Patterico's Pontifications


Houston Teacher Fired for Beating Student

Filed under: Crime,Education — DRJ @ 2:21 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

A Houston charter school science teacher has reportedly been fired for this:

The Houston Chronicle article quotes a school spokeswoman as saying her students loved her (presumably at least one didn’t) and she has had no complaints in 3 years of teaching.


36 Responses to “Houston Teacher Fired for Beating Student”

  1. Some of the idiots at that link are saying it looks staged.

    The way that kid cowers at the start, pushing himself back into the wall and raising his hands to defend himself – that’s not play acting. He appears genuinely fearful.

    What a dolt. I bet this is Bush’s fault in her mind.

    JaneS (3e6917)

  2. On TV this morning, the mother said the teacher has apologized so that doesn’t sound like it was staged.

    DRJ (d43dcd)

  3. Definitely an IQ failure doing that in front of a video camera / camera phone.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  4. Ten years in prison from my courtroom. And then deport that animal back to whatever swamp she sprouted out of.

    nk (db4a41)

  5. Perhaps they would act more professional, if they dressed more professional?

    AD - RtR/OS! (09aa03)

  6. Echoing nk — my first question would be what time is her court appearance?

    You don’t get to beat a school student and not go to jail.

    shipwreckedcrew (96a8a6)

  7. If I remember it correctly, the mother said the teacher thought her son had hit a girl in his classroom and apparently she wanted to show him what it felt like. The mother also said her son didn’t hit anyone.

    DRJ (d43dcd)

  8. Teacher’s union claiming bigotry in 3…2…1.

    PatriotRider (8d9a6f)

  9. The little angels, in the eyes of their mothers, never do anything untoward.

    AD - RtR/OS! (09aa03)

  10. I think this is a charter school teacher and, if so, I don’t know if they’re unionized.

    DRJ (d43dcd)

  11. AD – That was similar to my first thought. I was looking for the teacher. I guess one could work at Hot Topic looking like that, but I would never imagine that a teacher would dress so casually at work.

    Pat (deb8f4)

  12. My guess is that this “teacher” goes home and her husband, or more likely live-in boyfriend, punches her out and then the two of them punch out their kids. And it happened with her parents and grandparents, too. It’s a vicious propagation of violence from generation to generation.

    I just cannot wrap my mind around hitting a child.

    nk (db4a41)

  13. “…she has had no complaints in 3 years of teaching.”

    And, there better not be any complaints, if you know what’s good for you, ya follow?

    ropelight (72c034)

  14. Science teacher? A demonstration of impact and momentum and kinetic energy…

    Insufficiently Sensitive (8906ed)

  15. I’m really surprised at her being fired right from the get-go but perhaps the teachers unions in Texas don’t rule with an iron fist, or perhaps they’re just much more reasonable.

    Of course the teacher should be fired but if that occurred in Cali, they would be removed from the classroom, put on paid administrative leave, and then housed in some district office to read, play cards, and file their nails during the school hours. And they would still receive full pay. It takes the unions an average of 5 years (if not 7) to fire a teacher.

    This is refreshing.

    Dana (1e5ad4)

  16. Dat bitch be crazy.

    How dat be diff-rent than da Rodney King beating?

    HeavenSent (a9126d)

  17. Imagine if the teacher was white.

    Oh dear sweet jesus the OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    To paraphrase Contessa Brewer’s line of reasoning …. “thank god it was a black teacher and not a white one.”

    HeavenSent (a9126d)

  18. Forget it, HeavenSent, it’s Harris County.

    nk (db4a41)

  19. . . . the mother said the teacher thought her son had hit a girl in his classroom and apparently she wanted to show him what it felt like.

    Hmmm. Given his role models, I haven’t got a clue as to why he might think that was OK.

    Did he also try to put the little girl’s head through a wall? Because that sure looks to me what thoughtful lady is doing at one point during this “teaching moment.”

    Steve (9a21f4)

  20. OK

    So I was in favor of a swat on the butt…. this is BS.
    That woman has a problem… and something tells me she has done this before and pretty soon we will meet the victims.

    I understand (understood) a little swat or whatever to get my attention. I also understand that sometimes NOTHING can undo that stuff… particularly if the teacher was wrong about the hitting of a girl.
    I’ve had my ass whupped big time for stuff I didn’t do, and spent a lot time daydreaming in class about a variety of painful death; revenge and all that.

    Hopefully the kid has something else positive going on in his life…

    Steve G (7d4c78)

  21. Spot on with post #15, Dana. It would be even more ridiculous if the teacher worked for the L.A. Unified School District.

    GeneralMalaise (d86494)

  22. And better yet the savages sat around looking at the criminal wilding.

    HeavenSent (a9126d)

  23. Even if the boy did hit a girl, the punishment does not fit the crime. It seemed to go on forever. The teacher seems to be taking out her personal anger on this child.

    This is pretty much the type of clothing worn by teachers locally. Gone are the days of dresses and heels, suits and ties.

    PatAZ (9d1bb3)

  24. Funny part is folks here look at what happens in Rawanda, et al and they think to themselves never …. yet imagine a US Population with half the deprivation of those poor souls in Central Africa. Cannibalism would be the least of it.

    This county has slowly turned into insane asylum with the “if it feels good” nonsense of the left. All that keeps the peace is the over-abundance of money and goods which placates the flesh.

    HeavenSent (a9126d)

  25. Fired? She should be in prison.

    Barry (505db4)

  26. I can’t think of anything that would justify what the teacher did but I still want to get both sides of the story out, to the extent I can.

    DRJ (d43dcd)

  27. #15 Dana:

    Of course the teacher should be fired but if that occurred in Cali,

    Agreed, the teacher should be fired or in prison.

    But Cali is strange as all get out. At the other end of the spectrum, you have a 10 year old and his mom filing a criminal complaint against a librarian in Salinas who told the kid he couldn’t view porn at the John Steinbeck Library. So, the librarian looks to be getting fired.

    EW1(SG) (edc268)

  28. Something tells me she voted for Obama.

    Carol (cad073)

  29. The best part for me was all the kids laughing their asses off as the beat down commenced. That would have been me back in the day. Base human behavior has not changed a whit since the first cave person made fun of the other dude’s “spear.”

    But, progressives continue attempts to legislate against humanity and wonder why it never works. Did the teacher know about laws against touching a pupil in anger? How about the other adult(s) there who witnessed the crime and did nothing and said nothing? What is to be done about them and to them? But, God help Navy Seals who use force in seizing a monster in a war zone.

    Ed from SFV (f0e1cb)

  30. This is the predictable outcome when you hire thugs as teachers…

    thebronze (bd9173)

  31. Thank you, AD (2:45 pm) and Pat (4:04 pm), for reacting the same way that I did. When you let the teachers come to work looking like they just walked in from the skate park it is no wonder why the classroom is out of control. You can bet that if I were a principal I would be enforcing a dress code for my teachers, their union be dammed. That woman looked so utterly unprofessional that I seriously doubt that her “contributions” to education will be missed.

    JVW (08e86a)

  32. Which one was the teacher? In the blurry video all I saw was two people dressed like lower-class students? This doesn’t look like any science class I attended in any school. What science was taught there?

    tehag (b2906c)

  33. Everyone is so fast to past judgement on this teacher, who I believe, we all agree, did not do the right thing, But let the system handle it. She deserves a fair trial.

    Madeleine Grove (402807)

  34. Children were entrusted to this savage’s ‘care’!?

    I am not a proponent of physical violence, but I would not be upset if while she is serving her (long) prison term, if someone gave her the beat-down she so richly deserves. And, the child’s family should file a civil suit. And, all her ‘teaching’ credentials should be revoked. And, if she has children they should be removed from her.

    DFWlady (b62152)

  35. Damali Keith, at MY-FOX, Houston, TX is reporting the following:

    The teacher caught on tape attacking a 13-year-old student has had a pending criminal charge against her for more than a year.

    40-year old Sheri Lynn Davis has had a warrant out for her arrest since March of last year, according to the Harris County District Attorney’s Office.

    The D.A’s office says Davis was wanted on a “criminal mischief” charge. Davis is accused of slashing a woman’s tires, all four of them, with a knife.

    ropelight (f60615)

  36. that stupid teacher should be banned form working at any school for as long as she lives no other person should hit someone elses child. that boy will be tramatized for the rest of his life. she should at leats go to jail for her actions. she is an adult she should have been responsible for her actions.

    Valerie (6b0c38)

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