Patterico's Pontifications


Trump To Black Voters: What Do You Have To Lose?

Filed under: General — Dana @ 3:42 pm

[guest post by Dana]

This week, Donald Trump, who is currently polling in low single digits with black voters, made a direct appeal for their votes while campaigning in an overwhelmingly white community in Michigan:

What do you have to lose? You’re living in poverty. Your schools are no good. You have no jobs. 58% of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose?

I will produce. I will produce the inner cities and I will produce for the African-Americans. And the Democrats will not produce. All they’ve done is take advantage of your vote … If you keep voting for the same people, you will keep getting exactly the same result …

No group in America has been harmed more by Hillary Clinton’s policies than African Americans. No group. No group. If Hillary Clinton’s goal was to inflict pain on the African-American, she could not have done a better job.

It’s a disgrace. Tonight, I’m asking for the vote of every single African-American citizen in this country who wants to see a better future



Apparently, the GOP candidate is a slow learner.


122 Responses to “Trump To Black Voters: What Do You Have To Lose?”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (995455)

  2. all that momentum harvardtrash ted and his sacky were gaining with the black vote is just


    happyfeet (28a91b)

  3. But he didn’t get nominated to give more government goodies to black people; he was nominated to give more government goodies to white people.

    nk (dbc370)

  4. At least he is a learner. Now let’s see if you are a learner.

    otto (6b48e6)

  5. What do you have to lose? You’re living in poverty. Your schools are no good. You have no jobs. 58% of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose?

    He’s right.

    It doesn’t matter where he said it.

    Ahhhhhh, that New York attitude: ‘Hey! I’m walkin’ here!’

    Love it.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  6. I still remember the manufactured outrage when Perot said “you people” at NAACP.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  7. At least he is a learner. Now let’s see if you are a learner.

    otto (6b48e6) — 8/20/2016 @ 4:22 pm


    Dana (995455)

  8. Trump is battering down some barriers that the GOPe didn’t even realize existed. Score one for Donald.

    How did we ever fall so far? I’m beginning to think Trump has something to offer.

    If only he hadn’t been such a despicable candidate. He’s like that woman who smashed the knees of an ice skating competitor. If Cruz were to accept Trump’s apology (yet to be specifically offered,) I could vote for the guy.

    BobStewartatHome (f2b3a5)

  9. The GOPe has been hitting on this for a while, with no effect. Jack Kemp (GOPe, if there ever was one) beat his head against this wall for years. If Trump manages to get more of the black vote than Romney did, it will be a surprise. He’s not polling well there.

    Why? Because the social infrastructure in the African-American community — churches, schools, non-profits, government, newspapers, radio and TV is owned lock, stock & barrel by the Democrat machine.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  10. OT: There a new book by Martin Van Creveld, “Pussycats: Why the Rest Keeps Beating the West …”, that is fascinating. Amazon has it, but they mangled the title to read “why the rest keeps beating the rest”, which of course would deter most sentient beings from clicking on the offering. I expect someone in the front office told the troops manning their website to squash the offering ASAP, but they forgot to falsify the reviews. Being an extraordinary sentient being who reads the reviews, I took a chance and have been rewarded. I’ll be posting a ***** review as soon as I finish it. Recommended.

    BobStewartatHome (f2b3a5)

  11. It should also be pointed out that the GOPs fortunes with blacks ended the last time a GOP insurgency picked the candidate. Goldwater was foursquare against the 60’s era civil rights acts (reason does not matter) while the Dems were coming clean. Nixon’s embrace of the Wallacites in ’72 didn’t help.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  12. Trumpspeak confuses the wall hanging diploma crowd.

    mg (31009b)

  13. well the reasons do matter, his objection was exactly what turned out to be, affirmative action and quotas, what humphrey said ‘he would eat his hat’, wallace appealed to blue collar ethnics in the midwest and northeast, concerned about law and order, and general societal breakdown,

    narciso (732bc0)

  14. Goldwater was against the Civil Rights Act because he didn’t believe you end racism by instituting government racism with affirmative action.

    Rev. Hoagie® (0f4ef6)

  15. We already saw how genuinely gay-friendly Trump is — not someone who “evolved” with the political climate like Hillary. Deep down, he also loves black people and is secretly disgusted by the racists who have infested his campaign. If he is elected, expect to see a lot of black appointees to his administration and the courts; vigorous enforcement of the civil rights acts to end racial discrimination in every part of society; and generous aid to black communities. I guarantee it.

    nk (dbc370)

  16. cause stinkypig is down wit da struggle

    she be more better on black people than food stamp was

    they can’t believe their luck

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  17. You need to explain what you think “gay friendly” means, nk. Also what you mean by “evolved”. How has Hillary! evolved?

    Rev. Hoagie® (0f4ef6)

  18. This isn’t about Trump actually trying to get, or expecting to get, or having any hope of getting, more black votes.

    This was necessary virtue-signaling to try to hang on to white voters who need reassurance that the guy they’re voting for isn’t a hard-core racist. They want the reassurance, they’ll for the most part accept it, and it will save a few Trump votes that otherwise might have been lost.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  19. If so, Beldar, then he’s going to be reaching out to several groups, including signaling a willingness to listen to the Hispanic voting bloc next on immigration reform.

    It seems risky, and he could lose out big time on both his core supporters and the various identity groups.

    Dana (995455)

  20. I’m not saying that characterization is true, but Dana, we know how the larger latino community reacted to rubio, who was the only one who put his neck in the ringer for amnesty, and cruz, like garlic, so how does one appeal to communities who seem intent on crashing the nation onto the rocks,

    narciso (732bc0)

  21. Poor Beldar, faux conservative, helping Hillary at every turn.

    When the supreme court tilts left, and when progressives regain congress, perhaps you’ll rethink your short sighted Trump hatred. LOL

    PTS (ce7fc3)

  22. He’s had gay friends and associates when it was a crime to be a practicing homosexual, Hoagie, and it was not because he was running for public office. More recently, the Miss Silicone USA kerfuffle with Perez Hilton and Carrie Prejean? Hillary on the other hand, was against same sex marriage before she was for it, and “evolved” was the word she used.

    But that’s a minor point, and I only mentioned as an example of his tolerance and respect for all people. The important thing is how good Trump will be for black Americans if he is elected President. He will realize Martin Luther King’s dream where Obama, and every other President before him, failed to.

    nk (dbc370)

  23. I don’t think red queen particularly was so much for traditional marriage, roman please, as iowahawk once said, but they had to keep up the subterfuge of being southern democrats by appearances, hence DOMA which worked like a totem, until it was no longer necessary.

    narciso (732bc0)

  24. gosh you mean the carp, from wayne barrett and david cay johnson is not to be taken at face value, are you sure you’re on the right site,

    narciso (732bc0)

  25. The Democrats are the original racists. The GOP was established as an alternative party with the specific mandate of fighting slavery.

    The enforcement arm of the DNC, i.e. The Ku Klux Klan, did not like it.

    Fast forward… realizing the days of lynching and George Wallace were on the wane, the Dems smartened up and figured with enough goodies, they could have their slavery and eat it too.

    LBJ cynically but correctly remarked that “I’ll have those n*ggers voting democratic for the next 200 years” after ushering in his historic legislation specifically designed for blacks.
    Looking back, it was sort of the Obamacare of its day… ostensibly humanitarian, cynical in its design ultimately assuring the destruction of the black family.

    Fast forward another 50 years and the LBJ plan is working great as blacks reflexively vote for the Dem Racist Party even as their lives have improved little on balance.

    The Dems love blacks… love them like a rattlesnake loves a field mouse…

    Trump, of course, is exactly correct. A few observant blacks who can escape the hive mind thinking understand this as well.

    PTS (ce7fc3)

  26. I visit leftist websites and other conservative sites where leftists comment and a common theme of leftists everywhere is that Trump is a racist, nk. It’s pointless to argue because they are as usual implacable in their stubborn beliefs right or wrong.

    I had friends when it was a crime to be a practicing homosexual and I still do but I’m not convinced gat marriage is the right direction for society. My reason is simple: if the left is for it, it must be bad for America or Christians or whites or men or straights or all five.

    Rev. Hoagie® (0f4ef6)

  27. yes, right scoop in particular, has been infested with that viewpoint, it really is much more like the puffington host, whereas the premise is presented but debated here,

    narciso (732bc0)

  28. “but Dana, we know how the larger latino community reacted to rubio, who was the only one who put his neck in the ringer for amnesty, and cruz, like garlic, so how does one appeal to communities who seem intent on crashing the nation onto the rocks,”


    How did America deal with hired German mercs during the American Revolution?
    How did America deal with hired Indian mercs during the American Revolution?
    How did America deal with British Loyalists after the American Revolution?
    How did America deal with Muslim pirates during the War of 1812?
    How did America deal with seditious Irish during the Civil War?
    How did America deal with anarchists, Communists, and Chinese laborers in the 1920s?
    How did America deal with German sympathizers in World War I?
    How did America deal with Japanese nationals during World War II?
    How did America deal with recalcitrant Mexican laborers during Operation Wetback?

    How would America have dealt with Communists, had Joe McCarthy not been abandoned by his so-called ‘conservative’ party?
    How would America have dealt with disease-ridded degenerate communities that spread incurable diseases, had the so-called conservative party shown even a miniscule interest in public health?
    How would America have dealt with Islamic terrorist apologists like CAIR, had ‘Islam means peace’ not become the Official Government Line, unchallengable even by the so-called conservative opposition when it was purportedly in power?

    Why aren’t you immediately thinking of these very well-documented prior examples, whereas a Trump supporter like me can quote them chapter and verse? Is it possible that you have a very limited vision of what America has looked like in the past, and can look like in the future?

    You don’t ‘appeal to underprivileged communities’. You state your case clearly and boldly, and let the underprivileged assimilate to it or Go Back. Then, once the remaining American community is very clearly organized along unapologetically American lines, and those who do not belong or contribute to it by any reasonable stretch of the imagination are gone, you sing the best verse of the Star Spangled Banner:

    “Oh where is that band
    Who so vauntingly swore
    That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion
    A home and country should leave us no more
    Now their blood has washed out their foul footstep’s pollution!

    And no refuge could save
    The hireling and slave
    From the terror of flight
    Or the gloom of the grave

    And that Star-Spangled Banner in triuph yet waves
    Oe’r the land of the free, and the home of the brave!”

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  29. it’s not a rhetorical question, maverick went the amnesty route, even roped the huntress into it, and they went with the one who had least to do with the issue, in fact had placed poison pills in the bill,

    narciso (732bc0)

  30. and it’s nowhere near the same thing, max, many of you live in california, we’re to believe pete wilson and prop 187, was the only thing that turned it into a one party state?

    narciso (732bc0)

  31. Trump’s most fervent supporters are worse than Trump and that’s a sad fact, but I suspect that if he’s elected he’ll send them packing to play with their swastikas.

    nk (dbc370)

  32. BTW, Dystopia Max, are you Christoph? Cause you sound an awful lot like him.

    nk (dbc370)

  33. BTW, did I mention that the Cubs are leading the MLB, four games over the Rangers who are at the top of the American League? 😉

    nk (dbc370)

  34. don’t you get tired repeating the same slander the democrats have been using since 1968, if not 1964, d’nesh d’souza does a rather systematic breakdown of that trope, since he was born abroad, he doesn’t really have much love for jefferson,

    narciso (732bc0)


    Who knows what party will have #nevertrump after Nov?

    Political parties like collecting money, being attractive, making a splash. #nevertrump are queer bait.

    DNF (755a85)

  36. 31/32: if Palin was a short-term convert, it wasn’t acknowledged and she came across as someone who would not go along with any McCain wobbliness on the issue. It didn’t help that McCain was 72 and Palin had that hungry Cassius look about her. That’s when I jumped that ship, even Duncan Hunter the elder would have seemed more reassuring (at least you knew the wall soul go up first). California was always, the land of fruits, nuts,,and (since 1975) overpurposed and overcompensated state workers, so much so that it wouldn’t skip a blue beat even if the Class of ’86 and its Inquilinos had not gotten that lifeline.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  37. as you know gary, durenberger, and carlson, were the minnesota tweedledum and dumber, in that long list of persistent category error of #willing for hillary,

    narciso (732bc0)

  38. Heh, heh, heh! Yes, I saw the Trump supporters in the Triumph video. Nobody would think of using them as the bait in a sex sting for any sex or sexual orientation. Not for a human, anyway. Maybe a buffalo, orangutan, very lonely hippopotamus ….

    nk (dbc370)

  39. well I garnered that from the univision interview, late in the campaign, by that point maverick had definitely thrown the match

    narciso (732bc0)

  40. Again, those Minnesotans plus Weber, are something for Somali surrogates to point to and say “it’s not just us”. Man, what an aberration Pawlenty and Bachmann were.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  41. yes, it turns out #willing for hillary, weber was lobbying not only for that janukovich front group but for the lovely emirate of qatar,

    narciso (732bc0)

  42. 40. Ah, but the homely and unwashed have already hooked up with a redefined workers party.

    It’s you monobrow that are on the outside.

    DNF (ffe548)

  43. it’s striking that the only insult comic still allowed is a stuffed sock, with george burns cigar, so he had to pay his dues,

    narciso (732bc0)

  44. As opposed to the perennial Star Wars Bar scene Democrats, nk.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  45. The dross always outweighs the pure metal.

    nk (dbc370)

  46. more like jabba’s palace, cheering the rancor, the ones who booed law enforcement, and serving military officers,

    narciso (732bc0)

  47. If we’re going to be Nietzschean, let’s do it right.

    nk (dbc370)

  48. There’s Achmed the Dead Terrorist. That guy is a truly talented ventriloquist.

    nk (dbc370)

  49. 42. Roughly a year ago, maybe 18 mos., the MN Republican party lost their lease in St. Paul for payment >90 days in arrears.

    Sucks to be non-entities.

    DNF (ffe548)

  50. yes, the dummy on the other hand, is so life like, rimshot,

    narciso (732bc0)

  51. Belonging to the outsider party in a state that elected Jesse Ventura and Al Franken should be a matter of pride.

    nk (dbc370)

  52. well stuart smalley stole that first race, did they show much less place in the last contest,

    as for ventura, well some untapped lsd reservoirs must have been responsible,

    narciso (732bc0)

  53. 54. Jesse took a ride with the American Independent party that for a few bienniums shoe horned itself between the majors. They took during the period roughly 10% of the vote without fielding candidates for most legislature slots.

    The allegation that Minnesotan’s are not so much nice as congenitally addled is not without merit.

    That said, the Republican party is a perfect vacuum hereabouts.

    DNF (ffe548)

  54. 55. Do remember his opponent was former Democratic mayor of St. Paul, an easterner, Norm Coleman.

    As limp and flaccid as was imaginable.

    DNF (ffe548)

  55. an affable fellow most notable for trying to get to the root of the oil for food scandal, with galloway, he almost won,

    narciso (732bc0)

  56. The last Republican in the mold of Ronald Reagan we elected in Illinois was Peter Fitzgerald. George Ryan was a Chicago Democrat in everything but label. Mark Kirk is a ’60s liberal Republican to put it kindly — we called them North Shore Liberals in the Boss Daley era. Rauner is a nice, smooth cog in the Combine.

    nk (dbc370)

  57. look the medici on balance was probably the best of the three governors we’ve had, then again charlie cheetah throws the curve into a singularity, my one abiding regret, but I was younger
    a whole 10 years ago.

    narciso (732bc0)

  58. @30….. “My, that’s a big one.”

    Charles ‘Scorpio Killer’ Davis [Andrew Robinson,] ‘Dirty Harry,’ 1971

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  59. robinson is exceedingly creepy, he was a cardassian even when he was without a mask, take hellraiser as an example,

    narciso (732bc0)

  60. 58. Agreed, but undercut W. on Iraq.

    My sense is abdicating manhood in MN is not a winning position for national office. Bachmann, although quixotic at points, showed more cojones than Minnesotan’s cumulative in my lifetime and raised the esteem given the GOP in MN despite her detractors.

    #nevertrump in MN may as well be eulogized, the party they hope to entrain again has flatlined ages ago.

    DNF (ffe548)

  61. well so did our esteemed senator martinez, I recall one of the surveys i received over the phone, where I complained about his retreat on iraq and gitmo, they never called back,

    narciso (732bc0)

  62. Speaking of Minnesota, I get really sick and tired of Garrison Keillor’s “Hey, we’re just all JFK Democrats over here in Lake Wobegon. And all you Republicans are racist jerks!”

    When dysfunctional Syrian refugees are represented in Lake Wobegon, then we’ll talk, old man.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  63. well more likely to be from somalia, but his guy noir parody would sound different,

    narciso (732bc0)

  64. The old form of black GOP outreach in the Midwest was to turn over the DMV/Secretary of State, a la Jim Rhodes and Jim Thompson

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  65. he thinks the sepah are involved in everything, but you see how the machinery works,

    narciso (732bc0)

  66. “we’re to believe pete wilson and prop 187, was the only thing that turned it into a one party state?”

    No, prop 187 was a popular reaction, the California one-party state was mainly aided and abetted by Republican big business and big church donors who loved dim people who sold their time, bodies, and souls more cheaply than their own kin.

    If you read people like Sailer, you’d have known this long, long ago:

    According to Census Bureau figures, Hispanics cast 11.4 percent of the vote in 1994 when the Republican Wilson won by 15 percentage points. By 1998, when the Republican Lungren lost by 20 points, Hispanics comprised 13.9 percent of the voters. (Their share remained level at 13.9 percent in 2000. In the rest of America, by the way, Hispanics only accounted for 4.4 percent of the vote in 2000.) That Hispanic growth of 2.5 points is, of course, impressive, but it can hardly account for the Republicans’ 17 point collapse from Wilson’s 55 percent in 1994 to Lungren’s 38 percent in 1998.

    The bigger story was that between 1994 and 1998 there was an enormous outflow of conservative whites from California, in part due to changes in the state caused by illegal immigration and the huge Hispanic baby boom in California that followed the 1986 amnesty.

    As I wrote in 2000:

    Demographer [William] Frey points out, “Another cause of the rise of the California Democrats is selective out-migration of the more rock-ribbed Republicans. The folks who have been leaving California’s suburbs for other states have the white, middle-class demographic profiles of Republican voters. California’s middle class families are being squeezed out by real estate prices. And Republicans are heading for whiter states where they won’t have to pay taxes for so many social programs for the poor.”

    Finally, while white high school graduates have been leaving, California’s booming New Economy is attracting an influx of well-educated whites from the other 49 states. Traditionally, Frey notes, “Californians of high socio-economic status have been more likely to be classic liberals than similarly well-off residents of other states.” Frey expects that newcomers who move to California to make their fortunes in Hollywood or Silicon Valley will also tend to vote Democratic more often than their wealth would suggest.

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  67. well credentialed, educated is somewhat of a reach, but that probably played more into the scenario,

    narciso (732bc0)

  68. perhaps the word you’re reaching for is closer to ‘well-connected,’ ‘hive-minded’, or if you prefer a more MPC/Autoadmit term: “fa**ot striver poors and the sociopaths who profit from them.”

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  69. no I meant well credentialed because they are likely to be very ignorant of basic truths,

    narciso (732bc0)

  70. Oh, they’re not necessarily ignorant of them, they’re just looking for the angle in which they manage to live out the most comfortable life with the least responsibility ever having to be personally exercised.

    What they lack is the moral and spiritual connection to either their lands or their people, so filling their lands with ‘hirelings and slaves’ from the lowest-achieving countries on earth is great! For them. In their lifetime. Hopefully. There’s only one lifetime, right? I’ll be dead before anyone judges me for this lifetime, right?

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  71. Apologies, this is off topic, except that it indirectly does relate to the election, and to what’s happening to Donald Trump’s clown-car campaign:

    When gazing at the photo and looped video of the stunned and bleeding Syrian refugee child, was I the only wicked, heartless, and utterly cynical person who was put in mind of Tracy Lime, the character played by then very-young Kirsten Dunst in the 1997 film “Wag the Dog“? Poor Tracy Lime, running in front of the blue screens (soon to be smoking ruins) while clutching her last possession, a bag of Tostitos? Of course I am not saying this poor child in Syria was an actor or that the scene was faked; it’s simply very powerful visual imagery, of exactly the sort that can unfortunately be captured after every civil war going back before recorded history.

    But the MSM is certainly dancing to Obama’s tune. Can Trump hear it? Does he pay any attention to anyone but himself, ever?

    How much of what’s happening in the world right now is influenced by, or intended to influence, our election? Voting starts in five weeks. This year’s anniversary of 9/11 is around the corner; does anyone doubt that some very bad people are making anniversary plans again this election cycle?

    I’m guessing the Clintons probably watched “Wag the Dog,” since it was about Bill. I don’t know if Trump watched it. Maybe he did, back when he was a Democrat, but he forgot the whole thing about how the dog was being wagged and why. You’d think maybe he watched this movie with Mrs. Trump, since the movie’s phony war was set in Albania and that’s just a short Adriatic coastal cruise from her native Slovenia.

    Prompted by these uneasy thoughts, I just spent a good hour just now looking at this Google Maps interactive graphic showing U.S. & friendly military assets & bases that, as the accompanying text explains, might be used soon:

    The U.S. is readying naval and air capabilities in the Middle East and Mediterranean for a Western strike on Bashar al-Assad’s forces. Considered imminent, the attack could be a punitive operation against critical army command-and-control centers or a more risky response against key chemical weapons sites.

    It astounds me that so much detail is publicly available. And it’s an interesting mix of forces.

    What could possibly go wrong?

    Beldar (fa637a)

  72. Kirsten Dunst as Tracy Lime, with Dustin Hoffman.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  73. Also off topic, @ narciso: I realized recently that in a couple of comments about a week ago, I had gotten you and another regular commenter here confused. So I may have mentioned your name in a context that made no sense whatsoever to you. No offense was intended to either you or the other commenter I’d confused with you, but I apologize if I caused you confusion.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  74. Ack, sorry for the unclosed tag. 🙁

    Beldar (fa637a)

  75. It seems risky, and he could lose out big time on both his core supporters and the various identity groups.

    Except, Dana, that his core supporters know he’s lying.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  76. Dystopia Max

    Where do these people come from and are there no meds?

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  77. two things that burn my bum-
    sasquatches old lady living rent free and flying around the world on my money.
    What kind of a sissy boy would have his mother-in-law live with him for eight years?

    mg (31009b)

  78. No trumpers will hate this.

    mg (31009b)

  79. no trumpers- find the highest bridge and try and fly. We don’t need you clinton rump swabs.

    mg (31009b)

  80. Another measure of the coming election sad for #nevertrump:

    Google search on Breitbart–10 million hits in 0.3 secs.

    Google search on Patterico–160K hits in 0.45 secs.

    Loozers disqualify winners on secret evidence of black magic and expect low-info voters to come to heel.


    DNF (ffe548)

  81. Turkeys outnumber eagles, that’s a fact.

    nk (dbc370)

  82. God visited a woman and told her she must give up smoking, drinking
    and unmarried sex if she wants to get into heaven.
    The woman said she would try her best.

    God visited the woman a week later to see how she was getting on.
    “Not bad” said the woman, “I’ve given up smoking and drinking but
    then I bent over to look inside the freezer and when my boyfriend
    caught sight of my long slender legs, he pulled up my skirt, pulled
    my panties to one side and made love to me right then and there.”

    “They don’t like that in heaven,” said God.

    The woman replied: “They’re not too happy about it in Costco either!”

    Rev. Hoagie® (0f4ef6)

  83. Trump could sew this up quick if he told blacks vote for me for President and vote your conscience on the down ballot. It would assuage the usually fears about a radically shrunken federal government that keep many tethered to the plantation. Plus it’s a good way to get back at any reluctant or hostile NeverTrump incumbents.

    urbanleftbehind (456f32)

  84. “Where do these people come from and are there no meds?”

    To those who live in a society terminally medicated against any emotional trend that could lead to change, unvarnished enthusiasm does looks like mania. I suppose lifetime teetotalers who say things that cowardly hard drinkers only say when they’re drunk also look reckless to the terminally hung over. Drop your prescribed and unprescribed medication and see the world as it is, then maybe, just maybe, you too can troll as well as we can.

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  85. nk (dbc370) — 8/20/2016 @ 5:47 pm

    If he is elected, expect to see a lot of black appointees to his administration

    That’s not very likely, because he doesn’t know anybody, except Omarosa, and Ben Carson (whom he may have forgotten about by now, but Christie will remind Trump about him.)

    And of course, there’s also Mike Tyson.

    and the courts; vigorous enforcement of the civil rights acts to end racial discrimination in every part of society;

    Whaever will seem to him to be politically expedient.

    and generous aid to black communities.

    Not with money.

    He might push the voucher system, and let some other people do things they want.

    All that trump did in his near-Milwakee speech is repeat things that are being said.

    Sammy Finkelman (882d94)

  86. Beldar @76. Obama always makes preparations, but hardly ever does anything.

    The U.S. has warned Syria agianst bombing friendly to USA forces in Syria, and he may not want those areas controlled by them overrun, or to many civilians killed by Assad.

    The United States also asserted its military might in a new way, scrambling its aircraft to protect its forces, and those it is supporting, from Syrian government airstrikes. The Pentagon issued a blunt warning to the Syrian government after its warplanes struck a Kurdish-controlled region where American military personnel were on the ground.

    “The Syrian regime would be well advised not to interfere with coalition forces or our partners,” said Capt. Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman.

    Sammy Finkelman (882d94)

  87. No trumpers will hate this.

    mg (31009b) — 8/21/2016 @ 3:13 am

    The poll is from USC Dornsife, which the LA Times is sponsoring. It’s often been an outlier. This may be the first Presidential election they’ve ever done. I get the impression they have a different methodology than other polls. Interesting.

    Gerald A (76f251)

  88. well the polling environment has changed so radically that one cycle, zogby had the bead, then rasmussen and other in turn, the track record in the uk, israel and other places, suggests not relying on any lodestone,

    their is a wide discrepancy among the rebels, the kurds may simply conflict with regime elements in places like hasakah, however the more salafi coalitions, are a more direct threat, and the free syrians, seem willing to make common cause with the jaish rather than more moderate forces,

    narciso (732bc0)

  89. Every Republican candidate has reached out for the black vote. The idea that Trump is doing something new here just shows a short memory.

    Milhouse (5a188d)

  90. Every Republican candidate has reached out for the black vote. The idea that Trump is doing something new here just shows a short memory.

    Milhouse (5a188d) — 8/21/2016 @ 7:57 pm

    I don’t recall any Republican making a direct appeal to blacks. They may have run a few ads on black radio stations etc.

    Gerald A (76f251)

  91. Goldwater was against the Civil Rights Act because he didn’t believe you end racism by instituting government racism with affirmative action.

    Indeed, and he was correct, but Kevin M is still correct in pointing out that by taking this principled stand he lost the GOP the black vote, and it’s not coming back. As a true man of conscience he could not have done anything else, but facts are facts; it had the effect that it had.

    Milhouse (5a188d)

  92. there is certainly an unorthodox approach, not to appeal to the designated gatekeepers like the NAACP,

    narciso (732bc0)

  93. That’s not factual, Milhouse. They’ve just about given up, as they’ve found our black brothers and sisters firmly ensconced in the Demcrats modern version of the plantation.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  94. Black people know what they will get with Hillary. It’s a sure thing. They have no reason to gamble at Trump Casino.

    nk (dbc370)

  95. well because despite introducing affiirmative action, that particular cohort was more alienated from traditional social policy in practice, de jure they are socially conservative, but not defacto, economics probably played as big a part, as one must realize,

    narciso (732bc0)

  96. and what exactly do they have, the worst labor participation rate in living memory, and her policies will make it worse rather than better,

    narciso (732bc0)

  97. Ongoing joblessness, lack of hope, food stamps and being kept in the pens the Democrats have assigned them to. Helluva deal there, nk.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  98. What kind of a sissy boy would have his mother-in-law live with him for eight years?

    Um, any decent person. That’s one of his few good points.

    Milhouse (5a188d)

  99. Please don’t kid a kidder, gentlemen. Black people had Nixon, Ford, Reagan, 41 and 43. If they did not latch on to them, Trump ain’t gonna butter their parsnips, no way.

    nk (dbc370)

  100. That’s not factual, Milhouse.

    It is factual

    Milhouse (5a188d)

  101. Don’t get me wrong. I laud Trump for reaching out. The Presidency is iconic. Mere appearance matters.

    nk (dbc370)

  102. No, it has been more an afterthought, Milhouse. A symbolic reaching out. Nothing really sustained. More like going thru the motions, Milhouse. Similar to an outreach to Jews, who have been another another bloc lost in the Democratic wilderness, wandering for decades, the dumb sons of b*tches.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  103. well it was sincere, but mediated through the gate keepers, recall the way they played up that case in texas, because thought crime was not imputed,

    narciso (732bc0)

  104. I’m not as sanguine, because look squirrel, seems to work all too often

    narciso (732bc0)

  105. I love the IDF, but the Jews themselves seem lost and out in the woods.

    mg (31009b)

  106. yes, lets follow the narrative, what could go wrong,

    narciso (732bc0)

  107. Soros should be hanging by a rope next to team Clinton.

    mg (31009b)

  108. 14. Rev. Hoagie® (0f4ef6) — 8/20/2016 @ 5:41 pm

    Goldwater was against the Civil Rights Act because he didn’t believe you end racism by instituting government racism with affirmative action.

    That wa sthe year it passed, and senator Hubert Humphrey, in arguing for the bill, specifically denied it would authorze reverse discrinination. They didn’t have saffirmative action then. Goldwater said he was opposed to the 1964 Civil Rights Bill because it violated state’s rights. (it was based actually on the Commerce clause, and not the 14th amendment, to eliminate possible challenges in court.)

    Sammy Finkelman (882d94)

  109. K street Republicans showing superior insight moment: after losing the last 2 presidential elections, and ignoring black vote for decades, they criticize the republican candidate for making open appeal for black votes.

    Harcourt Fenton Mudd (5e0a82)

  110. HFM, a lot of times, someone would rather lose as opposed to win with the “margin of victory” belonging to a group or segment of voters whose “price” may run counterintuitive to many of the original group’s aims. Its a legitimate beef should Rubio (or even a desperate for authenticity/ rocking-the-guayabera shirt Cruz) have gotten the nomination, as re immigration. One could argue additional black votes could fully replace perceived NeverTrumpers in the R voter ledger, but a lot of the proposed streamlining of government and judicial restraint proferred by core conservatives would take back seats or not move forward.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  111. I don’t know any conservative who does not believe the Republican party needs to drag African Americans into the 21st century, kicking and screaming if necessary. The democrat left has used and abused blacks since pre Civil War and continue to this day. The unwillingness of Republicans to go to war with dems for the black vote is a stain on the party. Because we “gave up” on blacks they are herded into ghettos, fed a line of hopelessness and victimhood that crushes the soul and spirit of a load of would-be great Americans if given the opportunity. They have been trained to “demand” things not earn them by their masters in the democrat party so the party becomes their savior when they swoop in with obamaphones and bricks of cheese. It’s a damn pity. When I was a kid not one of my black friends parents didn’t work and not one was on support. Not one.

    Rev. Hoagie® (0f4ef6)

  112. i love how inclusive Mr. Trump is it’s a new day for sure

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  113. Another thing the democrats keep getting away with that pisses me off is the idea that Republicans are “the Party of the rich”. If that were ever true is sure as $hit isn’t true today. All the talking head millionaires on TV save a slim few on FOX are all rich pr!cks. I’m looking at the “Big Banks” and “Big Investment/Clearing Houses” and almost all their bosses are dems, give to dems, have fundraisers at their homes for dems and bundle for dems. Damn near every movie star since WWII is a leftist dem and same with TV stars. Now we see the sports figures are too as well as the sport announcers and more than half the owners. When you throw in every overpaid journalist, opinion writer and comedian it covers everybody but the middle class and the poor. So who’s the party of the rich? Democrats! Say it loud and say it long until it’s acknowledged by everybody.

    Rev. Hoagie® (0f4ef6)

  114. I agree with you, @ 119, except for the sports figures-owners-announcers. The white ones tend to be overly R, and even the African-American ones are closer to 50 D/ 50 R than the 10 D / 90 R of their non-professional athlete brethren. You do have your Jim Boeheims and Brian Kelly’s but they are balanced out by Bobby Knight and Lou Holtz. With announcers, the less-numerous but loud liberals i.e. Bob Costas overshadow Al Michaels, Jim Nantz, Clay Travis, Colin Cowherd etc.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  115. #119

    If you point that out then they’ll say “Yes but the rich Democrats want to pay more in taxes!”

    Gerald A (76f251)

  116. yes, but that is never actually true, dicaprio even gets into complex malaysian financing schemes to avoid taxes,

    narciso (732bc0)

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