Patterico's Pontifications


ABC News Questions Obama Administration’s Lax Oversight of Offshore Drilling

Filed under: Government,Obama — DRJ @ 6:28 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Congress is holding hearings on the BP Oil Spill and Interior Secretary Ken Salazar faced some tough questions:

ABC News reports that the Administration’s MMS admitted it did not review the fail-safe mechanism as required. Instead of monthly inspections over the past 5 years, the MMS conducted 48 inspections. That’s 12 less than required and includes 4 misses during the Obama Administration’s past 16 months.

The MMS also announced its top administrator in charge of offshore leasing will step down May 31.


7 Responses to “ABC News Questions Obama Administration’s Lax Oversight of Offshore Drilling”

  1. I don’t think we know that this was a regulatory failure… it was a not having a plan b failure I think cause everyone knew that the blowout preventer thingy was a half-assed plan a.

    I will remember this though the next time our gay Defense Department declares global warming a national security problem. Those losers with all their under$ea technology are powerless against a little leak.

    Prediction: the U.S. Navy will not be featured in any futuristic undersea thrillers anytime soon.

    happyfeet (c8caab)

  2. Nice to have you back, happyfeet. What were your doing? Knocking down NPR retransmitters?

    nk (db4a41)

  3. pathetic

    happyfeet (c8caab)

  4. hi nk I’m not back yet exactly I’m still kicking around cause most of the things I have to say these days, they are very caustic mostly.

    I are have rough edges.

    happyfeet (c8caab)

  5. So this isn’t the time to post on Sarah Palin?

    DRJ (d43dcd)

  6. ohnoes
    I saw that post at Hot Air today and it wasn’t just Palin… the idea that Team R is conspiring to present me with a choice amongst Palin Gingrich Pawlenty Romney Huckabee is… it’s very very deeply disheartening, DRJ.

    These choices, they are not America.

    They are a farce.

    happyfeet (c8caab)

  7. True, even Steven Segal knew that, flashes of “On Deadly Ground”. Face it feets, of that motlet crue,you know the person who wouldn’t bow down to the Chinese, who would have kept the oil companies honest, is the one with experience, in those sorts of things

    ian cormac (e4f5e5)

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