Patterico's Pontifications


Tiger Woods Has a Bulging What Now?

Filed under: Humor — Patterico @ 6:17 am

Oh, disk. With an “s.”

Strong (accidental) language warning:

3 Responses to “Tiger Woods Has a Bulging What Now?”

  1. hubba, hubba.

    know what she’s thinking.

    what a freudian slip.

    Veronica (12786b)

  2. tee hee hee. Yes, I remember jokes like this in third grade. “Mrs. Mueller! Mrs. Mueller! Patrick said that word!!”

    It’s puzzling that people think it’s worth more than a chuckle 40 years later.

    Gesundheit (cfa313)

  3. Sounds like the bit in Porky’s where the girl working in the drive in is tricked into going on the PA and asking, “Has anyone seen Mike Hunt?”

    PCD (1d8b6d)

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