Patterico's Pontifications


A Call For Trump To Derail Obama’s Midnight Regulation Express

Filed under: General — Dana @ 11:54 am

[guest post by Dana]

The immensely ungracious exit of President Obama deserves this spot-on gutting:

Barack Obama isn’t known for humility, though rarely has his lack of grace been more on display than in his final hours in office. The nation rejected his agenda. The president’s response? To shove more of that agenda down the nation’s gullet.

Notice the growing and many ugly ways the Obama administration is actively working to undermine a Donald Trump presidency. Unnamed administration sources whisper stories about Russian hackers to delegitimize Mr. Trump’s election. These whispers began at about the same time Hillary Clinton officials began pressuring electors to defy election results and deny Mr. Trump the presidency. How helpful.

Trump transition-team members report how Obama officials are providing them with skewed or incomplete information, as well as lectures about their duties on climate change. (No wonder Mr. Trump is bypassing those “official” intelligence briefings.) The Energy Department is refusing to provide the transition team with the names of career officials who led key programs, like those who attended U.N. climate talks. Sen. Ron Johnson recently sent a letter to President Obama voicing alarm over “burrowing,” in which political appointees, late in an administration, convert to career bureaucrats and become obstacles to the new political appointees.

But perhaps nothing has more underlined the Obama arrogance than his final flurry of midnight regulations. With each new proposed rule or executive order, Mr. Obama is spitefully mocking the nation that just told him “enough.”

The technical definition of a midnight regulation is one issued between Election Day and the inauguration of a new president. The practice is bipartisan. George W. Bush, despite having promised not to do so, pushed through a fair number of rules in his final months. But Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton were more aggressive, and Mr. Obama is making them look like pikers.

Mr. Obama has devoted his last year to ramming through controversial and far-reaching rules. Whether it was born of a desire to lay groundwork for a Clinton presidency, or as a guard against a Trump White House, the motive makes no difference. According to a Politico story of nearly a year ago, the administration had some 4,000 regulations in the works for Mr. Obama’s last year. They included smaller rules on workplace hazards, gun sellers, nutrition labels and energy efficiency, as well as giant regulations (costing billions) on retirement advice and overtime pay.

As a reminder, throughout his campaign, Donald Trump repeatedly committed to eliminating a vast number of regulations and reducing the size of bloated government. He has also proposed a 2-for-1 policy:

I will formulate a rule which says that for every one new regulation, two old regulations must be eliminated. So important.

While Strassel points out that President Obama hopes intends to make these changes too difficult to undue, she encourages the incoming president to make it happen, and points out why it would be in America’s best interest:

A Trump administration could send a powerful message to future presidents and build public support by highlighting the “midnight regulation” phenomenon and then making it a priority to ax every final Obama order. Single them out. Make a public list. Celebrate every repeal. That would be as profound a rebuke to the Obama legacy—a legacy based on abuse of power—as any other.

Oh, and amusingly, there is this:

The new Trump administration will find a steadily moving and proper regulatory review process in place, not a lot of messy, badly done leftovers for them to deal with, said Howard Shelanski, administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.

“We are overwhelmingly a career staff organization,” Shelanski told Bloomberg BNA in a Dec. 5 interview in his office. “We will not be leaving behind a mess to be cleaned up on the regulatory front.”


13 Responses to “A Call For Trump To Derail Obama’s Midnight Regulation Express”

  1. Big(ger) government is the lifeblood of the Left.

    Dana (d17a61)

  2. Meanwhile, caretaker lame duck Obama overturns decades-old policy of supporting Israel at the UN.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  3. Simply announce on Jan 20th that the Federal Register has just reverted to its contents as of November 8, 2016.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  4. Then fire everyone who lead these efforts, for malfeasance, and strip them of their pensions. Let ’em sue.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  5. yes yes there’s thousands and thousands of federal employee filth what need to taste the joy of the food stamp lifestyle

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  6. we can start with Mitch’s wife

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  7. President Wormer.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  8. president food stamp just got kicked in his jew-hating nuts and the whole whirl is laughing at him and it’s Christmas

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  9. America’s enemies were certain to pick up the pace of their assault on us as this administration stumbled to its pathetic conclusion. Now we see that Obama has also picked up the pace. But I repeat myself.

    BobStewartatHome (c24491)

  10. at least obama’s not slaughtering people at Christmas markets like ugly-butt Frau Merkel

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  11. DJT will not countermand all of BHO’s midnight orders. Reince and the boys will not want to appear to be unfeeeeeeling or caaaaaaaring. Just as Putin and the PRC and everyone else learned about BHO, the Dhimmicrats know that Republicans do not have it in them to boldly strike down all of their initiatives. Watch as McConnell refuses to use Reid’s parliamentary maneuvering against the Dhims.

    Ed from SFV (3400a5)

  12. I am not sure Obama is still president…

    Patricia (5fc097)

  13. I’m more worried about Jeff Sessions, since he appears to be a wholehearted defender of civil forfeiture, even in cases where there is merely suspicion that the asset might have been used by someone in a crime.

    If this is true, I’m flat against him being AG, or serving in any other office of trust or profit.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

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