Patterico's Pontifications


You Go Over There Now

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 6:46 pm

“Get on the plane and go home. It’s over there. Go home.”

98 Responses to “You Go Over There Now”

  1. You call that a kiss?

    nk (dbc370)

  2. “Don’t call us. We’ll call you!”

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  3. I still think that deep inside Christie is a decent, honorable person trying to get out. Christie ate him.

    nk (dbc370)

  4. He’s ‘da alpha male! (LOL)

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  5. Was that after Christie endorsed Trump?
    He might reconsider.

    MD in Philly (at the moment not in Philly) (deca84)

  6. Airports don’t seem to work out well for Christie. I guess he hopes that B’s really do hire C’s.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  7. We may call it ‘hero worship’ or ‘idolatry’ or ‘being a clown,’ but in some quarters, that’s called, ‘leadership.’

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  8. that was sweet he was thanking his friend and making sure he got to his plane ok

    i do that a lot with my friends too – gogogo i say the plane’s over there

    you want people to get home at a decent time especially if they been doing you a favor and they have a family to get to

    what a nice man

    happyfeet (831175)

  9. We’ll all cross that bridge when we come to it!

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  10. We’ll drive off that bridge when we get to it.

    ned kennedy (dbc370)

  11. 6. Airports don’t seem to work out well for Christie…

    Kevin M (25bbee) — 2/27/2016 @ 7:08 pm

    Neither do commercial airlines, where he has to pay for two seats and a belt extender.

    Steve57 (5891a6)

  12. see this is what having friends is like – saying goodbye and thanking people and letting them get on their way

    Ted Cruz would know this if he had friends

    maybe someday he’ll make one

    that would be nice for him

    and not just for companionship but also for someone to talk to and eat ice cream with and play frisbees and go see star wars together and for so they call you on your birthday and say happy birthday buddy

    cruz wanna

    cruz wanna

    cruz really really really wanna zigazig ah

    here is pic of Ted Cruz and his new friend -> :):)

    happyfeet (831175)

  13. hrm

    happyfeet (831175)

  14. 🙂 🙂

    happyfeet (831175)

  15. there they are!

    happyfeet (831175)

  16. Ted Cruz would know this if he had friends

    maybe someday he’ll make one

    that would be nice for him

    What’s stopping you, Happyfeet?

    Bill H (dcdd7b)

  17. Christie finally got his 15 minutes! Oh joy! A life fulfilled. Mission accomplished. Beer and ice cream.

    BobStewartatHome (e34c16)

  18. HF is not only President of the Orange Toupee Club for Gullible Men, he is also a member.

    Simon Jester (ad31ea)

  19. maybe I will Mr. H i bet if we got to be friends he would borrow me his fancy ostrich boots

    i could do the boot scootin boogie in my fancy ostrich boots and Ted could take a pic for facebook

    i bet we’d get at least one like (from me but first I need to get a facebook account)

    happyfeet (831175)

  20. The guy with fancy ostrich boots is a jerk.
    But the guy who flies on Hair Force One down to his 58 bedroom palace in Florida every weekend is more down to earth than Mr. Rogers!

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  21. 58 bedrooms. He wanted his “girlfriends” to feel at home.

    nk (dbc370)

  22. nk, you have to look up his Florida estate. It’s so over the top.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  23. well stay puft gives me gas, but this is the problem with when your traditional tory wins,

    narciso (732bc0)

  24. I did, CS. A brothel any San Francisco Gold Rush madam would be proud of. That’s what I meant by making his “girlfriends” feel at home.

    nk (dbc370)

  25. Wait, when did having ostrich boots become a negative? [says the Texan as he looks into closet at several pairs of boots, some made from ostrich]

    Sean (221079)

  26. Is there any chance Trump was pointing to his plane or to another plane he had generously chartered to take Christie home to New Jersey? As in, “Go home in that nice plane that I arranged to take you home.”

    DRJ (76a58a)

  27. Maybe he was directing him to the buffet table with the cold cuts.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  28. “Go home… that plane over there, it has 6 dozen Krispy Kreme assorted… knock your self out, good job.”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  29. stay pufts attitude toward islamists, concerns me,

    as this story is still going on,

    narciso (732bc0)

  30. In the end, it looks like Marco Rubio did a better job of standing up to Trump than Christie did.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  31. Unreliable allies are worse than enemies. This will not necessarily end well for Trump.

    nk (dbc370)

  32. 25. Wait, when did having ostrich boots become a negative?…

    Sean (221079) — 2/27/2016 @ 8:10 pm

    When more manly elephant hide boots became available, hombre.

    Steve57 (5891a6)

  33. Just funnin’ you, Sean.

    In case that needed to be said.

    Steve57 (5891a6)

  34. Just funnin’ you, Sean.

    In case that needed to be said.

    Steve57 (5891a6) — 2/27/2016 @ 9:32 pm

    The only “Elephant” hide I’d use for boots would be from the RINOs in Congress 😉

    Sean (221079)

  35. I am not convinced that trump fans are going to view that clip as a negative. It will, instead, be seen as evidence of their guy’s power and might.

    They will say to each other ““Who is like the Donald? Who can wage war against him?”

    felipe (56556d)

  36. Palin, and then this …..two dead weights…. no so smart Trumpeter

    jrt for Cruz (bc7456)

  37. Christie was going in for the bear hug and Trump cut him off. Can’t risk a repeat Obama moment..

    Oh the tangled webs they weave

    jrt for Cruz (bc7456)

  38. The reason Christie endorsed publicly was to be a hit back at Rubio for his belittling phone call after Chris dropped. And now Trump puts dough boy in his place again…. Christie must be binge eating pizza in the Government mansion as we speak….

    jrt for Cruz (bc7456)

  39. “‘da plane, Governor Christie, ‘da plane’ ”

    Fantasy Island, indeed!

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  40. 37. What I love about principled Conservatives is they will fight on though the battle be lost and spend their last in a futile and stupid gesture.

    You people are just dumbsh!ts.

    Even with a victory in TX Cruz’ valiant effort leaves scorched earth, with a breakup of the neocon and conservative wings OTOH to support the Donks and on the other, to sit this one out.

    DNF (ffe548)

  41. Christie Campaigns with Trump in Arkansas. Same coat. Same tie.

    I was thinking maybe there was more video that goes along with this. How many States? Arkansas. Tennessee. Super Tuesday. Need to get Christie back on the plane.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  42. The End is near, DNF…

    Colonel Haiku (75fedf)

  43. Rejoice!

    Colonel Haiku (75fedf)

  44. “What? Me, worry?”

    felipe (56556d)

  45. Christie’s a good egg lately

    he understands the dangers a Rubio open borders presidency represents to the good hard working middle class people of America

    and a lot thanks to Mr. Christie it looks like this threat is somewhat lessened than it was a few weeks ago

    we should make sangria

    happyfeet (831175)

  46. Trump doesn’t know who David Dukes is.

    DRJ (15874d)

  47. you spelled it wrong

    happyfeet (831175)

  48. David Duke. Thank you, hf.

    DRJ (15874d)

  49. Trump and Auto-correct don’t know David Duke. Two peas in a pod.

    DRJ (15874d)

  50. You know, it’s so funny to see people endlessly nuke and ridicule a political figure with silly names and unfair attacks…and then when that figure does something the nuker likes, why, suddenly that political hack is the greatest thing ever.

    Weird hypocrisy. Kind of pathological, really.

    But in a world where people adore braggy braggy bankrupt lying orange toupees as reasonable solvent leaders with vision and their own hair, what can be said?

    Simon Jester (2708f4)

  51. 🙂

    nice save

    happyfeet (831175)

  52. I still think Americans of every political ideology are becoming more one- or two-issue voters. One consequence of that is it makes them more willing to use the power of the government to get the results they want — especially when it comes to those one or two issues. But that is the opposite of conservative ideology. We want less government, not more. Instead of fighting the left, now we’re fighting voters on the right, too.

    DRJ (15874d)

  53. yes yes DRJ lady

    is cause Team R abandoned limited government principles

    this is why I can live with Mr. The Donald

    his presidency will put the most rapacious and loathsome establishment Rs in time out while he neutralizes the illegal immigration issue by building a wall and securing the border while holding the geriatric socialist party at bay

    it’s time America defended herself from the harvardtrash elite ruling class

    it’s time for Mr. The Donald

    happyfeet (831175)

  54. Mr. Happyfeet, it seems like replacing Republicans who abandoned conservative principles with a former Democrat who abandoned Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi is not the best prescription. When the barn is on fire, we shouldn’t throw another lighted match into the flames. Unless, of course, your objective is to ‘burn it down.’

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  55. you’re overthinking it

    happyfeet (831175)

  56. 54 … We want less government …

    Less government means more immigrants. More crime too. Not much government in Libya these days.

    This is one of the things that irritates me about some conservatives. Instead of advocating for the right amount of government or for the right amount of taxes they just reflexively say less regardless of the circumstances.

    James B. Shearer (0f56fb)

  57. Yeah, overthinking political complexities is what brought us here. Sure.

    Simon Jester (2708f4)

  58. Jamesbshearer is a phisherman?

    Colonel Haiku (75fedf)

  59. A phleecer of teh pholks?

    Colonel Haiku (75fedf)

  60. Some conflatin’ of Daisy and David goin’ on there, DRJ?

    Colonel Haiku (75fedf)

  61. OT
    Ted Cruz reminds me of
    I was a big fan

    jrt for Cruz (bc7456)

  62. 52 I don’t recall bashing Christie all that much. Might have called him teletubby back during Tropical Storm Sandy’s aftermath.

    But even then the target of my ire was the sloppy coverage of a none hurricane event, overwashing a housing community, built on a marina. There wasn’t much “there” there. Yet still the media pushed the global warming. Everything about the coverage; storm intensity caused by global warming, sea level rise causing their marina to flood.
    Show me the weather global warming doesn’t cause first.

    You know who seems the real ingrate? Meg Whitman. Christie damaged his brand by supporting her ill fated run at the Governorship.
    She was a rich CEO financing her campaign out of pocket. No experience with elected office. She wasn’t turning down campaign donations, but she didn’t need them. Complete neophite.
    Christie’s endorsement gave her almost an air of credibility, at least a sense of plausibility, before Gloria Alred played the Mexican housekeeper card to crash Whitman back to earth.

    And now I see Whitman back in the news, about the only way she could get back in the news, bashing Christie for supporting a rich political neophite running a self financed campaign.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  63. If Whitman has a brain, moral decency, and the vaguest sense of gratitude, she could have been California’s Trump.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  64. papertiger, do you really believe HP CEO Meg Whitman is just sticking her head back in the news as you suggest, or doesn’t she have a legitimate claim to publicly comment on Christie’s support for Trump, considering that she was actually the Finance Co-Chair of Chris Christie’s campaign? (LOL)

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  65. had a brain? Hate when I do that. Call someone else a ninny, then come back later to gloat only to discover I spelled ninny wrong.

    And that’s a lot of the reason, I don’t burn too many bridges capping on conservatives.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  66. legitimate claim – No she doesn’t. Her’s is sour grapes over Trump successfully doing what she dreamed of doing.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  67. papertiger, can you please give us the prerequisites for whom is allowed to publicly comment on Chris Christie’s endorsement of Donald Trump?

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  68. Just skipped through The Donald’s appearance on FoxNewsSunday,
    and I have to think that he’s got to be the poster-boy for “resting a**hole face“.
    Not “Mr. Warmth”.

    askeptic (efcf22)

  69. #58 Shearer “Less government means more immigrants.”

    So, not taking my money to pay bunny inspectors will attract more Mexicans? They must really love magic acts.

    If you plot the number of gov’t employees per capita, the US at present is a hell of a lot closer to Stalinist Russia than it is to present day Libya, so some movement downscale is acceptable.

    bud (791f49)

  70. Well for one thing, a person such as Whitman, who is faulting Christie for doing for Trump what he did for her. That makes her an ingrate and a hypocrit.

    That’s one rule. If I think of other rules later, I’ll let you know.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  71. papertiger, you’re not making a coherent argument.
    Meg Whitman has all along maintained the same position that Trump is not fit to be our nominee. Chris Christie shared that view as recently as last week. Chris Christie is the one who did a 180 on Trump—not Whitman. All Whitman did was point out that Christie has changed his position vis a vis Trump’s candidacy.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  72. meg whitman is a no-account bend over grab her ankles wench for meghan’s coward daddy

    (when she’s not adjusting her cleavage so van jones can get a good look)

    just a nasty person

    and a loser my god what a loser

    my whole life i never seen someone piss money away like that idiot woman

    happyfeet (831175)

  73. meg whitman is just another insecure piece of harvardfilth trying to circle the harvardtrash wagons around greasy marco

    i hope she fails

    happyfeet (831175)

  74. Meg Whitman has all along maintained the same position that Trump is not fit to be our nominee.

    CS What? You follow Meg Whitman on facebook? She hasn’t been in the news enough to establish a position, much less maintain.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  75. And all of Meg’s positions are vertigo inducing. She’s against illegal aliens except for the crew doing the dusting in her parlor, or sweeping up the leaves out front.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  76. She’s not keen on how the environmentalists are screwing the average joe out of a paycheck, but really enjoyed the “Alaska is melting” tour with Van Jones.

    Just what the Republican party needed. John Huntsman in a pantsuit.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  77. Just NOT what the Republican party needed more like

    she’s a pooper!

    happyfeet (831175)

  78. papertiger,

    Meg Whitman is the CEO of Hewlett Packard.
    By definition, she’s a high profile person. You’re a smart, witty guy, but Whitman doesn’t need your “blessing” to make public statements about whom she supports for President. (LOL)

    She returned Chris Christie’s “favor” of his endorsement of her failed 2010 gubernatorial quest by becoming the Co-Chair of Finance for his Presidential campaign. Until last week, Christie believed Trump was too strident to be the GOP nominee. He changed his position a few days ago.

    Meg Whitman has never changed her position on Trump. She continues to oppose Trump. Chris Christie’s the sell-out who flip flopped on the question of Trump.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  79. It’s easy: CC cares more about hating Rubio than anything else. And Trump ridicules him anyway.

    Simon Jester (2708f4)

  80. is not easy it’s nuanced with all these inflections

    happyfeet (519b2a)

  81. Cruz Supporter, have you ever commented here using a different screen name. If so, what was it?

    ropelight (9b0668)

  82. @ ropelight:

    In comment #116 on “The Trump University” post yesterday, I asked you a pair of follow-up questions. Perhaps you missed them there, but since you’re obviously following the comments to this thread now, I’ll re-ask them here:


    When I asked you after the Houston debate whether you were proud of Trump, you answered me, but less straightforwardly than I would have hoped. You wrote:

    I’ve never considered the issue of being proud of a candidate. Am I proud of Trump? I guess so, I’m not ashamed of him if that’s what you’re asking. I’m not proud of you, but I respect you and I value our exchanges. I’ll give it some thought and if you’re still interested in a few days, ask me again.

    I believe Americans should be proud of the candidate for whom they choose to vote. Your standard — “not ashamed of [Trump]” — is a spectacularly low bar.

    I’m pretty sure you’re proud of George Washington and Ronald Reagan, to pick a pair of heroes you & I share.

    I’m ashamed of Donald Trump. He is an embarrassment. As someone who’s made a career in the world of business myself, someone who knows first-hand (from representing them in their crises) the entire range of businesses from Fortune 50 companies to a mom-and-pop welding shop, I wince to think of how unfair it is to every legitimate businessperson in the United States, past, present, or future, that those who aren’t so familiar with the business world will think Donald Trump is representative of it. I feel the same way in my many other respective capacities — for example, as a conservative, a Republican, an American, a white person, a male, a person who’s old enough to remember the JFK assassination, a person with thinning hair, and a person who was sharing the same air in the city of Houston this week.

    You & I agree that he’s vulgar. If you don’t conclude, after thinking about it further, that you’re ashamed of his vulgarity, if nothing else, in every capacity or status that you and Trump might share, then I must doubt your honesty with yourself.

    You also agreed with me, reasonably enough, that no POTUS can override the First Amendment. Since the unanimous SCOTUS decision in New York Times v. Sullivan in 1964, the First Amendment has been recognized to limit state libel and slander (collectively “defamation”) claims, whether those claims are based on common-law or statute or a mix, whenever a public figure is involved. You couldn’t get a single vote — not even from Mr. Justice Scalia’s ghost — to overrule that case. It’s been settled law for a half century now. The Dems are even now engaged in some sort of kabuki theater about amending the Constitution to limit the First Amendment’s protection of political speech as recognized in Citizens United, but that, of course, will never even get reported out of committee, much less passed by either chamber by the required margins, nor ratified by the requisite number of states.

    Trump made these promises yesterday at a rally in Fort Worth (ellipsis by CNN):

    “One of the things I’m going to do if I win … I’m going to open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money,” Trump said during a rally in Fort Worth, Texas.

    “We’re going to open up those libel laws so when The New York Times writes a hit piece, which is a total disgrace, or when the Washington Post, which is there for other reasons, writes a hit piece, we can sue them and win money instead of having no chance of winning because they’re totally protected,” he said. “We’re going to open up libel laws and we’re going to have people sue you like you’ve never got sued before.”

    So will you also concede that Trump’s promise to “open up the libel laws” is therefore an impossible boast?

    He obviously knows about NYT v. Sullivan, since he’s had his own frivolous defamation claims thrown out on that exact basis before, and he’s calling for a change in the libel laws. This boast wasn’t, therefore, based upon a mistake. Rather, it is a deliberate falsehood — yet another deliberate lie intended to deceive American voters.

    I don’t think you’re deceived. But aren’t you the least bit ashamed of Donald Trump for telling this particular deliberate lie?

    Beldar (fa637a)

  83. Sessions just endorsed Trump.

    James B. Shearer (0f56fb)

  84. Sessions is a very wise man

    I’ve always admired his deep love for our country

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  85. #84, Beldar, yes, I missed your follow-up questions. I answered your initial question forthrightly. If you find them insufficiently straightforward, I can only reassure you my responses were legitimate, and accurately represent my thoughts at the time.

    Now, as a courtesy to you, I’ll rethink my response in light of your bizarre assertion I should be proud of my choice of candidates. However, take note that what you believe is your business, not mine. I’m not bound by your beliefs. Capisce?

    Additionally, please quit shoulding on me. That’s a cheap attempt to guilt trip me and I won’t have it. Don’t underestimate me, or talk down to me, and I’ll show you the same courtesy.

    I value our exchanges, and I would value your friendship if our relationship blossoms, but not at the price of my integrity. Trump has made statements I wouldn’t have made, but I’m not ashamed of him. You’ve made statements I disagree with, so has Patterico, and a great many others, but I’m not ashamed of you, him, or most of the others. Several have disappointed me, but I’m not ashamed of them. Several commenters here have demonstrated qualities I find highly admirable, and while I’m not exactly proud of them, I do recognize and admire their courage and their commitment to honesty in the face of substantial peer pressure to conform to the prevailing political mind-set here.

    As for the libel laws, for far too long those in the public arena have suffered unprincipled attacks from scurroulis villains who got away with monsterous transgressions that would have been actionable save for their victim’s celebrity. I welcome any reasonable attempt to extend the constitutional protections of equal treatment by the law to those who have been excluded from the protections all Americans have a right to enjoy.

    If Trump can facilitate an open discussion on that topic, I say it’s about time.

    I’m not more ashamed of Donald Trump than I’m ashamed of you.

    ropelight (9b0668)

  86. Sessions “the soul of the Senate conservatives” endorses trump and cruz hits the talk shows with the theory that Trump backed Barzini and Tattaglia. The meltdown continues…

    spokanebob (c59b61)

  87. oh my goodness ted cruz just can’t help himself – his whole Mr. Trump’s tax returns are hiding mafia connections – that’s just the kind of sleazy trashy dishonest innuendo I thought he fired that one loser for

    and it’s SO stupid


    *you* give the mafia money they don’t give *you* money

    ted must be really clueless how this whole organized crime thing works

    this is obvious to anyone who is willing to do the analysis

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  88. Oh, since good old HF thinks it’s fine to be a jackass, and admires Trump so much…

    I think he should just start his own nonprofit: Chumps for Trump.

    Because make no mistake, HF. You are a chump. He laughs at his supporters. There is nothing about this guy that supports any of your prior ideas.

    Oh wait, you changed in the last month. Just like the lying bully Orange Toupee.

    In other words, no different than the last few cycles.

    You are a joke, and sadly, it’s on all of us.

    I’m with Beldar on this one.

    Simon Jester (2708f4)

  89. I’m not a Trump supporter at all and i have no intendings to vote for him

    but it’s pretty clear now he’s the best chance we have to beat that nasty disgusting incontinent old woman since he’s the only one what seems able to cast a wide enough net to secure the nomination

    so i definitely wish him well and as the dreary winter begins it shy romance with spring, mingling cold rain with fresh blossoms, I think Mr. Trump, too, can begin a new season – a season of leadership and vision that will help all of us march together in united purpose – to make America great again!

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  90. 91. No one on the Right wants to win, they just want to reminisce about their years of glory and cuss a blue streak at the neighbors kids.


    DNF (ffe548)

  91. Any Trump supporter should be ashamed, ropelight.

    You can reject my “should” as being binding upon you to agree with, and that’s your right. But the reason I’ve been asking you these questions is to demonstrate — hopefully to you, but if not, to anyone who’s reading this — that your support of Trump is the product of a profound internal disconnect.

    I’m happy to give you the benefit of presuming that you’re a good man and a good American. But you’re doing something which no good American or good man should do, which is promoting the activities of a con artist whom you know is dishonest.

    So boldly embrace and demonstrate your capacity for cognative dissonance — to simultaneously belief (or pretend to believe) that Trump is worthy of your or anyone’s support, on the one hand, and that lying and vulgarity and cheating are bad, on the other. No one who’s sane can simultaneously hold both those views. You obviously don’t have the excuse of “stupid,” so the only alternatives left are “crazy” and “just as evil as Donald Trump himself.”

    Trust me, “crazy” is the more flattering description.

    I’m sorry for you, and hope you get well soon.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  92. If it makes you feel better, I will call Jeff Sessions and Chris Christie crazy too.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  93. #91: dude, you have no intention of voting at all. You never do. But it doesn’t stop you from kvetching.

    Simon Jester (5164ce)

  94. I should like to introduce you gentlemen to the very varied usage of “should”. For persons who do not click links, it is not limited to the imperative.

    I picked up the British usage myself reading British authors.

    nk (dbc370)

  95. 94.If it makes you feel better, I will call Jeff Sessions and Chris Christie crazy too.

    This is how the old Soviet Union used to diagnose people. See here.

    James B. Shearer (0f56fb)

  96. 93I’m happy to give you the benefit of presuming that you’re a good man and a good American. But you’re doing something which no good American or good man should do, which is promoting the activities of a con artist whom you know is dishonest.

    When Edwin Edwards ran against David Duke some of Edwards’s supporters adopted the slogan “Vote for the crook. It’s important”. Does that make them bad Americans?

    James B. Shearer (0f56fb)

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