Patterico's Pontifications


“Mr. Olbermann–Sorry We Can’t All Be As Perfect As You”

Filed under: General — Aaron Worthing @ 9:05 am

[Guest post by Aaron Worthing; if you have tips, please send them here.]

On her Facebook page, Bristol Palin rips into Olbermann for calling her the worst person in the world:

Accusing me of hypocrisy is by now, an old canard. What Mr. Olbermann lacks in originality he makes up for with insincere incredulity. Mr. Olbermann fails to understand that in order to have credibility as a spokesperson, it sometimes takes a person who has made mistakes. Parents warn their children about the mistakes they made so they are not repeated. Former gang members travel to schools to educate teenagers about the risks of gang life. Recovered addicts lecture to others about the risks of alcohol and drug abuse. And yes, a teen mother talks about the benefits of preventing teen pregnancy.

I have never claimed to be perfect. If that makes me the “worst person in the world” to Mr. Olbermann, then I must apologize for not being absolutely faultless like he undoubtedly must be.

That’s going to leave a mark.

But while I understand completely why Bristol felt the need to respond, really the better course of action would have been to ignore Olbermann.

As they say, “don’t feed the trolls.”

Hat Tip: The Blaze.

[Posted and authored by Aaron Worthing.]

152 Responses to ““Mr. Olbermann–Sorry We Can’t All Be As Perfect As You””

  1. Well, it seems a reasonable comment if one is going to make a comment.

    MD in Philly (cac12c)

  2. That’s actually pretty well done by Bristol.

    She succinctly carries her point perfectly.

    I guess I had much lower expectations for how she’d handle this kind of thing, but she seems to be intelligent. She even turns the light back onto her cause.

    Just to be clear, I’m not comparing her to some political leader, but rather to the commenter class like Keith. It’s pretty clear that Bristol’s got more horsepower upstairs than Olbermann does.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  3. But while I understand completely why Bristol felt the need to respond, really the better course of action would have been to ignore Olbermann.

    We’re talking about the Bristol who decided she wanted to become a celebrity, right? Part of her mission in life is to get attention, and therefore taking Keith on is actually well conceived. Not only did he pick the fight, but she can win it and gain more adulation.

    I’m not pleased to know that Bristol is going to be part of our pop culture for decades, but you have to admit she’s a step up from what we’re used to out there. Just look at this Jennifer Grey lady and how she gracelessly discusses winning against someone who had no experience and faced death threats.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  4. “don’t feed the trolls”

    I disagree. Sometimes people need to be called out on their idiocy. She did so, and quite nicely.


    Jewels (c7b6c5)

  5. I’m still surprised to see a 20 year-old display a higher level of maturity than a 51 year-old. But I shouldn’t be.

    aunursa (69b3db)

  6. On the liberal message boards, they’re saying that this was ghost-written because its too well written, and Bristol is too stupid to know such words as “incredulity” and “canard.”

    aunursa (69b3db)

  7. this was ghost-written because its too well written,

    That seems to be their constant argument, doesn’t it?

    Bush or Sarah or whomever makes a great argument, but they don’t get credit because they are stupid. And the proof they are stupid is that they never make great arguments, and the proof their great arguments weren’t their is that they are stupid… etc etc etc.

    Admittedly, Bristol has made some lame mistakes in recent memory, but Keith appears to have badly underestimated her. She doesn’t seem too stupid to me. I saw some of her dancing and I don’t think an idiot could learn that skill very quickly.

    All they are doing is lowering the bar. While I like Sarah Palin’s attitude, I really wish the left would stop empowering her. She would be a footnote if they stopped freaking out about her so much, setting the bar so low for her that she constantly impresses, bashing her so harshly that she constantly looks dignified.

    Keith’s idiot treatment of Bristol is the best example of this phenomena I’ve ever seen. He gave her an opportunity to sound intelligent and classy and civil while also looking relevant on policy issues. If he hadn’t, she’s just some reality show personality of no importance. If Keith had wanted to help the Palins he couldn’t have done a better job.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  8. if anything canard is over used. although i think i am guilty of it, too.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  9. Slut.

    Poster child for failed abstinence policy and conservative hypocrisy.

    ajb (9df40f)

  10. William Yelverton is a classless secist pig. And a midget racist hilljack.

    JD (0d2ffc)

  11. hypocrisy is in the eye of the beholder I guess but I think she can fairly be accused of glamorizing teen motherhood with (bizarre) photoshoots in fashion magazines and jigging around on the tv

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  12. Poster child for failed abstinence policy

    Only if you can prove she was raised under a strict abstinence policy. In reality, her mom seemed to favor a ‘let them know about protection, too’ policy, and only nutcases on the left pretend otherwise along with their other long list of ridiculous claims.

    Doesn’t matter to AJB, I guess. Just tell a lie enough times and it comes true… unless the person you’re lying about plays you for a fool, taking advantage of the low expectations you’ve set.

    I remember when I first heard Sarah Palin explain her agreement with the theory of evolution, intelligently, and realized the claims about her were completely fabricated. ajb is actually a tool Sarah Palin badly needs in order to keep the bar low. What a fool.

    I think she can fairly be accused of glamorizing teen motherhood with (bizarre) photoshoots in fashion magazines

    This is a legitimate point. See, if Keith had constrained himself to making his point without ridiculous overreaching, he would have largely denied Bristol her obvious PR victory.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  13. this was ghost-written because its too well written

    I’m sure Keith writes all of his own stuff too.

    Nate_MI (8efdaa)

  14. At any rate, is it really so bad for Bristol to say her mistakes are a lesson for other people?

    Why in the world would ajb or Olbermann be so angry about something like that? Sure, in many cases, abstinence only doesn’t work, and kids who mess around should know how to be safer, but that’s actually what Bristol is saying.

    What in the world justifies the anger ajb has? Does he really hate the idea of a Palin telling kids to use condoms or better yet wait until marriage? Why?

    I suspect it’s because some people need to focus like a laser on other people’s mistakes in order to alleviate guilt over their own. It’s the Oprah syndrome, where weird people harp and harp and harp about some grievance because it’s a psychological escape.

    That’s why Bristol’s retort, that these people are acting as though they are perfect, resonates well. We’ve all seen how ajb’s disturbed and frankly pretty evil. Does he really think he has any credibility against a person whose sin was screwing around when they were a teenager (the majority of Americans do this, after all).

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  15. btw, AJB, I noticed you fled the last thread you were in, where you screamed ‘fact’ and then linked proof you were lying.

    In my book, a liar is worse than a teenage mother.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  16. Comment by ajb — 12/3/2010 @ 9:54 am

    Heh. The term “slut” used to be used by graceless conservatives in the 1950s until the late-60s, when the so-called “sexual revolution” advocates made it their business to let people know how outmoded the term was unless one was referring to, I don’t know, actual paid prostitutes or whatever the chatterati class deemed correct.

    How these cosmopolitan sophisticates change their tune once the object of their intellectual and class-related scorn (and the fact that both of the horrid chillbillies didn’t abort their spawn is a particular cause for offense, as we know from others’ writings) dares to speak — in public, of all places.

    no one you know (325a59)

  17. Hypocrisy is a GOP hallmark. You know, the culture of life that kills and tortures, the moral values bullsh!t they run on… and like Ensign, Vitter, Foley, Sanford, etc… are involved in sex scandals.

    Now we have a GOP instituted Death Panel in Arizona: Starting in October, a measure passed by the Republican-led state legislature began denying Medicaid funds for organ transplants such as bone-marrow, lung, heart and liver transplants, which can be very expensive and are often performed in life-threatening cases.

    The New York Times reports that Arizona doctors deem it a “a death sentence for some low-income patients, who have little chance of survival without transplants and lack the hundreds of thousands of dollars needed to pay for them.”

    ajb (9df40f)

  18. noyk, you’re right… this is about abortion for AJB.

    Party of Bristol’s persona shows that having an abortion wouldn’t have made her life better. There’s a big difference between abstaining and having no kids or aborting to ensure no ‘punishment’ with kids. Ajb and his pals want to deny that, but Bristol Palin would be haunted by her child for the rest of her life had she killed him to avoid what Obama calls ‘punishment’.

    Teenage pregnancy isn’t glamorous, and I agree with happyfeet that that picture is pretty weird. But it’s a complex issue, and Bristol is probably taking care not to make motherhood so horrible it argues for terminating children.

    If Bristol was wearing the ‘I had an abortion’ T-Shirt and disagreed with her mother on the topic, she would be a hero to the left. No doubt about it.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  19. Hypocrisy is a GOP hallmark.

    You said that in the last thread, and swore that 52 members of the Tea Party Caucus had subsequently made earmarks… but that wasn’t true, was it? You lied.

    Seems you’re trying really hard to prove dishonesty by lying, and that’s why you scream hypocrite so much.

    You’re projecting.

    Your link to Raw Story is pointless. It’s true… the government eventually runs out of money. forcing everyone onto a broken system with death panels is different from a state being unable to pay for an unfunded mandate. You just can’t help being a liar, can you?

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  20. Comment by ajb — 12/3/2010 @ 10:31 am

    Since you’re quite an intelligent person am sure you’ve heard of the phrase “changing the subject to avoid answering replies.”

    While am sure we’d be delighted to argue the merits of your link and your arguments (and health care is extremely important), would it be too, well…unsophisticated and uncosmopolitan of us to ask you to save your comment and bring it instead to a thread that actually addresses the topic?

    The topic of this one, in case you need a reminder, is Bristol Palin and Keith Olbermann. Any further comment on either of them, or the replies made to you?

    no one you know (325a59)

  21. Comment by Dustin — 12/3/2010 @ 10:32 am

    Excellent comment, and couldn’t have made any of those several points of yours better. Thank you.

    no one you know (325a59)

  22. Well said, noyk. I shouldn’t reply to ajb when he changes the subject, but when he does he does so with some massive distortion that is difficult to resist responding to.

    It’s not clear to me that ajb is intelligent enough to be doing this deliberately. He basically just reposts whatever’s on media matters or raw story and doesn’t show much understanding of what he’s talking about. Some trolls are actually unable to understand how a discussion works.

    I think ajb really believes that his evidence proves something about all conservatives. That’s so irrational, but his rambling routine is very convincing.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  23. LOL my comment 22 wasn’t directed at 21 (it was for 20).

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  24. NOYK, you should spend some time reading about Professor Yelverton. He is actually a good guitarist and musician.

    He has so much for which to be thankful, which is difficult to reconcile with his anger and nastiness.

    It’s an odd psychology. He keeps getting skooled, and he keeps coming back, with more nastiness and fury.

    You would think he would need to drink some warm milk and take a nap.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  25. Eric, I know a few successful people who wind up acting like crazy angry people for no apparent reason, so I guess I have no good reason to doubt this person is Yelverton. JD’s not one to be dishonest or even jump to conclusions, so I suspect there’s good evidence this is the right guy, but that was discussed on another blog.

    BTW, someone mentioned Yelverton had a blog. Can someone link that for me? ajb’s got a lot of weird ticks so it’s probably not hard to tell if they are the same.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  26. Comment by Eric Blair — 12/3/2010 @ 10:48 am

    Back some weeks ago I did check out a few of his YouTube vids and he is indeed a good musician. One would think he’d spend more of his free time with the things with which he’s clearly having more success, unless his goal is just to get attention. But attention is not respect, and what he gets of one here seems to be in inverse proportion to the other.

    You would think he would need to drink some warm milk and take a nap.

    Well since we’re discussing music as well as temperamental behavior, you mean like this fun combo of both…? 🙂

    no one you know (325a59)

  27. Poster child for failed abstinence policy

    One pregnant teenager doesn’t refute a policy any more than one teenager who fails at algebra refutes the math curriculum.

    Some chump (4c6c0c)

  28. ajb is William Yelverton, and he is hate-filled f@cker, a plagiarism practioner, and an all around douchebag. He has a palpable and seething hatred of anyone that does not share his extremist views, and generally just spits out talking points from his Soros funded masters at rawstory, medimatterz, and thinkregress. He is pathetic and disgusting and vile. And he is scared that brown people that can spell will take over. Oh, and he is a piad by the citizens of TN. A better example of a fauz academic spewing hatre at those that pay his salary has never been seen.

    JD (6e25b4)

  29. Eric

    > It’s an odd psychology. He keeps getting skooled, and he keeps coming back, with more nastiness and fury.

    Maybe he’s like that guy in the Watchmen who pretends to be a villain because he gets off on being beat up. Of course then he tried that on Rorschach and was dropped down an elevator shaft.

    Hands down, Rorschach was my favorite character in that movie/comic. when he smoked the mobster and his minions… sweetness.

    Best line in the movie, he is sent to prison and has to grievously harm a prisoner, he turns to the rest of the inmates and says something close to this: “Get this through your head. I’m not locked in here with you. You’re locked in here with me!” Best line of that kind since Bruce Wayne said, “You’re not the Devil. You’re practice.”

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  30. ajb

    > Poster child for failed abstinence policy

    How do you know she tried abstinence?

    And assuming she did, are you claiming that no one has ever gotten pregnant using birth control?

    I thought liberals liked science, but nothing could be more unscientific than reasoning from one example.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  31. I can’t stand the thought of Palins in public office. However, Tea Party Theater is very entertaining. Nicely played, Bristol.

    Wesson (019671)

  32. Dustin – it is loose tb canon at blogspot. Shorter version – racist hicktard teabaggers are evil and I will let my Soros masters tell you why.

    JD (0d2ffc)

  33. “this was ghost-written because its too well written”

    Yeah, this is a really really important point to make because Keith “Ted Baxter” Olbermann writes ALL his own copy. Judge Smails, the early years, never ever reads off the teleprompter. Oh, noo. He’s just such a naturally compelling presence on the screen. Not like this uppity little dancing snot fiend reproducing ReTHUGlican in human form.

    Gawd I just lurve watching the Palins piss off all the right people.

    AMartel (88c646)

  34. Dustin – my mistake loose tn canon at blogspot. But I will not link it, he does not deserve the traffic.

    JD (0d2ffc)

  35. Does Olbermann still live with his mother and her cats?

    Wesson (019671)

  36. Well, ajb has shown that he has less class than Keith Olbermann.

    Probably more misogynistic too.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  37. he does not deserve the traffic.

    No kidding. His blog is awful. Just boring rehashes with a very liberal helping of hysterics on top.

    It’s exactly what you’d expect ajb’s blog to look like. What an embarrassment.

    I love that his constant refrain is that people who don’t agree with him are stupid, while he uses as profound evidence a thesaurus entry on ‘liberal’ meaning generous and ‘conservative’ meaning stingy. This guy would make a 10 year old roll their eyes with his immaturity.

    Just looking through his entries shows he actually says that George W Bush’s policies are the “same sh*t” as Hitlers. He’s not kidding… he really can’t figure out the distinction.

    His hysteria about pro-lifers is amazing, too.

    It’s the same embarrassing psycho argument. If you have a different point of view, you’re trying to kill women, you’re a slut, you’re the same as Hitler, etc etc.

    It’s obvious ajb is the same embarrassing slob, so why does Yelverton pretend he isn’t himself (with a 3-year old’s defense strategy of misspelling his own name)? Why is he humiliated by his own ideas? I think part of the answer lies in his predictions that the GOP will need decades to return to power.

    Reality is really pushing him to lash out, and he’s completely embarrassed. I think JD’s reaction, to simply name this guy when he appears, is the perfect response.

    Middle Tennessee State University shouldn’t employ someone who is this angry at people with certain religions, or this obsessed with kids and anal sex.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  38. #12,

    Poster child for failed abstinence policy

    Only if you can prove she was raised under a strict abstinence policy. In reality, her mom seemed to favor a ‘let them know about protection, too’ policy,

    It’s not even that. This happens to be true, but suppose it were not so. Suppose Sarah Palin were fanatically in favour of teaching children abstinence only, and not telling them about condoms for fear of giving them ideas, and implicit sanction for sex. In other words, suppose her enemies’ fantasy were true. So damned what? How would any of this speak ill of her in light of Bristol’s pregnancy?

    On the contrary, the pregnancy would give her the perfect argument for her hypothetical position. She could very plausibly claim that what had happened to her daughter was all the fault of the public school, which had taught her that it wasn’t so bad to have sex. Had her policy been implemented, had the school been required to push a strong pro-abstinence message on students, perhaps her family might have been spared this whole episode.

    If someone campaigns for better math teaching in public schools, and her own children are failing math, does that discredit her, or on the contrary strengthen her case? And how is this different?

    The very stupid fallacy in this whole line of argument is the assumption that Palin was in control of her kids’ schools, and if she advocated something then the schools would do it.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  39. I don’t see much distinction between Professor Yelverton’s mentality and Fred Phelps’s.

    You should get more from your education than someone like this.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  40. If someone campaigns for better math teaching in public schools, and her own children are failing math, does that discredit her, or on the contrary strengthen her case? And how is this different?

    You and some chump have a strong argument.

    It’s true that Bristol’s life would have been better had she not made some very human mistakes with that sleazy guy. It’s ridiculous to suggest less abstinence would have made things better. No one said abstinence was easy for teenagers; but rather that it avoids the problems Bristol’s had.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  41. #9 Did anyone bother following this link? I didn’t at first, but then I got curious. What could the AJB creature possibly be referring to? So I followed it and found out — that the reference was to several-year-old pictures of Bristol’s ex-boyfriend’s sister, drinking. Somehow this makes Bristol a slut, for… er… give me a minute… sorry, it’s gone.

    This is the level of dishonesty that this creature lives at.

    Milhouse (1448a4)

  42. #27 especially a teenager who didn’t take that curriculum

    Milhouse (1448a4)

  43. GE-we bring good things to life and Keith Olbermann, and do so with $16 billion of your money.

    Bugg (4e0dda)

  44. You are assuming an education, Dustin, one that does not exist. Advanced certificates in ukelele playing do not count.

    JD (822109)

  45. btw, JD, I didn’t realize what a cheap shot it sounded like to associate Yelverton’s BS with JG, because I didn’t know about Yelverton’s hysterical accusations of criminal behavior that appear to be absurd.

    It would still be nice if obsessions were toned down, all across the board, not that you didn’t come to that conclusion first.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  46. And who says some folks untimely death would not be celebrated……

    Torquemada (15521c)

  47. Question for Patterico and/or Aaron: why has AJB not been banned?

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  48. Milhouse – when I click on it, I got sent to a TPM cafe blogpost where they were trumpeting this as showing that Bristol was drinking and making out with other girls. Turns out, it was Mercede, Lev’s sister, and the author retracted. William Yelverton is so f@cking dishonest and blinded by hatred he continues to try to push his dishonesty.

    JD (822109)

  49. Bristol Palin was raised by a conservative icon who backed abstinence education – Fact, ’nuff said.

    You wouldn’t believe facts if they were rubbed in your face. Whether it’s denial of climate science or proof that your conservative media is lying and sending anti-gay hate mail… it’s the same symptom. Denialist, education-hating, anti – everything that doesn’t look or pray like you do. Take America back from the educated.

    ajb (9df40f)

  50. milhouse

    i lack the power, and i think patterico has decided to stop doing that unless the conduct is really, really egregious.

    like there was one regular who suddenly thought it was funny to use Patterico as his nickname. i am pretty sure Patterico blocked him.

    But as libertarian as i tend to be about these things (i mean seriously, if i wasn’t a really tolerant guy you don’t think i would have flicked kman out of here by now?), i think ajb’s consant stream of bile is getting to be a bit much. but its not my call.

    I would suggest bringing it up to the man himself, via email.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  51. #49. 1) You’re lying; she did not back abstinence-only education. 2) Had it been true, how would that have helped your case? Maybe if Bristol’s school had had abstinence-only education, she wouldn’t have got in trouble. So it would have made perfect sense for her mother to advocate such education, and what happened to her daughter would have been the perfect argument to support her case. But the fact remains that Saran did not advocate such education, so the whole argument is only hypothetical.

    I repeat, why is this creature allowed to continue posting here?

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  52. Milhouse, are you ignorant or is your google not working?

    But I’m the ‘vile person’ because I point out facts. Hmmmm….

    ajb (9df40f)

  53. Question for Patterico and/or Aaron: why has AJB not been banned?

    Comment by Milhouse

    Yelverton isn’t banned because no one is banned here anymore. It’s a principle sort of thing.

    AJb’s latest link in 29 only shows that Palin didn’t want to fund ‘explicit sex’ education. So what?

    AJB’s source is terrible and just doesn’t prove what he claims it does. Anyone can read his link and see that Palin supports teaching kids abstinence, which is a far cry from saying she was for teaching them abstinence only. There are many categories of sex education, and comprehensive sex ed is distinguished from explicit sex ed.

    ” I’m pro-contraception, and I think kids who may not hear about it at home should hear about it in other avenues. So I am not anti-contraception. But, yeah, abstinence is another alternative that should be discussed with kids. I don’t have a problem with that. That doesn’t scare me, so it’s something I would support also.”

    That’s Sarah Palin, ajb.

    William Yelverton is straight up lying, again and again. I’d say Bristol Palin’s mistakes are far less than Yelverton’s dishonest and disturbing obsession. He should stop hating people on the basis of their religion and politics.

    Yelverton: you can make the choice to stop being a bigot. You can disagree with conservatives without being disgusting about it.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  54. It’s not the bile that I think should get AJB banned, it’s the lies. As in this one.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  55. But I’m the ‘vile person’ because I point out facts. Hmmmm….

    Comment by ajb —

    That’s been debunked for ages. I agree, Palin is opposed to explicit sex ed. but she’s provably in favor of comprehensive sex ed. What’s the problem with taking a moderate and intelligent position?

    What’s sad about you is that you know what I’m talking about because I’ve seen you react to this argument many times. You know you’re lying. You want to be unfair to really ‘stick it to those nazi Christians’.

    There are plenty of people who actually do oppose comprehensive sex ed, but you want to make sure to condemn someone who doesn’t because you’re addicted to being unfair.

    As you say, ‘my rules!’. This is pathetic.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  56. It’s not the bile that I think should get AJB banned, it’s the lies. As in this one.

    Comment by Milhouse

    Oh, I agree, but it’s not my blog and I understand the principle to just not ban anyone. It’s not like ajb’s lies are hurting conservatives… quite the contrary.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  57. William Yelverton – were you lying or just stupid when you called her a slut in that link? As a midget, how are you able to internalize all that hate? Where do you store it?

    yelverton's kitteh (b98cae)

  58. ajb

    first, the pictures of “bristol” palin was of Levi johnston’s sister, you moron. If you actually read your links you would know that.

    Second, palin said she would not support explicit sex ed. She has not said she opposed all sex ed, or would teach abstinence only. As she said in her book, and everyone with two brains cells to rub together surmised at the time, she meant “no condoms on bananas.”

    This what she also said: “I’m pro-contraception, and I think kids who may not hear about it at home should hear about it in other avenues,” she said during a debate in Juneau.

    Source: the LA times.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  59. I just love hearing conservative adulterous congressmen [R] advocating abstinence ed. It’s really a beautiful thing.

    ajb (9df40f)

  60. LOL, Yelverton just deleted all my comments from his blog.

    What a coward. They were benign disagreement, just as they are in this thread.

    I guess ajb/Yelverton can’t show the same respect for dissenting opinions that people like Patterico show him.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  61. Dustin

    oh no, there is at least one guy who is banned, at least as long as he keeps posting as “patterico.”

    As in this guy is impersonating the host.

    But that might be a special case. Who knows?

    But ajb is defintely making the case for banning a few people.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  62. so much for the ‘pro contraception’ …. I’m sure Palin intended to get knocked up in her mid 40s… and Bristol.

    ajb (9df40f)

  63. ajb

    What was supposed to be the point of posting your “Slut” link in comment #9? Everything asserted at the link was discredited/retracted in the post’s own comments over two years ago.

    Were you trying to demonstrate what a fool you are, or how big a dick you are? I realize the two are not mutually exclusive.

    Blue Ox (ff919a)

  64. What kind of sleazy loser posts a pic of the wrong girl, labels it ‘slut’, and posts it as some kind of juvenile rebuttal to the intelligent commentary quoted in this post?

    I guess the answer is a teacher at Middle Tennessee State University. Posting pictures of the wrong girl and calling that ‘slut’ is disturbing and women in his class should be aware that he’s obviously a sexist pig.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  65. oh no, there is at least one guy who is banned, at least as long as he keeps posting as “patterico.”

    Sounds pretty legit.

    Fact is, I’ve seen some extreme jerks not get banned, and I’m impressed by the commitment that shows.

    One problem is that it is not really possible to ban someone who uses proxies and changes handles. imdw and ajb know that.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  66. Some people have an advantage when it comes to name-calling. Since they have no moral principles, they can not be accused of hypocrisy.

    MD in Philly (cac12c)

  67. This is JD’s Congressman – who he voted for.

    You may know some these great leaders of the “moral values party.”

    ajb (9df40f)

  68. ajb

    wtf? do you have any sense of boundaries?

    You are going to sit in judgment of her decision to have a child? to use or not use birth control?

    Don’t you love the way liberals advocate for privacy? by recognizing none for anyone else.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  69. ajb, why did you delete my comments from your blog?

    And how did you learn what congressional district JD’s in. Are you in love with him the way kman is in love with aaron?

    What’s interesting about your supposed moral values crap is that Clinton is venerated by liberals for behavior the cosnervative don’t tolerate.

    Yelverton, banner of dissent, may think conservatives have blind faith in the honesty of conservative politicians, but in reality, we are far more skeptical than the idiots painting Obama on unicorns and calling him a god.

    That’s why we believe in limited government. We don’t trust any of these politicians very much. When someone like Sanford lets us down, that confirms our belief in not giving these people any more power than we absolutely have to.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  70. Why is it so absurd that a woman in a happy marriage might want a child in her mid-40’s? Anyone surpised that Yelverton the racist midget is still single at 50+? Nice lie in your link about calling her a slut.

    JD (d48c3b)

  71. Btw, Professor Yelverton, I wonder what your bosses would think about you acting like such a child? Do they expect their professors to maintain an aura of seriousness and intellectual honesty? What would they think of your conduct here?

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  72. nyone surpised that Yelverton the racist midget is still single at 50+?

    He’s really in love with himself. He’s got 4 sites devoted to himself covered in pictures of himself, and he sockpuppets his own girlfriends.

    The only way he’ll ever get a lady is if she’s incredibly screwed up.

    And men need a lady. This is one of the core problems in the world. A lot of the angriest people are men who can’t get a wife, such as Islamofacists suffering from societies with polygamy. Yelverton can’t get the perspective on what matters in life, so he’s passionate about stupid crap like “bush is the same as hitler”.

    Sarah Palin’s obviously very healthy and fertile and it’s predictable that she could keep having kids. This isn’t relevant to me. We’ve got better tests for our leaders, but Palin’s haters keep putting Palin to a test she will continue to pass.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  73. More to the point Yelverton, would you be willing to direct them to this site, and identify which nick is really you?

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  74. That is not my congresscritter, and I never could have voted for him, therefore, we can only assume that william yelverton is proving himself to be the lying f@ck we knew him to be.

    Dustin – note his commentary on his blog about how he never deletes comments.

    JD (b98cae)

  75. Dustin – note his commentary on his blog about how he never deletes comments.

    Comment by JD


    It’s not really that surprising. The guy repeats claims that are debunked because he wants to show how aggressive he feels. He wants to be dishonest and unfair and really ‘punch back twice as hard’. That he said he won’t delete comments is practically a promise that he will, I guess.

    The guy must go through rolaids like they are tic tacs. My comments were similar to how they are here and didn’t justify the deletion, IMO.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  76. Dustin – I trult think he is delusional. Just look at how he is amping up the hate here. This is just a pattern with him.

    JD (b98cae)

  77. What’s funny is that JD and I are not exactly Palin’s strongest supporters or anything.

    People are paying attention and I’m sure aspiring politicians will employ astroturf to emulate nasty attacks, because that’s what it takes to polarize people to stick up for someone like Palin.

    I wonder how much of this sort of thing helped Obama. IE the birther hysteria the left seemed happy to keep alive. There’s a large number of people along the lines of aceofspades who can be pushed to react to unfairness against Obama or Palin.

    The ultimate result will be a coarsening of the national dialogue. Yelverton could care less that he’s screwing up his country.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  78. AW – ask the krazy midget what their policy on plagiarism is. Hilarity ensues.

    JD (85b089)

  79. JD #70 – one of my all-time favourite cartoons (which I read in Playboy back in the late 70s or early 80s) showed a very obviously pregnant lady standing in from of a male doctor’s desk (which had symbolic stethoscope and nameplate with Dr. SomeName on it) and he is saying to the lady “That’s The Pill for you ! Unpredictable side-effects !” …

    Abstinence doersn’t seem to be a practical sole strategy for teens – but it *can* work for some of ’em … personally, I encourage multiple options being taught, so that teens can learn to choose wisely … and “This is what can happen to *you* !” education by another teen mother and/or father can work very effectively as part of a multi-option curriculum …

    Alasdair (e7cb73)

  80. Why, alasdair, that is positively foolish of you and obviously you are a crazy christer denier of science and facts and evolution and sarah palin’s uterus.

    JD (306f5d)

  81. I’m not sure I get the point about Souder anyway. Both he and his mistress are adults; what’s inconsistent about their advocating abstinence for teens?

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  82. Alasdair,

    When I consider the seriousness of this educational issue, it always annoys me that people want to play politics with it.

    Palin or whoever else is trying to come up with effective ways to get kids to make better choices. Making clear that abstinence is the best strategy, but also making sure people know what condoms and pills are, without going so far that kids are rolling condoms onto fake penises in the classroom and actually simulating sexual conduct (which is blatantly counterproductive as the kids who know the least about sex will be kept out of those lessons anyway) is not a justification to bash someone’s daughter.

    These are difficult issues that call for a sober approach. Since no approach is going to lead to perfect results, it’s a shame people like Middle Tennessee State University’s Yelverton demonize earnest efforts to educate.

    We don’t have to politicize every damn thing. We sure don’t need to politicize someone’s kid.

    Obama’s far more political than his predecessor, and it’s leading to a huge mess. That’s why people rally to Palin despite the poor politics of doing so. They are trying to show they prefer leadership to political extremism.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  83. The only other thing Bristol might have done to really leave a mark, would have been a summary of Keith’s illustrious employment history noting all of the jobs he’s been fired from.
    But, that might have been “going too far”.

    AD-RtR/OS! (b8ab92)

  84. When feeding the troll delivers as much happiness to as many as this did, it makes it an early Christmas present well worth doing. And you know Olbermanchild will be seething and acting like a little schoolgirl over the whole thing. Double delicious.

    dfbaskwill (c021f2)

  85. AD, I was thinking some excerpts of Olbermann’s restraining orders …

    SPQR (26be8b)

  86. And you know Olbermanchild will be seething

    Yep. Nothing could tick him off more than Bristol issuing a polite and classy reaction that makes Keith look inferior in just about every way.

    He simultaneously made her more relevant and credible while making himself look like an ankle biter of a reality show contestant.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  87. No, Yelverton, the is no room up here in Palin’s uterus. You will have to find somewhere else to live. you might want to consider charging her rent since she is now living rent-free in your head, which is fortunate, otherwise it would be empty.

    Andrew Sullivan (eb5afc)

  88. okay, no sock puppeting here. although that is kinda funny.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  89. re sullivan at 87…

    A womb with a view?

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  90. Oops. My bad. Yelverton is still a lying racist midget hill jack.

    JD (eb5afc)

  91. Sullivan # 87.

    I can’t read that without breaking into uncontrollable laughter.

    aunursa (69b3db)

  92. Thank you, aunursa. With a target like that, it is easy.

    JD (eb5afc)

  93. I’d like to know more about the plagiarism charge against Middle Tennessee State University’s Yelverton. Stealing the work of others is lazy and dirty. I rank it right behind stealing a carpenter’s tools. If the charge is true about Yelverton, wouldn’t his students’ parents want to know?

    Birdbath (8501d4)

  94. Palin On Abortion: “I’d Oppose Even If My Own Daughter Was Raped”

    Palin wants to government to control all women’s reproductive organs.

    ajb (9df40f)

  95. Another “Look! Over there!” comment from ajb.

    Some chump (4c6c0c)

  96. You are f@cking demented, William Yelverton.

    JD (eb5afc)

  97. ajb

    why should we believe any assertion you make?

    You have posted supposed pictures of bristol drinking when the links to the very post you linked to demonstrated that it was not bristol. it didn’t even look very much like her.

    are you going to admit to being at least wrong about that, or not?

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  98. Wow, Yelverton, I called you out to your face and that’s your response? Another nasty distraction?

    When you miss a note on your banjo do you immediately start playing a different song? That’s the coward’s way out of a debate (as is your deleting my comments on your blog, coward).

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  99. Sarah and Bristol’s ghostwriters have been crushing it lately. If this is the kind of talent Sarah attracts, she’s got a great eye. Between the gaffe parody and this, not a single lefty writer in blogs, news, or entertainment has been as hot.

    Birdbath (8501d4)

  100. ajb: Palin wants to government to control all women’s reproductive organs.

    What would you have her say? That for the crime of rape, the sentence of capital punishment should be given to the innocent, unborn child???

    aunursa (69b3db)

  101. ajb’s representations about his links are always false. The dishonesty vs. incompetence debate is unresolved but “Both” is in the lead.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  102. Honestly, folks, I don’t think giving Professor Yelverton a bad time for being an academic who spouts political hatred is a great idea.

    First, he has a good job, and is a good musician. I’m guessing that he is a good music teacher, as well.

    Second, this kind of business from academics is nothing knew. I see it every day.

    He seems pretty unhappy, so I am guessing that posting nastiness makes him feel better.

    And it’s a safe way to talk tough.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  103. I guess I’m so obsessed with Yelverton because he puts out facts that frustrate me, and I have no recourse but to insult him. That’s my only defense. I really don’t have any way ofrefuting him so I just call him a racist hilljack. In fact, I think everyone who comments on this blog who puts out facts I don’t like must be Yelverton. He sockpuppets by many names.

    Comment by JD

    LOL, ajb. Your ip address is the same against many sockpuppets, some of them swapping genders and many denying the truth about your weird behavior.

    JD has you nailed and the best you can do is screech.

    You know what’s amusing? you’re clearly trying to get banned. As soon as anyone discusses how someone got banned, you start doing that thing. Aaron mentioned that someone was banned for sockpuppeting, and you start using JD’s moniker.

    A lot of trolls do this because they can pretend to roost on the victim pyre. Your blog’s header boasts about how you get banned, but reasonable commenters know this just outs you as a jerk.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  104. Yelverton never deletes comments on his blog. Try again.

    Comment by JD [this isn’t JD, but rather Yelverton taking his moniker because it was mentioned upthread that’s how to get banned around here]

    He deleted several of mine. However, you’re basically admitting to being Yelverton here, if you claim he’s never done something. It’s a poor proof, since you’re wrong and you do delete comments.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  105. I guess I’m so obsessed with Yelverton because he puts out facts that frustrate me, and I have no recourse but to insult him. That’s my only defense. I really don’t have any way ofrefuting him so I just call him a racist hilljack. In fact, I think everyone who comments on this blog who puts out facts I don’t like must be Yelverton. He sockpuppets by many names.

    Comment by JD — 12/3/2010 @ 1:55 pm

    Actually, in spite of the recent amnesty, isn’t sockpuppeting another’s handle the one sure way to get banned? That and taking many nicks is still verboten on this blog.

    Can’t understand why this poster is being treated differently than the rest of us. If I sockpuppeted him that’d be wrong and he’d call me out on it — and rightly so. If I refused to stop and keep posting under his nick he’d call for my banning, and rightly so.


    no one you know (325a59)

  106. For what it is worth, Yelverton just posted that under my name. He likes to post under my name, he gets to experience life as a not-midget not-moron.

    JD (eb5afc)

  107. Comment by Dustin — 12/3/2010 @ 2:10 pm

    And here we are again.

    Since no one else will: I propose the banning of ajb. Posting under others’ nicks is totally unacceptable.

    no one you know (325a59)

  108. This would be funny if it was the first time this clown has done this, but it is not. Like I said, this is a pattern for him.

    JD (eb5afc)

  109. OK, enough fun for one day. You guys are pathetically hilarious. Have a great weekend. Stay the course!

    ajb (9df40f)

  110. I am anti-banning. I am pro-point and laugh, mock and scorn.

    JD (eb5afc)

  111. You equate fun with lying and dishonesty. SHOCKA.

    JD (eb5afc)

  112. Comment by JD — 12/3/2010 @ 2:16 pm

    Much as I respect the First Amendment, and also your POV, I think that banning on a private blog when the commenters repeatedly flout the rules is a good way to help impress on the less-intelligent ones the importance of keeping them. Why have rules if you’re not willing to enforce them, I guess would be my take….

    no one you know (325a59)

  113. You should try to post under pam again. Or w. Or any of your many others. It will certainly fool everyone.

    JD (eb5afc)

  114. Oh, I certainly agree with that, nook. But it doesn’t really work. He will pick yet another name, and just keep on going.

    JD (eb5afc)

  115. He will pick yet another name, and just keep on going.

    Comment by JD — 12/3/2010 @ 2:20 pm

    Oh. Is that how banning works; you just say someone’s banned? Sorry, didn’t know — thought you could block the ip(s) of people you knew were the offenders. Gotta read up on proxies I guess.

    /Web related ignorance exposed :p

    no one you know (325a59)

  116. I propose the banning of ajb. Posting under others’ nicks is totally unacceptable.

    Comment by no one you know —

    Just bear in mind that Middle Tennessee State University‘s William Yelverton has been banned so much from so many places he’s part of his blog’s header.

    He knows how to get around a ban by picking up a different proxy service and changing his nick. There’s a reason he keeps changing his nick. Patterico doesn’t engage these people directly, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the name changes coincided with efforts to moderate him.

    Also, NOYK, he’s sockpuppeting other commenters here because he just learned that’s how people get banned. He desperately wants to be banned to prove how intolerant conservatives are. I’d still ban his ass anyway, but just keep in mind he wants to be banned.

    Just want to reiterate that ajb’s source of knowledge on Yelverton’s behavior is his own first hand knowledge. It’s therefore pretty clear he is the Yelverton who deleted my comments and has some hatred of my religion (Christianity), or at least purports to be that guy.

    What an embarrassment.

    Dustin (Actual) (b54cdc)

  117. Oh. Is that how banning works; you just say someone’s banned? Sorry, didn’t know — thought you could block the ip(s) of people you knew were the offenders. Gotta read up on proxies I guess.

    /Web related ignorance exposed :p

    Comment by no one you know

    No, you’re right that you can block IP blocks. But it’s really easy to get a new IP address. Just ask imdw.

    Dustin (Actual) (b54cdc)

  118. Just want to reiterate that ajb’s source of knowledge on Yelverton’s behavior is his own first hand knowledge. It’s therefore pretty clear he is the Yelverton who deleted my comments and has some hatred of my religion (Christianity), or at least purports to be that guy.

    What an embarrassment.

    Comment by Dustin (Actual) — 12/3/2010 @ 2:23 pm

    Yeah, did LOL at how his quick-on-the-draw reply to you (Oops!) merely confirmed his ID. Heh. The trolls are braggarts but not very intelligent. Pretty fun to watch actually.

    no one you know (325a59)

  119. Everyone

    NOYK wrote:

    > Actually, in spite of the recent amnesty, isn’t sockpuppeting another’s handle the one sure way to get banned?

    I’m not actually sure. I think Patterico will not cotton to that, but I will check with him.

    For now, ajb’s posts pretending to be JD have been unapproved and thus have disappeared as you might have noticed. i’ll leave it to Patterico to decide what the appropriate response is. I suspect it will at least be to put ajb into the penalty box.

    And don’t worry that he can just show up with a different name. There are ways to prevent that sort of thing. I would explain more, but i don’t want to help the guy get around them. Most of you who are reasonably savvy with computers will know exactly what i am talking about.

    If anyone else catches sockpuppetry (remembering that sometimes it does happen accidentally on fridays), shoot me an email and i will look into it. be assured while i don’t know the names of anyone anonymous (unless they tell me) i can tell the difference between the real JD, for instance, and a Yelverton sockpuppet.

    And i will be suggesting to patterico that a complete ban be considered, but its not my decision to make.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  120. Comment by Aaron Worthing — 12/3/2010 @ 2:30 pm

    Thanks, Aaron. And “Dustin’s” comment too, at 2:10 PM, I believe is also ajb at work.

    And (all due respect to JD, who was one of the people actually sockpuppeted but prefers the sockpuppeter not be banned), I could be wrong re: a change in policy but sockpuppeting another’s handle was still a bannable offense not long ago.

    no one you know (325a59)

  121. I vote for leaving it up, so everyone can see what a dick he is.

    JD (306f5d)

  122. I am due no respect, noyk 😉

    JD (306f5d)

  123. I vote for leaving it up, so everyone can see what a dick he is.

    Comment by JD — 12/3/2010 @ 2:41 pm

    Maybe that would be the best thing esp since he seems to actually want the banning. What would happen if he weren’t banned but everyone ignored him? We could watch him stamp his little troll feet like Rumplestilskin and get angrier and angrier? That would require some coordinated ignoring, though you must admit it might be even more entertaining….

    no one you know (325a59)

  124. okay, got the dustin post too.

    JD, Dustin, you can see what i said to Patterico about all this in your email inbox. Feel free to chime in, you are the victims after all, but bear in mind he is probably is out of touch and when he checks his email, it will all flood in at once.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  125. That would require some coordinated ignoring

    If it was agreed upon, we could do it.

    MD in Philly (cac12c)

  126. I’m a victim!!!!!

    Just kidding.

    I don’t want to bug Patterico, who simply has bigger fish to fry than some pissant like William Yelverton, MTSU. But thanks for keeping watch over the cuckoos. Patterico’s always lucky in his cobloggers.

    Dustin (Actual) (b54cdc)

  127. it gets better. he did it to noyk, too, but we never saw it because it was in the spam filter.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  128. For as much as I hate to have anyone respond to such an asshole as Olby, she let him have it right where he deserves it. I mean really, you attack a 20 year old girl, Keith?

    No wonder this man has no friends and people hate to work with him. No one at ESPN liked him so they let him walk. Maybe Dan Patrick tolerated him but still considered him a first class douche bag.

    Dee (4c2ac9)

  129. I would like to get through a day without a Palin post in the rightie blogosphere, just one day.

    Oh well.

    Terrye (3d4bc9)

  130. hypocrisy is in the eye of the beholder I guess but I think she can fairly be accused of glamorizing teen motherhood with (bizarre) photoshoots in fashion magazines and jigging around on the tv

    This is a legitimate point. See, if Keith had constrained himself to making his point without ridiculous overreaching, he would have largely denied Bristol her obvious PR victory.

    Baloney on both. She’s got to make a living. If Harpers Bazaar wants pay her for an interview and include a photo shoot where she gets to play dress up, why not? That’s not being a hypocrite – that’s earning a living.

    More importantly, the photos accompany a lengthy interview with Palin, which reveals anything but a hypocrite and while it’s easy to pull out a photo and smugly accuse, it presents a more accurate assessment to read the interview and then assess the photos:

    Bristol never expected to find herself here: waking up at 5:00 a.m. to fix Tripp’s breakfast (usually eggs), get herself ready — “It takes me so much longer with a baby, it’s not even funny” — then head to work from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. as a medical assistant in a dermatologist’s office. “I thought I would be somewhere warm at college with my friends,” she says. “But that was definitely not possible with having Tripp.”

    Not that Bristol goes out much, besides taking Tripp for walks. “I don’t ever have time for friends or anything like that,” she sighs. “It’s just like, Right, crap, there is a hockey game tonight that I want to go to but I can’t. Or, I do have to go to work today, because I’ve got bills to pay.”

    I would also point out that the photo shoot ironically juxtaposes a young single mom slogging through domesticity while lavishly adorned in the haute couture of Carolina Herrera, Lanvin, Micheal Kors. But perhaps if she had appeared slovenly, haggard, and something akin to a big letter A on her chest, it would be less hypocritical and more acceptable, no?

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  131. Dana,
    Can’t tell you how many comments I’ve seen on other blogs trashing her because she went on DWTS and “abandoned” her baby by going to practice, etc.

    [paraphrasing] “She should stay in the house, changing diapers! Who cares if her family’s willing to help her out; if she were a good mother she’d never leave the house’!1!!” — progressive uberliberals

    But perhaps if she had appeared slovenly, haggard, and something akin to a big letter A on her chest, it would be less hypocritical and more acceptable, no?

    Comment by Dana — 12/3/2010 @ 5:34 pm

    She deserves it you know, for being such a slut. By which I mean, not aborting Tripp. the chillbilly spawn.

    That is of course the real sin — she welcomed Tripp instead of killing him. So she must be shamed and punished.

    Am not really a Bristol fan per se, but these vile people are really putting me on her side, big time. IMO she’s much more mature than most of the people attacking her.

    no one you know (72db9b)

  132. I would like to get through a day without a Palin post in the rightie blogosphere, just one day.

    Oh well.

    Comment by Terrye

    Honest suggestion: ignore the stories. I see a lot of Palin stories flooded with the same groans. She’s relevant whether it oughta be that way, and believe me… she’ll be even more relevant in a year.

    Baloney on both. She’s got to make a living. If Harpers Bazaar wants pay her for an interview and include a photo shoot where she gets to play dress up, why not? That’s not being a hypocrite – that’s earning a living.

    Dana, otherwise I agree with your comment, but on this I think you’re not understanding my point. I never called her a hypocrite. I simply noted the photo glamorizes teen pregnancy. I try to be fair about it because it’s a tough nut to crack… she doesn’t want to make ‘welcoming her child instead of aborting it’ seem horrible, but she also wants to warn people away from a mistake.

    A legit criticism can be made that some of those shots obviously glamorize teenage pregnancy. Those who go farther and say she should be miserable, or that she’s slutty, or that she has no right to earn a living, are obviously out of line, but my comment is much more limited.

    There are confused kids who want a baby and don’t appreciate just how difficult that will make their own lives.

    More importantly, the photos accompany a lengthy interview with Palin, which reveals anything but a hypocrite and while it’s easy to pull out a photo and smugly accuse, it presents a more accurate assessment to read the interview and then assess the photos:

    You’re right. In context, it’s better. And that’s not how the medium functions. Instead, some people see how awesome and fun having a teenage baby can be, and never read the context.

    Am I bashing Bristol for this? No. I’m just saying the picture is weird and I don’t like the message it sends.

    But perhaps if she had appeared slovenly, haggard, and something akin to a big letter A on her chest, it would be less hypocritical and more acceptable, no?

    I don’t think she’s a hypocrite (granted, other people are), but otherwise, yep. IF she had more accurately presented the challenge of her life as a young single mother instead of looking glamorous, I’d find the picture less weird.

    Come on. That clearly suggests that having a baby when you’re a teenager is not so rough, but more like a fantasy party. I’m sure the intention was to be ironic about the issue, but the medium is the message, and the photo says it’s glamorous to have a kid.

    And all I’m saying is that it’s legitimate to note that photo is incorrect.

    Not that Bristol goes out much, besides taking Tripp for walks. “I don’t ever have time for friends or anything like that,” she sighs. “It’s just like, Right, crap, there is a hockey game tonight that I want to go to but I can’t. Or, I do have to go to work today, because I’ve got bills to pay.”

    The fact is that Bristol is struggling with a complicated issue and I’m trying to be fair to her about it. I don’t want to pretend I get to judge her (I’m not as perfect as Mr Olbermann), but most of the images associated with her are carefully crafted to glamorize her life. If one thinks that teenage pregnancy should not be glamorized, then they have a legit issue here.

    Calling her a hypocrite or a slut or even really paying much attention to her as though she is extremely relevant is a different matter entirely.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  133. Now WIlliam the racist hilljack cowardly midget Yelverton is being tricky and has resume the all caps AJB in the other thread.

    JD (822109)

  134. Why did William Yelverton call a teenager a slut? I really don’t get it. For having sex before marriage? For having the temerity to have the baby? Note how he absolutely refused to even acknowledge that he farking lied in his SLUT link that had been refudiated over 2 years ago. Even the author of the post, Turd Ferguson if I recall correctly, acknowledged that the photos did not show what he claimed, and the identity of the actual person in the photos has long since been confirmed. It was an outright farking lie, a smear, just so he could call the child of someone he hates a slut. He is a vile pathetic not-man.

    JD (6e25b4)

  135. I would like to get through a day without a Palin post in the rightie blogosphere, just one day.

    Oh well.

    Comment by Terrye

    Honest suggestion: ignore the stories. I see a lot of Palin stories flooded with the same groans. She’s relevant whether it oughta be that way, and believe me… she’ll be even more relevant in a year.

    This might well be true, but there is also such a thing as overexposure. I think the Palin family is getting there. I am not trying to be snotty or catty or anything, but I have to say I don’t like Sarah Palin as much as I used to. I am almost afraid to say this because people get so emotional and all that, but I think I have just gotten tired of all the drama and all that. The whole blue blood thing just got on my nerves. And I used to just love this lady, I put her on my facebook and all that. I don’t know if it is just me, or whether other people feel the same way, but I am kind of starting to think enough already.

    Terrye (368a41)

  136. I must be tired, I said and all that three times in that last post. Time to turn off the computer.

    Terrye (368a41)

  137. Once one agrees to be the subject of a magazine article, it will be the reporters, photography people, and most of all the editor who determines how it will come off. So, one has to decide if they have something worth communicating (and I guess getting paid for) and take the risk.

    Had my opinion been asked, as it should have been 😉 , I would have her keep a very low profile, no DWTS, no magazine interviews, etc. Maybe a public service commercial done by friendlies on teen pregnancy would be OK.

    MD in Philly (cac12c)

  138. Terrye, believe me, I’m not upset by your sentiment or anything. I’m just noting you’re going to have to figure out a way to withstand far more Palin coverage than we see now.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  139. Dana, otherwise I agree with your comment, but on this I think you’re not understanding my point. I never called her a hypocrite. I simply noted the photo glamorizes teen pregnancy. I try to be fair about it because it’s a tough nut to crack… she doesn’t want to make ‘welcoming her child instead of aborting it’ seem horrible, but she also wants to warn people away from a mistake.

    Dustin, I should have identified the individual quotes but lumped them together as both struck me a bit rash in that they were made w/out the context of the interview. I realize you didn’t call her a hypocrite but rather HF did.

    A legit criticism can be made that some of those shots obviously glamorize teenage pregnancy. Those who go farther and say she should be miserable, or that she’s slutty, or that she has no right to earn a living, are obviously out of line, but my comment is much more limited.

    Harpers is a high-fashion mag aimed at the upper class and describes itself as elegant and provocative, and per Wiki, Bazaar assembles photographers, artists, designers and writers to deliver a “sophisticated” perspective into the world of fashion, beauty and popular culture. Given that, the photos seem to fit that description. They are certainly not going to shoot her in her sweats, walking the floor with her crying baby trying to get him to sleep, or cleaning her house. After all, they’re in business to sell their product with a very specific and reader in mind. It’s not a morality play but a photo shoot with a young woman, her baby and incorporating the very thing Harper’s is known for – high-end fashion.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  140. It’s not a morality play but a photo shoot with a young woman, her baby and incorporating the very thing Harper’s is known for – high-end fashion.

    I see. Well, I guess I shouldn’t worry about it so much. And you’re right… the actual article is pretty frank about how unglam it all is.

    It’s not my place to tell Bristol what to look like, but just to be completely honest, even though it exposes me to criticism, I kinda do prefer the idea of Bristol looking a little haggard and struggling.

    . They are certainly not going to shoot her in her sweats, walking the floor with her crying baby trying to get him to sleep, or cleaning her house.

    Yeah… it’s like you’re reading my mind.

    Anyway, I concede this isn’t something people will put into magazines and I’m probably just being unrealistic. And not to mention: who cares about this crap? It’s Bristol Palin. She’s only relevant to me insofar as people expose how horrible they are when they try to demonize her.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  141. She gave an initial interview right after the election,that caught Sarah off guard, not long
    after that, she broke with that fellow, who promptly started lying about her and her mother,
    and this wasn’t incidental either, as I’ve described before, it is textbook Alinsky. ‘target, polarize, separate from bases of support, this is how Obama has acquired everything of note, from his first race on. Meanwhile the people who abuse their
    office, who have elections fixed for them, they get
    off with a wrist slap, or even are rewarded for it.

    narciso (9d0688)

  142. Terrye

    I do think their attention is outsized. but honestly these last two “bristol” posts were more about olbermann and him being a tool than the palins.

    I mean that is the most interesting thing about the palin saga, just how insane the liberals have been about her. you would think 666 was tattooed on her head, the way they hate her.

    Aaron Worthing (b8e056)

  143. A 50+ year old balding midget racist ukelele player proved, in this thread, that their hatred is not reserved only for Palin. They hate the kids as well. It is psycho.

    JD (85b089)

  144. It’s always interesting to observe the uncanny ability of the Palin women to expose what lies in the heart of those who call themselves progressive. A beautiful irony.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  145. I’m not an arborist, but does it strike anyone else that ABJ, or abj, simply snouts around the fallen leaves to find the problem, without ever looking at the roots of the tree.

    I will state it more plainly, so even he/she can understand.

    The United States is a big nation. It has problems that people can solve, but some only want to find inconsistencies in those they oppose for some reasons that serve their own self-interests or self-induced importance.

    Despite their own belief that their views count, they rarely, if ever, have any ideas of consequence.

    The left has devolved into a nation of Keith Olbermanns, spouting platitudes about hypocrisy, right and wrong, with no ideas to back their blather.

    They bay at the moon, while never seeing the sun.

    They are sick and old with solutions that could only benefit a world decades past.

    Ag80 (e828a4)

  146. #

    Terrye, believe me, I’m not upset by your sentiment or anything. I’m just noting you’re going to have to figure out a way to withstand far more Palin coverage than we see now.

    Comment by Dustin — 12/3/2010 @ 7:45 pm

    Yes,this is true. Unless people just get so tired of hearing about her that they stop listening and responding. I think that could happen to Palin and if it does, it will hurt her in the long run.

    Terrye (2e6779)

  147. #


    I do think their attention is outsized. but honestly these last two “bristol” posts were more about olbermann and him being a tool than the palins.

    I mean that is the most interesting thing about the palin saga, just how insane the liberals have been about her. you would think 666 was tattooed on her head, the way they hate her.

    Comment by Aaron Worthing — 12/3/2010 @ 8:26 pm

    I agree. But then Olbermann also hates Bush and anyone associated with him. The problem I am starting to notice with a lot of the Palin people is that they hate Rove and Barbara Bush as much as Olbermann. I mean sometimes you have to rise above this sort of thing, otherwise you just look thin skinned and attention seeking. I mean this is Olbermann we are talking about, he is like Mikey, he hates everything.

    Terrye (2e6779)

  148. Frank Rich, of all people, pointed out how the right’s marginalization strategy of Palin, really
    won’t work, the left hates all of those who are aware, they tolerate crooks like Rangel, dunces
    like Biden, and Machiavellian characters like Coons.
    It would behoove the likes of Rove and even Cal Thomas, to be more informed when rendering an opinion

    narciso (91a751)

  149. As they say, “don’t feed the trolls.”

    I disagree entirely.

    I believe we *should* feed the trolls.

    Feed them liberals, all chopped up into little bite-sized morsels.

    And no, don’t go complaining to me about attempting to give trolls indigestion. Trolls deserve it. Heck it even gives them the correct eau de colletage.

    IgotBupkis, President, United Anarchist Society (9eeb86)

  150. It appears William Yelverton finally passed out.

    JD (85b089)

  151. I am going to get more aggressive with imdw.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  152. imdw has undertaken all kinds of tricks to evade the moderation. Time to bring down the hammer.

    Patterico (c218bd)

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