Patterico's Pontifications


Ken Layne: It’s Sarah Palin’s Fault We Made Fun of Trig on His Birthday!!!

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 6:49 pm

So Wonkette published a post mocking Trig Palin on his birthday. Link? Why, no! But I will link you to Tommy Christopher, who gives a representative quote from the post:

Today is the day we come together to celebrate the snowbilly grifter’s magical journey from Texas to Alaska to deliver to the America the great gentleman scholar Trig Palin. Is Palin his true mother? Or was Bristol? (And why is it that nobody questions who the father is? Because, either way, Todd definitely did it.)

Mocking Trig for being a Downs Syndrome child? Check. Accusing Todd Palin of raping his daughter? Check. And it goes on like that.

Dave Weigel has allowed Wonkette editor (and raging asshole) Ken Layne to portray himself as quasi-outraged by the post, reprinting Layne’s e-mail that begins thusly:

I have four kids myself and I wouldn’t want them mocked on the Internet by a bunch of cretins on the Internet. And that’s just one reason why I wouldn’t parade my children around in the media. What kind of mother does that?

In any case, Jack has been admonished and put on night probation until further notice. Anything involving Palin, I want to make it extra clear that *Palin* is the problem with America. Not her kids.

Blah blah blah. Isn’t it a shame that people mock Trig, he says — as he blames Palin. Which is what all the Trig mockers do.

Tommy Christopher does a better job of revealing Layne’s complete lack of remorse, by publishing his e-mail exchanges with Layne, who starts off seeing absolutely nothing wrong with the piece, and demanding to know what editor is pushing Christopher to ask about it:

On whose account are you requesting that Jack Stuef remove a post mocking Sarah Palin’s well-documented use of her special needs child as a political prop? Is this coming from Mediaite? Which editor?

Which he followed up with this:

So Mediaite wants you to encourage political satire websites to remove items that offend those who support the targets of the mockery? That seems awfully strange for Mediaite. Which editor is encouraging this, is what I’m asking.

Why the sudden punishment of the author — and sudden lip service to Weigel over the supposed inappropriate nature of the post? They’re losing advertisers, that’s why.

Uh-oh! Time to half-assedly pretend to have a shred of decency!

But just a shred. After all, you have a reputation to protect, Layne, as one of the Internet’s premier douchebags.

UPDATE: They lost the Papa John’s account, but they’re trying hard to get it back:

They’re also calling for a boycott. I think this is called “taking responsibility.”

Let me know if Weigel reports on that, or whether he continues to allow the cretinous Layne to portray himself as (sort of) contrite.

UPDATE x2: Layne is such a great parent he can’t even count his own children.

184 Responses to “Ken Layne: It’s Sarah Palin’s Fault We Made Fun of Trig on His Birthday!!!”

  1. I see that Allahpundit says this is trollblogging and (while posting about it) almost — not quite, but almost — suggests we should ignore it.

    And I see the point. When someone constantly lies about others, or insults others in pointless and stupid ways, or engages in myriad other jackassed behaviors in a clear cry for attention, it is tempting to utterly ignore them. It may be the right thing to do, even. I have pursued such a strategy before.

    And yet . . . is it the right strategy?

    Interesting question.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  2. David Letterman would be proud.

    aunursa (a2a019)

  3. ohnoes! Someone said flagrantly insensitive stuff about the Palins on the Internet?

    happyfeet (760ba3)

  4. It’s “the Palins” now?

    No, they said flagrantly insensitive stuff about Trig Palin.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  5. David Letterman would be proud.

    Maybe Wonkette meant to be mocking Bristol and accidentally substituted Trig!

    Patterico (c218bd)

  6. Has anyone read Wonkette say in the last five years? If so, why? It was way stupid before that dumb chick left and joined Time.

    What was her name anyway? I honestly don’t remember.

    Ag80 (6134b7)

  7. I still haven’t found where Layne or the other ass bandit actually apologized.

    JD (318f81)

  8. yes Mr. Trig gets the brunt of it but they also said the part about Todd being a daughter-rapist and that Sarah was dumb so I figured it was most accurately described as a collective Palin-bashing sort of occasion

    hey speaking of the advertisers Huggies just got a brand new digital agency just last week

    happyfeet (760ba3)

  9. wasn’t her name like Anne Marie Cox or something? she went to Time if I remember right


    happyfeet (760ba3)

  10. here she is Ana Marie Cox

    happyfeet (760ba3)

  11. yes Mr. Trig gets the brunt of it but they also said the part about Todd being a daughter-rapist and that Sarah was dumb so I figured it was most accurately described as a collective Palin-bashing sort of occasion

    Which makes it easier to dismiss it with a snarkly “oh noes!”

    Somehow when you confront the fact that they mocked a three-year-old Downs syndrome child it seems less like a situation calling for an “oh noes!” snarky remark.


    Patterico (c218bd)

  12. I still haven’t found where Layne or the other ass bandit actually apologized.

    That would be because they didn’t.

    Because they are assholes.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  13. Has anyone read Wonkette say in the last five years?

    Yup. They have a pretty large readership, actually.

    Mostly people who enjoy this kind of content.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  14. Wonkette does far, far better than this blog, for example.

    Which should make everyone very, very proud.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  15. well it’s just that this isn’t terribly shocking really Mr. Trig has had a lot of very passionate supporters and detractors on the Internet – and for some time now. Kinda like Rebecca Black.

    happyfeet (760ba3)

  16. Anna Marie Cox has the distinction of popularizing the word “teabaggers” a few years ago, and telling a lot of ass-rape jokes before that. She’s an intellectual.

    Brian (8656ec)

  17. And yet, kinda NOT like Rebecca Black.

    Because he’s THREE YEARS OLD.

    I find it rather amazing that your hatred for Sarah Palin is so overwhelming that you can’t even bring yourself to say a single unkind word for the cretins responsible for this.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  18. Why, exactly, would someone be a Trig detractor?

    JD (318f81)

  19. happyfeet, the notion that Trig has downs because of incest is incredibly horrible… to everyone in a family with anyone with Downs. It’s a nasty stereotype. I don’t see that as taking the heat off Trig at all.

    Can someone explain to me why it would be wrong for Obama to show us his beautiful family, or Palin to show us hers? What is so horrible about that?

    I want to make it extra clear that *Palin* is the problem with America.

    This is an insane thing to say altogether, but after your organization just trashed her toddler? That’s small.

    I think Wonkette/Gawker/the rest of those is the problem with America. All these little thugs with absolutely no consideration for decency in their desperate political derangement… they are the problem. They are the entire reason Palin is even a thorn in their side, to be honest. Most of the reason people think about her is because she represents the target of horrible people.

    Sarah Palin argues a point of view to Americans. Sure, maybe happyfeet’s general complaint, that as a mere governor for a partial term, she’s not quite what he’s looking for, but America has elections to determine that. It seems natural to feel sympathy for everyone in Trig’s family for these attacks, or Sarah specifically for how everyone she cares about has to deal with this. That must take a lot of spine. She’s still out there, giving her point of view on politics, knowing that these bastards will continually publicly demolish anyone she cares about. I’m glad she refuses to back down as a result… if she did back down, that would just make it worse for the next guy.

    But me, personally, I do not have the backbone to see them do to my family what they do to Sarah’s. I may not prefer her for president or anything like that, but hell.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  20. And this wasn’t a Palin bashing, it was a birthday wish to Trig, that happened to include some pretty vile smears.

    JD (318f81)

  21. You can determine Wonkette’s editors’ ethics by their reaction to Papa John’s decision to pull advertising from the site.

    They allowed Papa John’s ads to run on the site and took their money. However, when Papa Johns’ pulled their ads, Wonkette started tweeting about how people should boycott Papa John’s because they are “homophobic” and support “extremist wingnuts.”

    Ken (2e87a6)

  22. I’m not the outrage police and the truth is if Sarah Palin wasn’t hated she’d just be a quitty nobody. A huge amount of her praises are couched in terms of her making moonbats crazy and making all the right enemies and getting under their skin and et cetera. It’s sorta just part of the deal, and it has been from the beginning. What is there to say?

    Hey you shouldn’t be mean to Mr. Trig you scurrilous and deeply socialist scoundrels!


    I didn’t start the fire Mr. P it was always burning since the world’s been turning.

    what’s more pressing is this banana peel. Is it supposed to go in the green bin downstairs or is it just trash? At the old place we didn’t have a green bin.

    I don’t know what to do.

    I don’t want to be the guy that googles for banana peel disposal instructions. But by the same token I should know these things.

    happyfeet (760ba3)

  23. Do you have a link to that accusation, Ken?

    JD (318f81)

  24. It’s difficult not attack Ken Layne as a craven oozing putrid pulsing pimple of puss on humanity but I value dignity as much as he devalues it.

    That he has the brazen arrogance to make this comment is stunning,

    And we should always — it is a *moral duty* — show how reprehensible it is to be using *any baby* and especially a special needs baby as a political prop. That is gross, and sane people know it’s gross.

    Yet he apparently he feels it’s perfectly fine to use Trig Palin as a personal prop to promote a personal belief that Trig’s mother is an empty grifter and dollar-chaser and tabloid-fame monster with a delusional following of poor white people. So while it’s not cool to use Trig as a political prop, it is okay to use him in any as long as the goal is the denigration, humiliation and degradation of his mother.

    This man produces so much word vomit that it’s rather surprising he didn’t choke when daring to utter the words *moral duty*.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  25. Happyfeet thinks he’s pretty world-weary and smart and sophisticated. Strike a pose.

    Brian (8656ec)

  26. I’m not the outrage police and the truth is if Sarah Palin wasn’t hated she’d just be a quitty nobody governor.

    You do know that, right? She resigned thanks to the hate lawfare. That’s just a fact. They went after her because they hated her, rather than because she did anything wrong.

    Sure, they used the law, and if she had been John Kerry rich, she wouldn’t have quit because she’d have millions to spend, but she didn’t have millions. She had to quit to maintain her family.

    I didn’t start the fire Mr. P it was always burning since the world’s been turning.

    That’s not true. You started the fire. Not alone, but it’s you guys who have this nihilist thing about being horrible to a powerful public servant who is a little askew of your politics, or a little … I don’t know the word for it because I’m not quite as clever as you, but something about celebrity politicians.

    The Palin family actually deserves a degree of respect. Not reverence or worship, but basic decency. When that’s violated, we should have sympathy. Why? because I want to live in a decent society.

    You’re not a bad person, but you’ve turned off the part of our program that shows sympathy for people like Palin because you’ve got some problem with politics these days. I think that’s a mistake, with all due respect.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  27. No Mr. Brian I am not weary of the world and I am certainly not a sophisticated person in the slightest but I’m smart enough to know if I were to set out from my fabulous new North Hollywood apartment to go to Alaska and express my sympathies to the Palin family for mean stuff people said on the internet the number of people I’d have to pass what have it way worse off than Mr. Trig would… I don’t know how many it would be but it would be a daunting and sobering number.

    happyfeet (760ba3)

  28. Dana – I really like that artichoke pic.

    JD (318f81)

  29. oh btw yes the peel goes into the green bin

    happyfeet (760ba3)

  30. happyfeet, you continue to live down to my expectations.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  31. I guess mocking a handicapped child and accusing someone of incest is not an advertiser builder.

    So far, they have lost four advertisers.

    retire05 (2d538e)

  32. And we should always — it is a *moral duty* — show how reprehensible it is to be using *any baby* and especially a special needs baby as a political prop. That is gross, and sane people know it’s gross.

    So if your baby has special needs, you have a special obligation to society not to show them off. Why? I don’t know exactly why we are supposed to discriminate against people like Trig. I guess there’s some problem with just how powerful a message this sends about who Sarah Palin is as a pro life mother, or a mother in general? Why? Her family are who she is. It’s not like Trig is walking around with an anti-Obama sign. Insofar as he’s a prop, it’s that Palin acts like she loves her kid in public. Just as I’m sure she does in private (if she didn’t, that contrast would be worthy a lot of scorn, I guess).

    No, I like seeing Obama’s family. Hell, this is beautiful.

    It’s a little comforting that Obama and I clearly share love for kids and family and goodness. Sure, Obama is still … that horrible president whom I am extremely opposed to, but at least he’s got a soul. Look at his kids holding him. That isn’t fake.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  33. Because they are assholes.

    Comment by Patterico — 4/20/2011 @ 7:06 pm

    Quoting for truth. Mocking a 3-year-old Downs Syndrome kid – what a tough guy.

    carlitos (28bbc0)

  34. So, you have a guy posting as Wonkette and the original poster writing for GQ. And fifteen years from now they will be the equivalent of the lower right corner on Hollywood Squares.

    Whatever happened to what’s-her-name anyway?

    Ag80 (6134b7)

  35. my fabulous new North Hollywood apartment

    That sounds sweet. Congrats.

    Anyway, yes, you can’t waste your life tracking down all the jerks in the world, and it’s not your special mission to defend Palin. But if you’re having a conversation about it, and you express an opinion that it’s not a big deal, when it actually is a big deal and highly corrosive evil, then maybe this isn’t about your act of omission anymore.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  36. Palin who? LOL. Trump is the new idiot with the big mouth and the small brain.

    Pants, Smarty (8c2482)

  37. Oh for god sake, happyfeet, is it really so hard to say without hesitation, yes, of course it is a vile and repugnant thing to mock a Downs Syndrome child? Even if that child is Sarah Palin’s.

    That is the slender thread of humanity we all cling to that prevents us from getting sucked into the swirling vortex of flame-throwing blistering hate that is the very lifeblood of morally depraved corpses like Wonkette and Layne. It is what gives their lives meaning.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  38. Trump is a leftist, idiot. Buh-bye.

    JD (318f81)

  39. OK happyfeet, by that brilliant logic if someone hits you with a car I won’t call 911, because there are terrible civil wars going on in Africa.

    You’re doubling down on dumb now. If you keep at it, by the end of this thread there won’t be much of you left.

    Brian (8656ec)

  40. Back in the day, Layne used to hang out with Matt Welch, when did he become a pitiless nazgul

    narciso (79ddc3)

  41. Why, exactly, would someone be a Trig detractor?

    Trig offends people like the Wonkette people cause of they genuinely think Sarah Palin uses him as a prop. Sort of as a pro-life dog whistle as I understand it.

    I don’t agree with that interpretation I think Trig’s relative prominence is more of an assertion that she loves her son and is as proud of him as her other kids – I think she sees herself as having a duty to other families with special needs kids to model that sort of love and pride for so people will see it and find in it an example… but that’s where the majority of people’s callousness towards Mr. Trig comes from I suspect.

    happyfeet (760ba3)

  42. I’ve copyrighted “doubling down on dumb,” BTW. I get a quarter anytime someone uses it.

    Brian (8656ec)

  43. That explains being a Sarah detractor. Trig detractor, not so much.

    JD (318f81)

  44. Yes that’s harder to explain exactly Mr. JD but it’s hard to explain Rebecca Black detractors too.

    Haters gotta hate.

    happyfeet (760ba3)

  45. yep, Happyfeet’s 41 is perceptive and accurate. Palin is trying to advocate for awareness and love for special needs kids. It’s completely a good thing to do. Granted, when a politician takes a position like this, which is obviously the right ‘good’ call, it’s hardly bold or anything.

    But Palin is quite overt about being pro life, and I guess I don’t understand why Trig’s presence near his mom is some kind of ‘prop’ any more than any other politician having a family.

    It would be unbelievably strange for a politician to not show how proud of their family they are (unless they aren’t). Obviously that’s just an excuse for being particularly shocking in cruelty towards Palin, an easy target for a lefty.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  46. Everything in your comment 41 is correct, IMO, if you change “majority of people’s callousness towards Mr. Trig,” to “minority of sickos,” and lose the snarky “Mr.” which makes me suspect you kinda sympathize with these people.

    Brian (8656ec)

  47. __________________________________________

    the great gentleman scholar Trig Palin

    Merely another example of the way that left-leaning sentiment originates from a dark place. That liberalism, interestingly and ironically enough, is born bad.

    I’m sure the clowns at Wonkette, although now of post-early-college years, certainly can trace the origins of their leftism back not too many years.

    The people who give the least are the young, especially young liberals. [Arthur C.] Brooks [a public policy professor at Syracuse University] writes that “young liberals — perhaps the most vocally dissatisfied political constituency in America today — are one of the least generous demographic groups out there… In 2002, they were 12 percent less likely to give money to charities, and one-third less likely to give blood.”

    He writes that young liberals are less likely do nice things for their nearest and dearest, too. Compared with young conservatives, “a lower percentage said they would prefer to suffer than let a loved one suffer, that they are not happy unless the loved one is happy, or that they would sacrifice their own wishes for those they love.”

    Of course, if “progressives,” in actuality, are no more compassionate, humane or generous than anyone else (or actually are LESS so than others), they at least can take solace in how their ideology infuses them with lots of common sense. [insert big guffaw and snicker here]

    Mark (411533)

  48. The refs wonketted Okafor against the Lakers.

    JD (318f81)

  49. “A huge amount of her praises are couched in terms of her making moonbats crazy and making all the right enemies and getting under their skin and et cetera.”

    Mr. Feets – It worked with you. SCORE!

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  50. The whole kids as a prop meme is ridiculous hypocrisy from the left here.

    Remember how they repeatedly admonished people to stay away from Obama’s kids and how outrageously outraged they were about Chelsea Clinton and Amy Carter jokes.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  51. I don’t understand about scoring Mr. daley what’s making me crazy is this banana peel. It’s just sitting on the counter. Now what? It seems silly to walk all the way to the alley just for a stupid banana peel. Am I supposed to get some kinda slop bucket like farm folks have?

    Did anyone really think this through?

    I will google.

    happyfeet (760ba3)

  52. The problem with these LIBTARDS, is that they don’t know what DECENCY is. It isn’t a part of their lives.
    They are hateful, angry and indecent.
    To let yourself be this foul, cannot be a conscious choice.

    gus (694db4)

  53. Amy Carter jokes.

    I am in possession of a letter that President Jimmy Carter wrote to Muhammad Ali, congratulating Mr. Ali on his most recent marriage (circa 1978). I kid you not – the post-script was – “amy sends her love.” Good stuff.

    carlitos (28bbc0)

  54. This all makes sense if one simply visualizes Wonkette as a sewer and Ken Layne and Jack Stuef as the shit that floats in said sewer.

    Don’t thank me.

    Philosophical observations are my speciality.

    Dave Surls (196d87)

  55. Am I supposed to get some kinda slop bucket like farm folks have?

    I don’t know about a “slop bucket” but my grandma had a big lidded plastic container at the edge of her counter where all peels, cores, seeds, pulp, etc., were to be put. When full, one of us would empty it out in the compost bin. My little Grandma was green before green was anything other than a color, and long before our betters felt it their duty to tell us what to do with such things because now we are just too darn dumb to know these things without their help.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  56. I suspect anybody who thinks she uses Trig as a prop in a way that no other politician does, actually thinks she couldn’t possibly feel for him the way other parents feel for their healthy children.

    MayBee (081489)

  57. I think that’s what I’ll do for now Dana I have a big tupperware thinger I had to use for a leak under the bathroom sink for awhile before they fixed it and I don’t want to use it for foozle anymore

    here is what I found so far though…

    here the Brits are on top of the situation… oh here you go I can go to Williams Sonoma but suddenly the whole enterprise seems really retarded and not very austere

    ok here that seems sensible

    ok here at that Norpro website looks like the way to go – I like the black one – but they’re wholesale only and this banana peel ain’t getting any fresher

    happyfeet (760ba3)

  58. Indeed, Mr Feet. Haters gotta hate. Go reread Dana’s comment. And remember the first rule of holes. Quit digging.

    But you can’t help it. Personally, I think it is great that you show your true self. Rock your nasty rainbow, with or without the metaphor of a banana peel.

    Because you surely did slip on this one.

    Simon Jester (1fc1ae)


    It is not really difficult to figure out why he chose to attack and smear a 3 year old Down’s child.

    JD (318f81)

  60. “…my grandma had a big lidded plastic container at the edge of her counter where all peels, cores, seeds, pulp, etc., were to be put. When full, one of us would empty it out in the compost bin.”

    That’s what I do. It’s not like I’m going to carry a bunch of banana peels out to the compost heap with my bare hands.

    I’m mean I’m a slob, but I ain’t that much of a slob.

    Dave Surls (196d87)

  61. JD, that guy looks like he has the DVD set of “Glee.”. Much becomes clear.

    Simon Jester (1fc1ae)

  62. Iowahawk is properly merciless on the schlub.

    narciso (79ddc3)

  63. I don’t like Glenn Beck but even i’am appalled by Jay Leno’s predictable crappy jokes.

    DohBiden (15aa57)

  64. I believe that the supposed original writer of Wonkette was a supposed female with a set of very round heels–who was horizontal and aimed to please often as not.

    Then the lady Wonkette writer disappeared, and a guy shows up to write it, assuming a shady lady’s voice and persona. There are more problems at Wonkette than this particular piece of garbage. (Am I writing about the post, the reporter or the editor/publisher? Pick ’em.)

    Mike Myers (0e06a9)

  65. That’s about the size of it, but they have been dwelling in this dreck, for nearly three years now,
    Dana Loesch at Big Hollywood has the details,

    narciso (79ddc3)

  66. I think rock your nasty rainbow is a keeper.

    But here this is sad. Did we know that Sarah Jane Smith died?

    No one tells me anything.

    happyfeet (760ba3)

  67. In Layne’s email to Weigel he says he has four kids, but in Layne’s email to Christopher he says he has two kids and one on the way.

    How does one communicate effectively on the subject of a child with an editor/father who can’t count his own children…?

    Roberta (24e46b)

  68. Good catch, Roberta.

    JD (318f81)

  69. So now we’re holding bloggers responsible for comments they don’t write? Worse, we’re demanding the people “not be allowed” to convey contrition?
    It is amusing, at least, to see how quickly some people abandon the “political correctnesss” meme when the skewer comes their way.

    Big Median (2f532a)

  70. There is something…small…about BM and his Metamucil ethos.

    Simon Jester (1fc1ae)

  71. F@ck you, big median. Every single comment you leave proves that you are becoming progressively more douchey.

    JD (318f81)

  72. It is racist to disagree with big media liar.

    JD (318f81)

  73. Ken Layne cares about kids so much he knows how many he has himself, give or take a couple!

    Patterico (c218bd)

  74. “So now we’re holding bloggers responsible for comments they don’t write?”

    No. But Ken is being held responsible for what Ken writes.

    “Worse, we’re demanding the people “not be allowed” to convey contrition?”

    They didn’t apologize. They said it Palin’s fault for ‘parading’ her kids.

    “It is amusing, at least, to see how quickly some people abandon the “political correctnesss” meme when the skewer comes their way.”

    this doesn’t make much sense, unless you’re aware of some liberals who whine about civility but are cheering this on. Ken is not such a person.

    OK, to be honest, nothing you say makes much sense. You’re an idiot.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  75. Comments? Jack Stuef isn’t a reader posting a comment, he’s an editor of that site. Try again.

    radar (ccbf3d)

  76. UPDATE: They lost the Papa John’s account, but they’re trying hard to get it back:
    They’re also calling for a boycott. I think this is called “taking responsibility.”

    I’ve never been to Papa John’s before, but that’s where my family will order our next pizza.

    aunursa (a2a019)

  77. Yeah, um, that update does not show much contrition, Mr Big Median.

    They are bashing an advertiser they embarrassed with jokes about a kids with downs being only half human and the product of incest. Ken appears to feel entitled.

    I guess we can all see what Ken is doing. He’s one of those trolls who loses the argument, but then, to save face, poses as though he’s just trying to shock everyone with how annoying he can be. However, it’s not exactly so clever.

    Papa Johns is not displeased with this. They don’t even have to alienate liberals (which they won’t).

    Dustin (c16eca)

  78. Stuef, has both the character and the general consistency of a editor of Vogon poetry

    narciso (79ddc3)

  79. radar, I’m surprised I missed that. Is Big Median claiming this is all about comments on a blog, not written by the blogger?

    That’s just plain stupid. Sure, most people realize that the commenters at Wonkette are trashy. But they say that to criticize the commenters.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  80. They are bashing an advertiser they embarrassed with jokes about a kids with downs being only half human and the product of incest. Ken appears to feel entitled.

    Oh I don’t think Papa Johns was embarrassed at all. I think they were disgusted and repelled by the indecency; as such, the company’s ethics easily outweighed the potential dollar.

    Because of that, I suspect their profits will see a spike.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  81. Jack Stuef apparently has had a few little stunts that weren’t that funny. He had a twitter account where he pretended to be his university president, and made boring quips about him traveling. He made a lot of racist jokes in his school paper, and then told the angry students that they just “didn’t understand the point” of his satire.

    He seems like one of those comedians that just isn’t funny, but does something cheap to get attention. It’s cute how he lectures people for not getting his jokes. there’s the mark of a clever and funny guy.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  82. Big Median’s weapons grade stupidity must be painful sometimes. As long as he is not a danger to others, however, he serves as good example of the mental illness of liberalism.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  83. “He made a lot of racist jokes in his school paper, and then told the angry students that they just “didn’t understand the point” of his satire.”

    Dana – Get Big Median up in his grill. He’s all about the racism, but probably only imagined conservative racism, because that’s the way progressives roll.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  84. Oh I don’t think Papa Johns was embarrassed at all.

    Well, they should be just a little embarrassed. They were sponsoring a crude pack of jerks. It appears that as soon as they realized this, they showed disgust and fixed that, and yes, I think they will enjoy some sales for that reaction. That’s good.

    I know some are saying this is an amazing success for the Tea Party boycott machine, but I think you’re right. It was just so egregious it didn’t even require a boycott for a sane company to run.

    Anyhow, it says a lot for Wonkette’s other sponsors that Papa Johns is being bashed like that. How many Wonkette sponsors remain?

    Dustin (c16eca)

  85. Dustin, I don’t know how closely companies examine where their ads run. Maybe they have a general idea, but do they actually spend time reading the content? (I notice googling Wonkette, it’s described as ‘the D.C. gossip…’, which in itself is misleadingly innocuous.)

    Dana (4eca6e)

  86. Where do the wonkette people get off calling a company hohophobic because the company no longer wants to be involved with the wonkette website? Is that actionable?

    Is big median dummerer than a sack of Andrews?

    JD (318f81)

  87. I wanted to think the best of Papa Johns for pulling their ads, but yes, one has to ask why they were there in the first place. Still they showed a conscience as soon as it was brought to their attention.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  88. “Is big median dummerer than a sack of Andrews?”

    That’s a fact jack.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  89. I doubt they specifically sought to purchase ad space at wonkette, but could be wrong. I thought Internet ads were handled differently.

    JD (318f81)

  90. Is that actionable?

    Seems like they will just constantly go back to this ‘Oh, we’re just making satire’ card. They probably want Papa Johns to sue them and get them more of that precious precious attention they can’t figure out a reasonable way of getting.

    But where are the damages, anyway? Wonkette is making Papa Johns look good, after all. Accidentally.

    Dana, I agree. Papa Johns backed out so fast I have a hard time believing they had any clue what they were involved with. Nobody’s perfect. I think maybe there should be a short list of blogs you don’t advertise on if you are risk averse. You know, Gawker type places.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  91. usually you buy an audience not a site I think

    happyfeet (760ba3)

  92. Wonkette is calling Tony Dungy a hohophobe too. F@ckers.

    JD (318f81)

  93. Ken Layne

    And with two kids of my own and another on the way

    And … Ken Layne

    I have four kids myself and I wouldn’t want them mocked on the Internet by a bunch of cretins on the Internet

    JD (318f81)

  94. I think you’re right, happyfeet – they go where the highest volume of readers are. Why else would Huggies be advertising there? They also quickly pulled out.

    Huggies tweet: Appreciate ur feedback. We do not condone the story nor the site and have taken action to pull r ads, effectively immediately.

    Clearly they didn’t know what the site was all about. So, yeah, they go where the traffic is.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  95. Just think these idiots call anti-illegal immigrants nativist neo-fascist terrorists never mind Fascism was a a marxist off shoot.

    DohBiden (15aa57)

  96. Karma’s a bitch:

    Wonkette’s editor responds later in the post, but also, a reader hilariously bought the domain name, which now redirects to the National Down Syndrome Society donation page.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  97. well – not just traffic anymore – though sometimes with big consumer brands that just want to reach a lot of people that might happen sometimes – but by “buy an audience” I mean they buy, say, people of a certain education level and of a certain age or sex – and it can get a lot more specific than that.

    happyfeet (760ba3)

  98. then an ad network decides where to place the creative

    happyfeet (760ba3)

  99. … where to place the ads I mean – and it could be a buying agency playing middle man not just a network

    happyfeet (760ba3)

  100. And that’s just one reason why I wouldn’t parade my children around in the media. What kind of mother does that?

    Pretty much every politician running for office does that. I don’t see the big deal with a candidate being photographed with his/her family. It doesn’t justify mocking a Downs child or accusing the spouse of incest.

    Some chump (e84e27)

  101. Layne also has the nerve to say excuse his behavior saying
    “There is nothing in “political media” approaching even the most basic intellectual honesty”

    1. He obviously is not a reader of this site
    2. When is the ‘everyone else does it’ excuse ever acceptable?

    breitbartfan77 (e71ad9)

  102. Layne also has the nerve to say excuse his behavior saying
    “There is nothing in “political media” approaching even the most basic intellectual honesty”

    1. He obviously is not a reader of this site
    2. When is the ‘everyone else does it’ excuse ever acceptable?

    breitbartfan77 (e71ad9)

  103. 3. ohnoes! Someone said flagrantly insensitive stuff about the Palins on the Internet?
    Comment by happy-pot-meet-kettle-feet

    — Hard to fathom, ain’t it?

    Icy Texan (6f6016)

  104. Hey happyfeet . . . Sarah Jane Smith died.

    An important part of my youth, she was.

    Icy Texan (6f6016)

  105. Pat,

    I sent you and Aaron a while back another aswipe blogger – put on the FRONT page of the Houston Chronicle about the pope not liking names like TRIG.

    What a bunch of a@#$%$#@

    EricPWJohnson (4da0be)

  106. I keep trying to tell you guys that liberals are scum.

    But, will you listen?


    Dave Surls (196d87)

  107. Dave

    there are an overwhelming number of liberals that wouldnt think of harming a child

    EricPWJohnson (4da0be)

  108. Actually, Eric, most of them think nothing of harming a child…

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  109. This behavior is no different than screaming “racist, sexist, homophobe, fascist.” It’s the usual hate-filled spew. Nothing to see, move along.

    ErisGuy (35e007)

  110. What’s the matter with “Trig?” Isn’t “Tryg” a Norwegian name? And don’t names have variant spellings (Brittany, Janet, etc.)?

    With all the mockery of Trig, should Obama’s daughters come under the same withering scorn from Letterman, Layne, Wonkette, etc., then I’m sure every will regard turnabout as fair play.

    ErisGuy (35e007)

  111. Scott,

    I see your point especially on abortion…

    EricPWJohnson (39d570)

  112. Well it’s more than that’ how about our famed ‘safe schools czar, kevin jennings’ acolyte of MAMBLA, those supporters of the vile aspects of gangster rap, while denouncing the proper ‘right to keep and bear’ arms,

    Sad about Sarah Jane Smith, that was around the time, that I started watching Dr. Who, back in the late 70s, PBS used to run the old series back in late 80s, now that everything is on DVD, no need, also this new iteration, is just chalk fully of agitprop, which allusions to the whole moonbat panoply, re Iraq and the like

    narciso (79ddc3)

  113. The Huffington Puffington, has been just as willing to truck in this filth as anyone else, so Arianna can’t be ‘shocked that gambling is going on here:

    narciso (79ddc3)

  114. first example in the link, much cluelessness follows including Tim Pawlenty’s new hire

    narciso (79ddc3)

  115. Wow, it’s the same idiotic thinking that it is the fault of the koran burner that like minded people as this idgit would use for beheading random lighter colored people who don’t live on their knees.

    justavoter (b003e1)

  116. I see feets has used up the patience of other folk here when it comes to his anti-Palin crusade.

    All of us can make serious mistakes, but when a person doubles down and refuses to admit a mistake it says volumes. Politicians rarely will do this, which is why they are often not respected or trusted.

    Last night a caller on hewitt suggest a “buycott”, call (or order on-line, it’s great) a pizza from papa john’s and then go buy some Huggies to drop off at a crisis pregnancy center on the way to get the pizza.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  117. I’m struck by how many advertisers, from Ann Taylor
    to QVC, were underwriting this garbage

    narciso (79ddc3)

  118. Ya know if he criticized Sarah for endorsing Mccain and respectfully disagreed with her i would let it slide but no Crappyfeet has to call Sarah a self-hating hootchie like the typical center-left Repub he is.

    DohBiden (15aa57)

  119. It seems liberals, particularly liberal-progressives, are all still children. They unshakably believe two facts. (And, sadly, I attribute this to lawyers who prey on them for this “misfeature”.)

    1) Somebody is always at fault. “Sh^t doesn’t just happen. Somebody has to screw up or intentionally screw me.”

    2) “Somebody” is never me. When something goes wrong it is always somebody else’s fault (so I can sue their pants off.)

    These are features of immaturity and childishness. If they’d grow up they’d discover they are capable of screwing up themselves and have to deal with the consequences. (And thousands of liability lawyers would go hungry.)


    JD (bcdcf2)

  120. It would be nice if my iPad did less spying and more spellchecking.

    Simon Jester (1fc1ae)

  121. When libs drop the mask of civility it’s a horrifying site beneath. What a shame that anyone would endorse this. Ken Layne has kids and I feel bad for them, hopefully the other loser doesn’t and never will.

    bandit (2de15d)

  122. They sure don’t act like liberals they have hijacked the term for their own nefarious purposes.

    DohBiden (15aa57)

  123. It’s good to see that happyfeeet still has his vile PDS.

    I like consistency in this inconsistent world.

    Lazarus Long (c8e7fc)

  124. PDS is a a very very lazy construction Mr. Long. Polls show that Sarah Palin’s negatives are high across the board. People simply don’t like Sarah Palin in large numbers.

    A new Alaska Poll released today shows 61% of Alaskans have a “very unfavorable” or “somewhat unfavorable” opinion of Palin, a former governor and the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee.


    An NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey earlier this month showed 53% of all Americans have a negative or a very negative view of Palin.

    I think it’s an open question as to whether the constant slatherings of her with the victim sauce are helpful, but inasmuch as she’s been basting in it since she bailed on her governorship, it seems unlikely that more of it is going to move the dial on these numbers.

    happyfeet (760ba3)

  125. Simon @120 – I saw that story yesterday at another site. I thought it was great how the professor after getting publicly busted telling the College Republicans to “F” Off decided it was appropriate to lecture them about civility.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  126. “I think it’s an open question as to whether the constant slatherings of her with the victim sauce are helpful”

    Ha8rs gotta hate. I think it’s an open question whether this is helpful.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  127. When they set fire to her church, they hung her in effigy in West Hollywood, for rendering an opinion,

    narciso (79ddc3)

  128. Now feets is doubling down on the idea that because people don’t like Sarah Palin its OK to be rude and crude to her and her family. Next they are going to criticize Sarah’s mom for not getting an abortion.

    Were people ever this vile to truly evil people like Hitler or Stalin or Mao, or did they simply use common sense and say “Hitler cannot be allowed to go killing people, stop his a**!”

    Not at all making a comparison, but when given the choice, the mob took the side of a political terrorist, not the itinerate preacher who was known for giving a hard time to the entrenched corrupt leadership.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  129. When Stuef grows up, he wants to be a KGB torturer.

    Lazarus Long (c8e7fc)

  130. Polls show that Sarah Palin’s negatives are high across the board. People simply don’t like Sarah Palin in large numbers

    I’m no fan of Sarah Palin, by any stretch of the imagination. However, Wonkette did was evil.

    Why can’t you admit that? Instead, you cop out, saying that there are a whole lot of people worse off than Trig. Sure, that’s certainly true. But that’s not an excuse for failing to call out evil when you see it.

    Some chump (4c6c0c)

  131. Some Chump, it reminds me of this snotty 7th grade girl who laughed at another 7th grader who just got bullied physically by yet another 7th grade girl. the laughing girl noted that ‘nobody likes her’. Like that justifies picking on an easy target? It undermines the bullies that they always pick on someone that a lot of people don’t like.

    That’s why Ken and Jack aren’t bullying Obama’s family. They pick on people they can get away with picking on. They aren’t really bold. and those whose reaction is that the bullied was unpopular are part of the problem.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  132. Well that’s true up to a point, Dustin, but Wonkette, institutionally has been tearing her downsince the beginning, cultivating the trig truthers from the get go, ask your self how did such a deranged notion ever get legs, well we know the Journolists didn’t take ‘Human Growth and Development, we know about Sullivan, and what Riehland McCain turned up, this was orchestrated.

    narciso (79ddc3)

  133. I had never been to the Wonkette website but last night checked out the “Trig” hit piece. I noticed that there were a number of large banner ads (Coldwater Creek and J.Jill). ALL those ads are now gone, and all that is left are two small side ads for liberal causes (gay and community organizer ads) and an ad for a book.

    It seems Wonkette’s advertisers are dropping like flys.

    Now, perhaps they don’t mind supporting their vile website out of their own pocket, but I don’t see how they can do that for long. Anyone who runs a website, or a publication of any kind, knows that it is ad revenue that allows it to continue to exist. And ad dollars are precious in these economic times and advertisers will place their ads where they can get the most for their money.

    What Wonkette did was give every one a peek into the real mindset of the left. They are not angry at Sarah Palin for having her children with her when she makes public appearances, they are mad at her because she did not abort a child they consider defective. Had Palin had an abortion, they would be singing praises of her for being so “brave”.

    Is there any doubt now that the left are disgusting cretins (what they called themselves)?

    retire05 (2d538e)

  134. how did such a deranged notion ever get legs

    That is pretty amazing. Journolist, as you said.

    I agree it’s an orchestrated campaign. She really touched on something in the American people in 2008, which threatens powerful democrats and also many corrupt republicans, and so we see her targeted with lawfare, bankrupted, he church burned down, hung in effigy, threatened with murder, her emails hacks, her kids harassed directly (not online, but privately too), and her family accused of incest and other disgusting lies. And now her Down Syndrome son is ‘half human’, etc, a target for laughs in whatever degenerate weirdos think reading Wonkette is the best use of their time.

    That is not an argument for electing Palin, but it does speak to the fear evil people have of her. One thing that many refuse to accept is that this does show there’s got to be some merit to her. She’s not corrupt, and perhaps incorruptible. To be honest, I think her experience level is short enough that some crooks worry she will go on an idealistic crusade to root them out, unless she’s stopped.

    So some note that Palin is empowered sometimes by these nasty smears as though that’s a mark against Palin. But it really isn’t. It makes sense.

    For the record, which I guess I’ve noted before, I don’t think it’s wise to nominate her. But I get it.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  135. For the record I don’t think it’s wise to nominate her either.

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  136. I hadn’t realized that Wonkette wasn’t part of Gawker Media anymore. Layne actually owns it. That’s great – this is the one case where an ad boycott can actually hurt the douchebag who deserves it. A direct hit to his pocketbook. If anyone hasn’t read the emails at medialite, they should.

    carlitos (28bbc0)

  137. Yes, happyfeet, but let’s have that discussion a different time. I’m just trying to make clear I’m not her shill.

    The truth is that there is some logic to the idea that the awful tactics used against her, much of which is organized in some way, show that she scares some really evil folks.

    So when it is noted that Palin benefits somehow from these attacks, I just note that this is logical and not a mark against Palin. Is that the best argument for nomination? No. Of course not.

    But I get it.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  138. Wonkette has finally made the attempt to put the whole issue down the memory hole.

    Post is gone, and I couldn’t find a single post commenting on it’s disappearance…

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  139. Scott’s right. HA!

    Rude Post Deleted By Editor; Author Apologizes

    By ADMIN
    9:17 PM APRIL 18, 2011

    I laugh because I thought Ken was saying he won’t delete this kind of thing.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  140. Ken,

    I want to thank you, sincerely, for responding. The outcome you’re suggesting is just about perfect. I could give a shit what you do to Jack. If your response, and his punishment, are merely to avoid wasting time on email, rather than out of a suddenly-learned sense of decency, then this will surely happen again. I don’t think that’s really the case, though. Being who you are, and writing where you write, you have to stay “in character,” so you can’t very well go all Jimmy Swaggart on me. I think (or hope) that despite your Wonkettitude, you and Jack have learned some empathy today.

    I also agree that most of the people who were offended by this probably don’t read Wonkette. I do, or did, but most probably do not. I’m also not a big fan of advertiser boycotts, for the same reason. I don’t want a bunch of people who hate what I love deciding what I can or can’t see on the interweb, or the TeeVee, or those paper thingies. I think ideas should liver or die on the merits. As a longtime satirist myself, I understand the special thrill you can derive from people who don’t get the joke. They’re better than the ones who do. Just so we’re clear, I got the joke here. I just found it lacking. Lacking in humor, decency, or even a coherent satirical premise.

    You’re also right, there is no “taking down the post,” and even though I realize you’re in character, fuck you very much for this: “So people like you can get another freelance internet column out of it by feigning outrage again?”

    Imagine it was a child just like one of your two (soon to be three) kids who were attacked here. Maybe if I was a dick Wonkette writer, I’d think you were an oversensitive pussy for getting your booty-shorts in a twist, but as a fellow parent, I wouldn’t assume you were just a craven opportunist. You think I relished the thought of emailing a former colleague like this? You think I want to be in a feud with the Inglorious Basterds of internet dickheads? I don’t. Whatever you think of my outrage, know that it is sincere.

    That said, thank you for responding, and good luck with your website.

    -Tommy Christopher

    Apparently Ken was insisting that his satire can’t be deleted because, you know, he’s so principled. That he then deleted it is a bit funny, but we didn’t think he had principles, so it’s also a bit boring.

    Tommy’s right. The people who don’t get these jokes are better than the ones who do. Deriving pleasure from the fact some people have no ability to laugh at calling a Down Syndrome child incestuous and half human is not a sign of superior intelligence.

    And Tommy’s right that these jokes don’t have a satirical premise. It’s not clever to just be mean and laugh at how shocking it all is.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  141. we see her targeted with lawfare, bankrupted, he church burned down, hung in effigy, threatened with murder, her emails hacks, her kids harassed directly (not online, but privately too), and her family accused of incest and other disgusting lies. And now her Down Syndrome son is ‘half human’, etc, a target for laughs in whatever degenerate weirdos think reading Wonkette is the best use of their time

    Dustin- it sounds as if you think she’s been treated unfairly.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  142. MD, if I saw a politician treated like this on TV, I would turn it off for being hysterically implausible.

    It’s like one of those Lifetime sobfest movies about some incredibly victimized women, just rolling in misery one after the other. It’s like Weird Al making fun of a depressing country music song. “my tractor broke down, my dog is dead, they burned down my church and hung me in effigy. And then they found my kiiiiids.”

    I keep getting smacked by gob with my naivety about how badly people treat eachother for no real reason. Honestly, is there any reason for someone to even care that much about Palin? If she didn’t exist, there would still be conservatives saying basically what she’s saying. That they take it personally is the first strange step on a march that seems to have gone quite far.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  143. carlitos, the punchline is your link is this part

    Commenting Disabled
    Commenting on this page has been disabled by the blog admin.

    They can dish it out, but they can’t take it.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  144. I wonder if the term “palinize” has been coined yet. The official definition is “to bork someone in an especially personal, mean-spirited, and protracted way”.

    You all remember the name of the media guy who said media coverage was worth 15% or so in an election, right? If that is “the standard”, imagine what Palin’s approval rating would still be without all of the negative press. We’d all be talking about “soon to be President-elect Palin”.

    My point is if the press can drive someone’s approval rating down from 86% to sub-50%, more than a 35% drop, that’s one heck of an obstacle for any conservative candidate to overcome. Of course the press has had more than 2 1/2 years to do that and will not have that long with the next Conservative presidential candidates, but still. In some ways she might be doing everyone else a favor if she did run in the primaries, the media would spend so much time going berserk over her that the other candidates would be relatively unscathed.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  145. Dustin-

    She had an 86% approval rating as governor before picked to be VP candidate. She seemed to be a competent executive who was doing it for the right reasons and made enemies for the right reasons. She did it with the feel of the home-town kid who did good who everybody knew. Maybe she wasn’t the most brilliant, but good people with right motivations will get the brilliant people needed to advise anyway.

    So what’s an opposing party to do? To paraphrase: If you can’t pound on your opponent over policies, and you can’t pound on them for their record, then just pound on them.*

    *I claim that as intellectual property. 😉

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  146. These people want to bring Juan Perons socialism to america.

    Ironically they will be the first to go under the bus if obama succeeds in making us like Argentina.

    DohBiden (15aa57)

  147. there was lots of bad bad judgment exercised on the part of a desperate and cowardly man who dragged Mrs. Palin into a national spotlight she wasn’t ready for I think

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  148. There was lots of bad bad douschebaggery on your part Crappywheat.

    DohBiden (15aa57)

  149. They’re also calling for a boycott. I think this is called “taking responsibility.”

    On a side note… I’m taking a 4-day weekend starting tomorrow. Haven’t had pizza in a while, so I think Papa John’s will be getting some business.

    malclave (1db6c5)

  150. feets- I’m not sure I agree 100% with you at #149, but you make some very good points.

    But even if Palin had a full term as gov under her belt and was better prepared, the media would do the same to her with great effect. I’m sure she could do better than she has, but the MSM never lets facts get in the way of the narrative (if they can get away with it, anyway).

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  151. 149.there was lots of bad bad judgment exercised on the part of a desperate and cowardly man

    You can take cheap shots at McCain, but you can’t condemn what the Wonkette writers did as evil?

    You aren’t exactly covering yourself in glory here, feets.

    Some chump (4c6c0c)

  152. so I think Papa John’s will be getting some business.

    They use too much butter or something, but it’s still very delicious. I had some last night, even though we tend to use this non-franchise place (not because we’re snobs, but because it’s tasty and cheap).

    I think if I just pick a different style crust and cut the cheese down, it’s really quite good. I think it would be great to show companies that a boycott from those who are deranged against the Tea Party is actually a great thing for the bottom line.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  153. Happyfeet, why can’t you just agree that making fun of a 3 year old child with Down’s Syndrome is wrong, disgusting, and reprehensible, regardless of who his parents are? Have we sunk so low that we’re now trying to justify crap like this? The cowardly author and editors of this should just hand their heads in shame and apologize, assuming they understand the concept of shame.

    Rochf (f3fbb0)

  154. well yeah it’s wrong Mr. Dustin but at the same time it’s not a big deal to where the whole internet has to stop and freak out and eat mediocre pizza. It was the right side of the blogosphere that made that wonkette post famous. They lick this sort of thing up.

    It’s like my friend JoJo T said after that Michael Richards guy got all crazy crazy with the african american hecklers. She just shrugged and said… white people love to be shocked.

    And that’s all that this is really. White people just love to be shocked.

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  155. oh sorry that was a reply for Rochf person not Mr. Dustin

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  156. well yeah it’s wrong Mr. Dustin but at the same time it’s not a big deal to where the whole internet has to stop and freak out and eat mediocre pizza.

    I can’t lie… I know you’re right. But I still ate their pizza because hey, it’s a movement. I like the idea of chiming in in this silly way that shows that if you are boycotted by radical leftists, it actually is good for your business, so screw them.

    White people just love to be shocked.

    Heh. Yes. But at least in this case they are shocked that someone was horrible. I guess I have to decide which aspect concerns me more: that people can be pushed to outrage by attention whores, or that the attention whores are outrageous.

    I understand if you prefer just to not care about this, though that’s not quite the same as saying it’s not outrageous.

    Anyway, my practical street smart wisdom to offer is that you can’t stop people from being outraged. In fact, if they try, the shock jocks will just ramp up their shockery. So it’s actually good if we get get shocked as soon as possible! The reward system actually works better for us this way than futile stoicism.

    It may seem we’re just encouraging them by giving them attention, but the truth is that if we ignore them they get bigger and worse. They really don’t go away. And Papa Johns really is pretty good if you make a few savvy ordering choices. Just get the right crust and ask for less cheese, more sauce. I mean, it’s bread meat and cheese, not rocket science. I’m a snob about some foods, but pizza is good in many different forms.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  157. oh sorry that was a reply for Rochf person not Mr. Dustin

    Comment by happyfeet

    I’m shocked you degenerate SOB.

    Just kidding.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  158. It was the right side of the blogosphere that made that wonkette post famous.

    You have a point there. When it comes down to it, the Wonkette article was pretty much standard fare for the sinister side of the internet.

    malclave (1db6c5)

  159. there was a Papa John’s on Oltorf near 35 when I was there it was very tasty I always got sausage onion and jalapeno it was one street over from a Baby Acapulco’s

    ok now I feel homesick and just wanna go to hula hut and drink bellinis with my friend T

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  160. Papa John’s on Oltorf near 35

    That is an amazing coincidence! But Baby A’s nachos are a hell of a lot better than delivery pizza (or Hula Hut).

    I didn’t even know you were from Austin.

    I can see why you resort to food as a distraction so often. It’s not a bad idea.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  161. I did grad school there in Austin and did other livings there as well off and on … I grew up near there … I will go back some day I hope

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  162. How could you eat pizza there when you could go to Rudy’s in Round Rock?!?!?!?!

    JD (306f5d)

  163. Mccain took shots at us so I applaud crappyfeet for that.

    But he should come to Sarah Palin’s defense.

    DohBiden (15aa57)

  164. “White people just love to be shocked.”

    Why would anyone be shocked when liberals act like scumbags?

    What’s next?

    Going to be shocked when the next Pope is a Catholic?

    Dave Surls (004003)

  165. @166

    Or when they learn gambling is going on at Rick’s.

    malclave (1db6c5)

  166. I’ve never been to Rudy’s! I have to go back now for sure. Up north austin way there’s a place I enjoyed a lot called Reale’s run by Mr. Bob Reale and he is a very real deal new york guy and they make a wonderful white pizza and lots of other stuff

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  167. happyfeet, I will have to check that place out. Their stuffed flounder sounds pretty good. Thanks for the heads up. Only place I can remember in LA to eat is In-N-Out, sadly. I realize this is ridiculous.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  168. Austin is a goooood city to eat in. Salt Lick and Stubb’s for BBQ, Cool River, that one steak place (Eddie V’s?), Saltgrass, lotsa Mexican. I guess if you had jalapeños on the Papa John’s, that makes it kinda ok. Now I guess I can blame the palin baby for my over-consumption, as I’m hungry.

    carlitos (28bbc0)


    They ship, happyfeet. Now granted, it is not the same as eating in the gas station, it is still sensational. And their BBQ sauce is sublime.

    JD (318f81)

  170. wow there are many rudy’s now

    I’ll have to go for sure but my next Texas trip isn’t very close to any of those but I’ll be in Austin for a bit so maybe that’s something we could do

    happyfeet (760ba3)

  171. They will ship to your place in No Ho 😉

    JD (318f81)

  172. 149.there was lots of bad bad judgment exercised on the part of a desperate and cowardly man who dragged Mrs. Palin into a national spotlight she wasn’t ready for

    — Who? Charlie Gibson? Andrew Sullivan? YOU?

    Icy Texan (82fcef)

  173. i will look into the shipping

    oh. Mr. Texan I was referring obliquely to Meghan’s daddy. But thank you for giving me the chance to rectify that obliqueness for so I am not misunderstood.

    happyfeet (760ba3)

  174. I knew what you were referring to.

    But since what you said wasn’t funny . . .

    Icy Texan (82fcef)

  175. sometimes you can be such a grump Mr. Texan

    happyfeet (760ba3)

  176. Papa John’s doesn’t match Rocky Rococo in their prime when they were in one city, but we like their pizza. And you can order on line so you don’t feel rushed trying to make up your mind.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  177. Picking Sarah Palin was the smartest think John Mccain has done since his heroism in Vietnam (yeah, I can’t help but credit him for that, no matter how hard he tries to ruin himself in my eyes).

    Happyfeet is right that Sarah Palin was not ready. I do not mean this as a slight against her. Only a cynical sort is naturally prepared for national politics. The rest of them have to hire people like Karl Rove to manage them. Palin probably would have worked her way up to that point later, but it’s clear to me that her plan for Alaska wasn’t really completed. She had a choice between that or saving the sinking Mccain ship (Which for a while, she managed to do).

    I don’t blame her for trying to save us from Obama, but she wasn’t prepared for it, and she was forced to trust some of the worst advice she’ll ever get (and she learned from that).

    I still wouldn’t nominate her today, but I’m not going to close myself to the possibility. I just hope to hell we have several great options.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  178. Who’s grumpy?

    Hey, some of us pine away for a return to Texas . . . and some of us are keepin’ it real — every day.

    Icy Texan (82fcef)

  179. You should see his posts on Facebook regarding this, NASTY.. I will never understand such hate, against a woman and a child..

    Heidi (a9a9b3)

  180. I agree with you, too, Dustin. Palin was a smart move for McCain in many ways, I think, but it appears to have been a smart move in the very short term of McCain’s candidacy but an unwise one in the bigger scope of things for Palin.

    Before Palin was picked for VP I had heard Hewitt once say that he thought Jindahl and Palin were rising stars for the repubs. Obviously that’s just one opinion, but being a governor with a 86% approval rating is a very good place to be in the middle of a political career.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  181. Yes, that was a Dittman poll, which probably overestimated her popularity, as the last poll
    undercounted it.

    narciso (79ddc3)

  182. There are pizza options here in Austin other than the chains. South Side Pizza, East Side Pies, Slices and Ices, and my neighborhood favorite, Home Slice, are all wonderful places.

    SPC Jack Klompus (07a5ab)

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