Patterico's Pontifications


A Young Woman’s Experience Serving On A Jury With Rex Tillerson

Filed under: General — Dana @ 10:37 am

[guest post by Dana]

Interesting take on Donald Trump’s selection for secretary of state:

Nine years ago, I showed up to the Denton County Courthouse for jury duty and got myself picked for the job. A young girl had accused her mom’s boyfriend of sexual assault, and the case was being brought to trial.

If you’ve ever served on a jury trial before, you understand the almost immediate yet very temporary bond that ties 12 strangers together who are randomly chosen from each of their private lives to fulfill a solemn public purpose.

One of our first tasks was to choose our jury foreman. Perhaps it was his business suit, his impressive stature, or his charisma, but almost everyone in that jury room suggested that this middle-aged man with graying hair was likely the most fit for the task.

Thanks, but I decline. I’m not interested in the spotlight, he told us. I didn’t think anything of it.

In her straight-forward description of the experience, the writer makes clear that she did not vote for Trump, nor is her story an endorsement of Tillerson’s nomination. It is simply a personal narrative of time spent with a man that the author saw as polite, patient and humble.

Read the whole thing.


42 Responses to “A Young Woman’s Experience Serving On A Jury With Rex Tillerson”

  1. The writer of the linked piece is Emily Roden, wife of a Denton, Texas city councilman, if that matters to anyone. FWIW, it doesn’t matter to me.

    Dana (d17a61)

  2. after what Obama just did on the jews we need a steady smart guy like Mr. Tillerson in the job

    if anyone can stop obama’s campaign of hate and genocide it’s him and Mr. Trump

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  3. speaking of hate Meghan’s cowardly and increasingly erratic daddy hates Mr. Tillerson a lot


    happyfeet (28a91b)

  4. January 20, 2017 cannot come soon enough.

    Just hope someone has been keeping track of all the regs and other crap the current ‘administration’ has been spewing out since the election, so they can clear it out of the way before it causes too much damage. Trump may not have been my first or thirty-first choice, but he is infinitely better than what we’ve been saddled with these past 8 years and if possible, is certainly going to be better than what we could have been stuck with.

    Bill M (906260)

  5. Greetings:

    Tillerson has failed on so many levels:

    1) Born in Texas;

    2) Graduated college unindoctrinated;

    3) Worked in multinational (but not multicultural) oil industry;

    4) Worked for 41 straight years;

    5) For the same oppressive white patriarchical oil company.

    Conclusion: Obvious Enemy of the State.

    11B40 (6abb5c)

  6. Meghan’s cowardly and increasingly erratic daddy’s never worked for anyone but the government


    happyfeet (28a91b)

  7. No puppies? Cute, big-eyed, big-pawed, slobbery puppies?

    nk (dbc370)

  8. If you’ve ever served on a jury trial before, you understand the almost immediate yet very temporary bond that ties 12 strangers together

    Yeah, the last time I had jury duty, I left singing “Don’t you forget about me ….”, and I wasn’t even picked.

    nk (dbc370)

  9. if i’d been there i’d a been all yes yes you should pick that guy

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  10. It was a Wednesday. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays are hanging jury days. Tuesdays and Thursdays are acquitting jury days.

    nk (dbc370)

  11. But this should be an inspirational story for everyone who is called for jury duty. If an oil company executive can take time off from his $74,520.55/day job to do his duty as a citizen, so can we all.

    nk (dbc370)

  12. Are you being sarcastic, nk, in your comments? My online radar is askew, thus I’m unsure…

    Dana (d17a61)

  13. McCain increasingly reminds me of Harry Reid.
    Anyone who isn’t a political hack knows that as CEO of ExxonMobil, Tillerson’s acceptance of an award is at worst pragmatic.

    steveg (5508fb)

  14. Let me put it this way, Dana: If I ever need public relations experts, I’d want Exxon’s. (Not that I could afford them.)

    No reflection on you for posting it, but to me this is like the new Kardashian story every day on Google News.

    nk (dbc370)

  15. The co-owner of World Wrestling Entertainment as head of SBA is another one that’s giggle-inducing.

    nk (dbc370)

  16. it’ not a terribly serious agency no matter who runs it

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  17. I have the feeling that Trump’s cabinet appointments are more mindful of the requirements of the 25th Amendment than the demands of the job. Which is, actually, pretty smart on the part of Trump.

    nk (dbc370)

  18. So say we all, nk not enough ouzo this holiday, maverick was like Larry miller to quadaffi for a time.

    narciso (d1f714)

  19. oh quick quick come look

    the pope’s whining about how much ass christmas sucks

    he’s without question his mama’s special lil guy huh

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  20. nk,

    I’m tired of the in-the-know punditry blather these days about nominees. An average Joe’s take is intereting even if it has nothing to do with SoS. And I didn’t think this was Kardashian at all. Not sensational. Just an interesting glimpse of a man…

    Dana (d17a61)

  21. Thanks. I shared it on my Facebook feed.

    Kishnevi (413847)

  22. And Merry Christmas Happy Chanukah Joyful Yule etc. to one and all.

    Kishnevi (413847)

  23. Did Tillerson cash the jury duty check?

    steveg (5508fb)

  24. That’s what the Illuminati want you to think, Dana. 😉

    nk (dbc370)

  25. Merry Christmas all.

    There is a place for the concerns of children.

    narciso (d1f714)

  26. But that is not the be all and end all of the pastoral message.

    narciso (d1f714)

  27. I’m simply amazed at the clairvoyance and patience exhibited by XOM’s PR people.

    Rick Ballard (835ba0)

  28. You probably don’t believe in Santa either rick.

    narciso (d1f714)

  29. #5. Being Texan now is being like a Southern Californian circa 1984.

    urbanleftbehind (804d37)

  30. I can’t link now, but matzen’s story behind its a wonderful life is remarkable.

    narciso (d1f714)

  31. Its in the Topeka journal, among others.

    narciso (d1f714)

  32. associated press propaganda sluts flounder desperately in search of an explanation of why food stamp’s last christmas is sucking pope balls

    This year, the contentious presidential election delayed some shoppers, and with Christmas falling on a Sunday, stores are expecting a bigger number of last-minute buyers. At a busy Target store in Brick, N.J., on Saturday morning, many shoppers seemed to be picking up small items to use as stocking-stuffers. Others were hoping to find a last-minute deal.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  33. Fake news pikachu like mango Gatorade, what is the point?

    narciso (d1f714)

  34. Narciso, Kish, I hope you live well North of all this:

    urbanleftbehind (804d37)

  35. This looks like the original source of that anecdote, (it’s not much longer than an anecdote – 18 paragraphs, some one sentence long) posted on the blog of Kevin Roden, member of City Council from District 1 of Denton, Texas on Tuesday, December 13 with 37 comments, the last one left on Monday, December 19. It was written by Emily Roden, evidently his wife.

    She was no older than 29 when serving on this jury; Kevin Roden was first elected to the Denton City Council in 2011 and had a 2-year old daughter at the time.

    There’s only about two posts a month, if that. It started in October, 2015.

    His political affiliation is not clear. He has one post about how voting in a local election elections is more important that voting for president. Many of the posts are interesting.

    Although they may not be thought through all the way. Yes, people who use the term “sanctuary city” – on both sides – can’t say what it is and don’t know what they are talking about, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t mean that’s it’s a fake controversy. It means that people are throwing around words and phrases, sometimes to make something sound bad, and don’t know what they talking about. This is probably the case with a lot of things.

    Sammy Finkelman (55138d)

  36. yes yes my fave one is limon pepino

    but Christmas is on Sunday this year so I’m not sure if I can get me any

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  37. Not our brightest lights, but yes far away.

    narciso (d1f714)

  38. At this time last year, hf, I would have said stock up on all those fetish supermercado items, in case of target market shrinkage and tariffs.

    urbanleftbehind (804d37)

  39. Thanks Urban, I live a county north, and Narciso further north.
    But I refer you to Carl Hiassen’s often repeated claim that whenever he thinks up a wierd only in Florida incident to put in his novels, he always opens the paper a few days later to find it has happened in real life, in Florida.

    Kishnevi (417b3c)

  40. i’m a hit the hispanic marketing blogs before the end of year and see what they’re saying

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  41. My brother has been picked to head Mr Tillerson’s Security team. Until this post, I didn’t realize that Mr Tillerson, was a Denton guy. My brother is an ALUM or N.Texas…..DENTON.

    GUS (30b6bd)

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