Patterico's Pontifications


Rachel Maddow Releases “Client Copy” of Trump’s Taxes

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:24 pm

In other words, Donald Trump leaked this.

[Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back.]

35 Responses to “Rachel Maddow Releases “Client Copy” of Trump’s Taxes”

  1. So says me.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  2. According to MRC:

    If only it’d been true.

    What Maddow and the fine folks over at MSNBC actually managed to do was get part of a copy of Trump’s 2005 tax return. Which was already 12 years old. And which the White House had already released.

    And which the Wall Street Journal had already reported on – a year ago.

    Needless to say, the Twittersphere wasn’t all too happy as Maddow droned on…and on…and on during her open monologue, bashing Trump (and throwing out all manner of random, unsubstantiated speculations regarding his finances) without actually giving anyone any new information.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  3. What was it Dana warned about earlier this week? Something about the media being ignored for crying wolf one too many times?

    Sean (41ed1e)

  4. Madcow should go to work for CNN.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  5. She is their highest rated show, yikes.

    narciso (d1f714)

  6. Patterico (115b1f)

  7. So Madcow’s post-election fears were realized… she was sent to a camp… for clowns! Hahahahahaha… HA!!!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  8. It is impossible to argue with biased people, such as most Republicans and Democrats.
    The replies are rarely substantive when something disagrees with their bias, so
    they resort to ad hominem instead.

    Daniel (a1e7ab)

  9. Which begs the question: Is it real?

    nk (dbc370)

  10. @1. In other words, Donald Trump leaked this.


    Shiny object. No more wiretap, healthcare and Russia chatter topping the cycle –let’s talk about “me.” 2005; fairly benign and a good year for him, too. But credit Maddow w/simply publicizing it– it was ‘mailed’ to David Johnson who of course is the perfect foil for Trump to use to publicize Trump.

    Hell, the WH ‘push back’ statement, referencing television ratings no less, is dripping Trump and clearly ready a tad too fast– so much so the ink hasn’t dried.


    @9. Yep. WH ‘indignantly’ confirmed. Pitch to focus back on Trump no wiretapping or healthcare.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  11. Is Rachel Maddow an Olympic-class dope or does she just play one on TV?

    Kevin Stafford (df475d)

  12. It would be one thing if Maddow had from the very start announced that she had his tax returns from eleven years ago, but it seems like the way she teased this on social media was a deliberate ploy to lead us to believe that it was a much more recent return. It’s hard not to conclude that Maddow and MSNBC purposely misled us in order to gin up ratings, and it looks like even much of the left finds this whole thing to be pretty obnoxious, as Rev. Hoagie pointed out in quoting the MRC.

    JVW (5de783)

  13. This just highlights Trump’s real problem with his tax returns: what is he hiding? So if this is a shiny object, it’s a dumb move since he shouldn’t be bringing attention to something that he’s trying to hide.

    Tillman (a95660)

  14. This just highlights Trump’s real problem with his tax returns: what is he hiding?

    I remember 8 years ago people were asking the same thing about Obama’s birth certificate. The answer, as it turned out, was “nothing”. I get the feeling Trump will let the Democrats look like idiots as often as he can.

    Chuck Bartowski (211c17)

  15. Chuck, Trump makes himself look like an idiot almost daily.

    Tillman (a95660)

  16. Sadly its as obvious predetermined S homeland has become: dar adal can be scheming and javadi be pursuing a bomb, but where’s the fun in that.

    narciso (8d0597)

  17. All our intelligence could probably inn the hands of Iran and or al queda ‘dont worry be happy, think of russia

    narciso (8d0597)

  18. What is he hiding? Ask “What is he being audited on?” Phony deductions that reduced his income to below the level needed to qualify for a homeowners exemption? Check kiting through his 500 or more corporations? Money laundering through Deutsche Bank?

    nk (dbc370)

  19. What is he hiding? Ask “What is he being audited on?” Phony deductions that reduced his income to below the level needed to qualify for a homeowners exemption? Check kiting through his 500 or more corporations? Money laundering through Deutsche Bank?

    I’ll take “The Russian Mafia” for 500, Alex.

    Dave (711345)

  20. But don’t think of what Obama has a ctuallt empowering russia.

    narciso (8d0597)

  21. I think it’s much simpler and more base than any of those things, nk.I think maybe he’s hiding the fact that he is not as wealthy as he has led us to believe, and that he is not a charitable person. Both would fit his personality and temperament.

    Dana (023079)

  22. An individual’s tax return is between said person and the IRS. If any tax laws were broken, the individual is subject to prosecution. That goes for everybody, politicians included. Otherwise, let it go. Is that so difficult for people to understand.

    Apparently, it is.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  23. I don’t agree, Haiku.

    This sort of obsessive fixation takes on a self-destructive life of its own – as we have now seen over and over and over again with Trump’s critics (I don’t think that’s enough overs, but you get the idea). It is a remarkable circus of self-destruction – let ’em at it.

    I mean this in all seriousness. There is a younger generation who benefits from witnessing all of this foolishness and will learn from it.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  24. Otherwise, let it go. Is that so difficult for people to understand.

    You understand the reason politicans are called upon to release their financial documents perfectly well. It is to expose areas where their official conduct could be compromised by conflict of interest.

    Dave (711345)

  25. @24 Dave

    I’m sure he sold his SS# to 8,000 Mexicans living at a single address in Atlanta.

    Pinandpuller (a7f4ec)

  26. That Maddow has a nastyl”Beast Look” going for her.

    mg (31009b)

  27. Deep State Schlonging

    mg (31009b)

  28. It came from Trump…or any one of a dozen different agencies that require a copy of your tax returns for licensing or approval processes. FAFSA, liquor licensing, gaming licensing, milk and eggs licenses. I would say mortgage too, but mortgage companies have their own special “release of tax recordds” form so they can get them directly from the IRS.

    Xmas (3a75bb)

  29. 29, I’d say FAFSA had these been for 2012 to 2015, you know how he dotes less on Tiff.

    urbanleftbehind (c25322)

  30. 25, Gwinnett or Cobb County perhaps; I thought Atlanta proper was nothing but Blacks and Gays.

    urbanleftbehind (c25322)

  31. The journal reported on it last year, facepLm with an old one.

    narciso (0be537)

  32. Greetings:

    Were Rachel Maddow and Sally Kohn separated at birth or do they just share the same barber ???

    11B40 (6abb5c)

  33. 2.

    What Maddow and the fine folks over at MSNBC actually managed to do was get part of a copy of Trump’s 2005 tax return. Which was already 12 years old. And which the White House had already released.

    And which the Wall Street Journal had already reported on – a year ago.

    What!! You mean Trump made this public some time ago – and nobody knew?

    OK, in that case it could be both factually accurate and fake news.

    Sammy Finkelman (3fda43)


    Almost exactly a year ago, The Wall Street Journal’s Richard Rubin found public records that indicated that Mr. Trump was able to deduct $39 million from his 2005 federal income taxes by promising not to build houses on a New Jersey golf course he owns.

    Bt that’s not he same thing

    My vote is that this was on file at some state government agency, and supposed to be confidential.

    And that it was possibly discarded in the street, or somebody spotted it and took it befor.e it could get shredded.

    Sammy Finkelman (3fda43)

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