Patterico's Pontifications


Trump: The “Commonsense Conservative” Announces He Is Running In 2020

Filed under: General — Dana @ 7:30 pm

[guest post by Dana]

Would it be surprising if President Trump still felt he was in a competition with his predecessor? It doesn’t seem like it would be, given how relentless he’s been at trying to best Obama. Perhaps this explains why Trump announced he will be running for re-election a full 980 days before the next presidential election. This makes his announcement historically early, and certainly far earlier than Obama’s announcement, which he came 582 days before the election. Or maybe the early announcement is to provide the President, who thrives on the applause and cheers of a live audience, the opportunity to rally loyalists sooner rather than later. Regardless of what motivated the early announcement last week, the President is definitely running for re-election:

With just 980 days to go until the next presidential election, President Trump said Tuesday that he would run again in 2020, an announcement that several White House advisers said simply meant the president would step up his preferred and much-missed activity of performing for an adoring crowd.

In effect, it continues the permanent campaign of a president who, from the time he took office over a year ago, has signaled his interest to run again and has kept holding campaign-style rallies. The president officially filed for re-election with the Federal Election Commission on Jan. 20, 2017, the day of his inauguration.

It was also a statement aimed at ending speculation among allies and critics that Mr. Trump, who has faced a series of personal scandals, and whose campaign remains the subject of an F.B.I. investigation into possible ties to Russia, might not run for re-election at all.

The President also named Brad Parscale as his 2020 campaign manager. Parscale was the campaign digital director for Trump in 2016. Clearly campaign work is already in motion: list building, putting together a finance team, putting together a campaign team of talent, pinpointing the battleground states and figuring out how to better reach those critical voters, etc., etc.

President Trump, who single-handedly tipped over the apple cart of the presidency with his unorthodox and erratic style, and lack of basic knowledge (and incuriousness) about the Constitution, history, or how government operates, referred to himself as the “commonsense conservative” back in 2016:

“I really am a conservative, but I’m also a commonsense person. I’m a commonsense conservative,” Trump said Tuesday. “We have to be commonsense conservatives, we have to be smart.”

When later asked about his governing philosophy, he said:

“I am a common-sense conservative,” Trump said in a telephone interview Tuesday. Asked how he would label his governing philosophy, he replied, “It would be governing through strength — and governing also through common sense and governing through heart.”

Clearly, Trump was not wed to any political philosophy.

At the time, Jonah Goldberg fleshed out Trump’s re-defining of conservatism with his “commonsense conservatism.”:

…Trump argues for his own brand of strong-government conservatism grounded not in, say, Bush’s faith in God, but in Donald Trump’s faith in himself. He has never shown more than the briefest nod to traditional conservative concerns about limited government, personal liberty or the Constitution. Winning is his lodestar, and he will do what is required to “win” and he will proclaim that “common sense.” Democrats can’t see it, but Trump represents a massive victory for the left in so far as he’s the first major Republican figure to successfully reject libertarianism, even rhetorically.

If Trump is successful, liberty-oriented conservatism will be replaced by so-called common sense statism. And those who complain will be dismissed as “so-called conservatives.”

This has aged well.

Around the same time, we were informed that this shoot-from-the-hip approach to governing, while not based upon any particular principles or ideals, was one that Americans should consider a feature, not a bug. Certainly this latest iteration of conservatism lacked that which was familiar to long-time political watchers on both sides of the aisle, and that which actually defined conservatism. It soon became abundantly clear from GOP leadership, in spite of their repeated assurances of an eventual pivot was just around the corner, that it was conservatives who needed to adapt to this new-school “commonsense conservatism” because, it was now Trump’s GOP:

To many people in the party, Trump’s ideas lack intellectual cohesion, but together they reflect the instincts of a dealmaker. He arrives at positions guided less by philosophy than visceral reactions to problems of the moment.

“I don’t think he has an ideology,” said Patrick J. Buchanan, the conservative commentator who twice sought the GOP nomination. “He very much is responding to the realities that he has encountered and his natural reactions to them. It’s not some intellectual construct. He’s much more of an instinctive politician.”

There are now those that would robustly argue that President Trump’s unique brand of conservatism , or “commonsense conservatism” has been fully demonstrated during this past year, to the country’s betterment. This especially in light of his speech at this year’s C-PAC:

All of this puts into context Mr. Trump’s exhilarating speech this week at a Maryland meeting of CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, now the most visible advocacy group for conservative thought. This speech was a marvel of anti-progressive oratory. It turned the usual tropes on their heads, or, as used to be said of Marx and Hegel, stood them finally on their feet. It is the Democrats, for Mr. Trump, who are wrongly standing athwart history, yelling “stop,” because the conservatives, with whom Mr. Trump now proudly employs the zeal of a convert, have realized that the unfolding of history is the story of the revelation of timeless truths, which progressives somehow stubbornly continue to ignore.

Proudly proclaiming himself the leader of a conservative administration, Mr. Trump described his efforts: “We’re finally rebuilding our nation . . . And we’re restoring our confidence and our pride, all of us here today are united by the same timeless values. We defend our constitution and we believe in the wisdom of our founders . . . . We celebrate our history and our heroes and we believe young Americans should be taught to love their country, and to respect its traditions.” “Every child,” he elaborated, “deserves to grow up in a safe community surrounded by a loving family and to have a future filled with opportunity and with hope.” If that’s not an encapsulation of the best of conservatism, it is hard to know what is.

As he has done repeatedly when speaking on the stump, the president defined the “timeless values” he embraced. “Above all else, we know that faith and family, not government and bureaucracy, are at the center of American life. We know that. Because in America we don’t worship government, we worship God.” This simple statement of faith must seem hopelessly naïve to Mr. Trump’s progressive critics, but his beliefs, are, of course, still shared by many, if not most Americans.

He proudly told the CPAC audience that, “For the last year with your help, we have put more great conservative ideas into use than perhaps ever before in American history.” He then rattled off a list of such accomplishments in his first year, including the nomination and confirmation of conservative judges who “will interpret the law as written,” rather than seeking to implement their own policy preferences. He commented on the reductions in job-killing regulations, the promotion of energy production, and the achievement of the lowest levels of unemployment for all Americans, including the lowest level in history for African Americans and Hispanics, thus hitting hard at the core of the constituency of the Democrats.

In perusing post-CPAC commentary, this seems to represent a shared view of many.

Defining what it is to be a conservative in the Trump era has been debated and argued (ad nauseum, to some), with the dividing lines clearly drawn. And far too easily, the terms Republican and Conservative are interchangeably used with the mistaken assumption that being a Republican means you must be a Conservative, and that Conservatives are by default, Republicans. (While the latter is more likely to be true, given that the Republican Party once stood upon a set of specific principles and ideals that were the foundations of conservatism, with the ascendancy of Trump and his brand of conservatism, this is not necessarily the case now, given that many have left the Republican party as they believe it no longer represents their interests).

With that, I want to share with you a timely and thoughtful thread about this issue of being a conservative in light of the news that Trump has said he will seek re-election:

untitled 5




(Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back.)


242 Responses to “Trump: The “Commonsense Conservative” Announces He Is Running In 2020”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (023079)

  2. Heh! Commonsense conservative=unhinged nutbag. Thank you, Mr. Nichols. And don’t forget that the stable genius has very nice hair too. (Yes, Trump did in fact say that.)

    nk (dbc370)

  3. Pro family pro military pro resource extraction, pro business but not exclusively corporate (hence the carried interest recission)

    narciso (d1f714)

  4. Common sense conservatism is simply populism – the very kind which infests most talk radio and which is the defining characteristic of Fox News post-Ailes.

    It’s very much what we would have got from Perot. The volunteers!!!

    Ed from SFV (3400a5)

  5. I’m glad Trump finally announced. Maybe Liberals will divert their attention and resources to it. Trump is proving quite the lightning rod for his admin.

    felipe (023cc9)

  6. Perhaps their plea about economics was somewhat similar as in an allergy to prolonged military interventions.

    narciso (d1f714)

  7. Help me out here when did trump refer to some great reingeneering project of human nature, that was the other guy.

    narciso (d1f714)

  8. Tom is right about what Trump is and is not, but he’s wrong.
    There is an authoritarian brand which is authentically conservative but is diametrically opposed to libertarian ideas. Trump is such a conservative. Among our commenters here, Hoagie serms to be such.

    Kishnevi (3e3b90)

  9. BTW, I thought Trump’s reelection campaign started noontime Jan 20 2018

    Kishnevi (3e3b90)

  10. I’m wondering where all this navel gazing was when Bush, McCain and Romney were the nominees. What was the “intellectual construct” of these clowns?

    random viking (6a54c2)

  11. They were decent men, who did not beg the question.

    You call them clowns? Who has orange skin like an Oompa Loompa? Who has hair like Bozo’s? Who beclowns himself with every tweet?

    nk (dbc370)

  12. After what maverick allowed to happen, we can blame Schmidt and Wallace, but they were merely enablers how about the medicis and the enabling of the looting of Haiti. Of mittens I have said my peace.

    narciso (d1f714)

  13. I really admire Nichols’ explanation of what he sees as conservatism, but I really, really hate the fact that he used a medium as stupid as Twitter to explicate it. I guess that is interestingly enough a reflection on my own brand of traditional conservatism.

    JVW (42615e)

  14. BTW, I thought Trump’s reelection campaign started noontime Jan 20 2018

    I honestly thought we might be able to talk him out of it. Suggest to him that he had accomplished everything he needed to and could spend the rest of his days enjoying West Palm Beach. I figured the hard part would be convincing him that failing to run for reelection wouldn’t be seen as chickening out, notwithstanding the jeers of his adversaries to the contrary, and was concerned that he would try to stay on for four more years. Has any President since Eisenhower had a particularly effective second term? I fear this won’t end well.

    JVW (42615e)

  15. Around the same time we were informed that this shoot-from-the-hip approach to governing, while not based upon any particular principles or ideals, was one that Americans should consider this a feature, not a bug.

    So tell me more about the true conservative philosophy. As I understand it, conservatism is basically about conserving traditional values and norms. But, that can be open to interpretation, depending on specifically which values and norms one focuses on.

    Example: The founders of our republic funded the federal government through tariffs. But, when our current president announced that he planned on placing tariffs on imported steel and aluminum, the proprietor of this blog exploded with invective, calling the President, among other things, the Dunce in Chief.

    Patterico obviously doesn’t view tariffs as a conservative mechanism for managing our trade with other countries. But, what is the basis for his conservatism that differs from the values of the founders of this country? And, why is his brand of conservatism any more valid than DJT’s?

    Sure, he can defend his reasoning, though he seems to always focus on the alleged benefits while ignoring the very real costs. But still, what is the overarching value that defines the “true” conservatism? If it is the values our country was founded upon, then protectionism is conservative.

    If not, then where does one look to get the true conservative philosophy? Assuming one wants something a little more authoritative than what Jonah Goldberg or Patrick Frey have to say, where can one locate the true conservative set of principles?

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  16. Example: The founders of our republic funded the federal government through tariffs. But, when our current president announced that he planned on placing tariffs on imported steel and aluminum, the proprietor of this blog exploded with invective, calling the President, among other things, the Dunce in Chief.

    I don’t intend to answer on behalf of Patterico or Dana (whose post this actually is) but let me remind you that the Founding Fathers funded the federal government through tariffs largely because broad-based federal income and revenue taxes were rather impractical in those days of yore. But our current President isn’t using tariffs to raise revenue, he’s using them in a short-sighted attempt to protect our steel industry without thinking through the long-term consequences of his actions.

    JVW (42615e)

  17. @ JVW (#13): Twitter delenda est.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  18. Brad Parscale media anal exam begins in 3…2…1…

    Pinandpuller (d8aedb)

  19. I don’t intend to answer on behalf of Patterico or Dana (whose post this actually is) but let me remind you that the Founding Fathers funded the federal government through tariffs largely because broad-based federal income and revenue taxes were rather impractical in those days of yore. But our current President isn’t using tariffs to raise revenue, he’s using them in a short-sighted attempt to protect our steel industry without thinking through the long-term consequences of his actions.

    Like many policies, tariffs have multiple uses and justifications. Just because they had a use for funding the government didn’t mean that they weren’t also used to protect domestic manufacturing and agriculture.

    Income taxes weren’t much more practical in 1916 than they were in 1787. The founding fathers just didn’t believe that the federal government had any business keeping track of the income of all of the country’s citizens. And, righly so. A government that only taxed inports would have much less reason to make it their business to know about every monetary transaction occuring within its borders.

    Anon Y. Mous (6cc438)

  20. And don’t forget that the stable genius has very nice hair too. (Yes, Trump did in fact say that.)

    nk (dbc370) — 3/5/2018 @ 7:38 pm

    Nobody self deprecates better than Trump.

    Pinandpuller (d8aedb)

  21. @ 16 JVW:

    No, he’s using the tariffs as a warning to China, Canada, Mexico, and the EU for cheating on trade. Mexico and Canada act as way stations for Chinese and European goods to circumvent existing laws for trade. The Chinese and EU goods are repackaged by Canada and Mexico and sold under the laws of existing NAFTA. Good deal for them – easy work to “finish” say, and assembled part/goods. That is why Trump said he’d consider rolling back the steel/aluminum tariffs if the U.S. gets a favorable renegotiation of NAFTA. When all is said and done, we’re being cheated and the outcry you hear is one of desperation from our trading “partners” who know the jig’s up.

    Lenny (5ea732)

  22. They were decent men, who did not beg the question.

    nk (dbc370) — 3/5/2018 @ 9:02 pm

    Decent men before they got into politics…maybe. One decent pilot and one decent businessman among the three. I guess one of them is also decent at doing laundry according to his wife.

    Pinandpuller (d8aedb)

  23. Need to do a couple harrumphs for #15 and #19.



    papertiger (c8116c)

  24. The government taxes cigarettes to discourage smoking, taxes liquor to discourage drinking, and taxes gasoline to discourage driving.

    So tell me why they tax income again?

    papertiger (c8116c)

  25. Washington raised an army to enforce the Whiskey tax because he knew he was representing the ef out of those Pennsylvania Hillbillies.

    Pinandpuller (d8aedb)

  26. Mr Nichols and his brand of conservatism gave us boosh, Clinton, booosh, 0bama. Those four losers paved the way for the fifth wheel. Mittens and songbird are sick people they need a nurse ratchet

    [saved from spam filter — Stashiu3]

    mg (00067c)

  27. Well, Trump is running in 2020 and I figure it’s better to say it right out front, because a man that likes to run for President is… he’s hard to stop.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  28. 10.I’m wondering where all this navel gazing was when Bush, McCain and Romney were the nominees. What was the “intellectual construct” of these clowns?
    random viking (6a54c2) — 3/5/2018 @ 8:53 pm

    11.They were decent men, who did not beg the question.

    You call them clowns? Who has orange skin like an Oompa Loompa? Who has hair like Bozo’s? Who beclowns himself with every tweet?
    nk (dbc370) — 3/5/2018 @ 9:02 pm

    Sorry, nk. Decent men don’t pose as either conservative nor Republican while joining the leftists and democrats. Had they been “decent” conservative Republicans we would have had no need for a Donald Trump.

    Rev.Hoagie (66ef0d)

  29. There is an authoritarian brand which is authentically conservative but is diametrically opposed to libertarian ideas. Trump is such a conservative. Among our commenters here, Hoagie serms to be such.
    Kishnevi (3e3b90) — 3/5/2018 @ 8:38 pm

    I never thought of myself as authoritarian, Kishnevi. I like rules and I like order but I don’t like oppression. You are correct that generally I am opposed to Libertarian ideas because for the most part I see them as loose Rules For Anarchists. I believe Trump to be a business conservative and a pragmatist about most else.

    Authoritarian, huh? I really need to reflect on how I present myself to others.

    Rev.Hoagie (66ef0d)

  30. DACA Oom Mow Mow

    Da ca ca
    Daca oom ma mow mow
    Daca oom mow mow
    Daca oom ma ma ma mow
    Daca oom mow mow
    Di di dit – daca oom ma mow mow
    Daca oom mow mow
    Di di dit – da ca ca oom ma ma ma mow
    Daca oom mow mow
    (Daaa) – funniest thing I ever saw – (Daaa)
    Daaa daaa
    (Daaa) – Orange man stickin’ in Chuckie’s craw – (daaa )
    Is he serious
    Or is he playin’
    Oom mow mow is all he’s sayin’
    DACA oom – daaa
    DACA daca daca oom
    Da da
    Di di dit – daca oom ma ma ma mow
    Daca oom mow mow
    Di di dit – da ca oom ma mow mow
    Daca oom mow mow
    (Daaa) – I said a hey there orange man what’s your game? – (daaa)
    (Daaa) – you call teh Dems bluff and they get the blame – (daaa)
    The words he say, they can’t figure out
    But he got a way, make ‘em scream and shout
    DACA ooom – daaaa
    Daca daca daca oom
    Da da
    Di di dit – daca oom ma mow mow – dit dit
    Daca oom mow mow
    Di di dit – DACA oom ma ma ma mow -dit dit
    Daca oom mow mow
    Di di dit – di di dit – di di dit
    (Da ca da ca)
    DACA oom ma mow mow
    DACA oom mow mow
    Di di dit – daca ca oom ma ma ma mow
    DACA oom mow mow
    (Daaa) – and now I hear this sound everywhere I go – (daaa)
    (Daaa) – on blog posts, tv and a radio – (daaa)
    And now it’s spreadin’ all over the land
    We tellin’ teh Dems to go pound sand
    DACA oom

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  31. Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 3/6/2018 @ 4:39 am

    felipe (5b25e2)

  32. Good morning, felipe!

    Colonel Haiku (bd4dc3)

  33. Ha. What are the odds that Trump is still president 582 days from now, much less 980? He can intend what he wishes, but he is an incompetent narcissistic moron, and he is being bled, slowly but surely, by his far more competent opponents.

    He is an embarrassment. The sooner he is out of office, the better.

    Leviticus (924d70)

  34. Well, Hoagie and Pinandpuller, I see it like this: You go into an art museum and you see a picture of a crucifix in a jug of urine and you wonder out loud: “This is art?” Then some guy confronts you: “How come you didn’t ask that about the James Whistler, Norman Rockwell, and Grant Wood exhibits?”

    nk (dbc370)

  35. good morning, colonel!

    felipe (5b25e2)

  36. Ah, Norman Rockwell. The first time I ever spent more time gazing at the cover of a magazine (SEP) than its contents. Or it might have been PLayboy before I could purchase it.

    felipe (5b25e2)

  37. clearly harvardtrash Ted “let’s marry an ugly dirty sacky and shut down the government in a feckless attempt to repeal obamacare” is the TRUE commonsense conservative

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  38. or is the TRUE commonsense conservative ex-military war hero cowardpig John McCain?

    one of Kramer’s ideas was to have McCain confront Trump with the evidence, in the hope that Trump would resign. “He would tell Trump, ‘The Russians have got you,’” the former official told me.

    oh my goodness Meghan for sure got the scummiest most cowardly daddy a girl could ever hope to have

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  39. wait.


    the TRUE commonsense conservative is clearly okie-tard freakboi James Lankford

    A key Republican senator responsible for oversight of the federal workforce said on Thursday President Trump’s proposed 2019 federal pay freeze would be harmful to agencies looking to retain quality employees and recruit new ones, throwing cold water on a policy the White House suggested in its recent budget blueprint.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  40. #FakeNews

    nk (dbc370)

  41. I can’t wait to see the next campaign lineup. Tough job though. How can you beat the likes of Nunberg, Stone, Lewandowski, Bannon, Manafort, Cohen, and everyone’s favorite….. Carter Page!

    noel (b4d580)

  42. Omarosa. I didn’t mean to forget your contribution to the campaign. Sorry.

    noel (b4d580)

  43. Even if you never visit Paris, you’ll always have Hillary, noel.

    Colonel Haiku (bd4dc3)

  44. “Strzok Ignored Clinton Server Hack… what ARE they doing at the FBI? ‘What would you say you do here?’ They aren’t following up on tips of a possible school shooter, they aren’t following up on foreign hacking of the Secretary of State’s illegal email server, so what?”

    Colonel Haiku (bd4dc3)

  45. Someone… ANYONE? care about this?

    Colonel Haiku (bd4dc3)

  46. Trump is either half – or a full – buffoon. Depending on your point of view. Now that that has been said for the 3,147,069th time, what else ya got?

    Colonel Haiku (bd4dc3)

  47. Goofballs…

    Colonel Haiku (bd4dc3)

  48. 36.Ha. What are the odds that Trump is still president 582 days from now, much less 980? He can intend what he wishes, but he is an incompetent narcissistic moron, and he is being bled, slowly but surely, by his far more competent opponents.

    He is an embarrassment. The sooner he is out of office, the better.
    Leviticus (924d70) — 3/6/2018 @ 5:26 am

    Trump is favored to win 2020 9/4 odds according to Las Vegas so I guess his odds of being president 582 days from now is about the same. You and your associates can consider him an incompetent narcissistic moron if you like but he beat all the Republicans, all the democrats and is still doing exactly what he wants every day all while driving the leftists crazy. So I count that as a win. His so-called competent opponents can’t even get a Dream act they want. Yeah, they’re bleeding him. I think you need to check who’s bleeding whom.

    The only people he’s an embarrassment to are all those dummy’s who didn’t vote for him and lost and all those snotty, elitist Harvard lawyers who think their poop don’t stink. To regular people he’s a regular guy. With a guy like Trump all that could end in a second but as of now he’s doing just fine.

    The previous opinion, experience or observation is that of an ignorant bigot. Reader discretion is advised.

    Rev.Hoagie (66ef0d)

  49. If the war goes these will be the fronts

    Its the question the human resources guys asked in office place,

    narciso (d1f714)

  50. Rev, you are on fire!

    felipe (5b25e2)

  51. Amazing how presentable David Letterman looks when he trims his beard.

    felipe (5b25e2)

  52. Rev Hoagie says… “You and your associates can consider him an incompetent narcissistic moron…”.

    But many of the people that worked for him say that too. Nearly all of them if you believe that Wolff book. But don’t you be concerned. Everyone. Everyone but Trump is a liar.

    noel (b4d580)

  53. Quelled surprise:

    How did the bearded Marxist work out again?

    narciso (d1f714)

  54. …and lack of basic knowledge (and incuriousness) about the Constitution, history, or how government operates,

    I appreciate the NeverTrump drivel being early enough in your tripe so I don’t have to waste time finishing the waste of pixels.

    BuDuh (fe4258)

  55. To regular people he’s a regular guy. With a guy like Trump all that could end in a second but as of now he’s doing just fine.
    The previous opinion, experience or observation is that of an ignorant bigot. Reader discretion is advised.
    Rev.Hoagie (66ef0d) — 3/6/2018 @ 6:28 am

    Agree 100%. Including the disclaimer.

    Nearly all of them if you believe that Wolff book.
    noel (b4d580) — 3/6/2018 @ 6:42 am

    Huh? I don’t believe a word, including the title, if’s, and’s, and but’s. I’m not a President Trump worshiper, don’t really listen to what he says, and really, really like what he’s done so far. He’s got the progressives sounding like Ben burn on a bender. If he resigned tomorrow, it would be going out as a winner. Many of us have said for years that things need to be shaken up… harshly shaken up as if in a blender. President Trump has done that and good things have come from it.

    I say, keep it up. He might be our best chance at forming a third party by peeling off the GOPe and gaining the sensible Democrats who despise progressives (normals who are left-leaning.) You know, the people who actually love America and believe in its principles.

    Stashiu3 (466cdf)

  56. But many of the people that worked for him say that too. Nearly all of them if you believe that Wolff book. But don’t you be concerned. Everyone. Everyone but Trump is a liar.
    noel (b4d580) — 3/6/2018 @ 6:42 am

    I realize you can be quite the emotional leftist, noel but calm down. I never said anything about “everyone but Trump” being a liar. Once again the leftist immediately pulls the name calling out of his quiver. Do you understand the difference between an opinion and a deception? I was giving an opinion as were the people who worked for him which you cited. Nobody lied unless those that worked for him did. BTW, I don’t believe “that Wolff book” any more than I believe the New York Times they are all slanted and all partisan AND there’s nothing wrong with that as long as you keep it in mind and don’t run around calling people liars! because they have different opinions.

    Rev.Hoagie (66ef0d)

  57. Everyone. Everyone but Trump is a liar.
    noel (b4d580) — 3/6/2018 @ 6:42 am

    I was going to take you to task, but I must admit that half of what you say is true. Everybody lies.

    felipe (5b25e2)

  58. Re 57, tell Roy Moore to bust out something scarier than a refurbished Saturday night special.

    urbanleftbehind (c60c51)

  59. Rev.Hoagie (66ef0d) — 3/6/2018 @ 7:26 am

    I agree with this, too.

    felipe (5b25e2)

  60. felipe, everybody lies once in a while. All last week when I was in the hospital every time my wife called I lied. Told her I felt better, doin’ good, A-Okay. I just didn’t want her to drive from Abington to U of P in a Nor’easter. So I lied. And anybody who believes any politician including those who write books like Wolff aren’t prolific liars needs to seek professional help. That’s why I get pissy when someone suggests I’m lying. It’s an honest opinion and you are welcome to disagree but I’m not lying. I save that for my wife in a storm.

    Rev.Hoagie (66ef0d)

  61. 64.Is there an Italian word for chutzpah

    Yeah: balls. I read that too narciso. Interesting, eh?

    Rev.Hoagie (66ef0d)

  62. You do know that Zerohedge is a Russian propaganda outlet, right? With its main purpose being to preach gloom and doom and undermine the people’s confidence in their nations, their governments, and their economies, in the West?

    nk (dbc370)

  63. The corruption in government agencies has been clearly revealed, including the FBI, IRS, ATF, federal courts, and multiple other agencies across the branches that were supposed to be apolitical. That alone is worth the price of admission. Where is DACA right now? Squarely in the Democrats lap and they can’t pass anything that will satisfy their progressives who are essential to their reelection.

    What about gun rights? President Trump took a position so far to the left that it revealed the gun-grabbers in the GOPe and had the progressives salivating that it might be a “starting point.” Then, it seems to have largely died. I think the reason is that like Social Security, it is a “third rail” that will burn anyone who pushes the smallest curtailment of gun rights through, and they know it. They could rail (pun intended) against it, but actually getting something done would be the end of them.

    His bluster is not dignified. He is not Presidential. He is what we’ve needed for a while. We ran President H.W. Bush for reelection, one of the nicest Presidents ever. He was far more liberal than most conservatives were comfortable with, but Republicans supported the party and he was crucified by the Dems and media (but I repeat myself.)

    We ran John McCain, a genuine war hero. I could only wish to have half his courage if I was a POW. I’m not a McCain fan, actually despise his policies and behavior as a Senator, but the Republicans supported him and he was crucified worse than President H.W. Bush.

    President G.W. Bush truly wanted to reach across the aisle. His “compassionate conservatism” was Democrat-lite. He did great after 9/11 until he started on domestic issues. TARP was one of the greatest betrayals of the American people, and of Republicans, by a President in history. I kept some respect for him because he refused to criticize President Obama, I thought because he was maintaining the dignity of the office of President of the United States. It may have just been because he largely agreed with President Obama’s behavior though, since he has had no problem criticizing President Trump. Lost any respect I had left for him. Point is, we all know how much he was attacked and maligned while President (McChimpyHitlerBurton anyone?)

    Mitt Romney, the man of faith. Also, largely bipartisan (RomneyCare as an example) and willing to reach across the aisle. For a person in politics as long as he was, how little dirt managed to stick during his campaign is remarkable. Yet, he was constantly painted as “the worst candidate ever!” across the board.

    The point is, no matter who conservatives, or even just Republicans manage to put up for office, the rhetoric is just going to increase. Everyone is worse than Hitler. So I say fine, shake things up. President Trump has been exactly what this country has needed to bring light to the corruption and hypocrisy taken for granted for too long. I don’t care if he’s dignified or Presidential. I don’t care that he makes outrageous statements or tweets. He’s pissing off the right people and getting things done that I like. I’m not concerned about process anymore, because progressives have made process a joke. I care about results, and even if not everything I want gets done, things are getting done. I do like that.

    Stashiu3 (466cdf)

  64. @67 nk, I thought that was the New York Times’ job.

    Rev.Hoagie (66ef0d)

  65. Let’s see what President Forest Gump has Kramered his way into today, shall we?

    North Korean leader Kim Jung Un has expressed a willingness to discuss nuclear disarmament with the United States and impose a moratorium on nuclear and missile tests during such talks, a senior South Korean official said Tuesday after returning from the North.

    Kim also agreed to meet with South Korea’s president at a tense border village in late April, presidential national security director Chung Eui-yong said after talks with Kim in Pyongyang, North Korea’s capital.

    North Korea’s reported willingness to hold a “candid dialogue” with the United States to discuss denuclearization and establish diplomatic relations follows a year of increased fears of war on the Korean Peninsula, with Kim and U.S. President Donald Trump exchanging fiery rhetoric and crude insults over Kim’s barrage of weapons tests.

    Koreas agree to hold summit talks at border in April

    “Stupid is as stupid does.”

    [rescued from filter — Stashiu3]

    papertiger (c8116c)

  66. Sorry for the wall-o-text Sammy. I didn’t mean to steal your schtik. I was on a roll. 😉

    Stashiu3 (466cdf)

  67. What the heck? blah

    papertiger (c8116c)

  68. The KGB FSB never has just one agent, Hoagie. Especially in the United States! It has whole networks of them.

    nk (dbc370)

  69. 68… Damn straight!!!

    But it ain’t enuf for the white-gloved “effetists”…

    Colonel Haiku (bd4dc3)

  70. Stashiu3 said:

    He’s pissing off the right people and getting things done that I like. I’m not concerned about process anymore, because progressives have made process a joke. I care about results, and even if not everything I want gets done, things are getting done. I do like that.

    Those four lines sum up my opinion 100%. Thank you sir!

    Rev.Hoagie (66ef0d)

  71. Rev.Hoagie (66ef0d) — 3/6/2018 @ 7:37 am

    quite right, Hoagie, quite right.

    felipe (5b25e2)

  72. “It’s an honest opinion and you are welcome to disagree but I’m not lying. I save that for my wife in a storm.”

    – Rev. Hoagie

    That is certainly one of the things I respect about you, Hoagie – whether I agree with your opinions or not, you are a very honest man.

    And I do hope that you are home from the hospital now, or able to go home soon.

    Leviticus (efada1)

  73. They’ll stand atop their mountain of “conservative” principles taking potshots at the people actually walking the walk.

    Colonel Haiku (bd4dc3)

  74. By the way, Hoagie, I know you are not lying. I apologize for making you suspect that I was implying that.

    felipe (5b25e2)

  75. Yes, Leviticus I got home last night around dinner. Thanks for your thoughts. The collapsed lung was one thing but then to get whacked by pneumonia was a b!tch. But I’m mending.

    Rev.Hoagie (66ef0d)

  76. I tried three times.

    Koreas getting together in a peaceful manner. For tea or something. Fattest guy in North Korea will be there. Nuclear disarmament is on the table.

    Link is stuck in limbo.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  77. papertiger,

    I got it and it’s showing at #70 right now.

    Stashiu3 (466cdf)

  78. Sorry, I’m out of practice. Your “blah” should have clued me in. You can always email me at stashiu3 at g mail dot com if it happens again.

    Stashiu3 (466cdf)

  79. That wasn’t directed at you, felipe rather to noel for his comment #55. He seemed to be alluding that to disagree with people who worked for Trump and/or Wolff one was lying. I’m not. It’s my opinion. Hell, there’s no reason to lie here we don’t even know each other’s names let alone where we live or work. It’s almost like AA. Hello!, my name is Rev. Hoagie and I’m a conservative. HI REV. HOAGIE!!!

    Rev.Hoagie (66ef0d)

  80. 81… you can’t call him “fat fvck”, papertiger.

    Colonel Haiku (bd4dc3)

  81. you can’t call him “fat fvck”, papertiger.
    Colonel Haiku (bd4dc3) — 3/6/2018 @ 8:12 am

    Yeah… that would be a no-no. But if they’re talking about Kim Jong Un, I might *accidently* approve it. 😉

    Stashiu3 (466cdf)

  82. Out for a bit. Be well my friends… and Ben burn.

    Stashiu3 (466cdf)

  83. The collapsed lung was one thing but then to get whacked by pneumonia was a b!tch. But I’m mending.

    Good grief, I didn’t realize you also had pneumonia, on top of everything else. Prayers for a complete recovery. You have more than enough on your plate. Best to you.

    Dana (023079)

  84. @67 nk

    So is their parent company CNN or NBC?

    Pinandpuller (4a8271)

  85. Stashiu3

    I don’t think you are I are going to join The Processive Party anytime soon.

    Pinandpuller (4a8271)

  86. @54 felipe

    If you don’t play with Billy Gibbons or run Cuba the beard thing is sort of creepy.

    Pinandpuller (4a8271)

  87. and dirty

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  88. Thanks for the comments this a.m. So great to read all of you.🌴🏄🏾

    mg (00067c)

  89. that’s a mofo, Hoagie – pneumonia is a sneaky monster – I had a bout which I thought was food poisoning or flu at first. But you probably were more anxious trying to be discharged – several instances of me being the pickup ride of my daughter, mom, and others from the hospital – the most frustrating part was waiting for the doctor’s clearance and the nurse’s go-ahead to leave. I suppose I should be far more thankful it was merely an inconvenience.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  90. Col. You make me laugh every day.
    Hi’ omaika’i

    mg (00067c)

  91. America is a nation of laws and not men.

    Having faith in America means believing in this process, even though it is imperfect. Fix the process if you think it is wrong, but don’t throw it out because some have abused it or because one man says he has a better idea.

    DRJ (15874d)

  92. @37 Mr nk

    I see you, and I raise you Adam Carolla:

    It’s not art if anyone can do it.

    Pinandpuller (4a8271)

  93. I typically don’t read the comments here anymore because they are so depressing. I understand why Democrats don’t believe in the American justice system/process. They don’t want a system of laws that protect equally because they are invested in special results for various interest groups and races.

    But I thought Republicans/conservatives still believed in the Constitution and the process that is the American system, instead of placing their trust in one man’s version of how America shold be run. I was wrong.

    DRJ (15874d)

  94. i’m very enthusiastic about the Constitution that’s why I’m so pleased that our president, President Donald Trump, has done so much to reassert the primacy of the rule of law in America

    no American president in our lifetimes has shown a greater respect for the rule of law that’s for sure

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  95. But it’s Donald Trump who is the buffoon?

    Rev.Hoagie (66ef0d)

  96. “America is a nation of laws and not men.”

    So we are told. Yet Hillary is guilty as sin and free as a bird. Illegal aliens are treated as presumed legal. Christian bakers are denied the first amendment while YouTube deletes unapproved speech. Lois Learner pleads the fifth and walks away laughing. I could go on and on Sammystyle, but you get the point.

    Maybe I’ll return to believing that when the ones making the laws are as accountable to them as the rest of us. I see no way of “fixing this”, outside of voting for and supporting a candidate from outside the corrupt establishment that broke it, perhaps you would enlighten us on what more we toiling under this uneven application of laws can do?

    Until then, the notion of putting the process behind results is the only way to avert the collapse of the nation as it was founded.

    TheBas (3bcea0)

  97. “instead of placing their trust in one man’s version of how America shold be run. I was wrong.”

    That is a very dishonest representation of what is being said here.

    TheBas (3bcea0)

  98. Clearly Mr Nichols is not a “social conservative” in the sense that he wants the State to sort out morality. The Statist elements in modern Conservatism predate Trump. Elitism is not unknown, either.

    I see Trump as the embodiment of Conservatism’s statist streak, and a rejection of the libertarian aspect. A counterpoint to Rand and Ron. Trump wishes to use the power of the state to enforce conservative values and has more than a little tinge of classic fascism.

    Trump celebrates “Americanism” and denigrates “unAmerican” elements (e.g. Mexicans, Muslims). He attempts to co-opt businesses to his side, and promotes a more militaristic approach to foreign policy.

    I prefer other wings of the GOP and am unhappy to see the Statist/Trog wing in ascendance.

    But anything is better than Hillary.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  99. DRJ @96. Did I miss something? Where here did anyone suggest throwing out the law because some have abused it or because one man says he has a better idea? The only place you would see something like that would be some leftist blog calling for the repeal of the second amendment or from the lips of a leftist calling for gun confiscation or shutting down free speech on campus. Not here.

    But I thought Republicans/conservatives still believed in the Constitution and the process that is the American system, instead of placing their trust in one man’s version of how America should be run. I was wrong.

    We still do believe in that Constitution or has a Tyrant overtaken the Republic? If you believe we’re placing our trust in anything “one man” says or does you have us confused with Obamabots. OTOH, if you are disappointed some of us are not as repulsed by Donald Trump as you are then that’s too bad.

    Rev.Hoagie (66ef0d)

  100. Nuclear disarmament is on the table.

    A chimera at best.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  101. To expound, what is being said is the process has been corrupted, and so blindly relying on process is counterproductive.

    It’s like the kids of Broward county relying on the process of law enforcement,which are corrupt and incompetent, having an agenda outside the intent of the process. It would have been better for those kids (and those brave, slaughtered teachers) had a few teachers not relied on “the law”, and armed themselves.

    TheBas (3bcea0)

  102. I prefer other wings of the GOP and am unhappy to see the Statist/Trog wing in ascendance.

    But anything is better than Hillary.
    Kevin M (752a26) — 3/6/2018 @ 10:32 am

    Succinct. I on the other hand feel the pendulum has swung way too far left and will tolerate a certain amount of the Statist/Trog wing to bring it back to normalcy. Let me point something out here. When in our history has this country been more leftist? I believe the answer is-never and it keeps on moving that way. We can continue toward Venezuela or remain the Shining City on a Hill. We can’t do both and leftism has never proven to be a Shining City for anything.

    All of this today may be because some of you have finally moved into your “acceptance” stage of grief and may now be willing to press forward without starting every comment with “Trump’s a douche”. Thank heaven it really is getting tiring.

    Rev.Hoagie (66ef0d)

  103. Yes, TheBas we may be able to fix a corrupted process but first we need to replace those who corrupted it-The Left.

    Rev.Hoagie (66ef0d)

  104. “Trump wishes to use the power of the state to enforce conservative values and has more than a little tinge of classic fascism.”

    Care to provide an example of something Trump has done that is fascist?

    And aren’t “conservative values” an adherence to the constitution that should be enforced?

    TheBas (3bcea0)

  105. Did DRJ just go full straw man argy? You NEVER go full straw man argy!

    Colonel Haiku (bd4dc3)

  106. The true Trogs in ascendance…

    Colonel Haiku (bd4dc3)

  107. “Nuclear disarmament is on the table.

    A chimera at best.”

    Kevin M (752a26) — 3/6/2018 @ 10:34 am

    A bad dog BBQ, at worst…

    Colonel Haiku (bd4dc3)

  108. “But anything is better than Hillary”

    Nikolae Ceausescu ?!?!

    Colonel Haiku (bd4dc3)

  109. Correct me if I’m wrong, TheBas but isn’t the “current process of law” as described at Instapundant at least partially due to the efforts of that great, noble, “conservative Republican, Harvard elitist George Bush? But Trump bad! Trump fascist!

    Rev.Hoagie (66ef0d)

  110. The Bas… if NBC News is complaining, normally in thronesniff patrol mode, there may be a problem.

    Colonel Haiku (d6175a)

  111. the Senate campaign of smarmy harvardtrash elitist Ted Cruz, who destroyed his brand in an ill-conceived run for the presidency in 2016, looks increasingly shaky

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  112. Sorry, nk. Decent men don’t pose as either conservative nor Republican while joining the leftists and democrats. Had they been “decent” conservative Republicans we would have had no need for a Donald Trump.

    Rev.Hoagie (66ef0d) — 3/6/2018 @ 3:58 am

    If the leftists and #neverTrump middle and right manage to turn Trump out then when this mythical conservative does appear he’s going to fall to the Trump Precedent.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  113. Authoritarian, huh? I really need to reflect on how I present myself to others.

    Rev.Hoagie (66ef0d) — 3/6/2018 @ 4:08 am

    I don’t know if it’s a new or old line but some anarchists say they are against rulers, not rules.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  114. lack of basic knowledge (and incuriousness) about the Constitution, history, or how government operates,

    Uh huh, sure

    Never gives it a thought.

    Mr. Obama’s blithe ignorance and selfish disregard of the Constitution was laid bare by a comprehensive study earlier this year that revealed that the Great Constitutional Law Lecturer had been rebuked by the Supreme Court more than any president in at least 70 years. And that was because the professors conducting the study only went back 70 years.

    And now, after eight years of Mr. Obama wagging his big legal finger at “Stupid America,” we finally have a president who actually understands the Constitution and means to uphold it.

    (a couple opposing opinions)

    TheBas (3bcea0)

  115. Cynthia Nixon, a liberal activist and a star of the hit television series “Sex and the City,” is considering a run for governor of New York, challenging incumbent Andrew Cuomo in the Democratic primary, NY1 television said on Tuesday, citing unidentified sources.

    she’d probably be less corrupt (if she can keep herself from putting out for the security guards)

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  116. I understand why Democrats don’t believe in the American justice system/process. They don’t want a system of laws that protect equally because they are invested in special results for various interest groups and races.
    But I thought Republicans/conservatives still believed in the Constitution and the process that is the American system, instead of placing their trust in one man’s version of how America shold be run. I was wrong.
    DRJ (15874d) — 3/6/2018 @ 10:03 am

    Respectfully, conflating the American justice system with the political process of how things get done is something I didn’t do. I didn’t see anyone else do that either. I apologize if it appeared that way. In my discussions with Tillman, I repeatedly said that the laws we already have need to be enforced and those failing to do so should be held accountable. According to the law was implied, but if not understood fully, let me make it clear… the rule of law should apply to all. We’ve seen it subverted for political purposes too often to let it continue. Things have to change, and shaking them up to see what’s really there has opened a lot of eyes.

    Stashiu3 (466cdf)

  117. Re # 119

    Pinandpuller, the mythical conservative has appeared and that is us. We don’t kneel during the Anthem and we don’t say we “hate Trump” when what they really mean is they hate America. Trump is just their excuse. Just like we are. People who believe in God and country and family and community and doing one’s service and going to work every day and paying their taxes and rearing their kids. That’s the mythical conservative. All Trump did was beat everybody else out to become president yet seems nobody voted for the big dumb orange idiot.

    Rev.Hoagie (66ef0d)

  118. Just dont hire a buzzcut butch or a Kavorka as part of her detail.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  119. Happyfeet says… “no American president in our lifetimes has shown a greater respect for the rule of law that’s for sure”.

    OK, stop. Please stop. I am dying here. LOL. LOL.

    noel (b4d580)

  120. that’s so disrespectful

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  121. This is what good men like carter and cavanaugh enabled:

    narciso (d1f714)

  122. OK, stop. Please stop. I am dying here. LOL. LOL.

    That must seem funny coming from the vacuous left side of the food chain however so far it’s true. Unless you have some evidence they missed over the last year and a half witch hunt. If you do quick, call Mueller. The really good news is the actual criminal was turned out and now spends her evenings drinking and doing us no harm. But it was f**kin’ close.

    Rev.Hoagie (66ef0d)

  123. Rev Hoagie says… “You and your associates can consider him an incompetent narcissistic moron…”.

    But many of the people that worked for him say that too. Nearly all of them if you believe that Wolff book. But don’t you be concerned. Everyone. Everyone but Trump is a liar.

    noel (b4d580) — 3/6/2018 @ 6:42 am

    I say that about most of my bosses but it allows me the latitude to comment on Patterico when nothing is happening. If Trump was my boss maybe more people would be interested in paying me to say that.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  124. Btw the previous and subsequent finance minister in south Africa is generally a moderate compared to this fellow:

    narciso (d1f714)

  125. 99.i’m very enthusiastic about the Constitution that’s why I’m so pleased that our president, President Donald Trump, has done so much to reassert the primacy of the rule of law in America …no American president in our lifetimes has shown a greater respect for the rule of law that’s for sure

    He stands above Nixon’s 5 o’clock shadow, Mr. Feet! Our Captain is 6’3″; The Big Dick was only 5’11”.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  126. Re 57, tell Roy Moore to bust out something scarier than a refurbished Saturday night special.

    urbanleftbehind (c60c51) — 3/6/2018 @ 7:28 am

    You think he still would have been defeated if he had shot someone at a rally?

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  127. He stands above Nixon’s 5 o’clock shadow, Mr. Feet! Our Captain is 6’3″; The Big Dick was only 5’11”.

    DCSCA (797bc0) — 3/6/2018 @ 12:50 pm

    Is that where Robert Bork got the title Slouching Towards Gomorrah?

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  128. The KGB FSB never has just one agent, Hoagie. Especially in the United States! It has whole networks of them.

    nk (dbc370) — 3/6/2018 @ 7:52 am

    Like I said: CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS…

    Or is that exactly what you meant?

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  129. Mr. puller the bunny chow place *only* takes credit cards

    that’s odd for chicago

    I think I’m set to go saturday

    saving carbs for it just in case

    it says you can substitute “yellow rice” for bread bowl but that seems extreme to me, at least for the first time

    i’m very excited thank you so much for putting this on my radar

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  130. One after another, Trump’s appointees are calling him an “idiot”, “moron”, and “dope” etc. No concern from the crowd here though. You won’t believe a word of it if it isn’t on Fox and Friends.

    So, anyone who finds this all a bit out of whack must be a “leftist”. Well guys, it is way out of the norm and in all likelihood, even you will understand that come November.

    noel (b4d580)

  131. @113 We could throw Ceaucescu up against a wall and shoot him, therefore he is better than Hillary.

    Ingot (e5bf64)

  132. Pin-133, he looked like too much of a kid’s party clown with the cowboy hat and six-shooter.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  133. @138
    What concern would satisfy you, noel? You’ve made up your mind and that very same closed mind you then project on “the crowd here” like we all agree and think alike. Wrong blog, you need the HuffPo. I mean lets face it noel, some disgruntled or unhappy appointees call a guy a name and you’re apoplexic. Why do you care? And stop with the leftist mantra “FOX News”, it’s childish. If you read here more you’d know we listen to all kinds of crap including CNNMSMBCCBS. Yes, it’s out of whack and way out of the norm. So what? Maybe it’s the new norm? All I know is for decades I watched as America careened off the left side of hell regardless of who was in the White House and now it’s slowing down. That’s out of whack to a radical leftist but not to most of us. We just want to MAGA and not teach our kids to hate our country, culture and heritage and perhaps to respect the views of others without declaring all-out war cause you lost an election.

    Rev.Hoagie (66ef0d)

  134. We still do believe in that Constitution or has a Tyrant overtaken the Republic? If you believe we’re placing our trust in anything “one man” says or does you have us confused with Obamabots. OTOH, if you are disappointed some of us are not as repulsed by Donald Trump as you are then that’s too bad.

    Rev.Hoagie (66ef0d) — 3/6/2018 @ 10:32 am

    mr nk made me think of something as I was driving on in today. Lenny Kravitz is undeniably charismatic and talented, yet I can’t change the channel or station quick enough when one of his songs comes on. I think that’s mr nk’s and others reaction to Trump, aside from denying he has any charisma outside the fascistic kind; and talent outside of lying.

    I also think Lenny Kravitz would be interested in joining Trump on a daddy daughter double date.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  135. And aren’t “conservative values” an adherence to the constitution that should be enforced?

    TheBas (3bcea0) — 3/6/2018 @ 10:49 am

    Trump followed the process with the travel ban, for example. As opposed to being Jacksonian.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  136. oh my goodness canada gets gayer and gayer and there’s seemingly nothing we can do

    Brooks mayor Barry Morishita told Alberta CARE (Coordinated Action for Recycling Enterprises) spring conference attendees a railroad tie gasification project is being considered in the region.

    The gasification system, explained by CP Rail in a 2007 release, creates combustible gas that is used to operate an electrical generator which feeds electrical power into existing power transmission grids.

    “Compared to conventional burning methods, the plant is designed to gasify any biomass waste products and through the process create useable energy, while, at the same time reducing greenhouse gas emissions,” the release states.

    He said plans for the project started over two years ago when he received a letter from CP Rail stating they were going to stockpile 60,000 rail ties in Brooks.

    The rail ties have to be audited through a system. Every tie has a number and every tie has to be proved that they’ve been destroyed,” he said.


    [saved from filter — Stashiu3. I think it was the repeated “gay” use, not sure]

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  137. no effing idea why that comment got moderatered

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  138. The Bas… if NBC News is complaining, normally in thronesniff patrol mode, there may be a problem.

    Colonel Haiku (d6175a) — 3/6/2018 @ 11:23 am

    Them Duke Boys have done got away again.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  139. What a liar. I am sure it is 100% disprovable that she knew Oswald.

    Sammy Finkelman (e0d9f1)

  140. wrong thread

    Sammy Finkelman (e0d9f1)

  141. Enquiring minds need to know, Sammy.

    Colonel Haiku (d6175a)

  142. she’d probably be less corrupt (if she can keep herself from putting out for the security guards)

    happyfeet (28a91b) — 3/6/2018 @ 12:10 pm

    Isn’t she the Lesbionic Woman? Maybe she can get Megan Barry to do some security consulting.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  143. you’re right you’re right

    if elected she would technically be the first lesbian governor of new york, which would be historic cause she likes having sex with women not men

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  144. it says you can substitute “yellow rice” for bread bowl but that seems extreme to me, at least for the first time

    i’m very excited thank you so much for putting this on my radar

    happyfeet (28a91b) — 3/6/2018 @ 1:08 pm

    You’re welcome, I look forward to hearing about the experience. I’m only an eight hour Megabus ride away. My wife actually connected thru Chicago going to Denver but she said it was the smaller airport. Where would that be? They probably just have Panda Express.

    I need to import an old picture from the Denver Airport to my Instagram. They actually have a City Wok there. I don’t know if Trey Parker and Matt Stone copped it from them or vice versa but I had a good laugh.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  145. A chimera at best.

    Kevin M (752a26) — 3/6/2018 @ 10:34 am

    I owned a Firebird once. Pretty close to a chimera. [jpg]

    papertiger (c8116c)

  146. Maybe these #NeverTrumpers can persuade Bill Kristol to run for office?

    Colonel Haiku (d6175a)

  147. I guess Beldar will soon find out if Ted Cruz is as strong as he believes him to be.

    Colonel Haiku (d6175a)

  148. i don’t think i’ve ever been to midway

    maybe i flew in there once when i was in LA but I don’t remember

    i could take the train there from where i live but it would take a long time and probably be an experience

    ord isn’t terrible usually, but foodwise it’s kinda challenging… i think the frontera torta’s place is probably your best bet for real food for a relatively decent price… i hate aunt annie’s in particular there’s just nothing redeeming about that crap

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  149. @155. =Haiku!= Gesundheit!

    Polls indicated Tedtoo at 40% approval statewide, Colonel; that’s President Trump territory.


    Breaking– after market close, Gary Cohn has resigned from the Trump Administration. Tariffs and trade wars, not Charlottesville Nazis, drove him out.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  150. Pin-133, he looked like too much of a kid’s party clown with the cowboy hat and six-shooter.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb) — 3/6/2018 @ 1:42 pm

    Did Uncle Buck punch a drunk clown? It’s some John Hughes movie.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  151. i could take the train there from where i live but it would take a long time and probably be an experience

    happyfeet (28a91b) — 3/6/2018 @ 2:31 pm

    If I hitch a ride with Gretchen Wilson can you meet me south of town? I’ll be the only guy who doesn’t jump when the gas flares light off.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  152. i’ve never been south of town

    i saw the edge of it once when i went to the top of the hancock building, and I have friends who’ve gone there

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  153. a president who actually understands the Constitution

    I’ve got some bad news for you.

    The former campaign adviser was reportedly tasked with explaining the Constitution to Donald Trump shortly after he announced his run for president, and Nunberg told “Fire and Fury” author Michael Wolff the experience didn’t go well.

    “I got as far as the Fourth Amendment,” Nunberg told Wolff, “before his finger is pulling down on his lip and his eyes are rolling back in his head.”

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  154. i saw the edge of it once when i went to the top of the hancock building, and I have friends who’ve gone there

    happyfeet (28a91b) — 3/6/2018 @ 2:59 pm

    You’re Shailene Woodley!?

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  155. Davethulhu (fab944) — 3/6/2018 @ 3:10 pm

    Nunberg telling Michael Wolff. Really?


    Stashiu3 (466cdf)

  156. You should put yourself on a 24 hour timeout, just from embarrassment at posting that.

    Stashiu3 (466cdf)

  157. Just to be clear, are you suggesting that Nunberg was lying? Or Wolff?

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  158. How about this:

    Donald Trump has blamed the US constitution for the problems he has encountered during his first 100 days in office
    In an interview with Fox News to mark the milestone, the Republican called the system of checks and balances on power “archaic”.
    “It’s a very rough system,” he said. “It’s an archaic system … It’s really a bad thing for the country.”

    How about this one:

    Rep. Mark Sanford (R-S.C.) left the meeting worried about Trump’s grasp on the basics of the Constitution. At a lunch with reporters afterward, he recalled that the candidate did not seem to know what he was promising to defend.

    “I wasn’t particularly impressed,” Sanford said. “It was the normal stream of consciousness that’s long on hyperbole and short on facts. At one point, somebody asked about Article I powers: What will you do to protect them? I think his response was, ‘I want to protect Article I, Article II, Article XII,’ going down the list. There is no Article XII.”

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  159. Just to be clear, are you suggesting either one is credible?

    Stashiu3 (466cdf)

  160. I’m thinking a slosh filtering truth through beer goggles, and Nunberg was there too.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  161. How about this one: going around quoting people who may or may not have an axe to grind, may be political enemies, or business enemies, or who are just trying to get some air time by attacking Trump only proves one thing, you’re very susceptible to rumor, gossip and innuendo. You’d make a great yenta.

    Rev.Hoagie (66ef0d)

  162. Trump only hires the best people.

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  163. So why not post that? It’s certainly more credible than your first link. I’ll have to look for the actual interview on the Independent link. I want to see the context. The WaPo link is from anonymous sources. You might not agree with me, but should certainly understand why I am skeptical of a media article that uses them. They were without question GOPe members.

    Stashiu3 (466cdf)

  164. I guess the only credible criticism of Trump has to come from people support him unreservedly.

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  165. Go with that, lol. Oh wait, our host has frequent criticisms and I always take them seriously, even when I don’t agree. How does that work? It’s a puzzlement.

    Stashiu3 (466cdf)

  166. The wapo link is a direct quote from Mark Sanford. The independent link has a video of Trump saying those exact words.

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  167. @174 I was responding to Hoagie @170.

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  168. In any event, I will definitely keep your concern for credible links in mind.

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  169. For example, tariffs. I see tariffs as something that can be removed as easily as they’re imposed. The stick when a carrot hasn’t worked. Also, I see most of these tariffs as counter-tariffs. I believe most of the countries we would use them on have tariffs on us. If it’s okay for them to use, why not us to balance the playing field? But my economic expertise is largely from watching The Big Short, so I don’t comment on those threads, just watch and try to learn from the host and others.

    Stashiu3 (466cdf)

  170. Hmm… no video link on my iPad. And I double-checked. I believe you, but iPads are sometimes wonky. I will look when I get near my computer.

    Stashiu3 (466cdf)

  171. I’m less concerned with a president, whether that’s Trump or Reagan, who may not know every article in the Constitution and much more concerned with politicians who understand it and want to run it through a shredder. They’re called Democrats.

    random viking (6a54c2)

  172. Rev.Hoagie says…. “And stop with the leftist mantra “FOX News”, it’s childish.”

    I think it is you that keeps saying you do not believe a word the New York Times says. The Washington Post. Book writers. Etc. Who do you believe? Fox and Friends….. Am I wrong?

    noel (b4d580)

  173. “FOX News”, it’s childish.”

    They know their audience, Hoagie. 😉 So glad you’re one the mend. How’s the house– and is a chainsaw w/free firewood in your future.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  174. I forgot “CNNMSMBCCBS”. You don’t trust any news if it doesn’t fit in with your preconceived views. Do I believe everything they say? No. But I sure don’t believe Fox is “fair and balanced” either…. nor is it trying to be.

    noel (b4d580)

  175. I think it is you that keeps saying you do not believe a word the New York Times says. The Washington Post. Book writers. Etc. Who do you believe? Fox and Friends….. Am I wrong?

    Yes, you are wrong. The reason you are wrong which I thought was clear is that I (we) don’t believe any of them, you do. Whether I see something on FOX or MSNBC or read something from the Times or Journal I take it with a grain of salt. It’s one partisan opinion among many, period. You seem to be under the delusion everything the Times prints or CNN “reports” is Holy fact and if it’s on Fox or a quote from say, Rush it’s lies, all dirty lies. That’s why we can no longer get along with the left. It’s never about political position to do the best rather it’s about forcing others to do their bidding. That’s not compromise, it’s not America. It’s fascism.

    Rev.Hoagie (66ef0d)

  176. Cthulhu… teh boy who cried Wolff!

    Colonel Haiku (d6175a)

  177. You lie every time you claim to be a Republican, noel. You’re a bullschiffer, plain and simple.

    Colonel Haiku (d6175a)

  178. In an interview with Fox News to mark the milestone, the Republican called the system of checks and balances on power “archaic”.
    “It’s a very rough system,” he said. “It’s an archaic system … It’s really a bad thing for the country.”

    Half assed it there trying to create a gotcha. With the full context, which the Independent and by extention Davethulhu, studiously avoid revealing, you know that DJT was refering to the “archaic” rules of the Senate and House, which are not stipulated within the constitution as a “system of checks and balances on the power of the president” and very rarely conform with the actual checks and balances on the legislature written in the constitution.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  179. Bill Kristol

    On this day, 182 years ago, the Alamo fell. We #NeverTrumpers honor those brave American free spirits who stood up against the authoritarians and nativists of their day.
    8:36 AM – Mar 6, 2018


    1,134 people are schiffing all over this

    Colonel Haiku (d6175a)

  180. How has Mark Sanford avoided being trotted off to an asylum.

    Seems like just yesterday we had every spare officer and medical tech armed with a butterfly net trying to catch that crazy [sacre bleu]

    papertiger (c8116c)

  181. 183.I forgot “CNNMSMBCCBS”. You don’t trust any news if it doesn’t fit in with your preconceived views. Do I believe everything they say? No. But I sure don’t believe Fox is “fair and balanced” either…. nor is it trying to be.
    noel (b4d580) — 3/6/2018 @ 4:16 pm

    noel, stop. If you cannot grasp the fact that every single news outlet other than FOX is slanted far left then you can’t conceive of what Fair & Balanced looks like to guys like me who are always accused of not being so while guys like you control the media. It’s refreshing to watch FOX just to get a break from the childish, incessant, continuous din of leftist claptrap present on every other outlet.

    DCSCA, it’s FOX’s job to know their audience but it does not invalidate the point that all the rest are leftist just because FOX ain’t balanced. BTW, Fair & Balanced is just a motto like “Coke Adds Life”. Coke really doesn’t add life.

    I have the insurance company sending an adjuster later this week due to another expected nor’easter coming tomorrow. I’m in no shape for cuttin’ wood.

    Rev.Hoagie (66ef0d)

  182. Good gravy, his going nuts, its a short trip

    narciso (d1f714)

  183. 189 comments and nobody’s said it yet: What’s Trump plan for getting Hillary the Democratic nomination?

    nk (dbc370)

  184. @187

    I’m going to surprise you and admit that the quote does seem to be taken out of context.

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  185. Whether I see something on FOX or MSNBC or read something from the Times or Journal I take it with a grain of salt.

    It’s refreshing to watch FOX just to get a break from the childish, incessant, continuous din of leftist claptrap present on every other outlet.


    Davethulhu (fab944)

  186. I’m going to surprise you and admit that the quote does seem to be taken out of context.

    So what? When has Trump ever been fair or restrained in his slurs of other people? Goose/gander (not to be confused with “Goose Stormy!”.

    nk (dbc370)

  187. Or goosestep.

    nk (dbc370)

  188. @187

    I’m going to surprise you and admit that the quote does seem to be taken out of context.

    Davethulhu (fab944) — 3/6/2018 @ 4:32 pm

    Tadoocha. {I almost didn’t post that. Typed it up. Put it in the hopper. Started feeling conciliatory. Then Stashiu went after it. So … }

    papertiger (c8116c)

  189. @188. =Haiku!= Gesundheit!

    Someone should remind Bill Kristol that on this day, 44 years ago, The Big Dick held a nationally televised press conference and among the peppering of questions on Watergate, joked he’d stopped beating his wife and proclaimed, “I will do nothing to weaken the Office of the Presidency.” Five months later he resigned.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  190. i’m happy about how dirty sacky Gary Cohn’s going to slink away back to the goldman sachs sewer

    this is good for america

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  191. You really need to get out and about more, ASPCA. There’s a big world out there, no need to remain glued to your old Philco. Let Dick Nixon Rest In Peace.

    Colonel Haiku (d6175a)

  192. Lloyd Blankfein


    Gary Cohn deserves credit for serving his country in a first class way. I’m sure I join many others who are disappointed to see him leave.

    this means dirty sacky slut Lloyd Blankfein was among those pressuring fat-ass old gary to quit

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  193. You know who else wee a Goldman vet, the newly woke head of first bank of nebraska

    narciso (d1f714)

  194. Half assed it there trying to create a gotcha.
    papertiger (c8116c) — 3/6/2018 @ 4:24 pm

    Thanks papertiger. I obviously had my suspicions when I mentioned needing to see the context. You confirmed them. Not that I don’t trust Davethulhu … wait, I don’t.

    Stashiu3 (466cdf)

  195. In any event, I will definitely keep your concern for credible links in mind.
    Davethulhu (fab944) — 3/6/2018 @ 3:51 pm

    Sure you will.

    Stashiu3 (466cdf)

  196. I’ e been a proponent of the fujimori protocol.

    narciso (d1f714)

  197. So, at least I think we can now all agree that Trump knows more about the constitution than CNNMSNBCCBS know about journalism…

    TheBas (3bcea0)

  198. Thanks again for directing my attention to invisiblserfcollar, narciso. This excerpt from an earlier post on that site (bold is mine):

    Remember how I warned that we cannot fight against what we are unaware of or have been misled about? The transformationalists all want cultural evolution via values and ideas at the level of the mind and personality and they no longer regard democracy as being about elections. No, now “at its core, democracy is fundamentally about a type of relationship between citizen and state–one where constituencies can mobilize and make binding claims on policymaking institutions.”

    Those constituencies are built up from students who have Instilled the Desired Dreams and are ready to join together to “play a recognizable role” in history. All that comes quite effectively and invisibly from making education about Worldview cultivation instead of the transmission of knowledge.

    This made me recall the various student protests which made demands of their Institutions leaders and policymakers – from the Universities down to Stoneman Douglas High School. coincidence?

    felipe (023cc9)

  199. 205… Cthulhu is 🦑 tastic!!!

    Colonel Haiku (d6175a)

  200. Robin has pointed out how they pioneered this technique in Australia piggy backing over guilt about the aborigines. That explains port Arthur also dunblane in the UK, they don’t see why it shouldnt work here.

    narciso (d1f714)

  201. Nunberg telling Michael Wolff. Really?


    Stashiu3 (466cdf) — 3/6/2018 @ 3:25 pm

    Robin Trower wrote a song about it…like to hear it? Here it go

    The Fool and Me

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  202. Pin,

    He insisted that I view the video to see “those exact words” spoken by President Trump. Either he had viewed the video like a normal, honest person before using it as a link and knew that those words were taken out of context (as I suspected and he later admitted only after being called out on it) and nothing he posts should be trusted, or he didn’t view the video and nothing he posts should be trusted. Either way, he’s proven he can’t be trusted.

    I, for one, likely won’t be responding to him in any substantive way from now on.

    Stashiu3 (466cdf)

  203. Ahhh… the Summer of ‘74… driving from SoCal with my best friend in my first new car… a Fiat X1/9… up to the Provo/Orem Utah area to do some trout fishing…. Robin Trower “Bridge of Sighs” on the 8 track… roof off under the stars… good memories…

    Colonel Haiku (d6175a)

  204. narciso (d1f714) — 3/6/2018 @ 2:04 pm

    It is because he does not share their worldview – in its entirety. It’s “all or nothing” in the new brain.

    felipe (023cc9)

  205. Civility we are going to try that out one of these days:

    narciso (d1f714)

  206. 209.205… Cthulhu is 🦑 tastic!!!
    Colonel Haiku (d6175a) — 3/6/2018 @ 6:55 pm

    Talk to me, Colonel. What does that little square mean you and Cthulhu used?

    Rev.Hoagie (66ef0d)

  207. Seems like just yesterday we had every spare officer and medical tech armed with a butterfly net trying to catch that crazy [sacre bleu]

    papertiger (c8116c) — 3/6/2018 @ 4:29 pm

    He ran off with Don’t Cry for Me Argentina, right? I guess it takes one to know one.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  208. Robin Trower “Bridge of Sighs” on the 8 track… roof off under the stars… good memories…

    Colonel Haiku (d6175a) — 3/6/2018 @ 7:07 pm

    My ’74 Tonka Trucks didn’t come with 8 track.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  209. I, for one, likely won’t be responding to him in any substantive way from now on.

    Stashiu3 (466cdf) — 3/6/2018 @ 7:05 pm

    It’s not always what they tell you but what they don’t tell you. I’ve hit submit without doing a quick check so I’ve been dinged before.

    Maybe he believed the spin without looking at the full context. Continuous improvement is something for which everyone should strive

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  210. Hoagie… if you’re using an iPhone or iPad it comes across as a squid. Cthulhu was a squid-like monster that H.P. Lovecraft conjured in one of his fevered too much opium dreams…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  211. 218… you young whippersnapper, you!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  212. Colonel Haiku

    I had no idea Rick Derringer was the dude from Hang on Sloopy

    Rock guitarist Rick Derringer told a federal air marshal that he keeps his gun with him on commercial airline flights 30 to 50 times a year, and was only detained last month at Atlanta’s airport near the end of a trip to Mexico, authorities said.

    Found with a loaded gun in his carry-on bag after stepping off a Delta Air Lines flight from Cancun, Mexico, he now faces a criminal charge in Atlanta, court records show.

    Chicago Tribune

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  213. 222… yep, I was just listening to a Steely Dan CD and was surprised that it was Derringer playing the lead with a great solo… “Chain Lightning”… love that song! Now you got me in a Trower mood… here’s the best one off that album I think… done live in ‘17 at Doheny Fest down SoCal way… sonuvagun still has his chops!

    Colonel Haiku (d6175a)

  214. Rick Derringer also did the EVH part for Weird Al on Eat It.

    He must be one of the luckiest sumbitches who ever lived to get caught with a gun coming back from Mexico. FailAmerica TSA clowns.

    Pinandpuller (16b0b5)

  215. @213. =Haiku!= Gesundheit! “Ahhh… the Summer of ‘74… driving from SoCal with my best friend in my first new car… good memories…” And The Big Dick flying to San Clemente after resigning in disgrace. Good memories, indeed.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  216. All that comes quite effectively and invisibly from making education about Worldview cultivation instead of the transmission of knowledge.

    Oh, bosh. Education has never been about the transmission of knowledge. It’s always been about inculcating a Worldview. Up until c 1980 that worldview was always socially conservative and American First. Then Leftism began taking over.

    Stop pretending and start defending conservative views as worth defending. Any other strategy is merely whining.

    Kishnevi (417b3c)

  217. “Oh, bosh. Education has never been about the transmission of knowledge. It’s always been about inculcating a Worldview.”

    I think my education was much different from yours.

    Mine was about the transmission of knowledge. I won’t argue with you about what yours obviously was.

    TheBas (3bcea0)

  218. sonuvagun still has his chops!

    Colonel Haiku (d6175a) — 3/6/2018 @ 8:10 pm

    Thanks Colonel, that was great. I guess I fell for the rumor that he died. He looks like a cross between Colin Mochrie and Terrance Stamp.

    Was he the singer on any of his songs way back when? Whoever it was has a great voice.

    Pinandpuller (ab4c3b)

  219. Wow, Megan Barry resigned and copped a felony plea. No guns for you baby girl. Who says women don’t pay for sex?

    Pinandpuller (ab4c3b)

  220. Here’s a heart warming Jane Fonda story for you Reverend Hoagie and Stashiu3, among others:

    American Conservative Veterans

    Pinandpuller (ab4c3b)

  221. 229… not a singer, to my knowledge. He had that Hendrix guitar sound though.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  222. That singer had a huskier, Paul Rodgers voice…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  223. Of course it was in Atlanta…white guy with gun…thats the blue shirt dream down there. Hartsfield is like putting an airport in Chicago’s happy-proof wild 100s (far south side and near South suburbs(.

    urbanleftbehind (c60c51)

  224. Filed under “Didn’t Fit Teh Narrative”…×334.png

    Colonel Haiku (796ffc)

  225. Colonel haiku says, “You lie every time you claim to be a Republican, noel. You’re a bullschiffer, plain and simple.”

    Sorry that I missed your gem of a quote earlier, Colonel. But there you go again, belching out opinions on something you know nothing about. I am a Republican. If you could muster up an ounce of objectivity, you might recall that about 15 percent of Republicans do not approve of the President’s actions. Blind loyalty isn’t for everyone.

    noel (b4d580)

  226. Blind loyalty isn’t for everyone.

    Neither is blind hatred. When you state ” 15 percent of Republicans do not approve of the President’s actions” you are in fact stating that regardless of what the president does 15% will not support him. That just blind hate. Like blind loyalty it is narrow minded and prejudice.

    Rev.Hoagie (1b0402)

  227. What on earth are you talking about, Rev.Hoagie. Every time you guys see a comment that you disagree with its “hate” or “leftist” or “bullshiff”. I must “love Hillary”. And then there is one of your personal favorites, Rev.Hoagie, the accusation that I am “emotional” and need to “calm down”.

    I don’t hate anyone. Never have. I am not a leftist and I don’t tolerate lies. Emotional? Surrounded by some of you folks, I am certain I cannot win that title either.

    noel (b4d580)

  228. Hoagie continues…. “you are in fact stating that regardless of what the president does 15% will not support him. That just blind hate.”

    OK….. It’s not a “fact”, I did not state that nor is it “blind hate”. How do you come up with this stuff?

    noel (b4d580)

  229. Trump is the last person anyone could be said to hate blindly. He is all out there, in full public view and on Twitter too.

    nk (dbc370)

  230. Rev.Hoagie says… “you are in fact stating that regardless of what the president does 15% will not support him. That just blind hate.”

    IRONY ALERT….. Who said this, Rev.Hoagie? “I could shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue and not lose any voters.”

    (You can’t claim that I always disagree with Donald Trump.)

    noel (b4d580)

  231. Who said this, Rev.Hoagie? “I could shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue and not lose any voters.”

    What are the odds of hitting a REPUBLICAN in the middle of Fifth Avenue?

    What are the odds of hitting an Al Queda?

    IRONY ALERT…. Odds are much better of hitting an Al Queda member.

    papertiger (c8116c)

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