Patterico's Pontifications


Trump, David Duke, and Catching Vox With Their Pants Down

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 2:18 pm

About the last thing I want to do today is a post about Donald Trump coddling racists. It doesn’t hurt him to show his connection to racists; indeed, among his significant “alt right” contingent on Twitter, it only helps him.

But the discussion provides a good hook for a fun screenshot I caught of Vox with their pants down, so I guess I’m kind of obligated to do it.

So here’s the deal. I noticed a flap this morning about an interview Jake Tapper did with Trump in which he tried (and failed) to get Trump to disavow the support of David Duke and white supremacist groups. The video is short and worth the 1:17 it takes to watch it:

Now. The tweet there is not really accurate (surprise! it’s CNN). Trump refuses to disavow David Duke, not the KKK. In fact, when I noted this morning that Tapper didn’t quite ask the question about the KKK in isolation, Tapper responded to me by saying: “huh? Yes I did.” I pointed out:

But as it turns out, it’s still very interesting and newsworthy that Trump wouldn’t disavow Duke this morning, because he did on Friday in Fort Worth, with that despicable toady Chris Christie standing behind him. I’m placing the video on a separate page because it’s one of those annoying auto-play videos. It’s only a few seconds, and you’ll see how passionate Trump’s denunciation of Duke was (it’s basically OK, I guess I have to disavow him, so fine, I’ll disavow him, whatever, who cares?).

Which makes you wonder: what happened between Friday and this morning that made Trump decide he shouldn’t be disavowing David Duke after all?

Anyway, this gets me to the real reason for the post. Anyone else can yammer on about Trump and the KKK, but nobody else on the Internet has the screenshots of Vox publishing a piece with the editor’s comments left in. I happened to grab these screenshots this morning when Ezra Klein tweeted out the piece. They realized their mistake within seconds — but not quick enough to fool Patterico!

Screen Shot 2016-02-28 at 12.28.47 PM

Screen Shot 2016-02-28 at 12.29.00 PM

Hahahahaha. They went with “from” — which is right, I think, although you could also say “the support of.” I decided to tease Klein about it, because I’m the kind of jerk who enjoys that sort of thing.


210 Responses to “Trump, David Duke, and Catching Vox With Their Pants Down”

  1. [ha]

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  2. bam now that Hillary’s beaten the crap out of an elderly jewish man I guess CNN and their propaganda sluts are gonna target the Team R frontrunner 24/7

    National Soros Radio went with Trump KKK as their banner story as well

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  3. I’m seeing a pattern.

    DRJ (15874d)

  4. the pattern i see is it’s always fashionable to smear Republicans as white supremacists

    but what’s super-important to note is that cnn propaganda slut jake tapper doesn’t have a shred of evidence that either Trump, Cruz, or Rubio sympathize with white supremacists David Duke or the KKK

    not a shred

    and they all have lengthy public records, so if they did sympathize with the KKK, you’d think there would be some actual evidence

    so I think this is just sleazy manufactured crap from cnn

    crap that relies on the unspoken assumption that duh everyone knows Republicans are racists

    me I’m not going to buy into this

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  5. I also noticed the way Trump parsed the question of disavowing Duke and the KKK, so I was interested when I saw the questions you posed to Tapper on Twitter this morning. But CNN’s tweet is right. He did refuse to disavow the KKK when he was given the opportunity. At the end of the video, Tapper says, “I’m just talking about David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan here but…” When Trump chooses not to address that part of the question in his response, he is refusing to disavow the KKK. He was given the opportunity to disavow. He passed on it.

    Matt (aae254)

  6. UPDATE:

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  7. ok so we’ve established that Mr. Trump disavowed David Dukes in 2000 and also last Friday

    which makes at least two times for to do the disavowings

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  8. He says repeatedly in the interview with Tapper that he doesn’t know anything about David Duke.

    Look at the tweet immediately above. He claimed to quit the reform party because Duke was a “Klansman.”

    Donald Trump is a giant liar.

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  9. i think you’re being uncharitable Mr. P what I gathered from Mr. Trump was that he was trying to be very cautious

    it looks to me like he had a feeling the cable news tool was trying to set him up

    my guess is that Mr. Trump got confuzzled there between the ADL and the SPLC and didn’t want to get dragged into those games the SPLC plays – remember the SPLC was doing a media blitz last week cause of they put out their annual list

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  10. why give david duke, the time of day, the only place they probably don’t chase him out with a rake is iran, our new friends, they have in europe and russia,

    the next followup would be to try to tie the strong border policies to duke,

    narciso (732bc0)

  11. Think about what Trump must think of his followers to campaign like this.

    crazy (cde091)

  12. This is scraping the bottom of the barrel. Trump is no more beholden to the KKK than Patterico is. It’s more than a sign of desperation to attempt to smear Trump with a charge of racism, it’s a sign of an unhinged opposition grasping at straws to prevent the majority of Americans from selecting a candidate of their own choice for the presidency.

    What’s next? A NY Times headline: Trump eats Spotted Owls?

    Talk about dirty politics. This is more than dirty, it’s despicable. Denounce it! Or, don’t complain when it’s lands on your own doorstep.

    ropelight (9b0668)

  13. Donald Trump’s daddy was arrested for, guess what. Trump’s daddy was one of seven arrested in a New York riot. Klansman riot in New York. His father was a Klansman. Kinda like Al Gore’s father voting against all Civil Rights issues when he was a Senator.

    John Hitchcock (598db5)

  14. i think you’re being uncharitable Mr. P what I gathered from Mr. Trump was that he was trying to be very cautious

    it looks to me like he had a feeling the cable news tool was trying to set him up

    my guess is that Mr. Trump got confuzzled there between the ADL and the SPLC and didn’t want to get dragged into those games the SPLC plays – remember the SPLC was doing a media blitz last week cause of they put out their annual list

    He said he doesn’t know anything about Donald Trump. It’s a straight lie. If you support that, you’re complicit in his lie.

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  15. ropelight, was Donald Trump telling the truth when he repeatedly said this morning that he doesn’t know anything about David Duke?

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  16. Mitt Romney is using a KKK slogan in his speeches

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  17. He said he doesn’t know anything about David Duke you mean.

    Yes he’s clearly not telling the truth there.

    So what?

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  18. Hf, that is pretty weak, even for you. And it was weak in 2011, too. You might want to check with the Clintons on your use of “is”.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  19. Clown nose on, clown nose off.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  20. #21 was to Happyfeet, in general, not to #20

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  21. Mr. M there’s no evidence whatsoever that Mr. Trump has any remote sympathies with the KKK

    the insinuation that he does is by far the more egregious lie

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  22. Patterico,

    It wouldn’t be so bad if Trump was just a liar. But he isn’t. He just seems completely innocent of yesterday. Like he woke up and someone had to remind him of who he was and what he was doing. (See John Varley, “Just Another Perfect Day“)

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  23. Hf, possibly not, but he knows that a significant portion of his support comes from people who hate Mexicans and foreigners in general. All nativists are not Klansmen, but all Klansmen are nativists.

    He would rather offend those effete civil libertarians (who aren’t likely to vote for him anyway) than spurn some of his base. So he footdrags until it’s clear to the base that he doesn’t really mean it.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  24. BTW, happyfeet, there are several judgements by federal housing authorities that the Trumps systematically excluded blacks from their apartment properties. Documentary evidence, dual applications with identical-save-one pieces of info, testimony from workers, etc. Now that would indicate *some* degree of sympathy.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  25. Trump couldn’t play to the democrat view of republicans much better if he tried.

    Racist? Check. Sexist? Check. Homophobe? Stay tuned, shouldn’t be much longer.

    crazy (cde091)

  26. that’s not fair at all Mr. Trump loves mexicans very very much he employs a lot of them

    he’s against illegal immigration

    he has now disavowed David Dukes at least THREE times

    he did it in 2000

    he did it Friday

    and he did it in a tweeter today

    done and done

    “federal housing authorities” lol

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  27. 27 Trump couldn’t play to the democrat view of republicans much better if he tried.

    That seems to be the way to win the republican nomination. I wonder if the reverse would work for winning the democratic nomination.

    James B. Shearer (0f56fb)

  28. has that not been what they’ve said about every republican enemy ever, nixon reagan, both bushes,
    the huntress, romney, et al,

    narciso (732bc0)

  29. nominee, Clinton worked for a segregationist senator, who wrote the rationale for the vietnam war, who has assaulted women and destroyed their reputations, doc brown was a borderline pervert in his scribe first life,

    narciso (732bc0)

  30. KevinM can you explain to me what constitutes hating Mexicans and foreigners in general please? I see that a nativist believes in “the policy of protecting the interests of native inhabitants against those of immigrants”. What would one call a person who wants to protect the policy of immigrants against those of the native inhabitants? I cannot find an antonym for nativist.

    Rev. Hoagie™® (f4eb27)

  31. “federal housing authorities” lol

    Did you know that LOL was the mark of the Beavis & Butthead brigade on the innertubes?

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  32. Hoagie, poTAYtoe poTAHtoe

    I guess it depends on which aspect of their actions you focus. We could also talk about protecting “the flower of Southern womanhood”.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  33. Will Bernie Sanders disavow the support of the Communist Party USA???

    Colonel Haiku (2582ce)

  34. i did not know that Mr. M nobody tells me anything

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  35. But, Hoagie, you are (intentionally?) misreading me. I said that his support INCLUDES bigots and that some of these are Klansmen. Not that everyone who supports Trump are such.

    Do you deny that there are bigots among his support, and that his policies towards illegals aren’t a pretty strong bigot-magnet? The fact that he is a crude and blustery kind of buy separates him from those effete politicians like Ted Cruz.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  36. #34: More fully, after the 1971 handover of the Trump Organization to Donald, it ran afoul of the Nixon and Ford administrations:

    In 1973, the U.S. Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division filed a civil rights suit against the Trump organization charging that it refused to rent to black people. The Urban League had sent black and white testers to apply for apartments in Trump-owned complexes; the whites got the apartments, the blacks didn’t. According to court records, four superintendents or rental agents reported that applications sent to the central office for acceptance or rejection were coded by race. A 1979 Village Voice article quoted a rental agent who said Trump instructed him not to rent to black people and to encourage existing black tenants to leave.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  37. your link says Mr. the Donald became president of the “Trump Organization” in 1974

    In 1968 his 22-year-old son Donald Trump joined his company Trump Management Co., becoming president in 1974, and renaming it The Trump Organization in 1980.

    but what you’re doing is just clutching at straws for to smear the Team R frontrunner as a racist on the slimmest of pretexts

    you should work for cnn

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  38. 35.Hoagie, poTAYtoe poTAHtoe

    I guess it depends on which aspect of their actions you focus. We could also talk about protecting “the flower of Southern womanhood”.

    If that’s an explanation, Kevin M, I don’t understand that either. I’m not (intentionally?) misreading you I don’t understand your point. I don’t deny there are bigots among his support nor the supporters of every other candidate. But now you’ve moved from a nativist who supports American policies over those of immigrants to bigots who of course include Klansmen and hate immigrants for some nefarious and unjustified reason.

    I’ve always thought (since he began his campaign) Trump was a border line racist or worse. Just the way he talks made me believe that. But wanting to control immigration does not make one a bigot nor a racist. But it does make one a nativist. So I assume it’s his interaction with David Duke an the KKK that makes him a racist, not his immigration policy.

    Rev. Hoagie™® (f4eb27)

  39. Trump’s father was a member of the KKK who took part in a march in NYC, which turned into a riot, and was one of seven Klansmen arrested that day. Trump retweets a lot of the StormFront types. And Laup Nor’s StormFronters have all migrated over to Trump.

    John Hitchcock (598db5)

  40. there’s no evidence anywhere in America that Mr. Trump’s daddy was a Klansman my goodness

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  41. Kevin M, regarding your #39 reference. Back in 1979 about every lending institution was guilty of doing the same thing Trumps did. They also Red Lined. All these practices were driven out of the business. All I can say is if he didn’t refuse to do business with someone because of race in the 21st Century I don’t see the need to worry about what he did in the 20th or what his ancestors did in the 19th.

    Rev. Hoagie™® (f4eb27)

  42. Thank you for your honesty in admitting Trump lied about this, happyfeet.

    ropelight? papertiger?

    Patterico (5b4ca4)

  43. you are welcome

    happyfeet (a037ad)


    Trump’s father was a Klansman involved in a riot, and was 1 of 7 arrested.

    John Hitchcock (598db5)

  45. Trump’s daddy was arrested in a brawl that broke out during a Klan march.

    Trump denies it, which lends credence to the notion that his daddy was one of the KKK people. Any way you slice it, Trump’s denial, documented at the link, is false.

    Patterico (5b4ca4)

  46. because of the cra and the revisions thereto, the banks were forced to lend to those unable to pay, and hence the banking crisis,

    narciso (732bc0)

  47. I think they would have taken note here:

    but that really is the sort of low class association one thinks voldemort did when he forced aaron out of his job, imho,

    narciso (732bc0)

  48. there’s still no evidence at all that Mr. Trump’s daddy was a Klan person

    he might coulda been a mason though which is very similar, or a Republican

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  49. Trump is working for Hillary. “Why would he want to do that?”, you ask. So he won’t die in prison. The Feds caught him in some serious crooked dealings and this is the deal he made. Be the third leg of the triangle (Bernie being the second), or trade his 58-bedroom brothel for a prison cell for the next thirty years.

    nk (dbc370)

  50. Talk about dirty politics. This is more than dirty, it’s despicable. Denounce it! Or, don’t complain when it’s lands on your own doorstep.

    ropelight (9b0668) — 2/28/2016 @ 3:41 pm

    So, what is so bad about this? That Trump is being shown up, or that you can’t in any way link this to Cruz? Ol’ Squirreltop could quash this with complete ease simply by disavowing himself of Duke and the KKK. Trying to tell us that he knows nothing of Duke- a minor national political figure for the last 30 years- tells me that he, in the best case is ignorant about what goes on, or in the worst case kinda wants to hold on to this guy, because it’s Duke’s followers who make up a small but important percentage of Trumps base. You know the saying: haters gotta hate, and Trump’s rhetoric is the perfect cover.

    Bill H (dcdd7b)

  51. there’s still no evidence at all that Mr. Trump’s daddy was a Klan person

    he might coulda been a mason though which is very similar, or a Republican

    happyfeet (a037ad) — 2/28/2016 @ 5:19 pm

    Did someone say there was? Seriously, Happyfeet. If so, please point it out, I likely missed it.

    Bill H (dcdd7b)

  52. Did someone say there was? Seriously, Happyfeet. If so, please point it out, I likely missed it.

    Bill H (dcdd7b) — 2/28/2016 @ 5:27 pm

    Never mind, Happyfeet. My mistake. I need to read more carefully.

    Bill H (dcdd7b)

  53. oh my goodness Mr. nk that’s the most fantastical imagining

    did you know if you add a few drops of red food colouring to your marshmallers when you make your rice krispie treats they come out pink?


    is ok Mr. H there’s a lot of rapid fire innuendo whistling through the air here

    keep your head down

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  54. david duke, is a low end scam artist, kicked out at least two continents, who is trying to become relevant, his counterpart resist we much, has the democrats kiss his. . .ring, therein lies the difference,

    narciso (732bc0)

  55. Trump is working for Hillary.

    oh my goodness Mr. nk that’s the most fantastical imagining

    did you know if you add a few drops of red food colouring to your marshmallers when you make your rice krispie treats they come out pink?


    is ok Mr. H there’s a lot of rapid fire innuendo whistling through the air here

    keep your head down

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  56. Oz, TIG and Sessions publicly endorse Trump. Two heroes from Bengahzi and then the supposed conservative stalwart who has the back of Cruz…have pinned the non-progressive future of this republic on a proven charlatan.

    Trump is your next president. Your friends, neighbors and fellow sympathetic members of the politic are voting for Trump in frightening majority. Your peers, supposedly trusted to decide with reasoned conviction as to the adult, mature and obviously necessary decision important to our children and grandchildren…have lost their minds at your peril.

    Trump is not the problems…it’s his deluded supporters, your fellow Americans.

    Yes, reread my prior ugly commentary, certainly not proud with given the clear evidence…regardless, not remotely apologetic either.

    pieter (ec44a2)

  57. he’s not a proven charlatan he’s just not a polished politician he makes mistakes is all

    but make no mistake

    he aims to make America great again

    and his aim is true

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  58. He is making America grate, so far.

    nk (dbc370)

  59. Trump is a lying liar who lies all the time. He’s a known charlatan and has been such for decades.

    John Hitchcock (598db5)

  60. Al Gore pere, signed the southern manifesto, so did Razorback’s mentor Fullbright, the latter did a eulogy for a Klan gauletier, Bobby Byrnes, Lurch’s father, worked for the Klans long term father, Walter George, if we’re going by guilt by association,

    narciso (732bc0)

  61. i think it’s possible for one to allow the fractiousness and mess of the electoral process to render oneself a bit more twee and precious with respect to the character of the pooper one elects one’s president than one would be inclined to be if one were to avail oneself of a moment of quiet reflection on the human frailties what afflict us all

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  62. I see you started writing that essay on Sartre and Camus, happyfeet. Or have you just been hanging around narciso?

    nk (dbc370)

  63. i’m uncommonly pensive this evening Mr. nk

    pay me no attention

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  64. i think it’s possible for one to allow the fractiousness and mess of the electoral process to render oneself a bit more twee and precious with respect to the character of the pooper one elects one’s president than one would be inclined to be if one were to avail oneself of a moment of quiet reflection on the human frailties what afflict us all

    happyfeet (a037ad) — 2/28/2016 @ 6:11 pm

    Are you feeling OK, dude? That was almost a complete thought. 🙂

    Bill H (dcdd7b)

  65. nk (dbc370) — 2/28/2016 @ 5:22 pm

    How much of that is a from the hip ponderment
    and how much a serious pronouncement?

    Sessions is backing Trump? Are you serious?

    There must be blackmail going on behind the scenes, it is all a rouse.

    The government is made of Soylent green.

    MD in Philly (at the moment not in Philly) (deca84)

  66. 🙂

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  67. But I’ll tell you what. When I talk to Democrats, like one I talked to today, who talk about Cruz the way we talk about Trump, I understand the feelings of those who like Trump because they think Democrats hate him. I want to see the Hillarists’ and the Bernieites’ heads explode too. Almost as much as I would like to see Trump in a perpwalk. In an orange suit.

    nk (dbc370)

  68. i like Trump cause he gives Rs like Meghan’s coward daddy and his little dog Lindsey the vapors

    love it more than bub city’s nashville hot chicken i really do

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  69. isn’t the reverse more nearly true, bob mcdonnell, ted stevens, and conrad black, it’s more likely they will convict if you’re not guilty,

    narciso (732bc0)

  70. MD, it follows a conversation with a fervent Hillarist who 1) seemed to agree with me that Bernie is being used to solve Hillary’s likability problem; 2) semi-agreed that Trump is in reality working for Hillary; and 3) was more than willing to agree that it was all orchestrated by Bill Clinton.

    nk (dbc370)

  71. Whatever they spiked the drinking water with…

    I always thought Sessions seemed reasonable
    How in the world can a rational conservative of the stature of Sessions go in for a person of no moral or political compass like Trump?

    My goodness, inside the beltway has fallen prey to the monied self-interested body snatchers,

    They are all scared of what Cruz would do, lie keeping campaign promises…

    The country is sleepwalking into destruction
    the Dems and Repubs are both reading out of the “To Serve Man” cookbook…

    MD in Philly (at the moment not in Philly) (deca84)

  72. If you haven’t heard the rumor yet:

    Roger Stone says Attorneys for Cruz have approached Rubio with an offer to drop out of the race in exchange for a SCOTUS appointment if Rubio wins the election.

    ropelight (9b0668)

  73. Thanks, nk.

    I keep astounding myself by how much I fail to appreciate my own statements,
    in specific, that once we let a friend of domestic terrorists and black nationalists who advocates for infanticide,
    anything is possible.
    DRJ, Beldar, and all you Texas folk,
    send us directions to the encampment…

    MD in Philly (at the moment not in Philly) (deca84)

  74. ropelight, was Donald Trump telling the truth when he repeatedly said this morning that he doesn’t know anything about David Duke?


    Patterico (86c8ed)

  75. Sorry for the persistence,
    intended as my last comment for the night,
    I really am astounded by Sessions supporting Trump.

    MD in Philly (at the moment not in Philly) (deca84)

  76. Sessions found out that his constituents hate Mexicans and Muslims more than they like Israel. I have always thought Christian Zionism, in the heart of Dixie, to be a pretty thin veneer myself.

    nk (dbc370)

  77. Who amongst you has the CAP for the inevitable Trump presidency coupled with an unknown party congress? Trump and his core followers are going to happen. I have yet to hear the what now brown cow consideration of a truly ugly assured reality.

    Solace in his one likely term cannot dispel the damage he will have wrought.

    pieter (ec44a2)

  78. yes yes Mr. Cruz has to know he didn’t achieve escape velocity

    and everyone in the senate hates him

    and i bet he’s eager to get his wife back to work making that sweet sweet goldy sacky money

    and he’d be a tolerably good supreme court pooper I think

    but Senator Rubio’s been such a turd to Mr. Trump plus you can tell he still loves open borders so it’s hard to see him moving forward from here either

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  79. Arrg…COA not cap. This kindle has an “the office” moment coming.

    pieter (ec44a2)

  80. well that one way to put it, another is if a jayvee slips through the border and takes out the superdome, well, sorry about that,

    narciso (732bc0)

  81. pieter,
    since you want to know what we should do in light of a Trump presidency…
    you tell us

    Trump will not win, there will be enough people who will vote for Hillary out of blind devotion to the “D” that she will win with the lowest voter turnout in decades.

    But then if a Bloomburg gets in, who would he take away from?

    MD in Philly (at the moment not in Philly) (deca84)

  82. also, you can not go back in time, and crush the bug in the jurassic period, or conversely blow up the rocket sled in calverton,

    narciso (732bc0)

  83. Patterico, it’s more than likely that Trump knew more about David Duke than he was willing to acknowledge when asked this morning. What I know about David Duke I read in the newspapers, almost none of it flattering, some of it outright repulsive.

    I sympathize with Trump’s predicament, stuck like a deer in the headlights while a hostile TV interviewer tries to smear him with racism, the KKK and even a Grand Wizard too.

    Trump handled it poorly. He should have taken Jake Tapper on straight up instead of trying to weasel word and beat around the bush.

    ropelight (9b0668)

  84. First, don’t vote for an incumbent this coming election. Second, petition those eventually elected to stand fast on your convictions. Third, display on media in large groups displeasure to the direction of government. Fourth, show no mercy to your deluded fellow American as to their prior support to his candidacy. Fifth, buy ammo and pray…these may be endtimes.

    pieter (ec44a2)

  85. Remember those 2 MI Democrat operatives who fraudulently added “TEA Party” candidates in 23 different MI counties, and got convicted of crimes for that? That’s Trump, only writ large.

    John Hitchcock (598db5)

  86. those were references from ‘sound of thunder’ and timecop, respectfully, need I reference the dead zone classic, or the one with anthony michael hall,

    narciso (732bc0)

  87. Come on, Ropelight, you can say it. It’s only two small words.

    Trump lied.

    Go ahead, say it.

    John Hitchcock (598db5)

  88. MD in Philly referenced a cookbook Puddleglum and Eustace read once.

    John Hitchcock (598db5)

  89. The simple (or not so simple) courage and faith of Mordecai and Esther turned tables on deceit and corruption in high places, as with Daniel as well.

    God can spare us,
    or He can let us get what we deserve.

    MD in Philly (at the moment not in Philly) (deca84)

  90. Actually John, while you are correct, I was actually thinking of the “Twilight Zone”

    But essentially the same.

    MD in Philly (at the moment not in Philly) (deca84)

  91. Who will be today’s courageous hero to counter the great deceit? Whoever it might be, they are doomed…as are you and your kin.

    3T more in debt, two liberal USSC judges, ridiculous signing statements, continued weaponised federal agencies for political purpose…deals with the Democrats that reflect amnesty and corporate cronyism.

    Four years…no savior. Hate your fellow American appropriately.

    pieter (ec44a2)

  92. 74Roger Stone says Attorneys for Cruz have approached Rubio with an offer to drop out of the race in exchange for a SCOTUS appointment if Rubio wins the election.

    Roger Stone isn’t a very reliable source. And this doesn’t sound like a very plausible deal. Hard to see why Cruz would think the Senate would confirm him even if Rubio nominated him.

    James B. Shearer (0f56fb)

  93. Roger Stone? The “LBJ killed JFK” LaRouchie-claiming-to-be-Libertarian nutcase? Gag me with a spoon.

    nk (dbc370)

  94. MD, gave you honest feedback…you, got nothing? I persist in embarrassing myself…I try to compel consideration, but the bulk of you have nothing worthy of merit to reply.

    I say Trump and all his implied consequences are a soon to occur rape event. You, gee I hope Cruz holds Texas.

    Your fellow Americans have already decided your fate. All that is left is to survive and recriminate appropriately. Hate me all that gives you solace…unfortunate for you and your ilk, I’m not an enemy.

    pieter (ec44a2)

  95. Is there any truth to the rumor, totally unsubstantiated and started by me in this comment, that what Hillary is blackmailing Trump with is lying about Melania’s venereal diseases on the immigration application?

    nk (dbc370)

  96. Pieter

    MD not exactly in Philly (deca84)

  97. Trump could parade his core constituency in uniform bearing flags of the state’s that unequivocally support him…it would not change our national destiny.

    Full Metal Jacket time, we all live in a world of sh!t whether we choose to or not.

    pieter (ec44a2)

  98. MD.

    OK, and your point?

    pieter (ec44a2)

  99. I don’t know, nk, but there’s absolutely no truth to the rumor that ropelight wears white bedsheets outside at night during chants to Hermes.

    John Hitchcock (598db5)

  100. Com’on nk, you’ve had over 50 years to figure it out. Why was Kennedy killed, who benefited, and who had the power to cover it up?

    Answer those questions and the truth just might open your eyes ever so slightly.

    ropelight (9b0668)

  101. Premature post
    I almost gave you some positive feedback, I guess that would have been a mistake
    I already replied to you long ago, you ignored it in the midst of your messaging,
    Though I am still trying to understand what you are trying to accomplish

    Trump has never approached 50% of the vote
    His lead in delegates will not be that much presuming Cruz wins Texas
    In two weeks we will have had FL and Ohio, and see if Rubio and Kasich are still to be found
    I think it is premature to concede the nomination to someone that 6-7 out of 10 oppose, simple as that
    Second of all, as said above, Trump will not win the general

    The sanest thing you have said is that the country is in trouble if either Trump or Clinton get elected,
    If either is the case we continue into uncharted waters, and it is not clear whether that sound is a waterfall or whirlpool, so does it matter?

    You are rude, at that.

    MD not exactly in Philly (deca84)

  102. Some of you are cowards, some of you are insecure in your ability to reason, some of you lack gift of eloquence whether profound or not.

    Sad lot.

    pieter (ec44a2)

  103. the greys in league with majestic 12, everyone knows this,

    narciso (732bc0)

  104. Ropelight is a blubonnet-esque conspiracy nut. Watch out for those chemtrails. They’ll brainwash you. Zee pearl eez een zee river.

    John Hitchcock (598db5)

  105. I have said this before. I respect the commenters here, and that includes you ropelight, more than most of the pundits you guys sometimes quote/link. Particularly a guy with the very dubious credentials of Roger Stone. Those people may not necessarily have an agenda but they definitely have a quota of clickbait to keep the Google Ad money coming in (among other reasons for publishing whatever nonsense comes into their heads from day to day).

    nk (dbc370)

  106. although occams razor more then likely points in one direction,

    roger stone, ex officio, shows how the nixon playbook can be updated in the 21st century, how did
    nixon outgame Rockefeller and Romney, and knock reagan out of contention,

    narciso (732bc0)

  107. MD, I deserve no accolade or any form of affirmation. You need the attention and encouragement. We are about to suffer for something entirely avoidable.

    pieter (ec44a2)

  108. pieter,
    The specific suggestions you gave at#82 or so are quite similar to things others here have said.

    I can only think that you have some specific agenda in addition to wasting our time.

    You want to provoke argument, not discussion, and go out of your way to be rude and obnoxious.

    I have better things to do,

    MD not exactly in Philly (deca84)

  109. At this point, Trump supporters fall into one of three categories: Those who are stupid/spectacularly uninformed; those who are crazy; and those who are as evil as Trump himself.

    I’ve given up trying to convert anyone who’s a Trump supporter. Those who are subject to reason have long since abandoned their flirtation with this con-man.

    Trump has to be beaten and his supporters — stupid, crazy, and evil alike — defeated. My further efforts, here and elsewhere, will be directed only at that for the rest of the GOP primary season.

    Note: Crazy people who come here to repeat Trump lies are joining him as con-men, and that moves them into the “evil” category unless they’re stupid.

    ropelight isn’t stupid.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  110. If it is entirely avoidable, then why don’t you describe how to avoid it?

    You keep changing the framing of the question.

    MD not exactly in Philly (deca84)

  111. Beldar,
    What in the world do you make of Sessions supporting Trump????

    MD not exactly in Philly (deca84)

  112. he did take up his immigration plan, which is more complex than just a wall, much as the other modest proposal, has the fingerprints of gaffney’s suggestions,

    narciso (732bc0)

  113. There remains the possibility that Trump is really a Clinton mole. With Hillary! trying so hard to paint the GOP as the party of racist angry white men, and Donald Trump as “emblematic” of the party, you have to wonder why Trump would not disavow David Duke, the KKK, and white supremacists.

    He clearly, demonstrably lied about not knowing anything about Duke. It’s also beyond belief when he claims to not know anything about white supremacy and white supremacists.

    As others have observed, he’s running as a leftist caricature of a Republican. What if it’s all a big scam, like his “University?” What if he get’s the nomination and the mask comes off when it’s too late to do anything about it? He announces he doesn’t want to be President. He just wanted to “expose” the hatred and the haters that is the Republican party.

    Or, if Obama has his DoJ indict Hillary! because he just despises the Clintons, knocking her out of the race, that he does want to be President. But not a Republican, and he just ran as a Republican to expose them for what they are. That Republicans are exactly the racists the leftists have always accused us of being. They don’t care about policy, and he proved it by providing almost none. What little he did provide shows that the rank and file Republicans will vote for socialized medicine. As long as it’s an old white man who proposes it. Which shows that they only hate Obamacare and only hated Hillarycare because those were policies of a black man and white woman.

    Donald Trump has a lot of skeletons in his closet. Among them is, according to a close Trump associate, that Trump hates black bankers. He doesn’t want them touching his money. He only wants “short guys who wear yarmulkes everyday” touching his money. Rolling Stone (yeah, I know) asked him about those comments and Trump said it was “probably true” that he had made them.

    If you were someone who wanted to destroy not just the GOP but what passes for the political right wing in this country (the VRWC; you may have heard of it) you couldn’t do better than Trump. And Hillary! and Obama definitely want that. That would cut any GOP pol off at the knees if they tried to oppose a leftist agenda based on the substance of those policies. All they’d have to do is point to Donald Trump. Trump proved Republicans don’t have any real policy differences with the left. Republicans just hate women and minorities.

    The fact of the matter is the GOP is falling for a NYC leftist who up until five minutes ago said he was on the left’s side in most political matters, praised Hillary! up and down both as a Senator and as SecState. He might claim he had to do that as a businessman (and if you believe that he’s got a bridge to sell you) but he didn’t need to point out how chummy he is with Charles Schumer. That was an unforced error.

    So is refusing to disavow the KKK and white supremacists.

    When Chris Christie endorsed Trump, one of the bloggers at Power Line noted that he had spoken to a friend in Washington. A D.C. insider whose name we would recognize, the blogger assured us. Those guys at Power Line are generally pretty reliable, so that should establish his sources bonafides. His source told the blogger that Christie endorsed Trump because Obama threatened to have the DoJ prosecute Christie over bridgegate if he didn’t.

    The blogger noted that while he trusted his source in general, he didn’t put much credence in that particular tale. As the blogger noted, there were plenty of reasons why Christie would endorse the front runner anyway. Such as wanting to be Trump’s running mate or, more likely, Trump’s Attorney General.

    I won’t get into what kind of nightmare that would be.

    Steve57 (5891a6)

  114. Beldar, any thought on how you will react to an acknowledged Trump supporter after he wins the general election? Will you glance at their armband, murmer some platitude, and scream quietly what the hell is going on?

    There may may no armband in this scenario…but it is assured that you will be scorned, initially, if you show disloyalty in his first year.

    Heil Trump. Practice, it might save your career and possibly your life.

    pieter (ec44a2)

  115. True, narciso,
    But still, just because Trump seems to get one thing right for the moment because he latched on to Sessions’ plan…

    MD not exactly in Philly (deca84)

  116. I’m not sutpid, I’m not evil, and I’m not crazy, and you haven’t got me figured out yet. If you do, please let me know. I’ve been working on that very issue for quite a while now and all I can tell you is that it’s a shallow man who knows himself.

    ropelight (9b0668)

  117. I need to add that the story Power Line’s Washington insider told has a ring of truth in that Obama does use the DoJ as a blunt instrument against his enemies and to help his friends.

    Which of course is exactly how Trump and his AG Christie would use it.

    Farfetched. Maybe the part about Trump replacing Hillary! but as for the rest Trump has been running a campaign that I’d expect a DNC plant to run if the objective was to clear the way for Hillary!

    Steve57 (5891a6)

  118. that’s a very convoluted argument, it can be as simple as christie prefers trump who he’s known for a quarter century over rubio, btw I think christie is a mark against him, imho,

    narciso (732bc0)

  119. Steve, thank you. A certain amount of honesty is required to admit that you are wilfully ignoring the future.

    You are, like the rest, ill prepared for the Trump future…

    Brown paper bag in your pocket, possible medication, being of substandard intelligence…you have hope to adjust.

    pieter (ec44a2)

  120. Christie is a mark against Trump. For many reasons, not the least of which is that he is a sleazy New Jersey thug.

    nk (dbc370)

  121. For my part, I welcome pieter. Maybe it’ll make you guys appreciate happyfeet, Sammy, and even poor Mark, more.

    nk (dbc370)

  122. @ MD [in] Philly (#113): I’m very disappointed in Jeff Sessions. I never marked him for a coward, but that’s what he’s just shown himself to be. He’s forfeited my respect. He’s in the crazy camp now.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  123. the top men, were all set to carry stay puft on the sedan chair till bridgegate, then they defaulted back to the medici, in retrospect they should have gone long with their first choice,

    narciso (732bc0)

  124. Thanks for the reply, Beldar.
    I guess I can’t “even” label him a coward,
    his behavior is less rational than that

    What does he have to fear? What does he have to gain?
    G’night for real.

    MD not exactly in Philly (deca84)

  125. nk, I’m the bearer of bad news not your next overlords. You have others to thank for that reality.

    pieter (ec44a2)

  126. that isn’t the question what has the gop done with it’s majority in the first year it’s had the senate since 2007,

    narciso (732bc0)

  127. i’m ready for my closeup

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  128. It would have taken courage for Jeff Sessions to tell the truth, to point out that the Emperor has no clothes.

    I think Sessions has given up, and that he knows that he’s just lain down with a dog. The Trump phenomenon has frightened him, and he thinks snuggling up to the flea-bag is something he must do lest the dog twist around and bite him.


    Beldar (fa637a)

  129. narciso, why nothing…unless you count Cruz and house conservative republicans as the last stopgap on insanity. Gang of 8, Cruz and Sessions held back the madness…now just Cruz.

    President Trump. What now brown cow?

    pieter (ec44a2)

  130. If Sessions was promised anything in exchange for the endorsement, then I’m wrong: In that event, he wouldn’t just be a crazy coward, he’d be as evil as Trump. But I don’t have any evidence to support or suggest that possibility. Crazy coward is the most flattering assessment I can make of him.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  131. name any issue, cotton couldn’t find a single other vote so that the deal with the sepah could be properly reviewed, the surrender to moloch’s minions, to robertscare, which is leading to defacto single payer, because like malware it is driving insurance companies out of the business,

    narciso (732bc0)

  132. narciso @120, I know it’s convoluted. At least the part about Obama secretly backing Trump against Hillary!

    But Obama does despise the Clintons. And does use federal agencies including the DoJ as a hammer to punish his enemies while turning a blind eye to the crimes of his friends and supporters.

    I also agree that Christie has plenty of reasons to back Trump. He wouldn’t need to be threatened into supporting Trump for a host of reasons.

    Chris Christie’s support for Trump is probably a negative as far as the voters are concerned. But as the former head of the Republican Governor’s Association he’s popular with a lot of office holders. So they may endorse Trump now that Christie has. It’s bizarre for instance that Sen. Sessions endorsed Trump. Sessions said he did so based upon Trump’s immigration and trade policies. The reason that is bizarre is because Cruz is far more solid on both those issues. Plus Cruz is more solid on a lot more issues than Trump. Issues on which Trump’s position is indistinguishable from HIllary!’s, or Sander’s for that matter.

    The only reason I can think of is that Sessions is a party loyalist. After all GOPe has made it quite clear that they vastly prefer Trump to Cruz. They despise Cruz because Cruz won’t compromise.

    On the other hand they like Trump for the same reason Jimmy Carter and other Democrats do. As Carter put it, Trump is “malleable” since Trump has not fixed principles. I don’t believe Trump has principles of any sort. His only principle is Donald Trump.

    So maybe Trump is in it to win it. If he does win, then he’ll have no problem screwing over his supporters once he doesn’t need them anymore. He’s done that to a lot of people. Scammed them, taken their money, then laughed at the suckers. To refer to that great line from Animal House, “You f***ed up, losers. You trusted me.”

    But I still can’t dismiss the possibility that he’s a DNC plant whose goal is to clear a path to victory for the odious Hillary! Clinton and destroy the GOP while he’s at it. He’s running like he wants to lose to Hillary!

    He’s certainly giving her oppo researchers a treasure trove of information to work with.

    Steve57 (5891a6)

  133. MD, well…g’night. I’m only mad in the way Englishman get in the noon day sun. Come evening ready for gin and cards, perhaps in your esteemed company.

    pieter (ec44a2)

  134. sessions is not gope, if anything in my nixon redux scenario, he serves a purpose akin to thurmond in ’68, why have lee and cotton and whoever else, not stood for cruz, there is the tell,

    narciso (732bc0)

  135. The RGA raised over $100 million during Christie’s tenure as chairman, and the GOP did extremely well during the mid terms. So I’m sure Christie has a lot of clout among Republican establishment types.

    Sorry to see Sessions is one of them.

    Steve57 (5891a6)

  136. From adj Dana’s site:

    Everything that the article states that the evangelicals want in a candidate they should find in Senator Cruz. Instead, they are allying themselves with a pro-abortion (before he decided to run for the Republican nomination), trophy-wife-collecting, non-Christian (he claims to be a Presbyterian, but he is as Christian as Hillary Clinton, which is to say: not at all), casino operator. If there is such a thing as a polar opposite to an evangelical Christian, Donald Trump is it.

    John Hitchcock (598db5)

  137. I will vote for Cruz on Tuesday despite the odds presented by my fellow party member in Tennessee. My wonder is not in the primary, or the general, but next year when the duped get what will be assuredly sworn in.

    How is that we had 17 to choose amongst last fall…Cruz, four governors, real CEOs…and we got him?

    pieter (ec44a2)

  138. any issue, cotton couldn’t find a single other vote so that the deal with the sepah could be properly reviewed, the surrender to moloch’s minions, to robertscare, which is leading to defacto single payer, because like malware it is driving insurance companies out of the business,

    If health insurance companies are being driven out of business why are their stock prices up?

    James B. Shearer (0f56fb)

  139. pieter the legend in his own mind is still babbling nonsensically, I see.

    I no longer believe he’s drunk. No, he’s on something a lot harder than alcohol. It’s clearly a hallucinogenic drug of some sort. It has him convinced he’s brilliant, even profound.

    Steve57 (5891a6)

  140. The parable today was the Prodigal Son. Would fatted calf be prime yearling?

    nk (dbc370)

  141. arrakeen spice, perhaps, i’m still voting for cruz, but this ‘sky is falling’ business is getting old,

    narciso (732bc0)

  142. Steve, a poor reply is better than none. Poor, not responding to the inevitability of a President Trump…easier to attempt snark than discuss a terrifying future.

    Hug a root.

    pieter (ec44a2)

  143. It’s alright if you like Cruz
    It’s alright if you don’t
    You don’t have to worry about Trump being elected
    I have a feeling he won’t

    The baby will break down
    He’ll melt down and give it to Hillary
    It’s alright

    nk (dbc370)

  144. yes he’s gope, give me a break

    Sessions was ranked by National Journal in 2007 as the fifth-most conservative U.S. Senator, siding strongly with the Republican Party on political issues. He supported the major legislative efforts of the George W. Bush administration, including the 2001 and 2003 tax cut packages, the Iraq War, and a proposed national amendment to ban same-sex marriage. However, he was one of 25 senators to oppose the establishment of TARP. He has opposed the Democratic leadership since 2007 on most major legislation, including the stimulus bill, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Repeal Act. As the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, he opposed both of President Barack Obama’s nominees for the Supreme Court.

    narciso (732bc0)

  145. now he was backstabbed by alan specter, twenty years ago, when he was up for confirmation,

    narciso (732bc0)

  146. The Marching Morons, now free online. Timely. Very timely.

    nk (dbc370)

  147. arlen could have been phil spector, at the time he was running one of this quixotic paths to the presidency, that went nowhere,

    narciso (732bc0)

  148. listen carefully,

    but since rubio was resurrecting a dead story from last june, all is fair in love and war,

    narciso (732bc0)

  149. how is jake tapper not wholly repulsed by what a completely worthless slut he’s become

    he makes me sick

    kinda like car sick but also kinda like when you eat raw chicken sick

    it’s not good

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  150. I know you meant rhetorically, but he worked for chelsea’s mother in law, before he formally went into journalism, running my state over, in salon, to get his first book contract,

    narciso (732bc0)

  151. ropelight, was Donald Trump telling the truth when he repeatedly said this morning that he doesn’t know anything about David Duke?


    Patterico (86c8ed) — 2/28/2016 @ 6:40 pm

    Let’s take a sounding. Using the wikipedia of David Duke we find first of all forget the freak out about him being the corporeal embodiement of the KKK in America.

    The facts are he founded a branch office in 1974, his own club naming it the Knights of the Klu Klux Klan. Four K’s, not three. This is important because wikipedia tends to spin things. For instance the link for the KKKK (4 k’s not 3) redirects to the general heading for the Klu Klux Klan giving heavy emphasis on the murder and mayhem of the Democratic Party’s terrorist arm founded by the former Confederates. There is not a word about the organization that David Duke started.

    Here’s a description of Duke’s Klan.

    In 1974, Duke founded the Louisiana-based Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (KKKK), shortly after graduating from LSU.[95] He became Grand Wizard of the KKKK. A follower of Duke, Thomas Robb, changed the title of Grand Wizard to National Director, and replaced the Klan’s white robes with business suits.[96] Duke first received broad public attention during this time, as he endeavored to market himself in the mid-1970s as a new brand of Klansman: well-groomed, engaged, and professional. Duke also reformed the organization, promoting nonviolence and legality, and, for the first time in the Klan’s history, women were accepted as equal members and Catholics were encouraged to apply for membership.[97] Duke would repeatedly insist that the Klan was “not anti-black”, but rather “pro-white” and “pro-Christian.” Duke told The Daily Telegraph he left the Klan in 1980 because he disliked its associations with violence and could not stop the members of other Klan chapters from doing “stupid or violent things.”[98]

    changed the title of Grand Wizard to National Director
    replaced the Klan’s white robes with business suits
    well-groomed, engaged, and professional
    reformed the organization, promoting nonviolence and legality
    accepted women as full members
    accepted Catholics as full members
    “not anti-black”, but rather “pro-white” and “pro-Christian.”
    left the Klan in 1980 because he disliked its associations with violence and could not stop the members of other Klan chapters from doing “stupid or violent things.

    In 1980, Duke left the Klan and formed the National Association for the Advancement of White People (NAAWP)

    The NAAWP is opposed to affirmative action, in favor of the death penalty and three strikes laws.
    Its official slogan is: “Equal Rights For All — Special Privileges For None.”

    So Duke is not a horned demon carrying a pitchfork on a pale horse with hell riding with him.

    But that’s the media’s characture of him, is it not?

    Pat – Did you know you and David Duke share headspace on this issue.
    Supreme Court agrees with you and David also.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  152. Sorry.

    You name checked me, so I had to show you. David Duke will never be a person as bad as the media will make him out to be.

    For them the ultimate sin is white racism. All other racisms need not appply.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  153. Vote for the old lady in the pantsuit. It’s important.

    nk (dbc370)

  154. Mr. Tapper is a rancid ivy-league-trash propaganda slut and a sleazy-poof to boot.

    all the ivy league trash is in a tizzy cause of Mr. The Donald

    Donald are you ok are you ok are you ok Donald

    you been hit by

    a slutty sleazy-poof

    happyfeet (831175)

  155. and good lord jan brady had more dignity even than greasy greasy marco

    even that time she cut the bottom out of her jeans and went downstairs to get a diet shasta while marcia’s boyfriend was down there waiting

    happyfeet (831175)

  156. papertiger, was Donald Trump telling the truth when he repeatedly said yesterday morning that he doesn’t know anything about David Duke?

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  157. For them the ultimate sin is white racism.

    Let’s see. For TV and Hollywood, the media, any comedian of note, education K-12, colleges, numerous racial groups like BLM and the entire democrat party being white is the ultimate sin. And if you’re white, Christian, male and straight you are the biggest hater on earth and everybody knows it. As far as so-called white racism is concerned the only white people I’ve ever known in my life I’d consider racist were blue collar democrats. This has been my life experience and observations, yours may vary.

    Rev. Hoagie™® (f4eb27)

  158. BTW, if you watched the Academy Awards you probably noticed Chris Rock complaining about white people and white racism for three hours. He berated white folks because there somehow are not enough black nominees and that’s racist. He complained into the camera for three hours without ever pointing out “white people” have nothing to do with it. Only the multi-millionaire leftist democrats in the audience VOTE at the Academy. If he has a problem it’s with rich, narcissistic Hillary! supporting democrat hypocrites, not the rest of us.

    Rev. Hoagie™® (f4eb27)

  159. What are the Academy Awards and who is Chris Rock?

    nk (dbc370)

  160. papertiger, was Donald Trump telling the truth when he repeatedly said yesterday morning that he doesn’t know anything about David Duke?

    Patterico (86c8ed) — 2/29/2016 @ 6:36 am

    I think so. What did you know before yesterday? Nothing except what the papers say. David Duke Klansman.
    Google a news search you’d think Klansman were his last name.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  161. So even though he claimed in 2000 he left the Reform Party in 2000 in part because he did not want to keep company with David Duke the Klansman, you believe he was telling the truth when he told Jake Tapper that he couldn’t disavow Duke because he didn’t know who Duke was?

    In that context, you believe him when he repeatedly said he did not know who David Duke was?

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  162. he denounced him last year, and 16 years ago, duke is something you scrape under your shoe,,

    narciso (732bc0)

  163. Can we take this discussion offline? As it happens, papertiger, I just came into several million dollars in an inheritance, and there’s a cut in it for you if you provide me some simple details such as your bank account number and such. We’ll talk.

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  164. No, narciso, Duke is something Donald Trump didn’t know who he was yesterday. Because of the honesty.

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  165. Trump is not responsible for who supports him. Loathesome people generally do end up supporting someone, and if there isn’t someone loathesome like them to support they end up supporting a decent person, for reasons of their own.

    That was the basis of Nixon’s and Reagan’s “southern strategy” — it was targeted at white racists who had for decades been supporting the Democrats only because it was the party of segregation, and its message was “Your former D allies have come around to our side of the issue, now both parties are equally anti-racist, so you will have to choose among us based on other criteria, and on those other criteria we’ve always been a better fit for you”.

    On immigration, there are three main reasons why someone might be concerned about the unchecked flow of people across the Mexican border:
    1. A significant percentage (nobody knows how high) of these people are dangerous criminals — murderers, rapists, gangsters, drug cartel members, perhaps even Islamist terrorists.
    2. A significant percentage of them are decent industrious people who are coming here to sell their labor; increasing the supply of labor automatically reduces its price, so they should be kept out in order to prop up the price and protect the local providers of labor from this competition.
    3. The overwhelming majority of them are non-white, and will further dilute the white majority or plurality in the USA.

    #1 is a valid concern that I think all people share. #2 is a legitimate concern for Democrats and other protectionists, but should be anæthema to anyone who calls himself a Republican. #3 should be anæthema to any decent person. Trump is concerned about #1 and #2, but as far as I can tell not #3. To my mind this makes him a Democrat, not a racist. Duke is concerned only about #3; if the people streaming over the border were of Scandinavian stock he would be supporting them. But as it happens they are not, so his interests and Trump’s coincide, and it’s no surprise that he supports Trump. This is hardly Trump’s fault.

    Milhouse (87c499)

  166. So even though he claimed in 2000 he left the Reform Party in 2000 in part because he did not want to keep company with David Duke the Klansman, you believe he was telling the truth when he told Jake Tapper that he couldn’t disavow Duke because he didn’t know who Duke was?

    Yes. Back in 2000 Trump reacted to the media caricature, David Duke the Klansman, when the truth was he didn’t know who David Duke was.

    This year Trump isn’t reflexively genuflecting to the media’s caricature. He’s keeping it real.
    The reality is he doesn’t know anything about Duke.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  167. And the other reality is that Jake Tapper is a lying scumbag who planted multiple traps throughout that interview.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  168. I appreciate that Trump stepped around the lies and traps Tapper kept laying out in front of him.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  169. So Trump disavowed Duke on Friday and said he doesn’t know who he is on Sunday. Forget about whether Trump is lying. Is he mentally competent?

    DRJ (15874d)

  170. Patterico thinking back two days ago, what did you know about David Duke?

    Did you know Duke was against Affirmative Action, believing it violates the equal protection’s clause?

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  171. I would rather not speak of duke, the last time he was in the news, was when scalise’s aide, admitted to a meeting that he wasn’t actually at,

    narciso (732bc0)

  172. DRJ – Which reporter brought up Duke at the press conference on Friday?

    By the time Trump was grilled by Tapper he had smelled a rat. Started playing the cards a little closer to the chest.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  173. meanwhile resist we much, gets his ring kissed by red queen, and doc brown,

    narciso (732bc0)

  174. It is sad to see otherwise rational people try to defend Trump on this.

    JD (34f761)

  175. Which reporter brought up Duke at the press conference on Friday?

    It is sad to see otherwise rational people fall for the same lamestream media gag every election.

    How dare you demand equal protections of the law, whitie!

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  176. Those three are different, aim at various comments.

    You guess which.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  177. Did you know Duke was against Affirmative Action, believing it violates the equal protection’s clause?

    Duke is not against “Affirmative Action”; he’s for it, but for whites, not blacks.

    Milhouse (87c499)

  178. #170: Milhouse, your analysis of the 1968 election leaves out a rather significant factor. A fellow named George Wallace. Wallace broke from the Democrat Party and managed to win 46 electoral votes in that election in all those racist states you claimed Nixon cleverly exploited. Remarkably, Nixon won 301 electoral votes without the help of southern segregationists.

    Now it is “common knowledge” that all Republicans after that exploited the Wallace faction. But this so-called knowledge is nothing but partisan spin. Middle class voters supported Reagan because he advocated an end to forced busing and other forms of Federal intrusion. They were not racists. They were simply concerned parents. Only a fool would conflate opposing forced busing with racism.

    And as a matter of fact, forced busing marked the end of quality schools in big cities across the country. Given a choice between 1) handing their children over to an incompetent school district every morning at 6:30 am, and having them returned that afternoon at 5 pm, with nothing to say about what happens to the children in between, and 2) moving to a suburban- or better yet rural school district where parents still had some control of their children’s education, all those with the means chose the latter. Seattle enrollment dropped from nearly 100,000 students to 55,000 in a few year. Private schools picked up about 10,000, but the rest fled. And they made the right choice.

    You might find it comforting to imagine that everyone who doesn’t agree with you is a racist, or left-handed, or a hunchback, or whatever, but this just tells others how you think. Which is not much. Sadly, too many of the GOPe establishment share your view. And that contributes to Trump’s appeal. He can see the lies and folly that we’ve imposed on ourselves, and he’s willing to express opinions that were prior to his candidacy forbidden. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man will be king.

    BobStewartatHome (a52abe)

  179. Did you know Duke was against Affirmative Action, believing it violates the equal protection’s clause?

    Duke is not against “Affirmative Action”; he’s for it, but for whites, not blacks.

    Milhouse has thrown a gear. He needs tech support.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  180. BobStewartatHome, I didn’t say anything about 1968. But as of 1972 the southern strategy existed. It was real, and the people involved confirmed it. But it did not consist in pandering to the racists; it consisted in making them understand that they had lost, permanently, there was no longer a racist party for them to support, and it was time for them to choose one of the anti-racist parties. And that since racism was the only major issue on which they agreed with the Ds rather than the Rs, it was time to switch sidees. Neither Nixon nor Reagan moved an inch towards racism; but they consciously and actively sought the support of racists, because there was no reason to forfeit those votes to the Democrats.

    Milhouse (87c499)

  181. Duke wants government preference for white people. That is a fact.

    Milhouse (87c499)

  182. the left threw out law abiding, promilitary sentiments, antichurch sentiments, from McGovern to Obama, to appeal that faction is called the southern strategy,

    narciso (732bc0)

  183. Fark off Milhouse. This is a private fight between me and Pat.

    Go sell crazy on another thread.

    Pat what did you know about David Duke two days ago?

    Did you know Duke was against Affirmative Action, believing it unconstitutional?

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  184. the left threw out law abiding, promilitary sentiments, antichurch sentiments, from McGovern to Obama, to appeal that faction is called the southern strategy,

    Exactly. But so long as the Ds supported segregation, none of the rest mattered; southern racists would support them because of that one issue. Only once the Ds turned against segregation was it possible for Rs to compete for those people’s votes. Not by pandering to them, but quite the opposite. Still, it did and does mean actively seeking the support of loathesome people.

    Milhouse (87c499)

  185. papertiger, the premise of your question is flawed. Duke is not against “Affirmative Action”. He’s against using it for darkies instead of against them.

    Milhouse (87c499)

  186. #185: Milhouse, that clarifies your point of view. Democracy does require one to make choices, and even “loathsome” people are given that privilege. It is my experience that Seattle is home to several hundred thousand thoroughly loathsome creatures who routinely return reptilian trolls like Jim McDermott to Congress. They believe in fantasies like $15/hour minimum wages, and a coercive, centralized government that wrings all the loathsome tendencies our of their political opponents. We are immersed in loathsome entities if we are willing to take everyone’s point of view into consideration. Which is to say that one man’s community organizer is another’s loathsome toad. That being the case, categorizing by loathsomeness may not be a useful way to cull the herd. Even in our diverse universities it will probably prove to be a failed endeavor.

    BobStewartatHome (a52abe)

  187. papertiger, the premise of your question is flawed. Duke is not against “Affirmative Action”. He’s against using it for darkies instead of against them.

    Milhouse (87c499) — 2/29/2016 @ 10:29 am

    Stupid opinion of a frivolous fool. Come back again so I can taunt you some more. Moron. Sycophant.
    CNN mainliner.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  188. it’s gotten very silly,

    but it’s good, you’re on the same wavelengths as the trig denialist nazguls,

    narciso (732bc0)

  189. nazguls?

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  190. I’m against Afirmative Action, it violates the equal protection clause. It’s government sanctioned racism, straight up.

    ropelight (de8a32)

  191. shrieking pestering nazguls,* (immoral minority) which robert mccain could apprise you on,

    *after the dragon riders in lord of the rings,

    narciso (732bc0)

  192. Ah. I’m not a Tolkein fan. Or a Robert McCain fan, for that matter. Thanks.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  193. Nozdruls.

    I’m a Bored Of The Rings fan.

    nk (dbc370)

  194. is weird how eager Republicans are to join the propaganda slut media in branding the Republican Party as the logical home of white supremacy and the KKK

    yes yes yes, the harvardtrash Rs cry

    our frontrunner is all that and more!

    (and without a shred of evidence even)

    this is certain to pay dividends, this strategy, yes?

    happyfeet (831175)

  195. Yes. Back in 2000 Trump reacted to the media caricature, David Duke the Klansman, when the truth was he didn’t know who David Duke was.

    This year Trump isn’t reflexively genuflecting to the media’s caricature. He’s keeping it real.
    The reality is he doesn’t know anything about Duke.

    And then disavowed him on Friday, refused to Sunday because he didn’t know who he was, and disavowed again Monday morning.

    Now who can argue with that?

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  196. I’m going to have to enter that as unresponsive.

    Simple question. What did you know about David Duke three days ago?

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  197. why are you asking this silly question? should our fair host write an essay? how many words in length?

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  198. 201. …What did you know about David Duke three days ago?

    papertiger (c2d6da) — 2/29/2016 @ 10:08 pm

    I’ll tell you what I knew about David Duke three days ago. Actually, I knew this more than three days ago. He tried to portray himself as some sort of reformed moderate in the 1991 Louisiana gubernatorial election. Like you now, a lot of people bought it then. Like the Trumpsters of today they refused to believe he was the same rancid old racist and white supremacist he had always been, as well as a shady businessman.

    So the parallels between Trump and Duke are pretty striking. His loyalists were hear-no-evil, see-no-evil when it came to the truth about David Duke, just like Trumpsters are today. Duke actually one the Republican primary and was the party’s nominee. Then the mask slipped; almost everybody came to understand that Duke hadn’t changed a bit from his old Klansman days. Everything you cited, papertiger, about Duke supposedly moderating his racism and white supremacist views was a smokescreen. So what if Duke exchanged Klan robes and changed tactics. He still believed exactly what he believed before he took off those klan robes, and he still had the same goals. The truth finally broke through the BS, Duke imploded and the Democrat beat the Republican Duke in a landslide, by nearly 25%.

    That’s what I know about Duke. It’s really the same thing I know about Trump. The leopard doesn’t change his spots; Trump’s conservative “transformation” is no more real than Duke’s racist-to-moderate transformation. Here’s what I know about you, papertiger. Those who don’t learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.

    Steve57 (5891a6)

  199. Wrong on two counts. David Duke wouldn’t have been very old in 1991, and this is an unprecedented occurrence for a candidate I picked out of a gaggle would be on the cusp of a nomination.

    Never happened before. Even in the down ticket.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  200. Duke was 41 in 1991.
    He was born in 1950

    Random Numbers (b62152)

  201. Rush Limbaugh talked about David Duke in 1991. I know. I heard him. While I was driving a Navistar cab-over with set-back front axle and Cummins engine down America’s highways. I’ve been politically aware since the 70s, and David Duke was big political news when he was running for Governor of Louisiana against the convicted criminal in the Democrat party.

    John Hitchcock (f3ad73)

  202. 192.papertiger, the premise of your question is flawed. Duke is not against “Affirmative Action”. He’s against using it for darkies instead of against them.

    I was not aware Affirmative Action was up for grabs to anyone but darkies, as you so thoughtfully put it.

    Rev. Hoagie™® (f4eb27)

  203. Unlike papertiger, you don’t limit your information sources to Hustler magazine, John.

    Hoagie, another name for affirmative action is discrimination. You are not aware of people not hiring minorities, or renting to them, or serving them in their restaurants and stores, or letting them sit in the front of the bus, or in schools with white children, in “the good old days” before the Civil Rights Acts? David Duke wants to bring America back to 1950.

    nk (dbc370)

  204. OMG, papertiger, you are unaware of Duke’s 1991 run for LA governor?! It’s the most (really the only) thing he’s ever done. It’s why he’s a household name. And it’s the origin of the slogans “Vote for the crook. It’s important.” The Democrat candidate was Edwin Edwards, and although he had not yet been convicted of anything everyone knew he was crooked. Against almost any other opponent he’d have had no chance. But Republicans and Democrats worked together to defeat Duke, even at the price of electing Edwards. As they also said in that campaign, “Vote for the lizard, not the wizard”.

    Milhouse (87c499)

  205. Oops, that should have read ” It’s the most (really the only) famous thing he’s ever done.”

    Milhouse (87c499)

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