Patterico's Pontifications


Media Very Concerned About Whether Sadistic Killer Might Have Coughed During His Execution

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 2:30 pm

Big Media is in a tizzy today about the possibility that an inhuman killer might have coughed once or twice as he faced justice for his callous crime. Articles about the execution of Ronald Bert Smith, Jr. in Alabama for the murder of convenience store clerk Casey Wilson tend to focus on whether Smith, the murderer, suffered during his execution. Here is a typical headline: Alabama Death Row inmate Ronald Bert Smith heaved, coughed for 13 minutes during execution.

At an execution, the focus should not be on the murderer. Instead, media should remind the public what the killer did to the victim, and the impact on the victim’s life and family. I wrote about this extensively in a post in 2004. So today, as so many articles prattle on about the killer’s possible minor suffering at his execution, I’d like to talk about the victim, and what he suffered at the hands of this monster.

[Casey] Wilson, 26, was the lone clerk during a robbery at the Circle C Store at Memorial Parkway and Byrd Spring Road when he was shot to death on Nov. 8, 1994.

A native of Muleshoe, Texas, Wilson was an honors graduate from the University of Eastern New Mexico. Wilson, his wife, Sharon, and their then-5-week-old son, Jackie, were preparing to leave Huntsville for good on Dec. 15, 1994 because he hadn’t been able to find a job in his field, according to a story in The Huntsville Times.

Wilson’s degree was in computer information systems, but he worked at the a convenience store because he could not find a job in his field in Huntsville, Wilson’s wife told The Times.

Wilson’s wife, who holds a master’s degree in computer science from Eastern New Mexico University, said she and Wilson came to Huntsville in December 1993 so she could work on an internship at Redstone Arsenal.

The internship was almost finished and they were preparing to move, she told The Times.

And then Casey Wilson encountered Ronald Bert Smith, Jr.

Many of the following events were caught on videotape by cameras in the store and that videotape was recovered and used as an exhibit at trial. Once inside, Smith pulled a gun on Casey Wilson, the lone clerk, and asked Wilson to open the register. When the register would not open, Smith forced Wilson into the restroom, pistol-whipped him, and shot him in the left arm. Leaving Wilson in the restroom, Smith then returned to the cash register where he tried to gain access. Unsuccessful, he then looked under the counter where the safe was located and appeared to manipulate the safe’s combination lock. Smith then returned to the restroom where Wilson was located and apparently fired the killing shot into Wilson’s head.

The thug, who used to work in the store and knew where the videocassette recorder was kept, took the videotape with him afterwards. It was recovered and played as evidence at the trial. The judge who issued the death sentence made the following findings:

This was an execution-style slaying. Casey Wilson was pistol-whipped and beaten into helpless submission, but Smith nevertheless killed him to avoid later identification.

. . . .

Casey Wilson, on his knees, bruised, bleeding from the beating Smith inflicted, begged for his life, for his newborn son. “Ron hit the clerk and knocked him to his knees. And then he said the guy was holding up his hand telling him to ‘stop, I got a baby. Stop, I got a baby, six-month-old baby.’”

. . . .

The evidence also establishes that Smith inflicted death “with utter indifference to, or even enjoyment of, the suffering of” Casey Wilson. Johnson v. State, 399 So. 2d 859, 869 (Ala. Crim. App.) (cite omitted); aff’d in part, rev’d in part, 399 So. 2d 873 (Ala.1981). Chad Roundtree testified that when the three returned to his apartment following the incident, Smith bragged that “you should hear the sound a body makes when the last breath goes out of it.” Smith, smiling, asked Roundtree if he wanted to watch the tape of the killing. (Roundtree ordered Smith to “get the hell out of my apartment!” and then vomited.)

Smith did not destroy the tape. In contrast, he threw the surveillance recorder into a trash dumpster and switched barrels in his gun to thwart ballistic identification. Thus, there is merit to the State’s assertion he kept it as a “trophy.”

Nick Mullins, who altered the pistol, confirmed Smith bragged about the slaying: he “smiled, and kind of laughed” when describing how Wilson had “pleaded for his life” before he killed him.

You’ll read little to none of this in any of the stories about how Smith coughed a little during his execution.

But you should. It would help put in perspective for the public why this execution was carried out, and why it was just.

And that’s why Big Media won’t tell you about it.

[Cross-posted at RedState.]

79 Responses to “Media Very Concerned About Whether Sadistic Killer Might Have Coughed During His Execution”

  1. bjork should play him in the movie

    that’s how you change hearts and minds

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  2. G.I.: “What silly sunnovabitch is in charge of this operation?”

    General Omar N. Bradley [Karl Malden]: “I don’t know, but they oughta hang him.” – ‘Patton’ 1970

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  3. Firing squad solves these problems and keeps the drug companies and set up medical people out of a purely criminal/judicial matter that is being lawfully resolved. Trying for a more pleasant “soft landing” for convicted murderers has caused more problems than it has solved. I am increasingly OK with outlawing the death penalty entirely but as long as it is being carried out let it mean something and be quick and lethal and final.

    elissa (40e914)

  4. This misplaced heartwarming regard for the discomfort of a murderer as he’s being executed reminds me of the joke about a couple of liberals walking down the road who happen to discover a guy moaning and groaning in a roadside ditch, where he’s been dumped by thugs following an assault and robbery of his wallet and watch.

    Liberal #1 says to liberal #2, “We have to find out who committed this crime so we can help them!

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  5. I honestly don’t care how much Smith allegedly suffered during his execution. I want him frightened, alone, and suffering as he realizes he’s about to die. You know- much as he tortured his victim with mental anguish and pain.

    I got a dollar right here that says Ronald Ben Smith Jr. will never hurt another soul ever again.

    Bill H (971e5f)

  6. Nitrogen suffocation is so painless that it happens accidentally to people, and nitrogen is basically free, so whatever the difficulty is about the cruelty or expense of capital punishment is wholly manufactured.

    Doesn’t matter how many of their objections you meet, they are not engaging in good faith.

    Gabriel Hanna (9b1f4a)

  7. even fake news site “slate” understands about the nitroogens

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  8. (science)

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  9. Planned Parenthood. Millions of aborted and cannibalized wholly innocent human lives annually. This corporation is experienced and sanctioned by leading transhuman rights organizations, liberals, and progressives. I wonder how many people actually believe in the fantasy of spontaneous human conception.

    There is also trial by sodomy and abortion favored by leftist “peace”-mongers.

    n.n (7f3db0)

  10. .
    I have no sympathy for Ronald Ben Smith Jr. He got exactly what he deserved, no more and no

    Bill M (906260)

  11. I was hearing wall to wall complaining about this execution from NPR to my local conservative talk radio station. The conservative talk show host even compared it to torturing victims.

    I have no sympathy for this. Lethal Execution was pushed to be more humane than the simple methods we had. They got it everywhere, then Execution opponents blocked the drugs that did the job well on ethical grounds, forcing the states to use alternatives. Then they complain about the alternatives.

    They should just start dropping big blocks of granite on them and be done with this dog and pony show.

    Dejectedhead (29a273)

  12. This case can help illustrate my preferred approach to the death penalty: Pay Per View with prominent sponsorship.



    Mitch (bfd5cd)

  13. I support using the same method that the criminal used on his victim. After all, if they didn’t find it to be cruel or unusual when done to the victim, why would it be cruel or unusual when it is done to them?

    peedoffamerican (310909)

  14. P.S.: If the exact cause cannot be determined, then death by slow hanging will suffice!

    peedoffamerican (310909)

  15. Nitrogen suffocation is so painless that it happens accidentally to people, and nitrogen is basically free, so whatever the difficulty is about the cruelty or expense of capital punishment is wholly manufactured.

    Doesn’t matter how many of their objections you meet, they are not engaging in good faith.

    These folks say nitrogen is horrible:

    Patterico (115b1f)

  16. There’s literally nothing they won’t claim is horrible.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  17. My favorite part of the process is how the “patient” is treated as if s/he were heading into a surgery at Beth Israel hospital. All sanitary and safety protocols are followed to the letter. Why, the patient may develop an infection, otherwise!

    The other irony I deeply love is how through unethical and unprincipled lying lawyering and judging, one of the crucial approved drugs has become scarce, or even unavailable. This has made it much more likely that the condemned may suffer where they otherwise would not have – just as alleged here.

    Ed from SFV (3400a5)

  18. The means of execution should be the exact same as the means of murder or as close as can be accomodated in the grounds of the penitentary. In these times, that’s mostly firing squads, but guillotine for stabbing, hacking, decapitation and hangings for strangulation work also.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  19. And that’s why Big Media won’t tell you about it.

    And that’s why long before the term “fake news” was invented by some idiot leftist we conservatives were sorting through real fake news for years. Fake news, the real kind, is as much about what’s left out as it is about what’s included. It’s also about the “spin” so-called journalists put on their “non partisan” stories. And fake news is also about the approved crusades and victims paraded around by news sources as propaganda more than journalism.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  20. 16.There’s literally nothing they won’t claim is horrible.
    Patterico (115b1f) — 12/10/2016 @ 5:46 pm

    You called it, Patterico. Everything is just too horrible when it comes to executing a filthy murdering thug and yet nothing is horrible at all when it comes to chopping up and sucking out the body of an unborn baby. These people are the Godless progeny of government run schools.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  21. The horrible thing is that it took 22 years from the crime to the punishment.

    nk (dbc370)

  22. My question for such compassionate liberals: If an unborn baby’s life means nothing, is completely disposable, because of the wishes of the mother, why is the life of a savage killer so important?

    Patricia (5fc097)

  23. Not wild about capital punishment, but always found it odd that so many US progressive were happy enough to suggest surrendering virtually every major task and responsibility to government – in essence the power of life and death. But execution of dangerous and irreconcilable mass murderers? Off limits.

    Anyway. This reminded me of the mild stink made by Italian socialists when Baghdad got around to putting Saddam down. And the Iraqi response, natch.

    JP (683605)

  24. I was working in North Alabama when the murder took place. The brutality of the crime got a lot of attention at the time.

    DN (21cace)

  25. And again, we “execute” cows with a bolt gun. It’s humane. You don’t need any special training or a roomful of equipment, and there is no lingering pain.

    Failing that, the Russian method of a bullet to the back of the head.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  26. Greetings:

    Well, as a wiser man than I once told me, “Quickly should have nothing to do with it.”.

    11B40 (6abb5c)

  27. One time, at PrawfsBlawg*, one of the younger Yalies suggested that the problem with the death penalty was that it was too quick and it did not give the condemned time to contemplate the reason for which he was being executed. I asked him if he was in favor of crucifixion, the gibbet, or the oubliette.

    nk (dbc370)

  28. @Kevin M: It’s humane. You don’t need any special training or a roomful of equipment, and there is no lingering pain.

    I’m curious if we really know that. Because it’s cows. If you screw up, eh.

    Gabriel Hanna (14083c)

  29. Casey Wilson, on his knees, bruised, bleeding from the beating Smith inflicted, begged for his life, for his newborn son. “Ron hit the clerk and knocked him to his knees. And then he said the guy was holding up his hand telling him to ‘stop, I got a baby. Stop, I got a baby, six-month-old baby.’”

    I’m supposed to feel, what? Anything less then cold to this murderer’s fate. I am entertaining some awfully un-Christian thoughts right about now.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  30. There should be no more than 7 years (total, no extensions) for the lawyers to try to confuzzle the execution

    The killers head could smoke like that guy in Green Mile and I would not care. Flip the switch, come back in 3 hours. Clean up. Prep for the next one.
    No video, no monitoring, no audience.

    Or you could shoot them and then drape the carcass over the fence like a coyote

    steveg (5508fb)

  31. Zangara, the guy who shot at FDR and hit Anton Cermak instead, did it on February 15, 1933. Cermak finally succumbed from his wounds on March 6, 1933. Zangara was executed on March 22, 1933.

    nk (dbc370)

  32. Coyotes work for a living, steve. I have a certain amount of respect for that.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  33. Tell the press he voted for Reagan & the Bush’s, it will end all sympathy.

    gbear (70736b)

  34. TV Host: Next Question! To you, Jane. This is the Firing Line. So, to you, Jane. Did James Foley think unforgivable unislamic, nay, Islamophobic thoughts in the seconds before Jihadi John beheaded
    him? And if so, how can we in the West apologize for that?

    Me: Was that directed at me? I’m not Jane. Although Jane does have more of a beard.

    TV Host: Ignore that, Jane. James Foley clearly offended Islam by behaving less than graciously at his beheading. Which the Islamic State so lavishly funded. The ingrate. How can we make it up to them?

    Me: I’m not going to effin’ ignore…

    TV Host: Over to you, Jill!

    Allen West: Who are you calling Jill? …

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  35. This all stems from the progressive belief that there is a therapy for every human ailment. One of the “benefits” that is often mentioned for the long, drawn out process of executing one of these monsters is that our psychologists will have a chance to interview and study them. The presumption being that some form of insanity, some mental disorder, must underlie the killer’s behavior, and the experts, the psychologists, will find some cure for the disease. Thus there are really two reasons supporting the long delay if you are a progressive. First, it is assumed that it will help us learn about the underlying malady that causes this aberrant behavior. What is commonly considered insanity will be revealed to be treatable. Second, there is a chance that a cure will be found during the delay and the monster can be treated and released without need of the execution.

    It is curious that free societies and totalitarian hell holes both resort to classifying that which they can’t understand as insanity. The difference is that antisocial behavior which is considered insanity in a modern democracy tends to be the slaughter of innocents, while those considered insane in a totalitarian regime are those who refuse to submit to slavery. Totalitarians reserve the right to slaughter innocents to themselves, and they protect their privilege vigorously. But in either case, the deviants are considered insane.

    This belief in therapy is what passes for enlightenment in those who pretend to be the elite of our society. But the truth of the matter is that these fools will believe anything that makes their lives more pleasant. How convenient it is to pretend that someone will find a cure for every unpleasantness. And this is a constant through history and in every political regime. The totalitarian believes a new man, a man comfortable in slavery, will emerge from the process of culling all who disagree. The progressive believes we are just a generation away from being Angels. Real change occurs when the burden of supporting these wistful dreams becomes distressingly apparent to the peasants whose efforts are required to make either form of government sustainable.

    BobStewartatHome (c24491)

  36. They are forgetting that he crapped his pants once it was all done too. Oh, the indignity!

    dfbaskwill (a9acbf)

  37. Somewhere, somehow, sometime, a German girl is being rude to her Muslim rapist.

    AND THAT CAN NOT STAND!!! (All caps, exclamation point.)

    She needs to get up the next morning and make him eggs and bacon.



    The cultural sensitivity alarm is going off for some reason.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  38. Err… perhaps he’s on a low sodium diet? How about ham and eggs, or a Denver omelet?

    BobStewartatHome (c24491)

  39. 31. Who will be the Anton Cermak of 2017?7

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  40. I belieber, and I am a belieber, Bob, you have committed multiple microaggressions.

    I denounce you. And me. And Justin Bieber. And… And…

    The rest I need to figure out. But YOU, Bob, are denounced.

    Also the Dodge Aspen.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  41. To its credit, the Dodge Aspen was only slightly worse then the Dodge Omni.

    Thank God for the Ford Fairmont.

    Yes, you heard me right. If you’re much under 40 you have no idea the idea of the automotive hell I had to endure in that desert wasteland known as the seventies.

    But eventually there arose the fox-body Mustang…

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  42. Almost nobody does this anymore.

    And I don’t blame them.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  43. The seventies was when the Swedes built one of the hottest cars available for sale in America.

    No. Really, the Volvo 242 turbo coupe was the deal.

    Think about that.

    Then tear your own head off and s*** down your own throat.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  44. The Swedes would later go on to seal their fate by giving Barack Obama a Nobel Prize.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  45. The Swedes, they build a nice axe. I will give them that.

    When I compliment a Swedish girl on her nice AXE, AXE! I’m talking about her axe.

    Pay attention, people.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  46. It’s sad that people have to say “When Sweden was Sweden” with an even more wistful tone than when I watch reruns of Emergency! and think of when California was California.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  47. Hey, guys, can I play too? When you watch cowboy movies, notice how the riders sit their horses when they’re at a distance and it’s the stunt men not the pretty boy actors. They sit with the stirrups back and moderately high and the toes pointing down which is Mongolian/Cossack style and best for trick riding. When it’s a close-up and you’ve got the actual sissy-boy actor playing cowboy, they ride with the stirrups extended to the front and the heels pointing down/toes up Western style.

    nk (dbc370)

  48. nk, what does this have to do with the proper breakfast for a refugee, fleeing persecution in what he claims to be his homeland in the Levant, who has decided to enjoy Merkel’s hospitality? Stay on topic!

    BobStewartatHome (c24491)

  49. You need some real 70s music, Steve? Here it is:

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  50. Why not a mask with laughing gas? Pure nitrous oxide with no oxygen. I’d like to see some fool claim that was too painful a method of execution.

    David Pittelli (0a4463)

  51. Don’t forget these two Steve, a car that’s not a car, and a pick-up that’s not a pick-up.

    peedoffamerican (310909)

  52. She!t! I would have rather driven one of these, instead of the sissyboy city dwellers posted above, and that is really reaching to the bottom of the barrel!

    peedoffamerican (310909)

  53. But to show I do have taste I did own and drive one of these in white with a 289.

    Even had a 2 door 1970 2 door Ford LTD with a 351 Cleveland that my Mamo (granny) gave me.

    Wish I still had the Fairlane.

    peedoffamerican (310909)

  54. You can see the difference in the two riding styles I’m talking about in this illustration:

    nk (dbc370)

  55. Wouldn’t have called him a sissy, after all he did most of his stunts himself, including falling off a galloping horse after being shot in the film.

    peedoffamerican (310909)

  56. In fact while growing up on a ranch in Texas, we rode both ways, just depended on what we were doing at the time, and whether we were riding a green broke horse!

    peedoffamerican (310909)

  57. No argument from me. I suspect, too, that just like “A Boy Named Sue” a boy named Marion Mitchell Morrison might have to grow up strong and grow up mean.

    narodni komissariat (dbc370)

  58. It was also common courtesy to make sure and mount those greens well outside of camp, cause nobody likes to be awakened suddenly by a mad, bucking horse coming thru camp all of sudden in the middle of the night or morning. Or any other time for that matter. It tends to make people real irritable for some reason.

    peedoffamerican (310909)

  59. *nk*

    nk (dbc370)

  60. In ant;Er spectacular example of dereliction, consider the ghost ship fire, as we discover with Boston and Orlando, they will sacrifice the blue inhabitants tie any prior prioritu

    narciso (d1f714)

  61. Actually he was born Marion Robert Morrison and later changed it to Marion Michael Morrison.

    peedoffamerican (310909)

  62. If it weren’t for the fact that young Marian Morrison had a dog named Duke, he might be famously known as The Fido. Or The Rover. (LOL)

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  63. The dog that doesn’t bite are these unaccountable foundation, which ‘suddenly’ focus on illegals or gun confiscations: re my friend in the beltway.

    narciso (d1f714)

  64. peedoffamerican, you are a man after mine own heart. My first car was a Ranchero. 302, by the time I got done with it everybody thought it was a 390.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  65. Nobody took it for a 427.

    Sorry, I don’t work miracles.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  66. Offered without explanation.

    As if any is needed.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  67. If the rule of law becomes such so that under the rule of law violent criminals act with impunity, you can get what Rodrigo Duterte is doing in the Phillipines, with a great deal of popular support.

    What I experienced in the Philippines felt like a new level of ruthlessness: police officers’ summarily shooting anyone suspected of dealing or even using drugs, vigilantes’ taking seriously Mr. Duterte’s call to “slaughter them all.”

    He said in October, “You can expect 20,000 or 30,000 more.”

    On Saturday, Mr. Duterte said that, in a telephone call the day before, President-elect Donald J. Trump had endorsed the brutal antidrug campaign and invited him to visit New York and Washington. “He said that, well, we are doing it as a sovereign nation, the right way,” Mr. Duterte said in a summary of the call released by his office.

    Most people feel that they are not the targets of the vigilantes, and even if they, or people they know, could fall victim to them, the risk from the drug dealers and the drug addicts is greater.

    Of course they have to be murdering a lot of people who aren’t guilty of much if anything.

    Law should not become paralyzed.

    Sammy Finkelman (8b8667)

  68. There have been a lot of arrests and voluntary surrenders too, of course.

    More than 727,600 drug users and 56,500 pushers have surrendered, and more than 35,600 people have been arrested. The number killed is less than that – some admitted by the police. And some (up to 3.500) classified as unsolved homicides. The newly elected president of the Phillipines expeced another 20,000 to 30,000 deaths as of October (which is a steep drop from the 3 million he once mentioned)

    Sammy Finkelman (8b8667)

  69. What do vets use to put down our pets? Carbon monoxide or Nitrogen. If it is compassionate enough for our loved pets, it would be good enough for state executions.

    Now whether we can trust the state to only execute the truly guilty is another question.

    Loren (66de82)

  70. There should be a question mark after Carbon monoxide or Nitrogen. I don’t know what they use.

    Loren (66de82)

  71. Decompression chamber.

    Colonel Haiku (987a1a)

  72. Frankly, I’d just fit them with an explosive collar when they get to the prison and say “Someday it will explode and you’ll never feel a thing.”

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  73. Pavulon also known as pancuronium is often used by vets. It’s a paralytic commonly used in surgery but the patient there is intubated. It can cause death just by itself by paralyzing breathing. It was the second drug in the original three-drug execution protocol — sodium pentothal to put him to sleep; pancuronium to cause respiratory arrest; potassium chloride to stop the heart. Animal rights activists object to its use because the animal is conscious while suffocating to death (which is also true for the decompression chamber).

    nk (dbc370)

  74. What do vets use to put down our pets? Carbon monoxide or Nitrogen. If it is compassionate enough for our loved pets, it would be good enough for state executions.

    Now whether we can trust the state to only execute the truly guilty is another question.

    Loren (66de82) — 12/12/2016 @ 9:34 am

    Get your mind around this, if you can.

    You can’t execute murderer/rapists. That would be cruel and unusual. But you can’t force them to stay alive, either.

    A Belgian murderer and rapist serving a life sentence is to be allowed to have doctors end his life following a ground-breaking ruling under laws in Belgium permitting people to request euthanasia.

    Frank Van Den Bleeken had argued that he had no prospect of release since he could not overcome his violent sexual impulses and so he wanted to exercise his right to medically assisted suicide in order to end years of mental anguish.

    “Over recent years, he has been seen by several doctors and psychologists and their conclusion is that he is suffering, and suffering unbearably,” his lawyer, Jos Vander Velpen, told state broadcaster VRT…

    Is there any wonder the Islamic State believes we are ripe for the plucking?

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  75. We can’t execute murderers with the same “cocktail” of drugs they have the right to ask for in Europe.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  76. I am waiting for Ruthie Ginsburg to rule that abortions are unconstitutional because the drugs used may not prevent pain to the baby.

    OOPS – babys dont get drugs before they are killed – Nevermind

    joe - the abortionist (debac0)

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