Patterico's Pontifications


Ivanka Trump To Be President Trump’s “Eyes And Ears” From Office In The West Wing

Filed under: General — Dana @ 6:51 am

[guest post by Dana]

Before you jump to defend this, tell me how you felt when President Clinton appointed Hillary Clinton to be in charge of overhauling the nation’s health-care system in the early 90’s? And consider how you think you would be feeling right about now, had Hillary Clinton had won the election and given Chelsea an office in the West Wing, along with a security clearance and government-issued communication devices?

So, now this:

The powerful first daughter has secured her own office on the West Wing’s second floor — a space next to senior adviser Dina Powell, who was recently promoted to a position on the National Security Council. She is also in the process of obtaining a security clearance and is set to receive government-issued communications devices this week.

In everything but name, Trump is settling in as what appears to be a full-time staffer in her father’s administration, with a broad and growing portfolio — except she is not being sworn in, will hold no official position and is not pocketing a salary, her attorney said.

Trump’s role, according to her attorney Jamie Gorelick, will be to serve as the president’s “eyes and ears” while providing broad-ranging advice, not just limited to women’s empowerment issues. “I will continue to offer my father my candid advice and counsel, as I have for my entire life,” Ivanka Trump said in a statement Monday. “While there is no modern precedent for an adult child of the president, I will voluntarily follow all of the ethics rules placed on government employees.”

“Having an adult child of the president who is actively engaged in the work of the administration is new ground,” Gorelick conceded in an interview on Monday. “Our view is that the conservative approach is for Ivanka to voluntarily comply with the rules that would apply if she were a government employee, even though she is not.” A spokeswoman for Ivanka Trump said her role was signed off on by the White House counsel’s office, and the conflict issues were “worked through” with the office of government ethics.

Addressing possible conflicts of interest, Gorelick cautioned:

“The one thing I would like to be clear on: we don’t believe it eliminates conflicts in every way. She has the conflicts that derive from the ownership of this brand. We’re trying to minimize those to the extent possible.”

Gorelick argued that the area is murky because outstanding contracts with third party vendors mean that Ivanka Trump cannot simply close her business — those vendors could continue using her brand. She also can’t sell the business, her attorney argued, because the buyer would have the right to license her name and potentially create other ethical issues.

Instead, Trump will be distancing herself, as much as possible, from the day-to-day operations of the Ivanka Trump brand and convey her interests to a trust.

The trust, Gorelick said, will be controlled by her brother-in-law, Josh Kushner, and her sister-in-law, Nicole Meyer, who will be prohibited from entering the brand into any agreements with foreign countries or agencies. Ivanka Trump has appointed Abigail Klem to serve as president of her company, overseeing the day-to-day operations, and prohibited the company from using her image to sell the brand. The first daughter, however, will retain veto power to kill any deals that would be “unacceptable from an ethics perspective.”

You might be thinking that the the obvious upside of this nepotism is that Ivanka Trump could be a steadying influence on her father, as she helps rein in his impulsive and excessive tendencies. That assumes that her influence would be good, and that the right side of the aisle is okay with nepotism just as long as it benefits our side. But clearly that’s not the only influence she would have on this president if she is also advising him in a non-official capacity from an official office in the West Wing.

(Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back.)


94 Responses to “Ivanka Trump To Be President Trump’s “Eyes And Ears” From Office In The West Wing”

  1. No to political dynasties, and no to nepotism. No matter which side of the aisle it involves.

    Dana (023079)

  2. whatever it takes to keep her off the pole

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  3. I think her job will really be to prevent a majority of the Cabinet from declaring Trump unfit per the 25th Amendment.

    Don’t, happyfeet!

    nk (dbc370)

  4. Honestly, I had not seen happyfeet’s #2 when I typed my #3.

    nk (dbc370)

  5. Gorelick as attorney. What could possibly go wrong?

    Colonel Haiku (de797c)

  6. That kills it for me too, Colonel.

    urbanleftbehind (c8adc7)

  7. She’s not being paid so the accusation of ‘nepotism’ is wide of the mark. She’s a volunteer, assisting her father and donating her time and energy to benefit the nation. She’s a patriot and she deserves our respect and gratitude.

    ropelight (bd0067)

  8. Indeed, #5.
    Why is Gorelick there, instead of still in prison?

    I’m not a lawyer/prosecutor, but there must be something she should be in jail for.

    Evan Carter (9783e9)

  9. Ethics nothing. This is a crime. Theft. Misappropriation of government property. Or does the President have the authority to give government facilities to non-government employees?* I think Trump has just committed an impeachable offense. Thanks, Jamie.

    *If so, can I have an office in the Dirksen Federal Building? I’d love to have an office in the Dirksen Federal Building.

    nk (dbc370)

  10. That Ivanka has an office in the White House is not going to help her schlock and shmatte lines at all, right? It’s not going to make retailers think twice when negotiating to put her stuff in their stores, nope, not at all, right? And it’s not going to hurt her jailbird in-laws’ deal-making in New York the least little bit either, eh?

    nk (dbc370)

  11. Grubbiest President ever!

    nk (dbc370)

  12. nk, your office awaits you in Tartarus.

    ropelight (5d3e0e)

  13. Gorelick????

    [face palm]

    Might as well just have a one-way video/audio stream over to the Obama-Jarrett Command Center.

    harkin (517285)

  14. tell me how you felt when President Clinton appointed Hillary Clinton to be in charge of overhauling the nation’s health-care system in the early 90’s?

    It was a fraud, and she was there to do Bill Clinton’s bidding and make sure they came with what he had planned in advance. The whole task force was just there just to give it a patina of neutral expertise. They didn’t listen to a single person who caeme there had any kind of non-prepackaged ideas. They even admitted that actually. I think Donna Shalalla said that.

    This was also something that fit in with notion of a woman’s issue, so a suitable notional issue for Hillary to be involved with. Bill wanted to get her involved with some policy so as to kay the groundwork for her future political career. He didn’t do more later because this didn’t help her reputation.

    Had it been real, there would have been nothing wrong with it.

    how you think you would be feeling right about now, had Hillary Clinton had won the election and given Chelsea an office in the West Wing, along with a security clearance and government-issued communication devices?

    Chelsea is unqualified, and Hillary doesn’t really trust anybody.

    I don’t think this is a problwm with Ivanka. She may not be great, but she’s probably as good as anybody for an “eyes and ears” And remember, we’re not talking about an ideal presidency, just whether this is better, or not demonstrably worse, than not doing this.

    Sammy Finkelman (3ea6b3)

  15. It’s okay, harkin – they’ve taken the precaution of removing all the microwaves from the White House.

    Leviticus (efada1)

  16. I think the left wing of the Democratic Party is secretly rubbing its hands in glee about what a liberal majority behind Al Franken or Michael Moore could pull off now that Trump is proving that facts, ethics and the rules don’t matter.

    Conservative Republicans will have much to answer for if they keep letting 3rd world political norms work their way into the US system.

    Bob (f52725)

  17. I don’t know what country you’ve been sleeping in for the last decade Bob, but “3rd world political norms” as you call them have been the cornerstone of Democrat politics for quite some time. The “Conservative Republicans” are not in charge and they did not invent corrupt government or Lawfare, the leftists did. Hell, that’s how Franken (?) got elected.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  18. The only thing Al Frankin and Michael Moore are capable of gleefully pulling off is each other’s trousers.

    ropelight (5d3e0e)

  19. “I think the left wing of the Democratic Party is secretly rubbing its hands in glee about what a liberal majority behind Al Franken or Michael Moore could pull off now that Trump is proving that facts, ethics and the rules don’t matter.”

    Sorry, Bob, that’s a swing and a miss for strike 3. Comiskey’s Rules do not allow mention of Al Franken or that fat tub of goo known as Michael Moore in the same sentence as the words “ethics”, “facts”, or “rules”.

    Colonel Haiku (de797c)

  20. I like to play the contrarian, so I’ll go on record as liking the idea of Ivanka being ensconced in the West Wing. During the campaign it seemed like she was one of the only stabilizing and normalizing forces on her dad, and maybe she can get him to dial back the Twitter rants and the general buffoonery.

    JVW (5de783)

  21. He delivered a Conan the barbarian, a cabinet out of black sails so I’m not that concerned

    Now another plot out of yemen, the fact that shuskin hadn’t laid down the law AT the va.

    narciso (2171ef)

  22. Making America grate again.

    “Oh, Daddy! You’d put ketchup on a doughnut!” – Gloria Stivic [Sally Struthers] ‘All In The Family’ CBS TV, 1971-1979

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  23. Jamie Gorelick.
    The name alone makes the hair on my nape stand up.

    Only good thing I can think of from this, Captain Queeg has lost his paranoia (always more an invention of DCSCA imagination then something tangible).

    papertiger (c8116c)

  24. it’s nepotism if as president, you nominate your kid brother to become attorney general as jfk did
    but is it really nepotism to hire your daughter to become a white house aide?

    during modern times, many presidents have sought counsel from their various family members on all sorts of issues
    george h.w. bush authorized george w. bush to tell john sununu he should resign as chief of staff

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  25. I wonder if Glenn Beck will be Ivanka’s press secretary?

    papertiger (c8116c)

  26. Yeah, and we should also be grateful that Ivanka will not be cooking people in the White House kitchen like Jeffrey Dahmer would.

    nk (dbc370)

  27. Or will she? Do you really know what’s in meatloaf?

    nk (dbc370)

  28. Don’t think it’s that big of a deal.

    Melania is in NYC–so Ivanka is covering in D.C., and the comparison to Hillary championing HillaryCare isn’t quite equal.

    Rae Sremmurd (2fd998)

  29. Or maybe Megyn Kelly. I hear her gig with the alphabet network exploded.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  30. @25. And you kid us not.

    Sounds like whistling Dixie.
    Smells like bubbling borscht.
    Tastes like… strawberries.

    “Doctor. You have testified that the following symptoms exist in Lieutenant-Commander Queeg’s behavior. Rigidity of personality, feelings of persecution, unreasonable suspicion, a mania for perfection, and a neurotic certainty that he is always in the right. Doctor isn’t there one psychiatric term for this illness?” – Barney Greenwald [Jose Ferrer] ‘The Caine Mutiny’ 1954

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  31. As far as giving an office to Ivanka, better than buying a dog, if you want a friend in Washington.

    Plus, if you have an empty office just sitting there, those tend to get filled up by extraneous bureaucrats if you don’t use them for something else.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  32. Anyone know what Hillary’s salary was during her husband’s terms in office?

    Or, did Hillary decline monetary compensation? Sure, the very thought that greedy short-legged little piggy would pass up a chance to stick her snout in the public trough is almost as unlikely as ol’Slick coming clean under oath.

    ropelight (5d3e0e)


    Twas brillig and the slithy Trumpkins
    Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
    All mimsy were the borogoves,
    And the momeraths outgrabe.

    nk (dbc370)

  34. “…if you have an empty office just sitting there, those tend to get filled up by extraneous bureaucrats if you don’t use them for something else.”

    Like a trophy room. For wives or daughters.

    “I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.” – Donald J. Trump, President of the United States, biological father of Ivanka.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  35. I think John Kennedy Jr illegally occupied a federal fortification under The Resolute Desk one time like Cliven Bundy so I’m cool with this. Except for Jamie Gorelick’s name popping up. Unless she’s like an ethical Ground Fault Interrupter.

    Pinandpuller (e76082)

  36. There’s DCSCA’s record skipping.

    Gorelick… Gorelick… Gorelick… Gorelick…

    Someone get a handle on that dumas.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  37. Are you this listless, consult a doctor

    narciso (d1f714)

  38. Is the point you are trying to make that Presidents should not trust close female family members? Coming on the heals of the kerfuffle about Kellyanne, perhaps the point is that the women Presidents are close to should be assumed untrustworthy. That women are untrustworthy is a hackneyed stereotype that for some reason is common belief on the alt-right and elsewhere. I’m not buying it.

    Donald Trump runs a family business. It’s bigger than most family businesses, but that’s still what it is. The President’s father passed it to him; he will pass it to his children and grandchildren. President Trump has a long-term business relationship with his family – that’s how family businesses work. If President Trump thinks Ivanka can help, he should know.

    Here’s a question for the most spirited of you anti-Trumpers: who would you trust more, Donald or Ivanka? I’m guessing the cosmopolitan and courtly Ivanka – I bet she reads books, too. So why are you complaining?

    One final question. Why do you think Bill turned Hill loose on healthcare? Bill, of all people, surely knew what a loose cannon she was. Is it the same reason Tony Soprano bought his wife a Cayenne?

    ThOR (c9324e)

  39. 37…just like “kid” Dan Quayle taking a nap under Dana Carvey/George H.W. Bush’s desk on SNL.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  40. that is very reductive, mr. ThOR

    nk (dbc370)

  41. “Here’s a question for the most spirited of you anti-Trumpers: who would you trust more, Donald or Ivanka?”

    – ThOR

    Neither. They’re both con artists riding a wave of popular stupidity. Why would I trust either of them?

    Leviticus (efada1)

  42. “Colonel Blimp” was a term used to describe a WWI and later officer who obsessed over poorly polished buttons, while ignoring rusty rifles and opposing enemy troops.

    A nuisance to their own side, they were widely derided as ineffectual carpers. In Vietnam, they earned the appellation, REMF’s.

    And Never Trumpers today have found the polished button issue of the month. Ivanka in an office!

    Having slept through “Bobby” as AG, tanks in Waco, the Clinton Foundation, State’s approval of Uranium One’s sale to a Russian Co., CNN shilling for Hillary during the primaries, Radditz crying on election eve, a 20T debt, and NoKo playing with real nukes, Never Trumpers prove again their unerring ability to fault good for not being perfect.

    If only the vulgarian had lost!

    The justice testifying could have been the Hawaiian one that voted against the Travel Ban!

    Harcourt Fenton Mudd (5e0a82)

  43. The best I can say about Trump is that he didn’t scare me nearly as much as Her Shrillness did and does. That said, the Democrats spent the last eight years supporting an Imperial Presidency of a sort that would have caused Nixon to ejaculate in his shorts. Now somebody other than a Democrat holds the office, and they are learning the hard way why that was such a truely lousey idea.

    I believe that people objected to Shrillary working in the White House because they (rightly) considered her a hugely unattractive, hectoring scold with the ethics of a Jersey City ambulance chaser. How do they feel about Ivanka? I guess we’ll see.

    C. S. P. Schofield (99bd37)

  44. The clearance requires disclosure and background investigation and is likely being to sought get her a WH pass and unescorted/unrestricted movement. The govt phone/computer put her under the govt record retention rules. GHWB put GWB in the basement with Mary Matalin. If she’s gonna sit in meetings and work on POTUS’s behalf at least she’ll be following the same rules every other staffer in WH does and will be subject to the same obligations unlike the informal practice followed by previous administrations. OTOH if this is the new ValJar …

    crazy (d3b449)

  45. =yawn= Always remember: if Trump was your daughter’s HS gym teacher he’d likely be under arrest.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  46. 34. So Hillary was not even interested in collectinga a salary. The Clintons did not get interested in accumulating personal wealth in their own names (beyond what they needed day to day, month to month, year to year and maybe eventually) until Bill Clinton left the White House in 2001.

    Before that anything Bill wanted he could get people to give him, so what did he need money for??

    If Bill Clinton wanted to go to Martha’s Vineyard, HE JUST WENT. Somebody else paid for it all. He could always get someone else to pay for it.

    The Clintons did not try to accumulate cash – they accumulated the ability to tap cash.

    Now he did need a little spending money and for this he obtained “jobs” and a “partnership” in teh Rose Law Firm for Hillary. And there was the $100,000 payoff from Tyson Foods. Tyson had apparently been delivering small sums of cash in envelopes, as needed, but it was decided it would be much simpler and easier (and maybe less risky) to deliver it all at once through speculation using inside information in cattle futures. (it could have been done in several otehr ways too)

    There was also Whitewater, which may have been a scheme to own something many years on. Take mortgage and have someone else pay for it.

    But that was essentially minimal. Bill and Hillary Clinton did not want or need large bank accounts.

    But later on they realized that money from strangers might be cut off in the future and they might need money to pay for lawyers, who might have ethical problems donating their services for free – this had happened in the 1990s – so it was best to obtain money – and also to give it to Chelsea, (in a way that would avoid civil asset forfeiture)

    Sammy Finkelman (6f9f42)

  47. “Here’s a question for the most spirited of you anti-Trumpers: who would you trust more, Donald or Ivanka?”

    I’m not one of those #NeverTrump weenies, but I’d trust them over a helluva lot of lawyers.

    Colonel Haiku (de797c)

  48. “just like “kid” Dan Quayle taking a nap under Dana Carvey/George H.W. Bush’s desk on SNL”

    People still judging republicans based on SNL skits? Say it aint so.

    “Always remember: if Trump was your daughter’s HS gym teacher he’d likely be under arrest.”

    And if Bill Clinton was a republican he’d be getting out of prison soon.

    harkin (517285)

  49. @38 papertiger

    Gorelick…Number Nine…Gorelick…Number Nine…Gorelick…Number Nine…

    Hey, they’re Breakdance Fighting!

    Pinandpuller (fc6a21)

  50. Family meeting in the White House pool. Make sure you ain’t wearing a “wyah”.

    Pinandpuller (fc6a21)

  51. There’s some Pakistani brothers over in Congress what can get Ivanka bargain basement prices on gently used office furniture.

    Pinandpuller (fc6a21)

  52. I know that I’ve come down hard on lawyers in the past, but today the sun is shining an I’m feeling more positive. Here goes.

    I think it is unfair to single out lawyers for their ethical shortcomings. I don’t see lawyers as any less moral than virtually all other college-trained professionals. The difference with lawyers, and journalism majors as well, is that their immorality is very public. And for both, the end product of their turpitude can be disaster for America and Americans.

    It is reassuring that some majors, economics and business come to mind, allow their students to sneak out of college with their integrity intact. But most majors don’t. I had two close friends who, after just one quarter, or ten short weeks, in doctoral programs had completely sold their souls to radical leftism. They weren’t lawyers and the only ones directly suffering from their moral weakness are the university students they have indoctrinated since. Interestingly, at the time, both grudgingly admitted that the choice was to earn the degree they had pined for or keep their dignity. Dignity lost.

    My point is that it isn’t just lawyers. Not by a long shot. Even if we were able to clean up the bar, all those other majors in the college catalog would carry on with their indecency. In a godless world, dignity usually loses.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  53. @43 Leviticus

    You mean Electoral plurality don’t you?

    Pinandpuller (fc6a21)

  54. Well, at least Ivanka’s role is publicly disclosed. Of course there are conflicts of interest, but I think that the way to deal with those is transparency.

    SPQR (a3a747)

  55. “I will continue to offer my father my candid advice and counsel, as I have for my entire life,” Ivanka Trump said in a statement Monday.

    A regular Henretta Kissinger, eh.

    Ivanka Trump was born on October 30, 1981.

    Sleep well, America.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  56. If politics teaches us anything, it is that callowness isn’t a function of age.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  57. @55 ThOR

    Lawyers need to start billing in three-song increments to keep up with their peers.

    Perry Mason, Stage Three!

    Pinandpuller (fc6a21)

  58. In all his life unto no manner speak
    He was a very perfect lawyer geek.
    But for to tellen you of his array:
    His sheep was good; but he was not gay.
    On his head a cowboy hat
    All besmotered with his assless chaps
    For he was late y-come from yon east village
    And wentè for to do his pilgrimáge.

    Colonel Haiku (de797c)

  59. Ivanka Trump was born on October 30, 1981.

    Sleep well, America.
    DCSCA (797bc0) — 3/21/2017 @ 12:07 pm

    A date that will live in infancy?

    Pinandpuller (fc6a21)

  60. 35 she may be, but how is the Dairy/Big 10 Mafia plus the Alabama slammers going to take that?

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  61. @62- LOL

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  62. Shocker – Ted Cruz wants to remind everybody that he was a SCOTUS clerk too, dagnabbit!

    Leviticus (efada1)

  63. Well, the minimum age for president is only 35. Although no person has become president befoee thw age of 42 (Theodore Roosevelt)

    Ivanka Trump is a person who probably has no personal memory of the existence of the Soviet Union (although she surely learned something about it from her mother) (who was born in Czechoslovakia.)

    Sammy Finkelman (6f9f42)

  64. She does remember a time when Muslims weren’t considered dangerous.

    She was 11 at the time of the World Trade Center bombing. Since she lived in Manhattan and probably had cable (actually at that time her father was going through a divorce so I don’t know where she lived) she may not have een aware that all televison stations except Channel 2 (WCBS) were knocked off the air for months.

    At that time, there was no cable in New York City’s four outer boroughs. That didn’t happen till 1995.

    Sammy Finkelman (6f9f42)

  65. @65– ‘Monkey style.’ Tedtoo and Gorsuch should get a room given the vanity on display.

    Only Niles and Frasier Crane discussing dating in a Seattle coffee house can top it.

    “tossed salad and scrambled eggs…”

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  66. 67- “At that time, there was no cable in New York City’s four outer boroughs. That didn’t happen till 1995.”

    That truly is a scandal; even most small towns (5,000+ pop) in the U.S. had at least 220mhz (about 25 channels)of service by 1985.

    Maybe the problem was too much democratic corruption.

    “Cable made more progress in the city in 1987 than in the 21 years since Manhattan got the first installation in 1966. But at the same time, the industry has become increasingly tainted by New York City’s corruption scandals. And the reason, not surprisingly, is money. Tomorrow, in the third cable-linked prosecution in just three months, John A. Zaccaro, the real estate broker whose wife, Geraldine A. Ferraro, ran for Vice President in 1984, is to go on trial charged with soliciting a $1 million bribe to help Cablevision obtain a franchise for Queens. In July Francis X. Smith, the former administrative judge of Queens, was convicted of perjury for lying about a meeting with cable executives and the late Queens Democratic Chairman Donald R. Manes. And Michael A. Nussbaum, a former public relations and campaign aide to Mr. Manes, was convicted in August of soliciting a $250,000 bribe from Orth-O-Vision, another cable company seeking a franchise.”

    harkin (517285)

  67. Franken is doing well punching through Gorsuch’s act; his irritation leaks out easily.

    ‘Torpedo Los!’ – ‘Action In The North Atlantic’ Warner Bros., 1943

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  68. Not corruption, but attempts to prevent corruption, or maybe different would-be cable providers competing with eacvh other.

    Or maybe it could be corruption in the sense that it awas being held up to extract money.

    Sammy Finkelman (6f9f42)

  69. “Not corruption”

    Some can not see the forest for the trees, some can.

    “‘These attempts on the part of political officials and so-called community leaders to grab a piece of what was going on are the reason why the citizens of the outer boroughs have not had cable this long, because this was being treated like a bonanza for the politicians rather than an important service for the citizens,” he said.”

    Harkin (5db653)

  70. Great moments of ‘counsel and advice’ to the future President of the United States from the life experiences of Ivanka Trump.

    1992. Ivanka was 11. “Daddy, what’s divorce? Is Marla really a Georgia peach? They’re yummy!”

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  71. DCSCA

    I just got done watching this Bronson movie for the first time, Assassination. It’s amazing that this movie predates the Clintons since Jill Ireland is pretty much HRC for the first two thirds of the movie. *spoiler* turns out she’s in a sham marriage for political reasons.

    There’s a pretty good line where Ireland’s movie dad says.” I never met a man I couldn’t corrupt…”

    The main beef I have with the movie is they supposedly end up in Lodgepole, WY elevation 12,013 WTF? Leadville, CO is only 10,000 something and it’s the highest city in the US IIRC.

    They also buy a dune buggy from Indian Joe’s Used Cars where the motto is “We Don’t Scalp You”.

    I almost forgot the best part. They stay in a motel in Gettysburg, PA. The Pickett’s Charge Motel. Seriously? Bronson kills a guy and they leave town.

    Jill Ireland: They say 15,000 men died here in Pickett’s Charge.

    Bronson: That makes it 15,000 and one.

    Pinandpuller (063a2d)

  72. At what point, in the outer boroughs, did over 50% of people with cable actually start paying for cable?

    Pinandpuller (063a2d)

  73. @74 DCSCA

    Daddy, why do you have 88 1313 tattooed on your arm?

    Pinandpuller (063a2d)

  74. Stan Lee definitely had a copyright infringement case against Marla Maples’ parents.

    Pinandpuller (063a2d)

  75. Even though there was no cable, we had HBO in 1980. I think it was done through an encrypted signal.

    Sammy Finkelman (6f9f42)

  76. 76. I don’t know the statistics about cable, but I think most people had it by September 11, 2001, because, even though the television signals were knocked out again (and again except for Channel 2, which resumed broadcasting from the top of the Empire State Building) there wasn’t this notie in the newspapers etc that the television statins were knocked out.

    Sammy Finkelman (6f9f42)

  77. I’d be opposed if it was Chelsea because we’ve seen the Clinton routine at work before, and because all indications are that Chelsea makes Meghan McCain look like Marilyn vos Savant. Ivanka was impressing me long before her father went down that escalator, and I’m willing to wait and see what she can do in that spot before freaking out about it.

    M. Scott Eiland (1edade)

  78. Greetings:

    Me, I’m thinking that he mustn’ta been able to get her into Sidwell-Friends.

    11B40 (6abb5c)

  79. RE: 49

    Ahem. Cattle futures anyone? Turned a tidy profit off of that one.

    Estarcarus (cd97e1)

  80. As for Ivanka in the Whitehouse, what’s the big deal? Monica took up residence under Clinton’s desk for years.

    Estarcarus (cd97e1)

  81. Those of you still dissing for talking about microwaves should read this:

    “Behind any wall a microwave listening device may lurk. Technology can listen for the electronic waves these bugs emit..”

    Davod (f3a711)

  82. Yes, Davod. Radio waves are microwaves. All wireless devices are microwaves. Your cell phone is a microwave transmitter/receiver. So is your computer modem.

    So is radar. As a matter of fact, that’s how microwave ovens were invented. A guy got cooked when he stepped in front of a radar dish.

    nk (dbc370)

  83. I researched it. Aluminum foil provides the best combination of conductivity, weight/stength ratio, low cost, and lack of toxicity, for a Faraday cage around your skull to prevent your microwave oven from picking up your brainwaves and transmitting them to the CIA.

    nk (dbc370)

  84. Untrue. A little known fact is that chicken wire is most effective and cost efficient. This discovery was stumbled upon by a Greek… one Andreas Popupimplous during WWII.

    Colonel Haiku (166a1b)

  85. 84. Estarcarus (cd97e1) — 3/22/2017 @ 2:50 am

    Cattle futures anyone? Turned a tidy profit off of that one.

    But that seems to have been a one-time thing. There was also a lot of “earned income” for Hillary from tehe politically connected Rose Law Firm.

    But the Clintons don’t seem to have become interested in accumulating wealth in their own names until after January 20, 2001.

    Before that, after all, anytime Bill Clinton needed to spend money he could get it – what need was there to report it on financial disclosure forms, or pay taxes on it or anything?

    But he ran into a problem during the 1990s where his lawyers could not simply give away their services, without it being considered an ethical problem forthem. They had to bill him, although they didn’t have to try to collect. As a result, as Hillary said, when they left office, they were “dead broke” legally anyway, if anyone had made an accounting. They could have gone into bankruptcy court. They could have gone into bankruptcy court while Bill Clinton was still president. That’s the meaning of what Hillary said. For a variety of reasons they probably didn’t want to do that.

    There was a legal defense fund but it wasn’t enough.

    To make the legal defense fund not look so bad, Bill Clinton contrived the creation of the Paula Jones case, in which he got her to sue him.

    You think it was her idea? Far from it! First, he got Arkansas state troopers to tell a false story, or a false version of a true story, to the American Spectator, in which she consented, and even wanted more, and then made sure she was made aware of it and also given the idea that a lot more people knew about it than who did, and that of she did nothing it would go down in history that way. And then further had someone approach her with the idea she should ask him to correct what the American Spectator said – that’s all she wanted. And then that she should sue him so that he would correct the record.

    But the catch was she was told to sue Bill Clinton on on technically faulty grounds.

    The reason Bill Clinton settled this winnable case (on technical grounds) and paid her money was to avoid perjury charges because prosecutors very rarely bring perjury charges in connection with a case that someone loses. After 1998, he had to lose that case.

    But originally he was supposed to win it, and the case only existed so as to disguise the real purpose of his legal defense fund, to pay for lawyers, (at Williams & Connally) and their work had a lot more to do with Whitewater than Paula Jones. In fact he had a totally separate law firm for the Paula Jones matter. But it was important, even from a legal standpoint, not to win too quickly so she wouldn’t be able to refile a more valid claim.

    Anyway, Bill Clinton’s lawyers were ethically bound not to give him a discuount or waive their fees, so he arranged to get money so he could pay them and put a close to that chapter in his life.

    And after that he decided it was important for him to have money, and not just the ability to get people to spend money on his behalf. And because of a possible future RICO case, for Chelsea to have money too, that would look independently generated and not from him or her mother in any way.

    Sammy Finkelman (3ea6b3)

  86. What’s way down the rabbit hole? That Bill Clinton contrved to get Paula Jones to sue him is exactly what you have to assume, and it is consistent with the evidence – the Arkanasas State troopers did lie to he American Spectator for instance — and some acquaintance from Arkansas – which means someone Bill Clinton could havwe gotten to do it – alerted her to the american Spectator article, which she otherwise wouldn’t have known about – and there was someone who told her to sue – and the grounds were the wrong ones – I read that once. And once raised the money coud be spent for any kind of legal aid. Only most people are not aware of the underlying facts.
    Furthermoe it made sense.

    This was after the White water

    And the alternaive theory, that the Paula Jones lawsuit just happened, without Bill Clinton having anything to do with it, just doesn’t make sense.

    As for the weakness of the evidence against Fancy Bear, they wouldn’t publicize everything they had. It’s not so weaak.

    The point seems to be:

    The German Parliament and the Democatic National Committee were hacked by the same people, as well as Podesta and there is aconection to DC Leaks.

    It is not surprising that Wikileaks started te day after the public announcement of the penetration. They had been really kicked out before. But they didn’t awnat to announce he penetration for some time. They did buit oly after completing a complete restart of their system.
    The DNC was going to announce the Russians had done it. Wikileaks got ahead of the story.

    The Russians understood that DC Leaks could be linked to them, and thought Guccifer 2.0 was abetter coverr story. They hadn’t planned the leaking. That wasa a decision mmade later.

    The fact tat standard things seem to have been used

    Sammy Finkelman (3ea6b3)

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