Patterico's Pontifications


Zsa Zsa Gabor, 1917-2016

Filed under: General — JVW @ 9:33 pm

[guest post by JVW]

Zsa Zsa Gabor was born a subject of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire in the reign of Emperor Charles IV. The U.S. had not yet entered the First World War. She lived to see her homeland go from monarchy to fascism to communism to democracy. She went through nine husbands (including, briefly, Paris Hilton’s great-grandfather) and she lasted eight decades in the spotlight ever since she was named Miss Hungary of 1936. Gone only about six weeks before she was due to (officially) turn 100. What a life.



11 Responses to “Zsa Zsa Gabor, 1917-2016”

  1. And let’s not overlook the fact that she was one of the most beautiful women of her era. Rest in peace.

    JVW (6e49ce)

  2. The Gabor sisters, back in their heyday.


    And now the nation must contend with George Soros, a far more malignant import from Hungary.

    I am going to miss Zsa Zsa. I know it’s not a good thing, but the feisty old broad was slapping policement around long after she qualified for AARP membership. How old was her Husband? 45?

    I think her passing calls for smokey scotch and Sinatra.

    Frank Sinatra – My Way – Live 1989

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  3. For all intents and purposes, she’s been gone for awhile. Now it’s official. 🙁

    L.N. Smithee (ee7b9d)

  4. Apparently Don Rickles is still with us.

    I loved him ever since I saw “Run Silent, Run Deep” and his
    short lived TV show “CPO Sharkey.”

    I’ll probably lose it when he dies.

    Just kidding. What am I, a Democrat. I don’t lose it when people die.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  5. Steve 57, every occasion calls for some Sinatra.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  6. This is true. When I see news about the Kardashians or Justin
    Bieber or “Caitlyn” Jenner I think…

    Frank Sinatra “Send In The Clowns”

    But you missed something.

    Steve 57, every occasion calls for some Sinatra.

    Pretty much every occasion calls for a good scotch, the kind you can taste the peat moss and the oaken barrel. Whether you’re going to cry into it or lift it over your head in joy.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  7. Oaken barrel yes peat no.
    By which you can tell I prefer Speyside to Islay.

    Kishnevi (bd3452)

  8. 1958, Zsa Zsa’s ‘Queen of Outer Space’… a campy, color sci-fi film from the early days of the Space Age… is one I still find time to catch when it occasionally airs on TCM. Gams and hams. The poster from that flick are simply stellar.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  9. God bless the men and women willing to live a life in public, for our entertainment. It certainly was fun to see her play her role with Mike Douglas, Merv Griffin and Johnny. What an odd life, a life in full. Glamour without being tawdry. Wish we had more like her now, with class rather than skankiness.

    Joe Mack (3a1193)

  10. @4. I don’t lose it when people die.

    Depends on the person. When I walked past a newsstand the day after Glenn died and the whole thing was plastered with various newspapers and banner headlines about it and images from his Mercury days… I went back to the car, sat behind the wheel… and admit to losing it for a minute.

    If you get a chance to see his memorial service on C-SPAN, catch it. His kids- now in their late 60s– were amazingly gracious after a lifetime of sharing their father with the country– and the world.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  11. I’ve never been a big popular culture expert, but I became aware of it in the early 50’s, and, as far as I can tell, the Gabor Sisters were mainly famous for being famous. You had Eva in Green Acres, but she got that role from being famous, not the other way around.

    The Kardashian’s aren’t original.

    Zsa Zsa was beautiful and outrageous. She made a life from that. RIP.

    bud (b9cd2e)

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