Patterico's Pontifications


Kentucky Senate Primary (Updated)

Filed under: 2010 Election — DRJ @ 1:59 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Kentuckians go to the polls today to vote in the Democratic and Republican primaries. There are contests in both races, although Republican Rand Paul leads Trey Greyson by double digits. Democrat Daniel Mongiardo has a slight lead (but within the margin of error) over Jack Conway.

The polls close at 6 PM. Since Kentucky sits in the Eastern and Central time zones, results probably will not be reported until 7 PM EST.

The Kentucky Elections Division will post results here.


UPDATE: Rand Paul easily won the GOP nomination and he credited the Tea Party:

“Paul, the son of former presidential candidate U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, on Tuesday gave a tea party activist a key win in a statewide election that could embolden the fledgling political movement in other states. With 43 percent of precincts reporting, Paul was leading with 60 percent to Grayson’s 36 percent.

“It’s just a tremendous mandate for the tea party,” Paul said. “It cannot be overstated that people want something new; they don’t want the same old, same old politicians and I think they think the system is broken and needs new blood.”

Paul, a 47-year-old Bowling Green eye surgeon, had never before run for office and turned to the Internet fundraising model used by his father to pay for his campaign. Grayson stayed competitive drawing heavy financial support from traditional GOP donors inside Kentucky.”

I doubt this pleases Mitch McConnell and other politicians who supported Trey Grayson. Grayson is probably disappointed, too.

8 Responses to “Kentucky Senate Primary (Updated)”

  1. There is an ugly back story about how the GOP leader, MItch McConnell forced Jim Bunning’s retirement because he thought he could not win re-election. Bunning got some press but no support when he demanded that the extension of unemployment benefits be paid for out of remaining stimulus money. He got no support from his colleagues and was treated as a fool, except it was a good idea and Bunning was right.

    I was glad to see McConnell’s candidate thumped by Rand. There are bad feelings in Kentucky about Bunning.

    Some of these long time GOP leaders have been at the teat too long.

    Mike K (82f374)

  2. I updated the post. Rand Paul won the GOP nomination.

    DRJ (d43dcd)

  3. Bunning was right about paying for unemployment but he’s a twatwaffle nevertheless and a fool besides plus he’s a U.S. senator which is indicative of poor character.

    happyfeet (c8caab)

  4. Here’s something odd, at least to me: The election results show approximately 350,000 votes cast in the GOP primary and 520,000 in the Democratic primary. Anyone know about this?

    DRJ (d43dcd)

  5. Kentucky voted overwhelmingly for McCain-Palin in the 2008 general election even though the Democrats had a much bigger turnout in the primary and it appears they have almost 600,000 more registered voters than Republicans.

    DRJ (d43dcd)

  6. I wonder if Rand Paul will appeal to Kentucky Democrats?

    DRJ (d43dcd)

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    Detox Health Diet (9d7df4)

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