Patterico's Pontifications


Does Chris Coons Think the Delaware Senate Seat Is The People’s Seat? Or Joe Biden’s Seat?

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:39 am

Why, it depends on his audience, of course. If he’s talking to an audience in a debate, it’s the People’s seat, just like Scott Brown would say. If he’s talking to the Kos Crowd, it’s Biden’s seat — and we can’t let the ultraconservatives take it away!

He learned well from Obama. Call them bitter clingers — but only when you think everyone in the room agrees with you.

Problem is, Chris, in the new media age, we’re all in the room, every time.

Thanks to the Daily Caller.

107 Responses to “Does Chris Coons Think the Delaware Senate Seat Is The People’s Seat? Or Joe Biden’s Seat?”

  1. Okay, so he views that Senate seat as “belonging” to a particular party, and even a particular person.

    But at least he doesn’t believe weird things, right?

    I mean, he might raise your taxes multiple times, and lie about it, but he isn’t weird.

    Because that is what it is all about, MSM!

    Blech. What is it Buckley said about the first few hundred names in the phone book?

    I’ll take wacky over corrupt entitlecrat any day of the week.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  2. Hairy Reid’s pet Coons is a bearded marxist and a mendoucheous statist. SHOCKA

    JD (9c0e35)

  3. But at least he doesn’t have an ouija board, JD. That’s much more important.

    And don’t forget when a non-biologist messes up describing biology experiments—that must mean they are dumb and unfit for office.

    Of course, I would love to ask Mr. Coons some questions about trangenic mice. Because he is so smart and fit for office.

    Actually, I am much more interested in his defense of his tax hike record (and his lies around it). But that isn’t as interesting to people like DU, DK, and the like.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  4. Thank you Patterico for directing fire down range. I did not intend to post here after the “ban” was lifted, but you deserve thanks for directing your fire where it belongs, against Chris Cooms.

    That curly 80’s hair.
    That virginal seductive stare
    that strips my conscience bare
    it’s witchcraft.

    Castle had Cooms has no defense for it.
    The tea is too intense for it.
    What good would commonsense for it do?

    ‘Cause it’s witchcraft!
    Tea Party witchcraft.
    And although I know it’a strictly taboo

    when you arouse the need in me
    my heart says “yes indeed” in me
    Proceed with what you’re lead in ‘me to!

    It’s such an ancient pitch
    but one I wouldn’t switch
    ‘Cause there’s no nicer witch than you!

    Joe (2d95b3)

  5. Funny to hear Glenn Beck (college dropout) call Coons (Yale Law) a Marxist. Based on his political career (O’Donnell has none), Coons is no more a Marxist than O’Donnell is a witch. If you bother to read the article Coons wrote, “Chris Coons: The Making of a Bearded Marxist” – it is BASED ON A JOKE from his friends – Amherst College Republicans who he helped campaign for Ronald Reagan.

    pam (9df40f)

  6. But at least he doesn’t have an ouija board, JD. That’s much more important.

    I’m more than a little ticked off at the way reporters are demonizing O’Donnell’s religious beliefs — “Look at the wacky Christian fanatic!”

    Were O’Donnell a Muslim or Hindu or some other such religion, instead the reporters would be celebrating a breakthrough for religious diversity.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (a18ddc)

  7. “But at least he doesn’t have an ouija board, JD. That’s much more important.”

    Attempting to provide some context, Malkin comes out and tells us that the witchcraft comments were part of O’Donnell’s explanation of her opposition to …. Halloween.

    As if this improves things for O’Donnell.

    imdw (043f60)

  8. Yes, like that fellow in Minnesota, Bradley.

    “That’s different” is indeed the mantra.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  9. Why does it smell like ad hominem in here?

    …Oh, hi pam.

    TD (3b0b47)

  10. Attempting to provide some context, Malkin comes out and tells us that the witchcraft comments were part of O’Donnell’s explanation of her opposition to …. Halloween.

    You should provide a link, imdw. In any case, I found it myself on Michelle Malkin’s site. And it is an even more stupid excuse than Paris Hilton’s “that’s not my purse”.

    Whether it’s O’Donnel’s stupidity or Malkin’s is a different question. But it’s still pathetic.

    nk (db4a41)

  11. Heh, teabaggers fall for the ‘bearded Marxist’ joke. They’ll believe anything that comes out of Glenn Becks mouth.

    Teabaggers are a movement without a head …. or a brain.

    pam (9df40f)

  12. Pam’s right that the ‘bearded marxist’ rhetoric from the right doesn’t hold up to scrutiny. I don’t give a crap that Beck’s a college dropout (I honestly don’t even know if that’s true). I do care that Patterico already explained what Pam is saying.

    That’s good for credibility. Bradley’s right that the press shouldn’t criticize someone’s religious beliefs, but often those obvious rules of decency only apply when they favor the left. I am quite sure that nothing O’Donnell ever worshiped got to the ‘CIA invented AIDS!!!!!’ level. Delaware voted for Obama, so if this attack works on O’Donnell it’s a sign of extremely unfair media coverage.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  13. I’ll take a Marxist over some idiot who thinks Halloween is Satanic. One is wrong-guided. The other one is insane.

    nk (db4a41)

  14. pam, why is it that you insult a movement that you’ve no understanding of, and no intention to understand? Is this how you show your intellectual superiority? Well, its a failure.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  15. Hey, Pam? If you are going to call people stupid, you might want to check your own spelling and punctuation.

    I mean, because you are so smart.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  16. Nk, I think we can agree that Marxists have killed far more people than Christians, no matter how devout.

    Marxists are wrong headed? After the history of the last 150 years, I would gently suggest you expand your definition of “insane.”

    Your business, of course.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  17. Would everyone like to know what it means to be a teabagger?
    Read this working definition.

    pam (9df40f)

  18. They are way too familiar with that practice, almostat a clinical level, this is what he called himself, in an article referred to in an ancient Politico piece in May

    ian cormac (6709ab)

  19. The major Christian religions do not oppose Halloween. Some obscure cults do.

    nk (db4a41)

  20. 4. Politicized hiring and firing: Coons is running as a good-government liberal who will clean up Washington, promising to introduce a law restricting lobbying by former lawmakers. But as county executive, Coons engineered the dismissal of a political opponent’s brother in a manner that, had a Republican done it, would have prompted liberals to cry scandal. In 2004, Coons beat Sherry Freebery in the Democratic primary for county executive. Freebery’s brother, a county manager, had supported her campaign. When Coons took office, he pushed state lawmakers to change the status of county managers from merit-based positions to political appointments, according to the News Journal. As soon as the legislature made the change, Coons fired Freebery’s brother. This kind of thing formed the basis of the allegations of politicized hiring and firing against George W. Bush’s Justice Department and against Sarah Palin as governor of Alaska, but Coons apparently gets a pass because he’s a Democrat.

    yarrrr (3b73ae)

  21. pam, vulgarity is your best argument then? No surprise.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  22. Donate to O’Donnell. See where yoor money goes.

    pam (9df40f)

  23. pam, you didn’t see Mickey Kaus already address this.

    Grow up, pam.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  24. Pam eats “her” own boogers.

    JD (803412)

  25. Kaus is correct, at least in theory, and so far as we can see. The reason we know about the COD mattress purchase in the first place is because the COD campaign reported it as a COD mattress purchase; so, it goes into her income subject to taxes, just like the payments to mom.

    Theres maybe a small bit of fun over the paradox of a revirginalized candidate buying a pricey mattress for a campaign, but I have no difficulty with the concept at all. Ive been on several campaigns that had to make special arrangements for specific bedding, partly because regular hotel bed mattresses can cause all kinds of problems. Ive also been on long out-of-town trials where lawyers and staff made special arrangements for their own bedding, and I myself have taken an orthopedic pillow along (even charged for it once when the hotel lost it). COD is 41, not 12; its quite common for 41 year old women to have back and neck problems and she’s a very experienced traveler.

    I don’t really understand the complaint; it appears to be coming from lefty sites where no one has ever actually been involved enough in a campaign to get familiar with campaign financing laws. Shot-gunning, I’d guess.

    shooter (32dc25)

  26. I’ll take a Marxist over some idiot who thinks Halloween is Satanic. One is wrong-guided. The other one is insane.

    Yes one is an insane nut you can ignore – the other ideology has killed millions in the name of equality.

    Joe (6120a4)

  27. Would everyone like to know what it means to be a teabagger?
    Read this working definition.

    through knowledge of the subject

    Joe (6120a4)

  28. Notice how the left would prefer to talk about witches and masturbation and 10+ year old video clips than about the economy or jobs or the abject failure of leftist economics?

    JD (f5ff7f)

  29. Kaus is INCORRECT. He doesn’t address the fact that the questionable O’Donnell expenditures ocurred AFTER her candidacy when she lost to Biden. Campaign finance regulations provide for candidates to settled debt with campaign funds after an election, but not to pay personal expenses like rent, go bowling, etc….

    pam (9df40f)

  30. O’Donnell is a criminal and what does it say about a prson who has never had a real job and has to support herself from contributions after a losing campaign. Game over.

    pam (9df40f)

  31. pam would that be the same CBS news that claimed it had super authetic memos on Bush’s service in the national guard?

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  32. Ooooh, CBS news. With a faked memo, I bet.

    pam, Democrats love criminals as Senators and Congressmen, so I guess you’ll be voting for her.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  33. Joe @ 25: You’re wrong. Karl Marx didn’t kill anyone and neither did anything he wrote. The most productive part of his career as an economic historian was spent in England and he died there in 1883 — 34 years before the Russian Revolution, when Lenin was 13 and Stalin was 5. Every historian and every economist worth mentioning in the past 100 years has read what he wrote and many to most, even in the U.S., use his analytical approach to social and economic history as a point of departure. Marx was certainly read and used a lot in the ramp up to the Russian Revolution, but very shortly thereafter events caused critical divergence from what he was saying and much of what he wrote started getting perverted like the books of the New Testament and legend of St. Nicholas. By the time Stalin assumed power, quoting, more often misquoting, Marx was just part of the political idiom, like birtherism and Obama is a nazi-communist-marxist-secretMuslim-socialist is for Tea Partiers and many right wing factions. Stalin was a despot, and only nominally a communist. Krushchev, now: there was a communist; but only partly a Marxist.

    I very much doubt you’ve ever read Marx; Groucho maybe, Harpo I could accept; but not Karl.

    shooter (32dc25)

  34. shooter, the idea that poor old Karl was misquoted is horse manure. Karl would have fit right in with the murdering Bolsheviks like Lenin and Stalin. He wrote approvingly of the violence of the Paris Commune.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  35. Was just on with Tammy Bruce discussing this post. Rough beginning — I had to do it in a parking lot and the setting threw me off — but I warmed up over time. If you hear it, give me the benefit of the doubt and ignore the stutters and starts at the beginning.

    It was a good talk, about the thuggery of the Democrats.

    Patterico (1bc552)

  36. SPQR – It’s not a faked memo, but it is an affidavit from a disgruntled ex-campaign aide. The issue is reporting; if she started running for public office as a job to get a job, that’s technically allowed, but leaves one open to being accused of carpetbagging.

    But CREW is calling COD a criminal — their word, from their website — based on non-reporting. If there’s non-reporting, COD could be in for a world of hurt no matter how this election works out.

    On the other hand, CREW calls about half the Democratic caucus and almost all in the Republican caucus criminals, and only a few of those accusations have turned into prosecutions.

    shooter (32dc25)

  37. I see Mike Pence is going all presidential on COD.

    shooter (32dc25)

  38. The things Marx said imply tremendous force. And yeah, I’ve read him.

    You can just skip that part, but a ruler owning everything is functionally identical to the state controlling all means. Marxism = the greatest concentration of wealth possible, rather than the converse, and Marx knew that.

    These people understand the notion of letting people live their lives how they wish, and reject it. But this is the information age, and thoughts are the means of production, and the entire idea of (marx’s coined notion) Capitalism is hopelessly simple.

    Comparing Marx to Mao is unfair, but both were completely repudiated by history.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  39. ==Campaign finance regulations provide for candidates to settled debt with campaign funds after an election==

    Pammy, a bunch of us who read Patterico regularly are from Chicago Illinois– which is why we are literally laughing at your posts such as this. Our current “governor”, a Democrat, has an old campaign war chest which has been gathering interest for him for decades. Most of our current Democrat pols and Dem candidates are lifer politicians (some with law degrees, others barely literate, some one-in- the-same,) who conveniently came from families of multi-generation lifer politicians and therefore are heirs to the spoils of multi-generational campaign war chests and “connections”.

    elissa (f8fbfe)

  40. Shooter

    Only an idiot remarkably unversed in history would say that Marxism doesn’t kill. The great leap forward was inspired by the concern that communism was not supposed to happen in an agrarian country. 45 million died as a result of that. stalin’s purges, millions enslaved, and so on in the communist countries. Not to mention that fear of Marxism stampeded the germans in part into Nazism. Really, if I could go back in time and kill one man, it would probably be marx.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  41. COD cancelled a scheduled meeting today withe Republican Senate Election Committee. Cancelling on the Sunday talkies for a picnic because youre too tired for one but not too tired for the other is one thing; cancelling on the folks forking over 40 large for your campaign so they can do a little ex post facto vetting is weird.

    shooter (32dc25)

  42. Aaron Worthing – In whose name has the greater number of people been killed: Marx or Christ?

    Plus, you went ad hominem; on appearances, it’s SOP for you.

    shooter (32dc25)

  43. Bob Reed:

    Can you explain why it was bad journalism for me to ask this guy if his experience would cause him to vote for Coons’s opponent??? If he had said “yes” would that have been OK to report?

    You realize he said what he said, right? I didn’t tell him what to say, for goodness’s sake.

    I guess your position is, I should have asked the question, but then, having gotten an inconvenient answer, I should have suppressed it. Because, while the truth, it is inconvenient to our narrative.

    Isn’t that what we have criticized the media for, for years?

    How can my piece have any credibility if I adopt those tactics?

    It’s a genuine question.

    Thanks for your support.

    Patterico (1bc552)

  44. Again, notice how they want to talk about anything except the economy, jobs, or their own candidate. This really has “shooter” excited.

    JD (6d8909)

  45. Well, gee, sorry, for calling you an idiot. People denying mass murder tend to tick me off. I have a similar reaction to David Irving.

    As for who has murdered more? Marx. And Jesus had a running start.

    Now let’s ask look at the other side of the ledger. How many people have been freed or had their lives saved by followers of marx? And how many people have been freed or had their lives saved by followers of Jesus?

    Oops, your idol loses again.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  46. Jesus directly killed millions in his name – I know this to be true, simply because shootist told me so.

    Dmac (d61c0d)

  47. Saved? Freed? By what means? Being preyed on by praying to a mythical omnipresence based on an international criminal organization invented by desert nomads?

    I tell you what Marx saved: he saved a whole whacking bunch of college dissertations and PhD theses.

    Also, if you propose to hold Marx responsible for all those whose deaths were caused by Stalin, then you’re going to have include on JC’s side of the ledger all the deaths caused by that paragon the Catholic Church who served as Chancellor of Germany and Fuhrer of the the people of the Aryan nations from the 1930s until his death in 1945. That guy had so much pull, one of his acolytes is pope today, making the world safe for Catholic priests to rape children. And that guy despised Marx for being born Russian and banned his books for supporting Darwinian evolution theory.

    Anyway, I really came back here to see if anyone is interested in setting an over-under date for when COD has to give back the nomination. I got Rove bucks in my pocket and they are burning for a home.

    shooter (32dc25)

  48. I think shooter getting banned four times by Ace evidences more talent than Mark Levin.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  49. Shooter, why are you so intent on talking about Catholics and Aryan nations? The title of the post suggests that Mr. Coons is the subject at hand.

    elissa (f8fbfe)

  50. Shooter

    > Saved? Freed? By what means?

    Well, let’s see here. The 13th Amendment would be one example. Which of course occurred after years of war as they sang “Glory, glory Hallelujah! His truth is marching on!” And then there were the Christians who shot the Nazis running the concentration camps. And there were the british ships that fought the slavery trade. Those famous desks in the white house and Buckingham palace were both made from anti-slavery warships. Examples in history abound.

    But we already know you are a classic stereotypical jerk atheist, who actually does believe in God, but you are really, really mad at Him. you have revealed this before. I schooled you thoroughly, and you never bothered to respond but instead ran like the little punk you are.

    > the deaths caused by that paragon the Catholic Church who served as Chancellor of Germany

    The pope was the chancellor of Germany? And if you meant Hitler, well, Hitler was an atheist who was INSPIRED BY MARX except he wanted to substitute wealth for race. Sorry, Hitler’s more in your column than Christianity’s. Let’s hear from hitler himself on the subject:

    > “I have learned a great deal from Marxism, as I do not hesitate to admit. The difference between them and myself is that I have really put into practice what these peddlers and pen-pushers have timidly begun.”

    And for that matter, there was George Fitzhugh who explained that in America “The dissociation of labor and disintegration of society, which liberty and free competition occasion, is especially injurious to the poorer class; for besides the labor necessary to support the family, the poor man is burdened with the care of finding a home, and procuring employment, and attending to all domestic wants and concerns. Slavery relieves our slaves of these cares altogether, and slavery is a form, and the very best form, of socialism.” He meant that as a compliment, to slavery.

    Although to be fair, when Lincoln freed the slaves, Marx himself was pleased. But we are talking not just the man but the people inspired by the man and from Fitzhugh to Mao, the general answer has been to justify murder and tyranny in the name of Marx. I think a case can be made this is all a giant case of unintended consequences. This would then make Marx the colossally dangerous fool of history, rather than a bad guy. But either way, Marxism kills.

    Again, Marxism has only had a couple centuries and so far it has outmurdered pretty much every other idea, good or bad. Not to mention enslaving people, violating their freedom of speech, imposing tyranny upon them. we have seen in the last 100 years slaughter beyond any prior scale and the majority of it can be laid at your idol’s feet. One can rightly claim that we live in a dark age of creeping despotism and slaughter, and your idol is cited the most often as justification for either. And useful idiots like you still don’t smell the burning bodies.

    > one of his acolytes is pope today

    That is a flat out lie. The man was drafted, trained and then deserted. He was hardly a loyal member of the fuhrer’s army. But gee I am sure you would have had the courage to proudly get shot back then, right? I mean that is all you guys are upset about. He did enough not to get shot, but ultimately did nothing to help them either, and on balance proved a drain on their resources when resources were short. What a horrible man?

    Your bigotry is showing.

    > making the world safe for Catholic priests to rape children.

    More lies. I am not even catholic, but I know that is a lie. The catholic church was guilty of naivete, but not of wanting children raped.

    But now, I have a doll here. Can you point to where the priest buggered you? Seriously, I am pretty sure that is the source of all your problems.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  51. and at the risk of being spam-trapped, here is a link to the last time i schooled your faux-atheist @$$.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  52. I do not want to equate Christine O’Donnel’s religion with Christianity, if some people have not understood that. Shooter, shut up.

    nk (db4a41)

  53. Well, I could end this by just observing that you’re a hopelessly superstitious religotic ignoramus twerp, but I don’t know you, so I feel I should allow for the possibility you might just be faking all that hopelessly superstitious ignorant mythology and deserve credit for dogged persistence in carrying out all that religiotic nonsense to its illogical extreme.

    elissa’s point about the subject at hand being Coons is well taken; but since it’s no longer quite so clear as it was at the beginning of this post who his opponent will be, it’s perhaps understandable that the focus has drifted. So, anyone up for some more campaign finance law? I have to admit, it did not occur to me to consider the situation of a candidate continuing to effectively pay herself from campaign funds after a campaign is over; I haven’t heard of that one before. But now that COD has something like $2,000,000 in her campaign, is anyone concerned she may decide it’s impure to spend all that on the actual election campaign against (big ending) Coons?

    shooter (32dc25)

  54. Shooter,

    I recommend that you read Marx’s essay “On the Jewish Question” to get an idea of what he thought of “individual rights.”

    You can find a copy here —

    Christian (2852e9)

  55. In whose name has the greater number of people been killed: Marx or Christ?

    It’s amazing that Shooter thinks the answer is Christ. And it’s got nothing to do with Coons or O’Donnell.

    I’m getting the impression that O’Donnell’s more feverish fans lash out so much because they know she’s inferior as a candidate. It’s so defensive. They are laying the groundwork for blaming her loss, rather than helping her win, as though they have given up hope.

    I’ve paid more attention to Coons lately, and he’s a talented politician. I don’t agree with him on any of the issues I think are priorities, but he’s winning hearts and minds. I can recognize that professional, competent, sincere tone. It’s surprising to me that more democrats don’t follow that blueprint, but the lefts loves the crazy.

    It would be a tough fight to win this race if Coons really was the nut people claim he is. It’s much harder when realizing that he is actually a very smooth communicator. I’m not saying he isn’t a hard leftist. In fact, if we let him win, it’s a disaster and we need to figure out how to avoid that in the future.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  56. Has there been anyone that said less in more words than “shooter”? Maybe SEKs, but “shooter” really is impressive in its ability to blather on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.

    JD (3f2bdf)

  57. I do not want to equate Christine O’Donnel’s religion with Christianity

    I was reading some Wiccas bash her, I think at Huffpo, for calling her high school friends questionable. As if that somehow implied all Wiccans were horrible.

    In my opinion, the only reason to lump entire religions together is to set up a deception of some kind. It also feels like a trap to let this Delaware election devolve into a discussion of Christianity or Wicca or anything other than our nation’s pressing problems.

    Except that it’s probably on the minds of a lot of low info voters.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  58. blather on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.

    Comment by JD

    I’ve been accused of that a few times. But at least when I blather, I have some kind of awesome idea behind it that you all would worship me for if you only took the time to study my 12 chapter parables.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  59. Well, I could end this

    Please do. I do not handle troll droppings well. There was a topic and there are certain people, like you, whose postings cause me to stop reading and go somewhere else. I might miss something worthwhile and that makes me sad. Cheer me up shooter, and the other trolls, and keep to the topic.

    Now, trolls like pam are easier because their postings are short and can be safely ignored once the first one is read.

    Mike K (d6b02c)

  60. #26 and #27 above is not me, but while old man Marx may not have killed anyone directly, a lot of people have done so in the name of Marxism and Communism. More than 50 million deaths if you count Stalin and Mao.

    I suppose Hitches would say the same about Christ, but that does not mean Marx = Christ.

    Joe (2d95b3)

  61. trolls like pam are easier because their postings are short and can be safely ignored once the first one is read

    And if we could get some kind of “skip/hide all by this commenter/troll” option, it’d be near perfect.

    m (449e06)

  62. That fly on the wall?

    That’s a 3 dimensionally mobile spycam.(trust me, they’re technically feasible. We’ll never be told that they exist for a long time though.)

    Forget about God watching your every move, it’s Youtube and Skycams you need to be concerned about.

    jakee308 (e1996a)

  63. The Huff Po, talking about a steaming cauldron, of. . .but they were in the forefront two years ago, of
    the kind of lies, that provoked a church burning, and hanged effigies in West Hollywood. ‘low information’ voters, is what the Democrats thrive
    on, unlike the common stereotype,

    ian cormac (6709ab)

  64. I tell you what Marx saved: he saved a whole whacking bunch of college dissertations and PhD theses.

    Proving his usual MO, shootist attempts to change the subject via a lame joke, because he backed up his ridiculous assertions with…nada.

    elissa’s point about the subject at hand being Coons is well taken;

    (but shootist will ignore it from now on)

    but since it’s no longer quite so clear as it was at the beginning of this post who his opponent will be, it’s perhaps understandable that the focus has drifted.

    And so, shootist, once again beclowning himself by being caught out in yet another blatant attempt at threadjacking, takes his tinker toys and runs home.

    Cannot wait for shootist’s next attempt at debating an issue –

    Step one – shout “JESUS KILLERS!”

    Step two – shout “YEAH, BUT WHAT ABOUT THE NAZIS!!!!”

    Step three – shove cranium into voluminous anal cavity.

    Rinse, repeat.

    Dmac (d61c0d)

  65. Go look at the wikipedia entry: he has an undergrad degree from Amherst College — a strong school — then further degrees from Yale Law and Yale Divinity School, in Ethics (I couldn’t find a designated religion; maybe its Ethical.); 4 degrees in total.

    He clerked to the 3rd Circuit; he was in-house legal counsel for the people who make Gore-Tex; he’s worked for a number of non-profits — even won a Governor’s Medal for volunteer work; and he’s run in 5 elections for public office, won them all, and none of them were really close.

    On the issues, look at his website:

    His positions put him left of Obama, somewhere in the Feingold-Franken-Kloubechar region, still of course right of Bernie Sanders.

    Biden won 7 Senate seats in a row, and his only prior public office experience was as a member of the New Castle County Council; Coons held that same office, but as president, and then went on to be its CEO. By extension, Coons would project to win at least 15 in row; but he’s 47, so assuming Strom Thurmond set the upper limit, he’s unlikely to win more than 9.

    shooter (32dc25)

  66. Are we really still doing this whole Christians vs. Commies vs. Nazis debate again? Is everyone on the internet permanently sixteen years old?

    Maybe you guys should read about Tamerlaine some time, or the Tai-p’ings… Oh, but that’d break up your nice simple binary models.

    It just can’t be quoted too often:
    “You’re on Earth! There’s no cure for that!”
    — Samuel Beckett, ‘Endgame’

    d. in c. (9e45a3)

  67. yeah you stupid binary model people you’re all big stupid faces go read some Tamerlaine or something

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  68. shooter, you and imdw should work on your wanking problems together.

    Maybe Coons could help.

    Here is his latest attack ad against O’Donnell.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  69. Hm. “Shooter.” I think this guy is like “Shooter McGavin” from “Happy Gilmore.”

    Shooting himself in the foot, more like.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  70. “I’ll take a Marxist over some idiot who thinks Halloween is Satanic. One is wrong-guided. The other one is insane.”

    Wait till we find out that it was college republicans calling him a marxist. That means he basically likes social security.

    imdw (7b0243)

  71. Wait till we find out that it was college republicans calling him a marxist. That means he basically likes social security.

    Comment by imdw — 9/20/2010 @ 4:48 pm

    Wait till you find out that government workers, city, county, state and federal, have always been able to opt out of Social Security with their special pension plans.

    nk (db4a41)

  72. Another thread gone to hell.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  73. “Another thread gone to hell.”

    Dana – I liked the attack ad, but that might be what you were referring to.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  74. Shooter

    > I could end this by just observing that you’re a hopelessly superstitious religotic ignoramus twerp

    Ah, so I bring out facts, and you just go “oh, you are a Christian so you must be wrong.” But you are the one apparently going on faith—in Karl Marx. Which isn’t surprising. Last time we clashed, you claimed that I was religious for interpreting the constitution as written, and then you professed a belief in the idea that the document magically changed meaning on its own. By comparison, interpreting the words as they were understood at the time is something we do in court all the time, in the interpretation of contracts, for instance.

    And by “end this” do you mean you run crying to momma like you did last time? And then you change the subject, so the answer I guess is “yes.”

    Tell us shooter, show us on the doll. Where did the priest bugger you? Because I am guessing only rape could make you this idiotically bitter toward Christianity.

    > Go look at the wikipedia entry: he has an undergrad degree from Amherst College — a strong school — then further degrees from Yale Law and Yale Divinity School, in Ethics (I couldn’t find a designated religion; maybe its Ethical.); 4 degrees in total.

    Only a true moron goes to Yale Divinity School. Seriously, why would you pay that much for a divinity degree? What do you get at YDS that you can’t get at a cheaper school. I mean Yale law is one thing. I know, I went there. That opens doors for your financially that few other places can. It is very much worth the 30K+ I spent every year to go there. But for divinity school? Indeed Amherst is overpriced for undergrad. Go to a good state school and save yourself a lot of debt.

    By the way, why don’t you just give Coons the full Lewinsky, you seem to love the man so much. The rest of us notice he drove new castle into a ditch. So he will fit right in with the obama agenda.


    > Wait till we find out that it was college republicans calling him a marxist. That means he basically likes social security.

    Jesus you are an idiot. The man declared himself a “bearded Marxist.” Google the phrase, its his words.

    Aaron Worthing (f97997)

  75. “Only a true moron goes to Yale Divinity School. Seriously, why would you pay that much for a divinity degree?”

    Do we know that he paid for it?

    “The man declared himself a “bearded Marxist.” Google the phrase, its his words.”

    Can google searching tell you how he came up with this term?

    imdw (017d51)

  76. >

    Wait till we find out that it was college republicans calling him a marxist. That means he basically likes social security.

    Jesus you are an idiot. The man declared himself a “bearded Marxist.” Google the phrase, its his words.


    Don’t call him an idiot. He has a good point with this.

    Look: let’s say I am a staunch Republican with a bunch of staunch Republican friends. I go off to Africa and I come back a Democrat, with very different views about power and wealth.

    And I have grown a beard!

    But I am not a Marxist.

    My friends, appalled that I am so different, gently mock me as a “bearded Marxist” — a form of hyperbole designed to poke fun at my change in political views.

    As a humorous rhetorical gesture, I adopt the label they have put on me in the title of a piece I write about my political transformation into a Democrat.

    That appears to me to be very much what happened here. It is very much like my humorously referring to myself as “jackass” because Mark Levin bestowed that name on me.

    CONTEXT. What did he INTEND when he described himself that way?

    If we are to be honest, we would have to read the whole piece he wrote to know for sure. I haven’t seen it. Have you?

    But based on what I know of it so far, I am not prepared to declare that it is anything more than it appears to be, which is what I have just described.

    I know this doesn’t fit our narrative. But it is my honest view, and whether some people like it or not, I consider my credibility to be more important than whether a bunch of people who don’t like me anyway will stop hurling invective my way because I jumped on the team and decided to spin like a top for a candidate that I think is ditzy and has problems with the truth.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  77. Only a true moron goes to Yale Divinity School.

    Yeah, like that moron John Danforth. Sure, he was Clarence Thomas’s mentor. But, you know, moron. Aaron says so.

    Tone it down.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  78. I give you Manbearpig, ladies and gentleman

    ian cormac (6709ab)

  79. Thank you Patterico for directing fire down range. I did not intend to post here after the “ban” was lifted, but you deserve thanks . . .


    Let me say “you’re welcome” and “thank you for saying so” — with a caveat. I am going to keep speaking my mind, and that may sometimes involve commentary that is not “down range.”

    However: I would like to extend very sincere thanks for noticing this and saying some kind words about this. I have noticed some other commenters demanding that I “fire down range” — and then, when I do, saying that I am just doing it to “rehabilitate” myself for some phantom wrong or other that I supposedly committed. I am happy — genuinely so! — to see that you are not among that crowd, and that you are willing to show appreciation for an attempt to help out our nominee.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  80. Comrade Coons should be
    happy he Harry Reid’s pet
    and not Bahney Fwanks’

    ColonelHaiku (1546ed)

  81. imdw

    Let me say I am sorry to call you an idiot. I was cranky from shooter’s ugly nature, which is not an excuse, but, well, I am sorry.


    I see nothing in the politico article suggesting it was merely ironic, except his campaign’s spin. “I realize that Kenya and America are very different, but experiences like this warned me that my own favorite beliefs in the miracles of free enterprise and the boundless opportunities to be had in America were largely untrue.”

    That sounds like straight up marxism, not irony, to me. And I will note that politico is not exactly a right wing publication. They lean left, although I think mainly they are fair.

    But hey, there is a simple way to resolve it. Have someone actually post the full text online. So far no one has. And the post hoc spin from his campaign is not granted much credibility in my eyes.

    On the other hand I stand completely by my comment about yale divinity school. It’s a complete waste of money. Go somewhere cheaper. And yes, if this Danforth guy went there it lowers my opinion of him, too. There is nothing wrong with a public divinity school. If you plan to be clergy, then you really shouldn’t be all that concerned with prestige. And if all you are getting is an ethics degree, that is even worse. I mean at least if you get a degree in religion, you can get a job as a minister or priest. What kind of job do you get with an ethics degree?

    But then, maybe I have read one too many of instapundit’s rants about the higher education bubble. I don’t know if it will quite burst, but I suspect that a lot of fat is about to get trimmed, and severely at that.

    Aaron Worthing (f97997)

  82. “That sounds like straight up marxism”

    To a college republican, is the point.

    imdw (0275b8)

  83. The only real point is your head, dimwit.

    “I realize that Kenya and America are very different, but experiences like this warned me that my own favorite beliefs in the miracles of free enterprise and the boundless opportunities to be had in America were largely untrue.”

    What in that suggests anything about “college republican”? One could get marxist, liberation theologist, douchebag … but college republican is a stretch.

    JD (8ded14)

  84. Opportunities are bounded and free enterprise no miracle. This is marxism to you? or anyone?

    “What in that suggests anything about “college republican”?”

    A college republican would be idiot enough to find that ‘marxism.’ Maybe also a right wing blog commenter who finds repetitiveness of a few self-imagined cleverisms a sign of some sort of profundity.

    imdw (095c5d)

  85. Taking insults from someone that has been banned, and used sockpuppets because it is a dishonest coward is always entertaining.

    That is boilerplate liberation theology. That you choose to ignore that is of no surprise.

    JD (8ded14)

  86. “A college republican would be idiot enough to find that ‘marxism.’”

    imdw – What would a college student call it?

    daleyrocks (940075)

  87. “That is boilerplate liberation theology. ”

    I didn’t really see any “theology” there. But we’re moving on down the list of terms you’re familiar with…

    “What would a college student call it?”

    If they just learned about ‘liberation theology’ they might show that off.

    imdw (0275b8)

  88. “If they just learned about ‘liberation theology’ they might show that off.”

    imdw – Exactly. Liberation theology is marxist based, which is why the Catholic church got pissed of at its priests getting enamored with it.

    So if opportunities are bounded, who are they bounded by and parceled by? Presumably the state, which means socialism or communism.

    This is not hard.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  89. imdw seems pretty investing in calling that something other than what it is.

    Let’s think of this place like a dinner party, that Patterico is hosting. imdw is an uninvited guest, that the host graciously welcomes. Said guest proceeds to drop trou, moon the party, and play with its crank right at the dinner table. The host asks said person to leave. Later that evening, after too much vino, the host feels bad, thinking there is an ounce of humanity in the crazy dinner guest, he allows him back in the house. Shocking that rather than thanking the host, and changing its behavior, as soon as it returns, it starts playing with its crank right at the table again, and dropping a deuce in the punchbowl, relying on the hosts faith in humanity to keep it from being banished again. Oh, and to complete it, after it was initially banned, it tried to sneak back in by making up names like Ron Mexico thinking that by changing its name, its nature would not shine through like a beacon in the night.

    JD (8ded14)

  90. “So if opportunities are bounded, who are they bounded by and parceled by?”

    One bound could be scarcity.

    “Presumably the state, which means socialism or communism.”

    Or it could mean established players have power to affect policy and extract rents according to simple public choice theory.

    imdw (150cd7)

  91. JD @8:43

    God that’s good stuff. Have you considered authoring books for children to help teach morality themes and etiquette for social situations? You should.

    elissa (f8fbfe)

  92. imdw – You need to masturbate more than you are already to help the Democrats to victory in Delaware. Get spanking!

    daleyrocks (940075)

  93. elissa – Harper & Row and McGraw Hill, for some strange reason, have a policy about not publishing children’s stories that contain the phrase “playing with his crank at the dinner table”

    JD (8ded14)

  94. elissa – JD is not even rolling yet. Trust me on this.

    daleyrocks (940075)

  95. Imdw

    Yes, saying that opportunities are limited is a Marxist talking point. I know a woman who is a first generation immigrant from an asian country. About 17 years ago she was diagnosed with cancer. While she was on leave she started a company. She started with about $15,000 and one employee: herself. Today her company, which is my client, employs thousands and takes in over $24 million per year. opportunities ARE boundless in this country.

    And free enterprise is the responsible for all of our prosperity. According to recent reports, the recession ended in summer of 2009. So the economy should have bounced back, right? Except it hasn’t. why? Gee, maybe because we have a president who hates the private sector (or is so clueless he has no idea how he is f—ing it up). I consider what we have done as a free nation to be remarkable, even miraculous.

    The marxist has to willfully ignore what america is, because it is a contradiction of everything they believe to be “scientifically true.”

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  96. “Yes, saying that opportunities are limited is a Marxist talking point”

    It’s also a talking point in economics, which studies scarcity.

    “And free enterprise is the responsible for all of our prosperity”

    What I dug was the statement that saying it was not a “miracle” was labeled as a kind of “theology.”

    imdw (8bb588)

  97. “Yes, saying that opportunities are limited is a Marxist talking point”

    It’s also a talking point in economics, which studies scarce resources.

    “And free enterprise is the responsible for all of our prosperity”

    What I dug was the statement that saying it was not a “miracle” was labeled as a kind of “theology.”

    imdw (017d51)

  98. imdw, but it is Marxist to believe the false proposition that resources == opportunity. Marxism believes that for someone to succeed, they must be taking from another. Another false proposition.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  99. “imdw, but it is Marxist to believe the false proposition that resources == opportunity.”

    Whereas just noting that resources has something to do with it….

    imdw (c5488f)

  100. imdw

    > It’s also a talking point in economics, which studies scarce resources.

    Look, just because you take marx as gospel doesn’t entitle you to your own facts.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  101. “Look, just because you take marx as gospel doesn’t entitle you to your own facts.”

    I once read the preface to the critique of political economy. I thought he made some good points. It’s hard to deny that materialism is at least a factor in explaining the world.

    Then again, it’s quite impossible to deny the existence of scarcity.

    imdw (7de3b7)

  102. I once read the preface to the critique of political economy.

    Sure you did, sweetheart. Please summarize the main crux of his treatiste in his immortal classic Das Kapital.

    Dmac (d61c0d)

  103. Imdw

    Or course there is scarcity. But that doesn’t box in opportunity nearly as much as you and your Jr. Marxist would-be senator think it does.

    And Marx was a complete idiot, believing in fairy tales, like that he could predict human history with Science! and there was such thing as a trustworthy dictator.

    Aaron Worthing (f97997)

  104. “Sure you did, sweetheart.”

    You know it’s very short right?

    Never read Kapital. Don’t want to. If you want to know more about it, maybe look it up in wikipedia or something.

    “But that doesn’t box in opportunity nearly as much as you and your Jr. Marxist would-be senator think it does”

    Ah, I forgot how familiar you are with how Coons and I think. My bad.

    imdw (017d51)

  105. Here’s another detail you might consider, after the genetically modified mice of course;

    ian cormac (6709ab)

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