Patterico's Pontifications


Rush Limbaugh Yuks It Up At the Notion of Trump Selling Amnesty

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 6:17 pm

You have to laugh to keep from crying.

And Rush laughs a lot here.

107 Responses to “Rush Limbaugh Yuks It Up At the Notion of Trump Selling Amnesty”

  1. Both hi and larious.

    Also depressing

    Patterico (bcf524)

  2. well you gotta admit the important thing is to beat that pig

    everything else is just sorta confetti and chopsticks

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  3. We tried to tell them. But they knew better!

    Carlos (fb2d03)

  4. well you gotta admit


    Patterico (bcf524)

  5. no seriously the harvardtrash ted ship has sailed

    all we can do now is stop that pig

    we have to

    no matter how bad you think Mr. The Donald is

    he’s a for reals American

    the pig ain’t

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  6. Good luck. Don’t ask me for help.

    Patterico (bcf524)

  7. no we need to all unite together

    we’re the villagers with the torches and pitchforks bravely assaulting the pig’s stenchcastle


    you need a theme song?

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  8. shockingly, this wasn’t what rush meant, all all, you have to laugh or you would end up screaming from the room, good gravy, mssr, shapiro thinks you can make a pact with a woman who declares republicans are the enemy, and michael medved, bring back zombie gene siskel,

    narciso (732bc0)

  9. Ha, ha, ha, ha. You mean Rush just used different words from what he was thinking, Katrina … err, ahem … I mean, narciso? 😂

    nk (dbc370)

  10. I think he couldn’t help laughing about Ann Coulter…

    G (6a553a)

  11. sometimes he illustrates absurdity by being absurd,

    well coulter’s an interesting sort, she has a good researcher, then she burns the forest down unnecessarily,

    narciso (732bc0)

  12. The important thing is to build the wall and stop the bleeding. At his Texas rally the other day Trump was still firm on that. As for the ones already here, everyone knows that’s a very complex problem because of the whole anchor baby thing. Trump is still denying there will be an amnesty, and I don’t think there will be a mass amnesty like Reagan did and the Jeb/Rubio types would have done. Having said that, I’m sure there are going to be compromises when it comes to the ones that are long established honest working people with American kids. I don’t think anyone really wants to break up families and run off those actually pursuing the American dream.

    I’ve always said since I boarded the Trump train last year, the important thing is to get control of the border, enforce existing immigration law, and end sanctuary cities. The details about what to do with the ones here can be worked out on an individual basis after that.

    All the “I told you so” glee from the nevertrump crowd is childish and petty. I don’t know what they think they are accomplishing, but if it’s to humiliate the Trump people into joining the nevertrump crowd, one, it won’t work, and two, if it did the result will be president Hillary who will no doubt declare a mass amnesty plus destroy the country as we know it.

    I don’t know, maybe that’s a small price to pay for some to say I told you so

    LBascom (b65b02)

  13. @ LBascom (#12), who wrote:

    I’ve always said since I boarded the Trump train last year, the important thing is to get control of the border, enforce existing immigration law, and end sanctuary cities. The details about what to do with the ones here can be worked out on an individual basis after that.

    Except the Trump Train at that time was labeled “no amnesty, we’re shipping everyone back, I’m different from all the rest of the GOP on this.”

    I’m not inclined to credit political advice from someone who’s that badly confused about trains. Sorry.

    You also wrote:

    All the “I told you so” glee from the nevertrump crowd is childish and petty. I don’t know what they think they are accomplishing, but if it’s to humiliate the Trump people into joining the nevertrump crowd ….

    I think you’re confusing what we’re doing. We don’t have any illusions that any significant number of Trump supporters will stop supporting Trump as a reaction to Trump’s profound betrayal of the entire original basis for his campaign. We know that you’re Trumpkins, and you’ll rationalize anything he does.

    And although there is a great deal of sick, black humor in this election cycle, that’s pretty much inevitable given the clowns that both major parties have chosen to nominate.

    But mostly what I’m trying to do in my observations here or elsewhere on the internet is to better document that this is Trump’s own self-destruction that’s responsible for his polling and his prospects. It’s not our fault, or Ted Cruz’s, that Trump’s running a comically bad campaign, because he’s a cartoon, a mirage, a hoax — not a public servant, and certainly not someone who can magically make America great again with trucker caps and rallies with photo ops.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  14. Rush’s sellout of the conservative movement due to his last-gasp push to maintain his eviscerated ratings is among the saddest consequences of DJT’s candidacy. Rush got his contract, by golly. I hope he chokes on it.

    Ed from SFV (3400a5)

  15. “The important thing is to…”

    The important thing is to have a political party nominate a serious candidate that has actual plans and understanding and command of the issues.

    You know, I thought about having some fun and re-watching some of the RNC debates the other day just for fun. Now, I’m thinking about re-watching it to highlight how many times Trump “bold statements” and gigantic insults to the other candidates are now diminished to a balloon propelled buy its escaping air. Though I’m pretty sure this blog already did that already. I’ll at least watch the RockyRubio Debate…. That was a great one.

    The real truth people need to face is that this was the year for a real conservative candidate to take Washington, instead, what is that? I mean, if Trump’s campaign was a commercial, it’d be that insurance commercial with the insurance agent fishing with the “here’s a dollar” crap.

    G (6a553a)

  16. Ann Coulter. I’m not a follower, so I didn’t know all this stuff about her until these two posts, today. Thanks, Patterico!

    But hasn’t she been gold digging the last few years with the shtick that “Hollywood is Sodom and Gomorrah”? How does that reconcile with Trump’s positions on social issues, which are the same as Hillary’s (and more sincerely held)? It doesn’t, right? It’s just that Trump is a richer lode.

    nk (dbc370)

  17. Petty and childish are not admirable qualities. I’m watching Coulter now and she’s saying Trump has made mistakes and whoever is advising him is doing him a disservice. But she’s condemning the never trumpers for their destruction of any chance to right a sinking ship and for turning the country into California. She says the elitists want to stop Trump and that its up to Trump and The People to stop them.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  18. Beldar,

    Trump had very high name recognition coupled with a very high disapproval number when he began and it has never improved for more than very brief periods. The basic arithmetic involved in determining the size, value and location of his bloc of support has always been available and it requires a level of wilful ignorance bordering on lack of intelligence to assert those refusing to fall in line are in any way responsible for the incompetent buffoon’s abysmal failure as a candidate.

    Limbaugh is certainly aware of the disapproval number and size of the Trump bloc and deserves no further attention due to his failure to inform his audience of the extraordinarily high probability Trump would perform precisely as he has. I’ll never listen to that jackass bray again.

    Rick Ballard (ce29ad)

  19. You Goldilocksers will reap what you have sown and you’ll get it good and hard.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  20. “Good luck. Don’t ask me for help.”

    We know you’re a depressive sourpuss, so we could just ask you to, say, stick to non-political topics until November, but my operating assumption is that certain people are paying you lots of money to echo anti-Trump talking points on a consistent basis, so the vile mocking will continue until you earn that money.

    “The important thing is to have a political party nominate a serious candidate that has actual plans and understanding and command of the issues.”

    Nah. Candidate has to win, candidate has to be financially independent. SERIOUS CANDIDATES are buffaloed by the funders of the uniparty.

    “I think you’re confusing what we’re doing. We don’t have any illusions that any significant number of Trump supporters will stop supporting Trump as a reaction to Trump’s profound betrayal of the entire original basis for his campaign.

    I don’t have any illusions that this sudden laser-focused understanding of general statements is anything but #NeverTrumpers suspiciously protesting too much (gotta get all those checkboxes and buzzwords out to get paid the most!)

    ” better document that this is Trump’s own self-destruction that’s responsible for his polling and his prospects. It’s not our fault, or Ted Cruz’s, that Trump’s running a comically bad campaign, because he’s a cartoon, a mirage, a hoax — not a public servant, and certainly not someone who can magically make America great again with trucker caps and rallies with photo ops.”

    *#NeverTrumpers turn their platforms into constant anti-Trump talking points months after Trump becomes prospective nominee, appear on most liberal stations consistently attempting to demoralize conservative base, use TRUMP IS FINISHED whenever everyday mistakes made, do it so loudly that Democrats actually nominate white male VP and run a convention with all sorts of nods to NOT OUR REPUBLICAN VALUES, Hillary takes stage primarily to demand REPUBLICANS MUST DENOUNCE BREITBART*

    Nah, it most certainly is your fault. And even if it wasn’t, this behavior is traitorous enough to deserve a full measure of our hatred, and your expulsion from any rightist party for all time.

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  21. What in fact do Patterico and his buddy Beldar think they’ll accomplish for the country by helping to defeat Trump?

    Hillary will then be President, she’ll be able to do virtually anything, the Supreme Court will be full of liberals, Congress is likely to shift Democrat, and the chance of the GOP guiding the country will be eliminated for quite a few election cycles if not for generations.

    American values important to conservatives will basically be gone.

    But perhaps the elites trying to destroy Trump don’t see this election as a crucial turning point in American history.

    PTS (ce7fc3)

  22. South Carolina Representative Trey Gowdy appeared on Fox News today and disclosed new details about the Clinton email scandal that seem to indicate intent to destroy evidence. Per the clip below, Gowdy reveals that Clinton used “BleachBit” to erase the “personal” emails from her private server.

    For those not familiar with the software, BleachBit is intended to help users delete files in a way to “prevent recovery” and “hide traces of files deleted.” Per the BleachBit website:

    Beyond simply deleting files, BleachBit includes advanced features such as shredding files to prevent recovery, wiping free disk space to hide traces of files deleted by other applications, and vacuuming Firefox to make it faster.
    During his appearance on Fox, Gowdy clearly indicates that Clinton’s use of BleachBit undermines her claims that she only deleted innocuous “personal” emails from her private server.

    Collaborator’s tend to focus on trivial nonsense to evade real issues. But then there are the truly stupid among them.

    DNF (ffe548)

  23. 21. They hope to fellate DC.

    DNF (ffe548)

  24. @5 happyfeet

    The ted ship’s not a slave galley and #nevertrump are showers not rowers anyway.

    Several people here like to point out that more people voted against Trump than for him. By that logic two million more voted against Cruz. I’m sure he won’t need Trump voters in 2020 right?

    Pinandpuller (0845e7)

  25. This place is loaded with people who continue to insist that renouncing the Republican Party and denouncing Donald Trump is not giving support to Hillary Clinton, the lapdog media or the far left. I call bullsh*t.

    There are so many folks who I’ve held in high esteem here now that seem to feel this way that one couldn’t throw a rock in without hitting one. All I ask of the more realistic folks is that they do me one favor: if you do throw a rock, throw it hard. Maybe it’ll knock some sense into ’em.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  26. Mr. Ballard, after few years of Hillary, radio shows like Rush and Levin will probably be outlawed like in the days before Rush. Also, with the U.S. giving up control of the internet, blogs like this one may be censured by the government like Facebook and Twitter does now voluntarily. And don’t even think of denying climate change. Your 401k? Might get confiscated to rescue Social Security. Guns? Probably won’t take all of them, but good luck finding ammo, and gun manufactures will be sued out of existence.
    The Supreme court? Yeah, we know what Hillary will do.

    But hey, Trump softened his tone on immigration!! Outrage!! Can’t be having none of that!!!! Plus, he would have been just as bad as Hillary, cause I FEEL it!

    Oh well, at least you got in an I told you so, and Beldar gets to keep his principles.

    For whatever good that does him when practicing them under a Hillary reign will likely get him arrested for a hate crime.

    LBascom (b65b02)

  27. Rick Ballard

    I’m sure y’all will be happy when Limbaugh and Hannity get hit with The Fairness Doctrine 2.0.

    Pinandpuller (a12946)

  28. “What in fact do Patterico and his buddy Beldar think they’ll accomplish for the country by helping to defeat Trump?”

    Parsimonious explanation:

    They hope to accomplish a very particular set of ongoing bank account balances and resume numbers that look good to a very particular set of people who control very particular sections of the country, and will INCREASE AGGREGATE GDP by continuing to remain employed by those people in the absence of a Trump administration.

    “This place is loaded with people who continue to insist that renouncing the Republican Party and denouncing Donald Trump is not giving support to Hillary Clinton, the lapdog media or the far left. ”

    Don’t take it personally, they’re probably the same people who comment on different names under every #NeverTrump blog. They make great rhetorical training dummies, though!

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  29. 25. They claim not to care. Principles uber alles. Which principles?

    These ‘effing lawyers stand by as enforcers of their precious laws filch $6 Billion in private property as evidence and see not an ‘effing thing.

    They live to grease each others backsides and care nothing for those they ‘serve’, their benefit is just the price of order in society.

    DNF (ffe548)

  30. I have to disagree with you Dystopia Max.

    I think that #nevertrumpers, like Michael Palin, are arguing on their own time.

    Pinandpuller (a12946)

  31. Trumpkins lie. Or they can’t read. Likely both.
    Tired of fisking their comments.

    Anybody know any French jokes? Besides Francois[e] Hollande, I mean.

    nk (dbc370)

  32. “I think that #nevertrumpers, like Michael Palin, are arguing on their own time.”

    Nah. Too little ego, too polished arguments, too much of a tendency to disappear and reappear in the next talking point. They’re paid. Real people doing this for a hobby have real emotional investments in being humiliated, people getting paid for it have none and show none, and, like Crooked Hillary, have no problem with disappearing for days at a time while fighting all their battles through transparent proxies.

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  33. 14. “Rush’s sellout of the conservative movement”

    Nobody with the wit of slime mold thinks he’s an authority on something beside azzwipe.

    DNF (ffe548)

  34. Lawyers lie, cheat and steal.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  35. 31: Note that NK immediately demonstrated the Eternal Pivot of the Wandering HateBot.

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  36. here is the thing, the right is somewhat ‘sinister’ of late, most educational thinktanks follow contructivist principles, seeding mind arson, this is why charters don’t work with the same template

    narciso (732bc0)

  37. A: What can a goose do, a duck can’t, and a lawyer should?

    A: Stick his bill up his ass.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  38. There’s only so much wrestling with pigs I can stand, troll.

    nk (dbc370)

  39. 35. Like we would hold our blow because he pizzes on Fwenchie. Looking for an exit he is.

    DNF (ffe548)

  40. ‘the right is somewhat ‘sinister’ of late’

    …and is already getting adherents, attention, and results. Gentlemen, there is no other road! The facts are as stones between our teeth! Will you chew them?

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  41. @DNF:For those not familiar with the software, BleachBit is intended to help users delete files in a way to “prevent recovery” and “hide traces of files deleted.”

    I would certainly hope so. For the last ten years I’ve been using Darik’s Boot and Nuke, which is free.

    There are any number of legitimate reasons to do that; for example you are throwing out a hard drive which may have had tax information stored on it.

    I was amazed that anything at all been recovered by the FBI, and appalled at the incompetence of Hillary’s IT staff. She clearly preferred loyal amateurs to competent professionals.

    Gabriel Hanna (88feac)

  42. Who could possibly see this coming? The H-1 visa king selling out on amnesty?

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  43. @41

    Hillary wiped her server with a cloth… her domestic “cookie baking” side.

    PTS (ce7fc3)

  44. around 2018, she’s probably deny she ever knew any country in the persian gulf

    narciso (732bc0)

  45. 25. Plainly, if their words mattered and they actually had an audience of the sapient, #nevertrump intent is aiding and abetting the enemy.

    Fortunately they are morally repugnant, their senseless chatter simply drives home among the undecided what a useless bags of mostly water #nevertrump, and the people they love, are, and therefore to be treated with benign neglect.

    DNF (ffe548)

  46. @Colonel Haiku:This place is loaded with people who continue to insist that renouncing the Republican Party and denouncing Donald Trump is not giving support to Hillary Clinton, the lapdog media or the far left.

    Since Hillary Clinton, the media, and the far left are saying that not voting for Hillary is a vote for the Donald, then I have to conclude that refusing to vote is not effectively a vote for one side or the other.

    Gabriel Hanna (88feac)

  47. content-free insults
    rebound on their makers’ heads
    but do not change minds

    — Col. Beldar

    Col. H, you’re taking your frustrations out on the wrong people, I submit. I understand the reasons why you’ll vote for Trump. I’m not trying to talk you out of voting for him, and I acknowledge your sincerity when you say you view that as a vote against Hillary, and that you are highly motivated to do that. I respect all that.

    I don’t agree with it, through, and I obviously don’t share all of the same motivations you do, at least not in the same degree. I refuse to be a part in putting either of them into office. I expect Hillary to win, but I intend to vote for conservative GOP candidates, local, state & federal, up and down the ballot. I hope the GOP will nominate someone in the future who I can vote for enthusiastically. If you can’t respect all that, then by all means, you ought not respect me, if I’m among the people you’re ranting at tonight (which seems likely).

    Beldar (fa637a)

  48. Sorry, failed to complete a sentence there, due to an editing error. It ought have read:

    I expect Hillary to win, but I intend to vote for conservative GOP candidates, local, state & federal, up and down the ballot, and whether Hillary or Trump wins I hope those other officeholders will do their best for the country under a disastrously unfit president.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  49. this place never had much of an audience, I called it the shrine of romney back when it was gop 2012,

    narciso (732bc0)

  50. 12. LBascom (b65b02) — 8/25/2016 @ 6:55 pm

    The important thing is to build the wall and stop the bleeding.

    Building the wall wouldn’t actually stop it, because people can come across and turn themselves in, an ask for asylum, and they will get a court date, in most cases, of November 29 2019, and Trump just came out against detention camps.

    Obama pressures Mexico to stop people from transiting through Mexico so they never get to the border.

    ON THE GUATEMALAN-MEXICAN BORDER — CRISTÓBAL, a 16-year-old Honduran refugee fleeing a drug gang that wants to kill him, has never heard of anyone named Barack Obama. Neither can he name the Mexican president, Enrique Peña Nieto.

    But CristĂłbal, along with many others, could end up being murdered because of these two presidents he is unaware of. Obama and PeĂąa Nieto have cooperated for two years to intercept desperate Central American refugees in southern Mexico, long before they can reach the U.S. border. These refugees are then typically deported to their home countries — which can be a death sentence….

    …I admire much about the Obama administration, including its fine words about refugees, but this policy is rank with deadly hypocrisy.

    In effect, we have pressured and bribed Mexico to do our dirty work, detaining and deporting people fleeing gangs in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala….

    ….The American-Mexican collusion began in 2014 after a surge of Central Americans crossed into the U.S., including 50,000 unaccompanied children. Obama spoke with PeĂąa Nieto “to develop concrete proposals” to address the flow. This turned out to be a plan to intercept Central Americans near Mexico’s southern border and send them home.

    Washington committed $86 million to support the program. Although Obama portrayed his action as an effort to address a humanitarian crisis, he made the crisis worse. The old routes minors took across Mexico were perilous, but the new ones adopted to avoid checkpoints are even more dangerous.

    Sammy Finkelman (7a51c2)

  51. Maybe Trump could get Mexico to build a wall on its southern border. No, that sounds more like Hillary, except that the United States would pay for it.

    and end sanctuary cities.

    That will not happen, and, if the city is supported by the state it is in, is actually unconstitutional as I explained in another thread. If you want to tear the country apart, of course, you can try. Most likely, nobody will try. Of course, if nobody is illegal, then that ends it.

    ….the result will be president Hillary who will no doubt declare a mass amnesty plus destroy the country as we know it.

    I am not clear if these are two separate things by you or not.

    Sammy Finkelman (7a51c2)

  52. Beldar,

    I’m just curious, when you were younger, did you ever drive a car that was old and beat up? Maybe a little junky? Maybe you had to duct tape the side view mirror to one of the doors?

    It was preferable to walking, huh?

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  53. Look at the truly incredible damage Obama and the Dems have done in 8 years.
    This gives Hillary an enormous running start with massive momentum in place.

    It seems to me that the damage she can do will be enormous and perhaps irreversible.

    How will GDP, employment, debt reduction, etc., possibly advance given the size and unilateral power of government will grow exponentially. We’re fast approaching a “1984/Brave New World” situation which is frightening in its implications.

    So thinking one will get another chance to change the balance of power may well be whistling past the graveyard this time.

    It is said that human civilizations last about 300 years. The USA is about 240 years old.

    This is probably because of some very complex, multi-tiered version of the “Peter Principle” at work.

    PTS (ce7fc3)

  54. Early voting starts in MN on Sep 23, MI on Sep 24, and VT on Sep 25. All but 10 states have early voting (counting three which are vote-by-mail). In the primaries, early voting accounted for large chunks of Trump’s margins in the states he won; he did poorly with late-deciders throughout.

    So yeah, a month before general election voting begins is the perfect time to flip-flop on your campaign’s #1 rationale for existence.

    But at least the end of this disastrous election cycle approaches. Just pray that the GOP doesn’t lose the House.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  55. Gabriel Hanna (88feac) — 8/25/2016 @ 8:41 pm

    refusing to vote is not effectively a vote for one side or the other.

    According to this line of thinking, refusing to vote is a vote for whichever one of the two, you DON’T want to see win.

    That candidate can change if your opinion of which one is BAD and which one is WORSE changes.

    But remember, bad health is a plus factor, and incompetence too, except maybe in foreign policy, unless you think the foreign policy will be very corrupt, in which case you want to go for incompetence there, too.

    Sammy Finkelman (7a51c2)

  56. This place is loaded with people who continue to insist that renouncing the Republican Party and denouncing Donald Trump is not giving support to Hillary Clinton, the lapdog media or the far left. I call bullsh*t.

    There are so many folks who I’ve held in high esteem here now that seem to feel this way that one couldn’t throw a rock in without hitting one. All I ask of the more realistic folks is that they do me one favor: if you do throw a rock, throw it hard. Maybe it’ll knock some sense into ’em.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 8/25/2016 @ 8:04 pm

    It’s time for you to consider alternatives. I respect the position that Donald Trump is better than Hillary! But then, Judas Iscariot would be better than Hillary! That doesn’t make DJT a good presidential candidate, though. He’s a lousy freakin’ general election candidate. In every way imaginable he’s a suck-@$$ candidate. He still thinks he’s running against Ted Cruz. The head of the GOP in Florida said the other day that at this point in the general election campaign any serious candidate would have ten offices at least up and running. Trump has one.

    Yes, there’s a need. Should I have to explain this to the GOP candidate? Somebody has to and I’m afraid it’s already too late. He also doesn’t care if the Republicans hold the Senate.

    If the GOP doesn’t hold the Senate, Chuck Schumer picks his SCOTUS nominees. Say goodbye to the list.

    I hope Trump gets his act together. I get accused of being #NeverTrump. But that isn’t the case. I just want Trump to change on certain issues. Mostly I want him to act as if he cares about implementing the policies he posts on his site. He doesn’t even seem to be aware of the content. But unfortunately he says he doesn’t want to change at all. It really looks like Trump is throwing this election. So, now the question is, how much damage do we do to ourselves? We did a lot of damage to ourselves with Bush. He didn’t lie about Iraq, that isn’t the problem. I’ll defend anyone when they’re right, including Bush and Trump. The problem with Bush was his big-government “compassionate” so-called conservatism. After eight years of Bush independents rightly decided that we conservatives had no limited government principles.

    Now we have a candidate who is doing everything he can to lose and his supporters are demanding I repudiate almost everything I’ve known to be true my entire life. And the world is watching. So, do I capitulate and basically show myself to be homeless streetwalker willing to climb into a dumpster and turn tricks for anyone with five bucks? And by capitulate I mean praise the guy. I’m not saying that I won’t hold my nose and vote for him. But that’s not enough for the Trumpkins, who demand I find no fault in their precious.

    This is my problem. And I’ve decided there are certain things I can’t do. And I take it that people who are already accusing people like me of stabbing the GOP candidate in the back that they themselves know deep down that this is a pi$$ poor candidate. The Stupid Party didn’t get its reputation for no reason. It’s still only August, and the excuses are already prepared. I can’t talk this guy up, even if as is likely when push comes to shove I vote for this creature over the Hildebeast.

    But maybe there’s a way to fix this. I absolutely guarantee, though, that the same people who demanding blind party loyalty to their cultic god because he’s the GOP nominee would desert the party in droves if the GOP replaced Trump with a candidate who has a snowball’s chance in h3ll of defeating the worst woman in the world in this contest. Such is their hypocrisy and I resent to the core of my being the idea they should hold me hostage. So I am not persuaded by what passes for their arguments.

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  57. I just want to stick it to Trumpkins, Sammy.

    Trump, too, although his Narcissistic Personality Disorder will tell him that America was not worthy of him. That is one trait Trump definitely shares with Hitler, Gabriel.

    nk (dbc370)

  58. early voting was a tripwire that cloward and piven suggested to make the ignorant, the ones who swear by the spew and camelbert, outnumber the knowledgeable, the ones who believed they could keep their plan and aq was dead, and gm was a live,

    narciso (732bc0)

  59. 26. LBascom (b65b02) — 8/25/2016 @ 8:08 pm

    Mr. Ballard, after few years of Hillary, radio shows like Rush and Levin will probably be outlawed like in the days before Rush.

    She is against the First Amendment, that’s right, Wants to amend the constitution, except she knows that can’t be done. But she would try to get the supreme court to overturn Citizens United.

    Also, with the U.S. giving up control of the internet, blogs like this one may be censured by the government like Facebook and Twitter does now voluntarily.

    By the new rulers of the Internet. Obama intends to go ahead on October 1.

    And don’t even think of denying climate change.

    Well, certain people, maybe.

    Your 401k? Might get confiscated to rescue Social Security.

    That would take about another 6 to 10 years of exclusive Democratic control of Congress and the presidency.

    Guns? Probably won’t take all of them, but good luck finding ammo, and gun manufacturers will be sued out of existence.

    Sounds good, but they won’t go quite that far.

    The Supreme court? Yeah, we know what Hillary will do.

    Gut the First Amendment. Not just freedom of speech but maybe make vouchers illegal. The zestablishment of religion clause is always in danger of expansion.

    Sammy Finkelman (7a51c2)

  60. There is not one of the 16 or 17 people who ran (R) campaigns during primary season that I would not vote for before sitting this one out. Not one.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  61. No, Beldar, I don’t have you in mind when I rant. The only difference in our plans is that I will be voting for Trump as well as for all of the most conservative candidates on my ballot.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  62. well red queen likes the australian plan, so if there is a dunblane or a port arthur, you know which way she’ll lean, and it will be freedom of worship, except for islam, it will get an exemption, then there’s ghillarducci’s own plan for investments, that the state decides,

    narciso (732bc0)

  63. Cruz Supporter (#52), if my only goal was to have working transportation, then yes, the duct-taped car would be preferable to no car. But if my goals instead included trying to impress the head cheerleader, then I might well walk for a week while I earned the money to improve on the duct-taped mirror.

    If my only goal were to keep Hillary Clinton out of the White House — if I thought doing that was more important than anything else that I value or believe in — then clearly, I ought then to vote for Donald Trump. But that is not my only goal, nor one that overrides all of my other goals and values, nor one that is meaningful to me without also including “in favor of whom?” in the consideration. For me, with my goals and values, it’s more important that I avoid voting for a candidate who pegs my disapproval needle, and both of these candidates peg it.

    If your only goal is to keep Hillary Clinton out of the White House, and you think doing that is more important than anything else you value or believe in, then fine. I’m not condemning or belittling or trying to change your goals and values, so I do tend to resent it when someone condemns and belittles and tries to change mine.

    Respectful grownups should agree to disagree on some things. This is one. We’ve discussed it before, but you can’t seem to accept that my position is, indeed, my position.

    My respect for your positions does not extend, however, to censoring myself, in order to avoid making observations that are unflattering to Donald Trump. If you want to personalize and internalize the critiques I have of him, I’d very much regret that, for I certainly don’t intend to insult everyone who’s holding their nose to vote for Trump as a vote against Hillary. I don’t assume that your anti-Hillary vote means that you’ve drunk the Trumpkin koolaid — or at least I won’t until the day you start singing Trump’s praises for bringing rain while he’s peeing down your leg. 😀

    Beldar (fa637a)

  64. seriously whose side do you think is doing this,

    having lived in south florida for a long time, I would never suggest such a thing,

    narciso (732bc0)

  65. It’s more than just DJT’s flaws as a candidate. It’s that, for all the Trumpkins complaining about “GOPe” and the “establishment” who gave me Bushes, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Bob Dole, they’re exactly the same. Say hello to the new boss, same as the old boss. I get the same deal. “You will take a bite of this s**t sandwich and YOU WILL say you like it.”

    Well I don’t like it. I never liked it before, and I still don’t.

    One of the problems is the Trumpkins’ hypocrisy. If for the sake of the party and for the country somehow some grown-ups figure out a way to replace Trump, they will out of spite stay home on election day. Because they’ve made it abundantly clear it’s their way or the highway. They accuse me of effectively supporting Hillary! but they will happily do the same if they they don’t get their way.

    More important than the fact the attitude irks me to no end, it’s not a winning general election strategy. The last I checked Republicans constituted 34% of voters in 2004 and that was a high point. It’s been falling ever since.


    So, really, is the plan now to insult people into voting Trump? And what great minds think that will work?

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  66. the idea is to get more of the unaffiliated vote, the four million that didn’t show up last time, shockingly they were not predominantly republicans, now who created the #nevertrump label, you would think that it’s (redacted) humiliation on land sea and air, each slain cop, each insurer going out of business, would focus the attention but no,

    narciso (732bc0)

  67. What Beldar said @8/25/2016 @ 9:25 pm.

    I’ve already lost this election, no matter who wins.

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  68. I used to know a woman who had been a caretaker for a quadriplegic gentleman.

    She related to me that if she didn’t change the catheter bag in a timely manner he could have what she called a ‘hyper-reflex reaction’.

    I did a little checking and its actually called autonomic hypereflexion. I guess it cause siexures and extreme reactions.

    Apparently its also common with people who have head injuries.

    So between her siezure stimulant, cath and Trump this could be the most memorable debates ever.

    Pinandpuller (c16705)

  69. twenty years she helped winnow out the vaccine industry,

    narciso (732bc0)

  70. Beldar,

    Who wants you to censor yourself?
    I intend to buy a bunch of copies of your Civil War novel someday in the future, so I hope you’re not entertaining the notion of censoring yourself! (LOL)

    But as far as having working transportation, that is a pretty important objective. Of course, the point is that nobody “has” to have working transportation. But everybody’s going to have a President.

    You can choose to not have working transportation. But you can’t choose to not have a President. You can choose not to vote, but I always prefer to pick my poison rather than have someone else pick it for me.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  71. In hr recent book, Ann Coulter’s actual defense of Trump’s behavior toward that handicapped New York Times reporter — a quick Google search tells me his name is Serge Kovaleski — includes a passage wherein she discusses how Trump was not mocking Mr. Kovaleski’s handicap specifically, because he didn’t know the reporter had one. He was just “doing a standard retard.”

    Again, this is a statement offered in Trump’s DEFENSE. With friends like Coulter, etc.

    On a related note, I hereby nominate “doing a standard retard” as the phrase that best describes this entire election, and all of its most prominent participants to date.

    Demosthenes (09f714)

  72. narciso, I’m not #NeverTrump. I’ve been saying for months that if Trump changed, I could see my way to changing. It seems to me that Trump sees people like me or Ted Cruz to be more his opponents than Hillary! Enemies, actually. My problem is that I’m not some co-dependent looking for an abusive relationship or someone susceptible to Stockholm syndrome. So far the “coercive persuasion” (also known as brainwashing or mind control) has not had the intended effect. Nor will it, ever.

    And it won’t work on the 42% or so of voters who claim to be independents, either.

    Seriously, Trumpkins, do you want to win this? It’s not looking like that to me. If you wanted to win this you wouldn’t go apes**t over constructive criticism.

    That’s what will do in your precious. We already have a president who is perfect in every way, according to his supporters like ValJar. It’s not going to work twice, even with the wicked witch (when she visited the sandbox the troops nicknamed whatever aircraft she was traveling in “Broomstick One”) of Chappaqua in the mix.

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  73. @ 71,

    Let me explain why I don’t understand your reasoning. According to you, you have only two choices this election season, because only two people have a realistic chance to become president. And if you don’t choose, you’ll still have one of those two choices thrust upon you. Yes?

    Well, from my perspective, those choices are: a lethal dose of arsenic, and a lethal dose of cyanide. Does it really matter, at that point, which one you pick? Does it matter if you let some other group of people pick for you? I’m not going to waste time worrying about which one might taste better going down, or which one will end my life more slowly. Since, from my perspective, both choices will kill me — those are fairly meaningless distinctions.

    Granted, it’s not the best analogy in the world, but all I can do at this point is run with what you give me.

    Demosthenes (09f714)

  74. well I was for cruz, no matter how idiotic beck and brad thor, and erickson on alternate wednesday were. faults with the candidate I can find many, but that ignore the meteor in the sky, who regards republicans and energy companies as the ‘main enemy’ as they said it back in the USSR.

    narciso (732bc0)

  75. “I’m just curious, when you were younger, did you ever drive a car that was old and beat up? Maybe a little junky? Maybe you had to duct tape the side view mirror to one of the doors?”

    And did driving that car make you feel like you were a sh*tty person?


    Oh, okay. I guess this analogy sucks, then.

    Leviticus (1bebeb)

  76. one has to consider that despite her pleasant if vacuous demeanor, she was a protege of jesse jackson,

    narciso (732bc0)

  77. Broomstick One… really? LOL

    I had thought the potential to prosecute Hillary was gone for good when Comey came out with a damning list of things she did on live TV then did an unbelievable 180.

    I wonder who got to Comey… (or is he another straight arrow like Patterico who simply cannot sully himself to possibly do ANYTHING that would help Trump.)

    I have no doubt Obama and/or Lynch reminded him of what a nice family he had, and how glorious his retirement would be with a little cooperation on his part.

    But what happens if something SO incredible comes out that even the MSM won’t ignore it, and even the NY Times does damning stories on it, and the undecideds and border line dems really get cold feet.

    Having followed a good deal of the email thing, I’ve been surprised the MSM has even shrugged over the Clinton foundation thing.

    But it looks like its heating up.

    Maybe there’s hope yet… will be interesting.

    PTS (ce7fc3)

  78. no inspector dreyfus got his job by sandbagging republicans not once but twice, not only the libby witchhunt, which he jumpstarted as a creature of shutterbug schumer, but the opera buffa re alberto gonzalez on March 10th, 2004, retroactively.

    narciso (732bc0)

  79. It’s 2016, Leviticus. Everything sucks. Our presidential candidates, our naval operations in the Persian Gulf, our ransom deals. Haven’t you noticed?

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  80. well the summer movie season has been, scratch that, the ransom deals have great for the sepah, not so much for us,

    narciso (732bc0)

  81. Hillary also considered a “friend and mentor” to be none other than Senator Robert Byrd, one time Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops of the Ku Klux Klan.

    PTS (ce7fc3)

  82. Lying Ted is running for a-hole of Texas and has no chance of losing.

    mg (31009b)

  83. Those thousands of lawyers on the sea floor is a darn good start.

    mg (31009b)

  84. The only chance the remnants of our constitutional republic has of enduring is an Article V which is guided by divine providence.

    So, I got little to lose. The coming economic catastrophe, fueled by hundreds of trillions in unfunded debt obligations which will make the 1930s depression seem like Eden, along with a Judiciary which has decided they are also legislators, combined with a staggeringly ignorant, both willful and unwitting, polity, means ruin is pretty much guaranteed.

    HRC is, and will be, a symptom – nothing more. That she is truly evil is irrelevant, other than to cement my case that it really is all over but the shouting should she win.

    Ed from SFV (3400a5)

  85. e pleb nista, all, I bid adieu,

    narciso (732bc0)

  86. @77, yes, really.

    To go off on a not inappropriate tangent, there’s very little ego involved in the armed forces. You know what you can do, and what you can’t. Most fake SEALs either never spent a day in the Navy or washed out early. Same goes for all SOF imposters.

    Phony Navy SEAL of the WEEK, RICHARD CANCEL. The Lunch Tray Phony SEAL

    Language warning.

    Point being, it’s only female politicians like Hillary! who want to open combat positions to women. By and large, the women in the service know a man would kick their tails. And you know what? It’s not a big deal. Women get respect, even if they can’t make it through BUD/S. It’s not the measure.

    No woman has completed the Marine Corps Infantry Officer’s Course. Expect a lowering of standards, and lies about it.

    And women who are actually willing to serve don’t mind. Could I pass BUD/S. No, I’m sure of it. I know this because I tried to qualify as a diver and blew out my shoulders. Could I have made it through the Marine Corps IOC? Probably not. Every woman I served with who deserved respect (like men, not all do) knew where they stood, like I did.

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  87. Steve57 – the truth is finally coming out about how Ranger school was rigged at the behest of a 3-Star for the females who eventually “completed” it. I don’t have the links.

    Ed from SFV (3400a5)

  88. There are exceptions.

    “Senior Chief Clayton Pressley III pleads guilty”

    To what? Identity theft.

    Not everyone who wears a uniform is a stellar individual. It’s just a fact.

    Once we recalled a couple of “super chiefs” (Senior Chief, Master Chief) to active duty so we could prosecute them for the the theft of over $100k from Club Alliance, which if you’re familiar with COMFLEACTS Yokosuka is the enlisted club.

    It wasn’t hard to figure out. Nearly all of the cash cage girls had iron-clad alibis. They were down at the piers in security police vehicles, scrogging like bunny rabbits. All the security police and the cash cage girls were married, just not to each other. Investigators were able to narrow the field of suspects pretty rapidly, as a result.

    I almost fell sorry for this one guy, a reservist, who did the Tom Cruise thingy of dropping through the roof of the exchange in Naples and stole stereo equipment with the help of his La Cosa Nostra affiliates.

    I almost felt sorry for him because he was raised by a single mom, and he came back to the states after his two weeks of active duty and gave his entire substantial cut to his mom. And his mom was somehow convinced you can earn $60k legitimately in two weeks in the reserves because it never crossed her mind he stole it. Single former teenage mom was still young enough and so descriptive about how she intended to make her fortune as a reservist because sonny had made good that eventually the Navy put two and two together and figured out her son did the robbery.

    My friend the JAG told me it was heartbreaking to tell her that without her help, her son might have avoided prison entirely.

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  89. Steve57 – the truth is finally coming out about how Ranger school was rigged at the behest of a 3-Star for the females who eventually “completed” it. I don’t have the links.

    Ed from SFV (3400a5) — 8/26/2016 @ 12:05 am

    I know, Ed. The problem isn’t with the women. Not the women who will join. Not everyone is cut out to be a SEAL or and EOD diver or a an Officer of Marine Infantry. The armed forces still needs intel types or hospital administrators or food service. There’s nothing wrong with that.

    The problem is the Clintons or the the Barbara Boxers and the Nancy Pelosis who want to be the CinC and think they can’t because women who are better people than them are barred by standards from ground combat.

    I doubt there’s a more “progressive” military than the Danes. But not even they dropped their standards for SOF units like the Fromandskorpset or the JĂŚgerkorpset. Technically, being a woman is not a bar to entry. But in a couple of decades no woman has qualified.

    You watch. We will drop standards. Because Obama and Clinton and their ilk need a trophy.

    Steve57 (41f53d)


    “…In a statement to The Times of Israel, a senior officer said that the “possibility of opening additional combat positions to girls is being tested all of the time” and that each position is examined from “a physiological and mental perspective.” As of today, he said, “infantry and the armored corps were ruled out for women.””

    Changing tank treads is not for the physically weak and may the almighty love them as I do but generally that excludes women. I would argue the same goes for shifting to manual steering in the Navy, but nobody listens to me.

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  91. From the article at the link:

    …Barring women from certain roles, she said, particularly those that serve as springboards to posts in the civilian world, constitutes an “ongoing discrimination.”…

    These are their priorities.

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  92. To paraphrase Eisenhower when he made the call to proceed on D-Day, “The thought of a Clinton President is too bitter to comtemplate”.

    cedarhill (8e040b)

  93. no we need to all unite together

    we’re the villagers with the torches and pitchforks bravely assaulting the pig’s stenchcastle

    happyfeet (28a91b) — 8/25/2016 @ 6:46 pm

    I’ll put my faith in the Almighty intervening before voting for either of them. SMOD ’16!

    bitterclinger (8367b1)

  94. 66. “If for the sake of the party and for the country somehow some grown-ups figure out a way to replace Trump, [people intending to vote Trump] will out of spite stay home on election day. ”

    Dishonest, false dilemma. There are no grown ups and there is zero chance Trump was going to be replaced for months.

    Off to the brig with your lying azz.

    DNF (755a85)

  95. SMOD isn’t even real the internet just made it up and the internet isn’t even american anymore thanks to food stamp

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  96. 66. “The fool says in his heart there is no God”.

    DNF (755a85)

  97. 66. Yesterday we were teased with the announcement today of an ‘Earth-sized planet in the habitable zone’ of our nearest star system, Alpha Centauri, just 4.5 light-years away.

    Alpha Centauri is a multiple star system and today we find the host is a red-dwarf the planet Proxima b orbits in just 11 days.

    Mercury orbits our Sun in 88 days. Just as our Moon presents one side to the Earth, Mercury presents one to the Sun, the other facing permanently away. Neither side is habitable due to extremes of temperature alone.

    Moreover, a red dwarf was a some point in the past a red giant whose surface would have been near that of this planet boiling away any potential liquid.

    #nevertrump is playing an identical game posing impossibilities as credible.

    DNF (755a85)

  98. So all you NeverTrumpers are just handing it to !Hillary…

    champ (56cd04)

  99. You’ve got to hand it to a blind hooker ….

    You Trumpkins handed it to Hillary in the primary, by picking for your contender the only one she had a chance against.

    nk (dbc370)

  100. In fairness, the Democrats did the same thing (at least to the degree that a less vile Democrat would probably beat Trump by Goldwater/Alf Landon proportions, which HRC will not even at worst case scenario).

    M. Scott Eiland (1edade)

  101. 100. “Trumpkins handed it to Hillary in the primary, by picking for your contender the only one she had a chance against.”

    Republican talking about one of their number winning?

    How many jinn can dance on the head of a pin, abogado? You’ve as much experience with transcendentals.

    DNF (755a85)

  102. I used to listen to Limbaugh when I could find him on the radio dial. Now, if he accidentally pops up on my radio, I put a Graphic Audio CD in and listen to that.

    John Hitchcock (277264)

  103. In New York City, Rush Limbaugh moved from WABC 770 AM on the radio dial, where he started, to WOR 710, which actually has better reception.

    Sammy Finkelman (7a51c2)

  104. Rush’s sellout of the conservative movement due to his last-gasp push to maintain his eviscerated ratings is among the saddest consequences of DJT’s candidacy. Rush got his contract, by golly. I hope he chokes on it.

    I tuned away from Rush long ago. It seems the entire show was one long series of product placements.

    “Yes, folks, here at the EIB studios, we’re in middle of updating the operating system of all our Apple computers. And let me tell you, this new version of iOS is better than ever! It has…”. Or, minutes-long discussions of his tea products. Let’s not leave out the shill “callers” who praise his probably-ghostwritten line of children’s books.

    In short, he stopped saying anything.

    The Gentle Grizzly (544557)

  105. DNF (755a85) — 8/26/2016 @ 9:14 am

    we were teased with the announcement today of an ‘Earth-sized planet in the habitable zone’ of our nearest star system, Alpha Centauri, just 4.5 light-years away.

    Not really true, as you explain part of the reason.

    The only way this is Earth-like, is it’s estimated size (they never used to be able to detect anything) is around the size of the 4 inner planets. And they only seem to be able to detect things larger than Earth.) And also that it is somewhere in the zone where luquid water could exist. That doesn’t mean liquid water does exist. The moon is prefectly located in terms of distnance from the sun.

    Mercury orbits our Sun in 88 days. Just as our Moon presents one side to the Earth, Mercury presents one to the Sun, the other facing permanently away.

    That’s the old version of mercury. Now they say it actually rotates in 59 days – 2/3 of the time it takes to orbit the sun.

    Neither side is habitable due to extremes of temperature alone.

    Actually, that would give it a “twilight zone” where the temperature was more moderate. This has been the scene for some science fiction stories. Theer are still, I guess, the poles, for some 22 days at a time.

    Sammy Finkelman (372aad)

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