers lawyers et al, every rotten oligarch from moscow to beijing.

    narciso (d1f714)

  85. @82 Blue seems unlikely. Maybe red but not blue.

    Frosty, Fp (f27e97)

  86. @61 It probably depends on where we are drawing the center line today. I know far lefties who think anyone not in the basket for Bernie is a center rightist and far righties who think that anyone left of Ted Cruz is a center lefty.

    @73 I mean, they did.

    Nic (896fdf)

  87. Adam Eaton added a 2run homer for the Nats…followed by a whole team mock of the Astros train whistle.

    urbanleftbehind (3b8f2b)

  88. Yes but they are outliers, ‘lock her up’ has a very particular context, no matter how the state department dodges, every one of those 600 attempts is a statutory violation

    narciso (d1f714)

  89. Do not pretend you dont want the gop destroyed, even if you live in the debris field of such an implosion, there is no alternative you are doomed to venezuela on the pacific, but orange mad bad.

    narciso (d1f714)

  90. “ And they definitely didn’t fill stadiums and chant “Lock her up!” on command like trained monkeys, until they were blue in the face.”

    You are so far out of touch that you’ve slipped your tether:

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  91. I have friends and acquaintances who are and were actually combat soldiers.

    Chicken hawk. Why didn’t you serve if this authority is so impressive to you?

    , I strongly recommend quoting it to groups of armed men loyal to Trump

    I love that you’re saying this kind of ‘we will kill you’ crap while whining about the mean things people say.

    support this coup and start this war.

    Scary! But you didn’t buy that AR-15 because you were secure and felt safe, did you? You’re probably not going to come hunt anybody down, so take off the drop holster and the samurai sword and go play some Call of Duty, ok?

    Hey, it’s really cool that you’re literally in love with a politician. A whole field of psychiatry will emerge because of this stuff. Amazing.

    Dustin (6d7686)

  92. Yes, yes, that’s a great and brave legal line, I strongly recommend quoting it to groups of armed men loyal to Trump

    I haven’t been to a drag-show in my whole life!!!1!

    nk (dbc370)

  93. The gangs dont have any trouble getting guns, now law abiding citizens thats another matter. Thats how 50 cal machine guns roam around culiacan and the people have to stay in doors.

    narciso (d1f714)

  94. Remember when they called tea baggers, and every outlet down the line repeated it, which must have confused anderson vanderbuilt.

    narciso (d1f714)

  95. @89 I am reasonably certain that 25-30 years of conservative republican sentiments toward Hillary Clinton are not outliers. “Hates real women because she doesn’t want to bake cookies.” “Wants to take away your healthcare, powerhungry for doing a task she was asked to do” “insider trading” “Not women enough because she can’t satisfy her husband, of course her husband cheats on her, she deserves it” “Killed her close friend” “had other random people murdered” “big ol’ lesbian” “helped kill our ambassador” “running a child trafficking ring in the basement of a pizza parlor.” I am not a fan of the Clintons (I did not vote Clinton in Bush/Clinton) but even I don’t blame her for being over the pavlovian response to her every word. Anyone would be over it. God would be over it.

    @80 One of my closest friends served in Desert Storm (not during, in. Infantry.). He’s extremely disturbed about the Kurd situation (then and now). He’s also not into shooting civilians. In fact, I know a LOT of people who have served and ain’t none of them into shooting civilians.

    Nic (896fdf)

  96. Bette midler laughing at rand pauls near fatal injury

    Near fatal injury? WTF are you lying about now, no why are you squirreling on about it now? He broke some ribs, it’s only near fatal if left untreated for 40 years or so, then old age gets him. Jeez, what an idiot.

    Colonel Klink (Ret) (6e7a1c)

  97. @93 I have. They aren’t that interesting.

    @95 Cough. Um. Cough. They wore teabags on their hats. It wasn’t…. mature… to make fun of it but. Um. Really? Cough. (If a bunch of dudes went out protesting in a cat costume, I can’t imagine they wouldn’t be called a synonym of cat and/or female genitalia. Wait, didn’t something similar happen?).

    Nic (896fdf)

  98. Well they deserve each other the razor back borgias like jason voorhees they never go away. Theyve been grifting on their political connections for 20 years

    narciso (d1f714)

  99. 98… mainly older folks, Nic… unfamiliar with modern day perversion.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  100. But public school kids are very aware, history economics our traditions not so much.

    narciso (d1f714)

  101. … you know, hard working folks who played by the rules, raised their children… they didn’t have the time nor the inclination for the new generation’s tinder or grinder or tingrin or what have you.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  102. But its odd they take exception at never trumpers.

    narciso (d1f714)

  103. I feel like one of their kids should’ve told them. Or grandkids? Seriously, who lets grampa go out like that? There must have been someone in their family that played call of duty. Heck, my over 70 dad plays call of duty. (though he complains that his reflexes aren’t what they once were.)

    I did once have to explain to my aunt that she shouldn’t suggest that her kid “hook up” with his cousin when they were going to be in the same city once. Apparently her kid hadn’t ever bothered to tell her that that phrase had changed meaning.

    Nic (896fdf)

  104. Good grief, it’s real!

    “We’re building a wall on the border of New Mexico and we’re building a wall in Colorado, we’re building a beautiful wall. A big one that really works that you can’t get over, you can’t get under and we’re building a wall in Texas,” Trump said. “We’re not building a wall in Kansas, but they get the benefit of the walls we just mentioned.”

    nk (dbc370)

  105. Racists if youre cincerned ablut criminals sexist only with some people, homophobe see papa mateen, islamophobic well jusr the price of living in a big city.

    narciso (d1f714)

  106. Spanish media doesnt make a distinction between illegal/legal, criminal or law abiding, they do celebrate the former group, the cartel bloc.

    narciso (d1f714)

  107. @101 Every been to a Catholic school? The language at the Catholic HS I attended (several decades ago) in the midwest was… extremely crude.

    Nic (896fdf)

  108. Yes quite familiar, its much worse now, the teen films of that era are almost quaint.

    narciso (d1f714)

  109. SW and S Kansas were formed from the Republic of Texas, not the Louisiana purchase and given Garden City, give the man a mulligan.

    urbanleftbehind (3b8f2b)

  110. Catholic schooling produces a lot of adult agnostics and atheists in my experience. But much of the flock from the 70s onward was the result of busing avoidance and not steadfast belief.

    urbanleftbehind (3b8f2b)

  111. Not from my teenhood. Breakfast club? Weed. Heathers? Murder. Back to the future? Incest. Dirty Dancing? Abortion and sex.

    Nic (896fdf)

  112. Following the American Pie period and fare like Shes All That in the millennium turn, you then had relatively chaste films like Superbad balanced out by stuff like Havoc.

    urbanleftbehind (3b8f2b)

  113. @111 The racial and economic make-up of the Catholic and the local public were pretty much the same where I was at the time.

    Nic (896fdf)

  114. Awe, yer damn American Pie and Havoc… I’m sitting here in my easy chair watching Laurel and Hardy in “Sons of the Desert” and loving it… haven’t seen it for years, real comic genius.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  115. Early 80s, do i need to list them, not john hughes or joe dante.

    narciso (d1f714)

  116. Havoc im not aware, and im leaving out freddie jason michael meyers

    narciso (d1f714)

  117. Fast times at Ridgemeont high? Risky Business?

    Nic (896fdf)

  118. It was a binary choice in 2016. It will BE a binary choice in 2020 UNLESS we do something about it now.

    Kevin M (19357e)

  119. Notice Trump didn’t call D’s “Human Scum”. Just the traitorous “Never turmmpers

    rcocean (1a839e)

  120. The President of the United States of America.

    For more than a year now I have advocated impeachment on the basis of “conduct unbecoming” and “bringing the United States into disrepute.” I have been told repeatedly by my betters that it needed to be an actual CRIME, even though they really believed that the urgency was conduct-based.

    I keep going back to Max Farrand’s Records of the Federal Convention of 1787. They went back and forth on impeachment, Executive immunity and the various dangers a strong executive presented. Near as I can tell, they did not want to limit impeachment to crimes but simply to reasons sufficient for Congress to impeach and convict.

    Kevin M (19357e)

  121. You forgot to put Trump-hating “Republican” critics in ” ” quotation marks. Some of them have “officially” left the R party. Others – like Burt Stephens and Jennifer Rubin hoped the R’s would be “destroyed” and Trump defeated in 2016. Others, like David Frum or David Brooks supported Obama in 2008-2012 and Hillary in 2016, yet still claim to be Conservative.

    And Rod dreher and Erick Erickson are currently flip-flopping like fish out of water.

    rcocean (1a839e)

  122. BTW, I am a process person. I believe that the means matter and that bad precedents are created when you torture the process to get a desired result. One nuclear option begets the next.

    So, I am not a fan of using made-up crimes (e.g. “emoluments”) or legal crimes (e.g. obstruction) to carry the weight of impeachment since 1) the real reason is he besmirches the office, and 2) they are too intellectual for a political action like impeachment. If you want to get him for a crime, he has to have his hand in the cookie jar; just lying about who took the cookies isn’t good enough.

    But I have no problem with impeaching someone for conduct unbecoming. And next time some president is getting blowjobs from interns and lying under oath, that will be a fine precedent to rely on.

    Kevin M (19357e)

  123. Has anyone noted that Carly Fiorina has left the GOP?

    Kevin M (19357e)

  124. BTW, I suggest that Trump use “You’re a bunch of human scum” as his impeachment defense.

    Kevin M (19357e)

  125. We’re building a wall on the border of New Mexico

    Considering that the bottom half of the state is desert and/or bombing range, I have to ask why. The only city to walk to from the border is El Paso, and I think that’s in Texas.

    (oh, sure, Las Cruces, but you have to walk past El Paso and 30 miles further though a desert)

    Kevin M (19357e)

  126. I suspect Trump’s remarks were directed at Pierre Delecto. Since “Pierre” has truly been a back-stabbing, jealous little enemy of Mr. Trump.

    Pierre – y’see – just didn’t like what Trump stood for. Per Pierre, he was threat to all that America held dear, and Pierre couldn’t vote for him in 2016. Yet that didn’t stop Mr. Delecto from asking Mr. Trump to be Secretary of state, or donate Money to his 2012 Campaign. Nor did it stop Mr. Deleto from accepting Mr. Trump’s endorsement for Senator from Utah. In fact, Senator Candidate Pierre was strangely muted in his criticism of mr. Trump WHILE HE WAS RUNNING FOR Office. Its only AFTER he won, that senator delecto made it clear he still despised Trump.

    Now, Pierre is LIBERATED. Before, he had to lie about what he was. Otherwise, he’d never been elected. sorry all you boobs who thought Pierre Delecto was telling you the truth. haha sucker. Now, MIttens is free to be himself and vote and speak as he pleases.

    rcocean (1a839e)

  127. Has anyone noted that Carly Fiorina has left the GOP?

    Yeah, it was quite a blow after her massive wins for political office. The California R’s will never see a Giant like her again. Now doubt she’ll be running as D – Oh wait, the D’s hate her too. Maybe HP will re-hire her. She did a massively great job there too. Its not like she was a AA hire or anything.

    rcocean (1a839e)

  128. @121 It sounds like they’re pushing the impeachment vote out past Thanksgiving, maybe past Christmas.

    Frosty, Fp (f27e97)

  129. The same kind of people that were pushing Carly are now pushing Nicki Haley. She isn’t white and she wears a skirt. That’s just what the R Establishment wants.

    rcocean (1a839e)

  130. We need to build a wall on the NY/Connecticut/Vernon border – let New England “live free”.

    rcocean (1a839e)

  131. Geez, what’s your beef with Nikki Haley? She has legislative, executive, and foreign policy experience and seems to have been successful at every level.

    Nic (896fdf)

  132. Well aren’t they? look at the so called republicans here! Mitt romney is waiting.

    asset (9385b8)

  133. Have you never trumpers seen your guy bill weld lately?
    The scum looks like W.C. Fields on the Atkinson diet.

    mg (8cbc69)

  134. Geez, what’s your beef with Nikki Haley? She has legislative, executive, and foreign policy experience and seems to have been successful at every level.

    But she once criticized His Holiness.

    Dave (1bb933)

  135. Never trumpers are determined to keep electing deep state scum.

    mg (8cbc69)

  136. Trumpers are determined to reelect criminal traitor Putin deep throating scum.

    nk (dbc370)

  137. never trumpers swallow

    mg (8cbc69)

  138. Funny that Trump would attack 12% to 21% of the members of his own party, but I suppose this disloyal man understands those party members who have zero loyalty toward him, which is why nobody knows NeverTrumpers better than Donald Trump.

    Paul Montagu (00daa1)

  139. Trump has bigger things to worry about than NeverTrumpers and his Syrian pullback, like geography

    “And we’re building a wall on the border of New Mexico and we’re building a wall in Colorado, we’re building a beautiful wall, a big one that really works that you can’t get over, you can’t get under and we’re building a wall in Texas. We’re not building a wall in Kansas but they get the benefit of the walls we just mentioned,” said Trump.

    …but it’s nothing that a Sharpie can’t fix.

    Paul Montagu (00daa1)

  140. “they are human scum!” (Trump)

    Not only are our allies dying in Syria and perhaps Ukraine because of this guy, there may well be blood on American streets too. There is a reason why President’s don’t use language like that to attack other Americans. ANY President has the power to disrupt the social order. They can motivate the worst among us to create pandemonium.

    And this President is depraved enough to encourage it. Just when you think it can’t get worse…

    noel (f22371)

  141. Did the President try to coerce a foreign government into “publicly” investigating his top rival? Obviously yes. Do 80% of Republicans care? Obviously no.

    noel (f22371)

  142. Social order, being a progressive one party atate, much like california, where criminals,have rights over law abiding, where electricity is a luxury.

    narciso (d1f714)

  143. SC pols in general are prone to hissy fits and creeping RINOsity, broken clock version of Miss Lindsay notwithstanding.

    urbanleftbehind (454384)

  144. Well you have ravenel, the charlie sheen. Of the palmetto atate.

    narciso (d1f714)

  145. Thats actually what obama did through steele downer and co.

    narciso (d1f714)

  146. I thought Fiorina had some temp to full-time horizontal help during her AT &T days, she didnt start out “Fiorina”. In fact shes not even eye-talian, shes an Austinite.

    urbanleftbehind (454384)

  147. He doesn’t care. He doesn’t care if you get roughed up. He’s called for it. He doesn’t care if allies are massacred. He has allowed it. He doesn’t care about foreign interference in elections. He has requested it.

    Lawless. This is getting serious.

    noel (f22371)

  148. 73. Well, I guess that makes it okay then. SMDH

    Gryph (08c844)

  149. “Lock her up” He led the cheers. For what? Some missing emails? She was supposed to turn over every email or go to jail.

    But he can stonewall….. everything.

    noel (f22371)

  150. romney bent over backwards, actually implementing masscare, thanks to jonathan gruber, tripling the premiums up there, hired gina McCarthy, to create the cap and trade system, no surprise he’s Michigan j frog now,

    narciso (d1f714)

  151. When a President thinks that criticism of him is “treason”…. be very afraid.

    noel (f22371)

  152. as opposed to giving iran 150 billion, that’s the very definition of treason, but the media licked themselves raw, arming a cartel, which was the chaser to letting purdue, narcotize the population with oxy, but holder isn’t hiding in the shadows, susan rice doesn’t have to worry about people trying to poison her, and you’ve ignored every injury against the body politic,

    narciso (d1f714)

  153. 119. Kevin M (19357e) — 10/23/2019 @ 10:39 pm

    It will BE a binary choice in 2020 UNLESS we do something about it now.

    All the people in a position to do so seem to be afraid that if they tried running as a third party candidate (Trump can’t lose renomination unless very many people feel it is terrible that he escaped removal) they’d be electing the one person in the binary choice that they don’t like the most.

    There is at least until February for somebody who can be taken seriously to run as a third party candidate, and actually this can wait until April.

    That is because of ballot access problems.

    There is another problem: Money.

    Because of campaign finance laws, he or she would probably have to be a billionaire – or their vice presidential candidate would. Mike Bloomberg for vice president?

    But it might be that a very unacceptable (to Bloomberg or somebody else who can launch a third party candidacy) Democratic nominee who also would seem to be winning in the polls over Trump in a binary race, or have a pretty high probability of winning over Trump, would be the thing needed to stimulate a third party run by a “Never Trumper.” Or Trump winning over a leftist Democrat might stimulate a more moderate Democrat.

    Sammy Finkelman (71800b)

  154. Hey Russia, if you are listening…. get Trump’s taxes, tap his phones and find his emails. Investigate his children.

    Congratulations Republicans. This is where you have brought us.

    noel (f22371)

  155. ‘dare not call it treason if treason doth prosper’ he doesn’t need to, he’s had hacks at cbs, cnn, MSNBC, like well trained mina birds, we ignore the blood spilt from Ramadi to Bataclan to Orlando, the press twisted itself into contortions, even the perky miss hill isn’t familiar with, ‘Mateen’s gay lover, all to hide a telethon of homophobia, approved by the city fathers, but chick a fil,

    narciso (d1f714)

  156. the Clinton and their crooked media arrangement, at least 60 strong, that is the proper way of the world, like the wheel of fortune, that always wins you a prize,

    narciso (d1f714)

  157. I know you’re searching for the next cue card, you have the president who did something about Ukraine and Syria, and the ones that mostly talked out, who let otto warmbier, linger in catatonia, and the one that brought him home, the one who traipsed over revolution, like he was at Disney world, (which from his social circle, he might have felt that way) and one who sanctioned the regime, the ones who put the sisters of the poor, at risk of bankruptcy, and the one who didn’t, that’s not the hallmark of scum, that’s the proper way that the media and the academy tells us,

    narciso (d1f714)

  158. but it’s really not so surprising as some on this board, make excuses for rampaging moba attacking real journalists, when hack activists, try to destroy teenagers, no outrage there, in fact it’s better to bury the story, they should be unpersons anyways,

    narciso (d1f714)

  159. I feel like we’re overthinking it. Trump feels like his losing and is therefore whining and lashing out.

    This makes sense. He feels like his losing his Syria draw down went terribly and it seems increasingly likely that there’s evidence he tried to use US Military aid to extort the Ukraine for his political benefit. Add this to his poor character and you get this sort of tweets.

    Time123 (797615)

  160. I’m not sure why any Never-trumpers should care about the 2020 election. They said Trump vs. Hillary was a meaningless choice and voted for their wives or not at all. This time, they’ll be even less of choice for them. They can just stop watching Election news and spend Sept-Nov 2020, reading Edmund Burke and fishing.

    One of the bulwark boys just wrote a “this too shall pass” article about how “The True Conservatives” will take back the R party once Trump leaves. So the “True Cons” should just go into hibernation till 2024.

    rcocean (1a839e)

  161. There’s always only 2 choices. Perot was the most successful 3rd Party candidate -17% of the vote and no electoral votes. Bloomberg could run but the Blue states will remain blue and the South will remain Red. Bloomberg’s only effect would be to hurt Trump or Warren in a few battleground states. But Bloomberg, Romney, Weld, or -whoever and whatever – runs as 3rd Party in 2020 will never be POTUS

    rcocean (1a839e)

  162. One interesting possibility, that hasn’t been tried since 1836, would be running different candidates in diffeent states and hoping the House of Representatives would choose a third party candidate.

    They’d only have three choices, so whichever one of the third party nominees who carried the most states with the most Electoral votes would be the only other option.

    The House is somewhat easily deadlocked (states can be divided and not vote but 26 states are still eeded, and I once calculated that de facto about 57% of the House is needed to select a president when there is not a too big a majority in the House, except that a switch of only a few key members would be needed to get to 26 states) but the Senate can more easily decide because they vote as individuals – and it has only two choices. Those would be the major party nominees (presumably Mike Pence and a Democrat.)

    In the elections of 1800 and 1824 the vice presidency was not a factor and the House had to pick between only two candidates. These are crucial factors in how this played out, and it only came about because of special circumstances.

    In 1800/1, under the original constitution, there were actually supposed to be five choices, but there were only two because when there was a tie and both got a number of votes greater than a majority of the Electors (remember each Elector cast two votes, but did not distinguish between them) they only got to pick among those two. And the loser became vice president, and without that there was no vice president.)

    In 1824/5, the third choice, besides Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams, was William H. Crawford, but he had suffered a stroke (well before the election but this had been kept from a large part of the public) so everyone in Washngton considered him out of the question – Crawford wound up with 41 Electiral votes to Henry Clay’s 37, leaving Henry Clay out of the running.

    And John C. Calhoun had run practically unopposed for vice president and nobody needed to make any choice. In that election all the candidates were pretty much idndepedents. I suppose it goes without saying that nobody was interested in having John C. Calhoun act as president, and besides which the law wasn’t clear.

    So there was again, like in 1801, only two choices for the House, and the vice presdidency was irrelevant. This would probably not happen with an election thrown into the House of Represenatatives again.

    We can imagine a number of scenarios, in which he Senate picks a vice president first, which don’t seem to have been thought through by anyone speculating about a presidential election thrown into the House of Representatives.

    If the Senate was Democratic, they’d choose the Democrat and Democrats in the House might be content to never pick a president and have their presidential nominee act as an adviser. This would also tilt the choice in the House toward the Democrat, especially when you consider how the government would function. Not only no transition, but the prospect of replacement of all Cabinet nominees aain (although this did happen in 1841, except for Secretary of State Daniel Webster, after President William Henry Harrison doed a month into his term (Vice President John Tyler really was a Democrat, not a Whig, and had been put on the ticket for electoral reasons. But confirmations were faster then, and they didn’t do a financial and maybe medical audit plus an FBI background check.)

    If the Senate remained Republican (unlikely) they’d quickly choose Pence. Trump would be exervising some influence (althouh not like the Democratic nominee if he Senate chose the Democrat for vce president) unless and until a president was picked by the House.

    Enough Democrats probably would want Trump completely gone, so that, combined with many Republicans, they’d choose the third party candidate who won a few key states. And that’s how maybe you can get another alternative. Of course the other way is Trump coming in third in the polls ina 3-way plus race, which should happen in California at least. Only in California and a few otehr states is my adapted Election of 1836 scenario. In that election different Whigs ran in different states. (and it also happenned that the choice for Vice president was thrown into the Senate because Martin Van Buren’s vice presidential nominee Richard M. Johnson did not get the vots of Virginia’s electors, probably beause he was known to have a relationsho with a black woman – who was legally his slave.)

    Sammy Finkelman (71800b)

  163. Get more info and reduce your confusion…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  164. Thats the key – it may be better to run a local favorite son as your 3rd party and even only in that state or a few key states to takeaway one of the binary’s margin for climbing past the 270 mark. Utah probably doesnt have that heft being only 6 EVs, one wonders if the Dems pull their candidate from said state’s general election ballot. You could also pull this trick in Texas of all places, but it requires some ruthless discipline by the center-left against the far-left.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  165. Calhoun, the guy who actually believed the ‘king cotton thesis’ behind the 1619 project.

    narciso (8de0c7)

  166. Don’t blame me. I voted for Kodos.

    JRM (de6363)

  167. another South Carolina politician, yawn, although Gaetz and company channeled Preston Brooks yesterday.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  168. Oh, the plotting and scheming… let’s see if the Democrats will do the right thing and make their impeachment efforts transparent and viewable by Americans. Nearly three years now of this crap, one would hope they’d stop with the hissyfit and get over the loss in November 2016.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  169. really the inquisitor party, chooses to dispense with due process, you could ask scalise about that, or rand paul, or that congressional candidate in California,

    narciso (d1f714)

  170. they haven’t done so in three years coronello, oh William taylor’s lawyer was john Bellinger, who stuck a shiv into most every w tried to do,

    narciso (d1f714)

  171. Notice Trump didn’t call D’s “Human Scum”. Just the traitorous “Never turmmpers

    Notice how some people believe that criticizing or disliking Trump is tantamount to being a traitor. (I saw that attitude already during the primaries.)

    Notice how Trump is calling people “human scum” for the sole reason that they don’t like him, whereas those people have given very specific reasons for disliking his character and behavior — the deep dishonesty, selfishness, lack of empathy, etc.

    Some claim to see no difference between the president publicly calling citizens who don’t like him “scum,” and citizens criticizing him on a small website, or holding the president to account for dishonesty and meanness. If they see a difference, they think the first is more justified.

    Clinton’s comment on “deplorables” and Obama’s on “clinging to guns and religion” had some reason aside from “do they like me?” But people who have remained outraged over those comments for years are now busily defending Trump, because their loyalty is unconditional.

    Radegunda (68077f)

  172. @noel

    141. Trump is using that word scum like a talk radio show host. Specifically, the late Bob Grant.

    Sammy Finkelman (71800b)

  173. @32

    I guarantee you it wan’t me, Frosty

    You’re right. You were part of the sketchy “do unto others …” interpretation that allowed for

    if X does Y to others, it implies that this must be how X wants others to treat him


    Frosty, Fp (f27e97)

  174. All the people in a position to do so seem to be afraid that if they tried running as a third party candidate

    Sammy, I’m talking about the GOP not running Trump. Ideally this would be because they beat him in the primaries, but Trump’s thugs are making sure that cannot happen, so impeachment soon is the other method.

    Kevin M (19357e)

  175. it’s not brave, it’s expected, the converse is openly denouncing prog initiatives, like the 1619 initiative, the extinction of any real online opposition, because corporate culture is as sunk in the miasma as mizzou or evergreen college, all you need to do is yell ‘russia’ and you’re gone,

    narciso (d1f714)

  176. @32

    I guarantee you it wan’t me, Frosty
    You’re right. You were part of the sketchy “do unto others …” interpretation that allowed for

    if X does Y to others, it implies that this must be how X wants others to treat him


    X forfeited the right to complain about people calling him names and attacking him when he constantly calls people names and attacks them

    Why aren’t you explaining to our host and other NeverTrumpers that this is how they wanted to be treated and they can’t complain?

    Frosty, Fp (f27e97)

  177. She did a massively great job there too.

    She saved the company from the disaster that her two predecessors and the greedy Hewlett git had lined up. She also saved Compaq from a looming BK.

    All you think you know about her came from the Hewlett children upset that she risked their trust fund draw by not staying a sleepy little printer company.

    Kevin M (19357e)

  178. I will point out that every time I think about warming to Trump, his legions demonstrate once again why that’s a mistake.

    Kevin M (19357e)

  179. With all the mentally challenged people living in this country – and the constant spewing of hate and invective against Trump by Democrats, Democrats with bylines and NeverTrump – don’t be surprised if one or more of these ninnies aren’t pushed completely over the edge and take matters into their own hands.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  180. I’ll go with deplorable although scum is known to rise to the top

    steveg (354706)

  181. Imperial Officer Party become it has:

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  182. it’s a seriously dysfunctional company, should we wait the justice that McDonnell, delay, and stevens received, or the one in Missouri, name escapes me now, because justice, or the accountability to john Chisholm, for what he wrought against walker,

    narciso (d1f714)

  183. Rick Wiles: ‘There Is Going to Be Violence in America’ if Trump is Removed From Office
    …“If they take him out, there is going to be violence in America,” Wiles said. “There are people in this country—veterans, cowboys, mountain men, guys that know how to fight—and they’re going to make a decision that the people that did this to Donald Trump are not going to get away with it and they’re going to hunt them down.”

    “I’m serious,” he continued. “If these people in Washington think that they are going to get away with it, it’s not going to happen. The Trump supporters are going to hunt them down. It’s going to happen and this country is going to be plunged into darkness and they brought it upon themselves because they won’t back off.”…..

    Rip Murdock (b9d253)

  184. with lorance, there have been three flawed prosecutions, goldsteyn and senior chief Everett, so what justice is a warfighter entitled to,

    narciso (d1f714)

  185. Missouri boy quit just like Tricky Dick, sold out by his own party both old heads like Blunt and new stars like Hawley.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  186. the j 20 rioters, got off scot free, that’s a lesson that justice is a dead letter in dc,

    narciso (d1f714)

  187. that also explains the thick midsection – reminiscent of the “bad kind of naked” from a latter period Seinfeld episode.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  188. @187 “Pay us or we’ll send out the leg breakers.” Send out the leg-breakers, thanks. If there are people out there who would rather shoot other Americans than respect the legal process, it’s better that we deal with them sooner rather than later. Don’t appease the terrorists, even if they are domestic ones.

    Nic (896fdf)

  189. but she’s on the armed services and oversight committee, doesn’t that make you feel warm and fuzzy,

    narciso (d1f714)

  190. note how there was no such evidence, as the procurator of st, louis intimated, but it didn’t matter,

    narciso (d1f714)

  191. well, maybe she can ply hula princess with cheap drink, then call Sinemax and surprise-not-surprise McSally and her big retriever…

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  192. Why aren’t you explaining to our host and other NeverTrumpers that this is how they wanted to be treated and they can’t complain?

    Who says we can’t complain? Impeach the criminal traitor! Disqualify him from Office retroactively! Forfeit all his civil rights for life! Unperson the mother-figure! He’s inhuman scum!

    Trump butt gerbils don’t get to make OUR rules! Klar, KLamerad?

    nk (dbc370)

  193. @192 I don’t know who Wiles is but I’m skeptical of his understanding of veterans, cowboys, and mountain men.


    If there are people out there who would rather shoot other Americans than respect the legal process, it’s better that we deal with them sooner rather than later

    seems to be in the wrong tense or timing considering the current level of domestic terrorism and lack of respect for legal processes we’re already willing to tolerate.

    Frosty, Fp (f27e97)

  194. Half a dozen Antifas with milkshakes will have any number of Trump butt gerbils wetting their pants, the way Erdogan had the criminal traitor Trump wetting his.

    nk (dbc370)

  195. @197 That was the argument you were making. So, it was your rule.

    Frosty, Fp (f27e97)

  196. If I ever betray America, the law can unperson me too. I accept that and I won’t snivel like some kind of orange pussy about it.

    nk (dbc370)

  197. @198 That’s a little vague?

    Nic (896fdf)

  198. noel @143.

    Did the President try to coerce a foreign government into “publicly” investigating his top rival? Obviously yes.

    No, he didn’t, and it should be obvious. Some of his aides tried to coerce Ukraine, but they didn’t want to come on too strong, perhaps because the Ukrainians might have complained to Congress.

    As best I can figure out at this point, Gordon D. Sundland at first tried to coerce a public announcement of an investigation (well that idea happened after a while, that was already an addition) in exchange for a meeting between President Zelensky and President Trump, but later decided tying a visit to it would not be enough.

    Mulvaney seems perhaps to have been the inspiration for this idea that maybe satisfying Giuliani at could release the aid, although in his case releasing the aid was only in exchange for investigating (and publicizing) possible Ukrainian anti-Trump efforts in 2016 and did not include the Biden thing. Which Mulvaney quite clearly said the other day. He was denying what the reporter said. He said the issues were the fact that European governments were not giving Ukraine military aid and corruption in Ukraine and noted that “in passing” Trump had referred to the servers, (some nonsense that Trump did not treat as nonsense) but never Biden as something that was making him less friendly toward Ukraine.

    And Mulvaney apparently didn’t share much with Trump beyond maybe that he was trying to help Giuliani’s efforts.

    For this to work with Trump, he really had to think anything the Ukrainian government did was voluntary and done out of goodwill.

    The conditions attached to the aid didn’t come from Trump. The idea of attaching conditions didn’t come from Trump, but from Gordon D. Sundland. Withholding the aid came from Trump, according to Mulvaney, but Mulvaney didn’t get any clear reasons from Trump but just knew that Trump was very hesitant to send aid because he didn’t trust the Ukrainians. He and others probably didn’t want to press Trump to make a decision because he might say no.

    Trump was quite content to withhold the military aid period.

    This administration is dysfunctional.

    The three amigos pushing for Ukraianian co-operation with Giuliani didn’t really share that aid was being withheld with the Ukrainians. Trump’a aides were trying to figure what could move it along.

    Of the three amigos, Sundland was trying to figure what it was that the Ukrainians could do that would result in Trump giving the go-ahead for the aid, and when pressed later to ask Trump if there was a quid pro quo for (an investigation announcement I think), Trump told him no; Volker thought only the 2016 election was at issue, and didn’t want to tell the Ukrainians the military aid was being held up because he figured there was so much support for this aid in Congress it would be released soon enough regardless; and Taylor was being told by Sundland there was a quid pro for everything and they weren’t going to say anything about the military aid being conditional to the Ukrainians, but that’s the way it was.

    Biden as a condition was just an afterthought thrown by Sundland and didn’t complete the requirements. In fact he had no idea what would satisfy Trump.

    Do 80% of Republicans care? Obviously no.

    People (in general at least) have a holistic view of this so that when polled, they disagree about facts.

    From the Goldberg File, October 15, 2019 (mid-week)

    Soon-to-be Dispatch senior editor David French pointed me to some interesting polling from Monmouth:

    Just over 6-in-10 Americans (62%) believe it is likely that Trump mentioned the possibility of an investigation into Biden during his call with Zelenskiy, while 15% say he probably did not do this and 23% are unsure.

    Among those who have heard a lot about the incident, 76% say this conversation probably occurred, 12% say it probably did not, and 12% are unsure.

    Among all Democrats, 85% believe that Trump mentioned the investigation during the call, a number that goes up to 97% among Democrats who have heard a lot about it.

    Among all independents, 61% believe that Trump mentioned the investigation during the call, a number that goes up to 73% among independents who have heard a lot.

    Among all Republicans, though, just 40% believe that Trump mentioned the investigation during the call. This number goes up only to 50% among Republicans who have heard a lot about the call.

    Nearly 3-in-10 of all Republicans (29%) as well as the subset of Republicans who have heard a lot about the call (29%) say the investigation into Biden was probably not mentioned by Trump.

    Put more simply: Nearly 40 percent of Americans believe a version of events that is better for Trump than reality. Trump did mention Biden in the call. He did ask for a “favor” as part of a “reciprocal” relationship. People can interpret all of that as they like. But if there are a large bloc of voters out there – Republicans and independents – who currently think Trump didn’t even mention the Bidens or ask for an investigation as part of a favor, the last thing you want them to do is read the transcript themselves. And yet, every day Trump is screaming that everyone should read the transcript. It’s not like reading the transcript would turn all those voters into impeachment supporters. But it’s hard to see how it would actually help Trump, given that he’s the only person who thinks Schiff’s made up version needs to be rebutted.

    Sammy Finkelman (71800b)

  199. A better sequel to 90210, technically the oc.

    narciso (55e9fa)

  200. Ignorance is blissful Trump worship, Sammy. And B=A, as well. Blissful Trump worship is ignorance.

    nk (dbc370)

  201. nk, you and mittens have me scared

    mg (8cbc69)

  202. whats mittens gonna do slap me with that magic underwear while you put out a hand rolled in my eye?

    mg (8cbc69)

  203. …that would have to take place in Austin, Scottsdale, SLC, Boise or even outer Nashville

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  204. I know, right, mg? Internet tough guys! Whenever I step away from the computer, I go to the mirror and laugh at myself. I’m not a Blade Runner, I’m little people.

    nk (dbc370)

  205. Like when they beat that 80 years army veteran, are you approving of that?

    narciso (55e9fa)

  206. 178. Kevin M (19357e) — 10/24/2019 @ 8:46 am

    Sammy, I’m talking about the GOP not running Trump. Ideally this would be because they beat him in the primaries, but Trump’s thugs are making sure that cannot happen, so impeachment soon is the other method.

    Trump’s people have been changing the rules, but that is overcaution. Even without changng the rules, Trump probably cannot be beaten in a primary contest because the Republican Party is where you have all the Trump die hards, and the Republican Party, in many big states, is a small party that runs closed primaries. Even in California for president.

    And if he could be beaten, it requires someone with stature, like Nikki Haley or Mike Pompeo or Marco Rubio.If his popularity drops real low, maybe.

    Sammy Finkelman (71800b)

  207. But what about yourself, old man? Are you a Blade Runner?

    nk (dbc370)

  208. They really did a hash of that series, not that anyone asked for it.

    narciso (55e9fa)

  209. Ah goldberg manning the dinghy omidyar commissioned 6 million for that.

    narciso (55e9fa)

  210. DCSCA – go forth and ghyzz thyself:

    4th! Dead Man Walking indeed.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  211. OT – Ohio is generally thought of as Rust Belt but in terms of auto manufacturing was actually the tip of the South’s spear:

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  212. I’d think most people here are intelligent enough to be able to separate the man from the office.

    I’m not a great fan of the man, but I can’t argue with much of what he is doing with the office.

    MJN1957 (6f981a)

  213. I’m not a great fan of the man, but I can’t argue with much of what he is doing with the office.

    MJN1957 (6f981a) — 10/24/2019 @ 10:55 am

    Huge deficits, obamacare, complete failure on immigration, complete failure on ethics, complete failure on any legislative impact that will outlast the next president’s first EO, worst foreign policy performance since LBJ (worse than Carter easily). Shameful betrayal of our allies to serve Russian interests for no apparent reason in bizarre flip flops.

    Yeah, them Trump fans got a point that this guy really is doing a hell of a great job.

    A vote for Trump is a vote for ISIS.

    Dustin (6d7686)

  214. Like when they beat that 80 years army veteran, are you approving of that?

    narciso (55e9fa) — 10/24/2019 @ 9:53 am

    Yes he was definitely approving that. Thank you for this good faith and honest point, narciso. Great job.

    Dustin (6d7686)

  215. 215. Buttigieg is strong in Iowa, but this is one of those two or threee campaigns. he;s third or maybe even second.

    Biden is second or tied with Warren but the last poll, by Iowa State University taken aftwr the debate, and after more of the controversy about him has had a chance to sink in, between October 18 to 22nd has him down to 12%, with Elizabeth Warren leading at 28% and Buttigieg second at 20%. Sanders is at 18% in that poll.

    All the rest are also rans with none polling above 3% (except 5% for Kamala Harris in one early October poll) ranked in this order:

    Harris, Steyer (who ran lots of ads in Iowa) Klobuchar (from neighboring Minnesota) Gabbard, Yang. Booker, O’Rourke Bullock and Bennett.

    Steywr through Yang are at 2.x%; Cory Booker is slightly below 2%. The remaiing 3 are around 15 each.

    Sammy Finkelman (102c75)

  216. 183. Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 10/24/2019 @ 8:54 am

    don’t be surprised if one or more of these ninnies aren’t pushed completely over the edge and take matters into their own hands.

    It happened already (but this was more of a personal moral failure I think)

    Sammy Finkelman (102c75)

  217. Biden is second or tied with Warren but the last poll, by Iowa State University taken after the debate, and after more of the controversy about him has had a chance to sink in, between October 18 to 22nd has him down to 12%, with Elizabeth Warren leading at 28% and Buttigieg second at 20%. Sanders is at 18% in that poll.

    Where did they take that poll at? Greenwich Village?

    nk (dbc370)

  218. Idiots Out Walking Around, as a late WGN radio guy used to say.

    urbanleftbehind (454384)

  219. Walk This Way Vote This Way

    Backstabbin’ clowns always bringin’ us down
    Country’s never been great they say
    Sayin’ Trump, he’s a fool
    He ain’t nothin’ but a tool
    Cuz he stands in the Democrats’ way
    So they got a cheerleader, was a Bulwark tweeter
    All the time he be sellin’ a cruise
    Ah the great bendover, but his name ain’t Rover
    And it started with a little kiss, like this 💋

    Vict’ry mincin’, ain’t too convincin’
    With their ass high up in the air
    Playin’ hey diddle-diddle NeverTrump in the middle
    They be diddled but they just didn’t care
    It was the fuggin’ that they get, for the fuggin’ they got
    By Pelosi who was ready to play
    Wasn’t us she was foolin’
    ‘Cause she knew what she was doin’
    When she taught ’em how to vote her way
    She told ’em to
    Vote this way, vote this way
    Vote this way, vote this way
    Vote this way, vote this way
    Vote this way, vote this way
    Ah, they just gave her a kiss
    Like this 💋

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  220. 220… yeah, narciso, you white supremacist, you!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  221. Maybe some “Andy Garcia” and lighter get exemptions, Colonel.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  222. Good faith… in a pig’s arse.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  223. Lynching? We are in the beginning of an impeachment inquiry which likely will be followed by a formal impeachment and a trial by a Republican controlled US Senate. Lynching?

    President. Billionaire. Teams of lawyers.

    That’s some victim.

    noel (f22371)

  224. now the wahini, seems to be a fan of the Portland roseland club set, disappointing,

    narciso (d1f714)

  225. A vote against Trump is a vote for Democrats and a vote to continue Obama’s ME policies and engagement with Iran.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  226. If they’re the only ones putting skin to pain and not scurrying from a Gaetz mob, why not?

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  227. Just an old time attitude of no substitute for winning.
    Old enough to know when enough is enough.

    mg (8cbc69)

  228. 222-Sammy, it was also a tactical error by the perp in that the House Freedom Caucus at that time was not solidly in the Trump corner, (in the vein of being Perfectionist Conservative, not simple Never-Trump), if the Dur-Duck crew from Illinois were not the mastermind, one could say Trump loyalists were – as a means of scaring the HFC off of the fence into their embrace.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)


    For starters, one of the most notable features of this primary field is just how many people don’t want to see Sanders as the nominee even though he’s currently third in the national polls. Obviously Sanders is backed by an enthusiastic set of supporters, but we’ve also found that he has a substantial number of detractors in the party. In Masket’s August early-state activist interviews, 59 percent of activists (17 of 29 people interviewed) said they did not want him to be the nominee (compared with 21 percent — 6 people — who said they were considering supporting him); only Miramar, Florida, Mayor Wayne Messam and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard earned worse marks (62 percent — 18 people — did not want either of them to be the nominee). Meanwhile, in that Iowa State University/Civiqs poll, 25 percent said they didn’t want to see Sanders as the nominee (compared with 16 percent who listed him as their first choice), giving him the second-worst marks of any candidate on this question.

    Sammy Finkelman (102c75)

  230. Another candidate with a substantial number of detractors is … Biden. That’s right, even though he still sits near the top of the polls, he was the No. 1 candidate who likely Democratic voters said they did not want to see as the nominee (30 percent) in that Iowa State University/Civiqs poll. Likewise, in Masket’s August early-state activist survey, 31 percent (9 people) of those interviewed said they did not want to see Biden become the nominee. Granted, this was not anywhere close to the percentages who said they didn’t want Messam, Gabbard, or Sanders nominated, but it was still quite high given how many activists also said they were still considering Biden (34 percent, or 10 people).

    Sammy Finkelman (102c75)

  231. I don’t get it, the wahini is on board with 80-85% of their platform, they prefer a battleax like warren,

    narciso (d1f714)

  232. Well, Florida is locked up in 2022 for this dude, that will be one giant red pill for Dems to contend with:

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  233. ot, it seems rick james had the perky miss hill in mind, yikes,

    narciso (d1f714)

  234. They probably think that a brown skinned candidate, even if they are Pacific Islander, wont do as well head to head against Trump – or that a nomination for either slot could be countered by Haley.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  235. Fiorina has a mediocre reputation at best in the valley, so much so that the last time she ran for statewide office in a republican primary, she won in every county *except for santa clara, santa cruz, and san mateo*.

    aphrael (971fba)

  236. some things are acceptable, others deniable,

    narciso (d1f714)

  237. Lynching? We are in the beginning of an impeachment inquiry which likely will be followed by a formal impeachment and a trial by a Republican controlled US Senate. Lynching?

    President. Billionaire. Teams of lawyers.

    That’s some victim.

    noel (f22371) — 10/24/2019 @ 12:05 pm


    Dustin (504bb1)

  238. Lynching is a legitimate word – exceot it doesn’t describe the situation – yet.

    The Biggs censure resolution also went a little bit too far in saying that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff had brought disrepute upon the House of Representatives with his false retelling of the Trump Zelensky call. He brought disrepute only upon himself. Biggs had oter complaints including contact with the whistleblower (which he tried to deny)

    The resolution was tabled 218-185. And then House speaker Pelosi says

    “Chairman Schiff is a great American patriot. Our country is extremely well-served by his serious, smart and strategic leadership to protect our elections, national security and democracy – which sadly stands in stark contrast to Republicans in the Congress who cover up the truth, look the other way when the President invites foreign governments to interfere in our elections and vote against legislation to secure the ballot from foreign attacks.

    “What the Republicans fear most is the truth. The President betrayed the oath of office, our national security and the integrity of our elections, and the GOP has not even tried to deny the facts. Instead, Republicans stage confusion, undermine the Constitution and attack the person of whom the President is most afraid.

    “The American people want the truth. The House will proceed with our impeachment inquiry to find the facts and expose the truth, guided by our Constitution and the facts. This is about patriotism, not politics or partisanship.”

    Sammy Finkelman (102c75)

  239. you can ask ted Stevens, the jury relied on a fbi witness, who proferred phony evidence, with an Epstein fetish, and a bureau handler with a crush, she’s still in the bureau, the whistleblower was forced out,

    narciso (d1f714)

  240. schiff for brains…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  241. Huge deficits, obamacare, complete failure on immigration, complete failure on ethics, complete failure on any legislative impact that will outlast the next president’s first EO, worst foreign policy performance since LBJ (worse than Carter easily). Shameful betrayal of our allies to serve Russian interests for no apparent reason in bizarre flip flops.

    Yeah, them Trump fans got a point that this guy really is doing a hell of a great job.

    A vote for Trump is a vote for ISIS.

    Dustin (6d7686) — 10/24/2019 @ 11:12 am

    See… this is why Trump voters just does the Hillary shruggie when Trump calls his GOP critics scum. Comments like that is common these days.

    whembly (51f28e)

  242. This is the median between the old and the new definition:

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  243. 171. Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 10/24/2019 @ 8:37 am

    let’s see if the Democrats will do the right thing and make their impeachment efforts transparent and viewable by Americans.

    there are two problems with thsat:

    1) Trump’s conduct is not exactly as described

    2) Too much fairness and it comes out that Biden lied in his speech to the Council on Foreogn Relations on Janauary 23,2018.

    Sammy Finkelman (102c75)

  244. So, what say you now, Republicans? Hillary Clinton was lambasted for insulting Americans, and rightly so. It’s even more worthy of condemnation when the egregious insult comes from President of the United States.

    I am no fan of Trump. But this argument is specious. Hillary Clinton insulted about a quarter of the electorate. Trump insulted a handful of intellectuals/political commentators.

    Bored Lawyer (998177)

  245. See… this is why Trump voters just does the Hillary shruggie when Trump calls his GOP critics scum. Comments like that is common these days.

    So you hold anonymous commenters on an amateur blog to the same standards as the President of the United States?

    Dave (ed144a)

  246. What brought disrepute upon the House of Representatives is the House, when given an opportunity, taking no norice of Schiff’s false retelling of the Trump-Zelensly telephoen call — and also the pretend attempt by the Republicans to crash into the secret hearing of he House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. That’s not how you do things.

    Sammy Finkelman (c31643)

  247. Its an extreme overreaction, as if past haf no impact on current events.

    narciso (d1f714)

  248. See… this is why Trump voters just does the Hillary shruggie when Trump calls his GOP critics scum. Comments like that is common these days.

    whembly (51f28e) — 10/24/2019 @ 1:17 pm

    Vote for Trump = Vote for ISIS

    Plain and simple. The coward promised to eradicated ISIS on the campaign trail, but he was intimidated out of doing his job.

    Whatever rambling you’re saying about Hillary is irrelevant but understandable. You can’t face what the president did directly, so bla bla whargle bhargle.

    Dustin (504bb1)

  249. “ That’s not how you do things.”

    With no rules in effect, anything could happen.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  250. I think Trump was insulting a few members of Congress when he used that word. That’s why he said few were left. Flake is gone, Corker is gone etc.

    Similarly Do-Nothing Democrats refers to members of Congress.

    Now maybe he thinks they are worse for him. He needs to hold on to at least 33 Senators. He doesn’t want any what would be in his mind weak reeds.

    Sammy Finkelman (c31643)

  251. Those “globalist traders” best watch it…because in the eyes of the skilled blue collar tradesman/”hard-hat”, both of these parties are the scum (as was proven in the 1970 Hard Hat Riots):

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  252. #252 — Trumpsters hold just about everyone to higher standards than they apply to the current president. They’ve got “Let Trump be Trump!” as an all-purpose exemption, and now they’ve got a lawyer arguing that Trump can’t be prosecuted for murder.

    Radegunda (68077f)

  253. A vote against Trump is a vote for Democrats and a continuation of Obama’s ME policies, including the alliance with the pederast mullahs of Iran.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  254. This Presidential perp is always playing the victim. He claims he is not being given “due process” while coercing foreign governments to deny that very same thing to the Bidens. What a tool.

    noel (f22371)

  255. They don’t need to play to ignorance.

    Anyway this can;t go far without needing to make apublic case.

    Yes there are ni rules, but it seems like the House speaker doesn’t want precedent cited.

    The defense of Trump is goingto be that his concern about Biden was of legitimate national interest or appeared to be and he wasn’t trying to force Ukraine to “dig up dirt” or help with his campaign – just get the truth.

    By the way, Schiff is also asking Ukraine for help because he wants to find out if Ukraine has a recording of the Trump Zelensky phone call. he said so. He said they waneted to find out of there was a recording by anyone, in the U.S. or Ukraine. How do you find out if Ukraine made one and has one without asking??

    Sammy Finkelman (c31643)

  256. Then he’s the perfect step-in for old man Joe.

    urbanleftbehind (454384)

  257. Vote for Trump = Vote for ISIS

    Incontrovertibly proven, now that Trump’s cowardice freed ISIS from prison.

    “but but democrats!” is the only answer I expect to hear, even though there’s no good reason for the GOP to protect Trump from the consequences of many of his choices. Dump the fool.

    Dustin (504bb1)

  258. Dustin,

    You sound like you’re spewing Russian talking points again.

    NJRob (5b96f0)

  259. With no rules in effect, anything could happen.

    Weak-sauce talking point.

    There are clearly defined rules (many of them written by the pre-Trump Republican majority) in effect, and being followed.

    You and your fellow superfans just don’t like them.

    Dave (ed144a)

  260. there’s muh collusion!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  261. No rules.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  262. A vote for Trump turned out to have been a vote for Trump.
    So far it’s been everything and more than I’d expected.

    steveg (354706)

  263. So far it’s been everything and more than I’d expected.

    Were you expecting to see him hand US military bases over to Russian paramilitaries, or is that part of the “and more”?

    Dave (ed144a)

  264. White House delayed Ukraine trade decision in August, a signal that U.S. suspension of cooperation extended beyond security funds

    The White House’s trade representative in late August withdrew a recommendation to restore some of Ukraine’s trade privileges after John Bolton, then-national security adviser, warned him that President Trump probably would oppose any action that benefited the government in Kyiv, according to people briefed on the matter.
    The August exchange between Bolton and Lighthizer over the trade matter represents the first indication that the administration’s suspension of assistance to Ukraine extended beyond the congressionally authorized military aid and security assistance to other government programs. It is not clear whether Trump directed Bolton to intervene over Ukraine’s trade privileges or was even aware of the discussion.

    Rip Murdock (b9d253)

  265. A vote for Trump turned out to have been a vote for Trump.

    Trump… the guy who freed ISIS.

    Dustin (504bb1)

  266. N.J. seeks to revoke liquor license for one of Trump’s golf clubs, triggered by a case in which a customer caused a fatal car crash
    The state of New Jersey is seeking to revoke the liquor license for one of President Trump’s golf clubs — a rare and potentially damaging punishment, triggered by a 2015 case where the Trump club allegedly overserved alcohol to a man who then caused a fatal wreck.
    The letter gives few details about the alleged misconduct by Trump’s course. The man that the club is accused of over-serving — Andrew G. Halder — caused a wreck that killed his own father and last year pleaded guilty to vehicular homicide.
    If the club’s liquor license is revoked, that would be a blow for the Colts Neck course, located near the Jersey Shore. The club could lose significant revenue from the two restaurants and a bar it operates for members, and find it hard to attract banquets or golf tournaments from outsiders.
    Under New Jersey law, anyone who has one liquor license revoked must also give up all their other liquor licenses for two years. Trump has two other New Jersey golf clubs, including one in Bedminster that he uses as a summer White House. ….

    Rip Murdock (b9d253)

  267. @276 That seems like unnecessary political harassment. You can’t tell me that they revoke the liquor license of most (any) bars where customers are overserved.

    Nic (896fdf)

  268. You sound like you’re spewing Russian talking points again.

    NJRob (5b96f0) — 10/24/2019 @ 2:17 pm

    Ah yes it’s the … same Trump argument we’ve been hearing for years. “I’m rubber and you’re glue.”

    But I didn’t free ISIS. You did by supporting Donald Trump.

    Imagine being so in the tank that you’d still argue collusion didn’t occur. I do agree that Russia is obviously very pleased with the world knowing Trump does what he’s told.

    But twist that into a pretzel all day and it won’t justify, and won’t change, what we know: Trump freed ISIS.

    Dustin (504bb1)

  269. @273 I don’t get the sense that many people care about Manbij. We’re already past the ceasefire, Turkey and Russia worked out a deal, and the news cycle is back to the impeachment that will happen Any Day Now ®. It won’t be long before this becomes an obscure reference.

    Frosty, Fp (f27e97)

  270. 276. Most states reserve the right to revoke the liquor license of an establishment which serves a visibly intoxicated person. NJ probably has a similar law. Given that it resulted in death, it’s not really surprising. It would be very surprising if Trump doesn’t whine on twitter about it and claim to be above the law though.

    JRH (14e837)

  271. the news cycle is back to the impeachment that will happen Any Day Now ®

    Needs to happen ASAP, I agree with Trump fans that it’s just plain taking too long.

    It won’t be long before this becomes an obscure reference.

    It’s going to be in history books, and it will be remembered as one of the most significant errors in American foreign policy. Every time we ask for an alliance, this will come up. Don’t minimize.

    ISISn’t in prison anymore thanks to the guy you voted for.

    Dustin (504bb1)

  272. you know what’s remembered oct 3, 1993, Mogadishu, al queda’s first op against America, all told considering they were fighting 1,000 of somali partisans, it was a noble fight, but the fact that they were stripped of armor and air cover, made it problematic, oct 23, 1983, 36 years ago, no response to the single largest attack against the us, until sept 11th, both served as abject lessons for bin laden, September 11, 2012, the first major attack from reconstituted al queda, against a diplomatic facility, a handful of former spec operators, and a few ex regime elements, held off a sizable force,

    narciso (d1f714)

  273. ‘Powerful woman’ Kellyanne Conway mocks and threatens reporter for mentioning her husband (AUDIO)

    Top White House aide Kellyanne Conway, describing herself as “a powerful woman,” aggressively and disparagingly told a female reporter that it was improper to write about her husband and threatened to investigate the reporter’s personal life.
    This journalist, a breaking news reporter for the Washington Examiner, had written an article on Tuesday about President Trump considering Conway, counselor to the president, as his next chief of staff, based on reporting from Bloomberg News. Tom Joannou, Conway’s assistant, contacted Caitlin Yilek on Tuesday evening to ask for her phone number without specifying why he wanted to talk. Joannou called Yilek on Wednesday morning.

    Joannou requested that the conversation with him be off the record. This reporter agreed, but moments later, Conway took over the call, initiating a new conversation without any agreement that it was off the record. The Washington Examiner is publishing audio and a transcript of the full exchange.

    Conway, 52, was furious that her husband George Conway, 56, who has attracted considerable media coverage by publicly feuding with Trump, was mentioned in the story. She took issue with a line in the story that she had “been in the middle of Trump’s barbs with her husband, George, a conservative lawyer who frequently makes headlines for his criticism of the president.” …..

    Rip Murdock (b9d253)

  274. Ah you would miss the point, they explicitly asked to go back on the record,

    narciso (d1f714)

  275. Hmmm… national polls show impeachment with a net positive, but Cohn/Siena polls show impeachment underwater by 10 pts in battleground states.

    Views on impeachment (PA, MI, FL, NC, WI, AZ)

    Impeachment Inquiry… support at 50% oppose at 45%

    Impeach & Remove… support at 43% oppose at 53%

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  276. A fair representation,

    She said: “So I just am wondering why in God’s earth you would need to mention anything about George Conway’s tweets in an article that talks about me as possibly being chief of staff. Other than it looks to me like there’s no original reporting here, you just read Twitter and other people’s stuff, which I guess is why you don’t pick up the phone when people call from the White House because, if it’s not on Twitter or it’s not on cable TV, it’s not real.”

    narciso (d1f714)

  277. My favorite quote from Conway article:

    “…. I guess is why you don’t pick up the phone when people call from the White House because, if it’s not on Twitter or it’s not on cable TV, it’s not real.”…

    LOL! Since most Trump policy announcements and staff firings are made by tweet, Conway is right: If it hasn’t been tweeted by President Trump, it didn’t happen!

    Rip Murdock (b9d253)

  278. 4. Does Trump’s Turn Against the PKK Make the U.S. an Unreliable Ally?

    “ Sen. Mitt Romney and others say Trump betrayed the Kurds and thus shows that the United States can’t be trusted as an ally. That’s nonsense. There is no sub-state actor in the world that does not envy the PKK for the gifts Washington showered on it and dream they may someday enjoy the same munificence.

    The world long ago accustomed itself to the fact that for all its fine rhetoric the United States, like every other country, pursues its own interests, often subject to the political winds governing the White House. Further, allies and adversaries alike know that no matter what the Americans say about staying the course, one day they will cross one ocean or the other to return home. The game is to get as much as possible from them before they leave.

    In this respect, the PKK succeeded beyond its wildest dreams. President Obama, then Trump, armed and funded its efforts to carve out an autonomous zone in northern Syria, for the purpose of building a statelet on the Turkish border to serve as a platform for the group’s long-running war against Ankara. Trump’s withdrawal should now encourage the PKK to end its war and return to the peace process initiated by Erdogan.”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  279. Conway is just trying to intimidate a green reporter, and messed up the ground rules. Couldn’t happen to a nicer person.

    Is it a big deal? No.

    Appalled (8199cc)

  280. 5. Didn’t Trump’s Withdrawal help Russia, Iran, and Assad?

    “Sen. Marco Rubio and others contend that the withdrawal hinders the United States from contesting Iran and its allies. The Pentagon, however, has shown little interest in such a campaign. The Pentagon perceives its vital interest in the Middle East, Africa, and Central and South Asia to be ongoing counterterrorism operations against Sunni fighters, like ISIS.

    To conduct those operations, the United States needs the permission of the forces at its back, which in Syria and Iraq is Iran. Of course, if DOD turned on the Iranians it would not only forfeit Tehran’s permission to continue shooting at Sunnis, it would also put the United States in the middle of a shooting war with a nation-state. On the latter, Trump and the Pentagon see eye to eye.

    Some policymakers, analysts, and journalists fear the withdrawal pushed our one-time Syrian Kurdish partners into the arms of the Iranian axis. But the PKK has been aligned with anti-U.S. and revolutionary leftist forces since its inception in the mid-1970s. The reasons are ideological and geopolitical.“

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  281. #286 — you are wrong. I don’t see how Trump could deal with the husband of the chief of staff making really personal public remarks about his sanity on an ongoing basis. I actually don’t think any politician would be ok with that.

    So yes, it is worth putting in the story.

    Appalled (8199cc)

  282. Trump to Tell Federal Agencies to Cut New York Times, Washington Post Subscriptions

    The White House is planning to instruct federal agencies to not renew their subscriptions to the New York Times and the Washington Post, administration officials said, escalating President Trump’s attacks on the media outlets.

    “Not renewing subscriptions across all federal agencies will be a significant cost saving—hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars will be saved,” White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said in an email Thursday.

    Ms. Grisham declined to provide further details, and it wasn’t immediately clear how the White House intended to compel agencies to cancel the subscriptions or how soon the order would take effect. The White House was still working on implementing the directive as of Thursday morning, an administration official said. …..

    Mr. Trump is an avid consumer of the news, and he regularly reads the Times and the Post, according to aides who privately acknowledged that they expect him to continue doing so despite the directive. …..

    That’ll teach them!

    Rip Murdock (b9d253)

  283. * Correction to #257

    Trump needs to hold on to at least 34 Senators, not 33.

    If the vote for removal is 67-33 he loses.

    Sammy Finkelman (c31643)

  284. 285. Battleground states are, in general, 6 points I think, more pro Trump than the national average.

    Sammy Finkelman (c31643)

  285. 267. Russian talking points and forgeries claim that Hillary supported or created ISIS. Other talking points is that Russia and the west must be united against ISIS and others. Claims a religious and maybe racial link.

    Sammy Finkelman (c31643)

  286. So why no “him or me” ultimatum from the President to Kellyanne? It would be the ego boost of a lifetime if he could say he forced the divorce of a staff member.

    urbanleftbehind (2641dd)

  287. 252

    See… this is why Trump voters just does the Hillary shruggie when Trump calls his GOP critics scum. Comments like that is common these days.

    So you hold anonymous commenters on an amateur blog to the same standards as the President of the United States?

    Dave (ed144a) — 10/24/2019 @ 1:24 pm


    Oh, hey… its not just anonymous joeblows either…

    Jonah Goldberg once called Trump supporters “masses of beer-muscled goons and sycophants stomping their feet over the object of their man-crushes”.

    Kevin Williamson called Trump supporters “intellectually and morally stunted oompa loompas,” and called Trump’s sons “Uday and Qusay”.

    Those were prominent Republican #NeverTrumpers pundits…and I haven’t even mentioned prominent Democrats and media folks (but I repeat myself) of their choice words.

    I mean…the faux Outrage!™ over Trump’s “language and tone” is by far the most tedious of all the faux Outrage!™ produced by the chattering class.

    Non-political people tune this out, because they recognize that Trump isn’t the only one slinging mud. The see a cafeteria full of mud slingers on all sides.

    whembly (c30c83)

  288. Trump’s withdrawal should now encourage the PKK to end its war and return to the peace process initiated by Erdogan.

    We should encourage the Kurds to give up after persuading them to take down their defenses and leaving them alone on the battlefield?

    First the injury, then the insult. That’s a very Trump-like foreign policy.

    DRJ (15874d)

  289. I am an anonymous JoeBlow who is offended (daily) by Trump, whembly. I appreciate learning what you really think about me.

    I used to read your comments with interest but henceforth I am certain I will find them … tedious.

    DRJ (15874d)

  290. > Non-political people tune this out, because they recognize that Trump isn’t the only one slinging mud. The see a cafeteria full of mud slingers on all sides.

    When I was a kid, it seemed to be a pretty basic idea that the President should not be among the people slinging mud; as the head of state, he had a responsibility to be courteous and kind to *all* citizens.

    I am disappointed that those days have passed.

    aphrael (971fba)

  291. 299

    I am an anonymous JoeBlow who is offended (daily) by Trump, whembly. I appreciate learning what you really think about me.

    I used to read your comments with interest but henceforth I am certain I will find them … tedious.

    DRJ (15874d) — 10/24/2019 @ 5:14 pm

    It’s not that I find people being offended by Trump’s words as tedious… I find it tedious when folks criticize Trump’s “tone and words” while at the same time employing the same “tone and words”.

    I don’t recall you doing that.

    Nor does our host (and co-bloggers) fit that bill either.

    So, I apologize if you felt I put you in that “bucket”.

    whembly (c30c83)

  292. So whembly, I will forgive you if you don’t vote for Jonah Goldberg or Kevin Williamson, since they have made a cutting remark about you. That is totally fair. I’ll also forgive you if you refuse to subscribe to National Review or if you decline to read their columns. I’m A-OK with that.

    But, you know, Donald J. Trump needs the votes of all right-of-center Americans if he is going to win reelection. I’m not sure how his petulant little temper-tantrum is expected to help him in this task. If you Trump fans can’t acknowledge that the man is his own worst enemy, then I don’t think we’re going to find any real common ground.

    JVW (54fd0b)

  293. “ But it is the Syrian conflict that has most tested U.S.-Turkey relations. For Erdogan, it represents another direct threat to the stability of Turkey, now host to more than three million Syrian refugees. For a time, it appeared to Erdogan that the United States agreed with him that Assad was a problem. But Obama had other ideas.

    Obama’s signal foreign policy initiative was realigning U.S. policy with Iran’s interests. That meant downgrading relations with traditional U.S. allies, especially Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey, and privileging Iran. The mechanism designed to clinch realignment was the nuclear deal, which simply incentivized the Iranians to hold off on completing a bomb until Obama left office.

    To get the Iranians to accept his offer of friendship and more than $100 billion in sanctions relief, Obama acknowledged, as he put it, Iranian “equities” in Syria, meaning Assad and Iran’s Lebanese partner, Hezbollah. Rather than jeopardize realignment, Obama protected Assad, which came at the expense of traditional American allies, including Turkey.”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  294. They haven’t passed for everyone, aphrael, and I am so glad you comment here because I find you very interesting.

    DRJ (15874d)

  295. 300

    > Non-political people tune this out, because they recognize that Trump isn’t the only one slinging mud. The see a cafeteria full of mud slingers on all sides.

    When I was a kid, it seemed to be a pretty basic idea that the President should not be among the people slinging mud; as the head of state, he had a responsibility to be courteous and kind to *all* citizens.

    I am disappointed that those days have passed.

    aphrael (971fba) — 10/24/2019 @ 5:20 pm

    I am too.

    But, when your ideological opponent spend years calling you racist, ‘xxx’phobe, nazi, bitter-clingers, teabaggers for simply having the audacity of having a differing opinion… and now there’s a guy in the Whitehouse who dishes back, it’s hard to have a functioning ‘Give a Crap-o-Meter’.

    It’s been said before… but Trump is a symptom of the problem that is our political discourse.

    He’s not the source.

    Until we get back to political debates where differing opinions are respected… expect the poo-flingings to continue and that the non-political Americans continues to:

    whembly (c30c83)

  296. ”I am disappointed that those days have passed.”
    aphrael (971fba) — 10/24/2019 @ 5:20 pm

    Oh well.

    When I was a kid, people accepted election results.

    I am disappointed that those days have passed.

    Munroe (53beca)

  297. Maybe President Trump really is calculating in this and believes that he can bash his critics on the right now but then mend fences with them in time for next fall’s election, or maybe he assumes that the Democrats will nominate someone so wretched that we’ll have no choice but to hold our nose and pull the lever for him, but as I have said before, this high-wire act strikes me as needlessly risky.

    JVW (54fd0b)

  298. Like Obama, Trump has said he is always open to peace with Iran.

    Iran has said it does not want peace with the US unless the US starts to withdraw its troops from the Gulf.

    And now Trump is doing just that. So tell us Trump is so much different than Obama.

    DRJ (15874d)

  299. “ The KRG’s Peshmerga militia has fought alongside U.S. troops in Iraq. But the present uproar is about an entirely different Kurdish political institution, which the Obama administration tapped in 2014 to fight ISIS—that’s the Democratic Union Party (PYD) with its military wing, the People’s Protection Units (YPG). This is the Syrian franchise of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), a Marxist outfit that has been at war with Turkey since 1984. The PKK is responsible for tens of thousands of deaths and is listed by the U.S. State Department, European Union, and Turkey as a terrorist organization.

    After Obama administration officials counseled YPG leadership to camouflage the group’s roots in the PKK, they rebranded themselves as the Syrian Democratic Forces. The promise of U.S. arms and funds brought Arabs under the SDF banner, but the organization’s command structure is dominated by the PKK.”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  300. This investigation began in fraud, initiated by brennan and comey, and it fontinues three years laterm

    narciso (d1f714)

  301. aphrael and I have not questioned the election results, Munroe. Perhaps you could save your sarcasm for someone else.

    DRJ (15874d)

  302. Haiku, do you plan to reprint the entire article in the comments?

    DRJ (15874d)

  303. Would you prefer we read the Federalist and Instapundit and give up on Patterico?

    DRJ (15874d)

  304. Meh. The list of 22 NeverTrumpers conservative essayists in that Nationl Review from February 15, 2016 the primry days says it all.

    Human scum, Donald?! Takes scum to know scum; he’s been a wholly disruptive and despicably entertaining scum ball his whole life.

    ‘The bad boy’ everybody either loves or loves to hate. A wickedly delicious villain- a total JR Ewing.

    Love it.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  305. I dont hold the pkks routes againsr them, they arose against a us ally in turkey in 1978, in a rough neighborhood.

    narciso (d1f714)

  306. 302

    So whembly, I will forgive you if you don’t vote for Jonah Goldberg or Kevin Williamson, since they have made a cutting remark about you. That is totally fair. I’ll also forgive you if you refuse to subscribe to National Review or if you decline to read their columns. I’m A-OK with that.

    But, you know, Donald J. Trump needs the votes of all right-of-center Americans if he is going to win reelection. I’m not sure how his petulant little temper-tantrum is expected to help him in this task. If you Trump fans can’t acknowledge that the man is his own worst enemy, then I don’t think we’re going to find any real common ground.

    JVW (54fd0b) — 10/24/2019 @ 5:29 pm

    I 100% agree with you.

    Trump is literally his own worst enemy.

    I agree that he *is* making it harder on him to win re-election by purposely making it clear to NeverTrump that they’re unwelcome under his tent. It’s flat out dumb… he should be doing whatever he can to bring NeverTrumpers to his side.

    Relying on Democrats to pick a bad candidate to have a “It’s ME or the LEFT” election is a horrible strategy.

    Trump is Trump. That’s not an excuse… simply a rational recognition of what that man is.

    I was one of those who prayed that the gravity of the Oval Office would steer Trump to be more “statesman-like”. That prayer failed miserably.

    However, I can also look at the other side of the ledger of what Democrats want for our country… all I can say is this: Bring on the current cafeteria poo fight with Trump at the helm… I’d rather put up with that, than to see what these current batch of Democrats do to our country when they’re in power.

    Again, I’ll reiterate when I responded to DRJ in a different way. I’m not saying you can’t criticize Trump (or anyone for that matter) tone/demeanor/language. I’m simply calling out those who do so using the same tone/demanor/language (which I haven’t seen you, DRJ, Dana nor our esteemed host do).

    whembly (c30c83)

  307. No, DRJ, I don’t plan on doing that. But I do note the inconsistency in what and who offends you.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  308. When I was a kid, people accepted election results.

    You’re one of the most stalwart Trump fans here, and you’re criticizing the concept of challenging election results? Trump was birther #1 for years, and he infamously challenged the election integrity of the 2016 contest before it the votes were counted (because he assumed he was going to lose). How is it that you guys can angrily condemn something the man you’re defending does the worst?

    Also, who here is saying Trump is not the legitimate president? You’re criticizing people for something they didn’t do, but your guy actually did do. It’s like a particularly dumb version of projection.

    Haiku, do you plan to reprint the entire article in the comments?

    DRJ (15874d) — 10/24/2019 @ 5:40 pm

    He’s just disrupting a conversation.

    Dustin (504bb1)

  309. 307

    Maybe President Trump really is calculating in this and believes that he can bash his critics on the right now but then mend fences with them in time for next fall’s election, or maybe he assumes that the Democrats will nominate someone so wretched that we’ll have no choice but to hold our nose and pull the lever for him, but as I have said before, this high-wire act strikes me as needlessly risky.

    JVW (54fd0b) — 10/24/2019 @ 5:32 pm


    It’s needlessly dumb and his campaign advisers are derelict in their duties here…

    whembly (c30c83)

  310. Good info that seemed to clarify a few things is all that was.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  311. The mek when they were the peoples mujahafldeen did attack american targets if memory serves

    narciso (d1f714)

  312. But they are a good source on the iranian regimes capabilities and intentions

    narciso (d1f714)

  313. Trump is literally his own worst enemy.

    I agree that he *is* making it harder on him to win re-election by purposely making it clear to NeverTrump that they’re unwelcome under his tent. It’s flat out dumb… he should be doing whatever he can to bring NeverTrumpers to his side.

    Well said, and a smart observation. This is the real reason President stay above the fray. It’s not because they are overwhelmed with sacred honor. It’s because they want to win some votes and political capital. Trump should recognize a lot of ‘nevertrumpers,’ a concept that doesn’t make any sense are actually people who want certain political results. Trump could negotiate with us, the way he did for Erdogan and Putin.

    We want a balanced budget, Obamacare repealed, immigration to be lawful and fair, civil rights, and maybe even the government to stop being a dramatic looming presence in so many of our everyday affairs. This is a normal ‘nevertrumper’ position. Instead of explaining we have a lot in common, Trump quits. Much like Nixon, he’s a lot more lefty in results than rhetoric, because that’s where his heart is. And of course, the real issue is that he can’t stick to a political strategy, due to lack of fortitude.

    Dustin (504bb1)

  314. Well, narciso, I’ve read these are our steadfast allies and I’ve read they are Marxist ideologues. So… who knows?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  315. You cant be too choosy in that patt of the world, sadly.

    narciso (d1f714)

  316. But they are a good source on the iranian regimes capabilities and intentions

    narciso (d1f714) — 10/24/2019 @ 5:53 pm

    They scream Death to America every day. That is also a good source on their intentions.

    Maybe that drone we landed in their country gave us really clear pictures from close up? Can’t believe Obama didn’t do blow that thing up, and can’t believe Trump shut down his response when they took out the other drone more recently.

    Dustin (504bb1)

  317. “ Also, who here is saying Trump is not the legitimate president? You’re criticizing people for something they didn’t do, but your guy actually did do.”

    I seem to recall approximately a dozen occasions where a certain individual touted Hillary Clinton’s popular vote victory which proved beyond all doubt that the majority of Americans did not elect Trump.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  318. So… who knows?

    This muddy the waters for Trump thing is pathetic.

    We do get along great with the Kurds. We’re trying to help them a lot,” the President says in a 2018 news clip from a press briefing.

    They fought with us. They fought with us. They died with us. They died. We lost tens of thousands of Kurds died fighting ISIS.

    We don’t forget. I don’t forget

    He didn’t just fail. He tricked them with the safe zone, broke his word when their defenses were demolished, and now our former friends have to be trashed to make that deception OK.

    And eventually we will be back, hoping we can get allies, so not so many of our guys have to die. As you said, Trump effed up. I am sure the Kurds have plenty of bad guys, but they were a strategic advantage we gave up for no (American benefiting) reason.

    Dustin (504bb1)

  319. I seem to recall approximately a dozen occasions where a certain individual touted Hillary Clinton’s popular vote victory which proved beyond all doubt that the majority of Americans did not elect Trump.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 10/24/2019 @ 6:00 pm

    Indeed. Trump is not popular, and has never had the support of the majority of voters even against Hillary, a terrible candidate. But that’s not to say he didn’t win the EC and therefore the election. I believe you are fully aware you have mischaracterized my point of view. I’m asking you to admit your mistake (fully aware you can’t).

    Dustin (504bb1)

  320. Let’s see… calling someone a moron, a misogynist, an asshole, a Russian agent, a Russian asset, a racist, a traitor, a rapist, stupid, a Nazi, a white supremacist, incompetent, dishonest, a criminal isn’t disturbing, but somehow “human scum” is out of bounds and beyond the pale?

    Pull the other one…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  321. #296

    The Conways ….married at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Philadelphia in 2001…..

    I assume that as Catholics believe in the sanctity of marriage and regard divorce as a mortal sin, unlike the President.

    Rip Murdock (b9d253)

  322. Yes thats about the size of it, coronello.

    narciso (d1f714)

  323. Let’s see… calling someone a moron, a misogynist, an asshole, a Russian agent, a Russian asset, a racist, a traitor, a rapist, stupid, a Nazi, a white supremacist, incompetent, dishonest, a criminal isn’t disturbing, but somehow “human scum” is out of bounds and beyond the pale?

    Pull the other one…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 10/24/2019 @ 6:17 pm

    Let’s just stick with dishonest, but it’s touching that you’re sitting around bitter about being called out a lot. My apologies for hurting your feelings, but I’m still waiting for you to correct your mischaracterization that my point that Trump is unpopular supposedly meant I think he was not the lawful president.

    My head hurts real bad from holding my breath this long, man.

    Dustin (504bb1)

  324. @333

    My head hurts real bad from holding my breath this long

    I’ve heard that if you hold it long enough the impeachment fairy will grant you a wish.

    Frosty, Fp (f27e97)

  325. Let’s see… calling someone a moron, a misogynist, an asshole, a Russian agent, a Russian asset, a racist, a traitor, a rapist, stupid, a Nazi, a white supremacist, incompetent, dishonest, a criminal isn’t disturbing, but somehow “human scum” is out of bounds and beyond the pale?

    The latter just reiterates the validity of the former. He’s shown himself to be a moron, a misogynist, an asshole…on a daily, or hourly basis.

    Colonel Klink (Ret) (6e7a1c)

  326. I’ve heard that if you hold it long enough the impeachment fairy will grant you a wish.

    Nah, he only grants them to Trump:

    nk (dbc370)

  327. It wasn’t like I thought I was gonna get Mitt Romney.

    Under Trump, about 500 Russian paramilitary met a quick and decisive demise.
    If you or they want to hang your hat on an empty outpost go ahead.
    The Russians are invited guests in a sovereign nation. We were going to leave that outpost and the russians were going to sift through it, regardless.
    Check your twitter feed, I think a newly non binary Hillary (yea Huma) just called you out as a russian bot

    steveg (354706)

  328. Yes prigozhins tin soldiers had quite a pasting in eastern syria. The contraktiki are ex cons killers anyone who can fit a uniform

    narciso (d1f714)

  329. Any fair reading of the President’s call transcript…. alone…. will demonstrate a corrupt quid quo pro. And, evidently, both Ambassadors to Ukraine support that interpretation.

    Add to that, Mulvaney saying “we do that all the time”, and you’ve got a little problem defending Trump on this.

    noel (f22371)

  330. Isnt that mostly the way this site had treated him, which says its not never trump, but entertains notions that would encourage murder of civilians

    Enjoy some time off, narciso.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  331. You are so far out of touch that you’ve slipped your tether:

    Enjoy some time off, Colonel.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  332. Yes, yes, that’s a great and brave legal line, I strongly recommend quoting it to groups of armed men loyal to Trump during the coming civil war, in which I’m sure you’ll serve on the front fighting lines and not scootch off to some other country as soon as the fighting starts!

    In any case, I feel like I’m being forced into a position of “Might makes Right”. I would like to win by argument, but that’s not possible when people can ignore what you’re saying, end the conversation and walk away, and most especially when they share beliefs or fortunes with this unelected, corrupt, criminal, and traitorous Democrat civil service regime to begin with.

    Steppe Nomad, I’m squishing your latest puppet.

    Who else?

    Patterico (115b1f)

  333. I believe we can discuss topics responsibly here, but it is hard because politics is so polarizing and the rhetoric by many political leaders is not helpful. It trickles down, even here.

    I think it would help to have more posts/content so we don’t rehash the same things over and over. Maybe not or maybe this is a bad time to say this. I am not trying to irritate or get myself moderated, but I think it could help.

    DRJ (15874d)

  334. More posts are always welcome. But I’m not going to fault the bloggers if they don’t see something to write about every day. Especially when the news does really change the overall narrative.

    Time123 (f5cf77)

  335. 300. aphrael (971fba) — 10/24/2019 @ 5:20 pm

    When I was a kid, it seemed to be a pretty basic idea that the President should not be among the people slinging mud; as the head of state, he had a responsibility to be courteous and kind to *all* citizens.

    I am disappointed that those days have passed.

    It asn’t passed – it depends on te president. But I don’t think we had anybody like this – not even Harry S Truman. Who most;y made politicall attacks and when campaigning.

    Although there was this: (One letter he wrote and didn’t NOT send the way he didn’t send others.)

    President Trump, at his political rallies, has claimed that he could be “presidential” but t=it wold be boring to listen to him and nobody would come, and then he takes an extremely stiff posture and mouths a few words about being there or about an endorsement to show what he means.

    But there’s mre than one way of being “presidential.”

    Abraham Lincoln was attacked a lot, and he didn’t respond in kind. When he responded – he said if he tried answering all letters he’d be able to do nothing else all day.

    It’s possible to argue without any of this.

    Of course, Trump may have difficulty putting coherent thoughts together. But he doesn’t have to do it all on his own.

    Sammy Finkelman (b4516d)

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