Patterico's Pontifications


Breaking News & Off-Topic Links (8/8/2019)

Filed under: General — DRJ @ 12:05 am

[By DRJ]

This post is for everyone who wants to share a link to a breaking news story or to an interesting news story/blog post that is not related to a current post. Put your link in the comments.

Discussion about any links is welcome here, too.


74 Responses to “Breaking News & Off-Topic Links (8/8/2019)”

  1. The shame of having your house address be the number 88.

    mg (8cbc69)

  2. Guess what? Kavanaugh may be a Supreme Court justice, but the politicians in the House aren’t done with him yet:

    (Via my hometown newspaper, because Hank Johnson, one of the signatories, is a local Congresscritter.)

    Appalled (d07ae6)

  3. Thanks for that link, Appalled. I read that the Archivist has asked Presidents Bush and Trump to review the documents (presumably to decide if they assert executive privilege as to any documents), so there may be further delays. They are looking for something, aren’t they?

    DRJ (15874d)

  4. I found this link interesting.

    I seriously doubt Texas will turn blue, but it did have a long history of voting Democratic up until the 1980s, the Reagan revolution. It was solid blue for decades prior to that. However, Texans are a strange lot. Most are very conservative–a Texas Democrat is more conservative than a Republican in most other states. They tend to vote Democrat in city and county elections, but vote Republican in state and federal elections. It’s an odd mix. The governorship and legislature will almost certainly remain Republican, but elections to Congress and the Presidency are in serious play.

    Call it the Trump effect. He’s becoming increasingly unpopular across the state. Especially now since his return visit to El Paso, where instead of comforting victim’s families he tried to make himself a victim. That’s just bad politics, but what else would one expect from a maladroit.

    Four members of Congress from Texas have announced they won’t seek re-election, because they see the writing on the wall. The 23rd district, which Hurd resigned from will probably elect a Democrat; he barely won the last election by half a percentage point. So he’s taking the short way home. Cornyn is in for serious fight. If “Beto” could almost beat Cruz, then Cornyn has a real problem.

    Just to give you an idea, my mother–who is so far right and has never voted for a Democrat in her life, die-hard Republican this woman–did not vote for Cornyn the last time around. I didn’t either, which is one of the rare confluences between us that we laugh about.

    So, yeah, Texas is definitely in play, or at least highly competitive. The more the GOP marries itself to Trump, the more it loses. I’m just calling it as I see it.

    Gawain's Ghost (b25cd1)

  5. This just in… the Margherita Pizza at the Peekaboo Restaurant in Kanab, Utah is outstanding! đź‘Ťđź‘Ť

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  6. I see it the same way out here in West Texas, GG. I worried about Texas in 2016, too, and Trump did poorly for a Republican. I worry more now.

    DRJ (15874d)

  7. The fact that people in Hollywood thought that this was acceptable arts and entertainment fodder says a lot about their moral character…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  8. 5… sounds like Texas has some real problems.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  9. Always a bonus finding good pizza on the road.

    mg (8cbc69)

  10. Some Texans must not understand what will happen to the oil industry if Trump is not in office.

    mg (8cbc69)

  11. SRJ @4

    They are looking for something, aren’t they?

    They are really looking for a precedent. Well, as a practical matter, they are looking for excuses to demand that Justice Kavanaugh recuse himself from as many cases as possible. Theer ares o many plaintifffs or lawyers they maybe can connect him to.

    Sammy Finkelman (d542b2)

  12. Trump has cut regulations and that has helped the oil and gas industry, mg, but he is also a wild card that has brought instability to the industry.

    DRJ (15874d)

  13. No sammeh they just want to destroy him like thsy tried to do to clarence Thomas for 28 years.

    Narciso (72d34b)

  14. Enact regulations and pursue the policies that the Democrats are preaching and the industry will be nostalgic for “instability”.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  15. LNG has come a long way and we are now exporting over seas and have become a player in that market, a democrat victory will stop LNG production and loss of many jobs.

    mg (8cbc69)

  16. Trump is a shoot off his mouth and just do something President. Maybe that works for you. I prefer someone who thinks first. Especially a so-called Republican.

    By the way, are you excited about all the gun regulations Trump has been talking about?

    DRJ (15874d)

  17. Trump has taken all the credit for LNG.

    DRJ (15874d)

  18. There can’t be any fish to find in that fishing expedition, except possible conflicts of interest.

    Of course maybe since then someone Brett Kavanaugh thought was OK has gotten disgraced.

    Sammy Finkelman (d542b2)

  19. If the dem were in charge they’d shut down fracking, meanwhile judge Jackson who protects Greg craig but treats stone and Manafort like Zeks will do the same for strzok.

    Narciso (72d34b)

  20. They dont care sammeh, just like they took money from Epstein and Sanford and Madoff and Weinstein,

    Narciso (72d34b)

  21. They don’t care except that they’d like to be able to say they were right in opposing Kavanaugh..

    “Aha! If only we’d found out soon enough, Kavanaugh wouldn’t have been confirmed.”

    And they’d like to get at least one Senator, and maybe then more, to say that if they’d known, they woudn’t have voted to confirm Kavanaugh.

    It’s a long shot, but maybe worth doing for them. As with all bets, you’ve got to be in it to win it, as the New York State lottew=ry advertises.

    Sammy Finkelman (d542b2)

  22. Sammeh even after judges have been impeached they run them for another office, that’s south Florida,

    Narciso (72d34b)

  23. I don’t care for his gun regulations or his fiscal irresponsibility. Fracking during obamas term kept this nation afloat. LNG is a big plus for America, I don’t care who takes credit.

    mg (8cbc69)

  24. He put every obstacle in the way of fracking and LNG export, this crew coming up is worse.

    Narciso (72d34b)

  25. Agree this farm team coming up is dangerous. More so than Trump.

    mg (8cbc69)

  26. 25… same page… that the Obama administration didn’t effectively hamper fracking or LNG was a bright spot in an otherwise dark time.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  27. Well, Texas is an anomaly. You’d have to travel it to understand, but it’s really like five states combined into one–north-east, north-west, central, south-east, and south-west–each with its own distinctive character.

    Personally, I think it was a mistake for Texas to agree to Annexation in 1845; we should have stayed an Independent Republic. Lots of Texans feel that way, which is why the secede movement is so strong. You see a lot of cars with bumper stickers that proclaim “Secede.” I find that amusing, because Texas does not have to secede. Texas is the only state or territory that did not have to apply to Congress for statehood. That’s why it’s known as the Lone Star. And when Texas agreed to Annexation, it was with the condition that Texas could reform the Independent Republic at any time. It’s written in the Annexation treaty, which Congress agreed to. So we can leave the Union at any time; every other state has to secede, but not Texas. We can reform the Independent Republic at any time we choose. Just like that, we’re out of the Union.

    Texas then would be five states, each of which could petition the Congress for statehood, admission to the Union, but the Independent Republic would remain.

    That’s one-third of the US economy. The US cannot afford to lose Texas, but we are perfectly free to leave at any time we want. We are, and always have been, an Independent Republic; Texas can leave the Union any time it chooses, and we will not be subject to anyone, certainly no a wanna-be real estate “developer” from New York.

    Trump is a New York fraud. And we don’t deal with frauds. Not in Texas.

    Gawain's Ghost (b25cd1)

  28. The New York times has a story today on the bottom half of page A15 that reveals that the El Paso killer just flat lied about an significant point in his manifesto, but they bury the lead, or don’t realize it and even immediately makes an excuse as to why it is not a flat out lie.

    The killer wrote:

    Actually the Hispanic community was not my target before I read The Great Replacement.

    That is a BIG LIE

    He’s been caught out:

    Mr. Camus questioned whether either gunman could have read his book because it has not been translated into English, he said.

    Unless, of course he speaks French, and obtained a copy of that book. But I’ve seen nothing to indicate that.

    The excuse the New York Times gives for not regarding his claim to have been read and been inspired by the book as a lie is:

    The themes however have been repeated on far-right websites and by right-wing pundits.

    That would be okay for the New Zealand killer, who merely used the title, but this killer claims to have read the book!

    And he didn’t.

    The killer was hiding why he picked his target. Because it wasn’t his idea. And in fact what he says probably makes no sense, and he gives no indication as to how it changed his mind about the target. (I can’t figure out how the book is supposed to have switched his target ulss earlier it was polluters. If it was something like the Norweigian killer, how woould tis book have caused him to switch targets?)

    At another point in his manifesto, he gives a different reason (not the book) for why he changed his target to Hispanics:

    Even if other non-immigrant targets would have a greater impact, I can’t bring myself to kill my fellow Americans.

    That’s a totally different reason.

    It’s a lie and what we have here is a wide ranging conspiracy that tries to get people to regard all the killers, who often say the same things, as lone wolves.

    Another thing I think is a deliberate lie to hide the origins of the attack:

    I didn’t spend much time at all preparing for this attack. Maybe a month, probably less.

    That’s to get investigators not to look at that period in is life, when he wass in greater contact with other people. Where’d he get his money and so on? If he used some illegal means, how did he learn it?

    He’s probably used a more secret means of communications after about a month ago.

    The killer makes an excuse as to why he supposedly spent so little time contemplating his crime:

    I have do this before I lose my nerve.

    Sure, sure. he’s been unemployed for five months and food stamps. Probably effectively dropped out of college about March, also.

    And then the killer adds, for good measure:

    I figured that an under-prepared attack and a meh manifesto is better than no attack and no manifesto

    An obvious lie. The manifesto is so disjointed (or meh) because he is no good at English composition.

    This handlers didn’t write it themselves because they know probable authorship can be detected by software, snd e or they have lots of stuff that’s been posted on the Internet, so it all had to be his own words, except they told him what to put in and what not to put in, (like any reference to anybody else) and reviewed it also probably a few times It was OK for him to plagiarize a little so long as it came from somebody unconnected.

    And another thing:

    One of the things the organizers do is convince their dupes that there are a lot of other people like them.

    Sammy Finkelman (102c75)

  29. Wanda Vazquez was sworn in as governor of Puerto Rico yesterday.

    Sammy Finkelman (102c75)

  30. Actually, Sammy, I think a shortened version of the book is in English and even sold on Amazon since 2018.

    DRJ (15874d)

  31. It’s a second book, with a different title, but maybe could be mistaken or misremembered as the first.

    Sammy Finkelman (102c75)

  32. @8. Another remake?!?!

    “Here on my island, I hunt the most dangerous game.” – Zaroff [Leslie Banks] ‘The Most Dangerous Game,’ 1932.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  33. it’s a joke sammeh, Vazquez is crooked as the day is long, protests are ongoing,

    meanwhile Andrew McCabe files for unlawful dismissal from the bureau,

    narciso (d1f714)

  34. the film is from Jason blum, behind the purge and get out, and perfect world pictures, behind get out and similar fair, along with damon lindelof who already is making watchmen unwatchable,

    narciso (d1f714)

  35. Sammy, this is from the book’s description at Amazon:

    Written directly in english, You Will Not Replace Us ! is an attempt at summing up in a short book, for the english-speaking and international public, such works as Le Grand Remplacement (The Great Replacement), Le Petit Remplacement (The Little Replacement), Du sens (On Meaning), La Seconde Carrière..


    DRJ (15874d)

  36. Things may have changed after Texas re-entered the Union after the Civil War, GG, and I’m not sure thst is legally correct but I agree we Texans think Texas is different. I don’t think Texans care for Trump, either. Maybe we are going blue but I think we are anti-Trump. I hope that doesn’t end up making us blue.

    Also, I think Cruz had a close race because of backlash from Texas Republicans unhappy at how he caved to Trump. He made us all look weak.

    Finally, I think El Paso really doesn’t like Trump, and probably San Antonio and the Valley, too.

    DRJ (15874d)

  37. Any area that’s lame enough to go for Beta O’Rourke won’t be Trump fans

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  38. Breaking- Sue Gordon, #2 at DNI under Dan Coats, has resigned, effective Aug. 15. Joseph Maguire named as ‘Acting’ Director.

    And so it goes…

    He changes staff like wives and underwear.

    Still believe he’ll dump Pence for Haley. He’s too bland; brings nothing– dead weight for 2020. Haley brings color, gender, ‘youth’ and placates festering issues. And she’d be well position for 2024.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  39. I don’t see it, he’s assigned pence’s oldest son, as the liason for latino issues in south florida, trade a swing state for already sure red state, haley is the closest to patel in the uk, or ayalet shaked in Israel, both prickly personalities, the former I wasn’t terribly fond of, as she did teresas bidding but bygones be bygones,

    narciso (d1f714)

  40. 42. She resigned because, if she didn’t, by law she would become acting director, and she didn’t want to make any trouble. Trump doesn’t want her as acting director – she was stopped from giving hima briefing *but not kikedout of that meeting)

    With this, Trump can appoint anyone confirmed by the Senate (or whatever other possibilities there are) to be deputy director.

    The Vacancies Act applies to the position of deputy director, but not to the Director of Natinal Intelligence.

    Sammy Finkelman (d542b2)

  41. How many 21st century voters today remember the George Wallace of 1968???? Not the born-again Christian who repented and asked for forgiveness but the one from ’68???

    Who, you say???

    No sweat, JoeyBee does– in his speeches!!

    So, so, sad.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  42. @43. We’ll see- he assigned a lot of stuff to Christie then pulled the trap door… loyalty is a one way street with him… but Haley would put out a lot of fires for him.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  43. DRJ @39. That means it is not an abridgment of one book, but a kind of amalgam of all his books, with some new material.

    Could anyone be confused on their own? It’s not clearly no. It’s barely possible, more so if that book was called or referred to by the other name. But enough to remove this as proof that he lied.

    The titles are not really similar enough for an ordinary literate person to think he had read the famous book.

    Sammy Finkelman (d542b2)

  44. I know George Wallace’s history, and this probably gets mentioned in anythin that discusses a lot of presidential elections or the Civil Rights movement.

    Sammy Finkelman (d542b2)

  45. Sue Gordon to leave DNI because, well, look at that face. And she probably didn’t put enough pictures in her briefing documents. Also, Joseph Maguire looks much more the part. Great hair, firm jaw, good steely-eye stare. All the things you want in a DNI.
    The writing was on the wall when Ms. Gordon was passed over for the top slot in favor of an unqualified political hack because he passed Trump’s loyalty test. We’re in the best of hands, with our government run by the “very best people”.

    Paul Montagu (35419a)

  46. Oops, didn’t see that DCSCA beat me to it.

    Paul Montagu (35419a)

  47. DRJ, I’ve been all over Texas. Born in San Antonio, grew up in the Rio Grande Valley, went to college in Austin and graduate school in San Marcos, spent some time in Galveston and Houston, Corpus Christi, been to Dallas more than once, been to Laredo and El Paso a few times, even Lubbock once. I’ve been all over the state. It is not like any other, and I’ve spent some time in several other states as well.

    That was why I went into education to begin with. I wanted the summer vacations for travel purposes. One thing I can tell you for certain is that no matter where you go, if you’re from Texas, you’re a legend.

    It’s true. People from other states will tell you what cities or neighborhoods they come from. A Texan will tell you, “I’m from Texas.” It’s an identity that transcends.

    Do you know who it was that killed Dracula? The prince of evil, the prince of darkness, the evil blood-sucking vampire. In the original book, it wasn’t holy water or the sacred cross. It was a Texan with a Bowie Knife.

    So Trump, and every other so-called Republican, ought to be running scared.

    Gawain's Ghost (b25cd1)

  48. I find that amusing, because Texas does not have to secede. Texas is the only state or territory that did not have to apply to Congress for statehood. That’s why it’s known as the Lone Star.

    It’s known as the Lone Star because of its flag, which was the flag of the Republic of Texas from 1839, and predates statehood.

    The Texas flag code says that the lone star “represents ALL of Texas and stands for our unity as one for God, State, and Country.”

    And when Texas agreed to Annexation, it was with the condition that Texas could reform the Independent Republic at any time. It’s written in the Annexation treaty, which Congress agreed to.

    There was no “Annexation treaty”. In March 1845, Congress passed a joint resolution by slim majorities in each house, giving the President authority to offer admission under certain conditions. After the government of Texas accepted the offer, Congress passed another joint resolution in December 1845, noting that the conditions in the first joint resolution had been satisfied, and admitting Texas “into the Union on an equal footing with the original States in all respects whatever.” A treaty, as you know, would not have involved the House, and would have required a 2/3 supermajority in the Senate.

    So we can leave the Union at any time; every other state has to secede, but not Texas. We can reform the Independent Republic at any time we choose. Just like that, we’re out of the Union.

    Texas then would be five states, each of which could petition the Congress for statehood, admission to the Union, but the Independent Republic would remain.

    The first joint resolution provided that “New States, of convenient size, not exceeding four in number, in addition to said State of Texas, and having sufficient population, may hereafter, by consent of said State, be formed out of the territory thereof”. There is no provision for “reforming the independent republic” or seceding.

    Dave (1bb933)

  49. Now we’re goin’ to London, Liverpool, Italy, Paris, Egypt, Dublin, Frisco, Waco,
    Athens, Gouldbusk, Troy, and Miami, Moody, Beaumont, Edinburgh, Lubbock
    Pecos, Deadwood, Fife, del Rio, Houston, Austin, all around Dallas
    Texas is a world all of its own.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  50. 49… with James Brennan’s seal of approval, Trump was wise to say, “oh Hell NO!”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  51. Sue Gordon to leave DNI because, well, look at that face.

    I’d mistake her for Elizabeth Warren.

    nk (dbc370)

  52. Sorry jww our favorite wont make ths cut

    Narciso (72d34b)

  53. More like an amalgam of Warren, Hippocamus Blasey Ford and Barbeque Becky from Oakland.

    urbanleftbehind (15a3e9)

  54. Doug Sahm lives!!!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  55. Too bad about TG…I believe DCSCA about the Haley gambit to a point, I think its a tactical feint for the Dems to respond to by slotting Gabbard for VP, which will alienate those waiting for Harris, Booker or dark horse Jeh Johnson, with Trump still replacing Pence…but with Carson.

    urbanleftbehind (15a3e9)

  56. And wha hoppen when Pence run as Third Party? Which I wish he would so I could have someone to vote for.

    nk (dbc370)

  57. Investigators weren’t after Ohr, they were after someone else… Trump. Looking at the 302s, there were 3 bursts of activity: one right after election, one right after inauguration and one right after special counsel Mueller was named in May 2017.

    Two revelations: Nellie Ohr created a dossier… dirt to be used against Manafort… to take him out as campaign chair and give him to the FBI. Were Manafort lawyers given that in discovery? It seems to be clear now that state dept was a major participant in building this story, facilitating contacts between various players, e.g., Steele, John Winer, Victoria Nuland, Kathleen Kavalec.. state dept was a major conspirator, acted as an extra-legal arm of DOJ, obviously not their job… still tip of iceberg but may be the start of other shoe dropping, as more stuff is revealed.

    Perhaps there never was a good faith basis to suggest Russian Collusion.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  58. One of the tragedies of Trump (though it makes DCSCA happy) is the intellectual deplatforming of so much of the right that it has justified. One of the areas where the Left needs to be steered off its course of unconstitutional madness is its abandonment of due process the minute the word “sex” comes up.

    Here is a long one outlining the mess, and a lone Liberal’s attempt to correct some of it:

    Now, if she had allies on the Right that weren’t also invested in denial of Trump’s serial repulsiveness, things might go better on the argument. Sigh.

    If wishes were horses, I would need the Augean Stables and Hercules as a stable boy.

    Appalled (c9622b)

  59. Perhaps there never was a good faith basis to suggest Russian Collusion.

    Sigh. There you go again…

    Russian Intelligence cut-out to Donald Trump, Jr:

    The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.

    This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump – helped along by Aras and Emin.

    Donald Trump, Jr. to Russian Intelligence cut-out:

    Thanks Rob I appreciate that. I am on the road at the moment but perhaps I just speak to Emin first. Seems we have some time and if it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer. Could we do a call first thing next week when I am back?

    Dave (1bb933)

  60. 55 – Ray Nitschke

    mg (8cbc69)

  61. Yes Hillary accepted and used info from russiam sources that were included in a dubious intelligence document and even more sketchy Fisa warrants nothing was done with the info from a law enforcement agency

    Narciso (cd4ece)

  62. The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.

    Except that they didn’t. I have thought it was possible that the original intent was to give DJT Jr something but swear him to secrecy – and too many peole were going to be there and they changed plans. (the common assumption is that ths was just to secure a meeting and talk abot Russian adoptions and gently move him toward repelaing the Magnisky Act)

    The claim that they would “incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia” makes almost no sense. Who’s going to do this? An enemy of Putin? Or were they going to try Hilary was working with enemies of Putin?

    Sammy Finkelman (d542b2)

  63. Dropped to a 2.1 effectiveness rating now…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  64. P“The DOJ and FBI have been the main institutions bashed by their apparent bias and incompetence in this story. Given the glaring errors in the document, it’s quite possible that a) the DOJ was falling for a Russian misinformation campaign; b) the FBI had no intention to verify anything. Also, the State Department appears to have known the document was biased political propaganda. Steele admitted it to State Department officials in October of 2016. Even the British intelligence community was heavily skeptical of the document, which speaks to the integrity of the Russian probe then-quarterbacked by ex-Special Counsel Robert Mueller. The whole Trump-Russia collusion myth is grounded in this piece of biased political trash.

    A lot of dirty laundry is going to be aired out next month. I’ll bet a heavy wager on that—and these people committed these offenses because they were that sure Hillary Clinton would win. They could then sweep this under the rug, some grade-A deep state antics. Election meddling was happening alright, folks—but it was coming from within the halls of the DOJ.”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  65. Very good link, narciso, and not just because I agree with the court decision it discusses. The blog post is well-written and helpful. Thank you.

    DRJ (15874d)

  66. Gob-smacking, contentious, if not hostile interview on Fox w/Peter Navarro over China tariffs on Saturday, 8/10.


    DCSCA (797bc0)

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