Patterico's Pontifications


Now You Tell Us: Righteous To Hope That A President Not Succeed

Filed under: General — Dana @ 1:21 pm

[guest post by Dana]

There is a new movement afoot. And while I get that these millennials are smugly convinced their cause is a worthy one, asking for a hand-out to pay for their hobbies activism is a bit embarrassing, no?

A group of millennial activists from across the country plan to open a “movement house” in Washington DC next month, which will serve as a permanent base to protest Donald Trump’s presidency.

The organizers are mostly women of color, many of whom campaigned for Bernie Sanders during the Democratic primary.

The house, which will be set up by inauguration day on 20 January, has been dubbed “District 13”, in a reference to a rebellious neighborhood in the Hunger Games books and films. [Ed: Rebel Alliance would have been a better choice.]

Activists told the Guardian that it will serve as a “space for the best kinds of troublemakers from around the country”. The property will be located in Capitol Hill, close to the White House and the Capitol building, and will enable activists to quickly mobilize against Trump should he court controversy during his presidency.

The groups launched a crowdfunding effort on Tuesday to support District 13. They aim to reach $50,000, which will cover the house’s rent for one year.

Anyway, remember when a popular radio commentator was excoriated for wishing that President Obama’s policies would fail?

So I’m thinking of replying to the guy, “Okay, I’ll send you a response, but I don’t need 400 words, I need four: I hope he fails.” (interruption) What are you laughing at? See, here’s the point. Everybody thinks it’s outrageous to say. Look, even my staff, “Oh, you can’t do that.” Why not? Why is it any different, what’s new, what is unfair about my saying I hope liberalism fails? Liberalism is our problem. Liberalism is what’s gotten us dangerously close to the precipice here. Why do I want more of it? I don’t care what the Drive-By story is. I would be honored if the Drive-By Media headlined me all day long: “Limbaugh: I Hope Obama Fails.” Somebody’s gotta say it.

Now, not only is hoping that a president not succeed, fashionable, it’s also admirable, and necessary:

“Ultimately it’s to make sure we hold him accountable,” said Moumita Ahmed, the founder of Millennials for Revolution, a group which span off from the Bernie Sanders-supporting Millennials for Bernie.

“Because his presidency is not normal at all. It’s our duty to make sure he doesn’t succeed.

“If he succeeds it’s a message that everything he stood for is OK. That it’s OK to get to power in the way that he did, and hurt all the people he’s hurt.”

District 13’s crowd sourcing page here. Because I know you want to give:

Millions of us took action this year to get Bernie Sanders into office – now we’re going to take the fight right to DC, up in Donald Trump’s orange face.

Try to destroy Medicare and the social safety net? In your face.

Try to roll back the Clean Air Act so we end up with China-style shelter-in-place warnings on bad air days? In your face.

Muslim registry and mass deportations of Latinos? In your face.

We’re going to take the fight to Trump by building a base right in the heart of Capitol Hill.


58 Responses to “Now You Tell Us: Righteous To Hope That A President Not Succeed”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (d17a61)

  2. We should have the Krishnas shadow them, and work the crowd for donations.

    Neo (d1c681)

  3. Hillary’s slogan was, stonger together.
    Call me “cynical,” but I don’t think her supporters really meant it. Sad!

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  4. Hillary’s slogan was, stonger together.
    Saw a post that pointed out that the phrase was always used with logos that had two different shades of blue.

    Neo (d1c681)

  5. .Try to destroy Medicare and the social safety net? In your face.

    Try to roll back the Clean Air Act so we end up with China-style shelter-in-place warnings on bad air days? In your face.

    Muslim registry and mass deportations of Latinos? In your face.

    I would be more sympathetic, perhaps, if I thought any of those outcomes might come close to happening.

    Kishnevi (1a00bd)

  6. BTW… Leviticus raised a point on another thread on which I am inclined to agree with him.

    Since the election, the tone of discourse here has often been more negative, more sneering, and more contemptuous than it was before. As if some people are afraid that being a gracious victor is to play into the hands of the Left.

    I have been mostly lurking, in part because of that, but mostly because, being in retail, this time of year is busy and physically stressful, and also leaves me grumpier than lack of time, lack of energy, and lack of sympathy with some of the complaints registered here have left me reading but not talking. “If you have nothing to say, say nothing”.

    Kishnevi (1a00bd)

  7. Back OT
    Because his presidency is not normal at all

    His presidency does not even start for another month. Does she have a time machine, or perhaps a special link to the Holy Spirit?

    Kishnevi (1a00bd)

  8. I’m so thrilled that Mr Donald defeated that nasty woman. He will vacate that nasty Barack guy from 1600 Pennsylvania in a month. Can’t wait!

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  9. @ kishnevi,

    Since the election, the tone of discourse here has often been more negative, more sneering, and more contemptuous than it was before. As if some people are afraid that being a gracious victor is to play into the hands of the Left.

    It’s interesting that you see it this way. I felt that before the election, any posts that didn’t show Trump in a favorable light seemed to generate a lot of negativity. Almost as if it was being taken personally. Since the election, though, I personally haven’t posted much on Trump, mostly because he is not yet president, and because there have been other Compelling issues happening. No doubt that will change after the inauguration. Anyway, just so I understand you, do you feel that people should be praising Trump for his victory, or the R’s rather than analyzing and criticizing any actions he has taken that may not be agreeable to commenters?

    Dana (d17a61)

  10. There was an exodus of a lot of good commenters after Trump’s victory, Dana. I’m sure they’re still reading, and I know most of them still comment from time to time, but the will to engage in discourse on contentious topics is teetering.

    People that assumed they would stop getting mobbed as traitors to the Party once Trump lost are facing the prospect of four to eight more years of getting mobbed as traitors to the Party. Why bother?

    Leviticus (efada1)

  11. So far, DJT and his communication team have been great at throwing the Left’s words and actions under BHO right back at them.

    The biggie is will McConnell use the same tricks Reid used to ram legislation and confirmations through the Senate. I highly doubt he will.

    Ed from SFV (3400a5)

  12. I hadn’t been following as close for months.
    I thought the tone recently was better.

    No, I do not believe these people have a particularly close connection with the Holy Spirit.

    Hey, dissent is patriotic, always has been!!!!

    Well, Rush wanted Obama to fail at what he planned to do to fundamentally change America, and I agreed with that.

    I am not sure what Trump really intends to do as president, but I wish him success at improving America from what it has become.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  13. Yes district 13, is problematic for
    that reason.

    narciso (d1f714)

  14. Be on the lookout for Anus Amri…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  15. Miss Ahmed does have a record of credulity, red squaw and dissapointment, bishop, teachout, doc brown,

    narciso (d1f714)

  16. Remember how the DOJ and FBI investigated death threats made against voting members of the Electoral College?

    Neither do I. January 20, 2017 canNOT come soon enough.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  17. You want forgiveness? Got to kiss the ring first.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  18. what do you call a millennial what gets 8 more years of some food stamp swilling slut like obama all up in it?

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  19. frightfully bitter i’d imagine

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  20. That nasty lying lawyer woman Hillary ain’t gonna be sworn in on January 20.
    She’s been sworn at — but John Roberts won’t be asking her to put her hand on the Bible.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  21. There was an exodus of a lot of good commenters after Trump’s victory, Dana. I’m sure they’re still reading, and I know most of them still comment from time to time, but the will to engage in discourse on contentious topics is teetering.

    People that assumed they would stop getting mobbed as traitors to the Party once Trump lost are facing the prospect of four to eight more years of getting mobbed as traitors to the Party. Why bother?

    Leviticus (efada1) — 12/21/2016 @ 2:37 pm

    I’m sorry that this has occurred. As a Never-Trump person myself, I understand the weariness of being regularly hammered for holding an unpopular view. It’s equally exhausting to keep hitting one’s head against the political wall, if you will, when trying to persuade, or elicit an understanding of one’s point of view. What was at first engagement frequently turned to something unpleasant, and I think, personal.

    Speaking for myself: I’ve been making efforts to not be unnecessarily provocative in posts that concern the PEOTUS. As I’ve repeatedly said, I want our new president to succeed and enact policies that are good for our nation. And when he does, I’ll gladly point it out. But when doesn’t, and he is short-sighted or not acting in our best interest, it will be fair to point that out as well.

    I hope that those who stopped commenting, or left the site altogether will reconsider. Perhaps some people just need time to recover from the entire election cycle. I don’t think any of us was prepared for just how rancorous, divisive and angry it would become. I would like to hope that here in this little community, in spite of who we favored in the election, there is a mutual understanding and recognition that commenters here love their country, care about their fellow man and want nothing but the best for each other. Politics, in light of loving one’s neighbor, pales completely.

    Dana (d17a61)

  22. Dana@9
    My answer to your question would be similar to what you yourself said in comment 21.

    In fact, I said a couple of days ago that Trump’s cabinet picks were generally a pleasant surprise, although I might cavil at more than one of them for reasons only tangential to their designated post.

    And I should not have been surprised, since Trump actually promised to look for those kind of people: conservatives who had a track record in managing businesses.

    Hey! He’s keeping a promise!

    Kishnevi (1c16da)

  23. I’ve expressed my reservations, most recently re tillerson and what he portends. I’ve been pleasantly surprised on some appointments, and dissapointed by others.

    narciso (d1f714)

  24. Take professor sajnani, at the university of Wisconsin whitewater, they seem to take the mockingjay seriously.

    narciso (d1f714)

  25. What’s needling Levi? This could be it.

    Dave’s not here. [YouTube]

    papertiger (c8116c)

  26. Now, this is nothing but fun!!!

    And Hillary Clinton may have fooled New Mexico, California, New York, Illinois and a few other states, but…

    Hillary Clinton will NEVER be president of the USA!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  27. The organizers are mostly women of color, many of whom campaigned for Bernie Sanders during the Democratic primary.

    Are they angry black and Hispanic women who campaigned for a communist on the democrat ticket? Now they can Rent a place to provide free tampons and Crayola’s and Play-Doh. How modern American and progressive of them. Who cares? They should drop dead for all I care any more. This election has shown the loyal opposition to actually be the enemy.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  28. Remember how the DOJ and FBI investigated death threats made against voting members of the Electoral College?

    This was one of the few examples recent examples suggesting the potential for efficiency that exists within our Civil Service. They were pretty sure the potential culprits were already in their “Contacts” list, so why waste the money? Of course, if something had happened, they’d have had to roll out the “accidental death/dismemberment/kidnapping” explanation, and then arrest all the usual suspects … veterans, small donors to Trump, letter writers, and IRS applicants for non-profit status … but those plans had been made a long time ago, and they didn’t need to be updated. Whether they had to actually use their “Contacts” list would then be contingent on polling data in San Francisco and Detroit, and, of course, the decision of the Electoral College.

    BobStewartatHome (822f64)

  29. @21. As a Never-Trump person myself, I understand the weariness of being regularly hammered for holding an unpopular view.

    Just out of date. Pragmatism trumps ideology.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  30. Pragmatism, in the sense which I think you mean it i.e. abandoning principles, is not the same as practicality and common sense. If a society has no reason for which to exist, then it will destroy itself regardless of whether it has all the means necessary wherewith to exist.

    nk (dbc370)

  31. Kind of exhilarating being the object of the groups ire in this format. You have time to sit back and hone your trapes and gambits before jumping back in.
    You can pick and choose between a spectrum of opponents kind of like a cheetah finding the slowest gazelle.
    Ensures a satisfying outcome.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  32. nk, how dispirited must a people become to deliver their boys to the Turks to act as Janissaries? Or to watch a conquered people nearby submit in such a fashion, and be indifferent?

    I guess we’ll find out if changes aren’t made, and soon.

    BobStewartatHome (822f64)

  33. Btw you wouldn’t believe who one of those Facebook checkers was.

    narciso (d1f714)

  34. 28… not doing anything about threats – whoever they were made against, whatever their politics – goes a long way in helping to ensure it will happen again.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  35. We’re going to take the fight to Trump by building a base right in the heart of Capitol Hill.

    So brave. I’m sure you deserve a medal, a parade, statues and encomiums since there can’t possibly be more than 30 or 40 people in the entire country daring enough to openly criticize Trump like you bold heroes are planning on doing. *swoons*

    Jerryskids (3308c1)

  36. Bet you not one of these “archers” could fit into Katniss’s clothes.

    nk (dbc370)

  37. Btw the progs thought they could repeal the bathroom bill, then it went prarshaped.

    narciso (d1f714)

  38. How much facts coulda factcheck check if a factcheck could check facts?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  39. Where’s that Russian lady happyfeet quoted a week or so back? The media lives in its own bubble.

    “I don’t how the North Carolina bathroom law came about. Nobody I know supports it.”

    nk (dbc370)

  40. don’t *know* how

    nk (dbc370)

  41. Make America Great Again…

    Worth the look, 48 years ago today. ack in that America, we did things differently.…/video/dec-21-1968-apollo-launch-12421867

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  42. Then again. She went all moonbat right before the last installment points for originality although do they recall what venturing into the capital was like?

    narciso (d1f714)

  43. Did anyone wish that Angela Merkel fail?

    AZ Bob (f7a491)

  44. Angela Merkel is divisive.
    I hope Santa skips her chimney.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  45. many of whom campaigned for Bernie Sanders during the Democratic primary.

    Communists, then. To be true to their cause, they should rob banks to support themselves.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  46. To be clear, people like Rush did NOT wish Obama to fail as President. They wished him to fail in his announced goal of transforming America into a socialist country. That he failed more completely was not Rush’s fault.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  47. @Dana:I felt that before the election, any posts that didn’t show Trump in a favorable light seemed to generate a lot of negativity. Almost as if it was being taken personally.

    I don’t think you understand the real reason for the negativity…

    I can’t speak for everyone, but I certainly had no objection to informed, principled criticism of Trump, and I certainly have been critical of Trump.

    But criticism that appeared to accept the media presentation of the facts at face value, or that appeared to echo the media take du jour, I reacted negatively to.

    If you honestly think that negativity was due to Trump-worshippers refusing to accept any sort of criticism of their Fuehrer, then you are at high risk of provoking the negativity again and being very surprised when you do.

    Gabriel Hanna (14083c)

  48. Try to destroy Medicare and the social safety net? In your face.

    If the Democrats found a genie and had only one wish, it would be that Trump tried to destroy Medicare and Social Security. Nothing would catapult them back into power as fast as that, since everyone over about 50 would vote against them for a very long time.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  49. I expect Code Pink and Mother Sheehan will start getting press coverage again.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  50. When fausta who was not a trump fan, pointed out the flaw in the Argentina story, nutroot blogger saw through the zjan flight, same with rmoty wheel.

    narciso (d1f714)

  51. I’m not ok with Merkel failing.
    She fails big. Its not like she pulls off the occasional faux pas trying to address the Frisians in their native dialect. Nope. She fails by importing the murderous, and she fails by doubling down on her policy in spite of obvious failure.

    Even if there were not terrorists amongst the refugees, who in their right mind sets 1M young males out into a new country with no money and no skills?
    Who doesn’t understand that many males competing for scarcer amounts of females will produce conflict.

    If you have birthrate problem, import females, not males

    steveg (5508fb)

  52. The same old lefty crap will be about as successful as the last same old lefty crap.

    Ag80 (eb6ffa)

  53. @steveg:If you have birthrate problem, import females, not males

    No, importing foreign young males with no skills can help with birthrates, provided you don’t get too hung up on matters like consent or stable families. You’ll get a very different social model along with your birthrates, that’s all.

    This is why the alt-right is always going on about cuckoldry.

    Gabriel Hanna (14083c)

  54. Does Moumita Ahmed, realize the acronym of Millennials for Revolution is MR. (Mister)

    What about the patriarchy implications?

    They will be melted snowflakes by the time they figure out what they can agree on to do.

    This would make an excellent MTV reality show inside the house.

    And they could write a book – ala, Pantsuit Nation.

    If I knew it was going to be this much fun watching liberal freak, I’d have encouraged Trump to run a long time ago.

    Steve_in_SoCal (58e1f9)

  55. “If I knew it was going to be this much fun watching liberal freak, I’d have encouraged Trump to run a long time ago.”

    – Steve_in_SoCal

    Absolutely! To think, I was worried about how Trump would behave. Right now he seems like the only grownup in the room.

    If they keep this up, Trump will cement his second term before he begins his first.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  56. Speaking of the Enemy in Chief, Obama invoking the power of an emperor once again, unilaterally decided to discontinue a program for tracking visa overstays, which had already been discontinued by the Bush administration back in 2003.

    He’s turning out to be the noisiest do nothing.

    Curtains slow coming down on the lame duck [gif]

    papertiger (c8116c)

  57. “Even if there were not terrorists amongst the refugees, who in their right mind sets 1M young males out into a new country with no money and no skills?”

    A nitwit born and raised in West Germany.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  58. It occurs to me, yet again, that … THEY WILL NOT STOP.

    And those four words bring to mind a Day-by-Day cartoon from a couple years ago (7/13/14 – I went and looked it up).

    The quote that got me then, and still gets me now, is :
    “… the Left WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU ALONE. EVER. {…} the literal history of the left is they will not stop until you are kneeling at the edge of a pit with a gun at the back of your neck.”

    And here we are in new political era, … supposedly. Except those words are still true; the Left and the Lefties HAVE NO INTENTION of abiding the “peaceful transition of power” which the Constitution-respecting half of Americans pride themselves on.

    The American Left is at war with us here in the USA, and the Global Left is similarly at war with Western Civilization “over there” in Europe. Neither group has ANY intention of stopping, or even slowing down; they, Berserkers all, seek absolute victory or absolute destruction.

    Doo-Dah, Doo-Dah (f8be44)

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