Patterico's Pontifications


What Gets Lost In President Trump’s Twitter Flurry Of Idiocy And The Outrage Of An Indignant Media

Filed under: General — Dana @ 9:55 am

[guest post by Dana]

This is the candidate to whom CNN gave 3x more airtime than 16 other GOP candidates combined. This is the candidate to whom Hillary Clinton lost.

Scrolling two tweets below this video clip in his feed, are back-to-back attacks against #FakeNews:





Unfortunately, sandwiched between these bookends of self-indulgence, is what should be permanently pinned at the top of his Twitter feed and not lost in the mix:


For those of you who have been schooling me that President Trump’s tweets are no big deal, tell me which of these tweets is getting the most airplay today on the Sunday morning talk shows, the most print space in the press, and being re-tweeted and linked to most? (I just refreshed his Twitter feed, and can tell you it most definitely is not the tweet honoring our vets. Not by a long shot.) Does anyone really believe that because he tweeted some petty and vindictive rants, he has now gotten #FakeNews out of his system, freeing him up to to focus fully on the important issues that impact us all? Because if you do, you have not been paying attention. These outbursts feed an insatiable appetite of vanity and wounded pride. It is small, it is petty, it is a waste of time. And, unfortunately for us, it is his lifeblood.

We have a perpetual victim in the White House. And we have an indignant, puffed-up mainstream media which believe themselves victims at the hands of this president. They feed off of one another like tortured lovers in the most unhealthy and doomed of relationships. It is CNN that skillfully baits this man-child into throwing public tantrums on a regular basis, and it is the president that causes a collective ringing of hands and clutching of pearls as the wounded and outraged media works to avoid any self-scrutiny. Mutual hate and self-indulgence, shared need and desperation, torment and despair. Unfortunately, neither entity has our best interest at heart. There isn’t room for any third party in this tortured romance.

While CNN has revealed itself to be a dumb and dishonest media outlet with a self-serving agenda, so too has our president. And yet it is Trump who sits in the Oval Office, elected to serve the American people – not himself.

(Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back.)


354 Responses to “What Gets Lost In President Trump’s Twitter Flurry Of Idiocy And The Outrage Of An Indignant Media”

  1. I’m having trouble embedding the video clip from President Trump’s Twitter feed. I’ve asked our host to help. My apologies.

    [It should be working now. – JVW]

    Dana (023079)

  2. Dana, I still think the tweets on his personal feed are on balance helping the president move his agenda, the only way he knows how to move his agenda.

    He will never be beloved for any generous acts, or revered for high prose – the media deck is stacked against him. He is using the tools that work for him.

    Steve Malynn (ccf056)

  3. msnbc fake news propaganda sluts mika and joe are on vacation now in a hotel where they’re gonna hire hookers to pee in a bed he slept in

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  4. “CNN gave 3x more airtime [to Trump] than 16 other GOP candidates combined.”

    This surprises you? Annoys you? What has made you suddenly wake up?

    Dana, for Christ’s sake will you please listen? We “Trumpkins” have been telling you and Patterico for literally years that Trump is adept at playing and trolling the media. And please, don’t tell us it’s accidental, or that Trump is too stupid and uncontrolled to any such clever thing.

    Why is playing and trolling the (liberal) media bad?

    As for re-tweets, I expect most of us conservatives are not on twitter. We see it only via links from others. And we virtually never re-tweet. So of course Trump’s “good” tweets don’t get re-tweeted.

    Fellow commenters, weigh in here please, how many of you follow twitter, how many re-tweet, how many even know wtf re-tweet means? Or care? Me, I got a business to run, so see ya all later.

    Fred Z (66baa3)

  5. i tweeteth not Mr. Z mama pikachu raised me better than that

    instead i been having fun this weekend playing with a $13 bottle of cap’n morgan’s parrot bay mango rum

    favorite so far is a lil aperitif:

    i’m using antique wide-mouthed burgundy wine stems (fancy!)

    at the bottom throw in a lil ice and a splash of tonic

    then i chill the below and pour it on top the tonic

    2 shots of the cloying, flavored rum

    1 shot of luxardo bitter

    garnish with a cut-to-size watermelon stick!

    this is very lovely and so far people seem to enjoy it

    i’m having to use up all my fancy foreign mixers as i transition to all-american domestically-made ingredients for to honor the commitment President Trump has made to make America great again

    it’s a sacrifice but i’m glad to do my part

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  6. no twitten on my end.
    If you don’t like Trump, join antifa.

    mg (31009b)

  7. It’s ‘The Goon Show.’

    “Video Killed the Radio Star” – Horn, Downes, Woolley, 1978


    Today’s Beldar The Bitter ‘Watergate, Watergate, Watergate’ Words Of Wonder:

    “The people that are most disturbed about this now are these g-ddamned Republicans. A lot of these congressmen, financial contributors, and so forth are highly moral.” — President Nixon discussing Watergate break-in and cover-up, White House Oval Office tapes, February 28, 1973

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  8. i abjure this post btw

    i abjure it very much, for it is rife with a base and uncreditable moral equivalence that I hesitate to characterize further

    yes yes yes Mr. Z is correct of course, that we’ve finally discovered the rarest of unicorns: a republican with the balls to stand up to a bullying, hyper-entitled, deeply anti-american propaganda slut media

    oh happy day!

    it is so lovely!

    but there’s so much more to say

    President Trump’s not just taking on the lilliputian and petty cnn jake tapper fake news propaganda sluts

    he’s planted his feet squarely in the turf against an encroaching deeply fascist anti-free speech movement that subsumes the media, academia, silicon valley, and vast swathes of the judiciary and the executive branch of the deeply corrupt american government

    to say nothing of subsuming the debased, perverted, and deeply anti-American Mitt Romney/Evan McMullin/John McCain factions that have infiltrated the Republican Party

    no one else is making such a stand – and certainly nobody else is doing and making it look effortless as breathing

    I love you President Trump

    you represent the best of us

    you’re a true American

    the first in a long long time to hold that office

    and it’s profoundly heartening for all of us who’ve watched in horror as this sick sad country’s steadily declined further and further into fascism and unfreedom

    you’re truly a rat-a-tat-tat and a plum lolly both and I am so so proud you’re my President

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  9. he aims to misbehave, you see

    and it is Beautiful

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  10. After two years of Trump the politician, how is it possible that anyone has missed the fact that there is method to Trump’s madness?

    Fight dirty with Trump and he will fight dirty right back at you and he will win. We have seen this time and again. Why on earth would Trump back down from what he and his supporters, along with anyone who can view this situation with detachment, rightly view as a winning tactic?

    At this moment, when Trump has the media on the run, picking up the tempo seems the correct move. In a different context, General Mattis calls this “annihilation tactics.”

    After living through decades of their shameless unprofessionalism (not to mention anti-Americanism), who would argue that the MSM doesn’t deserve it?

    Contrast Trump’s patriotic comments, though hidden among his anti-media rantings, with yet another public display on anti-Americanism by Barack Obama. Which do you prefer? After so many anti-Trump posts, it is difficult not to infer preference.

    And let’s not forget that the MSM is the nation’s Leftist megaphone for anti-American propaganda. All these Tweets are really of a kind: pro-American.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  11. Drudge has a poll going now: Trump to tweet or not. It’s running 3 to 1 in favor of tweeting. It’s how Trump bypasses the ‘destroy Trump’ media and connects directly with his several million Twitter followers with the invaluable added bonus that those who most hate the people’s president and seek to overturn his election must cover his tweets word for word, instead of putting their false words in his mouth and then condemning him for their own underhanded misrepresentations.

    Let the big dog eat. Trump’s Tweeting infuriates the enemies of free, open, and honest elections. Hate can’t set the national agenda, hate can’t manufacture public opinion when access to valid information can expose their ‘fake news’ for what it is, and who the enemies of the people really are.

    So, keep tweeting Mr President. The loudmouth jackasses who insistently urge you to stop are the very ones who seek to control what the rest of us can see and hear. Don’t let Big Brother run you off the ‘bully pulpit.’

    ropelight (5307de)

  12. From Instapundit’s comments:

    UPDATE: From the comments: “The last president used the IRS to target his enemies. Trump chooses comedy and the media sh-t themselves.”

    Steve Malynn (ccf056)

  13. There’s only so much than can be said of Steve and Eddie

    Now this slow motion against the duly constituted chief executive, crickets

    Of dreiband and Von spakovsky they might as well be basenghi

    narciso (d1f714)

  14. We finally have a leader who is immune to Alinsky #4 and #13, no matter how hard the Left and #NeverTrumper try. What a relief.


    Nice application of Alinsky #8, too.

    Notes – Alinsky’s rules

    #4 – “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.

    #8 – “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.

    #13 – “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  15. When the likes of maverick allowed shinseki to do to veterans what taxidermists to puppies, little was remarked upon as is that other honorable man, mcdonald

    narciso (d1f714)

  16. President Trump’s something of an institution already I think Mr. ThOR

    he’ll certainly be the yardstick by which future presidents are measured for a long long time to come

    why don’t you fight back like President Trump people will ask

    what the hell is wrong with you people will ask

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  17. “Take a bow DNC-MSM – to paraphrase the former president, you did that build that.”

    — Ed Driscoll

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  18. freedom > a certain twee and stodgy decorousness

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  19. You can choose to roll up in the fetal position like a quimby, or punch back.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  20. happy@17

    Fine insight. Promising.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  21. Punching back has been an Instapundit theme for quite some time, which he borrowed from Obama.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  22. A recent report from the Harvard Kennedy School’s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy analyzed the news coverage of President Trump’s first 100 days in office. This report effectively and objectively exposes the MSM’s animus. The report explains, “CNN and NBC’s coverage was the most unrelenting—negative stories about Trump outpaced positive ones by 13-to-1 on the two networks. Trump’s coverage on CBS also exceeded the 90 percent mark. Trump’s coverage exceeded the 80 percent level in The New York Times (87 percent negative) and The Washington Post (83 percent negative).”

    The first 100 days in office, people! Normally known as *The Hooneymoon Period* for a newly elected president became an all-out war declared by and propagated by the media, academia and Hollywood. An unrelenting barrage of anti-Trump BS and nit-picking never seen before. So when Trump tweets let him tweet.

    Besides he’s pissing off the right people. Hahahaha.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  23. One president rewards this, giving over small parcels to his cronies:

    narciso (d1f714)

  24. Trump can’t admit the truth, so his only option is to complain and try to discredit the media. This sort of chaos is exactly what Russia wants: nihilism.

    Tillman (a95660)

  25. #FraudNewsCNN #FNN

    Finally! A Trump sex video.

    “Kinky!” – Hedley Lamarr [Harvey Korman] ‘Blazing Saddles’ 1974

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  26. What of Davis love and Kate’s law passing is that chopped liver?

    narciso (d1f714)

  27. “try to” discredit the media?


    even with the sleazy corrupt fbi turdboys on their side these cnn jake tapper fake news propaganda slut asshats have nothing to show but corrections and an ever-growing list of under-bused staff

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  28. here’s an interesting look at the senate vote last time they tried to pass kate’s law

    cowardly corrupt illinois squish mark kirk was the only R opposed

    and princess lindsey couldn’t be bothered to cast a vote

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  29. You and others have been assimilated Trumpfeet. But resistance is not necessarily futile.

    Tillman (a95660)

  30. oh hell no i are not been assimilate

    i’m an iconoclast and a prolific commenter

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  31. plus i pass the turing test

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  32. That has not been verified pikachu, you strike me like Brion james

    narciso (d1f714)

  33. “so his only option is to complain and try to discredit the media. This sort of chaos is exactly what Russia wants…”

    Unintentionally amusing, tillmenz!!!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  34. CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta, whom Trump labeled “fake news” at a Feb. 16 news conference, wryly asked in a tweet, “Isn’t pro wrestling fake?” Trump’s oldest son, Donald Trump Jr., tweeted in response “Yes, just like your coverage.”

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  35. National Soros Radio rather too-pointedly (and too-obviously-too-pointedly) chooses to describe Trump’s tweeted gif as a “bodyslamming” video

    they just can’t stop doing fake news all up in it

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  36. Drawing the parallel between the MSM and pro wrestling is simply brilliant.

    It is far more effective than a reasoned critique, which is quickly forgotten.

    Just ask Lil’ Marco.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  37. “Last week I said the left is collapsing into homicidal insanity, that they were braying for blood and violence. Here’s this week’s grab bag:

    Fox LA – Trump supporter run down, stabbed after political rally … a white supporter of Maxine Waters’s opponent was in intensive care after being stabbed nine times. Edgar Khodzhasaryan and Arsen Bekverdyan are the perp’s names. The victim goes by “white trash” and “cracker”, according to his attackers.

    “His whole job is to get people, convince Republicans to (expletive) kick people off (expletive) health care. I’m glad he got shot. I wish he was (expletive) dead,” said Nebraska Democratic Party official Phil Montag about Congressman Steve Scalise . He was fired for getting caught saying it.

    Marcella Arguello, a standup comedian and a writer for Bill Nye Saves The World on Netflix, tweeted in the wake of the Congressional baseball shooting that the deaths of “a few old ass conservative white men” were a worthwhile risk if it led to gun control .

    “Watching the congressman crying on live tv abt the trauma they experienced. Y is this so funny tho? The very people that push pro NRA legislation in efforts to pad their pockets with complete disregard for human life. Yeah, having a hard time feeling bad for them,” said Nebraska Democratic Black Caucus Chairwoman Chelsey Gentry-Tipton . She refused to step down.

    About the college kid abducted and tortured into a coma in North Korea: ‘Spoiled’ Otto Warmbier ‘got exactly what he deserved’ says an anthropology professor at the University of Delaware . Kathy Dettwyler is her name, 62 years old, “Adjunct Associate Professor” which sounds like her duties may include tidying up, fetching coffee and bashing white guys. Update: this malodorous harpy got fired.

    Critics of Sharia gathered in Syracuse June 10 to hold a rally against the Islamic legal code … “We almost have the fascists in on [sic] the run. Syracuse people come down to the federal building to finish them off,” said Syracuse University Prof. Dana Cloud . Dana Cloud is Director of Graduate Studies, her resume includes gender theory, queer theory, women’s studies, gender studies, member of the International Socialist Organization, and she pledges allegiance to “the people of Iraq, Palestine and Afghanistan”. Apparently this is what passes for credentials at Syracuse University.

    Johnny Depp says he intended “no malice” when he asked a crowd at the Glastonbury Festival in England Thursday, “When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?” ”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  38. Hilarious video. I agree with Trump. He should poke and prod and circumvent the media. If he gives up twitter, he places his public messaging in the hands of a hostile media.

    Dejectedhead (3a27b5)

  39. Go clean up your own back yard, tillmenz.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  40. Make your own Dear Leader behave, Mr. Head-In-The-Sand Huiku:

    “…knock the crap out of them…I’ll pay the legal fees”

    Tillman (a95660)

  41. Weasels defend weasels, its in their nature:

    narciso (d1f714)

  42. cnn trash gotta be trashy (but not as trashy as mika for so they can differentiate their brand)

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  43. How bad is Carlos slims, they ask sympathy for the Alexandria shoots widow.

    narciso (d1f714)

  44. Weak, tillmenz, even for you.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  45. The moral narcissism of the Never Trumpers – as exemplified on this blog by Patterico and the oh-so-annoying Dana – is beyond tiresome. You fools – and you ARE fools – want to take the high road right off the side of the mountain.

    Your girl Hillary lost. Get over it.

    Deuce Frehley (7654f5)

  46. The last time we had a president who delivered mixed messages and got mad at the press he sent Carville and Begala to spew the vitriol this one spews himself. Both reflected the culture of the times whether the rest of us like it or not.

    crazy (d3b449)

  47. Dana, why not go ask the Senate about how dignified and smart they are whilest they refuse to get a Health Care Bill on the POTUS’s desk?




    The PT Barnum in Trump is the least of our problem in DC.

    In fact he is doing the ignorant public a great service by pointing out crudely what liars they are.

    Blah (44eaa0)

  48. #39 The NeverTrumpers either miss this or would prefer he be engulfed by their lies.

    The more he does this to the Press the happier I am I voted for him.

    They are vile scum and being treated as such is well worth it. Need more.

    Just like when they mock Allah, well worth it. Need more.

    Blah (44eaa0)

  49. speaking of snotty virtue-signaling harvardtrash

    Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse said Sunday that he is troubled by President Donald Trump’s latest attacks on the news media because he is concerned about the danger of “weaponizing distrust,” which can harm the freedoms that define a democracy.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  50. The point is its fake news or how they say it German, lugenpress or in Russian dezinformatya, the things we decide are worthy of vapors and those we don’t.

    narciso (d1f714)

  51. I saw the so-called Constitution in the Sunday NYT. It is a double-page spread in its editorial section with parts of it “annotated” in the margins with quotes, from whomever fits, that fit NYT’s editorial position. Not a keeper.

    And, oh yeah, It has the preamble on the whole first page with George Washington’s face in the top half and Trump’s face on the bottom half.

    In other words, NYT did a very suckish thing editorializing with the Constitution on this Fourth of July. Go get ’em, Mr. Trump!

    nk (dbc370)

  52. Ben Sasse loves fake news cause they love him he’s basically a non-senile John McCain except without all that freaky-deaky brainwashed-pow baggage

    happyfeet (28a91b)


    Good Enough Parent President

    Good enough parent PRESIDENT is a concept deriving from the work of ThOR, in his efforts to provide support for what he called “the sound instincts of normal parents PRESIDENTS…stable and healthy families NATIONS”.

    An extension of his championship of the “ordinary good mother PRESIDENT..the devoted mother PRESIDENT”, the idea of the good enough parent PRESIDENT was designed on the one hand to defend the ordinary mother and father CITIZEN against what ThOR saw as the growing threat of intrusion into the family POLITICS from professional expertise; and on the other to offset the dangers of idealisation . . . by stressing instead the actual nurturing environment provided by the parents PRESIDENT for the child NATION.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  54. But the 4th of July commemorates the Declaration of Independence. You’d think the NYT would know that.

    crazy (d3b449)

  55. yes yes he r good enuff for me

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  56. Pope reverses Vatican stand on British sick baby case

    nobody gives a fetid crap what you think loser

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  57. do you like it how it slithers down your throat?

    okey dokey

    here’s another heaping helping of CNN fake news for you

    Liberals are reclaiming patriotism from the right

    By Ruth Ben-Ghiat

    Updated 1:23 PM ET, Sun July 2, 2017

    We will remember 2017 as the year patriotism started to acquire a new vitality and force among Democrats — and the year that the GOP lost control of its narrative. We have President Donald Trump to thank for both of these things.

    i’m guessing cnn fake news propaganda slut Ruth Ben-Ghiat must not know many actual Democrats

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  58. Give him points for getting around to it, pikachu.

    narciso (d1f714)

  59. i seriously can’t even take this one seriously Mr. narciso

    he’s basically Pope Jorge Ramos

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  60. my favorite part of the video is when you think oh gosh yes President Trump’s throttling the very life out of the cnn fake news

    a new age of fairness and truth is dawning!

    but then he gets up and you can see it’s still wiggling 🙁

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  61. I’m thinking of Patterico and Dana and JVW….

    There have always been folks who are profane and fake-macho here in the comments section. Always been folks who are over the top in their comments. Always been fundamentally bizarre trolls.

    There are also folks who spend time and effort to create interesting discussions here—and not just folks on the Right. These people aren’t generally rude, and are usually thoughtful and temperate, even when they disgree. Aphrael, Beldar, and DRJ come to mind (and there are others).

    It’s easy for many to skip over the angry trolls, and pay attention to the other category of comments.

    But lately, things have gotten out of hand here. The name of the blog is associated with Patterico’s name. Personally, I think that is important to consider when posting. Not everyone agrees, or should agree.

    It’s up to Patterico.

    But I see folks writing things that sometimes insult Patterico, let alone continually attack things that Patterico finds important.

    It’s not really a free speech issue. Patterico pays for this site. And he lets people say pretty much whatever they wish. When he boots someone—and it is rare—he has solid reasons for doing so, that he expressed prior to the issue.

    What worries me is that all the vitriol of late—especially the repetitive, nutty, bizarre stuff—will eventually convince Patterico just to shut the whole thing down. He certainly is less and less interested in participating. And there is more of the nasty weird stuff being posted. Sort of a Gresham’s Law of the Internet.

    I know that the trolls will do whatever they want. But it really will be a shame when Patterico finally says enough is enough.

    So some folks are going to exclaim that Patterico has the problem, etc. But Patterico pays for the site.

    Now I am being repetitive.

    I just remember a time when I didn’t have to sift through a huge amount of weirdness and anger to find things worth thinking about. Your mileage may vary.

    Simon Jester (b07cc1)

  62. At this point the only question is whether Trump will leave office in handcuffs, or a straitjacket.

    Dave (711345)

  63. Drudge has a whole thing about how the media peoplez is goin’ batcrap crazy about the Trump take-down video. They didn’t see any harm in a Trump assassination being perpetrated daily in the park but one lousy body slam has all the beta male pajama boys at CNNMSNBCNBCABCCBS in the vapors. It’s so cute to watch. Keep on tweetin’ Mr. President. MAGA.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  64. It’s so obviously meant to be funny. Boy humor, especially. My son and husband laughed. Then we watched the media scolds freak out. They look ridiculous by their reaction. The rest of us think, lighten up, it’s a joke. So they look bad again. Dumb luck for Trump? Or did he plan this? Who knows, who cares. He’s never going to ‘act presidential’ so get over it.

    peggy (fb6611)

  65. 53.nk (dbc370) — 7/2/2017 @ 1:07 pm

    I saw the so-called Constitution in the Sunday NYT. It is a double-page spread in its editorial section with parts of it “annotated” in the margins with quotes, from whomever fits, that fit NYT’s editorial position. Not a keeper.

    I didn’t get it with my home delivery, but no sections seem to be missing. Was this only on the newsstand?

    Is this regular newsprint, or some sort of special paper? You say it’s in the editorial section. That would be “Review” but it is not in there.

    The only think special is on the last page of the Sunday Styles section which says it is virtual reality film called “The Land of Salt and Fire” (about salt caravans on camels in Ethiopia) which says it can be vdiewed with the free VR app for IPhone and Android combined with a cardboard or daydream headset (which was included with the paper maybe a year ago – the cardboard headset.)

    You also need the iPhone or Android phone.

    I experimented a year ago with some other people’s help at a meeting of a computer club. It’s not much.

    Sammy Finkelman (03c829)

  66. ann althouse, who is smart and pretty, notices how short-sighted some of President Trump’s critics are being

    Meanwhile, Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison calls for censorship: Twitter should kick Trump out. Twitter does have the power to pull the plug, but what are the consequences?

    What happens to Twitter after it shows itself looking plainly political? There’s always another social media platform. It wasn’t that long ago when Twitter didn’t exist. There’s nothing that special about Twitter other than that it has a lot of users. They could have them today and lose them tomorrow. Trump has 33 million followers. Anywhere he goes, he will be followed, leveraging Twitter’s competition.

    As for the censors like Ellison, why do they not worry about how they will be seen? Why don’t they worry about the demands for equal treatment? Ellison said: “I personally think that Twitter should treat him like any other social media harasser and snatch his account.” Turn that around. If Trump’s account is snatched, then everyone else whose account was equally “bullying” toward anybody would have to get their account snatched. That would be a lot of snatches.

    Fascists like the cnn fake news propaganda sluts and Keith Ellison want censorship to be the new normal. And yeah that’s deeply unamerican, but that’s who they are.

    The fascist “black lives are insipid gay vegan trannies what hate minimum wage workers” movement is trying to do censorship all up in Chicago too.

    Fascism is everywhere anymore, and the CNN fake news propaganda sluts give it a pass every single time.

    But President Trump doesn’t agree that censorship should become the new normal in America, and if he stands his ground that alone will be a majestic and valuable legacy of his wonderful and timely presidency.

    Thank you Constitution Jesus for sending us this angel of freedom in our time of need. Thank you for sending President Donald J. Trump.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  67. Peggy, I agree with you. I think that DJT is trolling everyone. It seems scrumptious to watch the MSM make fools of themselves, but it’s sad.

    Not because I like or respect the press. I don’t. But it is interesting to see how utterly predictable the press is, and how much they are playing into Trump’s hands.

    I think Trump was a poor choice for POTUS. I find him embarrassing and cringe-worthy and fundamentally dishonest. But he is better than the other choice last November, hands down.

    And that makes me sad.

    I know people who will attack literally anything Trump says or does, even if it is no different from things their Preferred Politician of the Past said or did. I know (and see) people who approve of literally anything the huckster says or does. I keep hoping for people on both sides to become more reasonable: happy with good decisions, irritable about bad decisions. I said “hope.”

    I’m also hoping that this bizarre circus sideshow presidency will create candidates who are better—on both sides—than the last crop we were offered as voters. What I fear, though, is a further descent.

    Simon Jester (b07cc1)

  68. Cnn had to fire three reporters for one story, had they any shMe they would fire the reporter with the EPA scoop, they and buzzfeed creates that bogus plagiarism series against crowley and Clarke, they celebrated a wouldbe presidential assailant. Those are just off the top of my head

    narciso (d1f714)

  69. There was no “bogus plagiarism series against crowley”.

    There were laughably dishonest attempts to exonerate her, though, by moving the goalposts from academic dishonesty (i.e. cheating, which she was clearly guilty of) to copyright infringement (which she was never accused of).

    Dave (711345)

  70. Simon, I empathize. I made fun of The Donald before most people, way back in the 80’s. Revered at my college next to Michael Milken at the time if you can believe it. However, I was an early Trump supporter because of who the Repubs put on that stage.
    Next presidential election, is it The Rock v Zuckerberg? Or The Rock v. Kamala Harris?

    peggy (fb6611)

  71. The tweet about veterans seems to be a follow-up to a veterans’ tweet yesterday:

    Donald J. Trump

    Getting rdy to leave for tonight’s Celebrate Freedom Concert honoring our GREAT VETERANS w/ so many of my evangelical friends. See you soon!

    2:38 PM – 1 Jul 2017

    The media just took the whole thing as meaningless and self-promotion. Which it basically is.

    He now as anew tweet up about how the dishonest media will NEVER keep “us” from accomplishing our objectives on behalf of our GREAT AMERICAN PEOPLE.

    That is never really the obstacle. Latest news is Rand Paul proposes passing two separate bill “Repeal” and “Replace” but at the same time.

    The first could pass with only Republican votes and the second one the mosderates could vote for.

    They need to get a separate group of about 10 to 15 Democrats to negiotiate with (who would agree that if they reached agreement, would vote for cloture even if 30 to 35 Democrats didn’t)

    Create that break-away caucus, and something can happen. And in reality, it needs to be a very comprehensive bill with all sorts of provisions.

    It still might not be possible to reach 51.

    Sammy Finkelman (03c829)

  72. Whatever Trump does IS presidential, which is an indisputable fact, and an a priori truth. Right now, in this time and place, The Donald alone defines ‘Presidental.’

    So, find another chickensh*t complaint to smear the man American voters elected to lead the nation, and in the process reveal yourself for the anti-democratic elitest totalitarian you really are.

    ropelight (5307de)

  73. So, find another chickensh*t complaint to smear the man American voters elected to lead the nation, and in the process reveal yourself for the anti-democratic elitest totalitarian you really are.

    So anyone who criticized President Obama during the period that he was the man American voters elected to lead the nation was also an anti-democratic elitist totalitarian?

    Would include, say, Donald Trump?

    And I take it you never attacked President Obama during those eight years either, right?

    Dave (711345)

  74. There is nothing good or bad but tweeting makes it so. @william_shakespear *verified

    Pinandpuller (3cee7e)

  75. Would *that include…

    Dave (711345)

  76. Dave, I love it when you say “at this point the only question is whether Trump will leave office in handcuffs, or a straitjacket”. That means Trump has you exactly where he wants to you guys. You’re reacting to him while he plays you like a fiddle. He is masterfully manipulating those slow-witted leftists in the media and their brainwashed followers. He’s doing to the media and their leftist patrons exactly what they’ve been doing to us for years.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  77. 71. Even if CNN, or those reporters, were taking dictation from some Democrats, they were victimized, because they did not expect to be told something that would have to be retracted within a day or two. And this happened at least twice (also with the Comey testimony.)

    Whoever leaked that story treated CNN or those reporters as expendable. Maybe you could say, if that is what happened, that someone got what they deserved, I don’t know.

    What’s the EPA scoop?

    Sammy Finkelman (03c829)

  78. Dave, I love it when you say “at this point the only question is whether Trump will leave office in handcuffs, or a straitjacket”. That means Trump has you exactly where he wants to you guys. You’re reacting to him while he plays you like a fiddle. He is masterfully manipulating those slow-witted leftists in the media and their brainwashed followers. He’s doing to the media and their leftist patrons exactly what they’ve been doing to us for years.

    Cool story.

    Dave (711345)

  79. Simon,

    Everywhere I look, there is a huge amount of weirdness and anger, not to mention crime and violence. Our world is not what it used to be or even what I thought it was just a few months ago. Many things I value have been diminished to the point that they are nearing extinction. Speaking of which, I’m old enough now that there’s not much I can do about it and, besides, I wouldn’t know what to do if I were younger. We are in the wilderness looking for a path out. It’s not easy. Tempers fray. It’s natural.

    And it’s not about extremism. Today I made the argument, an argument I’ve made before in various guises, that President Trump is good enough. It is hard to make a blander argument. Yet, I have been routinely insulted. To many, I am a “freak”, or worse. In these comments and in this world, blandness is roundly disparaged. It is here that I’ve learned that there are really only two sides: Trumphilic and Trumphobic. The one side always lumps me with the other, though usually it is the Trump-haters. There’s no room in the middle anymore.

    Breaking this into two blogs was a great idea. I didn’t realize how much so, at first. This old dog is more comfortable in the yard than the house, anyway.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  80. Have we forgotten how slavish Lucia Newman has been to the Castro regime or eason Jordan wee to the tikriti mob in Baghdad, I would call them bad function writers but fiction has to make sense

    narciso (d1f714)

  81. i don’t see anything particularly angry or weird about this thread

    this thread, it is a good thread, plucky and adventurous

    i like the zest with which this thread embraces the now

    this thread lives in the moment, unapologetically


    this is a thread that touches the hearts of everyone it meets

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  82. “Welcome to the site
    I guess you all know why we’re here
    His name is Donnie
    And he became teh Prez this year
    If you want to hear the truth
    You’ve got to play fair ball
    And put in your best take
    Put on your eye shades
    You know where to put the cork

    Hey you talkin’ smack
    So sorry, we got you sussed
    Hey you watchin’ Rachel Madcow
    This is a bust
    Hey droolin’ old Mr. Matthews
    Don’t try to gain my trust
    Cuz you ain’t gonna talk to me any of those ways
    Although you think you must

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  83. For those of you who have been schooling me that President Trump’s tweets are no big deal, tell me which of these tweets is getting the most airplay today on the Sunday morning talk shows, the most print space in the press, and being re-tweeted and linked to most? (I just refreshed his Twitter feed, and can tell you it most definitely is not the tweet honoring our vets. Not by a long shot.) Does anyone really believe that because he tweeted some petty and vindictive rants, he has now gotten #FakeNews out of his system, freeing him up to to focus fully on the important issues that impact us all? Because if you do, you have not been paying attention. These outbursts feed an insatiable appetite of vanity and wounded pride. It is small, it is petty, it is a waste of time. And, unfortunately for us, it is his lifeblood.

    Sigh…Go back to whateve post it was and read Hogie 49. Read it when you get up in the morning. Read it at lunch. Read it with an glass of wine before dinner. Read it before bed. Soon, ok maybe not too soon but at some point, you will understand.

    WTP (23969d)

  84. Did you just give a eulogy, happyfeet?

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  85. nonono

    i just wanna stand up for this lil thread

    this thread’s been a lifeline for me and many others

    from the second it was posted it’s always been there for me

    that’s not something you just turn your back on and walk away from

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  86. There’s a new story, in the Wall Steet Journal Saturday/Sunday, and also Thursday, which apparently they were researching for a while (their main source died in the meantime, at age 81, about 10 days after they talked to him in May) in which their source, Peter W. Smith, apparently believing that the Russians had possibly obtained copies of Hillary’s deleted emails, may have been trying to steal or buy them from the Russians somehow or someone who’d already stolen them from the Russians, maybe the original hackers they’d presumably hired. Or maybe get someone to get them from someone the Russians may have turned them over to, etc.

    He sent an encrypted email to Matt Tait, a cyber security expert on September 7. The cover sheet of a “KLS research packet” listed names of people in the Trump campaign, whom he suggested Tait could contact, to the extent permissible with campaign finance law since this was going to be an independent expenditure.

    So now we have people thinking or claiming Smith maybe was in contact with Michael Flynn or others, but it’s just a list of people in the Trump campaign – and a lot of them probably because of the assumed difficulty of reaching any of them – whom Tait could try to contact, presumably if he got something, or maybe to attempt to find out what they’d like to see.

    Smith had also been in contact with several groups of hacker, including two from Russia.

    Smith wanted Tait to sign a non disclosure agreement. Tait declined and that was the end of it as far as he was comcerend.

    Sammy Finkelman (03c829)

  87. #76, Dave, I criticized a great many things Obama did. How could any honest man do otherwise?

    Obama’s failed presidency is an ongoing disaster for the nation. If not for the willful blindness of Pollyanna baboons he’d never have been elected, nor would fools, racists, and cowards have debased themselves making excuses for the monumental treachery that saturated his abministration.

    Your inability to see the obvious is clearly volitional. Good luck with that.

    ropelight (5307de)

  88. There’s less than meets the eye, sammeh:

    It does correct the notion that he was no political operativr

    narciso (d1f714)

  89. Will we get around to public policy or are chasing the dog trainer.

    narciso (d1f714)

  90. We’re also losing sight of the fact that Iraqi forces reached the destroyed mosque where Bagdadi declared himself caliph ion June 29, which they say is three yeare since he did that. Raqqa is close ro fdalling leaving mainly rhe province (but not the city, which is under seige by ISIS) of Deir Ez-zor still in the hands of ISIS

    It really is like 1945 – there’s a deconfliction line” with the Syrian government/Iranian/Russian forces in Syria. Theer weer agreed lines too in 1945.

    Iran is recruiting Afghan refugees in Iran, partly with threat of deportation and partly with a completely made up story as tp how the war started.

    Mr. Amin, for example, believed that the Syrian war resulted from a dispute between the Nusra Front jihadist group (which was officially founded in 2012) and Mr. Assad. He had been made to believe that the war broke out after the leader of Nusra (who, he said, was related to Mr. Assad) wanted to build a store over a mosque. Mr. Assad, an Alawite, rushed to defend the mosque and protect all religious sites, especially the Shiite shrines, in the country. In turn, in Mr. Amin’s telling, Nusra called for Mr. Assad’s downfall and the destruction of shrines.

    Iran’s Revolutionary Guard and Hezbollah fighters trained Mr. Amin and the Afghan recruits of the Fatemiyoun Division in using weapons and tactical movement for a month. Some were trained as snipers; some were trained in tank warfare. After the training they were flown to Syria and sent to the front lines in Damascus and Aleppo.

    Sammy Finkelman (03c829)

  91. Obama’s failed presidency is an ongoing disaster for the nation. If not for the willful blindness of Pollyanna baboons he’d never have been elected, nor would fools, racists, and cowards have debased themselves making excuses for the monumental treachery that saturated his abministration.

    OK, so “smearing the man American voters elected to lead the nation” only makes me an “anti-democratic elitest totalitarian” when you, Ropelight, happen to agree with him. Got it.

    I agree with every word you said about Obama’s presidency, by the way.

    And I would apply every word of it to Trump’s as well.

    Dave (711345)

  92. But when you are 78 and don’t have any grandchildren it’s sure fun to watch.

    Bang Gunley (5a4596)

  93. the wall street journal is making a very persuasive case that it’s not something one needs to subscribe to

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  94. Robot Roll Call:


    George Will!



    Pinandpuller (3cee7e)

  95. Many of the leading Syrian rebels, contra o’bagys analysis not only nusra but ashram Al sham and Lisa Al tawhid are expressly islamist, if not directly Al queda it is the path of least resistance

    narciso (d1f714)

  96. And the time you wasted in putting together this post and venting on all this inanity is …..?

    I DON’T CARE what he tweets.

    He’s responding to a network where a recent study showed that 93% of all stories run about him were negative. 7 positive stories out of 100. What exactly does he “owe” them?

    Do you think he put together the CNN GIF? Or did someone simply discover it and show it to him? And it took him about 30 seconds to pound out the tweet and attach the file.

    shipwreckedcrew (40880a)

  97. i like how he says fake news is the enemy of america

    this is so damn true

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  98. 96.the wall street journal is making a very persuasive case that it’s not something one needs to subscribe to

    I don’t know what new vitamins or perhaps a new cocktail you’ve been using but your comments are pure Patterico Gold lately.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  99. 91. Your link says which Smith stated he never offered to pay anyone for any emails that turned up). And nothing verifiable connects the Smith team to Russian hackers. Also the idea may have bene that hackers independently stole them from Hillary’s server. (I don’t think anybody stole it – that it would be easy was another bit of nonsense from the FBI.)

    During the time when Smith was trying to get this thing going, a Smith associate threw in, in a recruiting email, the LinkedIn page for the Flynn Intel Group in a list of those participating in the hunt, but that might not be really accurate, and in any case that would probably mean Flynn’s son.

    This is all probably because it became one angle of a FBI investigation.

    Sammy Finkelman (03c829)

  100. I cite mynprevious work, because who else will:

    narciso (d1f714)

  101. ugh i’m struggling to find a use for this cap’n morgan’s parrot bay coconut flavored rum

    for whatever reason it was a buck cheaper even than the mango one

    i tried it ice-blended with some limoncello but it’s just sorta limp and saccharine to where I don’t wanna waste any coconut milk on it plus that’s just more calories than this liquor is worth

    i’ll sip on this for a bit then try something else

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  102. There’s alot of otehr things in the Wall Street Joutnal.

    Sammy Finkelman (03c829)

  103. i agree Mr. F but subsidizing fake news, even if it’s presented alongside not-fake news, is a bad feeling

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  104. Tait, who is wittes apprentice at lawfare, comes to alpha security from google zero, and previously gchq, he was one that doubted the Russian bonafides as recently as six months ago.

    narciso (d1f714)

  105. @104. Use it like Malibu. That plus vodka, cranberry and pineapple juice and voila! It’s sweet though.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  106. Live by impulse, die by impulse.

    DJT has survived to this point due solely to the revulsion of the silent majority tea partiers. The media and the deep state being reprehensible gives DJT license to commit political seppuku with regularity and without consequence. So far.

    I genuinely love that the Left now gets to suffer as we did with a loathsome president.

    The very great problem for us, however, is that “our” guy has yet to demonstrate the will to go as hard as it takes to significantly swing the pendulum. Where’s the wall? ACA repeal? The prospects for tax reform? Sanctions for sanctuary cities? Sanctions for Chiiiiiina? While much, much better on Israel, how’s that new embassy in Jerusalem progressing? Don’t argue how difficult any of this is. My point is DJT has laid down on all of these to this point. He fully embraced and accepted the cementing of the core ACA principles and proclaimed it “repeal.”

    I predicted Pence would be president before 2021 and I stand by it. The fury of those who invested in this narcissistic NYC bully when he fails them will be epic and it will give cover to the entrenched political and corporate elites to boot him. Having Pence in the bullpen serves only to embolden them in this.

    Ed from SFV (3400a5)

  107. remember that ghcq was suggested as the source of part of the fisa info, and hannigan, was dismissed a week later, unlikely crowdstrike, alpha security did not make an actual analysis of the malware,

    narciso (d1f714)

  108. now I think mma is really the appropriate metaphor. as Clausewitz has been inverted,

    look how hard it is to do a simple bill like davis/love and how hard it is to get notice for it,

    narciso (d1f714)

  109. it’s not President Trump’s fault the senate is filled with self-fellating harvardtrash like Ben Sasse

    senile cowardly low self-esteem torture victims like John McCain

    sleazy lobsterpot bimbos like Susan Collins

    narcissistic harvardtrash showboats like Ted Cruz

    useless nonfunctional boy girl vaginas like Dean Heller

    all overseen by a limpwristed kentucky douchebag whose only concern was getting his corrupt pig wife installed in a cushy government pension job

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  110. I’m old enough to remember reruns of Buffalo Bob bringing in a clown trainer to give Clarabell what for.


    It didn’t work.

    Pinandpuller (3cee7e)

  111. “Presidential” reset button

    Thy name is Twitter

    Pinandpuller (3cee7e)

  112. FEGLI and the thrift plan weren’t all that, but I heartily commend Happyfeet on all that preceded the Chinese beards reference in post #112.

    urbanleftbehind (b2afba)

  113. @104 happy feet

    I bet you live within two miles of nine guys names Limoncello.

    Pinandpuller (3cee7e)

  114. That sounds good Mr. Reverend but I’m kinda just working with what’s at hand

    but it ended up ok so far

    in the blender i threw a can of evaporated milk 1 to 1 with the rum

    a dozen drops of edible orange essential oil

    and a splash of imitation vanilla and blendered that – then tried it over ice

    it has a pleasant hint of dreamsicle and it’s really nice with the foamy head it gets from the blender

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  115. this is one of those neighborhoods where every direction takes you into new and wonderful ethnic territory – some of them rather unusual like the swedens, but i’d be lying if I said I’d explored any of it very well yet

    i just sorta check off one box at a time

    this is on my list to walk to one these days

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  116. Progressives Destroyed Normalcy And Now They’re Shocked Trump Isn’t Normal. Donald Trump will merely be our president. He doesn’t have to be a role model.

    crazy (d3b449)

  117. Dana shouldn’t up there say the *faux* outrage of a *faux* indignant media?

    just to button it down

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  118. to use another popular metaphor from a film ‘they’ve blown the transaxle, they are just grinding metal now’* eight years ago, it was time to be nice, now it’s not time to be nice,

    narciso (d1f714)

  119. I bet you live within two miles of nine guys names Limoncello.

    I’m still laughing even as I type this, Pinandpuller. It’s funny cause it’s true!

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  120. I know I crossed aliens with roadhouse, but the point still applies, eight years the tea party moved rather civilly to challenge the administrations ‘dark deeds’ and what did we get for it, well know what one standbearer, the huntress was subject to, after six years she decides to challenge one of the most agregious examples of media criminality, which had even permeated her own state, and yet some are still not satisfied,

    narciso (d1f714)

  121. Oh look, John Cougar sold him a song to Nissan.

    Ain’t that America?

    Pinandpuller (3cee7e)

  122. I wouldn’t doubt it, take fusion gps, glenn simpsons firm, they were the ones who on behalf of planned parenthood targeted frank vanderslip of melaleuca, five years later, we find they were the ones who were contracted by akmetchin, to hire Christopher steele for the dossier, there are other interested parties re crowdstrikes’s funders

    narciso (d1f714)

  123. @99, SWC

    He’s responding to a network where a recent study showed that 93% of all stories run about him were negative. 7 positive stories out of 100.

    Your position must be based on one of two premises, neither of which seems defensible to me:

    1) That a politician, regardless of what he does, is entitled to a certain amount of positive coverage, or

    2) That Trump’s first 100 days in office merited more than 7% favorable coverage.

    I can’t imagine that you believe #1, so let’s focus on #2.

    Trump’s first 100 days in office had one notable success – confirmation of Gorsuch. But even Gorsuch was critical of Trump’s attacks on judges during the confirmation process, so it isn’t necessary a 100% positive story for Trump.

    Otherwise, what should have generated positive coverage?

    The strike against Syria received some favorable coverage, but probably also some negative given Trump’s over-the-top opposition to doing the exact same thing when Obama was president. Coverage was further muddled by Spicer’s bizarre statements about Hitler not using chemical weapons on his people.

    His speech to congress received some praise (whenever Trump reads other peoples’ words, he appears more intelligent and more reasonable). But that was not really any sort of lasting accomplishment, just a good news cycle or two. And before the speech, he bizarrely floated the idea of reneging on his immigration campaign promises, before deciding against it.

    Trump signed a large number of executive orders, which he and his party had criticized Obama for using. The first version of the immigration ban-that-isn’t-a-ban-but-really-is-a-ban was an unmitigated disaster, show-casing dysfunction and incompetence at all levels in the administration. Multiple courts found the order illegal and/or unconstitutional. And Trump reacted with unprecedented attacks on the “so-called” judges. The revised ban-that-isn’t-a-ban-but-really-is-a-ban didn’t fare much better and did nothing to earn favorable coverage.

    Another major story was the resignation, in disgrace, of his national security advisor within a few weeks of taking office, for lying about suspicious contact with the Russians. This, too, was handled with staggering incompetence and incoherence, with presidential advisors going in front of the cameras to say Flynn had the president’s full confidence only hours before he was thrown under the bus.

    Related, of course, was the FBI/Comey saga, culminating in the firing of the FBI director for (by Trump’s own admission) refusing to whitewash “the Russia thing” and his bizarre, Nixonian suggestion that he was secretly taping conversations in the White House.

    Then there was healthcare. Trump attempted to appear relevant during the House’s first attempt at passing the AHCA, but it was immediately clear that he was clueless (and indifferent) about any details of the bill. So instead he resorted to ham-handedly trying to strong-arm members of his own party and very publicly failed. More negative coverage.

    There were also plenty of self-defeating stories directly caused by Trump or his lackeys, like the “biggest election crowds” lie, the “biggest election victory since Reagan” lie, the “highest murder rate in 50 years” lie, the bizarre and unsubstantiated “millions of illegal votes” lie, the bizarre and unsubstantiated claim that Obama tapped his phone lies, the weekly golfing trips after excoriating Obama viciously for much less frequent excursions, the on-camera commercial for Ivanka’s merchandise during a White House briefing, the dishonest attempts to take credit for decisions at Carrier, Lockheed Martin, Ford, etc that were made before he was elected, the ethical cloud of conflict of interest involving he, his family and his businesses, “alternative facts”, etc

    To summarize: Trump was scoring own-goals at the rate of one or two a week during those 100 days. Hardly surprising for a man who is ignorant of the most basic facts of civics and history, and manifestly unfit for office.

    Of course, there is no question that the press is biased, too. But Trump makes it easy for them to truthfully portray him as the incompetent troglodyte he is.

    Dave (711345)

  124. According to a February 8, 2008, Associated Press report, Mellencamp’s camp asked that the campaign for presidential candidate Sen. John McCain stop using his songs, including “Our Country” and “Pink Houses,” during their campaign events.

    McCain’s campaign responded by pulling the songs from their playlist.

    i love you, President Trump

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  125. Interesting article there, crazy.

    In the current hailstorm of animosity, there are a few safe havens. Kindness is one, along with respect and belief in the essential dignity of all people. Like all of the most important things in life, these do not emanate from the government. They are a gift of nature and Divine Providence. Sometimes the people are called upon to be better than their leaders; this is one of those times.

    Is Dr. David Marcus actually suggesting we treat people who deny Divine Providence and even deplore us for believing in it with the soft hand of brotherly understanding? Even after years and years of abuse and name calling by the left? Hell, they even invented slur words to use against us like *Islamophobe* and don’t forget twisting the word that cost them their power *deplorables* used to describe anyone not supporting them.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  126. ugh i know Mr. narciso i really really hope the whole thing falls apart

    at the end of this whole odyssey come to find out Rauner’s just effing useless

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  127. If you cross Aliens with Roadhouse:

    Private Hudson to Ridley: I thought you’d be bigger .

    Pinandpuller (3cee7e)

  128. He’s responding to a network where a recent study showed that 93% of all stories run about him were negative. 7 positive stories out of 100.

    Your position must be based on one of two premises, neither of which seems defensible to me:

    That’s not a *position* Dave, it’s a statistic. You can make of it what you want but we all know if it was Hillary the numbers would be reversed regardless how many Americans she got killed or how much uranium she sold to the Russians. Ya hearin’ me?

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  129. I waste no opportunity to showcase, the eva green lookalike justice minister:

    narciso (d1f714)

  130. it seems the rot goes back to louis freeh:

    narciso (d1f714)

  131. @130

    Is Dr. David Marcus actually suggesting we treat people who deny Divine Providence and even deplore us for believing in it with the soft hand of brotherly understanding? Even after years and years of abuse and name calling by the left? Hell, they even invented slur words to use against us like *Islamophobe* and don’t forget twisting the word that cost them their power *deplorables* used to describe anyone not supporting them.

    Strange question from somebody who appears to call himself “Reverend”…

    Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also. And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. – Matthew 5:38-41

    But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you. And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also. Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again. And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise. – Luke 6:27-31

    Dave (711345)

  132. Ridley: He just had a monster erupt from his abdomen!

    Brett: Kane don’t hurt.

    Pinandpuller (3cee7e)

  133. Contrast Trump’s patriotic comments, though hidden among his anti-media rantings, with yet another public display on anti-Americanism by Barack Obama. Which do you prefer? After so many anti-Trump posts, it is difficult not to infer preference.”

    Did you notice that Barack T Firefly, in his speech condemning patriotism just in time for the Fourth Of July, spoke out for defending the freedom of press while the Shill Media go bonkers over Trump but made no mention of freedom of speech at a time when conservatives are forbidden from speaking on campus and Republicans in parades need to hire private security?

    harkin (28a3f0)

  134. 94 – “I agree with every word you said about Obama’s presidency, by the way.

    And I would apply every word of it to Trump’s as well.”

    Neil Gorsuch and the federal judgeships being done so far alone make DT a better President.

    harkin (28a3f0)

  135. I secretly respected the guys who wanted to know who the h3ll I was.

    By an act of Congress I was all off a sudden an officer and a gentleman and deserved a salute.

    Well, in my case it took the stamp of the USMC.

    But even if I wasn’t, I’m not buying it. The story we are sold of the USS Fitgerald doesn’t add up. That many people could have been asleep on the bridge and in combat.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  136. Rev Hoagie

    “Y’all can’t deny it.” Fabolous

    Pinandpuller (3cee7e)

  137. ……….but he’s got a long way to go just in minimizing the damage done by eight years of a destructive clown, a crooked party and an accomplice media.

    harkin (28a3f0)

  138. and dreiland, and von spakovsky, who were zealous in their efforts for the state of north Carolina, and at the justice department respectfully,

    narciso (d1f714)

  139. something a little more edifying,

    yes steve, btw, why the 57, the story makes as much sense as the one of that battleship whose turret exploded nearly 20 years ago,

    narciso (d1f714)

  140. @134

    That’s not a *position* Dave, it’s a statistic. You can make of it what you want but we all know if it was Hillary the numbers would be reversed regardless how many Americans she got killed or how much uranium she sold to the Russians. Ya hearin’ me?

    I wasn’t referring to the statistic, but rather to SWC’s implied assertion that Trump deserved more than 7% favorable coverage.

    That’s a question we can address without reference to Hillary Clinton or any other shiny object introduced to divert attention away from Trump’s litany of failure.

    Dave (711345)

  141. btw it was this sterling fellow who signed off on the klausitis autopsy, at the least due diligence was not in his repertoire,

    narciso (d1f714)

  142. Ridley: You shoot pretty good for a blind white boy.

    Pinandpuller (3cee7e)

  143. 140

    Neil Gorsuch and the federal judgeships being done so far alone make DT a better President.

    Judges are important. But they’re not the only thing that’s important.

    And after Trump has poisoned the Republican brand and eviscerated conservatism for a generation, and the Democrats win the next N elections, the judicial scorecard will look a bit different.

    Dave (711345)

  144. one thing’s for sure Mr. Dave

    new york times fake news propaganda slut maureen dowd is dead wrong

    President Trump is NOT a pig

    who’s a pig is Maureen Dowd

    a big fat ugly oinky pig

    that’s the ugly truth you see when you strip away all the fake news

    but you have to strip it away before the healing can start

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  145. Strange question from somebody who appears to call himself “Reverend”…

    Like most reds you’ve learned your Alinsky well: Rule #4 “Make the enemy live up to its own rules”.
    I assume you somehow believe I/we should just shut up and take it? Wrong again. You really need to brush up on your Bible meanings. Incidentally, I do not *appear* to call myself a reverend. I do. And I am.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  146. she is still dealing with the fact that Michael douglas chose zeta jones over her, which in retrospect, she dodged a metaphorical bullet, she’s a mean girl, sans the charm of Rachel mcadams,

    narciso (d1f714)

  147. #149, Dave, if recent past performance is the most reliable indication of future election success, your predictions are every bit as asinine as your comments.

    ropelight (5307de)

  148. And after Trump has poisoned the Republican brand and eviscerated conservatism for a generation, and the Democrats win the next N elections, the judicial scorecard will look a bit different.

    If you believed that to be true you would shut up and watch him fail amused at the entire charade. But you need to keep blabbing like the usual beta male to reassure yourself you are right. Must be a piss poor chess player. I think it was Napoleon who said “Never interrupt your opponent when he’s making a mistake”.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)


    I may have played rugby with one of these gents.

    And heaven forbi I dare to compare my service to their’s. This is not my intention.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  150. no, they did very courageous work, but somewhat like the uss cole, there was some flawed policy that prevented them from taking countermeasure,

    narciso (d1f714)

  151. Now here’s a real screw-up. Gov. Christie just got caught lounging on the beach when he closed them to taxpayers. They have the pictures. I guess he’s not smart enough to realize reporters nowadays have drones to watch him as he sun bathes. Plus, when asked if he “Got some sun today” he responded “No”. This guy deserves to loose. He’s acting like a Democrat, the rules don’t apply.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  152. stay puft never appealed to me, when he received the biggest boomlet since the mummy, he owes his liberty to chris wray, who saved him from his own bridge kerfluffle, as luskin did for rove, regardless the latter still spoke of rope around a hangman’s noose,

    narciso (d1f714)

  153. I will veto Mike Madigan’s permanent 32 percent tax hike. Illinois families don’t deserve to have more of their hard-earned money taken from them when the legislature has done little to restore confidence in government or grow jobs. Illinois families deserve more jobs, property tax relief and term limits. But tonight they got more of the same.

    that’s a ray of hope at least

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  154. I would hold on that cupcake Pikachu, what is Madigan good for, rhetorical?

    narciso (d1f714)

  155. why the python comparisons come to mind:

    also yes prime minister,

    narciso (d1f714)


    When asked if it was a “fair” that the governor can relax at a state compound while the public could not enjoy the beaches, Christie suggested: “Run for governor, and you can have a residence there.”!

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  157. @158. Nyet, Hoagie. See #163. It’s a bridge too blame the GOP, Dems or even Trumpers on this one.

    Governor Soprano is just an a$$hole.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  158. apparently it passed with what it would need to override the veto in the house

    and it will very likely hit the number it needs for override in the senate

    so Illinois is pretty much dead now like Brittany Murphy and Kurt Cobain thanks a lot Mr. Madigan

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  159. ^ bridge too far.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  160. just a suggestion, maybe the post could have been anchored around the veterans tweet, which few people heard off

    narciso (d1f714)

  161. Smoothest Christie move since he sat, rolled over and fetched for Obama after Sandy.

    harkin (536957)

  162. If I were Kim Guadagno, is be really mad right now, and put in a call to Satriale’s.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  163. Heh “journalism”

    The Washington Post did a story on the nation’s historic low birth rate without mentioning abortion.

    harkin (536957)

  164. consider this was the doner’s second tier choice, good gravy,

    narciso (d1f714)

  165. what won him support was his pledge to veterans, to bring manufacturing back to this country, to build a wall, and to crush Islamic state, he will be judged by those measures,

    narciso (d1f714)

  166. The term “instrument of crime” creeps up again in ol’ Keystone.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  167. Sammy @68. Home delivery. Can’t miss it, the first full page is The Preamble with pictures of Washington and Trump superimposed. But ours gets printed in Chicago, if that makes a difference.

    nk (dbc370)

  168. well he’s the clown with the smallest nose, which isn’t easy competition,

    narciso (d1f714)

  169. @151

    Like most reds you’ve learned your Alinsky well: Rule #4 “Make the enemy live up to its own rules”. I assume you somehow believe I/we should just shut up and take it?

    You are better-versed in Alinsky than I am. Regardless, the original quote that you mocked said:

    In the current hailstorm of animosity, there are a few safe havens. Kindness is one, along with respect and belief in the essential dignity of all people.

    Calling for treating people with a measure of kindness and respect isn’t quite the same as “just shut up and take it”, is it?

    Wrong again. You really need to brush up on your Bible meanings. Incidentally, I do not *appear* to call myself a reverend. I do. And I am.

    People might call themselves “Rev.” for any number of reasons, ironic or otherwise.

    So which Christian faith teaches that the Sermon on the Mount means something other than it actually says?

    Dave (711345)

  170. @155

    If you believed that to be true you would shut up and watch him fail amused at the entire charade. But you need to keep blabbing like the usual beta male to reassure yourself you are right. Must be a piss poor chess player. I think it was Napoleon who said “Never interrupt your opponent when he’s making a mistake”.

    Except that I don’t want conservatism to fail. Try to keep up.

    Dave (711345)

  171. Was that bit of silly pro wrestling fun really that outrageous to some of you? Your concern falls flat. We just witnessed weeks of Trump being assassinated in some “art” performance. C’mon guys, don’t jump the shark yet. Pace yourselves. Start with dolphins.

    jcurtis (d42778)

  172. That firers byline ca.ecfrom the reform candidate for gov in 2010, fwiw, he was beAten by some top man stone who then lost to pat quinn

    narciso (d1f714)

  173. Except that I don’t want conservatism to fail. Try to keep up.

    Then I must be misreading you Dave, because most of the time it does. Or is it just Trump you want to see fail?

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  174. I just want conservatism to be happy, whatever it decides to do.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  175. @158 Rev Hoagie

    Christie has to have a private beach because everyone tries to throw him back in the ocean.

    Pinandpuller (3cee7e)

  176. Alinsky dedicated his rules for radicals to the ‘first rebel’ lucifer,

    narciso (d1f714)

  177. The more I see the media, the more I like Trump. Which is why I limit myself to seeing the media as little as possible.

    Now, this is directed to shipweckedcrew, who might actually give my question some thought: Did Reagan, Bush 41 and the Shrub get any more slack from the media than Trump? Did they respond like assholes? And did their dignity and restraint lose them anything important that they wanted?

    nk (dbc370)

  178. Christie has to have a private beach because everyone tries to throw him back in the ocean.

    cause he’s so fat they think he’s a sea creature!

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  179. Did yu see the picture happyfeet? He looked like a beached whale.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  180. Did Reagan, Bush 41 and the Shrub get any more slack from the media than Trump? Did they respond like assholes? And did their dignity and restraint lose them anything important that they wanted?

    Reagan and Bush 41 were pre-Katrina

    but George W was just an appeasey appeaser what tried to appease the vicious propaganda slut media but failed miserably now he’s spending the rest of his shattered life in art therapy

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  181. Trump is not a conservative — he is a country club plutocrat — but he has recruited some conservatives, prominently Mattis and Sessions but others as well, and seems to be fine with them pursuing a conservative agenda, despite the Kushner conspiracy trying to pull him in the other direction.

    nk (dbc370)

  182. i saw the pic

    christie i think has just way overstayed his welcome

    i can’t stand the sound of him much less the sight

    i just have no use for him

    at heart he’s a corrupt deep state p.o.s. like Robert Mueller

    and my appetite for that sort of thing is just not what it once was

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  183. jcurtis (d42778) — 7/2/2017 @ 7:35 pm

    Trump was elected to be Commander in Chief, not Troller in Chief.

    kishnevi (4db2c4)

  184. New therapy offering to Lefties and #NeverTrump…

    “Knife massages are drawing hard-core spa enthusiasts to have cleavers chopped across their faces and bodies in a bizarre new wellness trend.

    The cutting edge craze sees customers ‘relaxing’ as sharpened cleavers are pressed in rhythmic motions all over them – with nothing but a thin piece of material separating their skin from the blade.

    Hsiao Mei Fang, the owner of Ancient Art Of Knife Therapy Education Centre, in Taipei, Taiwan, has been performing the strange procedure for more than 13 years.

    She said: ‘The treatment is originally from China and is 2500 years old. But here we have created an original new knife therapy.

    ‘Everything has a Yin and a Yang, so instead of using one knife we use two – this represents the Yin and Yang.’ …”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  185. My father, the sainted senior chief, got over himself and didn’t hate my Japanese wife. He came late into the Pacific war being only His only job as he saw it was to take pictures of his friends graves.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  186. Mary Pat is a high tide away from Margaret Howe country.

    Pinandpuller (3cee7e)

  187. They dialed the lawfare to eleventh, it took eleven years for the October surprusev to erupt, although Bani sad hadn’t dine enough damage as one of mossadeghs dead enders helped give it life, there nine specialncounsels against cabinet memberd

    narciso (d1f714)

  188. 190, FDR wasn’t elected “fireside chatter”. Try harder.

    jcurtis (d42778)

  189. Two against ed meese alone, ask mark Kevin about it sometime, ask ray Donovan what fairvpress is about.

    narciso (d1f714)

  190. 179, Adam with The Polish name should have started small like Secy of State. Great guy and the only one of the 6 or 7 Rs that year to give rodent culo about immigration. Their version of Ted Cruz got to the finals where scared suburban hussys gave it to Quinn with narrowest of margins.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  191. Christie shut down a bridge a beach and three Golden Corrals.

    Pinandpuller (3cee7e)

  192. Orita, Hara, I read your books.

    Thanks, captains,

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  193. Let’s get real-FDR couldn’t walk and chew gum but mostly walk.

    Pinandpuller (3cee7e)

  194. Fifteen Republicans joined majority Democrats in the 72-45 vote for the tax increases, providing one more than the three-fifths majority necessary for the law to take effect immediately. Rauner derided the proposals as lacking spending restraint or “structural” changes to he wants.

    this is eerily similar to how the R party permanently imploded in California

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  195. But even if I wasn’t, I’m not buying it. The story we are sold of the USS Fitgerald doesn’t add up. That many people could have been asleep on the bridge and in combat.

    That’s what Boards (or Courts) of Inquiry are for.

    nk (dbc370)

  196. By the way, compare Trump’s tweets to FDR’s fireside chats. You might end up recognizing that there are more parallels then you can imagine right off hand. FDR got into their minds. He had a soapbox second to none to this date. There were no fireside responses to FDR’s chats.

    It will be anathema to the Pulitzer committee, but it will make you the best journalist of 2017 if you pursue that angle. Dig deep. Find all those FDR chats and realize it was the only thing most Americans heard about politics. They had a radio in their house.

    jcurtis (d42778)

  197. There are no Republicans in Illinois. There is only the Combine. Rauner is Rahm Emanuel for downstate.

    nk (dbc370)

  198. Then I must be misreading you Dave, because most of the time it does. Or is it just Trump you want to see fail?

    Trump will fail regardless of what I want or don’t want, because he is evil, ignorant and mentally unstable. I want to minimize the damage he does to the country, and to conservatism, by sending him on his way as quickly as possible.

    My opposition to Trump is in spite of, not because of, the fact that he calls himself a conservative. But Donald Trump is a conservative in the same way Bruce Jenner is a woman. The fact that a certain part of the population have decided to pretend it’s true doesn’t change the reality of the matter. Lincoln liked to ask: “If we call a tail a leg, how many legs does a dog have?” The answer is four, “because a tail is not a leg.”

    If the man showed even the slightest sign of trying to grow-up, learn and try to do his job responsibly and ethically, I would acknowledge that. It is amply clear by now, though, that far moderating his irresponsible and dishonest behavior, becoming the most powerful man in the world has only amplified the worst aspects of his character. Many of us were pretty sure there would be no “road to Damascus” moment, and we were right.

    Dave (711345)

  199. the navy’s been whining how they need moar boats but they don’t even take care of the ones they have

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  200. I’ve heard that before Mr. nk but i think we’re looking at a situation where unimpeded snowballs are going to start rolling down hills to where the little antler-headed grinch dog gets squooshed up in it and nobody save Christmas.

    Except for Illinois only has the one hill.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  201. He lived and yet shapour bakhtiar was murdered by David belfield

    He was one of the ones who poisoned the west against the shah

    narciso (d1f714)

  202. oopers nobody *saves* Christmas i mean

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  203. i saw that

    and that stuff worries me

    i may have mention i have a friend what has anger management issues

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  204. Before Los Angeles it was the leading exile enclave

    narciso (d1f714)

  205. *mentioned* i mean

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  206. Steve57 @ 141 The Fitzgerald narrative stinks from here to Iwo Jima. How that merchant captain is not in irons is well beyond me. The lack of response from the Fitzgerald was criminal. Another Benghazi of ROE and superiors refusing to allow our forces to protect themselves? That’s my bet.

    Ed from SFV (3400a5)

  207. @176 Dave

    Jerry Clower told a story about playing football for Mississippi State against Baylor.

    A point guard named Rayfort put his helmet in the dirt. As Jerry gathered his wits the guy looked down and said, “The meek shall inherit the earth.”

    Pinandpuller (3cee7e)


    Call to arms, nevertrumptards, this brutality will finally take Trump down!

    jcurtis (d42778)

  209. nk (dbc370) — 7/2/2017 @ 8:01 pm

    But even if I wasn’t, I’m not buying it. The story we are sold of the USS Fitgerald doesn’t add up. That many people could have been asleep on the bridge and in combat.

    That’s what Boards (or Courts) of Inquiry are for.

    Nobody sneaks up on an Arleigh Burke. Too many people on are watch. Even if there was an electrical falure (does sentient being imagine the OOD would have let the Captain sleep if they lost the radar) you have eyeballs fore and aft, starboard and port.


    So, I don’t think I’ll wait for the inquiry.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  210. — When two power vessels are approaching head on,both vessels should alter course to starboard to pass port-side to port-side.
    — When two power-driven vessels are in crossing situation on a collision course, give way to the vessel to starboard (right).The give way vessel must take early and obvious action to avoid a collision by either stopping or altering course to starboard.

    What ROE imaginable would obligate the Fitzgerald to maintain a collision course, with a slower and less maneuverable ship, in violation of the Fitzgerald’s obligation to give way under maritime law?

    The fact that the Fitzgerald was struck on the right (starboard) side indicates that the other ship had the right of way.

    nk (dbc370)

  211. It’s darker than than the horizon.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  212. nk, you are correct as far as you delve into the rules of the road. But when two ships collide both are at fault.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  213. Perhaps ghcq contracted his outfit to do the surveillance, as a cutout:

    narciso (d1f714)

  214. If I had to guess, and thankfully I don’t, I would guess that the people on watch had snuck off for a little slap and tickle.

    nk (dbc370)

  215. Even when you have the right of way it is still your obligation to avoid a collision.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  216. Yes. The merchant ship is also going to undergo an inquiry. The insurance companies will insist. Maybe the crew’s union too.

    nk (dbc370)

  217. nk (dbc370) — 7/2/2017 @ 8:56 pm

    If I had to guess, and thankfully I don’t, I would guess that the people on watch had snuck off for a little slap and tickle.

    Is that how much you think of us.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  218. I’m pointing out that if there was an ROE at play, it was in favor of the merchant ship. Unless there’s a secret order out there for the U.S. Navy to intercept Japanese coastal shipping. (The ACX Crystal was going from Nagoya to Tokyo.)

    nk (dbc370)

  219. And I’m nowhere near as unkind as Winston Churchill describing the Royal Navy. 😏

    nk (dbc370)

  220. 205 – “Trump will fail…..”

    Speaking of fail……

    19th Obamacare Co-Op Folds, Leaving Only 4 Operating in 2018

    Minuteman Health is the 19th co-op that will not be operating and selling insurance on the Obamacare exchanges in 2018. This means there are only four co-ops of the 23 originally created through Obamacare that will still be offering health care plans next year.”

    harkin (28a3f0)

  221. But there’s no pressure , right, now Cruz’s amendment has promise, but the plans most be recifigured

    narciso (d1f714)

  222. Speaking of fail……

    19th Obamacare Co-Op Folds, Leaving Only 4 Operating in 2018

    Obamacare’s failure will not be the GOP’s fault, but it will become their problem.

    Dave (711345)

  223. Obamacare’s failure will not be the GOP’s fault

    Watch the MSM argue otherwise.

    harkin (28a3f0)

  224. Steve57

    You aren’t the median sailor. You are the 1%.

    Pinandpuller (3cee7e)

  225. nk (dbc370) — 7/2/2017 @ 9:25 pm

    Dude. You’re a judge. Wake the f*** up.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  226. @238, I’m also the guy with spare batteries.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  227. Is there anything blacker than a USN ship gone dark?

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  228. Sleep well, soldier.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  229. I have plans C, D and f***ing E. We get to plan F and we’re hosed. Plan B? Give me a break. You’re a lightweight.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)


    The Great Escape – 4th of July

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  231. Yes. I don’t know.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  232. The Fitzgerald’s bridge crew let their ship get rammed. For CINCPACFLT that failure will dominate the investigation, and most likely determine the outcome.

    If a US Navy captain can’t keep his ship and crew safe and in fighting trim, he’ll be lucky to stay in the service even if it’s on permanent shore duty.

    ropelight (5307de)

  233. Why Trump Tweets:

    Second Most Retweeted, of all time.

    Steven Malynn (d29fc3)

  234. ropelight (5307de) — 7/3/2017 @ 5:08 am

    The Fitzgerald’s bridge crew let their ship get rammed. For CINCPACFLT that failure will dominate the investigation, and most likely determine the outcome.

    If a US Navy captain can’t keep his ship and crew safe and in fighting trim, he’ll be lucky to stay in the service even if it’s on permanent shore duty.

    Do you have any idea how man guys would have had to have been on it?

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  235. Sorry for the typos.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  236. Didn’t notice, Steve, but one can always blame autocorrect,

    narciso (d1f714)

  237. Or driving while texting.

    urbanleftbehind (21a083)

  238. Apparently, Trump is ‘the Caucasian Obama’. His supporters see everything he does as good and right and will even make excuses for the really egregious stuff. As we sink deeper into the Trump ‘presidency’ we are learning that he is a genius who knows how to play and control everyone around him with his intellect and humor. He’s the master baiter, according to those who love him.

    Here’s the problem- if he is indeed so adept at manipulating everyone to his will why do we still have Obamacare? Why do we not have tax cuts? Where is the wall? Why is his agenda not being implemented? I know that many of you will say that he has done this or that or whatever. For you, he simply threw enough promises against the campaign wall that if he got anything to stick it makes you happy enough to go forward.

    Here is a thought that may be chilling for Trumpkins, but may also be much more true than their narrative. Maybe the bad old media is really the genius. Maybe they have figured out that trolling Trump will keep him distracted and he won’t be able to focus on doing the things he was elected to do. If we go with the idea that one side is a trolling genius and look at how much of what each is trying to do is actually being accomplished, it is pretty clearly advantage media right now.

    Frugalscott (b07164)

  239. Y’all! Live from the MAGA rally:

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  240. When you get down to it, distill it that is, Trump’s supporters are saying that he cannot do his job as President, despite the power he has under Article I and despite having a Republican Congress, when faced with an unfriendly media, without being an asshole.

    And if you distill that further, the truth comes out: Trump can’t do anything without being an asshole.

    nk (dbc370)

  241. 251 re: Fitzgerald:

    “Do you have any idea how man guys would have had to have been on it?”

    I’m pretty sure when he said “248.“The Fitzgerald’s bridge crew let their ship get rammed”

    he meant negligence and not malice.

    harkin (536957)

  242. What has. Our glorious duma, wrought in six months again?

    narciso (d1f714)

  243. Besides the grishenko snipe hunt, I mean.

    narciso (d1f714)

  244. narc – both Captain H and I have posted lists and links.

    The truth is out there.

    Steven Malynn (d29fc3)

  245. Look my experience based in Florida, is i doubt expect them to do deliberate harm, but posutuve accimplizhment is beyond them, say reforming state insurance standards, they have curtailed those one armed bandit traffic cameras. And our beloved gov, cut the emissions snipehunt which wee another nickel and diming.

    narciso (d1f714)

  246. The distinctly soviet thought crime section of the dems comes from this corner:, just like mort halperin brought forth mark halperin, of the golden age of ballooning

    narciso (d1f714)

  247. #259, Thanks harkin, it never occurred to me that S-57 so misunderstood my point. I simply found his comment unfathomable.

    ropelight (5307de)

  248. Teh Face of the Left and #NeverTrumpenista…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  249. He is the charming offspring of thevfellow at 264, coronello.

    narciso (d1f714)

  250. I compare them to Steve and Eddie gore, re Sinatra.

    narciso (d1f714)

  251. Yep, I knew the name was familiar…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  252. 272, is a soviet and Cuban regime trained leader, ironically as with Abe mazen he may be the moderate.

    narciso (d1f714)

  253. Attn: DISCO

    David Ignatius on President Trump having a pair.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  254. Explain to me again the difference between a modern Democrat, a socialist and a communist. I still don’t see the difference.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  255. Its a very this line, the above strategy is how we toppled the taliban originally, small unit warfare was the key in Vietnam pre 1963, so we decided after 64, to go long I’ll never know.

    narciso (d1f714)

  256. 221. nk (dbc370) — 7/2/2017 @ 8:50 pm

    The fact that the Fitzgerald was struck on the right (starboard) side indicates that the other ship had the right of way.

    The fact that this hit the captain’s stateroom – yes that particular place on the ship for the upper hit – probably indicates this did not happen on purpose.

    The captain was somewhat injured, and stuck on the outside of the ship, and his crew had to bend the door or something like that to get to him to rescue him.

    Sammy Finkelman (ba7dc3)

  257. #256, Frugalscott, you’re dead wrong about why Trump’s supporters are so loyal. We rise to the defense because attacks on him are so reachingly opportunistic, so over-the-top batsh@t crazy, so revealing of obsessive personal prejudice, so obviously devoid of the slightest consideration for Trump’s wife and children, so without merit as to be revealing of a deep seated nearly hysterical malignancy.

    Your comment is typical of the half-witted nonsense unrestrained hatred inspires: the genius of constant unprincipled attacks on Trump ‘will keep him distracted and he won’t be able to focus on doing the job HE WAS ELECTED TO DO.’

    That’s what you hate, the fact that American voters elected Donald J Trump to run the Executive Branch instead of a crooked, old, money grubbing, liar with blood on her hands.

    ropelight (5307de)

  258. Maybe we can examine this one:

    I realize each if these tweets are like an anaconda swallowing an elephant

    narciso (d1f714)

  259. they have curtailed those one armed bandit traffic cameras

    Not enough. My fair city is starting up with them at strategic intersections this month.

    Mind you, in my fair city, the color in which you can paint the outside of your house is limited by city ordinance, so this is no unexpected.

    kishnevi (ca2172)

  260. Point taken, one bandits from Arizona are the worst like rattlers

    narciso (d1f714)

  261. Ropelight, please give me a lesson in reading comprehension. Point out to me where frugalscott said he wanted Trump to fail, or where he approved of those media attacks, or where he expressed a desire that Hillary should have been POTUS. Because I don’t see it in his comment.

    All I see is the observation that if the Left is using the media as a strategy to bait Trump, the strategy seems to be working.

    kishnevi (ca2172)

  262. #279 Ropelight, I don’t mind that he was elected. I voted for him. Well, I voted against the alternative. I’m happy with him being in office as opposed to her, but I’m not blindly happy with the job he’s doing…because largely he’s not doing it. I submit that my original statement is correct. The vitriol is strong in response to any questioning of his work, his approach or his motives. It’s exactly like Obamabots. In the face of clear and convincing evidence that he’s less than effective we are told that it’s because we can’t comprehend his awesomeness. Really, take a step back and have a look at yourself. You are everything you hated for the last eight+ years. Sad.

    Frugalscott (3112d2)

  263. It comes off as a taunt, with a congress that can’t get a single sprndung bill in order, which int tackle meaningful tax reform including if need be a balancing birder adjustment tax,

    narciso (d1f714)

  264. Is he still alive?

    The doctors apparently postponed the removal of the feeding tube. They were going to do it Friday.

    We had a little issue in New York with a hospital declaring somebody dead, but the family just took him to anoehr hospital, where he lived for 21 days. The family had asked for the death certificate to be revioked because they wanted the care paid for and Medicare or Medicaid or whatever didn’t wat to pay the Maimonides hospital.

    According to the New York Post, Nakar had a stroke after being admitted to the hospital. Doctors at the hospital declared him brain dead on May 31, during the Jewish holiday of Shavuot, and issued an electronic death certificate. He was then transferred, on life support, to Maimonides Medical Center.

    For religious reasons, Nakar’s wife, Sarah, objected to her husband being taken off life support. She filed a lawsuit against the hospital asking the court to rescind the death certificate so she could file insurance claims for his treatment.

    And meanwhile we learn that a certain percentage of people diagnosed as being in a a chronic vegetaive state are acrually just simply locked in, and a few can be gotten out.

    …borderland between the dead and the living — an area the British-born neuroscientist Adrian Owen calls “the gray zone.”

    Dr. Owen has spent the last 20 years using brain scans to try to communicate with people written off as brain-dead — as unreachable as heads of broccoli. And to the shock of the neurological community he has been successful. His studies estimate that upwards of 15 to 20 percent of patients in persistent vegetative states or “unresponsive wakefulness” may actually be conscious but locked in their bodies and unable to communicate. Some, he’s found, have “intact minds adrift deep within damaged bodies and brains.”

    This has serious implications for the estimated 15,000 to 40,000 people on life support in the United States — a number that has nearly doubled in the last decade as medical advancements keep people alive longer. Some are warehoused in sub-acute units, derisively called “vent farms,” where hosts of people live out their last days, months or even years. If Owen’s data is correct, more than 7,000 of these people could be conscious — a realization that sounds more like a “Twin Peaks” plotline than real life.

    Sammy Finkelman (ba7dc3)

  265. Disco… Disco Duck’d

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  266. I was never #NeverTrump. I was always #NeverHillary. I was a hold out.

    I didn’t like Trump. I despised Trump. But there it was. He has turned out better than I expected. Because I had no expectations.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  267. I was for walker Steve57, but when it came down to Trump or Stinky I had to go Trump. Now the leftists brand me a *Trumkin* but I’m not really. What I am is an anti-pinko. I figure if they side with Samantha Bee, Sharpton, Maxine “The Brain” Waters and Colbert I’d rather be a Trumpkin. I like being on the side that waves American flags not burn them. Call me old fashion.

    BTW, I thought the aforementioned gaggle of idiots were going to *leave* if Trump won? What’s keeping their worthless butts here?

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  268. #283, kishnevi, read FS’s 3rd paragraph and see for yourself. I called it like I saw it, if you see otherwise, then we disagree.

    #284, FS, again you reveal yourself. Your use of ‘vitriol’ to mischaracterize defenses of Trump without mentioning the unvarnished hatred spewed at him and his supporters from protected Democrat politicians and pampered media elites leaves your bias in high relief.

    Rather than the self-serving fictions you posit to criticise Trump’s ability to enact his agenda, maybe, just maybe, cold feet and cowardice on the GOP side, and lockstep conformity to Democrat intransigence, combined with the subversive media’s campaign to overturn the election, is more than ample to explain the setbacks and unfortunate delays. The record isn’t difficult to follow if you’re willing to weed out the cheap shots.

    I’m willing to look in the mirror and deal with what I see. But, I don’t recommend you do likewise, not for a while anyway.

    ropelight (5307de)

  269. I’ve yet to see evidence that when Trump waves the American flag around, he understands it to mean what you mean, Hoagie

    Meanwhile, another Obama appointee has left the DOJ in a snit

    kishnevi (ca2172)

  270. Seeing as corporate crime had its heyday in the last administration,

    narciso (d1f714)

  271. Rather than the self-serving fictions you posit to criticise Trump’s ability to enact his agenda, maybe, just maybe, cold feet and cowardice on the GOP side, and lockstep conformity to Democrat intransigence, combined with the subversive media’s campaign to overturn the election, is more than ample to explain the setbacks and unfortunate delays.

    FS’s point–with which I agree–is that Trump’s tweeting is helping the “other side”, and that they may well be trying to provoke him repeatedly because it inhibits putting his agenda in place. At the very least it lets the media ignore the cold feet and cowardice and the lockstep conformity.

    kishnevi (ca2172)

  272. Trump’s tweets allow him to communicate directly with his over 30 Million followers without the subversive media’s ability to twist his words beforehand.

    It’s only after the fact noisy media cockroaches can begin to distort, undermine, and misrepresent Trump’s message, and they hate him for it because it demonstrates just how much technology has advanced toward democratizing the flow of information.

    We don’t need journalists, newspapers, or talking heads to tell us who’s on first or which way the wind blows when we can see for ourselves.

    Technology leads cultural change, social structure adapts to exploit new opportunities, and ideology arises to justify the new order.

    ropelight (5307de)

  273. Ropelight, he also needs to communicate with all those other people who are not his base and tend to think of him as a bombastic jerk, or worse.

    Look, here’s the text of the tweet he made before the one about Charlie Gard (not being a twitter person, I have no idea of how to link it directly)

    At some point the Fake News will be forced to discuss our great jobs numbers, strong economy, success with ISIS, the border & so much else!
    5:10 AM – 3 Jul 2017

    By itself, that’s straightforward and nothing to yell about it.

    Here’s the thing. If he didn’t come up with all the bombastic stuff and all the complaints about the fake news, the media wouldn’t be able to discuss it and would have to discuss all the things he mentions. But he’s giving them the tools to avoid discussing that stuff.

    kishnevi (ca2172)

  274. the propaganda slut media is more than capable of burying news all by itself

    the fitzgerald fiasco

    reality winner the millennial taco-puke

    piggy-pow mccain’s role in disseminating the pee-pee dossier

    sleazy corrupt doj trashcan sally yates and her pronouncements on the constitutionality of the terrorist travel ban

    anything about corrupt lying hoochie susan rice whatsoever

    “We can’t just drill our way to lower gas prices.”

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  275. Kishnevi,

    He is strangely self-sabotaging.

    Dana (023079)

  276. #295 ‘…he’s giving them the tools to avoid discussing that stuff.’

    Which slowly but surely exposes the subversive media’s practice of ignoring, suppressing, or twisting real news in favor of fake news designed to manipulate a gullible public.

    It’s the rope-a-dope. Trump is giving the subversive media every opportunity to show off their contempt for Joe Sixpack and his choice to lead the nation back to strength, prosperity, respect for the law, and for the long neglected rights of American citizens in their own country.

    ropelight (5307de)

  277. I remember the oh so presidential demeanor of W Bush. The base wondered for years why the man wouldn’t defend his policies or himself from the BDS that infected the media. Of course everyone agreed he was a sterling example of a wonderful guy that we all would like to have dinner with, but still, his reluctance to fight the media characterizations of him, you know, calling him Hitler and such, and by extension US, was very upsetting. Especially when this attitude of giving the enemy your shirt after they took your coat ended up making the republicans look like the wicked heartless scumbags they were constantly accused of being by virtue of never contesting the slanders.

    Which cost us the congress, and gave us Harry and Nancy.

    So then came John McCain, such a splendid presidential fellow that he fired a guy that had the vulgar manners to actually use Obama’s middle name. The media called him Hitler.

    He lost.

    Next up, the man who’s picture is in the dictionary with the definition of presidential, Romney. He was so polite even W squirmed in shame at his own boorishness. He was so nice to the opposition the country concluded there was no reason to get rid of them. Besides, the media called Romney Hitler too.

    Of course none of them were so presidential they refrained from attacking the TEA Party with names and slights, but at least the media stopped calling them Hitler.

    So now we have a fighter, a winner, someone that swept in control of congress on his coattails, energised the base, increased contributions, appointed a very right leaning administration, gave us a great SCJ along with conservative lower court judges, waved off the stupid climate treaty, took a meat ax to regulations, is fighting to regain control of our borders, is friendly to the military, Israel, and our other allies while taking a hard line on Iran, Russia, and N Korea. All in six months.

    All while fighting the dems from the left, the nevertrumpers from the right, and the fake news media we have all been cursing my whole life everywhere. He’s crushing political correctness, and thrilling the common man that has been crying out for someone to actually FIGHT for them. FINALLY, we have a president that represents US, not the political class, not the migrants, not the big corporations, but US.

    And you want me to be upset that he’s sending mean tweets to the media personalities that are trying to destroy him.

    Yeah, not going to happen.

    Bladerunner (aeabd2)

  278. Once upon a time there were firmly established standards for journalists, reporters faithfully followed the time honored basics: who, what, when, where, and why.

    And most importantly reporters kept their personal opinions out of the ‘news’ papes. Personal opinions just could not be allowed to mix with news. Even though reporters often tried to sneak their opinions in, editors made sure even subtle bias was firmly kept in check.

    Reference to an apropos example is actually carved on the tombstone of none other than Abe Rosenthal, legendary editor of the NY Times: He kept the paper straight.

    Abe was famous for his definition of a ‘conflict of interest.’ He told reporters he ‘didn’t care if they screwed elephants on their own time, but it meant they couldn’t cover the circus for the NY Times.’

    That kind of sentiment is not to be found at the helm of major newspapers today. And, that’s why so-called journalists rank below car salesmen for credibility.

    ropelight (5307de)

  279. This also got lost:

    Donald J. Trump

    Spoke yesterday with the King of Saudi Arabia about peace in the Middle-East. Interesting things are happening!

    4:19 AM – 3 Jul 2017

    Trump is keeping a secret, but he has some hoes. It is probably less significant than he thinks.

    The king replaced the Crown Prince with someone Trump wanted, and others in the U.S> government were telling Trump not to get behind someone. Maybe there could be some help on terrorism, or with what’s going on with the conflicts involving terrorist groups.

    Sammy Finkelman (ba7dc3)

  280. * hopes.

    If he is taklking abiut Israel, it’s probably based on far less than meets the eye.

    There may be some cooperation with regard to sria, even Hamas.

    Sammy Finkelman (ba7dc3)

  281. He is strangely self-sabotaging.

    Dana (023079) — 7/3/2017 @ 11:34 am

    Same could be said of the MSM, the Democrat Operatives with bylines. They can’t help themselves. As has been said, he pisses off all of the right people.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  282. “Is ad hominem tweeting, then, endangering or empowering Trump’s agenda? Or both? Or neither?

    Start with the given that there are now regrettably few accepted norms of presidential behavior. Trump’s occasional uncouthness is a symptom, not a catalyst, of the times. Bill Clinton redefined presidential behavior when he had sexual relations with a 22-year-old, unpaid intern (so much for power imbalances as sexual harassment) in the presidential bathroom off the Oval Office, lied about his recklessness to his family and the country, smeared Monica Lewinsky, and then wheeled out to the Rose Garden feminist cabinet officers like Madeline Albright and Donna Shalala to deny and defend his unsavory predatory behavior. After that sordid episode, the apologetic Left lost all credibility as an arbiter of presidential norms.

    Indeed, Clinton had brought us into new debased territory. In contrast, George W. Bush for eight years restored honor, integrity, and decorum to the White House. But he was rewarded for exemplary behavior by being branded a Nazi warmonger, as docudrama films and novels appeared imagining his assassination, and even the likes of John Glenn stooped to the Nazi slurs on his character. (“It’s the old Hitler business.”)

    Out of office, Bush professionally kept quiet and busy as an accomplished artist, as Obama moved the country leftward. For that, Bush was ridiculed by the Left as reduced to a bewildered, paint-by-numbers dabbler. The emeritus Obama, by contrast, frolics on billionaires’ yachts docked off tropical islands with the mega-rich whom he attacks in Wall Street chats for $10,000 a minute—and takes a day off from his wind surfing to weigh in on Trump’s unfitness. For all that, he remains a progressive icon.

    From that brief Bush hiatus, it was a short slide back down to GloZell and Obama’s adoration in the White House of Kendrick Lamar’s “To Pimp a Butterfly” (read some of the “ho’s”, “n—as”, and racist lyrics of that album and cf. the celebration over the corpse of a judge on the cover). In truth, Trump misdemeanors of attacking journalists are acerbated by his transparent over the top rhetoric; Clinton’s felonies were ameliorated by his bite-the-lip, contrived remorse.

    Trump, in comic-book fashion, tweets his body slam of CNN; the socialist Bernie Sanders’ wife stands accused of evicting the disabled in what looks to be a real-estate scam by a failed college president. Trump goes after individual washed-up celebrities; Obama indicted an entire people for being lazy, clinging to their guns and religion, intolerant, nativist, and unnecessarily chauvinistic. Take your poison: personal score-settling or mellifluent contempt.

    …Finally, no one has calibrated quite the nation’s deep antipathy toward the coastal media-university-political-cultural nexus, most specifically its utter hypocrisy. Half the country sees not so much Democrats or progressives, but rather a bankrupt class whose venom for others is used to excuse their own exemptions from the ramifications of their own ideology.

    People are tired of the social justice warrior Obama frolicking in Tahiti, the feminist Hillary Clinton excusing four decades of the sexual predations of her husband upon the weak, the supposedly in the know campus bullies picking on the vulnerable while shelling out a quarter-million dollars for a mediocre education; the progressive media decrying inequality and fairness amid face-surgeries, hair plugs, nannies, and prep schools; the Silicon Valley masters of the universe sermonizing on the evils of walls, inequality, and social justice from their gated hideaways, servants, and schemes to monopolize, offshore, outsource, and avoid taxes.

    There is a limit to Trump’s crude personal tweets, but apparently no observer has yet calibrated where it is—given the country’s disdain for the media, the progressive hypocritical agenda, and the scatological and obscene rhetoric of Trump’s opposition.”

    — Victor Davis Hanson

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  283. “201.Fifteen Republicans joined majority Democrats in the 72-45 vote for the tax increases, providing one more than the three-fifths majority necessary for the law to take effect immediately. Rauner derided the proposals as lacking spending restraint or “structural” changes to he wants.”

    happyfeet, if you live in Illinois you know as well as I do that there are no Republicans in Springfield. There are only “Republicans”. By the time we were there 8 years we realized that there is just one Party, and some of them play Repub and others play Dem.

    I guess that they call themselves “Republicans” because “Washington Generals” has too many syllables.

    fred-2 (ce04f3)

  284. ugh and ay caramba Mr. fred squared

    i’m trying so hard to rationalize the purchase of just a humble condo here

    just cause i’d like to be here awhile

    (i love the food)

    but i have a bad feeling by the time i closed i’d be wanting out

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  285. and plus we are so duh at a market top

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  286. and you noticed they passed the income tax hike but NOT the property tax freeze?

    it’s literally just like hitler

    happyfeet (28a91b)


    Althouse goves a brief review of a new book by Sharyl Attkisson called “The Smear: How Shady Political Operatives and Fake News Control What You See, What You Think, and How You Vote.”

    She quotws from the introduction:

    In my thirty-five years as a journalist, I’ve encountered countless operatives who are pros at peddling smears. They don’t say that’s who they are or what they do. They pose as advocates, watchdogs, tipsters, and public relations agents. They work at global law firms, PR companies, crisis management groups, nonprofits, think tanks, blogs, and strategic communications firms. They send me research, ask to have coffee, press a business card into my palm, whisper into my ear, invite me into their fold, and point me to “sources.” They use tried-and-true propaganda techniques to attempt to persuade reporters like me to further their narratives. In fact, if they’re really good, they convince us it’s all our idea: we’re expert journalists whose connections and skills have gotten us an exclusive story!

    This is probably the kind of thing that happened to CNN. (it was not intentional – it exploded in their faces)

    Sammy Finkelman (081278)

  288. You are overly generous to a fault, Sammeh.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  289. 235. narciso (d1f714) — 7/2/2017 @ 9:30

    now Cruz’s amendment has promise,

    It;s really snake ooil, in isolation at any rate.

    Cruz would allow pther insurance to be sold as long one policy that that includd all the obamacare requirements was also available. That policy would mostly be bought by high risk people (and some people with valuable assets and even they could find something better) and would be very expensive.

    So that’s about the same thing as abolishing it.

    Anyway there’s lots of things that need to be done. Like abolishing list prices. Any non=negotiated price must be set at the 15th percentile of the negotiated ones or something like that.

    Sammy Finkelman (081278)

  290. Who we have a control group, trump tweeted about something and the press went basenghi

    narciso (d1f714)

  291. Great post, Dana. I have not read the comments but I am going to guess that a bunch of people who would have cried giant tears had Obama talked this way are telling you that you should ignore Trump talking this way.

    We are watching a huge distraction effort, where a clown in the Oval Office spins up clowns in the media and they all benefit (increased attention for Clown in Chief, increased ratings for Media Clowns). Meanwhile, no ObamaCare repeal or anything close to it. Even Ted Cruz has given up on eliminating the subsidies.

    The one benefit is how clarifying it is to see people’s reactions.

    Patterico (8f339e)

  292. Watching the media cry about this and try to shut down Trump’s Twitter account is quite clarifying too. There’s nothing offensive about the tweet — unless of course you’re offended that the Clown in Chief is spending his time on crap like this rather than getting government out of our way. But that’s a daily occurrence and this tweet changes little on that score.

    Patterico (8f339e)

  293. CNN may not care about the truth, but only when their audience is not going to find out. When it comes to her Trump stories – they had to believe it, because it was all about what shortly, or maybe in a few monhs to a year, would become known.

    CNN (and ABC too and actually the Washington Post) ran stories about what Comey’s testimony was going to be the next day or two. That he was going to deny that he had told Donald Trump three times that he was not atarget of an investigation.

    Sammy Finkelman (081278)

  294. Well there reaction is seen tie his subsequent tweets.

    narciso (d1f714)

  295. * their Trump stories. They were not run as speculation, like the Malaysia Airlines 370 stories were.

    Sammy Finkelman (081278)

  296. I read that some people in the white House didn’t like Trump’s feud with Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski – they thought it distracted from his more important feud with CNN.

    Sammy Finkelman (081278)

  297. #313
    I don’t think the tweeting has set back repeal and replace. That is on GOP dysfunction in Congress.
    Trump has done fairly well on the international stage and I don’t think the tweets have hurt there.
    The major effects of the tweets seem to be on the media, the Democrat Party, and the sensibilities of the never Trump folks- and Trump doesn’t seem to care what they think, because they all hate him anyway. The media and the rest of the (D) Party along with the never Trump folks were never going to work with him.
    I’m much more concerned with North Korea and the mess Obama, Hillary and Kerry left stinking in Syria, or the racial divide Obama fostered and festered than I am with some tweets.

    steveg (e8c34d)

  298. I do think Dana made a fine point that the tweet that should have carried the day was overlooked.

    steveg (e8c34d)

  299. here’s how the Associated Press fake news propaganda sluts characterize tax relief for the struggling and frightened homeowners of fiscally-incontinent Madigan-raped Illinois:

    Rauner promised to veto the measures because Democrats who control the General Assembly have yet to agree to his pet issues. Those include statewide property tax relief, cost reductions in workers’ compensation and benefits for state-employee pensions, and an easier process for dissolving or eliminating local governments.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  300. veterans are a phony issue failmerica despises veterans that’s why it lets them die in the parking lots of squalid VA hospitals by the thousands

    the whole we love veterans thing is a fraud and a hoax

    empty virtue-signaling at its execrable worst

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  301. Congressional dysfunction should be recognized for what it is. They need NEW leadership.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  302. 323. Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 7/4/2017 @ 1:29 pm

    Congressional dysfunction should be recognized for what it is. They need NEW leadership.

    Well, what they really need is weaker parties, or no leadership.

    It’s all right with the Republicans in the Senate, not so good with the Republicans in the House. Bad with the Democrats in the Senate and the Democrats in the House are the worst of all.

    Dems in both chamers actually are not so good, but if the Dems in the House were not so tightly whipped deals could be done.

    Strong parties, on whom members are dependent on, who take orders from them, with each party – but mainly the Democrats – constantly battling to prove the other party evil and always in the wrong, no matter what, can lead to nothing but dysfunction.

    Sammy Finkelman (081278)

  303. 313-314: Trump is not seeking attention, the man couldn’t escape it if he wanted to. No, what Trump is doing is fighting the media, who have now shown themselves to be an enemy of the American people. He is fighting for YOU, even if you can’t see it wouldn’t admit it if you did.

    DEMOCRACY DIES IN DOXXING: CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski threatens to out anonymous Internet user who created the animated “Trump clotheslining CNN logo” GIF that the president’s account retweeted:

    CNN is not publishing “HanA**holeSolo’s” name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same.

    CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.

    * * * * * * * *

    In the phone interview on Tuesday, “HanA**holeSolo” said the White House did not ask his permission to use the GIF, and said he probably would have said no if they had.

    As Twitchy notes, “Seriously, this is what the media does now? They track down people and ‘threaten’ to post their personal information for sharing content they don’t like?”

    Sharing content, incorrectly answering hypothetical questions about who they’d make pizza for — wherever there is badthink being thought, the DNC-MSM is one business that’s always ready to swing into action to destroy its customers.

    And on the Fourth of July, to boot.

    UPDATE: “CNN has chosen the form of its Destructor. A million @4chan guys,” Glenn tweets.

    Bladerunner (aeabd2)

  304. 324… no Sammeh, with control, there are no excuses for not moving forward with an agenda.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  305. More to think about while calling the president a clown:

    Takeaway: for too long conservatives have accepted political correctness as using decorum and being polite. What it really has done is make conservatives cowardly and too superficial to fight the left’s agenda.

    That is why conservatism is dying. Instead of fighting they tut-tut the political incorrectness of the one fighting for them. Never realizing it’s political correctness which is the sword slicing them to pieces.

    Bladerunner (aeabd2)

  306. More thoughts that the never Trump brigade should consider while declaring Trump unfit for public office: how did the guy on the ten dollar bill die? How many duels was the guy on the twenty dollar bill involved in? What sort of rhetoric did the founders use while campaigning, particularly Jefferson and Madison?

    How far has masculinity and honor fallen since those heroic days, when when Trumps retweet has men clucking like old women.

    Far, very far…

    Bladerunner (aeabd2)

  307. How far has masculinity and honor fallen since those heroic days,

    So it was heroic to kill eachother over arguments. I’m not so insecure that I long for those days. While Trump tweeting is embarrassing for our nation, it is not comparable to combat, no matter how many wrestling videos Trump puts himself into. It’s ITG stuff. It’s cringeworthy.

    Let me explain how to be a man: Be humble and respectful. Honor your wife and keep your promises. Work hard and admit your mistakes. Give glory to God, not yourself.

    All things that are the exact opposite of Donald, who has never kept his word if it benefited him to break it. I do not care what Trump claims to be fighting for, because I am not a sucker. He fights only for himself and his fame, and has already sold his supporters out on major issues, while failing to get any momentum on others because blowhards are weak leaders.

    ‘waaa waa congress’s fault’ is a deflection. Trump promised he had what it took to get the job done, specifically to ‘make the deal’ in congress. He did not. The only thing Trump has going for him is that he’s opposed by democrats. That’s it. It’s not enough.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  308. As with davis/love and Kate’s law it doesn’t seem to matter,

    narciso (d1f714)

  309. I am so happy we have a president who is not a clinton, boosh, little marco or any other rino. This man has the sack real Americans look for. No Trumpers better keep their nut cup on. And congress is a disgrace, in fact the only thing more disgraceful is the msfm. If congress and the mainstream media were to disappear, this country would rock the world.

    mg (31009b)

  310. We have a big argument with ISIS and North Korea has a big argument with us.
    There has been and will be heroic efforts made to annihilate opposition.

    Figuratively, Trump has to beat the hell out of the “resistance” while dragging the reluctant forward.
    If we are going to repeal and replace, Trump will have the fighters instinct to abandon all premise that the opposition will fight fair. Chuck Schumer doesn’t fight fair, antifa doesn’t fight fair and they never will. CNN lies and bullies, but Trump is the only person I’ve seen that flat out bullies them right back.
    There is a time to speak softly and carry a big stick. There is also a time to yell and use the big stick. Domestically.

    Internationally, Trump only pushes hard on trade and NATO deadbeats. He is smart to leave the military “big stick” to Mattis. If it turns into a fight, somebody is about to experience life as “nasty, brutish and short”

    steveg (e8c34d)

  311. Them ain’t petunias!

    Colonel Haiku (cf32fb)

  312. 326. Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 7/4/2017 @ 8:59 pm

    324… no Sammeh, with control, there are no excuses for not moving forward with an agenda.

    Two problems, or issues:

    1) The Republicans don’t actually have control the way the Democrats had in 2009 because they don’t have 60 votes in the Senate. They could abolish the folibuster, or limit its duratio, or even force real filibusters, but they don’t want to becauese that wouldreduce the power of the indiidual members of the Senate.

    There is the budget reconciliation process, which by the senate rules requires only a majority – it’s a must vote piece of legislation, with no filibuster – but that restricts the kind of legislation they can pass, and, in reality, the legislation won’t be good unless they can make other changes. Perhaps theer is atricky way to do it, but they stumbled on it yet, especially something all Republican senators can agree on.

    2) The Reopublicans shouldn’t be that united. We elect individual Senators. And unlike a Parliamentary system, the government cannot fall and schedule new elections.

    No, the parties, need to be weakened, especially the democratic Party. This control, I believe comes through campaign finance law, which advantages parties (and PACs) over candidates. The post-Watergate campaiugn finance legislatuion was precisely the wrong thing to do, and it’s that, actually, in fact that has corrupted or paralyzed Congress.

    Sammy Finkelman (081278)

  313. My gosh #cnnblackmail going huge viral.

    They keep thinking they’ve finally nailed Trump yet all they’ve done is shout even louder to the public what a clown car they are.

    harkin (536957)

  314. 336… I disagree, Sammeh. Depending on the legislation, a united party may be able to persuade some common-sense Democrats – especially those up for reelection in states that voted Trump – to support much of the agenda.

    Colonel Haiku (cf32fb)

  315. And another day to celebrate a simple fact: Hillary! Clinton will never be POTUS.

    Colonel Haiku (cf32fb)

  316. Dustin, if you substitute “husband” for “wife” in your discription of what makes a man, it would fit a woman too. In other words, you didn’t discribe a man, you discribed a good person.

    Thus making my point. Thanks!

    Leon (e3b71e)

  317. I think Dustin is talking about God’s view of men and women. That may not be Trump’s view, but that’s also his point.

    DRJ (15874d)

  318. Typos happen to everyone, especially me, but it’s “describe.”

    DRJ (15874d)

  319. No the dems are powered by the nutroots, they were first organized under yeargh Dean, who they rewarded with the party chairmanship, the Tourette spouting cop hater who is now their chief wrangler is a case in point

    narciso (6c4eb9)

  320. 339. Colonel Haiku (cf32fb) — 7/5/2017 @ 7:32 am

    336… I disagree, Sammeh. Depending on the legislation, a united party may be able to persuade some common-sense Democrats – especially those up for reelection in states that voted Trump – to support much of the agenda.

    the problem is the Democratic party is too tightly controlled. I am saying Congress is dysfunctional because to some degree this is true for both parties – less for Republicans.

    Democrats are unlikely to break party ranks to join a completely united Republican Party. Which doesn’t exist anyway. Some Republicans are aganst subsidizing health insurance or health costs. That’s a non-starter. Prices are irrational. T

    The best course now is to try to create a break-away faction of 10-15 Democrats to negotiate with, pr at least get Senator Schumer to allow that to happen (in exchange for ??)

    Either doing somethng or not doing something.

    You first need to have the faction.

    I thiknk they’ve got to amend campaign finance law, or threaten to amend it, to take away the power from the national committes, the congressional campaign committees, individual memberrs of Congress who dnate to other members, and PACs.

    Sammy Finkelman (081278)

  321. narciso @344.

    No the dems are powered by the nutroots…

    The nutroots is part of the way they raise money. They may be the only other source of significant money besides central control. Large bundled contributions and transfers of money are a bigger factor, though.

    The Republican Party also raises money from its nutroots, and all this raises the level of stupidity in our politics.

    If, however people could give bigger campaign contributions, or got dollar for dollar refundable advance tax credits for political contributions (you can limit it by geoography or dollar amount) things would be a whole lot easier.

    The restrictions on fundraising are just as significant a factor in Congressional paralysis and failure to pass good legislaton as gerrymandering, even more so.

    Sammy Finkelman (081278)

  322. * 236 the legislation won’t be good unless they can make other changes. Perhaps theer is atricky way to do it, but they HAVEN’t stumbled on it yet, especially something all Republican Senators can agree on.

    They need to work on creating abreak-away faction of Democrats, even promising them committee assignments – if anything is taken away. Maybe campaign help.

    There is a problem is that there are one or two politically toxic issues. It’s somehow got to be laid aside.

    Maybe even the threat to create such a group will force senator schumer to let Democrats vote their conscience.

    Now this is not going to be a bill that Mike Lee will like very much.

    Sammy Finkelman (081278)

  323. Since we know how dangerous SWATTING is thanks to Patterico sharing his experience in the past, how does everyone here feel about CNN threatening to doxx a private citizen and unleash the antifada against him?

    NJRob (7f4bec)

  324. I don’t like doxxing or online threats, no matter who does it.

    DRJ (15874d)

  325. Ah, on my new device I am signed in as bladerunner, sorry for any confusion.

    But to bring the thing home, the founders refered to their “sacred” honor. Honor to a man is something he will fight and if necessary die for. Something women and girly men don’t get. You may think dueling uncivilized, but the culture was much more civilized when dueling existed. Think about it.

    Leon (e3b71e)

  326. Culture is much more civilized when we believe in the Rule of Law.

    DRJ (15874d)

  327. We still have dueling but we call it Road Rage.

    DRJ (15874d)

  328. There’s nothing offensive about the tweet–

    Apparently the creator of the video feels there is:

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  329. Lol

    Meanwhile back on earth, the apology meme was quickly overtaken by CNN cra**ing the bed once again.

    Wash. Post: The Reddit user behind Trump’s CNN meme apologized. But #CNNBlackmail is the story taking hold.

    A multi-billion dollar TV network blackmailing a private citizen into not making funny videos about it is not journalism, CNN.”

    CNN should be on a White House expense retainer at this rate. They are destroying their own memes with their admitted Resistance participation.

    harkin (536957)

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