Patterico's Pontifications


Donald Trump’s Doctor Wrote Letter Attesting To His Excellent Health While Limo Waited Outside

Filed under: General — Dana @ 12:21 pm

[guest post by Dana]

This just makes me laugh. Everything about this election has been so over-the-top and off-the-wall, why not throw in Donald Trump’s doctor as well?


During an interview with NBC News, Dr. Nick Bornstein discussed his writing style and how he came to write his letter attesting to Trump’s excellent health:

“If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency,” Bornstein wrote.

Asked how he could justify the hyperbole, Bornstein said, “I like that sentence to be quite honest with you and all the rest of them are either sick or dead.”…

The doctor said he would not normally use such over-the-top language in a letter for a patient but he made an exception for Trump — who just two weeks before had tweeted that the doctor’s assessment would show “perfection.”

“I think I picked up his kind of language and then just interpreted it to my own,” he said.

Bornstein said that after he was asked to write the letter, he thought about what he would say all day but did not type it out until the last minute as a black car sent by Trump waited to collect it. He said he didn’t even proofread it.

He summed up Trump’s health with this nugget:

“His health is excellent, especially his mental health,” he said in an exclusive interview at his Park Avenue office.

What a relief that the uh, comprehensive medical reports from both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s doctors attest to their excellent health and fitness for office. So glad there’s nothing to be seriously concerned about with either of the people who hope to become our next president…


314 Responses to “Donald Trump’s Doctor Wrote Letter Attesting To His Excellent Health While Limo Waited Outside”

  1. I swear he looks like a character from a Woody Allen movie set on the Upper East Side.

    Dana (995455)

  2. if Mr. Trump dies that would mean jesus-lover mike pence would get to do the judges on the wiggle giggles


    happyfeet (28a91b)

  3. I fully support Dr. Jeff Bridges based on his previous qualifications running virtual and future megacorps.

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  4. Yes, well in the vein of “good journalism” not unlike the NY Times, you left out the important parts of the story to give it a certain spin.


    Hope to see your equal time “report” on Hillary’s health.

    PTS (ce7fc3)

  5. PTS,

    You will have to explain that comment.

    Dana (995455)

  6. If Mickey Rourke had played Dr. Brakish Okun (ID4)instead of Brent Spiner, this is what you would have gotten.

    felipe (023cc9)

  7. That dude looks like Rasputin.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  8. Tommy Chong’s brother is still alive?

    mg (31009b)

  9. Most conservatives who don’t care for Trump would gladly vote for Pence, hf. Or for Rubio, Bush, Jindal, Perry, and Kasich. But Trump is different. He is a male version of lying, corrupt, undependable Hillary.

    DRJ (15874d)

  10. I like Mr. Trump he’s disruptive and perspicacious.

    It’s time to shake this mother up!

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  11. Yes, Dana! How does Trump find these people…

    Is he hiding a reefer in his right hand?

    Patricia (5fc097)

  12. Bernie Bros offered him some dank memes and reeferals.

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  13. Rest easy. Maude has a clean bill of health from Dr. Vlassic Pickles.

    Next time she falls or tries to speak coherently off the cuff, take two dills and call her in the morning. It’s a ‘stroke’ of genius.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  14. “His health is excellent, especially his mental health.”

    Odd that he should bring that up.

    (I had to check the byline to be sure it wasn’t a Roland Headley report.)

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  15. Here is a guy who stays bought.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  16. He does point out that Trump is much healthier than almost all the former presidents who are either sick or dead.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  17. @9 But Trump is different. He is a male version of lying, corrupt, undependable Hillary.

    Americans don’t want to be governed. They wish to be entertained.

    He’s JR Ewing. She’s Maude Findlay. Their running mates? BooBoo Bear and Harvey Korman, respectively.

    So which would Americans prefer for four years? Hagman haggling as Tilton, Principal and Gray jiggle into their living rooms on a 40 in screen? Or a pantsuited Bea Arthur, wagging her finger, nagging us to take out the trash in the middle of the 4th quarter of Monday Night Football?

    We had a taste of Maudie on Thursday’s episode with that lecture. Did you know you, me, and half of the electorate who don’t or won’t ascribe to her POV are hate mongering racist bigots? Guess we should stop looking at her flaws and only at our own.

    “…. and then there’s Maude…. and then there’s Maude…”

    A political party that opens its national convention showcasing illegal aliens as featured speakers, coast-to-coast, on national television is not a party does not have the best interests of the United States in mind this cycle.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  18. Oh my god… this just in… Trump’s doctor uses WINDOWS XP… a POSSIBLE VIOLATION of MEDICAL ETHICS!

    What quackery! Any decent doctor is using Windows 8 or 10. This guy is obviously an old hippy or something!

    How could anyone write a brief medical statement of fitness in only 5 minutes having known a patient for 35 years!?

    This is not possible, especially using Windows XP.

    Hillary’s doctor, by comparison, is MUCH more attractive, young and uses Windows 10 on Network along with several PDAs AND Apple products.

    She is also something of a babe and much more qualified.

    I’d let her check my prostate any time!

    PTS (ce7fc3)

  19. A political party that opens its national convention showcasing illegal aliens as featured speakers, coast-to-coast, on national television does not have the best interests of the United States in mind this cycle. Apologies for typo.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  20. Specially a letter written 10 months ago, the heavy shows that he is a legacy doctor of the family.

    narciso (732bc0)

  21. it’s so fascinating watching the lifeydoodles going all alinsky on trump to get their pig elected

    principles lol

    all them little fetuses gonna get stinkypigged so good

    then the doodles can smear more fetus deathporn in our faces

    moral superiority is fun!

    (albeit a mite hard on the wiggle giggles)

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  22. A tufts graduate, with a specialty in gastroenterelogy, all from the heavy, which tried to make some oblique point at the time.

    narciso (732bc0)

  23. Can Americans embrace a ‘bigot’ from Queens for four, even eight years or more?

    Ask Archie Bunker.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  24. More like race bannon and clam kadiddlehopper, the latter makes the salon of scranton seem coherent.

    narciso (732bc0)

  25. People in general seem to misuse the term “bigot”.

    Most people generally mean “racist” I think, but one can be a bigot with no racial component.

    From Webster’s

    Bigot — a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

    In that Hillary sees Republicans as her enemy (as has stated so), she is easily definable as a bigot.

    Trump was also correct in saying her policies are “bigoted”.

    Just an interesting aside on word use, IMO.

    PTS (ce7fc3)

  26. Iggy Pop gone to seed…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  27. Here is a guy who stays bought.
    Standing O. lol.

    mg (31009b)

  28. Probably what the dead leader of the grateful dead would look like if still breathing.

    mg (31009b)

  29. @25 “Aw Jeez… Stifle!!” – A. Bunker.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  30. VIDEO: Ad to Air in Swing States Calls on Trump to Quit
    Anti-Trump Republicans have put together an ad campaign calling on Donald Trump to keep his promise and quit the campaign. The promise they’re referring to? One from the primaries, in which Trump himself said that if he saw his poll numbers decline, he’d quit the race.

    “Keep Your Word.” (National Ad Campaign)

    According to Politico, the ad buy is in key swing states – ones where Trump is already fighting for the life of his candidacy for president.

    The Free the Delegates movement, despite what both the RNC and the Trump campaign told us, seems to still be alive. There are no more delegates to free, but it looks like they have not given up the fight.

    Torcer (654698)

  31. #30 So who would be their alternative candidate?

    PTS (ce7fc3)

  32. like wile e coyote, hanging off a cliff, with a question mark,

    Yoshida sighs,

    narciso (732bc0)

  33. yes yes Mr. Torcer then despondent sore loser harvardtrash ted and his grimacing harvardtrash sacky will win and do it all up in it so good

    the snotty snotty pudge pudge ascendancy is surely upon us

    today is a good day

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  34. we will not be turning the machines back on,

    just when you thought it was safe to go back to the pond,

    narciso (732bc0)

  35. he has that eye glass technician look.

    mg (31009b)

  36. “VIDEO: Ad to Air in Swing States Calls on Trump to Quit”


    Torcer doesn’t understand that Trump’s all about breaking the glass ceilings that the Masochistic Hardly Boys Power structure puts over him.

    The GOP’s core supporters belong to us. The GOP’s delegates belong to us. We will spend the rest of the election taking every single normie Egg McMuffin vote you thought was solidly #NeverTrump. And if we don’t get them, we’ll pull off a big slice of BernieBros for the margins we need, damn your precious downballot races. If making America Great Again requires bribing, threatening, and arm-twisting populist Democrats instead of Republicans, all it means is that destroying the second-most useless party in America happens ahead of schedule.

    Trump’s not the one whose resignation letter is getting increasingly late. It’s you.

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  37. someone who’s been his doctor, for more than a third of a decade would be familiar with his client’s general condition,

    consider though how the solon has insulted yet another long standing ally, yet crickets,
    there’s yet another massive privacy breach, same.

    narciso (732bc0)

  38. Meanwhile there’s other races going on:

    Gun rights group wants McCain loss next week

    Gerald A (76f251)

  39. Even Jill Stein can’t get the Bernie vote. The idea that Trump will get them is a fata morgana.

    kishnevi (8adcb8)

  40. if arizona can flush meghan’s coward daddy down the toilet it would be a very good omen for america

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  41. Warning: Gerald’s link tried to auto download a file when I opened it.

    kishnevi (8adcb8)

  42. Kishnevi, if Trump Idolators are raving about the idea of garnering the votes of the supporters of an avowed Socialist, what does that say about the “white people are my people” Canadian idolators of Trump?

    John Hitchcock (277264)

  43. well there are signs some of doc brown’s coalition has turned, perhaps those predominantly in southern as well midwest,

    narciso (732bc0)

  44. because red queen makes their skin crawl, because he was crushed by the power of organized money,

    narciso (732bc0)

  45. Heh.

    Gerald A’s link is to GOPUSA. Something that would automatically go to my spam filter, thereby disabling all the ratchet stuff.

    John Hitchcock (4d2dbe)

  46. Hillary wants women to vote with their vajayjays.

    If you think Hillary is evil incarnate, and
    You think Trump is evil incarnate,

    You could vote for the only Johnson in the race.
    He’s garnering around 8 percent of the popular vote.

    And 538 predicts that, while Hillary will gain 350 electors and win the popular vote against Trump, she will not win a simple majority of the popular vote.

    So the woman married to a rapist will beat a rapist in the General Election, but will not get 50 percent of the popular vote. Go figure.

    John Hitchcock (277264)

  47. 34: Dammit! Just when I got the daughter to take up fishing with her liking it.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  48. this is why can’t have nice things, fishing licences, is nothing sacred?

    clay was considered too compromised a whig, against democrat polk, birney was the pure one, he enabled polk to get in, as lincoln bitterly complained,

    narciso (732bc0)

  49. Warning: Gerald’s link tried to auto download a file when I opened it.

    kishnevi (8adcb8) — 8/27/2016 @ 6:13 pm

    That’s strange. I haven’t seen that behavior.

    Gerald A (76f251)

  50. #37
    “someone who’s been his doctor, for more than a third of a decade would be familiar with his client’s general condition,”

    Yes, comrade, that was my point in #18 thinly veiled in sarcasm. And it was actually 3 1/2 decades.

    Hillary, OTOH, was given a definitive medical test that disproved rumors of blood clots, seizures, brain injury, falling and tendencies to fall, sudden loss of mental focus, blood thinners, fresnel lenses, exhuastion requiring extended days off, requiring assistance to stand, ambulate, etc., — ALL of which was disproved on Jimmy Kimmel when she took the “Claussen Test”

    What “Presidential Capacity” it takes to open a fresh jar of pickles… vacuum sealed!!… (and surely no one had loosened the seal… surely not).

    You could see the effort, the sheer strain on her face, as she gripped, turned, gripped harder and then with a final effort OPENED THE JAR IN FRONT OF MILLIONS OF QUALIFIED MEDICAL EXPERTS ON LIVE TV!!!

    This ONE test obviated the need all further discussion, suspicion, ignorant comment, blah, blah, blah regarding Hillary’s state of health. It is simply OVER.

    NO MORE accusations about the next POTUS and her “health issues”… HA, what Right Wing BULLSHIt!!

    PTS (ce7fc3)

  51. one can think he’s flawed, but she is a greater threat to the polity, because of the swarm of bureaucracy that trails her, that arises from academia,

    narciso (732bc0)

  52. I guess this election could be worse.

    But short of Baron Harkonnen vs Reverend Mother Mohiam, I don’t see how.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  53. I still expect someone sane to announce a write-in candidacy in October, when these two thugs have worn out their welcome.

    I’d like it to be Romney, but I’m thinking it will be Kasich. But whomever they’d be hoping to scoop up the 70% of voters who want neither of these turds.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  54. Gerald… maybe your browser is better at blocking. I am using Chrome for Android.

    kishnevi (8adcb8)

  55. no nico, you took them in, and it’s worked out great for france,

    this isn’t a ransom of red chief exercise,

    narciso (732bc0)

  56. I think Hillary actually is Baron Harkonnen

    It would be great is Kasich would emerge somehow and scoop up the votes, but I have little confidence in the American voter.

    PTS (ce7fc3)

  57. yes, I recall he won his own state, and threw confetti, he was one of the most annoying candidates in all of the focus groups.

    narciso (732bc0)

  58. odd how little of what this geostrategist wunderkind sarc, who apparently is in the policy making mold, gets out,

    narciso (732bc0)

  59. I think Hillary actually is Baron Harkonnen

    No, she’s the Bene Gesserit witch with a gom jabbar* for all of us.

    * Which the Trumpies will sadly fail.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  60. that would suggest she had special wisdom of training, she is certainly a CHOAM director,

    narciso (732bc0)

  61. Nice own-goal for Trump. After banging on Hillary and her health for the last several weeks, Trump just pulled that issue away. I’d call it amateur, but political amateurs aren’t this bad.

    WarrenPeese (af3590)

  62. #30 So who would be their alternative candidate?

    Someone who ISN’T an ANCHOR on the rest of the party.

    Torcer (654698)

  63. As I recall, the Baron could “levitate” kinda lika witch… then there was the putrescence and slime rodent eating etc…. that fits Hillary’s soul… fast forward, a Portrait of Dorian Grey

    PTS (ce7fc3)

  64. seriously you follow the squirrel, like clockwork,

    narciso (732bc0)

  65. happyfeet (28a91b)

    Are you trying to sound like a Trump supporter?

    Should Trump drop out? YES or NO?

    Torcer (654698)

  66. Issue 1, will the north koreans be able to strike the west coast before the year is out?

    narciso (732bc0)

  67. Dystopia Max


    So are you laughing at the fact that the polls show him LOSING and taking down the Congress, leaving NOTHING to stop Comrade Clinton?

    Or are you part of the Alternate Reality that thinks he is winning?

    Should Trump drop out? YES or NO?

    Torcer (654698)

  68. Mr. Trump’s a godsend from god

    he gonna save us from that nasty diseased piggy

    and for me it can’t happen soon enough

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  69. strikingly there isn’t a single item about red queen’s choam directorship, with the guild navigators and the face dancers, on the entire msnbc page, extraordinary,

    narciso (732bc0)

  70. You expect the Voice of Choam to give you information about Choam?

    kishnevi (8adcb8)

  71. point taken, but that’s why one shouldn’t take choam’s bait.

    narciso (732bc0)

  72. Torcer wants to shut the barn door after the barn has burned down

    kishnevi (8adcb8)

  73. “We will spend the rest of the election taking every single normie Egg McMuffin vote you thought was solidly #NeverTrump. And if we don’t get them, we’ll pull off a big slice of BernieBros for the margins we need, damn your precious downballot races.”

    – Dystopia Max

    Who the f*ck is “we,” dumbass? You’re some loser sitting behind a keyboard, probably in Canada. You and your ilk have already demonstrated more than enough psychoses for one election cycle. Spare us the delusions of grandeur.

    Leviticus (1bebeb)

  74. 72 kishnevi

    So YOUR solution is?
    Would you rather have a chance to save the Congress or should we just plow head-on into that iceberg?

    Torcer (654698)

  75. The Doctor looks like he might be Willie Nelson’s younger brother who decided to opt to go to medical school in August 1969 instead of attending Woodstock with Willie.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  76. and who was rosie the robot’s attending physician, apparently her staff wasn’t impressed since they asked the nfl for advice, inquired about provogil,

    narciso (732bc0)

  77. #77 narciso,

    It’s sexist and ageist to inquire about Hillary’s health.
    Didn’t you get the memo?

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  78. it was sent from red queen’s server, so no, (there in lies an interesting tale, the latest batch were found in the recipient in baskets,) much as we suspected with lois lerner,

    narciso (732bc0)

  79. Horse-puckey. Trump made further questions about Hillary’s health gross with the false rumors and outright lies.

    And himself a bigger laughingstock with this “doctor”. Who, but a confirmed Trumpkin, would take this “doctor’s letter” seriously?

    nk (dbc370)

  80. That pink shirt looks like it is hiding twins

    steveg (5508fb)

  81. Who the f*ck is “we,” dumbass? You’re some loser sitting behind a keyboard, probably in Canada. You and your ilk have already demonstrated more than enough psychoses for one election cycle. Spare us the delusions of grandeur.

    Leviticus (1bebeb) — 8/27/2016 @ 8:10 pm

    Forget it, Leviticus. Max is one of those Trumpers who isn’t looking for a President, he’s looking for revenge.

    Bill H (971e5f)

  82. well he’s been the doctor of record for 39 years, as his father was before him, as such he had access to the whole file,

    narciso (732bc0)

  83. “So is Hillary Clinton sick? It’s a fair question. I’m not just talking about those endless coughing fits, and that she always needs to be propped up on pillows when she sits, and requires help standing or climbing stairs.

    Four years ago, she had a concussion, and a blood clot in her brain sent her to the hospital. Later, her head was still so injured that she was seeing double. That’s why she wore those Fresnel prism glasses: to counter double-vision.

    Have you seen that video of her apparently having a seizure while being asked a question? The Clinton spin doctors say that’s just a joke. Really?

    And then there’s the guy who is always with her, but he’s not Secret Service. He’s a paramedic — you can see by the badge he sometimes wears. He carries an injection device, maybe it’s anti-seizure medication. He’s been seen talking her through a stressful situation.

    Why does Hillary Clinton always wear the strangest pant suits that look like they’re specifically made to order. Are they tailored to conceal things underneath? A medical device?

    Here’s an e-mail that Clinton originally hid from the public, that was released only after a court ordered it. In it, Huma Abedin, Clinton’s closest aide, says her boss is “often confused” and needs to take naps.

    That topic comes up a lot.

    I typed the word “sleep” into a searchable archive of Clinton e-mails, the ones a court ordered the State Department to disclose.

    There were a lot of troubling results:

    Clinton herself says she’s “chronically exhausted”. Her staff calls her a “champion napper”.

    And then there’s her email about the symptoms of “decision fatigue.” Another about Provigil, a drug “often prescribed to treat excessive sleepiness in patients with Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and multiple sclerosis.”

    That’s just the beginning…

    Being president is the most stressful job in the world. You need energy — both physical and mental.

    What exactly is wrong with Hillary Clinton? This is an important issue that needs to be addressed before the election.

    Why isn’t the mainstream media interested in covering it?”

    — Ezra Levant

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  84. we can’t have both, the medici’s treat bill clinton like ‘a brother from another mother’ but look down on the huntress, as they relayed to matt latimer, and most recently trump,

    narciso (732bc0)

  85. take it from ezra, he and mark steyn, have the scars of the speaking truth to power gig up in canada, where the kangaroo courts with extra pounches will likely be convened.

    narciso (732bc0)

  86. “So are you laughing at the fact that the polls show him LOSING and taking down the Congress, leaving NOTHING to stop Comrade Clinton?”

    Torcer, Torcer, Torcer…

    You seem to be ignorant of the greater strategy here.

    “[b]Bannon’s selection seems to indicate the real focus of the Trump campaign is the final emasculation of the MSM, which it sees as the real opponent. The MSM IS Hillary’s surrogate. In past elections they even bragged they were worth 2-5% on Election Day (prolly true). Trump has been baiting the trap for months now by calling them out– successfully– for not doing their job. They’ve responded by doubling down as they think they are a lot smarter than he is. Thus the pickle stunt and the increasingly surreal lack of journalistic curiosity about Hillary’s health– something anyone can see for themselves is a big deal.[/b] By exposing their hypocrisy, he’s undercut their credibility and deprived her of her greatest ally. Because if they won’t even push back on her slack ‘campaign’, her obvious health issues, the ongoing email issues, the Clinton Foundation, the…etc, etc, then they can’t be trusted on much else. Trump’s not worried about Hillary. He pegged her a long time ago. It’s the MSM. Take it down and you win. And he is. CNN goes full retard for days and then gets beat by MSNBC in the ratings– a net loss for their side. With trust in media at 6% and social media replacing the broadcast news desk, their own platforms are sinking faster and faster. Trump’s leading a carrier group that’s trashing a bunch of old battleships. They still look great but they are no longer relevant and hopelessly slow and ineffective.”

    “Or are you part of the Alternate Reality that thinks he is winning?”

    While the polls are still fluid? Never. He’s winning more than he won previously. More importantly, unlike most of the Republicans I’ve seen for the past 30 years, he’s ACTUALLY FIGHTING, so the polls have a great chance of moving, much faster if certain nasty permanent butthurt wreckers didn’t act as an amplifier for every piece of bad news the media gives them.

    “Should Trump drop out? YES or NO?”

    Torcer should have dropped out after the Republican convention, but you’re still kicking around here, aren’t you? Are YOU a masochist?

    Remember that if worst comes to worst, we actually HAVE the Second Amendment people on our side. You have a Washington paycheck whose value in stopping bullets is likely to drop precipitously. Have you really, truly, thought this thing through?

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  87. She may have a neurological disorder, but that’s not important.
    On the other hand, if Donald Trump recently had a benign mole removed, that should probably disqualify him from serving as President.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  88. it only took forty years to discover red queen, had whitewashed a rapist, and then laughed about it, in an obscure tape in diane blair’s archives,

    narciso (732bc0)

  89. I’ve read a number of times Clinton takes Coumadin (warfarin sodium) which is a SERIOUS blood thinner.

    You don’t take warfarin for fun.

    It is prescribed for prevention of blood clots and to ward off stroke/heart attack or other potentially life threatening events. Warfarin must be monitored by blood test to insure the proper dose is being maintained in the patients blood supply… too much can cause internal bleeding and possibly death… too little doesn’t prevent the conditions for which its prescribed.

    Patients taking Warfarin are advised to avoid activities that could result in bruising or head injury due to excessive proclivity to bleed. Something like a blow to the head, even moderate, would be reason to seek emergency room assistance.

    “Healthy” people do not take warfarin.

    Many may recognize the name warfarin because it is the same chemical used in rat poisons which cause internal hemorrhaging

    If Hillary is routinely taking warfarin, she is being regularly monitored and there is something seriously wrong.

    PTS (ce7fc3)

  90. romney and kasich are as commie as clinton. Two a-holes with no give a shite to the American. Romney care was the highway to mf disaster.

    mg (31009b)

  91. Romney care was the highway to disaster, this low rent m.f. has no fight for the American people. He should be strapped to the top of a station wagon and drove directly to the devil.

    mg (31009b)

  92. Katich is another pandering pant load who could not keep his word.
    The two of them combined would never come close to Trump.
    With people still thinking these idiots are the answer, team rino is kaput.
    hip, hip hooray.

    mg (31009b)

  93. yes, I recall he won his own state, and threw confetti, he was one of the most annoying candidates in all of the focus groups.

    I called Kasich JarJar, so I’m not a fan. But only the wingnuts can stomach either official candidate and they are not going to win over anyone with their terrible campaigns of “I’m not them!”

    But Kasich was running in Republican primaries. News at 11: this is the real electorate now. Neither of these clowns appeals to anyone outside their narrow base. The majority says “What a effing awful choice!” Suppose they had a choice that wasn’t a further fringe?

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  94. Katich is another pandering pant load who could not keep his word.

    Yes. Fine. He grates. He has no core. He talks and waves his arms around like Jar Jar.

    But — and this is the important part — the voters who mostly hate politics and politicians will eat up his “can’t we all get along” BS.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  95. mg–

    The best you will ever get is half a loaf. Most times not even that.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  96. …Four years ago, she had a concussion, and a blood clot in her brain sent her to the hospital. Later, her head was still so injured that she was seeing double. That’s why she wore those Fresnel prism glasses: to counter double-vision.

    Have you seen that video of her apparently having a seizure while being asked a question? The Clinton spin doctors say that’s just a joke. Really?

    Yeah, but she lies good to the House and Senate GOP, sez the people voting for the gub’mint to steal your s*** and give it to them.

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  97. We need a group hanging.The clinton crime family and all of the New Pravda Media.

    mg (31009b)

  98. Who knew the republican party was this stupid?
    lmao at the no trumpers working for Hillary.
    The republican party funeral will be a happy day in the life of this sob.

    mg (31009b)

  99. Coumadin as a blood thinner is actually more benign than aspirin as a blood thinner because it’s reversible, whereas the platelet-inhibiting effect of aspirin lasts for the lifetime of the platelet (about five days). And it is given to “healthy people” to prevent blood clots developing in the legs because of their age, sedentary life-style or … wait for it … a history of blood clots.

    nk (dbc370)

  100. I think whether Trump is on anti-retrovirals because he caught AIDS from Roy Cohn should be a matter of greater concern.

    nk (dbc370)

  101. what is an invest

    On and The Weather Channel you may hear us use the term “Invest” (short for Investigation) followed by the numbers 90 through 99 and either the letter “L” for the Atlantic basin systems or “E” for the eastern Pacific systems.

    the numbers are just an ordinal series what they just cycle through

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  102. John Stuart mill called them the stupid party, oddly it was the whigs and the liberals that went out of fashion.

    Meanwhile my friend in the beltway refocuses the attention.

    narciso (732bc0)

  103. Don’t forget his ruthless robot enforcers, snorfle. Lets deal with the reality.

    narciso (732bc0)

  104. If my doctor had hair like that, I’d lose any faith I had in the practice of medicine. Dr. Fabio. What does maintaining that look cost in Manhattan?

    Don’t answer. I’m just not going to believe you. So sez the guy who doesn’t even know where to buy the kind of razor that lets you keep three to five days of beard growth.

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  105. He’s a fixture. At lenox hill, like the overhead lighting.

    narciso (732bc0)

  106. “No, I’ll just die of cancer, thanks doc. By the way, where can I buy heroin?”

    Is that really Trump’s doctor or am I being punked?

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  107. So, that’s really a doctor. Trump’s doctor.

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  108. Apparently, meanwhile red queen is being hacked by the same crew she financed, its like something out of ludlum.

    narciso (732bc0)

  109. So sez the guy who doesn’t even know where to buy the kind of razor that lets you keep three to five days of beard growth.

    Tinkle Hair-Cutter razorcombs, Steve.

    They take replaceable double-edge safety blades, the first set included and installed, and you can buy replacements at CVS or Walgreens. Good for trimming the fuzz at the nape of the neck between haircuts, too.

    nk the aichmophile (dbc370)

  110. So sez the guy who doesn’t even know where to buy the kind of razor that lets you keep three to five days of beard growth.

    Ah yes, the dirty face look. All the rage.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  111. nk, I shave with a straight razor. Because when you wake up in the morning and put naked Damascus steel against your throat, the rest of your day is going to be downhill.

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  112. Health is such a relative thing. On waking my blood pressure is 118/65, pulse 46. On a recent day off I warmed up with 2000 rowing, did 100 chin ups, 200 push ups and 300 air squats, ate, took a nap and swam 1000.

    But I need a new hip. Still, last month in Arlington I walked 3 miles from the hotel to AT&T Stadium.

    People grimace just watching me hobble about.

    DNF (ffe548)

  113. “Who the f*ck is “we,” dumbass? You’re some loser sitting behind a keyboard, probably in Canada.”


    “You and your ilk have already demonstrated more than enough psychoses for one election cycle. Spare us the delusions of grandeur.”

    Nothing delusional about it. Destroying the false opposition party for all to see means that there’s nothing siphoning away that opposition from the governing party anymore, which means it now lands full force on the last line of defense…the Court media, who now have to manufacture consent in the face of an army of angry citizens with no delusions that just any Republican can make it all better.

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  114. Canada is boring and Justin Trudeau is gayer than Colin Kaepernick in his pinkest “I’m with her” t-shirt

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  115. Canada is boring and Justin Trudeau is gayer than Colin Kaepernick in his tightest “I’m with her” t-shirt

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  116. But the stockwell day race in 1993, tells the tale of how they dusoatched a narrow gauge candidate

    narciso (732bc0)

  117. 111. The whole TEA Party thing. Funny how they seem to have been disappeared.

    DNF (ffe548)

  118. yes yes even harvardtrash ted casted a wider net

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  119. A direct fremen assault is not recommended, too many iris knives UN the back. Eg Minnesota.

    narciso (732bc0)

  120. Dint speak of what. You don’t know David spade.

    narciso (732bc0)

  121. 62. “Someone”

    Hey doofus, if they have an (R) after their name they’re a depleted uranium anchor.

    Our ‘tards can’t even agree on the Antidote to Magic, how’s the Nation going to do so?

    #nevertrumps’ stock answer is “Anyone else”, like how do they dress themselves? Plaids, stripes, and sandals?

    DNF (755a85)

  122. DNF, you did 100 chin ups? In a row? Or, maybe not even in a row. In sets. As a warm up?


    Steve57 (41f53d)

  123. 119. Sets, a few of the studs did them in a row but they kip the chin ups. I rotated thru the chin ups, push ups and squats 10/20/30.

    Crossfit athletes top out by 40 years, so people on their way up or down do scaled versions of the workouts.

    DNF (755a85)

  124. 120. Crossfitters number about a million nationwide. A lot of our workouts are Hero WoDs(workout of the day), I think that one was called the “Murph” for a fellow in Afghanistan that fell on a grendade to save his buds during a near hopeless firefight.

    Last week we did a “Victoria” for the teacher at Sandy Hook that saved her class locking them in before getting wasted.

    DNF (ffe548)

  125. “#nevertrumps’ stock answer is “Anyone else”, like how do they dress themselves? Plaids, stripes, and sandals?”

    Kneepads, assless chaps, kippeh

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  126. Steve57, the first and last time I was shaved with a straight razor was the day I married my first wife. I lived in Philly and some friends cajoled me into going to a “men’s salon” for a cut and shave for the wedding which was all the rage for “men” in the mid 1970’s. So I entered the fashionable “Paul of Milano” salon at the posh 18th and Rittenhouse Square location and was greeted by “Barry” of light-in-the-loafers fame. Being used to a $5 haircut I was unimpressed with Barry’s $28 rendition. But I did enjoy the best shave of my life. Even being recently back from Vietnam there was something dangerously exciting about having a flaming fag hold a straight razor to my jugular while he talked incessantly about Liza Minelli.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  127. I’m not going to say I don’t believe you. I tested for diver when I was in the Navy. I wanted to go EOD, and the EOD divers on the carrier encouraged me because they said they needed bodies, but to make a long story short you can’t go from Intel to SPECOPS. Because salvage and EOD divers command ships, like minesweepers and submarine rescue, you need to be a ship driver first. The test is the same for SPECWAR as for SPECOPS in the Navy, it’s just that the difference is it was pass fail if you were going for Msalvage or EOD.

    SEAL is competitive. Especially if you’re an officer. You have to be able to lead, not straggle behind. My swim times were too slow. Me, swimming, is like looking at a glacier moving toward the end of a fjord.

    But I could pump out 25 pull-ups and I knew people who went through BUD/S and that was more than enough, and I am somewhat askance at your claim of 100. I’m not saying it can’t be done.

    This was in the early ’90s before anything like crossfit existed.

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  128. I returned from Nam basically unscathed. I still have PTSD when I think of Sweeney Barry.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  129. …Even being recently back from Vietnam there was something dangerously exciting about having a flaming fag hold a straight razor to my jugular while he talked incessantly about Liza Minelli.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38) — 8/28/2016 @ 8:05 am

    Yeah. In the all volunteer service you to at least fill out a form that let’s you imagine you will have some control of your destiny. You get to say what you want to do. My first choice was pilot. Intel was my second choice. Naval Flight Officer was not on my list, because if I’m going up, I have to be driving.

    I feel the same about straight razors.

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  130. Hey doofus, if they have an (R) after their name they’re a depleted uranium anchor.

    Ah yes, the always present maturity of a Trumper.

    Isn’t it curious how the goal of destroying the GOP is the same as the national socialist left?

    Torcer (654698)

  131. I still remember the morning I gave up on the idea of being a SEAL. The BOQ, Master Jet Base Oceana.

    I woke up, and my shoulders didn’t work. I had been deployed to a location you are not entitled to know, doing nothing special. The TV was on. To this day I have trouble falling asleep unless I have something to read or watch. Now, I won’t have TV in my bedroom, I’d rather read, but this was like something like 1992 or ’93. BET was on. On deployment I had been swimming a mile a day. So this day, my body just gave out. And I’m laying their, watching BET, not even able to reach for the remote, and I think, “Well, I guess I’m not going to be a SEAL.”

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  132. I like Mr. Trump cause of if you do stinkypig all up in it you’ll never get the smell out

    she’s really just a vile, rancid, jew-hating ivy league fascist

    nothing good comes when you elevate trash like hillary

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  133. There had been something interesting on BET the night before. I fell asleep watching it. And when I woke up like a paralyzed iguana, it was no longer interesting and there wasn’t a darned thing I could do about it.

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  134. 124. I neglected to mention Rx for the “Murph” included wearing, what appeared to me, as a 40 lb. weight jacket, particularly for the mile run at the end, where I simply rowed the mile.

    At 20 years I could wrap off 125 push ups anytime and did as many as 23 chin ups without a break.

    Our push ups include lifting hands off the carpet between reps. I can’t actually clap like some.

    I did an Ironman at 30 in 13:20 which is decent, smoking Camel straights. Peaked running 12 miles 6 days a week and did a 1:31 20K as a check on my fitness–12 7:40 miles back to back. But 2.4 miles was the longest swim I ever made, whereas Seals might do 5 to 7.

    DNF (755a85)

  135. 131. Our head coach, who runs the dojo, was an Airborne Ranger weighing about 200 during deployment.

    DNF (755a85)

  136. At 20 years I could wrap off 125 push ups anytime and did as many as 23 chin ups without a break.

    OK, I can believe this. Back in the day when I tested for diver I could knock out 100 plus pushups, no problem. A friend of mine a former Green Beret, said you you can’t be a leader of men unless you can do 100 pushups. You know what, he was right. And I did get to 25 chin-ups without a break. Before my elbow popped after one uncontrolled descent.

    All this contributed to me not being a SEAL. But you know what? I think I served this country better as Intel.

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  137. Today’s youths are getting their exercise by hunting for Pokemon Go!

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  138. 18. PTS (ce7fc3) — 8/27/2016 @ 2:11 pm

    Oh my god… this just in… Trump’s doctor uses WINDOWS XP… a POSSIBLE VIOLATION of MEDICAL ETHICS!

    taht shws he has enough sensee not to upgrade.

    Although it may just be inertia.

    Every upgrade makes things worse and worse, except for the Upgrade from Windows 8 to Windows 10.

    How could anyone write a brief medical statement of fitness in only 5 minutes having known a patient for 35 years!?

    He wrote it out in 5 minutes.

    Actually, as he said, he thought about what he would say all day.

    One thing he said seems to be a bit Clintonesque. The doctor said:

    “If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency”

    He meant, he indicated, as of November or December 2016. Harry S Truman, for instance, isn’t healthy, because as of this year, he’s dead, having already died on December 26, 1972.

    One problem with that: That’s OK maybe for George HW Bush and Bill Clinton. Neither is currently on the best of health or fitness. But isn’t George W. Bush in good health? Also Barack Obama.

    Sammy Finkelman (067111)

  139. 133. “Served better”, believe you. Today 10 chin ups off the bat, or 25 push ups, not both, is about my best at a crack.

    Those sets of 10/20/30 were mostly 5 chins, rest, 5 chins, 12 push ups, rest, 8 push ups, the squats and repeat.

    DNF (755a85)

  140. 66. narciso (732bc0) — 8/27/2016 @ 7:20 pm

    Issue 1, will the north koreans be able to strike the west coast before the year is out?

    No, it will take them a little longer, although Kim Jong UN likes to pretend he can always hit Washington.

    The McLuughlin Report hasn’t been on either this week or laat week. Is there nobody to carry on? Didn’t he have a staff?

    They did one show withoutn him.

    He died too fast. I had no idea he was 80 yeasr old, though.

    Sammy Finkelman (067111)

  141. 128. Swimming three times a week has been my high bar for decades. If I manage 3000 in a week I’m totally satisfied.

    Usually a tickle in the throat or poorly seating goggles persuade me to quit at 750.

    DNF (755a85)

  142. narciso (732bc0) — 8/27/2016 @ 8:50 pm

    inquired about provogil

    That could have bene Hillary Clinton’s idea fot avoiding jet lag. Jake Sullivan evidently mentioned it. He thought it wss invented by the military, but he corrected hisself. The military used it for pilots on long range bombing missions. Maybe this might be a good idea for bus and truck drivers.

    She’s probably got some health problem, but she’s throwing people off the track. Since she never mentiones the hypothyrodism she disclosed, maybe it has something to do with that. If part of her thyroid wss removed on suspicion of cancer, would we know/) She’s also taking Coumadin since 1998.

    That pockle jar stunt was as if the suspected problem was arthritis. Even so, it has been rumored that somebody unscreed the pickle jar first, jusat to make sure it would open.

    Sammy Finkelman (067111)

  143. she probably looked at what some herpicide did for bill’s crooked rapey penis and thought hey maybe i can get something like that for my clotty head

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  144. Our head coach, who runs the dojo, was an Airborne Ranger weighing about 200 during deployment.

    DNF (755a85) — 8/28/2016 @ 8:52 am

    Have you checked his bonafides? There were three SEALs in Texas including Chris Kyle. So if the count is correct there are now two.

    I must have met 100 since I’ve been here. H3ll, my bartender in Singapore was special forces, for Gawd’s sake. I’m not saying your sensei isn’t an Airborne Ranger. I’m saying, after all these years, that sort of claim activates my radar.

    I’m apparently one of the few honest vets you’ll find. I’m totally cool being intel. I know I made a difference even if nobody will know about it until after I’m dead. Read about Midway, Joe Rochefort, FRUPAC, AKA Station HYPO. Nobody wants to impersonate me, and I don’t care.

    One of the best officers I ever served with was the food services officer on the Carl Vinson. Was he special? Not in the SEAL kind of way. But if you had a problem child he’d say, “I’ll take him” and half the time that Sailor was Sailor of the Month inside a year.

    I’m just, skeptical, of the claims people make for themselves. And really they aren’t necessary.

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  145. I don’t understand why the limo is mentioned in the headline. I mean, when I go to the doctor they hardly ever let me bring my car inside.

    LBascom (aacf42)

  146. 141. A fair question, not being a vet myself. I cannot yet swear.

    DNF (755a85)

  147. 83. Quoting Ezra Levant

    And then there’s the guy who is always with her, but he’s not Secret Service. He’s a paramedic — you can see by the badge he sometimes wears. He carries an injection device, maybe it’s anti-seizure medication. He’s been seen talking her through a stressful situation.

    More likely, something to overcome stage fright. The amount of lying she does is stressful and difficult, and potentially nerve-racking, as she could be asked questiona she doesn’t have good answers to.

    The Epi-pen he holds in reserve would have been specially manufactured for her by Mylan Pharmaceuticals.

    (Assuming all this is correct)

    Why does Hillary Clinton always wear the strangest pant suits that look like they’re specifically made to order. Are they tailored to conceal things underneath? A medical device?

    Probably special socks to increase blood pressure in her legs.

    Here’s an e-mail that Clinton originally hid from the public, that was released only after a court ordered it. In it, Huma Abedin, Clinton’s closest aide, says her boss is “often confused” and needs to take naps.

    That was in the period immediately after her fall and concussion (probably caused by low blood pressure) The brain takes awhile to heal after a concussion, but they are probably telling the truth that it healed after six months, or else she wouldn’t be running for president. She just wouldn’t be capable of it.

    I typed the word “sleep” into a searchable archive of Clinton e-mails, the ones a court ordered the State Department to disclose.

    There were a lot of troubling results:

    Clinton herself says she’s “chronically exhausted”. Her staff calls her a “champion napper”.

    There may be something undisclosed here, probably caused by her medications.

    And then there’s her email about the symptoms of “decision fatigue.” Another about Provigil, a drug “often prescribed to treat excessive sleepiness in patients with Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and multiple sclerosis.”

    also used by the military, instead of amphetamines, to keep pilots awake.

    Why isn’t the mainstream media interested in covering it?”

    She’s making anyone who raises questions look like a 9/11 truther.

    But another thing: Doesn’t all this questioning about her health help Hillary to get votes from people who don’t trust her?

    Sammy Finkelman (067111)

  148. 144. “The [Diazepam] pen he holds in reserve..”


    DNF (755a85)

  149. 144. The health benefits to strenuous exercise are still rapidly increasing as the daily expenditure in time spent exercising exceeds 2 hours per day.

    Plainly, HRC gets zero credit.

    DNF (755a85)

  150. Well the left half of the white Boomer spectrum is still due their Prez, all these health leaks sound like comfort TV with maladies and their corresponding medications.

    urbanleftbehind (7399db)

  151. A fair question, not being a vet myself. I cannot yet swear.
    DNF (755a85) — 8/28/2016 @ 9:35 am

    I’m not accusing anyone of anything. It’s just that there are a lot of phonies out there.

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  152. ikes it’s getting real in bolivia

    Rodolfo Illanes, Bolivia’s Deputy Interior Minister died on Thursday after he was taken hostage by a group of mining workers demanding mining concessions with less stringent environmental regulations.

    President Evo Morales declared Friday a day of “deep pain” for Bolivia, after it was revealed that the 56-year-old was beaten to death.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  153. Isn’t it curious how the goal of destroying the GOP is the same as the national socialist left?

    Torcer (654698) — 8/28/2016 @ 8:37 am

    Are you talking about the Never Trumpers?

    Gerald A (76f251)

  154. uncontrolled jerking, blood clots, dementia and trying to hide a catheter system in her wide load pant suit, yet to be discovered by the new Pravda media.

    mg (31009b)

  155. 88. PTS (ce7fc3) — 8/27/2016 @ 10:08 pm

    I’ve read a number of times Clinton takes Coumadin (warfarin sodium) which is a SERIOUS blood thinner.

    It’s quite official.

    The letter from Dr. Lisa Bardack of Mount Kisco, N.Y., summarized Mrs. Clinton’s history of treatment for a brain concussion, blood clots affecting her legs and brain on separate occasions, an underactive thyroid gland and a family history of heart disease.

    Mrs. Clinton, 67, regularly takes thyroid hormone to bring her levels to normal as well as the anticoagulant drug Coumadin to help prevent new blood clots, Dr. Bardack wrote. Mrs. Clinton also takes antihistamine drugs for seasonal pollen allergies and vitamin B-12.

    Dr. Lisa Bardack (Hillary probably doesn’t trust any male doctors) attributes her fall in December, 2012, to becoming dehydrated while suffering from a stomach virus. She also acquired a blood clot but that was gone after two months.

    Vitamin B-12 deficiency is often underdiagnosed. Problems in absorption in the stomach in elderly people are much more common than once thought.

    Because 10 to 30 percent of older people may be unable to effectively absorb vitamin B12 naturally occurring in foods, it is advisable for those older than 50 years to meet their RDA mainly by consuming foods fortified with vitamin B12 or a supplement containing vitamin B12.

    Is she getting injections of Vitamin B-12, or taking larger amounts by mouth?

    Her LDL was 118 and her HDL was 64, and total cholesterol level was 195.

    Her medications may explain her coughing fits:

    Sammy Finkelman (067111)


    I’m not accusing anyone of being a fraud, but if someone tells you their records are sealed because of the classified nature of their service or their records were destroyed in a fire, run, don’t walk to the nearest exit.

    This being said, your Airborne Ranger may well be on the up and up. I have no personal knowledge. I have to assume he is who he represents himself to be.

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  157. Typo at 137

    * I had no idea he was 89 years old, though.

    That should have been 89 years old, not 80. I saw in the obituaries that John McLaughlin was 80 years old.

    Sammy Finkelman (067111)


    Vitamin B12 deficiency is often missed because the symptoms – fatigue, anemia, neuropathy, memory problems, or walking difficulties – are quite common in older adults, and can easily be caused by something else.

    Also, vitamin B12 deficiency tends to come on very slowly, so people often go through a long period of being mildly deficient. During this time, a senior might have barely noticeable symptoms, or the symptoms might be attributed to another chronic health condition.

    Still, a mild deficiency will almost always get worse over time. And even when a senior has many other causes for fatigue or problems with mobility, it’s good to fix whatever aggravating factors – such as a vitamin deficiency – can be fixed.

    Unlike many problems that affect seniors, vitamin B12 deficiency is quite treatable. You just need to make sure it’s detected, and then make sure the treatment plan has raised the vitamin B12 levels and kept them steady.

    Sammy Finkelman (067111)

  159. The republican party funeral will be a happy day in the life of this sob.

    Suppose the replacement is less to your liking?

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  160. By the way, is “PTS” something that happens to Trumpies every month? It would explain a lot.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  161. I’m familiar with PTSD. What is PTS? Partial Trump Syndrome?

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  162. So, that’s really a doctor. Trump’s doctor.

    Steve57 (41f53d) — 8/28/2016 @ 5:55 am

    He’s no less of a doctor than the ones that surrounded Obama when he signed the Not-so-Affordable Care Act.

    Bill H (971e5f)

  163. you’re just speculating

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  164. “Isn’t it curious how the goal of destroying the GOP is the same as the national socialist left?”

    The left is socialist, but it never stays nationalist for long, since addressing the failures of socialism inevitably requires covering the costs of socialism via an external entity (see: The EU, the Warsaw Pact, increasingly NATO, etc.)

    And DESTROYING THE GOP, while probably the goal of the know-nothing party faithful, was never the goal of the party apparatchiks, it’s simply keeping it a toothless opposition party that wastes the time and energy of everyone who actually opposes the Government Party (aka the Democrats).

    Otherwise Hillary wouldn’t bother making overt appeals to moderate Republicans in her alt-Right speech, she’d simply claim REPUBLICANS R TRUMP!!! and leave it at that. She needs her weakmen dependents in office to keep her afloat so she has people to blame.

    She, and the Democrats, are afraid of us. She is most assuredly not afraid of you.

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  165. I’d be very interested in Damascus that can take a shaving edge. Who made your razor?

    Anyway, here’s guy shaving with a DE blade glued to a pair of chopsticks. Set to music.

    nk the aichmophile (dbc370)

  166. The reality of #4EverHillary! will never set in for the #NeverTrump #Cruzin’Crybabies

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  167. “to make a long story short you can’t go from Intel to SPECOPS.”

    Probably for the same reason it’s difficult to go from #NeverTrump to Trump supporter-getting physically imposing is pretty much an unstated requirement.


    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  168. Well imagine they are different skill sets, one is mote proactive, the other more analytical.

    narciso (732bc0)

  169. It’s pretty telling that the ONLY argument that the Trumpies have left is “OH NO NOT HILLARY!”

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  170. But then, Trumpism was never ABOUT policy. It was about throwing a temper tantrum, and they sure picked their man.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  171. If making America Great Again requires bribing, threatening, and arm-twisting populist Democrats instead of Republicans, all it means is that destroying the second-most useless party in America happens ahead of schedule.

    Trump’s not the one whose resignation letter is getting increasingly late. It’s you.

    Dystopia Max (76803a) — 8/27/2016 @ 6:04 pm

    And DESTROYING THE GOP, while probably the goal of the know-nothing party faithful, was never the goal of the party apparatchiks, it’s simply keeping it a toothless opposition party that wastes the time and energy of everyone who actually opposes the Government Party (aka the Democrats).

    Otherwise Hillary wouldn’t bother making overt appeals to moderate Republicans in her alt-Right speech, she’d simply claim REPUBLICANS R TRUMP!!! and leave it at that. She needs her weakmen dependents in office to keep her afloat so she has people to blame.

    She, and the Democrats, are afraid of us. She is most assuredly not afraid of you.

    Dystopia Max (76803a) — 8/28/2016 @ 11:05 am

    So you’re one of the know-nothing party faithful?

    Gerald A (76f251)

  172. Oh, they’re giving me real good reasons to vote for Hillary, Kevin. Sending them back to their dungheaps and serving a warning to future Trumps. Not that Hillary will need my vote. She’ll win forty states, and there’s nothing Trump or Trumpkins can do about it now. Alea jacta est.

    nkOh, they (dbc370)

  173. Christoph is a fat Canadian foreskin afficionado looking for attention, Gerald A. Nothing more.

    nkOh, they (dbc370)

  174. Sorry, still getting used to new keyboard.

    nk (dbc370)

  175. Look at these kids when the singing starts. A brief interlude of fun.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  176. There is a spot of truth, the top men are to rely on Inertia, no matter the nature of smod, the ones who foisted trumbull against Abbott are case in point.

    narciso (732bc0)

  177. And again, the biggest story so far in this election is largely uncovered.

    Gary Johnson is polling at 8-10%. His party has only gotten 1% at the polls once (1.06% in 1980). They intend to keep him out of the debates anyway, having set a 15% threshold, designed to thwart all third parties forever.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  178. 166.It’s pretty telling that the ONLY argument that the Trumpies have left is “OH NO NOT HILLARY!”
    Kevin M (25bbee) — 8/28/2016 @ 11:43 am

    Isn’t that the reason any of us voted for our candidate in the primary, to beat Hillary!? I know it was when I voted Cruz. And it still will be when I vote Trump. One of these two will be President. If I could vote ten times against Hillary! I would.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  179. ‘Non-criminal undocumented immigrants.’

    A fresh media pretzel for viewers who cry in their beer.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  180. …..designed to thwart all third parties forever.

    That’s so cute Kevin M. If Hillary! wins second parties will be thwarted forever never mind third. I ask, how many parties were left after Adolph won? Just one more democrat term and over 50% of our people will be receiving more from government than they are paying in. Add to that the “new immigrants” and a million or so new government employees and the only thing the president will lack is an arm band.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  181. Dystopia Max

    Is it also your goal to destroy the GOP? Yes or No?

    Torcer (654698)

  182. 175… right as rain, Hoagie. Common sense is not so common, even among #FauxMensaButtMunchBrigrade types…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  183. Gerald A
    Are you talking about the Never Trumpers?

    Based on what evidence?
    Take a look at the comments from the Trump supporters – are you going to deny that is the goal of at least some of them?

    Can you say the same about those who want to stop Comrade Clinton by jettisoning the Trump anchor?

    Torcer (654698)

  184. i thought we did good jettisoning the sore loser harvardtrash ted anchor

    i think we can call it a day on the anchor-jettisoning activities and move on to something the whole group will enjoy

    beating that pig!

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  185. It’s pretty telling that the ONLY argument that the Trumpies have left is “OH NO NOT HILLARY!”

    What? In my case, and I’m pretty sure this applies to everyone who plans to vote for Trump, a primary reason is SCOTUS, which is not the same as “OH NO NOT HILLARY!”. I’m not keen on accepting 60,000 new Syrians. I think he’d undo Obama’s coal killing regs. There’s other reasons besides “OH NO NOT HILLARY!”.

    Gerald A (76f251)

  186. Based on what evidence?
    Take a look at the comments from the Trump supporters – are you going to deny that is the goal of at least some of them?

    Can you say the same about those who want to stop Comrade Clinton by jettisoning the Trump anchor?

    Torcer (654698) — 8/28/2016 @ 12:37 pm

    Yes some Trumpers do express that idea. They’re not mutually exclusive.

    The esteemed host of this blog suggested he wants this election to be a total disaster for the GOP (assuming Trump’s not replaced) IIRC, while asserting on several occasions he no longer cares about it. Maybe he applies that to this election only, then starting next year will consider himself a Republican again, whereas the Trumpers want it destroyed even if Trump wins.

    Gerald A (76f251)

  187. #166 Kevin M,

    It’s pretty telling that the best argument the #NeverTrumpers have is, “Is voting againt Hillary really all that vital?!

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  188. This country has been uni-party since Sir Ronald.

    old man boosh
    bobby doleski
    little w
    juanny mac
    such a cesspool of knowledge with that grouping and it’s mentally unstable flock, I’ll take my chances with a new party.

    mg (31009b)

  189. Ya know mg, when you run down that list like that it sounds like roll call for the emotionally challenged. Sadly, I voted for each and every one of those liberal losers so why would I give a crap about voting Trump this time?

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  190. i’ll take Mr. Trump over Meghan’s coward disgrace-to-the-uniform any day of the week and twice today cause of it’s Sunday

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  191. of i forgot the daddy part

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  192. *oh*

    gack ok i’m a do some coffee and stuff

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  193. The #NeverTrumpers may have it right …
    Once average Americans finally figure how left wing Barack and Hillary are, they’ll react by finally voting Republican for President!

    If you don’t believe me, look at how they voted in 2012, and look at how the election will turn out this November! (LOL)

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  194. nevertrumpers don’t care about left wing right wing they care about having a president what reflects back at them a validation of their values, their (signaled) virtue, and their sense of social position

    this time around the pig does the trick for them

    it’s not really all that complicated

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  195. The Hillary Party’s armband is a blood pressure cuff

    Pinandpuller (0845e7)

  196. a new production of watership down is coming to netflix next year which is very exciting as you know because bunnies

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  197. they care about having a president what reflects back at them a validation of their values, their (signaled) virtue, and their sense of social position

    Yes, yes, yes, you’re very perspicacious today, we don’t want a President who took it up the wazoo from Roy Cohn and parades around with Eurotrash chippies.

    nk (dbc370)

  198. In regards to the #nevertrumpers I was thinking of this election as a contest between Ur Lord Donald Trump The Unbeliever and Lady Foul The Despised and the Illearth Foundation.

    And he who wields white wild magic gold
    Is a paradox–
    for he is everything and nothing,
    hero and fool,
    potent, helpless–
    and with the one word of truth or treachery,
    he will save or damn the Earth
    because he is mad and sane,
    cold and passionate,
    lost and found.

    Stephen R. Donaldson

    Pinandpuller (ab7bc5)

  199. damn the consequences yes yes quite cavalier

    it’s but the merest coincidence

    not worth mentioning really

    that all the nevertrumpers one might hope to meet are either possessed of a certain maturity, a certain level of prosperity, or a certain guilded security…

    or, of course, some combination of the three

    which is to say

    all of them are quite given over to the fancy that whatever stinkypig does it shan’t have terribly severe consequences for themselves

    and yes yes they’re probably correct in this estimation

    they’re in a better position to know than I

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  200. We’re heartless.

    nk (dbc370)

  201. no

    complacent perhaps

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  202. Hillary has an over 80 percent chance of winning the election.
    Hillary is projected to win more than 350 electors.
    Hillary is also projected to win less than 50 percent of the popular vote while winning a higher percentage of the popular vote than her Democrat rival.

    John Hitchcock (277264)

  203. You don’t want Trump because you think he will be better for you individually? You are sacrificing your own self-interest for the sake of the greater good?

    nk (dbc370)

  204. i hope together we can forestall the grotesque and horrific ravagings of a diseased and criminal stinkypig

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  205. nk, have you ever voted for a President because you thought he would be “better for you individually”? That sounds like something a dyed-in-the-wool leftist would do. Me first! Everybody else be damned.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  206. susan collins the lobsterpot bimbo wants to do stinkypig all up in it

    i don’t think she worries much about the consequences do you

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  207. No, Hoagie, I haven’t. I voted for Presidents I respected enough to take orders from. That I’d be proud to follow. It’s happyfeet who accuses #nevertrumpers of being complaisant with the implication of selfishness.

    nk (dbc370)

  208. i do indeed

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  209. John Hitchcock,

    Winning 50% of the popular vote means nothing.
    It’s all about the electoral college.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  210. Rev Hoagie,

    Our friend nk’s vote is incumbent upon the World Series.
    He says if the Cubs win, he’ll vote for Trump.

    So, really, it’s not about principle or any of those grandiosities.
    It’s about baseball. Which I suppose if fitting, since our current President loves ESPN more than the Constitution.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  211. Re: Gerald A at 12:46 pm…

    C’mon, Gerald, the things that would normally be considered as obvious points of agreement, can’t be left unspoken. We’re not dealing with generous people who would never think to question the motivation of people who – truth be told – they have far more in common with than they do with those they’ve willfully thrown in with.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  212. CS, I already stated Hillary is projected to win over 350 electors. You skipped right over that point.

    She is projected to win over 350 electors, with a plurality but not majority of the popular vote, and to have over an 80 percent chance to win the election.

    Go ahead. Ignore most of that, again, to focus on only part of that, again.

    John Hitchcock (4d2dbe)

  213. Cruz Supporter (102c9a) — 8/28/2016 @ 3:59 pm

    It’s also a metaphor that we are not utilitarian biological machines, doing things strictly for Spock-like reasons. My friend, happyfeet, thinks that being against Trump because of my perception of his character and his positions on social issues is as whimsical and illogical as voting for him because the Cubs won the World Series.

    nk (dbc370)

  214. whimsical illogical and precipitous to boot

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  215. the thing is not to chase the shadows on the cave wall, buzzfeed style,

    narciso (732bc0)

  216. There are plenty of good reasons to vote Trump, policy issues, but if course they all boil down to oh no, not the other one. It’s always been thus. The last two elections I was all like oh no, not Obama, even though I was sorely disappointed in who the elite picked to be our guy.

    The only reason a supposed republican/conservative has for NOT voting Trump is oh no, my little feelings have been hurt, and I want you all to feel my pain. Kinda like a woman scorned.

    Still now, Hitchcock has already called the election, so I guess we should all just not bother with the election and accept president Hillary. I mean, I’m sure he was totally accurate in predicting Trump would win the primary. If only he would let us in on who will win next weeks football games, I could clean up in Vegas!

    LBascom (aacf42)

  217. The numbers I stated come from 538, which honest people would say has been rather accurate in its predictions.

    John Hitchcock (4d2dbe)

  218. John Hitchcock,

    Bud, I didn’t skip over anything.
    I’m not saying that you “don’t know” that the popular vote isn’t determinative. You’re an informed, sharp guy. I know you “know” that stuff.

    I’m just suggesting that busting on Trump for losing to someone who will ultimately have less than 50% is not really a “bust” because since 1824 when the popular vote was made public, 18 of the Presidential elections have been won by a nominee who won less than 50% of the popular vote.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  219. well she has promised your hard earned savings including your retirement accounts, to the mob,
    for those who have little like I, it doesn’t mean, but those who have scrimped and saved, It should matter,

    narciso (732bc0)

  220. There can be no peace with Kurds, except a Carthaginian one. They want a Kurdistan that controls the source of the Tigris and Euphrates, and neither the Turks nor the Arabs will let them have it even if the Cubs win the World Series. Not to mention that they’re devil worshipers.

    nk (dbc370)

  221. rest assured the sultan will square accounts on the other end of the aegean soon enough, one can thing of leros as the advance party,

    narciso (732bc0)

  222. Is there any action on the over under between Hillary Rodham Clinton and William Henry Harrison?

    I’m sure that Kane is warming up in case she takes another pitch to the head.

    Pinandpuller (c16705)

  223. nk,

    I think Trump’s a punk and a jerk.
    He’s a narcissist.

    I really don’t believe Trump has a passionate point of view on the direction of the Department of the Interior — and that’s GOOD, because …
    The Executive Branch is so enormous that he’s going to have to defer a ton of appointments and nominations to the Reince Priebuses of the world who will be recommending appointments for agencies and bureaucracies.

    Reince is okay. He’s kind of half-way between the establishment and say, a Newt Gingrich.

    But Reince is light years better than the Cheryl Mills of the world who will undoubtedly be helping Hillary fill those positions.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  224. reince has proven himself a little more perspicacious, than the usual apparatchiks,

    one of the looters of nigeria didn’t get his way,

    narciso (732bc0)

  225. I’m not into baseball but I guess a line drive to the head would be more accurate in that context.

    Pinandpuller (0845e7)

  226. “If you like your internet, you can keep your internet.”

    Obama’s announcement to give control to UN on Midnight September 30.
    (Main servers to be housed in UN basement)

    Internet Globalization Tax coming thru a provider near you.

    PTS (ce7fc3)

  227. You can’t be a Cubs fan and a baseball fan at the same time. Not major league baseball, anyway. That’s why I consider the Cubs winning to be A Sign. ☺

    nk (dbc370)

  228. so they had a bad century, the future seems promising,

    narciso (732bc0)

  229. nk,

    I remember as a youngin’ watching game 5 between the Cubs and Padres in 1984.
    I think Jody Davis slammed a home run early on, and the Cubs were up 3-0.

    Later in the game, the roof fell in.
    The ball going between Durham’s wickets, the ball taking a satanic bounce over Sandberg’s glove, and then the ball getting lost in the sun on Dernier.
    I think there were a couple throwing errors in there, too.

    All that was missing was a goat and a black cat. And maybe a voodoo curse.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  230. so inflicting this knave on unsuspecting student is actionable, members of the bar,

    narciso (732bc0)

  231. “Is it also your goal to destroy the GOP? Yes or No?”

    My dear, deluded Torcer, these transparent ‘YES OR NO???’ gotchas are the tools of the unenlightened and powerless, who crave certainty in the face of their own impotence. Had the GOP simply continued on its pre-2016 course, I would have said yes. But thanks to us and our message of love, hope, tolerance and sociological diversity taking over the base, I’m all right with more of a ‘fundamental transformation’ at this point, since it’s already a fait accompli in most sectors.

    Your fate, as it turns out, depends on your performance. Don’t disappoint us!

    “Hillary has an over 80 percent chance of winning the election.
    Hillary is projected to win more than 350 electors.
    Hillary is also projected to win less than 50 percent of the popular vote while winning a higher percentage of the popular vote than her Democrat rival.”

    And Five-Thirty Eight’s model predicted the Republican primaries so well!

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  232. of course we don’t want to destroy the party, they are doing a bangup job of it on their own,
    parties arise, flourish and die, the federalists to the whigs to the republicans, an inperfect progression but there it is,

    narciso (732bc0)

  233. 205.No, Hoagie, I haven’t. I voted for Presidents I respected enough to take orders from. That I’d be proud to follow. It’s happyfeet who accuses #nevertrumpers of being complaisant with the implication of selfishness.
    nk (dbc370) — 8/28/2016 @ 3:48 pm

    Yeah, I didn’t think so nk. Sounds quite out of character. But I hear leftists all the time talking about what this guy or that will “do” for them and I always think to myself how friggin’ shallow can a person get? We’re voting for the President of the United States, leader of the Free World and Commander of the most powerful nation in history and some fool is worried about his Obamaphone or a 6% increase in SS payments.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  234. My world is spinning too fast
    And I’m buying too tight shoes
    To keep myself tethered
    To teh peeps I try to lose
    Yo mama said to slow down
    You must pay yo back dues
    And try to find teh rhythm
    Of her wet and shopworn cooze
    Keepin’ my groove on
    Get teh cool shoe shine
    Hopin’ ya don’t mind

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  235. this is what happens when positive liberty, government power triumphs over negative liberty, individual rights, johnson seems weak on the latter, and confused about the former,

    narciso (732bc0)

  236. “We’re voting for the President of the United States, leader of the Free World and Commander of the most powerful nation in history and some fool is worried about his Obamaphone or a 6% increase in SS payments.”

    Wanted to say something about their candidate wanting their E-mail Iphone and going into a conniption about a 6% increase in SS tweets and ‘Your Leadership Reflects Your People’, but…

    Gravitas is too easy to fake and the Free world is mostly the freeloading world, as it turns out. Let that sense die, it leads straight to the UN building, with its Muslim nuclear policymakers and pedophile peacekeeping forces.

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  237. Johnson wouldn’t be polling at 8 percent if not for the other two clowns.

    John Hitchcock (4d2dbe)

  238. gravitas is defined as not asking the right questions, nowadays,

    narciso (732bc0)

  239. it is striking how escatology has misread thessalonians 4:17, since the scofield bible,

    narciso (732bc0)

  240. First or Second Thessalonians?

    John Hitchcock (4d2dbe)

  241. the former, opinions may vary, but the common interpretation doesn’t match either greek or jewish precedents,

    narciso (732bc0)

  242. Okay, First Thessalonians 4. And I suspect you’re not a believer in End Times Prophecy. I’m very much Pre-Trib, because I believe the Prophecies speak very strongly for Pre-Trib. And the Tribulation and Great Tribulation are real. And the Church will be removed prior.

    John Hitchcock (277264)

  243. The Tribulation will last exactly 7 years. The Great Tribulation will last the final 3.5 years of the Tribulation. And we are already seeing the precursors for that now.

    John Hitchcock (4d2dbe)

  244. well explain your reasoning, considering the meaning of ‘apentases’

    narciso (732bc0)

  245. I write it the way I heard it, the rapture is not the fundamental event, the blessed hope, it tends to misdirect our attention,

    narciso (732bc0)

  246. his turnout model was wrong, hence the other calculations, recall he crimethinked any discussion of sky dragon indeterminancy early on, after an initial trial balloon,

    narciso (732bc0)

  247. It is pretty “Delphic” capable of varying interpretation in the original Greek. It could as easily mean “in reply to the Lord who is in the air” at first glance. But “we, the remaining, will be snatched up in the clouds” is not.

    As I read it, anyway.

    nk (dbc370)

  248. consider it in light of matthew 25, is there a significant difference of opinion between orthodox and western faiths, protestant and catholic,

    narciso (732bc0)

  249. Responding to nk, Cruz Supporter wrote above (#223):

    I really don’t believe Trump has a passionate point of view on the direction of the Department of the Interior — and that’s GOOD, because …
    The Executive Branch is so enormous that he’s going to have to defer a ton of appointments and nominations to the Reince Priebuses of the world who will be recommending appointments for agencies and bureaucracies.

    Reince is okay. He’s kind of half-way between the establishment and say, a Newt Gingrich.

    But Reince is light years better than the Cheryl Mills of the world who will undoubtedly be helping Hillary fill those positions.

    This is a variation on the “Trump might save the SCOTUS” arguments which I’ve read and heard before. And CS, I commend you for making the argument well here, and I further acknowledge that if one gives any credence at all to Trump’s promises — if one discounts his promises by some non-zero credibility modifier — it’s probably the best argument for holding one’s nose and casting a vote against Hillary.

    But as I’ve written before, it still doesn’t get me there. I’m not saying that Trump has never kept a promise. But I’m unaware of any historical precedent in his life — family, business, political, or otherwise — in which he’s chosen to keep a promise at the expense of doing exactly what Trump thinks at any given moment is the best thing for Trump and the Trump Brand, regardless of his past promises. He keeps his word when it suits him — and otherwise, only if forced (e.g., by a bankruptcy judge or a $1M labor-law violation).

    So yeah, if he would promise today that he’ll delegate important executive decisions to someone who I found more reassuring and less objectionable, that would catch my attention. But how can he convince me he’ll keep that promise even if he doesn’t want to and even if he can get away with breaking it?

    Why should I believe he’ll let Reince Priebus pick the next Interior Secretary when Trump has praised the likes of dodgy corporate raider and bottom-fisher Carl Icahn as a serious candidate for Treasury Secretary? In his past dealings, Trump’s sure cared more about trading favors with Icahn than with the RNC.

    Look, this is a guy who, when they were negotiating the financing for the Trump International in Chicago, was forced by the senior lenders to agree to a personal guarantee of $30M — just a fraction of the total debt, but something intended to make Trump put personal skin into the game and share the risk of lenders and investors. Well, of course, when Trump’s businesses defaulted on their loans and the lenders called on Trump to perform under his personal guarantee, he refused. Not only did he not pay, he rushed to court with a BS “Act of God” excuse.

    So why should I think he’ll reward my vote with any more fidelity or honor than he did that personal guarantee?

    You have faith. I don’t, and I don’t see any evidence which persuades me to believe anything he promises now.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  250. 242. Jewish prophecies do not seem to admit of a successor to share in the vision.

    DNF (755a85)

  251. one if you read them apart, from genesis through isiah, there is a continuity,

    narciso (732bc0)

  252. why do they keep lending him money, is it just the greed of a commission,

    narciso (732bc0)

  253. narciso, I agree that it must be read in context.

    nk (dbc370)

  254. Okay, First Thessalonians 4. And I suspect you’re not a believer in End Times Prophecy. I’m very much Pre-Trib, because I believe the Prophecies speak very strongly for Pre-Trib. And the Tribulation and Great Tribulation are real. And the Church will be removed prior.

    John Hitchcock (277264) — 8/28/2016 @ 5:59 pm

    You’re speaking of the pre-tribulation “rapture”.

    The evidence for the rapture itself is clear from Jesus’ own words:

    “But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left. Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming” (Matthew 24:37-42, NKJV).

    I don’t believe there’s any clear biblical evidence for the pre-tribulation rapture. It comes at the end of it.

    Jesus doesn’t leave us in the dark and sheds light on the event that will be like none other before it. “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened” (Matthew 24:21-22).

    Are the elect raptured before the tribulation?

    One must question, if the “elect,” or God’s people, are raptured before “the great tribulation,” why would they need the days “shortened?” Actually, all throughout the Bible, we are given examples of God’s people being saved in the middle of tribulations, not being saved before it.

    What is the rapture?

    Gerald A (76f251)

  255. the former, opinions may vary, but the common interpretation doesn’t match either greek or jewish precedents,

    Well, if one follows Jewish precedents, the “rapture” would be post-Trib, and the Church very much present on earth during the Tribulation. The usual phrase for what corresponds to the Tribulation is “birthpangs of the Messiah”. It includes the War of Gog and Magog.

    But Paul’s idea of Jesus returning in glory from above, etc, is distinctly contrary to the Jewish view, which sees the Messiah as revealing himself on Earth, and those Jews then alive will return to Jerusalem by natural or supernatural means, those Gentiles then alive remain more or less in situ, dead Jews being transported to Jerusalem underground and resurrected. No one seems to have bothered to comment on what happens to dead Gentiles. Probably resurrected in situ to live with the other Gentiles. Nobody comes down from or rises up to Heaven.

    So if Paul’s idea of the rapture runs counter to applicable Jewish parallels, his views on the Tribulation may well have also run counter to them.

    kishnevi (d7d2b1)

  256. well consider the second part of zechariah 9, is that far enough in the past,

    narciso (732bc0)

  257. “Why should I believe he’ll let Reince Priebus pick the next Interior Secretary when Trump has praised the likes of dodgy corporate raider and bottom-fisher Carl Icahn as a serious candidate for Treasury Secretary? In his past dealings, Trump’s sure cared more about trading favors with Icahn than with the RNC.”

    Because Reince is helping him out and supporting him now and Icahn isn’t, or at least not as much as he used to?

    “I’m not saying that Trump has never kept a promise. But I’m unaware of any historical precedent in his life — family, business, political, or otherwise — in which he’s chosen to keep a promise at the expense of doing exactly what Trump thinks at any given moment is the best thing for Trump and the Trump Brand,”

    Beldar, do you affiliate with an army of influencers, real or virtual, that’s actually capable of trashing the Trump Brand if Trump turns on you? Or have you staked out an extreme #NeverTrump position far in advance, so your opposition is assumed locked in and nothing you say or do can have any great effect on the man’s reputation?

    ” regardless of his past promises. He keeps his word when it suits him — and otherwise, only if forced (e.g., by a bankruptcy judge or a $1M labor-law violation).”

    I wanted Michael Flynn as VP. But after seeing both him and Mike Pence give a speech, I trust Trump’s judgment a lot more implicitly. Still won’t mean that me and the Twitter Haters cru won’t be raising a ruckus at any betrayals in the future.

    No one cares about the attitudes of a permanently aggrieved minority. They care very much about the attitudes of friends, allies, and affiliates who suddenly pull away when mistakes are made. Fix yourself if you want influence.

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  258. from this part pn

    narciso (732bc0)

  259. But Paul’s idea of Jesus returning in glory from above, etc, is distinctly contrary to the Jewish view,

    This idea did not originate with Paul:

    “But in those days, following that distress,

    “ ‘the sun will be darkened,
    and the moon will not give its light;
    the stars will fall from the sky,
    and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’
    “At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens.

    Gerald A (76f251)

  260. Quick check of Artscroll reveals Rashi applied that part of Zechariah to the first Hasmonean kings and their defeat of the Greek Seleucids.

    kishnevi (d7d2b1)

  261. I am confident of one thing, though. Trump’s favorite daughter is Jewish, as are three of his grandchildren, as is his son-in-law. If he is elected, there will be a “Night of the Long Knives” for the Stormfront weirdos, possibly even a literal one. Dips**t Max’s ilk will be chased back into their holes.

    nk (dbc370)

  262. 257. I’m pretty certain the Tribulation of the Jews began in 1982 with the first suicide murders. This follows the erection of the Dome of the Rock in 692, by 1290 years. The Dome, of course, stands over the Holy of Holies, where Isaac was offered in sacrifice.

    The Abomination Causing Desolation is the sacrifice of Palestinian children in suicide bombings, as those of Ammonites and Moabites sacrificed to Molech and Chemosh.

    DNF (755a85)

  263. Quick check of Artscroll reveals Rashi applied that part of Zechariah to the first Hasmonean kings and their defeat of the Greek Seleucids.

    kishnevi (d7d2b1) — 8/28/2016 @ 7:12 pm

    Appeal to “authority”?

    Gerald A (76f251)

  264. Beldar, that’s fine, you don’t have faith in Trump to keep his promises. But you still fail to grasp the situation. Even if I agreed with you, the situation is this; we are going to play Russian Roulette. You can pick whether to play with one round in a revolver, or one round in an automatic. Your argument is you don’t trust that the cylinder on the revolver will be spun the way it’s supposed to be spun, so you refuse to pick the revolver, unwilling to acknowledge that we ARE going to play with one or the other, and if you refuse to play with the uncertainty of the revolver, you WILL play with the certainty of the automatic.

    You seem to be stuck in a fantasy where you can opt out of playing, but you can’t. The game will go on regardless whether you pick, or someone picks for you.

    So you can keep complaining how awfully the choices are, how unreliable revolvers are, and making false claims that revolvers and automatics are the same, and how the principled thing to do is not choose what gun is going to be held to our collective head, but in the end you will get either the chance of the revolver or the certainty of the automatic. All your claims of a higher virtue mean nothing if they end up contributing to the likelihood of us getting the automatic.

    LBascom (aacf42)

  265. there are particular applications, then there is the wider body of thought.

    narciso (732bc0)

  266. 265. Clearly Xians in the ME are suffering, and had been suffering persecution to the point of death and especially so since the rise of ISIS.

    But conflating OT prophecies with NT without great care can be messy.

    DNF (755a85)

  267. Gerald…okay, it originated with Jesus 🙂
    But the idea, in general, is contrary to Jewish parallels, which suggests to me Jewish parallels to the Tribulation are not necessarily applicable.

    I seem to remember Daniel has some relevant passages, but I am not in the mood to look them up. But Daniel was not a prophet like Elijah, Ezekiel, or (possibly) Ezra (who is said to be Malachi), so the book that comes down under his name is not as authoritative as a detailed prediction, and more likely to be allegorical.

    kishnevi (d7d2b1)

  268. reading into the scripture, rather than drawing the meaning out is a problem, taylor caldwell’s account inspires this belief he was familiar with greek, yet a student of gamaliel,

    narciso (732bc0)

  269. 262. And this prophecy seems to wrap up Creation, more so than just History.

    DNF (ffe548)

  270. DNF, Hamas is but the latest incarnation of something that began several thousand years ago, when Amalek attacked the Israelites at Rephidim (Exodus 17).

    kishnevi (d7d2b1)

  271. that would seem a reasonable assumption,

    the sabeans who raided job’s property, were from yemen,

    narciso (732bc0)

  272. 274. Now that is a deep hook.

    270. “Daniel was not a prophet like Elijah, Ezekiel, or (possibly) Ezra (who is said to be Malachi),”

    It would seem the Jews and Xians are separated by a common set of scriptures. I cannot imagine the teaching behind such a statement.

    Dialogue interrupted.

    DNF (ffe548)

  273. 267.
    Ah, but Beldar has Principles. He doesn’t want to get his hands dirty. Doesn’t want to do any work, either. Just wants to sit in front of his computer and write 3000 posts on his blog. And call people names. Doesn’t want to put out any effort, just like the butthurt guys at NRO, being True Pure Conservatives who lose with grace and self-adulation.

    Better to die than to dirty your hands by fighting. Better to let evil win than support a guy with bad manners.

    fred-2 (ce04f3)

  274. One can read too much into this, Red queen has proven herself as detestable a character as Lurch, zaphods own version of caligula’s horse, well near enough, with huma’s presence,

    narciso (732bc0)

  275. @ fred-2: You seem confused. Neither NRO nor I are running for president. Trump is, and he’s losing at it, badly.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  276. 275. Ok I can imagine that in rabbinic circles Elijah, taken to heaven in a blaze of Glory is the preeminent Prophet after Moses. Ezekiel who was dumb except when the LORD gave him a word to speak would have to qualify.

    But I’m running low in interest for more.

    DNF (ffe548)

  277. 279. Actually you and the NRO are running to be forgotten as completely, resolutely unproductive.

    DNF (ffe548)

  278. wouldn’t isiah be higher in the hierarchy, considering the import of his revelation?

    narciso (732bc0)

  279. 275
    The “official” list of 48 prophets and 7 prophetesses

    The difference would be clearer if Christianity had kept the Jewish division into Torah, Prophets, and Writings (what Jesus was referring to when he spoke of “the Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms. The Prophets consist of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings; Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the Twelve. Writings includes Psalms, Proverbs, the Five Megillot, Job, Chronicles, Ezra-Nehemiah…and Daniel. Hence, some books like Lamentations which Christian Bibles intersperse with the Prophets are kept separate. Ezra and Chronicles come last. But Daniel’s work is not accorded full prophetic status.

    kishnevi (d7d2b1)

  280. I don’t even pay attention anymore when people are calling each other waysisisssss.

    It has lost all meaning since it is so often misused.

    Just a cudgel to get over when you have nothing smart to add.

    Rodney King's Spirit (a2db57)

  281. “And he’s losing at it, badly.”

    You seem confused, no one has cast a vote yet.

    LBascom (aacf42)

  282. 282
    He is very high, with Jeremiah and Ezekiel the only others to get a full book. The Twelve minor prophets were all recorded as part of one book.

    Elijah’s importance comes from his post Biblical role as herald of the Messiah and teacher of spritual secrets.

    kishnevi (d7d2b1)

  283. it’s not surprising the same models that foretell the skydragons coming, tell us it’s a done deal, but the contest is the thing,

    narciso (732bc0)

  284. Before some 3,000 people at the National Prayer Breakfast at the Washington DC Hilton Hotel in 1994—including pro-abortion Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Al and Tipper Gore—Mother Teresa spoke passionately about abortion, calling it the “greatest destroyer of peace today,” a “war against the child,” and “murder by the mother herself.”

    “And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?” the nun continued.

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    “By abortion, the mother does not learn to love, but kills even her own child to solve her problems,” she said. “Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. This is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.”

    The swelling applause swept across the room, erupting into a standing ovation that lasted some five or six minutes.

    The room was awash with clapping, with one conspicuous exception. At the head table, a few feet away from Mother Teresa, the Clintons and the Gores sat in stony silence, not clapping, not standing.

    If only she had kept her mouth shut about abortion and stuck to a politically correct script condemning poverty and urging greater government involvement in social assistance, all would have been fine. But Teresa was convinced that the unborn child was truly the poorest of the poor, and deserved protection against those who would seek to destroy it.

    One year earlier, Hillary had urged her husband Bill on the very first day of his presidency to sign five executive orders authorizing federal funding for abortion, galvanizing the U.S. government’s sordid partnership with Planned Parenthood.

    And seven months after the Prayer Breakfast, Hillary Clinton sent a virulent pro-abortion delegation to work against Mother Teresa at the Cairo Conference on Population and Development, attempting to coerce the world into accepting abortion as a basic human right.

    America’s largest abortion provider Planned Parenthood, who earlier this year made an unprecedented $20 million donation to Hillary Clinton’s campaign, nursed a special hatred toward the Albanian nun for her vocal condemnation of abortion.

    DNF (ffe548)

  285. yes yes yes stinkpig’s turned a lot of people around on the subject of abortion

    they wanna do stinkypig all up in the supreme court now

    this way her partial birth judges will have free reign!

    it’s gonna be so good

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  286. urgle i mean free *rein*

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  287. The more people we have who kill their children, the fewer people we will have who kill their children. Still, that’s no reason to allow it.

    Hillary sucks on abortion but, at the same time as Mother Teresa’s speech, Trump’s position on abortion was the same as Hillary’s. His “evolution” occurred during this election. Johnson is likewise pro-abortion. So is that swish I’m going to vote for, for Senator. For the pro-life, there is no port in this squall of an election.

    Yes, yes, yes, Trump might appoint judges whose “conservative” credentials might include a pro-life position, and Hillary never will.

    And f***ing Mark Kirk will vote against them.

    nk (dbc370)

  288. “The more people we have who kill their children, the fewer people we will have who kill their children.”

    You’re assuming that a child-killing population can’t make it up in volume, as the Carthaginians did.

    Dems want a compliant population that’s both highly fertile and highly amenable to abortion and other social experiments, you’ll still have to deal with that population once the liches in power are consigned to the graveyard.

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  289. mark kirk is wormy and vacuous

    tammy is nasty though

    i hate them both

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  290. That’s high praise coming from sick pervy troll who doesn’t vote.

    I mean, since you talk that way, it must be okay to call you that, right?

    Heaven forbid you show class.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  291. “Daniel was not a prophet like Elijah, Ezekiel, or (possibly) Ezra (who is said to be Malachi),”

    DNF (ffe548) — 8/28/2016 @ 7:53 pm

    It would seem the Jews and Xians are separated by a common set of scriptures. I cannot imagine the teaching behind such a statement.

    The book of Daniel is not part of the Nevi’im (Prophets) but part of the Kusuvim (Writings)

    The Hebrew scriptures are divided into 3 portions – the five books of Moses, which is also called the Torah, although Torah has also a more extended meaning – the Prophets, and the Writings. The Writings are mostly later books and they were not among those with good copies stored in the Temple.

    The book of Psalms is part of the writings, because they weren’t thought of as the same thing as Scripture for a long while. Proverbs is part of the writings. The book of Job is part of the writings, although md in Philly may be exactly right – that it was written before any of the others – because it is attributed to Moses (and you can even recognize a few words or phrases taht could sound like Moses) and Moses put the Torah in its final form just before he died. That may where whoever told him that got the idea from.

    The Xians also put the books of scripture in a different order. They include Daniel and Chronicles with the prophets. And there are different ways of dividing the ten Commandments among Jes. most protesdtantsd, and Catholics. And they are not termed commandments either in the Bible.

    There were all sorts of extra books people attempted to write during the Greek period – some of them are called the Apocrypha. Only the Xians – these days, I think, mostly the Catholics – regard them as Scripture. Only the book of Ben Sira for some time had some status among Jews. There were some that never got accepted even by the Xians. They had fallen completely out of favor among all Jews by the time they came around.

    There was a whole effort, I think, to get rid of, or hide, books that purported to be Scripture of some kind about the time of Agrippa I (who ruled 41-44) – it’s really the only time this could have happened. The book of Ezekiel almost got condemned. Also Ecclesiastes.

    And that is the true origin of the Dead Sea Scrolls. They included also Scripture with mistakes or bad or overcorrected copies. For instance there is a scroll of Isaiah that has numerous corrections pver the lines. They were put into genizah. This is also called Shaimos (literally “names” for things cntaining the name of God)

    Although nowadays it is sufficient not to deliberately destroy them, the people who put away the Dead Sea Scrolls were operating under the assumption that anything that contained the namew of God should nevere be allowed to be destroyed, so they were merely hidden. There is no copy of the book of esther among the Dead Sea Scrolls, because the name of God is not used in it.

    At that time the Mishnah was oral, but a person could write (for himself) Mishnahs, as can be proven from one or more anecdotes in the Gemorah, but he was supposed to destroy it – the rule was it could not be communicated in writing – therefore, since it was supposed to be destroyed, the name of God is almost entirely absent from the current day Mishnah.

    Sammy Finkelman (067111)

  292. 290.

    He has a couple of complainst against MOtehr Teresa, including the fact that she even re-used needles! (which has now stopped)

    She also made her charges live in extremely primitive conditions (perhaps she was used to it from her childhood in Albania) including having them defecate in front of one another.

    Sammy Finkelman (067111)

  293. oh hush

    it’s monday don’t be a pooper

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  294. 293. “Trump’s position on abortion was the same as Hillary’s.”

    Gibberish. Hill put everything she had into abortion and having been paid $20 Million by PP will increase her efforts.

    Trump’s “position” was idle intellectual assent.

    Give it up, you suck at sophistry.

    DNF (755a85)

  295. 297. Protestant Xian criticism is at least ostensibly founded on empiricism, Jewish tradition has no standing except among the denominations that raise tradition to equal footing with empiricism.

    I’ve studied the Talmud in translation and found it helpful only as a source of the Quran.

    DNF (755a85)

  296. 298. “She also made her charges live in extremely primitive conditions ”

    Kolcatta to be exact.

    DNF (755a85)

  297. Trump’s “position” was idle intellectual assent.

    Heh! Like all his other ones. (We could quibble about the “intellectual” part, but I’ll give the term its broadest meaning.) Trump says what sounds good to him at the time. If you don’t like it, wait fifteen minutes.

    nk (dbc370)

  298. How can one examine the foundation behind the message,

    It is true that Islam borrowed not a
    Few precepts from Judaism more in the sunnas than the koran proper.

    narciso (732bc0)

  299. DNF @301. What does the word “empiricism” mean here?

    “Protestant Xian criticism is at least ostensibly founded on empiricism”

    Criticism of what? Or what does the word “criticism” mean here?

    Does this mean interpreting Biblical verses according to a person’s understanding of what it seems to mean, rather than any traditional interpretation? But that’s only ostensible, you say, anyway.

    Sammy Finkelman (067111)

  300. Facts sammeh, not u warranted assumptions

    narciso (732bc0)

  301. His other doctor wears a jean jacket.

    JP (bd5dd9)

  302. Someone should photoshop a bong or a joint in the “doctor”‘s hand.

    Hunkahillbilly (d221ce)

  303. Just select the camera from your bag, once you’ve focused a wild Pokemon from your map display screen, and snap-snap away. (087344)

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