Patterico's Pontifications


Polls, Polls

Filed under: Government,Obama — DRJ @ 11:39 am

[Guest post by DRJ]

New Rasmussen polls show shrinking support for Congress, President Obama, and their policies.

The Congressional polls show little support for Democrats or Republicans, while a record high of 63% favor the repeal of ObamaCare. The worst poll for Congress may be that 72% of likely voters are not confident Congress knows what it’s doing on the economy.

Meanwhile, Obama’s favorability rating has fallen to 44%-55%, and -18% on the Passion Index.

Polls don’t tell the entire story, especially when elections are months or years away, but Americans need some good news and there isn’t much in sight.


11 Responses to “Polls, Polls”

  1. How can my opinion of these idiots shrink any more? My grandson could do a better job than these critters. At least he listens when I tell him “NO!”.

    PatriotRider (8d9a6f)

  2. they should have polled me: i’m 100% confident about Congress…..

    they haven’t the vaguest clue. in fact, they couldn’t get a clue during the clue mating season in a field full of horny clues if they smeared their bodies with clue musk and did the clue mating dance.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  3. We are overrun by people who just refuse to take a position on anything.

    AD - RtR/OS! (21733c)

  4. “72% of likely voters are not confident Congress knows what it’s doing on the economy.”

    Tat other 28% … what the heck are THEY thinking?

    The Democrats have passed job-killing bill after job-killing bill, and we are now at 6 million fewer private sector jobs than when the Democrats took over Congress. WORST. CONGRESS. EVER.

    Anytime you vote for a Democrat, an American loses a job.

    Travis Monitor (8d33ce)

  5. Tat other 28% … what the heck are THEY thinking?

    what makes you believe they are thinking at all? that’s the portion of the population that votes based upon how they feel….

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  6. We’re approaching critical mass, it won’t take too much more evidence of Obama’s arrogant incompetence compounded by his unwavering official mismanagement, and we could see a political paradigm shift.

    No more benefit of the doubt, no more listening to his contrived excuses, only the command that he do the job he was elected to do: Bring hope to the troubled land, xhange the things that don’t work, and above all, uphold the Constitution.

    Healthcare, Stimulus, Cap-n-Trade, environmental catastrophe, coddling terrorists, failure to secure the borders, foreign policy blunders, the list goes on and on, and as it accumulates it eventually begins to feed on itself till it explodes in an nationwide revulsion for this contemptible man and his obnoxiously anti-American agenda.

    ropelight (9890ec)

  7. I don’t think many of us truly expect the average puppet legislator in congress to know what the heck to do about the economy short term. I mean, c’mon, we are talking about such leading intellectual lights as Barbara Boxer, Maxine Waters, and Luis Gutierrez here! (Paul Ryan is the obvious exception.) Citizens DO expect the president’s PhD level economic advisors, including the heads of the Fed and the Treasury Secretary, as well as the OMB, to be able to figure things out, however, and we wonder why so much that happens on the economic front seems to escape their notice, and be so completely “unexpected”.

    elissa (217304)

  8. PhD level advisors….Oh, you mean Christina “Happy Face” Romer.

    AD - RtR/OS! (21733c)

  9. Yes, Ms Romer certainly does grin a lot, even though there is never anything to grin about, doesn’t she? I will never forget her perky comments on the Sunday programs back in the day when she was “incredibly confident” that the Porkulus bill would halt unemployment at 8%.

    elissa (217304)

  10. Just another memorable moment in the Reign of Barack, The First!

    AD - RtR/OS! (21733c)

  11. You’re right, polls don’t tell a complete story.

    Even though 63% favor repeal, it doesn’t mean that voters are going to vote for candidates who pledge to support repeal… so we’re stuck with it.

    A good portion of those who pan Obama are liberals who think he’s not liberal enough and who will never vote for a Republican… Obama isn’t in as bad a shape in 2012 as one might hope.

    If Congress ran for re-election as a group, they wouldn’t win, but the 72% who think Congress is clueless don’t think the same about their representative.. even in an anti-incumbent year, over 80% of those running will retain their seats, including all of the Democratic power (Pelosi isn’t losing, neither is Hoyer, Conyers, Waxman, etc., etc.).

    steve sturm (369bc6)

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