Patterico's Pontifications


Mail, I Get Mail from Donald J. Trump

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 10:43 am

Received in this morning’s email:

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My answer:

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What is the deal with that Breitbart logo in the email, by the way?

232 Responses to “Mail, I Get Mail from Donald J. Trump”

  1. If I was to meet any of Trump’s children I would ask them, “If Hillary wins, do you think you’ll vote to reelect her in 2020?”. I doubt they’re even thinking of such a thing at the moment, but if they stopped to think about it and answered honestly, they’d say that there’s a good chance that they will. Particularly Ivanka with her thing about married women being discriminated against.

    Gerald A (76f251)

  2. @#1-The correct answer of course would be, “at that point, what difference would it make”

    If HIllary is elected this year, the Republic is gone forever.

    LBascom (0b9b35)

  3. Why are you asking why the TrumpBart logo is in the email?

    Dr_Mike (e90a97)

  4. What is the deal with that Breitbart logo in the email, by the way?

    I was going to suggest that his campaign purchased the Breitbart mailing list, but, sadly, Breitbart probably gave it away for free as their editors were bowing and scraping and backing out of the room.

    JVW (30a532)

  5. If either Hillary or Trump win this year, the destruction to the US will be nearly complete. Both are evil personified.

    John Hitchcock (4f4465)

  6. #5 John Hitchcock,


    Are you entertaining the likelihood of someone else winning?

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  7. The only thing I want to see Donald Trump doing is seppuku.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  8. I was going to suggest that his campaign purchased the Breitbart mailing list


    Kevin M (25bbee)

  9. Are you entertaining the likelihood of someone else winning?

    How about Romney as a write-in? He’s sane and not corrupt, which should make every argument both official candidates have used work in his favor.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  10. CS, have you heard of “IF/THEN” statements? Do you know how they work?

    John Hitchcock (5dc819)

  11. I got curious and googled firedupconservative
    Someone may be trying to phish you.

    Aweber, otoh, seems to be real email marketing firm

    kishnevi (b9b7a2)

  12. FIFY

    Kevin M (25bbee) — 8/14/2016 @ 12:00 pm

    Why purchase the cow when you can get the milk for free?

    JVW (30a532)

  13. #10 John Hitchcock,

    “When” Hillary or Trump wins this year …

    (not ‘if’)


    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  14. Then you haven’t heard of “IF/THEN” statements or you don’t know how they work. Quit autocorrupting my stuff. You’re already autocorrupted enough.

    John Hitchcock (5dc819)

  15. Maybe “if” is the appropriate word. The GOP candidate might wander off and quit the campaign trail, and the Democrat candidate might be fitted out for pinstripes. We could end up with President Kaine or Pence sooner than we might think.

    JVW (30a532)

  16. now i’m craving a taco bowl

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  17. JVW (30a532) — 8/14/2016 @ 12:34 pm
    The Sages of the Talmud advised never to give up hope of help from God, “even if the sword was at your throat”.

    kishnevi (b9b7a2)

  18. I didn’t know A. Weber had a son named Eric.

    CayleyGraph (353727)

  19. the key part is how they’re gonna make America great again

    that’s so exciting – and timely

    November is when everything changes!

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  20. #14 John Hitchcock,

    You didn’t even get the verb tense correct.
    “Wins,” not “win.”
    So dial it down on the grammar lecture, eh?

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  21. win and trump are cinnamons

    and that’s no accident let me tell you

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  22. Ah, c’mon. Even if you don’t like Trump (of course the alternatives are insane, unless you like civil war), wouldn’t it be fascinating just on its own terms to see all this nonsense?

    “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.” — Dr. Johnson

    hunson abedeer (80144e)

  23. The verb tense is correct. Go away Trump Humper.

    John Hitchcock (5dc819)

  24. And “IF/THEN” statements do not concern grammar. They concern STEM subjects. Proof that your arse doesn’t know what it’s talking about, Trump Humper.

    John Hitchcock (5dc819)

  25. Spam, combover, spray tan, and spam.
    Spam, threats, bluster, dementia and spam.
    Spam, spam, spam, fraud, lies, and spam.
    Spam, spam, spam, and spam.
    Spam, spam, spam, …………………………………………………………….

    nk (dbc370)

  26. It’s not even a matter of grammar, John. It’s a matter of logic. All future events are “if” events to everybody except God.

    nk (dbc370)

  27. But CS likes his snark.

    nk (dbc370)

  28. Johnny Ohio,

    “When” you use “either,” that’s actually singular form, so then you would use “wins” rather than “win.”

    By the way, either Trump or Hillary is is going to become the next President.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  29. Trump Humper, I doubt you scored above 20 on the ACT in ANY subject matter. And your idolatry of Trump proves you are incapable of reason or logic. QED.

    John Hitchcock (5dc819)

  30. Work or shirk or on vacation

    Mr. Trump is your salvation

    the lonely eyes turn of our nation

    and gaze upon his glory

    oppressive hateful filled with sin

    he’s gonna make it great again

    the pig will lose and he will win

    hearts smile to hear the story

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  31. Hillary has some sort of serious and worsening medical condition involving the brain.
    People with such conditions are instructed to avoid stress, which is one of the triggers for Parkinson’s, dementia, seizure disorder, black outs, etc.

    But in this new age of progressive democratic rule, the people are not entitled to know the truth about their prospective leaders.

    It really doesn’t matter even is Hillary had to function like the Wizard of Oz since the “progressive hive mind” is all the same any way.

    I really hope she has some type of episode that eliminates her from running permanently, and in full view of the American public and media.

    PTS (ce7fc3)

  32. i will teach you how to make the slutty campfire girl

    is simple

    first you get the glass of water – i used cold from a bottle in the fridge

    add a teaspoon of salt and stir stir stir

    get a cucumber out the fridge and set it near a cutting board

    now get your shaker out

    here what you do

    add 2 shots campari

    1 shot saltwater

    a cap-full of cointreau

    then add some ice and shake

    serve in a martini glass and garnish with a thin twisty slice of the cucumber

    you rollin trump-style now doggy

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  33. If it is supposed to be an IF/THEN statement, then your syntax is wrong, in addition to your grammar.

    PS. Not everyone takes the ACT, Johnny boy. 790V/800M, since you seem to feel that it is relevant.

    prowlerguy (fa36d8)


    nk (dbc370)

  35. Hillary has some sort of serious and worsening medical condition involving the brain.

    Nope. Trump does.

    Trumpkins like to accuse their top’s opponents of the faults he provably has. Trump lies every time he moves his lips, so it “Lyin’ Ted”. Trump was provably unfaithful to his wives, so Cruz was accused of adultery. Demented Donna has a brain like a Swiss cheese, so now it’s Hillary with the neurological condition.

    nk (dbc370)

  36. you’re so biased

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  37. Si. Es verdad.

    Steve57 (3ee6a4)

  38. New York.

    Big. Proud. Tough.

    Some guys are Don Draper. Others are George Kellerman-types who can’t deal with tall buildings, cross town traffic, transit strikes, a three-hour tour and free lunch in Midtown Manhattan in the most exciting city on Earth.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  39. Big deal. Trump calls me, every bloody day, asking for money. At least, I assume he’s asking for money; after the first week of this I started hanging up the moment I hear his voice.
    It’s not as if I had once given him any money, or would give him any, even if I had it, and even if I supported him. The last presidential candidate I gave anything to was Fred Thompson.

    Milhouse (3d6a1b)

  40. I have been to every major city in the contiguous US, multiple major cities in Canada, 2 major cities in the Philippines, and I can say for a fact that NYC is the armpit of the world.

    John Hitchcock (5dc819)

  41. that’s kinda silly

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  42. ever been to Farmington New Mexico

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  43. Farmington, New Mexico, B-2 on the map, has less than 46,000 people. How is that a major city?

    John Hitchcock (4f4465)

  44. how is it not the armpit of the whirl

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  45. Because it is not decrepit NYC.

    John Hitchcock (4f4465)

  46. nyc needs halps is true but it’s still failmerica’s one real city

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  47. Manila has a population density of 115k per square mile.
    NYC has a population density of 28k per square mile.
    The people of Manila are far friendlier than the people of NYC.

    John Hitchcock (4f4465)

  48. 38. Good work. Somebody must have used his “look” to get some.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  49. the food is way better in NY

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  50. see that’s not even a good opinion

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  51. Milhouse,

    Is it the Trump Campaign calling or is it the GOP? Patterico’s email actually came from the GOP although Breitbart appears to have purchased some space in it.

    Today’s wonder for me is Pence’s announcement he will release his tax returns. I know the Trump Humiliation March only has 86 days to go but it seems a bit early for Pence to pile on.

    Rick Ballard (d51940)

  52. in other news of no import,

    btw gutierrez, the new willing for hillary, is part of albright and the late sandy burglar’s firm, nothing to see here,

    narciso (732bc0)

  53. You yelled hey! when your stuff got old
    So you got real nervous and started to cry your heart out
    Now you’re so fat your shoes don’t fit on your feat
    You got trouble
    And it’s tailor made
    Well counselor lay your head down in teh shade
    ‘Cause your posts are tired, and your feet are too
    And you wish the world was as tired as you, whoa
    Well you can write a letter, and you can send it away
    And put all teh Trump crap in it you said today

    Oh your telephone rang and you went “oh noes”
    You forgot about this, and you forgot about that
    ‘Cause you got to get back to what you’re doing
    Goodbye, click that, so and so
    You’re an island and on your own

    You yelled hey when teh Cruz blew up
    Upset? why yes
    And the footprints on your ceiling, they’re almost gone
    And you’re wondering why?
    Well counselor lay your head down, don’t you cry
    Cuz the feebs are on it, and she’s goin’ down
    And up will rise teh man you call a clown
    So teh country’s saved, and there is a God
    And no more we’ll have to read it you angry sods

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  54. it’s tiring isn’t it coronello, you don’t want to talk about fightclub, don’t talk about fight club,

    narciso (732bc0)

  55. Just sayin’…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  56. “it’s tiring isn’t it coronello, you don’t want to talk about fightclub, don’t talk about fight club,”

    “Not very great, actually”

    #NeverTrumpers think that this sort of low-energy Clintonian non-response qualifies as effective and humorous! No WONDER they’re losing! Low energy, very sad!

    You don’t set the topic of conversation because you were never good at conversating in the first place. If you were motivated or dedicated enough to really want to win, you’d have discovered the alt-right YEARS ago and co-opted their arguments, maybe even run an effective candidate!

    But you didn’t. You couldn’t. It wouldn’t have been polite, too risky, someone might say BAD THINGS. And now, you are paying the price, stuck in the eternal twilight realm, unwilling to support Trump fully yet unable to stop thinking about him, just like Jeb and Cruz.

    If you repent now, this could just be described as purgatory. If you wait until past the Day of Reckoning, don’t expect any of us alt-righters to raise a single word in your defense!

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  57. What is the deal with that Breitbart logo in the email, by the way?

    Because you are easily played?

    jcurtis (9a9723)

  58. Thanks, but no thanks, Max. I’ll side with “African-Americans”, “blacks”, “persons of color”, and “Negros”. You side with your white n***ers.

    nk (dbc370)

  59. Repent of what? Not being an Alinsky follower?

    Demosthenes (09f714)

  60. Alt-right ain’t right. And Nazism is Leftist, so half of alt-right is Leftist to begin with.

    John Hitchcock (4f4465)

  61. The alt-right has no ideas, only insults.

    kishnevi (98ea1b)

  62. You have an open invitation to Milwaukee, nk.

    Hop on teh bus, Gus
    You won’t be able to keep much
    Just stay off your knees, Lee
    And fight your way free

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  63. how did it not end up in the spam folder, one would have thought even contact with crimethink would be disabling,

    narciso (732bc0)

  64. alt-right has aided more jerkoffs than alt-tab.

    Leviticus (c5c6f0)

  65. I noted this future jayvee draft pick, is a ccr scouted prospect, tied to abu zubeydah,

    narciso (732bc0)

  66. The larger point Noonan makes is that this is something we are seeing all over, the top detaching itself from the bottom, feeling little loyalty to it or affiliation with it. It is a theme I see working its way throughout the West’s power centers. At its heart it is not only a detachment from, but a lack of interest in, the lives of your countrymen, of those who are not at the table, and who understand that they’ve been abandoned by their leaders’ selfishness and mad virtue-signalling.


    Data from the State Department showed that almost all Virginia’s refugees since October “have been placed in towns with lower incomes and higher poverty rates, hours away from the wealthy suburbs outside of Washington, D.C.”

    Of 121 refugees, 112 were placed in communities at least 100 miles from the nation’s capital. The suburban counties of Fairfax, Loudoun and Arlington—among the wealthiest in the nation, and home to high concentrations of those who create, and populate, government and the media—have received only nine refugees.

    And this bifurcation of society has only gotten rolling, we are not nearer the end than the beginning.

    DNF (755a85)

  67. I actually really like Dystopia Max’s comment. Not what he said, but the way he said it. It’s like somebody constructed a template for an alt-right comment structure that would include all their major conversational gambits, and then he filled in the blanks and posted it here. It’s a comment-by-numbers, like those “Water Lilies” canvases that you sometimes see for sale in art shops. Only less Monet and more Vox Day, obviously.

    Let’s see. In order, we have:

    1) Personal or group insult unsupported by evidence
    2) Criticism based on asserted characteristic unsupported by evidence
    3a) Statement of what you should have done (bonus points for invoking the wisdom of the alt-right)
    3b) Statement of why you didn’t do what you should have done (always due to a flaw of yours)
    3c) Statement of the bad situation in which you find yourself
    4) Direct or implied assertion of your envy of X, due to X’s “alpha nature” and your lesser nature (X can be the commenter, or some other person/group)
    5a) “Join us, and be saved”
    5b) “Oppose us, and be destroyed”

    Yup, it’s all there. Not very artfully disguised, but my guess is that if he keeps at it, Dystopia Max will learn to blur the lines between elements a bit better. So he’s not getting any more than average artistic marks from me, but it’s at least a 5.9 in terms of technical elements. It should put him in line for a spot on the podium, if he does as well in his free skate.

    Demosthenes (09f714)

  68. Kinda like Max Headcase.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  69. 64. I grew up 30 miles west of Milwaukee’s core, after college riding my bicycle thru it from the lake to the county border for work through that core.

    In roughly ’68 it burned as it has begun to again. The largest small town in America. Yet without the gun control still safer than Chiraq, the latter on schedule for 2700 shootings this year.

    DNF (755a85)

  70. 63. Young man, you have nothing at all.

    DNF (755a85)

  71. well in a world where a city is being set ablaze or serving as sniper alley, at least once a month, where 400 million has been allocated to Nasrallah’s sponsor, where insurance companies are dropping out of the picture, like the opening scene in quincy, maybe the anklebiting can take a back seat or not,

    narciso (732bc0)

  72. I know Milwaukee better than I know the Chicago outer-ring suburbs. And like it better. It went for Cruz, not Dementia Incorporated.

    Chicago’s gun violence illustrates the problem with the proliferation of guns in America. We need sensible gun control. There is no reason whatsoever for the civilian ownership of handguns or semi-automatic rifles; and hunting rifles and shotguns should be kept locked up at shooting ranges and hunt clubs and released to the owner only for target practice on the premises or upon the presentation of a valid hunting license.

    nk (dbc370)

  73. 70. “insult unsupported by evidence”

    Again, #nevertrump#butthurt implies they actually employ evidence, to say nothing of reasonings.

    Liar unworthy of one’s nom de plume.

    DNF (755a85)

  74. Thank you, DNF. That’s a perfect illustration of the quote you just cited.

    Demosthenes (09f714)

  75. so how many of your clients obtained their weapons legally, katie steinle’s killer whose trial is being postponed again, just to show you how well they give a farthing about justice, certainly didn’t go through the background check,

    narciso (732bc0)

  76. 75. Waukesha county from which I hailed is the most conservative in the State, yeah, they went for Cruz, but like I’ve said in the past, WI is the most polarized electorate in the nation.

    Careful about generalizing solutions out of WI.

    You won’t be selling your gun control vision in your lifetime north of FIB central.

    DNF (ffe548)

  77. 77. Your welcome loser.

    DNF (ffe548)

  78. It’s not my visions, I was being sarcastic; and you all might wish to consider such things as where you get your “information” about Chicago; the agenda of the people providing that “information”; and Gell-Mann whatsis.

    nk (dbc370)

  79. Beirut on Lake Michigan seems to have commonalities with it’s counterpart on the other lake,

    narciso (732bc0)

  80. Demosthenes proves once again: The reasoning powers of #NeverTrumpers are never roused except in response to the glorious postings of pro-Trumpers. Your shrinking back in low-effort disgust and snark is like the frame to our beautiful and incisive postings, dialectical or rhetorical.

    Due to his atrophied moral lobes, however, Demostheses could only post a list of loosely related ‘logical fallacies’, too enervated to give a defense of his thoughts, empty as they are.

    You have outlined my style, as one might diagram the sentence of one’s schoolmaster. But I doubt that anything comes of it, he does not understand why we fight, he does not feel our spirit, he did not support and follow the arguments Derbyshire, Watson, Sobran, Weissberg, and others too numerous to list when movement conservatives threw them out. We built this intellectual structure from the wreckage of your institutions, you can at best but illuminate it with your various twisted gargoyles of self-conceit.

    And that’s why no one influential cares about you, will look to you for advice, or will even repeat your arguments with or without attribution. You simply don’t post hard enough.

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  81. “your idolatry of Trump proves you are incapable of reason or logic. QED”

    You don’t know what QED actually means, do you. Or how it is used.

    hunson abedeer (80144e)

  82. 81. “the agenda of the people providing that “information””

    narciso, for one, provides links on all sides of an issue, but sources such as this post, this site, pay lukewarm attention to the evils of the Borg, detailed daily in the alt media, e.g., but devote most of its attention to what a vulgar, hateful racist the unwashed have put up to oppose the Evil Empire.

    The ‘facts’ in that case are nothing but characterizations, hyperbole and dissembling. #nevertrump cannot be serious, they are but whiny little biatches en toto.

    DNF (755a85)

  83. “I have been to every major city in the contiguous US, multiple major cities in Canada, 2 major cities in the Philippines,”

    See, this is the sort of thing that makes you such a jackass. There are large cities in Canada and the Philippines, but no major cities. If Manila was siphoned off the planet by a Martian spaceship tomorrow, nobody would notice..

    I’d be curious, in sort of a comedic way, to find out what your definition of “every major city in the contiguous US” might be. I bet it’s bloody hilarious.

    hunson abedeer (80144e)

  84. 84.
    This coming from a guy who thought something explicitly stated in the Bible was “disgusting and unChristian”.

    kishnevi (98ea1b)

  85. Data from the State Department showed that almost all Virginia’s refugees since October “have been placed in towns with lower incomes and higher poverty rates, hours away from the wealthy suburbs outside of Washington, D.C.”

    That’s not because refugees cause trouble – that’s because the U.S. government is helping to pay their rent. So they don’t place people where the cost of living is higher unless they have personal ties to the area. Same thing with New York City.

    Since the level of federal cash assistance that refugees receive is a meager $1,125 per person, the State Department has made the city off-limits except for those with ties to the area.

    “New York City is a US-tie-only-designated area,” Ziv said. “If you have a friend or family here, then you will be resettled in the New York City area, but if you don’t, you won’t.”

    Northern Virginia, is, presumably, another such U.zs.-tie only area.

    Sammy Finkelman (490095)

  86. From Wikipedia

    The National Capital Region, with an area of 619.5 km2, has a population of 12,877,253,[2] making it the most populous region in the Philippines, as well as the 7th most populous metropolitan area in Asia. The total urbanized area, referring to its continuous urban expansion into the provinces of Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, Rizal and Batangas, was listed as having a population of 24,123,000 by Demographia,[5] making it the 3rd most populous urban area in the world. These 5 provinces, plus Metro Manila and Pampanga, sum to 30.7 million residents as of the newly counted census of 2015.[2]

    Sounds like a major city to me.

    kishnevi (98ea1b)

  87. narciso’s links are superior to zerosanity, no doubt about it, but they’re either MFM-based or otherwise somebody selling something — from gun control to how horrible Democrat-run cities are.

    nk (dbc370)

  88. @ 80: Look, I appreciate the illustrations, but that was a little simplistic.

    @ 84: Oh, mixing it up that time, I see. Much better. Following #1 with #4, but then you still couldn’t avoid shifting back into #2. That’s a shame. But I do like that third paragraph, which has an intriguing and poetic blend of #2 and #4. You left out all of #3 and #5, but I agree they weren’t necessary here. Maybe you’re more of an artist that I gave you credit for. And a good strong finish of #2, with the usual structure reversed.

    I mean, you’re not actually making arguments. What you’re doing is strictly a rhetorical exercise. But as rhetoric simpliciter, it’s a decent mix of Bulverism and “Rules for Radicals.” I’m intrigued to see if you can break out something I haven’t seen before.

    Demosthenes (09f714)

  89. Trump may lose because the Donks get the vote out of the quick and the dead but there is no passion for HRC.

    That is precisely why the media have gone all ‘Holy War’, ululating on cue to scare the bejesus out of the #nevertrump pantiewastes.

    #nevertrump amounts to a rounding error in eventual turnout totals.

    DNF (755a85)

  90. Ven der Trumpkins tell us “Ve are der Master Race”
    Ve vill scheisse, scheisse, scheisse, in der Trumpkins’ face

    nk (dbc370)

  91. Trump will lose because he will not get more than 40 million votes. The 13.6 million true believers who voted for him in the primaries, and 25 million or so of party drones who vote for anyone with an R after his name (although he is doing his best to make that second group stay home too).

    nk (dbc370)

  92. isn’t that the usual bill of indictment from goldwater to the tea party,

    narciso (732bc0)

  93. “But as rhetoric simpliciter, it’s a decent mix of Bulverism and “Rules for Radicals.” I’m intrigued to see if you can break out something I haven’t seen before.”

    Says the man who has neither entertained nor informed during this entire interchange, but instead slavishly referred all present to his unassailable and unexamined Little Red List of Fallacies, wrapped like an internal phylactery around his psyche, preventing all intellectual or emotional connection to his fellow man.

    Or as Molyneux would say: NOT AN ARGUMENT.

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  94. overseeing authorities have a way of denying reality, when their mealticket is at stake,

    narciso (732bc0)

  95. Christoph, try traveling 1 million OTR miles by truck. You will see it can be quite easy to get to every major city in the contiguous US. And Filipinos are far friendlier than the vast majority of people populating the cities of 1 million plus people in the US. Having been to Manila several times (I will be there on the 20th of this month), I can say without a doubt that the residents of Manila are socially superior to the residents of Ottowa, for instance. And in more than one way, more knowledgeable. Such as being fluent in more than 3 languages.

    John Hitchcock (4f4465)

  96. As far as being rounding error, if I were voting right now, I’d be writing “F*** YOU”, in two lines in large letters, over the names of all the Presidential candidates; voting for Mark Kirk for Senate and the R for Cook County State’s Attorney; and leaving it to The Machine to fill in the blanks for me for all the other candidates. And I consider myself a motivated voter.

    nk (dbc370)

  97. Dyspepsia Maximus, Demosthenes has plenty of intellectual connection here. You, on the other hand, are anti-intellectual.

    John Hitchcock (4f4465)

  98. 93. We’re not interested in what you’ve seen before unless you can use it. Critical thinking, not critique.

    DNF (755a85)

  99. @ 98: But I wasn’t arguing. I was analyzing.

    Speaking of which…now we have reached the point where Dystopia Max is doubling down on the personal insults. Although this time, it’s rather neatly combined with an attempt to discredit the entire enterprise of analysis by presenting it as an intellectually (and emotionally…nicely done!) stunted reaction to his claimed superiority. My guess is that he’s probably attempting to shame me into abandoning analysis for the rhetorical arena, in which he feels more comfortable. But that is just a guess.

    Demosthenes (09f714)

  100. “Sounds like a major city to me.”

    It’s a large city, true, but not a major one. Tell me something important that comes from Manila, other than immigrant Filipino nurses.

    There are only about 15 “major” cities on all of planet earth.

    hunson abedeer (80144e)

  101. Christoph is giving himself away, again, posting both as Dystopia Max and hunson abedeer on the same thread. But it’s Patterico’s blog, not mine.

    And I love* a Canadian (Christoph) citing another Canadian living in Ireland (Mollysnot) when sticking his nose in an American election.

    *No, I don’t.

    nk (dbc370)

  102. Future circumcisions will affect you in teh future…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  103. 101. Actually that will be a common strategy to my way of thinking. I can’t pretend to fathom a vote for Kirk, but I don’t doubt we’ll see a lot of mostly empty ballots, and many fixed by enterprising volunteers.

    DNF (755a85)

  104. really, well the triumph of prime minister zoolander over harper, perhaps the most cruz or walker type candidate, does indicate there may be toxins in the permafrost,

    narciso (732bc0)

  105. 104. I cannot respect all this preciosity proscribing ‘personal insults’.

    DNF (755a85)

  106. @ John Hitchcock, 102:

    What you said about Dystopia Max is true, but in a very specific way. Some anti-intellectuals are unintellectual themselves…the conversational equivalent of hulking brutes…but DM is not, if you see the distinction I’m trying to draw. Instead, he’s very interested in using the trappings of intellectualism to further his own narrative games. So yes, he’s anti-intellectual. But he doesn’t want to obliterate the facade of intellectualism. He wants to subvert it, so he can co-opt it.

    Demosthenes (09f714)

  107. @ DNF, 104: Of course you can’t. I wouldn’t expect you to.

    Demosthenes (09f714)

  108. 109. Indeed, the fatter cats among us may do alright under HRC having plenty of work on the taxpayer’s dime but there is no doubt whatever that she will cause more trouble with a pliant Federal workforce than Trump can cause over that opposition.

    #nevertrump has not tried to make a case in rebuttal. They haven’t the skill, the learning, the temerity least of all the truth to do so.

    DNF (755a85)

  109. The Good News is the “party drones” will far outnumber the quislings and the Vichy Americans…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  110. 112. The Libertarian ticket if it hurts anyone will bleed HRC.

    I’m pulling for levodopa overdose, gagging on some canape into a terminal choking fit, to do the ol’ bag in.

    DNF (755a85)

  111. I don’t think you know what “Vichy” or “Quisling” means, but then, if you did, you wouldn’t be you.

    nk (dbc370)

  112. back in the day, in college, I was pulling for Silber it’s my rebellious streak,

    narciso (732bc0)

  113. 116. Hear, hear.

    DNF (755a85)

  114. 118. Collaborator, abogado. Now you know.

    DNF (755a85)

  115. Gee, and there I thought it meant pro-Nazi and pro-powers-that-be.

    nk (dbc370)

  116. Trump would be a good example of a Quisling if not for his braggadocio and his very obvious lies.

    John Hitchcock (4f4465)

  117. “Although this time, it’s rather neatly combined with an attempt to discredit the entire enterprise of analysis by presenting it as an intellectually (and emotionally…nicely done!) stunted reaction to his claimed superiority.”

    But you’re not an enterprise, and my superiority is explicitly claimed as part of a Trumpian collective. And yet with one breath you socialize your personal defeat and personalize your accuser-nice work if you can get away with it!

    “My guess is that he’s probably attempting to shame me into abandoning analysis for the rhetorical arena, in which he feels more comfortable. But that is just a guess.”

    Nah, I’m trying to shame you into making an argument, but you’ve gone from clinging to The Big Book of Loosely Claime Logical Fallacies Which Free Me Of All Responsibility to YOU’RE ATTACKING REASON ITSELF YOU TROGLODYTE!!!!!

    It can look like that when you’ve tied your personal reasoning capacity so closely to Wikipedophilic rules-lawyering that you can’t tell where one ends and another begins, but I assure you, real people know how to keep both in their proper place.

    I would suggest reading this in order to start the untangling process:

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  118. Chicago’s gun violence illustrates the problem with the proliferation of guns in America. We need sensible gun control. There is no reason whatsoever for the civilian ownership of handguns or semi-automatic rifles; and hunting rifles and shotguns should be kept locked up at shooting ranges and hunt clubs and released to the owner only for target practice on the premises or upon the presentation of a valid hunting license.

    nk (dbc370) — 8/14/2016 @ 6:20 pm

    This would explain why nk doesn’t care about the next SCOTUS de facto repealing the Second Amendment.

    Gerald A (76f251)

  119. “nk doesn’t care about the next SCOTUS de facto repealing the Second Amendment.”

    nk doesn’t have to live around Chicago Haramboids but can’t just say ‘disarm the people with a documented history of gun violence and poor impuls control’ because We Are All Equal In The Eyes Of The Law. He’s just going to double down on DISARM EVERYONE OR NO ONE and pity the poor decent guy who can’t afford to move out of the city before the inevitable consequences of his mad universalism shoots, stabs, or rapes him and his family to death.

    Conservative principles, everybody!

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  120. We did not have a Second Amendment until Heller, 2008, and it was not made applicable to the states until McDonald, 2010. At the time of Heller, 48 states had open or concealed carry in some form, 36 or 38 “shall issue”; at the time of McDonald there were 49. The Supreme Court didn’t give nothing to the tin man that he didn’t, didn’t already have. Thank the NRA and its work in the legislature for your right to keep and bear arms, not a black-robed junta.

    And the foregoing is all besides the fact that Trump appointing conservative Justices is as big a fantasy as everything else Trumpkins indulge in.

    nk (dbc370)

  121. Go suck a caribou, Christoph.

    nk (dbc370)

  122. Donald, Patrick is just playing hard to get. You need to juice up the offer. Pat’s not going to take a day off work and fly coast-to-coast without some assurance of a classy lunch at a classy establishment with Eric….a hot dog at Nathan’s won’t cut it. We’re talking Boulet at TriBeCa, or maybe Le Bernardin in Midtown. And it has to be on a Monday or Friday so that he and the kids can enjoy the weekend in NYC without skipping more than a day of work in LA. You pay for airfare and hotel accommodations for the whole family, and it’s a suite at the Carlisle or you can forget about the whole thing Donald. Plus you have to offer Pat’s friend Beldar a nice cushy job at the Justice Department or better yet a district court judgeship, and send a huge amount of flowers with your apology to Heidi Cruz (even more than you sent to Princess Diana when you were trying to get past her revulsion!). You do these things Donald, and the best blogger in Southern California will seriously consider the offer. Capiche?

    Andrew (9eb6dd)

  123. @ Dystopia Max, 124:

    So, you decided to start with a sort of “You’ve got it all backwards” gambit, in an attempt to define our current conversation according to your preferred narrative. The problem is that, as I am proving more unflappable than you had anticipated, your rhetoric has gone from elevated to arch. Now that I have pointed this silliness out, most people in your position will try to tone down their rhetoric…but that has the disadvantage of tacitly admitting the validity of my analysis. A sizable minority, though, will double down on the verbal excess. I wonder which one you’ll prove to be, or whether you’ll bust out a third alternative. I do so like to see new things.

    Next, though…next is your first real error. Because alt-righters are such lovers of their superiority narrative, I figured you wouldn’t be able to resist telling me that my “guess” as to your motives was wrong. However, I had already noticed that your comments to date have been all rhetoric and no dialectic (to use Vox Day’s terms), because that is how you argue. So basically, I decided to see if I could use those tendencies to my advantage.

    What happened next is that I effectively said, “He’s trying to get me to stop analyzing and start arguing with him,” and your response was, “No, I’m trying to get you to stop analyzing and start arguing with me.” That was what I had hoped you would say. In effect, you admitted I was right without even realizing it. The descent into emphatic capitalization, and the double-down on insulting characterizations of me, is just the icing on the cake…because you kept going without noticing your mistake.

    You’ve been an interesting interlocutor, Dystopia Max. But you have a ways to go before you’re really proficient at alt-right rhetoric. I shouldn’t have been able to break you down so easily on such a basic point, though I hope other people are taking notes on how it happened. Keep trying, though — you’ve got a flair for a poetic phrase, and that’s something that can’t be taught nearly as easily as standard rhetorical standard tactics and gambits.

    Demosthenes (09f714)

  124. For someone who likes Vox Day so much you should really read his analysis of the Gamma male, as you’re going full Secret King:

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  125. @ 128:

    Oh, nk, don’t do that. That’s what he wants. I know it feels really good to just fling insults at alt-righters, but that’s their goal — just like the progressives they choose to emulate in terms of tactics. They want to break down people who oppose them, and make them abandon reasoned discourse in favor of base insults. Just keep your cool and let them play their game.

    Demosthenes (09f714)

  126. @ 131: That’s clumsy, because it’s far too short and uncomplicated. The “sexual philosophy” alpha-gamma thing combined with the personal insult isn’t a bad angle, but you should never let that be all you bring after someone points out a rhetorical error you made. All it does is to serve as a tacit admission that you know you screwed up, and that’s the one thing an alt-righter can never say, not even subtextually. You were doing so much better earlier.

    Still, I get it. You’re probably a little embarrassed. Even alphas can feel regret at their mistakes. It’s okay to use this as a learning experience, as long as you grow.

    Demosthenes (09f714)

  127. it’s a nice way of describing the generation, clint eastwood so pithily portrayed, so ridden with mind arson, and ‘microagressions’ they cannot function in this world,

    narciso (732bc0)

  128. Demosthenes, Christoph has a very long history here. He’s a lonely, fat guy, in a country where lots of the things he says may be a crime, and he has a need for an audience. We’ve heard from him on all kinds of things. His last political cause was the Canadian Foreskin Awareness Project, an anti-circumcision movement. This current white supremacist kick under the Trump banner is his latest. Patterico keeps banning him, but he keeps showing up under new identities. I don’t blame him. Even with Trumpkins, Patterico’s are the best comment threads on the internet. I’ll be glad when this stupid election is over so we can get back to normal.

    nk (dbc370)

  129. Unlike you, nk, I don’t think there is ever any going back. The Trump worshipers will ensure there will never be a going back.

    John Hitchcock (4f4465)

  130. 128… Creativity! Goin’ frosty on teh frostback!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  131. You know Peggy Noonan pretty much outlined the logic to an open revolt.

    Not sure the old koot, or your Ted Cruz fan boys, actually read the piece beyond admiring the analysis.

    It actually is 1776 redux …

    Rodney King's Spirit (d28741)

  132. @ 125: Not disputing your characterization, nk. But the best thing to do to a boor who needs an audience is to disappoint him.

    Demosthenes (09f714)

  133. because it’s not fundamentally about trump, as with johnson, le pen, de vere, petry et al, it’s the nature of the wave, not the current rider, hollandaise covered up the battaclan horrors, because it may have influenced the vote, and the loyal opposition, lapped it up,

    narciso (732bc0)

  134. Trump is like Ric Flair: Wild hair, and faked all his fights.

    John Hitchcock (4f4465)

  135. Lol Joh Hitchcock .. Don’t worry about the Trump Worshippers, you, like the Republican elites will be back to licking their balls once the next non Trump election cycle comes around. (And ignoring them legislatively)

    The minute they vote for the effete Country Clubber who is a closet leftist you will hail their maturity and intellect and let bygones be bygones. Same goes if Trump wins ….. All you vile little people feeding off the Govt teet will line up for your porridge. Always been Thai way, always will.

    Fact is this Republican base put Reagan and Bush in office and no one was bashing them then. Now they voted other and you are apoplectic. Let it go. All this anger at your natural friends is not merited. Save it for the Leftists.

    Rodney King's Spirit (d28741)

  136. splunge but she’s not being indecisive, that would take initiative,

    narciso (732bc0)

  137. Same could be said of Ted Cruz, like Ric Flair …. Lots of bluster with pretend fights.

    What has Ted done in the Senate so far that counts in terms of results?

    Like his moxie but Be real. Cruz has done zippo.

    Rodney King's Spirit (d28741)

  138. Susan … The women who let Obolacare out for Committee for no reason.

    Yeah. Well. Much like Roberts, a disappointing fugazy.

    Rodney King's Spirit (d28741)

  139. Trump is a Leftist.
    I am no Country Clubber.
    I said in 1984 that I was to the Right of Reagan.
    Your Schmalfeldtian use of explicit language marks you.

    John Hitchcock (4f4465)

  140. #146 yeah, sure dude.

    You know we had a chance to pick a better candidate and last I check almost everyone on this board universally rejected them one by one for not being doctrainare enough, only Ted was the purest … He lost and now this is what you got.

    Bite down, shut your mouth cuz Hillary is 8 more years of Obama along with 30 years of SCOTUS implementing Das Kapital and praising Saul Alinsky.

    Trump is a fever that will break, Hillary not so much.

    Rodney King's Spirit (d28741)

  141. here’s another feckless twit, he was all for arming the jaish, which is now in coalition with al queda, in our wonderful ‘victory’ in manbig, and he was in mullah’s pocket on the rhodes road show,

    narciso (732bc0)

  142. Oh? I hadn’t heard that Merrick Garland’s appointment had been confirmed. Keeping the country club Senators to a reasonable mendacious douche level is not a small accomplishment. But, primarily, Cruz keeps his promises to his Texas constituents. That is what he was elected for.

    nk (dbc370)

  143. Trump is no leftist either. U don’t know what a leftist is. Stupid opinion. As ignorant as it comes. Guess what neither is Hillary. Problem is her party has sold itself lock stock and barrel to leftism and she will do whatever to stay in their graces.

    Trump a leftist? Lol. Opportunist yes. Leftist? Uh, no. The language of the left is not what Trump speaks.

    Rodney King's Spirit (d28741)

  144. NK

    If the good old boys wanted Merrick they would have steam rolled Ted.

    And I said I like Ted s fighting spirit.

    I wish he had spent some time building a team of legislators to follow and actually worked to build his power.

    He showed himself too eager for the big dance and it has hurt him because he is naked
    Y transparent.

    Rodney King's Spirit (d28741)

  145. Trump is a Leftist. He’s the one who said he’s for partial birth abortions. He’s the one who said Democrat economic policies are better for the country than Republican economic policies. He’s the one who said Hillary was one of the greatest SecStates the US ever had. He’s the one who said Hillary would be a great President. He’s the one who stood up against the 2nd Amendment. He’s the one who stood up against the 1st Amendment. He’s the one who said he would implement Universal Single-Payer Healthcare. And the list goes on.

    Trump is, absoulutely, a tyrannical Leftist.

    John Hitchcock (4f4465)

  146. Is it the Trump Campaign calling or is it the GOP?

    It’s Trump’s voice. As soon as I hear it I hang up.

    Milhouse (3d6a1b)

  147. #153

    Sorry but you have no idea what Leftism is. And your rant is mostly frustration with him being a rank opportunist and cafone.

    Trump is not a collectivist nor does he speak like one nor are any of his policy positions consistent with the left.

    And if Universal Healthcare make u leftist … Hello Mitt Romney. Plus he claims it a bad idea. Wish Romney had done same in his idiotic support for universal per systems. And abortion is not a left right issue but a moral one which neither side has a monopoly on.

    Get out of the USA and go learn something in China or Cuba or Venezuela or Vietnam.

    Rodney King's Spirit (d28741)

  148. Breitbart is Trump’s Pravda of course, now brought under the TRUMP brand umbrella

    Why not, their (residual) con cred evaporates the first week in November anyway-
    they’ve got to be aware they’re going down with the ship too

    Reaganite Republican (98e37e)

  149. “should never let that be all you bring after someone points out a rhetorical error you made.”


    Demosthenalzi’s rules-for-the-sake-of-rules reaches heights of pedantically idiotic humanities major verbiage previously thought impossible, please excuse my spiritual mass while I engage in emotional fallacies and algorithmic opinions in the real world.

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  150. A random word generator could put together sentences that make more sense than Christoph does.

    John Hitchcock (4f4465)

  151. Well, so far the Trump general election campaign is actually even more of a complete circus of gaffes, screwups and utter failure than even I would have guessed.

    What a disaster.

    SPQR (a3a747)

  152. Oh, wow. Okay, I’ve tried to be understanding and nice while critiquing your posts, Dystopia Max, even as you have been rude to pretty much everyone around here — because at least you were trying by your own standards. But this last effort isn’t even good. I mean, is there anything more characteristic of “pedantically idiotic humanities major verbiage” than that phrase itself? And that you should say it without any apparent awareness or self-reflection…it’s just sad, really.

    Well, you can continue in that vein if you want, but I refuse to participate in your self-beclowning. My sense of humanity forbids it. I can only hope that everyone else sees how far you have sunk in just a few hours, takes pity on you, and follows my lead.

    Demosthenes (09f714)

  153. Here’s an article for all the Pattericans and other GOP traitors, aka, NeverTrumpers

    “Never Trumpniks Pave Hillary’s Path To Power”

    Thanks a lot, you highly principled mutherfuckers!!

    PTS (ce7fc3)

  154. Amusingly, on the other side, I get emails offering me a chance to enter a drawing to meet Tim Kaine if I make a donation.

    I feel like he should pay me to have dinner with him.

    LYT (242563)

  155. So, here’s a thought experiment for Trump supporters:

    Name a movie that features the President as a character where the situation would be improved by inserting Donald Trump. “Mars Attacks!” is the only one I can think of, and only because the Nicholson character is pretty close already.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  156. John Hitchcock: “I can say for a fact that NYC is the armpit of the world”

    Now wait a second. That was Shanghai, before World War II.

    The phrase has sometimes been applied to northern New Jersey.

    105. hunson abedeer (80144e) — 8/14/2016 @ 7:09 pm

    There are only about 15 “major” cities on all of planet earth.

    By definition?

    Sammy Finkelman (6f4cf5)

  157. @163 Kevin M

    Can I answer for nk?

    The Dead Zone.

    I know, he was only a candidate. Yeah, but still…

    Pinandpuller (e42de1)

  158. @164 Sammy Finkleman

    He’s saying that qualitatively there are only about 15 major cities in the world.

    “Quantity has a quality all its own.” Attributed to Joseph Stalin

    Pinandpuller (e42de1)

  159. 148. Agreed, Corker is the GOP’s mirror image Clinton. He isn’t a rapist.

    DNF (ffe548)

  160. 136. That’s the first level-headed utterance you’ve spewed.

    DNF (ffe548)

  161. Charles Hugh Smith has come up with a clever way of estimating the real rate of inflation—the Burrito Index. From 2001 to 2016 the cost of a burrito has risen 160 percent from $2.50 to $6.50. During these 15 years the officially measured rate of inflation is 35 percent.

    And it is not only burritos. The cost of higher education has risen 137% since 2000. The Milliman Medical Index shows medical costs to have risen far above official inflation from 2005 to 2016. The costs of medical insurance, trash collection, you name it, are dramatically higher than the official rate of inflation.

    #nevertrump sees no crisis because they are uncritical consumers of propaganda, output by presstitutes and our antiAmerican government.

    DNF (ffe548)

  162. can you imagine buying burritos if you the duggars

    god help those poor bastards

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  163. Since 2001. Heh! How much of the devaluation was between 2001 and 2008 and how much was between 2008 and 2016? Because yesterday I was musing how many things that were $10 in 2010 are $15 now.

    nk (dbc370)

  164. “Chicago’s gun violence illustrates the problem with the proliferation of guns in America.”

    Man, talk about going full retard. No, Chicago’s gun violence illustrates a quite different problem.

    “We need sensible gun control.”

    Um, no. We don’t.

    “There is no reason whatsoever for the civilian ownership of handguns or semi-automatic rifles;”

    Actually, I seem to recall this whole thing about “the security of a free state.” Just when I thought you couldn’t be a bigger retard…

    “and hunting rifles and shotguns should be kept locked up at shooting ranges and hunt clubs and released to the owner only for target practice on the premises or upon the presentation of a valid hunting license.”

    The purpose of owning guns is not hunting, imbecile. Maybe your running mouth should be locked up at a shooting range and then used to good purpose.

    hunson abedeer (80144e)

  165. I love this site but– still– Either Hillary or Donald will be sworn in as President.

    cedarhill (69fdd2)

  166. how you figure

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  167. “Yes, man is mortal, but that would be only half the trouble. The worst of it is that he’s sometimes unexpectedly mortal—there’s the trick!”

    “– But here is a question that is troubling me: if there is no God, then, one may ask, who governs human life and, in general, the whole order of things on earth?
    – Man governs it himself, – Homeless angrily hastened to reply to this admittedly none-too-clear question.
    – Pardon me, – the stranger responded gently, – but in order to govern, one needs, after all, to have a precise plan for a certain, at least somewhat decent, length of time. Allow me to ask you, then, how can man govern, if he is not only deprived of the opportunity of making a plan for at least some ridiculously short period, well, say, a thousand years , but cannot even vouch for his own tomorrow? And in fact, – here the stranger turned to Berlioz, – imagine that you, for instance, start governing, giving orders to others and yourself, generally, so to speak, acquire a taste for it, and suddenly you get …hem … hem … lung cancer … – here the foreigner smiled sweetly, and if the thought of lung cancer gave him pleasure — yes, cancer — narrowing his eyes like a cat, he repeated the sonorous word —and so your governing is over! You are no longer interested in anyone’s fate but your own. Your family starts lying to you. Feeling that something is wrong, you rush to learned doctors, then to quacks, and sometimes to fortune-tellers as well. Like the first, so the second and third are completely senseless, as you understand. And it all ends tragically: a man who still recently thought he was governing something, suddenly winds up lying motionless in a wooden box, and the people around him, seeing that the man lying there is no longer good for anything, burn him in an oven. And sometimes it’s worse still: the man has just decided to go to Kislovodsk – here the foreigner squinted at Berlioz – a trifling matter, it seems, but even this he cannot accomplish, because suddenly, no one knows why, he slips and falls under a tram-car! Are you going to say it was he who governed himself that way? Would it not be more correct to think that he was governed by someone else entirely?”

    nk (dbc370)

  168. Trump will lose because he will not get more than 40 million votes. The 13.6 million true believers who voted for him in the primaries, and 25 million or so of party drones who vote for anyone with an R after his name (although he is doing his best to make that second group stay home too).

    Just like Trump couldn’t win anything but an open primary, and just like Trump would never get more than 30% in any primary contest, right? Your analysis has all the insight and predictive capability of a Rex Reed movie review.

    prowlerguy (fa36d8)

  169. Name a movie that features the President as a character where the situation would be improved by inserting Donald Trump. “Mars Attacks!” is the only one I can think of, and only because the Nicholson character is pretty close already.

    So that is how #nevertrumpers make their choice for President? Who would make a Hollywood movie better? By that definition, and using Air Force One as the example movie, then Ronald Reagan would not have been a good President, because he was not a former MoH winner and was of advanced age and not spry enough to take back control of a plane held by armed hostages. You can look to Hollywood for your guidance on politics, but you’ll excuse me if I decline.

    prowlerguy (fa36d8)

  170. “your idolatry of Trump proves you are incapable of reason or logic. QED”

    You don’t know what QED actually means, do you. Or how it is used.

    Why is that a shock, or even noteworthy? He doesn’t have a solid grasp of grammar (and doubles down when corrected), his demonstrated knowledge of computer languages is spotty (although I think he was simply trying to rescue his poor logic in his OP and overreached), so his lack of understanding of mathematical proofs should surprise nobody.

    prowlerguy (fa36d8)

  171. What’s the difference between a Trumpkin and a mosquito?
    The mosquito stops sucking when you slap it.

    quod e·rat de·mon·stran·dum
    ˌkwäd ˌerət ˌdemənˈsträndəm/
    exclamation: quod erat demonstrandum; exclamation: QED

    used to convey that a fact or situation demonstrates the truth of one’s theory or claim, especially to mark the conclusion of a formal proof.

    nk (dbc370)

  172. “Okay, I’ve tried to be understanding and nice while critiquing your posts”

    Nothing resembling a ‘critique’ was ever made, you were intrigued and lamely attempting to copy my rhetorical brilliance, but failed, because there were neither facts nor spirit in your rejoinders. Basically you’re not good at it. If you were good at it, you wouldn’t have referred everything back to a list of ‘logical fallacies’ when you couldn’t give a proper response.

    For all your vocabulary (which broke down into hilarious malapropisms like ‘rhetorical errors’ before you ever bothered making an argument), as long as you’re bound to that, you’ll still be a John Scalzi-esque gamma loser. With what I can only assume is Wernicke’s Aphasia.

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

  173. Trump[kin] lies only work on illiterates.

    nk (dbc370)

  174. Doesn’t Vox Day live in Finland? All these foreign neo-Nazis commenting on American politics. Daddy Day (Robert Beale) was neo-Loony too, a convicted felon sentenced to 11 years and 2 months in federal prison for tax evasion, threatening a federal judge, and jumping bail. The fruit does not fall far from the tree.

    nk (dbc370)

  175. Trump Idolators are people who lack logic and deduction skills.
    Using math:
    Trump Idolators = people who lack logic and deduction skills
    Using substitution:
    People who lack logic and deduction skills = people who are incapable of reason or logic

    Thus, we are back to my original:
    Your Idolatry of Trump proves you are incapable of reason or logic. QED.

    John Hitchcock (4f4465)

  176. “Trump Idolators are people who lack logic and deduction skills.”

    This is a mere opinion and a generalization. It is argument by assertion.

    You were saying something about a lack of logic and deduction skills?

    Q, heh heh, ED.

    Better stick to visiting all those “major cities”. I hear the Ramada Inns are sort of nice.

    hunson abedeer (80144e)

  177. Christoph, your lack of logic and reasoning skills is well established. You are evidence of my point, not contradictory to it.

    John Hitchcock (4f4465)

  178. Vox Day vs. John Scalzi. LOL
    Meter Maids In Bondage vs. Fannie Hill
    (sarc)What level of literary giants Christoph reads. (sarc)

    Anyway, enough time wasted on Baby Beluga (Christoph). I hate to be an I-told-you-so, but I told you so, Demosthenes.

    nk (dbc370)

  179. NEVER TRUMPNIKS PAVE HILLARY’S PATH TO POWER: “Rather than encourage Trump — whose victory could secure these and other conservative goals after 16 years of molar-grinding Bush-Obama statism — the Never Trump crowd slaps away his extended hand. These malcontents should help Trump develop the best conservative ideas and present them to the voters as attractively as possible. Supply-side heavyweights Arthur Laffer, Larry Kudlow, and Steve Moore helped craft Trump’s economic proposal. The man who Never Trumpniks say ‘never listens’ heeded these free-marketeers on taxes and the Heritage Foundation on judges. Conservative Trump haters should do something productive: Offer the GOP nominee issues and ideas he can use to win.”

    Read the whole thing.

    Related: An Illustrated Story: What it means to be #NeverTrump.

    Colonel Haiku (34bcc6)

  180. Instapundit is an Amazon ad paper.

    nk (dbc370)

  181. He better be careful. Jeff Bezos is anti-Trump and might take away his bread and butter.

    nk (dbc370)

  182. Beisbol quiz…

    Q: Who took more balls to the chin?

    a: Yogi Berra
    b: Rock Hudson
    c: Pete Rose
    d: #NeverTrumpniks

    A: teh answer is d: #NeverTrumpniks

    Colonel Haiku (34bcc6)

  183. You might wish to recall that Trump said: “I can change. I can change. I can change.” (Actually, he said it more times than that, but three should be enough.) Further, when Manafort met with the GOPe in Florida, he promised them Trump will change.

    Well, has Trump changed? Or was the change supposed to be spending the week after the convention to talk about forming Super PACs to oppose Cruz and Kasich when they ran for re-election?

    Trump does not take advice. He listens only to himself. “He has a very good brain.” And he will not change. A seventy-year old case of textbook Narcissistic Personality Disorder will not change his liver spots.

    nk (dbc370)

  184. And Haiku has devolved into Schmalfeldtian vulgarity. It’s a shame. Haiku used to be a good man. Until he started worshiping Trump.

    John Hitchcock (4f4465)

  185. Was it “Schmalfeldtian”?

    John Hitchcock (4f4465)

  186. Don’t know what’s sending my comment into moderation. The word Haiku?

    John Hitchcock (4f4465)

  187. Dystopia Max:

    … you were intrigued and lamely attempting to copy my rhetorical brilliance

    You sound just like Trump.

    Not only do Trump’s followers sound like him, they act like him. It’s verbal aggression, all the time. And their comments over the past weeks suggest many of them hate lawyers.

    I’ve taken up books again and I am reading a book about the world during the 11th-12th centuries. The author said the advent of civilization in Europe was the development of professionals and specialists like doctors, lawyers, craftsmen, and priests. If that’s true, then some people here would be happy to roll back civilization.

    DRJ (15874d)

  188. You don’t have to hate lawyers to feel that in modern America, lawyers (like labor unions) no longer serve the good of society, but rather are a drain on it. Consider the fact that the per capita ratio of lawyers to citizens is 1:40.

    Lawyers produce no tangible goods or advance science or heal the sick. So right off the bat, 1/40 of our population is no longer doing work that makes lives better. Instead, they produce “value” by siphoning off the goods and labor of others. And to magnify their corrosive effect, they have taken over government, both elected and appointed, and use those positions to pass laws and enact regulations that further the need for lawyers. Most egregious example is, of course, the IRS. Each year at least $37B is spent on federal tax compliance alone, let alone the actual tax burden. Consider what the citizens and businesses of this country could accomplish with $37B in capital available each and every year.

    If that’s true, then some people here would be happy to roll back civilization.

    Interesting logic there. So if someone objects to the undeniable corrosive effect that lawyers, as a profession, has on modern American society, then they wish to roll back civilization? Please explain your rationale for such a leap of logic, and be sure to explain why 12th century Europe is applicable to the modern US.

    prowlerguy (fa36d8)

  189. Instapundit is an Amazon ad paper.

    Looks at sidebar here. Hmm. I wonder if you are condemning Patterico, too. Of course not! He agrees with you.

    prowlerguy (fa36d8)

  190. Dang. I misread that table. For every 10K residents, there are 40 lawyers (of course, in DC, there are 775 per 10K. Same conclusions, just not such a ridiculous number. My apologies for mis-transcribing it here.

    prowlerguy (fa36d8)

  191. “your lack of logic and reasoning skills is well established. You are evidence of my point”

    More opinion and mere assertion. You don’t actually have a point. A sneer is not a point.

    Many people support Trump not because they worship him but because they’ve worked through logic and observation what a nightmare and a disaster Hillary will be. (Of course for people who think worse is better because it accelerates the revolution, Hillary might be the drug of choice. It’s hard to imagine a worse choice, not even Trump is that bad.)

    I’m skeptical of a Trump victory because I doubt he has the numbers, and even if he did this is going to be the most crooked election in US history. But he’s preferable because he’s not an ideologue, half the time he doesn’t even know what he thinks, and that’s good because less extremism. He’d assemble a better team, too. (Why on earth isn’t Trey Gowdy president?) His only real hope is low turnout because everybody’s just so disgusted.

    hunson abedeer (80144e)

  192. … the undeniable corrosive effect that lawyers, as a profession, has on modern American society …

    More Trump talk.

    DRJ (15874d)

  193. 31. PTS (ce7fc3) — 8/14/2016 @ 1:45 pm

    Hillary has some sort of serious and worsening medical condition involving the brain…I really hope she has some type of episode that eliminates her from running permanently, and in full view of the American public and media.

    It probably wouldn’t cause her to withdraw.

    Somebody links to something at the Gateway Pundit that, in turn, links to something written by an anonymous doctor, whom Mike Cernovich says is an anesthesiologist. The author also consulted a close firend who has Parkinson’s disease, and his brother, who is an RN who spent two years working 12-hour shifts caring for PD patients in a nursing home. The brother says that Hillary Clinton, in the very famous “What difference does it make?” exchange, shows signs of Parkinison’s disease when treated with Levadopa.

    As I read it, he says more or less:

    1) Judging from little bit of things that are public, and video, he thinks Hillary Clinton has Parkisons’s disease, which had been treated for some years with Levadopa, and the condition has worsened this year, in 2016. He’s guessing this was not present in 2009 because at that time when she fell, she hurt her elbow, indicating she had good reflexes at that time.

    2) While you don’t normally diagnose anything just from looking at someone, a large part of what goes into a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease is simple observation.

    3) Whatever her doctor said about her medical condition, to wit, that she’s in “excellent physical condition” doesn’t really contradict this, and besides that was dated July, 2015.

    4) There’s some nonsense on the Internet he’s ignoring. For instance, somebody claimed that something which a black man next to her is carrying was was some kind of medical device (a diazepam injector used in case of seizures, or to administer an anti-anxiety drug) but it is clearly seen in another video to be a flashlight. There’s also a circular area on her tongue that appears to be the site of a mass excision, but it is probably not related to any ongoing chronic health issue. There are many benign explanations.

    5) Parkinson’s disease causes both difficulty with balance and difficulty with reflexes, and that could explain the fall which caused her concussion in 2012. He said she had an even worse incident of a near fall more recently where she was saved, on camera, by people around her.

    6) People being treated with Levadopa sometimes have a tendency to freeze up and he thinks he spotted that twice. It’s also why her mouth is wide open. See On July 28, 2016, during the balloon drop after he accepptance speech, HRC suddenly looks up with a frozen wide-mouth and wide-eyed stare. After a couple of seconds she regains control. (Also on July 21)

    I susppose he could add, oe measn to add, that this business of opening her mouth wide is new for her.

    7) People with Parkinson’s disease can prevent tremors by deliberate motions, and they can also hide their hand, and he thinks Hillary is doing that.

    See May 2, 2016. Hillary has no lectern. She keeps her right hand pressed against her chest. At the 18:02 mark, she starts gesturing with her right hand, something very uncommon, except with someone who has Parkinison’s disease.

    Treatment with L-dopa and strategies to hide the problem and prevent a tremor, could explain why a “pill rolling” tremor has never been seen in public.

    8) Her use of the term “short-circuited” (although, and he doesn’t say it, but clearly understand it to be not true about what she said happened) may come from terminology she heard while her condition was discussed with a doctor.

    9) Yoga sessions may really be, or have been, something else. (Does she put any on her schedule anyway? I mean is it actually confirmed that she said that at X day and time she was doing or will do yoga? And had an appointment even?)

    10) Her avoidance pf news conferences may be explained by not wanting to give away signs of Parkinison’s disease. (unlikely. And she makes other public appearances. He says stress can elicit, like getting asked questions, can elicit them)

    11) Her coughing may be explained by Parkinson’s disease, except that the condition should be worse by now, in that case, than it seems to be.

    12) With Parkinson’s disease, eventually cognitive problems develop as well.

    13) He’s really not stating anything for a fact, but he says that, because of this possibility, easily discernable to people with a good medical education and/or experience with Parkinson’s disease, it is imperative that HRC release her complete medical records to an impartial panel of physicians. It need not be made any more public, but some people we can trust should evaluate her medical fitness.

    Sammy Finkelman (6f4cf5)

  194. Trumpkins do not know the difference between an “ad in a paper” and an “ad paper”. They also don’t know the difference between s*** and shinola, or that it’s obvious with every comment they make that they’re full of the former.

    nk (dbc370)

  195. the Never Trump crowd slaps away his extended hand
    What extended hand.
    Trump is the one who told conservative voters to get lost because he didn’t need them.

    I haven’t seen anyone really discuss Trump’s plan. It seems to promise lower taxes, increased spending for the military, increased spending on infrastructure (Porkulus 2.0?), and no spending cuts I know of beyond defunding Planned Parenthood. IOW, blow the deficit up even more. He’s expecting increased economic growth to do the trick, but given his trade policies that is far from a given.

    And his latest iteration of the Muslim ban involves an interview in which the applicant must support American values: but of course that only means they have to lie persuavily.

    kishnevi (b9b7a2)

  196. We’ll make it up in volume, kishnevi.

    nk (dbc370)

  197. Colonel Haiku (34bcc6) — 8/15/2016 @ 6:39 am

    Supply-side heavyweights Arthur Laffer, Larry Kudlow, and Steve Moore helped craft Trump’s economic proposal. The man who Never Trumpniks say ‘never listens’ heeded these free-marketeers on taxes

    That’s true. He threw away his tax plan, deleted it from his web site, and substituted one close to the House Republican consensus.

    I assume the reason was, he doesn’t really care about it. Didn’t care about his first plan, and doesn’t care about his second, except that, within reason, and in conformity with his taste, he lets politics decide what tax reform he should be for.

    and the Heritage Foundation on judges.

    He endorsed and tried to prove he wouls name conservative nominees fairly early. He recognized he made a political mistake in talking about his sister, bcause she’s not a legal conservative’s idea of an ideal judge..

    So he listens, when somebody tells him, that to be the Republican nominee, you have to be FOR this or that and makes a plausible case.

    He also listened when he was told he had to be pro-life. Maybe he listned also after he attacked Bush for the Iraq war in a debate, because he didn’t repeat it.

    He doesn’t listen when somebody tells he is wrong or that he should NOT BE for something.

    Sammy Finkelman (f5c867)

  198. @41. Anything you say… George.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  199. I love this site but– still– Either Hillary or Donald will be sworn in as President.

    They both could die. Neither is young. Trump always seems a few moments from a stroke, and Hillary could have an aneurysm or heart attack.

    Or maybe their campaign planes collide mid-air.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  200. So that is how #nevertrumpers make their choice for President? Who would make a Hollywood movie better?

    No, but then you want to misunderstand because the truth hurts so much.

    The answer is that Trump doesn’t fit ANYONE’S image of “a president”, nor would he have the kind of judgement (having none) people expect from one. Replacing ANY movie president (cast and portrayed as people WANT to believe presidents actually are) with Donald Trump would turn any movie into a satire, at best, and wouldn’t even work in most satires.

    Even Merkin Muffley is a far better president than Donald Trump could ever be.

    Yes, certain actual presidents would not fit into some movies, but Donald Trump fits into few if any. THe American people will never accept a screaming child as president.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  201. Hillary has some sort of serious and worsening medical condition involving the brain…I really hope she has some type of episode that eliminates her from running permanently, and in full view of the American public and media.

    She could die and still beat Trump.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  202. Supply-side heavyweights Arthur Laffer, Larry Kudlow, and Steve Moore helped craft Trump’s economic proposal. The man who Never Trumpniks say ‘never listens’ heeded these free-marketeers on taxes

    You misunderstand the word “heavyweight.” Of the three, only Stephen Moore could be described as such.

    And why would you think that he will follow this proposal anyway? Like ever other word he spouts, it’s just a method of getting over on the marks.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  203. Mr. Trump’s so fetch he could totally die and still beat the vile stinkypig to where her sick feeble clotty head couldn’t even comprehend the enormity of her defeat

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  204. 210. happyfeet (28a91b) — 8/15/2016 @ 10:42 am

    Mr. Trump’s so fetch he could totally die and still beat the vile stinkypig to where her sick feeble clotty head couldn’t even comprehend the enormity of her defeat

    Still?? the #NeverTrump people would give up their objections. Even if they could be sure he would be impeached, it would be enough.

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  205. 207. Haven’t there been any real bad, as in evil, movbie presidents?

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  206. It should be pointed out that Arthur Laffer voted for Bill Clinton twice, and was insisting quite publicly that the US economy would not crash, and there was no real estate bubble, in 2006.

    He now teaches for a no-name college in Georgia, which isn’t what “heavyweights” do.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  207. Mr. Trump’s so fetch he could totally die and still beat the vile stinkypig to where her sick feeble clotty head couldn’t even comprehend the enormity of her defeat

    I hope we find out.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  208. Haven’t there been any real bad, as in evil, movie presidents?

    The President in “Death Race 2000” was a dictator. But still, “Donald Trump” isn’t an improvement.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  209. Haven’t there been any real bad, as in evil, movie presidents?

    “Absolute Power” had a murderous president, but Trump would have been caught red-handed.

    “24” had an incompetent president (Wayne Palmer) and an evil President (Logan). But still Trump doesn’t help.

    Admittedly, Trump would probably be a better president than “President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho” of Idiocracy. But that’s a pretty low bar, and it’s not entirely clear that he’d be better.

    The unseen President of “Wag the Dog” at least has competent, if amoral, aides.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  210. Even King Ralph would think Trump a disgrace to the office.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  211. the office is a disgrace all by itself

    president of failmerica gimme a breah

    what a slut job

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  212. gimme a *break* i mean not a breah that was a typo due to key placement on keyboard

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  213. 211.

    I thought Manafort was bad because he had been Bob Dole’s campaign manager. But this report, linking him to the murderous Russian-client president of the Ukraine, makes Donald Trump look even more like a Kremlin stooge.

    And you have to hand it to the Russians, when they look for a stooge to hire, they find one. Donald Trump COULD replace Larry Fine and who would notice?

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  214. stooge lol

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  215. I see in the book “Trump and Me” that Donald Trump was interested in Russia, or Russian politicians in the 1990s.

    He had a meeting with Alexander Lebed at the time of Clinton’s second inauguration. (pages 71-79)

    Also see pages 37-8.

    For something on Alexander Lebed.

    Lebed was spreading stories about hundred Soviet-made suitcase-sized nuclear weapons. Like as if the soviet Union wold create them.

    Sammy Finkelman (f5c867)

  216. @160 nk

    Well here in the South Ivanka, Donald Jr and Erik are all Trump kin.

    Pinandpuller (869545)

  217. oops @180 nk

    Pinandpuller (869545)

  218. He now teaches for a no-name college in Georgia, which isn’t what “heavyweights” do
    Mercer may not have a national reputation, but it’s as good as most other schools in the South. I almost went there, but the financial aid was better at the school I did pick (Emory).

    kishnevi (10c258)

  219. @194 DRJ

    I think a lot of disdain for lawyers comes from them becoming a priestly class in our government.

    Hillary Clinton looks more like the nadir of civilization rather than “Higher! Farther!”

    Pinandpuller (869545)

  220. @221 Kevin M

    So is Trump working for the Clintons or Russia?

    Or both?

    The New Triumverate.

    Pinandpuller (869545)

  221. “Not only do Trump’s followers sound like him, they act like him. It’s verbal aggression, all the time. And their comments over the past weeks suggest many of them hate lawyers.”


    “I’ve taken up books again and I am reading a book about the world during the 11th-12th centuries. The author said the advent of civilization in Europe was the development of professionals and specialists like doctors, lawyers, craftsmen, and priests. If that’s true, then some people here would be happy to roll back civilization.”

    The ‘doctors, lawyers, craftsmen, and priests’ of today are so complicit with the destruction of America and so disconnected to her well-being that they must be destroyed utterly, no one to replace them until the wicked educational generation that spawned them has died. Start with Climate Science and Political Science and work your way forward:

    What you’ll find, historically, is that his is the perspective of every decent cog in a bad wheel: not even slightly unaware or demented. There are never good cogs in a bad wheel, but there are always decent ones. You will find this exact same Oriental mentality in: Reinhard Spitzy’s How We Squandered The Reich (National Socialism); Alexander Barmine’s One Who Survived (early Communism); or Victor Klemperer’s The Lesser Evil (late Communism).

    The perspective is that – sure – the system is bad. It is bad. Criminal? Sure. Thus, anyone who has seen the machine from the inside cannot possibly be surprised by Climategate. That’s just how professors behave! At least, now that professors run the world. Acton gets it right again.

    But what’s the alternative? There isn’t any alternative. I mean, if the professors stop running the world, who will take over? Who else can run a world? Anyone in here got some world-running experience? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller…

    Therefore, the System must be reformed from the inside by men and women of good will, who will make up for its various crimes by creating a new socialism with a human face. Yadda yadda. Exit: the New Deal State. Enter: the New Deal State, with prediction markets. Or “charter cities.” Or whatever. Not that any of these professorial innovations have any chance of actually happening, of course. Frankly, it’d be stupid if it wasn’t so funny.

    Dystopia Max (76803a)

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