Patterico's Pontifications


Netanyahu Returns to the White House

Filed under: Obama — DRJ @ 12:45 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

The White House has asked Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to make a return visit, leading to this wry quote of the day:

“The White House must be very nervous. There was no way it could excuse Obama’s serial rudeness to Bibi, so it’s trying a do-over:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will hold another White House meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama next Tuesday, Israeli officials said yesterday. … Israeli officials said that Obama wanted to meet with Netanyahu soon, before Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas arrives in Washington for his White House meeting in another few weeks, due to the crisis in relations between Israel and the U.S. and the substantial criticism Obama has taken over it, both from congressmen and from American Jewish leaders.

We’ll see if it is followed by a nice photo-op and press conference.

As a colleague wryly remarks: “Wow—the fundraising must really be in catastrophic condition.”

May was a bad month for the White House. Perhaps Netanyahu’s visit will turn things around in June.


30 Responses to “Netanyahu Returns to the White House”

  1. it would be hilarious if “something came up” and Bibi canceled at the last minute.

    if i were the Israelis, i would have told Ear Leader to FOAD.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  2. June will be worse but the fall will be catastrophic. They really don’t know anything but politics. They bluster about the BP oil spill but there is no one, no one, in the administration who knows what to do. The lefties threaten to “push aside” BP and take over. I think Obama has just enough self awareness to see what a catastrophe that would be.

    Madrid is lovely.

    Mike K (67e8ce)

  3. Perhaps Netanyahu’s visit will turn things around in June.

    Let’s hope not. I would be discouraged if people were such fools as to believe Obama.

    Sabba Hillel (dd522e)

  4. Perhaps Netanyahu will say something like, “I hope you don’t think it rude of me, but I believe you to be nothing more than a leftist tool.”

    Icy Texan (97878b)

  5. Will Abbas get the Calderon treatment from the WH? State dinner?

    Chris (6b0332)

  6. Netanyahu should hold out for a nationally televised apology before he comes to bail out the President’s fundraising. The One loves to humiliate the country with his Apology Tours–let him be the one humiliated personally for a change.

    M. Scott Eiland (f038ce)

  7. Netanyahu should hold out for a nationally televised apology before he comes to bail out the President’s fundraising. The One loves to humiliate the country with his Apology Tours–let him be the one humiliated personally for a change.

    Comment by M. Scott Eiland — 5/26/2010 @ 1:51 pm

    Narcissists would rawtha DIE before apologizing for themselves in any situation.

    IMO the Won would, quite literally, be more than willing to see US-Israel relations go down in flames permanently than admit any jot of personal fault in anything.

    no one you know (196ed7)

  8. “The won” Hah. Now that is accurate and funny.

    Chris Hooten (977a67)

  9. One would hope Bibi would just call him a schmuck during the press conference and be done with it. Other options would include schlemeil, Big Macher and schlong. I prefer the last term.

    Dmac (3d61d9)

  10. Why can’t the Messia go to Israel to make nice?

    Arizona Bob (f57a20)

  11. It’s Messiah!

    Arizona Bob (f57a20)

  12. I hope Netanyahu, after a full up crotch kick to O-bow-me, gets down real close to Teh Won’s ear so only he can hear and says, “Right about now, you spineless wonder, our air force is bombing the dog mess out of those Iranian pig-dogs. And when they are done with that we will crop dust the whole country with bacon grease. And if you and your islamofacists friends don’t like it, you can, and I quote, ‘Plug that damned hole!'”

    PatriotRider (8d9a6f)

  13. I hope he’s smart enough to refuse the invitation. If Obama wants to make nice, he should go to Israel instead.

    Jeff M (0204be)

  14. The Cut Direct. Ignore the invite; don’t decline it, just pretend it didn’t happen.

    htom (412a17)

  15. The System Worked!

    daleyrocks (1d0d98)

  16. Why US Jews continue to vote Democrat en masse is beyond me. Maybe Obambi can destroy that before the end of his administration.

    Non-Jewish Libs are the most anti-semetic people I know.

    HeavenSent (a9126d)

  17. #6 Obama would castrate himself and throw his kids in the bonfires of hell before doing that.

    Semper fidelis glorior

    HeavenSent (a9126d)

  18. Bibi ought to be sure to eat a good, big lunch before he goes to the White House. He’s likely to get stiffed again.

    Mike Myers (3c9845)

  19. Obambi is planning a non-kosher meal for Mr. Netanyahu.

    either orr (7cffdd)

  20. Excellent take by your colleague, DRJ… Apparently GWB had raised $115M to Obama’s $51M (working off my memory here, so may be ballpark figures) at this point in their presidencies.

    GeneralMalaise (4e741b)

  21. It doesn’t really matter long-term, as long as Obama keeps his same group of Middle East advisers who believe the Palestinians have been brutalized by the Israelis under Likud, though making nice with Bibi in June might be enough to temporarily re-open some wallets and checkbooks in time to help with the November elections.

    John (d4490d)

  22. Comment by HeavenSent — 5/26/2010 @ 4:17 pm

    Background chatter seems to indicate that this is in response to donations from the Jewish community, if not drying up, being severely curtailed.

    AD - RtR/OS! (39b1d4)

  23. I’m with PatriotRider.

    PatAZ (655234)

  24. #22, I guess his affinity with Black Liberation Theology, his Chicago Frems, his propensity to find excuses for Muzlems was not enuff to convince us Barack Insane Obama migggggggght be an Anti-Semite?

    Sometimes I think Jews shut their brains off en masse so long as someone they trust tell them so. I guess the NYT and MZ have that kind of sway.

    Barack is an anti-semite, has been, always been — just as much as he has been brain washed to distrust WASPs and paint them in vile terms.

    HeavenSent (a9126d)

  25. Netanyahu get to go in the front door and have din din with the King and Queen this time?

    kansas (9b3da8)

  26. ____________________________________________, Gil Ronen, 5-12-10:

    If senior journalist David Goldman is right, the correct word for describing the way a growing number of US Jews feel about President Barack Obama is not ‘anger’ but ‘rage’ – white-hot rage, at that, and a conviction that they have been swindled.

    In an interview with Israel National News, he predicted a possibly dramatic ‘train wreck’ for the Democrats in the November mid-term elections, with Jewish fundraising for Democrats drying up and a possibly high turnout of anti-Obama evangelical Christians.

    [David Goldman:] The outrage among Obama’s erstwhile Jewish supporters, reflected daily in Marty Peretz’s ‘The Spine’ blog at the New Republic, is heightened by the sense of wounded self-esteem felt by clever people who have just been swindled. I have spoken privately to several large Jewish contributors to Democratic campaigns who express a sense of outrage that I never have heard before.

    Jewish contributors to Democratic campaigns are selectively funding Republicans, for example Mark Kirk in Illinois, who is running for Obama’s Senate seat, as a warning.

    Democratic Congressmen trying to defend Obama have been booed off the dais of meetings at traditionally liberal Reform synagogues in several parts of the country. If the train wreck proceeds as programed, the change in attitude within the American Jewish community could be dramatic.

    [Question from INN:] In the conference at Ariel you quoted contributors who used the word “sociopath.” Is this actually the word they used? What makes Obama’s broken promises different from the campaign double-talk we are used to from politicians?

    DG: The actual phrase I heard from one important player in Jewish Democratic circles was,“Sociopath is too nice a word to describe Obama.” That was a Kiddush [festive synagogue event] conversation, so no names, of course. The difference is the magnitude and depth of the deception. In July 2008, the press was full of reports of Obama’s anti-Israel connections….

    [But] Obama gave assurances to the Jewish community which were so persuasive that Martin Peretz announced in his ‘Spine’ blog that Obama could be trusted….He persuaded some very wealthy and sophisticated people that he was on their side, and then turned on them.

    …The degree of Obama’s ideological fervor in support of conciliating the Muslim world surprised the political world, as did the ferocity of his diplomatic approach to Israel. It is hard to avoid the conclusion – which I have long believed – that Obama has a profound personal commitment to reconciling America with the Muslim world which will override the usual political calculus.

    Given that he had a Muslim father and stepfather, was raised for four years in Indonesia, and has written with passion about his sympathy for the traditional identity of Indonesian Muslims, this is not surprising.


    Mark (411533)

  27. how anyone can claim to be “swindled” by Ear Leader without sounding like a brain dead fool is beyond me.

    Helen Keller saw this coming and she is both blind and dead. WTF was wrong with the rest of you?

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  28. Like his longtime spiritual leader Rev. Wright, Obama is a race baiter and a virulent anti-semite. He is the single biggest threat to the state of Israel. As a Jew, I am aghast and ashamed that anyone in my community would support this hateful and dangerous man.

    Kevin Stafford (abdb87)

  29. Red, I share your incredulity that anyone not a willing suspender of disbelief could have been fooled by this man. He broadcast his opinions until he began to run for president. I think there was a tremendous wish fulfillment component with white lefties who wanted to prove to themselves that they are not racists while everyone else is.

    Mike K (67e8ce)

  30. “C’mon, Bibi – be a pal! Whadda ya say you guys take out those annoying Iranians for us, huh? We’ll be your bestest friend!”

    Frank Drebbin (8096f2)

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