Patterico's Pontifications


Hitler Learns Trump Is Pivoting on Immigration

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:08 am

When you’ve lost Hitler, you’ve lost the alt-right.

192 Responses to “Hitler Learns Trump Is Pivoting on Immigration”

  1. Whoops, just accidentally deleted a tweet mocking the looks of someone’s daughter.

    Not accidentally, actually.

    Patterico (bcf524)

  2. 91% of all US home buying is done by those aged 20-69yrs/old, according to NAR data. In 2015, Millennials (20-35yrs/old) made up 35% of home purchases, Gen X (36-50yr/olds) bought 26%, Boomers (51-70yr/olds) 31%, and the Silent Generation (70+yrs/old) 9%. I’m no great fan of the NAR, but this makes basic sense as most homebuyers need an income to be homebuyers and most 70+yr/olds are retired and have the lowest average incomes of all the above groups.

    Here’s the very big problem for residential real estate… []over 70% of all the population growth among potential home buyers (20+yrs/old) from 2017–>2030 will be among the 70+yr/olds (chart shows average annual growth for the two groups from 2000–>2016 (left) and 2017–>2030 (right)). This is simply unprecedented in US history.

    To put it in a broader context, []annual growth in the 20-69yr/old population (red line) vs. annual growth in the 70+yr/old population (blue line) since 1980. That unprecedented, impending crossover in the lines means everything for real estate and the economy in general.

    The impending nosedive in the growth of potential buyers vs. surge in elderly (those more likely to downsize or out-right sell than buy) should be quite disconcerting considering:

    Home prices are at or near ’07/’08 bubble peaks meaning any new investments require far more cash down to achieve a positive cash flow

    Mortgage rates can effectively go no lower and a marginal increase is probable (unless the Fed reinitiates QE and implements NIRP)

    Present lending standards are far more stringent than during the ’07/’08 fog-a-mirror NINJA free for all

    The dollar is likely to continue appreciating making foreign buying continually more expensive…and less likely (unless the Fed reinitiates QE and implements NIRP)

    Rents and rent to income ratios are off the charts to new records well above ’08…maintaining the pace of rent appreciation is highly unlikely and rent declines may be the more probable course.

    Plus, add in the pace of new housing creation continues ramping up (still only half way to ’08 levels but still far more than can ultimately be absorbed with the changing dynamics). With so few new buyers, a growing quantity of new homes, and so many likely sellers…a very simple question must be asked, who will buy all those houses and at what price?

    Voter anger is your future #nevertrump.

    DNF (755a85)

  3. Assange:

    “We have a lot of material, thousands of pages of material. There’s a variety of different types of documents and different types of institutions that are associated with the election campaign, some quite unexpected angles that are, you know, quite interesting, some even entertaining.”

    DNF (ffe548)

  4. In 1933, 1932, Hitler gave an interview to, I think, H. V. Kaltenborn, where he cited United states immigration policy as justification, or as similar to his anti-semitic policies. Or maybe that was 1933, I once saw it printed.

    He shortly gave up that line of defense, because it wasn’t working for him.

    Hitler had considered coming to the United States after his beer hall putsch, which he knew would have meant giving up his political ambitions. It may have been still possible until July 1, 1924.

    He would have been much less harmful here, at most getting involved in bootlegging or speakeasies, and probably getting killed in the process sometime in the 1928-1932 period, maybe before killing someone else or getting somebody else killed. He might not have been around for the Lindbergh baby kidnapping. And nobody would have known a thing about what was avoided.

    Sammy Finkelman (7c7fb2)

  5. Today Services PMI missed expectations, at 50.9 the lowest since last February, combined with collapse in Manufacturing PMI indicate sub-1.0 growth in GDP for Q3.

    Correcting for real inflation and double counting of government expenditures, we are in recession.


    DNF (ffe548)

  6. Ich konnte nicht besser es gesagt haben.

    nk (dbc370)

  7. Greetings:

    That Nazi lady at the front right sure is showing a lot of naked forehead, no ???

    11B40 (6abb5c)

  8. “When you’ve lost Hitler, you’ve lost the alt-right.”

    Sez the collaborator from his Maginot bunker, waiting on the sappers.

    DNF (ffe548)

  9. Yesterday a consortium of 15 Japanese banks agreed to implement new financial technology to clear and settle international financial transactions, outside the US SWIFT system.


    Deutsche Bank from Germany, UBS from Switzerland, Santander from Spain, and Bank of New York Mellon have joined together to launch what they’re naming the very un-sexy “utility settlement coin”.

    Like Ripple, Setl, Monetas, and several other competing technologies, Utility Settlement Coin has the potential to end the reliance on the US banking system for cross-border payments and financial transactions.

    Banks will be able to send payments to one another directly without having to transit through the Wall Street financial toll plaza.

    The world is changing, #nevertrump missed the memo.

    DNF (ffe548)

  10. Disgruntled booshies and mitten freaks luv them some pantsuit.

    mg (31009b)

  11. mg thinks he’s clever.

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  12. Trumptards, I’m delivering the harsh reality. Trump is not your savior.

    And you know it now. Deep in your bones.

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  13. The question “Can Trump do anything that will make you reject him” used to be answered by “If he changes his stance on the illegals”.

    He has changed his stance on the illegals.
    We pointed it out.

    The Trump Idolators are still calling us traitors.

    It is a cult, much the same as the Clinton Cult, the Obama Cult, the Hitler Cult.

    They have sworn their fealty to a man, Donald Trump, and when they did so in person, it looked much like Albert Speer’s Ice Cathedral in Nuremberg.

    This is our first Nuremberg. And, like the Albert Speer First Nuremberg, we will also have a Second Nuremberg. Remember “I was just following orders” being rejected as a defense? It will again be rejected as a Trumpist defense.

    My Lord and Messiah first.
    My family second.
    My country third.
    And Trump will rot in Sheol.

    John Hitchcock (4d2dbe)

  14. Mr. Trump will indeed save us from the pig and all her afflictions

    this is the hope to which we must cling

    lest we drown in dark despair

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  15. booshnics and mitten freaks think they have the answers. Liars,traitors and educated.

    mg (31009b)

  16. Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer?
    Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!

    nk (dbc370)

  17. Struck me kind of funny [ha-ha]
    Seemed kind of funny [ha-ha], sir, to me
    How after every Trump demented lie
    Losers still find a reason to believe

    nk (dbc370)

  18. John Hitchcock (4d2dbe) — 8/25/2016 @ 8:22 am

    His position on immigration now resembles Cruz’s. Which means two things:

    1. Supporting Trump over Cruz because of immigration was stupid, as Cruz supporters kept trying to get through the Trumpers’ skulls, to no avail.

    2. Rejecting Trump because he’s changing his position on immigration doesn’t make any sense, if you were a Cruz supporter.

    Anyway as I’ve said about 100 times now, I’m mainly supporting him because of SCOTUS.

    Gerald A (945582)

  19. MG, look at the Patterico archives, the Common Sense Political Thought archives, the First Street Journal archives, the Truth Before Dishonor archives, and anywhere else I have been. I have never been a Bush cheerleader. I refused to vote for Flip Flopney (a term you will find me using many times in those archives). I never declared either of the Bushes to be Conservative; in fact, I declared they WEREN’T Conservative. I never declared Flip Flopney to be Conservative; in fact, I declared him to be Left of Center. I never declared McCain to be Conservative. If I recall correctly, I declared him to be Centrist at best. In fact, I was ready to not vote at all on the President line when McCain was running, but voted for Palin. You can find that in the archives as well.

    I have been like bedrock in my position: unmoving, rock solid in my principles, regardless of the Republican flag-bearer. While you have fealty to an outright liar, I have fealty to no man save Christ. While you have fealty to a political party, being the alphabetist you are, I have never had fealty to a letter of the alphabet.

    I have always been a small government Constitutionalist Conservative. I have always been a Tenther Squared (Amendment AND Commandment). I have always maintained my principles. And I have always done so as a minority position.

    So you can glom onto the most recent Beatles Fanboi Fad. I will maintain my higher standard for President and I will maintain my principles, which are heavily documented on the internet.

    John Hitchcock (4d2dbe)

  20. Gerald A, I would call you what you are, but Patterico frowns on that level of honesty here.

    John Hitchcock (4d2dbe)

  21. Yeah, I’m really depending on Trump’s word regarding judges. There is absolutely no reason to disbelieve anything he says as far as I can tell. The ex-wives and creditors in his bankruptcies are just sore losers and Make Amnesty Great Again works for all the fools wearing the MAGA hats.


    Rick Ballard (ce29ad)

  22. Great video, one of the best Hitler Discovers…I have read that the movie’s director watches them all the time. He should be pleased by this one.

    who will buy all those houses and at what price?

    I think that keeping demand up for goods and services is one reason (besides leftist politics) that immigration has been so encouraged. If our manufacturers stay in Mexico and provide the jobs there, who will come to America to prop up our prices? Many small towns in ageing Japan have been abandoned for lack of young people, and I know folks in rural America who are finding it hard to sell their place for the same reason.

    Patricia (5fc097)

  23. Yeah, I’m really depending on Trump’s word regarding judges. There is absolutely no reason to disbelieve anything he says as far as I can tell. The ex-wives and creditors in his bankruptcies are just sore losers and Make Amnesty Great Again works for all the fools wearing the MAGA hats.


    Rick Ballard (ce29ad) — 8/25/2016 @ 8:46 am

    Quite obviously his motive for changing on immigration is, first of all, to improve his chances of getting elected. It was also obvious all along (except to his supporters) that it was totally impractical.

    What would be his motive for deliberately putting a liberal on SCOTUS? To immediately end any chance of being reelected?

    Gerald A (945582)

  24. To ingratiate himself with Democrats and the media (yes I know that you know that’s a tautology). Trump is all about Trump and what people say about him. Daddy did not give him enough hugs when he was little.

    nk (dbc370)

  25. Gerald A (945582) — 8/25/2016 @ 9:02 am

    What would be his motive for deliberately putting a liberal on SCOTUS?

    To get a nominee confirmed by the Senate, if the Republicans do not have a majority in the Senate.

    Another possibility is so that the Democrfatic leadership in the Senate prefers him to Tim Pence.

    Sammy Finkelman (7c7fb2)

  26. Speaking of pivots… er.. or “non-pivots” … Chelsea Clinton does NOT plan to leave the Clinton Foundation and Bill is suggesting his role will continue in the Foundation (it does Yuge good in the world, you know)… even while Hillary is President.

    This is to the chagrin of many dems who worry about the appearance… not the graft, kickbacks, corruption… but the appearance.

    A spokesman for the Clintons has said that people will die of Aids if the foundation closes down.

    In a few weeks, Clinton will be saying FBI Director Comey fully endorses her practice and Bill and Melissa Gates have done exactly the same thing.

    Just think of the Clinton Foundation as the new fourth branch of US government: Executive, Judicial, Legislative and Ponzi.

    PTS (ce7fc3)

  27. BTW, Gerald A, in case it needs saying, I respect your position. No comment by me, directed at some of the fuitcakier Trumpkins, here, is meant by me to be applicable to you.

    nk (dbc370)

  28. Donald Trump, would, of course, first attempt to name, as his replacement for Atonin Scalia, one of the names on his list.

    If that nomination fails, and for any subsequent nominations, all bets are off. He’ll say the person is a conservative, or at least a supporter of the Second Amendment.

    Sammy Finkelman (7c7fb2)

  29. It’s the family business, PTS. Trump is going to have his kids run his, too. No blind trusts.

    nk (dbc370)

  30. Melinda Gates.

    It would be a good idea if they manufactured and marketed something in competion with the Epi-Pen.

    The Wall Street Journal had a good editorial on that saying the whole thing was caused by law and regulation. The New York Times had a business article saying the price was probably raised in anticipation of competition – manufacturers of drugs under patent that are about to go off patent often raisde prices at the end of the patent period in an attempt to squeeze out the last profits – they know they are going to lose market share anyway so they go for broke – but what happened in this case is that the FDA unexpectedly turned down the application of the competitor. The FDA now has to approve not only drugs, but medical devices, a bad thing.

    Sammy Finkelman (7c7fb2)

  31. Gerald A,

    As has been explained many times before, Trump’s motive in appointing liberal Justices would be to get along with the Democratic Senate and show he can govern. Shutting things down has never been in his playbook.

    Trump will claim he makes the best deals because he knows how to govern. His goal will be to get things done, not please his long-forgotten base that he is obviously willing to sell out on every promise. If that means giving Beltway liberals what they want, so be it.

    DRJ (15874d)

  32. PTS, in third world banana republics it’s the job of the first family/first lady to launder
    the money. Get used to it.

    Also I believe it was you who said on another thread that we would be sending Iran another $500M bribe to get them to stop harassing our ships.

    It’s not working.

    Iran vessels make ‘high speed intercept’ of U.S. ship: U.S. official

    I didn’t know if you were kidding, because something happened to my Navy and it’s not good.

    I don’t want to talk out of school but we didn’t used to put up with this BS.

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  33. The world is changing, #nevertrump missed the memo
    And how exactly will having Trump on the White House help against that?

    kishnevi (07cb64)

  34. It will be as the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.
    It will be as the days of Noah.
    The world is getting more evil, more dark, and will continue to do so.
    Those who sell out their principles as a result will suffer eternally.

    The Mark of the Beast is coming.
    Christians have always been mocked and worse.
    That isn’t changing now.

    But people of principle will still stand up and be counted, despite the “didn’t get the memo” mockers.

    John Hitchcock (4d2dbe)

  35. Well considering the abedin clan has a thoroughly salami view of thing, probably, we have seen in rouen, the transfer if what has been occurring in Syria fir four years now.

    narciso (732bc0)

  36. Mcguffin has been exceedingly, at least Schmidt and Wallace, had the good sense to slander anonymously. Bluntman keeps removing all doubt.

    narciso (732bc0)

  37. Re carbon taxes, guns, religious liberty, the worst libertarian nominee evarr.

    narciso (732bc0)

  38. The Johnson Who Shagged The Libertarians? Not really. Behind all the Hayek and Rand quotes, all large “L” Libertarians have always been about is the legalization of marijuana and prostitution.

    nk (dbc370)

  39. Gerald A,

    There is no evidence Trump has ever possessed any core principle beyond self advancement and gratification in his life. If he perceived the appointment of a liberal judge as beneficial to his self interest, he world do so with as little hesitation as he has shown in swapping wives or political parties.

    It does not appear to be likely he will be elected but if he is I see no reason to expect him to run for re-election as a Republican in 2020 if running as an Independent or a Democrat might give him an edge. Picking a liberal judge could be of help when he has made his choice.

    Clinton is definitely filth of a much lower quality than Trump but I would rather focus on the 51/218 races than bother with grading filth.

    Rick Ballard (ce29ad)

  40. He’s still for that, right?

    nk (dbc370)

  41. Apropos of nothing, Bob Hagen was the gunnery officer in USS JOHNSTON.

    The JOHNStON was providing NGFS at Saipan. Like all of us, Hagen and Johnston took the job of supporting the ground forces seriously. Johnston anchored his ship within small arms range, to stabilize his boat and provide accurate fire. During the course of this endeavor, which involved departing shore to replenish ammo, Hagen noticed a Japanese officer waving a sword on the beach. He thought, “Why not?” He slew all five of his 5″ main battery and obliterated him.

    Skipper Evans raised him on the voice tube. “Nice shooting, Mr. Hagen. But next time try not
    to waste so much ammo on one individual.”

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  42. boosh lied, romney lied, cronies that use God as a cover will end up blowing the devil.

    mg (31009b)

  43. Bush didn’t lie. Get over yourself, mg. Bush believed what he was saying.

    He was wrong. And, I suspected he was wrong at the time. But he was sincere.

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  44. Since when has Code Pink become the darling of the GOP?

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  45. And I don’t want anybody telling me about bad choices while I’m configuring Windows 10. 😂

    Actually, it’s a very fine platform, as an original install not an update, on my particular hardware. But a few of its features are “my way or the highway” and there is no highway.

    nk (dbc370)

  46. My last comment is in moderation. I’ll try a variant of it. Apparently St. Cindy Sheehan is now the conscience of the Republican party. Thanks to Trump.

    Steve57 (41f53d)

  47. cronies that use God as a cover will end up blowing the devil.

    You mean like the self-proclaimed greatest Christian who also declared to have never needed to ask the Lord for forgiveness? He never was a Christian, isn’t now a Christian, doesn’t even know what it means to be a Christian, but declares he’s a Great Christian. HE’s a liar and will rot in sheol. Bank on it.

    John Hitchcock (4d2dbe)

  48. He was sabotaged by drumheller and Murray, where do these names emerge again? Pillar and grenier, Mccarthy (the model for Pamela landy in the Bourne films) and dannenberg, sulick and kappes, a merry band of mutineers.

    narciso (732bc0)

  49. Clearly there were chemical catches, that coalition forces kept coming across, unlike the Al qua qua (which was their white sands) travismockasham, it didn’t bark,

    narciso (732bc0)

  50. He was wrong. And, I suspected he was wrong at the time. But he was sincere.

    The Israelis, Brits, French and Germans all had the same belief. Hell, even Saddam’s GENERALS thought they had chemical weapons to use; a belief that Saddam encouraged.

    And it still isn’t clear how Syria got all their stuff.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  51. Perhaps if Turkey hadn’t made the Big Red One pack up and leave, the anvil would have been there for the hammer to hit, and all those retreating Iraqis, and their contraband, wouldn’t have had places to hide.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  52. Actually, it’s a very fine platform, as an original install not an update, on my particular hardware.

    I’ve done the update and like it, but there are issues and I’m setting up for the clean install.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  53. That video is damning in so many ways. Most particularly of the Trumpies who still think their wallet is in their pocket.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  54. I don’t think that made that big a difference, in the final analysis,

    narciso (732bc0)

  55. @Patterico:When you’ve lost Hitler, you’ve lost the alt-right.

    Haven’t you, and people you admire and agree with, been unfairly compared to Hitler, usually through some sort of association game (“you know who else…?”)

    Why yes, and so I would think you would be very slow to do the same to others.

    Gabriel Hanna (64d4e1)

  56. Hey, does everyone remember that Trump started out wanting to deny BIRTHRIGHT citizenship to the children of illegals? Now he’s talking about pathways for the illegals themselves.

    We. told. you. so.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  57. Steve57

    I basically have similar values pretty much any decent person raised in the 1950’s has.
    Though I’m not religious at all, all my values are pretty much covered in the 10 commandments as well as the Boy Scouts handbook. At least in important things as a minimum standard, you don’t lie, cheat, steal, and you accept the consequences of your behavior/choices.

    I’m also native Texan and I suppose we have a certain basic thing about values… most of us operate on a “hand shake” mentality, as corny as that may seem, and there is only one meaning to the definition of “is”.

    So yes, most of my posts are sarcastic/ironic, what have you, about the sociopathic Clintons and Obama for that matter.

    Realizing that people are far from perfect, by far the worst choice for president is the Clinton Clan, at least in my opinion.

    PTS (ce7fc3)

  58. Hitler Learns Trump Is Pivoting on Immigration

    Flag on the play.

    Let’s go to the ref…

    “Trump/Hitler reference, same sentence. 15 yards. Loss of a down. Re-set the clock to 74 days. =whistle=”

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  59. DCSCA hates it because it’s just too telling. I didn’t see his objection on the other 100 Hitler videos regarding people and issues that had far less to do with him.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  60. No new Taxes, comrade Steve 57.

    mg (31009b)

  61. Just read Gerald’s comments from before Trump’s nomination. He is fully aware of what a liar Trump is, and he does not really believe the things he says today. Sadly, that’s what republican partisanship looks like today. The GOP has lost any semblance of credibility, and it’s lost any high ground when criticizing Hillary or Obama for things it zealously carries water for in its own Team.

    Kevin’s also got a good point. These videos didn’t bother Trumpkins until they were used to make a point about Trump, but somehow for Trump, Hitler references are very upsetting. I grant Trump fans are usually really upset about everything, but the real issue is that Trump has praised fascist behavior on numerous occasions, appeals to white supremacists quite a bit due to his arguments about Mexicans and Muslims in the primary (when he was posing as what democrats think Republicans are), and has a history of racism going back fifty years.

    Did Trump’s fans complain about Downfall meme videos being used to mock Hillary or Obama? Nope. It’s a tell. These are the Team R faithful who push a lot of Americans out of the party.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  62. Because the other videos are about impending disaster. Have you taken up red queen’s proscription against the alt right?

    narciso (732bc0)

  63. These are the Team R faithful who push a lot of Americans out of the party.

    The Trumpies are largely the backbenchers and new chums who have decided to rearrange the furniture. Saboteurs who call everyone else traitors.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  64. @37 John Hitchcock

    Yeah, who knew that the Mark of the Beast was a sticker that says ‘I Voted’?

    Pinandpuller (efbfc8)

  65. “Alt right” is just a new way of saying fascist. Mostly where nationalist socialist racist “right” meets the nationalist socialist racist “left.”

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  66. @46 Steve57

    “It’s not a lie if you believe it.” George Costanza

    Pinandpuller (efbfc8)

  67. Re: #7: Besser hätte ich’s nicht sagen können.

    Golden Eagle (4050ff)

  68. Never being enrolled in club rino or the R N C – So sorry for you plank walkers.

    mg (31009b)

  69. Trump could name the most conservative judge the constitutionalists want and to think that the club rino house and senate would appoint him is laughable.

    mg (31009b)

  70. hitler is such a silly pooper in that video

    My goodness calm down dude you gonna have an aneurysms in you head!

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  71. Most if not all you Trump haters just don’t get it.

    You all seem to forget the America changing zero sum game at hand.

    Did you all vote for Obama and the Ministry of Truth 3 times or something?


    PTS (ce7fc3)

  72. If we can’t elect Barry Goldwater, then goddamnit let’s elect Hillary.
    For reals!

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  73. @61.=yawn=

    I object to the press failing to ask if Adolf’s Meat Tenderizer is used on Trump Steaks.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  74. The Democrat party is the home of slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK, and segregation, yet they try to transfer their soiled history to the GOP.

    Bill Clinton’s mentor William Fulbright was a racist.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  75. 64… Good call, narciso! It’s all about the ability to salvage a nation that can still be saved should even the worst fears about Trump be realized, as opposed to willfully stoking the far-left fire with gasoline in an effort to facilitate and ensure the ascension of a known-to-be irredeemable disaster… all the while gleefully mincing along the way as the motivation of others is heartily denounced.

    Colonel Haiku (bec9a5)

  76. I stand with narciso and I condemn the willfully malevolent activities of those arrogant miscreants who oppose common sense measures to save this nation.

    Colonel Haiku (bec9a5)

  77. Trump will claim he makes the best deals because he knows how to govern. His goal will be to get things done, not please his long-forgotten base that he is obviously willing to sell out on every promise. If that means giving Beltway liberals what they want, so be it.

    DRJ (15874d) — 8/25/2016 @ 9:24 am


    all subject to debate, but what is your prescription, DRJ?

    Colonel Haiku (bec9a5)

  78. Death to teh Demoness Dowager and to her D-bag pettifoggers and sheeple supporters!

    Colonel Haiku (bec9a5)

  79. Would the victims of Benghazi be alive if they would have paid into the clinton foundation?

    mg (31009b)

  80. “The Trumpies are largely the backbenchers and new chums who have decided to rearrange the furniture. Saboteurs who call everyone else traitors.”

    Just like the American Revolutionaries. Glad to see you’re coming over to esoteric Neoreaction.

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  81. “These videos didn’t bother Trumpkins until they were used to make a point about Trump, but somehow for Trump, Hitler references are very upsetting. I grant Trump fans are usually really upset about everything, but the real issue is that Trump has praised fascist behavior on numerous occasions, appeals to white supremacists quite a bit due to his arguments about Mexicans and Muslims in the primary (when he was posing as what democrats think Republicans are), and has a history of racism going back fifty years.”


    “Did Trump’s fans complain about Downfall meme videos being used to mock Hillary or Obama? Nope. It’s a tell. These are the Team R faithful who push a lot of Americans out of the party.”


    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  82. Alt Right — a new Leftist marketing term idiots on the Right validate by using it.

    Left is great on defining the language.

    Last I check, bigots on both sides vote. Both sides troll for their respective votes.

    Rodney King's Spirit (a2db57)

  83. “Alt Right — a new Leftist marketing term idiots on the Right validate by using it.

    Left is great on defining the language.”

    Nope, “Alt-right” was in use among alt-righters a long, long, LOOOONG time before leftists started identifying it specifically. If anything they’re attempting to redefine it too late.

    “Last I check, bigots on both sides vote. Both sides troll for their respective votes.”

    Last I checked, ‘both sides bad, man’ and ‘bigotry is bad, man’ are the hallmark quotes of low-information, ‘dude weed’ voters.

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  84. Max, I could care less about bigotry. Every one has a right to be as they wish. And trolling idiots for votes is a hallmark of Democracy.

    And yes, using the term helps market the idiots. When the Right uses it, they support the Left.

    Rodney King's Spirit (a2db57)

  85. When the Right uses it, they help the Left troll for votes while giving away theirs.

    So you may find bigot a term devoid of meaning and only idiots take meaning from it but fact is the term helps in winning votes.

    Rodney King's Spirit (a2db57)

  86. still loving Mr. Trump

    i have faith in him cause of he’s got verve and a confident demeanor

    no stinkypig he

    just a good american what wants to helps us back on track

    a lot of people give him a hard time about it

    but he just keeps on keeping on

    that’s how you can tell he’s the best one

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  87. Hillary peddles conspiracy theory, Patterico joins movement. FUNNY!

    Rodney King's Spirit (a2db57)

  88. Slice it, dice it, any way you like it, what we gots for alt.right now is sub-normals who claim to be superior white “males” but can’t keep Mexicans and Arabs from taking their jobs, and hope some New York snake oil huckster will do it for them. Or they’ll move to Finland or Iceland. They’re to laugh at.

    nk (dbc370)

  89. a more positive take would be to say hey look Mr. Trump sure is a good choice

    way better than that disgusting stinkypig that’s for sure

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  90. If what you call Alt Right are subnormals then what do I call the Greek American Council peddling patronage for itself and its members? Or Black Lives Matters? Should they be sub normals too?

    Always love when Tribalists call other Tribalists names.

    Rodney King's Spirit (a2db57)

  91. If had a Turk or a Greek show up to paint my house, I’d pick the Turk. They work harder from what I can see.


    Luv this smarmy Tribalist name calling thing. Like a descent into madness.

    (** point being both sides have their folks who are less than exemplary but doesn’t mean you throw your under the bus when you don’t get what you want. Hint, you might need them later. Edit, you will need them later.)

    Rodney King's Spirit (a2db57)

  92. “13.Trumptards, I’m delivering the harsh reality. Trump is not your savior.”

    Silly, Trump was never our savior.
    Trump is our WEAPON.

    We never swore fealty to Trump.
    We helped sharpen his sword and held his coat, and told him to Go Out and fight.

    Y’know, it’s only you silly nevertrumpers that refer to Trump as Messiah or Savior or Jesus. If he fails, we won’t be crushed, we’ll go out and find a stronger weapon next time. Unlike you nevertrumpers, who when your guy fails you just shout at the sky.

    No wonder you’re losing — you don’t understand your opponent and think the fantasy you’ve built in your mind is the real thing. Gad, go read Sun Tzu.

    Call me when Trump holds a rally and instead of filling a stadium his audience half fills the end-zone.

    But besides all of that, what is your plan[*]? Trump is the Republican candidate, not Cruz or Rubio or Kasich.

    In January, either Hillary or Trump will be sworn in.
    All the True Conservative high Principles in the world won’t mean squat when Hillary becomes President.

    [*] Silly me. It is clear that your plan is to do naught but moan and complain that your guy lost.

    fred-2 (ce04f3)

  93. alt-right people are super sweet they’re always there with an encouraging word or a helping hand

    damn fine people

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  94. Ok, the new alt.right is not sub-normal at everything. They’re at the upper end of the BMI curve.

    I hired a Turk to paint my porch, once. Left him at the house with the paint and brushes while I went to work. He called to tell me he was finished. I said, “That was fast”. He said, “Well, there was not all that much to do. And you gave me so much paint, that I put on two coats”. “That’s great”, I said. “But there’s something I gotta tell you”, he continued. “You don’t have a Porsche, you have a Nissan.”

    nk (dbc370)

  95. as opposed to the svelte rick wilson, first mate on the hms egg mcmuffin,

    back in the real world,

    narciso (732bc0)

  96. Tip of the cap, nk.

    mg (31009b)

  97. omg turks are so stupid

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  98. #94: Yes, “if he’s not 100% perfect and doesn’t solve everything right now, I’m standing here with arms folded, and will criticize you, so stop reminding me about Clinton.”

    Harcourt Fenton Mudd (5e0a82)

  99. “Slice it, dice it, any way you like it, what we gots for alt.right now is sub-normals who claim to be superior white “males” but can’t keep Mexicans and Arabs from taking their jobs, and hope some New York snake oil huckster will do it for them.”

    Hang ’em, burn ’em, vote ’em out, what we gots for an ‘elite conservative ruling class’ now is managerial bottom-feeders who claim to be intellectually superior, administratively experienced, and constitutionally dedicated but can’t keep hostile ethnic blocs and their sub-85 IQ voters from taking effective ruling power over their institutions and constitutions with cries of ‘racism!’, ‘homophobia!’, and ‘anti-Semitism!’

    Then rather than learn from it, they hope some Beltway lesbian will show enough professional courtesy in the rigged game to kill them last.

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  100. the days when a snotty little constitution-fetishizing piece of harvardtrash could just waltz in with his grimacing harvardtrash sacky and snatch up the nomination are over i’m afraid

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  101. The Trumpies are largely the backbenchers and new chums who have decided to rearrange the furniture. Saboteurs who call everyone else traitors.

    Kevin M


    Dustin (ba94b2)

  102. Cook County. My rate would be half of what it is if I lived one county over. What’s Trump’s plan when he says he’ll “make it across state lines”? A uniform rate across the entire country? That would help me. I’d have Beverly Hills subsidizing my rate the way I’m subsidizing the South Side’s now.

    nk (dbc370)

  103. feng shui is probably one of the bestest way for to align yourself with prosperity there is except for investing

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  104. “Max”, it’s not us who are going to legalize the mud people. It’s Trump. Try to keep up.

    nk (dbc370)

  105. 103 is on point

    Rodney King's Spirit (a2db57)

  106. Mud people are fine so long as they work and not partake of the State. It is the parasites that scare me, and many so called Conservatives are, along with mud folk.

    Rodney King's Spirit (a2db57)

  107. italy death toll is up to 250 souls

    a lot of the news articles i’m reading use the word “rubble” a lot

    that’s not a word what i ever encounter in everyday real life cause of there’s never any rubble aboot

    there just isn’t

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  108. There are lots of folks on the alt-right who are big fans of Austrian Economics:

    Godfather of the Dark Enlightenment, MENCIUS MOLDBUG’s “About Me” bio on his Unqualified Reservations blog reads: “Stubbornness and disrespect, programming languages and operating systems, obsessive epistemology and formalist propaganda, Austrian economics and contemporary verse.”

    “Austrian economics” is his neo-NAZI dog whistle. Gotta look out for those guys.

    Playwright David Mamet, it turns out, is a veritable apostle of the alt-right. Now you understand why I like making the Glengarry-Glen Ross references.

    Once again, happy is right on the money:

    “alt-right people are super sweet they’re always there with an encouraging word or a helping hand . . . damn fine people”

    That’s all for now. Time to go over to 4chan \b\ for more breathless posting about Hillary’s much awaited speech. We’re all very excited.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  109. mud people are super-heroes but their super power is diversity and they don’t wear masks

    and guess what

    their money spends just like yours

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  110. well repealing mccarren/ferguson, remember the latter was the one that stopped the tucker, in the film, is a start,

    removing all doubt,

    recall cotton couldn’t get one senator to uphold their constitutional duty, re the rhodes road show,

    narciso (732bc0)

  111. sometimes there’s this sort of

    accretion around buildings here in chicago, particularly in the alleys

    it’s where mortar’s fallen off and accumulated over the years

    it means the building might be in want of what they’ll tell you is “tuckpointing” but is actually “repointing

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  112. Trumpkin shill fred-2 wrote above (#94):

    Silly, Trump was never our savior.
    Trump is our WEAPON.

    We never swore fealty to Trump.
    We helped sharpen his sword and held his coat, and told him to Go Out and fight.

    Fred, you’re not King Leonidis, and neither is Trump. But this election is rapidly looking like the Spartans’ last stand at Thermopylae, I will grant you that. But when you held his coat, King Trump took his sharpened sword, sliced off a few more of his own toes, and then stuck it in your back on immigration.

    Being a good Trumpkin shill, you’re now pretending you wanted that sword rammed through your back all along.

    That makes you a sucker. Do you know what single characteristic is most important for being a sucker? The stubbornness to deny it, and to defend the con-man who’s just swindled you, and to invest even more trust in him.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  113. One of my CLE courses earlier this year was on 409 fraud (the Nigerian prince/chief/finance minister who needs your help to get millions out of the country). It’s incredibly hard to investigate, because the victims refuse to admit that they are being, are being not were, swindled.

    One of the reasons is the way the victims are selected. The solicitation letters are deliberately written “inartfully”, with obvious tells, to weed out people with any vestige of sophistication or discernment. Cf. Trump’s speaking style.

    nk (dbc370)

  114. hey piggy what a pity you don’t understand

    you smell just like a fart when you wanna make last stand

    at thermalpoopy

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  115. what exactly is the gop doing with it’s majority in the house and senate, someone remind me.

    narciso (732bc0)

  116. Beldar

    You’re simply in the tank for Hillary, whether you can face it or not.

    Won’t you be happy when/if she’s elected won’t you having done your part to keep Trump outta the WH.

    Zero Sum Game, friend… but you and your ilk simply don’t get it do you.

    You’ve bought all the Trump hate… hey.. Hillary said Trump is in charge of the New and improved right wing conspiracy and also has big associations with the KKK.

    Why don’t you spread that around for a while.

    You’re the sucker here.

    PTS (ce7fc3)

  117. @ nk (#119): You might enjoy “The Confidence Game: Why We Fall for It … Every Time,” by Maria Konnikova, which makes that same point, re suckers continuing to participate even after they know they’ve been conned. She cites some spectacular historical examples. The book was released in January, and I read it earlier in the spring with the intention of writing a book review applying its observations to Trumpkins, but Cruz dropped out just after I finished the book.

    Monnikova also makes the related point that con men routinely con other con men, and that, indeed, such is considered the highest and most sublime form of the art. Trump particularly attracts people who pride themselves on being shrewd, people who believe that they are smart and experienced and capable of perceiving things that other people miss. And what they all say about Trump is that they love him “because he tells it like it is.” What they mean is, “He says what I want to hear!”

    Beldar (fa637a)

  118. would you be shocked to learn that Maria Konnikova is purebred harvardtrash?

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  119. PTS, you continue to astonish me. We had this discussion about your misuse of the term “zero sum game” before, when I pointed out that Wikipedia, in its entry for “zero sum games,” has a separate heading called “Misunderstandings” for your particular fallacy:

    Elections are often improperly cited as examples of zero-sum games. Unless the election enforces mandatory voting and utilizes a plurality voting system, it is non-zero-sum.

    It’s stupidly dishonest — because it’s so damned obvious — for you to claim that I am a Hillary supporter. Every comment I leave here links to a blog with over 4 million page views, over 3000 posts, compiled over many years and several national elections, in which I’ve established my bona fides as a conservative and a Republican.

    You, by contrast, are an anonymous, bad-tempered set of initials, barking at the moon on the internet.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  120. Thank you, Beldar, I’ll take a look at it. You know I’m a fan of the Pulps and the “grifter” is a common character. Damon Runyon, too: “What [he] does for a living is the best he can.”

    nk (dbc370)

  121. @ hatefulfeet (#124): So was Teddy Roosevelt. So was John Adams. So are Sen. Tom Cotton, and, yes, Sen. Ted Cruz.

    You’re a pathetic hater. Stop oozing this baby-talk pus.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  122. oh please Mr. plunkymonkey

    it’s perfectly ok for us to have some teensy number of ideas what do not have the imprimatur of harvard

    i volunteer why cause i’m a giver

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  123. clinton news network is stinky

    gloria vanderbilt was someone’s daughter too you know

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  124. Mr. Trump’s resolution is of the same consistency as the surface of the Hudson River. As is his character, and I suspect his cerebral cortex.

    nk (dbc370)

  125. sully!


    happyfeet (28a91b)

  126. come on, who takes david spade serious,

    rupert pupkin, I call them that because they’ll do any stunt to get attention, sadly they get beaten like a red headed stepchild by that three scoops of crazy, msnbc.

    narciso (732bc0)

  127. Thinking back to last year, when Trump threatened to run a third party campaign if the GOP didn’t let him into their club: Damn, but can we have that choice back?

    If we had a sane candidate, running against Horrible Hillary, with Trump running his Wallaceite campaign, we’d win the middle 60% of the country.

    After all NIXON won in the same situation against a far better person in 1968.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  128. Yeah, I couldn’t get a scholarship to Harvard, either. The captain of the football team did. Stole my scholarship, that brown person did. And the Colonel of the ROTC stole my appointment to West Point. Affirmative action is a blight on this nation.

    nk (dbc370)

  129. i miss falco

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  130. he was so dynamic and handsome just like Mr. Trump

    and just like the Notorious DJT he had more rhythm than he knew what to do wif

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  131. Beldar

    Ignorance and inflexibility are apparently your bulwark.

    Zero sum game is correct as a creative description of modern politics.. in terms of strict game theory, there is a difference.

    But there are different definitions for words and phrases in the English language which changes over time. Many have used the term “zero sum game” metaphorically for modern politics

    Suggest you check it out.

    You may have once been a Republican… but this is now. You have convinced yourself that working against Trump does not assist Clinton.

    So in terms of helping Clinton, the more votes Trump does not get, the more it helps Clinton

    Seriously, you really cannot understand this?

    If not… you are playing three card monte with yourself and you the sucker.


    PTS (ce7fc3)

  132. Gabriel Hanna sez:

    @Patterico:When you’ve lost Hitler, you’ve lost the alt-right.

    Haven’t you, and people you admire and agree with, been unfairly compared to Hitler, usually through some sort of association game (“you know who else…?”)

    Why yes, and so I would think you would be very slow to do the same to others.

    Well, it was a joke, but the “kidding on the square” aspect was directed at the alt-right. (And RKS, that’s what they call themselves. Sorry not sorry.) It was directed at Trump only to the extent he courts them, which he does, And if you don’t see a connection between Hitler and the alt-right, Gabriel, then you need to get out more.

    Patterico (bcf524)

  133. So in terms of helping Clinton, the more votes Trump does not get, the more it helps Clinton

    I’m not voting for Hillary. So that helps Trump. Not voting for Hillary is a vote for Trump!

    Patterico (bcf524)

  134. Gerald A,

    As has been explained many times before, Trump’s motive in appointing liberal Justices would be to get along with the Democratic Senate and show he can govern. Shutting things down has never been in his playbook.

    Trump will claim he makes the best deals because he knows how to govern. His goal will be to get things done, not please his long-forgotten base that he is obviously willing to sell out on every promise. If that means giving Beltway liberals what they want, so be it.

    DRJ (15874d) — 8/25/2016 @ 9:24 am

    He’d be interested in getting reelected, and if he did what you’re suggesting – deliberately appointing someone to SCOTUS who would torpedo the 2nd Amendment – he could kiss a second term goodbye. He has to understand that.

    Donald Trump, would, of course, first attempt to name, as his replacement for Atonin Scalia, one of the names on his list.

    If that nomination fails, and for any subsequent nominations, all bets are off. He’ll say the person is a conservative, or at least a supporter of the Second Amendment.

    Sammy Finkelman (7c7fb2) — 8/25/2016 @ 9:15 am

    That’s possible. Of course the same thing would happen with all of the 2016 Republican contenders with the exception of Cruz. But even with a Senate 51-49 Democrat there’s a chance he could get someone in, because Manchin might vote for his nominee.

    Gerald A (76f251)

  135. Mr. Trump is an icon i love him

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  136. #140:

    I’ve made that point several times. Voting for the LP is as much a vote for Trump as it is for Hillary: None. I’m voting for someone else. Ditto for staying home or fouling the ballot line.

    My vote is not yours to assume! If you wanted my vote you would have listened when I said “I will not vote for Trump, do not do this.” But you didn’t listen.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  137. oh please Mr. M who even voted for Mr. Trump in the primaries

    it was just a minority of people

    but now he’s the nominee and he’s the only one what can stop stinkypig from doing her fetid corrupt stench all up in it

    i love him more than beans and fishsticks

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  138. i got his back cause he got mine

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  139. I’d prefer to read something about Anna Kournikova, preferably with pictures.

    This is another good day. With Shorty’s every vacillation, Felito’s 2020 bid grows stronger. And the “I told you so” couldn’t be sweeter. But also, even in defeat, the bare knuckles brawling we will see from Trump/Bannon will be an invaluable service. I’m making popcorn.

    Finally, Beldar makes a really good point. It is astounding how easily voters can be duped. Taking the measure of a man is a lost art.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  140. and we were told we had to vote for mittens or maverick, because they would just voom like the norwegian blue,

    narciso (732bc0)

  141. finally

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  142. are we back to the 70s. when no public issue whether crime or welfare could be openly discussed,

    narciso (732bc0)

  143. i got his back cause he got mine

    Ooh, man, if I hadn’t promised DRJ I’d be nicer ….

    nk (dbc370)

  144. the AP was called out by Vox says howard dean

    this is why in my view the criminal stinkypig should not do press conferences

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  145. 96… Your future link led me right to my kitchen, Hoagie, for a second helping which I certainly did NOT need.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  146. Gerald A (76f251) — 8/25/2016 @ 6:00 pm

    But even with a Senate 51-49 Democrat there’s a chance he could get someone in, because Manchin might vote for his nominee.

    Because of the Second Amendment people, you mean.

    Sammy Finkelman (7a51c2)

  147. @ PTS (#138), who wrote, “Suggest you check it out.”

    I did. On Wikipedia.

    Yes, there are lots of idiots who don’t know what the term “zero sum game” means. You’re one of them. Some of them misuse the term when making political arguments, because they think using a fancy term of art from game theory makes them sound like they are smart. You’re one of those, too.

    But there aren’t very many Trumpkins shills or idiots who’d have the brass balls brain to return here, after twice being pointed and linked to Wikipedia, who’d then accuse me of being “ignorant” and suggest that I “look it up.”

    Thanks for the belly laugh.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  148. Dude, I not only looked it up, I quoted it to you twice.

    And you still don’t get it. You revel in not getting it!

    There are tears streaming down my face as I type this. Seriously, thanks for the laugh, it’s just too precious.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  149. Dead parrot sketch, Beldar.

    nk (dbc370)

  150. Patterico (bcf524) — 8/25/2016 @ 5:55 pm

    I’m not voting for Hillary. So that helps Trump. Not voting for Hillary is a vote for Trump!

    Only if you think Hillary is the lesser of the two evils. If you think Trump is the lesser of the two evils, not voting for either of them is a vote for Hillary!

    Not voting for either of them is a vote for whichever one of them you most DON’T want to see win. It can change if your evaluation changes. It’s tricky that way.

    Sammy Finkelman (7a51c2)

  151. I’m not voting for Hillary. So that helps Trump. Not voting for Hillary is a vote for Trump!

    Yeah, maybe that’s what we should do on November 6th. Just leave this election to the people who love either one of them, or who will not hate themselves for voting om the morning after.

    What are you going to do, Patrick? If you feel comfortable saying.

    Patricia (5fc097)

  152. ““Max”, it’s not us who are going to legalize the mud people. It’s Trump. Try to keep up.”

    nk, are you seriously going to pretend that absent Trump we’d have seen a harsher line on immigration from any other Republican candidate?

    This must be that ‘chutzpah’ thing I’ve been hearing about, told it’s very popular among rootless cosmopolitans, anti-nationalists, high-functioning gypsies, and other fundamentally parasitic classes that find their home in the criminal organization known as the Democratic party, and quite often the cause of their untimely exile from previously friendly countries.

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  153. But even with a Senate 51-49 Democrat there’s a chance he could get someone in, because Manchin might vote for his nominee.

    Because of the Second Amendment people, you mean.

    Sammy Finkelman (7a51c2) — 8/25/2016 @ 6:52 pm

    Yes for that reason, and maybe the social issues too.

    Gerald A (76f251)

  154. “But there aren’t very many Trumpkins shills or idiots who’d have the brass balls brain to return here, after twice being pointed and linked to Wikipedia, who’d then accuse me of being “ignorant” and suggest that I “look it up.””

    Beldar argues semantics, develops crippling inability to distinguish between an easily implied ‘de facto’ and ‘de jure’ context whenever he loses the argument, reverting to a sophomoric state of autistic rules-lawyering for emotional protection so often he may as well remain in the university forever-like so many other naturally Democratic voting blocs.

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  155. here’s a tip, free of charge, don’t use mud people,

    in france the immigration question is about north africans like the tunisian fellow who wasn’t stopped when the police realized there was no reason he was on the promenade, then again they are capricious like with one elderly algerian they had in custody,

    narciso (732bc0)

  156. “Max”, you’re a joke. I live in Chicago, and our neo-Nazis, all six of them, are viewed and treated like the ones in the Blues Brothers.

    nk (dbc370)

  157. @Pattericothe “kidding on the square” aspect was directed at the alt-right.

    Yes, I understood that, thank you.

    And if you don’t see a connection between Hitler and the alt-right, Gabriel, then you need to get out more.

    Ok, name some names. Is Milo a Hitler supporter? John Derbyshire? Steve Sailer? Taki? Ann Coulter?

    Gabriel Hanna (88feac)

  158. @Patterico:And if you don’t see a connection between Hitler and the alt-right, Gabriel, then you need to get out more.

    Continued. Are you then talking about random anonymous trolls on the internet, they’re the Hitler supporters that the alt-right is responsible for?

    Good thing no one else on the right is ever held responsible for what anonymous trolls, racists, and mobys say, except those who deserve it, amirite?

    Gabriel Hanna (88feac)

  159. It’s like this, if you are a democrat, and voted for a democrat in the primary, not voting for Hillary supports Trump. This is why I hope Bernie people do not vote for Hillary, that would help Trump.

    I’m sure you can see where I’m going with this…

    LBascom (b65b02)

  160. Incidentally why is the Libertarian party running people who compare handguns to weapons of mass destruction, endorse carbon taxes, and oppose ending Federal funding of Planned Parenthood? Is that supposed to be our Constitutional alternative?

    Back on topic, remember when Romney talked about liquefying coal into gasoline? You Know Who Else liquefied coal? The New York Sun sure did, and reminded us.

    Remember when Chris Matthews and Bill Maher were comparing Romney to Hitler?

    And of course George W. Bush, right.

    Gabriel Hanna (88feac)

  161. @Patterico: Of course if we’d succeeded in nominating Ted Cruz no one would be making any Hitler comparisons, not with him, not with his supporters, right?

    I mean, Bill Maher would never say “Cruz says he chose Carly ‘after a great deal of consideration and prayer.’ It’s like Hitler marrying Eva Braun in the bunker, only sad.”

    And Ted Cruz would never have been held responsible for anything his supporters might have said right? Like if one of them had once said, on one occasion long ago, that Hitler as sent by God because Jews weren’t converting to Christianity, the media would not have tried to tar him with it, right?

    Gabriel Hanna (88feac)

  162. ““Max”, you’re a joke. I live in Chicago, and our neo-Nazis, all six of them, are viewed and treated like the ones in the Blues Brothers.”


    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  163. well there was that one fellow who chose recite romans out of context, with what scripture teaches,

    narciso (732bc0)

  164. @Patterico: You know I don’t support Trump. I’ve never voted for him. In November I will vote for the candidate who, in my judgment, is most likely to deprive Hillary Clinton of the electoral votes of my state. Might be voting Green party in that case, we’ll have to see. Purely tactical.

    Nothing wrong with opposing Trump. What I think is wrong is using Leftist tactics to do so–especially people I thought were above that.

    Gabriel Hanna (88feac)

  165. @narcisco:well there was that one fellow who chose recite romans out of context, with what scripture teaches

    Why yes, I believe there was, and I do believe that ADL called on Ted Cruz to renounce his support. And Ted Cruz did. Which is why no one ever compared him to Hitler or called him a closet anti-semite ever again, and certainly they would not be doing that now if he had been the nominee.

    Gabriel Hanna (88feac)

  166. Oh look here from 2012! A neo-Nazi decided to run as a Republican. And did anyone in the media blame the Republican candidates for that?

    “What troubles me, however, is that, to the best of my knowledge at least, Jones has not been renounced by the leadership of the national Republican Party. I know that Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum have been otherwise preoccupied as of late, but it would be nice if they would at the very least take a few minutes out of their busy campaign schedule to reassure us that they do not want to appear on the same ballot line as Jones. And what about House Speaker John Boehner, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell? Could they possibly be prevailed upon to stop disparaging President Obama long enough to address what’s happening on their side of the aisle?…With the Tea Party dragging the GOP further and further to the extreme, reactionary right, we need senior Republicans on the national level to draw a line in the sand and declare publicly that they do not want Nazis, neo-Nazis, white supremacists or, for that matter, homophobes and likeminded bigots, anywhere near their party.”

    Gabriel Hanna (88feac)

  167. Well, even with these dubious cases, I’m sure that those scary people in the alt-right I’ve been reading about in the media really really are probably supporters of Hitler, and not falsely accused of it like virtually every office-seeker running as a Republican has been in my lifetime.

    Gabriel Hanna (88feac)

  168. Of course no member of Stormfront ever called on people to vote for Rand Paul, and Rand Paul was never called a racist and white supremacist on that account either.

    Oh wait that did happen.

    But I’m sure those ALT-RIGHT people deserve it.

    Gabriel Hanna (88feac)

  169. Patterico

    Alt Right was a ok when they were expected to vote Cruz right? I can go on with your hypocrisy and double standards of the Cruz fan club but it gets tiring. U lost. The tantrum is so 15 year old girlie girl dumped by her boyfriend yet the butt hurts continues. They only get angrier as they see the other party go on with life happily.

    And this idiotic discussion about a marginal numbers of white voters while the Democrats embrace BLM which represent like 80% of the black vote strikes as usual principled conservative (alleged) navel gazing. Hillary is just putting out bait fools like you give her.

    So Only principled conservatives I see are the ones who are willing to fight a super corrupt left win ideologue from winning. The others are simply Either sold out to the Govt check and don’t want the boat rocked or naive fools.. Like the 50 statesmen who will come groveling for work if Trump wins. And I mean serious grovel salty malt shake eaters ,,,, folks who have no clue what it means to earn a living outside the Government Industrial Complex.

    Rodney King's Spirit (a2db57)

  170. Cruz was plan B for Alt Right. Folks seem to forget Cruz cozying up to Trump to try and peel away his voters.

    Boy that was forgotten by the. Cruz fan boys.

    Rodney King's Spirit (a2db57)

  171. I wish people were as angry at the Iranian Mullahs and all the other Islamo-Nazis as they are at some guy who publishes a white supremacist newsletter from his mom’s basement in rural Arkansas.

    There’s a lot of mainstream left wing organizations who cheer for Israel to be wiped off the map.

    It is what it is.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  172. Democrats luv every criminal, derelict, welfare junkie, black nationalist, drug addict vote they get.

    But Trump must renounce white voters who are not leftists.

    Go figure.

    Rodney King's Spirit (a2db57)

  173. 179 … Or get angry at BLM or Moozy Radicals in our Sharia living mosques

    Rodney King's Spirit (a2db57)

  174. So buffoons. … Keep talking about the non issue of white supremacy …. It feeds the Lefty narrative all the while these same people are road kill of the Democrats and their coalition of race hustlers and opportunists.

    Hillary thanks you. Her speech today demonstrates it.

    Rodney King's Spirit (a2db57)

  175. @115 happyfeet

    I knew Chicago was in bad shape, but mortars falling?

    Pinandpuller (8dc060)

  176. @164 nk

    You don’t even have enough neo-nazis for a parade or to clean a stretch of highway? Did they get outcompeted by Nation of Islam?

    Pinandpuller (8dc060)

  177. this was on democraticunderground. you are now shilling for hillary like du does.

    not du (de69be)

  178. @Gerald A

    Re: Manchin

    Did you know that his daughter is the CEO of Mylan, the company doing the Price Gouging on the EpiPen?

    And that Mylan Pharmaceuticals has contributed to the the Clinton Foundation? Or maybe it’s vice

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  179. And the way to cover that up is for Dems to be on the attack against Mylan.

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  180. “140. I’m not voting for Hillary. So that helps Trump. Not voting for Hillary is a vote for Trump.”

    Trump is the only thing standing between Hillary and the White House.
    Everything that weakens him improves her chances.
    Every vote that he does not get improves her chances.
    Every vote that he gets hurts her chances.

    I feel like a happyfeet comment should go here.

    “Not voting for Hillary is a vote for Trump.”
    No, not voting for Hillary is simply neutral in terms of her becoming President. Neither helps nor hurts her chances.
    Your vote for Trump negates one of the dead-voter’s vote for Hillary.

    How come #nevertrumpers act so dumb?

    Poll, check one:
    [ ] I prefer that Hillary be President.
    [ ] I prefer that hillary _not_ be President.

    fred-2 (ce04f3)

  181. “143. My vote is not yours to assume! If you wanted my vote you would have listened when I said “I will not vote for Trump, do not do this.”
    Nobody was lying awake at night trying to figure out how to get Kevin M’s vote. Maybe your mother cares — nobody else does.

    Your vote is yours to cast, to help decide which of Hillary or Trump will become President. That’s it. Somehow you think that your vote has more weight than that.

    fred-2 (ce04f3)

  182. X -I prefer that Donald Trump not be President.
    __ I prefer that Bozo the Clown not be President.

    nk (dbc370)

  183. @ 188

    Your poll is a bit incomplete. Let me help you:

    [ ] I prefer that Hillary be President.
    [X] I prefer that Hillary _not_ be President.

    [ ] I prefer that Donald be President.
    [X] I prefer that Donald _not_ be President.

    Now you may proceed to tell me how really, one or the other of them will be president, and so I have to pick one. And I’ll just laugh.

    Demosthenes (09f714)

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