Patterico's Pontifications


Trump’s Big Second Amendment Comment

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 5:58 pm

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, Google it. I’m not wasting my time explaining it.

Dumbest nontroversy ever.

248 Responses to “Trump’s Big Second Amendment Comment”


    Patterico (bcf524)

  2. I’ll say this again.

    “By the way if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know,” Trump said.

    I suppose that if I said that maybe 2nd Amendment people could stop Trump, he’d understand better why people are upset today.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  3. From a comment on Legal Insurrection:

    “Hillary wants to essentially abolish the second amendment”

    “By the way, if she gets to pick her judges, [then there’s] nothing you can do folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is? I don’t know.”

    I suppose this is the result of somebody saying something to Donald Trump, that he didn’t quite grasp. (That’s more reasonable than assuming that he didn’t mean anything at all by it, or that he was talking about Hillary Clinton NOT winning the presidential election. The context here is clearly Hillary winning.)

    And what was it that he didn’t quite grasp?

    The Senate would inevitably confirm a nominee. The vacancies would not go unfilled. Certainly if the Republicans lost control of the Senate, because even if there was a filibuster, it would overturned also for Supreme Court nominations.


    There was one possibility she could be stopped from filling Supreme Court vacancies for the entirety of her term.

    That would be if the Second Amendment people, who can even influence a few Democratic Senators, would make this a do-or-die issue. Even if the Republicans lost control of the Senate, they could maybe even prevail on Democrats not to overturn the filibuster rule.

    Sammy Finkelman (03c82c)

  4. Feed the Beast!

    Squirrel! Squirrel! Arf! Arf!

    The dog days of August.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  5. Actually, I think he meant it to be understood as it’s being interpreted. The politicians refuse to admit it, but there are quite a lot of people in the country so fed up with both parties that an open season on federal officeholders seems attractive. Hence Trump and Bernie (and yes, there are leftist 2nd amendment supporters).

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  6. National Soros Radio would have us believe Gabby Giffords perked up and did a cogent tweet on the subject

    colour me dubious

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  7. Sammy, we heard you the first time you posted that weak and tortured explanation. Not convincing. Trump shows not inkling of how government works, let alone imparting to him some subtle confirmation strategy.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  8. bernie-sanders-supporter-who-served-dnc-legal-papers-found-dead/


    Remember the guy who died by barbell?

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  9. Hillary doesn’t throw people under the bus. All of Obama’s old buddies who are too embarrassing for him to talk to, at least they are still drawing breath.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  10. trump you show not inkling

    the vampires is not twinkling

    the pantsuits they be crinkling

    as they air-dry from her tinkling

    a mighty god-sent sprinkling

    from stinkypig herself

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  11. It’s meant to be interpreted openly. And yes, even in harshest terms, if the government tried to abolish the 2nd Amendment, that would cause a revolution on part with the original experiment.

    The Bill of Rights are inalienable rights that are not subject to government control. Claiming you can repeal a God-given right does not make it so.

    This is all about nothing other than the left getting angry and outraged about saying our rights are real rights, not subject to the court or leftist interpretation.

    njrob (106463)

  12. and the good people of the world are washing their cars on their lunch breaks Mr. rob

    hosing and scrubbing as best they can in skirts and suits

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  13. I think he meant to say what his campaign says he meant to say. An impression solidified by how the other side so unanimously asserts a different meaning.
    But (to repeat what I said in the other thread) he has been in the public eye and dealing with the press for thirty years– longer than the Hillary has. He should know by now that if he does not speak clearly and precisely, others will be glad to twist and distort his words to hurt him and benefit themselves.

    Or does he just not care?

    Of course, thanks to this, the MSM will gladly hound him again while going blank on the Abu Omar affair.

    kishnevi (bfcc0b)

  14. But he has been in the public eye and dealing with the press for thirty years– longer than Hillary has [Hillary’s been in the public eye since Watergate – but that’s not my main quibble]. He should know by now that if he does not speak clearly and precisely, others will be glad to twist and distort his words to hurt him and benefit themselves.

    Sounds like you’re advocating for more PC.
    Hacks in the media will twist and distort what Trump said and invent things he didn’t. And they would have done the same for whomever other might have won the nomination.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  15. Meanwhile, Ryan squeaks past his primary challenger, 85-15%

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  16. ah yes, remember brad thor, whose latest tome is substandard btw, musing about an actual assasination, on beck’s show,

    narciso (732bc0)

  17. Trump’s next sentence, after the one quoted, was, “And that would be a terrible, terrible day.”

    If he meant that the NRA could defeat a bad judicial nominee, why would he say it would be a terrible day?

    Obviously he meant either that someone would assassinate Hillary or that there would be widespread civil unrest. (Probably the former.)

    The audience got it. Check out the bearded man in a red shirt sitting behind Trump on the right side of the screen.

    And yes, a major party’s presidential candidate suggesting that his opponent should be/will be assassinated is a big deal.

    sauropod (34e06e)

  18. sauros don’t even have pods

    i call hoax

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  19. I was waiting to count that particular chicken, Kev. But did Trumps endorsement do the trick. I think Wisconsin just doesn’t cotton to that message (Cruz state, Walker tepid support), plus Ryan leaning on Dem crossovers and Illinois-based tour buses.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  20. ‘Feed me! Feed me!’

    The Beast is cranky.


    DCSCA (797bc0)

  21. In less than 6 hours CNN has extrapolated this into Rob Reiner discussing the Holocaust and Don Lemon getting browbeaten by an ex-secret service agent on live TV.



    DCSCA (797bc0)

  22. We’ve seen in these pages Trump assailed a narcissist, well:

    Obsessive, at least, is a bulls-eye.

    DNF (755a85)

  23. Half my family is from Ryan’s district, and most have no clue he’s a traitor.

    DNF (755a85)

  24. well they would be otherwise chasing jets in the indian ocean, through a wormhole,

    narciso (732bc0)

  25. 2. I’m not sure what language you’re tapping out on your keyboard, let alone what it might mean.

    Perhaps you could hire a ghost writer.

    DNF (755a85)

  26. Cheesehead Gazette headline:

    Goober Wins.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  27. Hacks in the media will twist and distort what Trump said and invent things he didn’t. And they would have done the same for whomever other might have won the nomination

    Very true. But Trump is making it easy for them…

    kishnevi (bfcc0b)

  28. 27. The question is what purpose is there for these idiot savants to deface whitespace with their mindless drivel?

    They could be playing Pokemon Go.

    DNF (755a85)

  29. the aliens from they live insist on it, gary,

    much of the fishwrap, have that consistency of subliminal wall paper,

    narciso (732bc0)

  30. 29. They are incapable of seriousness, like eighth graders with whoopee cushions.

    DNF (ffe548)

  31. is there an original thinker like mike doran, or stephen coughlin or phil haney in that crew, rhetorical?

    narciso (732bc0)

  32. This proves my point, again, about how Trump would appoint Constitution respecting judges. Not that it matters. He seems to be hopeless.

    During the primaries every time we thought he’d finally made his critical mistake by saying Bush lied us into Iraq, attacking McCain’s military record etc., he’d just get stronger. He never paid a price for saying stupid things. That may be contributing to his lack of awareness about being careful about what he says. He still hasn’t figured out that this is a different ball game. If he ever does figure it out, which he probably won’t, it’ll be too late.

    Gerald A (76f251)


    Here’s the speech, or the segment in question, that Pat didn’t link.

    What he said in detail, “And that would be a horrible, day if… if Hillary gets to put her judges, right now we’re tied. You see whats going on. We’re tied because Scalia. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Justice Scalia was supposed to live another ten years.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  34. We’ve heard from Trump before on this issue. He praised a guy sucker punching a protester. He praised tanks rolling into Tienanmen Square when students protested that government. Now he talks about a second amendment solution to a presidential election he is losing by double digits, and in some swing states, losing by over 25%.

    He does not mean NRA members phone banking their congressman.

    He means assassination. It’s funny how Trump is always hostile towards the first amendment, yet he abuses it like nobody’s business.

    I try to take this election with a sense of humor, but it’s sad to see this stuff.

    At least we have Gerald A here, insisting Trump would nominate lefties a few months ago, and now insisting he would nominate conservatives. Those who continue to side with a man who proposes the things Trump does are like Gerald, denying the obvious because they honestly value some political party over their country.

    And that specifically is what went wrong with the GOP. That’s why it’s become diluted to the point where it stands for nothing and nominates a guy who endorsed his democratic opponent. The GOP is all sound and fury. The sooner it’s gone the better.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  35. He does not mean NRA members phone banking their congressman.

    Yeah he does.

    Neener, neener.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  36. yes, the humour of red queen pushing registration, when the salafi propagandist who trained his own son to be a shaheed, sits in the audience, makes the humour very dry indeed,

    narciso (732bc0)

  37. 2nd amendment people have a penchant for tee shirts and bumper stickers that say “Molon Labe” and I’d say this is a hat tip to those folks who are goddamn serious that they will defy the Supreme Court if the Court rules their guns can be confiscated. Come and take them
    It won’t end well, because law enforcement will employ soul-less snipers who can easily kill you from 1000 meters and out to 2000.
    They won’t get my guns, but I will not openly defy them either

    steveg (fed1c9)

  38. 34, 35. I’m sorry McCain has spent his hero cred decades ago and nothing endures. That was no mistake.

    Second, that one does not know for certain what one asserts to be true, SF Nan and #nevertrump take as acceptable as potentially true. SF Nan goes further, if one does not know the thing to be false, as in obvious and irrefutable, it is just fine to assert BS as tho true.

    I say again, that is exactly what #nevertrump has undertaken repeatedly.

    If a man cannot limit his discourse to the Truth as we all know it, he is not a man.

    DNF (755a85)

  39. Half my family is from Ryan’s district, and most have no clue he’s a traitor.

    Not even with you telling them repeatedly over Thanksgiving dinner?

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  40. Steve@38

    Disarming Act
    After the Jacobite Rising of 1715 ended it was evident that the most effective supporters of the Jacobites were Scottish clans in the Scottish Highlands and the Disarming Act attempted to remove this threat.

    “An act for the more effectual securing the peace of the highlands in Scotland” was passed by the Parliament of Great Britain, coming into effect on November 1, 1716 which outlawed anyone in defined parts of Scotland from having “in his or their custody, use, or bear, broad sword or target, poignard, whinger, or durk, side pistol, gun, or other warlike weapon” unless authorised.

    This act proved ineffectual and in 1725 An act for the more effectual disarming the highlands in that part of Great Britain called Scotland; and for the better securing the peace and quiet of that part of the kingdom was passed and more effectively enforced by Major-General George Wade. Wade succeeded in confiscating a significant number of useful weapons, though the Highlanders still managed to hide many weapons for future use.

    The success of Wade’s efforts was shown by the rough assortment of weapons used by the Highlanders when Bonnie Prince Charlie raised the Forty-Five Rising, but the Jacobites’ overwhelming victory at the Battle of Prestonpans provided them with a good supply of government firelocks and bayonets left by the fleeing Redcoats. After that Jacobite Rising had been defeated the provisions of the Disarming Act were strengthened in the new Act of Proscription.

    From here:
    Among the tactics used was burying weapons in the ground.
    Mind you, the post ’45 confiscations seem to have been more effective.

    kishnevi (bfcc0b)

  41. Host: The stuff that you’re sitting on, is an October surprise in there?

    Julian Assange: WikiLeaks never sits on material. Our whistle-blowers go to significant efforts to get us material and often very significant risks. There’s a 27-year-old, uh, works for the DNC who was shot in the back, murdered, just a few weeks ago, for unknown reasons as he was walking down the streets in Washington.

    Host: That was just a robbery I believe, wasn’t it?

    Assange: No. There’s no finding.

    Host: What are you suggesting, what are you suggesting?

    Assange: I am suggesting that our sources take risks and they are…they become concerned to see things occurring like that.

    Host: But was he one of your sources then? I mean…

    Assange: We don’t comment on who are sources are.

    Host: But why make the suggestion about a young guy being shot in the streets of Washington?

    Assange: Because we have to understand how high the stakes are in the United States and that our sources are…our sources face serious risks, that’s why they come to us so we can protect their anonymity.

    Host: But it’s quite something to suggest a murder, that’s basically what you’re doing.

    Assange: Well, others have suggested that. We are investigating to understand what happened in that situation with Seth Rich. I think it is, uh, a concerning situation. There’s not a conclusion yet. We wouldn’t be willing to state a conclusion but we are concerned about it. More importantly, a variety of WikiLeaks sources are concerned when that kind of thing happens.

    Assange is suggesting this guy, Seth Rich, was a source for the DNC Wikileak, but Julian won’t say it because it would endanger other whistleblowers.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  42. 40. Actually I want family time to be good for all, and I have cautioned many of our number to leave politics and religion alone in our company.

    But I don’t love you azzh_les.

    DNF (755a85)

  43. If a man cannot limit his discourse to the Truth as we all know it, he is not a man.

    By that standard, Trump is certainly not a man.

    kishnevi (bfcc0b)

  44. # 13, kishnevi
    Perhaps that is his entire point. I think a lot of us get what the MSM is doing, so in a way Trump is just playing them.

    MSL (a8c328)

  45. papertiger (c2d6da) — 8/9/2016 @ 8:25 pm
    Or as HotAir suggested, helps hide the probability that the leaks came through Russia.

    kishnevi (bfcc0b)

  46. 44. You are evading the issue between us, you know.

    DNF (ffe548)

  47. Yeah he does.

    Neener, neener.


    I’m glad you think that, because if you didn’t and still supported Trump you would be a terrible patriot.

    Unfortunately, a lot of things you assert are obviously not correct, and this is one of them. It’s cute that you think this is some kind of personal argument between us and that arguing against me is not a matter of saying what you think but just about being irritating to those who don’t support Trump. Cute is a word for that.

    But Hillary is so weak virtually any Republican candidate would be ahead of her right now, yet Trump is being stomped on in the polls. Hillary’s scandals this cycle are epic, and all the Republican would have to do is stay out of the way, but Trump doesn’t understand this. He thinks it’s always about him, hence he gave Hillary what she needed and no one is talking about her scandals.

    You, papertiger, gave Hillary what she needed to win. Neener neener right back! 🙂

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  48. $20k reward for information on the death of DNC staffer Seth Rich.

    Doesn’t sound like enough, with the red queen leading in the polls.

    Can’t spend it in the afterlife.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  49. At this point in ’88, Dukakis bounced to a 15 point lead over George Bush.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  50. A murdered DNC staffer is suggested to be the Wikileak source, but the DNC as a block insists it’s the Russians.

    What sounds more plausible? A guy who has direct access to the DNC email because of his job, or a nebulous Russian without a name.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  51. “…but Trump doesn’t understand this. He thinks it’s always about him, hence he gave Hillary what she needed and no one is talking about her scandals.”

    Yeah… you, least of all.

    Colonel Haiku (66034d)

  52. You’re not just responsible for what you say. You are responsible for what people hear. Every professional gets this. Most service employees understand this. Presidential candidates can be expected to be aware of the concept. Most folks manage to not insinuate their political opponents should be shot. It’s actually easy. But most presidential candidates do not insinuate their political opponents are the son of JFK’s assassin either.

    You guys do realize Trump sits around with some democrats every weekend and comes up with something horrible to say, right? The con is on those of you who think he’s running against the gal whose presidential campaign he donated to.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  53. So when, exactly, is it OK to talk about second amendment solutions?

    Milhouse (5a188d)

  54. Let’s cut the bullsh*t, Captain Smarmy, hmmm?

    “When I consider that Hillary is an unscrupulous Marxist and dedicated Alinskyite who wants to tax the middle class out of existence (i.e. finish the job Obama started);
    is in the pocket of our deadly enemy, the Saudis, the wellspring of 9/11, from whom she has accepted over $20 million in campaign funds; has employed as her right hand a woman whose parents are influential members of the Muslim Brotherhood; is promoting and enforcing 7th-century Shari’ah law over the Constitution in the United States (See Robert Spencer’s illuminating video below); devised and managed the disastrous foreign policy that abandoned all our former allies—Israel especially—and led to the consolidation of ISIS, the rise of the new Caliphate, and the genocide of hundreds of thousands of Christians in Syria and Iraq (She and Obama are up to their ears in blood); sold 20% of America’s strategic uranium ore to Russia and stashed millions of dollars from the sale into her personal slush fund(Clinton Foundation); is bought and paid for by he big business and the banks (See below); supports ‘Globalization’, that is, the abandonment of America’s national borders, sovereignty and superior and enlightened body of Constitutional law to rule by the nameless, faceless, technocrats of totalitarian Globalism, who are appointed—not elected, not responsible to the average citizen
    And, then, When I consider that Trump supports Israel and our hard-won, traditional alliances 100%; that he is fighting against Globalist totalitarianism and for America’s safety, sovereignty, and ability to continue living under Constitutional law—you know, all those things the president is supposed to be sworn to uphold; that he recognizes the Islamic Revival for the existential danger to western civilization that it is, and rejects it, and seeks to protect Americans from its medieval madness (stabbings, bombings, hostages, torture, murder of gays, pedophilia, FGM, stoning, limb-chopping) before it can take hold here; and that he continues fighting the literal tsunami of lies about him and his positions propagated by an unhinged leftist media; that he continues to campaign despite his life being in grave danger from any number of vicious sources opposed to him–and opposed to my personal welfare—then the choice is crystal-clear to me.”

    Colonel Haiku (66034d)

  55. Taliban for Hillary 2016 …

    But hey Trump is not conservative.

    Rodney King's Spirit (d28741)

  56. Regardless of what Trump said today, it would be the same with any other GOP candidate at this point. I mean, Romney put a dog on top of his car and was a misogynist and stupid. Reagan starred with a chimp and was stupid and a racist. Bush Sr. had an affair and was stupid and a racist. McCain had an affair and was stupid and a racist. Bob Dole had no vision and was stupid and a racist. W was a cocaine abuser and deserter and was stupid and a racist.

    If any other Republican besides Trump were the nominee today, it would still be the same: Rubio can’t manage money and he’s stupid and a racist. Cruz is mean and stupid and a racist. Kasich hates poor people and stupid and a racist. Yada, yada, yada… It always comes down to Republicans being stupid and racist. It’s a tired script.

    But we all keep buying it.

    Ag80 (eb6ffa)

  57. When I read Dustin or Others go on and on about Trump I simply imagine Charlie Brown’s teacher.

    Yes he is an ass. But he is an American. He would mean change.

    Hillary hates America and is corrupt. She would continue Obama’s path.

    Rodney King's Spirit (d28741)

  58. #61

    And sad part is imbeciles calling themselves Conservative and Republican fall for it every time.

    Meanwhile Democrats think nothing of inviting Taliban to their rallies after murdering 80 folks. And daddy likely knew someone bout it.

    But hey, Trump is bad.

    Rodney King's Spirit (d28741)

  59. Exactly, RKS #63. I’m no Trump fan. I’m certainly not excited about the prospect of him being President. But, baby Jesus crying in the manger, we all know exactly what Hillary is: A lying, conniving elderly socialist criminal of ill health while in the pocket of big banks, Soros and oligarch tech titans and she will double down on the Obama phone-and-pen style of governing while stacking the Supreme Court. So, let’s all vote for her because Trump wants to nuke somebody, we’re not sure who, but HE WILL! with bad hair.

    Ag80 (eb6ffa)

  60. I’ve had just about enough. Time for these never trump clowns to stop their grinnin’ and check their linen.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  61. *Seth Rich

    Denver Guy (4750ec)

  62. I just think it’s a waste of time to twist ourselves into knots trying to figure out what Mr. Douchebag Word Diarrhea meant. He barely thinks about anything he says. So blah blah blah Second Amendment yakety yak Hillary? Who knows what the hell it means and why the hell should I waste my time trying to figure it out?

    Patterico (04de0d)

  63. YMMV

    Patterico (04de0d)

  64. No foul. No muss. Says referee Patterico.

    I think that’s what he meant.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  65. I just think it’s a waste of time to twist ourselves into knots trying to figure out what Mr. Douchebag Word Diarrhea meant. He barely thinks about anything he says.

    I think he’s not very eloquent, but this helps him think independently, not regurgitating all he has “learned.”

    Denver Guy (4750ec)

  66. Total Clown Show.

    SPQR (a3a747)

  67. I don’t know how Ryan was able to beat the Trump butt-boy 85% to 15%. Nobody I know at Zerohedge voted for him.

    dnk (dbc370)

  68. Trump is hurt not so much by what he said, as by his inability to explain it.

    Sammy Finkelman (03c82c)

  69. I like Mr. Trump just the way he is. He’s gonna save us from that messed up in the head stinkypig and hallelujah for that.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  70. 7. Kevin M (25bbee) — 8/9/2016 @ 6:38 pm

    Sammy, we heard you the first time you posted that weak and tortured explanation. Not convincing. Trump shows not inkling of how government works, let alone imparting to him some subtle confirmation strategy.

    I don’t think it’s his idea. I think it’s an idea he heard from some political professional lobbyist now associated with his campaign, and half-forgot.

    Something that was said almost as an offhand comment, where somebody said that, if Hillary Clinton was elected, there was still a longshot possibility of preventing her from naming Supreme Court Justices.

    What could have prompted such a comment was that Donald Trump could have asked the question “Would there be no way to stop her?” several times.

    I don’t think he could have meant that the way the Clinton campaign is spinning it. He wouldn’t use the term “Second amendment people” if he did. And I don’t think it’s total nonsense. There’s an idea behind that.

    And the fact that nobody is trotting out that explanation could be explained by the fact that it’s a very radical (and unlikely to happen) confirmation fight strategy, and besides talking like this also could also hurt his campaign, because he could be accused of being extremely partisan, or of wanting the constitution not to work. “The very idea of leaving Supreme Court vacancies unfilled for years!”

    And also the person who mentioned that idea to him probably doesn’t want to be associated with it. He may be hoping Trump forgets completely. So he’s not helping explain this. If the idea gets some publicity, his name, as the “author” of this possible political strategy, probably will become public too, although it’s not all that original. And then he could lose lobbying or legal or campaign concultinng work.

    Sammy Finkelman (03c82c)

  71. Trump could have asked the question “Would there be no way to stop her?” not because he’s so dead set against her naming Supreme Court justices, because he doesn’t really have any such long term principles, but as a matter of curiosity or political safety, i.e. would it be safe for him to say that if he loses, they lose the Supreme Court?

    He would have been told yes, and if he pressed some people, because he didn’t want to say something that could be rebutted, someone might have mentioned, well, maybe the Second amendment people (he probably used some other words Trump forgot) could stop it.

    The context is entirely that of lobbying. Not marching on Washington. That makes no sense at all. And would you refer to the marchers as “Second Amendment people?” No, some term indicating almost universal support would be used.

    Sammy Finkelman (03c82c)

  72. I drove to Wilmington N.C. this past week, never saw one presidential bumper sticker. On the way back,fueling up, I saw one. Make America Great Again. It was on a car of a 90 year old veteran. For you nontrumpers to insult these people is truly beneath you. I hope Paul Traitor Ryan gets his azz handed to him come November.

    mg (31009b)

  73. What he meant was ‘Armed insurrection is not off the table. it never was. politicians simply hoped it was.’Trump is not a politician.

    firefirefire (933c5b)

  74. 72. Indeed.

    BOE fails on second day of resuming QE left off in 2012 met without offers to purchase outstanding 15 year notes. The yield on new notes is not attractive to insurers and pensions at any price.

    Cali is staring into the resumption of drought as historic La Nina crushes world food production with frigid winters over next two years:

    EU now set to terminate Turkey’s application for membership vacating Schengen aggreement and ending economic union with NATO membership next in doubt.

    Meanwhile #nevertrump doesn’t like the cut of outsider to total failure’s jib.

    Lilliputians on a tear.

    DNF (ffe548)

  75. Turkey’s a filthy thugstate they make poor sad useless NATO look even more trashy

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  76. 76, 77. You need to change your call sign to TL;DR.

    DNF (ffe548)

  77. 85 to 15 is a Roman triumph. Think of what Ryan could be with the proper leadership.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  78. Ryan is a leader. He gets thing done, even if they’re not all things we like. And he acts like one — no threats, no bluster, just quiet competence.

    nk (dbc370)

  79. Think of what Ryan could be with the proper leadership.
    a jail cell janitor.

    mg (31009b)

  80. Ryan is a leader. He gets thing done, even if they’re not all things we like. And he acts like one — no threats, no bluster, just quiet competence.

    nk (dbc370) — 8/10/2016 @ 4:58 am

    Yes he gets Obama’s things done. And if the GOP holds the House he’ll get Hillary’s stuff done I guess. That makes him much better than Trump.

    Gerald A (76f251)

  81. At this point in ’88, Dukakis bounced to a 15 point lead over George Bush.

    papertiger (c2d6da) — 8/9/2016 @ 8:47 pm

    papertiger with his typical logical insight.

    Gerald A (76f251)

  82. oh my goodness

    the loser pothead apple does not fall far from the loser pothead tree

    trashy trashy trashy

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  83. If Ryan is Majority Leader next year, he’ll make a grand deal on immigration “reform” with Clinton, making Obama’s executive order permanent. When he runs for President in 2020, all the Never Trumpers will have no problem voting for him if he’s the GOP standard bearer.

    Gerald A (76f251)

  84. paul ryan will bottom so good for stinkypig

    she’s in for a real treat

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  85. The MSM, teh Left and the Republican Establishment unite to stop Trump at all costs.

    What a bunch of fustercluckers…

    Colonel Haiku (09a7e6)

  86. And when they are successful, Colonel, Hillary Clinton will march into Washington with the whole Clinton machine, complete with all its vendettas and enemies lists, where the lefties can wage perpetual warfare against Christians, gun owners, whites, the middle class, AGW opposers and straight people.

    Rev. Hoagie® (0f4ef6)

  87. “Perhaps you could hire a ghost writer.”

    – DNF

    Are you looking for a job? I’d imagine so.

    Leviticus (efada1)

  88. All these no Trumpers should have no problem with me working for the opponent of traitor ryan this fall. gtfoh

    mg (31009b)

  89. 17. sauropod (34e06e) — 8/9/2016 @ 7:07 pm

    Trump’s next sentence, after the one quoted, was, “And that would be a terrible, terrible day.”

    That was that her putting a Justice on the court would be a “horrible” day (not “terrible”) The idea that it might be possible to stop it was just an aside.

    Another possible interpretation might be that he was talking about people defying an order to confiscate guns, because maybe he’s talking here about not “abolishing the Second Amendment” rather than not appointing justices who would abolish the Second Amendment. He’s talked about guns being confiscated in other speeches when he talked about Hillary wanting to abolish the Second Amendment. And he does so, here, too, maybe, a bit later on.

    The media are terrible, not in most place publishing the whole context from beginning to end.

    So. how did this go?

    “Hillary wants to shut down energy production. I want to expand it.


    Lower electric — lower electric bills, folks.

    Hillary wants to abolish — essentially abolish the Second Amendment. By the way, and if she gets to pick…


    If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. I don’t know. But — but I’ll tell you what. That will be a horrible day. If — if Hillary gets to put her judges — right now, we’re tied. You see what’s going on.”

    It’s all about her naming Justices to the Supreme Court. Or possibly, massive resistance preventing guns from being confiscated. Nothing else.

    Sammy Finkelman (03c82c)

  90. “If he meant that the NRA could defeat a bad judicial nominee, why would he say it would be a terrible day?”

    Because the NRA would NOT defeat a bad judicial nominee. That was mentioned only in an aside, and not as something that likely. Then he was back to her successfully naming Justices.

    Note here the “horrible thing” The “horrible thing” is Justice Scalia being gone from the court earlier than expected = the wrong Justices being on the Supreme Court.

    The speech continued:

    You see what’s going on? We tied because Scalia –

    This was not suppose to happen. Justice Scalia was going to be around for ten more years at least and this is what happens. That was a horrible thing.

    So now look at it. So Hillary essentially wants to abolish the Second Amendment. Now, speaking to the NRA folks – who are great – when you – when you — and I’ll tell you, they endorsed me.


    They endorsed me very early. My son’s a member. I’m a member.

    If you – we can add I think the National Rifle Association, we can add the Second Amendment to the Justices – they almost go – in a certain way, hand in hand. Now the Justices are going to do things that are so important and we have such great Justices, you saw my list of 11 that have been vetted and respected.


    And have gotten great. And they to a little equate – but if you don’t do the right thing, either you’re not going to have a Second Amendment or you’re not going to have much of it left. And you’re not going to be able to protect yourself, which you need.

    You know, when the bad guys burst into your house, they’re not looking about into Second Amendments, and, do I have the right to do this? OK, the bad guys aren’t going to be giving up their weapons.

    But the good people will say, “oh, well, that’s the law.” No, no, not going to happen, we can’t let it happen. We can’t let it happen.”

    Sammy Finkelman (03c82c)

  91. They are still not over macho Grande.

    narciso (732bc0)

  92. In 2014 Speaker Ryan received 40,813 votes in the primary. In 2016, versus miniTrump, he received 57,391.

    I believe the primary results to be a reasonable example of the Trump effect. He certainly knows how to bring voters to the polls in opposition.

    Rick Ballard (5abada)

  93. Right, just let it slide Patterico. He’s dragging the Republican party down the toilet with him. Actually, since you’re no longer a member of the party, maybe that’s what you want anyway.

    Tillman (a95660)

  94. I’m sure Chicago did their part.

    narciso (732bc0)

  95. Am I right? Did you notice?

    Donald Trump talked about “the NRA” and “the National Rifle Association” as being two different organizations!!

    …the NRA folks…they endorsed me.

    ….we can add I think the National Rifle Association

    You see, that’s why he said “the Second amendment people.”

    He had been told the names of two separate gun rights lobbying organizations, but could only remember one of them, the more famous one.

    nk is right. Donald Trump has at least a little bit of dementia.

    Or the temperature in the place where he spoke was too high.

    Sammy Finkelman (03c82c)

  96. Ace on #nevertrump:

    These guys, who fancy themselves smart, seem to miss the point that the way to “teach a lesson” to Trump supporters is to just sort of stay out of the election, and let Trump fail on his own. Then they would have the makings of a “See, I told you so” argument.

    But they’re too stupid and emotional for that — no, they have to insert themselves directly into this, agitate for a Hillary win, and then admit they’re actually agitating for a big Hillary win because the bigger the win, the bigger the repudiation.

    To be fair, I tried that with Rico after God’s Anointed was mathmatically eliminated(and my Dad died) at the beginning of May. No freaking change.

    So don’t expect anyone to learn lessons, but do expect to be remembered for what you is.

    94. Anyone you know?

    DNF (ffe548)

  97. Radar’s got video of Malia Obama smokin’ like an honorary member of The Choom Gang.
    The MSM will shut that down so they can talk about Jenna Bush getting drunk way back in 2002!

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  98. 100. Dragging the GOP down? How might one debase, e.g., the ‘Washington Generals’ further?

    They are patsies, paid very well to take a dive, and if by some act of God were mistakenly to win–say control both houses of Congress–well then, they roll over and play dead.

    You talkin’ smack, boi.

    DNF (755a85)

  99. Come on, it’s Perry or iamdimwit, they may be related.

    narciso (732bc0)

  100. If it wasn’t this it would have been something else. This is the Clinton War Room doing what they do best using the politics of personal destruction – smear and fear – amplified by a willing press looking for headlines. It’s childish and stupid but it makes money and helps the leftwing mob.

    What he ought to do is start asking the crowd to play a new game like “Are you smarter than a Clinton?” There’s a lot of subjects to pick from. I don’t think Jeff Foxworthy would mind.

    crazy (fcf2fd)

  101. #105 DNF, this is a country with democratic principles. If you want to live in a no-compromise, “my way or the highway” totalitarian regime, move to Iran or Russia. The US don’t play that, son.

    Tillman (a95660)

  102. 100.Right, just let it slide Patterico. He’s dragging the Republican party down the toilet with him. Actually, since you’re no longer a member of the party, maybe that’s what you want anyway.

    As I recall, Trump dragging the Republican party down the toilet was one of the REASONS Patterico gave for leaving the party.

    mark (8216a3)

  103. The Clinton War Room made Trump say that? He needs a thicker layer of tinfoil under his combover.

    nk (dbc370)

  104. Deliberate misinterpretation of an obvious truth, how Scalia’s passing had put us on razor’s edge.

    narciso (732bc0)

  105. No, the Clinton War Room pounced on that and turned a stupid throwaway line into a 3 or day story. Look, I’m no fan of The Donald or his undisciplined mouth but anyone old enough (except Trump, apparently) to have lived through the Clinton years remembers how good they are at creating controversies when a Clinton is facing news of something they can’t easily explain. Several books like “Blood Sport” detailed the mechanics of how they do it. Twitter and cell phones just make it easier and faster to get the bonfire burning.

    crazy (fcf2fd)

  106. No argument. Trump could say The Lord’s Prayer and the DNC media would spin it that he was going to pardon every convict and put everybody on welfare.

    nk (dbc370)

  107. If you want to live in a no-compromise, “my way or the highway” totalitarian regime, move to Iran or Russia.

    Or, you could elect a Democrat President who constantly bypasses Congress, makes his own legislation, and generally ignores the Constitution.

    Chuck Bartowski (8489f0)

  108. Moochelle/Ryan 2020

    mg (31009b)

  109. #114 Since Obama has been President, Republicans claim that the office has too much power. Back when the last Bush was in office, they claimed it needed to have more power. That shows little foresight, as if only Republicans would forever win the White House.

    Tillman (a95660)

  110. No argument. Trump could say The Lord’s Prayer and the DNC media would spin it that he was going to pardon every convict and put everybody on welfare.


    But if he said he wanted to put everyone on welfare and pardon every convict, Trump’s Defense Force would tell me he really meant to say the Lord’s Prayer.

    It’s pretty amazing to watch them go.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  111. As I recall, Trump dragging the Republican party down the toilet was one of the REASONS Patterico gave for leaving the party.


    Well, I can’t recall exactly, but it’s not Trump dragging the party down. It’s the ace of spades types who are fully aware they are shilling for a Hillary donor lefty. They know they are supporting an evil man saying evil things. They know he’s going to lose with 100% certainty. But they fight the good fight, defending what they know is wrong, because Team R.

    And now Team R has no meaning whatsoever. The losses in the house and Senate and state races are the price the GOP will pay. The shills like Haiku and Hoagie will blame the honest to ease their guilty conscience.

    The point flew over their head. Trump is throwing the election to Hillary. He thinks she would be a great president and has said so. Any time she slips up Trump creates a scandal that is worse. We were never going to hand the election to a man who isn’t trying to win. By trying, the GOP simply handed its reputation away, tying itself to every stereotype the democrats ever had for us. Why does Trump behave like this? Because this is what a Manhattan billionaire really thinks Republicans are like.

    You gotta give Trump credit for pulling the hustle off, even if the media gave him a lot of help. He found the perfect target for his con.

    The day after Trump’s landslide losses, the ace of spades types will admit what they were doing as though this restores their credibility. It doesn’t.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  112. For the life of me, it would be hard to root for either party in this lawsuit:

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  113. Well remember the context, the administration was saying aq is dead, and was alive, did it come from Haney’s staff, who were investigating the tabligh?

    narciso (732bc0)

  114. I love Mr. Trump’s tax proposals, but I also love his immigration policies.

    And you know what? That’s ok.

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  115. #116 Tillman,

    Bush was a President at war who was seeking to protect national security with his alleged expanded powers, whereas Obama has been operating outside of his executive powers on domestic issue after domestic issue, including claiming the Congress was in “recess” so he could make illegal labor board “recess” appointments.
    Of course, only Congress determines when it is in recess — not King Barack, no matter how Kingy (or Queenie! — if you believe the rumors) he is feeling on a particular day.

    If Congress won’t act the way I want them to, then I will” is hardly the voice of a man who is passionate about the separation of powers.

    To paraphrase Nancy Pelosi, “I guess we just had to elect Barack to find out what was in him.”

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  116. Since Obama has been President, Republicans claim that the office has too much power. Back when the last Bush was in office, they claimed it needed to have more power.

    You side-stepped my point, which tells me you had no answer for it. Since I’m neither a Republican nor a Democrat, I feel that too much power has already been given to the Executive branch.

    Name an instance where Bush bypassed Congress via Executive Order, and I’ll tell you he was wrong for that. Do you have the guts to say as much about Obama?

    Chuck Bartowski (8489f0)

  117. “… By calling attention to a well-regulated militia for the security of the Nation, and the right of each citizen to keep and bear arms, our founding fathers recognized the essentially civilian nature of our economy. Although it is extremely unlikely that the fear of governmental tyranny, which gave rise to the 2nd amendment, will ever be a major danger to our Nation, the amendment still remains an important declaration of our basic military-civilian relationship, in which every citizen must be ready to participate in the defense of his country. For that reason I believe the 2nd Amendment will always be important.”

    Obviously a right wing extremist militia nut said the above.

    SPQR (a3a747)

  118. If it wasn’t this it would have been something else. This is the Clinton War Room bla bla bla

    Yes, of course. If it weren’t Trump being accused of suggesting there’s a second amendment solution to him losing the election, it would be ‘binders full of women’. The media will latch on to something.

    But Dubya won twice because he understood how to handle this kind of thing. The media latches on to Dubya being a Texas redneck, and he plays into it as the congenial and trustworthy leader of a freer, better state than most Americans live in. They accuse him of being privileged and he plays into how this makes him savvy of big business and politics.

    Cruz did even better. He would find the most aggressively biased guy protesting him and just engage in a one on one conversation. If the guy just screamed and shouted, then that makes him look crazy, and if the guy engages in the conversation, Cruz would just explain himself and at worst look reasonable, and at best look bold.

    Romney was confounded by this kind of thing because he really didn’t know who he was trying to be, but at least he was accused of tame stuff and didn’t constantly ramp up the stereotype, actively saying and doing awful stuff. It’s not like Romney was smearing Rick Perry’s wife and mom on the convention floor after he was nominated, foaming at the mouth about how he will fund a PAC to shut down all conservatives who aren’t happy he won.

    We all see what’s going on here. Trump is not worried about winning the election. It’s not like a 70 year old man, a lifelong supporter of the hard left democrats like Hillary herself, has suddenly changed heart and now is a Republican. He is not fighting Hillary effectively because he doesn’t want to beat her.

    Hillary isn’t as bad as Obama in my book, but she’s awful and is a particularly weak politician, full of scandals and totally lacking in appeal. Every few days something comes up that makes her look terrible. Trump immediately one-ups her. Trump’s fans see this as Trump cleverly dominating the news cycle. They want so badly for their hero to be clever. But lifelong Republican voters like me believe that as bad as Hillary is, she is clearly significantly better than Trump, whose instincts are either to pretend to be like a dictator, or worse.

    Back when I was hoping like hell Romney would beat Obama, the GOP got its ass handed to it. Now that millions like me have left the GOP, of course Trump is losing every swing state. If the GOP had integrity it would repudiate Trump and campaign exclusively for downticket races. That would limit the damage.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  119. #123 Chuck, Dubya signed 291 Executive Orders. I’ll let you read each one to decide for yourself how many of them “bypass[ed] Congress.”

    Tillman (a95660)

  120. SPQR, that’s a fantastic quote, and JFK really represents how far the democrats have fallen.

    If Trump was capable of saying that the second amendment represents the power of the people, and a protection against the ‘extremely unlikely’ even of tyranny, I would be praising him. Instead Trump offered an example that is 100% certain to happen as triggering the ‘second amendment solution’, Hillary beating him and then appointing judges.

    JFK vs Trump vs Hillary would be a landslide victory for JFK today. We know why the Democrats don’t take advantage of that fact. It’s baffling that the GOP doesn’t.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  121. #123 Chuck, Dubya signed 291 Executive Orders. I’ll let you read each one to decide for yourself how many of them “bypass[ed] Congress.”


    You have sidestepped his point and it’s clear you intended to. Chuck did not deny Bush used executive orders. And you didn’t show that these executive orders were improper (he is the administration), though I am sure some of them were and Chuck said he would hold Bush accountable for those.

    But you’ve again refused to hold your ‘side’ up to the standards you hold Bush to. Why?

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  122. #123 Further, I wasn’t trying to answer your question in the first place – I only commented about it. As for having guts, your question assumes that I am totally against Executive Orders. But that’s not true.

    Tillman (a95660)

  123. 13. kishnevi (bfcc0b) — 8/9/2016 @ 6:48 pm

    But (to repeat what I said in the other thread) he has been in the public eye and dealing with the press for thirty years– longer than the Hillary has. He should know by now that if he does not speak clearly and precisely, others will be glad to twist and distort his words to hurt him and benefit themselves.

    No, this hasn’t happened to him before, because he’s never been a candidate for public office in a race that was not considered a sure thing for his opponent. This happens only in important hotly contested races.

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  124. Except jfk couldn’t get nominated by the modern democrat, neither would rfk.

    narciso (732bc0)

  125. #129 Tillman,

    You’re in favor of executive orders just as long as they’re being ordered by an executive who subscribes to your Saul Alinsky/Brett Kimberlin agenda of blowing sh*t up.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  126. @125 Dustin

    So what exactly does Trump get out of a one way ticket back to Palookaville, for taking a dive in front of Hillary?

    He’s a brand guy with at least a patina of “winning”.

    Pinandpuller (928ad9)

  127. So what exactly does Trump get out of a one way ticket back to Palookaville, for taking a dive in front of Hillary?

    He’s a brand guy with at least a patina of “winning”.


    He loves left wing democrats. He has said so for years. How is that not enough? He donated to Hillary and told us she would be a great president. Then he said she would be a super Secretary of State. Then he told us she did a good job as Secretary of State a year after the Benghazi tragedy. He really likes Hillary and invited her to his intimate family functions. What does he get out of a politician he has supported for years and admires being president? What do you get when a politician you support wins?

    Furthermore, Trump’s brand is obviously drastically enhanced. Trump IS the Republican party now. He’s turned the GOP so far to the left, on basic family values, and he’s now an historical figure.

    It’s difficult for me to imagine he is losing to Hillary on accident. He would be doing better if he simply never said anything or did anything. He was doing worse after both conventions than he was doing before! In a sense I’m giving Trump a little credit here.

    If you wish to argue Trump doesn’t think Hillary should be president, you are arguing against a lot of proven facts.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  128. Pinandpuller,

    The John Birch Society will never let go of its suspicions that the short-order cook at your favorite greasy spoon diner is really a subversive secret agent for the enemy.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  129. Can we focus on spectre and the judicial watch revelations re chagoury.

    narciso (732bc0)

  130. Further, I wasn’t trying to answer your question in the first place – I only commented about it. As for having guts, your question assumes that I am totally against Executive Orders. But that’s not true.


    In other words, you make no assertions and Chuck has the better argument, as he actually has one. Gotcha. You actually held Bush to account for something Obama has clearly done far more drastically, and there’s no explanation for why you’re just ignoring that aspect except partisanship.

    Just like Trump’s Defense Force in reverse. This kind of partisanship should be called out whenever it’s seen, because it’s so bad for our country’s future. Both sides.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  131. The looting of nigeria, retailed in the world magazine series.

    narciso (732bc0)

  132. The John Birch Society will never let go of its suspicions that the short-order cook at your favorite greasy spoon diner is really a subversive secret agent for the enemy.

    Cruz Supporter

    Passive aggressive insult from “Cruz” supporter (who actually supported Rubio)?

    Thanks for your contribution to the discussion.

    The fact is that Trump has supported left wing democrats for decades, and he didn’t suddenly change his mind at 70 years old. He’s running for president but all over the place on policy and has no specific issue he seems to actually care about. Amnesty and a wall, gun control and NRA is great, ethanol subsidies and no financial regulations. He’s the politician about nothing.

    People who run for president usually have some kind of reason, some specific stuff they wish to accomplish or change. Trump isn’t like that at all. Instead, he is passionate about how awful Cruz and his supporters are. Trump has actively gone out of his way to antagonize Republican voters, after he’s been nominated. He’s the only Republican candidate I’ve ever heard of who has endorsed his opponent for president, and donated to her.

    Again, it’s not a conspiracy theory that Trump thinks Hillary should be president. Trump said so on Larry King Live, on National TV, prime time, after donating a fortune to her.

    But thanks for contributing nothing but insults as usual.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  133. This is particularly signficant since bono is on the move, toward Abuja.

    narciso (732bc0)

  134. I suppose Bill Clinton could have explained it to Trump like this:

    “Do you want to be a Marc Rich guy or a Seth Rich guy heh heh?”

    Pinandpuller (928ad9)

  135. The only people concerned about the Second Amendment (and disarming People) are those who conflate abortion rites (and disarming babies) and human rights. The Second Amendment does not recognize the right of People to commit abortion for trivial causes including social justice adventurism and to terminate unwanted or inconvenient human lives.

    The abortion chambers and Sanger’s clinics loom over Democrats’ past, present, and future. They are rightly concerned about people adopting their Pro-Choice religious/moral philosophy.

    The Tell-Tale Hearts beat ever louder.

    n.n (e6c796)

  136. I have no guilty conscience, Dustin. Please stop questioning the motivations of others while at the same time annointing yourself as a paragon of virtue and diviner of the future. It is increasingly tedious.

    Colonel Haiku (09a7e6)

  137. I suppose Bill Clinton could have explained it to Trump like this:

    “Do you want to be a Marc Rich guy or a Seth Rich guy heh heh?”



    It’s scary to consider the Clintons coming back into power. They are ruthless and corrupt. It’s important that even nevertrumpers recognize just how steep the price is. It’s a price I’m resigned to pay, but I sure hope Hillary steps down in October for health reasons. It would be a miracle, but we’re due for one after this year.

    It’s worth noting that the Clintons are more politically calculated than Obama. Obama wanted to fundamentally transform this country, but Hillary just wants power. She will triangulate and follow polls for this power. To the left, sure, because that’s where big government naturally leads, but in a more populist direction than Obama because Clinton fears the polls.

    Remember that the latter half of Bill Clinton’s administration was full of ‘wins’ for the right. The conservative movement was reinvigorated, too.

    As for the eye rolling that a politician arranged for another politician to run as a stalking horse, this kind of arrangement happens all the time. Sure, not at the highest level before, but why not? Hillary arranged the democratic primary eight years in advance via Debbie Schultz, why would she stop there? Of course she would want to play a game with who her opponent would be. It’s more far fetched to believe she wouldn’t.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  138. Again, it’s not a conspiracy theory that Trump thinks Hillary should be president.

    Well, it’s some kind of theory since he’s running to oppose her.

    Trump said so on Larry King Live, on National TV, prime time, after donating a fortune to her.

    That was then and this is now, Dustin. Have you never changed your mind? Well, he changed his so shut up and live with it. Move on, Dustin. You keep repeating the same crap over and over.

    Rev. Hoagie® (0f4ef6)

  139. A DNC aide could get shot twice in the back in the middle of DC and he’d still vote for my wife hehehheh.

    Pinandpuller (a12946)

  140. As for having guts, your question assumes that I am totally against Executive Orders.

    No, it doesn’t. You don’t have to be against all EOs in order to realize that some of them violate the Constitution separation of powers.

    You really don’t have any intellectual honesty, do you?

    Chuck Bartowski (8489f0)

  141. I have no guilty conscience, Dustin. Please stop questioning the motivations of others while at the same time annointing yourself as a paragon of virtue and diviner of the future. It is increasingly tedious.

    Colonel Haiku

    In other words, you come in this thread dishing out insults to me, but you’re too thin skinned to take any criticism. You told us how bad Trump was a few months ago. Now you shill for him. Of course you know this is wrong.

    It’s not the first time you’ve said something you know is wrong. You take politics too seriously. The fact is that Trump is terrible. Hillary is too. No one should get worked up about saving Trump from himself, especially when you know damn well that next week Trump will do it all over again.

    And there’s a little pot calling the kettle black going on here. Haiku, for the past few months you’ve inserted into my mouth this argument that I’m more virtuous and honest than you are. This is coming from you, not me. If you really think my comments are coming across as more moral than yours, please reflect on why. You used to be pretty religious before you started shilling for this truly abhorrent man, and I know damn well that the day after the election you will be back to admitting what you were doing was soldiering away for the party, and you knew Trump was a bastard.

    LOL at the ‘diviner of the future’ argument. Trump is going to lose and you know it as well as I do. The polls are devastating in every swing state.

    So stop being such a negative nancy when a politician with an R gets hammered by reality. Enjoy it instead. Bashing sleazeballs like Trump is an American tradition and it’s fun!

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  142. The important thing is Mr. Trump is very good at listening and reading. He reminds me of this guy I used to know when I was little who did a lot of reading and was always a good listener too.

    Very smart guy.

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  143. That was then and this is now, Dustin. Have you never changed your mind? Well, he changed his so shut up and live with it. Move on, Dustin. You keep repeating the same crap over and over.

    Rev. Hoagie®

    Hey, you don’t have to read this blog’s comments if you don’t like my point of view. I do not intend to shut up. If you believe I should be moderated, please email patterico about that.

    While I do have an extremely dim view of those who knew exactly what Trump was a few months ago, but now cover for him, I do not tell people to shut up or go way. My answer to something I disagree with is to explain my disagreement, not to hope that other view is snuffed out.

    You say Trump changed his mind, after over 50 years of documented support for democrats. If that’s true, how come he never explains this? Where’s your basis for that belief? Where’s the mea culpa for supporting Pelosi, Reid, and Obama? Where’s the ‘here’s what I used to believe and this is why I changed my mind’ argument? If you were right, there would be a lot of this, but there’s none. Instead, Trump is talking about tens of millions he will spend to fight Republicans, after he’s already the GOP nominee.

    No, you’ve said before Trump is no conservative, right? Well he isn’t. He doesn’t even want our support, as he’s said numerous times. He’s praised Hillary very recently, since after she was Secretary of State, and he’s been on the losing end of numerous fraud cases, so he’s not trustworthy man.

    But I don’t have to ‘live with it’ because America is rejecting Trump as we speak. The day after the election, Trump will not be bashing Hillary. He will be attacking Republicans. Watch and see. Bookmark this comment to point out how wrong I am in November, only to realize I wasn’t.

    There’s no need for disrespect, Hoagie. Some of us just aren’t going to carry water for Team R, and you should try to understand why.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  144. there’s nothing wrong with attacking Republicans a lot of them are trashy snotty spenders with a lack of moral clarity

    yeah i’m looking at you sleazy thai ladyboy paul ryan

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  145. Dustin (ba94b2) — 8/10/2016 @ 10:51 am

    Of course she would want to play a game with who her opponent would be. It’s more far fetched to believe she wouldn’t.

    The only question is, could she (or Bill) manage this? And did they? And if so, does Donald Trump know?

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  146. Dustin wrote,

    “He’s the only Republican candidate I’ve ever heard of who has endorsed his opponent for president, and donated to her.”

    Ever hear of Wendell Wilkie?

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  147. he’s smarter and much much braver than Meghan’s coward daddy and unlike pervy Mitt Romney he’s safe to leave around babies and farm animals

    (talking about Mr. Trump)

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  148. “because America is rejecting Trump as we speak”

    The NEVER faction is only polling at 51% at the moment. There’s plenty of room for growth and one thing Trump has proven is that he is just the candidate to do so.

    Rick Ballard (2f9854)

  149. silly nevertrumps think failmerica is rejecting Mr. Trump

    this is the sleazy cowardly foodstamp slutcountry what elected obama twice yes?

    oh no my friends

    slutmerica is embracing the stink

    it’s who failmericans are as a people anymore

    servile food stamp-swilling stench-huffers

    but one man can change that

    one man can salvage the dignity of this sad scummy failure of a country

    one man can help this battered crack-hooker country to her feet and help her find her panties

    his name is Mr. Donald J. Trump

    and he’s our last best hope

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  150. Dustin (ba94b2) — 8/10/2016 @ 10:39 am

    The fact is that Trump has supported left wing democrats for decades, and he didn’t suddenly change his mind at 70 years old.

    He was 65 or 66 when he mostly stopped contributing to Democrats, before the 2012 election.
    He’s the only Republican candidate I’ve ever heard of who has endorsed his opponent for president, and donated to her. The closest thing maybe is JFK giving money to Richard Nixon (in the form of cash) to help him in his campaign for re-election to Congress in 1948, explaining that it was from his father, which Nixon did not believe, but which probably was absolutely true. JFK never even handled cash himself, and maybe didn’t even have access to it, but rather ran up bills. They were on the same committee and friendly.

    Maybe Wendell Wilkie? He may have supported FDR for president in 1936.

    A longtime Democratic activist, Willkie changed his party registration to Republican in late 1939.

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  151. I cross-posted with Cruz supporter.

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  152. Someone should see the contrasting New York Post and New York Daily News headlines today.

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  153. Ever hear of Wendell Wilkie?

    Cruz Supporter

    The guy who nominally supported the war effort 70 some odd years ago because the GOP did not want to fight Hitler?

    OK, touche’. I appreciate the intelligent example of a Republican supporting a Democrat. Granted, this was when we were fighting for the survival of the free world against Hitler, and Wilkie didn’t praise FDR the way Trump has praised Hillary.

    Look at him explain that Hillary is a “TERRIFIC PERSON” with an “Above and beyond great record” as Secretary of State that ‘they’ will attack but Hillary will do a good job defending.

    This was two years ago. You’ve explained how terrible Benghazi was, but Trump doesn’t agree with you. He’s on record dismissing Benghazi, right there in that link. Why the change of heart? Trump has never explained how he was mistaken about Hillary or anything else. If someone really did decide to make such a 180 at such a late stage in their life, it would be a powerful epiphany, and Trump would be using this to appeal to Bernie.

    Instead, Trump is posing as a nutjob, talking about the second amendment folks stopping Hillary from appointing judges when she inevitably beats him. If he’s not losing on purpose that is even crazier!

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  154. Sammy,

    The Kennedys supported Nixon over Helen Gahagan Douglas because they couldn’t stand her. Also, Kennedy and Nixon were apparently friendly with one another as members of Congress.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  155. Dustin,

    Wendell Wilkie was a longtime Democrat activist, as Sammy pointed out.
    He actually voted for FDR in ’32 and ’36.

    In fact, Wilkie was rumored to be a potential VP running mate for FDR in ’44.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  156. The only question is, could she (or Bill) manage this? And did they? And if so, does Donald Trump know?

    Sammy Finkelman

    exactly right. There’s no question that they would do this. After all, we know that they did do it to Bernie, and they planned it in 2008 when their gal became Chair of their party.

    But could they do it? Could they convince someone who had a record of loyalty to the Clintons of running in the GOP primary? Could that person have enough celebrity to actually win (with the help of the media and millions of democrat voters)? Yes to both of course. No one can really argue against that.

    But how to ensure that loyalty continues? I don’t know… but the Clintons have always been very good at that in particular.

    This is the story of the election. It’s not that I like Hillary being president. That will be terrible. But they’ve positioned themselves so that the alternative is worse in every single way, except if you must support Republicans over Democrats 100% of the time. That segment of the population will be lower in November than it is now. The democrats are having a fabulous year. If you think that’s on accident, more power to you I guess.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  157. Wendell Wilkie was a longtime Democrat activist, as Sammy pointed out.
    He actually voted for FDR in ’32 and ’36.

    In fact, Wilkie was rumored to be a potential VP running mate for FDR in ’44.

    Cruz Supporter

    Is there a point to this remark?

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  158. He was 65 or 66 when he mostly stopped contributing to Democrats, before the 2012 election.

    Sammy, 2012 was very recent. Trump has been donating to the Clinton foundation in 2014.

    Also, that video I posted where Trump describes Hillary as “terrific” and defend her on Benghazi was in 2014.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  159. silly nevertrumps think failmerica is rejecting Mr. Trump

    Guilty as charged.

    I would be happy to take bets with any Trumper on this matter.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  160. Mr. Trump is head and shoulders better than that criminal stinkypig that’s for sure

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  161. #164 Dustin,

    You asked for a historical example, and it was provided to you with the further context that Wilkie actually had voted for FDR in two presidential campaigns, yet ran against FDR just a few years later. I apologize if you found that to be pointless or annoying.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  162. I didn’t find it annoying and thanked you for the example, but yes I admit I do not understand your point. Did you read my comment about Wilkie, because you kept explaining to me who he was after I explained who he was.

    Yes, one has to go back that far, to a situation that extreme, where the GOP is pathetic and isolationist in the face of Hitler, to find an example of the GOP nominee being recently amenable to the democrat nominee. That was my point. But what is your point?

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  163. sometimes you just have to suck it up and support the best candidate (Mr. Trump)

    this is one of those times i think

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  164. In that connection, I think Bill Cklinton was responsible for the fact that his main opponent in the Democratic primary for Governor in 1984 was Orval Faubus. (Yes, that Orval Faubus, born in 1910)

    In the 1950’s Orval faubus was the candidate of the Hot Springs, Arkansas political machine (that voted blacks, paying for their poll taxes) The machine was run by the Founder of organized crime in America, Owen Vincent (Owney the Killer) Madden.

    Bill Clinton’s step-uncle, Buick dealer Raymond Clinton, was an important member, and meetings were held in his Buick dealership. Owney Madden owned completely illegal casinos in Hot Springs with no sanction in law, and Raymond Clinton had slot machines scattered across town (also highly illegal)

    I think the whole Little Rock school crisis in 1957 was probably cooked up to give Orval Faubus an excuse to run for a third 2-year term. Arkansas political tradition called for a Governor to get a free ride on his second term, and not to run for a third term.

    Once Orval Faubus had crashed through the third term barrier he continued to run for Governor every two years, until he lost in 1966 in his second match-up with Republican Winthrop Rockefeller, brother of Nelson. (In 1986, Bill Clinton got the Arkansas constitution changed so he would only have to run for Governor every 4 years)

    Sammy Finkelman (03c82c)

  165. A better comparison to Wilkie, in one scenario, might be the 2020 Republican presdential nominee.

    Sammy Finkelman (03c82c)

  166. Many Faubus backers in 1984, I read, were former (?) Bill Clinton supporters, who later went back to him.

    Sammy Finkelman (03c82c)

  167. “…other words, you come in this thread dishing out insults to me, but you’re too thin skinned to take any criticism. You told us how bad Trump was a few months ago. Now you shill for him. Of course you know this is wrong.”

    You’re a sanctimonious, mendacious assclown, Dustin. I don’t shill, but I will vote for Trump, or his replacement. You will harp and preach like a demented mullah pining for teh 12th Mahdi.

    Colonel Haiku (09a7e6)

  168. Pretty funny to see Dustin write the equivalent of a small book on why Trump should lose because he supported Hillary in the past, when he supports her now.

    LBascom (0b9b35)

  169. I see it this way:

    Many of my close friends in the conservative movement are NeverTrumpers. As a result, I find myself in an awkward position. The NeverTrumpers are appealing to their conservative friends based on emotional claims that I recognize as false, deluded, and selfish. One friend said, “Who wins the election does not matter as much as the need to vote one’s conscience.” This statement is stunningly prideful and childish. The voting booth is not a ride at Six Flags, and elections are not part of a consumer experiences. The White House is not Burger King, where you get things your way.

    Of course who wins the election is more important than your precious conscience or how you feel about voting. Your country matters more than you do. Has America become so weak and self-absorbed that people no longer understand what it means to say, “It’s not all about you, honey”?

    I guess that’s why I could never be a libertarian.

    Read more:
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    Rev. Hoagie® (0f4ef6)

  170. “Never tell the truth when a good lie’ll do!” Donald Trump? No. J.R. Ewing.

    It’s a Dallas vs. Maude election.

    So ask yourself which you’d prefer: Hagman haggling as Tilton, Principal and Gray jiggle into your living room on a 40 inch screen? Or a pantsuited Bea Arthur, wagging her finger, nagging you to take out the trash in the middle of the 4th qtr., of Monday Night Football?

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  171. Pretty funny to see Dustin write the equivalent of a small book on why Trump should lose because he supported Hillary in the past, when he supports her now.


    You’re lying on two grounds.

    I’ve never said Trump should lose because he supported Hillary. I’ve said he should lose because he has extremely evil views and because the conservative movement being taken over by a democrat is tactically worse, long term, for conservatives, than the GOP fighting a democrat like Clinton.

    Also, I have consistently been a critic of Hillary at this blog for over ten years, and anyone could check the search feature to verify that. I don’t support Hillary. Trump said she was terrific and donated to her presidential campaign. He gave her six figures in donations two years ago.

    Supporting a politician is what Trump does when he gives hundreds of thousands of dollars to various democrats, or when I explain how Ted Cruz was the best candidate in the primary.

    I do think Trump is worse than Hillary. It’s not like I support Trump because I think Hitler is worse than Trump either. As I said upthread, I hope for some miracle where Hillary steps down before November, but if that doesn’t happen I can’t vote for Trump, the least conservative candidate running right now.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  172. you forget how awesome Mr. Trump is sometimes

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  173. #123 Chuck, Dubya signed 291 Executive Orders. I’ll let you read each one to decide for yourself how many of them “bypass[ed] Congress.”

    why is the number important. Nobody has claimed that a president shouldn’t issue instructions to his employees on how he wants them to do their jobs. That’s all an executive order is. A memo from the boss. But it depends what the boss wants you to do. If he orders you to not to buzz people into the office without ID that’s one thing; if he orders you to rob a bank that’s quite another. Some of 0bama’s orders have been to do things he has no power to do, and thus no right to order his employees to do. I’m not aware of any Bush order that could be described in that way. If you are, please point it out; don’t hide behind the number of legitimate orders he gave.

    Milhouse (5a188d)

  174. Well Dustin, today Trumps past support for Hillary has been your main thrust, and yesterday you said you were voting for Hillary. So go ahead and tell me I have lying eyes, I know better.

    LBascom (0b9b35)

  175. And you didn’t show that these executive orders were improper (he is the administration), though I am sure some of them were

    I’m not. I admit it’s possible, but I’m not willing to concede it without proof.

    Milhouse (5a188d)

  176. So ask yourself which you’d prefer: Hagman haggling as Tilton, Principal and Gray jiggle into your living room on a 40 inch screen? Or a pantsuited Bea Arthur, wagging her finger, nagging you to take out the trash in the middle of the 4th qtr., of Monday Night Football?


    For generations, the United States has enjoyed the miracle of democracy. We have our heated disagreements, but peaceful elections are held and presidents yield to the next president in a spirit of patriotism. Al Gore did not demand riots during Bush v Gore. Only the kooks talk about assassination.

    Now Trump comes along. All politicians are dishonest, but Trump is supremely entitled too. He demands other politicians pledge themselves to him, at the same time he refuses to abide any such pledge to whichever party he belongs to this week. He says if he’s not the nominee there will be riots. He talks about ‘blood out of her whatever’ when challenged, breaks his promise to attend debates, and participates in a smear of a roughed up reporter. He praises violence from his supporters. And he is insinuating assassination if he loses the general election. This man hates our basic freedom of speech and hates our peaceful political process.

    It is any wonder at all that America is rejecting him?

    So many of you people think this is about Hillary v Trump, and that’s simple minded. Most of us would rather be governed by another four years of the status quo than see this country turn into Turkey. Hillary’s shrill voice, preschool vocabulary, pantsuits galore… they are insults to what this country could be, but there are worse options this year.

    I don’t have to urge Americans to vote their conscience. This country has never been perfect, but I do think it’s a great country and wishes to remain one.

    When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost blew it. Then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength. That shows you the power of strength. Our country is right now perceived as weak… as being spit on by the rest of the world.

    The Tienanmen Square massacre will not make America great again.

    “An ‘extremely credible source’ has called my office and told me that Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a fraud”

    Lying will not make America great again.

    You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young, and beautiful, piece of ass. [In response to leaving the mother of his children amid a rape accusation his lawyer defended as impossible; you can’t rape your spouse]

    A total lack of family values will not make America great again.

    “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re not sending you, they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bring crime. They’re rapists.

    Racism will not make America great again.

    I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.

    Incest will not make America great again.

    My IQ is one of the highest — and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure; it’s not your fault.

    Delusional narcissism will not make America great again.

    It’s long past time for Republicans to wake up to what the GOP represents today, and repudiate it, focusing on downticket candidates with values.

    Saying these true things does not mean I ‘support Hillary,’ a person I’ve criticized for years. But this election is about more than Hillary vs Hillary’s lapdog.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  177. Executive orders are how a president does things. Unless you think a president should not do anything, you can’t be against executive orders. But a president’s power is limited, so are the executive orders he may legitimately issue. This should be obvious. Now please tell me when Bush did something beyond his power, whether by means of an order or by any other means.

    Milhouse (5a188d)

  178. I’m not. I admit it’s possible, but I’m not willing to concede it without proof.


    Fair enough, Milhouse. While I actually like Bush, I’m sufficiently skeptical that I assume some misconduct occurred in eight years of so much power.

    Well Dustin, today Trumps past support for Hillary has been your main thrust, and yesterday you said you were voting for Hillary. So go ahead and tell me I have lying eyes, I know better.


    No, you burned a strawman in order to ignore what I actually said.

    I have to pick the lesser of two evils in November, and I do not support either candidate. I’ve been very clear about that. I have criticized Hillary here many more times and for many more years than you have. But between Hillary and Trump, I can’t vote Trump.

    I point out that Trump’s long history of supporting Hillary in order to show he is conning Hillary’s critics. When Trump’s actions at the convention alienated much of the party, and when he constantly says things that greatly harm his chances of winning, I note that Hillary winning is what Trump wanted in the first place.

    Your attempt to prove this makes me a hypocrite is laughable.

    The millions of Americans who vote against Trump but do not support Hillary are making a patriotic sacrifice for the good of our future. The Trumpkins who forced this on America, knowing Hillary would probably win, are the ones at fault. The GOP had the best field in many cycles and blew it because the GOP’s establishment was scared of what a conservative president would really mean for their gravy train.

    Hillary’s rigging the democrat primary with connections all the way up to the party’s chair is now a known fact, no longer conspiracy theory. That one of Hillary’s most long standing donors is now opposing her in the most clumsy fashion in American history has to be seen in that context. And what do you think Trump and Clinton met about? Trump says they discussed his run for president. Hmmmmmm.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  179. I’m still waiting for someone to explain when, exactly, it is OK to talk about second amendment solutions. Because every time someone invokes them everyone seems to throw their arms up in horror, as if they’d never heard of such a thing. I have no idea what Trump meant by his throwaway line, and I don’t care, because no matter what he meant I’m OK with it. Not that I’m buying what he’s selling, but what he said was correct. I believe what he was saying; I just don’t think he does.

    Milhouse (5a188d)

  180. Executive orders are how a president does things. Unless you think a president should not do anything, you can’t be against executive orders. But a president’s power is limited, so are the executive orders he may legitimately issue. This should be obvious. Now please tell me when Bush did something beyond his power, whether by means of an order or by any other means.


    You’re absolutely right, and Tillman’s complaint makes no sense. He reminds me of Trump’s many outlandish attacks of George W Bush.

    During the CBS debate in South Carolina on Saturday, GOP front-runner Donald Trump blamed former President George W. Bush for the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

    After Florida senator Marco Rubio said that Bush had “kept us safe,” Donald Trump shot back: “How did he keep us safe when the World Trade Center came down?”

    “I lost hundreds of friends, the World Trade Center came down during the reign of George Bush,” Trump said, while the crowd’s boos nearly drowned him out. “That is not safe, Marco, that is not safe,”

    And there are Republicans who called Trump a malicious cretin then, but will shill for him today for equally cretinous comments. Because now he’s Team R.

    Milhouse, I have no interest in bashing Bush today. We would be extremely fortunate to have him as an option this year compared to the two Hillary types running. But Bush’s signing statements on the detainee treatment act is a good example of an overreach. He was basically saying the law was unconstitutional in its limiting of his authority as the executive, but he signed the law and used a signing statement to give himself the ability to ignore a section of that law. That is a shortcut around our process of creating laws. At any rate, Bush had a full plate and did the best he could to keep America great, but I do think he made mistakes along the way.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  181. I’m still waiting for someone to explain when, exactly, it is OK to talk about second amendment solutions. Because every time someone invokes them everyone seems to throw their arms up in horror, as if they’d never heard of such a thing. I have no idea what Trump meant by his throwaway line, and I don’t care, because no matter what he meant I’m OK with it. Not that I’m buying what he’s selling, but what he said was correct. I believe what he was saying; I just don’t think he does.


    Well, it’s going to be very difficult to discuss Trump’s insinuations with you because you are too precise with language and Trump is too ambiguous. You want to nail down meanings, but Trump is on the schoolyard laughing about ‘blood from her wherever’ and then saying ‘oh, I meant her nose! her nose!’ when the teacher sits him in the corner.

    SPQR quoted JFK above speaking about the second amendment as a protection against government tyranny. I don’t think it’s hard to do if one is not saying something they are ashamed of. Of course if you’re insinuating that when you lose the other side should die, that’s pretty shameful. Trump meant that, but only in the sense that he sought the news cycle with an extreme comment. He’s been doing that same shock jock stunt for decades, and it works really well for him.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  182. @183. Only the kooks talk about assassination.

    You brought it up. He didn’t.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  183. Dustin:

    ” I intend to vote for her in order to stop someone much worse.”

    Voting for someone is supporting them, regardless the reason.

    As far as I’m concerned, constantly bashing Trump is supporting his opponent at this point, but voting for her? No question about it.

    LBascom (0b9b35)

  184. @183. Postscript. =yawn= Americans don’t want to be governed. They wish to be entertained.

    So get with the program.

    Case in point: the cablers spent hours today tweaking August ratings covering a dweeb on global television and the web who was climbing the glass windows of Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan using suction cups.

    It’s a Dallas vs. Maude election. And we all know who draws the better ratings.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  185. Cruz.

    Tedtoo or Snidley Whiplash?

    We report. You decide.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  186. apparently he never saw fight club,

    narciso (732bc0)

  187. @124. Given the topic of the thread, you’d do better to research JFK’s infamous-if-not-fatalist comments to a reporter on campaign plane.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  188. @144 Dustin

    The only problem with your theory is that almost everyone thought that Trump would flame out.

    I guess you side with the people who think that Trump is actually worried that he might win and is pulling the brakes on the Trump Train.

    I just don’t understand how a supposed narcissist could purposely tank his campaign when in his mind (and in reality) he really could win.

    I think that all the #nevertrumpers are pulling for a blowout by Hillary because if Trump performs close to what Romney did in ’12 then he could Romney Cruz or whoever the ’20 nominee is.

    I seem to remember Rush addressing rumors that Obama really didn’t want a second term and was trying to tank his ’12 campaign ie the first debate. How did that turn out?

    Pinandpuller (909240)

  189. what I was referring to earlier,

    seriously is this (redacted) raw story, which voldemort set up, is this the puffington host,

    narciso (732bc0)

  190. DCSCA,

    Our friend Dustin is the guy who’s been ranting about how he can’t stand to watch Maude, yet when you knock on his door on a Monday evening, you discover that he’s sitting there in his easy chair, eyes glued to the tv, watching … Maude.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  191. @160 Dustin

    Second Amendment heh!

    Clint Eastwood’s next movie is going to be a sequel to In the Line of Fire.

    It’s about a SS agent who regrets the time he failed to save the first female president by throwing himself in front of a staircase.

    Pinandpuller (909240)

  192. and shockingly the doj, can’t tell gambling is going on,

    narciso (732bc0)

  193. you’d think the secret service would be better off spending its time getting wasted and bonking under-aged foreign hookers

    it’s always better to play to your strengths

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  194. He was clearly trying to be funny. But he should realize that the president isn’t a stand up comedian. We have a criminal (RICO enterprise) and a douchebag running for office. Washington / Jefferson / Reagan are rolling over in their graves.

    Carlos (bea886)

  195. @197. =shudder= “God’ll get you for that, Walter.”

    Wait ’till you see her and hear her today. Was on all the cablers. Within 3 minutes I was up taking out the trash just to avoid her telling me to on TV. She looks like the fat sorority girl who slept on the sofa after an all night kegga’. The only thing flatter than her hair was her chest.

    Sorry Maudie… bring on Hagman, Principal, Gray and Tilton.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  196. @197 Cruz Supporter

    It doesn’t matter unless Dustin’s last name is Neilsen.

    Pinandpuller (909240)

  197. Pretty sad how people have twisted voting for one of two dogsh*t, destructive presidential candidates into an act of patriotism.

    Leviticus (3a6d16)

  198. we have to stop the stinkypig after that we can take a break and think about what we wanna do next

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  199. just the right lizard formula,

    narciso (732bc0)

  200. as I pointed up above, the lawsuit against glenn, maybe just to ferret out dhs officials who actually do their job, a rare thing indeed,

    narciso (732bc0)

  201. Nars, sounds like another of those, ahem, “coordinators”.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  202. it’s a more interesting story than this squirrel, they put forth, just like the foundation involves hezbollah backers with deep interests in nigeria, saudi princes, swedish magnates, basically all the bad guys working with valentine in kinsman,

    narciso (732bc0)

  203. If I get blown up by terrorists and you tell the whole world that I was their “money man”, you better be able to show that your “source” is not your imagination.

    nk (dbc370)

  204. DCSCA,

    Our friend Dustin is the guy who’s been ranting about how he can’t stand to watch Maude, yet when you knock on his door on a Monday evening, you discover that he’s sitting there in his easy chair, eyes glued to the tv, watching … Maude.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a) — 8/10/2016 @ 4:23 pm

    I call bullsh*t. Dustin binge watches “Golden Girls”.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  205. 176… Spot on, Hoagie!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  206. Dustin (ba94b2) — 8/10/2016 @ 11:41 am

    Trump has been donating to the Clinton foundation in 2014.

    Also, that video I posted where Trump describes Hillary as “terrific” and defend her on Benghazi was in 2014.

    He had mostly stopped donating to Democrats in 2011 or 2012. That was when he was thinking of running for president as a Republican in 2012, although I wasn’t aware of it.

    His getting behind the birther proposition was part of that. I thought Donald Trump was serious, and deluded and mistaken. He gave it up after Obama finally produced some form of birth certificate, although DRJ showed here that Donald Trump hasn’t completely given it up, because, after all, Donald Trump is never wrong. Obama’s family had probably lost the actual 1960s original, which had no legal value after the 1980s, and he’s much too embarrassed to admit it. I mean, that maybe could explain the way he handled it. I rememeber Donald Trump producing his own birth certificate from 1946 and then being told that doesn’t mean anything and saying something like “Oh.”

    So anyway, Donald Trump maybe dropped the idea of running for president for awhile after the 2012 election, or was unsure of his party, or political alliances, so it is reasonable that he would have donated to the Clinton Foundation (which was supposed to be non-partisan – Clinton worked with both Presidents Bush at different times) and praised Hillary. Do you have the exact months these things happened?

    By mid-2014, he was seriously contemplating running for president, and he very seriously considered running for Governor of New York as a Republican, (the New York Times reported this year), which he was told and thought might be needed to position him to run for president. Very few people run for president without having run for or been elected to elective office before. If he was elected Governor two years before a Presidential electioon, he’d be like Thoedore Roosevelt, or Woodrow Wilson, you know.

    But he didn’t want a primary. When Republican leaders in New York told him they were in no position to clear the field, he approached Westchester County Executove Rob Astorino, who was intent on running for Governor, and offered him a deal: I’ll run for Governor and you run for Lieutenant Governor, and I’ll resign about 6 months into my term to run for president, and you’ll be Governor anyway. But Rob Astorino didn’t want to do it, saying it would be unfair to the voters. He ran for Governor, and Donald Trump did not, and lost badly against Andrew Cuomo.

    Probably Donald Trump would have lost also. I don’t see why he thought he might win.

    Sammy Finkelman (03c82c)

  207. Did You Ever Have To Make Up Your Mind

    Did you ever have to make up your mind
    Throw in for one and leave the other behind
    It’s not a real easy… choice you will find
    Did you ever have to make up your mind

    Did you ever have to stand up and fight
    Say “Hey, Hell no! and fight with all of your might
    There’s so many reasons and tears cloud your sight
    Did you ever have to stand up and fight

    Sometimes the one with cankles, with teeth like a bunny
    A bad thirst for beer, and plenty of money
    And just when you think she’ll be treated real rude
    You heart gets broken by that weak-suck Comey dude

    Well you know you have to make up your mind
    And make the right choice, the one who won’t screw you blind
    Just man-up, be tough, you won’t be caught in a bind
    And then you’ll know that you have made up your mind.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  208. The End.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  209. “I don’t see why he thought he might win.”

    Quadruple counting of the chest thumping howler contingent of FNC viewers, Drudge readers and AM radio hair on fire idiot listeners may well have convinced him of the existence of masses of the disaffected just waiting to be led from the wilderness. The contingent truly exists but it has been a crappy voting demographic and it is truly one quarter the size its membership believes it to be.

    It does make four times the useless noise though. That’s one of the reasons it can’t grow.

    Rick Ballard (d51940)

  210. If he was elected Governor two years before a Presidential electioon, he’d be like Thoedore Roosevelt, or Woodrow Wilson, you know.

    No, he’d be like Governor Lepetomane.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  211. Ryan did take a loss to remain ensconced in DC:

    #nevertrump know-nothings ignore the whole TPP controversy, Cruz was for it, who are they to question God’s Anointed?

    Do they really think Central American immigration via Mexico is unrelated to NAFTA? The American corn farmer is allowed to compete without obstacle in Central American markets. Though the native black and to a lesser extent white corn is more highly prized their diet is now grown in the EAU.

    Hence our population increase by the trainload.

    DNF (755a85)

  212. well that’s a whole other squirrel!

    narciso (732bc0)

  213. 139. “The fact is that Trump has supported left wing democrats for decades,”

    He’s a businessman, 70 per cent of Republican donors donate to the Democrats as well.

    You are certainly either a simpleton or a liar, but probably both.

    DNF (755a85)

  214. he also donated to guiliani and maverick, the latter was bailed out by charlie cheetah,

    narciso (732bc0)

  215. I wonder if Trump agrees with this statement:

    You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.

    And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

    His campaign seems to be using it as a roadmap, whether he agrees with it or not.

    DRJ (15874d)

  216. Re: ‘second amendment solution’

    Trump didn’t speak about a second amendment solution – his throwaway line was about ‘the second amendment people’

    You know, I bring things up like the judges right? Supreme Court Justices, we have to get – you know, you could have as many as four? I guess it’s a scenario where this president could pick five Supreme Court Justices.

    And if you pick two that are left, left, left, it’s going to be a disaster for our country. Your Second Amendment, the National Rifle Association endorsed and they endorsed me early, a long time ago. And they’re great people, Wayne and Chris, they are great people….If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. I don’t know.

    The “Second amendment people” are Wayne LaPierre and Chris Cox, that is the NRA, and maybe the people running and working for some other “second amendment” organization.

    It is all about preventing her from naming a Supreme Court justice. And if it is not, then I would day it’s about people refusing to give up their guns. But I;d say it’s about prevetning conformation of justices.

    And the reason this explanation is not being given, is because it undermines his whole argument.

    It’s saying that even if she is elected, there is still some hope of preventing her from successfully putting people on the Supreme Court. A longshot possibility that maybe Wayne LaPierre and Chris Cox and the other Second amendment people can pull off. Somebody probably mentioned something like this to him.

    And the slightest possibility of that is enough for him to not gain some votes, and he knows it. So this explanation, which is the only thing that fits the context, is not being offerred, but just some mumbling about political influence, and Hillary is twisting the knife.

    Sammy Finkelman (03c82c)

  217. SF: If he was elected Governor two years before a Presidential electioon, he’d be like Theodore Roosevelt, or Woodrow Wilson, you know.

    219. Kevin M (25bbee) — 8/10/2016 @ 7:18 pm

    No, he’d be like Governor Lepetomane.

    Who is Governor Lepetomane?

    I mean, in terms of qualifications, in terms of what culd be put on a resume.

    I’m thinking now, maybe Donald Trump thought he’d get the support of the Clintons in unseating Andrew Cuomo. Bill Clinton probably doesn’t really like Andrew Cuomo, even though, at one point, he advaned his career – but that was maybe to keep Mario Cuomo neutral.

    In 2002, Boss Clinton told Andrew Cuuomo to stand down without waiting for the voters to actually vote in the primary for Governor, and Andrew Cuomo listened.

    Andrew M. Cuomo abruptly pulled out of the race for the Democratic nomination for governor yesterday, just one week before the Sept. 10 primary, avoiding what polls indicated would have been a searing defeat at the hands of his opponent, H. Carl McCall.

    The withdrawal came at the urging of Mr. Cuomo’s closest supporters and was blessed by former President Bill Clinton, whose wife, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, played a subtle but influential role in the demise of the Cuomo campaign.

    Andrew Cuomo only became Governor because of the probems with Eliot Spitzer and because David Paterson had some problems maybe, so he became the best choice for inside people. Andrew Cuomo had run successfully for New York State Attorney general in 2006.

    So perhaps Donald Trump thought that, especially if he gave money to the Clinton Foundation, Bill Clinton would help him, perhaps by getting President Obama to give Andrew Cuomo some kind of an important appointment to get him out of the way. Although I don’t know what appointment that could be. Perhaps Secretary of Defense, although his expertise is not there. Secretary of State wasn’t oopen.

    And maybe also that Bill Clinton might want him out as Governor anyway, to prevent him from challenging Hillary in 2016. Although maybe, as it turns out, the U.S. Attorney did that.

    Sammy Finkelman (03c82c)

  218. It can’t be to the religion-clingers, except possibly for those who believe that:
    1. There are two branches of Christianity — Calvinism and Arminianism;
    2. All humans are totally pervaded with sin;
    3. The only way they will be saved from their sin is through God’s Grace, and not what they do or not do;
    4. God elected in the beginning of Creation those who will receive grace and those who will not;
    5. If you are not one of the elect you’re lost no matter what fine things you do;
    6. If you are one of the elect, God’s Grace will save you no matter what damnable things you do.

    So why bother shaving?

    I can find you the tract on the internet if you want your mind polluted further. And they are not Mormons or Jehovah’s Witnesses. They are … wait for it … Evangelicals. And the reason Greeks throw rocks at “Evangelistes”.

    But it fits perfectly the mind-set of those who placed no value on Cruz’s character and overlook Trump’s.

    nk (dbc370)

  219. #114 Since Obama has been President, Republicans claim that the office has too much power. Back when the last Bush was in office, they claimed it needed to have more power. That shows little foresight, as if only Republicans would forever win the White House.

    Tillman (a95660) — 8/10/2016 @ 9:13 am

    Once again you have no idea what you’re talking about. Republicans do not claim that the office has too much power. They claim Obama has exceeded his Constitutional powers.

    There were cases where Democrats went berserk over some things Bush did in the national security area, claiming Bush was exceeding legal powers, such as warrantless wiretaps of overseas phones of known terrorists. There was a huge uproar over that among liberals – but they were ignorant/nuts/lying as usual. There have been a number of Federal court rulings over the years confirming that those are constitutional. That’s because the Constitution gives the President a lot of power in the national security area.

    Obama has clearly exceeded his legal authority in some cases which have been totally unrelated to national security.

    Gerald A (76f251)

  220. #230

    Another thing Obama has done is to totally disregard the War Powers Act, in the case of military action against Libya, which has turned that country into a total disaster. Bush did not violate the War Powers Act. Obama’s the first President to do violate the provisions of the act I believe.

    Gerald A (76f251)

  221. It is about one’s personal relationship with god, from that all others

    narciso (732bc0)

  222. There is extreme determinism bordering on ftalusm, which doesn’t help anyone, good works do not save, but they are evidence of faith.

    narciso (732bc0)

  223. fatalism or flatulism?

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  224. There are two branches of Christianity — Calvinism and Arminianism;

    I can find you the tract on the internet if you want your mind polluted further.
    nk (dbc370) — 8/11/2016 @ 5:45 am

    I guess you mean like this.

    And they are not Mormons or Jehovah’s Witnesses. They are … wait for it … Evangelicals. And the reason Greeks throw rocks at “Evangelistes”.

    Actually Evangelicals are generally not Calvinists. But they aren’t Arminians either.

    But they believe

    1. Good works don’t contribute in any way to salvation, which is in fact unavoidable, biblically speaking.

    2. Evangelicals generally believe that one cannot lose one’s salvation, which is the P in TULIP of Five Point Calvinism.

    Evangelical beliefs might seem similar to Calvinism because of point 1 and 2, but they throw out Augustine’s predestination doctrine. They embrace the T and P, but throw out the U, L and I of Five Point Calvinism.

    Gerald A (76f251)

  225. Oh, I have no problem with the suggestion that God made imperfect vessels and His Grace allows them to have at least an Earthly life. What bugs me is “There are two branches of Christianity, Calvinism and Arminianism”. La ilahu il Allah, Martin Luther rasul Allah? Or do they place Calvin above Luther? I don’t even ….

    nk (dbc370)

  226. We cross-posted Gerald A.

    nk (dbc370)

  227. It sadly misreads romans, do Luther would be an arminian?

    narciso (732bc0)

  228. There is something of the institutional imperative (brick and mortar/ personal conversion where one lost the point,

    narciso (732bc0)

  229. How does one stay in the world and not become part of it, Islam wrestles with this question as well,

    narciso (732bc0)

  230. Volume 1 seems to be available on Gutenberg. But I don’t ….

    I have an evangelical story (well, more than one but this may be funny). A long time ago, I lit a cigarette in front of a lady and she told me, crossly, “You’re ripping my lungs out with that cigarette. Don’t you know your body is a temple and you shouldn’t defile it?” I replied, “Christ said that it is not what goes into the mouth that pollutes a person, it is what comes out of the mouth that pollutes a person”. I did NOT tell her that the temple reference was “becoming one” with strange ladies. I was a well-bred and polite young man in those days. But I wonder whether she recalled that on her own, because after that she shut up about my cigarette and started talking about us getting together to “talk some more”. 😉

    nk (dbc370)

  231. This is now old Trump idiocy. He has already moved on to other, newer idiocies.

    After all, In the end, it’s either gonna work, or I’m gonna have a very very nice long vacation.

    Alfred E. Neuman or Donald J. Trump?

    Is there a difference?

    Rick Ballard (d51940)

  232. Well Paul was trying to be ecumenical, he was living in Corinth the San Francisco of the ancient world.

    narciso (732bc0)

  233. i miss LA

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  234. This comes out of his discussion of strong and weak believers, which aren’t what you would think they mean,

    narciso (732bc0)

  235. Now he talks about a second amendment solution to a presidential election he is losing by double digits

    Wow. I had no idea that 7.9% was “double digits”. Even Reuters, who open changed their methodology because Trump was overtaking Clinton, only has Hillary up 6%. You must be a big fan of NBC and McClatchy polls.

    prowlerguy (fa36d8)

  236. Sarc? You know that abuelas woudnt be a thing under your preferred President-elect.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

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