Patterico's Pontifications


The Ivanka Trump Story And Fake News

Filed under: General — Dana @ 2:03 pm

[guest post by Dana]

Of course, when you consider what’s happening in the world, the harassment of Ivanka Trump and her children this morning isn’t the biggest thing happening at the moment. However, the MSM distorting and misrepresenting a story and making painfully obvious efforts to give cover to select individuals should always be called out. In this case, the individual is a gay, liberal male harasser of women and children. And when media outlets “re-framing” the incident are now Facebook’s official “news checkers,” it seems all the more necessary to point out the distortions.

So, this was Matthew Lasner’s tweet this morning (he has since deleted his account). Lasner makes it very clear that his husband went out of his way to chase down Ivanka Trump so that he could harass her. Not talk to her, engage in conversation, chat or be diplomatic. There is no if, and, or but to it:


Here is a sampling of the um, adjustments to the story. Remember, too, that there was eye-witness testimony to what took place on the plane. Make note of the words “expressing displeasure,” “allegedly harassing,” “talking to Ivanka,” “questioning why,”





Let me know if you find any other examples and I’ll post them.

As I said yesterday, fake news, it’s is all the rage.


38 Responses to “The Ivanka Trump Story And Fake News”

  1. It’s interesting that a liberal gay male trumps a mostly liberal female in the hierarchy of identity politics.

    Dana (d17a61)

  2. Here is another photo of the couple. Too bad. They looked like such nice wholesome young men before they proved to teh whole world that they are not.×253.jpg

    So far I have not seen any mention of the terminal /airplane harrassment thing on Vox, Slate, Daily Kos, etc. Prolly they’re all still just trying to pin down all the details for accuracy.

    elissa (a0c7f2)

  3. the associated press propaganda sluts are just doing their jobs

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  4. I was pleased to see a lot of “I’m not a Trump supporter, but this sort of thing is completely unacceptable” type of responses on Facebook to this incident. Of course, that just made the collection of scum who actively defended it all the more visible by contrast.

    M Scott Eiland (1edade)

  5. Here is link to Daily Mail article. Their research seems to suggest that Lasner is the bigger political hothead of the two. Apparently it was a 12 hr flight. (Hawaii maybe.) So a lot of tension could have built up in 12 hrs and a lot of tweets could be written and photos taken in 12 hours. The airline clearly made the right call.

    elissa (a0c7f2)

  6. Imagine some guy coming up to Malia Obama and yelling at her that her father ruined the country. Now imagine the Secret Service hauling this same guy off in handcuffs and no one batting an eye.

    Mike (88372b)

  7. I like most of your examples, but not the ABC one. I would guess you included them because of their use of the word “allegedly”. Seems to me, that is just normal press speak, not reflecting any bias or fakery. If someone has only been accused of something (and in this case I don’t believe the guy was even charged), they usually throw in their safe word (allegedly) to limit liability exposure.

    Anon Y. Mous (9e4c83)

  8. Anon Y. Mous,

    “Allegedly” when there are eye-witnesses who have described him as “visibly shaken” and “agitated”?

    Dana (d17a61)

  9. I agree with Anon. Gotta keep the lawyers and defamation insurers happy.

    Mark Twain had a bunch of stories where reporters and editors would get “rawhided” (whipped), scalped, shot and bombed for printing something someone didn’t like. Now they get sued.

    And there’s no shortage of lawyers in New York for these “firebrands” to call for a libel suit.

    nk (dbc370)

  10. And I just saw on the other thread that mouthy is a lawyer himself. Even if he doesn’t do defamation, he’s bound to have buddies who do.

    nk (dbc370)

  11. There is that pajamas link about how the truth is apparently not a defense against libel, where stein is concerned.

    narciso (d1f714)

  12. Thank them for validating the Hysterical Queens stereotype!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  13. He just has issues with Jews like Ivanka.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  14. “Allegedly” when there are eye-witnesses who have described him as “visibly shaken” and “agitated”?

    The “allegedly” in the abc tweet was modifying “harassing Ivanka Trump”. You could have a guy charged with murder, with witnesses, and abc (and most media outlets) would describe the guy as an alleged murderer. Up until he was convicted, anyway. After the conviction, then they drop the “allegedly”.

    Anon Y. Mous (9e4c83)

  15. Don’t forget that the relaxed rules about defamation only apply to public officials and public figures, and a person cannot be made into a public figure but has to put himself in the limelight.

    nk (dbc370)

  16. @nk:person cannot be made into a public figure

    I think Richard Jewell would disagree, and so would the Ramseys.

    Gabriel Hanna (14083c)

  17. George Zimmerman to the white courtesy phone…

    narciso (d1f714)

  18. The Beast needs fed.

    Put yourself above it all.

    “Serenity now!’ – ‘Seinfeld’ NBC TV

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  19. @12 Colonel Haiku

    Brooklyn Queens at that.

    How has this guy not been recruited by the Southern Poverty Law Center?

    Pinandpuller (2be7c1)

  20. True TDS, p&p. Liberalism is – by all appearances – a mental disorder.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  21. Richard Jewell won, or received a settlement, in all of his defamation cases except one in Georgia which found that the story complained of was substantially true.

    I think that Zimmerman’s lawsuit against NBC is still going through appeals, and he did make himself a public figure after his trial.

    nk (dbc370)

  22. But he wasnt one before, it falls into no good deed category.

    narciso (d1f714)

  23. @nk: Richard Jewell won, or received a settlement, in all of his defamation cases

    Most people, who are not lawyers, do not consider that outcome a win. The process was the punishment. Dr. Mann is most definitely a public figure, and somehow his lawsuit against Steyn and National Review drags on and on and on.

    he did make himself a public figure after his trial.

    But he doesn’t have a time machine, so that doesn’t retroactively justify what was said about him before the trial.

    Same with the Duke lacrosse team.

    Gabriel Hanna (14083c)

  24. Kafka would look at the steyn inquisition, and say whatever the Czech word for ‘yikes’

    narciso (d1f714)

  25. All good points, gentlemen. So maybe ABC was right in saying “allegedly”?

    nk (dbc370)

  26. Re #24: Kafka’s native language was German; he was born in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He also wrote in German. He did have a Yiddish-speaking family background (although his parents preferred that he speak High German), so the classic “Oy vey!” would be a good guess.

    Golden Eagle (0aed02)

  27. Point tAken, I wanted to illustrate the absurdity, maybe I should try ionescu

    narciso (d1f714)

  28. nk,

    a person cannot be made into a public figure but has to put himself in the limelight.

    How about posting on Twitter. Isn’t that putting the author in the limelight? Even if you delete it an hour later? The text of their post is certainly now in the public domain.

    BobStewartatHome (822f64)

  29. A person can become a public figure involuntarily. While in a technical legal sense you might have to “do something to make yourself a public figure”, that thing might be “accused of something you aren’t guilty of” or “lied about in a very public way” or “just doing your job and it happened to be newsworthy for reasons having nothing to do with you”.

    The majority opinion in Gerts vs Robert Welch Inc allows for the possibility that public figures may have done nothing to make themselves public figures, but says that “truly” involuntary public figures “must be exceedingly rare”. Perhaps as rare as true Scotsmen, the Court did not flesh this out. Nicole Eramo does not seem to have done anything Gertz did not do, and yet Eramo was held to be a public figure.

    Brennan’s dissent notes that Social interaction exposes all of us to some degree of public view. This Court has observed that “[t]he risk of this exposure is an essential incident of life in a society which places a primary value on freedom of speech and of press.” Time, Inc. v. Hill, 385 U.S., at 388 .


    “[v]oluntarily or not, we are all `public’ men to some degree. Conversely, some aspects of the lives of even the most public men fall outside the area of matters of public or general concern. See . . . Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479 (1965). Thus, the idea that certain `public’ figures have voluntarily exposed their entire lives to public inspection, while private individuals have kept theirs carefully shrouded from public view is, at best, a legal fiction.”

    Gabriel Hanna (14083c)

  30. Jonathan idler shows the pitfalls.

    narciso (d1f714)

  31. Politico’s got a new scoop.

    Trump CLAIMS to be 6′ 3″ but his driver’s license says 6′ 2″.


    Gabriel Hanna (64d4e1)

  32. The Trump transition did not respond to a request for comment about the height listed on his driver’s license, which was issued May 3, 2012, and expires on June 14, 2020: his 74th birthday and just less than five months before the next presidential election.

    Yeah, they’re going to focus on what’s REALLY important.

    Gabriel Hanna (64d4e1)

  33. impeach the bastard

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  34. The Hill is on the case!

    It also includes what appears to be a dated photo of Trump and lists him as having blue eyes.


    Gabriel Hanna (64d4e1)

  35. But seriously my wife’s driver’s license has her listed as an inch taller than she really is. It’s not like they measure you.

    I even told the lady at the DMV what my wife’s real height was, and she said to my wife “We’ll just put down 5′ 4″, honey.”

    Gabriel Hanna (64d4e1)

  36. I’m 6’2″ or 6’3″ depending on the mood I’m in. I might even be down to 6’1″ — the spine compresses a little as people get older.

    And I also lost 10 lbs. in ten minutes at the DMV. I told the lady, “I think I’m at 190 but let’s put down 185”. She put down 180.

    nk (dbc370)

  37. For the past eight years, we’ve all been walking with slumped shoulders and compressed spines. But we all feel a little taller and have a spring in our step now that Mr Donald has defeated nasty Hillary.
    With Mr Donald’s leadership, America’s going to soar to new heights!
    Even Mt Shasta will become taller!
    And the lowest depth of Death Valley might even elevate to sea level!
    And Woody Allen might even become 5’6″!

    That nasty Barack promised to stop the rise of the oceans, but Mr Donald’s going to make America rise.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  38. rise like a souffle

    rise like a new day

    rise like a taco drone

    rise like a dow jone

    rise like a full moon

    rise like a red balloon

    rise like a periscope

    rise like a renewed hope

    I love you Mr. Trump.

    We all do.

    Merry Christmas!

    happyfeet (28a91b)

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