Patterico's Pontifications


House Intelligence Committee Chairman Confirms Info Was Collected On Trump Transition Team

Filed under: General — Dana @ 2:08 pm

[guest post by Dana]

But, as Chairman Nunes (and Rep. Adam Schiff) make clear, they do not have any evidence supporting President Trump’s claim that President Obama wire-tapped Trump Tower before the election.

President Trump told CNN that he feels “somewhat vindicated” after being personally briefed by Chairman Nunes about this:

The U.S. intelligence community incidentally collected information on members of President Trump’s transition team and the information was “widely disseminated” in intelligence reports, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said Wednesday.

“I recently confirmed that on numerous occasions, the intelligence community collected information on U.S. individuals involved in the Trump transition,” Nunes told reporters.

“Details about U.S. persons involved in the incoming administration with little or no apparent foreign intelligence value were widely disseminated in intelligence community reports.”

He said that “additional names” of Trump transition officials had been unmasked in the intelligence reports and indicated that Trump’s communications may have been swept up as well.

The intelligence collected has nothing to do with Russia or the investigation into Moscow’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election, according to Nunes.

“I want to be clear — none of this surveillance was related to Russia or the investigation of Russian activities or of the Trump team,” Nunes said.

Professor Reynolds notes:

It’s the “widely disseminated” part that may be felonious.

Gabriel Malor clarifies the terminology:



…and follows it with the obvious question:


Two takeaways:


(Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back.)


83 Responses to “House Intelligence Committee Chairman Confirms Info Was Collected On Trump Transition Team”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (023079)

  2. Interesting, Adam Schiff tweeted this afternoon:

    Today, Chairman Nunes shared information with WH still withheld from our committee. He cannot conduct a credible investigation this way.

    Dana (023079)

  3. Dana, the timing of the surveillance, and the leaks, make the issue of who was actually the target a “thing”.

    That our law enforcement and spy catchers leaked damaging information, in an effort to undermine the brand new administration, is of a piece.

    Trump is not the only liar within the Beltway – but he is the person all the leaking liars are oath bound to support.

    Who’s side should we be on?

    Steven Malynn (d29fc3)

  4. If you don’t think they were watching Trump, I have a bridge tio sell you. The NSA and CIA is out of control, but that’s the way we are going and we are excepting it, instead of doing something about it. Wake up and smell the coffee, if we don’t have outrage today what will tomorrow bring.  Stop the Government from spying on everybody. Use the search engine that does not change its results for political reasons and respects your privacy,  just good old fashion results that are not tracked. The world is over as we once new it.

    Steve Carr (2f5b19)

  5. Interesting, Adam Schiff tweeted this afternoon:
    Today, Chairman Nunes shared information with WH still withheld from our committee. He cannot conduct a credible investigation this way.

    Dana (023079) — 3/22/2017 @ 2:16 pm


    Nunes said that the Obama Administration knew all of the contents of the communications, and the current President had a right to know what was being spread all about within the prior–Obama Administration.

    Schiff was most likely sent the materials in a timely fashion. However we do know that classified material is being leaked by someone that is damaging to the President–hard to believe it would be from the President’s office but it is likely to be from the party–defeated.

    Rae Sremmurd (2fd998)

  6. The hugest problem might be the unmasking.

    Who decided to allow it–and what was the process for that? What justified that unmasking. Nunes seemed to say today to Jake Tapper that he saw no justification for it in the communications that he had turned over to him just recently.

    In incidental collection you should not be able to determine who the US citizen or in some cases even the “what”. See Mike Rogers testimony from the other day.

    Rae Sremmurd (2fd998)

  7. The larger picture is this surveillance. Means much less attention is focused on a real threat, like the Westminster slasher

    narciso (d1f714)

  8. Meanwhile, the despicable attempts to marginalized Gorsuch continue:

    NYTimes: “Senators want to know for whom does Gorsuch work: the president, corporations or regular Americans?”

    Despicable wording. He works for the American people, even ones the Times deems other than “regular”.

    Harkin (b2805d)

  9. The real news is that unless the activity is to abort a [wholly innocent] human life (i.e. Pro-Choice), the State does not feel compelled to respect the privacy of American citizens. This is another example of progressive corruption sponsored by a “living constitution” or interpretative/selective/creative meaning (a la Urban dictionary) of plain language.

    n.n (af2aea)

  10. I’m no Trump supporter, but this is a nothingburger, hold the mayo.

    It’s completely unsurprising that members of an incoming administration’s team would be talking to counterparts in other countries, including Russia.

    Chuck Bartowski (211c17)

  11. Drip, Drip, Drip.

    Bang Gunly (8cc2df)

  12. Schiff has the look of a pederast in his eyes… he wants to have it both ways, but needs his ass served to him on a ceremonious platter.

    Colonel Haiku (166a1b)

  13. Solo act.
    Shiny object.
    Nunes does a great Ron Ziegler. But what’s that brown stuff on his nose? A real jackass move by an elephant.

    Scurrying to the WH before sharing the info w/t committee was a rookie move and just plain partisan. Foolish, too. When the bad guy is running down an alley chased by the good guys, they often tip over garbage cans to try to slow the pursuit… just before they’re caught.

    Looks like a banana peel.
    Smells like borscht.
    Tastes like… strawberries.

    “Since you’ve taken this course, the innocent will be punished with the guilty!… I will not be made a fool of!… I kid you not!” – Captain Queeg [Humphrey Bogart] ‘The Caine Mutiny’ 1954

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  14. The basis of this investigation, is papier mache level of bigud.

    narciso (d1f714)

  15. “Incidental” is a weasel word in all of this. That word applies when they are surveilling a foreigner and some American citizen just kind of appears and walks through innocently in the surveillance without having anything to do with the target surveillance. But if they were surveilling a foreigner, there shouldn’t be anything “incidental” occurring at Trump Tower. They must have had the spy equipment at Trump Tower.

    So maybe that is why Schiff or one of the other Democrats who were grilling Comey and the other guy yesterday talked about foreigners living at Trump Tower. That might be their alibi. They were surveilling the foreigners at Trump Tower and Trump stuff bled through to that surveillance. I predict that as their fake alibi.

    jcurtis (0a2fce)

  16. DCSCA… you act like Schiff is an even-handed, just the facts kind of player in all of this. I call bullsh*t.

    Colonel Haiku (166a1b)

  17. A nothing-burger is why the guy-with-teh-pederast-look in his eye – Schiff – ran to a Mike and the cameras to whine, I guess…

    Colonel Haiku (166a1b)

  18. So they didn’t surveil the Ohio state attacker, nor the one in Chelsea, or ft Lauderdale where he had walked in to the anchorage office?

    narciso (d1f714)

  19. are we supposed to take sleazy corrupt comey’s word for it that the collection was “incidental”

    these nasty fbi bimbos must think we’re some kinda stupid

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  20. @16. Nunes was on Trump’s transition team. Point is, his ‘Run to the Rose Garden’ before sharing the info w/t committee was just idiotic, not to mention his Mumbles act spitting out ‘looks likes, could bes and maybes’ to the press before going to the committee as well. He has destroyed his own credibility. His integrity was bought cheap, Colonel. The ‘art of the deal’ strikes again.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  21. “Incidental” means that the trump team was in contact with whoever was being surveilled. Of course I’m biased, but this doesn’t strike me as a good development for the trump side.

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  22. My God ! A reasonable Patterico post.

    I come by every few days and look to see if the fever has broken.

    Maybe it’s close.

    Mike K (f469ea)

  23. Trump Trap Tripe.

    jcurtis (0a2fce)

  24. Right kisyak who was the toast of the town as recently as the state of the union, yawn.

    narciso (d1f714)

  25. @16. Nunes was on Trump’s transition team. Point is, his ‘Run to the Rose Garden’ before sharing the info w/t committee was just idiotic, not to mention his Mumbles act spitting out ‘looks likes, could bes and maybes’ to the press before going to the committee as well. He has destroyed his own credibility. His integrity was bought cheap, Colonel. The ‘art of the deal’ strikes again.
    DCSCA (797bc0) — 3/22/2017 @ 4:47 pm


    The same Schiff who tweets that the Russians “hacked” the elections.

    Nunes says that the communications are not with Russians, therefore probably beyond the scope of the investigation. Also it was something widely passed around by the Obama Administration, so Democrats claims of ignorance are suspect at best.

    Schiff is not entitled to a fishing expedition.

    Now if they want to investigate who unmasked the Americans incidentally caught up in the surveillance of foreign actors–during the Obama Administration then they can have another–separate hearing about that. Only about twenty people in Obama’s Administration have that kind of power to reveal the identity of Americans (or American assets) according to Mike Rogers testimony yesterday.

    Rae Sremmurd (2fd998)

  26. @26. You miss the point. It’s not about Schiff but Nunes. He sold his own integrity and credibility cheap. And that’s the ‘art of the deal’ at work.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  27. Davethulthu , the Obama administration surveilled reporters, remember ?

    SPQR (a3a747)

  28. Dave teh Squid throwing shade ink on the issue

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  29. 27… It’s you who misses “the point”… Schiff is scabrous…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  30. Like we tell all comrade fellow travelers, never use direct telecommunication to talk to us. Capitalist running dog intelligence agencies monitor all international telecommunications. Use drops and cutouts as per training, except in case of extreme emergency.

    narodnyi komissariat (dbc370)

  31. “CHARLIE MARTIN SORTS IT OUT: Dems Claim Trump Team Not Wiretapped While Wiretapped. “So, this is getting even more interesting now. It appears now that a number of Trump insiders were intercepted, and no, I’m not buying the argument that Trump saying ‘wiretapped’ was wrong, especially since that’s exactly what was reported. And it appears now that people trying to maintain that Trump was ‘lying’ about being wiretapped are being driven to the interesting defense that it was a lie because the U.S. wasn’t actually wiretapping Trump people when the U.S. was wiretapping Trump people. Which is, at least, good for a laugh.”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  32. “THEY TOLD ME IF TRUMP WERE ELECTED, WE’D SEE A RETURN OF MCCARTHYIST PARANOIA. AND THEY WERE RIGHT! WSJ: Leakgate Finds Its Joe McCarthy: On Trump-Russia links, Rep. Adam Schiff tries to fool the public with randomness. “Again, who really benefits from his relentless campaign of disparagement against Mr. Trump? The answer is obviously Mr. Schiff — but also Mr. Putin.”

    Why is Adam Schiff doing Putin’s dirty work?!??!?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  33. If they had something they would name the official, cotonello.

    narciso (d1f714)

  34. @26. You miss the point. It’s not about Schiff but Nunes. He sold his own integrity and credibility cheap. And that’s the ‘art of the deal’ at work.
    DCSCA (797bc0) — 3/22/2017 @ 5:46 pm


    You are missing the point. We cannot arrest the Russians and bring them to justice but we can arrest and jail the person that leaked classified materials to the Washington Post and perhaps the person in the Obama Administration who unmasked the names of the Trump transition team–so cheaply.

    If you want to talk about dirty deeds done dirt cheap.

    The point most Democrats are missing is that Hillary and the Clintonista heavy DNC didn’t trust you guys to select correctly.

    It wasn’t Russia that defeated you–it was ObamaCare and the media always assisting Queen Hillary that made Trump possible.

    Hell the media is busy getting him re-elected again–quite possibly– and the Left still hasn’t figured that out.

    Rae Sremmurd (2fd998)

  35. It appears the spy apparatus of the USA was misused by the Obama administration and employed against the Trump campaign.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  36. 34… just so you know, I draw the line at being called a brand of toilet paper, narciso.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  37. Evil autocorrect, how about an orange?

    narciso (d1f714)

  38. That’ll work, thx

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  39. The unmasking was done by the Obama Administration to try to dirty up the waters. Also remember that Obama signed a last minute executive order saying that all the federal law enforcement agencies could share in the material. On Jan. 20, based on Obama loyalist sources, the NYT said that:

    “Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides”

    This was all set up by the Obama Administration. Trump may have overplayed his hand with the “Obama tapped” tweet but there seems to be some truth in the claim. Besides, does the media complain when Chuck Schumer overplays his hand? Seems to be a New York thing, no?

    AZ Bob (f7a491)

  40. “Incidental” is a weasel word in all of this. That word applies when they are surveilling a foreigner and some American citizen just kind of appears and walks through innocently in the surveillance without having anything to do with the target surveillance. But if they were surveilling a foreigner, there shouldn’t be anything “incidental” occurring at Trump Tower. They must have had the spy equipment at Trump Tower.

    Nonsense from start to finish.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  41. My God ! A reasonable Patterico post.

    I come by every few days and look to see if the fever has broken.

    Maybe it’s close.

    I can’t take credit for this very well done post, with which I entirely agree. It doesn’t seem like an unusual post for this site at all, by the way, in terms of content.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  42. Davethulthu , the Obama administration surveilled reporters, remember ?

    Not the same. Specifically it was not a wiretap.

    Davethulhu (7d4953)

  43. and no, I’m not buying the argument that Trump saying ‘wiretapped’ was wrong, especially since that’s exactly what was reported.

    Um, no, it isn’t, as anyone can easily understand if they read Dana’s post and processed the tweets from Gabriel Malor.

    And it appears now that people trying to maintain that Trump was ‘lying’ about being wiretapped are being driven to the interesting defense that it was a lie because the U.S. wasn’t actually wiretapping Trump people when the U.S. was wiretapping Trump people. Which is, at least, good for a laugh

    This is what Instapundit is promoting these days? We have zero evidence the U.S. was wiretapping Trump people. Please again revisit the definition of incidental collection, Charlie Martin, Instapundit, and anyone else still confused about this fairly simple concept.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  44. Well Charlie has some actual experience with these matters,

    narciso (d1f714)

  45. So, we’ve gone from there being no evidence at all that Donald Trump was spied upon during the Obama Administration to “The U.S. intelligence community incidentally collected information on members of President Trump’s transition team.” I wonder what the story will be in a couple more weeks.

    The level-headed Dana (1b79fa)

  46. @35. No, you are ignoring the point: Nunes sold his integrity to buy Mister Tee, the CIC, a fig leaf for a news cycle. The twit has zero credibility now for tossing chaff for a twitterer. That’s ‘art of the deal:’ buy’em off cheap.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  47. @30– Colonel, Nunes sold his integrity for a fig leaf. That’s the whole point. The jackass has zero credibility now.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  48. This investigation was a hunt for unicorns, oddly we discovered less fanciful fauna along the way.

    narciso (d1f714)

  49. Three is definitive proof of Russian involvement either fro. The dossier or the. Crowdstrike report, it we pretend there is.

    narciso (d1f714)

  50. Zero evidence that the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians but that hasn’t stopped the Democrats or the Democrat operatives with bylines. Time will tell. Death to the promoters of war in lieu of peaceful transfer of power and their quislings.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  51. That is the wonder, coronello, do they dealt want to go to war with russia?

    narciso (6ff44f)

  52. Yep, narciso… what bothers Devin Nunes about what he’s learned and described should bother all but the most partisan Democrats and their colluders/quislings.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  53. It’s a first order problem, millian the passthrough makes curveball look like penkovsky (a real legitimate source) those were the grounds of the invesyihation.

    narciso (6ff44f)

  54. Crowdstrike was the other pillar, its really dubious that this a Russian hack, based on their earlier work.

    narciso (6ff44f)

  55. The two medium pieces that complement Jeffrey Carr’s work are the basis of this.

    narciso (6ff44f)

  56. So, we’ve gone from there being no evidence at all that Donald Trump was spied upon during the Obama Administration to “The U.S. intelligence community incidentally collected information on members of President Trump’s transition team.” I wonder what the story will be in a couple more weeks.
    The level-headed Dana (1b79fa) — 3/22/2017 @ 6:48 pm


    No—someone in the Obama Administration unmasked their names. Unmasked their names in the conversations and transactions with non-Russian actors.

    IOW–there was no FISA process or warrants approved to collect conversations on the Trump campaign directly however it looks like an end run might have been done to get around that process by unmasking their identities when in contact with other entities that were being surveilled.
    Again–only about twenty people in the Obama Administration had the authority to do that and it looks like they had very little justification for that and it was spread all about.

    Unless you want to claim that Nunes is a filthy stinking liar and somehow Schiff (– who would have liked for his people to believe that the Russians “hacked” the election results–which most reasonable people could conclude meant that the electronic voting process was corrupted by the Russians–) that Schiff is the more reasonable actor here–after pulling that cheap stunt.

    btw–*if* you watched the testimony of Comey and Rogers they both adamantly stated that the electronic voting was not affected and not one vote was changed.

    Yet–HACKED THE ELECTION ELEVENTY!!1 persists. Most fair minded people should be unimpressed with the methodologies of Mister Schiff-ty. Calling into question the electoral process so that Democrats believe that the voting machines are “hacked” is a well the democrats have gone to before–and it has not served them well. It should be taken seriously when they cheaply try to create that kind of crisis in confidence.

    Rae Sremmurd (2fd998)

  57. Either I am far, far more dense than I believe, or a HUGE point is being ignored: How is it that DJT is likely first hearing about this from a congress critter and not from the IC???????

    Either he has known about this through regular IC channels (perhaps this is precisely what he was referencing when he accused Obama 2 weeks ago) or, we have one helluva deep state scandal here (the withholding of incredibly important intel from the commander-in-chief).

    Schiff can go pound sand on his process complaint. NOW he screams for a special prosecutor? Really?!!!! Well, of course he is screaming for one now. That way, everyone is bound by law to stay mute publicly. The Dems got their pound of flesh with the accusations in re Russian collusion and now they want everything about the investigations which proved them absurd to stay hidden.

    Ed from SFV (3400a5)

  58. Trump was right again. The rest is legal parsing and semantics by paid liars with law degrees.

    I suspect the illegalities come from the FBI.

    It explains Comey providing misleading and slanted testimony to smear Trump.

    It is also explains Devin Nunes doing a 180 because a whistle blower outed Comey’s lies.

    And any person who says no reasonable prosecutor would go after Clinton is a degenerated liar or compromised. Cuz that should have gone to a grand jury. Further that, NFW they went thru 640k emails in a week to once again vindicate Hillary.

    As was speculated when Comey was forced to reopen the HRC matter due to Weiner he was compromised by internal FBI leaks who know of the corruption. Remember he knew about the Weiner emails weeks beforehand and never notified Congress. He only did after allegedly his NY Field Office threatened him.

    So I think it just happened again. I think Comey is in big trouble this time though. Cuz he misled on his earlier testimony and is holding back lots including being the main culprit in the smear campaign.

    Don’t be shocked if forged documents show up tomorrow early morning to smear Trump and Team. And divert.

    Our DOJ and FBI are DNC operative run. Hope Sessions is firing them as fast as possible and preserving evidence. Same goes for rest of the Cabinets.

    Either way Comey gotta go.

    Blah (44eaa0)

  59. He may have had a whistleblower that came to him, and the info was replicated by other sources.

    narciso (6ff44f)

  60. And to think they were unmasking Trump Team folks on calls and matters having nothing to due with Russia and then circulating them around D.C. like a shitty Sharknado Script in Hollyweird.

    Yikes. Banana Republic stuff and POTUS knew about this Gestapo thing. NFW he signs that order days before leaving office. He did it to muddy the water to save his ass and his closest hatchet people.

    Blah (44eaa0)

  61. I don’t know much so I defer to those who have the technical knowledge.

    narciso (6ff44f)

  62. Crowdstrike is run by Democrat hacks.

    They would lie or simply believe what suits their politics and issue the report.

    DNC never released the servers because they never wanted the truth from the FBI and the FBI upper management did not want the evidence either. God forbid the FBI field agents do the work and realize it was a DNC employee who released the data and not this Russia ruse. God forbid that get back to Comey who is desperate to cover up but then it leaks.

    DNC storyline would blow up and they need that cover to smear Trump and keep raising mega money from their degenerate donors..

    Blah (44eaa0)

  63. Obama and Dems took some random data, mixed it with forged documents, used it to justify wiretapping Trump, got nothing, lost the election, and where left scrambling for explanations so they unmasked people, leaked data and spread out over the Govt “legally” to divert, smear and raise cash. Comey is in the middle of it.

    Blah (44eaa0)

  64. Watch there be like 689,345 hours of taped conversation of Team Trump from Nov 9 to Jan 20 and the NeverTrumpers will still say it was incidental because someone repeatedly lies about the nature of the spying done by Team Obama..

    They will then say that since the conversation were done via mobile phones it was not really wire tapping.

    Then they will say the since the communications are digital it was not really wire tapping.

    Because as you know the word wiretapping is defined in an absurd manner by them to attack POTUS.

    And tomorrow the Freedom Caucus will get what they want in a bill thanks to Trump and the NeverTrumpers will tell you Trump is no better than Hillary…. It does not end when you are pathologically deranged, Data is not relevant and neither is reason. Trump sucks is all that matters ,,,, like an article of Faith.

    He is a flawed person but he might end up being the most Conservative POTUS since Hoover. I pray for that and thank god it ain’t Hillary.

    Blah (44eaa0)

  65. Um.

    So what didn’t happen was that the Obama administration intentionally tapped Trump’s phones, and then intentionally disseminated the data widely, where it was leaked to the press.

    Instead, the Obama administration ACCIDENTALLY tapped Trump’s phones, and then intentionally disseminated the data widely, where it was leaked to the press.

    See,completely different. Really, nothing to complain about at all.

    Tenn (131b65)

  66. The Obama administration “tapped” the phones of foreign agents, which is a perfectly legal thing to do. And caught Trump flunkies and toadies talking to said foreign agents. A perfectly legal thing to catch.

    It may have “unmasked” the said Trump flunkies and toadies without a warrant, and may have disseminated the information to people without a national security need to know. Tsk, tsk! What a no-no!

    nk (dbc370)

  67. Like Roy Cohn told Ethel Rosenberg: If you don’t want to be caught selling the atoomie boom to Stalin, don’t sell the atoomie boom to Stalin.

    nk (dbc370)

  68. No evidence that actually happened nk, whereas the stay enhancers did bring confirmed deceiver and overlords of sepah mousavian into the whitehouse.

    narciso (034dee)

  69. Lawyers go to great lengths to promote distrust of language.

    Colonel Haiku (8d00c4)

  70. and spare no expense, but get it back when they bill by the hour…

    Colonel Haiku (8d00c4)

  71. The Obama administration “tapped” the phones of foreign agents, which is a perfectly legal thing to do. And caught Trump flunkies and toadies talking to said foreign agents. A perfectly legal thing to catch.
    It may have “unmasked” the said Trump flunkies and toadies without a warrant, and may have disseminated the information to people without a national security need to know. Tsk, tsk! What a no-no!
    nk (dbc370) — 3/23/2017 @ 10:35 am


    Nunes said that it captured a lot of Trump’s family and there conversations IIRC.

    He also seemed to insinuate that he was surprised by one of the targets of the surveillance. I think Freddoso is recalling Jared Kushner’s close relationship with Netanyahu which led him down the Israeli path,

    However–what if Ivanka drives you nuts because you are a Dem–and you want that info?

    Perhaps you wiretap one of her very close friends like–Wendi Deng Murdoch—then you have reams of information.

    Rae Sremmurd (2fd998)

  72. “I’m leaving you, Donald”, Manafort said.
    “For Obama”, Manafort said.
    “But why?”, Trump asked. “What does he do for you that I don’t?”
    “He listens to me.”

    nk (dbc370)

  73. We went through this in the Snowden snowjob. The Fourth Amendment does not extend outside the borders of the United States. Even if modern technology allows you to throw your voice there.

    nk (dbc370)

  74. Hmm. Was that one of the intended purposes of the Putin/Snowden propaganda show? To make us pass laws that make it harder to listen in on people in the U.S. conspiring with foreign powers overseas? Or just an incidental benefit?

    nk (dbc370)

  75. nk @77 A. Probably the most important intended purpose.

    Sammy Finkelman (3ea6b3)

  76. What we don’t now is how much of this incidental “unmasking” happened in previous elections, pr with Hillary Clinton. It might be happening all the time.

    There’s another thing, that’s really athird point that Gabriel Malor missed:

    What I got out of this (I listened carefully to a soundbyte from Nunes) was that a lot of this unmasking was not Trump, or anybody connected with him, talking to people whose conversations were being intercepted, but foreign agents, or ambassadors, or whoever, talking about him or his campaign.

    Another thing I got out of this – a fourthe point – was that someone – whom he considers a whistleblower – went to Nunes. This was not a regular release of information.

    Sammy Finkelman (3ea6b3)

  77. If this had been normally turned over information, Schiff would of course have been infofrmed.

    Nunes probably didn’t go to Schiff before making this public because he didn’t want the committee to vote on whether or not to keep this new information secret. The committee may work largely by consensus.

    Sammy Finkelman (3ea6b3)

  78. Via Ashley Rae:

    “Spicer just nailed CNN. He said “there’s more evidence that CNN colluded with Hillary and her campaign than Trump colluded with Russia.””

    Harkin (b2805d)

  79. @81. Pfft.

    “All non-denial denials. They doubt our ancestry, but they don’t say the story isn’t accurate.” – Ben Bradlee [Jason Robards] ‘All The President’s Men’ 1976

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  80. Seems to be the case that Nunes was right about this.

    shipwreckedcrew (56b591)

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