Wonkette Editor Ken Layne Criticizes Palin’s Parenting — But Can’t Even Count His Own Children
As I noted here last night, Ken Layne is the editor of Wonkette, a site which published a post on Trig Palin’s birthday that mocked Trig Palin’s Downs syndrome. Excerpt:
Today is the day we come together to celebrate the snowbilly grifter’s magical journey from Texas to Alaska to deliver to the America the great gentleman scholar Trig Palin.
It’s funny because he has Downs syndrome! Get it?
Advertisers predictably started running, beginning with Papa John’s pizza, and continuing with Huggies and Vanguard. Layne responded with his characteristic humility and good sense, calling Papa John’s pizza “shitty” and “homophobic”:

Layne’s mature reaction continued on Twitter, where he called for a boycott of Papa John’s.
Layne has put the blame for all this squarely on Sarah Palin, whom he labels a terrible parent for supposedly parading Trig Palin in public, rather than hiding him in shame the way Top Parent Ken Layne would.
Speaking of Top Parent Ken Layne . . . check out his e-mails to Tommy Christopher and David Weigel about all this. Pay special attention to the parts I have bolded:
Here Layne writes Tommy Christopher, calling Palin a “cow-demon”:
People are going to act outraged about things on the internet. I’m pretty sure you are aware of this, if you work on the internet. And with two kids of my own and another on the way, I am obviously a great fan of children, especially mine.And I respect the rights of children to not be mocked on the internet just because their mom is a cow-demon. It’s not the kid’s fault. Who gets to pick their parents? I sure didn’t.
As for taking down the post, as you know on the internet there is no “taking down the post.” Why even try that? So people like you can get another freelance internet column out of it by feigning outrage again?
And here Layne writes David Weigel, blaming Sarah Palin for the mockery of Trig:
I have four kids myself and I wouldn’t want them mocked on the Internet by a bunch of cretins on the Internet. And that’s just one reason why I wouldn’t parade my children around in the media. What kind of mother does that?
Unlike Sarah Palin, Ken Layne is a great parent, you see. Why, Ken Layne cares so much about his own children, he can tell you how many he has! . . . give or take a couple.
This amusing tidbit was spotted by commenter Roberta, who asked: “How does one communicate effectively on the subject of a child with an editor/father who can’t count his own children…?”
Indeed. Mr. Layne, I see you have set yourself up as the arbiter of Sarah Palin’s quality as a parent. But you know what? At least Sarah Palin knows how many children she has.
maybe he has twins on the way?
happyfeet (760ba3) — 4/21/2011 @ 6:47 amTwins is “another”?
Patterico (c218bd) — 4/21/2011 @ 6:55 amIt is Sarah Palin’s fault that Ken Layne the goat buggerer does not know how many kids he has.
JD (318f81) — 4/21/2011 @ 6:56 amC’mon, Patterico. You saw happyfeet’s happy rainbow of hatred last night. Same as it ever was.
Simon Jester (1fc1ae) — 4/21/2011 @ 6:57 amum, maybe he’s just revealed his secret lovechild…
Aaron Worthing (e7d72e) — 4/21/2011 @ 6:58 amJD, thanks for emphasizing the central point. It’s like my father told me as a boy: the measure of your character is how you treat people you dislike. Layne fails that test.
It’s a good lesson for everyone. Me included.
Simon Jester (1fc1ae) — 4/21/2011 @ 6:59 amActually, here’s a more serious explanation.
maybe he has a step child and didn’t count the child one of the two times.
which is kind of worse, if that is the explanation. my brother has a step son and i remember when he found out his wife was preggers by him i said something like this.
“I remember at Reagan’s funeral when mike reagan got up and told us all he had been adopted. He said very few people knew that because his Ronald Reagan made no distinction between his children by blood and his children by adoption. And I think that’s the ideal you have to emulate.”
well, i should say that before i said that, I left a message shouting “your boys can swim!” (quoting from Seinfeld) but that isn’t pertinent to the discussion.
But joking aside, that might explain it, because honestly i find it hard to believe he can’t actually count his kids.
Aaron Worthing (e7d72e) — 4/21/2011 @ 7:07 amAt least here in Jesusland we can count to five.
Crank (1e090d) — 4/21/2011 @ 7:11 amAaron, there are many people so blinded by partisan hatred that they don’t think about what they post. That’s the simplest explanation, and seems likely, given the fellow’s juvenile antics.
Simon Jester (1fc1ae) — 4/21/2011 @ 7:12 amhe might could have gotten confuzzled up cause of he just did his taxes and he claims 2 but has a step-child he doesn’t get to claim for whatever reason and also he has one on the way
happyfeet (760ba3) — 4/21/2011 @ 7:14 amWhy give him the benefit of the doubt on anything, he’s either too stupid to know, or too vicious to care, I lean toward the latter,
narciso (79ddc3) — 4/21/2011 @ 7:19 amOr maybe Layne is just makin’ sh*t up as he goes along. Like a lot of lefty trolls do on here all the time. My hope is that for society’s sake he has no children if this is the type of character, compassion and intellect embedded in his DNA. I think he’s had his 15 minutes of fame and it’s time to quit Ken Layne.
elissa (778225) — 4/21/2011 @ 7:21 amhttp://latimesblogs.latimes.com/photos/uncategorized/2008/04/14/ken_layne_wonkette.jpg
It is a wonder he was ever able to reproduce.
JD (318f81) — 4/21/2011 @ 7:29 amexcept that perhaps he has a stepchild?
or New Orleans is still not the education capital…
EricPWJohnson (a1aae7) — 4/21/2011 @ 7:32 amJD
well he did say that he was first interested in his wife when he saw her white cane with a red tip…
Aaron Worthing (e7d72e) — 4/21/2011 @ 7:33 amWhat is it with JD and man on goat sex? He seems unable to get the images out of his head…
Big Median (2b1825) — 4/21/2011 @ 7:42 amWhat is it with big median and man on inflatable doll sex? He seems to be attracted to his inflatable girlfriend.
DohBiden (15aa57) — 4/21/2011 @ 7:46 amhah this is a good place for to link this picture I think
happyfeet (760ba3) — 4/21/2011 @ 7:47 amI know it can’t be easy working at the “How dare you criticize Sarah Palin” meme factory, but production must be way, way down for this one to tumble off the assembly line. Do you really want to go public with the fact that this is the best you can do?
Big Median (2b1825) — 4/21/2011 @ 7:51 amI have no idea whether Layne has any stepchildren, or whatever other reason for the discrepancy he may have. But I’d normally expect that when writing to two different people on the same day about the same topic and mentioning how many children he has, he would list the same number of children in both e-mails. It’s not like there was any reason to count his stepchildren when writing to Weigel but not when writing to Christopher.
Joshua (9ede0e) — 4/21/2011 @ 7:53 amDarn it, just when I was about to get into this new call for civility thing, this has to happen.
Guess I’ll have to retain my wicked ways and continue to treat lefties like the lowlife maggots they are.
Sad. Very sad.
Dave Surls (565f70) — 4/21/2011 @ 7:54 amMr. Joshua the one time he says “of my own” and the other time he doesn’t use that locution
happyfeet (760ba3) — 4/21/2011 @ 7:56 amYeah taking shots at her 3 year old is legit criticism.
Go play with yourself Big Metardian.
DohBiden (15aa57) — 4/21/2011 @ 7:57 amRhetorical question, who is worse Layne, or the folks who have supported him, in the two years since
narciso (79ddc3) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:00 amhe last tried this stunt, go to Jacobsen for the pictures, I won’t link it
“Go play with yourself Big Metardian.”
– DohBiden
Leviticus (b987b0) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:02 amThat would be this Ken Layne? http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/photos/uncategorized/2008/04/14/kenlayne.jpg
The one who said: “It’s the Internet, and we can fact check your ass!”
carlitos (28bbc0) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:03 amCriticizing three year-olds with Downs Syndrome is racist.
Way to go happyfeet and Big Median.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:05 amSarah Palin’s problem is she loves her children, problems and all. This is antithetical to the liberal mindset.
Corky Boyd (202337) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:07 amBig median agains proves that it is progressively more mendoucheous with every comment.
JD (318f81) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:11 amI still think it might be a random comment generator.
I searched the “team sarah” page and didn’t find a “cult of trig.” Can anyone elaborate as to what Layne is referring to?
carlitos (28bbc0) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:12 amThe ugly and rampant sexism of Democrats is a fact of life. They pilloried Hillary Clinton for her looks when she was running and they have delighted in going after Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin whenever the opportunity arises. I suspect that in the dark recesses (and they are mighty dark indeed) of their alleged souls, they are terrified of women. These big strong manly Democratic males who have the spines of jellyfish and the delicacy and class of a fart joke!
Gayle Miller (d14034) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:15 amJust so we are clear, “big median” supports attacking 3 year old Down’s children.
JD (318f81) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:16 amMr. daley where did I criticize Mr. Trig? I didn’t. Not ever my whole life. But the whole plodding routine of being all aghast every time people are mean to the Palins is getting sorta stale I think.
Yes there’s a pattern here.
But for reals the whole world really doesn’t have to revolve around those Palin people and their travails I don’t think. The Boeing plant thing is a lot more outrageous and of a lot more consequence I think.
happyfeet (760ba3) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:18 amHappy
You must bow at the altar,
or else
EricPWJohnson (693f4b) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:20 amHmm, maybe Breitbart can find out just how many children Layne does have — on and off the books…
Milhouse (ea66e3) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:20 amWe’ll be watching the Sharks-Kings game tonight with Papa Johns pizza. Never tried ’em before.
aunursa (a2a019) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:22 am“Homophobic Papa Johns”
I’m still scratching my head over this one.
Sounds like Ken Layne is saying that Papa Johns won’t do business with Ken because they’re homophobic, which I guess means that Layne is homosexual.
If he is…then where are all these kids coming from? He claims to have six (four plus two equals six, right?), with another on the way. How’s he managing to do it? Does he have a girl friend on the side just so people won’t think he’s all the way gay?
It’s all very confusing.
Dave Surls (565f70) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:23 am___________________________________________
Layne’s mature reaction continued on Twitter
Most liberals like Ken Layne undoubtedly believe their biases come from a wonderful, beautiful, humane place in their heart. And that those sentiments are just the opposite of what they perceive is animating various other people, certainly those they perceive as their socio-political opposites, conservatives or otherwise.
The following is for you, Ken, and all the other “progressives” (hi, Big Median!) out there:
^ The origins of “limousine liberalism” — and one does not have to be wealthy to be guilty of that type of phony, two-faced behavior.
Mark (411533) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:26 am___________________________________________
Happyfeet called palin a self-loathing hootchie and that liemonger EricPWjohnson has no problem with what he said despite the fact he may deny and obfuscate all the time.
DohBiden (15aa57) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:26 amThey weren’t mean to the Palins, happyfeet. They attacked a child on his 3rd birthday, mocked his condition. Epwj agrees that it is appropriate though.
Dave – they attacked Tony Dungy for being a hohophobe too.
JD (318f81) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:26 amWhy does Dungy hate ho-hos? Racist.
carlitos (28bbc0) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:31 amI was talking about the pattern Mr. JD not just this latest bout of mockery.
happyfeet (760ba3) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:32 amMaybe it’s being mean to the Palins, and flinging horrible accusations at them, that’s getting sorta stale. How can this Layne skell think that it’s OK to do that? Hey, do you suppose Layne doesn’t know how many kids he has because he’s not sure whether to count his little brother?
Milhouse (ea66e3) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:32 amTypography note: I think it’s “Down Sydrome.” I’ve seen it as “Down’s Syndrome.” I’ve never seen it as “Downs Syndrome” before. FWIW, Wikipedia says “Down Syndrome.”
Layne shows a striking tone-deafness, at minimum. That’s very poor behavior.
JRM (3f3be1) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:34 amThis idea that people should not defend themselves against vile smears makes no sense to me.
JD (318f81) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:36 amWell, at least he didn’t say the United States has 57 of them.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:36 am_____________________________________________
If he is…then where are all these kids coming from?
Since the wise and worldly Ken Layne mentioned “homophobia,” or most likely is one of those who considers homosexuality as analogous to, say, race and ethnicity (IOW, “gays can’t help but be who they are!! To claim otherwise is…RACIST!!”), the following also is for Wonkette’s writer:
Mark (411533) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:37 amI’m checking for pods in the backyard, the most reasonable explanation
narciso (79ddc3) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:39 amLlosa, Bingo.
Tanny O'Haley (da0e1b) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:41 amellisa, Bingo. Sorry for the double post. I hate typing on an iPad, it tries to “correct” words that don’t need correction.
Tanny O'Haley (da0e1b) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:43 am==This idea that people should not defend themselves against vile smears makes no sense to me==
Completely agree, JD. At the time I thought that when W didn’t defend himself he was being presidential and turning the other cheek as his mama prolly taught him was right. I now look at his decision not to stand up for himself against vile smears and not to fight back at the lies as a huge mistake that led to the O era. Lesson learned.
elissa (778225) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:44 am“Mr. daley where did I criticize Mr. Trig? I didn’t. Not ever my whole life.”
Mr. Feets – If you can live with that statement you are a very twisted individual.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:45 am‘The gay British actor Everett, 47, said he had a sexual relationship with Yates while she was married to Geldof. He has also admitted to sexual encounters with actresses Susan Sarandon and Beatrice Dalle.’
‘“I am mystified by my heterosexual affairs – but then I am mystified by most of my relationships.’
I certainly find it mystifying that someone would get naked with Susan Sarandon.
I mean there are some things that one just doesn’t do.
I find it even more mystifying that someone would actually ADMIT to doing it.
For God’s sake man, don’t you have any pride?
Dave Surls (565f70) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:51 amof course I can live with it Mr. daley I’ve never criticized Mr. Trig or Sarah’s decision to have Mr. Trig or anything related to Mr. Trig at all ever my whole entire life
I *may* have had a few uncharitable things to say about Mr. Trig’s momma in the past though … I’d have to go back and look.
happyfeet (760ba3) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:51 amDid you expect something different, daley?
Simon Jester (c8876d) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:58 amWe need another Augusto Pincohet to save us from this socialist tyranny.
DohBiden (15aa57) — 4/21/2011 @ 8:58 amThe democraps are not supportive of israel.
DohBiden (15aa57) — 4/21/2011 @ 9:02 amI’m trying to decide which one of these scenarios is worse…
1.) In order to prove to the world that you aren’t homophobic, you engage in homosexual activity with Ken Layne.
2.) You wake up in a strange bed, with a raging hangover, you look over and see Susan Sarandon laying next to you…and, she’s stark naked.
Tough call.
Dave Surls (565f70) — 4/21/2011 @ 9:03 amYou think Ken Layne’s baby mama/mamas know how many kids he has.
For someone who speaks (on here) in such a childish manner, hf certainly has a lot of hate for conservative women. Children don’t usually hate until they are taught. So have a vegan carrot juice and lemon curd tart and chill out, hf.
PatAZ (81cf34) — 4/21/2011 @ 9:04 amThe scenario which would be worse those two is to wake up in a strange bed and see Charles Johnson’s naked butt lying next to you.
DohBiden (15aa57) — 4/21/2011 @ 9:05 am“I *may* have had a few uncharitable things to say about Mr. Trig’s momma in the past though … I’d have to go back and look.”
Mr. Feets – I’m sure that’s it when you criticize the Palin family. Did you supply Ken Layne the template for his current excuse, Sarah Palin is forcing me to hate her?
Very weak tea Mr. Feets. You can do better. It is a very open question whether people like you who feel they are victims of Sarah Palin’s actions and utterances and hence those of her family, even though not touched directly, serve a helpful purpose by expressing their hate for Ms. Palin and her family in public. Attention getting and bizarre sexual gratification are purposes of the actions that come to my mind.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 4/21/2011 @ 9:08 amI don’t hate Sarah Palin AZ person I just think it’s inane that we’re all expected to willingly embroil ourselves in the incessant victim/martyr dramas her cult is so enamored of and in the tribal identity politics what she’s made her calling card.
I’ve said all along that Obama started it, and he should be damned for it, but it’s a lot unfortunate to see such a wide swath of Team R emulate his noxious brand of populist razzle dazzle tribalism.
happyfeet (a55ba0) — 4/21/2011 @ 9:13 amSomehow, somewhere, another speaking engagement for cash is being offered or… solicited?
I feel that Sarah somehow will find a way to turn yet another negative – and it was a horrible attack – into cold hard cash
EricPWJohnson (693f4b) — 4/21/2011 @ 9:14 amemulate and embrace I mean
happyfeet (a55ba0) — 4/21/2011 @ 9:14 amYa know levictus or however you spell your name if your gonna condone big medians Garbage then don’t complain when we take pot shots at Helen Thomas.
DohBiden (15aa57) — 4/21/2011 @ 9:14 amLeviticus might find it a little strange that someone defends the Palins right now by calling someone retarded, Dohbiden. I don’t mean to be PC or anything.
Anyway, Leviticus is one of the good guys. You can’t run around slamming the trolls without taking a little flack sometimes. I used to be the resident yell-at-trolls guy, but I ran out of stamina, so don’t take this as a rebuke.
Dustin (c16eca) — 4/21/2011 @ 9:20 amDid I just see Mr. feets, the acknowledged master of baby-talk posting, make a disparaging remark about inanity???
The mind boggles.
Dave Surls (565f70) — 4/21/2011 @ 9:21 amWhy is it that this current batch of leftist bloggers just can’t admit, “Yes, I hate the ‘other team’ and will do anything I feel like to disparage them, their family and their accomplishments. It is nothing personal, it is political, because they have that (R) after their name.” It would be far more honest and make what they say much more believable, as it where, because we, conservatives, pretty much understand you, liberals, live by the rule of “Whatever It Takes!”
MunDane (54a83b) — 4/21/2011 @ 9:25 amSo Eric thinks it was a horrible attack but yet calls us palinista for agreeing with him?
DohBiden (15aa57) — 4/21/2011 @ 9:27 amLike Benny said in Total Recall, “You got me there I don’t have any kids. Now get your hands up!”
Moe (d2310f) — 4/21/2011 @ 9:27 ambtw, this is a good post at imao.
Aaron Worthing (e7d72e) — 4/21/2011 @ 9:29 amI am shocked, shocked I tell you, that epwj feels compelled to get his Palin hate on, in the face of these gratuitous smears against a toddler.
JD (85b089) — 4/21/2011 @ 9:30 amWonkette sounds a lot like TBogg’s place.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 4/21/2011 @ 9:35 am___________________________________________
I certainly find it mystifying that someone would get naked with Susan Sarandon.
LOL. But seriously, the situation likely was helped by the fact the British actor in question probably shared the politics of Sarandon. Surveys indicate that around 80-plus percent of the GLBT community identifies with the left. Speaking of which, Marlon Brando was notorious for being into very liberal politics. Knowing that might make it less puzzling for people who were aware of Brando’s well-documented reputation as a womanizer, to learn he also was happily into diddling dudes.
hf certainly has a lot of hate for conservative women.
Not sure if that is due to his perception that such people — Palin in particular — is the type most opposed to “alternative lifestyles.”
I believe he mentioned not long ago friends of his who were toying with the idea of same-sex marriage. If so, the dumbing down of social boundaries, and the increasing sexualization — and, most notably, bi-sexualization — of modern society is pushing larger numbers of people throughout the Western World to the left. If they at the same time will end up unwittingly fostering the Islamicization of their society (“because all cultures outside of our own, including that of the Middle East/Third World, are equal and require our respect!!”), then the phase “hoisted by their own petard” will come into play.
Mark (411533) — 4/21/2011 @ 9:38 amIf I understand correctly, somehow I’m being inane if I find it objectionable when some piece of monkey spunk over at that Wonkette cesspool starts mocking and insulting a three old boy in order to try and hurt said three year old boy’s mother.
I don’t quite get how that works.
Then again, some people think I’m a couple of slices short of making a whole Papa John’s homophobic pizza, so maybe it’s just me that’s all fucked up, and not those clever satirists over at Wonkette, who excel at making brilliant and cutting jabs at toddlers.
Dave Surls (565f70) — 4/21/2011 @ 9:38 amWell, the “I’m being persecuted” meme does play well with a certain religious sect. See “war on Christmas” etc. for details.
carlitos (28bbc0) — 4/21/2011 @ 9:44 amIt’s very good to know that feets doesn’t hate Palin. If he did, I’d likely need to censor my computer screen if patterico didn’t first. I didn’t know there were that many nasting things in reserve to say.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 4/21/2011 @ 9:45 am“But seriously, the situation likely was helped by the fact the British actor in question probably shared the politics of Sarandon.”
I could sort of imagine myself sharing Sarandon’s politics…like if I got in a horrible accident and suffered debilitating brain damage.
But screwing her???
Not if she was the last sow on earth.
Dave Surls (565f70) — 4/21/2011 @ 9:46 amCarlitos you meant islam right?
Oh no you didn’t another arsehole that thinks having a problem with a three year old being slandred is playing the victim for no reason.
DohBiden (15aa57) — 4/21/2011 @ 9:51 am“willingly embroil ourselves in the incessant victim/martyr dramas”
Yes Mr. Feets, this is exactly what you are doing after each and every one of Sarah or her family’s utterances. You should call Mr. DeMille, now a zombie, to tell him you are ready for your close up.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 4/21/2011 @ 9:52 amI’m sure he was confused because of tax season. See, he only has two and one on the way, but the IRS believes that he has four.
Easy mistake, anyone might do that.
I R A Darth Aggie (9e9ecf) — 4/21/2011 @ 9:52 amJD
Really? my kids are smeared, pics of them are posted on porno websites right now. hate mail goes to the house. Death threats to the phons, morons posted horrendous beheading wishes for all of us while we are over in Arabia and this was a right wing website founded by Senator Dan Patrick!
I was accused in two states of shooting Gabby but I’m not home to defend myself and this from a guy who was made he didnt get my economic analysis of the area for free so he smeared my for days.
I dont read wonkette, dont agree with anything they say, dont think its fair/right/allowable and pointed out to Aaron and Pat a couple of months ago when they made fun of trigs name on the cover of the HOUSTON CHRONICLE – and several people I know got some people there seperated from their employment
but Sarah uses these things for money, not pity
over and over and over and over again
sad really
But go ahead like you seem to always do and totally make up stuff
EricPWJohnson (38a8f8) — 4/21/2011 @ 9:53 am“Well, the “I’m being persecuted” meme does play well with a certain religious sect”
carlitos – Keith Ellison was on Hannity giving that perspective last night. A lot of goal post moving, just like happyfeet.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 4/21/2011 @ 9:55 amThese bastards aren’t worth the trouble it takes to mock them, and they enjoy the publicity.
Beldar (cd529f) — 4/21/2011 @ 9:57 amThe mitten trees the school around here have substituted for Christmas trees are much more festive IMHO.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 4/21/2011 @ 9:59 amIs anybody going Spring Sphere hunting with their kids this weekend?
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:00 amYikes, I’m thinking like Keith Ellison. That gives me pause.
I haven’t been watching Hannity much, and his recent embrace of Trump isn’t winning me back anytime soon.
carlitos (28bbc0) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:01 amNow, is it coincidence that this attack comes right after her appearance in Madison, and furthermore around the time that Kloppenberg goes fully Blutowski on the recall,
narciso (79ddc3) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:02 amthat is absolutely horrible. I’m sorry.
That is unfair. She actually raises awareness for special needs kids. It’s clearly sincere. This woman is barely functional without her family. She obviously cares about them. Her reaction to her 3 year old being slighted is what? To thank those who expressed disgust and sympathy?
Where’s the Al Sharpton style ‘give me money’ hustle? Just in the fact Palin exists at all, is a politician, and defends herself? That’s not nearly enough. She is justified in her reaction to the attacks on her family. Yes, she reacts to these attacks repeatedly, but because her family is attacked repeatedly. Her husband is called incestuous. Her kids’ parenthood is constantly lied about. Her downs son is called half human.
This is not Sarah Palin’s fault, of course, and it isn’t a black mark against her that people support her in reaction to this nastiness. That is simply human nature, in a community, to rally around someone who is being bullied.
You say Sarah doesn’t use this for pity, and I think that’s clear. She constantly shows that she’s still a happy person with a great life, even though we both know she can’t possibly be unaffected by how her family is treated.
Given that she’s under this kind of attack, I need some evidence she is somehow using it for profit beyond simply refusing to hide herself. All she did was wish her son a happy birthday.
Dustin (c16eca) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:02 ammy good name is what didnt make it through
and made should be mad
Look JD,
Palin campaigns for money, this opens herself up to legitemate criticism by me and others
Palin also raised taxes in alaska and spending – this opens her up to criticism from people
People who try and pin labels like “hate” are doing that because they dont have an argument – to instantly compare people who disagree with Palin to her critics asholes are not in my opinion being fair or considerate
smearing trig was wrong and her children are wrong, and these people should be seperated from their employment
EricPWJohnson (38a8f8) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:03 am“but Sarah uses these things for money, not pity”
EricPW – Has Sarah even responded to what Wonkette put up?
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:04 amWtF was #80?! Get help. IMP Deux.
JD (d48c3b) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:05 amYou’re not missing anything.
Sure, they clearly love the attention, Beldar. I guess I just don’t care enough about them to try to modify my behavior just to spite them. The fact is, there is just too much ridiculous nastiness directed at ‘teabaggers’, Palin, and practically anyone else who tries to threaten the politics of people like Ken Layne (a hardened liberal democrat who actually claims to support “american values” and finds the Bush tax cuts to be shameful).
I’m tired enough of it to want to shine as much light on it as possible, instead of letting the bullies get their kicks in and then slink away. Sure, making Ken Layne a household name serves his petty little interests, but it also serves my more serious interests.
The fact is, if you ignore them, they will not go away. Mama was wrong.
Dustin (c16eca) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:07 amdustin
no she didnt raise any awareness she used trig for a political purpose as she should have – but trying to give her a noblility she doesent deserve is more proof tht people are troubled with her and making excuses for her,
As long as she’s making more in speaking fees than anyone ever in politics in the history of this great country = speaks for itself
Oh dustin they also wanted my 10 year old at the time held down, raped, eviserated while pouring salt in her wounds because I posted some of the Ramos and Compean transcripts – yeah nice people
Trig will recover, these people will lose more monetary support, and sarah will get more money from people who give to her thinking she’s going to run…
EricPWJohnson (38a8f8) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:09 amBeldar
ann althouse had a similar attitude in one of her posts.
Aaron Worthing (e7d72e) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:10 am“but Sarah uses these things for money”
Maybe the Palin family should become Benedictine monks?
Then they would be properly poor, and also they’d be bound to suffer the continuous insults they’re subjected to, without engaging in any unnecessary speech in response.
That might appease the demented Palin-haters.
Dave Surls (565f70) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:14 amJD
Yeah Sarah’s a vic again – someone said something bad about her kids – gee when I ran for school board and refused the union endoresement they had their kids try and beat my middle daughter in gym class and a union coach took my oldest off the varsity volleyball team and put her on the freshman b squad –
Yes trig is going to wonder why dumbshits say horrible things about him.
I guess my point is – all the time someone is saying something horrible about someone including all the Palins, rape incest, retard jokes – horrible all of them – can you stop them, no, can you use it to mask the discussion of her record – yep
hard to attack a perpetual victims record
Yeah the wonkette guys an ass – total ass and no way am I ever going to give him money – or that Palin woman
EricPWJohnson (38a8f8) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:18 amEven happyfeet admits that Palin wants to raise awareness for special needs children. She’s quite sincere about it. She describes her son as perfect, and I think she loves him very much. Let’s not pretend she’s a monster.
So she makes speaking fees sometimes. What is your point? I’d pay to hear her too. She’s interesting.
Is that ellipsis supposed to be ominous? These things do not prove Palin is a bad person for showing America that she loves her son, or speaking about special needs. Sure, that’s hardly a bold move for a politician, but it’s sincere. Yes, she will make money from supporters. That’s how politics works.
She made it better with her fight against Murkowski style corruption, remember? She fought the special power oil had that corrupted Alaska into cheating its citizens out of a fair deal (fair is the highest price the governor can get for her citizen’s property, of course). Sure, she’s still like all other politicians; she raises money while speaking about her politics. There is nothing underhanded about it. I can still feel tremendous sympathy for Sarah Palin for seeing her entire family treated like this, not mention the sympathy I feel for her family. It’s great that Sarah Palin continues despite the fact many, apparently including you, refuse to treat her like she’s a living breathing human being.
The Murkowski bastards and the Obama bastards did a real number on her. A lot of Republicans and Democrats have been hardened against her, personally, instead of arguing against her ideas. They think she’s this corrupt, sinister, monster, and thanks to that, they refuse to empathize.
But if you put yourself in her shoes, how would you handle this? By refusing to raise money? By shutting up about your politics? No more speeches? No more hugging your son to show you love him, in a world where many would have aborted him because he’s “half human” to take the left’s term?
I hope not.
Dustin (c16eca) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:19 amif they become monks they should become the kind what make the tasty beer those ones are my favorite
happyfeet (a55ba0) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:19 amWhat she makes more money than Bill Clinton, I would much doubt that. now there was a worthless public figure, he only looks good as compared to Obama, his tenure helped usher in many of the problems we are dealing with now.
narciso (79ddc3) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:20 amDave
Benedictine monks or overly wealthy millionaires using the fact thaat she may run to garner speaking engagements in the tens of millions?
EricPWJohnson (38a8f8) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:20 amAgain, I’m sorry. that’s horrible. No one should have to go through even 1 percent of that horror. Children are off limits, and when that line is crossed, everyone decent must rally together.
If someone did this to Malia Obama, I would at least this animated. Perhaps more, since I would be ashamed to be associated (since I oppose Obama). We have to come together when the line is crossed.
Dustin (c16eca) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:20 am“I haven’t been watching Hannity much”
carlitos – I don’t watch TV. The clips are on the tubes.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:21 amNarcisco – that clown does not even have a passing acquaintance with the truth.
JD (109425) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:22 amNone of any of the gibberish epwj is spewing changes the FACT that smearing Trig gave him an excuse to exercise his Palin hatred.
JD (6e25b4) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:25 amThe State Senate up there, changed the election law, to the false interpretation, that Murkowskiwas relying on, but they weren’t able to change ACES
narciso (79ddc3) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:26 amtry as they might
Eric that is wrong but it still doesn’t change the fact you have lied about many things such as the duke lacrosse case.
DohBiden (15aa57) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:31 amI just want to go on record and say that while I regard feets and Eric as unfortunate victims of Palin-hating Dementia Syndrome, which has made them incapable of exercising any higher cognitive functions, that I still love them, as if they were my own kin.
That’s my official position.
But, if they ever have sex with Susan Sarandon…I’m cutting them out of my will.
There’s some things I won’t tolerate, no matter how far gone you are.
Dave Surls (565f70) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:31 amWell even in the Rocky Horror to the Atlantic City era,
narciso (79ddc3) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:36 am“Palin campaigns for money, this opens herself up to legitemate criticism by me and others
People who try and pin labels like “hate” are doing that because they dont have an argument”
EricPW – Once again you miss the point. I’m sorry for your troubles. The lies and misinformation you spread on the internet certainly don’t endear you to people to the extent any of it is caused by that. Hopefully the military is investigating the posting of your daughters’ photographs.
Otherwise, take responsibility for your actions and stop whining.
The key word above is “legitimate.” Legitimate is not criticizing the parent for the daughter’s appearance on a TV show or the birthday of special needs child or calling Sarah racist because she did not apologize for a speech made by someone else which you misinterpreted.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:37 amYes. It seems really inappropriate. It’s not the right time to start bashing someone, because that comes across as spreading blame.
For example, if someone did to EPWJ’s family what he’s describing, I wouldn’t reply with one of the criticisms people make of him. Sarah Palin can be criticized another day. It’s uncivilized to use this kind of attack as an opportunity to crank out your grievances with Palin.
Dustin (c16eca) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:37 am“As long as she’s making more in speaking fees than anyone ever in politics in the history of this great country”
EricPW – Prove she makes more than bent dick Bill.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:40 amYa know, EPWJ, when daleyrocks lists out some of the things you’ve put at Sarah’s feet, it sounds like you have a hard time being fair towards her.
And there are people I have a hard time being fair towards. The least we can do is just try to recognize that. For example, when O’Donnell was trashed in Gawker, I recognized that she deserved a lot more respect. When Huck made slimy comments about Romney’s faith, I recognized that Romney deserves a lot more respect.
We all have people who get under our skin. Palin does that to reasonable people all the time, but you have to be cognizant of it enough to hold back trashing them at the wrong time.
Dustin (c16eca) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:42 amDear Patterico Proofreader:
Regarding the spelling of Trig Palin’s disability or any other, please observe: Use the apostrophe-S if the affliction is named after someone who had it. Leave off the apostrophe-S if it is named after who discovered it. For example:
* Lou Gehrig’s disease named after the patient it was diagnosed in.
* Down syndrome named after the English physician John Langdon Down who characterized the condition, but did not have it.
Please edit accordingly.
P.S. David Weigel reminds me of that LGF chap.
FeFe (c2547f) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:44 amHe is not trashing them, Dustin. He is making stuff up, and overtly lying. As you said above, “if” is the operative word, and none of that has jack shlt to do with epwj using a little Trig bashing to get his Palin hate on. It was as predictable as big median being a liar, or kmart stalking AW.
JD (8802f1) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:45 amYes, I agree. I’m got tired of going back and forth with EPWJ or anyone else on this kind of thing, but I realize the things he’s said about Palin are not accurate.
And yeah, I can see why that makes it a lot more aggravating.
Still, whether EPWJ believes Palin is racist or corrupt or whatever or doesn’t, this is just not the time to get one’s ‘Palin hate’ on.
Dustin (c16eca) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:50 amFefe, I always forget that too.
Dustin (c16eca) — 4/21/2011 @ 10:51 amLayne has either two children or four, but he does not have “another on the way.” What he has, or rather what his wife has with no regard to any father or a father’s rights, is a collection of cells that resemble a human child.
So twins or not, it doesn’t matter.
Chad (63a931) — 4/21/2011 @ 12:36 pmLayne counts as a child himself. With two kids and one on the way, four is technically correct.
pbares (04a009) — 4/21/2011 @ 12:42 pmEPWJ: if Sarah is raking in tens of millions of dollars in speaking fees, a link please. That is really hard to believe.
And if you are over there where you frequently hide, maybe it’s time to come home and have some yummy bacon. You sound a little stressed today.
PatAZ (81cf34) — 4/21/2011 @ 1:26 pmMaybe like Palin he has some of his own children and some that are really his grandchildren that he pretends are really his and he just forgets to keep up the pretense sometimes.
AndyN (1a786a) — 4/21/2011 @ 4:07 pm/sarc
#22 happyfeet: So what? Layne wasn’t even asked how many children he had; he just brought that up on his own to show that he was in favor of children, or something. Even if his statements about his number of children can be parsed in such a way as to make them literally true, it’s still odd that he would enumerate his children differently in two different e-mails he wrote on the same day.
Joshua (9ede0e) — 4/21/2011 @ 4:20 pmBet he doesn’t have any kids.
Heidi (a9a9b3) — 4/22/2011 @ 7:13 amActually, with Ken’s children, technically I’m the biological father of all of them. But I’m letting him raise them. I’m not completely sure how many kids I have.
Ronald Jeremy (10153d) — 4/22/2011 @ 7:24 amHeida beat me to it. I would say the most obvious explanation is that he has no children.
That should be easy enough for an enterprising blogger somewhere to check.
Polybius (740534) — 4/22/2011 @ 4:43 pmKenny had two kids before he went on Maury, four after the results of the DNA tests were revealed.
Freddie Sykes (0e6f79) — 4/23/2011 @ 2:50 am