Patterico's Pontifications


Mark Singer’s “Trump and Me”

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:43 am

Mark Singer of the New Yorker is the man who wrote Citizen K, The Deeply Weird American Journey of Brett Kimberlin. Singer has also spent time with and written about another notorious pathological liar, bully, and serial litigant: Donald J. Trump. Last night, I finished Singer’s short book Trump and Me, which revisits a profile that Singer did of Trump in 1996, and places it within the context of Trump’s current presidential bid. I enjoyed this short volume very much. If you already have a strong opinion about Donald Trump, your opinion is not going to be changed, of course — but it was nevertheless an entertaining portrait of the soulless epitome of shallowness and self-absorption that is Donald Trump. Recommended.

200 Responses to “Mark Singer’s “Trump and Me””

  1. Ding.

    Patterico (bcf524)

  2. Mr. Trump is a lot misunderstood I think. I’m so curious what kind of president he’ll be. Will he be rambunctious? Will he be kind to animals and veterans? Will he make the economy more better? What will he do about the spendings? Are jobs important to him or does he like to rape them like food stamp?

    An exciting journey of discovery awaits!

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  3. Lets believe the same jackalope who believed voldermort till it was no longer necessary.

    narciso (732bc0)

  4. He’ll do whatever an insanely self-absorbed and dishonest person does — namely, whatever he thinks will benefit him. If Singer’s profile confirms one impression I had, it’s that.

    Patterico (ae22b9)

  5. I don’t know what “no longer necessary” means. Singer is a lefty and believes lefty narratives as a rule to be sure. But after spending time with Voldemort, he was willing to call a spade a spade. I trust Singer while recognizing his biases. I don’t think he made up anything I read.

    Patterico (ae22b9)

  6. Trump is a self-absorbed idiot, and I’m calling him an idiot out of charity. He’s probably a lying weasel.

    DRJ (15874d)

  7. Leon Wolf says Trump has Brian Williams Syndrome.

    DRJ (15874d)

  8. Imagine, if you will, a man who was born into millions, and never in his life been told “no”.

    A man so utterly devoid of self-esteem, he is congenitally incapable of shrugging off the slightest insult.

    A man so vain – and at once so inherently dishonest and almost comically greedy – he gives $30 cuff links as gifts, but claims they’re from Tiffany.

    A man so intellectually lazy, he all but justifies the halo around that one pic of Obama we all know and cherish.

    John Mulaney once said that Donald Trump is what a hobo imagines a rich man to be. Bingo.

    Of course, we’d be stupid to

    Eric in Hollywood (6e8226)

  9. I read a colum by Cindy Adams today that has a little bit about Trump and Hillary.

    Two days or so after Donald Trump’s wedding to Marla Maples in December, 1993, Cindy Adams was one of 10 ladies from New York, Washington, and Chicago, who were invited to a pre-Christmas Monday lunch hosted by Hillary Clinton at the White House, that lasted from 12:30 to 2:30.

    Hillary showed off the newly redone Lincoln bedroom’s four-poster double bed, and said that Abraham Lincoln and his wife never slept in the same bed – and in fact no president slept in the same bed with his wife in the White House until Gerald and Betty Ford.

    Then – what she suddenly remembered now – Hillary Clinton quizzed her (Cindy Adams) all about Donald Trump and his wedding. What was Donald Trump like? What was the ceremony like? Who was there? It was the meal’s main conversation. She told them the guest list.

    All this was “off-the-record.” She hasn’t reported it until now.

    Were the Clintons planning to try to get close to Donald Trump, and/or raise money from him?

    Sammy Finkelman (f0ed15)

  10. “soulless epitome of shallowness and self-absorption that is Donald Trump?”

    I call Boomer(s)

    f1guyus (5a4596)

  11. About the company you keep, #nevertrump:

    Y’all claim to be decent, principled people. I don’t see it.

    DNF (755a85)

  12. Sammy,

    What is your predicate for speculating that the Clintons might have believed they could raise money from Trump at that time?
    Didn’t Trump vote for Bush in ’92?

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  13. The time sentinel has a good opi on Hanna.

    narciso (732bc0)

  14. Ever seen a positive profile of a republican candidate in the new Yorker vanity fair, esquire, no that’s not their purpose

    narciso (732bc0)

  15. Sidney Blumenthal had a perch in the last, going after Bush are war record, well that was the new republic.

    narciso (732bc0)

  16. Cruz Supporter (102c9a) — 8/4/2016 @ 8:59 am

    What is your predicate for speculating that the Clintons might have believed they could raise money from Trump at that time?

    Well, he eventually did, I’m not sure when. In 1993, Bill Clinton was the incumbent, so as the incumbent, he might get something from him.

    Didn’t Trump vote for Bush in ’92?

    I don’t know. He might have voted for Bush in 1992.

    But he contributed money to people in both parties till about 2012.

    It;s not easy to find websites taht talk about whom Donald Trump contributed to that long ago.

    The following website says that between 1989 and 2011 he gave $497,690 to Republicans and
    $581,350 to Democrats. It looks like his contributions to Democrats were more to local candidates.

    Sammy Finkelman (f0ed15)

  17. @ DNF (#11): You know nothing about the company I keep, but I admit to being embarrassed that I all too often waste time in the comments of this blog rebuking idiots like you, as I am now.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  18. Mr. Gary’s no idiot he is in fact quite perspicacious.

    We gotta beat that stinkypig it’s a sine qua non you see.

    maybe we make a deal – maybe together we can get somewhere?

    anyplace is better!

    (starting from zero got nothing to lose)

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  19. “…an entertaining portrait of the soulless epitome of shallowness and self-absorption that is Donald Trump.”

    “Soulless,”… “epitome of shallowness and self-absorption”… and the key ingredient for the electorate today: “entertaining.” It is J.R. Ewing.
    “… and then there’s Maude, and then there’s Maude, and then there’s Maude…”

    Americans do not want to be governed, they wish to be entertained. Your choice this fall: four seasons of Dallas or four seasons of Maude.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  20. Seems most Americans won’t mind being ruled.

    Rev. Hoagie® (0f4ef6)

  21. I wonder what are some of singer’s other balanced profiles,

    no time to panic yet,

    narciso (732bc0)

  22. exciting tell me more,

    he was voldemort’s conduit in the sliming of quayle,

    narciso (732bc0)

  23. ah try to make the fatuous gasbag seem sane,

    narciso (732bc0)

  24. @19 DCSCA

    Don’t you think that JR Ewing is a little too well liked, admired and successful to be accepted by the Pattericons?

    When they see Trump they see Louis De Palma.

    Pinandpuller (7411de)

  25. @24- LOL…the tone and attitude is definitely Louis DePalma… but the walk and talk is all J.R.:

    “Don’t forgive and never forget; do unto others before they do unto you and third and most importantly, keep your eye on your friends, because your enemies will take care of themselves.” — Donald Trump? Or J.R. Ewing?

    Americans wish to be entertained, not governed. The choice is four years of Dallas or four years of Maude. So ask yourself which would you prefer: Hagman haggling as Tilton and Principal jiggle into your living room on a 40 inch screen? Or a pantsuited Bea Arthur, who reminds you of your first wife from 1975, wagging her finger, nagging you to take out the trash during the 4th quarter of Monday Night Football?

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  26. @24– postscript– Besides, Pattericons mostly prefer Ted. Alas, Foghorn Leghorn was cancelled and sent packing back to Texas.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  27. Call him what you will, Felito is still the presumptive 2020 nominee.

    And it will be fun to watch him square off against the GOPe, once again, this time as they try to go along to get along with Hill.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  28. seeing as they are proscribing the tea party’s (and the navy’s) symbol, holy ctluthu, in four years, the whole intellectual endeavor will doubleunplusgood,

    narciso (732bc0)

  29. i lack affection for this felito

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  30. Surprising, your being a man of compassion and understanding. Is it the pointy-toed shoes? Or the plain-Jane spouse?

    ThOR (c9324e)

  31. pikachu doesn’t like anybody, have not established that.

    narciso (732bc0)

  32. he’s a pooper and a sore loser

    i much prefer his arch-rivals

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  33. “. . . and a sore loser.”

    Which distinguishes him from your choice, a man of remarkable magnanimity.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  34. you know I try to be cynical, but I can’t keep up:

    narciso (732bc0)

  35. 25. I do like “Felonia Milhouse von Pantsuit”. But he doesn’t seem to understand that Trump himself is as much an overflowing chamber pot as she is.

    kishnevi (682c47)

  36. Mr. Trump is not *my* choice he is the choice of The People

    god love em

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  37. “Me, The People”

    I like it! It’s so ’80s.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  38. Seems most Americans won’t mind being ruled.
    Rev. Hoagie® (0f4ef6) — 8/4/2016 @ 11:21 am

    No, Hoagie. I just mind selling my soul, which I won’t do to support any candidate. As the Trumpkins have done.

    Steve57 (2d3b12)

  39. If the hag of Arkansas becomes president, she will welcome 30 million new illegal democrats into the country. If republicans want a party vote Trump or it is over. Think about it diploma boys and girls.

    mg (31009b)

  40. Trump is a self-absorbed idiot, and I’m calling him an idiot out of charity. He’s probably a lying weasel.

    DRJ (15874d) — 8/4/2016 @ 8:32 am

    Let the record reflect that DRJ is berating Trump for criticizing Obama paying a ransom, (A Kings ransom actually) for a handful of sailors who were hung out to dry and be caught due to Obama’s policy.

    Is Dana lying too?

    Are we all supposed to adopt the contorted language of Huffington Post?
    It’s not a bribe?
    Obama didn’t drop trowser and grab ankle, delivering $400,000,000 (in small bills so it’s easy to track; hard to cover up extortion {the police state finally bit Foodstamp in the ass})up unto the terrorists on pallets?

    Is it a world of “funemployment”,

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  41. lmao jebby $150 million 3 delegates

    mg (31009b)

  42. Papertiger goes off and lies through his arse about DRJ and Dana. Never a good thing to do. I would never want to meet the jackalope in person. As in ever.

    John Hitchcock (b922ea)

  43. Daughter showed me a picture of a bumper sticker:
    “Giant Meteor 2016”

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  44. Shut up John. Next time you makes sense, it’ll be the first time.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  45. I won’t vote Trump because open borders make us all one big diseased riddled society with gangs ruling the roost.
    clinton/nontrumpers 2016

    mg (31009b)

  46. papertiger (c2d6da) — 8/4/2016 @ 2:23 pm
    No, DRJ was pointing to his claim that a January clip from Fox News was a secret government tape he had just seen.

    Which was so offbase even his campaign sent out someone to say, “Whoopsie!”

    kishnevi (682c47)

  47. Trump has to go on what the Obama admin presents, just like the rest of us.

    I see Obama conducting a presser today on the same subject, lying through his teeth at us.

    “It’s not a ransom”, O says.

    What is it a leap year? International Presser Day in Washington? Only comes round once in a Dem administration?

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  48. “Why Did the Mullahs Want Their $400 Million in Cash?”, asks Roger Simon.

    Almost like the Iranians wanted to highlight the perfidy of…

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  49. #26 DCSCA,

    Those comments contrasting Dallas VS Maude should be nominated for the Hall of Fame.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  50. I get the feeling if Trump were to point out Obama clubbing babies in the crib, DRJ, John, and kevi, would fire up the keyboard with critiques of the Donald’s wardrobe.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  51. papertiger, John Hitchcock was correct. You put words in DRJ’s mouth that she did not say. She did not criticize Trump for talking about Obama paying a ransom.

    DRJ’s link can be interpreted as criticism of Trump lying through his teeth about a video he saw. Trump tells the American people lie after lie after lie about a secret video he saw about Iran. You twisting this around the way you did could charitably be interpreted as you making a very embarrassing mistake, except that everyone here has seen you argue in bad faith over and over again, particularly against conservatives. You know what you said wasn’t true, but you use Trump’s tactic of being aggressive and dishonest in order to troll reactions

    You idolize Trump to the sycophantic level, and you think his way of smearing people, such as Ted Cruz’s wife and dad, are awesome. Most people here ignore you and the other Trump supporters because of the ceaseless bad faith.

    DRJ’s link is worth a click and I hope everyone reads it and considers that Trump is proud to lie to the America people, over and over, and so dumb he doesn’t understand how easily his lies are exposed. When Trump was running in the primary, he had a special ‘god mode’. His lies weren’t covered in detail, and his empty podium given precedence over real news. The press saw what that 60% of the GOP that doesn’t want Trump to be the nominee saw: he is Hillary’s only chance at the White House.

    Now, the media is simply telling the truth about Trump, and he’s plummeting in the polls. Double digit losses in all ‘swing’ states (they aren’t really swing states then). They got started a couple of weeks ago and Trump is already so far in the hole that no one, including you, thinks Trump will win. His bad faith shills will pretend Trump will win a landslide, all the way up to election day. They will blame conservatives first when he loses. Trump’s fans hate conservatives as much as Trump did when he said Hillary would make a great president, and they will hate them even more when Trump makes Hillary our president.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  52. Reuters reports, Muslim families of fallen U.S. soldiers driven to oppose Trump.

    So that means both of them? All two of the Muslim families of fallen U.S soldiers!

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  53. Sorry Dustin, just like all cheap shot artists (including Obama fan bots like you, and coincidentally your Precious in the only presser he’s bothered to hold this year) DRJ presented her slanders general, sloppy, and haphazard.

    If DRJ wants to be berated more specifically, she needs to tighten up her libels.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  54. team rino will make hillary president and kill the republican party.

    mg (31009b)

  55. What crime would Hillary Clinton have to commit before you’d stop campaigning for her?

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  56. Most of us here, I believe, want to be Trump supports. I loathe Hillary and have for decades. I desperately want to keep Hillary out of the White House and I freely acknowledge that there are changes to the way politics is played for which Trump deserves credit. But there is an ethical line I will not cross when I enter the voting booth. It is Trump, himself, who has made it impossible for me to vote for him.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  57. From DRJ’s link:

    Here’s an idea for Trump – your life is already plenty interesting by the standards of ordinary people. Try just telling the truth, without adding a bunch of embellishments or outright lies.

    If Trump gets paid $400,000 for a speech, he has to say it was $1 million. This was reported by the New York times a week or two ago.

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  58. How many millions in bribe money to terrorists will it take to fertilize your emaciated sense of patriotism?

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  59. Trump has to go on what the Obama admin presents, just like the rest of us…

    papertiger (c2d6da) — 8/4/2016 @ 2:53 pm

    And voters have to go on what the Trump campaign presents. You can insult the people you call the #NeverTrump crowd and continue to live in denial. But the problem with Trump isn’t the people who tell the truth about Trump. The problem is Trump. But of course, you cult-of-personality Trumpkins just can’t admit Trump is a deeply flawed candidate. He needs independents and even Democrats to vote for him if he’s going to win. Instead Trump is convincing those voters that he’s insane and Hillary! is the only sane choice.

    It has to be on purpose. I have no idea what Trump would be doing differently if he were throwing this election on purpose. In fact, I think he is throwing this race on purpose.

    But you Trumpkins just can’t admit the object of your adulation and your tongue-bathing is anything less than perfect. Which brings us to another fact. If Hillary! wins it won’t just because Trump himself horrifies the independents he’s going to need were horrified by Trump himself. It’s also because Trump’s loyalists are a bunch of obnoxious brain-dead @$$holes. Your only plan, yours and your hero’s, is to insult your way to victory.

    Not much of a plan, idiots. But I expect the insults to become more hysterical, desperate, and less effective. Because you’re all a bunch of @$$holes, and @$$holes can demand loyalty all they want and the more @$$holes demand it the less they deserve it.

    Steve57 (2d3b12)

  60. There are some arguments for preferring Loretta Lynch or Tom Perez to Chris Christie as the AG in 2017, but only my left wing friends are making them.
    Of course, some of my right friends just don’t give a sh*t about who will become the AG in 2017. They’re still brooding about Ted getting his butt kicked.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  61. Facts. Insult implies they have a point to stand on.

    I could cuss just as well as you do Steve. In fact, better. I choose not to.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  62. Testing: Erdoğan

    Milhouse (5a188d)

  63. papertiger calls me an Obama fan bot. I’m amused! He’s read my comments for years, used to be real friendly to me because we both were critical of Obama, and now instead of just apologizing for what he said about DRJ, he decides to double down.

    Papertiger claimed DRJ slandered someone because she posted a link, proving Trump to be a liar, and characterized Trump accurately. Papertiger claims he can completely lie about what DRJ said, claiming she was saying something totally different than she did, because she wasn’t specific. In other words, Papertiger can lie about me or DRJ or anyone else, making up anything he wants to lie about, if we don’t specifically deny it. It’s our fault, see, not papertiger’s, when he says things he has no basis for, or even knows are 100% false. Papertiger is the victim, like Trump, when caught.

    Papertiger makes my point for me: angry Trump fans, because they idolize such an unworthy and dishonest man, have figured that there is some great virtue in bullying people through smears and hysterical lies.

    Remember that when you go to the polls. These guys are far more the enemy of conservatives than even a liberal democrat is. They don’t compete against conservatives… they seek to snuff them out and ensure their ideas have no audience at all. That’s why Trump spends more time today fighting republicans than he does democrats. A GOP opposing Hillary is going to do more good than a GOP led by Trump. And regardless, Trump losing is inevitable. Papertiger’s attacks aren’t effective… they galvanize people to oppose him, just as Trump constantly reminds Republicans he is their enemy.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  64. Most of us here, I believe, want to be Trump supports. I loathe Hillary and have for decades. I desperately want to keep Hillary out of the White House and I freely acknowledge that there are changes to the way politics is played for which Trump deserves credit. But there is an ethical line I will not cross when I enter the voting booth. It is Trump, himself, who has made it impossible for me to vote for him.


    Well said. I fear what a corrupt and shameless Hillary administration could do. But I am not going to help a man like Trump con this great nation. And I think Trump is worse than Hillary on every issue. I agree with Gerald A that Trump would appoint extremely liberal judges to the bench.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  65. “Mr. Trump is not *my* choice he is the choice of The People

    god love em”

    – happyfeet

    Yup. I get you, feets.

    Leviticus (efada1)

  66. ” I agree with Gerald A that Trump would appoint extremely liberal judges to the bench.”

    – Dustin

    I see what you did there.

    Leviticus (efada1)

  67. I could cuss just as well as you do Steve. In fact, better. I choose not to.
    papertiger (c2d6da) — 8/4/2016 @ 3:39 pm

    No, you haven’t chosen not to, papertiger. You’re just in denial about it.

    Steve57 (2d3b12)

  68. Hmm, the preview recognizes ğ but whatever stores the comments doesn’t, and actually converts the ampersand to &! I wonder why.

    Milhouse (5a188d)

  69. Does foul language make treason taste better to you?

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  70. @27 DCSCA

    Pobre Rafael. His ship came in and he was at the airport.

    Pinandpuller (c16705)

  71. Do you think allegations of treason make you look like anything other than an idiot?

    Leviticus (efada1)

  72. steve, we’ve actually seen someone throw an election, and this isn’t it, after eight years of wreck and ruin, the traditional campaign doesn’t work, this one may not either, but lets not make it a self fulfilling prophecy,

    you’ve seen that effendi khan, is practicing taquiya at a pretty high level,

    narciso (732bc0)

  73. @19 DCSCA

    Don’t you think that JR Ewing is a little too well liked, admired and successful to be accepted by the Pattericons?

    When they see Trump they see Louis De Palma.

    Pinandpuller (7411de) — 8/4/2016 @ 11:38 am


    I recently thought about Trump when recalling this episode of Taxi.

    L.N. Smithee (b84cf6)

  74. It has to be on purpose. I have no idea what Trump would be doing differently if he were throwing this election on purpose. In fact, I think he is throwing this race on purpose.
    Yesterday Scarborough claimed he had been told by insiders that Donald’s preferred outcome is not to win, but to lose closely, so he can then get the proceeds gained by claiming the election was stolen.

    kishnevi (682c47)

  75. Dustin,

    Mike Pence has said recently that he’s going to be heavily involved in judicial appointments.
    But even if you want to argue that Trump The Strongman is going to veto all of Pence’s recommendations, we’d still have Chris Christie as AG rather than Hillary’s selection of Loretta Lynch or Tom Perez.
    Even if we grant you that everything else across the board vis a vis Trump vs Clinton is a wash, having Christie as AG is a huge improvement over Lynch or Perez.
    I’m sure you would admit to that over a beer and pizza on a Saturday evening, huh?

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  76. Do you think allegations of treason make you look like anything other than an idiot?


    They say it could never happen here, but some of Trump’s fans actually seem to want Trump to be our dictator. Trump clearly thinks the presidency comes with the powers of a dictator too. If Trump does become president, we’ll have to be very careful about criticizing him, else we will start hearing about treason again and again.

    But the really scary part is the lying. They tell you, to your face, the opposite of what you know to be true. They know it’s clear they are lying, but they think that’s power. Stalin did too. These are dark times we’re in, and the GOP either repudiates Trump or is ruined.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  77. Cruz Supporter, I don’t think anything the Trump campaign claims can be relied upon at all. I think Trump’s sister, the die hard liberal that Trump once wanted on the supreme court, would be far more influential than Pence.

    I also don’t think you voted for Cruz in the primary. Last time I asked you … erm forgot to answer. What state’s primary did you vote in, and for whom? I think you’re like Gerald A… so partisan that it simply does not matter what the facts are, you will say and do anything in support of Team R and in opposition to Team D.

    And no, I do not at all think Trump’s cabinet would be better than Hillary’s. Trump is the guy who donated to Hillary and would have appointed her as Secretary of State, remember? His cabinet will be the same as hers, only more corrupt.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  78. You know the Mullahs of Iran didn’t even bother to sign Obama’s make believe treaty (isn’t it sad I have to specify which bunch of Muslims Obama is tithing with our money?).

    Luckily the pay off was in cash. They’ll still spend it, signed treaty or not.

    If not treason what shall I call it? Come up with the euphemism of your choosing.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  79. Do you think allegations of treason make you look like anything other than an idiot?
    Leviticus (efada1) — 8/4/2016 @ 3:51 pm

    The cult-O-personality Trumpkins often confuse their blasphemy laws with treason.

    To be fair, it works the same way with Hillary! supporters. But no matter how you look at it, the fact that both sides have the same cultic blasphemy laws hardly makes the case for voting for one over the other.

    Steve57 (2d3b12)

  80. train wreck/bus off cliff/2016

    mg (31009b)

  81. Leviticus is like mikey from the life cereal commercial, he’ll buy any shop worn narrative,

    narciso (732bc0)

  82. If not treason what shall I call it? Come up with the euphemism of your choosing.
    papertiger (c2d6da) — 8/4/2016 @ 4:07 pm

    It’s not treason. I know this is hard for you to understand, but treason is defined in the Constitution and that wasn’t it.

    Article 3 Section 3 – Treason

    Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

    I’m not particularly interested in telling you what word you should be using since the Constitution tells you the word you can’t use. Yet you use it anyway. So I don’t want to implicate myself in this by offering suggestions which, like the Constitution itself, you clearly won’t take seriously.

    Pro-tip: using the correct word to describe something is not, as you would have it, a “euphemism.”

    Steve57 (2d3b12)

  83. Dustin,

    Oh please … I didn’t “forget” to answer anything.
    I voted for Cruz in my primary.
    Some of us work for a living and don’t get to see every comment in every thread. (LOL)

    As I’ve mentioned a number of times in numerous threads that you didn’t see, it is in 20/20 hindsight that I believe Rubio is the most electable candidate we had. That became clearer to me as the primaries progressed. Cruz doesn’t seem to have the requisite populist instincts necessary for winning a general election across diverse regions.
    Running for President of Texas is one thing, but running for President of the Unites States is a totally different animal.

    I think a Rubio/Jindal ticket would be a winner.

    You don’t believe Chris Christie as AG is preferable to Loretta Lynch or Tom Perez?
    I just happen to think Christie would be a better AG than Lynch or Perez.
    Christie proved himself as a US Attorney, and that was his predicate for running for Governor.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  84. Couldn’t find a “euphemism” to your liking?

    Watch out you don’t hurt yourself falling off the fence you’re straddling.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  85. The Trump doesn’t want our support. He demands our submission. That’s why he has attacked the family of his political opponents after he beat them for the nomination. That’s why he’s fighting his own party’s leadership after they endorsed him. He cannot dominate the GOP without purging out any principle or conservative leader. Trump promises multi million dollar PACs to stop Cruz from ever winning office again. His shill called “Cruz Supporter” urges us to vote for Trump anyway, which is pretty bizarre unless you assume bad faith.

    I’d rather be free and oppose a democrat for a few more years of status quo than submit to some golden ruler who would cause enormous disaster. If Team R is worth so much to you that you don’t care, you need to get your priorities in order.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  86. Cruz Supporter, what state’s primary?

    It seemed like you were preferring Rubio the entire primary. I admit I’m surprised that you claim to work for a living given the amount of time you’re here.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  87. Watch out you don’t hurt yourself falling off the fence you’re straddling.


    Be a man. You owe DRJ an apology for lying about what she said. Flailing like a brat isn’t making anyone vote for your dear leader.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  88. Couldn’t find a “euphemism” to your liking?

    Watch out you don’t hurt yourself falling off the fence you’re straddling.

    papertiger (c2d6da) — 8/4/2016 @ 4:23 pm

    Thank you, Marilyn Moseby. I’m “straddling a fence” if I don’t accuse people of crimes they didn’t commit. Because accusing people of crimes they didn’t commit is emotionally appealing to the Black Lives Matter Trumpkin crowd.

    And, really, isn’t pleasing you BLM Trumpkin types the only thing that matters?

    Steve57 (2d3b12)

  89. Flailing like a brat isn’t making anyone vote for your dear leader.

    Dustin (ba94b2) — 8/4/2016 @ 4:26 pm

    It’s all they have. Since Trump is bound and determined to throw this election to Hillary! the only recourse papertiger et al have is to accuse people who don’t fall in line anyway of betrayal.

    Steve57 (2d3b12)

  90. Yeah, Gandi!

    Hope you don’t get Clintoned up the a$$, even if you keep asking for it.

    Oops! A cuss word. I’m pretty good. Not great.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  91. You’re somethin, that’s for sure.

    Leviticus (066d89)

  92. That would be Gandhi, Trumpy-the-insult-clown disciple. Perhaps if you came up with new and clever insults for people who don’t want to vote for Trump that would put Trump over the top. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

    Keep telling yourself that the Trump didn’t lose because he’s a suck-@$$ candidate with suck-@$$ supporters.

    You and your candidate are a recipe for disaster, but acknowledging reality is not your strong point. To say the least.

    Steve57 (2d3b12)

  93. I think a Rubio/Jindal ticket would be a winner.” – Cruz Supporter

    Rubio? Really? I spent most of the last half of the campaign season feeling embarrassed for him. He’s a boy, and not a very honest one.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  94. Trump has to go on what the Obama admin presents, just like the rest of us…

    What does this even mean? Did the 0bama admin present that news clip as a top secret video made by the Iranian government?! No, that was Trump’s stupid invention.

    Look at what a big deal he made of the fact that the camera is not shaking, proving that the cameraman is not afraid of being shot, and therefore must be working for the Iranian government. Um, the Swiss don’t shoot reporters.

    Milhouse (5a188d)

  95. It’s all they have. Since Trump is bound and determined to throw this election to Hillary! the only recourse papertiger et al have is to accuse people who don’t fall in line anyway of betrayal.


    Papertiger and “Cruz” supporter will be telling us it’s our fault. They will bash every conservative here, with many tears falling into their keyboards. They will use the word purity, as though Trump was merely a cloudier version of a good man, rather than a black and filthy soul. Even though Trump’s going to lose so badly it will be a powerful rebuke against his brand of socialism, it will be our fault for not signing up to be ruled.

    And I’ll be proud to have done my part.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  96. Rubio? Really? I spent most of the last half of the campaign season feeling embarrassed for him. He’s a boy, and not a very honest one.


    He was awful. No integrity and not ready for prime time. “Cruz” supporter reacted to any criticism of him, and clearly liked him a lot more than Cruz, the choice of the thinking man, not the partisan hack.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  97. Dustin,

    I’m flattered that you’re so interested in my personal life, such as where I live and what I do for a living … but this is not (LOL)

    I’m entitled to be enthusiastic about more than “one” candidate, and I don’t require your signature. I’m (not!)sorry that doesn’t gel with your world view.
    Ultimately, I just want to stem the tide of the Left in November.

    Anyhow, bud, here’s a random cut-and-paste from the Houston debate in late February; you’ll notice that I named Cruz BEFORE Rubio!
    … but don’t allow that fact to subvert your conspiracy theories. (LOL)
    Hit Trump in the mouth AGAIN! Go Ted! Go Marco! Do it!
    Cruz Supporter (102c9a) — 2/25/2016 @ 6:54 pm

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  98. Mache Tiger,

    Luckily the pay off was in cash …

    Gold has had a remarkable advance since April, with the latest surge taking it to the mid-1300s. Since the Iranians required Turkey to pay them in gold for their oil during the “embargo”, it is not unreasonable to presume that they required the U. S. to use gold as well for the really big payouts. In the gold for oil transaction, Iranian agents flew the Turkish gold to the Emirates where it could be deposited with little trouble. With about $1 million in bullion (70 or 80 lbs) in each of their specially reinforced briefcases, the agents stowed the gold in the overhead bins while enjoying first class amenities for the duration of the flight. This practical measure kept transfer fees to a few hundredths of a percent, and the agents had a nice time.

    It is not too far a stretch to imagine that Kerry has had to go through the same process. Buy a ton or two of gold in Shanghai every afternoon, put it on pallets in Singapore, and then fly it via a neutral airline to Tehran. The only really weird thing was that Kerry had sign a card saying “I luv U” that was then glued to each bar. But he’s a man of the world, and thought this would lead to a better understanding, bridging the gap between Sharia and the U. S. Constitution. Thus convinced it was worth the effort, he signed thousands of cards with great enthusiasm. These cards are now on display in mosques throughout Iran, right beneath a placard saying “Killing Satan Could not be Easier! Your son could be a Minesweeping Martyr! We’ll provide the tennis shoes! But a Jihad Bond Today!”.

    BobStewartatHome (f2b3a5)

  99. Cruz Supporter, what state’s primary did you vote in? What was your handle here before the primary?

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  100. @#75. See #26.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  101. dispelling another narrative, honestly how do you still hyperventilating,

    narciso (732bc0)

  102. Dustin has some problems. It’s best to avoid him.

    Gerald A (76f251)

  103. You know the Mullahs of Iran didn’t even bother to sign Obama’s make believe treaty

    What make believe treaty? The only people making believe it was a treaty were on the right.

    Milhouse (5a188d)

  104. My apologies for disrupting the mache vs 57 debate. I’m a slow typist, and my weak effort at contributing to this blog began before the battle was joined. For what it’s worth, I side with Steve57. But we have an opportunity now to harpoon the Hillary! over her Benghazi betrayal and the lies that followed, and I would encourage everyone to focus on that.

    BobStewartatHome (f2b3a5)

  105. pick up the pace Bob

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  106. of course it’s a treaty, many parties were signatories, but it’s certainly a treaty,

    narciso (732bc0)

  107. Felito isn’t as well off as Paul Ryan but he could at least spring for an invisible fence to remind his esposa not to wander off.

    Pinandpuller (c16705)

  108. omg she’s worse than a new puppy

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  109. The GOP continues down the road of ruin, having cast the rank and file members off into the weeds in favor of Trump’s redneck imports. If they had had the same proportional system that the Dems employed,Trump would not be the nominee as he did not get a majority of votes (and no, the last few primaries where he ran unopposed don’t count. Only his wingnuts showed up to vote).

    Ryan says that “the will of the voters must be respected”, neglecting the fact that the majority of GOP voters opposed Trump. After the rout, when he is the minority leader in the House with a party that hates him (both the Trumpies and the non-Trumpies for different reasons) the next leader of the GOP will have decades of rebuilding.

    Or, the the RNC can dump Trump now, write off the redneck fools who hardly ever vote anyway, and nominate nearly anyone and maybe win with someone who doesn’t repel 70% of the electorate.

    The Trumpies swear they will never vote again if Trump is dumped.


    Kevin M (25bbee)

  110. I’m not particularly interested in telling you what word you should be using since the Constitution tells you the word you can’t use. Yet you use it anyway.

    Actually there’s a court decision that “treason” may be used colloquially to refer to any act of betrayal, even if it doesn’t fit the constitutional definition.

    Milhouse (5a188d)

  111. Hillary +15. Welcome to California.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  112. Or, the the RNC can dump Trump now, write off the redneck fools who hardly ever vote anyway, and nominate nearly anyone and maybe win with someone who doesn’t repel 70% of the electorate.

    Kevin M (25bbee) — 8/4/2016 @ 5:34 pm

    That’s totally bizarre. The RNC has no such power.

    Gerald A (76f251)

  113. Federal EEOC: Wearing Don’t Tread on Me Symbol Could be Punishable As a Racial Harassmen

    “My friends, you have nothing to fear from a Hillary presidency.

    Eugene Volokh makes this point clear: this is not a case about what dress codes employers may force upon their workers; they have broad discretion in this area.

    This is about what rules the federal government may force employers to enforce — if you own a motorcycle repair shop, and one of your employees wears a Gadsden flag t-shirt, you may face huge civil fines from the US government because you failed to forbid the wearing of this obviously-racist shirt.

    The sustaining, foundational myth of the #NeverTrump movement is that a Hillary presidency is cost-free — no difference between president Hillary and President Trump, they say.

    Whatever you need to tell yourselves, fellas.”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  114. House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) sent an urgent fundraising appeal on Thursday evening that warned: “If we fail to protect our majority in Congress, we could be handing President Hillary Clinton a blank check.”

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  115. Different day, same Dustin…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  116. I don’t see this election as a particularly big detour. With Shorty’s following made up of unhappy Democrats and stay-at-home Republicans, the more traditional Republican base remains intact. Moreover, as with Mitt, in the weeks and months after Trumps thrashing, most Trump follower will wash their hands of him and move on. With luck, some might even reflect on why they hitched their wagons to the likes of a carnival barker.

    Pols like Christie and Rubio will be forever tarred by their association with Trump and those like Jeb! will be history because of their ineffectual whining.

    It’s a good time to be Ted.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  117. Freudian slip? Or is his slip showing!?!?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  118. Paulie “Noodles” Ryan, that is…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  119. That’s totally bizarre. The RNC has no such power.

    They can replace the nominee if he dies, declines or some unspecified “otherwise”. Obviously they can do it, as the state parties can run whoever they want, and the electors can vote for whoever they want.

    One could argue that Trump has not yet crossed the line, but there are lines that, if crossed, would make his replacement mandatory. For example, he could, as some of his supporters clearly want, to suggest that all Muslims need to be rounded up and put into camps. Or worse.

    The question is not IF they can, but SHOULD they. Obviously his declining supporters think not, but this election is manifestly winnable with any of a half dozen other candidates. Trump’s ONLY chance is that Hillary is also hated. Just think if we were running someone who wasn’t BUG-FUKC CRAZY.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  120. of course it’s a treaty, many parties were signatories, but it’s certainly a treaty,

    Um, no, it isn’t a treaty, because the senate didn’t consent to it. The president didn’t even try to make it a treaty, because he knew there would be no point. For all we know he may not even have wanted it to be a treaty, he might be happy for it not to be one, and therefore wouldn’t have sent it to the senate even if he thought it might pass. So it’s just a private agreement that Mr 0bama made on his own accord, and the USA is not a party to it. Nor will the next president be a party to it. Surely you don’t deny that Mr 0bama, just like anyone else, can make whatever deals he likes, with anyone he likes.

    Milhouse (5a188d)

  121. The sustaining, foundational myth of the #NeverTrump movement is that a Hillary presidency is cost-free — no difference between president Hillary and President Trump, they say.

    Without straw man arguments, they’d have no arguments at all.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  122. Smile, you’re in good company…

    “NEW YORK—All over America IKEA futons are groaning with the restless insomnia of journalists—tossing, turning, cursing the impotence of their melatonin capsules—burdened with the future of the Republic. Long nights of torment, and then . . .

    Morning resolve! Before they’ve even microwaved their second Jimmy Dean Sausage Sandwich, they know that this will be the day of reckoning. They will fire up the Kia Sedona and take the long way to work, giving them more time to think about the epic 1,500 words that will make the difference between chaos and civilization.
    Yes, they tell their wives, It’s time for my “Donald Trump is a Dickwad” column.
    Let me make it clear here that I’m not talking about lesbian-rights vegans who organize fair-trade coffee boycotts at Maxwell House and agitate for medical marijuana in The Nation. Nor am I thinking of tweed-jacketed professors of sociology at Montana State submitting articles to the Journal of Spanish-American Diacritical Marks. Think-tank analysts at the Institute for Pan-Arab Non-Alignment are most certainly churning out white papers on why Donald Trump is a dangerous threat to the Maghreb treaty on fish hatcheries, but I’m not discussing them either. I’m not talking about intellectuals or activists or experts.
    No. I’m talking about the guy who enrolled at McNeese State in the nineties and fell into deep reverence for Professor Rusty Naugahyde, the legendary teacher whose Newswriting 312 workshop was almost as inspirational as Lou “The News Is Sacred” Grant on The Mary Tyler Moore Show. Our starry-eyed undergraduate buys a safari jacket, takes an oath of objectivity and resolves never to be a member of a political party. After that it takes years of struggle to become the lead Metro columnist at the Lotus Tree, Kansas, Daily Arapaho, days spent chronicling the brutal fights over county bond issues needed to repair the Lost Frenchman Bridge. But now that he’s a 32nd-degree Mason and chairman of the Little League committee on maintenance and parking, he knows that it’s his responsibility, and his privilege, to tell the people of Lotus Tree that Donald Trump is a narcissistic disagreeable soulless callous rude arrogant authoritarian vicious egotistical vulgar braggart and megalomaniac, possibly a lunatic, definitely a psychopath, perhaps a fascist….”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  123. A Hillary presidency will be bad like Obama’s presidency has been. Maybe not quite as bad, probably not worse, but in the ballpark either way. Bad.

    I don’t know any ‘nevertrumpers’ who pretend otherwise.

    I think Trump would be worse than Hillary. Definitely not better, thus the difference between them is at best minor, at worse in Hillary’s favor.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  124. How about defector?

    I like to think that I could be a good man if I was ever thrown into a situation where being a good man meant more hardship than just not running over slow people in the crosswalk.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  125. Sorry Dustin, just like all cheap shot artists (including Obama fan bots like you, and coincidentally your Precious in the only presser he’s bothered to hold this year) DRJ presented her slanders general, sloppy, and haphazard.

    If DRJ wants to be berated more specifically, she needs to tighten up her libels.

    papertiger, you might be happier at a different blog.

    Why don’t you think about it from moderation for a day or two?

    Patterico (bcf524)

  126. So roll over, you nascent journolists… you fence-straddling, pu$$y party, boot-lickers… roll over and get your belly scratched and your left ass cheek signed by Hillary Clinton. You deserve it.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  127. heh, there’s a fair bit of truth, in the first part of that essay, in the end, joe bob, does do the obligatory diss,

    narciso (732bc0)


    You’re quoting Taki (or someone associated with him)?!

    Milhouse (5a188d)

  129. @75 LN Smithee

    Ben Carson would make a good Rev Jim at this point. And I suppose Louis could marry Simka in our fan fiction.

    Pinandpuller (a12946)

  130. Okay. How about “defector“?

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  131. I have been trying to get my mind around voting for Trump. Occasionally, I’ve gotten there for a day or so, then he reminds me why he is so manifestly unqualified and I again despair.

    A man who, at 70, throws a week-long tantrum because someone says something [true] that he dislikes, is not fit to be Commander-in-Chief. No one who seems keen on using nuclear weapons should be anywhere near the Oval Office, even if he seems sane. This is infinitely so for a self-centered and sociopathic man unable to control his emotions or even his speech.

    NOT ONE THING THAT TRUMP HAS EVER DONE indicates he would be a good President. NOT ONE. Many things — daily things — indicate the opposite.

    I’d prefer it if he’d step down.

    I’d next prefer if he was removed by the RNC.

    After that, I start hoping for heart attacks, because his candidacy is CERTAIN to give us President Hillary. D.C. is already setting up for that, on both sides of the aisle. Only the drooling fools that support this cretin still think otherwise.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  132. Kevin M,

    I appreciated your comment regarding the electoral gains made by the GOP since 2008. Rush Blowhard was spewing about ‘GOP in free fall prior to Trump’ today and Allahpundit provided a nifty chart debunking the gasbag’s idiocy. The chart goes beyond the gains you noted and provides a baseline from which to measure the extent of damage which Trump will achieve.

    Both Rush and Hannity are heading for the ratlines as fast as they can but they really deserve to go down with the Trumptanic.

    Rick Ballard (4359c9)

  133. Joe Bob Briggs, milhouse. Joe. Bob. Briggs.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  134. BobStewartatHomeb@105, I appreciate the kind thoughts but for the good of the country…

    …But we have an opportunity now to harpoon the Hillary! over her Benghazi betrayal and the lies that followed, and I would encourage everyone to focus on that.

    …wouldn’t it be nice to imagine we had someone on our side like, I dunno, a GOP candidate who wanted to harpoon Hillary! more than he wants to settle scores with Republicans.

    Steve57 (2d3b12)

  135. It doesn’t take a degree from McNeese State to recognize that Donald Trump is a dickwad.

    Leviticus (066d89)

  136. what have they actually accomplished with the two landslides, therein lies the tale, they funded robertscare, in the recess session, then a proforma repeal, they fund cve, the unknowledge of our enemy, they get some scraps for the Pentagon,

    narciso (732bc0)

  137. Given the ease with which the LHMFM manipulated the halfwit howlers into backing Trump, what benefit would the GOP have derived from failure to override BOzo’s vetos? Shutting down the government has very dubious electoral benefit when 47% of the electorate is composed of parasites who will certainly vote to protect their subsidies. The simpleton question of “What have they achieved?” bespeaks a very limited understanding of what can be achieved when a President is satisfied with the legislative ‘success’ which cost his party so dearly as his sole legislative ‘victory’.

    Rick Ballard (4359c9)

  138. So roll over, you nascent journolists… you fence-straddling, pu$$y party, boot-lickers… roll over and get your belly scratched and your left ass cheek signed by Hillary Clinton. You deserve it.
    Col. H, take a deep breath.
    No one here, save Tillman and the Five Letter Acronym, thinks Hillary will not be a bad President.

    A lot of us, however, think Trump will be as bad or worse. The possibility that we get some big government Republicans like Christie on the Court and in the Cabinet is not enough to offset how bad Trump is.

    You judge differently. But certainly you can understand why others think the way we do.

    kishnevi (682c47)

  139. Rush was not a big Trump backer. He did seem positive on Trump for the first month or two but he was growing disenchanted with him well before the end of 2015. He was all but endorsing Cruz (he never officially endorses anyone) by the end of last year. I recall him getting angry at Trump’s “lying Ted Cruz” line.

    Hannity’s another story. I always thought he had good judgement.

    Gerald A (76f251)

  140. The Presidency has a lot of power. He essentially has 17 votes in the Senate and 73 votes in the House, plus the ability to appoint EVERYONE in the federal bureaucracy.

    Since the disastrous INS v Chadha decision of the 80’s, Congress can no longer block regulations unless they pass a law and have the President sign it. Sure, they have the power of the purse, but up until, well, now, the Senate has chosen to pass no spending bills, forcing the House to either shut the government down of pass everything the Senate votes for.*

    And then there are the powers that Presidents accrue by doing stuff, claiming they have the power, and seeing if they get away with it. It’s like a ratchet. This has been going on since Jefferson bought Louisiana.

    But hey, let’s throw a tantrum because we can’t get what we want TODAY, and throw away all our tomorrows on the worst candidate ever to run for President since the Civil War.

    * and the heart of darkness here, Senator McConnell is the one untouched fool in the whole Trump fiasco. They blame Ryan for what McConnell’s lame refusal to end the filibuster forced. I guess he’s hoping they’ll keep it when they take power again. Did I say fool?

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  141. I’ll consider that nonresponsive, so what was the great benefit, the sequester, that was obama’s notion, affected the pentagon, more than other programs,

    narciso (732bc0)

  142. I always thought he had good judgement.

    There’s a litmus test for you.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  143. To be more responsive, they slowed stuff down. The President’s power to control the bureaucracy and to veto laws makes even a majority in both houses insufficient to produce change. It can stop or slow the decline, and has. But losing the 2012 election was a body blow. Losing this one AND losing legislative seats across the board, will be a catastrophe. It will be 2009 all over again.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  144. Remember that Obamacare happened because Obama had 60% majorities in both houses. Once things pass they are hard to repeal. As will be all the new crap that Hillary pushes through. Sure, the Supreme Court has been no help on Obamacare, but that is due to Roberts being a centrist, appointed by W, another centrist.

    Just think if we could elect Cruz, or even Rubio, instead of Hillary, and win seats instead of losing them. But this is not to be because the effing gd redneck moron brigade needs to act out their drunken tantrum.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  145. And if Trump wins, can you imagine the next four years of this ranting lunatic?

    If he loses his campaign will be destructive to the GOP.

    If he wins his lunatic presidency, however short, will destroy the GOP utterly.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  146. excuses, excuses, so outside of a govt shutdown, you can’t stop a present danger that is devastating our health care system, crippling our economy, shattering lives, and at least half of the nominees to the court were willing to let the damage continue,

    narciso (732bc0)

  147. Outline the process by which the legislature can usurp executive authority, genius. Be sure and show your work.

    Rick Ballard (4359c9)

  148. Narcisco,

    The point is that, 6 years later, we are still talking about Obamacare and not any of the 100 things that Obama has wanted to do but could not. Things that haven’t happened:

    1. Legalization of 15 million illegals.
    2. Gun confiscation.
    3. Single-payer
    4. Rolling 401(k)s and IRAs into the Social Security Trust Fund.
    5. A return to high marginal tax rates
    6. Speech codes.
    7. Black reparations.
    8. Global warming stuff.

    All the other things that the left will have on its agenda when Trump loses in a landslide.

    But, hey, he fights!

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  149. 9. State pension bailouts.
    10. Wealthy taxes.
    11. …the list goes on

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  150. Maybe you expect Roberts to save us from these, too?

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  151. * 10. Wealth taxes

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  152. I know it’s a crazy notion to expect a judge to follow the constitution, increasingly so,

    narciso (732bc0)

  153. It is sure comforting to read that Trump’s campaign is being run by the people who ran Bob Dole’s. Good to see them working again.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  154. The point is that, 6 years later, we are still talking about Obamacare and not any of the 100 things that Obama has wanted to do but could not. Things that haven’t happened:

    1. Legalization of 15 million illegals.
    2. Gun confiscation.
    3. Single-payer
    4. Rolling 401(k)s and IRAs into the Social Security Trust Fund.
    5. A return to high marginal tax rates
    6. Speech codes.
    7. Black reparations.
    8. Global warming stuff.
    9. State pension bailouts.
    10. Wealthy taxes.
    11. …the list goes on

    All the other things that the left will have on its agenda when Trump loses in a landslide.

    Kevin M (25bbee) — 8/4/2016 @ 7:11 pm

    Well (assuming that your fantasy of the RNC removing him doesn’t come to pass) that list would be a reason to vote for Trump wouldn’t it? Some (most?) of the NeverTrumpers keep absurdly claiming he’d be the same as Hillary.

    Item #1 has happened. Maybe you mean citizenship for 15 million illegals on #1. So has #8 to some degree.

    Gerald A (76f251)

  155. Roberts said, in the Obamacare case, that it was not the job of the Supreme Court to save us from poor legislative choices, and he refused to do so on a “technicality” when there was a way to Constitutionalize* it.

    * a word now

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  156. 149, 150. Don’t worry, when they come for you we’ll escort them to your door and tell ’em ‘Godspeed”.

    DNF (755a85)

  157. Outline the process by which the legislature can usurp executive authority, genius. Be sure and show your work.

    Rick Ballard (4359c9) — 8/4/2016 @ 6:48 pm

    …and the class nods yes and replies in unison, “yes, Miss Crabtree.”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  158. Gerald, what has happened with the illegals and global warming regulation has been largely extra-legal and reversible. Citizenship is not easily reversible.

    And NOTHING is justification for putting an insane man in the White House. NOTHING. Not that it will happen. I doubt that Trump will get 30% of the vote.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  159. 157. What makes you think they won’t be working from a list of Trumpies, and the whole nation will be saying “Godspeed!”

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  160. good news the operation was a success, bad news, the patient (coal mines, prolife religious orders’) will probably be dead,

    narciso (732bc0)

  161. But it is YOU FUKKS that put Trump into the election. Do NOT blame ANYONE ELSE for your stupidity.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  162. In any event, I doubt that Trump will be the nominee by Labor Day. We’ll know it’s over when Pence quits.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  163. 162. There he goes again, the rest of the world are phuckwits, but Mr. M., and whoever is on speaking terms with him this week, are geniuses.

    DNF (ffe548)

  164. it’s that thin line that nigel tufnel, pointed out, the truth is singer, didn’t really fact check voldemort before he slimed quayle, who compared to manbearpig and the solon, was an ok fellow,

    narciso (732bc0)

  165. I doubt that Trump will get 30% of the vote.

    In any event, I doubt that Trump will be the nominee by Labor Day. We’ll know it’s over when Pence quits.

    You’re getting out there now too.

    Gerald A (76f251)

  166. “162.But it is YOU FUKKS that put Trump into the election. Do NOT blame ANYONE ELSE for your stupidity.”

    Good lord!
    Have any of you bothered to look at the pictures & videos of Trump’s rallies? The filled-to-the-rafters auditoriums? The 1/2 miles long lines of people waiting for hours to get it?

    And 99.9% of those people have never read any political blogs. Look at the names in the comments here, it’s just a couple of dozen people posting. Ditto at other political blogs, smallish ones like Althouse (smallish, but bigger that patterico), big ones like NRO, etc. At major blogs, it’s a hundred or so regular commenters.

    You all think you’re the groundswell — because you are in an echo chamber.

    You’re not the groundswell. You are just a handful of people making a lot of noise.

    The actual VOTERS voted for Trump. All those 20,000 and 30,000 people going to the Trump & Pence rallies? THEY are the people who voted for Trump in the primaries and will vote for Trump in the general.

    You still have fantasies that the RNC will somehow dump Trump? Um, the Republican convention VOTED for Trump. Overwhelmingly. (Yeah, right “more people voted against Trump than for him.” But more people voted against CRUZ that for him. Don’t you even listen to your own arguments?)

    And if Hillary wins? They won’t blame you nevertrumpers. They don’t even know you and have never heard of you. You think you will blame them? Right, like the elephant accepts blame from the flea.

    fred-2 (ce04f3)

  167. Always love when Patterico describes Trump in the same exact way Republicans describe Cruz.

    Rodney King's Spirit (d28741)

  168. Did I see a pro Rubio comment from the Cruz fan boys who raged about Marco’s stance on immigration?

    A stance not too different once you peel the onion from Cruz’s.

    Oh the names they smeared poor Marco with, and Carly too.

    All that vitriolic language tearing down some good folks to push Cruz. All over nonsense.

    Lol, now you get Trump as a result.

    Eat your dog food kids. You put it on the table.

    Rodney King's Spirit (d28741)

  169. Rodney King’s Spirit (d28741) — 8/4/2016 @ 8:37 pm

    Rubio and Carly were good too, but Cruz was seen as more principled and consistently conservative. Coming out against ethanol subsidies in Iowa, for example, is something you don’t see other people doing. His willingness to understand and take on the climate change fraud was another thing that set him apart. Other Republicans try to finesse the issue.

    Gerald A (76f251)

  170. well it’s illinois, what was the point again,

    narciso (732bc0)

  171. 170

    I have no objection to liking Cruz, as I did, as opposed to the others.

    I objected to vitriolic garbage spewed by many Cruz supporters against them. Garbage which Trump turned around and used not just on same but then on Cruz.

    So I kind of double take when I hear same folks here on this thread speak in kind tones of a guy (Rubio) who they were ripping 6 months ago.

    For the record, I had Walker, Cruz, Rubio, Fiorina in that order and still do. Trump is a jackass but, right now, my jackass.

    Old saying, Ya que estas montado en el burro sigue dandole palos ….

    Rodney King's Spirit (d28741)

  172. they have been beating a dead horse, into tasajo, little about what was discussed at the earlier convention they saw fit to examine,

    narciso (732bc0)

  173. “THE BIG DIFF BETWEEN HILLARY AND TRUMP: Her crimes damage US national security. Yes, Loose Lips Sink Ships. The Donald mouths off. Experts like Don Surber think Trump’ll learn. He’s a rookie candidate, Surber told me. Trump adapts. The Clinton Foundation? It sells off. It has sold off and sold out. And selling out America is dyed in its crooked wool.”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  174. I think that we ain’t seen nothing yet. The Democrats and the media (yes, I know you know) are dripping out just enough to prevent Trump from gaining momentum right now. The real flood will come after the point of no return — the first week in September — the deadline for ballot access.

    nk (dbc370)

  175. And then the Wikileaks October surprise that flattens Clinton’s becankled, fat ass.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  176. It would be refreshingly honest if you’d just come out and say you want Hillary to win so you can take a giant crap on the other wing of the party that beat you in the primaries. Who do you think you’re fooling here? Do you imagine you can try to pull Trump down and pretend that leaving Hillary at the top of the ladder isn’t what you intended?

    Mr Black (7c41e5)

  177. Trump is not any wing of the GOP.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  178. And then the Wikileaks October surprise that flattens Clinton’s becankled, fat ass.

    So, we’re planning on a unicorn attack, then?

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  179. nk–

    There is no real deadline for ballot access by the two major parties — they have ballot access. There are provisions for changes to a ticket, judges can create others, and the electoral college was in part set up to handle that kind of problem.

    As for independents, many states closed that door in July, save for write-ins which have no closing date.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  180. Joe Bob Briggs, milhouse. Joe. Bob. Briggs.

    Taki, Colonel, Taki. It’s his magazine. What’ll you quote from next, Infowars?! Stormfront?!

    Milhouse (5a188d)

  181. excuses, excuses, so outside of a govt shutdown, you can’t stop a present danger that is devastating our health care system, crippling our economy, shattering lives

    That’s right. If you think they could have, please explain how. Remember that the president has shown himself to be perfectly happy to shut down the government, because he benefits politically and he doesn’t give a **** who suffers. Giving him an excuse to do so is throwing him in the briar patch, so that’s out. Impeachment ditto; he’d be delighted to be impeached, knowing that he is guaranteed to be acquitted and to come out smelling like roses. What else is there?

    Milhouse (5a188d)

  182. Milhouse (5a188d) — 8/4/2016 @ 5:52 pm

    . For all we know he may not even have wanted it to be a treaty, he might be happy for it not to be one, and therefore wouldn’t have sent it to the senate even if he thought it might pass. So it’s just a private agreement that Mr 0bama made on his own accord, and the USA is not a party to it. Nor will the next president be a party to it.

    Iran didn’t want it to be a treaty, so that wasn’t even something he could consider.

    It’s just an outline of a course of action. Iran does this, the U.S. and other cpuntires do that, and so on like that. It’s laid out in what order things happen.

    That’s what made Obama and Kerry, I think, so worried that Iran could back out of it. It’s actually in the agreement that Iran would consider the agreement to be violated if the United States did not remove sanctions in a practical way. And the U.S. is maintaining a lot of the financial sanctions and it is scaring banks and other institutions away from dealing with Iran because sanctions could be imposed on the banks.

    This is one reason Iran got the agreement to return the money, and the cash. They got cash – and not dollars – it was exchanged for Euros and some other currencies – because Iran is cut off in many ways from the international banking system, and Obama is not going to change that because a lot of people in Congress and in the Treasury Dpartment and in other places in the bureaucracy want to maintain sanctions because of Iran’s role in supporting terrorism, and its intervention in Syria, and Obama listened.

    It’s actually meritorious on the part of Obama that he also insisted on getting the prisoners released in exchange for rhe cash, and not just that they continue on with the next thing in the nuclear agreement. He had been criticized for strictly limtinmg the agreement to the nuclear issue -for agreeing to the agreement in the first place without getting the prisoners back. So now he does what his critics sauy, and he gets all criticized for that because they forget that the rug is being resold. So they say the money can only be exchange for the prisoners.

    The JCOPA has an element that makes it somewahat binding, although not in a negative way (that the U.S. cannot do something) A United Nations Security Council resolution was passed in connection with it. Sanctions were removed. Iran, however, is not abiding by some other U.N. resolutions, like about missiles.

    Sammy Finkelman (f0ed15)

  183. Kevin M (25bbee) — 8/5/2016 @ 1:14 am

    As for independents, many states closed that door in July, save for write-ins which have no closing date.

    But since you;re not voting for president, but for abunch of electors, you’d have to write in many names.

    Someone could maybe go into court to make it practical, because I think under election law, the choices of voters cannot actually be limited, except in a runoff situation. Every election in every jurisdiction maintains the possibility of a write-in. I am not sure what is the basis for that, but it seems universal.

    Sammy Finkelman (f0ed15)

  184. It’s good reading, Milhouse, articles from a number of sources, Milhouse. The fact that you don’t care for it, Milhouse, only improves its standing in my eyes.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  185. Sammy, those are two different things. The state legislature appoints its assigned number of electors to vote for the candidates who won the beauty contest. Electors being on the ballot only means who gets the job — instead of the legislature going to Temps Are Us — of voting for the guys the legislature tells them to vote for.

    nk (dbc370)

  186. Media in 2016: “Trump is insane and unfit for office… Hillary Clinton is running a very disciplined campaign and deserves all of our support.”

    Media in 2015: “Men who mutilate their genitals and wear wigs and dresses are courageous voices of reason.”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  187. Gee Patterico. You’ve drunk the By All Means Necessary koolaid! [insert adhom] [impugn motives] [ claim corruption]…

    You think Trump === Kimberlin? No, of course you don’t. One of them blows shit up, the other one builds stuff. As you so very well know. So, disingenuous.

    You’re making my duty of reading opposing opinion harder than it has to be.

    So it's come to this (c04542)

  188. I have no objection to liking Cruz, as I did, as opposed to the others.

    I objected to vitriolic garbage spewed by many Cruz supporters against them. Garbage which Trump turned around and used not just on same but then on Cruz.

    So I kind of double take when I hear same folks here on this thread speak in kind tones of a guy (Rubio) who they were ripping 6 months ago.

    Rodney King’s Spirit (d28741) — 8/4/2016 @ 8:56 pm

    I’m unclear as to whether you’re talking about people here or nationwide. What garbage that Trump used on Rubio? That he sweats?

    I don’t recall vitriol directed at Rubio here, other than by happyfeet, who ripped everyone other than Trump after he decided Trump was his guy.

    Gerald A (945582)

  189. Joe bob, nee bloom, was pointing the redacted pretensions of press, like the infamous guardian review of olive garden

    narciso (732bc0)

  190. lileks properly savaged him over this,

    narciso (732bc0)

  191. BobStewartatHome (f2b3a5) — 8/4/2016 @ 4:53 pm

    it is not unreasonable to presume that they required the U. S. to use gold as well for the really big payouts.

    Gold is not money.

    To accomplish anything useful, gold needs to be converted into paper currency. ISIS does not store gold in warehouses — it stores Dollars and Euros.

    Sammy Finkelman (f0ed15)

  192. In refeference to my claim that the hatetrumpers are in an echo chamber here … while waiting for my DSL modem to reboot this morning, I downloaded and analyzed the commenters in three recent long comment threads.
    614 total comments
    62 unique commenters
    32 unique commenters with more than 2 comments.
    Note that fully half of the commenters only posted 1 or 2 comments total, in three long threads.

    The top 6 commenters made a total of 278 comments.
    Thus: 10% of the commenters made 45% of the comments.

    Happyfeet was #7. If we add him in, the top 11% of the commenters made 49% of the comments.
    The top 10 commenters and # of comments:
    100 narciso
    59 Kevin M
    43 papertiger
    26 Colonel Haiku
    25 Sammy Finkelman
    25 Dustin
    23 happyfeet
    22 DNF
    21 Cruz Supporter
    18 Steve57
    Patterico was #20, with 10 comments.

    fred-2 (ce04f3)

  193. Your figures show the obvious: this is hardly an echo chamber. Three out of the top four, and six of the top ten you list are for Trump. And those six made one third of the comments.

    kishnevi (18dae1)

  194. man I hang around here too long and I don’t have a brief for trump, but a strong revulsion for red queen, born of long experience,

    narciso (732bc0)

  195. I didn’t make the top ten?

    nk (dbc370)

  196. 194.
    True. Yet you often make a better case for Trump than the rabid cats and others that appear here on his behalf

    kishnevi (b0adf2)

  197. I would not belong to any echo chamber club that would have me as a member

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  198. My main objection to Trump is that he is a terribly weak candidate and guarantees that Hillary will take the center, and the election.

    Trump has the solid support of a committed base, and absolutely no way to reach beyond that EXCEPT through the “Hillary is worse” argument, which anyone could use. Including people who could actually attract voters instead of hoping Hillary repels them rightward.

    If the main argument that people make — WE HAVE TO BEAT HILLARY!!! — was true and not just a convenient lie, Trump would withdraw from the race and let someone capable of winning run.

    But, you see, that is NOT what this is about at all. It’s about seeing the TRUMP name on the marquee.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

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