Patterico's Pontifications


Ah, Trumpers! You Never Fail to Amuse

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 6:49 pm

“Says who?”

I’m not sure if this one is funny or terrifying. I think both.

Thanks to Ben Howe for both.

75 Responses to “Ah, Trumpers! You Never Fail to Amuse”

  1. Ay yai yai

    Patterico (bcf524)

  2. Did I say “fat, spoiled, white people” the other day?

    First, I amend that to “fat, stupid, stupid, stupid, spoiled, white Trumpkins”.
    Second, I apologize to people.

    nk (dbc370)

  3. Dumpster fire deluxe

    SPQR (18e87f)

  4. ah ben howe, a model of probity,

    I mean who were getting on bannon, for some screw up on mattera’s part,

    narciso (732bc0)

  5. I say it’s staged and scripted.

    Andrew (b12b60)

  6. There’s nothing amusing about a Hillary Administration.
    The way she’s cozying up to George Soros is no laughing matter.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  7. Ok, I was able to access the “Says who?” video on YouTube. That’s fine. “Foundation, counsel!” *Journalists* like to use these throwaways, assuming facts not in evidence, and should be called on it. The second part, his canned spiel, was of lesser quality. He should have practiced it more.

    nk (dbc370)

  8. Guess you are REALLY lookin forward to Pres Clinton redux

    kinlaw (7267b5)

  9. This is surreal: After the “says who” interview in the post, Michael Cohen told CNN that he totally owned the interview and boasted that he “unraveled” CNN’s Brianna Keiler.


    “I was shocked at the length of the silence as she stumbled to think of an answer,” Cohen said. “And when she did come up with an answer, it was so generic it could have applied to anything.

    Dana (995455)

  10. brianna keelar, the same one who was denying on social media, that she had been cut off repeatedly when she raised a query.

    narciso (732bc0)

  11. A long time ago, in a place far away (no, not far away), I watched Katie Couric interview Ross Perot:

    “Mr. Perot, you offended a lot of people by saying you would not have adulterers or homosexuals in your administration ….” I’m pretty sure that’s verbatim.

    Ross Perot did not call her on the “you offended a lot of people”. He soft-pedaled an answer to the accusation.

    It’s been 24 years and I cannot forget it. Why did he let her get away with it?
    “Which people would those be, Katie?”
    “How many people is that, Katie?”
    “How do you know how many people I offended, Katie?”
    “Your make-up man and assistant producer are not a lot of people, Katie.”
    “Only adulterers and homosexuals, I imagine, Katie.”
    But he did not say any of those things.

    I consider Cohen putting down this Barbie vicarious revenge for what Katie Couric did to Ross Perot.

    And you know what else? Screw Fox! They helped put Trump up there.

    nk (dbc370)

  12. isn’t this what is called a tu quoque argument,

    mrs. kielar was fresh from her divining pond, and cohen just slapped her down,

    now begala, davis, et al, do a better job ignoring actual facts,

    narciso (732bc0)

  13. Pointing to another bright, shiny object. Fer chrissakes…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  14. as did the dinosaurs before it went boom, but I point out ben howe’s charming discretion when it comes to these things,

    narciso (732bc0)

  15. Oh, this was CNN, not Fox. Same as before, except the “Screw Fox” part.

    nk (dbc370)

  16. now fox has been nearly as bad with grand master rove, schemp, taylor I mean megyn, I don’t know how they remain conscious with all the hyperventilating,

    narciso (732bc0)

  17. you know how big a mound, triumph would have to use with red queen, well one of the smaller step pyramid, shirley you can’t be serious.

    narciso (732bc0)

  18. Oh wow that Says Who video is great. I can’t stop watching it.

    Here’s one with more Gary Oldman.

    Patrick Henry, the 2nd (ddead1)

  19. so sixteen gitmo terrorists, two more insurance companies go belly up, one more hostage, want to fill in the rest,

    narciso (732bc0)

  20. All these clowns rushing in to worship at the feet of the “Democrats do it better” guy, while accusing those opposed to the “Democrats do it better” guy of not being Conservative. It is a sick joke to be worshiping at the feet of Donald Comacho.

    John Hitchcock (89487c)

  21. First, the CNN headline is fubar. Trump didn’t overhaul anything. He hired more personnel.

    If you were any kind of decent you would correct the record instead of regurgitating Hillary spin.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  22. Second, if I were to start referring to our resident Hillary supporters as beaners, wetbacks, spearchuckers or porch monkeys, you would slap a ban on me so fast my ears would be ringing.

    So lets not pretend what nk and Handcock have been doing for over a month is fair practice.

    I am so tired of being treated like an underclass in my own country.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  23. You object to traitor? How about defector?

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  24. The wicked flee when no man pursueth. The “Says who?” clip stands on its own. Each person can judge it on its own merits. Read my comments for example, and I’m no Trumpkin.

    BTW, this isn’t the lawyer who sent the cease and desist to Cruz, is it?

    nk (dbc370)

  25. A month? I’ve been doing it since Trump announced. Has it only been a month? It feels like almost a year.

    nk (dbc370)

  26. Well, I don’t want to nitpick. You said “over a month”, and almost a year is over a month.

    nk (dbc370)

  27. “You already betrayed your people, Admiral! You made your choices sir! You’re a traitor! Now, if the bitter taste of that makes you uncomfortable I am truly sorry, but I will not risk my crew because you think you can dance on the edge of the neutral zone. You crossed over Admiral. Make yourself comfortable with that.” – from The Defector Episode 10 of the 3rd season STTNG

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  28. Papier mache tigre, who has been lying on this site for over a year, and has been called out for his lies by multiple people, doesn’t like it when he gets called a liar? Then he should quit lying.

    John Hitchcock (89487c)

  29. Wish I could have found the clip. Farking YouTube.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  30. Well lookie there. Handcock let go of his chimechanga long enough to spit some more bile.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  31. Let Gene Wilder explain this better than anyone:

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  32. There’s nothing amusing about a Hillary Administration.

    We’re screwed either way. For the future of the GOP and the Right, it’s better that Trump loses. Unless there’s another choice, I’ll foul the ballot line.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  33. There’s nothing amusing about a Hillary Administration.

    And WTF would be amusing about a Trump administration?

    I am certain that Hillary won’t get us into a thermonuclear war. Cannot say that about Trump. Trump is a singularity.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  34. You object to traitor? How about defector?

    I expect that you would object to saboteur or Fifth columnist or useful idiot, all of which apply.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  35. I wish attorneys were extinct. These people would do anything for money. Ruining lives is the business.

    mg (af411c)

  36. I hope Bannon nukes the establishment republicans. Bring these leaches to a weeny roast.

    mg (af411c)

  37. London bridge is falling down.
    Buy bye riinos and take the faux conservatives with you. Bannon will eat you yupsters for brunch. Love this man.

    mg (af411c)

  38. Hey, mg, maybe Trump’s lawyer could send a letter threatening to sue all the lawyers. What do you think?

    nk (dbc370)

  39. maybe harvardtrash ted could screech some more about bathroom tranny menace

    that would derail Mr. Trump’s campaign for sure and all the people will say we should nominate harvardtrash ted and his harvardtrash sacky for to do the leaderships

    but y’all don’t think outside the box like that

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  40. Getting away from all the personal attacks between commenters, do notice how the media arm of the Clerisy use ridicule and editing to create meme warfare tools.

    I would not mind if they weren’t so nakedly partisan about it.

    I was talking with a former student about this. She was shocked when she learned how similar the media language about Trump (who is a profoundly weak and ill suited candidate) is to pretty much every Republican Presidential candidate since the 1950s.

    Lack of historical perspective is key. In “Brave New World,” Mustapha Mond quoted Our Ford: “History is bunk.”

    This willful ignorance of the past is key for meme warfare to be effective.

    Simon Jester (4856fd)

  41. yes yes and people are also doing a lot of willful ignorance about what happened when we nominated Meghan’s coward daddy and perverted weirdo Mitt Romney

    guess what they lost (i googled it)

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  42. Simply proving my point.

    Simon Jester (4856fd)

  43. no i am not you are incorrect about that

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  44. I’ll take your rants so much more seriously when you bother to vote.

    Not doing so makes your posts look…well, like they do.

    Simon Jester (4856fd)

  45. we’ll see I’m thinking over the whole voting this year thing

    I’ll let you know what i decide

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  46. the most compelling argument i read so far is SarahW’s one on the aetna thread

    if i can send even a wee lil tiny message however feckless maybe i should

    maybe it’s my duty

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  47. oh good news for harvardtrash ted!

    tranny target made special bathrooms just for trannies!

    bam problem solved

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  48. I’ll let you know what i decide

    The world will be on the edge of its seat waiting for this momentous announcement from the village idiot.

    Jack Klompus (f1f212)

  49. well it won’t be this week

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  50. Too many people vote who should not, except maybe on American idol. For my part, I applaud happyfeet’s awareness of his limitations and his sense of social responsibility. I’ll bet he doesn’t drive when he’s been drinking, either. More people should follow his example. All the Trump voters for a start.

    nk (dbc370)

  51. As long as the Republican Party overdoses, I don’t care who his lawyers sue.

    mg (31009b)

  52. Regardless, either Hillary or Donald will be sworn in in January.

    cedarhill (01c5d3)

  53. Well lookie there. Handcock let go of his chimechanga long enough to spit some more bile.

    What do you think about the Porta-potty with the locking door idea, papertiger? Evidence of Trump’s genius? Think about it during your vacation from commenting. Which begins . . . now.

    Papier mache tigre, who has been lying on this site for over a year, and has been called out for his lies by multiple people, doesn’t like it when he gets called a liar? Then he should quit lying.

    I don’t approve of comments like this. In the future if someone is being obnoxious let me know rather than speaking in this tone.

    Patterico (bcf524)

  54. Dang, everybody has the gift of prophecy, except me. Can you tell me what the MEGA Millions number will be this week, cedarhill? Will the Cubs win the World Series? Will Santa bring me a pony for Christmas.

    nk (dbc370)

  55. Follow-up to #55: guys, don’t make me waste my time putting you in moderation, OK? It’s irritating and time-consuming and nobody likes it, but I’ll do it when I have to.

    Patterico (bcf524)

  56. Didnt we have a seminar in the bad lizard problem last week, so Kaine thinks Afghanistan is more fair to women than the us, maybe in 1977?

    narciso (732bc0)

  57. don’t make me take off my shoe

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  58. So what has changed?

    Our point of reference in criticizing Trump is all wrong. We live in a country that has been regulated with none of the features that we normally associate with the rule of law. The average guy has no idea what “the rule of law” means. The only people who have any experience with our traditional “rule of law” are criminals. They expect a trial by jury and right to legal council. Their public defender may not amount to much, but all the elements of what we consider the “rule of law” are visibly in play as our criminal lurches through the legal system.

    But not so the average guy who has no experience with the criminal side of our society other than jury duty. The average guy runs into the modern regulatory state in very different circumstances. Someone from the county permit office arrives one morning and tapes off his house because he had the wrong permit, or maybe none at all. A tax payer gets his assessment for his house and notes that it is 50% higher than his neighbor’s, and attempts to correct it. He discovers that the body that reviews his complaint is the same one that made the screwy assessment in the first place. His only option is to keep plugging and hope to wear them out. But they are paid to waste time, so the odds aren’t good. You need to do a little demolition work and discover that several state environmental agencies are now concerned about lead (Pb) in your paint and asbestos in a layer of shingles. You’ll have to hire a specialized demolition crew who arrive wearing haz-mat suits and perform very dangerous work encumbered in these silly suits. The price is exorbitant. The average guy cheers when he learns that a National Forest is going to be upgraded to a National Park. The next time he attempts to go fishing as he used to, he finds the Park is now closed to the public. The family next door flies to Disney Land and they spend hours suffering the abuses of TSA while en route. The kid next door sets up lemonade stand, and all heck breaks loose. The average guy cheers when Obama gives him health care, only to discover he has fewer choices for his family and his monthly insurance bill has gone up $400. He has no recourse. Thirteen armed men descend on the St. Francis No Kill Animal Sanctuary, and while the staff is ushered at gun point into a corral by the Deputy Sheriffs, the Game Wardens search the facility and destroy a fawn that was being temporarily cared for with the wrong permits.

    It goes on and on. For ten years there has been no indication that anything can constrain the abuses of our regulators. Republicans, Democrats, it doesn’t make a bit of difference. We live in a land where we must comply with every sort of foolishness, and there is no recourse. Worse, we must pretend that these fools in the their government offices are geniuses making a utopia. Even when they work for the IRS and we discover that they have been abusing conservative groups. Or worse yet, an agency tasked with enforcing gun laws comes up with “Fast and Furious” and ends up distributing machine guns to drug lords in Mexico. Nothing happens when a Border Patrol officer is gunned down with one of these weapons.

    So for the average guy, what’s the big deal with Trump. Maybe Trump will be on the little guy’s side like he claims he will.

    And the “leaders” of the Republican Party still don’t understand the problem.
    BobStewartatHome (a52abe) — 3/23/2016 @ 2:47 pm

    Rev. Hoagie® (0f4ef6)

  59. Trump will kill Hillary. It’ll be a landslide.

    Denver Guy (4750ec)

  60. Trump will kill Hillary.

    Even then he won’t win.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  61. yes he will cause he’s the best choice

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  62. I hope Bannon nukes the establishment republicans. Bring these leaches to a weeny roast.

    There would be about a dozen people in the MG Party, but it’s purity would shine like a beacon to the masses.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  63. i’m a make malortinis i think

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  64. Tim Kaine could beat Trump just by not being Trump, and get the Nobel Obama Prize as soon as he was elected for not being Trump.

    nk (dbc370)

  65. Tell you what, Patterico, I’ll see myself out. Back in January

    SPQR (2ba2b2)

  66. tone

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  67. Second, if I were to start referring to our resident Hillary supporters as beaners, wetbacks, spearchuckers or porch monkeys, you would slap a ban on me so fast my ears would be ringing.

    So lets not pretend what nk and Handcock have been doing for over a month is fair practice.

    I am so tired of being treated like an underclass in my own country.

    papertiger (c2d6da) — 8/17/2016 @ 11:46 pm

    When we get a Hillary! you have no one to blame but yourself. You and your brother Trumptards. I know you’ll blame the so-called #NeverTrumpers. But that’s just a word for conservatives who have simply told Trump what he needs to do to earn their votes. And Trump gave us the finger and said “I don’t need to do a damn thing to win your votes, fall in line peasant.”

    And you, papertiger, picked up the chant. You told us we uppity conservatives just need to shut up and get on board the Trump train. Your boyfriend must never ever be criticized.

    And even if every one of the conservatives you insult as #NeverTrumpers fall in line (and they are, Brad Thor was a premier #NeverTrumper but he announced the other day he was falling in line) there aren’t enough Republicans to win an election.

    You idiots through a tantrum and insisted that the GOP nominate an unelectable candidate because Trump got 38% of the GOP vote. A man who scares the hell out of independents. And what was your reaction? Everything Trump says is brilliant. Everything Trump says can not be criticized.

    And all you have is this moronic argument that anybody not giving Trump the same tongue bath you are is for Hillary! And anybody not falling in line, joining your cult, and enthusiastically worshiping your idol is a traitor.

    Here’s a newsflash: the independents who the GOP needs to beat the Democrats didn’t take the same blind-faith loyalty oath to your cult. And when Trump brings the crazy, and you applaud AND demand everyone else do the same, they say “Trump and his Trumptards are all batsh*t crazy” and run screaming into Hillary!’s arms.

    The fact you’ll blame the #NeverTrumpers is just a sign of your insanity. Because most #NeverTrumpers were saying is, “We want to see the GOP candidate do X,Y, and Z.” And you idiots pile on and demand to know who are we peons to demand or even ask anything from your god, papertiger.

    It’s all going to be your fault when Trump loses, papertiger. All your fault, and your lousy candidate’s. You create Hillary! voters because there is now no place in the GOP coalition for the independent or unaffiliated voter who really does want a sane alternative to Hillary! without taking the blind loyalty oath you demand from other GOPers, and you make that abundantly clear every time you comment. You and your ilk.

    How dare anybody expect your god to persuade. You are no different from the BLM crowd, and a lot of independents don’t like either of you.

    Steve57 (3ee6a4)

  68. I am so tired of being treated like an underclass in my own country.

    papertiger (c2d6da) — 8/17/2016 @ 11:46 pm

    And yet you demand that conservatives accept their underclass position in the GOP.

    Effin’ brilliant, papertiger. It’s that kind of headwork that will mean a Hillary! presidency.

    Steve57 (3ee6a4)

  69. You want a unity speech? I’ll give you a unity speech.
    I DON’T Care who our candidate is. And I haven’t since the beginning of this. I haven’t.
    Ask not what the candidate can do for you, but ask what you can do for the candidate.
    And that is what the Tea Party is. They are there to confront THEM on behalf of the candidate.
    I will march behind whoever the candidate is. Because if we don’t, we lose.
    There are two paths. There are two paths. The one is America, and the other one is Occupy.
    And I don’t care. Along the way. Along the way. I’m not the candidate. I’m just a goofball from Los Angeles, who wears goofy shoes. Promised to shave. Didn’t. Promised to shower, but got too caught up in talking to everybody. Kind of a mess, but kind of excited to be here, because over the last three years I’ve realized that the Republican Party and the conservative movement is not what ABC and CBS puts on the screen.
    They try to portray you in the worst possible light. And when I walk through CPAC, when I travel the country meeting people in the Tea Party who care… black, white, gay and straight.
    Anyone who is willing to stand next to me, to fight the progressive left, I will be in that bunker.
    And if you are not satisfied with THIS candidate, more than shame on you!
    You are on the other side.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  70. Kitchen getting too hot for you, Pat?

    Take me out of moderation if you dare!

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  71. The Trumpinistas say that not voting for Trump is a vote for Hillary. The Hillary fascists say that not voting for her is a vote for Trump. A logical fallacy it is! That would mean by not voting for either one, I am actually getting two votes. Makes no sense to the one man one vote rule.

    Yoda will not vote either. I made this vow after reluctantly voting for McCain that you turds forced on me then. Either give me someone that I can vote for and not against the “lesser of two evils”, or I will not vote. The lesser of two evils, still a vote for evil it is!

    The next commenter to tell me that a no vote for TehDonald is a vote for Hillary, or calls me a traitor, defector, liberal, etc., etc., etc………. may force Yoda to vote for Fascist Hillary! If one keeps being called or accused falsely of being a Hillary supporter by you numbnut, lying, Trumpbots, then by damnn, I might as well do it!

    Yoda (e6eca8)

  72. So go ahead PUNKS, make my day!

    YodawithaClintEastwoodaccent (e6eca8)

  73. NOTE: Yoda never did actually win any of the on-screen fights he got in, and his disciples had the tendency to die easily. Also he couldn’t talk right.

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

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