Patterico's Pontifications


Juarez Homicides Hit 1,000

Filed under: Immigration,International — DRJ @ 11:01 am

[Guest post by DRJ]

Juarez, Mexico’s drug violence has claimed its 1,000th victim of the year, and “more than 5,260 people have been killed in the Juárez area since a drug cartel war began in 2008.”

Seems like another world, doesn’t it? But the Mexican drug cartels that are fighting in Juarez maintain drug distribution centers in 230 American cities, up from 100 cities just three years ago. And in Texas, they bring their guns and violence into our neighborhoods.


16 Responses to “Juarez Homicides Hit 1,000”

  1. i blame Bush and the NRA.

    /cue wild applause from the Democrats

    President Barack Calderon (fb8750)

  2. I would venture that those numbers (5260!) don’t include the thousands of women who have “disappeared” in the Juarez area for a decade or more.

    AD - RtR/OS! (21733c)

  3. That means Iraq at the height of the war was safer than Juarez. Seems a security perimeter (i.e., the border) should be maintained.

    MD in Philly (cb8efe)

  4. Yeah, but what do you do when 14 buses full of screaming SEIU demonstraters unload on your front yard (though I doubt that would ever happen in TX)?
    Safety perimeters start at home, but the Feds don’t recognize the USA as our home anymore.

    AD - RtR/OS! (21733c)

  5. Yeah, but what do you do when 14 buses full of screaming SEIU demonstraters unload on your front yard?

    break out the spare magazines? even here in the PRC we have no duty to retreat, not that my well fed carcass could get over the fence if i had to. 😀

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  6. Yes, but it seems that the people who live in the suburbs of DC (even South of the river) are just way too civilized.
    I personally think that Mr. Baer, when he looks to buy a new home will be looking for something on a very large plot, well back from the road, with tall fences; or in a gated community.

    AD - RtR/OS! (21733c)

  7. 5.Yeah, but what do you do when 14 buses full of screaming SEIU demonstraters unload on your front yard

    Let your mastiffs go out to do what doggies need to do? Wearing little “sandwich boards” with one side that says “No Trespassing” and the other side saying “Beware of Dogs”?

    MD in Philly (cb8efe)

  8. 14 Buses of Union Goons? Hell, I’d let loose the Cat from Hell! He hasn’t sliced anyone to ribbons since December, but he’s working on the wooden door he’s locked behind.

    While Cat is doing his thing, I’ll be letting loose on my Winchester loaded with Satan Rounds.

    PCD (1d8b6d)

  9. setting off a few fougasse instalations would clear the crowd out in a hurry, but might get the neighbors really excited…
    too bad you can’t buy CS crystals on the open market. 😀

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  10. The old “Sweet Sixteen” down-loaded with the farmer’s friend (rock salt) would have cleared this mass of rabble, tut sweet!

    AD - RtR/OS! (21733c)

  11. Actually, call your teenager’s friends down the block, tell them to go to the nearest store and buy ice and bottled water and sodas and get on over to sell them to the crowd. Then the local authorities will come to bust the kid for not having a business license and the crowd will also be told to disperse.

    MD in Philly (cb8efe)

  12. Time was when the American fatalitites (hostile and non-hostile) in Iraq reached 1000 and the MSM had a group orgasm of BDS. Of course it’s shameful when those racists in AZ want to arrest illegals–but who gives a damn about the dead in Juarez? Not apparently, our President, unless his comments standing next to President Calderone were mis-reported.

    Dan (1c7976)

  13. Truth is Tragedy!

    AD - RtR/OS! (21733c)

  14. I have an idea. Let’s import from that country everyone who wants to come here.

    If you disagree, you’re a racist.

    Alan (07ccb5)

  15. Sarcasm, of course.

    Alan (07ccb5)

  16. Well at least the government stimulus money is going to shore up our border security – at the Canadian border.

    Maybe Bush told Obama family values stop at the Canadian border but not the Mexican border.

    MU789 (aad8cf)

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